diff lisp/progmodes/ebnf-abn.el @ 54139:3aff710a91c0

ABNF parser (ebnf2ps)
author Vinicius Jose Latorre <viniciusjl@ig.com.br>
date Tue, 24 Feb 2004 22:58:07 +0000
children 8e0088433ac7
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/progmodes/ebnf-abn.el	Tue Feb 24 22:58:07 2004 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+;;; ebnf-abn.el --- parser for ABNF (Augmented BNF)
+;; Copyright (C) 2004 Free Sofware Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Vinicius Jose Latorre <viniciusjl@ig.com.br>
+;; Maintainer: Vinicius Jose Latorre <viniciusjl@ig.com.br>
+;; Time-stamp: <2004/02/23 22:38:59 vinicius>
+;; Keywords: wp, ebnf, PostScript
+;; Version: 1.0
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
+;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+;; This is part of ebnf2ps package.
+;; This package defines a parser for ABNF (Augmented BNF).
+;; See ebnf2ps.el for documentation.
+;; ABNF Syntax
+;; -----------
+;;	See the URL:
+;;	`http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2234.html'
+;;	or
+;;	`http://www.rnp.br/ietf/rfc/rfc2234.txt'
+;;	("Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF").
+;;    rulelist       =  1*( rule / (*c-wsp c-nl) )
+;;    rule           =  rulename defined-as elements c-nl
+;;			     ; continues if next line starts with white space
+;;    rulename       =  ALPHA *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
+;;    defined-as     =  *c-wsp ("=" / "=/") *c-wsp
+;;			     ; basic rules definition and incremental
+;;			     ; alternatives
+;;    elements       =  alternation *c-wsp
+;;    c-wsp          =  WSP / (c-nl WSP)
+;;    c-nl           =  comment / CRLF
+;;			     ; comment or newline
+;;    comment        =  ";" *(WSP / VCHAR) CRLF
+;;    alternation    =  concatenation
+;;			*(*c-wsp "/" *c-wsp concatenation)
+;;    concatenation  =  repetition *(1*c-wsp repetition)
+;;    repetition     =  [repeat] element
+;;    repeat         =  1*DIGIT / (*DIGIT "*" *DIGIT)
+;;    element        =  rulename / group / option /
+;;			char-val / num-val / prose-val
+;;    group          =  "(" *c-wsp alternation *c-wsp ")"
+;;    option         =  "[" *c-wsp alternation *c-wsp "]"
+;;    char-val       =  DQUOTE *(%x20-21 / %x23-7E) DQUOTE
+;;			     ; quoted string of SP and VCHAR without DQUOTE
+;;    num-val        =  "%" (bin-val / dec-val / hex-val)
+;;    bin-val        =  "b" 1*BIT
+;;			[ 1*("." 1*BIT) / ("-" 1*BIT) ]
+;;			     ; series of concatenated bit values
+;;			     ; or single ONEOF range
+;;    dec-val        =  "d" 1*DIGIT
+;;			[ 1*("." 1*DIGIT) / ("-" 1*DIGIT) ]
+;;    hex-val        =  "x" 1*HEXDIG
+;;			[ 1*("." 1*HEXDIG) / ("-" 1*HEXDIG) ]
+;;    prose-val      =  "<" *(%x20-3D / %x3F-7E) ">"
+;;				; bracketed string of SP and VCHAR without
+;;				; angles
+;;				; prose description, to be used as last resort
+;;    ; Core rules -- the coding depends on the system, here is used 7-bit ASCII
+;;    ALPHA          =  %x41-5A / %x61-7A
+;;				; A-Z / a-z
+;;    BIT            =  "0" / "1"
+;;    CHAR           =  %x01-7F
+;;				; any 7-bit US-ASCII character, excluding NUL
+;;    CR             =  %x0D
+;;				; carriage return
+;;    CRLF           =  CR LF
+;;				; Internet standard newline
+;;    CTL            =  %x00-1F / %x7F
+;;				; controls
+;;    DIGIT          =  %x30-39
+;;				; 0-9
+;;    DQUOTE         =  %x22
+;;				; " (Double Quote)
+;;    HEXDIG         =  DIGIT / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" / "E" / "F"
+;;    HTAB           =  %x09
+;;				; horizontal tab
+;;    LF             =  %x0A
+;;				; linefeed
+;;    LWSP           =  *(WSP / CRLF WSP)
+;;				; linear white space (past newline)
+;;    OCTET          =  %x00-FF
+;;				; 8 bits of data
+;;    SP             =  %x20
+;;				; space
+;;    VCHAR          =  %x21-7E
+;;				; visible (printing) characters
+;;    WSP            =  SP / HTAB
+;;				; white space
+;; NOTES:
+;; 1. Rules name and terminal strings are case INSENSITIVE.
