view src/modplug/load_med.cxx @ 493:31d21ad70903 trunk

[svn] flac 113 plugin: stability fixes and a new option to disable bitrate update in player window during playback (saves cpu, this is the solution for most people playing flac and reporting high cpu usage)
author giacomo
date Sun, 21 Jan 2007 16:08:19 -0800
parents 6b5a52635b3b
children 032053ca08ab 3673c7ec4ea2
line wrap: on
line source

 * This source code is public domain.
 * Authors: Olivier Lapicque <>,
 *          Adam Goode       <> (endian and char fixes for PPC)

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sndfile.h"

//#define MED_LOG

#ifdef MED_LOG
extern void Log(LPCSTR s, ...);

// OctaMed MED file support (import only)

// flags
#define	MMD_FLAG_JUMP8TH	0x4
#define	MMD_FLAG_INSTRSATT	0x8 // instruments are attached (this is a module)
#define	MMD_FLAG_VOLHEX		0x10
#define MMD_FLAG_STSLIDE	0x20 // SoundTracker mode for slides
#define MMD_FLAG_8CHANNEL	0x40 // OctaMED 8 channel song
#define	MMD_FLAG_SLOWHQ		0x80 // HQ slows playing speed (V2-V4 compatibility)
// flags2
#define MMD_FLAG2_BMASK		0x1F
#define MMD_FLAG2_BPM		0x20
#define	MMD_FLAG2_MIX		0x80 // uses Mixing (V7+)
// flags3:
#define	MMD_FLAG3_STEREO	0x1	// mixing in Stereo mode
#define	MMD_FLAG3_FREEPAN	0x2	// free panning
#define MMD_FLAG3_GM		0x4 // module designed for GM/XG compatibility

// generic MMD tags
#define	MMDTAG_END		0
#define	MMDTAG_PTR		0x80000000	// data needs relocation
#define	MMDTAG_MUSTKNOW	0x40000000	// loader must fail if this isn't recognized
#define	MMDTAG_MUSTWARN	0x20000000	// loader must warn if this isn't recognized

// ExpData tags
// # of effect groups, including the global group (will
// override settings in MMDSong struct), default = 1
#define	MMDTAG_TRK_NAME		(MMDTAG_PTR|1)	// trackinfo tags
#define	MMDTAG_TRK_NAMELEN	2				// namelen includes zero term.
// effectinfo tags
#define	MMDTAG_FX_GROUPNAME	(MMDTAG_PTR|5)	// the Global Effects group shouldn't have name saved!
#define	MMDTAG_FX_GRPNAMELEN 6	// namelen includes zero term.

#pragma pack(1)

typedef struct tagMEDMODULEHEADER
	DWORD id;		// MMD1-MMD3
	DWORD modlen;	// Size of file
	DWORD song;		// Position in file for this song
	WORD psecnum;
	WORD pseq;
	DWORD blockarr;	// Position in file for blocks
	DWORD mmdflags;
	DWORD smplarr;	// Position in file for samples
	DWORD reserved;
	DWORD expdata;	// Absolute offset in file for ExpData (0 if not present)
	DWORD reserved2;
	WORD pstate;
	WORD pblock;
	WORD pline;
	WORD pseqnum;
	WORD actplayline;
	BYTE counter;
	BYTE extra_songs;	// # of songs - 1

typedef struct tagMMD0SAMPLE
	WORD rep, replen;
	BYTE midich;
	BYTE midipreset;
	BYTE svol;
	signed char strans;

// Sample header is immediately followed by sample data...
typedef struct tagMMDSAMPLEHEADER
	DWORD length;     // length of *one* *unpacked* channel in *bytes*
	WORD type;   
				// if non-negative
					// bits 0-3 reserved for multi-octave instruments, not supported on the PC
					// 0x10: 16 bit (otherwise 8 bit)
					// 0x20: Stereo (otherwise mono)
					// 0x40: Uses DeltaCode
					// 0x80: Packed data
				// -1: Synth
				// -2: Hybrid
	// if type indicates packed data, these fields follow, otherwise we go right to the data
	WORD packtype;	// Only 1 = ADPCM is supported
	WORD subtype;	// Packing subtype
		// ADPCM subtype
		// 1: g723_40
		// 2: g721
		// 3: g723_24
	BYTE commonflags;	// flags common to all packtypes (none defined so far)
	BYTE packerflags;	// flags for the specific packtype
	ULONG leftchlen;	// packed length of left channel in bytes
	ULONG rightchlen;	// packed length of right channel in bytes (ONLY PRESENT IN STEREO SAMPLES)
	BYTE SampleData[1];	// Sample Data

