view src/sndstretch/sndstretch.c @ 2284:d19b53359b24

cleaned up the sndfile wav plugin, currently limiting it ONLY TO WAV PLAYBACK. if somebody is more experienced with it and wants to restore the other formats, go ahead (maybe change the name of the plugin too?).
author mf0102 <>
date Wed, 09 Jan 2008 15:41:22 +0100
parents 6bb0e52df3d6
line wrap: on
line source

// sndstretch.c
//    sndstretch - algorithm for adjusting pitch and speed of s16le data
//    Copyright (C) 2000  Florian Berger
//    Email:
//    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as
//    published by the Free Software Foundation;
//    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//    GNU General Public License for more details.
//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

//#define DEBUG


static double _1_div_e     = 0.367879441;  // 1/e
static double _1_m_1_div_e = 0.632120558;  // 1-1/e

#define    RESMAX      65536
#define    RESMAXVC    32768
#define    LOG2RESMAX     16
#define    LOG2RESMAXVC   15
static int    _1_div_e_i     = 24109;  // 1/e   * 2^LOG2RESMAX
static int    _1_m_1_div_e_i = 41427;  // 1-1/e * 2^LOG2RESMAX
static int    _1_div_e_i_vc   = 12055;  // 1/e   * 2^LOG2RESMAXVC
static int    _1_m_1_div_e_i_vc = 28333;  // sqrt(1-1/e^2) * 2^LOG2RESMAXVC
//static int    _1_div_e_i     = 12055;  // 1/e   * 2^LOG2RESMAX
//static int    _1_m_1_div_e_i = 20713;  // 1-1/e * 2^LOG2RESMAX

void InitScaleJob( ScaleJob * job )
    /* nothing to do */

void InitStretchJob( StretchJob * job )

void InitPitchSpeedJob( PitchSpeedJob * job )
    job->ring_buff = (s16*)0;        // init me = (s16*)0
    job->ring_buff_old = (s16*)0;    // init me = (s16*)0
    job->buff_help = (s16*)0;        // init me = (s16*)0
    job->ring_size = 1;              // init me = 1
    job->ring_size_old = 0;          // init me = 0
    job->ring_pos_w = 0;             // init me = 0
    job->ring_pos_r = 0;             // init me = 0
    job->is_init = 0;                // init me = 0
    job->speed_act = 0;              // init me = 0
    job->pitch_act = 0;              // init me = 0
    job->fade_shift_act = 0;

void CleanupPitchSpeedJob( PitchSpeedJob * job )

inline int ringpos( int pos, int size )
    while ( pos >= size ) pos-=size;
    while ( pos <  0    ) pos+=size;
    return( pos );

void ringload( s16 * ringbuff, int ring_size, int pos, s16 *buffer, int size )
/* put <size> samples to ring with size <ring_size> on position <pos> */
    int i,j;

    if( pos+size > ring_size ){
        for( i=pos; i<ring_size;          i++,j++ ) ringbuff[i]=buffer[j];
        for( i=0;   i<size-ring_size+pos; i++,j++ ) ringbuff[i]=buffer[j];
        for( i=pos; i<size+pos;           i++,j++ ) ringbuff[i]=buffer[j];

void ringcopy( s16 * src_ring,  int src_size,  int src_from, int src_to,
               s16 * dest_ring, int dest_size, int dest_pos )
    int is,id;

    is=src_from; id=dest_pos;
    while( is!=src_to ){

void ringload_IIR_1_div_e_echo_d( s16 * ringbuff, int ring_size, int pos, s16 *buffer, int size , int delay)
/* put <size> samples to ring with size <ring_size> on position <pos> */
    int i,p1,p2;

    p1=pos, p2=ringpos(p1-delay, ring_size);
    for( i=0; i<size; i++ ){
        ringbuff[p1] =(s16)( (double)buffer[i]*_1_m_1_div_e + (double)ringbuff[p2]*_1_div_e );
        p1++; if(p1>=ring_size) p1-=ring_size;
        p2++; if(p2>=ring_size) p2-=ring_size;

void ringload_IIR_1_div_e_echo_i( s16 * ringbuff, int ring_size, int pos, s16 *buffer, int size , int delay)
/* put <size> samples to ring with size <ring_size> on position <pos> */
    int i,p1,p2;

    p1=pos, p2=ringpos(p1-delay, ring_size);
    for( i=0; i<size; i++ ){
        ringbuff[p1] =(s16)( (
                              _1_m_1_div_e_i * buffer[i] +
                              _1_div_e_i     * ringbuff[p2]
                             ) >> LOG2RESMAX );
        p1++; if(p1>=ring_size) p1-=ring_size;
        p2++; if(p2>=ring_size) p2-=ring_size;

void ringload_IIR_1_div_e_echo_i_vc( s16 * ringbuff, int ring_size, int pos, s16 *buffer, int size , int delay)
/* put <size> samples to ring with size <ring_size> on position <pos> */
    int i,p1,p2;
    int actval;

    p1=pos, p2=ringpos(p1-delay, ring_size);
    for( i=0; i<size; i++ ){
/*        ringbuff[p1] =(s16)( (
                              _1_m_1_div_e_i_vc * buffer[i] +
                              _1_div_e_i_vc     * ringbuff[p2]
                             ) >> LOG2RESMAXVC );*/
        actval = _1_m_1_div_e_i_vc * buffer[i] +
                 _1_div_e_i_vc     * ringbuff[p2];
        /* prevent overflow */
        if( actval > (int)0x3FFFFFFF ) actval=(int)0x3FFFFFFF;
        if( actval < (int)0xC0000000 ) actval=(int)0xC0000000;
        ringbuff[p1] = actval >> LOG2RESMAXVC;
        p1++; if(p1>=ring_size) p1-=ring_size;
        p2++; if(p2>=ring_size) p2-=ring_size;

