view src/libaudtag/aac/aac.c @ 4887:0ddbd0025174 default tip

added libaudtag. (not used yet.)
author Yoshiki Yazawa <>
date Wed, 05 May 2010 18:26:06 +0900
line wrap: on
line source

 * Copyright 2009 Paula Stanciu
 * This file is part of Audacious.
 * Audacious is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, version 3 of the License.
 * Audacious is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
 * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * Audacious. If not, see <>.
 * The Audacious team does not consider modular code linking to Audacious or
 * using our public API to be a derived work.

#include <glib/gstdio.h>
#include <audlegacy/tuple.h>
#include <audlegacy/vfs.h>
#include "../tag_module.h"
#include "aac.h"
#include "../util.h"

static const char *ID3v1GenreList[] = {
    "Blues", "Classic Rock", "Country", "Dance", "Disco", "Funk",
    "Grunge", "Hip-Hop", "Jazz", "Metal", "New Age", "Oldies",
    "Other", "Pop", "R&B", "Rap", "Reggae", "Rock",
    "Techno", "Industrial", "Alternative", "Ska", "Death Metal", "Pranks",
    "Soundtrack", "Euro-Techno", "Ambient", "Trip-Hop", "Vocal", "Jazz+Funk",
    "Fusion", "Trance", "Classical", "Instrumental", "Acid", "House",
    "Game", "Sound Clip", "Gospel", "Noise", "AlternRock", "Bass",
    "Soul", "Punk", "Space", "Meditative", "Instrumental Pop", "Instrumental Rock",
    "Ethnic", "Gothic", "Darkwave", "Techno-Industrial", "Electronic", "Pop-Folk",
    "Eurodance", "Dream", "Southern Rock", "Comedy", "Cult", "Gangsta",
    "Top 40", "Christian Rap", "Pop/Funk", "Jungle", "Native American", "Cabaret",
    "New Wave", "Psychadelic", "Rave", "Showtunes", "Trailer", "Lo-Fi",
    "Tribal", "Acid Punk", "Acid Jazz", "Polka", "Retro", "Musical",
    "Rock & Roll", "Hard Rock", "Folk", "Folk/Rock", "National Folk", "Swing",
    "Fast-Fusion", "Bebob", "Latin", "Revival", "Celtic", "Bluegrass", "Avantgarde",
    "Gothic Rock", "Progressive Rock", "Psychedelic Rock", "Symphonic Rock", "Slow Rock", "Big Band",
    "Chorus", "Easy Listening", "Acoustic", "Humour", "Speech", "Chanson",
    "Opera", "Chamber Music", "Sonata", "Symphony", "Booty Bass", "Primus",
    "Porn Groove", "Satire", "Slow Jam", "Club", "Tango", "Samba",
    "Folklore", "Ballad", "Power Ballad", "Rhythmic Soul", "Freestyle", "Duet",
    "Punk Rock", "Drum Solo", "A capella", "Euro-House", "Dance Hall",
    "Goa", "Drum & Bass", "Club House", "Hardcore", "Terror",
    "Indie", "BritPop", "NegerPunk", "Polsk Punk", "Beat",
    "Christian Gangsta", "Heavy Metal", "Black Metal", "Crossover", "Contemporary C",
    "Christian Rock", "Merengue", "Salsa", "Thrash Metal", "Anime", "JPop",

gchar *atom_types[] = { "\251alb", "\251nam", "cprt", "\251art", "\251ART", "trkn", "\251day", "gnre", "desc" };

Atom *readAtom(VFSFile * fd)
    guint32 size = read_BEuint32(fd);
    if (size > vfs_fsize(fd))
        return NULL;

    Atom *atom = g_new0(Atom, 1);
    atom->size = size;
    atom->name = read_char_data(fd, 4);
    atom->body = read_char_data(fd, atom->size - 8);
    atom->type = 0;
    return atom;

void writeAtom(VFSFile * fd, Atom * atom)
    write_BEuint32(fd, atom->size);
    vfs_fwrite(atom->name, 4, 1, fd);
    vfs_fwrite(atom->body, atom->size - 8, 1, fd);

void printAtom(Atom * atom)
    AUDDBG("size = %x\n", atom->size);
    AUDDBG("name = %s\n", atom->name);

StrDataAtom *readStrDataAtom(VFSFile * fd)
    StrDataAtom *atom = g_new0(StrDataAtom, 1);
    atom->atomsize = read_BEuint32(fd);
    atom->name = read_char_data(fd, 4);
    atom->datasize = read_BEuint32(fd);
    atom->dataname = read_char_data(fd, 4);
    atom->vflag = read_BEuint32(fd);
    atom->nullData = read_BEuint32(fd);
    atom->data = read_char_data(fd, atom->datasize - 16);
    atom->type = 1;
    return atom;

void writeStrDataAtom(VFSFile * fd, StrDataAtom * atom)
    write_BEuint32(fd, atom->atomsize);
    vfs_fwrite(atom->name, 4, 1, fd);
    write_BEuint32(fd, atom->datasize);
    vfs_fwrite(atom->dataname, 4, 1, fd);
    write_BEuint32(fd, atom->vflag);
    write_BEuint32(fd, atom->nullData);
    vfs_fwrite(atom->data, atom->datasize - 16, 1, fd);