// MMD0/MMD1 song header
typedef struct tagMMD0SONGHEADER
	MMD0SAMPLE sample[63];
	WORD numblocks;		// # of blocks
	WORD songlen;		// # of entries used in playseq
	BYTE playseq[256];	// Play sequence
	WORD deftempo;		// BPM tempo
	signed char playtransp;	// Play transpose
	BYTE flags;			// 0x10: Hex Volumes | 0x20: ST/NT/PT Slides | 0x40: 8 Channels song
	BYTE flags2;		// [b4-b0]+1: Tempo LPB, 0x20: tempo mode, 0x80: mix_conv=on
	BYTE tempo2;		// tempo TPL
	BYTE trkvol[16];	// track volumes
	BYTE mastervol;		// master volume
	BYTE numsamples;	// # of samples (max=63)

// MMD2/MMD3 song header
typedef struct tagMMD2SONGHEADER
	MMD0SAMPLE sample[63];
	WORD numblocks;		// # of blocks
	WORD numsections;	// # of sections
	DWORD playseqtable;	// filepos of play sequence
	DWORD sectiontable;	// filepos of sections table (WORD array)
	DWORD trackvols;	// filepos of tracks volume (BYTE array)
	WORD numtracks;		// # of tracks (max 64)
	WORD numpseqs;		// # of play sequences
	DWORD trackpans;	// filepos of tracks pan values (BYTE array)
	LONG flags3;		// 0x1:stereo_mix, 0x2:free_panning, 0x4:GM/XG compatibility
	WORD voladj;		// vol_adjust (set to 100 if 0)
	WORD channels;		// # of channels (4 if =0)
	BYTE mix_echotype;	// 1:normal,2:xecho
	BYTE mix_echodepth;	// 1..6
	WORD mix_echolen;	// > 0
	signed char mix_stereosep;	// -4..4
	BYTE pad0[223];
	WORD deftempo;		// BPM tempo
	signed char playtransp;	// play transpose
	BYTE flags;			// 0x1:filteron, 0x2:jumpingon, 0x4:jump8th, 0x8:instr_attached, 0x10:hex_vol, 0x20:PT_slides, 0x40:8ch_conv,0x80:hq slows playing speed
	BYTE flags2;		// 0x80:mix_conv=on, [b4-b0]+1:tempo LPB, 0x20:tempo_mode
	BYTE tempo2;		// tempo TPL
	BYTE pad1[16];
	BYTE mastervol;		// master volume
	BYTE numsamples;	// # of samples (max 63)

// For MMD0 the note information is held in 3 bytes, byte0, byte1, byte2.  For reference we 
// number the bits in each byte 0..7, where 0 is the low bit.
// The note is held as bits 5..0 of byte0
// The instrument is encoded in 6 bits,  bits 7 and 6 of byte0 and bits 7,6,5,4 of byte1
// The command number is bits 3,2,1,0 of byte1, command data is in byte2:
// For command 0, byte2 represents the second data byte, otherwise byte2
// represents the first data byte.
typedef struct tagMMD0BLOCK
	BYTE numtracks;
	BYTE lines;		// File value is 1 less than actual, so 0 -> 1 line
} MMD0BLOCK;		// BYTE data[lines+1][tracks][3];

// For MMD1,MMD2,MMD3 the note information is carried in 4 bytes, byte0, byte1,
// byte2 and byte3
// The note is held as byte0 (values above 0x84 are ignored)
// The instrument is held as byte1
// The command number is held as byte2, command data is in byte3
// For commands 0 and 0x19 byte3 represents the second data byte,
// otherwise byte2 represents the first data byte.
typedef struct tagMMD1BLOCK
	WORD numtracks;	// Number of tracks, may be > 64, but then that data is skipped.
	WORD lines;		// Stored value is 1 less than actual, so 0 -> 1 line
	DWORD info;		// Offset of BlockInfo (if 0, no block_info is present)

typedef struct tagMMD1BLOCKINFO
	DWORD hlmask;		// Unimplemented - ignore
	DWORD blockname;	// file offset of block name
	DWORD blocknamelen;	// length of block name (including term. 0)
	DWORD pagetable;	// file offset of command page table
	DWORD cmdexttable;	// file offset of command extension table
	DWORD reserved[4];	// future expansion

// A set of play sequences is stored as an array of ULONG files offsets
// Each offset points to the play sequence itself.
typedef struct tagMMD2PLAYSEQ
	CHAR name[32];
	DWORD command_offs;	// filepos of command table
	DWORD reserved;
	WORD length;
	WORD seq[512];	// skip if > 0x8000

