view src/modplug/load_ams.cxx @ 2284:d19b53359b24

cleaned up the sndfile wav plugin, currently limiting it ONLY TO WAV PLAYBACK. if somebody is more experienced with it and wants to restore the other formats, go ahead (maybe change the name of the plugin too?).
author mf0102 <>
date Wed, 09 Jan 2008 15:41:22 +0100
parents 6907fc39b53f
children 107c1fed3d92
line wrap: on
line source

 * This source code is public domain.
 * Authors: Olivier Lapicque <>

// AMS module loader                        //
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sndfile.h"

//#pragma warning(disable:4244)

#pragma pack(1)

typedef struct AMSFILEHEADER
	char szHeader[7];	// "Extreme"   // changed from CHAR
	BYTE verlo, verhi;	// 0x??,0x01
	BYTE chncfg;
	BYTE samples;
	WORD patterns;
	WORD orders;
	BYTE vmidi;
	WORD extra;

typedef struct AMSSAMPLEHEADER
	DWORD length;
	DWORD loopstart;
	DWORD loopend;
	BYTE finetune_and_pan;
	WORD samplerate;	// C-2 = 8363
	BYTE volume;		// 0-127
	BYTE infobyte;

#pragma pack()

BOOL CSoundFile::ReadAMS(LPCBYTE lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
	DWORD dwMemPos;
	UINT tmp, tmp2;
	if ((!lpStream) || (dwMemLength < 1024)) return FALSE;
	if ((pfh->verhi != 0x01) || (strncmp(pfh->szHeader, "Extreme", 7))
	 || (!pfh->patterns) || (!pfh->orders) || (!pfh->samples) || (pfh->samples > MAX_SAMPLES)
	 || (pfh->patterns > MAX_PATTERNS) || (pfh->orders > MAX_ORDERS))
		return ReadAMS2(lpStream, dwMemLength);
	dwMemPos = sizeof(AMSFILEHEADER) + pfh->extra;
	if (dwMemPos + pfh->samples * sizeof(AMSSAMPLEHEADER) + 256 >= dwMemLength) return FALSE;
	m_nType = MOD_TYPE_AMS;
	m_nInstruments = 0;
	m_nChannels = (pfh->chncfg & 0x1F) + 1;
	m_nSamples = pfh->samples;
	for (UINT nSmp=1; nSmp<=m_nSamples; nSmp++, dwMemPos += sizeof(AMSSAMPLEHEADER))
		AMSSAMPLEHEADER *psh = (AMSSAMPLEHEADER *)(lpStream + dwMemPos);
		MODINSTRUMENT *pins = &Ins[nSmp];
		pins->nLength = psh->length;
		pins->nLoopStart = psh->loopstart;
		pins->nLoopEnd = psh->loopend;
		pins->nGlobalVol = 64;
		pins->nVolume = psh->volume << 1;
		pins->nC4Speed = psh->samplerate;
		pins->nPan = (psh->finetune_and_pan & 0xF0);
		if (pins->nPan < 0x80) pins->nPan += 0x10;
		pins->nFineTune = MOD2XMFineTune(psh->finetune_and_pan & 0x0F);
		pins->uFlags = (psh->infobyte & 0x80) ? CHN_16BIT : 0;
		if ((pins->nLoopEnd <= pins->nLength) && (pins->nLoopStart+4 <= pins->nLoopEnd)) pins->uFlags |= CHN_LOOP;
		pkinf[nSmp] = psh->infobyte;
	// Read Song Name
	tmp = lpStream[dwMemPos++];
	if (dwMemPos + tmp + 1 >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
	tmp2 = (tmp < 32) ? tmp : 31;
	if (tmp2) memcpy(m_szNames[0], lpStream+dwMemPos, tmp2);
	m_szNames[0][tmp2] = 0;
	dwMemPos += tmp;
	// Read sample names
	for (UINT sNam=1; sNam<=m_nSamples; sNam++)
		if (dwMemPos + 32 >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
		tmp = lpStream[dwMemPos++];
		tmp2 = (tmp < 32) ? tmp : 31;
		if (tmp2) memcpy(m_szNames[sNam], lpStream+dwMemPos, tmp2);
		dwMemPos += tmp;
	// Skip Channel names
	for (UINT cNam=0; cNam<m_nChannels; cNam++)
		if (dwMemPos + 32 >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
		tmp = lpStream[dwMemPos++];
		dwMemPos += tmp;
	// Read Pattern Names
	m_lpszPatternNames = new char[pfh->patterns * 32];  // changed from CHAR
	if (!m_lpszPatternNames) return TRUE;
	m_nPatternNames = pfh->patterns;
	memset(m_lpszPatternNames, 0, m_nPatternNames * 32);
	for (UINT pNam=0; pNam < m_nPatternNames; pNam++)
		if (dwMemPos + 32 >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
		tmp = lpStream[dwMemPos++];
		tmp2 = (tmp < 32) ? tmp : 31;
		if (tmp2) memcpy(m_lpszPatternNames+pNam*32, lpStream+dwMemPos, tmp2);
		dwMemPos += tmp;
	// Read Song Comments
	tmp = *((WORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos));
	dwMemPos += 2;
	if (dwMemPos + tmp >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
	if (tmp)
		m_lpszSongComments = new char[tmp+1];  // changed from CHAR
		if (!m_lpszSongComments) return TRUE;
		memset(m_lpszSongComments, 0, tmp+1);
		memcpy(m_lpszSongComments, lpStream + dwMemPos, tmp);
		dwMemPos += tmp;
	// Read Order List
	for (UINT iOrd=0; iOrd<pfh->orders; iOrd++, dwMemPos += 2)
		UINT n = *((WORD *)(lpStream+dwMemPos));
		Order[iOrd] = (BYTE)n;
	// Read Patterns
	for (UINT iPat=0; iPat<pfh->patterns; iPat++)
		if (dwMemPos + 4 >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
		UINT len = *((DWORD *)(lpStream + dwMemPos));
		dwMemPos += 4;
		if ((len >= dwMemLength) || (dwMemPos + len > dwMemLength)) return TRUE;
		PatternSize[iPat] = 64;
		MODCOMMAND *m = AllocatePattern(PatternSize[iPat], m_nChannels);
		if (!m) return TRUE;
		Patterns[iPat] = m;
		const BYTE *p = lpStream + dwMemPos;
		UINT row = 0, i = 0;
		while ((row < PatternSize[iPat]) && (i+2 < len))
			BYTE b0 = p[i++];
			BYTE b1 = p[i++];
			BYTE b2 = 0;
			UINT ch = b0 & 0x3F;
			// Note+Instr
			if (!(b0 & 0x40))
				b2 = p[i++];
				if (ch < m_nChannels)
					if (b1 & 0x7F) m[ch].note = (b1 & 0x7F) + 25;
					m[ch].instr = b2;
				if (b1 & 0x80)
					b0 |= 0x40;
					b1 = p[i++];
			// Effect
			if (b0 & 0x40)
				if (b1 & 0x40)
					if (ch < m_nChannels)
						m[ch].volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME;
						m[ch].vol = b1 & 0x3F;
				} else
					b2 = p[i++];
					if (ch < m_nChannels)
						UINT cmd = b1 & 0x3F;
						if (cmd == 0x0C)
							m[ch].volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME;
							m[ch].vol = b2 >> 1;
						} else
						if (cmd == 0x0E)
							if (!m[ch].command)
								UINT command = CMD_S3MCMDEX;
								UINT param = b2;
								switch(param & 0xF0)
								case 0x00:	if (param & 0x08) { param &= 0x07; param |= 0x90; } else {command=param=0;} break;
								case 0x10:	command = CMD_PORTAMENTOUP; param |= 0xF0; break;
								case 0x20:	command = CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN; param |= 0xF0; break;
								case 0x30:	param = (param & 0x0F) | 0x10; break;
								case 0x40:	param = (param & 0x0F) | 0x30; break;
								case 0x50:	param = (param & 0x0F) | 0x20; break;
								case 0x60:	param = (param & 0x0F) | 0xB0; break;
								case 0x70:	param = (param & 0x0F) | 0x40; break;
								case 0x90:	command = CMD_RETRIG; param &= 0x0F; break;
								case 0xA0:	if (param & 0x0F) { command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; param = (param << 4) | 0x0F; } else command=param=0; break;
								case 0xB0:	if (param & 0x0F) { command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; param |= 0xF0; } else command=param=0; break;
								m[ch].command = command;
								m[ch].param = param;
						} else
							m[ch].command = cmd;
							m[ch].param = b2;
				if (b1 & 0x80)
					b1 = p[i++];
					if (i <= len) goto anothercommand;
			if (b0 & 0x80)
				m += m_nChannels;
		dwMemPos += len;
	// Read Samples
	for (UINT iSmp=1; iSmp<=m_nSamples; iSmp++) if (Ins[iSmp].nLength)
		if (dwMemPos >= dwMemLength - 9) return TRUE;
		UINT flags = (Ins[iSmp].uFlags & CHN_16BIT) ? RS_AMS16 : RS_AMS8;
		dwMemPos += ReadSample(&Ins[iSmp], flags, (LPSTR)(lpStream+dwMemPos), dwMemLength-dwMemPos);
	return TRUE;

