diff src/neon/neon.c @ 1719:29c35cb8873e

- Add neon HTTP transport plugin sources (for real)
author Ralf Ertzinger <ralf@skytale.net>
date Mon, 17 Sep 2007 21:46:53 +0200
children 2e33cfa6a872
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/neon/neon.c	Mon Sep 17 21:46:53 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
+#include <audacious/vfs.h>
+#include <audacious/plugin.h>
+#include <ne_socket.h>
+#include <ne_utils.h>
+#include <ne_redirect.h>
+#include <ne_request.h>
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "neon.h"
+#include "rb.h"
+#define NBUFSIZ (128u*1024u)
+#define NETBLKSIZ (4096u)
+DECLARE_PLUGIN(neon, init, fini)
+VFSConstructor neon_http_const = {
+    "http://",
+    neon_vfs_fopen_impl,
+    neon_vfs_fclose_impl,
+    neon_vfs_fread_impl,
+    neon_vfs_fwrite_impl,
+    neon_vfs_getc_impl,
+    neon_vfs_ungetc_impl,
+    neon_vfs_fseek_impl,
+    neon_vfs_rewind_impl,
+    neon_vfs_ftell_impl,
+    neon_vfs_feof_impl,
+    neon_vfs_truncate_impl,
+    neon_vfs_fsize_impl,
+    neon_vfs_metadata_impl
+ * ========
+ */
+static struct neon_handle* handle_init(void) {
+    struct neon_handle* h;
+    _ENTER;
+    if (NULL == (h = malloc(sizeof(struct neon_handle)))) {
+        _ERROR("Could not allocate memory for handle");
+        _LEAVE NULL;
+    }
+    if (0 != init_rb(&(h->rb), NBUFSIZ)) {
+        _ERROR("Could not initialize buffer");
+        free(h);
+        _LEAVE NULL;
+    }
+    h->url = NULL;
+    h->purl = &purl;
+    memset(h->purl, 0, sizeof(ne_uri));
+    h->session = NULL;
+    h->request = NULL;
+    h->redircount = 0;
+    h->pos = 0;
+    h->content_length = -1;
+    h->can_ranges = FALSE;
+    h->reader = NULL;
+    h->reader_status.mutex = g_mutex_new();
+    h->reader_status.cond = g_cond_new();
+    h->reader_status.reading = FALSE;
+    h->reader_status.status = NEON_READER_INIT;
+    h->eof = FALSE;
+    _LEAVE h;
+ * -----
+ */
+static void handle_free(struct neon_handle* h) {
+    _ENTER;
+    ne_uri_free(h->purl);
+    destroy_rb(&h->rb);
+    free(h);
+    _LEAVE;
+ * ----
+ */
+static void init(void) {
+    int ret;
+    _ENTER;
+    if (0 != (ret = ne_sock_init())) {
+        _ERROR("Could not initialize neon library: %d\n", ret);
+        _LEAVE;
+    }
+    vfs_register_transport(&neon_http_const);
+    if (0 != ne_has_support(NE_FEATURE_SSL)) {
+        _DEBUG("neon compiled with thread-safe SSL, enabling https:// transport");
+    }
+    _LEAVE;
+ * -----
+ */
+static void fini(void) {
+    _ENTER;
+    ne_sock_exit();
+    _LEAVE;
+ * -----
+ */
+static void kill_reader(struct neon_handle* h) {
+    _ENTER;
+    _DEBUG("Signaling reader thread to terminate");
+    g_mutex_lock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+    h->reader_status.reading = FALSE;
+    g_cond_signal(h->reader_status.cond);
+    g_mutex_unlock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+    _DEBUG("Waiting for reader thread to die...");
+    g_thread_join(h->reader);
+    _DEBUG("Reader thread has died");
+    h->reader = NULL;
+ * -----
+ */
+static void handle_headers(struct neon_handle* h) {
+    const gchar* name;
+    const gchar* value;
+    void* cursor = NULL;
+    long len;
+    gchar* endptr;
+    _ENTER;
+    _DEBUG("Header responses:");
+    while(NULL != (cursor = ne_response_header_iterate(h->request, cursor, &name, &value))) {
+        _DEBUG("HEADER: %s: %s", name, value);
+        if (0 == g_ascii_strncasecmp("accept-ranges", name, 13)) {
+            /*
+             * The server advertises range capability. we need "bytes"
+             */
+            if (NULL != g_strrstr(value, "bytes")) {
+                _DEBUG("server can_ranges");
+                h->can_ranges = TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+        if (0 == g_ascii_strncasecmp("content-length", name, 14)) {
+            /*
+             * The server sent us the content length. Parse and store.