// A command table contains commands that effect a particular play sequence
// entry.  The only commands read in are STOP or POSJUMP, all others are ignored
// POSJUMP is presumed to have extra bytes containing a WORD for the position
typedef struct tagMMDCOMMAND
	WORD offset;		// Offset within current sequence entry
	BYTE cmdnumber;		// STOP (537) or POSJUMP (538) (others skipped)
	BYTE extra_count;
	BYTE extra_bytes[4];// [extra_count];
} MMDCOMMAND;  // Last entry has offset == 0xFFFF, cmd_number == 0 and 0 extrabytes

typedef struct tagMMD0EXP
	DWORD nextmod;			// File offset of next Hdr
	DWORD exp_smp;			// Pointer to extra instrument data
	WORD s_ext_entries;		// Number of extra instrument entries
	WORD s_ext_entrsz;		// Size of extra instrument data
	DWORD annotxt;
	DWORD annolen;
	DWORD iinfo;			// Instrument names
	WORD i_ext_entries;	
	WORD i_ext_entrsz;
	DWORD jumpmask;
	DWORD rgbtable;
	BYTE channelsplit[4];	// Only used if 8ch_conv (extra channel for every nonzero entry)
	DWORD n_info;
	DWORD songname;			// Song name
	DWORD songnamelen;
	DWORD dumps;
	DWORD mmdinfo;
	DWORD mmdrexx;
	DWORD mmdcmd3x;
	DWORD trackinfo_ofs;	// ptr to song->numtracks ptrs to tag lists
	DWORD effectinfo_ofs;	// ptr to group ptrs
	DWORD tag_end;

#pragma pack()

static void MedConvert(MODCOMMAND *p, const MMD0SONGHEADER *pmsh)
	const BYTE bpmvals[9] = { 179,164,152,141,131,123,116,110,104};

	UINT command = p->command;
	UINT param = p->param;
	case 0x00:	if (param) command = CMD_ARPEGGIO; else command = 0; break;
	case 0x01:	command = CMD_PORTAMENTOUP; break;
	case 0x02:	command = CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN; break;
	case 0x03:	command = CMD_TONEPORTAMENTO; break;
	case 0x04:	command = CMD_VIBRATO; break;
	case 0x05:	command = CMD_TONEPORTAVOL; break;
	case 0x06:	command = CMD_VIBRATOVOL; break;
	case 0x07:	command = CMD_TREMOLO; break;
	case 0x0A:	if (param & 0xF0) param &= 0xF0; command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; if (!param) command = 0; break;
	case 0x0B:	command = CMD_POSITIONJUMP; break;
	case 0x0C:	command = CMD_VOLUME;
				if (pmsh->flags & MMD_FLAG_VOLHEX)
					if (param < 0x80)
						param = (param+1) / 2;
					} else command = 0;
				} else
					if (param <= 0x99)
						param = (param >> 4)*10+((param & 0x0F) % 10);
						if (param > 64) param = 64;
					} else command = 0;
	case 0x09:	command = (param < 0x20) ? CMD_SPEED : CMD_TEMPO; break;
	case 0x0D:	if (param & 0xF0) param &= 0xF0; command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; if (!param) command = 0; break;
	case 0x0F:	// Set Tempo / Special
		// F.00 = Pattern Break
		if (!param)	command = CMD_PATTERNBREAK;	else
		// F.01 - F.F0: Set tempo/speed
		if (param <= 0xF0)
			if (pmsh->flags & MMD_FLAG_8CHANNEL)
				param = (param > 10) ? 99 : bpmvals[param-1];
			} else
			// F.01 - F.0A: Set Speed
			if (param <= 0x0A)
				command = CMD_SPEED;
			} else
			// Old tempo
			if (!(pmsh->flags2 & MMD_FLAG2_BPM))
				param = _muldiv(param, 5*715909, 2*474326);
			// F.0B - F.F0: Set Tempo (assumes LPB=4)
			if (param > 0x0A)
				command = CMD_TEMPO;
				if (param < 0x21) param = 0x21;
				if (param > 240) param = 240;
		} else
		// F.F1: Retrig 2x
		case 0xF1:
			command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
			param = 0x93;
		// F.F2: Note Delay 2x
		case 0xF2:
			command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
			param = 0xD3;
		// F.F3: Retrig 3x
		case 0xF3:
			command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
			param = 0x92;
		// F.F4: Note Delay 1/3
		case 0xF4:
			command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
			param = 0xD2;
		// F.F5: Note Delay 2/3
		case 0xF5:
			command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
			param = 0xD4;
		// F.F8: Filter Off
		case 0xF8:
			command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
			param = 0x00;
		// F.F9: Filter On
		case 0xF9:
			command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
			param = 0x01;
		// F.FD: Very fast tone-portamento
		case 0xFD:
			param = 0xFF;
		// F.FE: End Song
		case 0xFE:
			command = CMD_SPEED;
			param = 0;
		// F.FF: Note Cut
		case 0xFF:
			command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
			param = 0xC0;
#ifdef MED_LOG
			Log("Unknown Fxx command: cmd=0x%02X param=0x%02X\n", command, param);
			param = command = 0;
	// 11.0x: Fine Slide Up
	case 0x11:
		command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
		if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
		param |= 0x10;
	// 12.0x: Fine Slide Down
	case 0x12:
		command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
		if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
		param |= 0x20;
	// 14.xx: Vibrato
	case 0x14:
		command = CMD_VIBRATO;
	// 15.xx: FineTune
	case 0x15:
		command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
		param &= 0x0F;
		param |= 0x50;
	// 16.xx: Pattern Loop
	case 0x16:
		command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
		if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
		param |= 0x60;
	// 18.xx: Note Cut
	case 0x18:
		command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
		if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
		param |= 0xC0;
	// 19.xx: Sample Offset
	case 0x19:
		command = CMD_OFFSET;
	// 1A.0x: Fine Volume Up
	case 0x1A:
		command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
		if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
		param |= 0xA0;
	// 1B.0x: Fine Volume Down
	case 0x1B:
		command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
		if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
		param |= 0xB0;
	// 1D.xx: Pattern Break
	case 0x1D:
	// 1E.0x: Pattern Delay
	case 0x1E:
		command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
		if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
		param |= 0xE0;
	// 1F.xy: Retrig
	case 0x1F:
		command = CMD_RETRIG;
		param &= 0x0F;
	// 2E.xx: set panning
	case 0x2E:
		command = CMD_MODCMDEX;
		param = ((param + 0x10) & 0xFF) >> 1;
		if (param > 0x0F) param = 0x0F;
		param |= 0x80;
#ifdef MED_LOG
		// 0x2E ?
		Log("Unknown command: cmd=0x%02X param=0x%02X\n", command, param);
		command = param = 0;
	p->command = command;
	p->param = param;

