Mercurial > audlegacy
view src/audacious/playback.c @ 4342:6fb95d2d5acb
Added tag audacious-1.5.0 for changeset 1e338a584f23
author | William Pitcock <> |
date | Thu, 13 Mar 2008 17:47:19 -0500 |
parents | 2b7a74fce100 |
children | 51b7809c2d87 |
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line source
/* Audacious - Cross-platform multimedia player * Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Audacious development team * * Based on BMP: * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 BMP development team. * * Based on XMMS: * Copyright (C) 1998-2003 XMMS development team. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; under version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * The Audacious team does not consider modular code linking to * Audacious or using our public API to be a derived work. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include <glib.h> #include <glib/gi18n.h> #include <glib/gprintf.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <dirent.h> #include "configdb.h" #include "hook.h" #include "eventqueue.h" #include "input.h" #include "main.h" #include "ui_equalizer.h" #include "output.h" #include "playlist.h" #include "ui_main.h" #include "ui_playlist.h" #include "ui_skinselector.h" #include "ui_skinned_playstatus.h" #include "util.h" #include "visualization.h" #include "skin.h" #include "pluginenum.h" #include "playback.h" #include "playback_evlisteners.h" static gint song_info_timeout_source = 0; static gint update_vis_timeout_source = 0; /* XXX: there has to be a better way than polling here! */ static gboolean playback_update_vis_func(gpointer unused) { if (!playback_get_playing()) return FALSE; input_update_vis(playback_get_time()); return TRUE; } static gint playback_set_pb_ready(InputPlayback *playback) { g_mutex_lock(playback->pb_ready_mutex); playback->pb_ready_val = 1; g_cond_signal(playback->pb_ready_cond); g_mutex_unlock(playback->pb_ready_mutex); return 0; } static gint playback_wait_for_pb_ready(InputPlayback *playback) { g_mutex_lock(playback->pb_ready_mutex); while (playback->pb_ready_val != 1) g_cond_wait(playback->pb_ready_cond, playback->pb_ready_mutex); g_mutex_unlock(playback->pb_ready_mutex); return 0; } static void playback_set_pb_change(InputPlayback *playback) { g_mutex_lock(playback->pb_change_mutex); g_cond_signal(playback->pb_change_cond); g_mutex_unlock(playback->pb_change_mutex); } static void playback_set_pb_params(InputPlayback *playback, gchar *title, gint length, gint rate, gint freq, gint nch) { playback->title = g_strdup(title); playback->length = length; playback->rate = rate; playback->freq = freq; playback->nch = nch; /* XXX: this can be removed/merged here someday */ plugin_set_current((Plugin *)(playback->plugin)); playback->plugin->set_info(title, length, rate, freq, nch); } static void playback_set_pb_title(InputPlayback *playback, gchar *title) { playback->title = g_strdup(title); plugin_set_current((Plugin *)(playback->plugin)); playback->plugin->set_info_text(title); } void playback_eof(void) { event_queue("playback eof", playlist_get_active()); } void playback_error(void) { event_queue("playback audio error", NULL); } gint playback_get_time(void) { InputPlayback *playback; g_return_val_if_fail(playback_get_playing(), -1); playback = get_current_input_playback(); if (!playback) /* playback can be NULL during init even if playing is TRUE */ return -1; plugin_set_current((Plugin *)(playback->plugin)); if (playback->plugin->get_time) { plugin_set_current((Plugin *)(playback->plugin)); return playback->plugin->get_time(playback); } if (playback->error) return -2; if (!playback->playing || (playback->eof && !playback->output->buffer_playing())) return -1; return playback->output->output_time(); } gint playback_get_length(void) { InputPlayback *playback; g_return_val_if_fail(playback_get_playing(), -1); playback = get_current_input_playback(); if (playback->length) return playback->length; if (playback && playback->plugin->get_song_tuple) { plugin_set_current((Plugin *)(playback->plugin)); Tuple *tuple = playback->plugin->get_song_tuple(playback->filename); if (tuple_get_value_type(tuple, FIELD_LENGTH, NULL) == TUPLE_INT) return tuple_get_int(tuple, FIELD_LENGTH, NULL); } return -1; } void playback_initiate(void) { PlaylistEntry *entry = NULL; Playlist *playlist = playlist_get_active(); g_return_if_fail(playlist_get_length(playlist) != 0); /* initialize playback event listeners if not done already */ playback_evlistener_init(); if (playback_get_playing()) playback_stop(); ui_vis_clear_data(mainwin_vis); ui_svis_clear_data(mainwin_svis); mainwin_disable_seekbar(); entry = playlist_get_entry_to_play(playlist); g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL); #ifdef USE_DBUS mpris_emit_track_change(mpris); #endif playback_play_file(entry); // if (playback_get_time() != -1) { equalizerwin_load_auto_preset(entry->filename); input_set_eq(cfg.equalizer_active, cfg.equalizer_preamp, cfg.equalizer_bands); output_set_eq(cfg.equalizer_active, cfg.equalizer_preamp, cfg.equalizer_bands); // } playlist_check_pos_current(playlist); mainwin_update_song_info(); /* FIXME: use g_timeout_add_seconds when glib-2.14 is required */ song_info_timeout_source = g_timeout_add(1000, (GSourceFunc) mainwin_update_song_info, NULL); update_vis_timeout_source = g_timeout_add(10, (GSourceFunc) playback_update_vis_func, NULL); if (cfg.player_shaded) { gtk_widget_show(mainwin_stime_min); gtk_widget_show(mainwin_stime_sec); gtk_widget_show(mainwin_sposition); } else { gtk_widget_show(mainwin_minus_num); gtk_widget_show(mainwin_10min_num); gtk_widget_show(mainwin_min_num); gtk_widget_show(mainwin_10sec_num); gtk_widget_show(mainwin_sec_num); gtk_widget_show(mainwin_position); } vis_playback_start(); hook_call("playback begin", entry); } void playback_pause(void) { InputPlayback *playback; if (!playback_get_playing()) return; if ((playback = get_current_input_playback()) == NULL) return; ip_data.paused = !ip_data.paused; if (playback->plugin->pause) { plugin_set_current((Plugin *)(playback->plugin)); playback->plugin->pause(playback, ip_data.paused); } if (ip_data.paused) hook_call("playback pause", NULL); else hook_call("playback unpause", NULL); g_return_if_fail(mainwin_playstatus != NULL); if (ip_data.paused) { ui_skinned_playstatus_set_status(mainwin_playstatus, STATUS_PAUSE); #ifdef USE_DBUS mpris_emit_status_change(mpris, MPRIS_STATUS_PAUSE); #endif } else { ui_skinned_playstatus_set_status(mainwin_playstatus, STATUS_PLAY); #ifdef USE_DBUS mpris_emit_status_change(mpris, MPRIS_STATUS_PLAY); #endif } } void playback_stop(void) { InputPlayback *playback; if ((playback = get_current_input_playback()) == NULL) return; if (ip_data.playing) { /* wait for plugin to signal it has reached the 'playback safe state' before stopping */ playback_wait_for_pb_ready(playback); if (playback_get_paused() == TRUE) { if (get_written_time() > 0) output_flush(get_written_time()); /* to avoid noise */ playback_pause(); } ip_data.playing = FALSE; /* TODO: i'm unsure if this will work. we might have to signal the change in stop() (e.g. in the plugins directly.) --nenolod */ playback->set_pb_change(playback); if (playback->plugin->stop) { plugin_set_current((Plugin *)(playback->plugin)); playback->plugin->stop(playback); } if (playback->thread != NULL) { g_thread_join(playback->thread); playback->thread = NULL; } free_vis_data(); ip_data.paused = FALSE; playback_free(playback); set_current_input_playback(NULL); #ifdef USE_DBUS mpris_emit_status_change(mpris, MPRIS_STATUS_STOP); #endif } ip_data.buffering = FALSE; ip_data.playing = FALSE; if (song_info_timeout_source) g_source_remove(song_info_timeout_source); vis_playback_stop(); g_return_if_fail(mainwin_playstatus != NULL); ui_skinned_playstatus_set_buffering(mainwin_playstatus, FALSE); } static void run_no_output_plugin_dialog(void) { const gchar *markup = N_("<b><big>No output plugin selected.