view src/modplug/load_xm.cxx @ 2023:27239c2e3b47

iabervon: We appreciate the plugin you wrote for the VFS system, but, it's now deprecated. We look forward to consider other plugins of yours in the future. (curl plugin dropped from distribution, in favour of neon).
author William Pitcock <>
date Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:40:36 -0500
parents 6b5a52635b3b
children 032053ca08ab 3673c7ec4ea2
line wrap: on
line source

 * This source code is public domain.
 * Authors: Olivier Lapicque <>,
 *          Adam Goode       <> (endian and char fixes for PPC)

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sndfile.h"

// FastTracker II XM file support

#ifdef MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4244)

#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct tagXMFILEHEADER
	DWORD size;
	WORD norder;
	WORD restartpos;
	WORD channels;
	WORD patterns;
	WORD instruments;
	WORD flags;
	WORD speed;
	WORD tempo;
	BYTE order[256];

typedef struct tagXMINSTRUMENTHEADER
	DWORD size;
	CHAR name[22];
	BYTE type;
	BYTE samples;
	BYTE samplesh;

typedef struct tagXMSAMPLEHEADER
	DWORD shsize;
	BYTE snum[96];
	WORD venv[24];
	WORD penv[24];
	BYTE vnum, pnum;
	BYTE vsustain, vloops, vloope, psustain, ploops, ploope;
	BYTE vtype, ptype;
	BYTE vibtype, vibsweep, vibdepth, vibrate;
	WORD volfade;
	WORD res;
	BYTE reserved1[20];

typedef struct tagXMSAMPLESTRUCT
	DWORD samplen;
	DWORD loopstart;
	DWORD looplen;
	BYTE vol;
	signed char finetune;
	BYTE type;
	BYTE pan;
	signed char relnote;
	BYTE res;
	char name[22];
#pragma pack()

BOOL CSoundFile::ReadXM(const BYTE *lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
	DWORD dwMemPos, dwHdrSize;
	WORD norders=0, restartpos=0, channels=0, patterns=0, instruments=0;
	WORD xmflags=0, deftempo=125, defspeed=6;
	BOOL InstUsed[256];
	BYTE channels_used[MAX_CHANNELS];
	BYTE pattern_map[256];
	BOOL samples_used[MAX_SAMPLES];
	UINT unused_samples;

	m_nChannels = 0;
	if ((!lpStream) || (dwMemLength < 0x200)) return FALSE;
	if (strnicmp((LPCSTR)lpStream, "Extended Module", 15)) return FALSE;