+             */
+            len = strtol(value, &endptr, 10);
+            if ((*value != '\0') && (*endptr == '\0')) {
+                /*
+                 * Valid data.
+                 */
+                _DEBUG("Content length as advertised by server: %d", len);
+                h->content_length = len;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    _LEAVE;
+ * -----
+ */
+static int open_request(struct neon_handle* handle, unsigned long startbyte) {
+    int ret;
+    _ENTER;
+    handle->request = ne_request_create(handle->session, "GET", handle->purl->path);
+    ne_print_request_header(handle->request, "Range", "bytes=%ld-", startbyte);
+    /*
+     * Try to connect to the server.
+     */
+    _DEBUG("Connecting...");
+    ret = ne_begin_request(handle->request);
+    switch (ret) {
+        case NE_OK:
+            /* URL opened OK */
+            _DEBUG("URL opened OK");
+            handle->content_start = startbyte;
+            handle->pos = startbyte;
+            handle_headers(handle);
+            _LEAVE 0;
+            break;
+        case NE_REDIRECT:
+            /* We hit a redirect. Handle it. */
+            _DEBUG("Redirect encountered");
+            handle->redircount += 1;
+            handle->purl = ne_redirect_location(handle->session);
+            ne_request_destroy(handle->request);
+            if (NULL == handle->purl) {
+                _ERROR("Could not parse redirect response");
+                _LEAVE -1;
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            /* Something went wrong. */
+            _ERROR("Could not open URL: %d", ret);
+            if (1 == ret) {
+                _ERROR("neon error string: %s", ne_get_error(handle->session));
+            }
+            ne_request_destroy(handle->request);
+            _LEAVE -1;
+            break;
+    }
+ * -----
+ */
+static int open_handle(struct neon_handle* handle, unsigned long startbyte) {
+    int ret;
+    _ENTER;
+    handle->redircount = 0;
+    _DEBUG("Parsing URL");
+    if (0 != ne_uri_parse(handle->url, handle->purl)) {
+        _ERROR("Could not parse URL '%s'", handle->url);
+        _LEAVE -1;
+    }
+    if (0 == handle->purl->port) {
+        handle->purl->port = 80;
+    }
+    while (handle->redircount < 10) {
+        _DEBUG("Creating session");
+        handle->session = ne_session_create(handle->purl->scheme, handle->purl->host, handle->purl->port);
+        ne_set_session_flag(handle->session, NE_SESSFLAG_ICYPROTO, 1);
+        ne_set_session_flag(handle->session, NE_SESSFLAG_PERSIST, 0);
+        ne_redirect_register(handle->session);
+        _DEBUG("Creating request");
+        ret = open_request(handle, startbyte);
+        if (0 == ret) {
+            _LEAVE 0;
+        } else if (-1 == ret) {
+            ne_session_destroy(handle->session);
+            _LEAVE -1;
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * If we get here, our redirect count exceeded
+     */
+    _ERROR("Redirect count exceeded for URL");
+    _LEAVE 1;
+ * -----
+ */
+static int fill_buffer(struct neon_handle* h) {
+    ssize_t bsize;
+    char buffer[NETBLKSIZ];
+    ssize_t to_read;
+    _ENTER;
+    bsize = free_rb(&h->rb);
+    to_read = MIN(bsize, NETBLKSIZ);
+    _DEBUG("%d bytes free in buffer, trying to read %d bytes max", bsize, to_read);
+    _DEBUG("Reading from the network....");
+    if (0 >= (bsize = ne_read_response_block(h->request, buffer, to_read))) {
+        if (0 == bsize) {
+            _DEBUG("End of file encountered");
+            _LEAVE 1;
+        } else {
+            _ERROR("Error while reading from the network");
+            _LEAVE -1;
+        }
+    }
+    _DEBUG("Read %d bytes from the network", bsize);
+    if (0 != write_rb(&(h->rb), buffer, bsize)) {
+        _ERROR("Error putting data into buffer");
+        _LEAVE -1;
+    }
+    _LEAVE 0;
+ * -----
+ */
+static int fill_buffer_limit(struct neon_handle* h, unsigned int maxfree) {
+    ssize_t bfree;
+    int ret;
+    _ENTER;
+    bfree = free_rb(&h->rb);
+    _DEBUG("Filling buffer up to max %d bytes free, %d bytes free now", maxfree, bfree);
+    while (bfree > maxfree) {
+        ret = fill_buffer(h);
+        if (-1 == ret) {
+            _ERROR("Error while filling buffer");
+            _LEAVE ret;
+        } else if (1 == ret) {
+            /*
+             * EOF while filling the buffer. Return what we have.
