diff lisp/calc/calc-lang.el @ 40785:2fb9d407ae73

Initial import of Calc 2.02f.
author Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org>
date Tue, 06 Nov 2001 18:59:06 +0000
children 73f364fd8aaa
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/calc/calc-lang.el	Tue Nov 06 18:59:06 2001 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1151 @@
+;; Calculator for GNU Emacs, part II [calc-lang.el]
+;; Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Written by Dave Gillespie, daveg@synaptics.com.
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
+;; accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
+;; or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
+;; unless he says so in writing.  Refer to the GNU Emacs General Public
+;; License for full details.
+;; Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+;; GNU Emacs, but only under the conditions described in the
+;; GNU Emacs General Public License.   A copy of this license is
+;; supposed to have been given to you along with GNU Emacs so you
+;; can know your rights and responsibilities.  It should be in a
+;; file named COPYING.  Among other things, the copyright notice
+;; and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
+;; This file is autoloaded from calc-ext.el.
+(require 'calc-ext)
+(require 'calc-macs)
+(defun calc-Need-calc-lang () nil)
+;;; Alternate entry/display languages.
+(defun calc-set-language (lang &optional option no-refresh)
+  (setq math-expr-opers (or (get lang 'math-oper-table) math-standard-opers)
+	math-expr-function-mapping (get lang 'math-function-table)
+	math-expr-variable-mapping (get lang 'math-variable-table)
+	calc-language-input-filter (get lang 'math-input-filter)
+	calc-language-output-filter (get lang 'math-output-filter)
+	calc-vector-brackets (or (get lang 'math-vector-brackets) "[]")
+	calc-complex-format (get lang 'math-complex-format)
+	calc-radix-formatter (get lang 'math-radix-formatter)
+	calc-function-open (or (get lang 'math-function-open) "(")
+	calc-function-close (or (get lang 'math-function-close) ")"))
+  (if no-refresh
+      (setq calc-language lang
+	    calc-language-option option)
+    (calc-change-mode '(calc-language calc-language-option)
+		      (list lang option) t))
+(defun calc-normal-language ()
+  (interactive)
+  (calc-wrapper
+   (calc-set-language nil)
+   (message "Normal language mode."))
+(defun calc-flat-language ()
+  (interactive)
+  (calc-wrapper
+   (calc-set-language 'flat)
+   (message "Flat language mode (all stack entries shown on one line)."))
+(defun calc-big-language ()
+  (interactive)
+  (calc-wrapper
+   (calc-set-language 'big)
+   (message "\"Big\" language mode."))
+(defun calc-unformatted-language ()
+  (interactive)
+  (calc-wrapper
+   (calc-set-language 'unform)
+   (message "Unformatted language mode."))
+(defun calc-c-language ()
+  (interactive)
+  (calc-wrapper
+   (calc-set-language 'c)
+   (message "`C' language mode."))
+(put 'c 'math-oper-table
+  '( ( "u+"    ident	     -1 1000 )
+     ( "u-"    neg	     -1 1000 )
+     ( "u!"    calcFunc-lnot -1 1000 )
+     ( "~"     calcFunc-not  -1 1000 )
+     ( "*"     *	     190 191 )
+     ( "/"     /	     190 191 )
+     ( "%"     %	     190 191 )
+     ( "+"     +	     180 181 )
+     ( "-"     -	     180 181 )
+     ( "<<"    calcFunc-lsh  170 171 )
+     ( ">>"    calcFunc-rsh  170 171 )
+     ( "<"     calcFunc-lt   160 161 )
+     ( ">"     calcFunc-gt   160 161 )
+     ( "<="    calcFunc-leq  160 161 )
+     ( ">="    calcFunc-geq  160 161 )
+     ( "=="    calcFunc-eq   150 151 )
+     ( "!="    calcFunc-neq  150 151 )
+     ( "&"     calcFunc-and  140 141 )
+     ( "^"     calcFunc-xor  131 130 )
+     ( "|"     calcFunc-or   120 121 )
+     ( "&&"    calcFunc-land 110 111 )
+     ( "||"    calcFunc-lor  100 101 )
+     ( "?"     (math-read-if)  91  90 )
+     ( "!!!"   calcFunc-pnot  -1  88 )
+     ( "&&&"   calcFunc-pand  85  86 )
+     ( "|||"   calcFunc-por   75  76 )
+     ( "="     calcFunc-assign 51 50 )
+     ( ":="    calcFunc-assign 51 50 )
+     ( "::"    calcFunc-condition 45 46 )
+)) ; should support full assignments
+(put 'c 'math-function-table
+  '( ( acos	   . calcFunc-arccos )
+     ( acosh	   . calcFunc-arccosh )
+     ( asin	   . calcFunc-arcsin )
+     ( asinh	   . calcFunc-arcsinh )
+     ( atan	   . calcFunc-arctan )
+     ( atan2	   . calcFunc-arctan2 )
+     ( atanh	   . calcFunc-arctanh )
+(put 'c 'math-variable-table
+  '( ( M_PI	   . var-pi )
+     ( M_E	   . var-e )
+(put 'c 'math-vector-brackets "{}")
+(put 'c 'math-radix-formatter
+     (function (lambda (r s)
+		 (if (= r 16) (format "0x%s" s)
+		   (if (= r 8) (format "0%s" s)
+		     (format "%d#%s" r s))))))
+(defun calc-pascal-language (n)
+  (interactive "P")
+  (calc-wrapper
+   (and n (setq n (prefix-numeric-value n)))
+   (calc-set-language 'pascal n)
+   (message (if (and n (/= n 0))
+		(if (> n 0)
+		    "Pascal language mode (all uppercase)."
+		  "Pascal language mode (all lowercase).")
+	      "Pascal language mode.")))
