Mercurial > audlegacy-plugins
view src/projectm-1.0/main.cxx @ 2375:22641735c9b1
- fixed freezing on track end
- remember that buffer_free() returns _free_ space, not used.
author | Eugene Zagidullin <> |
date | Sun, 10 Feb 2008 14:46:28 +0300 |
parents | ff0a27216c6a |
children | ace0b59f541a |
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line source
/* * main.cxx: plugin glue to libprojectm * Copyright (c) 2008 William Pitcock <> * Portions copyright (c) 2004-2006 Peter Sperl * * This program is free software; you may distribute it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License; version 2. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <string> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <SDL/SDL.h> #include <SDL/SDL_thread.h> extern "C" { #include <audacious/util.h> #include <audacious/plugin.h> #include <audacious/playlist.h> #include <audacious/auddrct.h> } #include <math.h> #include "ConfigFile.h" #include <libprojectM/projectM.hpp> #include "sdltoprojectM.h" #include <GL/gl.h> #define CONFIG_FILE "/share/projectM/config.inp" // Forward declarations extern "C" void projectM_xmms_init(void); extern "C" void projectM_cleanup(void); extern "C" void projectM_render_pcm(gint16 pcm_data[2][512]); extern "C" int worker_func(void *); std::string read_config(); extern "C" VisPlugin projectM_vtable; int SDLThreadWrapper(void *); void handle_playback_trigger(void *, void *); class projectMPlugin { private: projectM *pm; gint wvw, wvh, fvw, fvh; gboolean fullscreen; gboolean error; SDL_Event event; SDL_Surface *screen; SDL_Thread *worker_thread; SDL_sem *sem; public: projectMPlugin() { std::string configFile = read_config(); ConfigFile config(configFile); this->wvw =<int>("Window Width", 512); this->wvh =<int>("Window Height", 512); this->fullscreen = FALSE; if ("Fullscreen", true)) this->fullscreen = TRUE; /* initialise SDL */ if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { this->error++; return; } SDL_WM_SetCaption("projectM", "audacious"); SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); this->sem = SDL_CreateSemaphore(0); /* XXX */ aud_hook_associate("playback begin", handle_playback_trigger, NULL); } ~projectMPlugin() { if (!this->sem) return; SDL_SemWait(this->sem); if (this->worker_thread) SDL_WaitThread(this->worker_thread, NULL); SDL_DestroySemaphore(this->sem); SDL_Quit(); this->sem = 0; this->worker_thread = 0; delete this->pm; this->pm = 0; aud_hook_dissociate("playback begin", handle_playback_trigger); } int run(void *unused) { if (error) return -1; std::string configFile = read_config(); this->initDisplay(this->wvw, this->wvh, &this->fvw, &this->fvh, this->fullscreen); this->pm = new projectM(configFile); this->pm->projectM_resetGL(this->wvw, this->wvh); SDL_SemPost(this->sem); while (SDL_SemValue(this->sem) == 1) { projectMEvent evt; projectMKeycode key; projectMModifier mod; SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { evt = sdl2pmEvent(event); key = sdl2pmKeycode(event.key.keysym.sym); mod = sdl2pmModifier(event.key.keysym.mod); switch (evt) { case PROJECTM_KEYDOWN: switch (key) { case PROJECTM_K_c: this->takeScreenshot(); break; case PROJECTM_K_f: int w, h; if (fullscreen == 0) { w = fvw; h = fvh; fullscreen = 1; } else { w = wvw; h = wvh; fullscreen = 0; } this->resizeDisplay(w, h, fullscreen); this->pm->projectM_resetGL(w, h); break; default: this->pm->key_handler(evt, key, mod); break; } break; case PROJECTM_VIDEORESIZE: wvw = event.resize.w; wvh = event.resize.h; this->resizeDisplay(wvw, wvh, fullscreen); this->pm->projectM_resetGL(wvw, wvh); break; case PROJECTM_VIDEOQUIT: std::cerr << "XXX: PROJECTM_VIDEOQUIT is not implemented yet!" << std::endl; break; default: break; } } this->pm->renderFrame(); SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); } return 0; } void launchThread() { /* SDL sucks and won't let you use C++ functors... */ this->worker_thread = SDL_CreateThread(SDLThreadWrapper, NULL); } void addPCMData(gint16 pcm_data[2][512]) { if (SDL_SemValue(this->sem) == 1) this->pm->pcm->addPCM16(pcm_data); } void initDisplay(gint width, gint height, gint *rwidth, gint *rheight, gboolean fullscreen) { this->wvw = width; this->wvh = height; this->fvw = *rwidth; this->fvw = *rheight; this->fullscreen = fullscreen; const SDL_VideoInfo *info = NULL; int bpp; int flags; info = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); if (!info) { this->error++; return; } /* initialize fullscreen resolution to something "sane" */ *rwidth = width; *rheight = height; bpp = info->vfmt->BitsPerPixel; SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 8); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); if (this->fullscreen) flags = SDL_OPENGL | SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_FULLSCREEN; else flags = SDL_OPENGL | SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_RESIZABLE; this->screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, bpp, flags); if (!this->screen) this->error++; } void resizeDisplay(gint width, gint height, gboolean fullscreen) { this->fullscreen = fullscreen; int flags; if (this->fullscreen) flags = SDL_OPENGL | SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_FULLSCREEN; else flags = SDL_OPENGL | SDL_HWSURFACE | SDL_RESIZABLE; this->screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, 0, flags); if (this->screen == 0) return; SDL_ShowCursor(this->fullscreen ? SDL_DISABLE : SDL_ENABLE); } void triggerPlaybackBegin(PlaylistEntry *entry) { std::string title(entry->title); this->pm->projectM_setTitle(title); } void takeScreenshot(void) { static int frame = 1; std::string dumpPath(g_get_home_dir()); dumpPath.append("/.projectM/"); gchar *frame_ = g_strdup_printf("%.8d.bmp", frame); dumpPath.append(frame_); g_free(frame_); SDL_Surface *bitmap; GLint viewport[4]; long bytewidth; GLint width, height; long bytes; glReadBuffer(GL_FRONT); glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport); width = viewport[2]; height = viewport[3]; bytewidth = width * 4; bytewidth = (bytewidth + 3) & ~3; bytes = bytewidth * height; bitmap = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, width, height, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0); glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, bitmap->pixels); SDL_SaveBMP(bitmap, dumpPath.c_str()); SDL_FreeSurface(bitmap); frame++; } }; /* glue to implementation section */ projectMPlugin *thePlugin = 0; /* SDL sucks and won't let you use proper C++ functors. :( */ int SDLThreadWrapper(void *unused) { return thePlugin->run(unused); } void handle_playback_trigger(gpointer plentry_p, gpointer unused) { PlaylistEntry *entry = reinterpret_cast<PlaylistEntry *>(plentry_p); if (!thePlugin) return; thePlugin->triggerPlaybackBegin(entry); } extern "C" void projectM_xmms_init(void) { thePlugin = new projectMPlugin; thePlugin->launchThread(); } extern "C" void projectM_cleanup(void) { if (!thePlugin) return; delete thePlugin; } extern "C" void projectM_render_pcm(gint16 pcm_data[2][512]) { if (!thePlugin) return; thePlugin->addPCMData(pcm_data); } /******************************************************************************** * XXX: This code is from projectM and still needs to be rewritten! * ********************************************************************************/ std::string read_config() { // int n; char num[512]; FILE *in; FILE *out; char *home; char projectM_home[1024]; char projectM_config[1024]; strcpy(projectM_config, PROJECTM_PREFIX); strcpy(projectM_config + strlen(PROJECTM_PREFIX), CONFIG_FILE); projectM_config[strlen(PROJECTM_PREFIX) + strlen(CONFIG_FILE)] = '\0'; //printf("dir:%s \n",projectM_config); home = getenv("HOME"); strcpy(projectM_home, home); strcpy(projectM_home + strlen(home), "/.projectM/config.inp"); projectM_home[strlen(home) + strlen("/.projectM/config.inp")] = '\0'; if ((in = fopen(projectM_home, "r")) != 0) { //printf("reading ~/.projectM/config.inp \n"); fclose(in); return std::string(projectM_home); } else { printf("trying to create ~/.projectM/config.inp \n"); strcpy(projectM_home, home); strcpy(projectM_home + strlen(home), "/.projectM"); projectM_home[strlen(home) + strlen("/.projectM")] = '\0'; mkdir(projectM_home, 0755); strcpy(projectM_home, home); strcpy(projectM_home + strlen(home), "/.projectM/config.inp"); projectM_home[strlen(home) + strlen("/.projectM/config.inp")] = '\0'; if ((out = fopen(projectM_home, "w")) != 0) { if ((in = fopen(projectM_config, "r")) != 0) { while (fgets(num, 80, in) != NULL) { fputs(num, out); } fclose(in); fclose(out); if ((in = fopen(projectM_home, "r")) != 0) { printf("created ~/.projectM/config.inp successfully\n"); fclose(in); return std::string(projectM_home); } else { printf("This shouldn't happen, using implementation defualts\n"); abort(); } } else { printf("Cannot find projectM default config, using implementation defaults\n"); abort(); } } else { printf("Cannot create ~/.projectM/config.inp, using default config file\n"); if ((in = fopen(projectM_config, "r")) != 0) { printf("Successfully opened default config file\n"); fclose(in); return std::string(projectM_config); } else { printf("Using implementation defaults, your system is really messed up, I'm suprised we even got this far\n"); abort(); } } } abort(); }