5 # HANZI input table for cxterm
6 # Generated from ECDICT.cit by cit2tit
7 # To be used by cxterm, convert me to .cit format first
8 # .cit version 1
11 PROMPT: Ji^~j
12 #
13 COMMENT Copyright 1993 Oct 18 by Nelson Chin. (cyl@ifcss.org)
14 COMMENT Last Modified: 1994 Feb 26
15 COMMENT Permission to use/modify/copy for any purpose is hereby granted.
16 COMMENT Absolutely no fee and no warranties.
18 COMMENT use <CTRL-f> to move to the right
19 COMMENT use <CTRL-b> to move to the left
20 COMMENT cizu taken from crl.nmsu.edu:pub/chinese/eng-chi.b5
21 COMMENT built on top of usercz-b5 from cxterm-nf package
22 # define keys
23 VALIDINPUTKEY: !"\043\040$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@[\134]^_`abcdefghijkl
24 VALIDINPUTKEY: mnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
25 SELECTKEY: _\040
36 BACKSPACE: \010\177
37 DELETEALL: \015\025
38 MOVERIGHT: \006
39 MOVELEFT: \002
40 REPEATKEY: \020\022
41 # the following line must not be removed
44 #
45 ! I T
46 "
47 \043
48 $ L D F G
49 % H
50 &
51 '
52 ( ] e } _ g u y x |
53 ) ^ f ~ ` h v z w {
54 * S N
55 + U t
56 , A M B N
57 - V w
58 . D C E O P K L X
59 / A @ B
60 0
61 1
62 2
63 3
64 4
65 5
66 6
67 7
68 8
69 9
70 : G J R
71 ; F Q
72 < q m o s
73 =
74 > r n p t
75 ? H S
76 @ I
77 [ i k
78 \134 @ B A
79 ] j l
80 ^ s
81 _ Z \
82 `
83 graph b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
84 graph { | } ~
85 logo
86 logo
87 math
88 math
89 symbol @ A B
90 unit C D E F G H I P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ `
91 unit a
92 { a c
93 | U Y x
94 } b d
95 ~ \
96 \040 @
97 a
98 b
99 c
100 d
101 e
102 f
103 g
104 h
105 i
106 j
107 k
108 l
109 m
110 n
111 o
112 p
113 q
114 r
115 s
116 t
117 u
118 v
119 w @
120 x A
121 y B
122 z C
123 a @
124 abacus L
125 abalone j
126 abandon
127 abase S
128 abash ϲ۷\
129 abbey |
130 abbot kD|
131 abbreviate Yg
132 abdicate h
133 abdomen
134 abduct
135 abductor
136 abhor c h
137 abide u
138 ability O
139 able O
140 abnormal `
141 aboard bMW
142 abolish
143 about j
144 above bȤW
145 abrasive ʼF
146 abridge
147 abroad b~
148 abrupt M
149 absence ʮu ʥF
150 absent ʮu
151 absolute 諸
152 absorb l
153 absorption l M
154 abstract H jn
155 absurd i
156 abundance ״I
157 abundant ״I
158 abuse h ݥ
159 academic dzN
160 academy M|
161 accent Ľ
162 accept
163 acceptable XN
164 access q
165 accessible
166 accident N~
167 accidental N~
168 acclaim wI ܪ
169 accommodate A
170 accompany P
171 accomplish
172 accord M @P
173 accumulate n W[
174 accuracy T K
175 accurate T
176 accusation o oW
177 accuse i d
178 accustom ϲߺD
179 ace \I
180 ache kh
181 achieve
182 achievement N
183 acid ĩ
184 acknowledge { ӻ{
185 acknowledgment
186 acquaint q
187 acquaintance
188 acquire o
189 acquisition ì
190 acre ^a
191 add [
192 addict }
193 additional [
194 address a} t
195 adequate
196 adhere Tu
197 adieu A|
198 adjacent
199 adjective ήe
200 adjoin s ss
201 adjourn |
202 adjust վ
203 administer z
204 admirable OHܨت
205 admiral x`qO
206 admiration g
207 admire qA g
208 admission ӻ{ \i
209 admit e\ ۦ
210 adopt i ĥ
211 adoption i ĥ
212 adore R
213 adult H
214 advance wI
215 advanced Ū
216 advantage u Qq
217 adventure _I
218 adverb Ƶ
219 adversary ܪ
220 adversity f
221 advertise nsi
222 advertisement si
223 advice i
224 advise i
225 adviser ɱб
226 advocate j
227 aeroplane
228 affair ƥ
229 affect vT
230 affection R
231 affectionate `R
232 affinity ÿ
233 affirm _
234 afflict i
235 afford OH
236 afloat B
237 afraid `
238 after
239 afternoon U
240 afterwards
241 again A@
242 age ~
243 aged ~Ѫ
244 agency Nz
245 agent NzH
246 aggravate E
247 aggregate E
248 aggressive լ
249 agitate Ͱ
250 agitation Ͱ
251 ago He
252 agonize дo
253 agony дo
254 agree PN
255 agreeable AN
256 agreement
257 agricultural A~
258 agriculture A~
259 ahead
260 aid U
261 ail Wo
262 ailment f
263 aim ت
264 air Ů
265 airline Ťq
266 airmail Ŷl
267 airplane
268 airport
269 airship
270 airy q
271 aisle LD
272 alarm ĵ
273 album ï
274 alcohol s
275 ale s
276 alert ĵ
277 algebra N
278 alien ~ꪺ
279 alike ۦP
280 alive
281 alkali P
282 all Ҧ
283 alley p|
284 alliance P
285 allied P
286 alligator s
287 allow \
288 allowance zK
289 ally P
290 almanac ~Ų
291 almighty j
292 almond
293 almost XG
294 aloft bB
295 alone W۪
296 along u @P
297 alongside bȮ
298 aloud n
299 alphabet r
300 alpine s
301 already wg
302 also ]
303 altar
304 alter
305 alteration
306 alternate y
307 alternative
308 although M
309 altitude
310 altogether `@
311 aluminum T
312 always û
313 am O
314 amateur ~l
315 amaze _
316 amazement 岧
317 amazing H
318 ambassador j
319 amber [
320 ambition
321 ambitious ߪ
322 ambulance @
323 ambush I
324 amen
325 amend ץ
326 amendment ץ
327 america w
328 amiable iR ˤ
329 amid bȤ
330 amiss ~
331 ammonia
332 ammunition u x
333 among bȤ
334 amount ƶq
335 ample ״I
336 amuse ϮT
337 amusement T
338 amusing 쪺
339 an @
340 analysis R
341 analyze ѪR
342 anatomy ѭ
343 ancestor
344 ancestral
345 anchor
346 ancient jѪ
347 and M
348 anecdote c _D
349 anew s
350 angel Ѩ
351 anger
352 angle
353 angrily a
354 angry 㪺
355 anguish hW дe
356 animal ʪ
357 ankle }
358 annals s~v
359 annex [ X
360 annihilate
361 anniversary P~
362 announce ŧG
363 announcement qi i
364 annoy Wo
365 annoyance дo
366 annual P~
367 anoint o
368 another t@
369 anoxia ʮg
370 answer ^
371 ant
372 antagonist Ĥ
373 antarctic n
374 antecedent
375 antelope ܦ
376 antenna IJ ѽu
377 anthracite LϷ
378 anticipate w w
379 anticipation
380 antique j
381 antiquity j jN
382 anvil Kz
383 anxiety J
384 anxious J檺
385 any
386 anybody H
387 anyhow Lצp
388 anyone H
389 anything Lצ
390 anyway Lצp
391 anywhere LצB
392 apart }
393 apartment J
394 ape L
395 aperture ե _
396 apiece Uۦa
397 apologize Dp
398 apology Dp
399 apostle Ϯ{
400 apostrophe ٲŸ
401 appall 宣
402 appalling H
403 apparatus
404 apparel A
405 apparent 㪺
406 appeal WD
407 appear X{
408 appearance X{ ~
409 appendix z
410 appetite
411 applaud x g
412 applause n g
413 apple īG
414 appliance Ψ
415 applicant ӽФH
416 application ӽЮ
417 apply ӽ
418 appoint R w
419 appointment ¾ |
420 appreciate PE
421 appreciation W
422 apprehend F
423 apprehension z
424 apprentice Ǯ{
425 approach
426 appropriate A
427 appropriation
428 approval ٦ \i
429 approve
430 approximate j
431 apricot
432 april |
433 apron
434 apt A
435 arbitrary HN
436 arbitration
437 arbor b
438 arc
439 arch
440 archbishop jD
441 archer }b
442 architect ؿvv
443 architectural ؿvǪ
444 architecture ؿv
445 arctic _
446 ardent P
447 ardor
448 arduous Im x
449 are O
450 area n d
451 arena v
452 argue
453 argument G
454 arise _ X{
455 aristocracy Qڪ|
456 aristocrat Qڽת
457 aristocratic Qڤ
458 arithmetic N
459 ark
460 arm u
461 armament x
462 armchair aI
463 armistice
464 armor
465 arms Z
466 army x x
467 around j
468 arouse E_
469 arrange w
470 arrangement z
471 array ƦC
472 arrest e
473 arrival F
474 arrive F
475 arrow bY
476 art N
477 artery ʯ
478 article 峹
479 artificial Hy
480 artillery j
481 artisan uK
482 artist Na
483 artistic N
484 as p
485 ascend W@
486 ascent W@
487 ascertain Tw
488 ash
489 ashamed ۷\
490 ashore W
491 asia Ȭw
492 aside b
493 ask
494 asleep ε۪
495 aspect ˤl
496 asphalt wC
497 aspiration t
498 aspire
499 ass jl
500 assail
501 assault ŧ
502 assay ժ
503 assemble զX
504 assembly |
505 assent ٦P
506 assert n
507 assertion _
508 asset 겣
509 assign
510 assignment JD
511 assist U
512 assistance U
513 assistant U
514 associate pQ
515 association |
516 assume w
517 assumption r
518 assurance O
519 assure O
520 astonish ϦY
521 astonishing i媺
522 astonishment j
523 astound j
524 astray
525 astronomer ѤǮa
526 astronomy Ѥ
527 asylum @
528 at b
529 athlete Bʮa
530 athletic Bʪ
531 atlantic jv
532 atlas ja
533 atmosphere j ^
534 atom l
535 atomic l
536 attach W
537 attachment
538 attack
539 attain o
540 attempt
541 attend Xu
542 attendance Xu
543 attendant H
544 attention `N
545 attic ռ
546 attire A
547 attitude A
548 attorney ߮v
549 attract l
550 attraction l
551 attractive ޤH`N
552 attribute ݩ
553 auction
554 audible ťo
555 audience ť [
556 august K
557 aunt h
558 austere YF
559 australia Dw
560 authentic u
561 author @a
562 authoritative vª
563 authority v
564 authorize v
565 auto T
566 automatic ۰ʪ
567 automobile T
568 autumn u
569 available io쪺
570 avenge _
571 avenue j
572 average @
573 aviation
574 avoid קK
575 awake
576 awaken s
577 award ~
578 aware `N
579 away b
580 awful iȪ
581 awkward ©媺
582 ax Y
583 axis b
584 axle b
585 azure Ŧ⪺
586 baby
587 bachelor Ǥh
588 back I
589 backbone ᰩ
590 background I
591 backward V
592 bacon t
593 bacteria ӵ
594 bad a
595 badge
596 badly D`
597 badminton Фy
598 baffle ۰d }a
599 bag Ul
600 baggage
601 bait
602 bake M
603 baker ѥ]v
604 baking M
605 balance tB
606 balcony O ][
607 bald rr
608 ball y
609 ballad uq
610 balloon y
611 ballot ﲼ
612 balm oI
613 balmy ڭ
614 banana
615 band al ֶ
616 bandage ^a
617 bandit js g
618 bane r`
619 bang
620 banish v ƥ
621 banishment Xv y
622 bank Ȧ
623 banker Ȧa
624 banking Ȧ~
625 bankruptcy }
626 banner X
627 banquet b|
628 baptism ~§
629 bar sY ê
630 barbarian ZH
631 barbarous Z
632 barber zvv
633 bard ֤H
634 bare rr
635 barefoot
636 barefooted
637 barely XG ȶ
638 bargain R ij
639 barge C
640 bark
641 barley j
642 barn \ \
643 barometer p
644 baron k
645 barrack d
646 barrel j
647 barren
648 barrier ] ê
649 base ¦
650 baseball βy
651 basement aU
652 bashful Ȳ۪
653 basic
654 basin ֦a
655 basis ڥ
656 basket xl
657 basketball xy
658 bass C
659 bat y
660 bath ND D
661 bathe ~
662 bathroom D
663 battalion x
664 batter s
665 battery q O
666 battle Ԫ
667 battleship DOĥ
668 bawl I
669 bay W
670 bayonet M
671 bazaar
672 be O
673 beach y
674 bead ]l
675 beak L
676 beam
677 bean l
678 bear Ԩ
679 beard GŽ
680 bearer t
681 bearing A m
682 beast ~
683 beat V
684 beaten h }
685 beating @
686 beau n
687 beautiful R
688 beauty H
689 beaver W
690 because ]
691 beckon IY۩I
692 become ܦ
693 bed
694 bedroom
695 bedside ɰ
696 bedtime Nɶ
697 bee
698 beech Ѥ
699 beef
700 beer s
701 beet
702 beetle
703 befall DJ {
704 before He
705 beforehand w
706 befriend U
707 beg D
708 beggar ^
709 begin }l
710 beginner Ǫ
711 beginning }Y
712 behalf Qq
713 behave |
714 behavior 欰
715 behead ٭
716 behind b
717 behold `
718 being ͩR sb
719 belief H
720 believe ۫H
721 believer H{
722 bell
723 belle H
724 bellow q
725 bellows c
726 belly
727 belong ݩ
728 belongings Ҧ
729 beloved ߷R
730 below bȤU
731 belt al
732 bench
733 bend s
734 beneath bU
735 beneficial Q
736 benefit Qq
737 benevolent O
738 bent s
739 bequeath
740 berry ߪG
741 berth צ
742 beseech @
743 beset ]
744 beside bȤ
745 besides ~
746 besiege
747 best ̦n
748 bestow »P
749 bet
750 betray X Iq
751 better n
752 between bȤ
753 betwixt
754 beverage
755 bewail d
756 beware p
757 bewilder xb
758 bewitch gb
759 beyond WL
760 bias t
761 bib
762 bible tg
763 bicycle ۦ樮
764 bid X
765 big j
766 bill b r
767 billiards pƪ
768 billion Q
769 billow j
770 bin cl
771 bind ]
772 binding
773 biography ǰO
774 biology ͪ
775 birch
776 bird
777 birth X
778 birthday ͤ
779 birthplace Xͦa
780 birthright ͦv
781 biscuit 氮
782 bishop D
783 bit @I
784 bite r
785 bitter W
786 bituminous wC
787 black ¦
788 blackberry ²l
789 blackboard ªO
790 blacksmith KK
791 blade M
792 blame d
793 blank ťժ
794 blanket
795 blast e z
796 blaze K
797 bleach }
798 bleed y
799 blend VX
800 bless O
801 blessed ֪
802 blessing
803 blind M
804 blink K
805 blister w
806 block q
807 blockade
808 blond v
809 blood
810 bloody ݧԪ
811 bloom }
812 blossom s
813 blot ò
814 blouse Wm
815 blow j
816 blue Ŧ
817 bluff in
818 blunder j
819 blunt w
820 blur ag
821 blush `
822 boar
823 board O
824 boarder HJ
825 boast ۸
826 boat p
827 body
828 boil N N}
829 bold jx
830 bolt
831 bomb u
832 bond Ҩ
833 bone
834 bonnet ĬU
835 bonus Q
836 book
837 bookcase Ѭ[
838 bookkeeper Ob
839 booklet pUl
840 bookseller ѩ
841 boot u
842 booth ul
843 border
844 bore p
845 born ѩʪ
846 borough
847 borrow
848 bosom
849 boss Wq
850 botanical Ӫ
851 botany Ӫ
852 both ̪
853 bother Z
854 bottle ~l
855 bottom
856 boulder Y
857 bounce ø,h
858 boundary ɭ
859 bouquet
860 bow }
861 bowel z
862 bowl @J
863 box c
864 boxing
865 boy kĤl
866 boyish Ĥl
867 brace W
868 bracelet N
869 bracket [
870 brag j
871 braid v|
872 brain
873 branch K 䩱
874 brand Ӽ
875 brass
876 brave i
877 bravery ^i
878 bread ѥ]
879 breadth
880 break }
881 breakfast \
882 breast
883 breath
884 breathe Il
885 breathless ݳݪ
886 breed ~
887 breeding
888 breeze M
889 brew Cy
890 bribe 쵸
891 brick j
892 bride sQ
893 bridegroom s
894 bridge
895 brief u²
896 briefly ²a
897 brigade
898 bright G
899 brightness G
900 brilliant {G,~
901 bring a
902 brisk ⪺
903 bristle
904 brittle H
905 broad 諸
906 broadcast s
907 broil N
908 broken }
909 broker gH
910 bronze C
911 brooch ݰw
912 brook pe
913 broom
914 broth M
915 brother S
916 brow
917 brown Ŧ
918 bruise
919 brush
920 brutal ~ʪ
921 brute Lzʪ
922 bubble w
923 buck
924 bucket
925 buckle a
926 bud
927 budget w
928 buff L
929 buffalo
930 bug
931 build ؿv
932 building ؿv
933 bulb qOw
934 bulge Ȱ_
935 bulk j
936 bull
937 bulldog Y
938 bullet lu
939 bulletin
940 bullion ȶ
941 bump I
942 bun ѥ]
943 bunch
944 bundle
945 bungalow
946 bunk ɾQ
947 bunny ߹
948 buoy B
949 burden t
950 bureau B
951 burglar ѵs
952 burial §
953 burn N
954 burst }
955 bury I
956 bus @T
957 bush
958 business ӷ~
959 busy
960 but O
961 butcher O
962 butler ĤHZ
963 butter o
964 butterfly
965 button l
966 buy R
967 buzz qܹan
968 by g b
969 cab p
970 cabbage ŵ
971 cabin p
972 cabinet pdo
973 cable q
974 cafe @ة
975 cage Ţ
976 cake
977 calcium t
978 calculate p
979 calculation p
980 calendar
981 calf p
982 call ,s
983 calm NR
984 calorie d
985 camel dm
986 camera Ӭ۾
987 camp S
988 campaign vﬡ
989 campus ն
990 can
991 canada [j
992 canal Be
993 canary
994 cancel
995 cancer
996 candidate ԿH
997 candle
998 candor waN
999 candy }G
1000 cane ̽
1001 cannon j
1002 cannot
1003 canoe W
1004 canopy O
1005 canto g
1006 canton p
1007 canvas |
1008 canyon l
1009 cap KU Ml
1010 capable ~F
1011 capacity eq O
1012 cape
1013 caper
1014 capital ꥻ
1015 capitalist ꥻa
1016 captain ⶤ
1017 captive R
1018 captivity }T
1019 capture
1020 car T
1021 caramel J}
1022 caravan Ӷ
1023 carbon Ƽg
1024 carbonic tҪ
1025 carcass e
1026 card d ȵP
1027 cardinal Dn
1028 care U ޤ
1029 career ¾~ g
1030 careful pߪ
1031 careless ʤߪ
1032 caress
1033 cargo f
1034 carnival Ŧ~ط|
1035 carol |q
1036 carp U
1037 carpenter K
1038 carpet a
1039 carriage [
1040 carrier ťĥ
1041 carrot ڽ
1042 carry hB
1043 cart Ԩ
1044 carve J
1045 cascade pr
1046 case l פl
1047 casement l