BOOL CSoundFile::ReadMed(const BYTE *lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
	const MMD0SONGHEADER *pmsh;
	const MMD2SONGHEADER *pmsh2;
	const MMD0EXP *pmex;
	DWORD dwBlockArr, dwSmplArr, dwExpData, wNumBlocks;
	LPDWORD pdwTable;
	CHAR version;
	UINT deftempo;
	int playtransp = 0;

	if ((!lpStream) || (dwMemLength < 0x200)) return FALSE;
	pmmh = (MEDMODULEHEADER *)lpStream;
	if (((pmmh->id & 0x00FFFFFF) != 0x444D4D) || (!pmmh->song)) return FALSE;
	// Check for 'MMDx'
	DWORD dwSong = bswapBE32(pmmh->song);
	if ((dwSong >= dwMemLength) || (dwSong + sizeof(MMD0SONGHEADER) >= dwMemLength)) return FALSE;
	version = (signed char)((pmmh->id >> 24) & 0xFF);
	if ((version < '0') || (version > '3')) return FALSE;
#ifdef MED_LOG
	Log("\nLoading MMD%c module (flags=0x%02X)...\n", version, bswapBE32(pmmh->mmdflags));
	Log("  modlen   = %d\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->modlen));
	Log("  song     = 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->song));
	Log("  psecnum  = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmmh->psecnum));
	Log("  pseq     = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmmh->pseq));
	Log("  blockarr = 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->blockarr));
	Log("  mmdflags = 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->mmdflags));
	Log("  smplarr  = 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->smplarr));
	Log("  reserved = 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->reserved));
	Log("  expdata  = 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->expdata));
	Log("  reserved2= 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmmh->reserved2));
	Log("  pstate   = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmmh->pstate));
	Log("  pblock   = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmmh->pblock));
	Log("  pline    = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmmh->pline));
	Log("  pseqnum  = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmmh->pseqnum));
	Log("  actplayline=%d\n", bswapBE16(pmmh->actplayline));
	Log("  counter  = %d\n", pmmh->counter);
	Log("  extra_songs = %d\n", pmmh->extra_songs);
	m_nType = MOD_TYPE_MED;
	m_nSongPreAmp = 0x20;
	dwBlockArr = bswapBE32(pmmh->blockarr);
	dwSmplArr = bswapBE32(pmmh->smplarr);
	dwExpData = bswapBE32(pmmh->expdata);
	if ((dwExpData) && (dwExpData+sizeof(MMD0EXP) < dwMemLength))
		pmex = (MMD0EXP *)(lpStream+dwExpData);
		pmex = NULL;
	pmsh = (MMD0SONGHEADER *)(lpStream + dwSong);
	pmsh2 = (MMD2SONGHEADER *)pmsh;
#ifdef MED_LOG
	if (version < '2')
		Log("MMD0 Header:\n");
		Log("  numblocks  = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh->numblocks));
		Log("  songlen    = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh->songlen));
		Log("  playseq    = ");
		for (UINT idbg1=0; idbg1<16; idbg1++) Log("%2d, ", pmsh->playseq[idbg1]);
		Log("  deftempo   = 0x%04X\n", bswapBE16(pmsh->deftempo));
		Log("  playtransp = %d\n", (signed char)pmsh->playtransp);
