1 ;;; uniquify.el --- unique buffer names dependent on pathname
3 ;; Copyright (c) 1989, 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Dick King <king@reasoning.com>
6 ;; Maintainer: Michael Ernst <mernst@theory.lcs.mit.edu>
7 ;; Created: 15 May 86
9 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
11 ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
14 ;; any later version.
16 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
21 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
23 ;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
25 ;;; Commentary:
27 ;; Emacs's standard method for making buffer names unique adds <2>, <3>,
28 ;; etc. to the end of (all but one of) the buffers. This file replaces
29 ;; that behavior, for buffers visiting files and dired buffers, with a
30 ;; uniquification that adds parts of the pathname until the buffer names
31 ;; are unique. For instance, buffers visiting /u/mernst/tmp/Makefile and
32 ;; /usr/projects/zaphod/Makefile would be named Makefile|tmp and
33 ;; Makefile|zaphod, respectively (instead of Makefile and Makefile<2>).
34 ;; Other buffer name styles are also available.
36 ;; To use this file, just load it.
37 ;; To disable it after loading, set variable uniquify-buffer-name-style to nil.
38 ;; For other options, see "User-visible variables", below.
40 ;; uniquify.el works under Emacs, XEmacs, and InfoDock.
42 ;; Doesn't correctly handle buffer names created by M-x write-file in Emacs 18.
44 ;;; Change Log:
46 ;; Originally by Dick King <king@reasoning.com> 15 May 86
47 ;; Converted for Emacs 18 by Stephen Gildea <gildea@lcs.mit.edu>
48 ;; Make uniquify-min-dir-content 0 truly non-invasive. gildea 23 May 89
49 ;; Some cleanup. uniquify-min-dir-content default 0. gildea 01 Jun 89
50 ;; Don't rename to "". Michael Ernst <mernst@theory.lcs.mit.edu> 15 Jun 94
51 ;; Add kill-buffer-hook. Kenneth Manheimer <ken.manheimer@nist.gov> 09 May 95
52 ;; Add advice for rename-buffer and create-file-buffer, handle dired buffers,
53 ;; kill-buffer-rationalize-buffer-names-p, documentation. mernst 24 May 95
54 ;; Remove free variables, fix typos. mernst 5 Jun 95
55 ;; Efficiently support Emacs 19.27 & earlier. ken.manheimer, mernst 10 Jun 95
56 ;; Rename user options to "uniquify-...", add uniquify-reverse-dir-content-p,
57 ;; add uniquify-ask-about-buffer-names-p. king, mernst 13 Jun 95
58 ;; Prefix functions by "uniquify-..."; rename mnemonic-buffer-names to
59 ;; uniquify-buffer-name-style; add 'forward and 'post-forward-angle-brackets
60 ;; styles; remove uniquify-reverse-dir-content-p; add
61 ;; uniquify-trailing-separator-p. mernst 4 Aug 95
63 ;; Valuable feedback was provided by
64 ;; Paul Smith <psmith@baynetworks.com>,
65 ;; Alastair Burt <burt@dfki.uni-kl.de>,
66 ;; Bob Weiner <weiner@footloose.sps.mot.com>,
67 ;; Albert L. Ting <alt@vlibs.com>,
68 ;; gyro@reasoning.com.
71 ;;; Code:
73 (provide 'uniquify)
75 ;;; User-visible variables
77 (defvar uniquify-buffer-name-style 'post-forward
78 "*If non-nil, buffer names are uniquified with parts of directory name.
79 The value determines the buffer name style and is one of 'forward,
80 'reverse, 'post-forward (the default), or 'post-forward-angle-brackets.
81 For example, files /foo/bar/mumble/name and /baz/quux/mumble/name
82 would be in the following buffers:
83 forward bar/mumble/name quux/mumble/name
84 reverse name\\mumble\\bar name\\mumble\\quux
85 post-forward name|bar/mumble name|quux/mumble
86 post-forward-angle-brackets name<bar/mumble> name<quux/mumble>
87 nil name name<2>")
89 (defvar uniquify-after-kill-buffer-p nil
90 "*If non-nil, rerationalize buffer names after a buffer has been killed.
