view src/modplug/load_mod.cxx @ 2284:d19b53359b24

cleaned up the sndfile wav plugin, currently limiting it ONLY TO WAV PLAYBACK. if somebody is more experienced with it and wants to restore the other formats, go ahead (maybe change the name of the plugin too?).
author mf0102 <>
date Wed, 09 Jan 2008 15:41:22 +0100
parents 6907fc39b53f
children 107c1fed3d92
line wrap: on
line source

 * This source code is public domain.
 * Authors: Olivier Lapicque <>,
 *          Adam Goode       <> (endian and char fixes for PPC)

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sndfile.h"

//#pragma warning(disable:4244)

extern WORD ProTrackerPeriodTable[6*12];

// ProTracker / NoiseTracker MOD/NST file support

void CSoundFile::ConvertModCommand(MODCOMMAND *m) const
	UINT command = m->command, param = m->param;

	case 0x00:	if (param) command = CMD_ARPEGGIO; break;
	case 0x01:	command = CMD_PORTAMENTOUP; break;
	case 0x02:	command = CMD_PORTAMENTODOWN; break;
	case 0x03:	command = CMD_TONEPORTAMENTO; break;
	case 0x04:	command = CMD_VIBRATO; break;
	case 0x05:	command = CMD_TONEPORTAVOL; if (param & 0xF0) param &= 0xF0; break;
	case 0x06:	command = CMD_VIBRATOVOL; if (param & 0xF0) param &= 0xF0; break;
	case 0x07:	command = CMD_TREMOLO; break;
	case 0x08:	command = CMD_PANNING8; break;
	case 0x09:	command = CMD_OFFSET; break;
	case 0x0A:	command = CMD_VOLUMESLIDE; if (param & 0xF0) param &= 0xF0; break;
	case 0x0B:	command = CMD_POSITIONJUMP; break;
	case 0x0C:	command = CMD_VOLUME; break;
	case 0x0D:	command = CMD_PATTERNBREAK; param = ((param >> 4) * 10) + (param & 0x0F); break;
	case 0x0E:	command = CMD_MODCMDEX; break;
	case 0x0F:	command = (param <= (UINT)((m_nType & (MOD_TYPE_XM|MOD_TYPE_MT2)) ? 0x1F : 0x20)) ? CMD_SPEED : CMD_TEMPO;
				if ((param == 0xFF) && (m_nSamples == 15)) command = 0; break;
	// Extension for XM extended effects
	case 'G' - 55:	command = CMD_GLOBALVOLUME; break;
	case 'H' - 55:	command = CMD_GLOBALVOLSLIDE; if (param & 0xF0) param &= 0xF0; break;
	case 'K' - 55:	command = CMD_KEYOFF; break;
	case 'L' - 55:	command = CMD_SETENVPOSITION; break;
	case 'M' - 55:	command = CMD_CHANNELVOLUME; break;
	case 'N' - 55:	command = CMD_CHANNELVOLSLIDE; break;
	case 'P' - 55:	command = CMD_PANNINGSLIDE; if (param & 0xF0) param &= 0xF0; break;
	case 'R' - 55:	command = CMD_RETRIG; break;
	case 'T' - 55:	command = CMD_TREMOR; break;
	case 'X' - 55:	command = CMD_XFINEPORTAUPDOWN;	break;
	case 'Y' - 55:	command = CMD_PANBRELLO; break;
	case 'Z' - 55:	command = CMD_MIDI;	break;
	default:	command = 0;
	m->command = command;
	m->param = param;

WORD CSoundFile::ModSaveCommand(const MODCOMMAND *m, BOOL bXM) const
	UINT command = m->command & 0x3F, param = m->param;