+;;    So, the following rule names are all equals:
+;;	 Rule-name,  rule-Name, rule-name, RULE-NAME
+;;    Also, the following strings are equals:
+;;	 "abc", "ABC", "aBc", "Abc", "aBC", etc.
+;; 2. To have a case SENSITIVE string, use the character notation.
+;;    For example, to specify the lowercase string "abc", use:
+;;	 %d97.98.99
+;; 3. There are no implicit spaces between elements, for example, the
+;;    following rules:
+;;	 foo = %x61  ; a
+;;	 bar = %x62  ; b
+;;	 mumble = foo bar foo
+;;    Are equivalent to the following rule:
+;;	 mumble = %x61.62.61
+;;    If spaces are needed, it should be explicit specified, like:
+;;	spaces = 1*(%x20 / %x09)  ; one or more spaces or tabs
+;;	mumble = foo spaces bar spaces foo
+;; 4. Lines starting with space or tab are considered a continuation line.
+;;    For example, the rule:
+;;	 rule = foo
+;;	        bar
+;;    Is equivalent to:
+;;	 rule = foo bar
+;; Differences Between ABNF And ebnf2ps ABNF
+;; -----------------------------------------
+;; Besides the characters that ABNF accepts, ebnf2ps ABNF accepts also the
+;; underscore (_) for rule name and european 8-bit accentuated characters (from
+;; \240 to \377) for rule name, string and comment.
+;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+;;; Code:
+(require 'ebnf-otz)
+(defvar ebnf-abn-lex nil
+  "Value returned by `ebnf-abn-lex' function.")
+;; Syntactic analyzer
+;;;    rulelist       =  1*( rule / (*c-wsp c-nl) )
+(defun ebnf-abn-parser (start)
+  "ABNF parser."
+  (let ((total (+ (- ebnf-limit start) 1))
+	(bias (1- start))
+	(origin (point))
+	rule-list token rule)
+    (goto-char start)
+    (setq token (ebnf-abn-lex))
+    (and (eq token 'end-of-input)
+	 (error "Invalid ABNF file format"))
+    (while (not (eq token 'end-of-input))
+      (ebnf-message-float
+       "Parsing...%s%%"
+       (/ (* (- (point) bias) 100.0) total))
+      (setq token (ebnf-abn-rule token)
+	    rule  (cdr token)
+	    token (car token))
+      (or (ebnf-add-empty-rule-list rule)
+	  (setq rule-list (cons rule rule-list))))
+    (goto-char origin)
+    rule-list))
+;;;    rule           =  rulename defined-as elements c-nl
+;;;			     ; continues if next line starts with white space
+;;;    rulename       =  ALPHA *(ALPHA / DIGIT / "-")
+;;;    defined-as     =  *c-wsp ("=" / "=/") *c-wsp
+;;;			     ; basic rules definition and incremental
+;;;			     ; alternatives
+;;;    elements       =  alternation *c-wsp
+;;;    c-wsp          =  WSP / (c-nl WSP)
+;;;    c-nl           =  comment / CRLF
+;;;			     ; comment or newline
+;;;    comment        =  ";" *(WSP / VCHAR) CRLF
+(defun ebnf-abn-rule (token)
+  (let ((name ebnf-abn-lex)
+	(action ebnf-action)
+	elements)
+    (setq ebnf-action nil)
+    (or (eq token 'non-terminal)
+	(error "Invalid rule name"))
+    (setq token (ebnf-abn-lex))
+    (or (memq token '(equal incremental-alternative))
+	(error "Invalid rule: missing `=' or `=/'"))
+    (and (eq token 'incremental-alternative)
+	 (setq name (concat name " =/")))
+    (setq elements (ebnf-abn-alternation))
+    (or (memq (car elements) '(end-of-rule end-of-input))
+	(error "Invalid rule: there is no end of rule"))
+    (setq elements (cdr elements))
+    (ebnf-eps-add-production name)
+    (cons (ebnf-abn-lex)
+	  (ebnf-make-production name elements action))))
+;;;    alternation    =  concatenation
+;;;			 *(*c-wsp "/" *c-wsp concatenation)
+(defun ebnf-abn-alternation ()
+  (let (body concatenation)
+    (while (eq (car (setq concatenation
+			  (ebnf-abn-concatenation (ebnf-abn-lex))))
+	       'alternative)
+      (setq body (cons (cdr concatenation) body)))
