view contrib/ @ 2834:0598469fe2a9 trunk

[svn] - cleaned up header
author desowin
date Wed, 13 Jun 2007 12:31:00 -0700
parents 57363f3ded79
children 7b4b8e135cb9
line wrap: on
line source

# X-Chat Audacious for Audacious 1.4 and later
# This uses the native Audacious D-Bus interface.
# To consider later:
#   - support org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer (MPRIS)?
# This script is in the public domain.
#   $Id: 4574 2007-05-16 07:46:17Z deitarion $

__module_name__ = "xchat-audacious"
__module_version__ = "1.0.1"
__module_description__ = "Get NP information from Audacious"

from dbus import Bus, DBusException
import xchat

# connect to DBus
bus = Bus(Bus.TYPE_SESSION)

def get_aud():
		return bus.get_object('org.atheme.audacious', '/org/atheme/audacious')
	except DBusException:
		print "\x02Either Audacious is not running or you have something wrong with your D-Bus setup."
		return None

def command_np(word, word_eol, userdata):
	aud = get_aud()
	if aud:
		pos = aud.Position()

		length = aud.SongLength(pos)
		length = (length > 0) and ("%d:%02d" % (length / 60, length % 60)) or "stream"

		playSecs = aud.Time() / 1000
		xchat.command("SAY [%s | %d:%02d/%s]" % (
			playSecs / 60, playSecs % 60, length))
	return xchat.EAT_ALL

def makeVoidCommand(cmd):
	def callback(word, word_eol, userdata):
		getattr(get_aud(), cmd, lambda: None)()
		return xchat.EAT_ALL
	return callback

def command_send(word, word_eol, userdata):
	if len(word) < 2:
		print "You must provide a user to send the track to."
		return xchat.EAT_ALL

	aud = get_aud()
	if aud:
		xchat.command('DCC SEND %s "%s"' % (word[1], aud.SongFilename(aud.Position()).encode("utf8")))
	return xchat.EAT_ALL

xchat.hook_command("NP",    command_np,                 help="Displays current playing song.")
xchat.hook_command("NEXT",  makeVoidCommand('Advance'), help="Advances in Audacious' playlist.")
xchat.hook_command("PREV",  makeVoidCommand('Reverse'), help="Goes backwards in Audacious' playlist.")
xchat.hook_command("PAUSE", makeVoidCommand('Pause'),   help="Toggles paused status.")
xchat.hook_command("STOP",  makeVoidCommand('Stop'),    help="Stops playback.")
xchat.hook_command("PLAY",  makeVoidCommand('Play'),    help="Begins playback.")
xchat.hook_command("SENDTRACK", command_send, help="Syntax: /SENDTRACK <nick>\nSends the currently playing track to a user.")

print "xchat-audacious $Id: 4574 2007-05-16 07:46:17Z deitarion $ loaded"