view libvisual/lv_event.h @ 31:b1dcf238b2ba trunk

[svn] More AAC detection fixes c/o MSameer.
author nenolod
date Tue, 25 Oct 2005 22:09:36 -0700
parents 0db4a1dc75c4
line wrap: on
line source

#ifndef _LV_EVENT_H
#define _LV_EVENT_H

#include <libvisual/lv_songinfo.h>
#include <libvisual/lv_video.h>
#include <libvisual/lv_list.h>
#include <libvisual/lv_keysym.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#define VISUAL_EVENT_KEYBOARD(obj)			(VISUAL_CHECK_CAST ((obj), 0, VisEventKeyboard))
#define VISUAL_EVENT_MOUSEMOTION(obj)			(VISUAL_CHECK_CAST ((obj), 0, VisEventMouseMotion))
#define VISUAL_EVENT_MOUSEBUTTON(obj)			(VISUAL_CHECK_CAST ((obj), 0, VisEventMouseButton))
#define VISUAL_EVENT_RESIZE(obj)			(VISUAL_CHECK_CAST ((obj), 0, VisEventResize))
#define VISUAL_EVENT_NEWSONG(obj)			(VISUAL_CHECK_CAST ((obj), 0, VisEventNewSong))
#define VISUAL_EVENT_QUIT(obj)				(VISUAL_CHECK_CAST ((obj), 0, VisEventQuit))
#define VISUAL_EVENT_VISIBILITY(obj)			(VISUAL_CHECK_CAST ((obj), 0, VisEventVisibility))
#define VISUAL_EVENT_GENERIC(obj)			(VISUAL_CHECK_CAST ((obj), 0, VisEventGeneric))
#define VISUAL_EVENT_PARAM(obj)				(VISUAL_CHECK_CAST ((obj), 0, VisEventParam))
#define VISUAL_EVENT(obj)				(VISUAL_CHECK_CAST ((obj), 0, VisEvent))
#define VISUAL_EVENTQUEUE(obj)				(VISUAL_CHECK_CAST ((obj), 0, VisEventQueue))

 * Number of events allowed in the queue

 * Used to define what kind of event is emitted by the VisEvent system.
typedef enum {
	VISUAL_EVENT_NOEVENT,		/**< No event. */
	VISUAL_EVENT_KEYDOWN,		/**< Keyboard key pressed event. */
	VISUAL_EVENT_KEYUP,		/**< Keyboard key released event. */
	VISUAL_EVENT_MOUSEMOTION,	/**< Mouse movement event. */
	VISUAL_EVENT_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN,	/**< Mouse button pressed event. */
	VISUAL_EVENT_MOUSEBUTTONUP,	/**< Mouse button released event. */
	VISUAL_EVENT_NEWSONG,		/**< Song change event. */
	VISUAL_EVENT_RESIZE,		/**< Window dimension change event. */
	VISUAL_EVENT_PARAM,		/**< Param set event, gets emitted when a parameter has been changed. */
	VISUAL_EVENT_QUIT,		/**< Quit event, Should get emitted when a program is about to quit. */
	VISUAL_EVENT_GENERIC,		/**< A Generic event. Libvisual has nothing to do with it, this can be used for custom events. */
	VISUAL_EVENT_VISIBILITY,	/**< A visibility event. Will be emited by lvdisplay (?) or app itself when window becomes (in)visible */

	VISUAL_EVENT_LAST = 0xffffff,	/**< last event number. Libvisual & friends will never use ids greater than this */
} VisEventType;

 * Used to define key states within the VisEvent system.
typedef enum {
	VISUAL_KEY_DOWN,		/**< Key is pressed. */
	VISUAL_KEY_UP			/**< Key is released. */
} VisKeyState;

 * Used to define mouse button states within the VisEvent system.
typedef enum {
	VISUAL_MOUSE_DOWN,		/**< Mouse button is pressed. */
	VISUAL_MOUSE_UP			/**< Mouse button is released. */
} VisMouseState;

typedef struct _VisEventKeyboard VisEventKeyboard;
typedef struct _VisEventMouseMotion VisEventMouseMotion;
typedef struct _VisEventMouseButton VisEventMouseButton;
typedef struct _VisEventResize VisEventResize;
typedef struct _VisEventNewSong VisEventNewSong;
typedef struct _VisEventQuit VisEventQuit;
typedef struct _VisEventVisibility VisEventVisibility;
typedef struct _VisEventGeneric VisEventGeneric;
typedef struct _VisEventParam VisEventParam;
typedef union _VisEvent VisEvent;
typedef struct _VisEventQueue VisEventQueue;

 * Keyboard event data structure.
 * Contains information about keyboard events.
 * @see visual_event_queue_add_keyboard
struct _VisEventKeyboard {
	VisObject	object;		/**< The VisObject data. */
	VisEventType	type;		/**< Event type of the event being emitted */
	VisKeySym	keysym;		/**< A keysym entry that contains which key had an
					  * event and information about modifier keys. */

 * Mouse movement event data structure.
 * Contains information about mouse movement events.
 * @see visual_event_queue_add_mousemotion
struct _VisEventMouseMotion {
	VisObject	object;		/**< The VisObject data. */
	VisEventType	type;		/**< Event type of the event being emitted. */
	VisMouseState	state;		/**< Mouse button state. */
	int		x;		/**< The absolute mouse X value, where 0 is left of screen. */
	int		y;		/**< The absolute mouse Y value. where 0 is top of screen. */
	int		xrel;		/**< Relative X movement to the previous location. */
	int		yrel;		/**< Relative Y movement to the previous location. */

