diff man/calc.texi @ 40786:7917695c31da

New file.
author Eli Zaretskii <eliz@gnu.org>
date Tue, 06 Nov 2001 19:01:01 +0000
children c9f5f8f1bce6
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/man/calc.texi	Tue Nov 06 19:01:01 2001 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,35655 @@
+\input texinfo                  @c -*-texinfo-*-
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+@c [title]
+@settitle GNU Emacs Calc 2.02 Manual
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+@comment %**end of header (This is for running Texinfo on a region.)
+% Some special kludges to make TeX formatting prettier.
+% Because makeinfo.c exists, we can't just define new commands.
+% So instead, we take over little-used existing commands.
+% Redefine @cite{text} to act like $text$ in regular TeX.
+% Info will typeset this same as @samp{text}.
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+% This looks the same in TeX but omits the surrounding ` ' in Info.
+% Redefine @c{tex-stuff} \n @whatever{info-stuff}.
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+@c Fix some other things specifically for this manual.
+@mathcode`@:=`@:  @c Make Calc fractions come out right in math mode
+@tocindent=.5pc   @c Indent subsections in table of contents less
+@rightskip=0pt plus 2pt  @c Favor short lines rather than overfull hboxes
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+@end iftex
+This file documents Calc, the GNU Emacs calculator.
+Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
+manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
+preserved on all copies.
+Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the
+results, provided the printed document carries copying permission notice
+identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph (this
+paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
+@end ignore
+Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
+manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the
+section entitled ``GNU General Public License'' is included exactly as
+in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is
+distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.
+Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
+into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
+except that the section entitled ``GNU General Public License'' may be
+included in a translation approved by the author instead of in the
+original English.
+@end ifinfo
+@sp 6
+@center @titlefont{Calc Manual}
+@sp 4
+@center GNU Emacs Calc Version 2.02
+@c [volume]
+@sp 1
+@center January 1992
+@sp 5
+@center Dave Gillespie
+@center daveg@@synaptics.com
+@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
+Copyright @copyright{} 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
+this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
+are preserved on all copies.
+Permission is granted to process this file through TeX and print the
+results, provided the printed document carries copying permission notice
+identical to this one except for the removal of this paragraph (this
+paragraph not being relevant to the printed manual).
+@end ignore
+Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
+manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also that the
+section entitled ``GNU General Public License'' is included exactly as
+in the original, and provided that the entire resulting derived work is
+distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.
+Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
+into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions,
+except that the section entitled ``GNU General Public License'' may be
+included in a translation approved by the author instead of in the
+original English.
+@end titlepage
+@c [begin]
+@node Top, Getting Started,, (dir)
+@ichapter The GNU Emacs Calculator
+@dfn{Calc 2.02} is an advanced desk calculator and mathematical tool
+that runs as part of the GNU Emacs environment.
+This manual is divided into three major parts: "Getting Started," the
+"Calc Tutorial," and the "Calc Reference."  The Tutorial introduces all
+the major aspects of Calculator use in an easy, hands-on way.  The
+remainder of the manual is a complete reference to the features of the
+For help in the Emacs Info system (which you are using to read this
+file), type @kbd{?}.  (You can also type @kbd{h} to run through a
+longer Info tutorial.)
+@end ifinfo
+* Copying::               How you can copy and share Calc.
+* Getting Started::       General description and overview.
+* Tutorial::              A step-by-step introduction for beginners.
+* Introduction::          Introduction to the Calc reference manual.
+* Data Types::            Types of objects manipulated by Calc.
+* Stack and Trail::       Manipulating the stack and trail buffers.
+* Mode Settings::         Adjusting display format and other modes.
+* Arithmetic::            Basic arithmetic functions.
+* Scientific Functions::  Transcendentals and other scientific functions.
+* Matrix Functions::      Operations on vectors and matrices.
+* Algebra::               Manipulating expressions algebraically.
+* Units::                 Operations on numbers with units.
+* Store and Recall::      Storing and recalling variables.
+* Graphics::              Commands for making graphs of data.
+* Kill and Yank::         Moving data into and out of Calc.
+* Embedded Mode::         Working with formulas embedded in a file.
+* Programming::           Calc as a programmable calculator.
+* Installation::          Installing Calc as a part of GNU Emacs.
+* Reporting Bugs::        How to report bugs and make suggestions.
+* Summary::               Summary of Calc commands and functions.
+* Key Index::             The standard Calc key sequences.
+* Command Index::         The interactive Calc commands.
+* Function Index::        Functions (in algebraic formulas).
+* Concept Index::         General concepts.
+* Variable Index::        Variables used by Calc (both user and internal).
+* Lisp Function Index::   Internal Lisp math functions.
+@end menu
+@node Copying, Getting Started, Top, Top
+@center Version 1, February 1989
+Copyright @copyright{} 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
+Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+@end display
+@unnumberedsec Preamble
+  The license agreements of most software companies try to keep users
+at the mercy of those companies.  By contrast, our General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software---to make sure the software is free for all its users.  The
+General Public License applies to the Free Software Foundation's
+software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it.
+You can use it for your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Specifically, the General Public License is designed to make
+sure that you have the freedom to give away or sell copies of free
+software, that you receive source code or can get it if you want it,
+that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free
+programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of a such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must tell them their rights.
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+@unnumberedsec TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+@end iftex
+@end ifinfo
+This License Agreement applies to any program or other work which
+contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be
+distributed under the terms of this General Public License.  The
+``Program'', below, refers to any such program or work, and a ``work based
+on the Program'' means either the Program or any work containing the
+Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications.  Each
+licensee is addressed as ``you''.
+You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source
+code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and
+disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this
+General Public License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any
+other recipients of the Program a copy of this General Public License
+along with the Program.  You may charge a fee for the physical act of
+transferring a copy.
+You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of
+it, and copy and distribute such modifications under the terms of Paragraph
+1 above, provided that you also do the following:
+@itemize @bullet
+cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that
+you changed the files and the date of any change; and
+cause the whole of any work that you distribute or publish, that
+in whole or in part contains the Program or any part thereof, either
+with or without modifications, to be licensed at no charge to all
+third parties under the terms of this General Public License (except
+that you may choose to grant warranty protection to some or all
+third parties, at your option).
+If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when
+run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use
+in the simplest and most usual way, to print or display an
+announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice
+that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a
+warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these
+conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this General
+Public License.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a
+copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in
+exchange for a fee.
+@end itemize
+Mere aggregation of another independent work with the Program (or its
+derivative) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring
+the other work under the scope of these terms.
+You may copy and distribute the Program (or a portion or derivative of
+it, under Paragraph 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Paragraphs 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+@itemize @bullet
+accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+source code, which must be distributed under the terms of
+Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+years, to give any third party free (except for a nominal charge
+for the cost of distribution) a complete machine-readable copy of the
+corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of
+Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+accompany it with the information you received as to where the
+corresponding source code may be obtained.  (This alternative is
+allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+received the program in object code or executable form alone.)
+@end itemize
+Source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
+modifications to it.  For an executable file, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains; but, as a special
+exception, it need not include source code for modules which are standard
+libraries that accompany the operating system on which the executable
+file runs, or for standard header files or definitions files that
+accompany that operating system.
+You may not copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer the
+Program except as expressly provided under this General Public License.
+Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer
+the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights to use
+the Program under this License.  However, parties who have received
+copies, or rights to use copies, from you under this General Public
+License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties
+remain in full compliance.
+By copying, distributing or modifying the Program (or any work based
+on the Program) you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so,
+and all its terms and conditions.
+Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original
+licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these
+terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further restrictions on the
+recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of the license which applies to it and ``any
+later version'', you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+the license, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+@heading NO WARRANTY
+@end iftex
+@center NO WARRANTY
+@end ifinfo
+@end enumerate
+@node Getting Started, Tutorial, Top, Top
+@chapter Getting Started
+This chapter provides a general overview of Calc, the GNU Emacs
+Calculator:  What it is, how to start it and how to exit from it,
+and what are the various ways that it can be used.
+* What is Calc::
+* About This Manual::
+* Notations Used in This Manual::
+* Using Calc::
+* Demonstration of Calc::
+* History and Acknowledgements::
+@end menu
+@node What is Calc, About This Manual, Getting Started, Getting Started
+@section What is Calc?
+@dfn{Calc} is an advanced calculator and mathematical tool that runs as
+part of the GNU Emacs environment.  Very roughly based on the HP-28/48
+series of calculators, its many features include:
+@itemize @bullet
+Choice of algebraic or RPN (stack-based) entry of calculations.
+Arbitrary precision integers and floating-point numbers.
+Arithmetic on rational numbers, complex numbers (rectangular and polar),
+error forms with standard deviations, open and closed intervals, vectors
+and matrices, dates and times, infinities, sets, quantities with units,
+and algebraic formulas.
+Mathematical operations such as logarithms and trigonometric functions.