+(put 'pascal 'math-oper-table
+  '( ( "not"   calcFunc-lnot -1 1000 )
+     ( "*"     *	     190 191 )
+     ( "/"     /	     190 191 )
+     ( "and"   calcFunc-and  190 191 )
+     ( "div"   calcFunc-idiv 190 191 )
+     ( "mod"   %	     190 191 )
+     ( "u+"    ident	     -1  185 )
+     ( "u-"    neg	     -1  185 )
+     ( "+"     +	     180 181 )
+     ( "-"     -	     180 181 )
+     ( "or"    calcFunc-or   180 181 )
+     ( "xor"   calcFunc-xor  180 181 )
+     ( "shl"   calcFunc-lsh  180 181 )
+     ( "shr"   calcFunc-rsh  180 181 )
+     ( "in"    calcFunc-in   160 161 )
+     ( "<"     calcFunc-lt   160 161 )
+     ( ">"     calcFunc-gt   160 161 )
+     ( "<="    calcFunc-leq  160 161 )
+     ( ">="    calcFunc-geq  160 161 )
+     ( "="     calcFunc-eq   160 161 )
+     ( "<>"    calcFunc-neq  160 161 )
+     ( "!!!"   calcFunc-pnot  -1  85 )
+     ( "&&&"   calcFunc-pand  80  81 )
+     ( "|||"   calcFunc-por   75  76 )
+     ( ":="    calcFunc-assign 51 50 )
+     ( "::"    calcFunc-condition 45 46 )
+(put 'pascal 'math-input-filter 'calc-input-case-filter)
+(put 'pascal 'math-output-filter 'calc-output-case-filter)
+(put 'pascal 'math-radix-formatter
+     (function (lambda (r s)
+		 (if (= r 16) (format "$%s" s)
+		   (format "%d#%s" r s)))))
+(defun calc-input-case-filter (str)
+  (cond ((or (null calc-language-option) (= calc-language-option 0))
+	 str)
+	(t
+	 (downcase str)))
+(defun calc-output-case-filter (str)
+  (cond ((or (null calc-language-option) (= calc-language-option 0))
+	 str)
+	((> calc-language-option 0)
+	 (upcase str))
+	(t
+	 (downcase str)))
+(defun calc-fortran-language (n)
+  (interactive "P")
+  (calc-wrapper
+   (and n (setq n (prefix-numeric-value n)))
+   (calc-set-language 'fortran n)
+   (message (if (and n (/= n 0))
+		(if (> n 0)
+		    "FORTRAN language mode (all uppercase)."
+		  "FORTRAN language mode (all lowercase).")
+	      "FORTRAN language mode.")))
+(put 'fortran 'math-oper-table
+  '( ( "u/"    (math-parse-fortran-vector) -1 1 )
+     ( "/"     (math-parse-fortran-vector-end) 1 -1 )
+     ( "**"    ^             201 200 )
+     ( "u+"    ident	     -1  191 )
+     ( "u-"    neg	     -1  191 )
+     ( "*"     *	     190 191 )
+     ( "/"     /	     190 191 )
+     ( "+"     +	     180 181 )
+     ( "-"     -	     180 181 )
+     ( ".LT."  calcFunc-lt   160 161 )
+     ( ".GT."  calcFunc-gt   160 161 )
+     ( ".LE."  calcFunc-leq  160 161 )
+     ( ".GE."  calcFunc-geq  160 161 )
+     ( ".EQ."  calcFunc-eq   160 161 )
+     ( ".NE."  calcFunc-neq  160 161 )
+     ( ".NOT." calcFunc-lnot -1  121 )
+     ( ".AND." calcFunc-land 110 111 )
+     ( ".OR."  calcFunc-lor  100 101 )
+     ( "!!!"   calcFunc-pnot  -1  85 )
+     ( "&&&"   calcFunc-pand  80  81 )
+     ( "|||"   calcFunc-por   75  76 )
+     ( "="     calcFunc-assign 51 50 )
+     ( ":="    calcFunc-assign 51 50 )
+     ( "::"    calcFunc-condition 45 46 )
+(put 'fortran 'math-vector-brackets "//")
+(put 'fortran 'math-function-table
+  '( ( acos	   . calcFunc-arccos )
+     ( acosh	   . calcFunc-arccosh )
+     ( aimag	   . calcFunc-im )
+     ( aint	   . calcFunc-ftrunc )
+     ( asin	   . calcFunc-arcsin )
+     ( asinh	   . calcFunc-arcsinh )
+     ( atan	   . calcFunc-arctan )
+     ( atan2	   . calcFunc-arctan2 )
+     ( atanh	   . calcFunc-arctanh )
+     ( conjg	   . calcFunc-conj )
+     ( log	   . calcFunc-ln )
+     ( nint	   . calcFunc-round )
+     ( real	   . calcFunc-re )
+(put 'fortran 'math-input-filter 'calc-input-case-filter)
+(put 'fortran 'math-output-filter 'calc-output-case-filter)
+(defun math-parse-fortran-vector (op)
+  (let ((math-parsing-fortran-vector '(end . "\000")))
+    (prog1
+	(math-read-brackets t "]")
+      (setq exp-token (car math-parsing-fortran-vector)
+	    exp-data (cdr math-parsing-fortran-vector))))
+(defun math-parse-fortran-vector-end (x op)
+  (if math-parsing-fortran-vector
+      (progn
+	(setq math-parsing-fortran-vector (cons exp-token exp-data)
+	      exp-token 'end
+	      exp-data "\000")
+	x)
+    (throw 'syntax "Unmatched closing `/'"))
+(setq math-parsing-fortran-vector nil)
+(defun math-parse-fortran-subscr (sym args)
+  (setq sym (math-build-var-name sym))
+  (while args
+    (setq sym (list 'calcFunc-subscr sym (car args))
+	  args (cdr args)))
+  sym
+(defun calc-tex-language (n)
+  (interactive "P")
+  (calc-wrapper
+   (and n (setq n (prefix-numeric-value n)))
+   (calc-set-language 'tex n)
+   (message (if (and n (/= n 0))
+		(if (> n 0)
+		    "TeX language mode with \\hbox{func}(\\hbox{var})."
+		  "TeX language mode with \\func{\\hbox{var}}.")
+	      "TeX language mode.")))
+(put 'tex 'math-oper-table
+  '( ( "u+"       ident		   -1 1000 )
+     ( "u-"       neg		   -1 1000 )
+     ( "\\hat"    calcFunc-hat     -1  950 )
+     ( "\\check"  calcFunc-check   -1  950 )
+     ( "\\tilde"  calcFunc-tilde   -1  950 )
+     ( "\\acute"  calcFunc-acute   -1  950 )
+     ( "\\grave"  calcFunc-grave   -1  950 )
+     ( "\\dot"    calcFunc-dot     -1  950 )
+     ( "\\ddot"   calcFunc-dotdot  -1  950 )
+     ( "\\breve"  calcFunc-breve   -1  950 )
+     ( "\\bar"    calcFunc-bar     -1  950 )
+     ( "\\vec"    calcFunc-Vec     -1  950 )
+     ( "\\underline" calcFunc-under -1  950 )
+     ( "u|"       calcFunc-abs	   -1    0 )
+     ( "|"        closing	    0   -1 )
+     ( "\\lfloor" calcFunc-floor   -1    0 )
+     ( "\\rfloor" closing           0   -1 )
+     ( "\\lceil"  calcFunc-ceil    -1    0 )
+     ( "\\rceil"  closing           0   -1 )
+     ( "\\pm"	  sdev		   300 300 )
+     ( "!"        calcFunc-fact	   210  -1 )
+     ( "^"	  ^		   201 200 )
+     ( "_"	  calcFunc-subscr  201 200 )
+     ( "\\times"  *		   191 190 )
+     ( "*"        *		   191 190 )
+     ( "2x"	  *		   191 190 )
+     ( "+"	  +		   180 181 )
+     ( "-"	  -		   180 181 )
+     ( "\\over"	  /		   170 171 )
+     ( "/"	  /		   170 171 )
+     ( "\\choose" calcFunc-choose  170 171 )
+     ( "\\mod"	  %		   170 171 )
+     ( "<"	  calcFunc-lt	   160 161 )
+     ( ">"	  calcFunc-gt	   160 161 )
+     ( "\\leq"	  calcFunc-leq	   160 161 )
+     ( "\\geq"	  calcFunc-geq	   160 161 )
+     ( "="	  calcFunc-eq	   160 161 )
+     ( "\\neq"	  calcFunc-neq	   160 161 )
+     ( "\\ne"	  calcFunc-neq	   160 161 )
+     ( "\\lnot"   calcFunc-lnot     -1 121 )
+     ( "\\land"	  calcFunc-land    110 111 )
+     ( "\\lor"	  calcFunc-lor     100 101 )
+     ( "?"	  (math-read-if)    91  90 )
+     ( "!!!"	  calcFunc-pnot	    -1  85 )
+     ( "&&&"	  calcFunc-pand	    80  81 )
+     ( "|||"	  calcFunc-por	    75  76 )
+     ( "\\gets"	  calcFunc-assign   51  50 )
+     ( ":="	  calcFunc-assign   51  50 )
+     ( "::"       calcFunc-condition 45 46 )
+     ( "\\to"	  calcFunc-evalto   40  41 )
+     ( "\\to"	  calcFunc-evalto   40  -1 )
+     ( "=>" 	  calcFunc-evalto   40  41 )
+     ( "=>" 	  calcFunc-evalto   40  -1 )
+(put 'tex 'math-function-table
+  '( ( \\arccos	   . calcFunc-arccos )
+     ( \\arcsin	   . calcFunc-arcsin )
+     ( \\arctan	   . calcFunc-arctan )
+     ( \\arg	   . calcFunc-arg )
+     ( \\cos	   . calcFunc-cos )
+     ( \\cosh	   . calcFunc-cosh )
+     ( \\det	   . calcFunc-det )
+     ( \\exp	   . calcFunc-exp )
+     ( \\gcd	   . calcFunc-gcd )
+     ( \\ln	   . calcFunc-ln )
+     ( \\log	   . calcFunc-log10 )
+     ( \\max	   . calcFunc-max )
+     ( \\min	   . calcFunc-min )
+     ( \\tan	   . calcFunc-tan )
+     ( \\sin	   . calcFunc-sin )
+     ( \\sinh	   . calcFunc-sinh )
+     ( \\sqrt	   . calcFunc-sqrt )
+     ( \\tanh	   . calcFunc-tanh )
+     ( \\phi	   . calcFunc-totient )
+     ( \\mu	   . calcFunc-moebius )
+(put 'tex 'math-variable-table
+  '( ( \\pi	   . var-pi )
+     ( \\infty	   . var-inf )
+     ( \\infty	   . var-uinf )
+     ( \\phi       . var-phi )
+     ( \\gamma     . var-gamma )
+     ( \\sum       . (math-parse-tex-sum calcFunc-sum) )
+     ( \\prod      . (math-parse-tex-sum calcFunc-prod) )
+(put 'tex 'math-complex-format 'i)
+(defun math-parse-tex-sum (f val)
+  (let (low high save)
+    (or (equal exp-data "_") (throw 'syntax "Expected `_'"))
+    (math-read-token)
+    (setq save exp-old-pos)
+    (setq low (math-read-factor))
+    (or (eq (car-safe low) 'calcFunc-eq)
+	(progn
+	  (setq exp-old-pos (1+ save))
+	  (throw 'syntax "Expected equation")))
+    (or (equal exp-data "^") (throw 'syntax "Expected `^'"))
+    (math-read-token)
+    (setq high (math-read-factor))
+    (list (nth 2 f) (math-read-factor) (nth 1 low) (nth 2 low) high))
+(defun math-tex-input-filter (str)   ; allow parsing of 123\,456\,789.
+  (while (string-match "[0-9]\\\\,[0-9]" str)
+    (setq str (concat (substring str 0 (1+ (match-beginning 0)))
+		      (substring str (1- (match-end 0))))))
+  str
+(put 'tex 'math-input-filter 'math-tex-input-filter)
+(defun calc-eqn-language (n)
+  (interactive "P")
+  (calc-wrapper
+   (calc-set-language 'eqn)
+   (message "Eqn language mode."))