	memcpy(m_szNames[0], lpStream+17, 20);
	dwHdrSize = bswapLE32(*((DWORD *)(lpStream+60)));
	norders = bswapLE16(*((WORD *)(lpStream+64)));
	if ((!norders) || (norders > MAX_ORDERS)) return FALSE;
	restartpos = bswapLE16(*((WORD *)(lpStream+66)));
	channels = bswapLE16(*((WORD *)(lpStream+68)));
	if ((!channels) || (channels > 64)) return FALSE;
	m_nType = MOD_TYPE_XM;
	m_nMinPeriod = 27;
	m_nMaxPeriod = 54784;
	m_nChannels = channels;
	if (restartpos < norders) m_nRestartPos = restartpos;
	patterns = bswapLE16(*((WORD *)(lpStream+70)));
	if (patterns > 256) patterns = 256;
	instruments = bswapLE16(*((WORD *)(lpStream+72)));
	if (instruments >= MAX_INSTRUMENTS) instruments = MAX_INSTRUMENTS-1;
	m_nInstruments = instruments;
	m_nSamples = 0;
	memcpy(&xmflags, lpStream+74, 2);
	xmflags = bswapLE16(xmflags);
	if (xmflags & 1) m_dwSongFlags |= SONG_LINEARSLIDES;
	if (xmflags & 0x1000) m_dwSongFlags |= SONG_EXFILTERRANGE;
	defspeed = bswapLE16(*((WORD *)(lpStream+76)));
	deftempo = bswapLE16(*((WORD *)(lpStream+78)));
	if ((deftempo >= 32) && (deftempo < 256)) m_nDefaultTempo = deftempo;
	if ((defspeed > 0) && (defspeed < 40)) m_nDefaultSpeed = defspeed;
	memcpy(Order, lpStream+80, norders);
	memset(InstUsed, 0, sizeof(InstUsed));
	if (patterns > MAX_PATTERNS)
		UINT i, j;
		for (i=0; i<norders; i++)
			if (Order[i] < patterns) InstUsed[Order[i]] = TRUE;
		j = 0;
		for (i=0; i<256; i++)
			if (InstUsed[i]) pattern_map[i] = j++;
		for (i=0; i<256; i++)
			if (!InstUsed[i])
				pattern_map[i] = (j < MAX_PATTERNS) ? j : 0xFE;
		for (i=0; i<norders; i++)
			Order[i] = pattern_map[Order[i]];
	} else
		for (UINT i=0; i<256; i++) pattern_map[i] = i;
	memset(InstUsed, 0, sizeof(InstUsed));
	dwMemPos = dwHdrSize + 60;
	if (dwMemPos + 8 >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
	// Reading patterns
	memset(channels_used, 0, sizeof(channels_used));
	for (UINT ipat=0; ipat<patterns; ipat++)
		UINT ipatmap = pattern_map[ipat];
		DWORD dwSize = 0;
		WORD rows=64, packsize=0;
		dwSize = bswapLE32(*((DWORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos)));
		while ((dwMemPos + dwSize >= dwMemLength) || (dwSize & 0xFFFFFF00))
			if (dwMemPos + 4 >= dwMemLength) break;
			dwSize = bswapLE32(*((DWORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos)));
		rows = bswapLE16(*((WORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos+5)));
		if ((!rows) || (rows > 256)) rows = 64;
		packsize = bswapLE16(*((WORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos+7)));
		if (dwMemPos + dwSize + 4 > dwMemLength) return TRUE;
		dwMemPos += dwSize;
		if (dwMemPos + packsize + 4 > dwMemLength) return TRUE;
		if (ipatmap < MAX_PATTERNS)
			PatternSize[ipatmap] = rows;
			if ((Patterns[ipatmap] = AllocatePattern(rows, m_nChannels)) == NULL) return TRUE;
			if (!packsize) continue;
			p = Patterns[ipatmap];
		} else p = NULL;
		const BYTE *src = lpStream+dwMemPos;
		UINT j=0;
		for (UINT row=0; row<rows; row++)
			for (UINT chn=0; chn<m_nChannels; chn++)
				if ((p) && (j < packsize))
					BYTE b = src[j++];
					UINT vol = 0;
					if (b & 0x80)
						if (b & 1) p->note = src[j++];
						if (b & 2) p->instr = src[j++];
						if (b & 4) vol = src[j++];
						if (b & 8) p->command = src[j++];
						if (b & 16) p->param = src[j++];
					} else
						p->note = b;
						p->instr = src[j++];
						vol = src[j++];
						p->command = src[j++];
						p->param = src[j++];
					if (p->note == 97) p->note = 0xFF; else
					if ((p->note) && (p->note < 97)) p->note += 12;
					if (p->note) channels_used[chn] = 1;
					if (p->command | p->param) ConvertModCommand(p);
					if (p->instr == 0xff) p->instr = 0;
					if (p->instr) InstUsed[p->instr] = TRUE;
					if ((vol >= 0x10) && (vol <= 0x50))
						p->volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME;
						p->vol = vol - 0x10;
					} else
					if (vol >= 0x60)
						UINT v = vol & 0xF0;
						vol &= 0x0F;
						p->vol = vol;
						// 60-6F: Volume Slide Down
						case 0x60:	p->volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLSLIDEDOWN; break;
						// 70-7F: Volume Slide Up:
						case 0x70:	p->volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLSLIDEUP; break;
						// 80-8F: Fine Volume Slide Down
						case 0x80:	p->volcmd = VOLCMD_FINEVOLDOWN; break;
						// 90-9F: Fine Volume Slide Up
						case 0x90:	p->volcmd = VOLCMD_FINEVOLUP; break;
						// A0-AF: Set Vibrato Speed
						case 0xA0:	p->volcmd = VOLCMD_VIBRATOSPEED; break;
						// B0-BF: Vibrato
						case 0xB0:	p->volcmd = VOLCMD_VIBRATO; break;
						// C0-CF: Set Panning
						case 0xC0:	p->volcmd = VOLCMD_PANNING; p->vol = (vol << 2) + 2; break;
						// D0-DF: Panning Slide Left
						case 0xD0:	p->volcmd = VOLCMD_PANSLIDELEFT; break;
						// E0-EF: Panning Slide Right
						case 0xE0:	p->volcmd = VOLCMD_PANSLIDERIGHT; break;
						// F0-FF: Tone Portamento
						case 0xF0:	p->volcmd = VOLCMD_TONEPORTAMENTO; break;
				} else
				if (j < packsize)
					BYTE b = src[j++];
					if (b & 0x80)
						if (b & 1) j++;
						if (b & 2) j++;
						if (b & 4) j++;
						if (b & 8) j++;
						if (b & 16) j++;
					} else j += 4;
				} else break;
		dwMemPos += packsize;
	// Wrong offset check
	while (dwMemPos + 4 < dwMemLength)
		DWORD d = bswapLE32(*((DWORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos)));
		if (d < 0x300) break;
	memset(samples_used, 0, sizeof(samples_used));
	unused_samples = 0;
	// Reading instruments
	for (UINT iIns=1; iIns<=instruments; iIns++)
		BYTE flags[32];
		DWORD samplesize[32];
		UINT samplemap[32];
		WORD nsamples;