+Programmer's features (bitwise operations, non-decimal numbers).
+Financial functions such as future value and internal rate of return.
+Number theoretical features such as prime factorization and arithmetic
+modulo @i{M} for any @i{M}.
+Algebraic manipulation features, including symbolic calculus.
+Moving data to and from regular editing buffers.
+``Embedded mode'' for manipulating Calc formulas and data directly
+inside any editing buffer.
+Graphics using GNUPLOT, a versatile (and free) plotting program.
+Easy programming using keyboard macros, algebraic formulas,
+algebraic rewrite rules, or extended Emacs Lisp.
+@end itemize
+Calc tries to include a little something for everyone; as a result it is
+large and might be intimidating to the first-time user.  If you plan to
+use Calc only as a traditional desk calculator, all you really need to
+read is the ``Getting Started'' chapter of this manual and possibly the
+first few sections of the tutorial.  As you become more comfortable with
+the program you can learn its additional features.  In terms of efficiency,
+scope and depth, Calc cannot replace a powerful tool like Mathematica.
+@c Removed this per RMS' request:
+@c Mathematica@c{\trademark} @asis{ (tm)}.
+But Calc has the advantages of convenience, portability, and availability
+of the source code.  And, of course, it's free!
+@node About This Manual, Notations Used in This Manual, What is Calc, Getting Started
+@section About This Manual
+This document serves as a complete description of the GNU Emacs
+Calculator.  It works both as an introduction for novices, and as
+a reference for experienced users.  While it helps to have some
+experience with GNU Emacs in order to get the most out of Calc,
+this manual ought to be readable even if you don't know or use Emacs
+The manual is divided into three major parts:@: the ``Getting
+Started'' chapter you are reading now, the Calc tutorial (chapter 2),
+and the Calc reference manual (the remaining chapters and appendices).
+@end ifinfo
+The manual is divided into three major parts:@: the ``Getting
+Started'' chapter you are reading now, the Calc tutorial (chapter 2),
+and the Calc reference manual (the remaining chapters and appendices).
+@c [when-split]
+@c This manual has been printed in two volumes, the @dfn{Tutorial} and the
+@c @dfn{Reference}.  Both volumes include a copy of the ``Getting Started''
+@c chapter.
+@end iftex
+If you are in a hurry to use Calc, there is a brief ``demonstration''
+below which illustrates the major features of Calc in just a couple of
+pages.  If you don't have time to go through the full tutorial, this
+will show you everything you need to know to begin.
+@xref{Demonstration of Calc}.
+The tutorial chapter walks you through the various parts of Calc
+with lots of hands-on examples and explanations.  If you are new
+to Calc and you have some time, try going through at least the
+beginning of the tutorial.  The tutorial includes about 70 exercises
+with answers.  These exercises give you some guided practice with
+Calc, as well as pointing out some interesting and unusual ways
+to use its features.
+The reference section discusses Calc in complete depth.  You can read
+the reference from start to finish if you want to learn every aspect
+of Calc.  Or, you can look in the table of contents or the Concept
+Index to find the parts of the manual that discuss the things you
+need to know.
+@cindex Marginal notes
+Every Calc keyboard command is listed in the Calc Summary, and also
+in the Key Index.  Algebraic functions, @kbd{M-x} commands, and
+variables also have their own indices.  @c{Each}
+@asis{In the printed manual, each}
+paragraph that is referenced in the Key or Function Index is marked
+in the margin with its index entry.
+@c [fix-ref Help Commands]
+You can access this manual on-line at any time within Calc by
+pressing the @kbd{h i} key sequence.  Outside of the Calc window,
+you can press @kbd{M-# i} to read the manual on-line.  Also, you
+can jump directly to the Tutorial by pressing @kbd{h t} or @kbd{M-# t},
+or to the Summary by pressing @kbd{h s} or @kbd{M-# s}.  Within Calc,
+you can also go to the part of the manual describing any Calc key,
+function, or variable using @w{@kbd{h k}}, @kbd{h f}, or @kbd{h v},
+respectively.  @xref{Help Commands}.
+Printed copies of this manual are also available from the Free Software
+@node Notations Used in This Manual, Demonstration of Calc, About This Manual, Getting Started
+@section Notations Used in This Manual
+This section describes the various notations that are used
+throughout the Calc manual.
+In keystroke sequences, uppercase letters mean you must hold down
+the shift key while typing the letter.  Keys pressed with Control
+held down are shown as @kbd{C-x}.  Keys pressed with Meta held down
+are shown as @kbd{M-x}.  Other notations are @key{RET} for the
+Return key, @key{SPC} for the space bar, @key{TAB} for the Tab key,
+@key{DEL} for the Delete key, and @key{LFD} for the Line-Feed key.
+(If you don't have the @key{LFD} or @key{TAB} keys on your keyboard,
+the @kbd{C-j} and @kbd{C-i} keys are equivalent to them, respectively.
+If you don't have a Meta key, look for Alt or Extend Char.  You can
+also press @key{ESC} or @key{C-[} first to get the same effect, so
+that @kbd{M-x}, @kbd{ESC x}, and @kbd{C-[ x} are all equivalent.)
+Sometimes the @key{RET} key is not shown when it is ``obvious''
+that you must press @kbd{RET} to proceed.  For example, the @key{RET}
+is usually omitted in key sequences like @kbd{M-x calc-keypad @key{RET}}.
+Commands are generally shown like this:  @kbd{p} (@code{calc-precision})
+or @kbd{M-# k} (@code{calc-keypad}).  This means that the command is
+normally used by pressing the @kbd{p} key or @kbd{M-# k} key sequence,
+but it also has the full-name equivalent shown, e.g., @kbd{M-x calc-precision}.
+Commands that correspond to functions in algebraic notation
+are written:  @kbd{C} (@code{calc-cos}) [@code{cos}].  This means
+the @kbd{C} key is equivalent to @kbd{M-x calc-cos}, and that
+the corresponding function in an algebraic-style formula would
+be @samp{cos(@var{x})}.
+A few commands don't have key equivalents:  @code{calc-sincos}
+@node Demonstration of Calc, Using Calc, Notations Used in This Manual, Getting Started
+@section A Demonstration of Calc
+@cindex Demonstration of Calc
+This section will show some typical small problems being solved with
+Calc.  The focus is more on demonstration than explanation, but
+everything you see here will be covered more thoroughly in the
+To begin, start Emacs if necessary (usually the command @code{emacs}
+does this), and type @kbd{M-# c} (or @kbd{ESC # c}) to start the
+Calculator.  (@xref{Starting Calc}, if this doesn't work for you.)
+Be sure to type all the sample input exactly, especially noting the
+difference between lower-case and upper-case letters.  Remember,
+@kbd{RET}, @kbd{TAB}, @kbd{DEL}, and @kbd{SPC} are the Return, Tab,
+Delete, and Space keys.
+@strong{RPN calculation.}  In RPN, you type the input number(s) first,
+then the command to operate on the numbers.
+Type @kbd{2 RET 3 + Q} to compute @c{$\sqrt{2+3} = 2.2360679775$}
+@asis{the square root of 2+3, which is 2.2360679775}.
+Type @kbd{P 2 ^} to compute @c{$\pi^2 = 9.86960440109$}
+@asis{the value of `pi' squared, 9.86960440109}.
+Type @kbd{TAB} to exchange the order of these two results.
+Type @kbd{- I H S} to subtract these results and compute the Inverse
+Hyperbolic sine of the difference, 2.72996136574.
+Type @kbd{DEL} to erase this result.
+@strong{Algebraic calculation.}  You can also enter calculations using
+conventional ``algebraic'' notation.  To enter an algebraic formula,
+use the apostrophe key.
+Type @kbd{' sqrt(2+3) RET} to compute @c{$\sqrt{2+3}$}
+@asis{the square root of 2+3}.
+Type @kbd{' pi^2 RET} to enter @c{$\pi^2$}
+@asis{`pi' squared}.  To evaluate this symbolic
+formula as a number, type @kbd{=}.
+Type @kbd{' arcsinh($ - $$) RET} to subtract the second-most-recent
+result from the most-recent and compute the Inverse Hyperbolic sine.
+@strong{Keypad mode.}  If you are using the X window system, press
+@w{@kbd{M-# k}} to get Keypad mode.  (If you don't use X, skip to
+the next section.)
+Click on the @key{2}, @key{ENTER}, @key{3}, @key{+}, and @key{SQRT}
+``buttons'' using your left mouse button.
+Click on @key{PI}, @key{2}, and @t{y^x}.
+Click on @key{INV}, then @key{ENTER} to swap the two results.
+Click on @key{-}, @key{INV}, @key{HYP}, and @key{SIN}.
+Click on @key{<-} to erase the result, then click @key{OFF} to turn
+the Keypad Calculator off.
+@strong{Grabbing data.}  Type @kbd{M-# x} if necessary to exit Calc.