+(put 'eqn 'math-oper-table
+  '( ( "u+"       ident		   -1 1000 )
+     ( "u-"       neg		   -1 1000 )
+     ( "prime"    (math-parse-eqn-prime) 950  -1 )
+     ( "prime"    calcFunc-Prime   950  -1 )
+     ( "dot"      calcFunc-dot     950  -1 )
+     ( "dotdot"   calcFunc-dotdot  950  -1 )
+     ( "hat"      calcFunc-hat     950  -1 )
+     ( "tilde"    calcFunc-tilde   950  -1 )
+     ( "vec"      calcFunc-Vec     950  -1 )
+     ( "dyad"     calcFunc-dyad    950  -1 )
+     ( "bar"      calcFunc-bar     950  -1 )
+     ( "under"    calcFunc-under   950  -1 )
+     ( "sub"	  calcFunc-subscr  931 930 )
+     ( "sup"	  ^		   921 920 )
+     ( "sqrt"	  calcFunc-sqrt    -1  910 )
+     ( "over"	  /		   900 901 )
+     ( "u|"       calcFunc-abs	   -1    0 )
+     ( "|"        closing	    0   -1 )
+     ( "left floor"  calcFunc-floor -1   0 )
+     ( "right floor" closing        0   -1 )
+     ( "left ceil"   calcFunc-ceil  -1   0 )
+     ( "right ceil"  closing        0   -1 )
+     ( "+-"	  sdev		   300 300 )
+     ( "!"        calcFunc-fact	   210  -1 )
+     ( "times"    *		   191 190 )
+     ( "*"        *		   191 190 )
+     ( "2x"	  *		   191 190 )
+     ( "/"	  /		   180 181 )
+     ( "%"	  %		   180 181 )
+     ( "+"	  +		   170 171 )
+     ( "-"	  -		   170 171 )
+     ( "<"	  calcFunc-lt	   160 161 )
+     ( ">"	  calcFunc-gt	   160 161 )
+     ( "<="	  calcFunc-leq	   160 161 )
+     ( ">="	  calcFunc-geq	   160 161 )
+     ( "="	  calcFunc-eq	   160 161 )
+     ( "=="	  calcFunc-eq	   160 161 )
+     ( "!="	  calcFunc-neq	   160 161 )
+     ( "u!"       calcFunc-lnot     -1 121 )
+     ( "&&"	  calcFunc-land    110 111 )
+     ( "||"	  calcFunc-lor     100 101 )
+     ( "?"	  (math-read-if)    91  90 )
+     ( "!!!"	  calcFunc-pnot	    -1  85 )
+     ( "&&&"	  calcFunc-pand	    80  81 )
+     ( "|||"	  calcFunc-por	    75  76 )
+     ( "<-"	  calcFunc-assign   51  50 )
+     ( ":="	  calcFunc-assign   51  50 )
+     ( "::"	  calcFunc-condition 45 46 )
+     ( "->"	  calcFunc-evalto   40  41 )
+     ( "->"	  calcFunc-evalto   40  -1 )
+     ( "=>" 	  calcFunc-evalto   40  41 )
+     ( "=>" 	  calcFunc-evalto   40  -1 )
+(put 'eqn 'math-function-table
+  '( ( arc\ cos	   . calcFunc-arccos )
+     ( arc\ cosh   . calcFunc-arccosh )
+     ( arc\ sin	   . calcFunc-arcsin )
+     ( arc\ sinh   . calcFunc-arcsinh )
+     ( arc\ tan	   . calcFunc-arctan )
+     ( arc\ tanh   . calcFunc-arctanh )
+     ( GAMMA	   . calcFunc-gamma )
+     ( phi	   . calcFunc-totient )
+     ( mu	   . calcFunc-moebius )
+     ( matrix	   . (math-parse-eqn-matrix) )
+(put 'eqn 'math-variable-table
+  '( ( inf	   . var-uinf )
+(put 'eqn 'math-complex-format 'i)
+(defun math-parse-eqn-matrix (f sym)
+  (let ((vec nil))
+    (while (assoc exp-data '(("ccol") ("lcol") ("rcol")))
+      (math-read-token)
+      (or (equal exp-data calc-function-open)
+	  (throw 'syntax "Expected `{'"))
+      (math-read-token)
+      (setq vec (cons (cons 'vec (math-read-expr-list)) vec))
+      (or (equal exp-data calc-function-close)
+	  (throw 'syntax "Expected `}'"))
+      (math-read-token))
+    (or (equal exp-data calc-function-close)
+	(throw 'syntax "Expected `}'"))
+    (math-read-token)
+    (math-transpose (cons 'vec (nreverse vec))))
+(defun math-parse-eqn-prime (x sym)
+  (if (eq (car-safe x) 'var)
+      (if (equal exp-data calc-function-open)
+	  (progn
+	    (math-read-token)
+	    (let ((args (if (or (equal exp-data calc-function-close)
+				(eq exp-token 'end))
+			    nil
+			  (math-read-expr-list))))
+	      (if (not (or (equal exp-data calc-function-close)
+			   (eq exp-token 'end)))
+		  (throw 'syntax "Expected `)'"))
+	      (math-read-token)
+	      (cons (intern (format "calcFunc-%s'" (nth 1 x))) args)))
+	(list 'var
+	      (intern (concat (symbol-name (nth 1 x)) "'"))
+	      (intern (concat (symbol-name (nth 2 x)) "'"))))
+    (list 'calcFunc-Prime x))
+(defun calc-mathematica-language ()
+  (interactive)
+  (calc-wrapper
+   (calc-set-language 'math)
+   (message "Mathematica language mode."))