		if (dwMemPos + sizeof(XMINSTRUMENTHEADER) >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
		pih = (XMINSTRUMENTHEADER *)(lpStream+dwMemPos);
		if (dwMemPos + bswapLE32(pih->size) > dwMemLength) return TRUE;
		if ((Headers[iIns] = new INSTRUMENTHEADER) == NULL) continue;
		memset(Headers[iIns], 0, sizeof(INSTRUMENTHEADER));
		memcpy(Headers[iIns]->name, pih->name, 22);
		if ((nsamples = pih->samples) > 0)
			if (dwMemPos + sizeof(XMSAMPLEHEADER) > dwMemLength) return TRUE;
			memcpy(&xmsh, lpStream+dwMemPos+sizeof(XMINSTRUMENTHEADER), sizeof(XMSAMPLEHEADER));
			xmsh.shsize = bswapLE32(xmsh.shsize);
			for (int i = 0; i < 24; ++i) {
			  xmsh.venv[i] = bswapLE16(xmsh.venv[i]);
			  xmsh.penv[i] = bswapLE16(xmsh.penv[i]);
			xmsh.volfade = bswapLE16(xmsh.volfade);
			xmsh.res = bswapLE16(xmsh.res);
			dwMemPos += bswapLE32(pih->size);
		} else
			if (bswapLE32(pih->size)) dwMemPos += bswapLE32(pih->size);
			else dwMemPos += sizeof(XMINSTRUMENTHEADER);
		memset(samplemap, 0, sizeof(samplemap));
		if (nsamples > 32) return TRUE;
		UINT newsamples = m_nSamples;
		for (UINT nmap=0; nmap<nsamples; nmap++)
			UINT n = m_nSamples+nmap+1;
			if (n >= MAX_SAMPLES)
				n = m_nSamples;
				while (n > 0)
					if (!Ins[n].pSample)
						for (UINT xmapchk=0; xmapchk < nmap; xmapchk++)
							if (samplemap[xmapchk] == n) goto alreadymapped;
						for (UINT clrs=1; clrs<iIns; clrs++) if (Headers[clrs])
							INSTRUMENTHEADER *pks = Headers[clrs];
							for (UINT ks=0; ks<128; ks++)
								if (pks->Keyboard[ks] == n) pks->Keyboard[ks] = 0;
				// Damn! more than 200 samples: look for duplicates
				if (!n)
					if (!unused_samples)
						unused_samples = DetectUnusedSamples(samples_used);
						if (!unused_samples) unused_samples = 0xFFFF;
					if ((unused_samples) && (unused_samples != 0xFFFF))
						for (UINT iext=m_nSamples; iext>=1; iext--) if (!samples_used[iext])
							samples_used[iext] = TRUE;
							n = iext;
							for (UINT mapchk=0; mapchk<nmap; mapchk++)
								if (samplemap[mapchk] == n) samplemap[mapchk] = 0;
							for (UINT clrs=1; clrs<iIns; clrs++) if (Headers[clrs])
								INSTRUMENTHEADER *pks = Headers[clrs];
								for (UINT ks=0; ks<128; ks++)
									if (pks->Keyboard[ks] == n) pks->Keyboard[ks] = 0;
							memset(&Ins[n], 0, sizeof(Ins[0]));
			if (newsamples < n) newsamples = n;
			samplemap[nmap] = n;
		m_nSamples = newsamples;
		// Reading Volume Envelope
		INSTRUMENTHEADER *penv = Headers[iIns];
		penv->nMidiProgram = pih->type;
		penv->nFadeOut = xmsh.volfade;
		penv->nPan = 128;
		penv->nPPC = 5*12;
		if (xmsh.vtype & 1) penv->dwFlags |= ENV_VOLUME;
		if (xmsh.vtype & 2) penv->dwFlags |= ENV_VOLSUSTAIN;
		if (xmsh.vtype & 4) penv->dwFlags |= ENV_VOLLOOP;
		if (xmsh.ptype & 1) penv->dwFlags |= ENV_PANNING;
		if (xmsh.ptype & 2) penv->dwFlags |= ENV_PANSUSTAIN;
		if (xmsh.ptype & 4) penv->dwFlags |= ENV_PANLOOP;
