view src/modplug/load_amf.cxx @ 2284:d19b53359b24

cleaned up the sndfile wav plugin, currently limiting it ONLY TO WAV PLAYBACK. if somebody is more experienced with it and wants to restore the other formats, go ahead (maybe change the name of the plugin too?).
author mf0102 <>
date Wed, 09 Jan 2008 15:41:22 +0100
parents 6907fc39b53f
children 107c1fed3d92
line wrap: on
line source

 * This program is  free software; you can redistribute it  and modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU  General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2  of the license or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * Authors: Olivier Lapicque <>

// AMF module loader
// There is 2 types of AMF files:
// - ASYLUM Music Format
// - Advanced Music Format(DSM)
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sndfile.h"

//#define AMFLOG

//#pragma warning(disable:4244)

#pragma pack(1)

typedef struct _AMFFILEHEADER
	UCHAR szAMF[3];
	UCHAR version;
	CHAR title[32];
	UCHAR numsamples;
	UCHAR numorders;
	USHORT numtracks;
	UCHAR numchannels;

typedef struct _AMFSAMPLE
	UCHAR type;
	CHAR  samplename[32];
	CHAR  filename[13];
	ULONG offset;
	ULONG length;
	USHORT c2spd;
	UCHAR volume;

#pragma pack()

#ifdef AMFLOG
extern void Log(LPCSTR, ...);

VOID AMF_Unpack(MODCOMMAND *pPat, const BYTE *pTrack, UINT nRows, UINT nChannels)
	UINT lastinstr = 0;
	UINT nTrkSize = bswapLE16(*(USHORT *)pTrack);
	nTrkSize += (UINT)pTrack[2] <<16;
	pTrack += 3;
	while (nTrkSize--)
		UINT row = pTrack[0];
		UINT cmd = pTrack[1];
		UINT arg = pTrack[2];
		if (row >= nRows) break;
		MODCOMMAND *m = pPat + row * nChannels;
		if (cmd < 0x7F) // note+vol
			m->note = cmd+1;
			if (!m->instr) m->instr = lastinstr;
			m->volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME;
			m->vol = arg;
		} else
		if (cmd == 0x7F) // duplicate row
			signed char rdelta = (signed char)arg;
			int rowsrc = (int)row + (int)rdelta;
			if ((rowsrc >= 0) && (rowsrc < (int)nRows)) memcpy(m, &pPat[rowsrc*nChannels],sizeof(pPat[rowsrc*nChannels]));
		} else
		if (cmd == 0x80) // instrument
			m->instr = arg+1;
			lastinstr = m->instr;
		} else
		if (cmd == 0x83) // volume
			m->volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME;
			m->vol = arg;
		} else
		// effect
			UINT command = cmd & 0x7F;
			UINT param = arg;
			// 0x01: Set Speed
			case 0x01:	command = CMD_SPEED; break;
			// 0x02: Volume Slide
			// 0x0A: Tone Porta + Vol Slide
			// 0x0B: Vibrato + Vol Slide
			case 0x02:	command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE;
			case 0x0A:	if (command == 0x0A) command = CMD_TONEPORTAVOL;
			case 0x0B:	if (command == 0x0B) command = CMD_VIBRATOVOL;
						if (param & 0x80) param = (-(signed char)param)&0x0F;
						else param = (param&0x0F)<<4;
			// 0x04: Porta Up/Down
			case 0x04:	if (param & 0x80) { command = CMD_PORTAMENTOUP; param = -(signed char)param; }
						else { command = CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN; } break;
			// 0x06: Tone Portamento
			case 0x06:	command = CMD_TONEPORTAMENTO; break;
			// 0x07: Tremor
			case 0x07:	command = CMD_TREMOR; break;
			// 0x08: Arpeggio
			case 0x08:	command = CMD_ARPEGGIO; break;
			// 0x09: Vibrato
			case 0x09:	command = CMD_VIBRATO; break;
			// 0x0C: Pattern Break
			case 0x0C:	command = CMD_PATTERNBREAK; break;
			// 0x0D: Position Jump
			case 0x0D:	command = CMD_POSITIONJUMP; break;
			// 0x0F: Retrig
			case 0x0F:	command = CMD_RETRIG; break;
			// 0x10: Offset
			case 0x10:	command = CMD_OFFSET; break;
			// 0x11: Fine Volume Slide
			case 0x11:	if (param) { command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE;
							if (param & 0x80) param = 0xF0|((-(signed char)param)&0x0F);
							else param = 0x0F|((param&0x0F)<<4);
						} else command = 0; break;
			// 0x12: Fine Portamento
			// 0x16: Extra Fine Portamento
			case 0x12:
			case 0x16:	if (param) { int mask = (command == 0x16) ? 0xE0 : 0xF0;
							command = (param & 0x80) ? CMD_PORTAMENTOUP : CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN;
							if (param & 0x80) param = mask|((-(signed char)param)&0x0F);
							else param |= mask;
						} else command = 0; break;
			// 0x13: Note Delay
			case 0x13:	command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; param = 0xD0|(param & 0x0F); break;
			// 0x14: Note Cut
			case 0x14:	command = CMD_S3MCMDEX; param = 0xC0|(param & 0x0F); break;
			// 0x15: Set Tempo
			case 0x15:	command = CMD_TEMPO; break;
			// 0x17: Panning
			case 0x17:	param = (param+64)&0x7F;
						if (m->command) { if (!m->volcmd) { m->volcmd = VOLCMD_PANNING;  m->vol = param/2; } command = 0; }
						else { command = CMD_PANNING8; }
			// Unknown effects
			default:	command = param = 0;
			if (command)
				m->command = command;
				m->param = param;
		pTrack += 3;

