Mercurial > audlegacy
[svn] - support the notion of a watchdog function to keep things bound to the proper playlist entry. (half there) trunk2006-08-03, by nenolod
[svn] - when we play from a cuefile, start playing from the file defined in the cuefile trunk2006-08-03, by nenolod
[svn] Update FSF address in copyright notices. Update autotools templates. trunk2006-08-02, by chainsaw
[svn] - experimental change to bmp_cfg_db_open() to ensure that g_type_init() trunk2006-07-28, by nenolod
[svn] - if cfg.session_uri_base = NULL (old/non-existant configs), then assume we want a default unix location trunk2006-07-28, by nenolod
[svn] - libaudacious/beepctrl.c: optimise further and be more paranoid about leaks trunk2006-07-28, by nenolod
[svn] - add library/ (and base Makefile for libmedialibrary.a, schema.sqlite) trunk2006-07-28, by nenolod
[svn] Make annoying recursion that consistently returns wrong art, optional. trunk2006-07-24, by nemo
[svn] - work around a possible autoconf bug causing datadir to be blank trunk2006-07-18, by nenolod
[svn] Bolt on libmms versions of byteswap macros and bring yet more files in (mmsh.c & mms.h). trunk2006-07-16, by chainsaw
[svn] Newer libmms, from their CVS. Needs to be hooked up properly as it wants more arguments to its functions. trunk2006-07-15, by chainsaw
[svn] - libconsole: added an option to ignore length information from spc tags trunk2006-07-14, by giacomo
[svn] - amidi-plug: use AMIDIPLUG_VERSION instead of VERSION for about box trunk2006-07-14, by giacomo
[svn] amidi-plug alsa: check if a sequencer actually exists before requesting sequencer port list trunk2006-07-11, by giacomo
[svn] ensure that the fileinfo popup in playlist disappears when the cursor is moved again trunk2006-07-10, by giacomo
[svn] - provide some additional debugging hints with gdk_error_trap_push/pop. trunk2006-07-10, by nenolod
[svn] Security fixes from AdPlug CVS (their July 7 commit shortly before the secunia announcement). trunk2006-07-08, by chainsaw
[svn] Modplug conftest fix by Christian "Joker" Birchinger from Gentoo. trunk2006-07-07, by chainsaw
[svn] - next/previous button failed to work in some environments. 150ms seems little bit too short. trunk2006-07-07, by yaz
[svn] - recursively locate album art, by external contributor Oliver Lumpton. trunk2006-07-04, by nenolod
[svn] - bitch about invalid bitstreams right in the middle of our stream trunk2006-07-04, by nenolod
[svn] - having taglib_file, taglib_tag in the global namespace is not thread safe, and unnecessary. trunk2006-07-04, by nenolod
[svn] Show whether modplug will actually be built (wrong var was being displayed). trunk2006-07-01, by chainsaw
[svn] - GList cannot handle circular queues, so I integrated one into CategoryQueueEntry. No fuss, no muss. trunk2006-06-28, by nenolod
[svn] - why are we requiring a lock in functions that are in the nolock namespace? trunk2006-06-28, by nenolod
[svn] AltiVec-accelerated DCT64 pinched from mplayer SVN. Needs to be integrated into the build system. trunk2006-06-28, by chainsaw
[svn] - add --no-log switch to disable the system logger (and instead dump to stdout) trunk2006-06-28, by nenolod
[svn] - sanity checking prevents us from exploding when we encounter a file we don't support trunk2006-06-28, by nenolod
[svn] User did not test his submission. Fix based on reports by fluxinator on #audacious. trunk2006-06-28, by chainsaw
[svn] - add a note explaining that this algorithm sucks and will be discarded before 1.1 release trunk2006-06-28, by nenolod
[svn] Update translation credits for German (hansmi) & Polish (vojcek). trunk2006-06-27, by chainsaw
[svn] - Don't show popups if the pointer isn't even in the playlist window. trunk2006-06-27, by nhjm449
[svn] Have period time default to 100ms to keep snd-aoa on PPC from going all clickety-click on us. trunk2006-06-23, by chainsaw
[svn] try to avoid malconversion of latin1 character when chardet has been enabled. trunk2006-06-22, by yaz
[svn] - avoid system /bin/test in Makefiles as it may not behave as expected trunk2006-06-22, by nenolod
[svn] RMI support for timidity by nemo, for which he would like to credit giacomos amidi-plug detection code. trunk2006-06-19, by chainsaw
[svn] - title streaming works again, but we aren't pushing back to the playlist quite yet trunk2006-06-19, by nenolod
[svn] - not sure what all of that cur_dir stuff was, but I think somebody was smoking crack trunk2006-06-19, by nenolod
[svn] - disable the psychoaccoustic modeller as it is too screwy right now, and I don't wish to fix it at this point trunk2006-06-19, by nenolod
[svn] nitpicks, whee! just so I can see the popup when snapped against screen edge. trunk2006-06-19, by nemo
[svn] - roll back difftable changes (apparently we had them mathematically wrong for a reason) trunk2006-06-18, by nenolod
[svn] - ISO spec says we should use 330 not 332 in the 19th bandInfo slot (fix via flump3dec) trunk2006-06-18, by nenolod
[svn] - when hovering over a playlist tuple, describe the tuple via a tooltip-like popup trunk2006-06-18, by nenolod
[svn] - if entry->tuple == NULL, then probe the file for a decoder and build the appropriate tuple for that entry trunk2006-06-16, by nenolod
[svn] - Buffer indicator support for anyone crazy enough to stream flac. trunk2006-06-16, by nhjm449
[svn] - Support for the buffer indicator in playpaus.png that was apparently trunk2006-06-16, by nhjm449
[svn] - we don't really have to unwire track 0 this way, as 0 will be selected by default if no subsong URI is given trunk2006-06-15, by nenolod
[svn] - tuple builder for mp4 files (not AAC, sorry but nobody uses that crap anymore) trunk2006-06-15, by nenolod