// AMS 2.2 loader

#pragma pack(1)

typedef struct AMS2FILEHEADER
	DWORD dwHdr1;		// AMShdr
	WORD wHdr2;
	BYTE b1A;			// 0x1A
	BYTE titlelen;		// 30-bytes max
	CHAR szTitle[30];	// [titlelen]

typedef struct AMS2SONGHEADER
	WORD version;
	BYTE instruments;
	WORD patterns;
	WORD orders;
	WORD bpm;
	BYTE speed;
	BYTE channels;
	BYTE commands;
	BYTE rows;
	WORD flags;

typedef struct AMS2INSTRUMENT
	BYTE samples;
	BYTE notemap[120];

typedef struct AMS2ENVELOPE
	BYTE speed;
	BYTE sustain;
	BYTE loopbegin;
	BYTE loopend;
	BYTE points;
	BYTE info[3];

typedef struct AMS2SAMPLE
	DWORD length;
	DWORD loopstart;
	DWORD loopend;
	WORD frequency;
	BYTE finetune;
	WORD c4speed;
	CHAR transpose;
	BYTE volume;
	BYTE flags;

#pragma pack()

BOOL CSoundFile::ReadAMS2(LPCBYTE lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
	DWORD dwMemPos;
	BYTE smpmap[16];
	BYTE packedsamples[MAX_SAMPLES];