/*void ringget ( s16 * ringbuff, int ring_size, int pos, s16 *buffer, int size )
    int i;
    if( pos+size > ring_size ){
        for( i=pos; i<ring_size;          i++ ) buffer[i]=ringbuff[i];
        for( i=0;   i<size-ring_size+pos; i++ ) buffer[i]=ringbuff[i];
        for( i=pos; i<size+pos;           i++ ) buffer[i]=ringbuff[i];

//int sndstretch( // not optimized
int sndstretch_not_optimized(
/* stretches the sound (not changing pitch !!!)                          */
/* returns number of output samples produced                             */
/* chnr simply gives multiples of chnr as snr_prod                       */
           s16 * buffer, int buff_size,   /* ring buffer                    */
           int pos_init,                  /* only initial pos in ringbuffer */
           int snr_i, int snr_o,          /* enlarge - spec                 */
           int chnr,                      /* # of channels                  */
           s16 * outbuff,                 /* output                         */
           int * out_prod,                /* # of output-samples produced   */
           int snr_proc,                  /* # of in-samples to process     */
           int initialize                 /* bool                           */
    static int     is_initialized=0;
    static int     snr_o_prod;
    static int     snr_i_act;
    static int     snr_o_act;
/*    static int     snr_offs; */
    static int     pos_act;
    static int     dsnr;
/*    static int     p1,p2;    */
    static double  snr_rest=0.0;

    int            snr;
    double         snr_d;
    int            i,p1,p2;
    double         fade_in, fade_out;
    double         outd;

/*    s16 *          outbuff; */

    /* reset */
    if( !is_initialized || initialize ||
        snr_i!=snr_i_act || snr_o!=snr_o_act ){
        snr_rest   = 0.0;
        snr_o_prod = 0;
        snr_i_act  = snr_i;
        snr_o_act  = snr_o;
        dsnr       = snr_o_act-snr_i_act;
        pos_act    = pos_init;
        is_initialized = 1;

/*    fprintf(stderr,"pos_act=%d\n",pos_act);
    snr_d      = (double)snr_proc*(double)snr_o_act/(double)snr_i_act
                 + snr_rest;
    snr        = (int) (snr_d) / 2 * 2;
    snr_rest   = snr_d - (double)snr;
/*    fprintf(stderr,"snr=%d\n",snr);
/*    outbuff=malloc(snr*sizeof(s16));
    /* produce snr samples */
    do {
        if( snr_o_prod == snr_o_act ) {
/*            fprintf(stderr,"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dsnr = %d\n",dsnr);*/
            pos_act = ringpos( pos_act-dsnr, buff_size );
        for ( ; snr_o_prod < snr_o_act && i<snr ; snr_o_prod++,i++ ){
            p2=ringpos( p1-dsnr, buff_size );
//            p3=ringpos( p2-dsnr, buff_size );
//            p4=ringpos( p3-dsnr, buff_size );
//            p2=ringpos( p1-abs(dsnr), buff_size );
//            p3=ringpos( p2-abs(dsnr), buff_size );
//            p4=ringpos( p3-abs(dsnr), buff_size );
            fade_in  = (double)snr_o_prod/(double)snr_o_act;
            fade_out = 1.0-fade_in;
//            fade1 = (dsnr>0)?fade_out:fade_in;
//            fade2 = (dsnr>0)?fade_in:fade_out;
            outd = (
                      (double)buffer[p1] * fade_out  /* fade out */
                    + (double)buffer[p2] * fade_in   /* fade in  */
//                    +( 0.67 * (double)buffer[p1]             /* fade out for lengthen */
//                     + 0.24 * (double)buffer[p2]             /* fade out */
//                     + 0.09 * (double)buffer[p3]) * fade_out /* fade out */
//                    +( 0.67 * (double)buffer[p2]             /* fade in  */
//                     + 0.24 * (double)buffer[p3]             /* fade in  */
//                     + 0.09 * (double)buffer[p4]) * fade_in  /* fade in  */
            outbuff[i] = outd+0.5;
            pos_act=ringpos( pos_act+1, buff_size );
    } while( i<snr );

/*    fwrite( outbuff, sizeof(s16), snr, stdout );
/*    free(outbuff);
    *out_prod = snr;

/*    fprintf(stderr,"snr = %d\n",snr);
    return( *out_prod );

int sndstretch( // optimized
//int sndstretch_optimized( // optimized
/* stretches the sound (not changing pitch !!!)                          */
/* returns number of output samples produced                             */
/* chnr simply gives multiples of chnr as snr_prod                       */
           s16 * buffer, int buff_size,   /* ring buffer                    */
           int pos_init,                  /* only initial pos in ringbuffer */
           int snr_i, int snr_o,          /* enlarge - spec                 */
           int chnr,                      /* # of channels                  */
           s16 * outbuff,                 /* output                         */
           int * out_prod,                /* # of output-samples produced   */
           int snr_proc,                  /* # of in-samples to process     */
           int initialize                 /* bool                           */
    static int     is_initialized=0;
    static int     snr_o_prod;
    static int     snr_i_act;
    static int     snr_o_act;
    static int     pos_act;
    static int     dsnr;
    static double  snr_rest=0.0;

    static int     _RESMAX_div_max, _RESMAX_mod_max;
    static int     fade_in_i, fade_out_i, fade_rest_i;