	case 0:						command = param = 0; break;
	case CMD_ARPEGGIO:			command = 0; break;
			if ((param & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { command=0x0E; param=((param & 0x0F) >> 2)|0x10; break; }
			else if ((param & 0xF0) == 0xF0) { command=0x0E; param &= 0x0F; param|=0x10; break; }
		command = 0x01;
			if ((param & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { command=0x0E; param=((param & 0x0F) >> 2)|0x20; break; }
			else if ((param & 0xF0) == 0xF0) { command=0x0E; param &= 0x0F; param|=0x20; break; }
		command = 0x02;
	case CMD_TONEPORTAMENTO:	command = 0x03; break;
	case CMD_VIBRATO:			command = 0x04; break;
	case CMD_TONEPORTAVOL:		command = 0x05; break;
	case CMD_VIBRATOVOL:		command = 0x06; break;
	case CMD_TREMOLO:			command = 0x07; break;
	case CMD_PANNING8:			
		command = 0x08;
		if (bXM)
			if ((m_nType != MOD_TYPE_IT) && (m_nType != MOD_TYPE_XM) && (param <= 0x80))
				param <<= 1;
				if (param > 255) param = 255;
		} else
			if ((m_nType == MOD_TYPE_IT) || (m_nType == MOD_TYPE_XM)) param >>= 1;
	case CMD_OFFSET:			command = 0x09; break;
	case CMD_VOLUMESLIDE:		command = 0x0A; break;
	case CMD_POSITIONJUMP:		command = 0x0B; break;
	case CMD_VOLUME:			command = 0x0C; break;
	case CMD_PATTERNBREAK:		command = 0x0D; param = ((param / 10) << 4) | (param % 10); break;
	case CMD_MODCMDEX:			command = 0x0E; break;
	case CMD_SPEED:				command = 0x0F; if (param > 0x20) param = 0x20; break;
	case CMD_TEMPO:				if (param > 0x20) { command = 0x0F; break; }
	case CMD_GLOBALVOLUME:		command = 'G' - 55; break;
	case CMD_GLOBALVOLSLIDE:	command = 'H' - 55; break;
	case CMD_KEYOFF:			command = 'K' - 55; break;
	case CMD_SETENVPOSITION:	command = 'L' - 55; break;
	case CMD_CHANNELVOLUME:		command = 'M' - 55; break;
	case CMD_CHANNELVOLSLIDE:	command = 'N' - 55; break;
	case CMD_PANNINGSLIDE:		command = 'P' - 55; break;
	case CMD_RETRIG:			command = 'R' - 55; break;
	case CMD_TREMOR:			command = 'T' - 55; break;
	case CMD_XFINEPORTAUPDOWN:	command = 'X' - 55; break;
	case CMD_PANBRELLO:			command = 'Y' - 55; break;
	case CMD_MIDI:				command = 'Z' - 55; break;
		switch(param & 0xF0)
		case 0x10:	command = 0x0E; param = (param & 0x0F) | 0x30; break;
		case 0x20:	command = 0x0E; param = (param & 0x0F) | 0x50; break;
		case 0x30:	command = 0x0E; param = (param & 0x0F) | 0x40; break;
		case 0x40:	command = 0x0E; param = (param & 0x0F) | 0x70; break;
		case 0x90:	command = 'X' - 55; break;
		case 0xB0:	command = 0x0E; param = (param & 0x0F) | 0x60; break;
		case 0xA0:
		case 0x50:
		case 0x70:
		case 0x60:	command = param = 0; break;
		default:	command = 0x0E; break;
	default:		command = param = 0;
	return (WORD)((command << 8) | (param));

#pragma pack(1)

typedef struct _MODSAMPLE
	CHAR name[22];
	WORD length;
	BYTE finetune;
	BYTE volume;
	WORD loopstart;
	WORD looplen;

typedef struct _MODMAGIC
	BYTE nOrders;
	BYTE nRestartPos;
	BYTE Orders[128];
        char Magic[4];          // changed from CHAR

#pragma pack()

	return ((*(DWORD *)s1) == (*(DWORD *)s2)) ? TRUE : FALSE;

BOOL CSoundFile::ReadMod(const BYTE *lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
        char s[1024];          // changed from CHAR
	DWORD dwMemPos, dwTotalSampleLen;
	UINT nErr;