1048 cash {
1049 cashier Xǭ
1050 cask
1051 casket p첰
1052 cast
1053 castle
1054 casual D
1055 cat
1056 catalog ؿ
1057 cataract xy k
1058 catastrophe a d@
1059 catch
1060 catcher
1061 category
1062 caterpillar
1063 cathedral jа
1064 catholic ѥD
1065 cattle ab
1066 cause z ؼ
1067 caution p ĵi
1068 cautious pߪ
1069 cavalier Mh L
1070 cavalry ML
1071 cave }
1072 cavern ja}
1073 cavity W}
1074 cease
1075 cedar v
1076 ceiling ѪO
1077 celebrate y
1078 celebrated ۦW
1079 celebration §
1080 celery
1081 celestial ѤW
1082 cell ӭM K
1083 cellar aU
1084 celluloid H
1085 cement d
1086 cemetery Ӧa
1087 censure d
1088 census Hfլd
1089 cent @
1090 center
1091 centigram J
1092 centiliter
1093 centimeter
1094 central ߪ
1095 century @
1096 cereal \
1097 ceremony §
1098 certain T
1099 certainly Ma
1100 certainty @Lð
1101 certificate
1102 chain l
1103 chair Ȥl
1104 chairman Du |
1105 chalk
1106 challenge D
1107 chamber ж ij|
1108 chamberlain
1109 champion ax
1110 chance |
1111 chancellor j
1112 chandelier QO
1113 change
1114 channel l ~|
1115 chant q
1116 chaos
1117 chap a r
1118 chapel p§
1119 chaplain v
1120 chapter g |
1121 character ʮ
1122 characteristic Sx
1123 charcoal 쬴
1124 charge i Ob
1125 charger Rq
1126 chariot |
1127 charitable O
1128 charity Oc
1129 charm yO
1130 charming gH
1131 chart a Ϫ
1132 charter S\
1133 chase lv
1134 chasm
1135 chaste Dw
1136 chat
1137 chatter 㤣
1138 chauffeur q
1139 cheap Ky
1140 cheat F
1141 check b ˬd
1142 cheek yU
1143 cheer wI ܪ
1144 cheerful r֪
1145 cheerily r֦a
1146 cheery ּ֪
1147 cheese T
1148 chemical ƾǪ
1149 chemise kΤ
1150 chemist ƾǮa
1151 chemistry ƾ
1152 cherish ÷R
1153 cherry
1154 chess v
1155 chest ݳ
1156 chestnut ߤl
1157 chew CZ
1158 chick p
1159 chicken
1160 chide ܥw
1161 chief S
1162 chiefly hba
1163 child p
1164 childhood ~
1165 childish Ĥl
1166 chill HN
1167 chilly HN
1168 chime M
1169 chimney ϧw
1170 chin U
1171 china
1172 china
1173 chinese H
1174 chink _
1175 chip H
1176 chirp γsn
1177 chisel wl
1178 chivalry Mh
1179 chocolate JO
1180 choice
1181 choir ۸֯Z
1182 choke
1183 cholera N
1184 choose
1185 chop
1186 chord ^
1187 chorus X۹
1188 chosen 諸
1189 christ
1190 christian Ю{
1191 christmas tϸ`
1192 chronicle s~v
1193 chuckle
1194 church а
1195 churchman Фh v
1196 churchyard аӦa
1197 cider G Gs
1198 cigar X
1199 cigaret ȷ
1200 cinder Ѯh
1201 cinema qv|
1202 cinnamon
1203 circle
1204 circuit q
1205 circular ꪺ
1206 circulate `
1207 circulation oB
1208 circumference P
1209 circumstance ҹJ
1210 circus
1211 cite
1212 citizen
1213 city
1214 civic
1215 civil ƪ
1216 civilian
1217 civilization
1218 civilize
1219 claim
1220 clam F
1221 clan
1222 clap
1223 class ǯ
1224 classic j嬣
1225 classical j媺
1226 classification
1227 classify
1228 classmate PZP
1229 classroom Ы
1230 clause uy
1231 claw
1232 clay dg
1233 clean M
1234 cleaner M侹
1235 clear M
1236 clearly a
1237 cleave A}
1238 clergy Фh
1239 clergyman v
1240 clerk ѰO
1241 clever o
1242 client U
1243 cliff a
1244 climate
1245 climax I
1246 climb
1247 cling H
1248 clinic E
1249 clip ȧ
1250 cloak O
1251 cloakroom U
1252 clock
1253 cloister x|
1254 close
1255 closet o
1256 cloth
1257 clothes A
1258 clothing A
1259 cloud
1260 cloudy Ѫ
1261 clown p
1262 club Ҵ
1263 clumsy ©媺
1264 cluster
1265 coach Ȩ
1266 coal
1267 coarse ʦH
1268 coast
1269 coat ~M
1270 cobweb j
1271 cock
1272 cocktail s
1273 cocoa ii
1274 coconut l
1275 code X
1276 coffee @
1277 coffin ç
1278 coil
1279 coin w
1280 coincidence X
1281 cold N ˭
1282 collapse U Y
1283 collar w
1284 colleague P
1285 collect
1286 collection
1287 college ǰ|
1288 colonel xW
1289 colonial ޥ
1290 colony ޥa
1291 color C
1292 colorful Im
1293 colt p
1294 column W
1295 comb
1296 combat
1297 combination X
1298 combine X
1299 combustion UN
1300 come
1301 comedy @
1302 comet kP
1303 comfort w
1304 comfortable ΪA
1305 comforter ֳQ
1306 comic s
1307 comical ƽ]
1308 coming {
1309 comma rI
1310 command RO
1311 commander x
1312 commandment ٫
1313 commence }l ۤ
1314 commencement }l
1315 commend
1316 comment
1317 commentary
1318 commerce T
1319 commercial ӰȪ
1320 commission
1321 commissioner e
1322 commit e ʸT
1323 committee e|
1324 commodity ӫ~
1325 common @P
1326 commonplace Z
1327 commonwealth p
1328 commotion ɶ
1329 commune K
1330 communicate q
1331 communication p
1332 communion
1333 communism @Dq
1334 communist @ҭ
1335 community
1336 compact K p
1337 companion P
1338 companionship ͽ
1339 company q
1340 comparable i
1341 comparative
1342 comparatively a
1343 compare
1344 comparison
1345 compartment j
1346 compass ùL P
1347 compassion P
1348 compel j
1349 compensate v
1350 compensation v
1351 compete v
1352 competent F
1353 competition
1354 competitive v
1355 competitor
1356 compile s
1357 complain
1358 complaint i
1359 complement [
1360 complete
1361 completion
1362 complex ƦX
1363 complexion ζ
1364 complicate c
1365 complicated a
1366 complication ȯ
1367 compliment g DP
1368 comply PN
1369 compose զ
1370 composed wM
1371 composer @a
1372 composition @
1373 composure R
1374 compound ƦX
1375 comprehend F
1376 comprehensive sx
1377 compress
1378 comprise ]t
1379 compromise
1380 compulsory j
1381 compute p
1382 computer q
1383 comrade P
1384 conceal
1385 concede ӻ{ B
1386 conceit ۭt N
1387 conceivable iQ
1388 conceive cQ F
1389 concentrate M @Y
1390 concentrate M
1391 concentration M @Y
1392 conception QO
1393 concern `
1394 concerned
1395 concerning
1396 concert ַ|
1397 concession B
1398 concise ²
1399 conclude
1400 conclusion
1401 concord M
1402 concrete b
1403 condemn Ϲ
1404 condense Y
1405 condition p
1406 conduct Bz
1407 conductor
1408 cone @
1409 confederacy P
1410 confederate P
1411 confederation P
1412 confer {
1413 conference Q|
1414 confess ӻ{ b
1415 confession ۥծ
1416 confide H
1417 confidence ۫H K
1418 confident TH
1419 confidential K
1420 confine
1421 confirm ҹ
1422 confirmation ҩ
1423 confiscate S
1424 conflict Ĭ
1425 conform ŦX
1426 confound Y
1427 confront
1428 confuse V
1429 confusion g
1430 congenial Nۧ몺
1431 congratulate P
1432 congratulate yP
1433 congratulation P
1434 congregation X
1435 congress |
1436 congressman |ij
1437 conjecture
1438 conjugation sX
1439 conjunction s
1440 conjure ]k
1441 connect s
1442 connection pô
1443 conquer A
1444 conqueror A
1445 conquest ӧQ
1446 conscience }
1447 conscientious }ߪ
1448 conscious NѪ
1449 consciousness N
1450 consecrate ^m
1451 consent PN
1452 consequence G
1453 consequent Ӧ
1454 consequently ]
1455 conservation O@
1456 conservative Ou
1457 conserve Os
1458 consider Ҽ{
1459 considerable ȱoҼ{
1460 considerably D`a
1461 considerate K
1462 consideration U{
1463 considering NȦӨ
1464 consign
1465 consist ]t
1466 consistent @P
1467 consolation
1468 console w
1469 consolidate dT
1470 consonant l
1471 consort t
1472 conspicuous 㪺
1473 conspiracy
1474 conspire Ͽ
1475 constable ĵx
1476 constancy [
1477 constant ܪ
1478 constantly a
1479 constellation Py
1480 constituent |v
1481 constitute զ
1482 constitution cy
1483 constitution ˪k
1484 constraint T
1485 construct c
1486 construction ؿv
1487 constructive س]ʪ
1488 consul
1489 consult б Ӷq
1490 consultation |ij
1491 consume
1492 consumer O
1493 consummate
1494 consumption Ӷq
1495 contact IJ
1496 contagious |ǬV
1497 contain e
1498 contemplate ` H
1499 contemplation H
1500 contemporary PɥN
1501 contempt
1502 contemptuous
1503 contend v
1504 content ϺN
1505 contented
1506 contention I
1507 contentment
1508 contest v
1509 continent j
1510 continental j
1511 continual _
1512 continuation ~
1513 continue ~
1514 continuous s
1515 contract
1516 contraction Yu
1517 contractor ӥ]H
1518 contradict IJ
1519 contrary ۤ
1520 contrast
1521 contribute Z ^m
1522 contribution
1523 control
1524 controversy ת
1525 convenience KQ
1526 convenient KQ
1527 convent kD
1528 convention |ij
1529 conventional DҪ
1530 conversation
1531 conversion ܴ
1532 convert ഫ
1533 convey ǹF
1534 convict wo }
1535 conviction o
1536 convince ϫHA
1537 convincing ϤHHA
1538 cook N pq
1539 cookery iճN
1540 cookie 氮
1541 cool D
1542 cooperate XO
1543 cooperation X@
1544 cooperative X@
1545 coordinate y
1546 cope I
1547 copper
1548 copy ƥ
1549 copyright v
1550 coral
1551 cord ÷l
1552 core ֤
1553 cork n
1554 corn ɸ
1555 corner
1556 corporal 骺
1557 corporation q
1558 corps x
1559 corpse
1560 correct 諸
1561 correction 勵
1562 correctly Ta
1563 correspond qH
1564 correspondent qH @P
1565 corridor Y
1566 corrupt a
1567 corruption G
1568 cost
1569 costly Q
1570 costume A
1571 cot T
1572 cottage T
1573 cotton
1574 couch δ
1575 cough y
1576 council ij|
1577 counselor U
1578 count p
1579 countenance e
1580 counter dO
1581 counterfeit y
1582 countless Ƥɪ
1583 country
1584 county p
1585 couple @
1586 courage i
1587 courageous xq
1588 course {
1589 court k|
1590 courteous §
1591 courtesy §
1592 courtyard x
1593 cousin
1594 covenant t
1595 cover л\
1596 cow
1597 coward
1598 cowardice xp
1599 cowboy J
1600 cozy ξA
1601 crab
1602 crack z
1603 cracker z
1604 crackle
1605 cradle nx
1606 craft
1607 crafty ⪺
1608 cram O
1609 cramp l
1610 crane _
1611 crash H
1612 crate Oc
1613 crave
1614 crawl
1615 crayon
1616 craze g
1617 crazy og
1618 cream o
1619 create гy
1620 creation Ч@
1621 creature ʪ
1622 credit H
1623 creditor vH
1624 creed иq
1625 creep
1626 crescent s
1627 crest a
1628 crew H
1629 cricket
1630 crime Ǹo
1631 criminal o
1632 crimson A
1633 cripple ٮ`
1634 crisis M
1635 crisp ܪ
1636 critic a
1637 critical M檺
1638 criticism
1639 criticize Dij
1640 crocodile s
1641 crook },Fl
1642 crop A@
1643 cross e
1644 crow Q~
1645 crowd s
1646 crowded
1647 crown a
1648 crude W
1649 cruel ݻŪ
1650 cruelty ݻ
1651 cruise |
1652 crumb h
1653 crumble ˸H
1654 crumple ˽K
1655 crusade Qrx
1656 crush H
1657 crust ѥ]
1658 cry
1659 crystal
1660 cub ~
1661 cube ߤ
1662 cubic ߤ骺
1663 cuckoo Y
1664 cucumber
1665 cuff Sf
1666 cultivate i
1667 cultivation i
1668 culture
1669 cunning ⪺
1670 cup M
1671 cupboard Jd
1672 curb
1673 cure v¡
1674 curiosity n_
1675 curious n_ߪ
1676 curl
1677 curly
1678 currency f
1679 current {ɪ
1680 curse AG
1681 curtail
1682 curtain
1683 curve s
1684 cushion Ԥl
1685 custody O
1686 custom ߺD U
1687 customary ߺDʪ
1688 customer U
1689 cut
1690 cute iR
1691 cycle g M
1692 cylinder W
1693 cynical ջ
1694 cypress f
1695 dad
1696 daffodil zP
1697 dagger uC
1698 dahlia ѪǨd
1699 daily C骺
1700 dainty
1701 dairy TA~
1702 daisy
1703 dam
1704 damage l`
1705 dame QH
1706 damn G|
1707 damp
1708 dance R
1709 dancer RЮa
1710 dancing R
1711 danger MI
1712 dangerous MI
1713 dangle Q
1714 dare
1715 daring xj
1716 dark ·t
1717 darken ܷt ܶ
1718 darkly ·ta
1719 darkness ·t
1720 darling ߷RH
1721 darn _
1722 dart g
1723 dash ļ
1724 data ƾ
1725 date |
1726 daughter k
1727 dawn
1728 day դ
1729 daybreak }
1730 daylight ձ
1731 daytime 鶡
1732 daze wt
1733 dazzle ģ
1734 dead
1735 deadly P
1736 deaf Ť
1737 deafen ϦŤ
1738 deal A
1739 dealer
1740 dealing 橹
1741 dean |
1742 dear ˷R
1743 dearly ˷Ra
1744 death `
1745 debate G
1746 debt Ű
1747 debtor ŰȤH
1748 decade Q~
1749 decagram QJ
1750 decaliter
1751 decameter V
1752 decay I
1753 decease `
1754 deceased `
1755 deceit ޭp
1756 deceive F
1757 december QG
1758 decency 欰
1759 decent XA
1760 decide Mw
1761 decided Tw
1762 decigram
1763 decimeter o
1764 decision Mw
1765 decisive Mwʪ
1766 deck ҪO
1767 declaration n
1768 declare ŧG
1769 decline U
1770 decompose I
1771 decorate ˹
1772 decorative ˹
1773 decrease
1774 decree kO
1775 dedicate ^m
1776 deed
1777 deem H
1778 deep `
1779 deepen [`
1780 deeply b`B
1781 deer
1782 defeat
1783 defect L
1784 defective
1785 defence m
1786 defend u
1787 defendant Qi
1788 defender u
1789 defense m
1790 defensive ۽ê
1791 defer w
1792 deferent
1793 defiance D
1794 deficiency ʥF
1795 deficient ʥF
1796 defile ż
1797 define Uwq
1798 definite ֩w
1799 definition wq
1800 deformity ݼo
1801 defy A
1802 degenerate hB
1803 degradation K¾
1804 degrade
1805 degree
1806 deity
1807 delay
1808 delegate N
1809 delegation N
1810 deliberate ԷV
1811 deliberation
1812 delicacy P
1813 delicate
1814 delicious
1815 delight ֽ
1816 delightful r֪
1817 deliver ǰe
1818 deliverance
1819 delivery ǰe Y
1820 dell ը
1821 delta Tw
1822 deluge x
1823 delusion ۷Q
1824 demand nD
1825 demeanor A
1826 democracy DFv
1827 democrat DDq
1828 democratic DFv
1829 demon c]
1830 demonstrate ܽd ܫ
1831 demonstration ܽd ܫ
1832 den ~
1833 denial _{
1834 denomination W O
1835 denote
1836 denounce }d
1837 dense YK
1838 density K
1839 dental
1840 dentist
1841 deny _{
1842 depart }
1843 department t
1844 departure ҵ{
1845 depend ̾a
1846 dependence
1847 dependent ̿
1848 depict yz
1849 deplore dh
1850 depose K¾
1851 deposit s
1852 depot ܮw
1853 depress C S
1854 depression
1855 deprive
1856 depth `
1857 deputy ƪ
1858 derision M
1859 derive o _
1860 descend U
1861 descendant
1862 descent
1863 describe yz e
1864 description ԭz
1865 desert Fz
1866 deserve o
1867 design ]p Ϯ
1868 designate w
1869 desirability iB
1870 desirable XN
1871 desire
1872 desirous 檺
1873 desk Ѯ
1874 desolate D
1875 desolation
1876 despair
1877 despairing 檺
1878 despatch oe ѨM
1879 desperate D`
1880 desperation
1881 despise
1882 despite
1883 dessert I
1884 destination تa
1885 destine ww w
1886 destiny RB
1887 destitute ʥF
1888 destroy }a
1889 destruction a
1890 destructive }a
1891 detach }
1892 detachment }
1893 detail Ӹ`
1894 detain d
1895 detect d
1896 detective
1897 determination M
1898 determine UM
1899 determined Mߪ
1900 detest
1901 devastate a
1902 develop oi
1903 development oi
1904 device ˸m ]
1905 devil ]
1906 devise ]p
1907 devote ^m
1908 devoted ۪
1909 devotion
1910 devour ]
1911 dew S
1912 dewy aS
1913 dexterity F
1914 diagram Ϫ
1915 dial
1916 dialect 訥
1917 dialogue
1918 diameter |
1919 diamond p
1920 diary O
1921 dice l
1922 dictate ťg
1923 dictation ťg
1924 dictator W
1925 diction Φr
1926 dictionary r
1927 die
1928 diet i
1929 difference tO
1930 difficult x
1931 diffuse X
1932 dig
1933 digest
1934 digestion
1935 digestive ƪ
1936 dignify ϰQ
1937 dignity LY
1938 dilate Ͽ
1939 dilemma ih
1940 diligence ԫj
1941 diligent ԫj
1942 dim t
1943 dime @ȹ
1944 dimension jp
1945 diminish Yp
1946 diminutive p
1947 dimple s
1948 dine ο
1949 dinner \
1950 dip @U
1951 diplomacy ~
1952 diplomatic ~ê
1953 direct
1954 direction
1955 directly a
1956 director
1957 director
1958 dirt żF
1959 dirty ż
1960 disable ϵL
1961 disadvantage Q
1962 disagree PN
1963 disagreeable r֪
1964 disappear a,
1965 disappoint ϥ
1966 disappointment
1967 disapproval ٦
1968 disapprove ٦
1969 disarm ox
1970 disarmament x
1971 disaster G
1972 disastrous
1973 discard ߱
1974 discern ѧO
1975 discharge ƥX
