Mercurial > audlegacy
[svn] Have period time default to 100ms to keep snd-aoa on PPC from going all clickety-click on us. trunkFri, 23 Jun 2006 13:34:05 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] try to avoid malconversion of latin1 character when chardet has been enabled. trunkThu, 22 Jun 2006 07:04:25 -0700, by yaz
[svn] - avoid system /bin/test in Makefiles as it may not behave as expected trunkThu, 22 Jun 2006 02:35:01 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - sanity checks (don't send NULL pointers off to GTK) trunkWed, 21 Jun 2006 02:23:25 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - some NSFEs are fucked in the head apparently trunkTue, 20 Jun 2006 00:38:31 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - s/Miscillaneous/Miscellaneous/ in audtool.c trunkTue, 20 Jun 2006 00:16:02 -0700, by nhjm449
[svn] - cdaudio playlist tuple support; needs some fixing trunkTue, 20 Jun 2006 00:05:04 -0700, by nhjm449
[svn] - libaac: potential buffer overflow vulnerability fix trunkMon, 19 Jun 2006 23:39:11 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] RMI support for timidity by nemo, for which he would like to credit giacomos amidi-plug detection code. trunkMon, 19 Jun 2006 10:52:13 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] - title streaming works again, but we aren't pushing back to the playlist quite yet trunkMon, 19 Jun 2006 02:29:23 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - if tuple->length == -1 then don't show a length trunkMon, 19 Jun 2006 01:51:01 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - give the labels on the left proper identifiers trunkMon, 19 Jun 2006 01:33:30 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - reset the album art back to the default icon trunkMon, 19 Jun 2006 01:00:51 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - not sure what all of that cur_dir stuff was, but I think somebody was smoking crack trunkSun, 18 Jun 2006 23:58:36 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - this p == tuple check really fucks things up if you move back to the previous tuple after the popup has gone away trunkSun, 18 Jun 2006 23:26:41 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] fetch first jpeg/png in directory, hopefully is album image.. merged again, still needs fileinfo, maybe, and undoubtedly tweaking. but bedtime dammit. trunkSun, 18 Jun 2006 23:06:45 -0700, by nemo
[svn] - disable the psychoaccoustic modeller as it is too screwy right now, and I don't wish to fix it at this point trunkSun, 18 Jun 2006 22:36:26 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - don't call filepopup_show_for_tuple() more than once trunkSun, 18 Jun 2006 22:28:47 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] nitpicks, whee! just so I can see the popup when snapped against screen edge. trunkSun, 18 Jun 2006 21:52:46 -0700, by nemo
[svn] - roll back difftable changes (apparently we had them mathematically wrong for a reason) trunkSun, 18 Jun 2006 03:03:40 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - this should be the last set of math corrections trunkSun, 18 Jun 2006 02:55:11 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - entirely unwire tooltips if the playlist is shaded trunkSun, 18 Jun 2006 02:47:03 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - ISO spec says we should use 330 not 332 in the 19th bandInfo slot (fix via flump3dec) trunkSun, 18 Jun 2006 02:00:00 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - make tuples more verbose (they might be a bit big though) trunkSun, 18 Jun 2006 01:11:55 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - when hovering over a playlist tuple, describe the tuple via a tooltip-like popup trunkSat, 17 Jun 2006 20:30:31 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] Sync with upstream. This adds Westwood ADL format support. trunkSat, 17 Jun 2006 16:17:51 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] - libaac: use unified fileinfo requester, since functionality is adequate (cannot save data, only read it at present) trunkFri, 16 Jun 2006 20:55:52 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - if entry->tuple == NULL, then probe the file for a decoder and build the appropriate tuple for that entry trunkFri, 16 Jun 2006 03:50:38 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - Buffer indicator support for anyone crazy enough to stream flac. trunkFri, 16 Jun 2006 02:58:33 -0700, by nhjm449
[svn] - use mutex locking to make alsa stay happy with dmix trunkFri, 16 Jun 2006 02:35:49 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - Support for the buffer indicator in playpaus.png that was apparently trunkFri, 16 Jun 2006 02:17:33 -0700, by nhjm449
[svn] - the fileinfo window is not visible by default trunkThu, 15 Jun 2006 22:01:34 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - complete tuple for AAC files (tuple->length) trunkThu, 15 Jun 2006 19:55:29 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - remove unused code (causes a crash on some GTKs, eww!) trunkThu, 15 Jun 2006 19:06:40 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - flac_get_tuple(): properly calculate length. oops! trunkThu, 15 Jun 2006 18:37:15 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - Don't leave files open after reading their tags! trunkThu, 15 Jun 2006 17:42:59 -0700, by nhjm449