+    (ebnf-token-alternative body concatenation)))
+;;;    concatenation  =  repetition *(1*c-wsp repetition)
+(defun ebnf-abn-concatenation (token)
+  (let ((term (ebnf-abn-repetition token))
+	seq)
+    (or (setq token (car term)
+	      term  (cdr term))
+	(error "Empty element"))
+    (setq seq (cons term seq))
+    (while (setq term  (ebnf-abn-repetition token)
+		 token (car term)
+		 term  (cdr term))
+      (setq seq (cons term seq)))
+    (cons token
+	  (if (= (length seq) 1)
+	      ;; sequence with only one element
+	      (car seq)
+	    ;; a real sequence
+	    (ebnf-make-sequence (nreverse seq))))))
+;;;    repetition     =  [repeat] element
+;;;    repeat         =  1*DIGIT / (*DIGIT "*" *DIGIT)
+(defun ebnf-abn-repetition (token)
+  (let (lower upper)
+    ;; INTEGER [ "*" [ INTEGER ] ]
+    (when (eq token 'integer)
+      (setq lower ebnf-abn-lex
+	    token (ebnf-abn-lex))
+      (or (eq token 'repeat)
+	  (setq upper lower)))
+    ;; "*" [ INTEGER ]
+    (when (eq token 'repeat)
+      ;; only * ==> lower & upper are empty string
+      (or lower
+	  (setq lower ""
+		upper ""))
+      (when (eq (setq token (ebnf-abn-lex)) 'integer)
+	(setq upper ebnf-abn-lex
+	      token (ebnf-abn-lex))))
+    (let ((element (ebnf-abn-element token)))
+      (cond
+       ;; there is a repetition
+       (lower
+	(or element
+	    (error "Missing element repetition"))
+	(setq token (ebnf-abn-lex))
+	(cond
+	 ;; one or more
+	 ((and (string= lower "1") (null upper))
+	  (cons token (ebnf-make-one-or-more element)))
+	 ;; zero or more
+	 ((or (and (string= lower "0") (null upper))
+	      (and (string= lower "") (string= upper "")))
+	  (cons token (ebnf-make-zero-or-more element)))
+	 ;; real repetition
+	 (t
+	  (ebnf-token-repeat lower (cons token element) upper))))
+       ;; there is an element
+       (element
+	(cons (ebnf-abn-lex) element))
+       ;; something that caller has to deal
+       (t
+	(cons token nil))))))
+;;;    element        =  rulename / group / option /
+;;;			char-val / num-val / prose-val
+;;;    group          =  "(" *c-wsp alternation *c-wsp ")"
+;;;    option         =  "[" *c-wsp alternation *c-wsp "]"
+;;;    char-val       =  DQUOTE *(%x20-21 / %x23-7E) DQUOTE
+;;;			     ; quoted string of SP and VCHAR without DQUOTE
+;;;    num-val        =  "%" (bin-val / dec-val / hex-val)
+;;;    bin-val        =  "b" 1*BIT
+;;;			[ 1*("." 1*BIT) / ("-" 1*BIT) ]
+;;;			     ; series of concatenated bit values
+;;;			     ; or single ONEOF range
+;;;    dec-val        =  "d" 1*DIGIT
+;;;			[ 1*("." 1*DIGIT) / ("-" 1*DIGIT) ]
+;;;    hex-val        =  "x" 1*HEXDIG
+;;;			[ 1*("." 1*HEXDIG) / ("-" 1*HEXDIG) ]
+;;;    prose-val      =  "<" *(%x20-3D / %x3F-7E) ">"
+;;;				; bracketed string of SP and VCHAR without
+;;;				; angles
+;;;				; prose description, to be used as last resort
+(defun ebnf-abn-element (token)
+  (cond
+   ;; terminal
+   ((eq token 'terminal)
+    (ebnf-make-terminal ebnf-abn-lex))
+   ;; non-terminal
+   ((eq token 'non-terminal)
+    (ebnf-make-non-terminal ebnf-abn-lex))
+   ;; group
+   ((eq token 'begin-group)
+    (let ((body (ebnf-abn-alternation)))
+      (or (eq (car body) 'end-group)
+	  (error "Missing `)'"))
+      (cdr body)))
+   ;; optional
+   ((eq token 'begin-optional)
+    (let ((body (ebnf-abn-alternation)))
+      (or (eq (car body) 'end-optional)
+	  (error "Missing `]'"))
+      (ebnf-token-optional (cdr body))))
+   ;; no element
+   (t
+    nil)
+   ))
+;; Lexical analyzer
+(defconst ebnf-abn-token-table (make-vector 256 'error)
+  "Vector used to map characters to a lexical token.")