+Now select the following numbers as an Emacs region:  ``Mark'' the
+front of the list by typing control-@kbd{SPC} or control-@kbd{@@} there,
+then move to the other end of the list.  (Either get this list from
+the on-line copy of this manual, accessed by @w{@kbd{M-# i}}, or just
+type these numbers into a scratch file.)  Now type @kbd{M-# g} to
+``grab'' these numbers into Calc.
+1.23  1.97
+1.6   2
+1.19  1.08
+@end example
+@end group
+The result @samp{[1.23, 1.97, 1.6, 2, 1.19, 1.08]} is a Calc ``vector.''
+Type @w{@kbd{V R +}} to compute the sum of these numbers.
+Type @kbd{U} to Undo this command, then type @kbd{V R *} to compute
+the product of the numbers.
+You can also grab data as a rectangular matrix.  Place the cursor on
+the upper-leftmost @samp{1} and set the mark, then move to just after
+the lower-right @samp{8} and press @kbd{M-# r}.
+Type @kbd{v t} to transpose this @c{$3\times2$}
+@asis{3x2} matrix into a @c{$2\times3$}
+@asis{2x3} matrix.  Type
+@w{@kbd{v u}} to unpack the rows into two separate vectors.  Now type
+@w{@kbd{V R + TAB V R +}} to compute the sums of the two original columns.
+(There is also a special grab-and-sum-columns command, @kbd{M-# :}.)
+@strong{Units conversion.}  Units are entered algebraically.
+Type @w{@kbd{' 43 mi/hr RET}} to enter the quantity 43 miles-per-hour.
+Type @w{@kbd{u c km/hr RET}}.  Type @w{@kbd{u c m/s RET}}.
+@strong{Date arithmetic.}  Type @kbd{t N} to get the current date and
+time.  Type @kbd{90 +} to find the date 90 days from now.  Type
+@kbd{' <25 dec 87> RET} to enter a date, then @kbd{- 7 /} to see how
+many weeks have passed since then.
+@strong{Algebra.}  Algebraic entries can also include formulas
+or equations involving variables.  Type @kbd{@w{' [x + y} = a, x y = 1] RET}
+to enter a pair of equations involving three variables.
+(Note the leading apostrophe in this example; also, note that the space
+between @samp{x y} is required.)  Type @w{@kbd{a S x,y RET}} to solve
+these equations for the variables @cite{x} and @cite{y}.@refill
+Type @kbd{d B} to view the solutions in more readable notation.
+Type @w{@kbd{d C}} to view them in C language notation, and @kbd{d T}
+to view them in the notation for the @TeX{} typesetting system.
+Type @kbd{d N} to return to normal notation.
+Type @kbd{7.5}, then @kbd{s l a RET} to let @cite{a = 7.5} in these formulas.
+(That's a letter @kbd{l}, not a numeral @kbd{1}.)
+@strong{Help functions.}  You can read about any command in the on-line
+manual.  Type @kbd{M-# c} to return to Calc after each of these
+commands: @kbd{h k t N} to read about the @kbd{t N} command,
+@kbd{h f sqrt RET} to read about the @code{sqrt} function, and
+@kbd{h s} to read the Calc summary.
+@end iftex
+@strong{Help functions.}  You can read about any command in the on-line
+manual.  Remember to type the letter @kbd{l}, then @kbd{M-# c}, to
+return here after each of these commands: @w{@kbd{h k t N}} to read
+about the @w{@kbd{t N}} command, @kbd{h f sqrt RET} to read about the
+@code{sqrt} function, and @kbd{h s} to read the Calc summary.
+@end ifinfo
+Press @kbd{DEL} repeatedly to remove any leftover results from the stack.
+To exit from Calc, press @kbd{q} or @kbd{M-# c} again.
+@node Using Calc, History and Acknowledgements, Demonstration of Calc, Getting Started
+@section Using Calc
+Calc has several user interfaces that are specialized for
+different kinds of tasks.  As well as Calc's standard interface,
+there are Quick Mode, Keypad Mode, and Embedded Mode.
+@c [fix-ref Installation]
+Calc must be @dfn{installed} before it can be used.  @xref{Installation},
+for instructions on setting up and installing Calc.  We will assume
+you or someone on your system has already installed Calc as described
+* Starting Calc::
+* The Standard Interface::
+* Quick Mode Overview::
+* Keypad Mode Overview::
+* Standalone Operation::
+* Embedded Mode Overview::
+* Other M-# Commands::
+@end menu
+@node Starting Calc, The Standard Interface, Using Calc, Using Calc
+@subsection Starting Calc
+On most systems, you can type @kbd{M-#} to start the Calculator.
+The notation @kbd{M-#} is short for Meta-@kbd{#}.  On most
+keyboards this means holding down the Meta (or Alt) and
+Shift keys while typing @kbd{3}.
+@cindex META key
+Once again, if you don't have a Meta key on your keyboard you can type
+@key{ESC} first, then @kbd{#}, to accomplish the same thing.  If you
+don't even have an @key{ESC} key, you can fake it by holding down
+Control or @key{CTRL} while typing a left square bracket
+(that's @kbd{C-[} in Emacs notation).@refill
+@kbd{M-#} is a @dfn{prefix key}; when you press it, Emacs waits for
+you to press a second key to complete the command.  In this case,
+you will follow @kbd{M-#} with a letter (upper- or lower-case, it
+doesn't matter for @kbd{M-#}) that says which Calc interface you
+want to use.
+To get Calc's standard interface, type @kbd{M-# c}.  To get
+Keypad Mode, type @kbd{M-# k}.  Type @kbd{M-# ?} to get a brief
+list of the available options, and type a second @kbd{?} to get
+a complete list.
+To ease typing, @kbd{M-# M-#} (or @kbd{M-# #} if that's easier)
+also works to start Calc.  It starts the same interface (either
+@kbd{M-# c} or @w{@kbd{M-# k}}) that you last used, selecting the
+@kbd{M-# c} interface by default.  (If your installation has
+a special function key set up to act like @kbd{M-#}, hitting that
+function key twice is just like hitting @kbd{M-# M-#}.)
+If @kbd{M-#} doesn't work for you, you can always type explicit
+commands like @kbd{M-x calc} (for the standard user interface) or
+@w{@kbd{M-x calc-keypad}} (for Keypad Mode).  First type @kbd{M-x}
+(that's Meta with the letter @kbd{x}), then, at the prompt,
+type the full command (like @kbd{calc-keypad}) and press Return.
+If you type @kbd{M-x calc} and Emacs still doesn't recognize the
+command (it will say @samp{[No match]} when you try to press
+@key{RET}), then Calc has not been properly installed.
+The same commands (like @kbd{M-# c} or @kbd{M-# M-#}) that start
+the Calculator also turn it off if it is already on.
+@node The Standard Interface, Quick Mode Overview, Starting Calc, Using Calc
+@subsection The Standard Calc Interface
+@cindex Standard user interface
+Calc's standard interface acts like a traditional RPN calculator,
+operated by the normal Emacs keyboard.  When you type @kbd{M-# c}
+to start the Calculator, the Emacs screen splits into two windows
+with the file you were editing on top and Calc on the bottom.
+@end iftex
+--**-Emacs: myfile             (Fundamental)----All----------------------
+--- Emacs Calculator Mode ---                   |Emacs Calc Mode v2.00...
+2:  17.3                                        |    17.3
+1:  -5                                          |    3
+    .                                           |    2
+                                                |    4
+                                                |  * 8
+                                                |  ->-5
+                                                |
+--%%-Calc: 12 Deg       (Calculator)----All----- --%%-Emacs: *Calc Trail*
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+In this figure, the mode-line for @file{myfile} has moved up and the
+``Calculator'' window has appeared below it.  As you can see, Calc
+actually makes two windows side-by-side.  The lefthand one is
+called the @dfn{stack window} and the righthand one is called the
+@dfn{trail window.}  The stack holds the numbers involved in the
+calculation you are currently performing.  The trail holds a complete
+record of all calculations you have done.  In a desk calculator with
+a printer, the trail corresponds to the paper tape that records what
+you do.
+In this case, the trail shows that four numbers (17.3, 3, 2, and 4)
+were first entered into the Calculator, then the 2 and 4 were
+multiplied to get 8, then the 3 and 8 were subtracted to get @i{-5}.
+(The @samp{>} symbol shows that this was the most recent calculation.)
+The net result is the two numbers 17.3 and @i{-5} sitting on the stack.
+Most Calculator commands deal explicitly with the stack only, but
+there is a set of commands that allow you to search back through
+the trail and retrieve any previous result.
+Calc commands use the digits, letters, and punctuation keys.
+Shifted (i.e., upper-case) letters are different from lowercase
+letters.  Some letters are @dfn{prefix} keys that begin two-letter
+commands.  For example, @kbd{e} means ``enter exponent'' and shifted
+@kbd{E} means @cite{e^x}.  With the @kbd{d} (``display modes'') prefix
+the letter ``e'' takes on very different meanings:  @kbd{d e} means
+``engineering notation'' and @kbd{d E} means ``@dfn{eqn} language mode.''