		Log("  flags(1,2) = 0x%02X, 0x%02X\n", pmsh->flags, pmsh->flags2);
		Log("  tempo2     = %d\n", pmsh->tempo2);
		Log("  trkvol     = ");
		for (UINT idbg2=0; idbg2<16; idbg2++) Log("0x%02X, ", pmsh->trkvol[idbg2]);
		Log("  mastervol  = 0x%02X\n", pmsh->mastervol);
		Log("  numsamples = %d\n", pmsh->numsamples);
	} else
		Log("MMD2 Header:\n");
		Log("  numblocks  = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->numblocks));
		Log("  numsections= %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->numsections));
		Log("  playseqptr = 0x%04X\n", bswapBE32(pmsh2->playseqtable));
		Log("  sectionptr = 0x%04X\n", bswapBE32(pmsh2->sectiontable));
		Log("  trackvols  = 0x%04X\n", bswapBE32(pmsh2->trackvols));
		Log("  numtracks  = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->numtracks));
		Log("  numpseqs   = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->numpseqs));
		Log("  trackpans  = 0x%04X\n", bswapBE32(pmsh2->trackpans));
		Log("  flags3     = 0x%08X\n", bswapBE32(pmsh2->flags3));
		Log("  voladj     = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->voladj));
		Log("  channels   = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->channels));
		Log("  echotype   = %d\n", pmsh2->mix_echotype);
		Log("  echodepth  = %d\n", pmsh2->mix_echodepth);
		Log("  echolen    = %d\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->mix_echolen));
		Log("  stereosep  = %d\n", (signed char)pmsh2->mix_stereosep);
		Log("  deftempo   = 0x%04X\n", bswapBE16(pmsh2->deftempo));
		Log("  playtransp = %d\n", (signed char)pmsh2->playtransp);
		Log("  flags(1,2) = 0x%02X, 0x%02X\n", pmsh2->flags, pmsh2->flags2);
		Log("  tempo2     = %d\n", pmsh2->tempo2);
		Log("  mastervol  = 0x%02X\n", pmsh2->mastervol);
		Log("  numsamples = %d\n", pmsh->numsamples);
	wNumBlocks = bswapBE16(pmsh->numblocks);
	m_nChannels = 4;
	m_nSamples = pmsh->numsamples;
	if (m_nSamples > 63) m_nSamples = 63;
	// Tempo
	m_nDefaultTempo = 125;
	deftempo = bswapBE16(pmsh->deftempo);
	if (!deftempo) deftempo = 125;
	if (pmsh->flags2 & MMD_FLAG2_BPM)
		UINT tempo_tpl = (pmsh->flags2 & MMD_FLAG2_BMASK) + 1;
		if (!tempo_tpl) tempo_tpl = 4;
		deftempo *= tempo_tpl;
		deftempo /= 4;
	#ifdef MED_LOG
		Log("newtempo: %3d bpm (bpm=%3d lpb=%2d)\n", deftempo, bswapBE16(pmsh->deftempo), (pmsh->flags2 & MMD_FLAG2_BMASK)+1);
	} else
		deftempo = _muldiv(deftempo, 5*715909, 2*474326);
	#ifdef MED_LOG
		Log("oldtempo: %3d bpm (bpm=%3d)\n", deftempo, bswapBE16(pmsh->deftempo));
	// Speed
	m_nDefaultSpeed = pmsh->tempo2;
	if (!m_nDefaultSpeed) m_nDefaultSpeed = 6;
	if (deftempo < 0x21) deftempo = 0x21;
	if (deftempo > 255)
		while ((m_nDefaultSpeed > 3) && (deftempo > 260))
			deftempo = (deftempo * (m_nDefaultSpeed - 1)) / m_nDefaultSpeed;
		if (deftempo > 255) deftempo = 255;
	m_nDefaultTempo = deftempo;
	// Reading Samples
	for (UINT iSHdr=0; iSHdr<m_nSamples; iSHdr++)
		MODINSTRUMENT *pins = &Ins[iSHdr+1];
		pins->nLoopStart = bswapBE16(pmsh->sample[iSHdr].rep) << 1;
