Mercurial > audlegacy
[svn] - cosmetic improvement (6px spacing between explanation label, and output plugin buttonbox) trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 21:32:59 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - oops, give that spinbutton some sane values trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 21:30:47 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - new global variable `output_buffer_size', replaces all of the per-plugin buffer sizes trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 21:21:33 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - more checkboxes than you can shake a stick at trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 21:01:04 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - hookup preferences/info buttons under dialog pane trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 20:27:39 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - "Reference FLAC Player v1.1.2" becomes "FLAC Audio Plugin" trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 18:35:49 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - convert filenames to UTF-8, as in vorbis plugin. Patch by: Kazuki Shimura <>. trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 13:24:37 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - further UI tweaks and mechanical simplification trunkSun, 04 Jun 2006 02:26:39 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] Updated italian translation and removal of translation tags for developer names by Diego "FlameEyes" Petteno from Gentoo. trunkSat, 03 Jun 2006 18:21:06 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] Respect pointer signedness. Compiler is still unhappy about the constants shoved into guid_1 & guid_2 somehow, though. trunkSat, 03 Jun 2006 17:53:50 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] Update dutch translation. One more pointer signedness issue in MP4. trunkSat, 03 Jun 2006 16:12:12 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] Fully respect pointer signedness in libmp4ff. trunkSat, 03 Jun 2006 15:29:45 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] - present subsongs as playlist entities (will be enqueued at the current position) trunkSat, 03 Jun 2006 12:09:25 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - allow load_file<class Emu> to load files into the parser without reading the tag information trunkSat, 03 Jun 2006 11:46:48 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - allow paths like /home/nenolod/moo/ff3/ff3.nsf?6 to play subsong 6 from ff3.nsf. trunkSat, 03 Jun 2006 11:13:29 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] The fallback label is not used unless detection is defined. Move endif down to reflect that. trunkFri, 02 Jun 2006 09:08:57 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] Respect pointer signedness and delete legacy visual studio project file. trunkWed, 31 May 2006 06:55:17 -0700, by chainsaw
[svn] - add section concerning the MP3 patents and commercial use trunkTue, 30 May 2006 23:28:14 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - rename psycho.c to paranoia.c, as other stuff will be here (such as frequency locking code, to fix warble, etc.) trunkTue, 30 May 2006 22:52:11 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - reset harmonics threshold back to original value trunkTue, 30 May 2006 22:37:19 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - finally the distortion bug might be killed! trunkTue, 30 May 2006 22:20:52 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - audacious should pick runtime library up from ${libdir}. trunkSun, 28 May 2006 08:27:54 -0700, by yaz
[svn] - add additional greek translator, Stathis Kamperis <> trunkSat, 27 May 2006 13:26:29 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] automatic character encoding detector for id3 metadata. --enable-chardet enables this feature. trunkSat, 27 May 2006 11:02:08 -0700, by yaz
[svn] oops. wasn't going to check the XMMS updates in until it was actually working. trunkWed, 24 May 2006 16:31:15 -0700, by nemo
[svn] Make certain playlist gets redrawn after docked move. (transparent background may have changed) trunkTue, 23 May 2006 13:56:14 -0700, by nemo
[svn] - prepare to split audacious code away from the actual decoder and use a highlevel API trunkMon, 22 May 2006 17:22:34 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - remove improper sampling rate change condition. Valid MP3s will not do this. Infact, I've never seen an MP3 that does this. Additionally, it doesn't even work with Shoutcast. trunkMon, 22 May 2006 16:37:39 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - if we're going to clip, just throw back the original data trunkSun, 21 May 2006 12:13:55 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - stereo seperation hysterisis of 16dB vs 20dB trunkSat, 20 May 2006 22:25:31 -0700, by nenolod
[svn] - experimental tweaks to the new psychoaccoustic model trunkSat, 20 May 2006 22:09:43 -0700, by nenolod