	if ((pfh->dwHdr1 != 0x68534D41) || (pfh->wHdr2 != 0x7264)
	 || (pfh->b1A != 0x1A) || (pfh->titlelen > 30)) return FALSE;
	dwMemPos = pfh->titlelen + 8;
	psh = (AMS2SONGHEADER *)(lpStream + dwMemPos);
	if (((psh->version & 0xFF00) != 0x0200) || (!psh->instruments)
	 || (psh->instruments > MAX_INSTRUMENTS) || (!psh->patterns) || (!psh->orders)) return FALSE;
	dwMemPos += sizeof(AMS2SONGHEADER);
	if (pfh->titlelen)
		memcpy(m_szNames, pfh->szTitle, pfh->titlelen);
		m_szNames[0][pfh->titlelen] = 0;
	m_nType = MOD_TYPE_AMS;
	m_nChannels = 32;
	m_nDefaultTempo = psh->bpm >> 8;
	m_nDefaultSpeed = psh->speed;
	m_nInstruments = psh->instruments;
	m_nSamples = 0;
	if (psh->flags & 0x40) m_dwSongFlags |= SONG_LINEARSLIDES;
	for (UINT nIns=1; nIns<=m_nInstruments; nIns++)
		UINT insnamelen = lpStream[dwMemPos];
		CHAR *pinsname = (CHAR *)(lpStream+dwMemPos+1);
		dwMemPos += insnamelen + 1;
		AMS2INSTRUMENT *pins = (AMS2INSTRUMENT *)(lpStream + dwMemPos);
		dwMemPos += sizeof(AMS2INSTRUMENT);
		if (dwMemPos + 1024 >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
		AMS2ENVELOPE *volenv, *panenv, *pitchenv;
		volenv = (AMS2ENVELOPE *)(lpStream+dwMemPos);
		dwMemPos += 5 + volenv->points*3;
		panenv = (AMS2ENVELOPE *)(lpStream+dwMemPos);
		dwMemPos += 5 + panenv->points*3;
		pitchenv = (AMS2ENVELOPE *)(lpStream+dwMemPos);
		dwMemPos += 5 + pitchenv->points*3;
		if (!penv) return TRUE;
		memset(smpmap, 0, sizeof(smpmap));
		memset(penv, 0, sizeof(INSTRUMENTHEADER));
		for (UINT ismpmap=0; ismpmap<pins->samples; ismpmap++)
			if ((ismpmap >= 16) || (m_nSamples+1 >= MAX_SAMPLES)) break;
			smpmap[ismpmap] = m_nSamples;
		penv->nGlobalVol = 64;
		penv->nPan = 128;
		penv->nPPC = 60;
		Headers[nIns] = penv;
		if (insnamelen)
			if (insnamelen > 31) insnamelen = 31;
			memcpy(penv->name, pinsname, insnamelen);
			penv->name[insnamelen] = 0;
		for (UINT inotemap=0; inotemap<120; inotemap++)
			penv->NoteMap[inotemap] = inotemap+1;
			penv->Keyboard[inotemap] = smpmap[pins->notemap[inotemap] & 0x0F];
		// Volume Envelope
			UINT pos = 0;
			penv->nVolEnv = (volenv->points > 16) ? 16 : volenv->points;
			penv->nVolSustainBegin = penv->nVolSustainEnd = volenv->sustain;
			penv->nVolLoopStart = volenv->loopbegin;
			penv->nVolLoopEnd = volenv->loopend;
			for (UINT i=0; i<penv->nVolEnv; i++)
				penv->VolEnv[i] = (BYTE)((volenv->info[i*3+2] & 0x7F) >> 1);
				pos += volenv->info[i*3] + ((volenv->info[i*3+1] & 1) << 8);
				penv->VolPoints[i] = (WORD)pos;
		penv->nFadeOut = (((lpStream[dwMemPos+2] & 0x0F) << 8) | (lpStream[dwMemPos+1])) << 3;
		UINT envflags = lpStream[dwMemPos+3];
		if (envflags & 0x01) penv->dwFlags |= ENV_VOLLOOP;
		if (envflags & 0x02) penv->dwFlags |= ENV_VOLSUSTAIN;
		if (envflags & 0x04) penv->dwFlags |= ENV_VOLUME;
		dwMemPos += 5;
		// Read Samples
		for (UINT ismp=0; ismp<pins->samples; ismp++)
			MODINSTRUMENT *psmp = ((ismp < 16) && (smpmap[ismp])) ? &Ins[smpmap[ismp]] : NULL;
			UINT smpnamelen = lpStream[dwMemPos];
			if ((psmp) && (smpnamelen) && (smpnamelen <= 22))
				memcpy(m_szNames[smpmap[ismp]], lpStream+dwMemPos+1, smpnamelen);
			dwMemPos += smpnamelen + 1;
			if (psmp)
				AMS2SAMPLE *pams = (AMS2SAMPLE *)(lpStream+dwMemPos);
				psmp->nGlobalVol = 64;
				psmp->nPan = 128;
				psmp->nLength = pams->length;
				psmp->nLoopStart = pams->loopstart;
				psmp->nLoopEnd = pams->loopend;
				psmp->nC4Speed = pams->c4speed;
				psmp->RelativeTone = pams->transpose;
				psmp->nVolume = pams->volume / 2;
				packedsamples[smpmap[ismp]] = pams->flags;
				if (pams->flags & 0x04) psmp->uFlags |= CHN_16BIT;