91 This can be dangerous if Emacs Lisp code is keeping track of buffers by their
92 names (rather than keeping pointers to the buffers themselves).")
94 (defconst uniquify-ask-about-buffer-names-p nil
95 "*If non-nil, permit user to choose names for buffers with same base file.
96 If the user chooses to name a buffer, uniquification is preempted and no
97 other buffer names are changed.")
99 (defvar uniquify-min-dir-content 0
100 "*Minimum parts of directory pathname included in buffer name.")
102 (defvar uniquify-separator nil
103 "*String separator for buffer name components.
104 When `uniquify-buffer-name-style' is 'post-forward, separates
105 base file name from directory part in buffer names (default \"|\").
106 When `uniquify-buffer-name-style' is 'reverse, separates all
107 pathname components (default \"\\\").")
109 (defvar uniquify-trailing-separator-p nil
110 "*If non-nil, add a pathname separator to dired buffer names.
111 If `uniquify-buffer-name-style' is 'forward, add the separator at the end;
112 if it's is 'reverse, add the separator at the beginning; otherwise, this
113 variable is ignored.")
116 ;;; Utilities
118 (defmacro uniquify-push (item list)
119 (` (setq (, list) (cons (, item) (, list)))))
121 (defmacro uniquify-fix-list-base (a)
122 (` (car (, a))))
124 (defmacro uniquify-fix-list-filename (a)
125 (` (car (cdr (, a)))))
127 (defmacro uniquify-fix-list-buffer (a)
128 (` (car (cdr (cdr (, a))))))
130 (defmacro uniquify-cadddr (a)
131 (` (car (cdr (cdr (cdr (, a)))))))
133 ;; Internal variables used free
134 (defvar uniquify-non-file-buffer-names nil)
135 (defvar uniquify-possibly-resolvable nil)
137 ;;; Main entry point.
139 (defun uniquify-rationalize-file-buffer-names (&optional newbuffile newbuf)
140 "Makes file buffer names unique by adding segments from pathname.
141 If `uniquify-min-dir-content' > 0, always pulls that many
142 pathname elements. Arguments cause only a subset of buffers to be renamed."
143 (interactive)
144 (let (fix-list
145 uniquify-non-file-buffer-names
146 (depth uniquify-min-dir-content))
147 (let ((buffers (buffer-list)))
148 (while buffers
149 (let* ((buffer (car buffers))
150 (bfn (if (eq buffer newbuf)
151 (expand-file-name newbuffile)
152 (uniquify-buffer-file-name buffer)))
153 (rawname (and bfn (file-name-nondirectory bfn)))
154 (deserving (and rawname
155 (or (not newbuffile)
156 (equal rawname
157 (file-name-nondirectory newbuffile))))))
158 (if deserving
159 (uniquify-push (list rawname bfn buffer nil) fix-list)
160 (uniquify-push (list (buffer-name buffer))
161 uniquify-non-file-buffer-names)))
162 (setq buffers (cdr buffers))))
163 ;; selects buffers whose names may need changing, and others that
164 ;; may conflict.
165 (setq fix-list
166 (sort fix-list 'uniquify-filename-sort))
167 ;; bringing conflicting names together
168 (uniquify-rationalize-a-list fix-list depth)
169 (mapcar 'uniquify-unrationalized-buffer fix-list)))
171 (defun uniquify-buffer-file-name (buffer)
172 "Return name of file BUFFER is visiting, or nil if none.