		if (xmsh.vnum > 12) xmsh.vnum = 12;
		if (xmsh.pnum > 12) xmsh.pnum = 12;
		penv->nVolEnv = xmsh.vnum;
		if (!xmsh.vnum) penv->dwFlags &= ~ENV_VOLUME;
		if (!xmsh.pnum) penv->dwFlags &= ~ENV_PANNING;
		penv->nPanEnv = xmsh.pnum;
		penv->nVolSustainBegin = penv->nVolSustainEnd = xmsh.vsustain;
		if (xmsh.vsustain >= 12) penv->dwFlags &= ~ENV_VOLSUSTAIN;
		penv->nVolLoopStart = xmsh.vloops;
		penv->nVolLoopEnd = xmsh.vloope;
		if (penv->nVolLoopEnd >= 12) penv->nVolLoopEnd = 0;
		if (penv->nVolLoopStart >= penv->nVolLoopEnd) penv->dwFlags &= ~ENV_VOLLOOP;
		penv->nPanSustainBegin = penv->nPanSustainEnd = xmsh.psustain;
		if (xmsh.psustain >= 12) penv->dwFlags &= ~ENV_PANSUSTAIN;
		penv->nPanLoopStart = xmsh.ploops;
		penv->nPanLoopEnd = xmsh.ploope;
		if (penv->nPanLoopEnd >= 12) penv->nPanLoopEnd = 0;
		if (penv->nPanLoopStart >= penv->nPanLoopEnd) penv->dwFlags &= ~ENV_PANLOOP;
		penv->nGlobalVol = 64;
		for (UINT ienv=0; ienv<12; ienv++)
			penv->VolPoints[ienv] = (WORD)xmsh.venv[ienv*2];
			penv->VolEnv[ienv] = (BYTE)xmsh.venv[ienv*2+1];
			penv->PanPoints[ienv] = (WORD)xmsh.penv[ienv*2];
			penv->PanEnv[ienv] = (BYTE)xmsh.penv[ienv*2+1];
			if (ienv)
				if (penv->VolPoints[ienv] < penv->VolPoints[ienv-1])
					penv->VolPoints[ienv] &= 0xFF;
					penv->VolPoints[ienv] += penv->VolPoints[ienv-1] & 0xFF00;
					if (penv->VolPoints[ienv] < penv->VolPoints[ienv-1]) penv->VolPoints[ienv] += 0x100;
				if (penv->PanPoints[ienv] < penv->PanPoints[ienv-1])
					penv->PanPoints[ienv] &= 0xFF;
					penv->PanPoints[ienv] += penv->PanPoints[ienv-1] & 0xFF00;
					if (penv->PanPoints[ienv] < penv->PanPoints[ienv-1]) penv->PanPoints[ienv] += 0x100;
		for (UINT j=0; j<96; j++)
			penv->NoteMap[j+12] = j+1+12;
			if (xmsh.snum[j] < nsamples)
				penv->Keyboard[j+12] = samplemap[xmsh.snum[j]];
		// Reading samples
		for (UINT ins=0; ins<nsamples; ins++)
			if ((dwMemPos + sizeof(xmss) > dwMemLength)
			 || (dwMemPos + xmsh.shsize > dwMemLength)) return TRUE;
			memcpy(&xmss, lpStream+dwMemPos, sizeof(xmss));
			xmss.samplen = bswapLE32(xmss.samplen);
			xmss.loopstart = bswapLE32(xmss.loopstart);
			xmss.looplen = bswapLE32(xmss.looplen);
			dwMemPos += xmsh.shsize;
			flags[ins] = (xmss.type & 0x10) ? RS_PCM16D : RS_PCM8D;
			if (xmss.type & 0x20) flags[ins] = (xmss.type & 0x10) ? RS_STPCM16D : RS_STPCM8D;
			samplesize[ins] = xmss.samplen;
			if (!samplemap[ins]) continue;
			if (xmss.type & 0x10)
				xmss.looplen >>= 1;
				xmss.loopstart >>= 1;
				xmss.samplen >>= 1;
			if (xmss.type & 0x20)
				xmss.looplen >>= 1;
				xmss.loopstart >>= 1;
				xmss.samplen >>= 1;
			if (xmss.samplen > MAX_SAMPLE_LENGTH) xmss.samplen = MAX_SAMPLE_LENGTH;
			if (xmss.loopstart >= xmss.samplen) xmss.type &= ~3;
			xmss.looplen += xmss.loopstart;
			if (xmss.looplen > xmss.samplen) xmss.looplen = xmss.samplen;
