view src/adplug/core/database.cxx @ 952:87666f9bf6d0 trunk

[svn] Upstream commit "Vastly enhanced generic Protracker player and modified loaders accordingly. Copl now supports a getchip() method. A2M loader enhanced for OPL3 features." manually applied by decoding the actual changes from an ocean of whitespace damage. It compiles, but do test it.
author chainsaw
date Fri, 13 Apr 2007 09:09:50 -0700
parents d19ac60697ec
children 4709ce4e209e
line wrap: on
line source

 * AdPlug - Replayer for many OPL2/OPL3 audio file formats.
 * Copyright (c) 1999 - 2006 Simon Peter <>, et al.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * database.cpp - AdPlug database class
 * Copyright (c) 2002 Riven the Mage <>
 * Copyright (c) 2002, 2003, 2006 Simon Peter <>

#include "binio_virtual.h"
#include <string.h>

#include "database.h"

#define DB_FILEID_V10	"AdPlug Module Information Database 1.0\x10"

/***** CAdPlugDatabase *****/

const unsigned short CAdPlugDatabase::hash_radix = 0xfff1;	// should be prime

  : linear_index(0), linear_logic_length(0), linear_length(0)
  db_linear = new DB_Bucket * [hash_radix];
  db_hashed = new DB_Bucket * [hash_radix];
  memset(db_linear, 0, sizeof(DB_Bucket *) * hash_radix);
  memset(db_hashed, 0, sizeof(DB_Bucket *) * hash_radix);

  unsigned long i;

  for(i = 0; i < linear_length; i++)
    delete db_linear[i];

  delete [] db_linear;
  delete [] db_hashed;

bool CAdPlugDatabase::load(std::string db_name)
  vfsistream f(db_name);
  if(f.error()) return false;
  return load(f);

bool CAdPlugDatabase::load(binistream &f)
  unsigned int idlen = strlen(DB_FILEID_V10);
  char *id = new char [idlen];
  unsigned long length;

  // Open database as little endian with IEEE floats
  f.setFlag(binio::BigEndian, false); f.setFlag(binio::FloatIEEE);

  if(memcmp(id,DB_FILEID_V10,idlen)) {
    delete [] id;
    return false;
  delete [] id;
  length = f.readInt(4);

  // read records
  for(unsigned long i = 0; i < length; i++)

  return true;

bool CAdPlugDatabase::save(std::string db_name)
  vfsostream f(db_name);
  if(f.error()) return false;
  return save(f);

bool CAdPlugDatabase::save(binostream &f)
  unsigned long i;

  // Save database as little endian with IEEE floats
  f.setFlag(binio::BigEndian, false); f.setFlag(binio::FloatIEEE);

  f.writeInt(linear_logic_length, 4);

  // write records
  for(i = 0; i < linear_length; i++)

  return true;

CAdPlugDatabase::CRecord *CAdPlugDatabase::search(CKey const &key)
  if(lookup(key)) return get_record(); else return 0;

bool CAdPlugDatabase::lookup(CKey const &key)
  unsigned long index = make_hash(key);
  if(!db_hashed[index]) return false;

  // immediate hit ?
  DB_Bucket *bucket = db_hashed[index];

  if(!bucket->deleted && bucket->record->key == key) {
    linear_index = bucket->index;
    return true;

  // in-chain hit ?
  bucket = db_hashed[index]->chain;

  while(bucket) {
    if(!bucket->deleted && bucket->record->key == key) {
      linear_index = bucket->index;
      return true;

    bucket = bucket->chain;

  return false;

bool CAdPlugDatabase::insert(CRecord *record)
  long index;

  // sanity checks
  if(!record) return false;			// null-pointer given
  if(linear_length == hash_radix) return false;	// max. db size exceeded
  if(lookup(record->key)) return false;		// record already in db

  // make bucket
  DB_Bucket *bucket = new DB_Bucket(linear_length, record);
  if(!bucket) return false;

  // add to linear list
  db_linear[linear_length] = bucket;
  linear_logic_length++; linear_length++;

  // add to hashed list
  index = make_hash(record->key);

  if(!db_hashed[index])	// First entry in hashtable
    db_hashed[index] = bucket;
  else {		// Add entry in chained list
    DB_Bucket *chain = db_hashed[index];

    while(chain->chain) chain = chain->chain;
    chain->chain = bucket;

  return true;

void CAdPlugDatabase::wipe(CRecord *record)
  if(!lookup(record->key)) return;

void CAdPlugDatabase::wipe()
  if(!linear_length) return;

  DB_Bucket *bucket = db_linear[linear_index];

  if(!bucket->deleted) {
    delete bucket->record;
    bucket->deleted = true;

CAdPlugDatabase::CRecord *CAdPlugDatabase::get_record()
  if(!linear_length) return 0;
  return db_linear[linear_index]->record;

bool CAdPlugDatabase::go_forward()
  if(linear_index + 1 < linear_length) {
    return true;
  } else
    return false;

bool CAdPlugDatabase::go_backward()
  if(!linear_index) return false;
  return true;

void CAdPlugDatabase::goto_begin()
  if(linear_length) linear_index = 0;

void CAdPlugDatabase::goto_end()
  if(linear_length) linear_index = linear_length - 1;

inline unsigned long CAdPlugDatabase::make_hash(CKey const &key)
  return (key.crc32 + key.crc16) % hash_radix;