173 Works on dired buffers as well as ordinary file-visiting buffers."
174 (or (buffer-file-name buffer)
175 (save-excursion
176 (set-buffer buffer)
177 list-buffers-directory)))
179 (defun uniquify-filename-sort (s1 s2)
180 (uniquify-filename-lessp
181 (uniquify-fix-list-filename s1) (uniquify-fix-list-filename s2)))
183 (defun uniquify-filename-lessp (s1 s2)
184 (let ((s1f (file-name-nondirectory s1))
185 (s2f (file-name-nondirectory s2)))
186 (and (not (equal s2f ""))
187 (or (string-lessp s1f s2f)
188 (and (equal s1f s2f)
189 (let ((s1d (file-name-directory s1))
190 (s2d (file-name-directory s2)))
191 (and (not (<= (length s2d) 1))
192 (or (<= (length s1d) 1)
193 (uniquify-filename-lessp
194 (substring s1d 0 -1)
195 (substring s2d 0 -1))))))))))
197 ;; Was named do-the-buffers-you-couldnt-rationalize
198 (defun uniquify-unrationalized-buffer (item)
199 (or (uniquify-cadddr item) nil)) ;maybe better in the future
201 (defun uniquify-rationalize-a-list (fix-list depth)
202 (let (conflicting-sublist
203 (old-name "")
204 proposed-name uniquify-possibly-resolvable)
205 (while fix-list
206 (let ((item (car fix-list)))
207 (setq proposed-name (uniquify-get-proposed-name item depth))
208 (if (not (equal proposed-name old-name))
209 (progn
210 (uniquify-rationalize-conflicting-sublist
211 conflicting-sublist old-name depth)
212 (setq conflicting-sublist nil)))
213 (uniquify-push item conflicting-sublist)
214 (setq old-name proposed-name))
215 (setq fix-list (cdr fix-list)))
216 (uniquify-rationalize-conflicting-sublist
217 conflicting-sublist old-name depth)))
219 (defun uniquify-get-proposed-name (item depth)
220 (let (index
221 (extra-string "")
222 (n depth)
223 (base (uniquify-fix-list-base item))
224 (fn (uniquify-fix-list-filename item)))
225 (while (and (> n 0)
226 (setq index (string-match
227 (concat "\\(^\\|/[^/]*\\)/"
228 (regexp-quote extra-string)
229 (regexp-quote base)
230 "\\'")
231 fn)))
232 (setq extra-string (substring fn
233 (if (zerop index) 0 (1+ index))
234 ;; (- (length base)) fails for base = "".
235 ;; Equivalently, we could have used
236 ;; (apply 'substring ...
237 ;; (and (not (string= "" base))
238 ;; (list (- (length base)))))
239 (- (length fn) (length base)))
240 n (1- n)))
241 (if (zerop n) (setq uniquify-possibly-resolvable t))
244 ;; Distinguish directories by adding extra separator.
245 (if (and uniquify-trailing-separator-p
246 (file-directory-p fn)
247 (not (string-equal base "")))
248 (cond ((eq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'forward)
249 (setq base (concat base "/")))
250 ((eq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'reverse)
251 (setq base (concat (or uniquify-separator "\\") base)))))
253 ;; Trim trailing separator on directory part
254 (if (and (not (string-equal extra-string ""))
255 (or (eq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'post-forward)
256 (eq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'post-forward-angle-brackets)))
257 (setq extra-string (substring extra-string 0
258 (- (length extra-string) 1))))
260 (cond ((string-equal extra-string "")
261 base)
262 ((string-equal base "")
263 extra-string)
264 ((eq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'forward)
265 (concat extra-string base))
266 ((eq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'reverse)
267 (concat base (uniquify-reverse-components extra-string)))
268 ((eq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'post-forward)
269 (concat base (or uniquify-separator "|") extra-string))
270 ((eq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'post-forward-angle-brackets)
271 (concat base "<" extra-string ">"))
272 (t (error "Bad value for uniquify-buffer-name-style: %s"
273 uniquify-buffer-name-style)))))
276 ;; Deal with conflicting-sublist, which is set by uniquify-rationalize-a-list.
277 ;; This is only called by uniquify-rationalize-a-list.