+There is nothing stopping you from switching out of the Calc
+window and back into your editing window, say by using the Emacs
+@w{@kbd{C-x o}} (@code{other-window}) command.  When the cursor is
+inside a regular window, Emacs acts just like normal.  When the
+cursor is in the Calc stack or trail windows, keys are interpreted
+as Calc commands.
+When you quit by pressing @kbd{M-# c} a second time, the Calculator
+windows go away but the actual Stack and Trail are not gone, just
+hidden.  When you press @kbd{M-# c} once again you will get the
+same stack and trail contents you had when you last used the
+The Calculator does not remember its state between Emacs sessions.
+Thus if you quit Emacs and start it again, @kbd{M-# c} will give you
+a fresh stack and trail.  There is a command (@kbd{m m}) that lets
+you save your favorite mode settings between sessions, though.
+One of the things it saves is which user interface (standard or
+Keypad) you last used; otherwise, a freshly started Emacs will
+always treat @kbd{M-# M-#} the same as @kbd{M-# c}.
+The @kbd{q} key is another equivalent way to turn the Calculator off.
+If you type @kbd{M-# b} first and then @kbd{M-# c}, you get a
+full-screen version of Calc (@code{full-calc}) in which the stack and
+trail windows are still side-by-side but are now as tall as the whole
+Emacs screen.  When you press @kbd{q} or @kbd{M-# c} again to quit,
+the file you were editing before reappears.  The @kbd{M-# b} key
+switches back and forth between ``big'' full-screen mode and the
+normal partial-screen mode.
+Finally, @kbd{M-# o} (@code{calc-other-window}) is like @kbd{M-# c}
+except that the Calc window is not selected.  The buffer you were
+editing before remains selected instead.  @kbd{M-# o} is a handy
+way to switch out of Calc momentarily to edit your file; type
+@kbd{M-# c} to switch back into Calc when you are done.
+@node Quick Mode Overview, Keypad Mode Overview, The Standard Interface, Using Calc
+@subsection Quick Mode (Overview)
+@dfn{Quick Mode} is a quick way to use Calc when you don't need the
+full complexity of the stack and trail.  To use it, type @kbd{M-# q}
+(@code{quick-calc}) in any regular editing buffer.
+Quick Mode is very simple:  It prompts you to type any formula in
+standard algebraic notation (like @samp{4 - 2/3}) and then displays
+the result at the bottom of the Emacs screen (@i{3.33333333333}
+in this case).  You are then back in the same editing buffer you
+were in before, ready to continue editing or to type @kbd{M-# q}
+again to do another quick calculation.  The result of the calculation
+will also be in the Emacs ``kill ring'' so that a @kbd{C-y} command
+at this point will yank the result into your editing buffer.
+Calc mode settings affect Quick Mode, too, though you will have to
+go into regular Calc (with @kbd{M-# c}) to change the mode settings.
+@c [fix-ref Quick Calculator mode]
+@xref{Quick Calculator}, for further information.
+@node Keypad Mode Overview, Standalone Operation, Quick Mode Overview, Using Calc
+@subsection Keypad Mode (Overview)
+@dfn{Keypad Mode} is a mouse-based interface to the Calculator.
+It is designed for use with the X window system.  If you don't
+have X, you will have to operate keypad mode with your arrow
+keys (which is probably more trouble than it's worth).  Keypad
+mode is currently not supported under Emacs 19.
+Type @kbd{M-# k} to turn Keypad Mode on or off.  Once again you
+get two new windows, this time on the righthand side of the screen
+instead of at the bottom.  The upper window is the familiar Calc
+Stack; the lower window is a picture of a typical calculator keypad.
+\advance \dimen0 by 24\baselineskip%
+\ifdim \dimen0>\pagegoal \vfill\eject \fi%
+@end tex
+                                        |--- Emacs Calculator Mode ---
+                                        |2:  17.3
+                                        |1:  -5
+                                        |    .
+                                        |--%%-Calc: 12 Deg       (Calcul
+                                        |----+-----Calc 2.00-----+----1
+                                        |FLR |CEIL|RND |TRNC|CLN2|FLT |
+                                        |----+----+----+----+----+----|
+                                        | LN |EXP |    |ABS |IDIV|MOD |
+                                        |----+----+----+----+----+----|
+                                        |SIN |COS |TAN |SQRT|y^x |1/x |
+                                        |----+----+----+----+----+----|
+                                        |  ENTER  |+/- |EEX |UNDO| <- |
+                                        |-----+---+-+--+--+-+---++----|
+                                        | INV |  7  |  8  |  9  |  /  |
+                                        |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----|
+                                        | HYP |  4  |  5  |  6  |  *  |
+                                        |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----|
+                                        |EXEC |  1  |  2  |  3  |  -  |
+                                        |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----|
+                                        | OFF |  0  |  .  | PI  |  +  |
+                                        |-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
+@end smallexample
+@end iftex
+Keypad Mode is much easier for beginners to learn, because there
+is no need to memorize lots of obscure key sequences.  But not all
+commands in regular Calc are available on the Keypad.  You can
+always switch the cursor into the Calc stack window to use
+standard Calc commands if you need.  Serious Calc users, though,
+often find they prefer the standard interface over Keypad Mode.
+To operate the Calculator, just click on the ``buttons'' of the
+keypad using your left mouse button.  To enter the two numbers
+shown here you would click @w{@kbd{1 7 .@: 3 ENTER 5 +/- ENTER}}; to
+add them together you would then click @kbd{+} (to get 12.3 on
+the stack).
+If you click the right mouse button, the top three rows of the
+keypad change to show other sets of commands, such as advanced
+math functions, vector operations, and operations on binary
+@end iftex
+Because Keypad Mode doesn't use the regular keyboard, Calc leaves
+the cursor in your original editing buffer.  You can type in
+this buffer in the usual way while also clicking on the Calculator
+keypad.  One advantage of Keypad Mode is that you don't need an
+explicit command to switch between editing and calculating.
+If you press @kbd{M-# b} first, you get a full-screen Keypad Mode
+(@code{full-calc-keypad}) with three windows:  The keypad in the lower
+left, the stack in the lower right, and the trail on top.
+@c [fix-ref Keypad Mode]
+@xref{Keypad Mode}, for further information.
+@node Standalone Operation, Embedded Mode Overview, Keypad Mode Overview, Using Calc
+@subsection Standalone Operation
+@cindex Standalone Operation
+If you are not in Emacs at the moment but you wish to use Calc,
+you must start Emacs first.  If all you want is to run Calc, you
+can give the commands:
+emacs -f full-calc
+@end example
+emacs -f full-calc-keypad
+@end example
+which run a full-screen Calculator (as if by @kbd{M-# b M-# c}) or
+a full-screen X-based Calculator (as if by @kbd{M-# b M-# k}).
+In standalone operation, quitting the Calculator (by pressing
+@kbd{q} or clicking on the keypad @key{EXIT} button) quits Emacs
+@node Embedded Mode Overview, Other M-# Commands, Standalone Operation, Using Calc
+@subsection Embedded Mode (Overview)
+@dfn{Embedded Mode} is a way to use Calc directly from inside an
+editing buffer.  Suppose you have a formula written as part of a
+document like this:
+The derivative of
+                                   ln(ln(x))
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+and you wish to have Calc compute and format the derivative for
+you and store this derivative in the buffer automatically.  To
+do this with Embedded Mode, first copy the formula down to where
+you want the result to be:
+The derivative of
+                                   ln(ln(x))
+                                   ln(ln(x))
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Now, move the cursor onto this new formula and press @kbd{M-# e}.
+Calc will read the formula (using the surrounding blank lines to
+tell how much text to read), then push this formula (invisibly)
+onto the Calc stack.  The cursor will stay on the formula in the
+editing buffer, but the buffer's mode line will change to look
+like the Calc mode line (with mode indicators like @samp{12 Deg}
+and so on).  Even though you are still in your editing buffer,
+the keyboard now acts like the Calc keyboard, and any new result
+you get is copied from the stack back into the buffer.  To take
+the derivative, you would type @kbd{a d x @key{RET}}.
+The derivative of
+                                   ln(ln(x))
+1 / ln(x) x
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+To make this look nicer, you might want to press @kbd{d =} to center
+the formula, and even @kbd{d B} to use ``big'' display mode.
+The derivative of
+                                   ln(ln(x))
+% [calc-mode: justify: center]
+% [calc-mode: language: big]
+                                       1
+                                    -------
+                                    ln(x) x
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Calc has added annotations to the file to help it remember the modes
+that were used for this formula.  They are formatted like comments
+in the @TeX{} typesetting language, just in case you are using @TeX{}.
+(In this example @TeX{} is not being used, so you might want to move
+these comments up to the top of the file or otherwise put them out
+of the way.)
