view contrib/ @ 4768:d470630b8cea

The famed "multiple plugins in one module" feature didn't actually work, because structure indices were being indexed by same variable (which was never reset for different plugin structs.) Fixed.
author Matti Hamalainen <>
date Wed, 13 Aug 2008 21:33:54 +0300
parents 9da616784f11
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Locate and Play
Author: Stephan Sokolow (deitarion/SSokolow)
License: GNU GPL-2
Version: 1.0

- A quick wrapper to make playing songs via the local command quick and easy.
- Works with any player which implements the MPRIS standard for remote control via D-Bus.
- Accepts multiple space- and/or comma-separated choices after presenting the results.
- Can enqueue or enqueue and play.
- Can show full paths or just filenames.
- Will behave in a sane fashion when asked to enqueue and play multiple files.

 - Complete the list of extensions for ModPlug, Embedded MPlayer (plugins-ugly), and UADE (3rd-party)
 - Support sticking a 'q' in the result to choose enqueue on the fly
 - Support an "all" keyword and an alternative to Ctrl+C for cancelling. (maybe 0)

ADLIB_EXTS    = ['.a2m', '.adl',  '.adlib', '.amd', '.bam', '.cff', '.cmf', '.d00', '.dfm',  '.dmo', '.dro', '.dtm', '.hsc', '.hsp',
                 '.jbm', '.ksm',  '.laa',   '.lds', '.m',   '.mad', '.mkj', '.msc', '.mtk',  '.rad', '.raw', '.rix', '.rol', '.sat', 
                 '.sa2', '.sci',  '.sng',   '.imf', '.wlf', '.xad', '.xsm']
CONSOLE_EXTS  = ['.adx', '.ay',   '.gbs',   '.gym', '.hes', '.kss', '.minipsf',     '.nsf', '.nsfe', '.psf', '.sap', '.sid', '.spc', 
                 '.vgm', '.vgz',  '.vtx',   '.ym']
MIDI_EXTS     = ['.mid', '.midi', '.rmi']
MODULE_EXTS   = [ '.it', ',mod',  '.s3m',   '.stm', '.xm']
PLAYLIST_EXTS = ['.cue', '.m3u',  '.pls',   '.xspf']
WAVEFORM_EXTS = ['.aac', '.aif',  '.aiff',  '.au', '.flac', '.m4a', '.mp2', '.mp3', '.mpc', '.ogg', '.snd', '.tta', '.voc', '.wav', 
                 '.wma', '.wv']

# Edit these lines to choose the kind of files to be filtered for. By default, playlist extensions are excluded.
# If you want true format filtering, YOU write the mimetype cache.
USE_PAGER = False  # Should we page output if it's more than a screenful?

locate_command = ['locate', '-i']

# ========== Configuration Ends ==========

import fnmatch, optparse, os, subprocess
from dbus import Bus, DBusException

# Support audtool as a fallback but don't depend on it
try: import subprocess
except ImportError: pass

# Use readline if available but don't depend on it
try: import readline
except ImportError: pass

# connect to DBus
bus = Bus(Bus.TYPE_SESSION)

def get_results(query):
	"""Given a query or series of queries for the locate command, run them."""
	results, cmd = [], locate_command + (isinstance(query, basestring) and [query] or query)
	for line in subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout:
		result = line.strip()
		if os.path.splitext(result)[1] in OK_EXTS:
	return results

def filter(results, filters):
	for filter in filters:
		results = [x for x in results if fnmatch.fnmatch(x.lower(), '*%s*' % filter.lower())]
	return results

def makeMenu(results, strip_path=True):
	for pos, val in enumerate(results):
		val = strip_path and os.path.split(val)[1] or val
		print "%3d) %s" % (pos+1, val)

def addTrack(path, play=False):
		file_url = 'file://' + path
		mp = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer', '/TrackList')
		mp.AddTrack(file_url, play)
	except DBusException:
				print "ERROR: audtool fallback returned an error for: %s" % file_url
			elif play:
				os.system('audtool playlist-jump `audtool playlist-length`; audtool playback-play')
		except OSError:
			print "ERROR: Unable to call audtool as a fallback for: %s" % file_url

def parseChoice(inString):
		return [int(inString)]
	except ValueError:
		choices = []
		for x in inString.replace(',',' ').split():
			try: choices.append(int(x))
			except ValueError: print "Not an integer: %s" % x
		return choices

if __name__ == '__main__':
	op = optparse.OptionParser()
	op.add_option("-q", "--enqueue", action="store_true", dest="enqueue", default=False,
	               help="Don't start the song playing after enqueueing it.")
	op.add_option("-p", "--show_path", action="store_true", dest="show_path", default=False,
	               help="Show the full path to each result.")

	(opts, args) = op.parse_args()
	results = (len(args) > 0) and get_results(args.pop(0)) or []
	results = filter(results, args)

	def takeChoice(index, play=False):
		index = index - 1
		if index >= 0 and index < len(results):
			addTrack(results[index], play)
			print "Invalid result index: %s" % (index + 1)

	if len(results):
		makeMenu(results, not opts.show_path)
		choices = parseChoice(raw_input("Choice(s) (Ctrl+C to cancel): "))

		if len(choices):
			takeChoice(choices.pop(0), not opts.enqueue)
		for item in choices:
			takeChoice(item, False) # This ensures proper behaviour with no --enqueue and multiple choices.
		print "No Results"
    except KeyboardInterrupt: