view src/modplug/load_dbm.cxx @ 2284:d19b53359b24

cleaned up the sndfile wav plugin, currently limiting it ONLY TO WAV PLAYBACK. if somebody is more experienced with it and wants to restore the other formats, go ahead (maybe change the name of the plugin too?).
author mf0102 <>
date Wed, 09 Jan 2008 15:41:22 +0100
parents 6907fc39b53f
children 107c1fed3d92
line wrap: on
line source

 * This source code is public domain.
 * Authors: Olivier Lapicque <>,
 *          Adam Goode       <> (endian and char fixes for PPC)

// DigiBooster Pro Module Loader (*.dbm)
// Note: this loader doesn't handle multiple songs

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sndfile.h"

//#pragma warning(disable:4244)

#define DBM_FILE_MAGIC	0x304d4244
#define DBM_ID_NAME		0x454d414e
#define DBM_NAMELEN		0x2c000000
#define DBM_ID_INFO		0x4f464e49
#define DBM_INFOLEN		0x0a000000
#define DBM_ID_SONG		0x474e4f53
#define DBM_ID_INST		0x54534e49
#define DBM_ID_VENV		0x564e4556
#define DBM_ID_PATT		0x54544150
#define DBM_ID_SMPL		0x4c504d53

#pragma pack(1)

typedef struct DBMFILEHEADER
	DWORD dbm_id;		// "DBM0" = 0x304d4244
	WORD trkver;		// Tracker version: 02.15
	WORD reserved;
	DWORD name_id;		// "NAME" = 0x454d414e
	DWORD name_len;		// name length: always 44
	CHAR songname[44];
	DWORD info_id;		// "INFO" = 0x4f464e49
	DWORD info_len;		// 0x0a000000
	WORD instruments;
	WORD samples;
	WORD songs;
	WORD patterns;
	WORD channels;
	DWORD song_id;		// "SONG" = 0x474e4f53
	DWORD song_len;
	CHAR songname2[44];
	WORD orders;
//	WORD orderlist[0];	// orderlist[orders] in words

typedef struct DBMINSTRUMENT
	CHAR name[30];
	WORD sampleno;
	WORD volume;
	DWORD finetune;
	DWORD loopstart;
	DWORD looplen;
	WORD panning;
	WORD flags;

typedef struct DBMENVELOPE
	WORD instrument;
	BYTE flags;
	BYTE numpoints;
	BYTE sustain1;
	BYTE loopbegin;
	BYTE loopend;
	BYTE sustain2;
	WORD volenv[2*32];

typedef struct DBMPATTERN
	WORD rows;
	DWORD packedsize;
	BYTE patterndata[2];	// [packedsize]

typedef struct DBMSAMPLE
	DWORD flags;
	DWORD samplesize;
	BYTE sampledata[2];		// [samplesize]

#pragma pack()

BOOL CSoundFile::ReadDBM(const BYTE *lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
	DWORD dwMemPos;
	UINT nOrders, nSamples, nInstruments, nPatterns;
	if ((!lpStream) || (dwMemLength <= sizeof(DBMFILEHEADER)) || (!pfh->channels)
	 || (pfh->dbm_id != DBM_FILE_MAGIC) || (!pfh->songs) || (pfh->song_id != DBM_ID_SONG)
	 || (pfh->name_id != DBM_ID_NAME) || (pfh->name_len != DBM_NAMELEN)
	 || (pfh->info_id != DBM_ID_INFO) || (pfh->info_len != DBM_INFOLEN)) return FALSE;
	dwMemPos = sizeof(DBMFILEHEADER);
	nOrders = bswapBE16(pfh->orders);
	if (dwMemPos + 2 * nOrders + 8*3 >= dwMemLength) return FALSE;
	nInstruments = bswapBE16(pfh->instruments);
	nSamples = bswapBE16(pfh->samples);
	nPatterns = bswapBE16(pfh->patterns);
	m_nType = MOD_TYPE_DBM;
	m_nChannels = bswapBE16(pfh->channels);
	if (m_nChannels < 4) m_nChannels = 4;
	if (m_nChannels > 64) m_nChannels = 64;
	memcpy(m_szNames[0], (pfh->songname[0]) ? pfh->songname : pfh->songname2, 32);
	m_szNames[0][31] = 0;
	for (UINT iOrd=0; iOrd < nOrders; iOrd++)
		Order[iOrd] = lpStream[dwMemPos+iOrd*2+1];
		if (iOrd >= MAX_ORDERS-2) break;
	dwMemPos += 2*nOrders;
	while (dwMemPos + 10 < dwMemLength)
		DWORD chunk_id = ((LPDWORD)(lpStream+dwMemPos))[0];
		DWORD chunk_size = bswapBE32(((LPDWORD)(lpStream+dwMemPos))[1]);
		DWORD chunk_pos;
		dwMemPos += 8;
		chunk_pos = dwMemPos;
		if ((dwMemPos + chunk_size > dwMemLength) || (chunk_size > dwMemLength)) break;
		dwMemPos += chunk_size;
		// Instruments
		if (chunk_id == DBM_ID_INST)
			if (nInstruments >= MAX_INSTRUMENTS) nInstruments = MAX_INSTRUMENTS-1;
			for (UINT iIns=0; iIns<nInstruments; iIns++)
				UINT nsmp;