+As an extra flourish, we can add an equation number using a
+righthand label:  Type @kbd{d @} (1) RET}.
+% [calc-mode: justify: center]
+% [calc-mode: language: big]
+% [calc-mode: right-label: " (1)"]
+                                       1
+                                    -------                      (1)
+                                    ln(x) x
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+To leave Embedded Mode, type @kbd{M-# e} again.  The mode line
+and keyboard will revert to the way they were before.  (If you have
+actually been trying this as you read along, you'll want to press
+@kbd{M-# 0} [with the digit zero] now to reset the modes you changed.)
+The related command @kbd{M-# w} operates on a single word, which
+generally means a single number, inside text.  It uses any
+non-numeric characters rather than blank lines to delimit the
+formula it reads.  Here's an example of its use:
+A slope of one-third corresponds to an angle of 1 degrees.
+@end smallexample
+Place the cursor on the @samp{1}, then type @kbd{M-# w} to enable
+Embedded Mode on that number.  Now type @kbd{3 /} (to get one-third),
+and @kbd{I T} (the Inverse Tangent converts a slope into an angle),
+then @w{@kbd{M-# w}} again to exit Embedded mode.
+A slope of one-third corresponds to an angle of 18.4349488229 degrees.
+@end smallexample
+@c [fix-ref Embedded Mode]
+@xref{Embedded Mode}, for full details.
+@node Other M-# Commands, , Embedded Mode Overview, Using Calc
+@subsection Other @kbd{M-#} Commands
+Two more Calc-related commands are @kbd{M-# g} and @kbd{M-# r},
+which ``grab'' data from a selected region of a buffer into the
+Calculator.  The region is defined in the usual Emacs way, by
+a ``mark'' placed at one end of the region, and the Emacs
+cursor or ``point'' placed at the other.
+The @kbd{M-# g} command reads the region in the usual left-to-right,
+top-to-bottom order.  The result is packaged into a Calc vector
+of numbers and placed on the stack.  Calc (in its standard
+user interface) is then started.  Type @kbd{v u} if you want
+to unpack this vector into separate numbers on the stack.  Also,
+@kbd{C-u M-# g} interprets the region as a single number or
+The @kbd{M-# r} command reads a rectangle, with the point and
+mark defining opposite corners of the rectangle.  The result
+is a matrix of numbers on the Calculator stack.
+Complementary to these is @kbd{M-# y}, which ``yanks'' the
+value at the top of the Calc stack back into an editing buffer.
+If you type @w{@kbd{M-# y}} while in such a buffer, the value is
+yanked at the current position.  If you type @kbd{M-# y} while
+in the Calc buffer, Calc makes an educated guess as to which
+editing buffer you want to use.  The Calc window does not have
+to be visible in order to use this command, as long as there
+is something on the Calc stack.
+Here, for reference, is the complete list of @kbd{M-#} commands.
+The shift, control, and meta keys are ignored for the keystroke
+following @kbd{M-#}.
+Commands for turning Calc on and off:
+@table @kbd
+@item #
+Turn Calc on or off, employing the same user interface as last time.
+@item C
+Turn Calc on or off using its standard bottom-of-the-screen
+interface.  If Calc is already turned on but the cursor is not
+in the Calc window, move the cursor into the window.
+@item O
+Same as @kbd{C}, but don't select the new Calc window.  If
+Calc is already turned on and the cursor is in the Calc window,
+move it out of that window.
+@item B
+Control whether @kbd{M-# c} and @kbd{M-# k} use the full screen.
+@item Q
+Use Quick Mode for a single short calculation.
+@item K
+Turn Calc Keypad mode on or off.
+@item E
+Turn Calc Embedded mode on or off at the current formula.
+@item J
+Turn Calc Embedded mode on or off, select the interesting part.
+@item W
+Turn Calc Embedded mode on or off at the current word (number).
+@item Z
+Turn Calc on in a user-defined way, as defined by a @kbd{Z I} command.
+@item X
+Quit Calc; turn off standard, Keypad, or Embedded mode if on.
+(This is like @kbd{q} or @key{OFF} inside of Calc.)
+@end table
+@sp 2
+@end iftex
+Commands for moving data into and out of the Calculator:
+@table @kbd
+@item G
+Grab the region into the Calculator as a vector.
+@item R
+Grab the rectangular region into the Calculator as a matrix.
+@item :
+Grab the rectangular region and compute the sums of its columns.
+@item _
+Grab the rectangular region and compute the sums of its rows.
+@item Y
+Yank a value from the Calculator into the current editing buffer.
+@end table
+@sp 2
+@end iftex
+@end group
+Commands for use with Embedded Mode:
+@table @kbd
+@item A
+``Activate'' the current buffer.  Locate all formulas that
+contain @samp{:=} or @samp{=>} symbols and record their locations
+so that they can be updated automatically as variables are changed.
+@item D
+Duplicate the current formula immediately below and select
+the duplicate.
+@item F
+Insert a new formula at the current point.
+@item N
+Move the cursor to the next active formula in the buffer.
+@item P
+Move the cursor to the previous active formula in the buffer.
+@item U
+Update (i.e., as if by the @kbd{=} key) the formula at the current point.
+@item `
+Edit (as if by @code{calc-edit}) the formula at the current point.
+@end table
+@sp 2
+@end iftex
+@end group
+Miscellaneous commands:
+@table @kbd
+@item I
+Run the Emacs Info system to read the Calc manual.
+(This is the same as @kbd{h i} inside of Calc.)
+@item T
+Run the Emacs Info system to read the Calc Tutorial.
+@item S
+Run the Emacs Info system to read the Calc Summary.
+@item L
+Load Calc entirely into memory.  (Normally the various parts
+are loaded only as they are needed.)
+@item M
+Read a region of written keystroke names (like @samp{C-n a b c RET})
+and record them as the current keyboard macro.
+@item 0
+(This is the ``zero'' digit key.)  Reset the Calculator to
+its default state:  Empty stack, and default mode settings.
+With any prefix argument, reset everything but the stack.
+@end table
+@end group
+@node History and Acknowledgements, , Using Calc, Getting Started
+@section History and Acknowledgements
+Calc was originally started as a two-week project to occupy a lull
+in the author's schedule.  Basically, a friend asked if I remembered
+the value of @c{$2^{32}$}
+@cite{2^32}.  I didn't offhand, but I said, ``that's
+easy, just call up an @code{xcalc}.''  @code{Xcalc} duly reported
+that the answer to our question was @samp{4.294967e+09}---with no way to
+see the full ten digits even though we knew they were there in the
+program's memory!  I was so annoyed, I vowed to write a calculator
+of my own, once and for all.
+I chose Emacs Lisp, a) because I had always been curious about it
+and b) because, being only a text editor extension language after
+all, Emacs Lisp would surely reach its limits long before the project
+got too far out of hand.
+To make a long story short, Emacs Lisp turned out to be a distressingly
+solid implementation of Lisp, and the humble task of calculating
+turned out to be more open-ended than one might have expected.
+Emacs Lisp doesn't have built-in floating point math, so it had to be
+simulated in software.  In fact, Emacs integers will only comfortably
+fit six decimal digits or so---not enough for a decent calculator.  So
+I had to write my own high-precision integer code as well, and once I had
+this I figured that arbitrary-size integers were just as easy as large
+integers.  Arbitrary floating-point precision was the logical next step.
+Also, since the large integer arithmetic was there anyway it seemed only
+fair to give the user direct access to it, which in turn made it practical
+to support fractions as well as floats.  All these features inspired me
+to look around for other data types that might be worth having.
+Around this time, my friend Rick Koshi showed me his nifty new HP-28
+calculator.  It allowed the user to manipulate formulas as well as
+numerical quantities, and it could also operate on matrices.  I decided
+that these would be good for Calc to have, too.  And once things had
+gone this far, I figured I might as well take a look at serious algebra
+systems like Mathematica, Macsyma, and Maple for further ideas.  Since
+these systems did far more than I could ever hope to implement, I decided
+to focus on rewrite rules and other programming features so that users
+could implement what they needed for themselves.
+Rick complained that matrices were hard to read, so I put in code to
+format them in a 2D style.  Once these routines were in place, Big mode
+was obligatory.  Gee, what other language modes would be useful?
+Scott Hemphill and Allen Knutson, two friends with a strong mathematical
+bent, contributed ideas and algorithms for a number of Calc features
+including modulo forms, primality testing, and float-to-fraction conversion.
+Units were added at the eager insistence of Mass Sivilotti.  Later,
+Ulrich Mueller at CERN and Przemek Klosowski at NIST provided invaluable
+expert assistance with the units table.  As far as I can remember, the
+idea of using algebraic formulas and variables to represent units dates
+back to an ancient article in Byte magazine about muMath, an early
+algebra system for microcomputers.