 * Mouse button event data structure.
 * Contains information about mouse button events.
 * @see visual_event_queue_add_mousebutton
struct _VisEventMouseButton {
	VisObject	object;		/**< The VisObject data. */
	VisEventType	type;		/**< Event type of the event being emitted. */
	VisMouseState	state;		/**< Mouse button state. */
	int		button;		/**< The button the state relates to. */
	int		x;		/**< The absolute mouse X value. */
	int		y;		/**< The absolute mouse Y value. */

 * Dimension change event data structure.
 * Contains information about screen dimension and depth changes.
 * @see visual_event_queue_add_resize
struct _VisEventResize {
	VisObject	 object;	/**< The VisObject data. */
	VisEventType	 type;		/**< Event type of the event being emitted. */
	VisVideo	*video;		/**< Pointer to the VisVideo structure containing all the screen information. */
	int		 width;		/**< Width of the surface. */
	int		 height;	/**< Height of the surface. */

 * Song change event data structure.
 * Contains information about song changes.
 * @see visual_event_queue_add_newsong
struct _VisEventNewSong {
	VisObject	 object;	/**< The VisObject data. */
	VisEventType	 type;		/**< Event type of the event being emitted. */
	VisSongInfo	*songinfo;	/**< Pointer to the VisSongInfo structure containing all the information about
					 * the new song. */

 * Quit event data structure.
 * Contains quit request.
 * @see visual_event_queue_add_quit
struct _VisEventQuit {
	VisObject	 object;	/**< The VisObject data. */
	VisEventType	 type;		/**< Event type of the event being emitted. */
	int		 dummy;		/**< some day may contain a request urgency: quit NOW or schedule quit. */

 * Visibility event data structure.
 * Contains window's new visibility value.
 * @see visual_event_queue_add_visibiity
struct _VisEventVisibility {
	VisObject	 object;	/**< The VisObject data. */
	VisEventType	 type;		/**< Event type of the event being emitted. */
	int		 dummy;		/**< Some day will contain window ID. very OS-specific. maybe use indices ? */
	int		 is_visible;	/**< Set TRUE or FALSE to indicate visibility. */

 * Generic event data structure.
 * Contains pointer to some struct.
 * @see visual_event_queue_add_generic
struct _VisEventGeneric {
	VisObject	 object;	/**< The VisObject data. */
	VisEventType	 type;		/**< Event type of the event being emitted. */
	int		 event_id;	/**< some event id. */
	int		 data_int;	/**< Data in the form of an integer. */
	void		*data_ptr;	/**< More advanced generic events can use a pointer. */

 * Param change event data structure.
 * Contains information about parameter changes.
 * @see visual_event_queue_add_param
struct _VisEventParam {
	VisObject	 object;	/**< The VisObject data. */
	VisEventType	 type;		/**< Event type of the event being emitted. */
	/* FiXME: Having VisEventParam here creates a circulair depency in lv_event.h and lv_param.h */
	void		*param;		/**< The parameter entry which has been changed. */

 * The main event data structure.
 * All events are encapsulated using the VisEvent structure.
 * @see visual_event_new
union _VisEvent {
	VisObject		object;		/**< The VisObject data. */
	VisEventType		type;		/**< Event type of the event being emitted. */
	VisEventKeyboard	keyboard;	/**< Keyboard event. */
	VisEventMouseMotion	mousemotion;	/**< Mouse movement event. */
	VisEventMouseButton	mousebutton;	/**< Mouse button event. */
	VisEventResize		resize;		/**< Dimension change event. */
	VisEventNewSong		newsong;	/**< Song change event. */
	VisEventQuit		quit;		/**< Quit event. */
	VisEventVisibility	visibility;	/**< Plugin visible event. */
	VisEventGeneric		generic;	/**< Generic event. */
	VisEventParam		param;		/**< Param change event. */

 * The event queue data structure.
 * Used to manage events queues and also provides quick access to
 * high piority data from events.
 * @see visual_event_queue_new
struct _VisEventQueue {
	VisObject	 object;	/**< The VisObject data. */
	VisList		 events;	/**< List of VisEvents in the queue. */
	VisEvent 	 lastresize;	/**< Last resize event to provide quick access
					  * to this high piority event. */
	int		 resizenew;	/**< Flag that is set when there is a new resize event. */
	int		 eventcount;	/**< Contains the number of events in queue. */

	int		 mousex;	/**< Current absolute mouse X value. */
	int		 mousey;	/**< Current absolute mouse Y value. */
	VisMouseState	 mousestate;	/**< Current mouse button state. */

VisEvent *visual_event_new (void);
VisEventQueue *visual_event_queue_new (void);
int visual_event_queue_poll (VisEventQueue *eventqueue, VisEvent *event);
int visual_event_queue_add (VisEventQueue *eventqueue, VisEvent *event);
int visual_event_queue_add_keyboard (VisEventQueue *eventqueue, VisKey keysym, int keymod, VisKeyState state);
int visual_event_queue_add_mousemotion (VisEventQueue *eventqueue, int x, int y);
int visual_event_queue_add_mousebutton (VisEventQueue *eventqueue, int button, VisMouseState state, int x, int y);
int visual_event_queue_add_resize (VisEventQueue *eventqueue, VisVideo *video, int width, int height);
int visual_event_queue_add_newsong (VisEventQueue *eventqueue, VisSongInfo *songinfo);
int visual_event_queue_add_param (VisEventQueue *eventqueue, void *param);
int visual_event_queue_add_quit (VisEventQueue *eventqueue, int pass_zero_please);
int visual_event_queue_add_visibility (VisEventQueue *eventqueue, int is_visible);
int visual_event_queue_add_generic (VisEventQueue *eventqueue, int eid, int param_int, void *param_ptr);

#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* _LV_EVENT_H */