</big></b>\n" "You have not selected an output plugin."); GtkWidget *dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new_with_markup(GTK_WINDOW(mainwin), GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_OK, _(markup)); gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)); gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); } static gpointer playback_monitor_thread(gpointer data) { InputPlayback *playback = (InputPlayback *) data; plugin_set_current((Plugin *)(playback->plugin)); playback->plugin->play_file(playback); /* if play_file has not reached the 'safe state' before returning (an error occurred), set the playback ready value to 1 now, to allow for proper stop */ playback_set_pb_ready(playback); if (!playback->error && ip_data.playing) playback_eof(); else if (playback->error) playback_error(); playback->thread = NULL; g_thread_exit(NULL); return NULL; } InputPlayback * playback_new(void) { InputPlayback *playback = (InputPlayback *) g_slice_new0(InputPlayback); playback->pb_ready_mutex = g_mutex_new(); playback->pb_ready_cond = g_cond_new(); playback->pb_ready_val = 0; playback->pb_change_mutex = g_mutex_new(); playback->pb_change_cond = g_cond_new(); /* init vtable functors */ playback->set_pb_ready = playback_set_pb_ready; playback->set_pb_change = playback_set_pb_change; playback->set_params = playback_set_pb_params; playback->set_title = playback_set_pb_title; playback->pass_audio = output_pass_audio; playback->set_replaygain_info = output_set_replaygain_info; return playback; } /** * Destroys InputPlayback. * * Playback comes from playback_new() function but there can be also * other sources for allocated playback data (like filename and title) * and this tries to deallocate all that data. */ void playback_free(InputPlayback *playback) { g_free(playback->filename); g_free(playback->title); g_mutex_free(playback->pb_ready_mutex); g_cond_free(playback->pb_ready_cond); g_mutex_free(playback->pb_change_mutex); g_cond_free(playback->pb_change_cond); g_slice_free(InputPlayback, playback); } void playback_run(InputPlayback *playback) { playback->thread = g_thread_create(playback_monitor_thread, playback, TRUE, NULL); } gboolean playback_play_file(PlaylistEntry *entry) { InputPlayback *playback; g_return_val_if_fail(entry != NULL, FALSE); if (!get_current_output_plugin()) { run_no_output_plugin_dialog(); mainwin_stop_pushed(); return FALSE; } if (cfg.random_skin_on_play) skin_set_random_skin(); if (!entry->decoder) { ProbeResult *pr = input_check_file(entry->filename, FALSE); if (pr != NULL) { entry->decoder = pr->ip; entry->tuple = pr->tuple; g_free(pr); } } if (!entry->decoder || !entry->decoder->enabled) { set_current_input_playback(NULL); return FALSE; } ip_data.playing = TRUE; playback = playback_new(); entry->decoder->output = &psuedo_output_plugin; playback->plugin = entry->decoder; playback->filename = g_strdup(entry->filename); playback->output = &psuedo_output_plugin; set_current_input_playback(playback); playback_run(playback); #ifdef USE_DBUS mpris_emit_status_change(mpris, MPRIS_STATUS_PLAY); #endif return TRUE; } gboolean playback_get_playing(void) { return ip_data.playing; } gboolean playback_get_paused(void) { return ip_data.paused; } void playback_seek(gint time) { InputPlayback *playback = get_current_input_playback(); gboolean restore_pause = FALSE; gint l=0, r=0; g_return_if_fail(ip_data.playing); g_return_if_fail(playback != NULL); /* FIXME WORKAROUND...that should work with all plugins * mute the volume, start playback again, do the seek, then pause again * -Patrick Sudowe */ if (ip_data.paused) { restore_pause = TRUE; output_get_volume(&l, &r); output_set_volume(0,0); playback_pause(); } plugin_set_current((Plugin *)(playback->plugin)); playback->plugin->seek(playback, time); playback->set_pb_change(playback); free_vis_data(); if (restore_pause) { playback_pause(); output_set_volume(l, r); } event_queue_timed(100, "playback seek", playback); } void playback_seek_relative(gint offset) { gint time = CLAMP(playback_get_time() / 1000 + offset, 0, playlist_get_current_length(playlist_get_active()) / 1000 - 1); playback_seek(time); }