			if (!xmss.looplen) xmss.type &= ~3;
			UINT imapsmp = samplemap[ins];
			memcpy(m_szNames[imapsmp],, 22);
			m_szNames[imapsmp][22] = 0;
			MODINSTRUMENT *pins = &Ins[imapsmp];
			pins->nLength = (xmss.samplen > MAX_SAMPLE_LENGTH) ? MAX_SAMPLE_LENGTH : xmss.samplen;
			pins->nLoopStart = xmss.loopstart;
			pins->nLoopEnd = xmss.looplen;
			if (pins->nLoopEnd > pins->nLength) pins->nLoopEnd = pins->nLength;
			if (pins->nLoopStart >= pins->nLoopEnd)
				pins->nLoopStart = pins->nLoopEnd = 0;
			if (xmss.type & 3) pins->uFlags |= CHN_LOOP;
			if (xmss.type & 2) pins->uFlags |= CHN_PINGPONGLOOP;
			pins->nVolume = xmss.vol << 2;
			if (pins->nVolume > 256) pins->nVolume = 256;
			pins->nGlobalVol = 64;
			if ((xmss.res == 0xAD) && (!(xmss.type & 0x30)))
				flags[ins] = RS_ADPCM4;
				samplesize[ins] = (samplesize[ins]+1)/2 + 16;
			pins->nFineTune = xmss.finetune;
			pins->RelativeTone = (int)xmss.relnote;
			pins->nPan = xmss.pan;
			pins->uFlags |= CHN_PANNING;
			pins->nVibType = xmsh.vibtype;
			pins->nVibSweep = xmsh.vibsweep;
			pins->nVibDepth = xmsh.vibdepth;
			pins->nVibRate = xmsh.vibrate;
			memcpy(pins->name,, 22);
			pins->name[21] = 0;
#if 0
		if ((xmsh.reserved2 > nsamples) && (xmsh.reserved2 <= 16))
			dwMemPos += (((UINT)xmsh.reserved2) - nsamples) * xmsh.shsize;
		for (UINT ismpd=0; ismpd<nsamples; ismpd++)
			if ((samplemap[ismpd]) && (samplesize[ismpd]) && (dwMemPos < dwMemLength))
				ReadSample(&Ins[samplemap[ismpd]], flags[ismpd], (LPSTR)(lpStream + dwMemPos), dwMemLength - dwMemPos);
			dwMemPos += samplesize[ismpd];
			if (dwMemPos >= dwMemLength) break;
	// Read song comments: "TEXT"
	if ((dwMemPos + 8 < dwMemLength) && (bswapLE32(*((DWORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos))) == 0x74786574))
		UINT len = *((DWORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos+4));
		dwMemPos += 8;
		if ((dwMemPos + len <= dwMemLength) && (len < 16384))
			m_lpszSongComments = new char[len+1];
			if (m_lpszSongComments)
				memcpy(m_lpszSongComments, lpStream+dwMemPos, len);
				m_lpszSongComments[len] = 0;
			dwMemPos += len;
	// Read midi config: "MIDI"
	if ((dwMemPos + 8 < dwMemLength) && (bswapLE32(*((DWORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos))) == 0x4944494D))
		UINT len = *((DWORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos+4));
		dwMemPos += 8;
		if (len == sizeof(MODMIDICFG))
			memcpy(&m_MidiCfg, lpStream+dwMemPos, len);
			m_dwSongFlags |= SONG_EMBEDMIDICFG;
	// Read pattern names: "PNAM"
	if ((dwMemPos + 8 < dwMemLength) && (bswapLE32(*((DWORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos))) == 0x4d414e50))
		UINT len = *((DWORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos+4));
		dwMemPos += 8;
		if ((dwMemPos + len <= dwMemLength) && (len <= MAX_PATTERNS*MAX_PATTERNNAME) && (len >= MAX_PATTERNNAME))
			m_lpszPatternNames = new char[len];