	if ((!lpStream) || (dwMemLength < 0x600)) return FALSE;
	dwMemPos = 20;
	m_nSamples = 31;
	m_nChannels = 4;
	pMagic = (PMODMAGIC)(lpStream+dwMemPos+sizeof(MODSAMPLE)*31);
	// Check Mod Magic
	memcpy(s, pMagic->Magic, 4);
	if ((IsMagic(s, "M.K.")) || (IsMagic(s, "M!K!"))
	 || (IsMagic(s, "M&K!")) || (IsMagic(s, "N.T."))) m_nChannels = 4; else
	if ((IsMagic(s, "CD81")) || (IsMagic(s, "OKTA"))) m_nChannels = 8; else
	if ((s[0]=='F') && (s[1]=='L') && (s[2]=='T') && (s[3]>='4') && (s[3]<='9')) m_nChannels = s[3] - '0'; else
	if ((s[0]>='2') && (s[0]<='9') && (s[1]=='C') && (s[2]=='H') && (s[3]=='N')) m_nChannels = s[0] - '0'; else
	if ((s[0]=='1') && (s[1]>='0') && (s[1]<='9') && (s[2]=='C') && (s[3]=='H')) m_nChannels = s[1] - '0' + 10; else
	if ((s[0]=='2') && (s[1]>='0') && (s[1]<='9') && (s[2]=='C') && (s[3]=='H')) m_nChannels = s[1] - '0' + 20; else
	if ((s[0]=='3') && (s[1]>='0') && (s[1]<='2') && (s[2]=='C') && (s[3]=='H')) m_nChannels = s[1] - '0' + 30; else
	if ((s[0]=='T') && (s[1]=='D') && (s[2]=='Z') && (s[3]>='4') && (s[3]<='9')) m_nChannels = s[3] - '0'; else
	if (IsMagic(s,"16CN")) m_nChannels = 16; else
	if (IsMagic(s,"32CN")) m_nChannels = 32; else m_nSamples = 15;
	// Load Samples
	nErr = 0;
	dwTotalSampleLen = 0;
	for	(UINT i=1; i<=m_nSamples; i++)
		PMODSAMPLE pms = (PMODSAMPLE)(lpStream+dwMemPos);
		MODINSTRUMENT *psmp = &Ins[i];
		UINT loopstart, looplen;

		memcpy(m_szNames[i], pms->name, 22);
		m_szNames[i][22] = 0;
		psmp->uFlags = 0;
		psmp->nLength = bswapBE16(pms->length)*2;
		dwTotalSampleLen += psmp->nLength;
		psmp->nFineTune = MOD2XMFineTune(pms->finetune & 0x0F);
		psmp->nVolume = 4*pms->volume;
		if (psmp->nVolume > 256) { psmp->nVolume = 256; nErr++; }
		psmp->nGlobalVol = 64;
		psmp->nPan = 128;
		loopstart = bswapBE16(pms->loopstart)*2;
		looplen = bswapBE16(pms->looplen)*2;
		// Fix loops
		if ((looplen > 2) && (loopstart+looplen > psmp->nLength)
		 && (loopstart/2+looplen <= psmp->nLength))
			loopstart /= 2;
		psmp->nLoopStart = loopstart;
		psmp->nLoopEnd = loopstart + looplen;
		if (psmp->nLength < 4) psmp->nLength = 0;
		if (psmp->nLength)
			UINT derr = 0;
			if (psmp->nLoopStart >= psmp->nLength) { psmp->nLoopStart = psmp->nLength-1; derr|=1; }
			if (psmp->nLoopEnd > psmp->nLength) { psmp->nLoopEnd = psmp->nLength; derr |= 1; }
			if (psmp->nLoopStart > psmp->nLoopEnd) derr |= 1;
			if ((psmp->nLoopStart > psmp->nLoopEnd) || (psmp->nLoopEnd <= 8)
			 || (psmp->nLoopEnd - psmp->nLoopStart <= 4))
				psmp->nLoopStart = 0;
				psmp->nLoopEnd = 0;
			if (psmp->nLoopEnd > psmp->nLoopStart)
				psmp->uFlags |= CHN_LOOP;
		dwMemPos += sizeof(MODSAMPLE);
	if ((m_nSamples == 15) && (dwTotalSampleLen > dwMemLength * 4)) return FALSE;
	pMagic = (PMODMAGIC)(lpStream+dwMemPos);
	dwMemPos += sizeof(MODMAGIC);
	if (m_nSamples == 15) dwMemPos -= 4;
	memset(Order, 0,sizeof(Order));
	memcpy(Order, pMagic->Orders, 128);