				if (pams->flags & 0x08) psmp->uFlags |= CHN_LOOP;
				if (pams->flags & 0x10) psmp->uFlags |= CHN_PINGPONGLOOP;
			dwMemPos += sizeof(AMS2SAMPLE);
	if (dwMemPos + 256 >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
	// Comments
		UINT composernamelen = lpStream[dwMemPos];
		if (composernamelen)
			m_lpszSongComments = new char[composernamelen+1]; // changed from CHAR
			if (m_lpszSongComments)
				memcpy(m_lpszSongComments, lpStream+dwMemPos+1, composernamelen);
				m_lpszSongComments[composernamelen] = 0;
		dwMemPos += composernamelen + 1;
		// channel names
		for (UINT i=0; i<32; i++)
			UINT chnnamlen = lpStream[dwMemPos];
			if ((chnnamlen) && (chnnamlen < MAX_CHANNELNAME))
				memcpy(ChnSettings[i].szName, lpStream+dwMemPos+1, chnnamlen);
			dwMemPos += chnnamlen + 1;
			if (dwMemPos + chnnamlen + 256 >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
		// packed comments (ignored)
		UINT songtextlen = *((LPDWORD)(lpStream+dwMemPos));
		dwMemPos += songtextlen;
		if (dwMemPos + 256 >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
	// Order List
		for (UINT i=0; i<MAX_ORDERS; i++)
			Order[i] = 0xFF;
			if (dwMemPos + 2 >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
			if (i < psh->orders)
				Order[i] = lpStream[dwMemPos];
				dwMemPos += 2;
	// Pattern Data
	for (UINT ipat=0; ipat<psh->patterns; ipat++)
		if (dwMemPos+8 >= dwMemLength) return TRUE;
		UINT packedlen = *((LPDWORD)(lpStream+dwMemPos));
		UINT numrows = 1 + (UINT)(lpStream[dwMemPos+4]);
		//UINT patchn = 1 + (UINT)(lpStream[dwMemPos+5] & 0x1F);
		//UINT patcmds = 1 + (UINT)(lpStream[dwMemPos+5] >> 5);
		UINT patnamlen = lpStream[dwMemPos+6];
		dwMemPos += 4;
		if ((ipat < MAX_PATTERNS) && (packedlen < dwMemLength-dwMemPos) && (numrows >= 8))
			if ((patnamlen) && (patnamlen < MAX_PATTERNNAME))
				char s[MAX_PATTERNNAME]; // changed from CHAR
				memcpy(s, lpStream+dwMemPos+3, patnamlen);
				s[patnamlen] = 0;
				SetPatternName(ipat, s);
			PatternSize[ipat] = numrows;
			Patterns[ipat] = AllocatePattern(numrows, m_nChannels);
			if (!Patterns[ipat]) return TRUE;
			// Unpack Pattern Data
			LPCBYTE psrc = lpStream + dwMemPos;
			UINT pos = 3 + patnamlen;
			UINT row = 0;
			while ((pos < packedlen) && (row < numrows))
				MODCOMMAND *m = Patterns[ipat] + row * m_nChannels;
				UINT byte1 = psrc[pos++];
				UINT ch = byte1 & 0x1F;
				// Read Note + Instr
				if (!(byte1 & 0x40))
					UINT byte2 = psrc[pos++];
					UINT note = byte2 & 0x7F;
					if (note) m[ch].note = (note > 1) ? (note-1) : 0xFF;
					m[ch].instr = psrc[pos++];
					// Read Effect
					while (byte2 & 0x80)
						byte2 = psrc[pos++];
						if (byte2 & 0x40)
							m[ch].volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME;
							m[ch].vol = byte2 & 0x3F;
						} else
							UINT command = byte2 & 0x3F;
							UINT param = psrc[pos++];
							if (command == 0x0C)
								m[ch].volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME;
								m[ch].vol = param / 2;
							} else
							if (command < 0x10)
								m[ch].command = command;
								m[ch].param = param;
							} else
								// TODO: AMS effects
				if (byte1 & 0x80) row++;
		dwMemPos += packedlen;
	// Read Samples
	for (UINT iSmp=1; iSmp<=m_nSamples; iSmp++) if (Ins[iSmp].nLength)
		if (dwMemPos >= dwMemLength - 9) return TRUE;
		UINT flags;
		if (packedsamples[iSmp] & 0x03)
			flags = (Ins[iSmp].uFlags & CHN_16BIT) ? RS_AMS16 : RS_AMS8;
		} else
			flags = (Ins[iSmp].uFlags & CHN_16BIT) ? RS_PCM16S : RS_PCM8S;
		dwMemPos += ReadSample(&Ins[iSmp], flags, (LPSTR)(lpStream+dwMemPos), dwMemLength-dwMemPos);
	return TRUE;

