view src/modplug/load_far.cxx @ 136:6b5a52635b3b trunk

[svn] - like with so many other things, modplug is now maintained by us.
author nenolod
date Sun, 29 Oct 2006 01:04:52 -0700
children 032053ca08ab 3673c7ec4ea2
line wrap: on
line source

 * This source code is public domain.
 * Authors: Olivier Lapicque <>

// Farandole (FAR) module loader	  //
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sndfile.h"

//#pragma warning(disable:4244)

#define FARFILEMAGIC	0xFE524146	// "FAR"

#pragma pack(1)

typedef struct FARHEADER1
	DWORD id;				// file magic FAR=
	CHAR songname[40];		// songname
	CHAR magic2[3];			// 13,10,26
	WORD headerlen;			// remaining length of header in bytes
	BYTE version;			// 0xD1
	BYTE onoff[16];
	BYTE edit1[9];
	BYTE speed;
	BYTE panning[16];
	BYTE edit2[4];
	WORD stlen;

typedef struct FARHEADER2
	BYTE orders[256];
	BYTE numpat;
	BYTE snglen;
	BYTE loopto;
	WORD patsiz[256];

typedef struct FARSAMPLE
	CHAR samplename[32];
	DWORD length;
	BYTE finetune;
	BYTE volume;
	DWORD reppos;
	DWORD repend;
	BYTE type;
	BYTE loop;

#pragma pack()

BOOL CSoundFile::ReadFAR(const BYTE *lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
	FARHEADER1 *pmh1 = (FARHEADER1 *)lpStream;
	FARHEADER2 *pmh2;
	DWORD dwMemPos = sizeof(FARHEADER1);
	UINT headerlen;
	BYTE samplemap[8];

	if ((!lpStream) || (dwMemLength < 1024) || (bswapLE32(pmh1->id) != FARFILEMAGIC)
	 || (pmh1->magic2[0] != 13) || (pmh1->magic2[1] != 10) || (pmh1->magic2[2] != 26)) return FALSE;
	headerlen = bswapLE16(pmh1->headerlen);
	pmh1->stlen = bswapLE16( pmh1->stlen ); /* inplace byteswap -- Toad */
	if ((headerlen >= dwMemLength) || (dwMemPos + pmh1->stlen + sizeof(FARHEADER2) >= dwMemLength)) return FALSE;
	// Globals
	m_nType = MOD_TYPE_FAR;
	m_nChannels = 16;
	m_nInstruments = 0;
	m_nSamples = 0;
	m_nSongPreAmp = 0x20;
	m_nDefaultSpeed = pmh1->speed;
	m_nDefaultTempo = 80;
	m_nDefaultGlobalVolume = 256;

	memcpy(m_szNames[0], pmh1->songname, 32);
	// Channel Setting
	for (UINT nchpan=0; nchpan<16; nchpan++)
		ChnSettings[nchpan].dwFlags = 0;
		ChnSettings[nchpan].nPan = ((pmh1->panning[nchpan] & 0x0F) << 4) + 8;
		ChnSettings[nchpan].nVolume = 64;
	// Reading comment
	if (pmh1->stlen)
		UINT szLen = pmh1->stlen;
		if (szLen > dwMemLength - dwMemPos) szLen = dwMemLength - dwMemPos;
		if ((m_lpszSongComments = new char[szLen + 1]) != NULL)
			memcpy(m_lpszSongComments, lpStream+dwMemPos, szLen);
			m_lpszSongComments[szLen] = 0;
		dwMemPos += pmh1->stlen;
	// Reading orders
	pmh2 = (FARHEADER2 *)(lpStream + dwMemPos);
	dwMemPos += sizeof(FARHEADER2);
	if (dwMemPos >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
	for (UINT iorder=0; iorder<MAX_ORDERS; iorder++)
		Order[iorder] = (iorder <= pmh2->snglen) ? pmh2->orders[iorder] : 0xFF;
	m_nRestartPos = pmh2->loopto;
	// Reading Patterns	
	dwMemPos += headerlen - (869 + pmh1->stlen);
	if (dwMemPos >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;

	// byteswap pattern data -- Toad
	UINT psfix = 0 ;
	while( psfix++ < 256 )
		pmh2->patsiz[psfix] = bswapLE16( pmh2->patsiz[psfix] ) ;
	// end byteswap of pattern data