278 (defun uniquify-rationalize-conflicting-sublist (conflicting-sublist old-name depth)
279 (or (null conflicting-sublist)
280 (and (null (cdr conflicting-sublist))
281 (not (assoc old-name uniquify-non-file-buffer-names))
282 (or (and (not (string= old-name ""))
283 (uniquify-rename-buffer (car conflicting-sublist) old-name))
284 t))
285 (if uniquify-possibly-resolvable
286 (uniquify-rationalize-a-list conflicting-sublist (1+ depth)))))
288 (defun uniquify-rename-buffer (item newname)
289 (let ((buffer (uniquify-fix-list-buffer item)))
290 (if (not (equal newname (buffer-name buffer)))
291 (let ((unset (current-buffer))
292 ;; avoid hooks on rename-buffer
293 (uniquify-buffer-name-style nil))
294 (set-buffer buffer)
295 (rename-buffer newname)
296 (set-buffer unset))))
297 (rplaca (nthcdr 3 item) t))
299 (defun uniquify-reverse-components (instring)
300 (let ((sofar '())
301 (cursor 0)
302 (len (length instring))
303 (sep (or uniquify-separator "\\")))
304 (while (< cursor len)
305 (if (= (aref instring cursor) ?/)
306 (setq sofar (cons sep sofar)
307 cursor (1+ cursor))
308 (let ((first-slash (or (string-match "/" instring cursor) len)))
309 (setq sofar (cons (substring instring cursor first-slash) sofar)
310 cursor first-slash))))
311 (apply (function concat) sofar)))
314 ;;; Hooks from the rest of Emacs
316 ;; Emacs 19 (GNU Emacs or XEmacs)
318 ;; The logical place to put all this code is in generate-new-buffer-name.
319 ;; It's written in C, so we would add a generate-new-buffer-name-function
320 ;; which, if non-nil, would be called instead of the C. One problem with
321 ;; that is that generate-new-buffer-name takes a potential buffer name as
322 ;; its argument -- not other information, such as what file the buffer will
323 ;; visit.
325 ;; The below solution works because generate-new-buffer-name is called
326 ;; only by rename-buffer (which, as of 19.29, is never called from C) and
327 ;; generate-new-buffer, which is called only by Lisp functions
328 ;; create-file-buffer and rename-uniquely. Rename-uniquely generally
329 ;; isn't used for buffers visiting files, so it's sufficient to hook
330 ;; rename-buffer and create-file-buffer. (Setting find-file-hooks isn't
331 ;; sufficient.)
333 (defadvice rename-buffer (after rename-buffer-uniquify activate)
334 "Uniquify buffer names with parts of directory name."
335 (if (and uniquify-buffer-name-style
336 ;; UNIQUE argument
337 (ad-get-arg 1))
338 (progn
339 (if uniquify-after-kill-buffer-p
340 ;; call with no argument; rationalize vs. old name as well as new
341 (uniquify-rationalize-file-buffer-names)
342 ;; call with argument: rationalize vs. new name only
343 (uniquify-rationalize-file-buffer-names
344 (uniquify-buffer-file-name (current-buffer)) (current-buffer)))
345 (setq ad-return-value (buffer-name (current-buffer))))))
347 (defadvice create-file-buffer (after create-file-buffer-uniquify activate)
348 "Uniquify buffer names with parts of directory name."
349 (if uniquify-buffer-name-style
350 (uniquify-rationalize-file-buffer-names (ad-get-arg 0) ad-return-value)))
352 ;; Buffer deletion
353 ;; Rerationalize after a buffer is killed, to reduce coinciding buffer names.
354 ;; This mechanism uses `kill-buffer-hook', which runs *before* deletion.
355 ;; That means that the kill-buffer-hook function cannot just delete the
356 ;; buffer -- it has to set something to do the rationalization *later*.
357 ;; It actually puts another function on `post-command-hook'. This other
358 ;; function runs the rationalization and then removes itself from the hook.
359 ;; Is there a better way to accomplish this?
360 ;; (This ought to set some global variables so the work is done only for
361 ;; buffers with names similar to the deleted buffer. -MDE)
363 (defun delay-uniquify-rationalize-file-buffer-names ()
364 "Add `delayed-uniquify-rationalize-file-buffer-names' to `post-command-hook'.
365 For use on, eg, `kill-buffer-hook', to rationalize *after* buffer deletion."
366 (if (and uniquify-buffer-name-style
367 uniquify-after-kill-buffer-p)
368 (add-hook 'post-command-hook
369 'delayed-uniquify-rationalize-file-buffer-names)))
371 (defun delayed-uniquify-rationalize-file-buffer-names ()
372 "Rerationalize buffer names and remove self from `post-command-hook'.
373 See also `delay-rationalize-file-buffer-names' for hook setter."
374 (uniquify-rationalize-file-buffer-names)
375 (remove-hook 'post-command-hook
376 'delayed-uniquify-rationalize-file-buffer-names))
378 (add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'delay-uniquify-rationalize-file-buffer-names)
380 ;;; uniquify.el ends here