+(defun ebnf-abn-initialize ()
+  "Initialize EBNF token table."
+  ;; control character & control 8-bit character are set to `error'
+  (let ((char ?\060))
+    ;; digits: 0-9
+    (while (< char ?\072)
+      (aset ebnf-abn-token-table char 'integer)
+      (setq char (1+ char)))
+    ;; printable character: A-Z
+    (setq char ?\101)
+    (while (< char ?\133)
+      (aset ebnf-abn-token-table char 'non-terminal)
+      (setq char (1+ char)))
+    ;; printable character: a-z
+    (setq char ?\141)
+    (while (< char ?\173)
+      (aset ebnf-abn-token-table char 'non-terminal)
+      (setq char (1+ char)))
+    ;; European 8-bit accentuated characters:
+    (setq char ?\240)
+    (while (< char ?\400)
+      (aset ebnf-abn-token-table char 'non-terminal)
+      (setq char (1+ char)))
+    ;; Override end of line characters:
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?\n 'end-of-rule) ; [NL] linefeed
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?\r 'end-of-rule) ; [CR] carriage return
+    ;; Override space characters:
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?\013 'space) ; [VT] vertical tab
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?\t   'space) ; [HT] horizontal tab
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?\    'space) ; [SP] space
+    ;; Override form feed character:
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?\f 'form-feed) ; [FF] form feed
+    ;; Override other lexical characters:
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?<  'non-terminal)
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?%  'terminal)
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?\" 'terminal)
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?\( 'begin-group)
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?\) 'end-group)
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?*  'repeat)
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?=  'equal)
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?\[ 'begin-optional)
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?\] 'end-optional)
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?/  'alternative)
+    ;; Override comment character:
+    (aset ebnf-abn-token-table ?\; 'comment)))
+;; replace the range "\240-\377" (see `ebnf-range-regexp').
+(defconst ebnf-abn-non-terminal-chars
+  (ebnf-range-regexp "-_0-9A-Za-z" ?\240 ?\377))
+(defconst ebnf-abn-non-terminal-letter-chars
+  (ebnf-range-regexp "A-Za-z" ?\240 ?\377))
+(defun ebnf-abn-lex ()
+  "Lexical analyser for ABNF.
+Return a lexical token.
+See documentation for variable `ebnf-abn-lex'."
+  (if (>= (point) ebnf-limit)
+      'end-of-input
+    (let (token)
+      ;; skip spaces and comments
+      (while (if (> (following-char) 255)
+		 (progn
+		   (setq token 'error)
+		   nil)
+	       (setq token (aref ebnf-abn-token-table (following-char)))
+	       (cond
+		((eq token 'space)
+		 (skip-chars-forward " \013\t" ebnf-limit)
+		 (< (point) ebnf-limit))
+		((eq token 'comment)
+		 (ebnf-abn-skip-comment))
+		((eq token 'form-feed)
+		 (forward-char)
+		 (setq ebnf-action 'form-feed))
+		((eq token 'end-of-rule)
+		 (ebnf-abn-skip-end-of-rule))
+		(t nil)
+		)))
+      (cond
+       ;; end of input
+       ((>= (point) ebnf-limit)
+	'end-of-input)
+       ;; error
+       ((eq token 'error)
+	(error "Illegal character"))
+       ;; end of rule
+       ((eq token 'end-of-rule)
+	'end-of-rule)
+       ;; integer
+       ((eq token 'integer)
+	(setq ebnf-abn-lex (ebnf-buffer-substring "0-9"))
+	'integer)
+       ;; terminal: "string" or %[bdx]NNN((.NNN)+|-NNN)?
