view src/aosd/aosd_style.c @ 906:16e51fb5908e trunk

[svn] - aosd: beta4, ghosd source was rewritten to support argb visual (x composite extension) as an option, this allows to have real transparency in the OSD
author giacomo
date Sat, 31 Mar 2007 17:44:23 -0700
parents 40fb4189fa88
children 94dae4df1e10
line wrap: on
line source

* Author: Giacomo Lozito <>, (C) 2005-2007
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA

#include "aosd_style.h"
#include "aosd_style_private.h"
#include "aosd_cfg.h"
#include <glib.h>
#include <audacious/i18n.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <cairo/cairo.h>
#include <pango/pangocairo.h>
#include "ghosd.h"

   First, add a new decoration style code; then, provide the decoration style
   information by adding a new entry in the aosd_deco_styles[] array (name,
   render function, etc.); add the new decoration style code in the array
   of decoration style codes, and update the define containing the array size.
   The render function uses three parameters; the Ghosd instance, the cairo
   object you use to draw, and a aosd_deco_style_data_t object that contains
   user-defined options (look into aosd_style.h and aosd_cfg.h for details).
   Have fun! :)

/* decoration style codes ( the code values do not need to be sequential ) */

/* decoration style codes array size */

/* decoration style codes array */
gint aosd_deco_style_codes[] =

/* prototypes of render functions */
static void aosd_deco_rfunc_rect ( Ghosd * , cairo_t * , aosd_deco_style_data_t * );
static void aosd_deco_rfunc_roundrect ( Ghosd * , cairo_t * , aosd_deco_style_data_t * );
static void aosd_deco_rfunc_concaverect ( Ghosd * , cairo_t * , aosd_deco_style_data_t * );
static void aosd_deco_rfunc_none ( Ghosd * , cairo_t * , aosd_deco_style_data_t * );

/* map decoration style codes to decoration objects */
aosd_deco_style_t aosd_deco_styles[] =
  [AOSD_DECO_STYLE_RECT] = { N_("Rectangle") ,
                             aosd_deco_rfunc_rect ,
                             2 , { 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 } },

  [AOSD_DECO_STYLE_ROUNDRECT] = { N_("Rounded Rectangle") ,
                                  aosd_deco_rfunc_roundrect ,
                                  2 , { 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 } },

  [AOSD_DECO_STYLE_CONCAVERECT] = { N_("Concave Rectangle") ,
                                    aosd_deco_rfunc_concaverect ,
                                    2 , { 10 , 10 , 10 , 10 } },

  [AOSD_DECO_STYLE_NONE] = { N_("None") ,
                             aosd_deco_rfunc_none ,
                             0 , { 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 } }


aosd_deco_style_get_codes_array ( gint ** array , gint * array_size )
  *array = aosd_deco_style_codes;

aosd_deco_style_get_padding ( gint deco_code ,
                              gint * ptop , gint * pbottom ,
                              gint * pleft , gint * pright )
  if ( ptop != NULL ) *ptop = aosd_deco_styles[deco_code];
  if ( pbottom != NULL ) *pbottom = aosd_deco_styles[deco_code].padding.bottom;
  if ( pleft != NULL ) *pleft = aosd_deco_styles[deco_code].padding.left;
  if ( pright != NULL ) *pright = aosd_deco_styles[deco_code].padding.right;

const gchar *
aosd_deco_style_get_desc ( gint deco_code )
  return aosd_deco_styles[deco_code].desc;

aosd_deco_style_get_numcol ( gint deco_code )
  return aosd_deco_styles[deco_code].colors_num;

aosd_deco_style_render ( gint deco_code , gpointer ghosd , gpointer cr , gpointer user_data )
  aosd_deco_styles[deco_code].render_func( (Ghosd*)ghosd , (cairo_t*)cr , user_data );

aosd_deco_style_get_first_code ( void )

aosd_deco_style_get_max_numcol ( void )
  gint i = 0;
  gint max_numcol = 0;

  for ( i = 0 ; i < AOSD_DECO_STYLE_CODES_ARRAY_SIZE ; i++ )
    gint numcol = aosd_deco_style_get_numcol( aosd_deco_style_codes[i] );
    if ( numcol > max_numcol )
      max_numcol = numcol;

  return max_numcol;


static void
aosd_deco_rfunc_rect( Ghosd * osd , cairo_t * cr , aosd_deco_style_data_t * data )
  /* decoration information
     draws a simple rectangular decoration; uses 2 colors
     (user color 1 and 2) and 1 font (user font 1), with optional shadow
  PangoLayout *osd_layout = data->layout;
  aosd_color_t color0 = g_array_index( data->decoration->colors , aosd_color_t , 0 );
  aosd_color_t color1 = g_array_index( data->decoration->colors , aosd_color_t , 1 );
  aosd_color_t textcolor0 = data->text->fonts_color[0];
  aosd_color_t shadowcolor0 = data->text->fonts_shadow_color[0];
  gboolean draw_shadow = data->text->fonts_draw_shadow[0];
  gint width = 0, height = 0;

  pango_layout_get_pixel_size( osd_layout , &width , &height );

  /* draw rectangle container */
  cairo_set_source_rgba( cr , (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble) / 65535 ,
    (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble)color0.alpha / 65535 );
  cairo_rectangle( cr , 0 , 0 ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_RECT].padding.left + width +
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_RECT] + height +
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_RECT].padding.bottom );
  cairo_fill_preserve( cr );
  cairo_set_source_rgba( cr , (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble) / 65535 ,
    (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble)color1.alpha / 65535 );
  cairo_stroke( cr );

  if ( draw_shadow == TRUE )
    /* draw text shadow */
    cairo_set_source_rgba( cr , (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble) / 65535 ,
      (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble)shadowcolor0.alpha / 65535 );
    cairo_move_to( cr,
      aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_RECT].padding.left + 2 ,
      aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_RECT] + 2 );
    pango_cairo_show_layout( cr , osd_layout );

  /* draw text */
  cairo_set_source_rgba( cr , (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble) / 65535 ,
    (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble)textcolor0.alpha / 65535 );
  cairo_move_to( cr,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_RECT].padding.left ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_RECT] );
  pango_cairo_show_layout( cr , osd_layout );

static void
aosd_deco_rfunc_roundrect ( Ghosd * osd , cairo_t * cr , aosd_deco_style_data_t * data )
  /* decoration information
     draws a rectangular decoration with rounded angles; uses 2 colors
     (user color 1 and 2) and 1 font (user font 1), with optional shadow
  PangoLayout *osd_layout = data->layout;
  aosd_color_t color0 = g_array_index( data->decoration->colors , aosd_color_t , 0 );
  aosd_color_t color1 = g_array_index( data->decoration->colors , aosd_color_t , 1 );
  aosd_color_t textcolor0 = data->text->fonts_color[0];
  aosd_color_t shadowcolor0 = data->text->fonts_shadow_color[0];
  gboolean draw_shadow = data->text->fonts_draw_shadow[0];
  gint width = 0, height = 0;

  pango_layout_get_pixel_size( osd_layout , &width , &height );

  /* draw rounded-rectangle container */
  cairo_set_source_rgba( cr , (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble) / 65535 ,
    (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble)color0.alpha / 65535 );
  cairo_move_to( cr , aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_ROUNDRECT].padding.left , 0 );
  cairo_arc( cr , width + aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_ROUNDRECT].padding.left ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_ROUNDRECT] ,
    10. , -G_PI_2 , 0. );
  cairo_arc( cr , width + aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_ROUNDRECT].padding.left ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_ROUNDRECT] + height ,
    10. , -4. * G_PI_2 , -3. * G_PI_2 );
  cairo_arc( cr , aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_ROUNDRECT].padding.left ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_ROUNDRECT] + height ,
    10. , -3. * G_PI_2 , -2. * G_PI_2 );
  cairo_arc( cr , aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_ROUNDRECT].padding.left ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_ROUNDRECT] ,
    10. , -2. * G_PI_2 , -G_PI_2 );
  cairo_close_path( cr );
  cairo_fill_preserve( cr );
  cairo_set_source_rgba( cr , (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble) / 65535 ,
    (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble)color1.alpha / 65535 );
  cairo_stroke( cr );

  if ( draw_shadow == TRUE )
    /* draw text shadow */
    cairo_set_source_rgba( cr , (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble) / 65535 ,
      (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble)shadowcolor0.alpha / 65535 );
    cairo_move_to( cr ,
      aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_ROUNDRECT].padding.left + 2 ,
      aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_ROUNDRECT] + 2 );
    pango_cairo_show_layout( cr , osd_layout );