[svn] - remove unreached code, (now) irrelevant debugging printf's trunkThu, 15 Jun 2006 06:18:58 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - playlist_compare_artist(): more sanity checking. trunkThu, 15 Jun 2006 05:50:10 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - we don't really have to unwire track 0 this way, as 0 will be selected by default if no subsong URI is given trunkThu, 15 Jun 2006 05:17:49 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - this is a hack until I find a better solution trunkThu, 15 Jun 2006 03:37:59 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - tuple builder for mp4 files (not AAC, sorry but nobody uses that crap anymore) trunkThu, 15 Jun 2006 01:22:24 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - remove some left over #if 0'd out pipian code trunkThu, 15 Jun 2006 00:18:29 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - fill in the length part of the tuple (oops) trunkWed, 14 Jun 2006 23:24:23 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - get_song_tuple() implementation (scrobblerific!) trunkWed, 14 Jun 2006 23:19:56 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - if a PlaylistEntry does not have a cached tuple, generate it on demand. trunkWed, 14 Jun 2006 22:39:13 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - disconnect the scrobbler client from metatag logically trunkWed, 14 Jun 2006 22:30:04 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - attach a TitleInput tuple to the PlaylistEntry class. trunkWed, 14 Jun 2006 19:03:23 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - allow FDS files to play (although samples are presently ignored) trunkWed, 14 Jun 2006 17:38:42 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - Make the category_view slightly wider to get rid of the horizontal scrollbar caused by the word "Connectivity" being so damned big. trunkWed, 14 Jun 2006 17:21:25 -0700, by nhjm449
[svn] - Don't crash when we encounter an unsupported NSF/NSFE type trunkWed, 14 Jun 2006 16:59:24 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - There's an ellipsis character in text.png. Let's use it like we should. trunkWed, 14 Jun 2006 02:07:52 -0700, by nhjm449
[svn] - shut a make error up by using sinclude instead of normal include when doesn't exist yet trunkWed, 14 Jun 2006 00:14:13 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - if mk/ is missing, run configure to generate it (hopefully you are running the posix target, otherwise I feel sorry for you) trunkWed, 14 Jun 2006 00:07:04 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - compiles warningless inside the audacious buildsystem now trunkWed, 14 Jun 2006 00:01:26 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - OMKize Makefile (examples not installed yet) trunkWed, 14 Jun 2006 00:00:37 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - temporal: copy the original Makefile as a template for OMKizing. trunkTue, 13 Jun 2006 23:57:16 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - prepare to ship audtool with audacious SVN trunkTue, 13 Jun 2006 23:54:53 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - yeah, JMA sucks -- i don't have the time for this trunkTue, 13 Jun 2006 23:19:04 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - add libjma (a hopefully portable snapshot of the ZSNES JMA implementation) trunkTue, 13 Jun 2006 20:37:25 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] filesize must be cached, otherwise lookup loop will crash. trunkTue, 13 Jun 2006 08:36:56 -0700, by yaz
[svn] - fix potential crashing on malformed ID3v2 tags trunkTue, 13 Jun 2006 01:59:28 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] Updated japanese translation by dai, closes bug #384. trunkMon, 12 Jun 2006 03:25:29 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] - prefswin_page_destroy() code, example will be added to the scrobbler plugin momentarily trunkSun, 11 Jun 2006 23:35:05 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - place plugins we cannot register UIs for right now in a queue and register them later trunkSun, 11 Jun 2006 22:50:31 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - scrobbler icon of doom (since it's part of the scrobbler bundle, it trunkSun, 11 Jun 2006 22:03:53 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - make the scrobbler preferences appear in the main window; this does not work yet because I need to debug apparently! trunkSun, 11 Jun 2006 20:33:45 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] Update AUTHORS a little bit. (testing new auto changelog stuff) trunkSun, 11 Jun 2006 13:44:43 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - update NEWS too (oh, and we missed 1.0.0 sorry!) trunkSun, 11 Jun 2006 13:33:46 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - optimise for multiple lookups of a single INI file, by caching the contents of the INI file. trunkSun, 11 Jun 2006 12:10:53 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - Allow to do format detection on demand; instead of immediately on add trunkSat, 10 Jun 2006 21:02:24 