+(put 'math 'math-oper-table
+  '( ( "[["    (math-read-math-subscr) 250 -1 )
+     ( "!"     calcFunc-fact  210 -1 )
+     ( "!!"    calcFunc-dfact 210 -1 )
+     ( "^"     ^	     201 200 )
+     ( "u+"    ident	     -1  197 )
+     ( "u-"    neg	     -1  197 )
+     ( "/"     /	     195 196 )
+     ( "*"     *	     190 191 )
+     ( "2x"    *	     190 191 )
+     ( "+"     +	     180 181 )
+     ( "-"     -	     180 181 )
+     ( "<"     calcFunc-lt   160 161 )
+     ( ">"     calcFunc-gt   160 161 )
+     ( "<="    calcFunc-leq  160 161 )
+     ( ">="    calcFunc-geq  160 161 )
+     ( "=="    calcFunc-eq   150 151 )
+     ( "!="    calcFunc-neq  150 151 )
+     ( "u!"    calcFunc-lnot -1  121 )
+     ( "&&"    calcFunc-land 110 111 )
+     ( "||"    calcFunc-lor  100 101 )
+     ( "!!!"   calcFunc-pnot  -1  85 )
+     ( "&&&"   calcFunc-pand  80  81 )
+     ( "|||"   calcFunc-por   75  76 )
+     ( ":="    calcFunc-assign 51 50 )
+     ( "="     calcFunc-assign 51 50 )
+     ( "->"    calcFunc-assign 51 50 )
+     ( ":>"    calcFunc-assign 51 50 )
+     ( "::"    calcFunc-condition 45 46 )
+(put 'math 'math-function-table
+  '( ( Abs	   . calcFunc-abs )
+     ( ArcCos	   . calcFunc-arccos )
+     ( ArcCosh	   . calcFunc-arccosh )
+     ( ArcSin	   . calcFunc-arcsin )
+     ( ArcSinh	   . calcFunc-arcsinh )
+     ( ArcTan	   . calcFunc-arctan )
+     ( ArcTanh	   . calcFunc-arctanh )
+     ( Arg	   . calcFunc-arg )
+     ( Binomial	   . calcFunc-choose )
+     ( Ceiling	   . calcFunc-ceil )
+     ( Conjugate   . calcFunc-conj )
+     ( Cos	   . calcFunc-cos )
+     ( Cosh	   . calcFunc-cosh )
+     ( D	   . calcFunc-deriv )
+     ( Dt	   . calcFunc-tderiv )
+     ( Det	   . calcFunc-det )
+     ( Exp	   . calcFunc-exp )
+     ( EulerPhi	   . calcFunc-totient )
+     ( Floor	   . calcFunc-floor )
+     ( Gamma	   . calcFunc-gamma )
+     ( GCD	   . calcFunc-gcd )
+     ( If	   . calcFunc-if )
+     ( Im	   . calcFunc-im )
+     ( Inverse	   . calcFunc-inv )
+     ( Integrate   . calcFunc-integ )
+     ( Join	   . calcFunc-vconcat )
+     ( LCM	   . calcFunc-lcm )
+     ( Log	   . calcFunc-ln )
+     ( Max	   . calcFunc-max )
+     ( Min	   . calcFunc-min )
+     ( Mod	   . calcFunc-mod )
+     ( MoebiusMu   . calcFunc-moebius )
+     ( Random	   . calcFunc-random )
+     ( Round	   . calcFunc-round )
+     ( Re	   . calcFunc-re )
+     ( Sign	   . calcFunc-sign )
+     ( Sin	   . calcFunc-sin )
+     ( Sinh	   . calcFunc-sinh )
+     ( Sqrt	   . calcFunc-sqrt )
+     ( Tan	   . calcFunc-tan )
+     ( Tanh	   . calcFunc-tanh )
+     ( Transpose   . calcFunc-trn )
+     ( Length	   . calcFunc-vlen )
+(put 'math 'math-variable-table
+  '( ( I	   . var-i )
+     ( Pi	   . var-pi )
+     ( E	   . var-e )
+     ( GoldenRatio . var-phi )
+     ( EulerGamma  . var-gamma )
+     ( Infinity	   . var-inf )
+     ( ComplexInfinity . var-uinf )
+     ( Indeterminate . var-nan )
+(put 'math 'math-vector-brackets "{}")
+(put 'math 'math-complex-format 'I)
+(put 'math 'math-function-open "[")
+(put 'math 'math-function-close "]")
+(put 'math 'math-radix-formatter
+     (function (lambda (r s) (format "%d^^%s" r s))))
+(defun math-read-math-subscr (x op)
+  (let ((idx (math-read-expr-level 0)))
+    (or (and (equal exp-data "]")
+	     (progn
+	       (math-read-token)
+	       (equal exp-data "]")))
+	(throw 'syntax "Expected ']]'"))
+    (math-read-token)
+    (list 'calcFunc-subscr x idx))
+(defun calc-maple-language ()
+  (interactive)
+  (calc-wrapper
+   (calc-set-language 'maple)
+   (message "Maple language mode."))
+(put 'maple 'math-oper-table
+  '( ( "matrix" ident	     -1  300 )
+     ( "MATRIX" ident	     -1  300 )
+     ( "!"     calcFunc-fact  210 -1 )
+     ( "^"     ^	     201 200 )
+     ( "**"    ^	     201 200 )
+     ( "u+"    ident	     -1  197 )
+     ( "u-"    neg	     -1  197 )
+     ( "/"     /	     191 192 )
+     ( "*"     *	     191 192 )
+     ( "intersect" calcFunc-vint 191 192 )
+     ( "+"     +	     180 181 )
+     ( "-"     -	     180 181 )
+     ( "union" calcFunc-vunion 180 181 )
+     ( "minus" calcFunc-vdiff 180 181 )
+     ( "mod"   %	     170 170 )
+     ( ".."    (math-read-maple-dots) 165 165 )
+     ( "\\dots" (math-read-maple-dots) 165 165 )
+     ( "<"     calcFunc-lt   160 160 )
+     ( ">"     calcFunc-gt   160 160 )
+     ( "<="    calcFunc-leq  160 160 )
+     ( ">="    calcFunc-geq  160 160 )
+     ( "="     calcFunc-eq   160 160 )
+     ( "<>"    calcFunc-neq  160 160 )
+     ( "not"   calcFunc-lnot -1  121 )
+     ( "and"   calcFunc-land 110 111 )
+     ( "or"    calcFunc-lor  100 101 )
+     ( "!!!"   calcFunc-pnot  -1  85 )
+     ( "&&&"   calcFunc-pand  80  81 )
+     ( "|||"   calcFunc-por   75  76 )
+     ( ":="    calcFunc-assign 51 50 )
+     ( "::"    calcFunc-condition 45 46 )
+(put 'maple 'math-function-table
+  '( ( bernoulli   . calcFunc-bern )
+     ( binomial	   . calcFunc-choose )
+     ( diff	   . calcFunc-deriv )
+     ( GAMMA	   . calcFunc-gamma )
+     ( ifactor	   . calcFunc-prfac )
+     ( igcd 	   . calcFunc-gcd )
+     ( ilcm	   . calcFunc-lcm )
+     ( int  	   . calcFunc-integ )
+     ( modp	   . % )
+     ( irem	   . % )
+     ( iquo	   . calcFunc-idiv )
+     ( isprime	   . calcFunc-prime )
+     ( length	   . calcFunc-vlen )
+     ( member	   . calcFunc-in )
+     ( crossprod   . calcFunc-cross )
+     ( inverse	   . calcFunc-inv )
+     ( trace	   . calcFunc-tr )
+     ( transpose   . calcFunc-trn )
+     ( vectdim	   . calcFunc-vlen )
+(put 'maple 'math-variable-table
+  '( ( I	   . var-i )
+     ( Pi	   . var-pi )
+     ( E	   . var-e )
+     ( infinity	   . var-inf )
+     ( infinity    . var-uinf )
+     ( infinity    . var-nan )
+(put 'maple 'math-complex-format 'I)
+(defun math-read-maple-dots (x op)
+  (list 'intv 3 x (math-read-expr-level (nth 3 op)))
+(defun math-read-big-rec (h1 v1 h2 v2 &optional baseline prec short)
+  (or prec (setq prec 0))
+  ;; Clip whitespace above or below.