+Many people have contributed to Calc by reporting bugs and suggesting
+features, large and small.  A few deserve special mention:  Tim Peters,
+who helped develop the ideas that led to the selection commands, rewrite
+rules, and many other algebra features; @c{Fran\c cois}
+@asis{Francois} Pinard, who contributed
+an early prototype of the Calc Summary appendix as well as providing
+valuable suggestions in many other areas of Calc; Carl Witty, whose eagle
+eyes discovered many typographical and factual errors in the Calc manual;
+Tim Kay, who drove the development of Embedded mode; Ove Ewerlid, who
+made many suggestions relating to the algebra commands and contributed
+some code for polynomial operations; Randal Schwartz, who suggested the
+@code{calc-eval} function; Robert J. Chassell, who suggested the Calc
+Tutorial and exercises; and Juha Sarlin, who first worked out how to split
+Calc into quickly-loading parts.  Bob Weiner helped immensely with the
+Lucid Emacs port.
+@cindex Bibliography
+@cindex Knuth, Art of Computer Programming
+@cindex Numerical Recipes
+@c Should these be expanded into more complete references?
+Among the books used in the development of Calc were Knuth's @emph{Art
+of Computer Programming} (especially volume II, @emph{Seminumerical
+Algorithms}); @emph{Numerical Recipes} by Press, Flannery, Teukolsky,
+and Vetterling; Bevington's @emph{Data Reduction and Error Analysis for
+the Physical Sciences}; @emph{Concrete Mathematics} by Graham, Knuth,
+and Patashnik; Steele's @emph{Common Lisp, the Language}; the @emph{CRC
+Standard Math Tables} (William H. Beyer, ed.); and Abramowitz and
+Stegun's venerable @emph{Handbook of Mathematical Functions}.  I
+consulted the user's manuals for the HP-28 and HP-48 calculators, as
+well as for the programs Mathematica, SMP, Macsyma, Maple, MathCAD,
+Gnuplot, and others.  Also, of course, Calc could not have been written
+without the excellent @emph{GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual}, by Bil
+Lewis and Dan LaLiberte.
+Final thanks go to Richard Stallman, without whose fine implementations
+of the Emacs editor, language, and environment, Calc would have been
+finished in two weeks.
+@c [tutorial]
+@c This node is accessed by the `M-# t' command.
+@node Interactive Tutorial, , , Top
+@chapter Tutorial
+Some brief instructions on using the Emacs Info system for this tutorial:
+Press the space bar and Delete keys to go forward and backward in a
+section by screenfuls (or use the regular Emacs scrolling commands
+for this).
+Press @kbd{n} or @kbd{p} to go to the Next or Previous section.
+If the section has a @dfn{menu}, press a digit key like @kbd{1}
+or @kbd{2} to go to a sub-section from the menu.  Press @kbd{u} to
+go back up from a sub-section to the menu it is part of.
+Exercises in the tutorial all have cross-references to the
+appropriate page of the ``answers'' section.  Press @kbd{f}, then
+the exercise number, to see the answer to an exercise.  After
+you have followed a cross-reference, you can press the letter
+@kbd{l} to return to where you were before.
+You can press @kbd{?} at any time for a brief summary of Info commands.
+Press @kbd{1} now to enter the first section of the Tutorial.
+* Tutorial::
+@end menu
+@end ifinfo
+@node Tutorial, Introduction, Getting Started, Top
+@chapter Tutorial
+This chapter explains how to use Calc and its many features, in
+a step-by-step, tutorial way.  You are encouraged to run Calc and
+work along with the examples as you read (@pxref{Starting Calc}).
+If you are already familiar with advanced calculators, you may wish
+@c [not-split]
+to skip on to the rest of this manual.
+@c [when-split]
+@c to skip on to volume II of this manual, the @dfn{Calc Reference}.
+@c [fix-ref Embedded Mode]
+This tutorial describes the standard user interface of Calc only.
+The ``Quick Mode'' and ``Keypad Mode'' interfaces are fairly
+self-explanatory.  @xref{Embedded Mode}, for a description of
+the ``Embedded Mode'' interface.
+The easiest way to read this tutorial on-line is to have two windows on
+your Emacs screen, one with Calc and one with the Info system.  (If you
+have a printed copy of the manual you can use that instead.)  Press
+@kbd{M-# c} to turn Calc on or to switch into the Calc window, and
+press @kbd{M-# i} to start the Info system or to switch into its window.
+Or, you may prefer to use the tutorial in printed form.
+@end ifinfo
+The easiest way to read this tutorial on-line is to have two windows on
+your Emacs screen, one with Calc and one with the Info system.  (If you
+have a printed copy of the manual you can use that instead.)  Press
+@kbd{M-# c} to turn Calc on or to switch into the Calc window, and
+press @kbd{M-# i} to start the Info system or to switch into its window.
+@end iftex
+This tutorial is designed to be done in sequence.  But the rest of this
+manual does not assume you have gone through the tutorial.  The tutorial
+does not cover everything in the Calculator, but it touches on most
+general areas.
+You may wish to print out a copy of the Calc Summary and keep notes on
+it as you learn Calc.  @xref{Installation}, to see how to make a printed
+summary.  @xref{Summary}.
+@end ifinfo
+The Calc Summary at the end of the reference manual includes some blank
+space for your own use.  You may wish to keep notes there as you learn
+@end iftex
+* Basic Tutorial::
+* Arithmetic Tutorial::
+* Vector/Matrix Tutorial::
+* Types Tutorial::
+* Algebra Tutorial::
+* Programming Tutorial::
+* Answers to Exercises::
+@end menu
+@node Basic Tutorial, Arithmetic Tutorial, Tutorial, Tutorial
+@section Basic Tutorial
+In this section, we learn how RPN and algebraic-style calculations
+work, how to undo and redo an operation done by mistake, and how
+to control various modes of the Calculator.
+* RPN Tutorial::            Basic operations with the stack.
+* Algebraic Tutorial::      Algebraic entry; variables.
+* Undo Tutorial::           If you make a mistake: Undo and the trail.
+* Modes Tutorial::          Common mode-setting commands.
+@end menu
+@node RPN Tutorial, Algebraic Tutorial, Basic Tutorial, Basic Tutorial
+@subsection RPN Calculations and the Stack
+@cindex RPN notation
+Calc normally uses RPN notation.  You may be familiar with the RPN
+system from Hewlett-Packard calculators, FORTH, or PostScript.
+(Reverse Polish Notation, RPN, is named after the Polish mathematician
+Jan Lukasiewicz.)
+@end ifinfo
+Calc normally uses RPN notation.  You may be familiar with the RPN
+system from Hewlett-Packard calculators, FORTH, or PostScript.
+(Reverse Polish Notation, RPN, is named after the Polish mathematician
+Jan \L ukasiewicz.)
+@end tex
+The central component of an RPN calculator is the @dfn{stack}.  A
+calculator stack is like a stack of dishes.  New dishes (numbers) are
+added at the top of the stack, and numbers are normally only removed
+from the top of the stack.
+@cindex Operators
+@cindex Operands
+In an operation like @cite{2+3}, the 2 and 3 are called the @dfn{operands}
+and the @cite{+} is the @dfn{operator}.  In an RPN calculator you always
+enter the operands first, then the operator.  Each time you type a
+number, Calc adds or @dfn{pushes} it onto the top of the Stack.
+When you press an operator key like @kbd{+}, Calc @dfn{pops} the appropriate
+number of operands from the stack and pushes back the result.
+Thus we could add the numbers 2 and 3 in an RPN calculator by typing:
+@kbd{2 @key{RET} 3 @key{RET} +}.  (The @key{RET} key, Return, corresponds to
+the @key{ENTER} key on traditional RPN calculators.)  Try this now if
+you wish; type @kbd{M-# c} to switch into the Calc window (you can type
+@kbd{M-# c} again or @kbd{M-# o} to switch back to the Tutorial window).
+The first four keystrokes ``push'' the numbers 2 and 3 onto the stack.
+The @kbd{+} key ``pops'' the top two numbers from the stack, adds them,
+and pushes the result (5) back onto the stack.  Here's how the stack
+will look at various points throughout the calculation:@refill
+    .          1:  2          2:  2          1:  5              .
+                   .          1:  3              .
+                                  .
+  M-# c          2 RET          3 RET            +             DEL
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The @samp{.} symbol is a marker that represents the top of the stack.
+Note that the ``top'' of the stack is really shown at the bottom of
+the Stack window.  This may seem backwards, but it turns out to be
+less distracting in regular use.