			if (m_lpszPatternNames)
				m_nPatternNames = len / MAX_PATTERNNAME;
				memcpy(m_lpszPatternNames, lpStream+dwMemPos, len);
			dwMemPos += len;
	// Read channel names: "CNAM"
	if ((dwMemPos + 8 < dwMemLength) && (bswapLE32(*((DWORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos))) == 0x4d414e43))
		UINT len = *((DWORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos+4));
		dwMemPos += 8;
		if ((dwMemPos + len <= dwMemLength) && (len <= MAX_BASECHANNELS*MAX_CHANNELNAME))
			for (UINT i=0; i<n; i++)
				memcpy(ChnSettings[i].szName, (lpStream+dwMemPos+i*MAX_CHANNELNAME), MAX_CHANNELNAME);
				ChnSettings[i].szName[MAX_CHANNELNAME-1] = 0;
			dwMemPos += len;
	// Read mix plugins information
	if (dwMemPos + 8 < dwMemLength)
		dwMemPos += LoadMixPlugins(lpStream+dwMemPos, dwMemLength-dwMemPos);
	return TRUE;


BOOL CSoundFile::SaveXM(LPCSTR lpszFileName, UINT nPacking)
	BYTE s[64*64*5];
	BYTE smptable[32];
	BYTE xmph[9];
	FILE *f;
	int i;

