diff Plugins/Input/adplug/core/hsc.cxx @ 1713:a4d7227231e3 trunk

[svn] More .cpp -> .cxx. Noticed by Chainsaw. Shame on me that I forgot some ;).
author js
date Sat, 16 Sep 2006 07:33:28 -0700
parents Plugins/Input/adplug/core/hsc.cpp@705d4c089fce
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Plugins/Input/adplug/core/hsc.cxx	Sat Sep 16 07:33:28 2006 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+ * Adplug - Replayer for many OPL2/OPL3 audio file formats.
+ * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2004 Simon Peter, <dn.tlp@gmx.net>, et al.
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * 
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ *
+ * hsc.cpp - HSC Player by Simon Peter <dn.tlp@gmx.net>
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include "hsc.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+/*** public methods **************************************/
+CPlayer *ChscPlayer::factory(Copl *newopl)
+  return new ChscPlayer(newopl);
+bool ChscPlayer::load(const std::string &filename, const CFileProvider &fp)
+  binistream	*f = fp.open(filename);
+  int		i;
+  // file validation section
+  if(!f || !fp.extension(filename, ".hsc") || fp.filesize(f) > 59187) {
+    AdPlug_LogWrite("ChscPlayer::load(\"%s\"): Not a HSC file!\n", filename.c_str());
+    fp.close(f);
+    return false;
+  }
+  // load section
+  for(i=0;i<128*12;i++)		// load instruments
+    *((unsigned char *)instr + i) = f->readInt(1);
+  for (i=0;i<128;i++) {			// correct instruments
+    instr[i][2] ^= (instr[i][2] & 0x40) << 1;
+    instr[i][3] ^= (instr[i][3] & 0x40) << 1;
+    instr[i][11] >>= 4;			// slide
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<51;i++) song[i] = f->readInt(1);	// load tracklist
+  for(i=0;i<50*64*9;i++)			// load patterns
+    *((char *)patterns + i) = f->readInt(1);
+  fp.close(f);
+  rewind(0);					// rewind module
+  return true;
+bool ChscPlayer::update()
+  // general vars
+  unsigned char		chan,pattnr,note,effect,eff_op,inst,vol,Okt,db;
+  unsigned short	Fnr;
+  unsigned long		pattoff;
+  del--;                      // player speed handling
+  if(del)
+    return !songend;		// nothing done
+  if(fadein)					// fade-in handling
+    fadein--;
+  pattnr = song[songpos];
+  if(pattnr == 0xff) {			// arrangement handling
+    songend = 1;				// set end-flag
+    songpos = 0;
+    pattnr = song[songpos];
+  } else
+    if ((pattnr & 128) && (pattnr <= 0xb1)) { // goto pattern "nr"
+      songpos = song[songpos] & 127;
+      pattpos = 0;
+      pattnr = song[songpos];
+      songend = 1;
+    }
+  pattoff = pattpos*9;
+  for (chan=0;chan<9;chan++) {			// handle all channels
+    note = patterns[pattnr][pattoff].note;
+    effect = patterns[pattnr][pattoff].effect;
+    pattoff++;
+    if(note & 128) {                    // set instrument
+      setinstr(chan,effect);
+      continue;
+    }
+    eff_op = effect & 0x0f;
+    inst = channel[chan].inst;
+    if(note)
+      channel[chan].slide = 0;
+    switch (effect & 0xf0) {			// effect handling
+    case 0:								// global effect
+      /* The following fx are unimplemented on purpose:
+       * 02 - Slide Mainvolume up
+       * 03 - Slide Mainvolume down (here: fade in)
+       * 04 - Set Mainvolume to 0
+       *
+       * This is because i've never seen any HSC modules using the fx this way.
+       * All modules use the fx the way, i've implemented it.
+       */
+      switch(eff_op) {
+      case 1: pattbreak++; break;	// jump to next pattern
+      case 3: fadein = 31; break;	// fade in (divided by 2)
+      case 5: mode6 = 1; break;	// 6 voice mode on
+      case 6: mode6 = 0; break;	// 6 voice mode off
+      }
+      break;
+    case 0x20:
+    case 0x10:		                    // manual slides
+      if (effect & 0x10) {
+	channel[chan].freq += eff_op;
+	channel[chan].slide += eff_op;
+      } else {
+	channel[chan].freq -= eff_op;
+	channel[chan].slide -= eff_op;
+      }
+      if(!note)
+	setfreq(chan,channel[chan].freq);
+      break;
+    case 0x50:							// set percussion instrument (unimplemented)
+      break;
+    case 0x60:							// set feedback
+      opl->write(0xc0 + chan, (instr[channel[chan].inst][8] & 1) + (eff_op << 1));
+      break;
+    case 0xa0:		                    // set carrier volume
+      vol = eff_op << 2;
+      opl->write(0x43 + op_table[chan], vol | (instr[channel[chan].inst][2] & ~63));
+      break;
+    case 0xb0:		                    // set modulator volume
+      vol = eff_op << 2;
+      if (instr[inst][8] & 1)
+	opl->write(0x40 + op_table[chan], vol | (instr[channel[chan].inst][3] & ~63));