1976 disciple {
1977 discipline W
1978 disclose o
1979 discomfort w
1980 discontent
1981 discord թM
1982 discount 馩
1983 discourage
1984 discover o{
1985 discovery so{
1986 discreet ԷV
1987 discretion V
1988 discuss ӽ
1989 discussion Q
1990 disdain
1991 disease f
1992 disfigure
1993 disgrace d
1994 disguise
1995 disgust Ϲ
1996 dish L
1997 dishonest ۹ꪺ
1998 dishonor WAƪ
1999 disk L
2000 dislike c
2001 dismiss Ѵ
2002 dismount U
2003 disobey ťR
2004 disorder V
2005 dispatch S
2006 dispense t t
2007 disperse X
2008 displace m
2009 display C
2010 displease ϥͮ
2011 displeasure
2012 disposal B
2013 dispose tm
2014 disposition NV
2015 dispute n
2016 disregard mץ~
2017 dissect ѭ
2018 dissension NX
2019 dissolution Ѱ
2020 dissolve
2021 distance Z
2022 distant
2023 distill ]H
2024 distinct P
2025 distinction V
2026 distinctive WS
2027 distinctly a
2028 distinguish ϧO
2029 distort ˬn
2030 distract `N
2031 distress Wo
2032 distribute o
2033 distribution o
2034 district a
2035 distrust H
2036 disturb Ͷ
2037 disturbance ̰
2038 ditch
2039 dive
2040 diverse UU
2041 diversity h
2042 divert V
2043 divide ,
2044 dividend Q
2045 divine t
2046 divinity
2047 division
2048 divorce B
2049 dizzy Yw
2050 do
2051 dock XY
2052 doctor v դh
2053 doctrine иq
2054 document
2055 dog
2056 doll
2057 dollar
2058 dolly v
2059 domain
2060 dome γ
2061 domestic
2062 dominant uժ
2063 dominate t
2064 dominion Dv
2065 donate
2066 donation
2067 done F
2068 donkey jl
2069 doom
2070 door
2071 doorway f
2072 dormitory J
2073 dose @A
2074 dot I
2075 double
2076 doubt h
2077 doubtful iê
2078 doubtless Læa
2079 dough {
2080 doughnut o
2081 dove F
2082 down VU
2083 downfall S
2084 downstairs ӤU
2085 downtown x
2086 downward VU
2087 dozen @
2088 draft
2089 drag ,
2090 dragonfly f
2091 drain Ƥ
2092 drainage Ƥ
2093 dramatic @ʪ
2094 drapery b
2095 drastic EP
2096 draw ñg
2097 drawer P
2098 drawing ϵe
2099 dread D``
2100 dreadful iȪ
2101 dream
2102 dreary ª
2103 drench z
2104 dress
2105 dressing ը
2106 dressmaker k˵_v
2107 drift }
2108 drill Vm
2109 drink ,
2110 drip wU
2111 drive r
2112 driver q
2113 droop U
2114 drop w
2115 drought
2116 drown ϷĦ
2117 drowsy QΪ
2118 drug ī~
2119 druggist İ
2120 drum
2121 drunkard s
2122 dry
2123 duchess ҤH
2124 duck n
2125 due |O
2126 duel M
2127 duke
2128 dull w
2129 duly Ma
2130 dumb ת
2131 dump ߱
2132 duplicate ƥ
2133 durable @[O
2134 duration [
2135 during bȴ
2136 dusk
2137 dusky t
2138 dust ǹ
2139 dusty ЮJ
2140 duty d
2141 dwarf Gl
2142 dwell ~
2143 dwelling J
2144 dye V
2145 dying
2146 dynamite
2147 dynamo oq
2148 dynasty
2149 each C
2150 eager 檺
2151 eagle N
2152 ear
2153 earl B
2154 early
2155 earn ȱo
2156 earnest {u
2157 earning J
2158 earth ay g[
2159 earthquake a_
2160 earthworm LC
2161 ease y
2162 easily ea
2163 east F F
2164 eastern F誺
2165 eastward VF
2166 easy e
2167 eat Y
2168 eaves ò
2169 ebb h
2170 ebony Q
2171 eccentric jǪ
2172 echo ^n
2173 eclipse k k
2174 economic gپǪ
2175 economical `
2176 economics gپ
2177 economist gپǮa
2178 economy g٨
2179 ecstasy g
2180 eddy x
2181 edge t
2182 edifice jH
2183 edit s
2184 edition
2185 editor Ds
2186 editorial
2187 educate |
2188 education Ш|
2189 educational Ш|
2190 eel
2191 effect ĪG
2192 effective Ī
2193 efficiency IJv
2194 efficient Ī
2195 effort VO
2196 egg J
2197 eight K
2198 eighteen QK
2199 eighteenth ĤQK
2200 eighth ĤK
2201 eightieth ĤKQ
2202 eighty KQ
2203 either G̤@
2204 elaborate 륩
2205 elapse uh
2206 elastic Pa
2207 elbow y
2208 elder e
2209 elderly Ѧ~
2210 eldest ̦~
2211 elect
2212 election |
2213 elector |v
2214 electric qO
2215 electrical q
2216 electricity q
2217 electron ql
2218 elegance u
2219 elegant
2220 element
2221 elementary
2222 elephant H
2223 elevate
2224 elevation
2225 elevator q
2226 eleven Q@
2227 eleventh ĤQ@
2228 elf pF
2229 eliminate ^O h
2230 elk G
2231 elm
2232 eloquence f~
2233 eloquent G
2234 else O
2235 elsewhere OB
2236 embark f
2237 embarrass ϧx~
2238 embarrassment x~
2239 embassy j]
2240 ember lu
2241 emblem Hx
2242 embody Ϩ
2243 embrace ֩
2244 embroider ¸
2245 embroidery ¸~
2246 emerald BA
2247 emerge X{
2248 emergency ƥ
2249 emigrant
2250 eminence WHh
2251 eminent DW
2252 emit oX
2253 emotion
2254 emotional ƪ
2255 emperor ӫ
2256 emphasis j
2257 emphasize j
2258 empire Ұ
2259 employee
2260 employer D
2261 employment ¾~
2262 empress k
2263 empty Ū
2264 emulator v
2265 enable ϡȯ
2266 enact w t
2267 enamel e
2268 encamp
2269 enchant ۴b
2270 enchantment ]k
2271 encircle ¶
2272 enclose ¶ H
2273 enclosure
2274 encounter DJ
2275 encourage y
2276 encyclopedia ʬ
2277 end I
2278 endeavor VO
2279 ending
2280 endless La
2281 endow U
2282 endurance @O
2283 endure [
2284 enemy ĤH
2285 energetic O
2286 energy O
2287 enforce j
2288 enforcement j
2289 engage w
2290 engagement qB
2291 engine
2292 engineer u{v
2293 engineering u{
2294 england ^
2295 english ^ ^H
2296 engrave n
2297 enhance
2298 enjoy ɨ
2299 enjoyment ֽ
2300 enlarge XR
2301 enlighten ҵo
2302 enlist xl
2303 enmity ķN
2304 enormous j
2305 enough
2306 enrage E
2307 enrich ϡ״I
2308 enroll nO
2309 ensign Xm
2310 ensue t_
2311 entail ɭP
2312 enter iJ
2313 enterprise ~
2314 entertain ګ
2315 entertainment T
2316 enthusiasm
2317 enthusiastic ժ
2318 entice b
2319 entire
2320 entirely a
2321 entitle
2322 entrance Jf
2323 entreat D
2324 entreaty D
2325 entrust I
2326 entry if
2327 enumerate C|
2328 envelope H
2329 envious r}
2330 environment
2331 envy r}
2332 epic v
2333 epidemic yf
2334 episcopal DЪ
2335 episode
2336 epistle ѫH
2337 epitaph ӻx
2338 epoch ɥN
2339 equal ۵
2340 equality
2341 equally ۵a
2342 equation {
2343 equator D
2344 equip ˸m
2345 equipment ˳
2346 equity
2347 equivalent ۵
2348 era
2349 eraser ַg
2350 ere [
2351 erect ߪ
2352 err ǿ
2353 errand Xt
2354 error ~
2355 eruption zo
2356 escalator ۰ʼӱ
2357 escape k
2358 escort @e
2359 especial SO
2360 esquire kʴL
2361 essay פ
2362 essence
2363 essential n
2364 essentially W
2365 establish ] w
2366 establishment w ]I
2367 estate a
2368 esteem L {
2369 estimate p
2370 estimation p
2371 eternal û
2372 eternity ë
2373 ether H
2374 ethics ۲z
2375 etiquette § §`
2376 etymology y
2377 europe ڬw
2378 european ڬw
2379 evade W
2380 evaporate ]o
2381 evaporation ]o
2382 eve ei
2383 even
2384 evening ı,
2385 evenly Ŧa
2386 event ƥ
2387 eventual ̫᪺
2388 eventually ש
2389 ever g
2390 evergreen `
2391 everlasting ä[
2392 evermore g`a
2393 every C,C@
2394 everybody CӤH
2395 everyday CѪ
2396 everyone CӤH
2397 everything @ƪ
2398 everywhere B
2399 evidence Ҿ
2400 evident 㪺
2401 evil ca
2402 evolution i
2403 evolve XM
2404 ewe
2405 exact K
2406 exactly n
2407 exaggerate ؤj
2408 exaggeration رi
2409 exalt °
2410 examination ˬd Ҹ
2411 examine ˬd
2412 example d
2413 exasperate ϫ
2414 excavation
2415 exceed WL
2416 exceeding Lת
2417 excel ӹL
2418 excellence V
2419 excellent uq
2420 except F~
2421 exception ҥ~
2422 exceptional `
2423 excess Lq
2424 excessive Lת
2425 exchange
2426 excite E_
2427 excitement
2428 exciting ϿĪ
2429 exclaim I
2430 exclamation s
2431 exclude ư
2432 exclusive ߤ@
2433 excursion
2434 excuse
2435 execute i
2436 execution
2437 executive DޤH
2438 exempt K
2439 exercise B,Vm
2440 exert ϹB
2441 exertion ɤO
2442 exhaust κ
2443 exhaustion ܺ
2444 exhibit o C
2445 exhibition i
2446 exile y
2447 exist sb
2448 existence sb
2449 exit Xf
2450 expand Ͽ
2451 expanse e
2452 expansion
2453 expect w
2454 expectation
2455 expedient o
2456 expedition
2457 expel vX
2458 expend O
2459 expenditure }
2460 expense O
2461 expensive
2462 experience g
2463 experienced g窺
2464 experiment
2465 experimental ʪ
2466 expert Ma
2467 expire
2468 explain
2469 explanation
2470 explode z
2471 exploit Z
2472 exploration I
2473 explore I
2474 explorer I
2475 explosion zo
2476 explosive zo
2477 export X Xf
2478 expose nS SX
2479 exposition i|
2480 exposure nS
2481 express F
2482 expression
2483 exquisite
2484 extend X
2485 extension i
2486 extensive sժ
2487 extent {
2488 exterior ~
2489 external ~Ϊ
2490 extinct w
2491 extinguish
2492 extra B~
2493 extract ޥX X
2494 extraordinary D`
2495 extravagance NL
2496 extravagant NLת
2497 extreme ݪ
2498 extremely ݦa
2499 extremity
2500 exultation j
2501 eye
2502 eyebrow ܤ
2503 eyelid
2504 fable J
2505 fabric ´~
2506 fabulous n
2507 face y
2508 facilitate Ϯe
2509 facility ]
2510 fact ƹ
2511 faction t
2512 factor n ]l
2513 factory ut
2514 faculty ~,б
2515 fade Ʀ
2516 fail ή
2517 failure
2518 faint ҽk
2519 fair M
2520 fairy Pk
2521 fairyland P
2522 faith H
2523 faithful ꪺ
2524 falcon N
2525 fall U
2526 false ~
2527 falsehood 갰
2528 falter n
2529 fame nA
2530 familiar x
2531 familiarity x
2532 family ax
2533 famine
2534 famous XW
2535 fan l
2536 fancy N
2537 fantastic _
2538 far
2539 fare BO
2540 farewell eO
2541 farm A
2542 farmer AH
2543 farmhouse A
2544 farmyard Aax|
2545 faroff
2546 farther
2547 farthest ̻
2548 fascinate g
2549 fascination yO
2550 fashion y ɩ|
2551 fashionable y檺
2552 fast ֳt
2553 fasten j
2554 fat έD
2555 fatal
2556 fate RB
2557 father
2558 fathom @
2559 fatigue h
2560 fault L I
2561 favor R
2562 favorable ų\
2563 favorite ̳߷R
2564 fawn ^
2565 fear `
2566 fearful iȪ
2567 fearless Ȫ
2568 feast b `
2569 feat \Z
2570 feather Ф
2571 feature Sx Sg
2572 february G
2573 federal p
2574 federation p
2575 fee O
2576 feeble Iz
2577 feebly Iza
2578 feed }i
2579 feeder }i
2580 feel Pı
2581 feeling Pı ߱
2582 feign
2583 fellow P
2584 fellowship ͽ
2585 felt Pı
2586 female ۩
2587 feminine ʪ
2588 fence X
2589 fencing CN
2590 ferment o C
2591 fern
2592 ferry f
2593 fertile ΨU
2594 fertility ʹޤO
2595 fertilize I
2596 fertilizer ή
2597 fervor
2598 festival `y
2599 fetch
2600 fetter }
2601 feud @
2602 feudal ʫت
2603 fever oN
2604 feverish oN
2605 few ּƪ
2606 fickle hܪ
2607 fiction cp
2608 fiddle p^
2609 fidelity
2610 field г Գ
2611 fiend c]
2612 fierce r
2613 fiery p
2614 fifteen Q
2615 fifteenth ĤQ
2616 fifth Ĥ
2617 fiftieth ĤQ
2618 fifty Q
2619 fig LG
2620 fight M
2621 fighter
2622 fighting Ԩ
2623 figure ~ Ʀr
2624 filament
2625 file ɮ
2626 fill R
2627 film
2628 filter L
2629 filthy ż
2630 fin _
2631 final ̫᪺
2632 finally ̫a
2633 finance ]F
2634 financial ]F
2635 find o{
2636 finding o{
2637 fine
2638 finger
2639 finish
2640 fir
2641 fire
2642 firefly ä
2643 fireman
2644 fireplace l
2645 fireside l
2646 firework Ϥ
2647 firm q T
2648 firmament a
2649 firmly T
2650 firmness T
2651 first Ĥ@
2652 first-class Ĥ@y
2653 fiscal ]F
2654 fish
2655 fisher
2656 fisherman
2657 fist Y
2658 fit XA
2659 fitness AX
2660 five
2661 fix w ײz
2662 fixed Tw
2663 fixture ˸m
2664 flag Xm
2665 flake
2666 flame K
2667 flaming UN
2668 flank
2669 flannel
2670 flap 祴
2671 flare {G
2672 flash {
2673 flask V~
2674 flat Z
2675 flatten ˥
2676 flatter ^
2677 flatterer ^Ӫ
2678 flattery A
2679 flavor D
2680 flaw
2681 flax ȳ
2682 flea D
2683 flee k
2684 fleece Ϥ
2685 fleet ĥ
2686 flesh
2687 flexible uʪ
2688 flicker {{
2689 flight {
2690 fling
2691 flirt ձ
2692 flit L
2693 float }B
2694 flock s
2695 flood x
2696 floor aO
2697 flop
2698 flora Ӫs
2699 flounder س
2700 flour ѯ
2701 flourish
2702 flow y
2703 flower
2704 flowery p᪺
2705 fluffy P
2706 fluid y骺
2707 flush o TS
2708 flute
2709 flutter \
2710 fly
2711 flying 檺
2712 foam wj
2713 focus JI
2714 fodder
2715 foe ĤH
2716 fog
2717 foggy Uk
2718 foil
2719 fold P|
2720 foliage l
2721 folk aH
2722 follow q
2723 follower H{
2724 following UC
2725 folly
2726 fond ߷R
2727 fondness ݦn
2728 food
2729 fool bl
2730 foolish i
2731 foot }
2732 football Vy
2733 footing `b
2734 footstep }B
2735 for F
2736 forage }
2737 forbear e
2738 forbid T
2739 forbidden QT
2740 force O
2741 forcibly ja
2742 ford AL
2743 fore e
2744 forecast w
2745 forefather
2746 forefinger
2747 forehead eB
2748 foreign ~ꪺ
2749 foreigner ~H
2750 foreman uY
2751 foremost ̪쪺
2752 foresee w
2753 foresight
2754 forest ˪L
2755 foretell w
2756 forever ûa
2757 forfeit QS
2758 forge s
2759 forget ѰO
2760 forgive
2761 forgiveness Ǯ
2762 fork e
2763 forlorn 檺
2764 form Ϊ
2765 formal
2766 formality
2767 formally a
2768 formation Φ
2769 former He
2770 formerly qe
2771 formidable i
2772 formula
2773 formulate ΧΦ
2774 forsake
2775 fort S
2776 forth Ve
2777 forthwith ߨ
2778 fortification v
2779 fortify [j
2780 fortitude Ԥ
2781 fortnight P
2782 fortress
2783 fortunate B
2784 fortune RB
2785 forty |Q
2786 forum }Q|
2787 forward be
2788 fossil ƥ
2789 foster i|
2790 foul dzW
2791 found Х
2792 foundation ¦
2793 founder Хߪ
2794 fountain Qu
2795 four |
2796 fourteen Q|
2797 fourth ĥ|
2798 fowl V
2799 fox
2800 fraction
2801 fracture }
2802 fragile H
2803 fragment H
2804 fragrance ⭻
2805 fragrant ⭻
2806 frail ܮz
2807 frailty ܮz
2808 frame ۬[
2809 framework [
2810 franc k
2811 france k
2812 frank v
2813 frankness Z
2814 frantic gɪ
2815 fraternity S̷|
2816 fraud F
2817 freak ǽϪ
2818 freckle
2819 free ۥ
2820 freedom ۥ
2821 freely HKa
2822 freeze ᵲ
2823 freight fB
2824 frequent g`
2825 fresh sA
2826 freshness sA
2827 friction
2828 friday P
2829 friend B
2830 friendliness ˤ
2831 friendly ͦn
2832 friendship ͽ
2833 fright b
2834 frighten b
2835 frightful iȪ
2836 fringe t
2837 frog C
2838 from q
2839 front e
2840 frontier
2841 frost
2842 frosty ժ
2843 frown TܭWy
2844 frozen ᵲ
2845 frugal `
2846 fruit G
2847 fruitful qh
2848 fruitless G
2849 frustrate
2850 fry Ϊo
2851 fuel U
2852 fugitive k`
2853 fulfil
2854 full
2855 fullness R
2856 fully a
2857 fume
2858 fun A
2859 function
2860 fund
2861 fundamental
2862 funeral §
2863 fungus
2864 funnel |
2865 funny 쪺
2866 fur n
2867 furious g㪺
2868 furnace ql
2869 furnish ѵ
2870 furniture a
2871 furrow
2872 further
2873 furthermore ӥB
2874 furthest ̻
2875 fury E
2876 fuse OI
2877 fusion
2878 fuss jp
2879 futile {Ҫ
2880 future
2881 gaiety w
2882 gain o
2883 gait B
2884 gale j
2885 gall x
2886 gallant ^i
2887 gallery eY
2888 gallon [[
2889 gallop e
2890 gamble
2891 game C
2892 gang @s
2893 gangster {
2894 gap j
2895 garage w
2896 garden
2897 gardener B
2898 gardening
2899 garland
2900 garment
2901 garter a
2902 gas ˴,To
2903 gaseous 骺
2904 gasoline To
2905 gasp ݮ
2906 gate h
2907 gateway XJf
2908 gather X
2909 gathering E
2910 gauge зǤؤo
2911 gauze
2912 gay ֬
2913 gaze
2914 gear
2915 gem _
2916 gender ʧO
2917 general Nx
2918 general q`
2919 generate
2920 generation @N
2921 generosity Bn
2922 generous lej
2923 genial Mħ
2924 genius Ѥ~
2925 gentle 嶮
2926 gentleman Ԥh
2927 gentleness ũM~
2928 gently a
2929 gentry Wy
2930 genuine ¥
2931 geographical az
2932 geography az
2933 geology a
2934 geometry X
2935 germ ӵ
2936 germany w
2937 germinate o
2938 gerund ʦW
2939 gesture
2940 get o
2941 ghastly ƪ
2942 ghost
2943 giant H
