view src/modplug/snd_flt.cxx @ 2023:27239c2e3b47

iabervon: We appreciate the plugin you wrote for the VFS system, but, it's now deprecated. We look forward to consider other plugins of yours in the future. (curl plugin dropped from distribution, in favour of neon).
author William Pitcock <>
date Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:40:36 -0500
parents 6b5a52635b3b
children 032053ca08ab 3673c7ec4ea2
line wrap: on
line source

 * This source code is public domain.
 * Authors: Olivier Lapicque <>

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sndfile.h"

// AWE32: cutoff = reg[0-255] * 31.25 + 100 -> [100Hz-8060Hz]
// EMU10K1 docs: cutoff = reg[0-127]*62+100

#ifndef NO_FILTER

#ifdef MSC_VER
#define _ASM_MATH

#ifdef _ASM_MATH

// pow(a,b) returns a^^b -> 2^^(b.log2(a))
static float pow(float a, float b)
	long tmpint;
	float result;
	_asm {
	fld b				// Load b
	fld a				// Load a
	fyl2x				// ST(0) = b.log2(a)
	fist tmpint			// Store integer exponent
	fisub tmpint		// ST(0) = -1 <= (b*log2(a)) <= 1
	f2xm1				// ST(0) = 2^(x)-1
	fild tmpint			// load integer exponent
	fld1				// Load 1
	fscale				// ST(0) = 2^ST(1)
	fstp ST(1)			// Remove the integer from the stack
	fmul ST(1), ST(0)	// multiply with fractional part
	faddp ST(1), ST(0)	// add integer_part
	fstp result			// Store the result
	return result;


#include <math.h>

#endif // _ASM_MATH

DWORD CSoundFile::CutOffToFrequency(UINT nCutOff, int flt_modifier) const
	float Fc;

	if (m_dwSongFlags & SONG_EXFILTERRANGE)
		Fc = 110.0f * pow(2.0f, 0.25f + ((float)(nCutOff*(flt_modifier+256)))/(21.0f*512.0f));
		Fc = 110.0f * pow(2.0f, 0.25f + ((float)(nCutOff*(flt_modifier+256)))/(24.0f*512.0f));
	LONG freq = (LONG)Fc;
	if (freq < 120) return 120;
	if (freq > 10000) return 10000;
	if (freq*2 > (LONG)gdwMixingFreq) freq = gdwMixingFreq>>1;
	return (DWORD)freq;

// Simple 2-poles resonant filter
void CSoundFile::SetupChannelFilter(MODCHANNEL *pChn, BOOL bReset, int flt_modifier) const
	float fc = (float)CutOffToFrequency(pChn->nCutOff, flt_modifier);
	float fs = (float)gdwMixingFreq;
	float fg, fb0, fb1;

	fc *= (float)(2.0*3.14159265358/fs);
	float dmpfac = pow(10.0f, -((24.0f / 128.0f)*(float)pChn->nResonance) / 20.0f);
	float d = (1.0f-2.0f*dmpfac)* fc;
	if (d>2.0) d = 2.0;
	d = (2.0f*dmpfac - d)/fc;
	float e = pow(1.0f/fc,2.0);


	pChn->nFilter_A0 = (int)(fg * FILTER_PRECISION);
	pChn->nFilter_B0 = (int)(fb0 * FILTER_PRECISION);
	pChn->nFilter_B1 = (int)(fb1 * FILTER_PRECISION);

	if (bReset)
		pChn->nFilter_Y1 = pChn->nFilter_Y2 = 0;
		pChn->nFilter_Y3 = pChn->nFilter_Y4 = 0;
	pChn->dwFlags |= CHN_FILTER;

#endif // NO_FILTER