+@cindex Stack levels
+@cindex Levels of stack
+The numbers @samp{1:} and @samp{2:} on the left are @dfn{stack level
+numbers}.  Old RPN calculators always had four stack levels called
+@cite{x}, @cite{y}, @cite{z}, and @cite{t}.  Calc's stack can grow
+as large as you like, so it uses numbers instead of letters.  Some
+stack-manipulation commands accept a numeric argument that says
+which stack level to work on.  Normal commands like @kbd{+} always
+work on the top few levels of the stack.@refill
+@c [fix-ref Truncating the Stack]
+The Stack buffer is just an Emacs buffer, and you can move around in
+it using the regular Emacs motion commands.  But no matter where the
+cursor is, even if you have scrolled the @samp{.} marker out of
+view, most Calc commands always move the cursor back down to level 1
+before doing anything.  It is possible to move the @samp{.} marker
+upwards through the stack, temporarily ``hiding'' some numbers from
+commands like @kbd{+}.  This is called @dfn{stack truncation} and
+we will not cover it in this tutorial; @pxref{Truncating the Stack},
+if you are interested.
+You don't really need the second @key{RET} in @kbd{2 @key{RET} 3
+@key{RET} +}.  That's because if you type any operator name or
+other non-numeric key when you are entering a number, the Calculator
+automatically enters that number and then does the requested command.
+Thus @kbd{2 @key{RET} 3 +} will work just as well.@refill
+Examples in this tutorial will often omit @key{RET} even when the
+stack displays shown would only happen if you did press @key{RET}:
+1:  2          2:  2          1:  5
+    .          1:  3              .
+                   .
+  2 RET            3              +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Here, after pressing @kbd{3} the stack would really show @samp{1:  2}
+with @samp{Calc:@: 3} in the minibuffer.  In these situations, you can
+press the optional @key{RET} to see the stack as the figure shows.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 1.}  (This tutorial will include exercises
+at various points.  Try them if you wish.  Answers to all the exercises
+are located at the end of the Tutorial chapter.  Each exercise will
+include a cross-reference to its particular answer.  If you are
+reading with the Emacs Info system, press @kbd{f} and the
+exercise number to go to the answer, then the letter @kbd{l} to
+return to where you were.)
+Here's the first exercise:  What will the keystrokes @kbd{1 @key{RET} 2
+@key{RET} 3 @key{RET} 4 + * -} compute?  (@samp{*} is the symbol for
+multiplication.)  Figure it out by hand, then try it with Calc to see
+if you're right.  @xref{RPN Answer 1, 1}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 2.}  Compute @c{$(2\times4) + (7\times9.4) + {5\over4}$}
+@cite{2*4 + 7*9.5 + 5/4} using the
+stack.  @xref{RPN Answer 2, 2}. (@bullet{})
+The @key{DEL} key is called Backspace on some keyboards.  It is
+whatever key you would use to correct a simple typing error when
+regularly using Emacs.  The @key{DEL} key pops and throws away the
+top value on the stack.  (You can still get that value back from
+the Trail if you should need it later on.)  There are many places
+in this tutorial where we assume you have used @key{DEL} to erase the
+results of the previous example at the beginning of a new example.
+In the few places where it is really important to use @key{DEL} to
+clear away old results, the text will remind you to do so.
+(It won't hurt to let things accumulate on the stack, except that
+whenever you give a display-mode-changing command Calc will have to
+spend a long time reformatting such a large stack.)
+Since the @kbd{-} key is also an operator (it subtracts the top two
+stack elements), how does one enter a negative number?  Calc uses
+the @kbd{_} (underscore) key to act like the minus sign in a number.
+So, typing @kbd{-5 @key{RET}} won't work because the @kbd{-} key
+will try to do a subtraction, but @kbd{_5 @key{RET}} works just fine.
+You can also press @kbd{n}, which means ``change sign.''  It changes
+the number at the top of the stack (or the number being entered)
+from positive to negative or vice-versa:  @kbd{5 n @key{RET}}.
+@cindex Duplicating a stack entry
+If you press @key{RET} when you're not entering a number, the effect
+is to duplicate the top number on the stack.  Consider this calculation:
+1:  3          2:  3          1:  9          2:  9          1:  81
+    .          1:  3              .          1:  9              .
+                   .                             .
+  3 RET           RET             *             RET             *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(Of course, an easier way to do this would be @kbd{3 @key{RET} 4 ^},
+to raise 3 to the fourth power.)
+The space-bar key (denoted @key{SPC} here) performs the same function
+as @key{RET}; you could replace all three occurrences of @key{RET} in
+the above example with @key{SPC} and the effect would be the same.
+@cindex Exchanging stack entries
+Another stack manipulation key is @key{TAB}.  This exchanges the top
+two stack entries.  Suppose you have computed @kbd{2 @key{RET} 3 +}
+to get 5, and then you realize what you really wanted to compute
+was @cite{20 / (2+3)}.
+1:  5          2:  5          2:  20         1:  4
+    .          1:  20         1:  5              .
+                   .              .
+ 2 RET 3 +         20            TAB             /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Planning ahead, the calculation would have gone like this:
+1:  20         2:  20         3:  20         2:  20         1:  4
+    .          1:  2          2:  2          1:  5              .
+                   .          1:  3              .
+                                  .
+  20 RET         2 RET            3              +              /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+A related stack command is @kbd{M-@key{TAB}} (hold @key{META} and type
+@key{TAB}).  It rotates the top three elements of the stack upward,
+bringing the object in level 3 to the top.
+1:  10         2:  10         3:  10         3:  20         3:  30
+    .          1:  20         2:  20         2:  30         2:  10
+                   .          1:  30         1:  10         1:  20
+                                  .              .              .
+  10 RET         20 RET         30 RET         M-TAB          M-TAB
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 3.} Suppose the numbers 10, 20, and 30 are
+on the stack.  Figure out how to add one to the number in level 2
+without affecting the rest of the stack.  Also figure out how to add
+one to the number in level 3.  @xref{RPN Answer 3, 3}. (@bullet{})
+Operations like @kbd{+}, @kbd{-}, @kbd{*}, @kbd{/}, and @kbd{^} pop two
+arguments from the stack and push a result.  Operations like @kbd{n} and
+@kbd{Q} (square root) pop a single number and push the result.  You can
+think of them as simply operating on the top element of the stack.
+1:  3          1:  9          2:  9          1:  25         1:  5
+    .              .          1:  16             .              .
+                                  .
+  3 RET          RET *        4 RET RET *        +              Q
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(Note that capital @kbd{Q} means to hold down the Shift key while
+typing @kbd{q}.  Remember, plain unshifted @kbd{q} is the Quit command.)
+@cindex Pythagorean Theorem
+Here we've used the Pythagorean Theorem to determine the hypotenuse of a
+right triangle.  Calc actually has a built-in command for that called
+@kbd{f h}, but let's suppose we can't remember the necessary keystrokes.
+We can still enter it by its full name using @kbd{M-x} notation:
+1:  3          2:  3          1:  5
+    .          1:  4              .
+                   .
+  3 RET          4 RET      M-x calc-hypot
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+All Calculator commands begin with the word @samp{calc-}.  Since it
+gets tiring to type this, Calc provides an @kbd{x} key which is just
+like the regular Emacs @kbd{M-x} key except that it types the @samp{calc-}
+prefix for you:
+1:  3          2:  3          1:  5
+    .          1:  4              .
+                   .
+  3 RET          4 RET         x hypot
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+What happens if you take the square root of a negative number?
+1:  4          1:  -4         1:  (0, 2)
+    .              .              .
+  4 RET            n              Q
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The notation @cite{(a, b)} represents a complex number.
+Complex numbers are more traditionally written @c{$a + b i$}
+@cite{a + b i};
+Calc can display in this format, too, but for now we'll stick to the
+@cite{(a, b)} notation.
+If you don't know how complex numbers work, you can safely ignore this
+feature.  Complex numbers only arise from operations that would be
+errors in a calculator that didn't have complex numbers.  (For example,
+taking the square root or logarithm of a negative number produces a
+complex result.)
+Complex numbers are entered in the notation shown.  The @kbd{(} and
+@kbd{,} and @kbd{)} keys manipulate ``incomplete complex numbers.''
+1:  ( ...      2:  ( ...      1:  (2, ...    1:  (2, ...    1:  (2, 3)
+    .          1:  2              .              3              .
+                   .                             .
+    (              2              ,              3              )
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+You can perform calculations while entering parts of incomplete objects.
+However, an incomplete object cannot actually participate in a calculation:
+1:  ( ...      2:  ( ...      3:  ( ...      1:  ( ...      1:  ( ...
+    .          1:  2          2:  2              5              5
+                   .          1:  3              .              .
+                                  .
+                                                             (error)
+    (             2 RET           3              +              +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Adding 5 to an incomplete object makes no sense, so the last command
+produces an error message and leaves the stack the same.
+Incomplete objects can't participate in arithmetic, but they can be
+moved around by the regular stack commands.
+2:  2          3:  2          3:  3          1:  ( ...      1:  (2, 3)
+1:  3          2:  3          2:  ( ...          2              .
+    .          1:  ( ...      1:  2              3
+                   .              .              .
+2 RET 3 RET        (            M-TAB          M-TAB            )
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Note that the @kbd{,} (comma) key did not have to be used here.
