view Plugins/Input/console/Blip_Synth.h @ 218:0bea7509d6ba trunk

[svn] Working WMA support. I never said it would be pretty, neno, I should said it would play.
author chainsaw
date Mon, 21 Nov 2005 14:59:13 -0800
parents 252843aac42f
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// Blip_Synth and Blip_Wave are waveform transition synthesizers for adding
// waveforms to a Blip_Buffer.

// Blip_Buffer 0.3.3. Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Shay Green. GNU LGPL license.

#ifndef BLIP_SYNTH_H
#define BLIP_SYNTH_H

	#include "Blip_Buffer.h"

// Quality level. Higher levels are slower, and worse in a few cases.
// Use blip_good_quality as a starting point.
const int blip_low_quality = 1;
const int blip_med_quality = 2;
const int blip_good_quality = 3;
const int blip_high_quality = 4;

// Blip_Synth is a transition waveform synthesizer which adds band-limited
// offsets (transitions) into a Blip_Buffer. For a simpler interface, use
// Blip_Wave (below).
// Range specifies the greatest expected offset that will occur. For a
// waveform that goes between +amp and -amp, range should be amp * 2 (half
// that if it only goes between +amp and 0). When range is large, a higher
// accuracy scheme is used; to force this even when range is small, pass
// the negative of range (i.e. -range).
template<int quality,int range>
class Blip_Synth {
	BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( 1 <= quality && quality <= 5 );
	BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( -32768 <= range && range <= 32767 );
	enum {
		abs_range = (range < 0) ? -range : range,
		fine_mode = (range > 512 || range < 0),
		width = (quality < 5 ? quality * 4 : Blip_Buffer::widest_impulse_),
		res = 1 << blip_res_bits_,
		impulse_size = width / 2 * (fine_mode + 1),
		base_impulses_size = width / 2 * (res / 2 + 1),
		fine_bits = (fine_mode ? (abs_range <= 64 ? 2 : abs_range <= 128 ? 3 :
			abs_range <= 256 ? 4 : abs_range <= 512 ? 5 : abs_range <= 1024 ? 6 :
			abs_range <= 2048 ? 7 : 8) : 0)
	blip_pair_t_  impulses [impulse_size * res * 2 + base_impulses_size];
	Blip_Impulse_ impulse;
	Blip_Synth()                            { impulse.init( impulses, width, res, fine_bits ); }
	// Configure low-pass filter (see notes.txt). Not optimized for real-time control
	void treble_eq( const blip_eq_t& eq )   { impulse.treble_eq( eq ); }
	// Set volume of a transition at amplitude 'range' by setting volume_unit
	// to v / range
	void volume( double v )                 { impulse.volume_unit( v * (1.0 / abs_range) ); }
	// Set base volume unit of transitions, where 1.0 is a full swing between the
	// positive and negative extremes. Not optimized for real-time control.
	void volume_unit( double unit )         { impulse.volume_unit( unit ); }
	// Default Blip_Buffer used for output when none is specified for a given call
	Blip_Buffer* output() const             { return impulse.buf; }
	void output( Blip_Buffer* b )           { impulse.buf = b; }
	// Add an amplitude offset (transition) with an amplitude of delta * volume_unit
	// into the specified buffer (default buffer if none specified) at the
	// specified source time. Amplitude can be positive or negative. To increase
	// performance by inlining code at the call site, use offset_inline().
	void offset( blip_time_t, int delta, Blip_Buffer* ) const;
	void offset_resampled( blip_resampled_time_t, int delta, Blip_Buffer* ) const;
	void offset_resampled( blip_resampled_time_t t, int o ) const {
		offset_resampled( t, o, impulse.buf );
	void offset( blip_time_t t, int delta ) const {
		offset( t, delta, impulse.buf );
	void offset_inline( blip_time_t time, int delta, Blip_Buffer* buf ) const {
		offset_resampled( time * buf->factor_ + buf->offset_, delta, buf );
	void offset_inline( blip_time_t time, int delta ) const {
		offset_inline( time, delta, impulse.buf );

