view src/modplug/load_669.cxx @ 2023:27239c2e3b47

iabervon: We appreciate the plugin you wrote for the VFS system, but, it's now deprecated. We look forward to consider other plugins of yours in the future. (curl plugin dropped from distribution, in favour of neon).
author William Pitcock <>
date Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:40:36 -0500
parents 6b5a52635b3b
children 032053ca08ab 3673c7ec4ea2
line wrap: on
line source

 * This source code is public domain.
 * Authors: Olivier Lapicque <>,
 *          Adam Goode       <> (endian and char fixes for PPC)

// 669 Composer / UNIS 669 module loader

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sndfile.h"

//#pragma warning(disable:4244)

typedef struct tagFILEHEADER669
	WORD sig;				// 'if' or 'JN'
        signed char songmessage[108];	// Song Message
	BYTE samples;			// number of samples (1-64)
	BYTE patterns;			// number of patterns (1-128)
	BYTE restartpos;
	BYTE orders[128];
	BYTE tempolist[128];
	BYTE breaks[128];

typedef struct tagSAMPLE669
	BYTE filename[13];
	BYTE length[4];	// when will somebody think about DWORD align ???
	BYTE loopstart[4];
	BYTE loopend[4];
} SAMPLE669;

BOOL CSoundFile::Read669(const BYTE *lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
	BOOL b669Ext;
	const FILEHEADER669 *pfh = (const FILEHEADER669 *)lpStream;
	const SAMPLE669 *psmp = (const SAMPLE669 *)(lpStream + 0x1F1);
	DWORD dwMemPos = 0;

	if ((!lpStream) || (dwMemLength < sizeof(FILEHEADER669))) return FALSE;
	if ((bswapLE16(pfh->sig) != 0x6669) && (bswapLE16(pfh->sig) != 0x4E4A)) return FALSE;
	b669Ext = (bswapLE16(pfh->sig) == 0x4E4A) ? TRUE : FALSE;
	if ((!pfh->samples) || (pfh->samples > 64) || (pfh->restartpos >= 128)
	 || (!pfh->patterns) || (pfh->patterns > 128)) return FALSE;
	DWORD dontfuckwithme = 0x1F1 + pfh->samples * sizeof(SAMPLE669) + pfh->patterns * 0x600;
	if (dontfuckwithme > dwMemLength) return FALSE;
	for (UINT ichk=0; ichk<pfh->samples; ichk++)
		DWORD len = bswapLE32(*((DWORD *)(&psmp[ichk].length)));
		dontfuckwithme += len;
	if (dontfuckwithme > dwMemLength) return FALSE;
	// That should be enough checking: this must be a 669 module.
	m_nType = MOD_TYPE_669;
	m_dwSongFlags |= SONG_LINEARSLIDES;
	m_nMinPeriod = 28 << 2;
	m_nMaxPeriod = 1712 << 3;
	m_nDefaultTempo = 125;
	m_nDefaultSpeed = 6;
	m_nChannels = 8;
	memcpy(m_szNames[0], pfh->songmessage, 16);
	m_nSamples = pfh->samples;
	for (UINT nins=1; nins<=m_nSamples; nins++, psmp++)
		DWORD len = bswapLE32(*((DWORD *)(&psmp->length)));
		DWORD loopstart = bswapLE32(*((DWORD *)(&psmp->loopstart)));
		DWORD loopend = bswapLE32(*((DWORD *)(&psmp->loopend)));
		if ((loopend > len) && (!loopstart)) loopend = 0;
		if (loopend > len) loopend = len;
		if (loopstart + 4 >= loopend) loopstart = loopend = 0;
		Ins[nins].nLength = len;
		Ins[nins].nLoopStart = loopstart;
		Ins[nins].nLoopEnd = loopend;
		if (loopend) Ins[nins].uFlags |= CHN_LOOP;
		memcpy(m_szNames[nins], psmp->filename, 13);
		Ins[nins].nVolume = 256;
		Ins[nins].nGlobalVol = 64;
		Ins[nins].nPan = 128;
	// Song Message
	m_lpszSongComments = new char[109];
	memcpy(m_lpszSongComments, pfh->songmessage, 108);
	m_lpszSongComments[108] = 0;
	// Reading Orders
	memcpy(Order, pfh->orders, 128);
	m_nRestartPos = pfh->restartpos;
	if (Order[m_nRestartPos] >= pfh->patterns) m_nRestartPos = 0;
	// Reading Pattern Break Locations
	for (UINT npan=0; npan<8; npan++)
		ChnSettings[npan].nPan = (npan & 1) ? 0x30 : 0xD0;
		ChnSettings[npan].nVolume = 64;
	// Reading Patterns
	dwMemPos = 0x1F1 + pfh->samples * 25;
	for (UINT npat=0; npat<pfh->patterns; npat++)
		Patterns[npat] = AllocatePattern(64, m_nChannels);
		if (!Patterns[npat]) break;
		PatternSize[npat] = 64;
		MODCOMMAND *m = Patterns[npat];
		const BYTE *p = lpStream + dwMemPos;
		for (UINT row=0; row<64; row++)
			MODCOMMAND *mspeed = m;
			if ((row == pfh->breaks[npat]) && (row != 63))
				for (UINT i=0; i<8; i++)
					m[i].command = CMD_PATTERNBREAK;
					m[i].param = 0;
			for (UINT n=0; n<8; n++, m++, p+=3)
				UINT note = p[0] >> 2;
				UINT instr = ((p[0] & 0x03) << 4) | (p[1] >> 4);
				UINT vol = p[1] & 0x0F;
				if (p[0] < 0xFE)
					m->note = note + 37;
					m->instr = instr + 1;
				if (p[0] <= 0xFE)
					m->volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME;
					m->vol = (vol << 2) + 2;
				if (p[2] != 0xFF)
					UINT command = p[2] >> 4;
					UINT param = p[2] & 0x0F;
					case 0x00:	command = CMD_PORTAMENTOUP; break;
					case 0x01:	command = CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN; break;
					case 0x02:	command = CMD_TONEPORTAMENTO; break;
					case 0x03:	command = CMD_MODCMDEX; param |= 0x50; break;
					case 0x04:	command = CMD_VIBRATO; param |= 0x40; break;
					case 0x05:	if (param) command = CMD_SPEED; else command = 0; param += 2; break;
					case 0x06:	if (param == 0) { command = CMD_PANNINGSLIDE; param = 0xFE; } else
								if (param == 1) { command = CMD_PANNINGSLIDE; param = 0xEF; } else
								command = 0;
					default:	command = 0;
					if (command)
						if (command == CMD_SPEED) mspeed = NULL;
						m->command = command;
						m->param = param;
			if ((!row) && (mspeed))
				for (UINT i=0; i<8; i++) if (!mspeed[i].command)
					mspeed[i].command = CMD_SPEED;
					mspeed[i].param = pfh->tempolist[npat] + 2;
		dwMemPos += 0x600;
	// Reading Samples
	for (UINT n=1; n<=m_nSamples; n++)
		UINT len = Ins[n].nLength;
		if (dwMemPos >= dwMemLength) break;
		if (len > 4) ReadSample(&Ins[n], RS_PCM8U, (LPSTR)(lpStream+dwMemPos), dwMemLength - dwMemPos);
		dwMemPos += len;
	return TRUE;