2944 giddy wt
2945 gift § ѽ
2946 gifted Ѥ~
2947 gigantic ej
2948 giggle 毺
2949 gild
2950 gill | l
2951 gilt
2952 gin Qls
2953 ginger
2954 gingerbread
2955 gingham l֥
2956 giraffe V
2957 gird
2958 girdle y
2959 girl k
2960 give
2961 giver ػP
2962 glacier Be
2963 glad
2964 glade hA
2965 gladness w
2966 glamour yO
2967 glance @h
2968 gland
2969 glare j
2970 glass
2971 glaze ˬ
2972 gleam @uL
2973 glean
2974 glee w
2975 glen U
2976 glide Ƶ
2977 glider Ƶ
2978 glimmer L
2979 glimpse @h
2980 glint {ģ
2981 glisten {G
2982 glitter
2983 globe y
2984 gloom շt
2985 gloomy {
2986 glorify [aģ
2987 glorious a
2988 glory a
2989 glossy ƪ
2990 glove M
2991 glow K
2992 glue
2993 gnat
2994 gnaw jr
2995 go h
2996 goal ؼ
2997 goat s
2998 gobble jY
2999 goblet }M
3000 goblin p
3001 goddess k
3002 godfather Ф
3003 godmother Х
3004 going }
3005 gold
3006 golden ⪺
3007 goldfish
3008 goldsmith K
3009 golf Ҳy
3010 gone Lh
3011 good }n
3012 goodbye A
3013 goodlooking
3014 goodly n
3015 goodnatured M
3016 goodness w
3017 goods f
3018 goodwill ˵
3019 goose Z
3020 gore
3021 gorge U
3022 gorgeous R
3023 gospel ֭
3024 gossip
3025 govern vz
3026 government F
3027 governor {
3028 gown T
3029 grab
3030 grace u
3031 graceful u
3032 gracious ˤ
3033 grade ~
3034 gradual v
3035 graduate ~
3036 graduation ~§
3037 graft K
3038 grain \
3039 gram J
3040 grammar k
3041 gramophone dn
3042 grand
3043 grandeur Q
3044 grandfather
3045 grandma
3046 grandmother
3047 grandpa ݷ
3048 grandson ]l
3049 granite ^
3050 granny
3051 grant \
3052 grape
3053 grasp
3054 grass C
3055 grasshopper Kg
3056 grassy p
3057 grate l[
3058 grateful Pª
3059 gratify ϡȰ
3060 gratitude P
3061 grave J
3062 gravel H
3063 gravely H۪
3064 gravitation aߧlO
3065 gravity UޤO
3066 gravy ըץ
3067 gray Ǧ
3068 graze
3069 grease o
3070 great j
3071 greatness j
3072 greedy gߪ
3073 green ⪺
3074 greet Pq ﱵ
3075 greeting ݭ
3076 greyhound y
3077 grief dh
3078 grievance W
3079 grieve ˤ
3080 grievous d˪
3081 grim NŪ
3082 grin Sӯ
3083 grind iH
3084 grip
3085 grit ʬ
3086 grizzly Ǧ⪺
3087 groan Du
3088 grocer f
3089 grocery f
3090 groom
3091 groove D
3092 grope N
3093 gross `
3094 grotesque jǪ
3095 ground a
3096 group
3097 grouse Q
3098 grove pL
3099 grow ͪ
3100 growl H
3101 growth
3102 grub I
3103 grudge
3104 gruff W
3105 grumble DW
3106 grunt BP
3107 guarantee OH
3108 guaranty O
3109 guard ĵ
3110 guardian @H
3111 guess q
3112 guest ȤH
3113 guidance
3114 guide
3115 guild |
3116 guilt o
3117 guilty o
3118 guitar NL
3119 gulf W
3120 gulp
3121 gum
3122 gun j
3123 gunner
3124 gunpowder
3125 gust }
3126 gutter Ƥ
3127 guy å
3128 gym |]
3129 gymnasium |]
3130 gymnastic ު
3131 gymnastics
3132 gypsy NɤH
3133 habit ߺD
3134 habitation
3135 habitual ߺD
3136 hack A
3137 hail wI
3138 hair Yv
3139 hairy
3140 half @b
3141 halfway b~
3142 hall jU
3143 hallow t
3144 halt
3145 ham L
3146 hammer
3147 hammock Q
3148 hamper ê
3149 hand
3150 handful
3151 handkerchief ⩬
3152 handle
3153 handsome ^T
3154 handy F
3155 hang a
3156 happen o
3157 happening ƥ
3158 happily ּ֦a
3159 happiness
3160 happy ּ
3161 harass ϧxZ
3162 harbor s
3163 hard T w
3164 harden ϵw
3165 hardly XG
3166 hardness w
3167 hardship x
3168 hardware K
3169 hare
3170 hark ť
3171 harm ˮ`
3172 harmful `
3173 harmless L`
3174 harmonious թM
3175 harmony թM
3176 harness
3177 harp ݵ^
3178 harrow
3179 harry
3180 harsh V
3181 hart d
3182 harvest
3183 has
3184 hasn't S
3185 haste ^
3186 hasten Pi
3187 hastily ^a
3188 hasty 榣
3189 hat Ul
3190 hatch
3191 hatchet Y
3192 hate
3193 hateful i몺
3194 hatred
3195 haughty źƪ
3196 haul
3197 haunt XS
3198 have
3199 havoc }a
3200 hawk N
3201 hay
3202 hazard _I
3203 haze
3204 hazel d
3205 he L
3206 head Y
3207 headache Yh
3208 headlight eO
3209 headline D
3210 headlong YVe
3211 headquarters `
3212 heal _
3213 health d
3214 healthful åͪ
3215 healthy d
3216 heap jq
3217 hear ť
3218 hearer ť
3219 hearing ťO
3220 heart
3221 hearth l
3222 hearty
3223 heat O
3224 heater x
3225 heath ۫n
3226 heathen Ю{
3227 heather ۫n
3228 heave |_
3229 heaven Ѱ
3230 heavenly Ѱ
3231 heavy H
3232 hebrew SӤH
3233 hectogram
3234 hectoliter
3235 hectometer
3236 hedge X
3237 heed `N
3238 heedless pߪ
3239 heel }
3240 heifer pɤ
3241 height
3242 heighten W
3243 heir ~H
3244 hell a
3245 hello o
3246 helm
3247 helmet
3248 help
3249 helper U
3250 helpful U
3251 helpless LU
3252 hem A_
3253 hemisphere by
3254 hemlock rW
3255 hemp j
3256 hen
3257 hence ]
3258 henceforth qH
3259 her o
3260 herald W
3261 herb
3262 herd s
3263 here o
3264 hereafter
3265 hereby S
3266 hereditary Ǫ
3267 herein bB
3268 heresy
3269 heretic Ю{
3270 heretofore ɥHe
3271 heritage
3272 hermit h
3273 hero ^
3274 heroic ^
3275 heroine k^
3276 heroism ^i欰
3277 heron aO
3278 herring C
3279 hers o
3280 herself oۤv
3281 hesitate
3282 hesitation ü{
3283 hew
3284 hey
3285 hickory sJ
3286 hide
3287 hideous iȪ
3288 high
3289 highland a
3290 highly צa
3291 highness צa
3292 highway t
3293 hike
3294 hiking {BȦ
3295 hill pC
3296 hillside sY
3297 hilltop s
3298 him L
3299 himself Lۤv
3300 hind 䪺
3301 hinder
3302 hinge
3303 hint t
3304 hip v
3305 hire
3306 his L
3307 hiss RRn
3308 historian vǮa
3309 historic vʪ
3310 historical vW
3311 history v
3312 hit
3313 hitch C
3314 hither 즹B
3315 hitherto ܤ
3316 hive
3317 ho ~n
3318 hoard yn
3319 hoarse Rn
3320 hobby ݦn
3321 hockey Ҳy
3322 hoe SY
3323 hog
3324 hoist ɰ_
3325 hold
3326 holder H
3327 hole }
3328 holiday
3329 hollow Ū
3330 holly VC
3331 holy t
3332 homage ĩ
3333 home a
3334 homely a`
3335 homemade ۻs
3336 homesick Qa
3337 homestead a
3338 homeward ^a
3339 homework ax@~
3340 honest ۹ꪺ
3341 honestly Zժ
3342 honesty ۹
3343 honey e RH
3344 honeycomb
3345 honeymoon e밲
3346 honeysuckle Ȫ
3347 honor aA
3348 honourable ۹ꪺ
3349 hood ´U
3350 hoof
3351 hook _l
3352 hoop 骬
3353 hoot s s
3354 hop D
3355 hope Ʊ
3356 hopeful Ʊ檺
3357 hopeless 檺
3358 hopely Ʊa
3359 horde s
3360 horizon au
3361 horizontal
3362 horn Q
3363 horrible iȪ
3364 horribly iȦa
3365 horrid Qa
3366 horrify ~
3367 horror
3368 horse
3369 horseback I
3370 horseman Mv
3371 horsepower O
3372 horseshoe K
3373 hose
3374 hospital |
3375 hospitality ˤ
3376 hostess kDH
3377 hostile hķN
3378 hostility ķN
3379 hot
3380 hotel ]
3381 hound y
3382 hour @p
3383 house Τl
3384 household a
3385 housekeeper kޮa
3386 housekeeping aF
3387 housewife D
3388 housework a
3389 hover r
3390 how
3391 however M
3392 howl gp
3393 hue
3394 hug
3395 huge j
3396 hum n
3397 human H H
3398 humane H
3399 humanism HDDq
3400 humanity HD
3401 humble
3402 humiliate ۰d
3403 humiliation y
3404 humility
3405 humor q
3406 humorous q
3407 hundred @
3408 hunger j
3409 hungry j
3410 hunt y
3411 hunter yH
3412 hurricane 䭷
3413 hurried ܫP
3414 hurry 榣
3415 hurt Ϩ
3416 husband V
3417 hut T
3418 hybrid V
3419 hydrogen B
3420 hygiene å
3421 hymn tq
3422 hyphen srŸ
3423 hypocrisy
3424 hypocrite
3425 hysterical gê
3426 ice B
3427 ice cream BNO
3428 iceberg Bs
3429 icy B
3430 idea DN
3431 identical P
3432 identify T{
3433 idiom y
3434 idiot è
3435 idle ik
3436 idleness k
3437 idol
3438 if pG
3439 ignorance L
3440 ignorant MN
3441 ignore
3442 ill ͯf
3443 illegal Xk
3444 illness ef
3445 illuminate
3446 illumination G
3447 illusion ۶H
3448 illustrate ϸѻ
3449 illustration
3450 illustrator eϪ
3451 illustrious ǥX
3452 image ι
3453 imaginary c
3454 imagination Q
3455 imaginative IQ
3456 imagine Q
3457 imitate ҭ
3458 imitation
3459 immediate ߨ誺
3460 immediately Ya
3461 immemorial ӥj
3462 immense L
3463 immigrant
3464 immigration E~
3465 imminent YN{
3466 immortal
3467 immortality
3468 impair l`
3469 impart DZ
3470 impartial
3471 impatience @
3472 impatient @Ъ
3473 impel i
3474 imperative n
3475 imperfect
3476 imperial Ұꪺ
3477 imperious ƺC
3478 impetuous b˪
3479 implement
3480 implore sD
3481 imply t
3482 import if
3483 importance n
3484 important n
3485 impose [ȩ
3486 imposing Ӫ
3487 impossibility i
3488 impossible i
3489 impress L`
3490 impression L
3491 impressive Ѫ
3492 imprison U
3493 imprisonment c
3494 improper XA
3495 improve }
3496 improvement ﵽ
3497 impulse ĤO
3498 in bȤ
3499 inability L
3500 inactive y
3501 inadequate A
3502 inasmuch ]ȤG
3503 inaugurate N
3504 incapable L
3505 incense
3506 incentive ʾ
3507 incessant
3508 inch T
3509 incident ƥ
3510 incidentally Ma
3511 inclination ɦV
3512 incline ɱ
3513 inclose ʤJ
3514 include ]t
3515 income J
3516 inconvenience K
3517 inconvenient K
3518 incorporate զq
3519 increase W[
3520 increasingly va
3521 incredible HmH
3522 incur ް_
3523 indebted t
3524 indeed T
3525 indefinite T
3526 independence W
3527 independent Wߪ
3528 index
3529 indicate
3530 indication
3531 indicative ܪ
3532 indictment _D
3533 indifference
3534 indifferent Ln
3535 indignant
3536 indignation
3537 indigo QC
3538 indirect
3539 indispensable iʤ֪
3540 individual ӧO
3541 individuality ө
3542 indoor Ǥ
3543 indoors bǤ
3544 induce ް_
3545 indulge
3546 indulgence ݦn
3547 industrial u~
3548 industrious ԫj
3549 industry u~
3550 inert LͩR
3551 inevitable M
3552 inexpensive G
3553 inexperience Sg
3554 infancy
3555 infant
3556 infantry BL
3557 infect ǬV
3558 infection ǬV
3559 infer
3560 inference _
3561 inferior C
3562 infernal a
3563 infest Z
3564 infinite L
3565 infinitive w
3566 inflame E_
3567 inflation qf
3568 inflict [H
3569 influence vT
3570 influential vT
3571 influenza yʷP_
3572 inform q
3573 informal D
3574 information
3575 ingenious гyO
3576 ingenuity гyO
3577 ingredient
3578 inhabit ~
3579 inhabitant ~
3580 inherit ~
3581 inheritance ~v
3582 inheritress k~ӤH
3583 initial ̪쪺
3584 initiative B
3585 injunction RO
3586 injure ˮ`
3587 injurious `
3588 injury
3589 injustice
3590 ink
3591 inkstand ~[
3592 inland a
3593 inlet Jf
3594 inmate Ǥ
3595 inn ]
3596 inner b
3597 inning @
3598 innocence Ld
3599 innocent Ld
3600 innumerable Lƪ
3601 inquire ߰ լd
3602 inquiry ߰ d
3603 inquisitive n_
3604 insane 믫f
3605 insanity 믫
3606 inscribe g
3607 inscription Dr
3608 insect
3609 insensible Sı
3610 inseparable i
3611 insert J
3612 inside
3613 insight
3614 insignificant Ln
3615 insist
3616 insolent ʳ
3617 inspect ˬd
3618 inspection լd
3619 inspector ˬd
3620 inspiration FP
3621 inspire Eo
3622 install w
3623 installation ˸m
3624 installment I
3625 instance
3626 instant Y
3627 instantly Ya
3628 instead N
3629 instinct
3630 instinctive ı
3631 institute s
3632 institution
3633 instruct о
3634 instruction
3635 instructive Ш|
3636 instructor v
3637 instrument
3638 insufficient
3639 insult Vd
3640 insurance OI
3641 insure OI
3642 intellect ѥl
3643 intellectual O
3644 intelligence
3645 intelligent ప
3646 intend
3647 intense i
3648 intensity j
3649 intent N
3650 intention N
3651 intently @ߤ@N
3652 intercept I
3653 interchange
3654 intercourse 汵
3655 interest P
3656 interested 쪺
3657 interesting 쪺
3658 interfere ê
3659 interference zZ
3660 interior b
3661 interjection Pĵ
3662 intermediate
3663 internal b
3664 international ڪ
3665 interpret ½Ķ
3666 interpretation
3667 interpreter ½Ķ
3668 interrogation ð
3669 interrogative ðݪ
3670 interrupt _
3671 interruption zZ
3672 interval j
3673 intervene zA
3674 intervention J
3675 interview ୱ
3676 intimacy ˪
3677 intimate ˤ
3678 into
3679 intolerable LkԨ
3680 intonation onk
3681 intoxicate ϾK
3682 intricate
3683 intrigue
3684 introduce
3685 introduction
3686 intrude J
3687 intruder IJ
3688 intrusion IJ
3689 invade IZ
3690 invader IJ
3691 invalid fH
3692 invaluable L
3693 invariably ܤƦa
3694 invasion IJ
3695 invent o
3696 invention o
3697 inventor oa
3698 invert A˹L
3699 invest
3700 investigate լd
3701 investigation լd
3702 investigator s
3703 investment
3704 investor
3705 invisible ݤ
3706 invitation ܽ
3707 invite ܽ
3708 involuntary ۵MӵM
3709 involve J
3710 inward ߪ
3711 iris
3712 iron K
3713 irony ب
3714 irregular Wh
3715 irresistible ܪ
3716 irrigation @
3717 irritate E
3718 irritation E
3719 is O
3720 island q
3721 isle pq
3722 isolate ϩt
3723 it
3724 itch o
3725 item
3726 its
3727 itself
3728 ivory H
3729 ivy `K
3730 jack p_
3731 jacket J
3732 jail ʺ
3733 jam G
3734 january @
3735 japan 饻
3736 jar
3737 jaw E
3738 jazz hR
3739 jealous Ҫ
3740 jealousy
3741 jeer J
3742 jelly Gl
3743 jerk M¤H
3744 jersey ´Bʭm
3745 jest
3746 jet Qg
3747 jewel _
3748 jewelry
3749 jingle ma
3750 job ¾~
3751 join X
3752 joint `
3753 joke
3754 jolly h֪
3755 journal x
3756 journalism sD
3757 journalist sDO
3758 journey ȵ{
3759 joy ߮
3760 joyful wߪ
3761 joyous ּ֪
3762 judge kx P
3763 judgment P_
3764 judicial qk
3765 jug V~
3766 juice IJG
3767 juicy h
3768 july C
3769 jump D
3770 jumpy gLӪ
3771 junction |X
3772 june
3773 jungle OL
3774 junior Ū
3775 jurisdiction qkv
3776 jury f
3777 just n
3778 justice q
3779 justification G@
3780 justify G@
3781 justly a
3782 jut X
3783 juvenile ֦~
3784 kangaroo U
3785 keel s
3786 keen ӾU
3787 keep O
3788 keeper zH
3789 keeping O
3790 ken
3791 kennel
3792 kernel
3793 kerosene Ѫo
3794 kettle
3795 key _
3796 kick
3797 kid p
3798 kidnap j[
3799 kidney
3800 kill
3801 kiloliter
3802 kilometer
3803 kin
3804 kind O
3805 kindle UN
3806 kindly Oa
3807 kindness O
3808 kindred
3809 king
3810 kingdom
3811 kingly
3812 kinsman kʿ
3813 kiss k
3814 kitchen p
3815 kite
3816 kitten p
3817 kitty ߫}
3818 knave Fl
3819 knead b|
3820 knee \
3821 kneel U
3822 knell
3823 knife Ml
3824 knight Mh
3825 knighthood Mh
3826 knightly Mh
3827 knit s´
3828 knob
3829 knock V
3830 knoll pC
3831 knot
3832 know
3833 knowing վǪ
3834 knowledge
3835 known W
3836 knuckle `
3837 label
3838 labor Ҥu Y
3839 laboratory
3840 laborer Ұʪ
3841 laborious Ҫ
3842 lace
3843 lack ʥF
3844 lad pl
3845 ladder
3846 laden R
3847 lady kh
3848 lag
3849 lair _
3850 lake
3851 lamb p
3852 lame _
3853 lament s
3854 lamentable id
3855 lamentation s
3856 lamp O
3857 lance
3858 land ga
3859 landing ۳
3860 landlady kЪF
3861 landlord ЪF
3862 landmark ɼ
3863 landscape
3864 lane p
3865 language y
3866 languish |
3867 lantern OŢ
3868 lap jL |
3869 lapse ~
3870 lard ުo
3871 large j
3872 lark
3873 larva
3874 lash @
3875 lass k
3876 last ̫᪺
3877 lasting [
3878 latch
3879 late F
3880 lately ̪
3881 latent b
3882 later
3883 lateral 䪺
3884 latest ̿
3885 latitude nu
3886 latter
3887 laugh
3888 laughter n
3889 launch o п
3890 laundry ~穱
3891 laurel ۾
3892 lava
3893 lavender Ȧ
3894 lavish O
3895 lavishly Lצa
3896 law k
3897 lawful Xk
3898 lawless Dk
3899 lawn a
3900 lawyer ߮v
3901 lay wm Z
3902 layer @h
3903 layman ~H
3904 lazily ivva
3905 lazy ik
3906 lead ]
3907 leader ɪ
3908 leadership ɯO
3909 leading ɪ
3910 leaf
3911 leafy h
3912 league p
3913 leak ||
3914 lean ɱ G
3915 leap D
3916 learn Dz
3917 learned ǰݪ
3918 learning ǰ
3919 lease
3920 least ̤֪
3921 leather ֭