+             */
+            _LEAVE 0;
+        }
+        bfree = free_rb(&h->rb);
+    }
+    _LEAVE 0;
+ * -----
+ */
+static gpointer reader_thread(void* data) {
+    struct neon_handle* h = (struct neon_handle*)data;
+    int ret;
+    _ENTER;
+    g_mutex_lock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+    while(h->reader_status.reading) {
+        g_mutex_unlock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+        /*
+         * Hit the network only if we have more than NETBLKSIZ of free buffer
+         */
+        if (NETBLKSIZ < free_rb(&h->rb)) {
+            _DEBUG("Filling buffer...");
+            ret = fill_buffer(h);
+            g_mutex_lock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+            if (-1 == ret) {
+                /*
+                 * Error encountered while reading from the network.
+                 * Set the error flag and terminate the
+                 * reader thread.
+                 */
+                _DEBUG("Error while reading from the network. Terminating reader thread");
+                h->reader_status.status = NEON_READER_ERROR;
+                g_mutex_unlock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+                _LEAVE NULL;
+            } else if (1 == ret) {
+                /*
+                 * EOF encountered while reading from the
+                 * network. Set the EOF status and exit.
+                 */
+                _DEBUG("EOF encountered while reading from the network. Terminating reader thread");
+                h->reader_status.status = NEON_READER_EOF;
+                g_mutex_unlock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+                _LEAVE NULL;
+            }
+            /*
+             * So we actually got some data out of the stream.
+             */
+            _DEBUG("Network read succeeded");
+        } else {
+            /*
+             * Not enough free space in the buffer.
+             * Sleep until the main thread wakes us up.
+             */
+            g_mutex_lock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+            if (h->reader_status.reading) {
+                _DEBUG("Reader thread going to sleep");
+                g_cond_wait(h->reader_status.cond, h->reader_status.mutex);
+                _DEBUG("Reader thread woke up");
+            } else {
+                /*
+                 * Main thread has ordered termination of this thread.
+                 * Leave the loop.
+                 */
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    _DEBUG("Reader thread terminating gracefully");
+    h->reader_status.status = NEON_READER_TERM;
+    g_mutex_unlock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+ * -----
+ */
+VFSFile* neon_vfs_fopen_impl(const gchar* path, const gchar* mode) {
+    VFSFile* file;
+    struct neon_handle* handle;
+    _ENTER;
+    _DEBUG("Trying to open '%s' with neon", path);
+    if (NULL == (file = malloc(sizeof(VFSFile)))) {
+        _ERROR("Could not allocate memory for filehandle");
+        _LEAVE NULL;
+    }
+    if (NULL == (handle = handle_init())) {
+        _ERROR("Could not allocate memory for neon handle");
+        free(file);
+        _LEAVE NULL;
+    }
+    if (NULL == (handle->url = strdup(path))) {
+        _ERROR("Could not copy URL string");
+        handle_free(handle);
+        free(file);
+        _LEAVE NULL;
+    }
+    if (0 != open_handle(handle, 0)) {
+        _ERROR("Could not open URL");
+        handle_free(handle);
+        free(file);
+        _LEAVE NULL;
+    }
+    file->handle = handle;
+    file->base = &neon_http_const;
+    _LEAVE file;
+ * ----
+ */
+gint neon_vfs_fclose_impl(VFSFile* file) {
+    struct neon_handle* h = (struct neon_handle *)file->handle;
+    _ENTER;
+    if (NULL != h->reader) {
+        kill_reader(h);
+    }
+    _DEBUG("Destroying request");
+    if (NULL != h->request) {
+        ne_request_destroy(h->request);
+    }
+    _DEBUG("Destroying session");
+    ne_session_destroy(h->session);
+    handle_free(h);
+    _LEAVE 0;
+ * -----
+ */
+size_t neon_vfs_fread_impl(gpointer ptr_, size_t size, size_t nmemb, VFSFile* file) {
+    struct neon_handle* h = (struct neon_handle*)file->handle;
+    int belem;
+    int ret;
+    _ENTER;
+    if (NULL == h->request) {
+        _ERROR("No request to read from, seek gone wrong?");
+        _LEAVE 0;
+    }
+    _DEBUG("Requesting %d elements of %d bytes size each (%d bytes total), to be stored at %p",
+            nmemb, size, (nmemb*size), ptr_);
+    /*
+     * Look how much data is in the buffer
+     */
+    belem = used_rb(&h->rb) / size;
+    if ((NULL != h->reader) && (0 == belem)) {
+        /*
+         * There is a reader thread, but the buffer is empty.
+         * If we are running normally we will have to rebuffer.
+         * Kill the reader thread and restart.
+         */
+        g_mutex_lock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+        if (NEON_READER_RUN == h->reader_status.status) {
+            g_mutex_unlock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+            _ERROR("Buffer underrun, trying rebuffering");
+            kill_reader(h);
+        } else {
+            g_mutex_unlock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+        }
+    }
+    if (NULL == h->reader) {
+        /*
+         * There is no reader thread yet. Read the first bytes from
+         * the network ourselves, and then fire up the reader thread
+         * to keep the buffer filled up.
+         */
+        _DEBUG("Doing initial buffer fill");
+        ret = fill_buffer_limit(h, NBUFSIZ/2);
+        if (-1 == ret) {
+            _ERROR("Error while reading from the network");
+            _LEAVE 0;
+        } else if (1 == ret) {
+            _ERROR("EOF during initial read");
+            _LEAVE 0;
+        }
+        /*
+         * We have some data in the buffer now.
+         * Start the reader thread.
+         */
+        h->reader_status.reading = TRUE;
+        if (NULL == (h->reader = g_thread_create(reader_thread, h, TRUE, NULL))) {
+            h->reader_status.reading = FALSE;
+            _ERROR("Error creating reader thread!");
+            _LEAVE 0;
+        }
+        g_mutex_lock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+        h->reader_status.status = NEON_READER_RUN;
+        g_mutex_unlock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+    } else {
+        /*
+         * There already is a reader thread. Look if it is in good
+         * shape.
+         */
+        g_mutex_lock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+        _DEBUG("Reader thread status: %d", h->reader_status.status);
+        switch (h->reader_status.status) {
+            case NEON_READER_INIT:
+            case NEON_READER_RUN:
+                /*
+                 * All is well, nothing to be done.
+                 */
+                break;
+            case NEON_READER_EOF:
+                /*
+                 * If there still is data in the buffer, carry on.
+                 * If not, terminate the reader thread and return 0.
+                 */
+                if (0 == used_rb(&h->rb)) {
+                    _DEBUG("Reached end of stream");
+                    g_mutex_unlock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+                    kill_reader(h);
+                    h->eof = TRUE;
+                    _LEAVE 0;
+                }
+                break;
+            case NEON_READER_ERROR:
+                /* Terminate the reader and return 0 */
+                g_mutex_unlock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+                kill_reader(h);
+                _LEAVE 0;
+                break;
+            case NEON_READER_TERM:
+                /*
+                 * The reader thread terminated gracefully, most
+                 * likely on our own request.
+                 * We should not get here.
+                 */
+                _ERROR("Reader thread terminated and fread() called. How did we get here?");
+                g_mutex_unlock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+                kill_reader(h);
+                _LEAVE 0;
+        }
+        g_mutex_unlock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Deliver data from the buffer
+     */
+    belem = used_rb(&h->rb) / size;
+    if (0 == belem) {
+        /*
+         * The buffer is empty, we can deliver no data!