		pins->nLoopEnd = pins->nLoopStart + (bswapBE16(pmsh->sample[iSHdr].replen) << 1);
		pins->nVolume = (pmsh->sample[iSHdr].svol << 2);
		pins->nGlobalVol = 64;
		if (pins->nVolume > 256) pins->nVolume = 256;
		pins->RelativeTone = -12 * pmsh->sample[iSHdr].strans;
		pins->nPan = 128;
		if (pins->nLoopEnd) pins->uFlags |= CHN_LOOP;
	// Common Flags
	if (!(pmsh->flags & 0x20)) m_dwSongFlags |= SONG_FASTVOLSLIDES;
	// Reading play sequence
	if (version < '2')
		UINT nbo = pmsh->songlen >> 8;
		if (nbo >= MAX_ORDERS) nbo = MAX_ORDERS-1;
		if (!nbo) nbo = 1;
		memcpy(Order, pmsh->playseq, nbo);
		playtransp = pmsh->playtransp;
	} else
		UINT nOrders, nSections;
		UINT nTrks = bswapBE16(pmsh2->numtracks);
		if ((nTrks >= 4) && (nTrks <= 32)) m_nChannels = nTrks;
		DWORD playseqtable = bswapBE32(pmsh2->playseqtable);
		UINT numplayseqs = bswapBE16(pmsh2->numpseqs);
		if (!numplayseqs) numplayseqs = 1;
		nOrders = 0;
		nSections = bswapBE16(pmsh2->numsections);
		DWORD sectiontable = bswapBE32(pmsh2->sectiontable);
		if ((!nSections) || (!sectiontable) || (sectiontable >= dwMemLength-2)) nSections = 1;
		nOrders = 0;
		for (UINT iSection=0; iSection<nSections; iSection++)
			UINT nplayseq = 0;
			if ((sectiontable) && (sectiontable < dwMemLength-2))
				nplayseq = lpStream[sectiontable+1];
				sectiontable += 2; // WORDs
			} else
				nSections = 0;
			UINT pseq = 0;
			if ((playseqtable) && (playseqtable + nplayseq*4 < dwMemLength))
				pseq = bswapBE32(((LPDWORD)(lpStream+playseqtable))[nplayseq]);
			if ((pseq) && (pseq < dwMemLength - sizeof(MMD2PLAYSEQ)))
				MMD2PLAYSEQ *pmps = (MMD2PLAYSEQ *)(lpStream + pseq);
				if (!m_szNames[0][0]) memcpy(m_szNames[0], pmps->name, 31);
				UINT n = bswapBE16(pmps->length);
				if (pseq+n <= dwMemLength)
					for (UINT i=0; i<n; i++)
						UINT seqval = pmps->seq[i] >> 8;
						if ((seqval < wNumBlocks) && (nOrders < MAX_ORDERS-1))
							Order[nOrders++] = seqval;
		playtransp = pmsh2->playtransp;
		while (nOrders < MAX_ORDERS) Order[nOrders++] = 0xFF;
	// Reading Expansion structure
	if (pmex)
		// Channel Split
		if ((m_nChannels == 4) && (pmsh->flags & 0x40))
			for (UINT i8ch=0; i8ch<4; i8ch++)
				if (pmex->channelsplit[i8ch]) m_nChannels++;
		// Song Comments
		UINT annotxt = bswapBE32(pmex->annotxt);
		UINT annolen = bswapBE32(pmex->annolen);
		if ((annotxt) && (annolen) && (annotxt+annolen <= dwMemLength))
			m_lpszSongComments = new char[annolen+1];
			memcpy(m_lpszSongComments, lpStream+annotxt, annolen);
			m_lpszSongComments[annolen] = 0;
		// Song Name
		UINT songname = bswapBE32(pmex->songname);
		UINT songnamelen = bswapBE32(pmex->songnamelen);
		if ((songname) && (songnamelen) && (songname+songnamelen <= dwMemLength))
			if (songnamelen > 31) songnamelen = 31;
			memcpy(m_szNames[0], lpStream+songname, songnamelen);
		// Sample Names
		DWORD smpinfoex = bswapBE32(pmex->iinfo);
		if (smpinfoex)
			DWORD iinfoptr = bswapBE32(pmex->iinfo);
			UINT ientries = bswapBE16(pmex->i_ext_entries);
			UINT ientrysz = bswapBE16(pmex->i_ext_entrsz);