	UINT nbp, nbpbuggy, nbpbuggy2, norders;

	norders = pMagic->nOrders;
	if ((!norders) || (norders > 0x80))
		norders = 0x80;
		while ((norders > 1) && (!Order[norders-1])) norders--;
	nbpbuggy = 0;
	nbpbuggy2 = 0;
	nbp = 0;
	for (UINT iord=0; iord<128; iord++)
		UINT i = Order[iord];
		if ((i < 0x80) && (nbp <= i))
			nbp = i+1;
			if (iord<norders) nbpbuggy = nbp;
		if (i >= nbpbuggy2) nbpbuggy2 = i+1;
	for (UINT iend=norders; iend<MAX_ORDERS; iend++) Order[iend] = 0xFF;
	m_nRestartPos = pMagic->nRestartPos;
	if (m_nRestartPos >= 0x78) m_nRestartPos = 0;
	if (m_nRestartPos + 1 >= (UINT)norders) m_nRestartPos = 0;
	if (!nbp) return FALSE;
	DWORD dwWowTest = dwTotalSampleLen+dwMemPos;
	if ((IsMagic(pMagic->Magic, "M.K.")) && (dwWowTest + nbp*8*256 == dwMemLength)) m_nChannels = 8;
	if ((nbp != nbpbuggy) && (dwWowTest + nbp*m_nChannels*256 != dwMemLength))
		if (dwWowTest + nbpbuggy*m_nChannels*256 == dwMemLength) nbp = nbpbuggy;
		else nErr += 8;
	} else
	if ((nbpbuggy2 > nbp) && (dwWowTest + nbpbuggy2*m_nChannels*256 == dwMemLength))
		nbp = nbpbuggy2;
	if ((dwWowTest < 0x600) || (dwWowTest > dwMemLength)) nErr += 8;
	if ((m_nSamples == 15) && (nErr >= 16)) return FALSE;
	// Default settings	
	m_nType = MOD_TYPE_MOD;
	m_nDefaultSpeed = 6;
	m_nDefaultTempo = 125;
	m_nMinPeriod = 14 << 2;
	m_nMaxPeriod = 3424 << 2;
	memcpy(m_szNames, lpStream, 20);
	// Setting channels pan
	for (UINT ich=0; ich<m_nChannels; ich++)
		ChnSettings[ich].nVolume = 64;
		if (gdwSoundSetup & SNDMIX_MAXDEFAULTPAN)
			ChnSettings[ich].nPan = (((ich&3)==1) || ((ich&3)==2)) ? 256 : 0;
			ChnSettings[ich].nPan = (((ich&3)==1) || ((ich&3)==2)) ? 0xC0 : 0x40;
	// Reading channels
	for (UINT ipat=0; ipat<nbp; ipat++)
		if (ipat < MAX_PATTERNS)
			if ((Patterns[ipat] = AllocatePattern(64, m_nChannels)) == NULL) break;
			PatternSize[ipat] = 64;
			if (dwMemPos + m_nChannels*256 >= dwMemLength) break;
			MODCOMMAND *m = Patterns[ipat];
			LPCBYTE p = lpStream + dwMemPos;
			for (UINT j=m_nChannels*64; j; m++,p+=4,j--)
				BYTE A0=p[0], A1=p[1], A2=p[2], A3=p[3];
				UINT n = ((((UINT)A0 & 0x0F) << 8) | (A1));
				if ((n) && (n != 0xFFF)) m->note = GetNoteFromPeriod(n << 2);
				m->instr = ((UINT)A2 >> 4) | (A0 & 0x10);
				m->command = A2 & 0x0F;
				m->param = A3;
				if ((m->command) || (m->param)) ConvertModCommand(m);
		dwMemPos += m_nChannels*256;
	// Reading instruments
	DWORD dwErrCheck = 0;
	for (UINT ismp=1; ismp<=m_nSamples; ismp++) if (Ins[ismp].nLength)
		LPSTR p = (LPSTR)(lpStream+dwMemPos);
		UINT flags = 0;
		if (dwMemPos + 5 >= dwMemLength) break;
		if (!strnicmp(p, "ADPCM", 5))
			flags = 3;
			p += 5;
			dwMemPos += 5;
		DWORD dwSize = ReadSample(&Ins[ismp], flags, p, dwMemLength - dwMemPos);
		if (dwSize)
			dwMemPos += dwSize;
	return TRUE;
	return (dwErrCheck) ? TRUE : FALSE;

#pragma warning(disable:4100)