	if ((!m_nChannels) || (!lpszFileName)) return FALSE;
	if ((f = fopen(lpszFileName, "wb")) == NULL) return FALSE;
	fwrite("Extended Module: ", 17, 1, f);
	fwrite(m_szNames[0], 20, 1, f);
	s[0] = 0x1A;
	lstrcpy((LPSTR)&s[1], (nPacking) ? "MOD Plugin packed   " : "FastTracker v2.00   ");
	s[21] = 0x04;
	s[22] = 0x01;
	fwrite(s, 23, 1, f);
	// Writing song header
	memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header));
	header.size = sizeof(XMFILEHEADER);
	header.norder = 0;
	header.restartpos = m_nRestartPos;
	header.channels = m_nChannels;
	header.patterns = 0;
	for (i=0; i<MAX_ORDERS; i++)
		if (Order[i] == 0xFF) break;
		if ((Order[i] >= header.patterns) && (Order[i] < MAX_PATTERNS)) header.patterns = Order[i]+1;
	header.instruments = m_nInstruments;
	if (!header.instruments) header.instruments = m_nSamples;
	header.flags = (m_dwSongFlags & SONG_LINEARSLIDES) ? 0x01 : 0x00;
	if (m_dwSongFlags & SONG_EXFILTERRANGE) header.flags |= 0x1000;
	header.tempo = m_nDefaultTempo;
	header.speed = m_nDefaultSpeed;
	memcpy(header.order, Order, header.norder);
	fwrite(&header, 1, sizeof(header), f);
	// Writing patterns
	for (i=0; i<header.patterns; i++) if (Patterns[i])
		MODCOMMAND *p = Patterns[i];
		UINT len = 0;

		memset(&xmph, 0, sizeof(xmph));
		xmph[0] = 9;
		xmph[5] = (BYTE)(PatternSize[i] & 0xFF);
		xmph[6] = (BYTE)(PatternSize[i] >> 8);
		for (UINT j=m_nChannels*PatternSize[i]; j; j--,p++)
			UINT note = p->note;
			UINT param = ModSaveCommand(p, TRUE);
			UINT command = param >> 8;
			param &= 0xFF;
			if (note >= 0xFE) note = 97; else
			if ((note <= 12) || (note > 96+12)) note = 0; else
			note -= 12;
			UINT vol = 0;
			if (p->volcmd)
				UINT volcmd = p->volcmd;
				case VOLCMD_VOLUME:			vol = 0x10 + p->vol; break;
				case VOLCMD_VOLSLIDEDOWN:	vol = 0x60 + (p->vol & 0x0F); break;
				case VOLCMD_VOLSLIDEUP:		vol = 0x70 + (p->vol & 0x0F); break;
				case VOLCMD_FINEVOLDOWN:	vol = 0x80 + (p->vol & 0x0F); break;
				case VOLCMD_FINEVOLUP:		vol = 0x90 + (p->vol & 0x0F); break;
				case VOLCMD_VIBRATOSPEED:	vol = 0xA0 + (p->vol & 0x0F); break;
				case VOLCMD_VIBRATO:		vol = 0xB0 + (p->vol & 0x0F); break;
				case VOLCMD_PANNING:		vol = 0xC0 + (p->vol >> 2); if (vol > 0xCF) vol = 0xCF; break;
				case VOLCMD_PANSLIDELEFT:	vol = 0xD0 + (p->vol & 0x0F); break;
				case VOLCMD_PANSLIDERIGHT:	vol = 0xE0 + (p->vol & 0x0F); break;
				case VOLCMD_TONEPORTAMENTO:	vol = 0xF0 + (p->vol & 0x0F); break;
			if ((note) && (p->instr) && (vol > 0x0F) && (command) && (param))
				s[len++] = note;
				s[len++] = p->instr;
				s[len++] = vol;
				s[len++] = command;
				s[len++] = param;
			} else
				BYTE b = 0x80;
				if (note) b |= 0x01;
				if (p->instr) b |= 0x02;
				if (vol >= 0x10) b |= 0x04;
				if (command) b |= 0x08;
				if (param) b |= 0x10;
				s[len++] = b;
				if (b & 1) s[len++] = note;
				if (b & 2) s[len++] = p->instr;
				if (b & 4) s[len++] = vol;
				if (b & 8) s[len++] = command;
				if (b & 16) s[len++] = param;
			if (len > sizeof(s) - 5) break;
		xmph[7] = (BYTE)(len & 0xFF);
		xmph[8] = (BYTE)(len >> 8);
		fwrite(xmph, 1, 9, f);
		fwrite(s, 1, len, f);
	} else
		memset(&xmph, 0, sizeof(xmph));
		xmph[0] = 9;
		xmph[5] = (BYTE)(PatternSize[i] & 0xFF);
		xmph[6] = (BYTE)(PatternSize[i] >> 8);
		fwrite(xmph, 1, 9, f);
	// Writing instruments
	for (i=1; i<=header.instruments; i++)
		BYTE flags[32];