    /* not necessarily static */
    static int            snr;
    static double         snr_d;
    static int            i,p2;

    /* reset */
    if( !is_initialized || initialize ||
        snr_i!=snr_i_act || snr_o!=snr_o_act ){
        snr_rest   = 0.0;
        snr_o_prod = 0;
        snr_i_act  = snr_i;
        snr_o_act  = snr_o;
        dsnr       = snr_o_act-snr_i_act;
        pos_act    = pos_init;
        is_initialized = 1;

    snr_d      = (double)snr_proc*(double)snr_o_act/(double)snr_i_act
                 + snr_rest;
    snr        = (int) (snr_d) / 2 * 2;
    snr_rest   = snr_d - (double)snr;
    /* produce snr samples */
    do {
        if( snr_o_prod == snr_o_act ) {
            pos_act = ringpos( pos_act-dsnr, buff_size );
        fade_in_i  = RESMAX*((double)snr_o_prod/(double)snr_o_act);
        fade_out_i = RESMAX-fade_in_i;
        fade_rest_i= (RESMAX*snr_o_prod)%snr_o_act;
        p2=ringpos( pos_act-dsnr, buff_size );
        for ( ; snr_o_prod < snr_o_act && i<snr ; snr_o_prod++,i++ ){
            fade_in_i  +=_RESMAX_div_max;
            fade_out_i -=_RESMAX_div_max;
            outbuff[i] = (s16)( (
                                 + (int)buffer[pos_act] * fade_out_i
                                 + (int)buffer[p2]      * fade_in_i
                                ) >> LOG2RESMAX );
            pos_act++; if(pos_act>=buff_size) pos_act-=buff_size;
            p2++;      if(p2     >=buff_size) p2     -=buff_size;
    } while( i<snr );

    *out_prod = snr;

    return( *out_prod );

int sndstretch_job( // optimized
//int sndstretch_optimized( // optimized
/* stretches the sound (not changing pitch !!!)                          */
/* returns number of output samples produced                             */
/* chnr simply gives multiples of chnr as snr_prod                       */
           s16 * buffer, int buff_size,   /* ring buffer                    */
           int pos_init,                  /* only initial pos in ringbuffer */
           int snr_i, int snr_o,          /* enlarge - spec                 */
           int chnr,                      /* # of channels                  */
           s16 * outbuff,                 /* output                         */
           int * out_prod,                /* # of output-samples produced   */
           int snr_proc,                  /* # of in-samples to process     */
           int initialize,                 /* bool                           */
           StretchJob * job
/*    static int     is_initialized=0;
    static int     snr_o_prod;
    static int     snr_i_act;
    static int     snr_o_act;
    static int     pos_act;
    static int     dsnr;
    static double  snr_rest=0.0;

    static int     _RESMAX_div_max, _RESMAX_mod_max;
    static int     fade_in_i, fade_out_i, fade_rest_i;*/

    /* not necessarily static */
    static int            snr;
    static double         snr_d;
    static int            i,p2;

#define    is_initialized    (job->is_initialized )
#define    snr_o_prod        (job->snr_o_prod     )
#define    snr_i_act         (job->snr_i_act      )
#define    snr_o_act         (job->snr_o_act      )
#define    pos_act           (job->pos_act        )
#define    dsnr              (job->dsnr           )
#define    snr_rest          (job->snr_rest       )
#define    _RESMAX_div_max   (job->_RESMAX_div_max)
#define    _RESMAX_mod_max   (job->_RESMAX_mod_max)
#define    fade_in_i         (job->fade_in_i      )
#define    fade_out_i        (job->fade_out_i     )
#define    fade_rest_i       (job->fade_rest_i    )

    /* reset */
    if( !is_initialized || initialize ||
        snr_i!=snr_i_act || snr_o!=snr_o_act ){
        snr_rest   = 0.0;
        snr_o_prod = 0;
        snr_i_act  = snr_i;
        snr_o_act  = snr_o;
        dsnr       = snr_o_act-snr_i_act;
        pos_act    = pos_init;
        is_initialized = 1;

    snr_d      = (double)snr_proc*(double)snr_o_act/(double)snr_i_act
                 + snr_rest;
    snr        = (int) (snr_d) / 2 * 2;
    snr_rest   = snr_d - (double)snr;
    /* produce snr samples */
    do {
        if( snr_o_prod == snr_o_act ) {
            pos_act = ringpos( pos_act-dsnr, buff_size );
        fade_in_i  = RESMAX*((double)snr_o_prod/(double)snr_o_act);
        fade_out_i = RESMAX-fade_in_i;
        fade_rest_i= (RESMAX*snr_o_prod)%snr_o_act;
        p2=ringpos( pos_act-dsnr, buff_size );
        for ( ; snr_o_prod < snr_o_act && i<snr ; snr_o_prod++,i++ ){
            fade_in_i  +=_RESMAX_div_max;
            fade_out_i -=_RESMAX_div_max;
            outbuff[i] = (s16)( (
                                 + (int)buffer[pos_act] * fade_out_i
                                 + (int)buffer[p2]      * fade_in_i
                                ) >> LOG2RESMAX );
            pos_act++; if(pos_act>=buff_size) pos_act-=buff_size;
            p2++;      if(p2     >=buff_size) p2     -=buff_size;
    } while( i<snr );

    *out_prod = snr;

    return( *out_prod );