+       ((eq token 'terminal)
+	(setq ebnf-abn-lex
+	      (if (= (following-char) ?\")
+		  (ebnf-abn-string)
+		(ebnf-abn-character)))
+	'terminal)
+       ;; non-terminal: NAME or <NAME>
+       ((eq token 'non-terminal)
+	(let ((prose-p (= (following-char) ?<)))
+	  (when prose-p
+	    (forward-char)
+	    (or (looking-at ebnf-abn-non-terminal-letter-chars)
+		(error "Invalid prose value")))
+	  (setq ebnf-abn-lex
+		(ebnf-buffer-substring ebnf-abn-non-terminal-chars))
+	  (when prose-p
+	    (or (= (following-char) ?>)
+		(error "Invalid prose value"))
+	    (setq ebnf-abn-lex (concat "<" ebnf-abn-lex ">"))))
+	'non-terminal)
+       ;; equal: =, =/
+       ((eq token 'equal)
+	(forward-char)
+	(if (/= (following-char) ?/)
+	    'equal
+	  (forward-char)
+	  'incremental-alternative))
+       ;; miscellaneous: (, ), [, ], /, *
+       (t
+	(forward-char)
+	token)
+       ))))
+(defun ebnf-abn-skip-end-of-rule ()
+  (let (eor-p)
+    (while (progn
+	     ;; end of rule ==> 2 or more consecutive end of lines
+	     (setq eor-p (or (> (skip-chars-forward "\r\n" ebnf-limit) 1)
+			     eor-p))
+	     ;; skip spaces
+	     (skip-chars-forward " \013\t" ebnf-limit)
+	     ;; skip comments
+	     (and (= (following-char) ?\;)
+		  (ebnf-abn-skip-comment))))
+    (not eor-p)))
+;; replace the range "\177-\237" (see `ebnf-range-regexp').
+(defconst ebnf-abn-comment-chars
+  (ebnf-range-regexp "^\n\000-\010\016-\037" ?\177 ?\237))
+(defun ebnf-abn-skip-comment ()
+  (forward-char)
+  (cond
+   ;; open EPS file
+   ((and ebnf-eps-executing (= (following-char) ?\[))
+    (ebnf-eps-add-context (ebnf-abn-eps-filename)))
+   ;; close EPS file
+   ((and ebnf-eps-executing (= (following-char) ?\]))
+    (ebnf-eps-remove-context (ebnf-abn-eps-filename)))
+   ;; any other action in comment
+   (t
+    (setq ebnf-action (aref ebnf-comment-table (following-char)))
+    (skip-chars-forward ebnf-abn-comment-chars ebnf-limit))
+   )
+  ;; check for a valid end of comment
+  (cond ((>= (point) ebnf-limit)
+	 nil)
+	((= (following-char) ?\n)
+	 t)
+	(t
+	 (error "Illegal character"))
+	))
+(defun ebnf-abn-eps-filename ()
+  (forward-char)
+  (ebnf-buffer-substring ebnf-abn-comment-chars))
+;; replace the range "\240-\377" (see `ebnf-range-regexp').
+(defconst ebnf-abn-string-chars
+  (ebnf-range-regexp " -!#-~" ?\240 ?\377))
+(defun ebnf-abn-string ()
+  (buffer-substring-no-properties
+   (progn
+     (forward-char)
+     (point))
+   (progn
+     (skip-chars-forward ebnf-abn-string-chars ebnf-limit)
+     (or (= (following-char) ?\")
+	 (error "Missing `\"'"))
+     (prog1
+	 (point)
+       (forward-char)))))
+(defun ebnf-abn-character ()
+  ;; %[bdx]NNN((-NNN)|(.NNN)+)?
+  (buffer-substring-no-properties
+   (point)
+   (progn
+     (forward-char)
+     (let* ((char  (following-char))
+	    (chars (cond ((or (= char ?B) (= char ?b)) "01")
+			 ((or (= char ?D) (= char ?d)) "0-9")
+			 ((or (= char ?X) (= char ?x)) "0-9A-Fa-f")
+			 (t (error "Invalid terminal value")))))
+       (forward-char)
+       (or (> (skip-chars-forward chars ebnf-limit) 0)
+	   (error "Invalid terminal value"))
+       (if (= (following-char) ?-)
+	   (progn
+	     (forward-char)
+	     (or (> (skip-chars-forward chars ebnf-limit) 0)
+		 (error "Invalid terminal value range")))
+	 (while (= (following-char) ?.)
+	   (forward-char)
+	   (or (> (skip-chars-forward chars ebnf-limit) 0)
+	       (error "Invalid terminal value")))))
+     (point))))
+(provide 'ebnf-abn)
+;;; arch-tag: 
+;;; ebnf-abn.el ends here