3922 leave dU }
3923 leaven å
3924 lecture t
3925 lecturer v
3926 ledge [ tG
3927 lee B
3928 leech
3929 left
3930 leg L
3931 legal kߪ
3932 legally Xka
3933 legend ǻ
3934 legion x
3935 legislation kW
3936 legislative ߪk
3937 legislature ߪk
3938 legitimate Xk
3939 leisure v
3940 leisurely y
3941 lemon fc
3942 lemonade fc
3943 lend ɥX
3944 length
3945 lengthen [
3946 lens Y
3947 leopard \l
3948 less ֪
3949 lessen
3950 lesser
3951 lesson ҵ{
3952 lest HK
3953 let w
3954 letter r
3955 lettuce ͵
3956 level
3957 lever b
3958 levy x
3959 liability d
3960 liable d
3961 liar
3962 liberal ۥѬ
3963 liberate
3964 liberty ۥ
3965 librarian ϮѺz
3966 library Ϯ]
3967 license
3968 lichen Ca
3969 lick Q
3970 lid \l
3971 lie
3972 lieutenant xL
3973 life ͩR
3974 lifeless LͩR
3975 lifetime @
3976 lift |_
3977 light
3978 lighten ӫG
3979 lighthouse O
3980 lightly
3981 lightning {q
3982 like w
3983 likelihood hb
3984 likely γ\ i
3985 likeness
3986 likewise P˦a
3987 liking Rn
3988 lilac B
3989 lily ʦX
3990 limb ⨬
3991 lime ۦ
3992 limestone ۦǥ
3993 limit d
3994 limitation
3995 limited
3996 limp }
3997 line u
3998 linen ȳ¥
3999 linger r
4000 lining Ũ
4001 link
4002 linoleum o
4003 lion l
4004 lip B
4005 liquid G
4006 liquor s붼
4007 list W
4008 listen ť
4009 listener ť
4010 liter
4011 literal r
4012 literally Ӧr
4013 literary Ǫ
4014 literature m
4015 litter ݾl
4016 little p
4017 live ~
4018 livelihood ͭp
4019 lively ͮkk
4020 liver xŦ
4021 livery X
4022 living ͪ
4023 lizard hi
4024 load t
4025 loaf @
4026 loan ɴ
4027 loath c
4028 loathe c
4029 lobby 𮧫
4030 lobster s
4031 local aʪ
4032 locality m
4033 locate ]m
4034 location
4035 lock
4036 locomotive
4037 locust
4038 lodge p
4039 lodging J
4040 loft Ӵ[
4041 lofty
4042 log Τ
4043 logic
4044 logical 誺
4045 loin y
4046 loiter V
4047 lone t檺
4048 loneliness t
4049 lonely I檺
4050 lonesome I檺
4051 long
4052 longing
4053 longitude g
4054 look
4055 lookout
4056 loom ´
4057 loop
4058 loose P}
4059 loosen P
4060 lord Q
4061 lordly 𬣪
4062 lordship Qڨ
4063 lorry fT
4064 lose
4065 loss l
4066 lost h
4067 lot jq,a
4068 loud n
4069 loudly na
4070 loudspeaker z
4071 lounge 𮧫
4072 love R
4073 lovely iR
4074 lover RH
4075 loving R
4076 low C
4077 lower U
4078 lowland Ca
4079 loyal ۪
4080 loyalty
4081 luck B
4082 luckily Ʀa
4083 lucky nB
4084 luggage
4085 lullaby ʯv
4086 lumber
4087 luminous o
4088 lump
4089 lunatic ߯fg
4090 lunch \
4091 luncheon \
4092 lung
4093 lure l
4094 lust
4095 luster A
4096 lute \]
4097 luxurious ت
4098 luxury
4099 lyric q
4100 machine
4101 machinery ˸m
4102 mad og o
4103 madam Ӥ
4104 madame ҤH
4105 made sy
4106 madly oga
4107 madman gH
4108 madness ƨg
4109 magazine x
4110 magic ]N
4111 magician ]Nv
4112 magistrate Fx
4113 magnet K
4114 magnetic ϩʪ
4115 magnificence R
4116 magnificent R
4117 magnify Xj
4118 magnitude jp
4119 mahogany ߤ
4120 maid ͤk
4121 maiden ֤k
4122 mail l
4123 maim ˮ`
4124 main ̥Dn
4125 mainland j
4126 mainly Dna
4127 maintain @
4128 maintenance O
4129 majestic R
4130 majesty LY
4131 major Dn D
4132 majority h
4133 make y o
4134 maker sy
4135 makeup Ƨ~
4136 malady ef
4137 malaria įe
4138 male ʪ
4139 malice cN
4140 malicious cr
4141 mama
4142 mamma
4143 mammal Űʪ
4144 man kH
4145 manage z
4146 management z
4147 manager gz
4148 mandate RO
4149 mandolin v\]
4150 mane O
4151 maneuver t p
4152 manger
4153 mangle
4154 manhood H
4155 manifest
4156 manifestation ҩ
4157 manifold h˪
4158 mankind H
4159 manly kl
4160 manner A k
4161 manor ʦa
4162 mansion jH
4163 mantle O
4164 manual U
4165 manufacture sy
4166 manufacturer sy~
4167 manure ή
4168 manuscript Z
4169 many \h
4170 map a
4171 maple
4172 mar la
4173 marble jz
4174 march T
4175 mare
4176 margin t
4177 marginal ɭ
4178 marine ̪
4179 mariner
4180 maritime W
4181 mark Ÿ
4182 market
4183 marquis J
4184 marriage B
4185 married wB
4186 marrow
4187 marry B
4188 marsh hA
4189 marshal xx
4190 mart ӷ~
4191 martial xƪ
4192 martyr Ph
4193 marvel _ _
4194 marvellous Z
4195 marvellously Za
4196 masculine kl
4197 mash k
4198 mask
4199 mason dK
4200 masquerade ƧR|
4201 mass jq
4202 massacre jO
4203 massive jq
4204 mast ѽu
4205 masterpiece W
4206 mat Ԥl
4207 match ۰t
4208 matchless L
4209 mate t
4210 material
4211 materially W
4212 maternal Y
4213 mathematic ƾǪ
4214 mathematics ƾ
4215 matron kٺ
4216 matter Ʊ
4217 mattress ɹ
4218 mature
4219 maturity
4220 maxim 樥
4221 maximum ̦h
4222 may i
4223 maybe j
4224 mayonnaise D
4225 mayor
4226 maze g}
4227 me
4228 mead es
4229 meadow a
4230 meager MG
4231 meal
4232 mean N [
4233 meaning tN
4234 means k
4235 meantime P
4236 meanwhile P
4237 measles l
4238 measure q
4239 measurement q
4240 meat
4241 mechanic ޤu
4242 mechanical
4243 mechanically a
4244 mechanism c
4245 medal
4246 meddle J
4247 medicine ľ
4248 medieval @
4249 meditate Ҽ{
4250 meditation H
4251 medium
4252 meek M
4253 meekly Ma
4254 meet J |X
4255 meeting |ij
4256 megaphone X
4257 melancholy T
4258 mellow
4259 melody ۫
4260 melon
4261 melt
4262 member |
4263 membership |
4264 membrane
4265 memoir լdi
4266 memorable Ѫ
4267 memorandum Ƨѿ
4268 memorial
4269 memorize O
4270 memory O
4271 menace ¯
4272 mend
4273 mental ߲z
4274 mention
4275 menu
4276 mercenary
4277 merchandise ӫ~
4278 merchant ӤH
4279 merciful O
4280 merciless ݧԪ
4281 mercury
4282 mercy Od
4283 mere ȶȪ
4284 merely ȶ
4285 merge X
4286 meridian lȽu
4287 merit uI
4288 merrily ּ֦a
4289 merriment w
4290 merry ּ֪
4291 mesh
4292 mess
4293 message H
4294 messenger Ht
4295 metal
4296 metallic ݪ
4297 meteor yP
4298 meter
4299 methinks ڻ{
4300 method k
4301 metropolis
4302 metropolitan j|
4303 mew ߥsn
4304 mexican H
4305 mexico
4306 microphone X
4307 microscope L
4308 mid
4309 midday
4310 middle
4311 middleaged ~
4312 midnight ȩ]
4313 midst
4314 midsummer L
4315 midway ~
4316 might jv
4317 mighty jժ
4318 migrate E
4319 migration E~
4320 mild ũM
4321 mildly ũMa
4322 mile ^
4323 military xƪ
4324 milk
4325 milky ťզ⪺
4326 mill il
4327 miller i{D
4328 milligram @J
4329 milliliter
4330 millimeter
4331 million ʸU
4332 millionaire ʸUI
4333 millstone i
4334 mince H
4335 mind
4336 mine ڪ
4337 miner qu
4338 mineral q
4339 mingle VX
4340 miniature Ypҫ
4341 minimum ̧C
4342 mining q
4343 minister
4344 ministry v¾
4345 mink I
4346 minor ~H
4347 minority ּƥ
4348 mint
4349 minus h
4350 minute
4351 miracle _
4352 miraculous _ݪ
4353 mirror l
4354 miscellaneous
4355 mischief c@@
4356 mischievous c@@
4357 miser [
4358 miserable YG
4359 miserably isa
4360 misery
4361 misfortune
4362 mishap
4363 miss pj ~
4364 missile u
4365 mission
4366 missionary ǹD̪
4367 mist
4368 mistake
4369 mister
4370 mistress kDH
4371 mistrust H
4372 misty g۪
4373 misunderstanding ~|
4374 misuse ~
4375 mitten M
4376 mix V
4377 mixture VX
4378 moan d
4379 moat @e
4380 mob QX
4381 mock M
4382 mockery J
4383 mode ˦
4384 model Ҧ
4385 moderate A
4386 moderately Aצa
4387 moderation wM
4388 modern {N
4389 modest ꪺ
4390 modestly ԷVa
4391 modesty
4392 modification ץ
4393 modify ץ
4394 moist 㪺
4395 moisten
4396 moisture
4397 mold Ҥl
4398 mole µi
4399 molest i
4400 molten ĸ
4401 moment
4402 momentary
4403 monarch gD
4404 monarchy gDFv
4405 monastery D|
4406 monday P@
4407 money
4408 monk Q
4409 monkey Ul
4410 monopoly b_c
4411 monotonous ժ
4412 monster Ǫ
4413 monstrous Ǫ
4414 month
4415 monument O
4416 monumental ej
4417 mood ߱
4418 moon G
4419 moonlight
4420 moose j
4421 mop
4422 moral Dw
4423 morality Dw
4424 more h
4425 moreover ~
4426 morning
4427 morrow
4428 mortal |
4429 mortality `v
4430 mortgage
4431 mosquito Al
4432 moss a
4433 mossy ͭa
4434 most ̦h
4435 mostly j
4436 moth
4437 mother
4438 motion B
4439 motionless ʪ
4440 motive ʾ
4441 motor F
4442 motorcar T
4443 motorist `T
4444 motto yk
4445 mound g
4446 mount M
4447 mountain s
4448 mountaineer nsa
4449 mountainous hs
4450 mourn s
4451 mournful dE
4452 mouse ѹ
4453 mouth L,f
4454 mouthful @f
4455 movable iʪ
4456 move
4457 movement i
4458 movie qv
4459 mow ί
4460 much D`h
4461 mud d
4462 muddy ż
4463 muffin P
4464 mug M
4465 mulberry
4466 mule [
4467 multiplication k
4468 multiply
4469 multitude h
4470 mummy D
4471 municipal F
4472 murder ѱ
4473 murderer
4474 murmur py
4475 muscle ٦
4476 muscular ٦oF
4477 muse PQ
4478 museum ժ]
4479 mushroom Ĩ
4480 music
4481 musical ֪
4482 musician ֮a
4483 must @wn
4484 mustache Ž
4485 mustard 㥽
4486 mute ת
4487 mutiny q
4488 mutter Cy
4489 mutton Ϧ
4490 mutual ۤ
4491 muzzle f
4492 my ڪ
4493 myself ڦۤv
4494 mysterious
4495 mystery
4496 myth
4497 mythology
4498 nail
4499 naked r
4500 name Wr m
4501 nameless LW
4502 namely Y
4503 napkin \y
4504 narcotic ¾K
4505 narration ԭz
4506 narrative G
4507 narrow
4508 nasty ©
4509 nation
4510 national
4511 nationality y
4512 native g۪
4513 natural ۵M
4514 naturally Ma
4515 nature ۵M
4516 naught L s
4517 naughty x֪
4518 naval x
4519 navigation
4520 navigator
4521 navy x
4522 nay
4523 near
4524 nearby b
4525 nearly XG
4526 neat b
4527 neatly a
4528 nebula P
4529 necessarily M
4530 necessary n
4531 necessitate ݭn
4532 necessity
4533 neck V
4534 necklace
4535 need ݭn
4536 needle _w
4537 needless n
4538 needy ha
4539 negative _w
4540 neglect
4541 negligence
4542 negligent jN
4543 negotiate ͧP
4544 negotiation ͧP
4545 neighbor F~
4546 neighborhood {
4547 neighboring
4548 neither ]
4549 nephew ~c
4550 nerve g xq
4551 nervous i
4552 nervously ia
4553 nest ۱_
4554 nestle ̰
4555 net b
4556 nettle C
4557 network s
4558 neutral ʪ
4559 never qӤ
4560 nevertheless M
4561 new s
4562 newcomer sӪH
4563 newly s
4564 news sD
4565 newspaper
4566 next U@
4567 nibble r
4568 nice n
4569 nicely nna
4570 nick ʤf
4571 nickel
4572 nickname ~
4573 niece k ck
4574 nigh
4575 night ]
4576 nightfall
4577 nightingale ]a
4578 nightly C]
4579 nightmare c
4580 nimble ӱ
4581 nine E
4582 nineteen QE
4583 nineteenth ĤQE
4584 ninetieth ĤEQ
4585 ninety EQ
4586 ninth ĤE
4587 nip r
4588 nitrogen
4589 no O
4590 nobility Q
4591 noble Q
4592 nobleman Q
4593 nobly |a
4594 nobody SH
4595 nod IY
4596 noise nxn
4597 noiseless Ln
4598 noiselessly Lna
4599 noisy nx
4600 nominate W
4601 nomination W
4602 nominative D
4603 none S
4604 nonsense L
4605 nook
4606 noon
4607 noonday Ȫ
4608 nor ]
4609 normal `
4610 north _
4611 northeast F_
4612 northeastern F_誺
4613 northern _誺
4614 northward V_a
4615 northwest _
4616 northwestern _誺
4617 nose l
4618 nostril
4619 not O
4620 notable ۦW
4621 notably ۦWa
4622 notch 貪
4623 note O
4624 notebook O
4625 noted ۦW
4626 nothing Sƻ
4627 notice q `N
4628 noticeable ȱo`N
4629 notify q
4630 notion [
4631 notorious cWL
4632 notwithstanding M
4633 nought L
4634 noun W
4635 nourish i
4636 nourishment i~
4637 novel p
4638 novelist pa
4639 novelty s_ƪ
4640 november Q@
4641 now {b
4642 nowadays p
4643 nowhere LB
4644 nuclear ֤l
4645 nucleus ֤l
4646 nuisance QF
4647 numb ¤쪺
4648 number Ʀr
4649 numeral Ʀr
4650 numerous Lƪ
4651 nun פk h
4652 nuptial B§
4653 nurse @h
4654 nursery
4655 nut G
4656 nutrition i
4657 nylon s
4658 nymph k
4659 oak
4660 oaken 쪺
4661 oar
4662 oasis w
4663 oat P
4664 oath }
4665 oatmeal P
4666 obedience Aq
4667 obedient q
4668 obey Aq
4669 object
4670 objection Ϲ
4671 objective ؼ
4672 obligation q
4673 oblige d
4674 oblivion IS
4675 obscure LW
4676 obscurity tk
4677 observance ^
4678 observation [
4679 observatory Ѥx
4680 observe [
4681 observer [
4682 obstacle ê
4683 obstinacy xT
4684 obstinate xT
4685 obstruct j
4686 obstruction ê
4687 obtain o
4688 obvious M
4689 obviously Ma
4690 occasion X ɾ
4691 occasional M
4692 occasionally Ma
4693 occupant
4694 occupation ¾~
4695 occupy
4696 occur o
4697 occurrence o
4698 ocean v
4699 october Q
4700 odd _ sY
4701 oddly jǦa
4702 odds i
4703 ode |
4704 odor
4705 of ݩ
4706 off }
4707 offend IJ
4708 offender _Ǫ
4709 offense I
4710 offensive ʪ
4711 offer
4712 offering ^{
4713 office 줽
4714 officer x
4715 official Ȫ
4716 officially x誺
4717 offset zLL
4718 offspring l]
4719 often ``
4720 oh ڧr
4721 oil o
4722 oily oo
4723 ointment ĻI
4724 old Ѫ
4725 oldfashioned Lɪ
4726 oldtime jӪ
4727 olive V
4728 omen w
4729 ominous NQ
4730 omission ٲ
4731 omit h
4732 omnibus @T
4733 on b..W
4734 once @
4735 one @
4736 oneself ۤv
4737 onion v
4738 only u
4739 onto ȤW
4740 onward ei
4741 ooze d
4742 opal Jե
4743 open }
4744 opening
4745 openly }a
4746 opera q@
4747 operate ާ@
4748 operation ʧ@ N
4749 operator ާ@
4750 opinion N
4751 opium ~
4752 opponent ܪ
4753 opportunity |
4754 oppose Ϲ
4755 opposite ۤϪ
4756 opposition Ϲ
4757 oppress
4758 oppression
4759 optimism [
4760 or Ϊ
4761 oracle
4762 oral fY
4763 orange l
4764 oration t
4765 orator t
4766 orbit yD
4767 orchestra ީֹ
4768 ordain RBw
4769 ordeal
4770 order
4771 orderly
4772 ordinal Ǽ
4773 ordinance kO
4774 ordinarily q`
4775 ordinary q
4776 ore q
4777 organ ^
4778 organic x
4779 organism
4780 organization ´
4781 organize ´
4782 orient F
4783 oriental F誺
4784 origin _
4785 original ̪쪺
4786 originality Ч@O
4787 originally
4788 originate _l
4789 ornament ˹
4790 ornamental ˹
4791 orphan t
4792 orthodox Ϊ
4793 ostrich k
4794 other O
4795 otherwise M
4796 ought O
4797 ounce sq
4798 our ڭ̪
4799 ourself ڪH
4800 ourselves ڭ̦ۤv
4801 out ~
4802 outbreak zo
4803 outburst o
4804 outcome G
4805 outcry s
4806 outdoor ~
4807 outdoors b~
4808 outer b~
4809 outfit Ȧ˳
4810 outlaw LkLѪ
4811 outlet Xf
4812 outline Z
4813 outlook i
4814 output X
4815 outrage ϼn
4816 outrageous 㪺
4817 outside ~
4818 outskirt ~
4819 outstanding ت
4820 outward ~
4821 oval
4822 ovary l
4823 oven `
4824 over bW
4825 overcoat j
4826 overcome JA
4827 overflow X
4828 overhang a
4829 overhead [
4830 overhear LNť
4831 overland g
4832 overlook
4833 overnight qd
4834 overpower
4835 overseas ~
4836 oversleep ιLY
4837 overtake lW
4838 overthrow ½
4839 overturn ½
4840 overwhelm
4841 overwhelming ˩ʪ
4842 overwork u@L
4843 owe ɶ
4844 owing
4845 owl YN
4846 own ֦
4847 owner D
4848 ownership Ҧv
4849 ox
4850 oxygen
4851 oyster d H
4852 pace B
4853 pacific M
4854 pack ]
4855 package ]
4856 packet p]
4857 pad Ũ
4858 paddle
4859 page
4860 pageant |
4861 pail
4862 pain h
4863 painful h
4864 painfully hWa
4865 paint C
4866 painter ea
4867 painting oe
4868 pair @
4869 pajamas Φ
4870 pal ٦
4871 palace c
4872 pale a
4873 palm x
4874 palm ľ[
4875 pamphlet pUl
4876 pan
4877 pancake N
4878 pane
4879 panel KO
4880 panic W
4881 pansy Tù
4882 pant ݮ
4883 panther w\
4884 pants
4885 papa
4886 paper
4887 par P
4888 parachute
4889 parade C
4890 paradise ֶ
4891 paragraph q
4892 parallel 檺
4893 paralyze ϳ·
4894 paramount ܰ
4895 paraphrase
4896 parasite Hͪ
4897 parasol
4898 parcel ]q
4899 parch M
4900 parchment ϥ֯
4901 pardon
4902 pare 鱼
4903 parent
4904 parenthesis A