#undef    is_initialized
#undef    snr_o_prod
#undef    snr_i_act
#undef    snr_o_act
#undef    pos_act
#undef    dsnr
#undef    snr_rest
#undef    _RESMAX_div_max
#undef    _RESMAX_mod_max
#undef    fade_in_i
#undef    fade_out_i
#undef    fade_rest_i

//int sndscale(
int sndscale_not_optimized(
/* rescales the sound (including pitch)       */
/* returns number of output samples produced  */
           s16 * buffer,                  /* ring buffer                  */
           int snr_i, int snr_o,          /* enlarge - spec               */
           int chnr,                      /* # of channels                */
           s16 * outbuff,                 /* output                       */
           int * out_prod,                /* # of output-samples produced */
           int snr_proc,                  /* # of in-samples to process   */
                                          /* must be manifold of channels */
           int initialize                 /* bool                         */
    static s16     last_samp[10];        /* 10 channels maximum ;) */
    static double  pos_d     = 0.0;
    int            snr;
    int            pos1, pos2;
    s16            samp1, samp2;
    int            index1, index2;
    int            ch;
    double         ds;
    double         ratio1, ratio2, outd;

    if ( initialize ){
        for( ch=0; ch<chnr; ch++ ){
            last_samp[ch] = 0;
        pos_d     = 0.0;

    ds         = 1.0*(double)snr_i/(double)snr_o;

/*    fprintf(stderr,"ds=%f\n",ds); */
/*    fprintf(stderr,"pos_d    =%f\n",pos_d);*/
    /* produce proper amount of samples */
    for( snr=0 ; pos_d < snr_proc/chnr-1 ; pos_d+=ds ){
        pos1  = (int)floor(pos_d);
        pos2  = pos1+1;
        ratio1 = 1-pos_d+floor(pos_d);
        ratio2 = pos_d-floor(pos_d);
        for( ch=0; ch<chnr; ch++ ){

            index1    = pos1*chnr+ch;
            index2    = pos2*chnr+ch;

            samp1 = (pos_d<0) ? last_samp[ch] : buffer[index1] ;
            samp2 = buffer[index2];

            outd = (double)samp1 * ratio1
                 + (double)samp2 * ratio2 ;

            outbuff[snr+ch] = outd+0.5;



    pos_d -= (double)(snr_proc/chnr);
    for( ch=0; ch<chnr; ch++ ){
        last_samp[ch] = buffer[snr_proc-chnr+ch];
    *out_prod = snr;
/*    fprintf(stderr,"snr = %d\n",snr);*/
/*    last_samp = buffer[snr_proc-1]; */
    return( snr );

int sndscale( //optimized
//int sndscale2p_optimized(
/* rescales the sound (including pitch)       */
/* returns number of output samples produced  */
           s16 * buffer,                  /* ring buffer                  */
           int snr_i, int snr_o,          /* enlarge - spec   snr_o must not exceed RESMAX */
           int chnr,                      /* # of channels                */
           s16 * outbuff,                 /* output                       */
           int * out_prod,                /* # of output-samples produced */
           int snr_proc,                  /* # of in-samples to process   */
                                          /* must be manifold of channels */
           int initialize                 /* bool                         */
    static s16     last_samp[10];        /* 10 channels maximum ;) */
    static int            pos_rest;
    static int            snr;
    static int            pos1, pos2;
    static int            ch;
    static int            ratio1_i;
    static int            ds_li, ds_li_c, ds_rest;
    static int            snr_proc_m_chnr;

    if ( initialize ){
        for( ch=0; ch<chnr; ch++ ){
            last_samp[ch] = 0;
        pos1    = 0;

    ds_li      = snr_i/snr_o;
    ds_li_c    = ds_li*chnr;
    ds_rest    = snr_i%snr_o;
    snr_proc_m_chnr = snr_proc-chnr;
    for( snr=0 ; pos1 < snr_proc_m_chnr ; pos1+=ds_li_c ){
        pos2  = pos1+chnr;
        ratio1_i = snr_o-pos_rest;
        if (pos1<0){
            for( ch=0; ch<chnr; ch++ ){
                outbuff[snr+ch] = (s16)
                    ( ( (int)last_samp[ch]   * ratio1_i +
                        (int)buffer[pos2+ch] * pos_rest ) / snr_o ) ;
        } else {
            for( ch=0; ch<chnr; ch++ ){
                outbuff[snr+ch] = (s16)
                    ( ( (int)buffer[pos1+ch] * ratio1_i +
                        (int)buffer[pos2+ch] * pos_rest ) / snr_o ) ;


        if( pos_rest>=snr_o ){ pos_rest-=snr_o; pos1+=chnr; }

    pos1 -= snr_proc;
    for( ch=0; ch<chnr; ch++ ){
        last_samp[ch] = buffer[snr_proc-chnr+ch];
    *out_prod = snr;

    return( snr );

int sndscale_job( //optimized
//int sndscale2p_optimized(
/* rescales the sound (including pitch)       */
/* returns number of output samples produced  */
           s16 * buffer,                  /* ring buffer                  */
           int snr_i, int snr_o,          /* enlarge - spec   snr_o must not exceed RESMAX */
           int chnr,                      /* # of channels                */
           s16 * outbuff,                 /* output                       */
           int * out_prod,                /* # of output-samples produced */
           int snr_proc,                  /* # of in-samples to process   */
                                          /* must be manifold of channels */
           int initialize,                /* bool                         */
           ScaleJob * job
/*    static s16  *         last_samp;
    static int            pos_rest;
    static int            snr;
    static int            pos1, pos2;
    static int            ch;
    static int            ratio1_i;
    static int            ds_li, ds_li_c, ds_rest;
    static int            snr_proc_m_chnr;*/