// AMS Sample unpacking

void AMSUnpack(const char *psrc, UINT inputlen, char *pdest, UINT dmax, char packcharacter)
	UINT tmplen = dmax;
	signed char *amstmp = new signed char[tmplen];
	if (!amstmp) return;
	// Unpack Loop
		signed char *p = amstmp;
		UINT i=0, j=0;
		while ((i < inputlen) && (j < tmplen))
			signed char ch = psrc[i++];
			if (ch == packcharacter)
				BYTE ch2 = psrc[i++];
				if (ch2)
					ch = psrc[i++];
					while (ch2--)
						p[j++] = ch;
						if (j >= tmplen) break;
				} else p[j++] = packcharacter;
			} else p[j++] = ch;
	// Bit Unpack Loop
		signed char *p = amstmp;
		UINT bitcount = 0x80, dh;
		UINT k=0;
		for (UINT i=0; i<dmax; i++)
			BYTE al = *p++;
			dh = 0;
			for (UINT count=0; count<8; count++)
				UINT bl = al & bitcount;
				bl = ((bl|(bl<<8)) >> ((dh+8-count) & 7)) & 0xFF;
				bitcount = ((bitcount|(bitcount<<8)) >> 1) & 0xFF;
				pdest[k++] |= bl;
				if (k >= dmax)
					k = 0;
			bitcount = ((bitcount|(bitcount<<8)) >> dh) & 0xFF;
	// Delta Unpack
		signed char old = 0;
		for (UINT i=0; i<dmax; i++)
			int pos = ((LPBYTE)pdest)[i];
			if ((pos != 128) && (pos & 0x80)) pos = -(pos & 0x7F);
			old -= (signed char)pos;
			pdest[i] = old;
	delete amstmp;