		memset(&xmih, 0, sizeof(xmih));
		memset(&xmsh, 0, sizeof(xmsh));
		xmih.size = sizeof(xmih) + sizeof(xmsh);
		memcpy(, m_szNames[i], 22);
		xmih.type = 0;
		xmih.samples = 0;
		if (m_nInstruments)
			INSTRUMENTHEADER *penv = Headers[i];
			if (penv)
				memcpy(, penv->name, 22);
				xmih.type = penv->nMidiProgram;
				xmsh.volfade = penv->nFadeOut;
				xmsh.vnum = (BYTE)penv->nVolEnv;
				xmsh.pnum = (BYTE)penv->nPanEnv;
				if (xmsh.vnum > 12) xmsh.vnum = 12;
				if (xmsh.pnum > 12) xmsh.pnum = 12;
				for (UINT ienv=0; ienv<12; ienv++)
					xmsh.venv[ienv*2] = penv->VolPoints[ienv];
					xmsh.venv[ienv*2+1] = penv->VolEnv[ienv];
					xmsh.penv[ienv*2] = penv->PanPoints[ienv];
					xmsh.penv[ienv*2+1] = penv->PanEnv[ienv];
				if (penv->dwFlags & ENV_VOLUME) xmsh.vtype |= 1;
				if (penv->dwFlags & ENV_VOLSUSTAIN) xmsh.vtype |= 2;
				if (penv->dwFlags & ENV_VOLLOOP) xmsh.vtype |= 4;
				if (penv->dwFlags & ENV_PANNING) xmsh.ptype |= 1;
				if (penv->dwFlags & ENV_PANSUSTAIN) xmsh.ptype |= 2;
				if (penv->dwFlags & ENV_PANLOOP) xmsh.ptype |= 4;
				xmsh.vsustain = (BYTE)penv->nVolSustainBegin;
				xmsh.vloops = (BYTE)penv->nVolLoopStart;
				xmsh.vloope = (BYTE)penv->nVolLoopEnd;
				xmsh.psustain = (BYTE)penv->nPanSustainBegin;
				xmsh.ploops = (BYTE)penv->nPanLoopStart;
				xmsh.ploope = (BYTE)penv->nPanLoopEnd;
				for (UINT j=0; j<96; j++) if (penv->Keyboard[j+12])
					UINT k;
					for (k=0; k<xmih.samples; k++)	if (smptable[k] == penv->Keyboard[j+12]) break;
					if (k == xmih.samples)
						smptable[xmih.samples++] = penv->Keyboard[j+12];
					if (xmih.samples >= 32) break;
					xmsh.snum[j] = k;
//				xmsh.reserved2 = xmih.samples;
		} else
			xmih.samples = 1;
//			xmsh.reserved2 = 1;
			smptable[0] = i;
		xmsh.shsize = (xmih.samples) ? 40 : 0;
		fwrite(&xmih, 1, sizeof(xmih), f);
		if (smptable[0])
			MODINSTRUMENT *pvib = &Ins[smptable[0]];
			xmsh.vibtype = pvib->nVibType;
			xmsh.vibsweep = pvib->nVibSweep;
			xmsh.vibdepth = pvib->nVibDepth;
			xmsh.vibrate = pvib->nVibRate;
		fwrite(&xmsh, 1, xmih.size - sizeof(xmih), f);
		if (!xmih.samples) continue;
		for (UINT ins=0; ins<xmih.samples; ins++)
			memset(&xmss, 0, sizeof(xmss));
			if (smptable[ins]) memcpy(, m_szNames[smptable[ins]], 22);
			pins = &Ins[smptable[ins]];
			xmss.samplen = pins->nLength;
			xmss.loopstart = pins->nLoopStart;
			xmss.looplen = pins->nLoopEnd - pins->nLoopStart;
			xmss.vol = pins->nVolume / 4;
			xmss.finetune = (char)pins->nFineTune;
			xmss.type = 0;
			if (pins->uFlags & CHN_LOOP) xmss.type = (pins->uFlags & CHN_PINGPONGLOOP) ? 2 : 1;
			flags[ins] = RS_PCM8D;
#ifndef NO_PACKING
			if (nPacking)
				if ((!(pins->uFlags & (CHN_16BIT|CHN_STEREO)))
				 && (CanPackSample((char *)pins->pSample, pins->nLength, nPacking)))
					flags[ins] = RS_ADPCM4;
					xmss.res = 0xAD;
			} else
				if (pins->uFlags & CHN_16BIT)
					flags[ins] = RS_PCM16D;
					xmss.type |= 0x10;
					xmss.looplen *= 2;
					xmss.loopstart *= 2;
					xmss.samplen *= 2;
				if (pins->uFlags & CHN_STEREO)
					flags[ins] = (pins->uFlags & CHN_16BIT) ? RS_STPCM16D : RS_STPCM8D;
					xmss.type |= 0x20;
					xmss.looplen *= 2;
					xmss.loopstart *= 2;
					xmss.samplen *= 2;
			xmss.pan = 255;
			if (pins->nPan < 256) xmss.pan = (BYTE)pins->nPan;
			xmss.relnote = (signed char)pins->RelativeTone;
			fwrite(&xmss, 1, xmsh.shsize, f);
		for (UINT ismpd=0; ismpd<xmih.samples; ismpd++)
			pins = &Ins[smptable[ismpd]];
			if (pins->pSample)
#ifndef NO_PACKING
				if ((flags[ismpd] == RS_ADPCM4) && (xmih.samples>1)) CanPackSample((char *)pins->pSample, pins->nLength, nPacking);
#endif // NO_PACKING
				WriteSample(f, pins, flags[ismpd]);
	// Writing song comments
	if ((m_lpszSongComments) && (m_lpszSongComments[0]))
		DWORD d = 0x74786574;
		fwrite(&d, 1, 4, f);
		d = strlen(m_lpszSongComments);
		fwrite(&d, 1, 4, f);
		fwrite(m_lpszSongComments, 1, d, f);
	// Writing midi cfg
	if (m_dwSongFlags & SONG_EMBEDMIDICFG)
		DWORD d = 0x4944494D;
		fwrite(&d, 1, 4, f);
		d = sizeof(MODMIDICFG);
		fwrite(&d, 1, 4, f);
		fwrite(&m_MidiCfg, 1, sizeof(MODMIDICFG), f);
	// Writing Pattern Names
	if ((m_nPatternNames) && (m_lpszPatternNames))
		DWORD dwLen = m_nPatternNames * MAX_PATTERNNAME;
		while ((dwLen >= MAX_PATTERNNAME) && (!m_lpszPatternNames[dwLen-MAX_PATTERNNAME])) dwLen -= MAX_PATTERNNAME;
		if (dwLen >= MAX_PATTERNNAME)
			DWORD d = 0x4d414e50;
			fwrite(&d, 1, 4, f);
			fwrite(&dwLen, 1, 4, f);
			fwrite(m_lpszPatternNames, 1, dwLen, f);
	// Writing Channel Names
		UINT nChnNames = 0;
		for (UINT inam=0; inam<m_nChannels; inam++)
			if (ChnSettings[inam].szName[0]) nChnNames = inam+1;
		// Do it!
		if (nChnNames)
			DWORD dwLen = nChnNames * MAX_CHANNELNAME;
			DWORD d = 0x4d414e43;
			fwrite(&d, 1, 4, f);
			fwrite(&dwLen, 1, 4, f);
			for (UINT inam=0; inam<nChnNames; inam++)
				fwrite(ChnSettings[inam].szName, 1, MAX_CHANNELNAME, f);
	// Save mix plugins information
	return TRUE;