#define    last_samp          job->last_samp
#define    pos_rest           job->pos_rest
#define    snr                job->snr
#define    pos1               job->pos1
#define    pos2               job->pos2
#define    ch                 job->ch
#define    ratio1_i           job->ratio1_i
#define    ds_li              job->ds_li
#define    ds_li_c            job->ds_li_c
#define    ds_rest            job->ds_rest
#define    snr_proc_m_chnr    job->snr_proc_m_chnr

    if ( initialize ){
        for( ch=0; ch<chnr; ch++ ){
            last_samp[ch] = 0;
        pos1    = 0;

    ds_li      = snr_i/snr_o;
    ds_li_c    = ds_li*chnr;
    ds_rest    = snr_i%snr_o;
    snr_proc_m_chnr = snr_proc-chnr;
    for( snr=0 ; pos1 < snr_proc_m_chnr ; pos1+=ds_li_c ){
        pos2  = pos1+chnr;
        ratio1_i = snr_o-pos_rest;
        if (pos1<0){
            for( ch=0; ch<chnr; ch++ ){
                outbuff[snr+ch] = (s16)
                    ( ( (int)last_samp[ch]   * ratio1_i +
                        (int)buffer[pos2+ch] * pos_rest ) / snr_o ) ;
        } else {
            for( ch=0; ch<chnr; ch++ ){
                outbuff[snr+ch] = (s16)
                    ( ( (int)buffer[pos1+ch] * ratio1_i +
                        (int)buffer[pos2+ch] * pos_rest ) / snr_o ) ;


        if( pos_rest>=snr_o ){ pos_rest-=snr_o; pos1+=chnr; }

    pos1 -= snr_proc;
    for( ch=0; ch<chnr; ch++ ){
        last_samp[ch] = buffer[snr_proc-chnr+ch];
    *out_prod = snr;

    return( snr );

#undef    last_samp      
#undef    pos_rest       
#undef    snr            
#undef    pos1           
#undef    pos2           
#undef    ch             
#undef    ratio1_i       
#undef    ds_li          
#undef    ds_li_c        
#undef    ds_rest        
#undef    snr_proc_m_chnr

int snd_pitch_speed(
                    /* input */
                    s16 *buff_i, int channels, int snr_proc,
                    /* algorihm parameters */
                    int initialize, double pitch, double speed, int fade_shift,
                    /* output */
                    s16 * buff_o, int * snr_produced
    static s16 *  ring_buff = (s16*)0;
    static s16 *  ring_buff_old = (s16*)0;
    static s16 *  buff_help = (s16*)0;
    static int    ring_size = 1;
    static int    ring_size_old = 0;
    static int    ring_pos_w = 0;
    static int    ring_pos_r = 0;
    static int    snr_scale_i;
    static int    snr_scale_o;
    static int    snr_stretch_i;
    static int    snr_stretch_o;
    static int    snr_proc_scale;
    static int    snr_proc_stretch;
    static int    is_init = 0;
    static int    dsnr;
    static double speed_act = 0;
    static double pitch_act = 0;
    static double fade_shift_act = 0;
    int       snr_prod;
    double    speed_eff;
    double    pitch_eff;
    int       scaling_first;
    int       snr_stretching_i_max;
    int       snr_stretching_o_max;

//    int       channels = 2;
    int       init_me  = 0;

    speed_eff = speed/pitch;
    pitch_eff = pitch;

//    if( pitch > 1.0 ) scaling_first=0; else scaling_first=1;
    if ( !is_init || initialize || speed!=speed_act || pitch!=pitch_act ||
         fade_shift!=fade_shift_act ){

        if( !is_init || initialize ) init_me=1; else init_me=0;
#ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(stderr,"snd_stretch_scale - init - pitch:%f, speed:%f\n",pitch,speed);
        speed_act = speed;
        pitch_act = pitch;
        fade_shift_act = fade_shift;

//        if (ring_buff!=0) free(ring_buff);
//        if (buff_help!=0) free(buff_help);

        if (initialize != -1){
            dsnr       = fade_shift;
//            dsnr       = 1764; // 25Hz
//            dsnr       = 1536; // 30Hz
//            dsnr       = 1102; // 40Hz
//            dsnr       = 882;  // 50Hz

            if( scaling_first ){
                snr_stretching_i_max = ceil((double)snr_proc/pitch_act);
                snr_stretching_i_max += channels-1;
                snr_stretching_i_max /= channels;
                snr_stretching_i_max *= channels;
            } else {
                snr_stretching_i_max = (snr_proc+channels-1)/channels*channels;

            snr_stretching_o_max =
                ceil((double)snr_stretching_i_max / speed_eff);
            snr_stretching_o_max =

            ring_size  = snr_stretching_o_max     /* for reading */
                       + dsnr*channels            /* for grabbing back */
                       + dsnr*channels            /* for readpos catching */
                                                  /* up with writepos     */
                       + 2*dsnr*channels ;          /* for 2 pre - echos */
//            ring_size  = snr_stretching_o_max+3*dsnr*channels;