+  (while (and (< v1 v2) (math-read-big-emptyp h1 v1 h2 (1+ v1)))
+    (setq v1 (1+ v1)))
+  (while (and (< v1 v2) (math-read-big-emptyp h1 (1- v2) h2 v2))
+    (setq v2 (1- v2)))
+  ;; If formula is a single line high, normal parser can handle it.
+  (if (<= v2 (1+ v1))
+      (if (or (<= v2 v1)
+	      (> h1 (length (setq v2 (nth v1 lines)))))
+	  (math-read-big-error h1 v1)
+	(setq the-baseline v1
+	      the-h2 h2
+	      v2 (nth v1 lines)
+	      h2 (math-read-expr (substring v2 h1 (min h2 (length v2)))))
+	(if (eq (car-safe h2) 'error)
+	    (math-read-big-error (+ h1 (nth 1 h2)) v1 (nth 2 h2))
+	  h2))
+    ;; Clip whitespace at left or right.
+    (while (and (< h1 h2) (math-read-big-emptyp h1 v1 (1+ h1) v2))
+      (setq h1 (1+ h1)))
+    (while (and (< h1 h2) (math-read-big-emptyp (1- h2) v1 h2 v2))
+      (setq h2 (1- h2)))
+    ;; Scan to find widest left-justified "----" in the region.
+    (let* ((widest nil)
+	   (widest-h2 0)
+	   (lines-v1 (nthcdr v1 lines))
+	   (p lines-v1)
+	   (v v1)
+	   (other-v nil)
+	   other-char line len h)
+      (while (< v v2)
+	(setq line (car p)
+	      len (min h2 (length line)))
+	(and (< h1 len)
+	     (/= (aref line h1) ?\ )
+	     (if (and (= (aref line h1) ?\-)
+		      ;; Make sure it's not a minus sign.
+		      (or (and (< (1+ h1) len) (= (aref line (1+ h1)) ?\-))
+			  (/= (math-read-big-char h1 (1- v)) ?\ )
+			  (/= (math-read-big-char h1 (1+ v)) ?\ )))
+		 (progn
+		   (setq h h1)
+		   (while (and (< (setq h (1+ h)) len)
+			       (= (aref line h) ?\-)))
+		   (if (> h widest-h2)
+		       (setq widest v
+			     widest-h2 h)))
+	       (or other-v (setq other-v v other-char (aref line h1)))))
+	(setq v (1+ v)
+	      p (cdr p)))
+      (cond ((not (setq v other-v))
+	     (math-read-big-error h1 v1))   ; Should never happen!
+	    ;; Quotient.
+	    (widest
+	     (setq h widest-h2
+		   v widest)
+	     (let ((num (math-read-big-rec h1 v1 h v))
+		   (den (math-read-big-rec h1 (1+ v) h v2)))
+	       (setq p (if (and (math-integerp num) (math-integerp den))
+			   (math-make-frac num den)
+			 (list '/ num den)))))
+	    ;; Big radical sign.
+	    ((= other-char ?\\)
+	     (or (= (math-read-big-char (1+ h1) v) ?\|)
+		 (math-read-big-error (1+ h1) v "Malformed root sign"))
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 v1 (1+ h1) v nil t)
+	     (while (= (math-read-big-char (1+ h1) (setq v (1- v))) ?\|))
+	     (or (= (math-read-big-char (setq h (+ h1 2)) v) ?\_)
+		 (math-read-big-error h v "Malformed root sign"))
+	     (while (= (math-read-big-char (setq h (1+ h)) v) ?\_))
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 v1 (1+ h1) v nil t)
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 (1+ other-v) h v2 nil t)
+	     (setq p (list 'calcFunc-sqrt (math-read-big-rec
+					   (+ h1 2) (1+ v)
+					   h (1+ other-v) baseline))
+		   v the-baseline))
+	    ;; Small radical sign.
+	    ((and (= other-char ?V)
+		  (= (math-read-big-char (1+ h1) (1- v)) ?\_))
+	     (setq h (1+ h1))
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 v1 h (1- v) nil t)
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 (1+ v) h v2 nil t)
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 v1 (1+ h1) v nil t)
+	     (while (= (math-read-big-char (setq h (1+ h)) (1- v)) ?\_))
+	     (setq p (list 'calcFunc-sqrt (math-read-big-rec
+					   (1+ h1) v h (1+ v) t))
+		   v the-baseline))
+	    ;; Binomial coefficient.
+	    ((and (= other-char ?\()
+		  (= (math-read-big-char (1+ h1) v) ?\ )
+		  (= (string-match "( *)" (nth v lines) h1) h1))
+	     (setq h (match-end 0))
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 v1 (1+ h1) v nil t)
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 (1+ v) (1+ h1) v2 nil t)
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp (1- h) v1 h v nil t)
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp (1- h) (1+ v) h v2 nil t)
+	     (setq p (list 'calcFunc-choose
+			   (math-read-big-rec (1+ h1) v1 (1- h) v)
+			   (math-read-big-rec (1+ h1) (1+ v)
+					      (1- h) v2))))
+	    ;; Minus sign.
+	    ((= other-char ?\-)
+	     (setq p (list 'neg (math-read-big-rec (1+ h1) v1 h2 v2 v 250 t))
+		   v the-baseline
+		   h the-h2))
+	    ;; Parentheses.