				if (chunk_pos + sizeof(DBMINSTRUMENT) > dwMemPos) break;
				if ((penv = new INSTRUMENTHEADER) == NULL) break;
				pih = (DBMINSTRUMENT *)(lpStream+chunk_pos);
				nsmp = bswapBE16(pih->sampleno);
				psmp = ((nsmp) && (nsmp < MAX_SAMPLES)) ? &Ins[nsmp] : NULL;
				memset(penv, 0, sizeof(INSTRUMENTHEADER));
				memcpy(penv->name, pih->name, 30);
				if (psmp)
					memcpy(m_szNames[nsmp], pih->name, 30);
					m_szNames[nsmp][30] = 0;
				Headers[iIns+1] = penv;
				penv->nFadeOut = 1024;	// ???
				penv->nGlobalVol = 64;
				penv->nPan = bswapBE16(pih->panning);
				if ((penv->nPan) && (penv->nPan < 256))
					penv->dwFlags = ENV_SETPANNING;
					penv->nPan = 128;
				penv->nPPC = 5*12;
				for (UINT i=0; i<120; i++)
					penv->Keyboard[i] = nsmp;
					penv->NoteMap[i] = i+1;
				// Sample Info
				if (psmp)
					DWORD sflags = bswapBE16(pih->flags);
					psmp->nVolume = bswapBE16(pih->volume) * 4;
					if ((!psmp->nVolume) || (psmp->nVolume > 256)) psmp->nVolume = 256;
					psmp->nGlobalVol = 64;
					psmp->nC4Speed = bswapBE32(pih->finetune);
					int f2t = FrequencyToTranspose(psmp->nC4Speed);
					psmp->RelativeTone = f2t >> 7;
					psmp->nFineTune = f2t & 0x7F;
					if ((pih->looplen) && (sflags & 3))
						psmp->nLoopStart = bswapBE32(pih->loopstart);
						psmp->nLoopEnd = psmp->nLoopStart + bswapBE32(pih->looplen);
						psmp->uFlags |= CHN_LOOP;
						psmp->uFlags &= ~CHN_PINGPONGLOOP;
						if (sflags & 2) psmp->uFlags |= CHN_PINGPONGLOOP;
				chunk_pos += sizeof(DBMINSTRUMENT);
				m_nInstruments = iIns+1;
		} else
		// Volume Envelopes
		if (chunk_id == DBM_ID_VENV)
			UINT nEnvelopes = lpStream[chunk_pos+1];
			chunk_pos += 2;
			for (UINT iEnv=0; iEnv<nEnvelopes; iEnv++)
				UINT nins;
				if (chunk_pos + sizeof(DBMENVELOPE) > dwMemPos) break;
				peh = (DBMENVELOPE *)(lpStream+chunk_pos);
				nins = bswapBE16(peh->instrument);
				if ((nins) && (nins < MAX_INSTRUMENTS) && (Headers[nins]) && (peh->numpoints))
					INSTRUMENTHEADER *penv = Headers[nins];

					if (peh->flags & 1) penv->dwFlags |= ENV_VOLUME;
					if (peh->flags & 2) penv->dwFlags |= ENV_VOLSUSTAIN;
					if (peh->flags & 4) penv->dwFlags |= ENV_VOLLOOP;
					penv->nVolEnv = peh->numpoints + 1;
					if (penv->nVolEnv > MAX_ENVPOINTS) penv->nVolEnv = MAX_ENVPOINTS;
					penv->nVolLoopStart = peh->loopbegin;
					penv->nVolLoopEnd = peh->loopend;
					penv->nVolSustainBegin = penv->nVolSustainEnd = peh->sustain1;
					for (UINT i=0; i<penv->nVolEnv; i++)
						penv->VolPoints[i] = bswapBE16(peh->volenv[i*2]);
						penv->VolEnv[i] = (BYTE)bswapBE16(peh->volenv[i*2+1]);
				chunk_pos += sizeof(DBMENVELOPE);
		} else
		// Packed Pattern Data
		if (chunk_id == DBM_ID_PATT)
			if (nPatterns > MAX_PATTERNS) nPatterns = MAX_PATTERNS;
			for (UINT iPat=0; iPat<nPatterns; iPat++)
				DBMPATTERN *pph;
				DWORD pksize;
				UINT nRows;