4905 parish а
4906 park
4907 parliament |
4908 parliamentary |
4909 parrot xM
4910 parsley
4911 parson v
4912 part
4913 partake
4914 partial
4915 partially a
4916 participate ѥ[
4917 participation ѻP
4918 participle
4919 particular W
4920 particularly Wa
4921 parting
4922 partisan
4923 partition ʤ
4924 partly a
4925 partner X٤H
4926 partridge l
4927 party | F
4928 party R|
4929 pass qL
4930 passage qD
4931 passenger
4932 passion
4933 passionate
4934 passionately a
4935 passive
4936 passport @
4937 past Lh
4938 paste k I
4939 pastime
4940 pastor v H
4941 pastoral H
4942 patron
4943 patronage
4944 patter Pn
4945 pattern Ϯ ҧ
4946 pause y
4947 pave Q]
4948 pavement
4949 paw l
4950 pay I
4951 payment I
4952 pea l
4953 peace M
4954 peaceable M
4955 peaceful w窺
4956 peach l
4957 peacock ճ
4958 peak sp
4959 peal Tn
4960 peanut
4961 pear l
4962 pearl ï]
4963 peasant A
4964 pebble ZZ
4965 peculiar _S
4966 peculiarity ǻ
4967 peculiarly _Sa
4968 peddler pc
4969 pedestal xy
4970 pedestrian H
4971 peel G
4972 peep
4973 peer P
4974 peer Ӭ
4975 peg v 秨
4976 pelt
4977 pen
4978 pen
4979 penalty g@
4980 pencil ]
4981 pending Mw
4982 pendulum \
4983 penetrate z
4984 peninsula bq
4985 penny @
4986 pension iѪ
4987 pensive s䪺
4988 people H
4989 pepper J
4990 perceive Pı
4991 percent ʤ
4992 percentage ʤ
4993 perceptible 㪺
4994 perception ı
4995 perch Ϯ
4996 perchance γ\
4997 perfect
4998 perfection
4999 perfectly a
5000 perform t
5001 performance tX Z
5002 perfume
5003 perhaps i
5004 peril MI
5005 perilous MI
5006 period ɴ y
5007 periodical Z
5008 perish
5009 permanent ä[
5010 permanently ä[a
5011 permission \i
5012 permit \
5013 perpendicular
5014 perpetual ä[
5015 perplex gb
5016 perplexity xb
5017 persecute `
5018 persecution `
5019 perseverance ݤO
5020 persevere
5021 persimmon Ul
5022 persist
5023 persistent T
5024 person H
5025 personage WH e
5026 personal pH
5027 personality ө
5028 personally ˦ۦa
5029 personnel HƳ
5030 perspective z
5031 persuade U
5032 persuasion U
5033 pertain ݩ
5034 pervade M
5035 pessimism d[
5036 pest r
5037 pestilence ǬVf
5038 pet d
5039 petal ä
5040 petition @
5041 petroleum ۪o
5042 petticoat Ũ
5043 petty Ӥp
5044 pew y
5045 phantom ۼv
5046 phase ɴ
5047 pheasant n
5048 phenomenon {H
5049 philosopher Ǯa
5050 philosophic ǤW
5051 philosophy
5052 phone q
5053 phonograph q۾
5054 phosphoric tM
5055 photo Ӥ
5056 photograph Ӥ
5057 phrase y
5058 physical z
5059 physically za
5060 physician
5061 physics z
5062 pianist ^a
5063 piano ^
5064 piazza Y
5065 pick D
5066 pickle M
5067 picnic \
5068 picture ϵe
5069 picturesque pe
5070 pie `
5071 piece @ @
5072 pier XY
5073 pierce }
5074 piety
5075 pig
5076 pigeon Fl
5077 pike j |
5078 pile @
5079 pilgrim ¸t
5080 pilgrimage ¸t
5081 pill ĤY
5082 pillar Wl
5083 pillow EY
5084 pilot rp
5085 pin Ow
5086 pinch
5087 pine Q
5088 pineapple
5089 pingpong y
5090 pinion
5091 pink
5092 pint ~
5093 pioneer }ݪ
5094 pious @۪
5095 pipe
5096 piper jê
5097 pirate s
5098 pistil ۿ
5099 pistol j
5100 piston
5101 pit W}
5102 pitch
5103 pitcher
5104 pitiful i
5105 pitiless L
5106 pity
5107 placard лyP
5108 place ,a
5109 placid R
5110 plague ̯f
5111 plaid lO
5112 plain q
5113 plan pe
5114 plane
5115 planet P
5116 plank O
5117 plant Ӫ
5118 plantation A
5119 planter شӪH
5120 plaster ۻI
5121 plastic 콦
5122 plate ݪO
5123 plateau
5124 platform O
5125 platinum ժ,`
5126 platter jLl
5127 play C
5128 player vɪ
5129 playful RC
5130 playground Bʳ
5131 playmate C
5132 plaything
5133 plea @
5134 plead G@
5135 pleasant r֪
5136 pleasantly r֦a
5137 please ϰ
5138 pleased
5139 pleasing r֪
5140 pleasure w
5141 pledge }
5142 plentiful \h
5143 plenty ܦh
5144 plot
5145 plow p
5146 pluck K
5147 plug
5148 plum l
5149 plumage Ф
5150 plume Ф
5151 plunder
5152 plunge i
5153 plural Ƽ
5154 plus [
5155 ply [
5156 pneumonia ͪ
5157 pocket fU
5158 poem
5159 poet ֤H
5160 poetic ַN
5161 poetry
5162 point I
5163 pointed y
5164 poison r
5165 poisonous r
5166 poke }
5167 pole
5168 police ĵ
5169 policeman ĵ
5170 policy F
5171 polish i
5172 polite §
5173 politely Ԧa
5174 politeness §
5175 political Fv
5176 politician Fva
5177 politics Fv
5178 poll N
5179 pollen
5180 pond
5181 ponder I
5182 ponderous
5183 pony p
5184 pool
5185 poor ha tl
5186 pop zn
5187 pope Ь
5188 poplar շ
5189 poppy Ģ
5190 populace
5191 popular w諸
5192 popularity y
5193 population Hf
5194 populous HfYK
5195 porcelain
5196 porch x
5197 porcupine
5198 pore
5199 pork ަ
5200 port f
5201 portable ⴣ
5202 portal
5203 porter u
5204 portion @
5205 portrait b
5206 pose
5207 position m
5208 positive Tw
5209 positively Twa
5210 possess ֦
5211 possession Ҧv
5212 possessive Ҧ
5213 possibility i
5214 possible i
5215 possibly ia
5216 post i l
5217 postage lO
5218 postal lF
5219 postcard H
5220 poster
5221 posterity N
5222 postman lt
5223 postoffice l
5224 postpone
5225 postscript
5226 posture
5227 pot
5228 potato a
5229 potent jO
5230 potential i
5231 potter suH
5232 pottery
5233 pouch pU
5234 poultry aV
5235 pound S V
5236 pour ɭ
5237 poverty hx
5238 powder ӯ
5239 power Oq vO
5240 powerful jO
5241 powerless LO
5242 practicable i檺
5243 practical ڪ
5244 practicality ک
5245 practically ڦa
5246 practice m
5247 prairie j
5248 praise g
5249 pray ë
5250 prayer ëi
5251 preach DZ
5252 preacher ǹD
5253 precarious MI
5254 precaution w
5255 precede e
5256 precedent
5257 preceding e
5258 precept e
5259 precinct ϰ
5260 precious Q
5261 precipice aV
5262 precipitate H P
5263 precise T
5264 precisely Ta
5265 precision T
5266 predecessor e e
5267 predicate zy
5268 predict w
5269 prediction w
5270 preface
5271 prefecture ax¾
5272 prefer w
5273 preference R uf
5274 prefix r
5275 prejudice
5276 preliminary B
5277 premier `z
5278 premise e
5279 premium
5280 preparation w
5281 preparatory wƪ
5282 prepare dz
5283 preposition t
5284 prerogative Sv
5285 prescribe Ww
5286 prescription Ĥ Ww
5287 presence Xu
5288 present ee {b
5289 presentation § tX
5290 presently [a
5291 preservation O@
5292 preserve O@
5293 preside D
5294 presidency `Υ
5295 president ` ժ
5296 presidential `Ϊ
5297 press sD
5298 pressure O
5299 prestige ±
5300 presumably wa
5301 presume w
5302 pretend
5303 pretense 갰
5304 pretty }G
5305 prevail y Գ
5306 prevailing y檺
5307 prevalent y檺
5308 prevent
5309 prevention
5310 previous e
5311 previously ea
5312 prey y
5313 price
5314 priceless L
5315 pride ۴L
5316 priest v
5317 primarily Dna
5318 primary Ū
5319 prime Dn
5320 primitive
5321 primrose
5322 prince Ӥl
5323 princely a
5324 princess D
5325 principal Dn
5326 principle h
5327 print L
5328 printer L
5329 prior w
5330 prism TW
5331 prison ʺ
5332 prisoner ǤH
5333 privacy p
5334 private pH
5335 privately pHa
5336 privilege Sv
5337 privileged Sv
5338 prize ~
5339 probability i
5340 probable i j
5341 probably ja
5342 problem D
5343 procedure {
5344 proceed i
5345 proceeding
5346 process L{
5347 procession C
5348 proclaim n
5349 proclamation Ũ
5350 procure P
5351 prodigal O
5352 prodigious jq
5353 produce Ͳ
5354 producer s@
5355 product ~
5356 production Ͳ
5357 productive Ͳ
5358 profane @U
5359 profess n
5360 profession ¾~
5361 professional M~
5362 professor б
5363 proffer
5364 proficient Ma
5365 proficient q
5366 profile ~
5367 profit Qq
5368 profitable QiϪ
5369 profiteer ɧQ
5370 profound `
5371 profoundly `a
5372 program `
5373 programme `
5374 progress iB
5375 progressive iB
5376 prohibit T
5377 prohibition T
5378 project
5379 projection g
5380 prologue ǹ
5381 prolong
5382 promenade C
5383 prominent ۦW
5384 promise w
5385 promising Ʊ檺
5386 promote ɾE
5387 promotion ɾE
5388 prompt ߨ誺
5389 promptly ߨa
5390 prone ɦV
5391 pronoun NW
5392 pronounce o n
5393 pronounced
5394 pronunciation o
5395 proof
5396 propaganda Ŷ
5397 propagate s
5398 propeller ۼ
5399 proper A
5400 properly Aa
5401 property ]
5402 prophecy w
5403 prophesy w
5404 prophet wa
5405 prophetic w
5406 proportion v
5407 proposal DB
5408 propose ij
5409 proposition Di
5410 proprietor Ҧ
5411 prose
5412 prosecute _D
5413 prospect
5414 prospective Ʊ檺
5415 prosper ca
5416 prosperity ca
5417 prosperous ca
5418 protect O@
5419 protection O@
5420 protective O@
5421 protector O@
5422 protein Jս
5423 protest ij
5424 protestant s
5425 protoplasm ν
5426 proud ź
5427 proudly ģa
5428 prove
5429 proverb λy
5430 provide ѵ
5431 provided խY
5432 province
5433 provincial ٪
5434 provision
5435 provocation IJ
5436 provoke ϼ
5437 prudence ԷV
5438 prudent ԷV
5439 prune װ
5440 pry 뱴
5441 psalm ֽg
5442 psychology ߲z
5443 public Ϊ
5444 publication X
5445 publicity }
5446 publicly Ma
5447 publish o
5448 publisher X
5449 pudding B
5450 puff @j
5451 pull
5452 pulp G
5453 pulse ߷i
5454 pump A
5455 pumpkin n
5456 punch վ
5457 punctual u
5458 punctuation I
5459 punish B@
5460 punishment B@
5461 pup p
5462 pupil ǥ
5463 puppet 참
5464 puppy p
5465 purchase ʶR
5466 purchaser ʶR
5467 pure ª
5468 purely ºa
5469 purge ²M
5470 purify b
5471 purity M
5472 purple ⪺
5473 purpose ت
5474 purse U
5475 pursue lD
5476 pursuit q
5477 push
5478 pussy
5479 put m
5480 puzzle D
5481 pyramid r
5482 quack ǹ
5483 quail OL
5484 quaint _쪺
5485 qualification
5486 qualify P
5487 quality ~
5488 quantity q
5489 quarrel n[
5490 quarrelsome wn[
5491 quarry w۳
5492 quarter |@
5493 quartz ۭ^
5494 queen k Z
5495 queer jǪ
5496 quench Ѵ
5497 query ð
5498 quest
5499 question D
5500 quick
5501 quicken [
5502 quickly ܧ֦a
5503 quicksilver
5504 quiet IR
5505 quietly wRa
5506 quill в
5507 quilt ֳQ
5508 quit
5509 quite ۷
5510 quiver Ÿ
5511 quotation ޥΥy
5512 quote
5513 rabbit ߤl
5514 race v
5515 racial رڪ
5516 rack [
5517 racket y
5518 radar pF
5519 radiance
5520 radiant g
5521 radiate g
5522 radiator x
5523 radical ڥ
5524 radio
5525 radium J
5526 radius b|
5527 raft
5528 rag }
5529 rage
5530 ragged }ꪺ
5531 raid ŧ
5532 rail
5533 railing ߤ
5534 railroad K
5535 railway yD
5536 rain B
5537 rainbow i
5538 raindrop Bw
5539 rainfall Bq
5540 rainy UB
5541 raise ɰ_
5542 rally ܫ¹B
5543 ram
5544 ramble B
5545 ranch jA
5546 random N
5547 range d
5548 rank
5549 ransom ū
5550 rap V
5551 rapid t
5552 rapidity t
5553 rapidly ta
5554 rapt gߪ
5555 rapture `
5556 rare }֪
5557 rarely }֦a
5558 rascal p^
5559 rash ll
5560 rat ѹ
5561 rate v
5562 rather @
5563 ratify
5564 ratio v
5565 rational Xz
5566 rattle oǹn
5567 ravage }a
5568 rave q
5569 raven Q~
5570 ravine l
5571 raw ͪ
5572 ray u
5573 razor cM
5574 reach F
5575 react
5576 reaction
5577 reactionary ϰʤl
5578 read \Ū
5579 reader Ū
5580 readily ea
5581 readiness K
5582 ready dzƦn
5583 real uꪺ
5584 reality {
5585 realization {
5586 realize {
5587 really ua
5588 realm
5589 reap
5590 reaper Ϊ
5591 reappear AX{
5592 rear ᭱ i|
5593 reason z
5594 reasonable Xz
5595 reasonably Xza
5596 reasoning z
5597 reassure AO
5598 rebel ϧܪ
5599 rebellion y
5600 rebellious ϫq
5601 rebuff ^
5602 rebuild
5603 rebuke d
5604 recall l^ O_
5605 recede C
5606 receipt
5607 receive
5608 receiver
5609 recent ̪
5610 recently ̪a
5611 receptacle e ᦫ
5612 reception ۫
5613 recess
5614 reciever
5615 recipe
5616 reciprocal f
5617 recite Iw
5618 reckless U@
5619 reckon p
5620 reclaim y
5621 recline
5622 recognition {X
5623 recognize {X
5624 recoil h
5625 recollect ^
5626 recollection ^
5627 recommend
5628 recompense S
5629 reconcile հ
5630 reconstruct
5631 reconstruction
5632 record O ۤ
5633 recount ԭz
5634 recovery _
5635 recreation T֤
5636 recruit ۶
5637 rectangle
5638 rector v
5639 recur {
5640 red
5641 redbreast
5642 redden ܬ
5643 reddish a⪺
5644 redeem ū^
5645 reduction
5646 reed Ī
5647 reef tG
5648 reel b
5649 refer
5650 reference ѦҮ
5651 refine
5652 refined s
5653 refinement
5654 reflect Ϯg
5655 reflection Ϯg
5656 reform ﭲ
5657 reformer ﭲ
5658 refrain T
5659 refresh _
5660 refreshment ߲n
5661 refrigerator Bc
5662 refuge
5663 refugee
5664 refusal ڵ
5665 refuse ڵ
5666 regain _ ^
5667 regal Ҥ
5668 regard {
5669 regardful pߪ
5670 regarding
5671 regardless U
5672 regent F
5673 regime Fv
5674 regiment @ @s
5675 region a
5676 register U
5677 registration U
5678 regret ᮬ
5679 regular q`
5680 regularity Wh
5681 regularly `a
5682 regulate ե
5683 regulation Wh
5684 rein ŷ÷
5685 reindeer
5686 reinforce W
5687 reiterate ϴ_
5688 reject ڵ
5689 rejoice ϡȰ
5690 rejoicing
5691 relate s
5692 relation Y
5693 relationship Y
5694 relative ˱
5695 relatively ۹a
5696 relax P
5697 release
5698 relent P
5699 reliable ia
5700 relic
5701 relief Ѳ
5702 relieve Ѱ
5703 religion v
5704 religious vЪ
5705 relinquish
5706 relish
5707 reluctance jj
5708 reluctant jj
5709 reluctantly jja
5710 rely H
5711 remain O dU
5712 remainder l
5713 remark `N
5714 remarkable `
5715 remarkably `
5716 remedy v ɱ
5717 remember Oo
5718 remembrance
5719 remind
5720 remit ױH jK
5721 remnant
5722 remodel
5723 remorse
5724 remote
5725 removal M
5726 remove
5727 removed
5728 renaissance _
5729 rend
5730 render ee y
5731 renew s q
5732 renounce _{
5733 renown W
5734 rent X
5735 repair ײz
5736 reparation v
5737 repast \
5738 repeal MP
5739 repeat
5740 repeated ƪ
5741 repeatedly Ʀa
5742 repel X ڵ
5743 repent ᮬ
5744 repentance
5745 repetition
5746 replace
5747 replenish ɥR
5748 reply
5749 report i
5750 reporter ijXO
5751 represent
5752 representation N
5753 reproach wd
5754 reproduce ƻs
5755 reproduction ƻs
5756 reproof D
5757 reprove d
5758 reptile ΰʪ
5759 republic @M
5760 republican @MF
5761 repulse vh
5762 reputation n
5763 repute W
5764 request ШD
5765 require ݭn
5766 requirement n
5767 requisite n
5768 rescue
5769 research s
5770 resemblance I
5771 resemble
5772 resent n
5773 resentment n
5774 reservation w Od
5775 reserve w
5776 reservoir JB
5777 reside
5778 residence v
5779 resident ~
5780 resign ¾
5781 resignation ¾
5782 resist
5783 resistance
5784 resolute w
5785 resolutely Ma
5786 resolution M
5787 resolve UM
5788 resolved Mij
5789 resort Tֳ
5790 resource 귽
5791 respect Lq
5792 respectable iLq
5793 respectful ܷqN
5794 respectfully Lqa
5795 respecting
5796 respective ӧO
5797 respectively ӧOa
5798 respond ^
5799 response
5800 responsibility d
5801 responsible td
5802 rest
5803 restaurant \]
5804 restless w
5805 restoration ״_
5806 restore _쪬
5807 restrain
5808 restraint
5809 restrict
5810 restriction
5811 result G
5812 resume s}l
5813 resurrection _
5814 retail s
5815 retain O
5816 retard Ct
5817 retire h
5818 retirement h
5819 retort ϻ
5820 retreat Mh
5821 return k
5822 reveal
5823 revelation o
5824 revenge
5825 revenue J,q
5826 revere Lq
5827 reverence Lq
5828 reverend Lq
5829 reverse ۤ
5830 revert _
5831 review
5832 revise q
5833 revision խq
5834 revival _d
5835 revive _d
5836 revolt ɰ
5837 revolution R
5838 revolutionary R
5839 revolve j
5840 revolver j
5841 reward S