            if( ring_size <= ring_size_old ){
                ring_size = ring_size_old;
#ifdef DEBUG
                fprintf(stderr," ring_size =  %d \n",ring_size);
            } else {
/*                if (ring_buff!=0) free(ring_buff);
                if (buff_help!=0) free(buff_help);
                ring_buff  = calloc( ring_size, sizeof(s16) );
                buff_help  = calloc( 65536, sizeof(s16) );
                ring_pos_r = 0;*/
                if (buff_help!=0) free(buff_help);
                ring_buff_old = ring_buff;
                ring_buff = calloc( ring_size, sizeof(s16) );
                buff_help = calloc( 65536, sizeof(s16) );
                if (ring_buff_old!=0) ringcopy( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_r, ring_pos_w, ring_buff_old, ring_size_old, ring_pos_r );
                if (ring_buff_old!=0) free(ring_buff_old);
//                ring_pos_w=ringpos(ring_pos_w+ring_size_old,ring_size);
#ifdef DEBUG
                fprintf(stderr,"    %d s16-samples reserved\n",ring_size);

            ring_pos_w =
                ringpos( ring_pos_r +         /* base             */
                         dsnr*channels        /* for grabing back */
//                         dsnr*2             /* for grabing back */ // why *2
                         , ring_size );
#ifdef DEBUG
            fprintf(stderr,"    ring_pos_w = %d\n",ring_pos_w);
            ring_pos_w = (ring_pos_w+(channels-1))/channels*channels;

            ring_size_old = ring_size;
            is_init = 1;

        } else {  /* initialize == -1 */
            if (ring_buff!=0) free(ring_buff);
            if (buff_help!=0) free(buff_help);
            /* buffers are released -> leave the function */
            return 0;                            /* !!! sloppy */
    if ( fabs(speed_eff-1.0)>0.001 ){ /*
                                     0.001 ?!
                                       this should be examined to the limits
        snr_stretch_i = (double)dsnr/(1.0/speed_eff-1.0);
        snr_stretch_o = fabs(snr_stretch_i + dsnr);
        snr_stretch_i = abs(snr_stretch_i);
//        fprintf(stderr,"snd_stretch_scale - snr_str_i=%d\n",snr_stretch_i);
//        fprintf(stderr,"snd_stretch_scale - snr_str_o=%d\n",snr_stretch_o);
    } else {
        snr_stretch_i = 10;
        snr_stretch_o = 10;

    if ( pitch_eff!=1.0 ){
        snr_scale_i   = (double)dsnr/(1.0/pitch_eff-1.0);
        snr_scale_o   = fabs(snr_scale_i + dsnr);
        snr_scale_i   = abs(snr_scale_i);
        if( 1 /* optimized version doesnt support all scaling */ ){
            if( snr_scale_o > 65536 ){
                snr_scale_i = (int)((double)snr_scale_i*((double)65536/(double)snr_scale_o)+0.5);
                snr_scale_o = 65536;
                // make sure that snr_o for sndscale wont exceed 2^16
//        fprintf(stderr,"snd_stretch_scale - snr_sc_i=%d\n",snr_stretch_i);
//        fprintf(stderr,"snd_stretch_scale - snr_sc_o=%d\n",snr_stretch_o);
    } else {
//        fprintf(stderr,"snd_stretch_scale - snr_scale_i=snr_scale_o=10\n");
        snr_scale_i   = 65536;
        snr_scale_o   = 65536;

    if( 0/*scaling_first*/ ){
        snr_proc_scale = snr_proc;
        sndscale ( buff_i,
                   snr_scale_i, snr_scale_o, channels,
                   buff_help, &snr_prod, snr_proc_scale, init_me );
/*                   buff_o, &snr_prod, snr_proc_scale, 0 ); */
        if( speed_eff!=1.0 ){   /* add echo only when really stretching */
            ringload_IIR_1_div_e_echo_i( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_w, buff_help, snr_prod, dsnr*channels );
        } else {
            ringload( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_w, buff_help, snr_prod );
        ring_pos_w = ringpos( ring_pos_w+snr_prod, ring_size );
        snr_proc_stretch = snr_prod;
        sndstretch ( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_r,
                     snr_stretch_i*channels, snr_stretch_o*channels, channels,
                     buff_o, &snr_prod, snr_proc_stretch, init_me );

        ring_pos_r = ringpos( ring_pos_r+snr_prod, ring_size );

    } else {

//        fprintf(stderr,"sndstretch: ring_pos_r = %d\n",ring_pos_r);
//        fprintf(stderr,"sndstretch: ring_pos_w = %d\n\n",ring_pos_w);
        snr_prod = snr_proc;
        if( speed_eff!=1.0 ){   /* add echo only when really stretching */
            ringload_IIR_1_div_e_echo_i( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_w, buff_i, snr_proc, dsnr*channels );
        } else {
            ringload( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_w, buff_i, snr_proc );
        ring_pos_w = ringpos( ring_pos_w+snr_proc, ring_size );
        snr_proc_stretch = snr_proc;
        sndstretch ( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_r,
                     snr_stretch_i*channels, snr_stretch_o*channels, channels,
                     buff_help, &snr_prod, snr_proc_stretch, init_me );
        ring_pos_r = ringpos( ring_pos_r+snr_prod, ring_size );

        snr_proc_scale = snr_prod;
//        fprintf(stderr,"snr_scale_i, snr_scale_o = %d,%d\n",snr_scale_i, snr_scale_o);
        sndscale ( buff_help,
                   snr_scale_i, snr_scale_o, channels,
                   buff_o, &snr_prod, snr_proc_scale, init_me );