/***** CAdPlugDatabase::DB_Bucket *****/

CAdPlugDatabase::DB_Bucket::DB_Bucket(unsigned long nindex, CRecord *newrecord, DB_Bucket *newchain)
  : index(nindex), deleted(false), chain(newchain), record(newrecord)

  if(!deleted) delete record;

/***** CAdPlugDatabase::CRecord *****/

CAdPlugDatabase::CRecord *CAdPlugDatabase::CRecord::factory(RecordType type)
  switch(type) {
  case Plain: return new CPlainRecord;
  case SongInfo: return new CInfoRecord;
  case ClockSpeed: return new CClockRecord;
  default: return 0;

CAdPlugDatabase::CRecord *CAdPlugDatabase::CRecord::factory(binistream &in)
  RecordType	type;
  unsigned long	size;
  CRecord	*rec;

  type = (RecordType)in.readInt(1); size = in.readInt(4);
  rec = factory(type);

  if(rec) {
    rec->key.crc16 = in.readInt(2); rec->key.crc32 = in.readInt(4);
    rec->filetype = in.readString('\0'); rec->comment = in.readString('\0');
    return rec;
  } else {
    // skip this record, cause we don't know about it, binio::Add);
    return 0;

void CAdPlugDatabase::CRecord::write(binostream &out)
  out.writeInt(type, 1);
  out.writeInt(get_size() + filetype.length() + comment.length() + 8, 4);
  out.writeInt(key.crc16, 2); out.writeInt(key.crc32, 4);
  out.writeString(filetype); out.writeInt('\0', 1);
  out.writeString(comment); out.writeInt('\0', 1);


bool CAdPlugDatabase::CRecord::user_read(std::istream &in, std::ostream &out)
  return user_read_own(in, out);

bool CAdPlugDatabase::CRecord::user_write(std::ostream &out)
  out << "Record type: ";
  switch(type) {
  case Plain: out << "Plain"; break;
  case SongInfo: out << "SongInfo"; break;
  case ClockSpeed: out << "ClockSpeed"; break;
  default: out << "*** Unknown ***"; break;
  out << std::endl;
  out << "Key: " << std::hex << key.crc16 << ":" << key.crc32 << std::dec << std::endl;
  out << "File type: " << filetype << std::endl;
  out << "Comment: " << comment << std::endl;

  return user_write_own(out);

/***** CAdPlugDatabase::CRecord::CKey *****/

CAdPlugDatabase::CKey::CKey(binistream &buf)

bool CAdPlugDatabase::CKey::operator==(const CKey &key)
  return ((crc16 == key.crc16) && (crc32 == key.crc32));

void CAdPlugDatabase::CKey::make(binistream &buf)
// Key is CRC16:CRC32 pair. CRC16 and CRC32 calculation routines (c) Zhengxi
  static const unsigned short magic16 = 0xa001;
  static const unsigned long  magic32 = 0xedb88320;

  crc16 = 0; crc32 = ~0;

      unsigned char byte = buf.readInt(1);

      for (int j=0;j<8;j++)
	  if ((crc16 ^ byte) & 1)
	    crc16 = (crc16 >> 1) ^ magic16;
	    crc16 >>= 1;

	  if ((crc32 ^ byte) & 1)
	    crc32 = (crc32 >> 1) ^ magic32;
	    crc32 >>= 1;

	  byte >>= 1;

  crc16 &= 0xffff;
  crc32  = ~crc32;

/***** CInfoRecord *****/

  type = SongInfo;

void CInfoRecord::read_own(binistream &in)
  title = in.readString('\0');
  author = in.readString('\0');

void CInfoRecord::write_own(binostream &out)
  out.writeString(title); out.writeInt('\0', 1);
  out.writeString(author); out.writeInt('\0', 1);

unsigned long CInfoRecord::get_size()
  return title.length() + author.length() + 2;

bool CInfoRecord::user_read_own(std::istream &in, std::ostream &out)
  out << "Title: "; in >> title;
  out << "Author: "; in >> author;
  return true;

bool CInfoRecord::user_write_own(std::ostream &out)
  out << "Title: " << title << std::endl;
  out << "Author: " << author << std::endl;
  return true;

/***** CClockRecord *****/

  : clock(0.0f)
  type = ClockSpeed;

void CClockRecord::read_own(binistream &in)
  clock = in.readFloat(binio::Single);

void CClockRecord::write_own(binostream &out)
  out.writeFloat(clock, binio::Single);

unsigned long CClockRecord::get_size()
  return 4;

bool CClockRecord::user_read_own(std::istream &in, std::ostream &out)
  out << "Clockspeed: "; in >> clock;
  return true;

bool CClockRecord::user_write_own(std::ostream &out)
  out << "Clock speed: " << clock << " Hz" << std::endl;
  return true;