5842 rhetoric
5843 rheumatism
5844 rhyme
5845 rhythm ۫
5846 rib ذ
5847 ribbon va
5848 rice ,
5849 rich I
5850 rid ϧK
5851 riddle
5852 ride M
5853 rider Mh
5854 ridge I
5855 ridicule M
5856 ridiculous ժ
5857 rifle Ӻֺj
5858 rig ˸m
5859 right T
5860 righteous q
5861 righteousness q
5862 rightful
5863 righthand k⪺
5864 rigid Tw
5865 rim
5866 ring ٤l
5867 rinse ~
5868 riot ɰ
5869 rip
5870 ripe
5871 ripen
5872 ripple
5873 rise _ @_
5874 rising k@
5875 risk _I
5876 rival Ī
5877 rivalry v
5878 river e
5879 rivet ϩTw
5880 road D
5881 roadside
5882 roadway D
5883 roam r
5884 roar H
5885 roast MN
5886 rob mT
5887 robber js
5888 robbery
5889 robe ~T
5890 robin
5891 rock
5892 rocket b
5893 rocky ۪
5894 rod
5895 role
5896 roll u
5897 rollcall IW
5898 roller u
5899 romance ʷR
5900 roof γ
5901 room ж
5902 rooster
5903 root
5904 rope ÷
5905 rose
5906 rosebud
5907 rosy z
5908 rot Ga
5909 rotate j
5910 rotation j
5911 rotten GѪ
5912 rouge گ
5913 rough ʪ
5914 round ꪺ
5915 rouse
5916 route u
5917 routine `u@
5918 rove h
5919 rover y
5920 row @
5921 royal
5922 royalty v
5923 rub |
5924 rubber
5925 rubbish o
5926 ruby _
5927 rude L§
5928 rudely L§a
5929 rug l
5930 rugged T
5931 ruin
5932 rule Wh
5933 ruler Ϊv
5934 ruling w
5935 rum s
5936 rumble
5937 rumor
5938 run ]
5939 runaway k`
5940 runner ]B
5941 running ]
5942 rural mU
5943 rush t
5944 rust Kq
5945 rustic m
5946 rusty Gk
5947 ruthless L
5948 sable ¶I
5949 sack jUl
5950 sacred t
5951 sacrifice 묹
5952 sad ds
5953 saddle b
5954 sadly dha
5955 sadness ds
5956 safe w
5957 safeguard O@
5958 safely wa
5959 safety w
5960 sag P
5961 sage
5962 sail |
5963 sailor
5964 saint tH
5965 sake tG
5966 salad F
5967 salary ~
5968 sale P
5969 salesman f
5970 salmon D
5971 salon Fs
5972 salt Q
5973 salute q§
5974 salvation ϥ@
5975 same ۦP
5976 sample ˫~
5977 sanction ֭
5978 sand F
5979 sandal Dc
5980 sandstone F
5981 sandwich Tv
5982 sandy F
5983 sane YM
5984 sanitary åͪ
5985 sanitation åͳ]
5986 sardine FB
5987 sash a
5988 satellite ìP
5989 satin v
5990 satire ب
5991 satisfactory N
5992 satisfy N
5993 saturday P
5994 satyr T
5995 sauce ը
5996 saucepan
5997 saucer pФl
5998 saucy N֪
5999 sausage z
6000 savage ѵM
6001 save @
6002 saving `
6003 savior @Ϫ
6004 savor
6005 saw }
6006 say
6007 saying W
6008 scald S
6009 scale S
6010 scalp Y
6011 scamper e
6012 scan Ӭ
6013 scandal
6014 scant ʥF
6015 scanty ʥF
6016 scar Ͳ
6017 scarce ʥF
6018 scarcely XGS
6019 scarcity ʥF
6020 scare `
6021 scarecrow _H
6022 scarf y
6023 scarlet `
6024 scatter B
6025 scene p
6026 scenery
6027 scenic
6028 scent
6029 scepter v
6030 schedule ɶ
6031 scheme p
6032 scholar Ǫ
6033 scholarship Ǫ
6034 school Ǯ
6035 schoolboy ǵ
6036 schoolgirl kǥ
6037 schoolhouse ժ
6038 schoolmaster ժ
6039 schoolroom Ы
6040 schooner jO
6041 science
6042 scientific Ǫ
6043 scientist Ǯa
6044 scissors ŤM
6045 scoff J
6046 scold d|
6047 scoop @l
6048 scope
6049 scorch NJ
6050 score o
6051 scorn
6052 scornful
6053 scoundrel Lţ
6054 scour ~
6055 scourge a`
6056 scout lx
6057 scowl KY
6058 scramble Ͷ
6059 scrap sY ų
6060 scrapbook ŶKï
6061 scrape
6062 scratch
6063 screech ys
6064 screen ȹ
6065 screw v
6066 script Z
6067 scripture g
6068 scroll b
6069 scrub ~
6070 scrub O
6071 scruple U
6072 sculptor na
6073 sculpture n~
6074 scurry e
6075 scuttle ѽc
6076 scythe jIM
6077 sea v
6078 seacoast
6079 seal L O
6080 seal \
6081 seam _
6082 seaman
6083 seaport f
6084 search jd
6085 searchlight ӿO
6086 seashore
6087 seasick w
6088 seaside
6089 season u`
6090 seat y
6091 seaweed
6092 seclude j
6093 second ĤG ٦
6094 secondary n
6095 secondhand Gf
6096 secrecy K
6097 secret K
6098 secretary
6099 sect v
6100 section
6101 secular @U
6102 secure O@
6103 security w
6104 see ݨ
6105 seed ؤl
6106 seedling ]
6107 seeing ѩ
6108 seek MD
6109 seem G
6110 seeming G
6111 seesaw ߪO
6112 seethe _wj
6113 segment
6114 seize
6115 seldom ܤ
6116 select D
6117 selection
6118 self ۤv
6119 selfish ۨp
6120 selfishness ۨp
6121 selfsame P˪
6122 sell X
6123 seller D
6124 semblance ۦ
6125 semicolon
6126 senate ij|
6127 senator ij
6128 send e
6129 senior ~
6130 sensation P
6131 sensational H
6132 sense Px
6133 senseless Lı
6134 sensibility P
6135 sensible 㪺
6136 sensitive ӷP
6137 sentence PM yl
6138 sentiment
6139 sentimental ƪ
6140 sentinel L
6141 separate }
6142 separation
6143 september E
6144 sepulcher X
6145 sequence
6146 serenade p]
6147 serene wԪ
6148 serge ͼT
6149 sergeant xh ĵx
6150 series tC
6151 serious Y
6152 sermon D
6153 serpent D
6154 servant H
6155 serve ͭ
6156 service A
6157 session |
6158 set wm
6159 settle wy
6160 settled Tw
6161 settlement M
6162 settlement ޥa
6163 settler w~
6164 seven C
6165 seventeen QC
6166 seventeenth ĤQC
6167 seventh ĤC
6168 seventieth ĤCQ
6169 seventy CQ
6170 sever _
6171 several X
6172 severe YF
6173 severity YF
6174 sew _
6175 sewer UD
6176 sex ʧO
6177 shabby }ª
6178 shade DB
6179 shadow v
6180 shadowy v
6181 shady D
6182 shaft b ٬`
6183 shaggy
6184 shake n
6185 shale
6186 shall N
6187 shallow L
6188 shalt N
6189 shame ۮ
6190 shameful 魱
6191 shape
6192 shapeless SΪ
6193 share
6194 shark T
6195 sharp UQ
6196 sharpen d
6197 sharply UQa
6198 shatter H
6199 shave
6200 shawl y
6201 she o
6202 sheaf
6203 shear _
6204 sheath T
6205 shed X
6206 sheep
6207 sheer M
6208 sheet ɳ @i
6209 shelf O
6210 shell
6211 shellfish
6212 shelter óB
6213 shepherd Ϫ
6214 sheriff pvwx
6215 shield
6216 shift
6217 shilling O
6218 shimmer H
6219 shin ~pL
6220 shine oG
6221 shingle
6222 shiny oG
6223 ship
6224 shipment ˲
6225 shipping ˳f
6226 shipwreck J
6227 shirt Ũ
6228 shiver o
6229 shock _
6230 shoe c
6231 shoemaker ־cK
6232 shoot g
6233 shop
6234 shopkeeper D
6235 shopping ʪ
6236 shore
6237 short u
6238 shortage ʥF
6239 shorten ˵u
6240 shortening ˵u
6241 shorthand tO
6242 shortly [
6243 shortsighted
6244 shot og
6245 should N|
6246 shoulder ӻH
6247 shout s
6248 shove
6249 shovel l
6250 show t
6251 shower JB
6252 shred H
6253 shrewd ӱ
6254 shriek ys
6255 shrill yU
6256 shrine
6257 shrink Yp
6258 shrivel _K
6259 shrub
6260 shrug q
6261 shudder o
6262 shuffle ~ȵP
6263 shun
6264 shut
6265 shutter ʸ
6266 shuttle
6267 shy `
6268 sick f
6269 sicken ϧ@
6270 sickness f
6271 side
6272 sidewalk HD
6273 siege
6274 sieve zl
6275 sift z
6276 sigh Į
6277 sight ı
6278 sign x,ñW
6279 signal H
6280 signature ñW
6281 significance n
6282 significant n
6283 signify
6284 silence Hq
6285 silent Ln
6286 silk
6287 silkworm
6288 silly M
6289 silver
6290 silvery Ȫ
6291 similar
6292 simple ²檺
6293 simplicity ²
6294 simplify ²
6295 simply ²a
6296 simultaneous Pɪ
6297 sin oc
6298 since ۱q
6299 sincere u
6300 sincerely ۼa
6301 sincerity u
6302 sinew xl Oq
6303 sing q
6304 singer q
6305 single W
6306 singular S
6307 sinister c
6308 sink H
6309 sinner oH
6310 sip 㶼
6311 sir
6312 sire դU
6313 siren ĵ
6314 sister nf
6315 sit
6316 site m
6317 situated
6318 situation p
6319 six
6320 sixteen Q
6321 sixteenth ĤQ
6322 sixth Ĥ
6323 sixtieth ĤQ
6324 sixty Q
6325 size ؤo jp
6326 skate ȦBc
6327 skeleton [
6328 skeptical hê
6329 sketch Z y
6330 ski Ƴ
6331 skill ޯ
6332 skilled m
6333 skillful m
6334 skim Jh
6335 skin ֽ
6336 skip D
6337 skirmish pĬ
6338 skirt Ȥl
6339 skull Y\
6340 skunk ^
6341 sky Ѫ
6342 skylark
6343 skyscraper ѺO
6344 slab ۤ O
6345 slack Ѵ
6346 slack wC
6347 slacken wC
6348 slam r
6349 slander
6350 slang Zy
6351 slant ɱ
6352 slap x
6353 slash ζ
6354 slate ۪O
6355 slaughter O
6356 slave
6357 slavery
6358 slay
6359 sled
6360 sledge j
6361 sleek ƪ
6362 sleep ı
6363 sleeper ίv
6364 sleeping ίv
6365 sleepy QΪ
6366 sleet Br
6367 sleeve Sl
6368 sleigh
6369 slender Ӫ
6370 slice
6371 slide Ƹ
6372 slight L
6373 slim G
6374 sling u} Q÷
6375 slip ƭ Ȩ
6376 slipper c
6377 slippery ƷȪ
6378 slogan f лy
6379 slope ɱ
6380 slow wC
6381 slug p
6382 slumber ίv
6383 slump
6384 sly K
6385 smack
6386 small p
6387 smallpox Ѫ
6388 smart
6389 smash oH
6390 smear ż
6391 smell D
6392 smile L
6393 smite d
6394 smith uK
6395 smock nm
6396 smoke
6397 smoking _Ϫ
6398 smooth ƪ
6399 smother e \
6400 smuggle p
6401 snail
6402 snake D
6403 snap _ m
6404 snare
6405 snarl q
6406 snatch ܨ
6407 sneak
6408 sneer J
6409 sneeze Q
6410 sniff l
6411 snore I
6412 snort @n
6413 snow
6414 snowy
6415 snuff lJ
6416 snug ξA
6417 so p
6418 so-called ҿ
6419 soak z
6420 soap Ψm
6421 soar
6422 sob |
6423 sober M
6424 soccer y
6425 social |
6426 socialism |Dq
6427 socialist |Dq
6428 society |
6429 sock u
6430 socket y W
6431 sod a
6432 soda T
6433 sofa Fo
6434 soft Xn
6435 soften ܳn
6436 soil dg
6437 sojourn d
6438 solace w
6439 solar Ӷ
6440 soldier hL
6441 sole @
6442 solemn Yª
6443 solemnity Y
6444 solicit ߮v
6445 solid T骺
6446 solitary W
6447 solitude W
6448 solo W W
6449 solution ѵ
6450 solve ѨM
6451 somber t
6452 some @
6453 somebody YH
6454 somehow G
6455 someone YH
6456 something Y
6457 sometime Y
6458 sometimes
6459 somewhat I
6460 somewhere YB
6461 son l
6462 song q
6463 sonnet Q|
6464 soon [
6465 soot Ѧ
6466 soothe w
6467 sordid ©
6468 sore kh
6469 sorrow d
6470 sorrowful d˪
6471 sorry p
6472 sort
6473 soul F
6474 sound
6475 sound ձ
6476 sound n
6477 soup ü
6478 sour Ī
6479 source ӷ
6480 south n
6481 southeast Fn
6482 southern n誺
6483 southward Vn
6484 southwest n
6485 southwestward Vn
6486 sovereign 㦳Dv
6487 sovereignty Dv
6488 sow
6489 space Ŷ
6490 spacious s
6491 spade l
6492 span uɶ
6493 spangle {{
6494 spank @ڴx
6495 spare Ǯ
6496 spark
6497 sparkle
6498 sparrow ³
6499 speak
6500 speaker t
6501 spear
6502 special SO
6503 specialist Ma
6504 specialize M
6505 species
6506 specific S
6507 specify w
6508 specimen ˫~
6509 speck I
6510 speckle pI
6511 spectacle _[
6512 spectacular [
6513 spectator [
6514 specter F
6515 spectrum
6516 speculate
6517 speculation
6518 speculative z
6519 speech t
6520 speechless Xܨ
6521 speed tv
6522 speedy t
6523 spell
6524 spelling r
6525 spend O
6526 sphere y
6527 sphinx HYਭ
6528 spice
6529 spider j
6530 spike v
6531 spill ⱼ
6532 spin
6533 spinach Ե
6534 spindle
6535 spine I
6536 spinning ´
6537 spiral ۧ
6538 spire y
6539 spirit 믫
6540 spiritual FW
6541 spit R
6542 splash q}
6543 splendid V
6544 splendor m
6545 splinter H
6546 split
6547 spoil V da
6548 spoke
6549 spokesman oH
6550 sponge
6551 sponsor ٧U
6552 spontaneous ۵M
6553 spool ub
6554 spoon
6555 spoonful @
6556 sport B
6557 sportsman Bʮa
6558 spot I
6559 spouse t
6560 spout QX
6561 spray QX
6562 spread Ͻ
6563 spring K,
6564 spring u®
6565 sprinkle x
6566 sprout
6567 spy
6568 square
6569 squash
6570 squat
6571 squeak ssn
6572 squeal ynڭ
6573 squeeze
6574 squire m
6575 squirrel Q
6576 stab
6577 stability ww
6578 stable T
6579 stack
6580 stadium |]
6581 staff ¾
6582 stag
6583 stage O,q
6584 stagger ڶ\
6585 stain I
6586 stainless ÿ
6587 stair ӱ
6588 staircase ӱ
6589 stake `
6590 stale sA
6591 stalk
6592 stall CO
6593 stammer fY
6594 stamp l L
6595 stamp y
6596 stanch
6597 stanch j
6598 stand
6599 standard з
6600 standing a
6601 standpoint ߳
6602 stanza @`()
6603 staple W DD
6604 staple vѰw
6605 star P P
6606 starch
6607 stare `
6608 stark w
6609 starry hP
6610 start Xo }l
6611 startle Y
6612 startling H
6613 starvation j
6614 starve j
6615 state {
6616 state p n
6617 stately Y
6618 statement n
6619 statesman Fva
6620 station
6621 stationary Tw
6622 stationer
6623 stationery
6624 statistics έp
6625 statue J
6626 stature
6627 status p a
6628 statute kW
6629 stay d w
6630 steadfast Tw
6631 steady íw
6632 steak
6633 steal
6634 steam ]T
6635 steamboat T
6636 steamer ]T
6637 steamship T
6638 steed @
6639 steel
6640 steep Im
6641 steeple y
6642 steer rp
6643 stem
6644 stem ` F
6645 stenographer tO
6646 step }B
6647 stepmother
6648 sterling «~
6649 stern Y檺
6650 stew L
6651 steward Aȭ
6652 stewardess kA
6653 stick Ҥl J
6654 sticky ߪ
6655 stiff w
6656 stiffen ܵw
6657 stifle
6658 stigma 岫
6659 still R
6660 stillness R
6661 stimulate E
6662 stimulus E
6663 sting m
6664 stir ͩ
6665 stirrup
6666 stitch wk
6667 stock sf Ѳ
6668 stockholder ѪF
6669 stocking
6670 stomach G
6671 stone Y
6672 stony ۪
6673 stool l jK
6674 stoop sy Y
6675 stop
6676 storage xë
6677 store ө
6678 storehouse ܮw
6679 storm ɭB
6680 stormy ɭB
6681 story G
6682 stout κӪ
6683 stove l_
6684 straight
6685 straighten ˪
6686 straightway ߨ
6687 strain
6688 strain Ժ
6689 strait l
6690 strand @
6691 strange _Ǫ
6692 stranger ͤH
6693 strap ֱa ⥴
6694 stratagem p
6695 straw _ l
6696 strawberry
6697 stray C
6698 streak u
6699 stream ˬy
6700 streamer a
6701 street D
6702 streetcar q
6703 strength O
6704 strengthen [j
6705 strenuous OO
6706 stress O
6707 stretch i}
6708 stretcher [
6709 strew
6710 stricken QI`
6711 strict Y檺
6712 stride jB
6713 strife n
6714 strike }u
6715 striking ޤH`ت
6716 striking
6717 string ӽu ÷l
6718 strip
6719 strip 汼
6720 stripe
6721 striped
6722 strive İ
6723 stroke
6724 stroll ߷i e
6725 strong j
6726 stronghold n
6727 structure cy
6728 struggle İ ä
6729 strut B
6730 stub s
6731 stubble ݮ
6732 stubborn xT
6733 stud v
6734 student ǥ
6735 studio u@
6736 study Ū
6737 stuff F
6738 stuff
6739 stumble ̭ ڶ\
6740 stump
6741 stun fb
6742 stunt
6743 stupendous H
6744 stupid Mª
6745 sturdy j
6746 style
6747 subdue A
6748 subject D
6749 subject X
6750 subjunctive ]y
6751 sublime R
6752 submarine
6753 submerge TS
6754 submission k
6755 submit ij
6756 subordinate ݪ
6757 subscribe q
6758 subscriber qʪ
6759 subscription pW q\
6760 subsequent Ӫ
6761 subside h
6762 subsist sb
6763 substance
6764 substantial jq
6765 substitute N
6766 subtle L
6767 subtract
6768 suburb
6769 suburban Ϫ
6770 subway aUK
6771 succeed ~
6772 success \
6773 successful \
6774 succession s
6775 successive s
6776 successor ~Ӫ
6777 succor
6778 such o˪
6779 suck lm
6780 sucker bl
6781 sudden M
6782 sue i
6783 suffer W
6784 sufferer
6785 suffering hW
6786 sufficient
6787 suffix r
6788 suffocate
6789 sugar }
6790 suggest ij t
6791 suggestion ij
6792 suicide ۱
6793 suit @M D^
6794 suitable AX
6795 suitcase ⴣc
6796 suite M
6797 suitor _D
6798 sulfur D
6799 sullen ~{
6800 sum `M
6801 summary Kn
6802 summer L
6803 summit
6804 summon l
6805 sumptuous ת
6806 sun Ӷ
6807 sunbeam
6808 sunday P
6809 sundown 鸨
6810 sunlight
6811 sunny
6812 sunrise X
6813 sunset 鸨
6814 sunshine
6815 superb n
6816 superficial
6817 superfluous hl
6818 superintendent ʷH
6819 superior uV
6820 superiority uV
6821 superlative ̰
6822 superstition gH
6823 superstitious gH
6824 supervise ʷ
6825 supervision ʷ
6826 supervisor ʷ
6827 supper \
6828 supplement ɥR
6829 supply ѵ
6830 support
6831 supporter Ta
6832 suppose
6833 supposedly w
6834 suppress
6835 supremacy ܰ
6836 supreme ܤW
6837 sure T
6838 surface
6839 surge j
6840 surgeon ~