				if (chunk_pos + sizeof(DBMPATTERN) > dwMemPos) break;
				pph = (DBMPATTERN *)(lpStream+chunk_pos);
				pksize = bswapBE32(pph->packedsize);
				if ((chunk_pos + pksize + 6 > dwMemPos) || (pksize > dwMemPos)) break;
				nRows = bswapBE16(pph->rows);
				if ((nRows >= 4) && (nRows <= 256))
					MODCOMMAND *m = AllocatePattern(nRows, m_nChannels);
					if (m)
						LPBYTE pkdata = (LPBYTE)&pph->patterndata;
						UINT row = 0;
						UINT i = 0;

						PatternSize[iPat] = nRows;
						Patterns[iPat] = m;
						while ((i+3<pksize) && (row < nRows))
							UINT ch = pkdata[i++];

							if (ch)
								BYTE b = pkdata[i++];
								if (ch < m_nChannels)
									if (b & 0x01)
										UINT note = pkdata[i++];

										if (note == 0x1F) note = 0xFF; else
										if ((note) && (note < 0xFE))
											note = ((note >> 4)*12) + (note & 0x0F) + 13;
										m[ch].note = note;
									if (b & 0x02) m[ch].instr = pkdata[i++];
									if (b & 0x3C)
										UINT cmd1 = 0xFF, param1 = 0, cmd2 = 0xFF, param2 = 0;
										if (b & 0x04) cmd1 = (UINT)pkdata[i++];
										if (b & 0x08) param1 = pkdata[i++];
										if (b & 0x10) cmd2 = (UINT)pkdata[i++];
										if (b & 0x20) param2 = pkdata[i++];
										if (cmd1 == 0x0C)
											m[ch].volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME;
											m[ch].vol = param1;
											cmd1 = 0xFF;
										} else
										if (cmd2 == 0x0C)
											m[ch].volcmd = VOLCMD_VOLUME;
											m[ch].vol = param2;
											cmd2 = 0xFF;
										if ((cmd1 > 0x13) || ((cmd1 >= 0x10) && (cmd2 < 0x10)))
											cmd1 = cmd2;
											param1 = param2;
											cmd2 = 0xFF;
										if (cmd1 <= 0x13)
											m[ch].command = cmd1;
											m[ch].param = param1;
								} else
									if (b & 0x01) i++;
									if (b & 0x02) i++;
									if (b & 0x04) i++;
									if (b & 0x08) i++;
									if (b & 0x10) i++;
									if (b & 0x20) i++;
							} else
								m += m_nChannels;
				chunk_pos += 6 + pksize;
		} else
		// Reading Sample Data
		if (chunk_id == DBM_ID_SMPL)
			if (nSamples >= MAX_SAMPLES) nSamples = MAX_SAMPLES-1;
			m_nSamples = nSamples;
			for (UINT iSmp=1; iSmp<=nSamples; iSmp++)
				DBMSAMPLE *psh;
				DWORD samplesize;
				DWORD sampleflags;

				if (chunk_pos + sizeof(DBMSAMPLE) >= dwMemPos) break;
				psh = (DBMSAMPLE *)(lpStream+chunk_pos);
				chunk_pos += 8;
				samplesize = bswapBE32(psh->samplesize);
				sampleflags = bswapBE32(psh->flags);
				pins = &Ins[iSmp];
				pins->nLength = samplesize;
				if (sampleflags & 2)
					pins->uFlags |= CHN_16BIT;
					samplesize <<= 1;
				if ((chunk_pos+samplesize > dwMemPos) || (samplesize > dwMemLength)) break;
				if (sampleflags & 3)
					ReadSample(pins, (pins->uFlags & CHN_16BIT) ? RS_PCM16M : RS_PCM8S,
								(LPSTR)(psh->sampledata), samplesize);
				chunk_pos += samplesize;
	return TRUE;