BOOL CSoundFile::SaveMod(LPCSTR lpszFileName, UINT nPacking)
	BYTE insmap[32];
	UINT inslen[32];
	BYTE bTab[32];
	BYTE ord[128];
	FILE *f;

	if ((!m_nChannels) || (!lpszFileName)) return FALSE;
	if ((f = fopen(lpszFileName, "wb")) == NULL) return FALSE;
	memset(ord, 0, sizeof(ord));
	memset(inslen, 0, sizeof(inslen));
	if (m_nInstruments)
		memset(insmap, 0, sizeof(insmap));
		for (UINT i=1; i<32; i++) if (Headers[i])
			for (UINT j=0; j<128; j++) if (Headers[i]->Keyboard[j])
				insmap[i] = Headers[i]->Keyboard[j];
	} else
		for (UINT i=0; i<32; i++) insmap[i] = (BYTE)i;
	// Writing song name
	fwrite(m_szNames, 20, 1, f);
	// Writing instrument definition
	for (UINT iins=1; iins<=31; iins++)
		MODINSTRUMENT *pins = &Ins[insmap[iins]];
		memcpy(bTab, m_szNames[iins],22);
		inslen[iins] = pins->nLength;
		if (inslen[iins] > 0x1fff0) inslen[iins] = 0x1fff0;
		bTab[22] = inslen[iins] >> 9;
		bTab[23] = inslen[iins] >> 1;
		if (pins->RelativeTone < 0) bTab[24] = 0x08; else
		if (pins->RelativeTone > 0) bTab[24] = 0x07; else
		bTab[24] = (BYTE)XM2MODFineTune(pins->nFineTune);
		bTab[25] = pins->nVolume >> 2;
		bTab[26] = pins->nLoopStart >> 9;
		bTab[27] = pins->nLoopStart >> 1;
		bTab[28] = (pins->nLoopEnd - pins->nLoopStart) >> 9;
		bTab[29] = (pins->nLoopEnd - pins->nLoopStart) >> 1;
		fwrite(bTab, 30, 1, f);
	// Writing number of patterns
	UINT nbp=0, norders=128;
	for (UINT iord=0; iord<128; iord++)
		if (Order[iord] == 0xFF)
			norders = iord;
		if ((Order[iord] < 0x80) && (nbp<=Order[iord])) nbp = Order[iord]+1;
	bTab[0] = norders;
	bTab[1] = m_nRestartPos;
	fwrite(bTab, 2, 1, f);
	// Writing pattern list
	if (norders) memcpy(ord, Order, norders);
	fwrite(ord, 128, 1, f);
	// Writing signature
	if (m_nChannels == 4)
		lstrcpy((LPSTR)&bTab, "M.K.");
		wsprintf((LPSTR)&bTab, "%luCHN", m_nChannels);
	fwrite(bTab, 4, 1, f);
	// Writing patterns
	for (UINT ipat=0; ipat<nbp; ipat++) if (Patterns[ipat])
		BYTE s[64*4];
		MODCOMMAND *m = Patterns[ipat];
		for (UINT i=0; i<64; i++) if (i < PatternSize[ipat])
			LPBYTE p=s;
			for (UINT c=0; c<m_nChannels; c++,p+=4,m++)
				UINT param = ModSaveCommand(m, FALSE);
				UINT command = param >> 8;
				param &= 0xFF;
				if (command > 0x0F) command = param = 0;
				if ((m->vol >= 0x10) && (m->vol <= 0x50) && (!command) && (!param)) { command = 0x0C; param = m->vol - 0x10; }
				UINT period = m->note;
				if (period)
					if (period < 37) period = 37;
					period -= 37;
					if (period >= 6*12) period = 6*12-1;
					period = ProTrackerPeriodTable[period];
				UINT instr = (m->instr > 31) ? 0 : m->instr;
				p[0] = ((period >> 8) & 0x0F) | (instr & 0x10);
				p[1] = period & 0xFF;
				p[2] = ((instr & 0x0F) << 4) | (command & 0x0F);
				p[3] = param;
			fwrite(s, m_nChannels, 4, f);
		} else
			memset(s, 0, m_nChannels*4);
			fwrite(s, m_nChannels, 4, f);
	// Writing instruments
	for (UINT ismpd=1; ismpd<=31; ismpd++) if (inslen[ismpd])
		MODINSTRUMENT *pins = &Ins[insmap[ismpd]];
		UINT flags = RS_PCM8S;
#ifndef NO_PACKING
		if (!(pins->uFlags & (CHN_16BIT|CHN_STEREO)))
			if ((nPacking) && (CanPackSample((char *)pins->pSample, inslen[ismpd], nPacking)))
				fwrite("ADPCM", 1, 5, f);
				flags = RS_ADPCM4;
		WriteSample(f, pins, flags, inslen[ismpd]);
	return TRUE;

#pragma warning(default:4100)