6841 surgery ~N
6842 surmise
6843 surmount Գ
6844 surname m
6845 surpass u
6846 surplus Ѿl
6847 surprise ϦY
6848 surprisingly OH岧
6849 surrender 뭰
6850 surround
6851 surrounding
6852 survey [ q
6853 survive ͦs
6854 survivor ٪
6855 susceptible eʷn
6856 suspect h
6857 suspend Ȯɰ
6858 suspense a
6859 suspension a
6860 suspicion ä
6861 suspicious iê
6862 sustain
6863 swallow ]
6864 swamp hA
6865 swan Z
6866 swarm s
6867 sway n
6868 swear o}
6869 sweat o
6870 sweater
6871 sweep
6872 sweeping զp}˪
6873 sweet
6874 sweeten [
6875 sweetheart RH
6876 sweetness
6877 swell
6878 swift ֪
6879 swim a
6880 swine
6881 swing \
6882 swirl x
6883 switch }
6884 swollen Ȥj
6885 sword C
6886 syllable `
6887 symbol Hx
6888 symmetrical ٩ʪ
6889 sympathetic Pߪ
6890 sympathize P
6891 sympathy P
6892 symphony T
6893 symptom x g
6894 syndicate pX´
6895 synonym Pqr
6896 syntax yk
6897 syrup }
6898 system t
6899 systematic tΪ
6900 table l
6901 tablet O
6902 tack jYv
6903 tackle Ψ
6904 tact
6905 tactics
6906 tag
6907 tail
6908 tailor _v
6909 taint I
6910 take
6911 tale G
6912 talent ~
6913 talk ͽ
6914 tall
6915 tame A
6916 tan Ŧ
6917 tangle
6918 tank
6919 tap sY
6920 tape a a
6921 taper y
6922 tapestry ¸c
6923 tar Jo
6924 tardy wC
6925 target ؼ
6926 tariff |
6927 tarry
6928 tart G`
6929 task u@
6930 tassel J
6931 taste ~
6932 tatter H
6933 tavern ȴ
6934 tawny Ŧ
6935 tax |
6936 taxation |
6937 taxi p{
6938 taxpayer ǵ|H
6939 tea
6940 teach о
6941 teacher Ѯv
6942 team ζ
6943 tear \ }
6944 tease
6945 teaspoon
6946 technical N
6947 technique N
6948 tedious F
6949 teem R
6950 telegram q
6951 telegraph q
6952 telephone q
6953 telescope 沴
6954 tell iD
6955 teller Xǭ
6956 temper ʮ
6957 temperament
6958 temperance `
6959 temperate `
6960 temperature ū
6961 tempest ɭB
6962 temple xq
6963 temporary Ȯɪ
6964 tempt Ĥ
6965 temptation b
6966 tempting gH
6967 ten Q
6968 tenant Ы
6969 tend V Ӯ
6970 tendency Ͷ
6971 tender ӹ
6972 tenderness ũM
6973 tenement v
6974 tennis y
6975 tenor k
6976 tense Ժ ɺA
6977 tension O
6978 tent bO
6979 tenth ĤQ
6980 term Ny
6981 terminal I
6982 terminate
6983 terrace x
6984 terrible iȪ
6985 terribly iȦa
6986 terrific D`
6987 terrify ~
6988 territory g
6989 terror
6990 test Ҹ
6991 testament
6992 testify ҹ
6993 text
6994 textbook Ь
6995 textile ´~
6996 texture a
6997 than
6998 thank P
6999 thankful Pª
7000 thanksgiving P
7001 that
7002 thatch Tγ
7003 thaw ѭ
7004 the o
7005 theater |
7006 theatrical @ƪ
7007 thee A
7008 theft
7009 their L̪
7010 theirs L̪F
7011 them L
7012 theme DD
7013 themselves L̦ۤv
7014 then
7015 thence q
7016 theological Ǫ
7017 theology
7018 theory z
7019 there
7020 thereabout b
7021 thereafter b
7022 thereby ]
7023 therefore ҥH
7024 therein b䤤
7025 thereof
7026 thereon bW
7027 thereupon ߨ
7028 therewith H
7029 thermometer ūp
7030 these o
7031 they L
7032 thick p
7033 thicken ܫp
7034 thicket OL
7035 thickness p
7036 thief Ѹ
7037 thigh jL
7038 thimble w
7039 thin
7040 thine A
7041 thing F
7042 think
7043 third ĤT
7044 thirst f
7045 thirsty
7046 thirteen QT
7047 thirteenth ĤQT
7048 thirtieth ĤTQ
7049 thirty TQ
7050 this o
7051 thistle
7052 thither 쨺
7053 thorn
7054 thorough
7055 those
7056 thou A
7057 though M
7058 thought [
7059 thoughtful ߪ
7060 thoughtless `N
7061 thousand d
7062 thrash @
7063 thread ӽu
7064 threat ¯
7065 threaten ¯
7066 three T
7067 threshold J
7068 thrice Ta
7069 thrift `
7070 thrifty `
7071 thrill Ÿ
7072 thrive
7073 throat V
7074 throb
7075 throne y
7076 throng s
7077 through gL
7078 throughout M
7079 throw ᱼ
7080 thrush eܳ
7081 thrust J
7082 thumb
7083 thump
7084 thunder pn
7085 thursday P|
7086 thus p
7087 thwart
7088 thyself Aۤv
7089 tick wn
7090 ticket
7091 tickle ko
7092 tide
7093 tidings
7094 tidy 䪺
7095 tie
7096 tiger Ѫ
7097 tight
7098 tighten
7099 tile j
7100 till
7101 tilt ɱ
7102 timber
7103 time ɶ
7104 timely ήɪ
7105 timid xp
7106 tin
7107 tinge V
7108 tingle h
7109 tinker ɦK
7110 tinkle mn
7111 tint m
7112 tiny Yp
7113 tip pO
7114 tiptoe ky
7115 tire h
7116 tired hª
7117 tiresome Q
7118 tissue ´
7119 title D
7120 to V
7121 toad
7122 toast Nѥ]
7123 tobacco ϯ
7124 today
7125 toe }k
7126 together @_
7127 toil Ҳ
7128 toilet Z
7129 token Hx
7130 tolerable ieԪ
7131 tolerate ee
7132 toll q|
7133 tomato X
7134 tomb X
7135 tomorrow
7136 ton
7137 tone
7138 tongs X
7139 tongue Y
7140 tonight
7141 tonnage
7142 too
7143 tool u
7144 tooth
7145 top
7146 topic D
7147 torch
7148 torment i
7149 torrent y
7150 tortoise t
7151 torture i
7152 toss Y
7153 total `p
7154 totally β
7155 totter ڶ\
7156 touch IJN
7157 touching ʤH
7158 tough jw
7159 tour PC
7160 tourist [
7161 tournament v
7162 tow 쨮
7163 toward ¦V
7164 towel y
7165 tower
7166 towering q
7167 town
7168 township
7169 toy
7170 trace H
7171 track ]D
7172 tractor 즲
7173 trade ͷN
7174 trader ӤH
7175 tradesman s
7176 tradition Dz
7177 traditional DzΪ
7178 traffic q
7179 tragic d@
7180 trail ,u
7181 trailer ʩЫ
7182 train C
7183 trainer Vm
7184 training Vm
7185 trait Sx
7186 traitor qf
7187 tram q
7188 tramp
7189 trample
7190 tranquil R
7191 tranquility R
7192 transact
7193 transaction
7194 transfer E
7195 transform ܴ
7196 transformation ܴ
7197 transient ȮɱH
7198 transit B
7199 transition Lɴ
7200 transitive Ϊ
7201 translate ½Ķ
7202 translation ½Ķ
7203 transmission ǰe
7204 transmit ǰe
7205 transparent z
7206 transport e
7207 transportation B
7208 transverse _
7209 trap M
7210 travel C
7211 traveler ȫ
7212 traverse L
7213 tray Ll
7214 treachery Iq
7215 tread
7216 treason qf
7217 treasure ]_
7218 treasurer Xǭ
7219 treasury _w
7220 treat
7221 treatise z
7222 treatment ݹJ
7223 treaty
7224 treble T
7225 tree
7226 tremble o
7227 tremendous ܤj
7228 tremulous oݪ
7229 trench 뷾
7230 trend Ͷ
7231 trespass I`
7232 trial ,fP
7233 triangle T
7234 tribe
7235 tribute ^
7236 trick Z
7237 trickle wy
7238 trifle
7239 trifling dz\
7240 trim װ
7241 trinity T@
7242 trip Ȧ ȵ{
7243 triple T
7244 triumph ͱ
7245 triumphant Ӫ
7246 trivial Ӫ
7247 trolley
7248 troop x
7249 trophy
7250 tropic a
7251 tropical a
7252 trot ֨B]
7253 trouble x
7254 troublesome ·Ъ
7255 trough
7256 trouser Ǥl
7257 trout L
7258 truck d
7259 true u
7260 truly ua
7261 trumpet z
7262 trunk ߷F
7263 trust H
7264 trustee UH
7265 trusting ۫H
7266 trusty iH
7267 truth uz
7268 truthful ۹ꪺ
7269 try
7270 trying
7271 tub D
7272 tube
7273 tuck i
7274 tuesday PG
7275 tug j
7276 tulip {
7277 tumble u
7278 tune դl
7279 tunnel GD
7280 turbulent íwy
7281 turf a
7282 turn
7283 turnip
7284 turtle t
7285 tutor axЮv
7286 tweed ׯnO
7287 twelfth ĤQG
7288 twelve QG
7289 twentieth ĤGQ
7290 twenty GQ
7291 twice ⦸
7292 twilight L
7293 twin ML
7294 twine Xѽu
7295 twinkle {G
7296 twinkling {{
7297 twist
7298 two G
7299 type ˦,r
7300 typewriter r
7301 typhoid ˴Hg
7302 typhoon 䭷
7303 typical 嫬
7304 typist r
7305 tyranny ɬF
7306 tyrant ɧg
7307 ugly
7308 ultimate ̫᪺
7309 ultimately ̫
7310 umpire P
7311 unable
7312 unanimous @P
7313 unarmed Z˪
7314 unaware ı
7315 unbearable Ԩ
7316 unbroken 㪺
7317 uncertainty Tw
7318 unchanged ܪ
7319 uncle B
7320 uncomfortable ξA
7321 uncommon }
7322 unconscious hNѪ
7323 unconsciously LNѦa
7324 uncover S
7325 under bU
7326 underbrush O
7327 undergo g
7328 underground baU
7329 underline u
7330 underneath bU
7331 understand F
7332 understanding z
7333 undertake Ӿ
7334 underwear
7335 underworld a
7336 undesirable QH
7337 undisturbed wR
7338 undo Ѷ}
7339 undone
7340 undress A
7341 uneasily ۦba
7342 uneasiness ۦb
7343 uneasy w
7344 unemployment ~
7345 unequal Ū
7346 uneven
7347 unexpected N~
7348 unfair
7349 unfavorable Q
7350 unfinished
7351 unfit A
7352 unfold i}
7353 unfortunate
7354 unfortunately a
7355 ungrateful Ѯtq
7356 uniform A
7357 uniformly ۦPa
7358 unimportant n
7359 union p u|
7360 unique ߤ@
7361 unit
7362 unite pX
7363 united pX
7364 unity @
7365 universal tz
7366 universally Ma
7367 universe tz
7368 university j
7369 unjust
7370 unkind
7371 unknown
7372 unless D
7373 unlike P
7374 unlimited L
7375 unload U
7376 unlock }
7377 unlucky
7378 unmarried B
7379 unmoved ʷn
7380 unnatural ۵M
7381 unnecessary n
7382 unoccupied SH
7383 unpleasant r֪
7384 unprecedent ūe
7385 unreasonable Xz
7386 unrest w
7387 unseen ݤ
7388 unspeakable Lkήe
7389 unsuccessful \
7390 untie Ѷ}
7391 until
7392 unto
7393 untouched Ϊ
7394 untrue Tꪺ
7395 unusual `
7396 unwelcome w諸
7397 unwilling @
7398 unwise
7399 unworthy ȱo
7400 up VWa
7401 uphold |_
7402 upland a
7403 uplift _
7404 upon bȤW
7405 upper W
7406 upright ߪ
7407 uprising q
7408 uproar ̰
7409 uproot ޮ
7410 upset дo
7411 upside W
7412 upward VWa
7413 upwards VWa
7414 urchin x
7415 urge ʫP
7416 urgent 檺
7417 urn »
7418 us ڭ
7419 usage Ϊk
7420 use Q
7421 useful Ϊ
7422 useless LΪ
7423 usher ۫ݭ
7424 usual `
7425 usurp Q
7426 utensil Ψ
7427 utility qƷ~
7428 utilize Q
7429 utmost ݪ
7430 utter
7431 utter X
7432 utterance o
7433 vacancy ů
7434 vacant Ū
7435 vacation
7436 vacuum u
7437 vagabond y
7438 vagrant y
7439 vague tk
7440 vain LĪ
7441 vale A|
7442 valiant ^i
7443 valley s
7444 valor i
7445 valuable Ȫ
7446 valuation
7447 value
7448 valve
7449 van f
7450 vanish
7451 vanity B
7452 vanquish A
7453 vapor ]
7454 variable |ܪ
7455 variation ܤ
7456 varied P
7457 variety ܤ
7458 various P
7459 varnish o
7460 vary
7461 vase ~
7462 vassal e
7463 vast jq
7464 vat j
7465 vault
7466 vegetable
7467 vegetation Ӫ
7468 vehemence rP
7469 vehement rP
7470 vehicle
7471 veil n
7472 vein
7473 velocity t
7474 velvet
7475 venerable iq
7476 vengeance _
7477 venom r
7478 vent Xf
7479 ventilate q
7480 ventilation q
7481 venture _I
7482 veranda Y
7483 verb ʵ
7484 verdict PM
7485 verge t
7486 verify
7487 verily ua
7488 verse
7489 version
7490 vertical
7491 very
7492 vessel e
7493 vest I
7494 vestige
7495 veteran hxH
7496 veto _M
7497 vex E
7498 vexation Wo
7499 vibrate _
7500 vibration _
7501 vice oc
7502 vicepresident `
7503 vicinity
7504 vicious c
7505 victim `
7506 victor ӧQ
7507 victory ӧQ
7508 view
7509 viewpoint [I
7510 vigilance ĵ
7511 vigor O
7512 vigorous ORK
7513 vile cH
7514 villa O
7515 village m
7516 villager
7517 villain c
7518 vine ý
7519 vinegar L
7520 vineyard
7521 violate H
7522 violation Ǫk
7523 violence ɶ
7524 violent jɪ
7525 violet ù
7526 violin p^
7527 viper rD
7528 virgin Bk
7529 virtually W
7530 virtue Dw
7531 virtuous w檺
7532 visible ݱo
7533 vision O
7534 visit X
7535 visitor Xݪ
7536 visual ı
7537 vital O
7538 vitality ͩRO
7539 vitamin LR
7540 vivid Ͱʪ
7541 vocabulary yJ
7542 vocal on
7543 vogue ɻ
7544 voice n
7545 void Ū
7546 volcanic s
7547 volcano s
7548 volleyball Ʋy
7549 volume U
7550 voluntary @
7551 volunteer @
7552 vote 벼
7553 vow }
7554 vowel
7555 voyage
7556 vulgar ʫU
7557 wade bB
7558 wafer Pƻ氮
7559 wag n\
7560 wage u ~
7561 wager `
7562 wagon Bf
7563 wail s_
7564 waist y
7565 waistcoat I
7566 wait
7567 waiter ͪ
7568 waiting
7569 wake
7570 waken
7571 walk
7572 wall
7573 wallet U
7574 walnut J
7575 wand
7576 wander r
7577 wanderer y
7578 wane
7579 war Ԫ
7580 ward f
7581 warden 庻
7582 wardrobe p
7583 ware
7584 warehouse ܮw
7585 warfare Ԫ
7586 warlike nԪ
7587 warm ŷx
7588 warmth ŷx
7589 warning ĵi
7590 warp s
7591 warrant O
7592 warrior Ԥh
7593 warship xĥ
7594 wary ĵı
7595 was O
7596 wash ~
7597 washing ~
7598 wasp
7599 waste O
7600 wasteful O
7601 watch `N
7602 watchful `N
7603 watchman ݤ
7604 water
7605 waterfall r
7606 waterproof
7607 waterway
7608 watery t
7609 wave i
7610 waver n\
7611 wax
7612 way D
7613 wayside
7614 wayward ʪ
7615 we ڭ
7616 weak z
7617 weaken dz
7618 weakness z
7619 wealth ]I
7620 wealthy I
7621 weapon Z
7622 wear a
7623 wearily hҦa
7624 weariness h
7625 weary hҪ
7626 weasel T
7627 weather Ѯ
7628 weave s´
7629 weaver ´
7630 web ´~
7631 wed B
7632 wedding B§
7633 wedge Ϊ
7634 wednesday PT
7635 wee Ӥp
7636 week P
7637 weekday `
7638 weekend P
7639 weep _
7640 weigh ٭
7641 weight q
7642 weird Dz
7643 welcome w
7644 welfare ֧Q
7645 well ܦn
7646 wellknown ۦW
7647 were O
7648 west
7649 western 誺
7650 westward V誺
7651 wet ê
7652 whale H
7653 wharf XY
7654 whatever Lצp
7655 wheat p
7656 wheel l
7657 when
7658 whence B H
7659 whenever Lצ
7660 where B
7661 whereas M
7662 whereby p
7663 wherefore G
7664 wherein b䤤
7665 whereupon O
7666 wherever LצB
7667 whether O_
7668 which @
7669 whichever Lצ
7670 while Ȯ
7671 whim MY
7672 whimper |
7673 whine oc
7674 whip @
7675 whir IIn
7676 whirl
7677 whirlwind ۭ
7678 whisk ر
7679 whisker IJŽ
7680 whisky ¤hҰs
7681 whisper ջy
7682 whistle jf
7683 whit @I
7684 white զ
7685 whiten }
7686 whiteness զ
7687 whither VB
7688 who H
7689 whoever LצH
7690 whole
7691 wholesale o
7692 wholesome q
7693 wholly a
7694 whom
7695 whoop Isn
7696 whose ֪
7697 why
7698 wicked c
7699 wide e
7700 widely sxa
7701 widen [e
7702 widespread Ϊ
7703 widow
7704 width e
7705 wife dl
7706 wig v
7707 wigwam bO
7708 wild ͪ
7709 wildcat
7710 wilderness
7711 will N
7712 will |
7713 willful @
7714 willing @
7715 willingness N@
7716 willow h
7717 wilt \
7718 win
7719 wince h
7720 wind
7721 wind s W
7722 winding j
7723 windmill
7724 window l
7725 windy
7726 wine Gs
7727 wink w
7728 winner ӧQ
7729 winning ӧQ
7730 winter V
7731 wintry HV
7732 wipe
7733 wire qu
7734 wireless Luq
7735 wiry ݽu
7736 wise o
7737 wish @
7738 wishful 檺
7739 wit
7740 witch űC
7741 witchcraft ųN
7742 with M
7743 withal S åB
7744 withdraw M^
7745 wither \
7746 withhold d
7747 within bȤ
7748 without S
7749 withstand
7750 witness ҤH
7751 witty
7752 wizard k
7753 woe dh
7754 woeful dh
7755 wolf T
7756 woman kH
7757 wonder _
7758 wonderful _
7759 wondrous H
7760 wont ߺD
7761 woo DR
7762 wood
7763 wooded h쪺
7764 wooden s
7765 woodland La
7766 woodman
7767 woodpecker ֤쳾
7768 wool Ϥ
7769 woolen Ϥ
7770 word r
7771 work u@
7772 worker uH
7773 working u@
7774 workmanship
7775 workshop u@
7776 world @
7777 worldly @U
7778 worm
7779 worry Ϸдo
7780 worse a
7781 worship R
7782 worshipper R
7783 worst a
7784 worth ȱo
7785 worthless LΪ
7786 worthy ȱo
7787 wound
7788 wrap ]
7789 wrath
7790 wreath
7791 wreathe
7792 wreck J
7793 wrench ۹X
7794 wrest
7795 wrestle L
7796 wrestling L
7797 wriggle įʫei
7798 wrinkle K
7799 wrist
7800 writ O
7801 write g
7802 writer @a
7803 writing ۭz
7804 wrong
7805 yacht C
7806 yard x|
7807 yard X
7808 yarn u
7809 yawn
7810 yea O
7811 year ~
7812 yearly C~
7813 yeast å
7814 yell s
7815 yellow
7816 yes O
7817 yesterday Q
7818 yet
7819 yield
7820 yoke m
7821 yonder
7822 you A A
7823 young ~
7824 youngster ֦~
7825 your A
7826 yourself Aۤv
7827 youth C~
7828 youthful ~C
7829 zeal
7830 zealous ߪ
7831 zero s
7832 zest
7833 zinc N
7834 zone aa
7835 zoo ʪ
7836 zoological ʪǪ
7837 zoology ʪ
7840 # arch-tag: 618eec81-84f6-42ce-b2e7-01569fb3f8cb