+      else
+	opl->write(0x40 + op_table[chan],vol | (instr[inst][3] & ~63));
+      break;
+    case 0xc0:		                    // set instrument volume
+      db = eff_op << 2;
+      opl->write(0x43 + op_table[chan], db | (instr[channel[chan].inst][2] & ~63));
+      if (instr[inst][8] & 1)
+	opl->write(0x40 + op_table[chan], db | (instr[channel[chan].inst][3] & ~63));
+      break;
+    case 0xd0: pattbreak++; songpos = eff_op; songend = 1; break;	// position jump
+    case 0xf0:							// set speed
+      speed = eff_op;
+      del = ++speed;
+      break;
+    }
+    if(fadein)						// fade-in volume setting
+      setvolume(chan,fadein*2,fadein*2);
+    if(!note)						// note handling
+      continue;
+    note--;
+    if ((note == 0x7f-1) || ((note/12) & ~7)) {    // pause (7fh)
+      adl_freq[chan] &= ~32;
+      opl->write(0xb0 + chan,adl_freq[chan]);
+      continue;
+    }
+    // play the note
+    if(mtkmode)		// imitate MPU-401 Trakker bug
+      note--;
+    Okt = ((note/12) & 7) << 2;
+    Fnr = note_table[(note % 12)] + instr[inst][11] + channel[chan].slide;
+    channel[chan].freq = Fnr;
+    if(!mode6 || chan < 6)
+      adl_freq[chan] = Okt | 32;
+    else
+      adl_freq[chan] = Okt;		// never set key for drums
+    opl->write(0xb0 + chan, 0);
+    setfreq(chan,Fnr);
+    if(mode6) {
+      switch(chan) {		// play drums
+      case 6: opl->write(0xbd,bd & ~16); bd |= 48; break;	// bass drum
+      case 7: opl->write(0xbd,bd & ~1); bd |= 33; break;	// hihat
+      case 8: opl->write(0xbd,bd & ~2); bd |= 34; break;	// cymbal
+      }
+      opl->write(0xbd,bd);
+    }
+  }
+  del = speed;		// player speed-timing
+  if(pattbreak) {		// do post-effect handling
+    pattpos=0;			// pattern break!
+    pattbreak=0;
+    songpos++;
+    songpos %= 50;
+    if(!songpos)
+      songend = 1;
+  } else {
+    pattpos++;
+    pattpos &= 63;		// advance in pattern data
+    if (!pattpos) {
+      songpos++;
+      songpos %= 50;
+      if(!songpos)
+	songend = 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return !songend;		// still playing
+void ChscPlayer::rewind(int subsong)
+  int i;								// counter
+  // rewind HSC player
+  pattpos = 0; songpos = 0; pattbreak = 0; speed = 2;
+  del = 1; songend = 0; mode6 = 0; bd = 0; fadein = 0;
+  opl->init();						// reset OPL chip
+  opl->write(1,32); opl->write(8,128); opl->write(0xbd,0);
+  for(i=0;i<9;i++)
+    setinstr((char) i,(char) i);	// init channels
+unsigned int ChscPlayer::getpatterns()
+  unsigned char	poscnt,pattcnt=0;
+  // count patterns
+  for(poscnt=0;poscnt<51 && song[poscnt] != 0xff;poscnt++)
+    if(song[poscnt] > pattcnt)
+      pattcnt = song[poscnt];
+  return (pattcnt+1);
+unsigned int ChscPlayer::getorders()
+  unsigned char poscnt;
+  // count positions
+  for(poscnt=0;poscnt<51;poscnt++)
+    if(song[poscnt] == 0xff)
+      break;
+  return poscnt;
+unsigned int ChscPlayer::getinstruments()
+  unsigned char	instcnt,instnum=0,i;
+  bool		isinst;
+  // count instruments
+  for(instcnt=0;instcnt<128;instcnt++) {
+    isinst = false;
+    for(i=0;i<12;i++)
+      if(instr[instcnt][i])
+	isinst = true;
+    if(isinst)
+      instnum++;
+  }
+  return instnum;
+/*** private methods *************************************/
+void ChscPlayer::setfreq(unsigned char chan, unsigned short freq)
+  adl_freq[chan] = (adl_freq[chan] & ~3) | (freq >> 8);
+  opl->write(0xa0 + chan, freq & 0xff);
+  opl->write(0xb0 + chan, adl_freq[chan]);
+void ChscPlayer::setvolume(unsigned char chan, int volc, int volm)
+  unsigned char	*ins = instr[channel[chan].inst];
+  char		op = op_table[chan];
+  opl->write(0x43 + op,volc | (ins[2] & ~63));
+  if (ins[8] & 1)							// carrier
+    opl->write(0x40 + op,volm | (ins[3] & ~63));
+  else
+    opl->write(0x40 + op, ins[3]);		// modulator
+void ChscPlayer::setinstr(unsigned char chan, unsigned char insnr)
+  unsigned char	*ins = instr[insnr];
+  char		op = op_table[chan];
+  channel[chan].inst = insnr;		// set internal instrument
+  opl->write(0xb0 + chan,0);			// stop old note
+  // set instrument
+  opl->write(0xc0 + chan, ins[8]);
+  opl->write(0x23 + op, ins[0]);        // carrier
+  opl->write(0x20 + op, ins[1]);        // modulator
+  opl->write(0x63 + op, ins[4]);        // bits 0..3 = decay; 4..7 = attack
+  opl->write(0x60 + op, ins[5]);
+  opl->write(0x83 + op, ins[6]);        // 0..3 = release; 4..7 = sustain
+  opl->write(0x80 + op, ins[7]);
+  opl->write(0xe3 + op, ins[9]);        // bits 0..1 = Wellenform
+  opl->write(0xe0 + op, ins[10]);
+  setvolume(chan, ins[2] & 63, ins[3] & 63);