+	    ((= other-char ?\()
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 v1 (1+ h1) v nil t)
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 (1+ v) (1+ h1) v2 nil t)
+	     (setq h (math-read-big-balance (1+ h1) v "(" t))
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp (1- h) v1 h v nil t)
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp (1- h) (1+ v) h v2 nil t)
+	     (let ((sep (math-read-big-char (1- h) v))
+		   hmid)
+	       (if (= sep ?\.)
+		   (setq h (1+ h)))
+	       (if (= sep ?\])
+		   (math-read-big-error (1- h) v "Expected `)'"))
+	       (if (= sep ?\))
+		   (setq p (math-read-big-rec (1+ h1) v1 (1- h) v2 v))
+		 (setq hmid (math-read-big-balance h v "(")
+		       p (list p (math-read-big-rec h v1 (1- hmid) v2 v))
+		       h hmid)
+		 (cond ((= sep ?\.)
+			(setq p (cons 'intv (cons (if (= (math-read-big-char
+							  (1- h) v)
+							 ?\))
+						      0 1)
+						  p))))
+		       ((= (math-read-big-char (1- h) v) ?\])
+			(math-read-big-error (1- h) v "Expected `)'"))
+		       ((= sep ?\,)
+			(or (and (math-realp (car p)) (math-realp (nth 1 p)))
+			    (math-read-big-error
+			     h1 v "Complex components must be real"))
+			(setq p (cons 'cplx p)))
+		       ((= sep ?\;)
+			(or (and (math-realp (car p)) (math-anglep (nth 1 p)))
+			    (math-read-big-error
+			     h1 v "Complex components must be real"))
+			(setq p (cons 'polar p)))))))
+	    ;; Matrix.
+	    ((and (= other-char ?\[)
+		  (or (= (math-read-big-char (setq h h1) (1+ v)) ?\[)
+		      (= (math-read-big-char (setq h (1+ h)) v) ?\[)
+		      (and (= (math-read-big-char h v) ?\ )
+			   (= (math-read-big-char (setq h (1+ h)) v) ?\[)))
+		  (= (math-read-big-char h (1+ v)) ?\[))
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 v1 h v nil t)
+	     (let ((vtop v)
+		   (hleft h)
+		   (hright nil))
+	       (setq p nil)
+	       (while (progn
+			(setq h (math-read-big-balance (1+ hleft) v "["))
+			(if hright
+			    (or (= h hright)
+				(math-read-big-error hright v "Expected `]'"))
+			  (setq hright h))
+			(setq p (cons (math-read-big-rec
+				       hleft v h (1+ v)) p))
+			(and (memq (math-read-big-char h v) '(?\  ?\,))
+			     (= (math-read-big-char hleft (1+ v)) ?\[)))
+		 (setq v (1+ v)))
+	       (or (= hleft h1)
+		   (progn
+		     (if (= (math-read-big-char h v) ?\ )
+			 (setq h (1+ h)))
+		     (and (= (math-read-big-char h v) ?\])
+			  (setq h (1+ h))))
+		   (math-read-big-error (1- h) v "Expected `]'"))
+	       (if (= (math-read-big-char h vtop) ?\,)
+		   (setq h (1+ h)))
+	       (math-read-big-emptyp h1 (1+ v) (1- h) v2 nil t)
+	       (setq v (+ vtop (/ (- v vtop) 2))
+		     p (cons 'vec (nreverse p)))))
+	    ;; Square brackets.
+	    ((= other-char ?\[)
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 v1 (1+ h1) v nil t)
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 (1+ v) (1+ h1) v2 nil t)
+	     (setq p nil
+		   h (1+ h1))
+	     (while (progn
+		      (setq widest (math-read-big-balance h v "[" t))
+		      (math-read-big-emptyp (1- h) v1 h v nil t)
+		      (math-read-big-emptyp (1- h) (1+ v) h v2 nil t)
+		      (setq p (cons (math-read-big-rec
+				     h v1 (1- widest) v2 v) p)
+			    h widest)
+		      (= (math-read-big-char (1- h) v) ?\,)))
+	     (setq widest (math-read-big-char (1- h) v))
+	     (if (or (memq widest '(?\; ?\)))
+		     (and (eq widest ?\.) (cdr p)))
+		 (math-read-big-error (1- h) v "Expected `]'"))
+	     (if (= widest ?\.)
+		 (setq h (1+ h)
+		       widest (math-read-big-balance h v "[")
+		       p (nconc p (list (math-read-big-big-rec
+					 h v1 (1- widest) v2 v)))
+		       h widest
+		       p (cons 'intv (cons (if (= (math-read-big-char (1- h) v)
+						  ?\])
+					       3 2)
+					   p)))
+	       (setq p (cons 'vec (nreverse p)))))
+	    ;; Date form.
+	    ((= other-char ?\<)
+	     (setq line (nth v lines))
+	     (string-match ">" line h1)
+	     (setq h (match-end 0))
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 v1 h v nil t)
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 (1+ v) h v2 nil t)
+	     (setq p (math-read-big-rec h1 v h (1+ v) v)))
+	    ;; Variable name or function call.
+	    ((or (and (>= other-char ?a) (<= other-char ?z))
+		 (and (>= other-char ?A) (<= other-char ?Z)))
+	     (setq line (nth v lines))
+	     (string-match "\\([a-zA-Z'_]+\\) *" line h1)
+	     (setq h (match-end 1)
+		   widest (match-end 0)
+		   p (math-match-substring line 1))
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 v1 h v nil t)
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 (1+ v) h v2 nil t)
+	     (if (= (math-read-big-char widest v) ?\()
+		 (progn
+		   (setq line (if (string-match "-" p)
+				  (intern p)
+				(intern (concat "calcFunc-" p)))
+			 h (1+ widest)
+			 p nil)
+		   (math-read-big-emptyp widest v1 h v nil t)
+		   (math-read-big-emptyp widest (1+ v) h v2 nil t)
+		   (while (progn
+			    (setq widest (math-read-big-balance h v "(" t))
+			    (math-read-big-emptyp (1- h) v1 h v nil t)
+			    (math-read-big-emptyp (1- h) (1+ v) h v2 nil t)
+			    (setq p (cons (math-read-big-rec
+					   h v1 (1- widest) v2 v) p)
+				  h widest)
+			    (= (math-read-big-char (1- h) v) ?\,)))
+		   (or (= (math-read-big-char (1- h) v) ?\))
+		       (math-read-big-error (1- h) v "Expected `)'"))
+		   (setq p (cons line (nreverse p))))
+	       (setq p (list 'var
+			     (intern (math-remove-dashes p))
+			     (if (string-match "-" p)
+				 (intern p)
+			       (intern (concat "var-" p)))))))
+	    ;; Number.