// Blip_Wave is a synthesizer for adding a *single* waveform to a Blip_Buffer.
// A wave is built from a series of delays and new amplitudes. This provides a
// simpler interface than Blip_Synth.
template<int quality,int range>
class Blip_Wave {
	Blip_Synth<quality,range> synth;
	blip_time_t time_;
	int last_amp;
	// Start wave at time 0 and amplitude 0
	Blip_Wave()                         : time_( 0 ), last_amp( 0 ) { }
	// See Blip_Synth for description
	void volume( double v )             { synth.volume( v ); }
	void volume_unit( double v )        { synth.volume_unit( v ); }
	void treble_eq( const blip_eq_t& eq){ synth.treble_eq( eq ); }
	Blip_Buffer* output() const         { return synth.output(); }
	void output( Blip_Buffer* b )       { synth.output( b ); if ( !b ) time_ = last_amp = 0; }
	// Current time in frame
	blip_time_t time() const            { return time_; }
	void time( blip_time_t t )          { time_ = t; }
	// Current amplitude of wave
	int amplitude() const               { return last_amp; }
	void amplitude( int );
	// Move forward by 't' time units
	void delay( blip_time_t t )         { time_ += t; }
	// End time frame of specified duration. Localize time to new frame.
	void end_frame( blip_time_t duration ) {
		assert(( "Blip_Wave::end_frame(): Wave hadn't yet been run for entire frame",
				duration <= time_ ));
		time_ -= duration;

// End of public interface
	template<int quality,int range>
	void Blip_Wave<quality,range>::amplitude( int amp ) {
		int delta = amp - last_amp;
		last_amp = amp;
		synth.offset_inline( time_, delta );
	template<int quality,int range>
	inline void Blip_Synth<quality,range>::offset_resampled( blip_resampled_time_t time,
			int delta, Blip_Buffer* blip_buf ) const
		typedef blip_pair_t_ pair_t;
		unsigned sample_index = (time >> BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY) & ~1;
		assert(( "Blip_Synth/Blip_wave: Went past end of buffer",
				sample_index < blip_buf->buffer_size_ ));
		enum { const_offset = Blip_Buffer::widest_impulse_ / 2 - width / 2 };
		pair_t* buf = (pair_t*) &blip_buf->buffer_ [const_offset + sample_index];
		enum { shift = BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY - blip_res_bits_ };
		enum { mask = res * 2 - 1 };
		const pair_t* imp = &impulses [((time >> shift) & mask) * impulse_size];
		pair_t offset = impulse.offset * delta;
		if ( !fine_bits )
			// normal mode
			for ( int n = width / 4; n; --n )
				pair_t t0 = buf [0] - offset;
				pair_t t1 = buf [1] - offset;
				t0 += imp [0] * delta;
				t1 += imp [1] * delta;
				imp += 2;
				buf [0] = t0;
				buf [1] = t1;
				buf += 2;
			// fine mode
			enum { sub_range = 1 << fine_bits };
			delta += sub_range / 2;
			int delta2 = (delta & (sub_range - 1)) - sub_range / 2;
			delta >>= fine_bits;
			for ( int n = width / 4; n; --n )
				pair_t t0 = buf [0] - offset;
				pair_t t1 = buf [1] - offset;
				t0 += imp [0] * delta2;
				t0 += imp [1] * delta;
				t1 += imp [2] * delta2;
				t1 += imp [3] * delta;
				imp += 4;
				buf [0] = t0;
				buf [1] = t1;
				buf += 2;
	template<int quality,int range>
	void Blip_Synth<quality,range>::offset( blip_time_t time, int delta, Blip_Buffer* buf ) const {
		offset_resampled( time * buf->factor_ + buf->offset_, delta, buf );
