view src/modplug/load_mtm.cxx @ 2284:d19b53359b24

cleaned up the sndfile wav plugin, currently limiting it ONLY TO WAV PLAYBACK. if somebody is more experienced with it and wants to restore the other formats, go ahead (maybe change the name of the plugin too?).
author mf0102 <>
date Wed, 09 Jan 2008 15:41:22 +0100
parents 6907fc39b53f
children 107c1fed3d92
line wrap: on
line source

 * This source code is public domain.
 * Authors: Olivier Lapicque <>

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sndfile.h"

//#pragma warning(disable:4244)

// MTM file support (import only)

#pragma pack(1)

typedef struct tagMTMSAMPLE
        char samplename[22];      // changed from CHAR
	DWORD length;
	DWORD reppos;
	DWORD repend;
	CHAR finetune;
	BYTE volume;
	BYTE attribute;

typedef struct tagMTMHEADER
	char id[4];	        // MTM file marker + version // changed from CHAR
	char songname[20];	// ASCIIZ songname  // changed from CHAR
	WORD numtracks;		// number of tracks saved
	BYTE lastpattern;	// last pattern number saved
	BYTE lastorder;		// last order number to play (songlength-1)
	WORD commentsize;	// length of comment field
	BYTE numsamples;	// number of samples saved
	BYTE attribute;		// attribute byte (unused)
	BYTE beatspertrack;
	BYTE numchannels;	// number of channels used
	BYTE panpos[32];	// voice pan positions

#pragma pack()

BOOL CSoundFile::ReadMTM(LPCBYTE lpStream, DWORD dwMemLength)
	MTMHEADER *pmh = (MTMHEADER *)lpStream;
	DWORD dwMemPos = 66;

	if ((!lpStream) || (dwMemLength < 0x100)) return FALSE;
	if ((strncmp(pmh->id, "MTM", 3)) || (pmh->numchannels > 32)
	 || (pmh->numsamples >= MAX_SAMPLES) || (!pmh->numsamples)
	 || (!pmh->numtracks) || (!pmh->numchannels)
	 || (!pmh->lastpattern) || (pmh->lastpattern > MAX_PATTERNS)) return FALSE;
	strncpy(m_szNames[0], pmh->songname, 20);
	m_szNames[0][20] = 0;
	if (dwMemPos + 37*pmh->numsamples + 128 + 192*pmh->numtracks
	 + 64 * (pmh->lastpattern+1) + pmh->commentsize >= dwMemLength) return FALSE;
	m_nType = MOD_TYPE_MTM;
	m_nSamples = pmh->numsamples;
	m_nChannels = pmh->numchannels;
	// Reading instruments
	for	(UINT i=1; i<=m_nSamples; i++)
		MTMSAMPLE *pms = (MTMSAMPLE *)(lpStream + dwMemPos);
		strncpy(m_szNames[i], pms->samplename, 22);
		m_szNames[i][22] = 0;
		Ins[i].nVolume = pms->volume << 2;
		Ins[i].nGlobalVol = 64;
		DWORD len = pms->length;
		if ((len > 4) && (len <= MAX_SAMPLE_LENGTH))
			Ins[i].nLength = len;
			Ins[i].nLoopStart = pms->reppos;
			Ins[i].nLoopEnd = pms->repend;
			if (Ins[i].nLoopEnd > Ins[i].nLength) Ins[i].nLoopEnd = Ins[i].nLength;
			if (Ins[i].nLoopStart + 4 >= Ins[i].nLoopEnd) Ins[i].nLoopStart = Ins[i].nLoopEnd = 0;
			if (Ins[i].nLoopEnd) Ins[i].uFlags |= CHN_LOOP;
			Ins[i].nFineTune = MOD2XMFineTune(pms->finetune);
			if (pms->attribute & 0x01)
				Ins[i].uFlags |= CHN_16BIT;
				Ins[i].nLength >>= 1;
				Ins[i].nLoopStart >>= 1;
				Ins[i].nLoopEnd >>= 1;
			Ins[i].nPan = 128;
		dwMemPos += 37;
	// Setting Channel Pan Position
	for (UINT ich=0; ich<m_nChannels; ich++)
		ChnSettings[ich].nPan = ((pmh->panpos[ich] & 0x0F) << 4) + 8;
		ChnSettings[ich].nVolume = 64;
	// Reading pattern order
	memcpy(Order, lpStream + dwMemPos, pmh->lastorder+1);
	dwMemPos += 128;
	// Reading Patterns
	LPCBYTE pTracks = lpStream + dwMemPos;
	dwMemPos += 192 * pmh->numtracks;
	LPWORD pSeq = (LPWORD)(lpStream + dwMemPos);
	for (UINT pat=0; pat<=pmh->lastpattern; pat++)
		PatternSize[pat] = 64;
		if ((Patterns[pat] = AllocatePattern(64, m_nChannels)) == NULL) break;
		for (UINT n=0; n<32; n++) if ((pSeq[n]) && (pSeq[n] <= pmh->numtracks) && (n < m_nChannels))
			LPCBYTE p = pTracks + 192 * (pSeq[n]-1);
			MODCOMMAND *m = Patterns[pat] + n;
			for (UINT i=0; i<64; i++, m+=m_nChannels, p+=3)
				if (p[0] & 0xFC) m->note = (p[0] >> 2) + 37;
				m->instr = ((p[0] & 0x03) << 4) | (p[1] >> 4);
				UINT cmd = p[1] & 0x0F;
				UINT param = p[2];
				if (cmd == 0x0A)
					if (param & 0xF0) param &= 0xF0; else param &= 0x0F;
				m->command = cmd;
				m->param = param;
				if ((cmd) || (param)) ConvertModCommand(m);
		pSeq += 32;
	dwMemPos += 64*(pmh->lastpattern+1);
	if ((pmh->commentsize) && (dwMemPos + pmh->commentsize < dwMemLength))
		UINT n = pmh->commentsize;
		m_lpszSongComments = new char[n+1];
		if (m_lpszSongComments)
			memcpy(m_lpszSongComments, lpStream+dwMemPos, n);
			m_lpszSongComments[n] = 0;
			for (UINT i=0; i<n; i++)
				if (!m_lpszSongComments[i])
					m_lpszSongComments[i] = ((i+1) % 40) ? 0x20 : 0x0D;
	dwMemPos += pmh->commentsize;
	// Reading Samples
	for (UINT ismp=1; ismp<=m_nSamples; ismp++)
		if (dwMemPos >= dwMemLength) break;
		dwMemPos += ReadSample(&Ins[ismp], (Ins[ismp].uFlags & CHN_16BIT) ? RS_PCM16U : RS_PCM8U,
								(LPSTR)(lpStream + dwMemPos), dwMemLength - dwMemPos);
	m_nMinPeriod = 64;
	m_nMaxPeriod = 32767;
	return TRUE;