+	    (t
+	     (setq line (nth v lines))
+	     (or (= (string-match "_?\\([0-9]+.?0*@ *\\)?\\([0-9]+.?0*' *\\)?\\([0-9]+\\(#\\|\\^\\^\\)[0-9a-zA-Z:]+\\|[0-9]+:[0-9:]+\\|[0-9.]+\\([eE][-+_]?[0-9]+\\)?\"?\\)?" line h1) h1)
+		 (math-read-big-error h v "Expected a number"))
+	     (setq h (match-end 0)
+		   p (math-read-number (math-match-substring line 0)))
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 v1 h v nil t)
+	     (math-read-big-emptyp h1 (1+ v) h v2 nil t)))
+      ;; Now left term is bounded by h1, v1, h, v2; baseline = v.
+      (if baseline
+	  (or (= v baseline)
+	      (math-read-big-error h1 v "Inconsistent baseline in formula"))
+	(setq baseline v))
+      ;; Look for superscripts or subscripts.
+      (setq line (nth baseline lines)
+	    len (min h2 (length line))
+	    widest h)
+      (while (and (< widest len)
+		  (= (aref line widest) ?\ ))
+	(setq widest (1+ widest)))
+      (and (>= widest len) (setq widest h2))
+      (if (math-read-big-emptyp h v widest v2)
+	  (if (math-read-big-emptyp h v1 widest v)
+	      (setq h widest)
+	    (setq p (list '^ p (math-read-big-rec h v1 widest v))
+		  h widest))
+	  (if (math-read-big-emptyp h v1 widest v)
+	      (setq p (list 'calcFunc-subscr p
+			    (math-read-big-rec h v widest v2))
+		    h widest)))
+      ;; Look for an operator name and grab additional terms.
+      (while (and (< h len)
+		  (if (setq widest (and (math-read-big-emptyp
+					 h v1 (1+ h) v)
+					(math-read-big-emptyp
+					 h (1+ v) (1+ h) v2)
+					(string-match "<=\\|>=\\|\\+/-\\|!=\\|&&\\|||\\|:=\\|=>\\|." line h)
+					(assoc (math-match-substring line 0)
+					       math-standard-opers)))
+		      (and (>= (nth 2 widest) prec)
+			   (setq h (match-end 0)))
+		    (and (not (eq (string-match ",\\|;\\|\\.\\.\\|)\\|\\]\\|:" line h)
+				  h))
+			 (setq widest '("2x" * 196 195)))))
+	(cond ((eq (nth 3 widest) -1)
+	       (setq p (list (nth 1 widest) p)))
+	      ((equal (car widest) "?")
+	       (let ((y (math-read-big-rec h v1 h2 v2 baseline nil t)))
+		 (or (= (math-read-big-char the-h2 baseline) ?\:)
+		     (math-read-big-error the-h2 baseline "Expected `:'"))
+		 (setq p (list (nth 1 widest) p y
+			       (math-read-big-rec (1+ the-h2) v1 h2 v2
+						  baseline (nth 3 widest) t))
+		       h the-h2)))
+	      (t
+	       (setq p (list (nth 1 widest) p
+			     (math-read-big-rec h v1 h2 v2
+						baseline (nth 3 widest) t))
+		     h the-h2))))
+      ;; Return all relevant information to caller.
+      (setq the-baseline baseline
+	    the-h2 h)
+      (or short (= the-h2 h2)
+	  (math-read-big-error h baseline))
+      p))
+(defun math-read-big-char (h v)
+  (or (and (>= h h1)
+	   (< h h2)
+	   (>= v v1)
+	   (< v v2)
+	   (let ((line (nth v lines)))
+	     (and line
+		  (< h (length line))
+		  (aref line h))))
+      ?\ )
+(defun math-read-big-emptyp (eh1 ev1 eh2 ev2 &optional what error)
+  (and (< ev1 v1) (setq ev1 v1))
+  (and (< eh1 h1) (setq eh1 h1))
+  (and (> ev2 v2) (setq ev2 v2))
+  (and (> eh2 h2) (setq eh2 h2))
+  (or what (setq what ?\ ))
+  (let ((p (nthcdr ev1 lines))
+	h)
+    (while (and (< ev1 ev2)
+		(progn
+		  (setq h (min eh2 (length (car p))))
+		  (while (and (>= (setq h (1- h)) eh1)
+			      (= (aref (car p) h) what)))
+		  (and error (>= h eh1)
+		       (math-read-big-error h ev1 (if (stringp error)
+						      error
+						    "Whitespace expected")))
+		  (< h eh1)))
+      (setq ev1 (1+ ev1)
+	    p (cdr p)))
+    (>= ev1 ev2))
+(defun math-read-big-error (h v &optional msg)
+  (let ((pos 0)
+	(p lines))
+    (while (> v 0)
+      (setq pos (+ pos 1 (length (car p)))
+	    p (cdr p)
+	    v (1- v)))
+    (setq h (+ pos (min h (length (car p))))
+	  err-msg (list 'error h (or msg "Syntax error")))
+    (throw 'syntax nil))
+(defun math-read-big-balance (h v what &optional commas)
+  (let* ((line (nth v lines))
+	 (len (min h2 (length line)))
+	 (count 1))
+    (while (> count 0)
+      (if (>= h len)
+	  (if what
+	      (math-read-big-error h1 v (format "Unmatched `%s'" what))
+	    (setq count 0))
+	(if (memq (aref line h) '(?\( ?\[))
+	    (setq count (1+ count))
+	  (if (if (and commas (= count 1))
+		  (or (memq (aref line h) '(?\) ?\] ?\, ?\;))
+		      (and (eq (aref line h) ?\.)
+			   (< (1+ h) len)
+			   (eq (aref line (1+ h)) ?\.)))
+		(memq (aref line h) '(?\) ?\])))
+	      (setq count (1- count))))
+	(setq h (1+ h))))
+    h)