view Plugins/Input/console/notes.txt @ 361:db298f2d3dd9 trunk

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author chainsaw
date Fri, 30 Dec 2005 17:56:32 -0800
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Game_Music_Emu Notes


This library has several emulator classes derived from common interface
classes. Music_Emu specifies the main interface, and Classic_Emu adds
features available only for "classic" systems (frequency equalization
and customizable multi-channel sound buffer).

To play a given game music file, do the following:

- Determine its file type
- Create and set up an appropriate emulator
- Load file header and file data into emulator
- Start desired track
- When samples are needed, call play()
- When done, delete emulator

Each emulator type defines a nested header_t structure type with members
for the file header. When loading a file, the emulators expect the file
header to have already been loaded; this allows the caller to use header
fields like the game name and music author.

See Music_Emu.h and Classic_Emu.h for reference.

Error handling

Functions which can fail have a return type of blargg_err_t, which is a
pointer to an error string (const char*). If the function is successful
it returns blargg_success (NULL), otherwise it returns a pointer to an
error string.

To allow compatibility with older C++ compilers, no exceptions are
thrown by any of the modules. The library is exception-safe, and any
exceptions which occur are not intercepted.

Due to the different ways compiler runtime libraries handle
out-of-memory errors, if the library encounters one it will be reported
in one of two ways: if the compiler is configured to throw an exception
when operator new can't satisfy a request (which is the case in ISO
C++), it is allowed to propagate normally, otherwise the error string
"Out of memory" is returned.

Significant violations of the documented interface are flagged with
debug-only assertions. Failure of these usually indicates a caller error
rather than a defect in the library.


The header "blargg_common.h" is used to establish a common environment.
It attempts to automatically determine the features of the environment,
but might need help.

If HAVE_CONFIG_H is defined, the file "config.h" is included at the
beginning of each library header file, allowing configuration options
for the library to be set. It's fine if other libraries also use this
scheme, as they won't conflict.

Some libraries depend on the order of bytes in multibyte types. These
will cause a compilation error if the order can't be determined. If this
occurs, define the appropriate symbol. For big-endian (most significant
byte first, i.e. Motorola 68000, PowerPC), #define BLARGG_BIG_ENDIAN to
1. For little-endian (least significant byte first, i.e. Intel x86),

Pre-ISO C++ compilers might not support bool. Support is provided where
bool is not available, but the compiler's support of bool might not be
properly determined. If errors occur in "blargg_common.h" in the bool
section, #define BLARGG_COMPILER_HAS_BOOL to 1 if your compiler supports
bool, otherwise 0.

If your compiler supports namespaces, blargg_common.h uses standard
headers with the "c" prefix to avoid bringing names from std into the
global namespace. If your compiler supports namespaces but this isn't
being detected by blargg_common.h, #define BLARGG_COMPILER_HAS_NAMESPACE
to 1 in your config.h file.

If you have any problems with "blargg_common.h", contact me.

Game Music File Handling

Game music files include text fields with information about the game and
track. Each emulator's header_t defines the basic fields (game, song,
author, copyright, track_count) supported by that music type, or has an
enum { field = 0 } if unsupported. This allows the same code to be used
for parsing each header if it checks that the field is non-zero.

Text fields in most game music formats won't have a nul terminator if
the string completely fills the field. The demos show one way to handle

This library is focused on playback only and the emulators don't parse
extended text fields, since this can be complex for some formats and can
be done by the caller. To load the NSFE format, it must be parsed first
and an NSF header must be made in memory and passed Nsf_Emu. See the
Game Music Box source code for an example of this: 

Frequency equalization

The classic emulators allow frequency equalization to be adjusted;
Classic_Emu::equalizer_t( treble, cutoff, bass ) specifies low-pass and
high-pass filtering.

Low-pass is an exponential rolloff beginning at 'cutoff' Hz and
attenuating by 'treble' dB at 22kHz. For example, with cutoff = 8000 Hz
and treble = -6 dB, the following results:

        cutoff = 8kHz
  0dB -------*__                
	            ~~--__ treble = -6dB
-18dB - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
	  0      8kHz      22kHz               44kHz ...

High-pass is a steep rolloff which passes -3dB attenuation at
'breakpoint' Hz, where useful frequencies range from 0 to 6000 Hz.  For
example, with breakpoint = 1000 Hz, the following results:

      breakpoint = 1000 Hz
 0dB                 ___________
-3dB      ,_*---~~~~~       
-21dB - - - - - - - - - - - - -
	  0   1000 Hz            4000 Hz

Each emulator defaults to a profile that approximates its particular
console's sound quality; this default can be determined by getting the
current equalization just after creating the emulator. See Classic_Emu.h
for reference.

Emulator gain control

Each emulator allows its gain to be adjusted. The default gains are
selected to give consistent relative volumes between emulators without
resulting in excessive clamping of samples that would otherwise go
beyond the 16-bit range. A gain of 1.0 results in a conservative volume
that rarely requires any clamping to stay within the 16-bit sample
range. Clamping samples to 16 bits is handled by the library.

Output sample rate

Each emulator has a way of specifying the output sample rate during
initialization. All the emulators use internal band-limiting, so there
is no reason to use a sample rate above 48kHz unless the sound hardware
demands it; 44-48kHz will yield the best results. You could use the
following code to choose a rate that is both near this range and an
integral division of the native rate:

	long adjust_rate( double native )
		for ( double divider = 1; divider <= 4; divider++ )
			long adjusted = native / divider + 0.5;
			if ( adjusted <= 56000 )
				return adjusted;
		return 44100; // give up; CD rate probably works well enough

Interface conventions

If a function will keep a pointer to an object passed, to make this
clear in source code it takes a pointer rather than a reference.

Multi-word names have an underscore '_' separator between individual

Functions are named with lowercase words. Functions which perform an
action with side-effects are named with a verb phrase (i.e. load, move,
run). Functions which set or return the value of a piece of state are
named using a noun phrase (i.e. loaded, moved, running).

Classes are named with capitalized words. Only the first letter of an
acronym is capitalized. Class names are nouns, sometimes suggestive of
what they do (i.e. File_Scanner).

Structure, enumeration, and typedefs to these and built-in types are
named using lowercase words with a _t suffix.

Macros are named with all-uppercase words.

Internal names which can't be hidden due to technical reasons have an
underscore '_' suffix.


Special thanks to Chris Moeller (kode54) for help with library testing
and feedback. His openspc++ library in C++ was an essential starting
point and framework for developing the SPC emulator. Brad Martin's
excellent SNES DSP emulator (also part of openspc++) provided an
essential foundation for the DSP core.