  /* draw text */
  cairo_set_source_rgba( cr , (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble) / 65535 ,
    (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble)textcolor0.alpha / 65535 );
  cairo_move_to( cr ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_ROUNDRECT].padding.left ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_ROUNDRECT] );
  pango_cairo_show_layout( cr , osd_layout );

static void
aosd_deco_rfunc_concaverect ( Ghosd * osd , cairo_t * cr , aosd_deco_style_data_t * data )
  /* decoration information
     draws a rectangle with concave angles; uses 2 colors
     (user color 1 and 2) and 1 font (user font 1), with optional shadow
  PangoLayout *osd_layout = data->layout;
  aosd_color_t color0 = g_array_index( data->decoration->colors , aosd_color_t , 0 );
  aosd_color_t color1 = g_array_index( data->decoration->colors , aosd_color_t , 1 );
  aosd_color_t textcolor0 = data->text->fonts_color[0];
  aosd_color_t shadowcolor0 = data->text->fonts_shadow_color[0];
  gboolean draw_shadow = data->text->fonts_draw_shadow[0];
  gint width = 0, height = 0;

  pango_layout_get_pixel_size( osd_layout , &width , &height );

  /* draw jigsaw-piece-like container */
  cairo_set_source_rgba( cr , (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble) / 65535 ,
    (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble)color0.alpha / 65535 );
  cairo_move_to( cr , aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_CONCAVERECT].padding.left , 0 );
  cairo_arc_negative( cr , width + aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_CONCAVERECT].padding.left + 2 ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_CONCAVERECT] - 2 ,
    8. , -G_PI_2 , 0. );
  cairo_arc_negative( cr , width + aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_CONCAVERECT].padding.left + 2 ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_CONCAVERECT] + height + 2 ,
    8. , -4. * G_PI_2 , -3. * G_PI_2 );
  cairo_arc_negative( cr , aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_CONCAVERECT].padding.left - 2 ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_CONCAVERECT] + height + 2 ,
    8. , -3. * G_PI_2 , -2. * G_PI_2 );
  cairo_arc_negative( cr , aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_CONCAVERECT].padding.left - 2 ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_CONCAVERECT] - 2 ,
    8. , -2. * G_PI_2 , -G_PI_2 );
  cairo_close_path( cr );
  cairo_fill_preserve( cr );
  cairo_set_source_rgba( cr , (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble) / 65535 ,
    (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble)color1.alpha / 65535 );
  cairo_stroke( cr );

  if ( draw_shadow == TRUE )
    /* draw text shadow */
    cairo_set_source_rgba( cr , (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble) / 65535 ,
      (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble)shadowcolor0.alpha / 65535 );
    cairo_move_to( cr ,
      aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_CONCAVERECT].padding.left + 2 ,
      aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_CONCAVERECT] + 2 );
    pango_cairo_show_layout( cr , osd_layout );

  /* draw text */
  cairo_set_source_rgba( cr , (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble) / 65535 ,
    (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble)textcolor0.alpha / 65535 );
  cairo_move_to( cr ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_CONCAVERECT].padding.left ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_CONCAVERECT] );
  pango_cairo_show_layout( cr , osd_layout );

static void
aosd_deco_rfunc_none ( Ghosd * osd , cairo_t * cr , aosd_deco_style_data_t * data )
  /* decoration information
     does not draw any decoration around text; uses 0 colors
     and 1 font (user font 1), with optional shadow
  PangoLayout *osd_layout = data->layout;
  aosd_color_t textcolor0 = data->text->fonts_color[0];
  aosd_color_t shadowcolor0 = data->text->fonts_shadow_color[0];
  gboolean draw_shadow = data->text->fonts_draw_shadow[0];
  gint width = 0, height = 0;

  pango_layout_get_pixel_size( osd_layout , &width , &height );

  if ( draw_shadow == TRUE )
    /* draw text shadow */
    cairo_set_source_rgba( cr , (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble) / 65535 ,
      (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble)shadowcolor0.alpha / 65535 );
    cairo_move_to( cr ,
      aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_NONE].padding.left + 2 ,
      aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_NONE] + 2 );
    pango_cairo_show_layout( cr , osd_layout );

  /* draw text */
  cairo_set_source_rgba( cr , (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble) / 65535 ,
    (gdouble) / 65535 , (gdouble)textcolor0.alpha / 65535 );
  cairo_move_to( cr ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_NONE].padding.left ,
    aosd_deco_styles[AOSD_DECO_STYLE_NONE] );
  pango_cairo_show_layout( cr , osd_layout );