BOOL CSoundFile::ReadAMF(LPCBYTE lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
	DWORD dwMemPos;
	if ((!lpStream) || (dwMemLength < 2048)) return FALSE;
	if ((!strncmp((LPCTSTR)lpStream, "ASYLUM Music Format V1.0", 25)) && (dwMemLength > 4096))
		UINT numorders, numpats, numsamples;

		dwMemPos = 32;
		numpats = lpStream[dwMemPos+3];
		numorders = lpStream[dwMemPos+4];
		numsamples = 64;
		dwMemPos += 6;
		if ((!numpats) || (numpats > MAX_PATTERNS) || (!numorders)
		 || (numpats*64*32 + 294 + 37*64 >= dwMemLength)) return FALSE;
		m_nType = MOD_TYPE_AMF0;
		m_nChannels = 8;
		m_nInstruments = 0;
		m_nSamples = 31;
		m_nDefaultTempo = 125;
		m_nDefaultSpeed = 6;
		for (UINT iOrd=0; iOrd<MAX_ORDERS; iOrd++)
			Order[iOrd] = (iOrd < numorders) ? lpStream[dwMemPos+iOrd] : 0xFF;
		dwMemPos = 294; // ???
		for (UINT iSmp=0; iSmp<numsamples; iSmp++)
			MODINSTRUMENT *psmp = &Ins[iSmp+1];
			memcpy(m_szNames[iSmp+1], lpStream+dwMemPos, 22);
			psmp->nFineTune = MOD2XMFineTune(lpStream[dwMemPos+22]);
			psmp->nVolume = lpStream[dwMemPos+23];
			psmp->nGlobalVol = 64;
			if (psmp->nVolume > 0x40) psmp->nVolume = 0x40;
			psmp->nVolume <<= 2;
			psmp->nLength = bswapLE32(*((LPDWORD)(lpStream+dwMemPos+25)));
			psmp->nLoopStart = bswapLE32(*((LPDWORD)(lpStream+dwMemPos+29)));
			psmp->nLoopEnd = psmp->nLoopStart + bswapLE32(*((LPDWORD)(lpStream+dwMemPos+33)));
			if ((psmp->nLoopEnd > psmp->nLoopStart) && (psmp->nLoopEnd <= psmp->nLength))
				psmp->uFlags = CHN_LOOP;
			} else
				psmp->nLoopStart = psmp->nLoopEnd = 0;
			if ((psmp->nLength) && (iSmp>31)) m_nSamples = iSmp+1;
			dwMemPos += 37;
		for (UINT iPat=0; iPat<numpats; iPat++)
			MODCOMMAND *p = AllocatePattern(64, m_nChannels);
			if (!p) break;
			Patterns[iPat] = p;
			PatternSize[iPat] = 64;
			const UCHAR *pin = lpStream + dwMemPos;
			for (UINT i=0; i<8*64; i++)
				p->note = 0;

