comparison etc/schema/calstbl.rnc @ 86361:38f93f3d00a2

Initial merge of nxml
author Mark A. Hershberger <>
date Fri, 23 Nov 2007 06:58:00 +0000
children 53108e6cea98 c5b49767c96e
equal deleted inserted replaced
86360:aa83d83c27fe 86361:38f93f3d00a2
1 # This file was generated automatically by Trang, and then manually
2 # edited to add back definitions for overridden parameter entities and
3 # undefined elements, specifically: bodyatt, secur, paracon,
4 # tbl.table.mdl, tbl.entry.mdl, caution, graphic, legend, note, para,
5 # title, warning. This makes the semantics of this module as close as
6 # possible to the original DTD and also allows this schema to be used
7 # independently of DocBook.
9 # ......................................................................
11 # DocBook CALS Table Model V4.2 ........................................
13 # File calstblx.mod ....................................................
15 # Copyright 1992-2002 HaL Computer Systems, Inc.,
16 # O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ArborText, Inc., Fujitsu Software
17 # Corporation, Norman Walsh, Sun Microsystems, Inc., and the
18 # Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
19 # Standards (OASIS).
20 #
21 # This DTD is based on the CALS Table Model
22 # PUBLIC "-//USA-DOD//DTD Table Model 951010//EN"
23 #
24 # $Id: calstbl.rnc,v 1.2 2003/08/30 06:04:02 jjc Exp $
25 #
26 # Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the DocBook DTD
27 # and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee
28 # is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright
29 # notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright
30 # holders make no representation about the suitability of the DTD for
31 # any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied
32 # warranty.
33 #
34 # If you modify the DocBook DTD in any way, except for declaring and
35 # referencing additional sets of general entities and declaring
36 # additional notations, label your DTD as a variant of DocBook. See
37 # the maintenance documentation for more information.
38 #
39 # Please direct all questions, bug reports, or suggestions for
40 # changes to the mailing list. For more
41 # information, see
43 # ......................................................................
45 # This module contains the definitions for the CALS Table Model
46 # converted to XML.
48 # These definitions are not directly related to the table model, but are
49 # used in the default CALS table model and are usually defined elsewhere
50 # (and prior to the inclusion of this table module) in a CALS DTD.
52 bodyatt = empty
53 secur = empty
55 # no if zero(s),
56 # yes if any other digits value
58 yesorno = string
59 titles = title?
60 # default for use in entry content
61 paracon = text
63 # The parameter entities as defined below provide the CALS table model
64 # as published (as part of the Example DTD) in MIL-HDBK-28001.
65 #
66 # These following declarations provide the CALS-compliant default definitions
67 # for these entities. However, these entities can and should be redefined
68 # (by giving the appropriate parameter entity declaration(s) prior to the
69 # reference to this Table Model declaration set entity) to fit the needs
70 # of the current application.
71 tbl.table-titles.mdl = titles
72 tbl.table-main.mdl = tgroup+ | graphic+
73 tbl.table.mdl = tbl.table-titles.mdl | tbl.table-main.mdl
74 tbl.table.att =
75 attribute tabstyle { text }?,
76 attribute tocentry { yesorno }?,
77 attribute shortentry { yesorno }?,
78 attribute orient { "port" | "land" }?,
79 attribute pgwide { yesorno }?
80 tbl.tgroup.mdl = colspec*, spanspec*, thead?, tfoot?, tbody
81 tbl.tgroup.att = attribute tgroupstyle { text }?
82 tbl.hdft.mdl = colspec*, row+
83 tbl.row.mdl = (entry | entrytbl)+
84 tbl.entrytbl.mdl = colspec*, spanspec*, thead?, tbody
85 tbl.entry.mdl = paracon | para | warning | caution | note | legend
86 # ===== Element and attribute declarations follow. =====
87 start = table
88 table = element table { table.attlist, tbl.table.mdl }
89 table.attlist &=
90 attribute frame {
91 "top" | "bottom" | "topbot" | "all" | "sides" | "none"
92 }?,
93 attribute colsep { yesorno }?,
94 attribute rowsep { yesorno }?,
95 tbl.table.att,
96 bodyatt,
97 secur
98 tgroup = element tgroup { tgroup.attlist, tbl.tgroup.mdl }
99 tgroup.attlist &=
100 attribute cols { text },
101 tbl.tgroup.att,
102 attribute colsep { yesorno }?,
103 attribute rowsep { yesorno }?,
104 attribute align { "left" | "right" | "center" | "justify" | "char" }?,
105 attribute char { text }?,
106 attribute charoff { text }?,
107 secur
108 colspec = element colspec { colspec.attlist, empty }
109 colspec.attlist &=
110 attribute colnum { text }?,
111 attribute colname { text }?,
112 attribute colwidth { text }?,
113 attribute colsep { yesorno }?,
114 attribute rowsep { yesorno }?,
115 attribute align { "left" | "right" | "center" | "justify" | "char" }?,
116 attribute char { text }?,
117 attribute charoff { text }?
118 spanspec = element spanspec { spanspec.attlist, empty }
119 spanspec.attlist &=
120 attribute namest { text },
121 attribute nameend { text },
122 attribute spanname { text },
123 attribute colsep { yesorno }?,
124 attribute rowsep { yesorno }?,
125 attribute align { "left" | "right" | "center" | "justify" | "char" }?,
126 attribute char { text }?,
127 attribute charoff { text }?
128 thead = element thead { thead.attlist, tbl.hdft.mdl }
129 thead.attlist &=
130 attribute valign { "top" | "middle" | "bottom" }?,
131 secur
132 tfoot = element tfoot { tfoot.attlist, tbl.hdft.mdl }
133 tfoot.attlist &=
134 attribute valign { "top" | "middle" | "bottom" }?,
135 secur
136 tbody = element tbody { tbody.attlist, row+ }
137 tbody.attlist &=
138 attribute valign { "top" | "middle" | "bottom" }?,
139 secur
140 row = element row { row.attlist, tbl.row.mdl }
141 row.attlist &=
142 attribute rowsep { yesorno }?,
143 attribute valign { "top" | "middle" | "bottom" }?,
144 secur
145 entrytbl = element entrytbl { entrytbl.attlist, tbl.entrytbl.mdl }
146 entrytbl.attlist &=
147 attribute cols { text },
148 tbl.tgroup.att,
149 attribute colname { text }?,
150 attribute spanname { text }?,
151 attribute namest { text }?,
152 attribute nameend { text }?,
153 attribute colsep { yesorno }?,
154 attribute rowsep { yesorno }?,
155 attribute align { "left" | "right" | "center" | "justify" | "char" }?,
156 attribute char { text }?,
157 attribute charoff { text }?,
158 secur
159 entry = element entry { entry.attlist, tbl.entry.mdl* }
160 entry.attlist &=
161 attribute colname { text }?,
162 attribute namest { text }?,
163 attribute nameend { text }?,
164 attribute spanname { text }?,
165 attribute morerows { text }?,
166 attribute colsep { yesorno }?,
167 attribute rowsep { yesorno }?,
168 attribute align { "left" | "right" | "center" | "justify" | "char" }?,
169 attribute char { text }?,
170 attribute charoff { text }?,
171 attribute rotate { yesorno }?,
172 attribute valign { "top" | "middle" | "bottom" }?,
173 secur
174 caution |= notAllowed
175 graphic |= notAllowed
176 legend |= notAllowed
177 note |= notAllowed
178 para |= notAllowed
179 title |= notAllowed
180 warning |= notAllowed
182 # End of DocBook CALS Table Model V4.2 .................................
184 # ......................................................................