+         */
+        _ERROR("Buffer still underrun, fatal.");
+        _LEAVE 0;
+    }
+    _DEBUG("%d elements of data in the buffer", belem);
+    read_rb(&h->rb, ptr_, MIN(belem, nmemb)*size);
+    /*
+     * Signal the network thread to continue reading
+     */
+    _DEBUG("Waking up reader thread");
+    g_mutex_lock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+    g_cond_signal(h->reader_status.cond);
+    g_mutex_unlock(h->reader_status.mutex);
+    h->pos += (MIN(belem, nmemb)*size);
+    _DEBUG("Returning %d elements", MIN(belem, nmemb));
+    _LEAVE MIN(belem, nmemb);
+ * -----
+ */
+size_t neon_vfs_fwrite_impl(gconstpointer ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, VFSFile* file) {
+    _ENTER;
+    _LEAVE 0;
+ * -----
+ */
+gint neon_vfs_getc_impl(VFSFile* file) {
+    gchar c;
+    _ENTER;
+    if (1 != neon_vfs_fread_impl(&c, 1, 1, file)) {
+        _ERROR("Could not getc()!");
+        _LEAVE -1;
+    }
+    _LEAVE c;
+ * -----
+ */
+gint neon_vfs_ungetc_impl(gint c, VFSFile* stream) {
+    _ENTER;
+    _LEAVE 0;
+ * -----
+ */
+void neon_vfs_rewind_impl(VFSFile* file) {
+    _ENTER;
+    (void)neon_vfs_fseek_impl(file, 0L, SEEK_SET);
+    _LEAVE;
+ * -----
+ */
+glong neon_vfs_ftell_impl(VFSFile* file) {
+    struct neon_handle* h = (struct neon_handle *)file->handle;
+    _ENTER;
+    _DEBUG("Current file position: %d", h->pos);
+    _LEAVE h->pos;
+ * -----
+ */
+gboolean neon_vfs_feof_impl(VFSFile* file) {
+    struct neon_handle* h = (struct neon_handle*)file->handle;
+    _ENTER;
+    _LEAVE h->eof;
+ * -----
+ */
+gint neon_vfs_truncate_impl(VFSFile* file, glong size) {
+    _ENTER;
+    _LEAVE 0;
+ * -----
+ */
+gint neon_vfs_fseek_impl(VFSFile* file, glong offset, gint whence) {
+    struct neon_handle* h = (struct neon_handle*)file->handle;
+    long newpos;
+    long content_length;
+    _ENTER;
+    _DEBUG("Seek requested: offset %ld, whence %d", offset, whence);
+    /*
+     * Two things must be satisfied for us to be able to seek:
+     * - the server must advertise a content-length
+     * - the server must advertise accept-ranges: bytes
+     */
+    if ((-1 == h->content_length) || !h->can_ranges) {
+        _DEBUG("Can not seek due to server restrictions");
+        _LEAVE -1;
+    }
+    content_length = h->content_length + h->content_start;
+    switch (whence) {
+        case SEEK_SET:
+            newpos = offset;
+            break;
+        case SEEK_CUR:
+            newpos = h->pos + offset;
+            break;
+        case SEEK_END:
+            newpos = content_length + offset;
+            break;
+        default:
+            _ERROR("Invalid whence specified");
+            _LEAVE -1;
+    }
+    _DEBUG("Position to seek to: %ld, current: %ld", newpos, h->pos);
+    if (0 > newpos) {
+        _ERROR("Can not seek before start of stream");
+        _LEAVE -1;
+    }
+    if (newpos > content_length) {
+        _ERROR("Can not seek beyond end of stream");
+        _LEAVE -1;
+    }
+    if (newpos == h->pos) {
+        _LEAVE 0;
+    }
+    /*
+     * To seek to the new position we have to
+     * - stop the current reader thread, if there is one
+     * - destroy the current request
+     * - dump all data currently in the ringbuffer
+     * - create a new request starting at newpos
+     */
+    if (NULL != h->reader) {
+        /*
+         * There may be a thread still running.
+         */
+        kill_reader(h);
+    }
+    ne_request_destroy(h->request);
+    ne_session_destroy(h->session);
+    reset_rb(&h->rb);
+    if (0 != open_handle(h, newpos)) {
+        /*
+         * Something went wrong while creating the new request.
+         * There is not much we can do now, we'll set the request
+         * to NULL, so that fread() will error out on the next
+         * read request
+         */
+        _ERROR("Error while creating new request!");
+        h->request = NULL;
+        _LEAVE -1;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Things seem to have worked. The next read request will start
+     * the reader thread again.
+     */
+    _LEAVE 0;
+ * -----
+ */
+gchar *neon_vfs_metadata_impl(VFSFile* file, const gchar * field) {
+    _ENTER;
+ * -----
+ */
+off_t neon_vfs_fsize_impl(VFSFile* file) {
+    struct neon_handle* h = (struct neon_handle*)file->handle;
+    _ENTER;
+    if (-1 == h->content_length) {
+        _DEBUG("Unknown content length");
+        _LEAVE 0;
+    }
+    _LEAVE (h->content_start + h->content_length);