    *snr_produced = snr_prod;
    return snr_prod;

int snd_pitch_speed_job(
                    /* input */
                    s16 *buff_i, int channels, int snr_proc,
                    /* algorihm parameters */
                    int initialize, double pitch, double speed, int fade_shift,
                    /* output */
                    s16 * buff_o, int * snr_produced, PitchSpeedJob * job,
                    int vol_corr
/*    static s16 *  ring_buff = (s16*)0;
    static s16 *  ring_buff_old = (s16*)0;
    static s16 *  buff_help = (s16*)0;
    static int    ring_size = 1;
    static int    ring_size_old = 0;
    static int    ring_pos_w = 0;
    static int    ring_pos_r = 0;
    static int    snr_scale_i;
    static int    snr_scale_o;
    static int    snr_stretch_i;
    static int    snr_stretch_o;
    static int    snr_proc_scale;
    static int    snr_proc_stretch;
    static int    is_init = 0;
    static int    dsnr;
    static double speed_act = 0;
    static double pitch_act = 0;*/

    int       snr_prod;
    double    speed_eff;
    double    pitch_eff;
    int       scaling_first;
    int       snr_stretching_i_max;
    int       snr_stretching_o_max;

//    int       channels = 2;
    int       init_me  = 0;

#define    ring_buff         job->ring_buff
#define    ring_buff_old     job->ring_buff_old
#define    buff_help         job->buff_help
#define    ring_size         job->ring_size
#define    ring_size_old     job->ring_size_old
#define    ring_pos_w        job->ring_pos_w
#define    ring_pos_r        job->ring_pos_r
#define    snr_scale_i       job->snr_scale_i
#define    snr_scale_o       job->snr_scale_o
#define    snr_stretch_i     job->snr_stretch_i
#define    snr_stretch_o     job->snr_stretch_o
#define    snr_proc_scale    job->snr_proc_scale
#define    snr_proc_stretch  job->snr_proc_stretch
#define    is_init           job->is_init
#define    dsnr              job->dsnr
#define    speed_act         job->speed_act
#define    pitch_act         job->pitch_act
#define    fade_shift_act    job->fade_shift_act
    speed_eff = speed/pitch;
    pitch_eff = pitch;

//    if( pitch > 1.0 ) scaling_first=0; else scaling_first=1;
    if ( !is_init || initialize || speed!=speed_act || pitch!=pitch_act ||
         fade_shift != fade_shift_act ){

        if( !is_init || initialize ) init_me=1; else init_me=0;
#ifdef DEBUG
        fprintf(stderr,"snd_stretch_scale - init - pitch:%f, speed:%f\n",pitch,speed);
        speed_act = speed;
        pitch_act = pitch;
        if ( fade_shift != fade_shift_act ){
            fprintf(stderr,"changed fade_shift_act\n");
        fade_shift_act = fade_shift;

//        if (ring_buff!=0) free(ring_buff);
//        if (buff_help!=0) free(buff_help);

        if (initialize != -1){
            dsnr       = fade_shift;
//            dsnr       = 1764; // 25Hz
//            dsnr       = 1536; // 30Hz
//            dsnr       = 1102; // 40Hz
//            dsnr       = 882;  // 50Hz

            if( scaling_first ){
                snr_stretching_i_max = ceil((double)snr_proc/pitch_act);
                snr_stretching_i_max += channels-1;
                snr_stretching_i_max /= channels;
                snr_stretching_i_max *= channels;
            } else {
                snr_stretching_i_max = (snr_proc+channels-1)/channels*channels;

            snr_stretching_o_max =
                ceil((double)snr_stretching_i_max / speed_eff);
            snr_stretching_o_max =

            ring_size  = snr_stretching_o_max     /* for reading */
                       + dsnr*channels            /* for grabbing back */
                       + dsnr*channels            /* for readpos catching */
                                                  /* up with writepos     */
                       + 2*dsnr*channels ;          /* for 2 pre - echos */
//            ring_size  = snr_stretching_o_max+3*dsnr*channels;

            if( ring_size <= ring_size_old ){
                ring_size = ring_size_old;
#ifdef DEBUG
                fprintf(stderr," ring_size =  %d \n",ring_size);
            } else {
/*                if (ring_buff!=0) free(ring_buff);
                if (buff_help!=0) free(buff_help);
                ring_buff  = calloc( ring_size, sizeof(s16) );
                buff_help  = calloc( 65536, sizeof(s16) );
                ring_pos_r = 0;*/
                if (buff_help!=0) free(buff_help);
                ring_buff_old = ring_buff;
                ring_buff = calloc( ring_size, sizeof(s16) );
                buff_help = calloc( 65536, sizeof(s16) );
                if (ring_buff_old!=0) ringcopy( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_r, ring_pos_w, ring_buff_old, ring_size_old, ring_pos_r );
                if (ring_buff_old!=0) free(ring_buff_old);
//                ring_pos_w=ringpos(ring_pos_w+ring_size_old,ring_size);
#ifdef DEBUG
                fprintf(stderr,"    %d s16-samples reserved\n",ring_size);

            ring_pos_w =
                ringpos( ring_pos_r +         /* base             */
                         dsnr*channels        /* for grabing back */
//                         dsnr*2             /* for grabing back */ // why *2
                         , ring_size );
#ifdef DEBUG
            fprintf(stderr,"    ring_pos_w = %d\n",ring_pos_w);
            ring_pos_w = (ring_pos_w+(channels-1))/channels*channels;

            ring_size_old = ring_size;
            is_init = 1;