Atom *findAtom(VFSFile * fd, gchar * name)
    Atom *atom = readAtom(fd);
    while (strcmp(atom->name, name) && !vfs_feof(fd))
        atom = readAtom(fd);
    if (vfs_feof(fd))
        AUDDBG("The atom %s could not be found\n", name);
        return NULL;
    return atom;

Atom *getilstAtom(VFSFile * fd)
    Atom *moov = findAtom(fd, MOOV);

    // search atom childs
    vfs_fseek(fd, -(moov->size - 7), SEEK_CUR);
    Atom *udta = findAtom(fd, UDTA);

    vfs_fseek(fd, -(udta->size - 7), SEEK_CUR);
    Atom *meta = findAtom(fd, META);

    vfs_fseek(fd, -(meta->size - 11), SEEK_CUR);
    Atom *ilst = findAtom(fd, ILST);

    int zz = vfs_ftell(fd);
    AUDDBG("zzz = %d\n", zz);
    ilstFileOffset = vfs_ftell(fd) - ilst->size;
    vfs_fseek(fd, -(ilst->size - 7), SEEK_CUR);

    return ilst;


int getAtomID(gchar * name)
    g_return_val_if_fail(name != NULL, -1);
    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MP4_ITEMS_NO; i++)
        if (!strcmp(name, atom_types[i]))
            return i;
    return -1;

StrDataAtom *makeAtomWithData(const gchar * data, StrDataAtom * atom, int field)
    guint32 charsize = strlen(data);
    atom->atomsize = charsize + 24;
    atom->name = atom_types[field];
    atom->datasize = charsize + 16;
    atom->dataname = "data";
    atom->vflag = 0x0;
    atom->nullData = 0x0;
    atom->data = (gchar *) data;
    atom->type = 1;
    return atom;


void writeAtomListToFile(VFSFile * from, VFSFile * to, int offset, mowgli_list_t * list)
    //read free atom if we have any :D
    guint32 oset = ilstFileOffset + ilstAtom->size;
    vfs_fseek(from, oset, SEEK_SET);
    mowgli_list_t *atoms_before_free = mowgli_list_create();
    Atom *atom = readAtom(from);
    while (strcmp(atom->name, "free") && !vfs_feof(from))
        mowgli_node_add(atom, mowgli_node_create(), atoms_before_free);
        atom = readAtom(from);
    if (vfs_feof(from))
        AUDDBG("No free atoms\n");
        atom = NULL;

    //write ilst atom header
    gchar il[4] = ILST;
    vfs_fwrite(&newilstSize, 4, 1, to);
    vfs_fwrite(il, 4, 1, to);
    //write ilst

    mowgli_node_t *n, *tn;

    MOWGLI_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(n, tn, list->head)
        if (((Atom *) (n->data))->type == 0)
            writeAtom(to, (Atom *) (n->data));
            writeStrDataAtom(to, (StrDataAtom *) (n->data));

    //write all atoms before free
    if (atoms_before_free->count != 0)

        MOWGLI_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(n, tn, list->head)
            writeAtom(to, (Atom *) (n->data));
    if (atom != NULL)
        atom->size -= newilstSize - ilstAtom->size;
    writeAtom(to, atom);

gboolean aac_can_handle_file(VFSFile * f)
    Atom *first_atom = readAtom(f);
    if (first_atom == NULL)
        return FALSE;
    if (!strcmp(first_atom->name, FTYP))
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

Tuple *aac_populate_tuple_from_file(Tuple * tuple, VFSFile * f)
    if (ilstAtom)
    ilstAtom = getilstAtom(f);
    int size_read = 0;

    if (dataAtoms != NULL)
        mowgli_node_t *n, *tn;

        MOWGLI_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(n, tn, dataAtoms->head)
            mowgli_node_delete(n, dataAtoms);
    dataAtoms = mowgli_list_create();

    while (size_read < ilstAtom->size)
        Atom *at = readAtom(f);
        mowgli_node_add(at, mowgli_node_create(), dataAtoms);
        int atomtype = getAtomID(at->name);
        if (atomtype == -1)
            size_read += at->size;
        vfs_fseek(f, -(at->size), SEEK_CUR);
        StrDataAtom *a = readStrDataAtom(f);
        size_read += a->atomsize;

        switch (atomtype)
          case MP4_ALBUM:
              tuple_associate_string(tuple, FIELD_ALBUM, NULL, a->data);
          case MP4_TITLE:
              tuple_associate_string(tuple, FIELD_TITLE, NULL, a->data);
          case MP4_COPYRIGHT:
              tuple_associate_string(tuple, FIELD_COPYRIGHT, NULL, a->data);
          case MP4_ARTIST:
          case MP4_ARTIST2:
              tuple_associate_string(tuple, FIELD_ARTIST, NULL, a->data);
          case MP4_TRACKNR:
          case MP4_YEAR:
              tuple_associate_int(tuple, FIELD_YEAR, NULL, atoi(a->data));
          case MP4_GENRE:
              guint8 *val = (guint8 *) (a->data + (a->datasize - 17));
              const gchar *genre = ID3v1GenreList[*val - 1];
              tuple_associate_string(tuple, FIELD_GENRE, NULL, genre);
          case MP4_COMMENT:
              tuple_associate_string(tuple, FIELD_COMMENT, NULL, a->data);
    return tuple;

gboolean aac_write_tuple_to_file(Tuple * tuple, VFSFile * f)
#ifdef BROKEN
    return FALSE;
    newilstSize = 0;
    mowgli_node_t *n, *tn;
    mowgli_list_t *newdataAtoms;
    newdataAtoms = mowgli_list_create();