				if (pin[0])
					p->note = pin[0] + 13;
				p->instr = pin[1];
				p->command = pin[2];
				p->param = pin[3];
				if (p->command > 0x0F)
				#ifdef AMFLOG
					Log("0x%02X.0x%02X ?", p->command, p->param);
					p->command = 0;
				pin += 4;
			dwMemPos += 64*32;
		// Read samples
		for (UINT iData=0; iData<m_nSamples; iData++)
			MODINSTRUMENT *psmp = &Ins[iData+1];
			if (psmp->nLength)
				dwMemPos += ReadSample(psmp, RS_PCM8S, (LPCSTR)(lpStream+dwMemPos), dwMemLength);
		return TRUE;
	DWORD sampleseekpos[MAX_SAMPLES];

	if ((pfh->szAMF[0] != 'A') || (pfh->szAMF[1] != 'M') || (pfh->szAMF[2] != 'F')
	 || (pfh->version < 10) || (pfh->version > 14) || (!bswapLE16(pfh->numtracks))
	 || (!pfh->numorders) || (pfh->numorders > MAX_PATTERNS)
	 || (!pfh->numsamples) || (pfh->numsamples > MAX_SAMPLES)
	 || (pfh->numchannels < 4) || (pfh->numchannels > 32))
		return FALSE;
	memcpy(m_szNames[0], pfh->title, 32);
	dwMemPos = sizeof(AMFFILEHEADER);
	m_nType = MOD_TYPE_AMF;
	m_nChannels = pfh->numchannels;
	m_nSamples = pfh->numsamples;
	m_nInstruments = 0;
	// Setup Channel Pan Positions
	if (pfh->version >= 11)
		signed char *panpos = (signed char *)(lpStream + dwMemPos);
		UINT nchannels = (pfh->version >= 13) ? 32 : 16;
		for (UINT i=0; i<nchannels; i++)
			int pan = (panpos[i] + 64) * 2;
			if (pan < 0) pan = 0;
			if (pan > 256) { pan = 128; ChnSettings[i].dwFlags |= CHN_SURROUND; }
			ChnSettings[i].nPan = pan;
		dwMemPos += nchannels;
	} else
		for (UINT i=0; i<16; i++)
			ChnSettings[i].nPan = (lpStream[dwMemPos+i] & 1) ? 0x30 : 0xD0;
		dwMemPos += 16;
	// Get Tempo/Speed
	m_nDefaultTempo = 125;
	m_nDefaultSpeed = 6;
	if (pfh->version >= 13)
		if (lpStream[dwMemPos] >= 32) m_nDefaultTempo = lpStream[dwMemPos];
		if (lpStream[dwMemPos+1] <= 32) m_nDefaultSpeed = lpStream[dwMemPos+1];
		dwMemPos += 2;
	// Setup sequence list
	for (UINT iOrd=0; iOrd<MAX_ORDERS; iOrd++)
		Order[iOrd] = 0xFF;
		if (iOrd < pfh->numorders)
			Order[iOrd] = iOrd;
			PatternSize[iOrd] = 64;
			if (pfh->version >= 14)
				PatternSize[iOrd] = bswapLE16(*(USHORT *)(lpStream+dwMemPos));
				dwMemPos += 2;
			ptracks[iOrd] = (USHORT *)(lpStream+dwMemPos);
			dwMemPos += m_nChannels * sizeof(USHORT);
	if (dwMemPos + m_nSamples * (sizeof(AMFSAMPLE)+8) > dwMemLength) return TRUE;
	// Read Samples
	UINT maxsampleseekpos = 0;
	for (UINT iIns=0; iIns<m_nSamples; iIns++)
		MODINSTRUMENT *pins = &Ins[iIns+1];
		AMFSAMPLE *psh = (AMFSAMPLE *)(lpStream + dwMemPos);