        } else {  /* initialize == -1 */
            if (ring_buff!=0) free(ring_buff);
            if (buff_help!=0) free(buff_help);
            /* buffers are released -> leave the function */
            return 0;                            /* !!! sloppy */
    if ( fabs(speed_eff-1.0)>0.001 ){ /*
                                     0.001 ?!
                                       this should be examined to the limits
        snr_stretch_i = (double)dsnr/(1.0/speed_eff-1.0);
        snr_stretch_o = fabs(snr_stretch_i + dsnr);
        snr_stretch_i = abs(snr_stretch_i);
//        fprintf(stderr,"snd_stretch_scale - snr_str_i=%d\n",snr_stretch_i);
//        fprintf(stderr,"snd_stretch_scale - snr_str_o=%d\n",snr_stretch_o);
    } else {
        snr_stretch_i = 10;
        snr_stretch_o = 10;

    if ( pitch_eff!=1.0 ){
        snr_scale_i   = (double)dsnr/(1.0/pitch_eff-1.0);
        snr_scale_o   = fabs(snr_scale_i + dsnr);
        snr_scale_i   = abs(snr_scale_i);
        if( 1 /* optimized version doesnt support all scaling */ ){
            if( snr_scale_o > 65536 ){
                snr_scale_i = (int)((double)snr_scale_i*((double)65536/(double)snr_scale_o)+0.5);
                snr_scale_o = 65536;
                // make sure that snr_o for sndscale wont exceed 2^16
//        fprintf(stderr,"snd_stretch_scale - snr_sc_i=%d\n",snr_stretch_i);
//        fprintf(stderr,"snd_stretch_scale - snr_sc_o=%d\n",snr_stretch_o);
    } else {
//        fprintf(stderr,"snd_stretch_scale - snr_scale_i=snr_scale_o=10\n");
        snr_scale_i   = 65536;
        snr_scale_o   = 65536;

    if( 0/*scaling_first*/ ){
        snr_proc_scale = snr_proc;
        sndscale_job ( buff_i,
                       snr_scale_i, snr_scale_o, channels,
                       buff_help, &snr_prod, snr_proc_scale, init_me,
                       &(job->scale_job) );
/*                   buff_o, &snr_prod, snr_proc_scale, 0 ); */
        if( speed_eff!=1.0 ){   /* add echo only when really stretching */
            if( !vol_corr ){
                ringload_IIR_1_div_e_echo_i( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_w, buff_help, snr_prod, dsnr*channels );
            } else {
                ringload_IIR_1_div_e_echo_i_vc( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_w, buff_help, snr_prod, dsnr*channels );
        } else {
            ringload( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_w, buff_help, snr_prod );
        ring_pos_w = ringpos( ring_pos_w+snr_prod, ring_size );
        snr_proc_stretch = snr_prod;
        sndstretch_job ( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_r,
                         snr_stretch_i*channels, snr_stretch_o*channels, channels,
                         buff_o, &snr_prod, snr_proc_stretch, init_me,

        ring_pos_r = ringpos( ring_pos_r+snr_prod, ring_size );

    } else {

//        fprintf(stderr,"sndstretch: ring_pos_r = %d\n",ring_pos_r);
//        fprintf(stderr,"sndstretch: ring_pos_w = %d\n\n",ring_pos_w);
        snr_prod = snr_proc;
        if( speed_eff!=1.0 ){   /* add echo only when really stretching */
            if( !vol_corr ){
                ringload_IIR_1_div_e_echo_i( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_w, buff_i, snr_proc, dsnr*channels );
                ringload_IIR_1_div_e_echo_i_vc( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_w, buff_i, snr_proc, dsnr*channels );
        } else {
            ringload( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_w, buff_i, snr_proc );
        ring_pos_w = ringpos( ring_pos_w+snr_proc, ring_size );
        snr_proc_stretch = snr_proc;
        sndstretch_job ( ring_buff, ring_size, ring_pos_r,
                         snr_stretch_i*channels, snr_stretch_o*channels, channels,
                         buff_help, &snr_prod, snr_proc_stretch, init_me,
        ring_pos_r = ringpos( ring_pos_r+snr_prod, ring_size );

        snr_proc_scale = snr_prod;
//        fprintf(stderr,"snr_scale_i, snr_scale_o = %d,%d\n",snr_scale_i, snr_scale_o);
        sndscale_job ( buff_help,
                       snr_scale_i, snr_scale_o, channels,
                       buff_o, &snr_prod, snr_proc_scale, init_me,

    *snr_produced = snr_prod;
    return snr_prod;
#undef    ring_buff
#undef    ring_buff_old
#undef    buff_help
#undef    ring_size
#undef    ring_size_old
#undef    ring_pos_w
#undef    ring_pos_r
#undef    snr_scale_i
#undef    snr_scale_o
#undef    snr_stretch_i
#undef    snr_stretch_o
#undef    snr_proc_scale
#undef    snr_proc_stretch
#undef    is_init
#undef    dsnr
#undef    speed_act
#undef    pitch_act
#undef    fade_shift_act

int snd_stretch_scale(s16 *buff_i, s16 * buff_o,
                      double pitch, double speed, int channels,
                      int snr_proc, int * snr_produced, int initialize
    return snd_pitch_speed(
                           /* input */
                           buff_i, channels, snr_proc,
                           /* algorihm parameters */
                           initialize, pitch, speed, 1764,
                           /* output */
                           buff_o, snr_produced

int snd_stretch_scale_job(s16 *buff_i, s16 * buff_o,
                      double pitch, double speed, int channels,
                      int snr_proc, int * snr_produced, int initialize,
                      PitchSpeedJob * job, int init_job)
/* init_job should be set to one the first time the routine is called with
   the actual job (e.g. for creating a new job) */
    return snd_pitch_speed_job(
                               /* input */
                               buff_i, channels, snr_proc,
                               /* algorihm parameters */
                               initialize, pitch, speed, 1764 ,
                               /* output */
                               buff_o, snr_produced,
                               /* job data */
                               job, 0