    MOWGLI_LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(n, tn, dataAtoms->head)
        int atomtype = getAtomID(((StrDataAtom *) (n->data))->name);
        switch (atomtype)
          case MP4_ALBUM:
              const gchar *strVal = tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_ALBUM, NULL);
              if (strVal != NULL)
                  StrDataAtom *atom = g_new0(StrDataAtom, 1);
                  atom = makeAtomWithData(strVal, atom, MP4_ALBUM);
                  mowgli_node_add(atom, mowgli_node_create(), newdataAtoms);
                  newilstSize += atom->atomsize;
                  mowgli_node_add(n->data, mowgli_node_create(), newdataAtoms);
                  newilstSize += ((Atom *) (n->data))->size;
          case MP4_TITLE:
              const gchar *strVal = tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_TITLE, NULL);
              if (strVal != NULL)
                  StrDataAtom *atom = g_new0(StrDataAtom, 1);
                  atom = makeAtomWithData(strVal, atom, MP4_TITLE);
                  mowgli_node_add(atom, mowgli_node_create(), newdataAtoms);
                  newilstSize += atom->atomsize;
                  mowgli_node_add(n->data, mowgli_node_create(), newdataAtoms);
                  newilstSize += ((Atom *) (n->data))->size;
          case MP4_COPYRIGHT:
              const gchar *strVal = tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_COPYRIGHT, NULL);
              if (strVal != NULL)
                  StrDataAtom *atom = g_new0(StrDataAtom, 1);
                  atom = makeAtomWithData(strVal, atom, MP4_COPYRIGHT);
                  mowgli_node_add(atom, mowgli_node_create(), newdataAtoms);
                  newilstSize += atom->atomsize;
                  mowgli_node_add(n->data, mowgli_node_create(), newdataAtoms);
                  newilstSize += ((Atom *) (n->data))->size;
          case MP4_ARTIST:
          case MP4_ARTIST2:
              const gchar *strVal = tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_ARTIST, NULL);
              if (strVal != NULL)
                  StrDataAtom *atom = g_new0(StrDataAtom, 1);
                  atom = makeAtomWithData(strVal, atom, MP4_ARTIST2);
                  mowgli_node_add(atom, mowgli_node_create(), newdataAtoms);
                  newilstSize += atom->atomsize;
                  mowgli_node_add(n->data, mowgli_node_create(), newdataAtoms);
                  newilstSize += ((Atom *) (n->data))->size;
          case MP4_TRACKNR:
          case MP4_YEAR:
              int iyear = tuple_get_int(tuple, FIELD_YEAR, NULL);
              gchar *strVal = g_strdup_printf("%d", iyear);
              if (strVal != NULL)
                  StrDataAtom *atom = g_new0(StrDataAtom, 1);
                  atom = makeAtomWithData(strVal, atom, MP4_YEAR);
                  mowgli_node_add(atom, mowgli_node_create(), newdataAtoms);
                  newilstSize += atom->atomsize;
                  mowgli_node_add(n->data, mowgli_node_create(), newdataAtoms);
                  newilstSize += ((Atom *) (n->data))->size;
                 case MP4_GENRE:

                 guint8 *val = (guint8*)(a->data + (a->datasize-17));
                 const gchar* genre = ID3v1GenreList[*val-1];

          case MP4_COMMENT:
              const gchar *strVal = tuple_get_string(tuple, FIELD_COMMENT, NULL);
              if (strVal != NULL)
                  StrDataAtom *atom = g_new0(StrDataAtom, 1);
                  atom = makeAtomWithData(strVal, atom, MP4_COMMENT);
                  mowgli_node_add(atom, mowgli_node_create(), newdataAtoms);
                  newilstSize += atom->atomsize;
                  mowgli_node_add(n->data, mowgli_node_create(), newdataAtoms);
                  newilstSize += ((Atom *) (n->data))->size;
              mowgli_node_add(n->data, mowgli_node_create(), newdataAtoms);
              newilstSize += ((Atom *) (n->data))->size;

    VFSFile *tmp;
    const gchar *tmpdir = g_get_tmp_dir();
    gchar *tmp_path = g_strdup_printf("file://%s/%s", tmpdir, "tmp.mp4");
    tmp = vfs_fopen(tmp_path, "w");
    copyAudioData(f, tmp, 0, ilstFileOffset);
    writeAtomListToFile(f, tmp, ilstFileOffset, newdataAtoms);
    return TRUE;