		dwMemPos += sizeof(AMFSAMPLE);
		memcpy(m_szNames[iIns+1], psh->samplename, 32);
		memcpy(pins->name, psh->filename, 13);
		pins->nLength = bswapLE32(psh->length);
		pins->nC4Speed = bswapLE16(psh->c2spd);
		pins->nGlobalVol = 64;
		pins->nVolume = psh->volume * 4;
		if (pfh->version >= 11)
			pins->nLoopStart = bswapLE32(*(DWORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos));
			pins->nLoopEnd = bswapLE32(*(DWORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos+4));
			dwMemPos += 8;
		} else
			pins->nLoopStart = bswapLE16(*(WORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos));
			pins->nLoopEnd = pins->nLength;
			dwMemPos += 2;
		sampleseekpos[iIns] = 0;
		if ((psh->type) && (bswapLE32(psh->offset) < dwMemLength-1))
			sampleseekpos[iIns] = bswapLE32(psh->offset);
			if (bswapLE32(psh->offset) > maxsampleseekpos) 
				maxsampleseekpos = bswapLE32(psh->offset);
			if ((pins->nLoopEnd > pins->nLoopStart + 2)
			 && (pins->nLoopEnd <= pins->nLength)) pins->uFlags |= CHN_LOOP;
	// Read Track Mapping Table
	USHORT *pTrackMap = (USHORT *)(lpStream+dwMemPos);
	UINT realtrackcnt = 0;
	dwMemPos += pfh->numtracks * sizeof(USHORT);
	for (UINT iTrkMap=0; iTrkMap<pfh->numtracks; iTrkMap++)
		if (realtrackcnt < pTrackMap[iTrkMap]) realtrackcnt = pTrackMap[iTrkMap];
	// Store tracks positions
	BYTE **pTrackData = new BYTE *[realtrackcnt];
	memset(pTrackData, 0, sizeof(pTrackData));
	for (UINT iTrack=0; iTrack<realtrackcnt; iTrack++) if (dwMemPos + 3 <= dwMemLength)
		UINT nTrkSize = bswapLE16(*(USHORT *)(lpStream+dwMemPos));
		nTrkSize += (UINT)lpStream[dwMemPos+2] << 16;

		if (dwMemPos + nTrkSize * 3 + 3 <= dwMemLength)
			pTrackData[iTrack] = (BYTE *)(lpStream + dwMemPos);
		dwMemPos += nTrkSize * 3 + 3;
	// Create the patterns from the list of tracks
	for (UINT iPat=0; iPat<pfh->numorders; iPat++)
		MODCOMMAND *p = AllocatePattern(PatternSize[iPat], m_nChannels);
		if (!p) break;
		Patterns[iPat] = p;
		for (UINT iChn=0; iChn<m_nChannels; iChn++)
			UINT nTrack = bswapLE16(ptracks[iPat][iChn]);
			if ((nTrack) && (nTrack <= pfh->numtracks))
				UINT realtrk = bswapLE16(pTrackMap[nTrack-1]);
				if (realtrk)
					if ((realtrk < realtrackcnt) && (pTrackData[realtrk]))
						AMF_Unpack(p+iChn, pTrackData[realtrk], PatternSize[iPat], m_nChannels);
	delete pTrackData;
	// Read Sample Data
	for (UINT iSeek=1; iSeek<=maxsampleseekpos; iSeek++)
		if (dwMemPos >= dwMemLength) break;
		for (UINT iSmp=0; iSmp<m_nSamples; iSmp++) if (iSeek == sampleseekpos[iSmp])
			MODINSTRUMENT *pins = &Ins[iSmp+1];
			dwMemPos += ReadSample(pins, RS_PCM8U, (LPCSTR)(lpStream+dwMemPos), dwMemLength-dwMemPos);
	return TRUE;