	WORD *patsiz = (WORD *)pmh2->patsiz;
	for (UINT ipat=0; ipat<256; ipat++) if (patsiz[ipat])
		UINT patlen = patsiz[ipat];
		if ((ipat >= MAX_PATTERNS) || (patsiz[ipat] < 2))
			dwMemPos += patlen;
		if (dwMemPos + patlen >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
		UINT rows = (patlen - 2) >> 6;
		if (!rows)
			dwMemPos += patlen;
		if (rows > 256) rows = 256;
		if (rows < 16) rows = 16;
		PatternSize[ipat] = rows;
		if ((Patterns[ipat] = AllocatePattern(rows, m_nChannels)) == NULL) return TRUE;
		MODCOMMAND *m = Patterns[ipat];
		UINT patbrk = lpStream[dwMemPos];
		const BYTE *p = lpStream + dwMemPos + 2;
		UINT max = rows*16*4;
		if (max > patlen-2) max = patlen-2;
		for (UINT len=0; len<max; len += 4, m++)
			BYTE note = p[len];
			BYTE ins = p[len+1];
			BYTE vol = p[len+2];
			BYTE eff = p[len+3];
			if (note)
				m->instr = ins + 1;
				m->note = note + 36;
			if (vol & 0x0F)
				m->volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME;
				m->vol = (vol & 0x0F) << 2;
				if (m->vol <= 4) m->vol = 0;
			switch(eff & 0xF0)
			// 1.x: Portamento Up
			case 0x10:
				m->command = CMD_PORTAMENTOUP;
				m->param = eff & 0x0F;
			// 2.x: Portamento Down
			case 0x20:
				m->command = CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN;
				m->param = eff & 0x0F;
			// 3.x: Tone-Portamento
			case 0x30:
				m->command = CMD_TONEPORTAMENTO;
				m->param = (eff & 0x0F) << 2;
			// 4.x: Retrigger
			case 0x40:
				m->command = CMD_RETRIG;
				m->param = 6 / (1+(eff&0x0F)) + 1;
			// 5.x: Set Vibrato Depth
			case 0x50:
				m->command = CMD_VIBRATO;
				m->param = (eff & 0x0F);
			// 6.x: Set Vibrato Speed
			case 0x60:
				m->command = CMD_VIBRATO;
				m->param = (eff & 0x0F) << 4;
			// 7.x: Vol Slide Up
			case 0x70:
				m->command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE;
				m->param = (eff & 0x0F) << 4;
			// 8.x: Vol Slide Down
			case 0x80:
				m->command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE;
				m->param = (eff & 0x0F);
			// A.x: Port to vol
			case 0xA0:
				m->volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME;
				m->vol = ((eff & 0x0F) << 2) + 4;
			// B.x: Set Balance
			case 0xB0:
				m->command = CMD_PANNING8;
				m->param = (eff & 0x0F) << 4;
			// F.x: Set Speed
			case 0xF0:
				m->command = CMD_SPEED;
				m->param = eff & 0x0F;
				if ((patbrk) &&	(patbrk+1 == (len >> 6)) && (patbrk+1 != rows-1))
					m->command = CMD_PATTERNBREAK;
					patbrk = 0;
		dwMemPos += patlen;
	// Reading samples
	if (dwMemPos + 8 >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
	memcpy(samplemap, lpStream+dwMemPos, 8);
	dwMemPos += 8;
	MODINSTRUMENT *pins = &Ins[1];
	for (UINT ismp=0; ismp<64; ismp++, pins++) if (samplemap[ismp >> 3] & (1 << (ismp & 7)))
		if (dwMemPos + sizeof(FARSAMPLE) > dwMemLength) return TRUE;
		FARSAMPLE *pfs = (FARSAMPLE *)(lpStream + dwMemPos);
		dwMemPos += sizeof(FARSAMPLE);
		m_nSamples = ismp + 1;
		memcpy(m_szNames[ismp+1], pfs->samplename, 32);
		pfs->length = bswapLE32( pfs->length ) ; /* endian fix - Toad */
		pins->nLength = pfs->length ;
		pins->nLoopStart = bswapLE32(pfs->reppos) ;
		pins->nLoopEnd = bswapLE32(pfs->repend) ;
		pins->nFineTune = 0;
		pins->nC4Speed = 8363*2;
		pins->nGlobalVol = 64;
		pins->nVolume = pfs->volume << 4;
		pins->uFlags = 0;
		if ((pins->nLength > 3) && (dwMemPos + 4 < dwMemLength))
			if (pfs->type & 1)
				pins->uFlags |= CHN_16BIT;
				pins->nLength >>= 1;
				pins->nLoopStart >>= 1;
				pins->nLoopEnd >>= 1;
			if ((pfs->loop & 8) && (pins->nLoopEnd > 4)) pins->uFlags |= CHN_LOOP;
			ReadSample(pins, (pins->uFlags & CHN_16BIT) ? RS_PCM16S : RS_PCM8S,
						(LPSTR)(lpStream+dwMemPos), dwMemLength - dwMemPos);
		dwMemPos += pfs->length;
	return TRUE;