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - remove Encoding patch, as it never worked properly anyway, and somebody complained about it causing stability problems trunkSat, 10 Jun 2006 18:47:51 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] Add V=1 shorthand for SHOW_CFLAGS, patch by vapier (Gentoo). trunkSat, 10 Jun 2006 12:47:00 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] As requested by Joker; CFLAGS needs -fPIC -DPIC as well now that C/CXX flags are properly separated. trunkFri, 09 Jun 2006 07:14:32 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] - remove an old hack that is no longer necessary (can cause a crash (!)) trunkThu, 08 Jun 2006 12:11:06 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - Musepack Audio Plugin 1.2 -> Musepack Audio Plugin trunkThu, 08 Jun 2006 11:34:43 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - crappy audio.png, somebody please improve (I made this in GIMP, in 5 minutes. We all know my GIMP skills are un-leet, thanks.) trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 23:37:21 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - cosmetic improvement (6px spacing between explanation label, and output plugin buttonbox) trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 21:32:59 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - oops, give that spinbutton some sane values trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 21:30:47 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - new global variable `output_buffer_size', replaces all of the per-plugin buffer sizes trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 21:21:33 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - more checkboxes than you can shake a stick at trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 21:01:04 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - hookup preferences/info buttons under dialog pane trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 20:27:39 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - "Reference FLAC Player v1.1.2" becomes "FLAC Audio Plugin" trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 18:35:49 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - convert filenames to UTF-8, as in vorbis plugin. Patch by: Kazuki Shimura <>. trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 13:24:37 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - further UI tweaks and mechanical simplification trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 02:26:39 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] Updated italian translation and removal of translation tags for developer names by Diego "FlameEyes" Petteno from Gentoo. trunkSat, 03 Jun 2006 18:21:06 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] Respect pointer signedness. Compiler is still unhappy about the constants shoved into guid_1 & guid_2 somehow, though. trunkSat, 03 Jun 2006 17:53:50 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] Update dutch translation. One more pointer signedness issue in MP4. trunkSat, 03 Jun 2006 16:12:12 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] Fully respect pointer signedness in libmp4ff. trunkSat, 03 Jun 2006 15:29:45 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] - present subsongs as playlist entities (will be enqueued at the current position) trunkSat, 03 Jun 2006 12:09:25 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - allow load_file<class Emu> to load files into the parser without reading the tag information trunkSat, 03 Jun 2006 11:46:48 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - allow paths like /home/nenolod/moo/ff3/ff3.nsf?6 to play subsong 6 from ff3.nsf. trunkSat, 03 Jun 2006 11:13:29 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] The fallback label is not used unless detection is defined. Move endif down to reflect that. trunkFri, 02 Jun 2006 09:08:57 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] Respect pointer signedness and delete legacy visual studio project file. trunkWed, 31 May 2006 06:55:17 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] - add section concerning the MP3 patents and commercial use trunkTue, 30 May 2006 23:28:14 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - rename psycho.c to paranoia.c, as other stuff will be here (such as frequency locking code, to fix warble, etc.) trunkTue, 30 May 2006 22:52:11 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - reset harmonics threshold back to original value trunkTue, 30 May 2006 22:37:19 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - finally the distortion bug might be killed! trunkTue, 30 May 2006 22:20:52 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - audacious should pick runtime library up from ${libdir}. trunkSun, 28 May 2006 08:27:54 -0700, by yaz
[svn] - add additional greek translator, Stathis Kamperis <> trunkSat, 27 May 2006 13:26:29 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] automatic character encoding detector for id3 metadata. --enable-chardet enables this feature. trunkSat, 27 May 2006 11:02:08 -0700, by yaz
[svn] oops. wasn't going to check the XMMS updates in until it was actually working. trunkWed, 24 May 2006 16:31:15 -0700, by nemo