			if ((iinfoptr) && (ientrysz < 256) && (iinfoptr + ientries*ientrysz < dwMemLength))
				LPCSTR psznames = (LPCSTR)(lpStream + iinfoptr);
				UINT maxnamelen = ientrysz;
				if (maxnamelen > 32) maxnamelen = 32;
				for (UINT i=0; i<ientries; i++) if (i < m_nSamples)
					lstrcpyn(m_szNames[i+1], psznames + i*ientrysz, maxnamelen);
		// Track Names
		DWORD trackinfo_ofs = bswapBE32(pmex->trackinfo_ofs);
		if ((trackinfo_ofs) && (trackinfo_ofs + m_nChannels * 4 < dwMemLength))
			DWORD *ptrktags = (DWORD *)(lpStream + trackinfo_ofs);
			for (UINT i=0; i<m_nChannels; i++)
				DWORD trknameofs = 0, trknamelen = 0;
				DWORD trktagofs = bswapBE32(ptrktags[i]);
				if (trktagofs)
					while (trktagofs+8 < dwMemLength)
						DWORD ntag = bswapBE32(*(DWORD *)(lpStream + trktagofs));
						if (ntag == MMDTAG_END) break;
						DWORD tagdata = bswapBE32(*(DWORD *)(lpStream + trktagofs + 4));
						case MMDTAG_TRK_NAMELEN:	trknamelen = tagdata; break;
						case MMDTAG_TRK_NAME:		trknameofs = tagdata; break;
						trktagofs += 8;
					if (trknamelen > MAX_CHANNELNAME) trknamelen = MAX_CHANNELNAME;
					if ((trknameofs) && (trknameofs + trknamelen < dwMemLength))
						lstrcpyn(ChnSettings[i].szName, (LPCSTR)(lpStream+trknameofs), MAX_CHANNELNAME);
	// Reading samples
	if (dwSmplArr > dwMemLength - 4*m_nSamples) return TRUE;
	pdwTable = (LPDWORD)(lpStream + dwSmplArr);
	for (UINT iSmp=0; iSmp<m_nSamples; iSmp++) if (pdwTable[iSmp])
		UINT dwPos = bswapBE32(pdwTable[iSmp]);
		if ((dwPos >= dwMemLength) || (dwPos + sizeof(MMDSAMPLEHEADER) >= dwMemLength)) continue;
		MMDSAMPLEHEADER *psdh = (MMDSAMPLEHEADER *)(lpStream + dwPos);
		UINT len = bswapBE32(psdh->length);
	#ifdef MED_LOG
		Log("SampleData %d: stype=0x%02X len=%d\n", iSmp, bswapBE16(psdh->type), len);
		if ((len > MAX_SAMPLE_LENGTH) || (dwPos + len + 6 > dwMemLength)) len = 0;
		UINT flags = RS_PCM8S, stype = bswapBE16(psdh->type);
		LPSTR psdata = (LPSTR)(lpStream + dwPos + 6);
		if (stype & 0x80)
			psdata += (stype & 0x20) ? 14 : 6;
		} else
			if (stype & 0x10)
				Ins[iSmp+1].uFlags |= CHN_16BIT;
				len /= 2;
				flags = (stype & 0x20) ? RS_STPCM16M : RS_PCM16M;
			} else
				flags = (stype & 0x20) ? RS_STPCM8S : RS_PCM8S;
			if (stype & 0x20) len /= 2;
		Ins[iSmp+1].nLength = len;
		ReadSample(&Ins[iSmp+1], flags, psdata, dwMemLength - dwPos - 6);
	// Reading patterns (blocks)
	if (wNumBlocks > MAX_PATTERNS) wNumBlocks = MAX_PATTERNS;
	if ((!dwBlockArr) || (dwBlockArr > dwMemLength - 4*wNumBlocks)) return TRUE;
	pdwTable = (LPDWORD)(lpStream + dwBlockArr);
	playtransp += (version == '3') ? 24 : 48;
	for (UINT iBlk=0; iBlk<wNumBlocks; iBlk++)
		UINT dwPos = bswapBE32(pdwTable[iBlk]);
		if ((!dwPos) || (dwPos >= dwMemLength) || (dwPos >= dwMemLength - 8)) continue;
		UINT lines = 64, tracks = 4;
		if (version == '0')
			const MMD0BLOCK *pmb = (const MMD0BLOCK *)(lpStream + dwPos);
			lines = pmb->lines + 1;
			tracks = pmb->numtracks;
			if (!tracks) tracks = m_nChannels;
			if ((Patterns[iBlk] = AllocatePattern(lines, m_nChannels)) == NULL) continue;
			PatternSize[iBlk] = lines;
			MODCOMMAND *p = Patterns[iBlk];
			LPBYTE s = (LPBYTE)(lpStream + dwPos + 2);
			UINT maxlen = tracks*lines*3;
			if (maxlen + dwPos > dwMemLength - 2) break;
			for (UINT y=0; y<lines; y++)
				for (UINT x=0; x<tracks; x++, s+=3) if (x < m_nChannels)
					BYTE note = s[0] & 0x3F;
					BYTE instr = s[1] >> 4;
					if (s[0] & 0x80) instr |= 0x10;
					if (s[0] & 0x40) instr |= 0x20;
					if ((note) && (note <= 132)) p->note = note + playtransp;
					p->instr = instr;
					p->command = s[1] & 0x0F;
					p->param = s[2];
					// if (!iBlk) Log("%02X.%02X.%02X | ", s[0], s[1], s[2]);
					MedConvert(p, pmsh);
				//if (!iBlk) Log("\n");
		} else
			MMD1BLOCK *pmb = (MMD1BLOCK *)(lpStream + dwPos);
		#ifdef MED_LOG
			Log("MMD1BLOCK:   lines=%2d, tracks=%2d, offset=0x%04X\n",
				bswapBE16(pmb->lines), bswapBE16(pmb->numtracks), bswapBE32(pmb->info));
			BYTE *pcmdext = NULL;
			lines = (pmb->lines >> 8) + 1;
			tracks = pmb->numtracks >> 8;
			if (!tracks) tracks = m_nChannels;
			if ((Patterns[iBlk] = AllocatePattern(lines, m_nChannels)) == NULL) continue;
			PatternSize[iBlk] = (WORD)lines;
			DWORD dwBlockInfo = bswapBE32(pmb->info);
			if ((dwBlockInfo) && (dwBlockInfo < dwMemLength - sizeof(MMD1BLOCKINFO)))
				pbi = (MMD1BLOCKINFO *)(lpStream + dwBlockInfo);
			#ifdef MED_LOG
				Log("  BLOCKINFO: blockname=0x%04X namelen=%d pagetable=0x%04X &cmdexttable=0x%04X\n",
					bswapBE32(pbi->blockname), bswapBE32(pbi->blocknamelen), bswapBE32(pbi->pagetable), bswapBE32(pbi->cmdexttable));
				if ((pbi->blockname) && (pbi->blocknamelen))
					DWORD nameofs = bswapBE32(pbi->blockname);
					UINT namelen = bswapBE32(pbi->blocknamelen);
					if ((nameofs < dwMemLength) && (nameofs+namelen < dwMemLength))
						SetPatternName(iBlk, (LPCSTR)(lpStream+nameofs));
				if (pbi->cmdexttable)
					DWORD cmdexttable = bswapBE32(pbi->cmdexttable);
					if (cmdexttable < dwMemLength - 4)
						cmdexttable = bswapBE32(*(DWORD *)(lpStream + cmdexttable));
						if ((cmdexttable) && (cmdexttable <= dwMemLength - lines*tracks))
							pcmdext = (BYTE *)(lpStream + cmdexttable);
			MODCOMMAND *p = Patterns[iBlk];
			LPBYTE s = (LPBYTE)(lpStream + dwPos + 8);
			UINT maxlen = tracks*lines*4;
			if (maxlen + dwPos > dwMemLength - 8) break;
			for (UINT y=0; y<lines; y++)
				for (UINT x=0; x<tracks; x++, s+=4) if (x < m_nChannels)
					BYTE note = s[0];
					if ((note) && (note <= 132))
						int rnote = note + playtransp;
						if (rnote < 1) rnote = 1;
						if (rnote > 120) rnote = 120;
						p->note = (BYTE)rnote;
					p->instr = s[1];
					p->command = s[2];
					p->param = s[3];
					if (pcmdext) p->vol = pcmdext[x];
					MedConvert(p, pmsh);
				if (pcmdext) pcmdext += tracks;
	// Setup channel pan positions
	for (UINT iCh=0; iCh<m_nChannels; iCh++)
		ChnSettings[iCh].nPan = (((iCh&3) == 1) || ((iCh&3) == 2)) ? 0xC0 : 0x40;
		ChnSettings[iCh].nVolume = 64;
	return TRUE;