+When you press @kbd{)} all the stack entries between the incomplete
+entry and the top are collected, so there's never really a reason
+to use the comma.  It's up to you.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 4.}  To enter the complex number @cite{(2, 3)},
+your friend Joe typed @kbd{( 2 , @key{SPC} 3 )}.  What happened?
+(Joe thought of a clever way to correct his mistake in only two
+keystrokes, but it didn't quite work.  Try it to find out why.)
+@xref{RPN Answer 4, 4}. (@bullet{})
+Vectors are entered the same way as complex numbers, but with square
+brackets in place of parentheses.  We'll meet vectors again later in
+the tutorial.
+Any Emacs command can be given a @dfn{numeric prefix argument} by
+typing a series of @key{META}-digits beforehand.  If @key{META} is
+awkward for you, you can instead type @kbd{C-u} followed by the
+necessary digits.  Numeric prefix arguments can be negative, as in
+@kbd{M-- M-3 M-5} or @w{@kbd{C-u - 3 5}}.  Calc commands use numeric
+prefix arguments in a variety of ways.  For example, a numeric prefix
+on the @kbd{+} operator adds any number of stack entries at once:
+1:  10         2:  10         3:  10         3:  10         1:  60
+    .          1:  20         2:  20         2:  20             .
+                   .          1:  30         1:  30
+                                  .              .
+  10 RET         20 RET         30 RET         C-u 3            +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+For stack manipulation commands like @key{RET}, a positive numeric
+prefix argument operates on the top @var{n} stack entries at once.  A
+negative argument operates on the entry in level @var{n} only.  An
+argument of zero operates on the entire stack.  In this example, we copy
+the second-to-top element of the stack:
+1:  10         2:  10         3:  10         3:  10         4:  10
+    .          1:  20         2:  20         2:  20         3:  20
+                   .          1:  30         1:  30         2:  30
+                                  .              .          1:  20
+                                                                .
+  10 RET         20 RET         30 RET         C-u -2          RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@cindex Clearing the stack
+@cindex Emptying the stack
+Another common idiom is @kbd{M-0 DEL}, which clears the stack.
+(The @kbd{M-0} numeric prefix tells @key{DEL} to operate on the
+entire stack.)
+@node Algebraic Tutorial, Undo Tutorial, RPN Tutorial, Basic Tutorial
+@subsection Algebraic-Style Calculations
+If you are not used to RPN notation, you may prefer to operate the
+Calculator in ``algebraic mode,'' which is closer to the way
+non-RPN calculators work.  In algebraic mode, you enter formulas
+in traditional @cite{2+3} notation.
+You don't really need any special ``mode'' to enter algebraic formulas.
+You can enter a formula at any time by pressing the apostrophe (@kbd{'})
+key.  Answer the prompt with the desired formula, then press @key{RET}.
+The formula is evaluated and the result is pushed onto the RPN stack.
+If you don't want to think in RPN at all, you can enter your whole
+computation as a formula, read the result from the stack, then press
+@key{DEL} to delete it from the stack.
+Try pressing the apostrophe key, then @kbd{2+3+4}, then @key{RET}.
+The result should be the number 9.
+Algebraic formulas use the operators @samp{+}, @samp{-}, @samp{*},
+@samp{/}, and @samp{^}.  You can use parentheses to make the order
+of evaluation clear.  In the absence of parentheses, @samp{^} is
+evaluated first, then @samp{*}, then @samp{/}, then finally
+@samp{+} and @samp{-}.  For example, the expression
+2 + 3*4*5 / 6*7^8 - 9
+@end example
+is equivalent to
+2 + ((3*4*5) / (6*(7^8)) - 9
+@end example
+or, in large mathematical notation,
+    3 * 4 * 5
+2 + --------- - 9
+          8
+     6 * 7
+@end example
+@end group
+@end ifinfo
+$$ 2 + { 3 \times 4 \times 5 \over 6 \times 7^8 } - 9 $$
+@end tex
+The result of this expression will be the number @i{-6.99999826533}.
+Calc's order of evaluation is the same as for most computer languages,
+except that @samp{*} binds more strongly than @samp{/}, as the above
+example shows.  As in normal mathematical notation, the @samp{*} symbol
+can often be omitted:  @samp{2 a} is the same as @samp{2*a}.
+Operators at the same level are evaluated from left to right, except
+that @samp{^} is evaluated from right to left.  Thus, @samp{2-3-4} is
+equivalent to @samp{(2-3)-4} or @i{-5}, whereas @samp{2^3^4} is equivalent
+to @samp{2^(3^4)} (a very large integer; try it!).
+If you tire of typing the apostrophe all the time, there is an
+``algebraic mode'' you can select in which Calc automatically senses
+when you are about to type an algebraic expression.  To enter this
+mode, press the two letters @w{@kbd{m a}}.  (An @samp{Alg} indicator
+should appear in the Calc window's mode line.)
+Press @kbd{m a}, then @kbd{2+3+4} with no apostrophe, then @key{RET}.
+In algebraic mode, when you press any key that would normally begin
+entering a number (such as a digit, a decimal point, or the @kbd{_}
+key), or if you press @kbd{(} or @kbd{[}, Calc automatically begins
+an algebraic entry.
+Functions which do not have operator symbols like @samp{+} and @samp{*}
+must be entered in formulas using function-call notation.  For example,
+the function name corresponding to the square-root key @kbd{Q} is
+@code{sqrt}.  To compute a square root in a formula, you would use
+the notation @samp{sqrt(@var{x})}.
+Press the apostrophe, then type @kbd{sqrt(5*2) - 3}.  The result should
+be @cite{0.16227766017}.
+Note that if the formula begins with a function name, you need to use
+the apostrophe even if you are in algebraic mode.  If you type @kbd{arcsin}
+out of the blue, the @kbd{a r} will be taken as an Algebraic Rewrite
+command, and the @kbd{csin} will be taken as the name of the rewrite
+rule to use!
+Some people prefer to enter complex numbers and vectors in algebraic
+form because they find RPN entry with incomplete objects to be too
+distracting, even though they otherwise use Calc as an RPN calculator.
+Still in algebraic mode, type:
+1:  (2, 3)     2:  (2, 3)     1:  (8, -1)    2:  (8, -1)    1:  (9, -1)
+    .          1:  (1, -2)        .          1:  1              .
+                   .                             .
+ (2,3) RET      (1,-2) RET        *              1 RET          +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Algebraic mode allows us to enter complex numbers without pressing
+an apostrophe first, but it also means we need to press @key{RET}
+after every entry, even for a simple number like @cite{1}.
+(You can type @kbd{C-u m a} to enable a special ``incomplete algebraic
+mode'' in which the @kbd{(} and @kbd{[} keys use algebraic entry even
+though regular numeric keys still use RPN numeric entry.  There is also
+a ``total algebraic mode,'' started by typing @kbd{m t}, in which all
+normal keys begin algebraic entry.  You must then use the @key{META} key
+to type Calc commands:  @kbd{M-m t} to get back out of total algebraic
+mode, @kbd{M-q} to quit, etc.  Total algebraic mode is not supported
+under Emacs 19.)
+If you're still in algebraic mode, press @kbd{m a} again to turn it off.
+Actual non-RPN calculators use a mixture of algebraic and RPN styles.
+In general, operators of two numbers (like @kbd{+} and @kbd{*})
+use algebraic form, but operators of one number (like @kbd{n} and @kbd{Q})
+use RPN form.  Also, a non-RPN calculator allows you to see the
+intermediate results of a calculation as you go along.  You can
+accomplish this in Calc by performing your calculation as a series
+of algebraic entries, using the @kbd{$} sign to tie them together.
+In an algebraic formula, @kbd{$} represents the number on the top
+of the stack.  Here, we perform the calculation @c{$\sqrt{2\times4+1}$}
+which on a traditional calculator would be done by pressing
+@kbd{2 * 4 + 1 =} and then the square-root key.
+1:  8          1:  9          1:  3
+    .              .              .
+  ' 2*4 RET        $+1 RET        Q
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Notice that we didn't need to press an apostrophe for the @kbd{$+1},
+because the dollar sign always begins an algebraic entry.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 1.}  How could you get the same effect as
+pressing @kbd{Q} but using an algebraic entry instead?  How about
+if the @kbd{Q} key on your keyboard were broken?
+@xref{Algebraic Answer 1, 1}. (@bullet{})
+The notations @kbd{$$}, @kbd{$$$}, and so on stand for higher stack
+entries.  For example, @kbd{' $$+$ RET} is just like typing @kbd{+}.
+Algebraic formulas can include @dfn{variables}.  To store in a
+variable, press @kbd{s s}, then type the variable name, then press
+@key{RET}.  (There are actually two flavors of store command:
+@kbd{s s} stores a number in a variable but also leaves the number
+on the stack, while @w{@kbd{s t}} removes a number from the stack and
+stores it in the variable.)  A variable name should consist of one
+or more letters or digits, beginning with a letter.
+1:  17             .          1:  a + a^2    1:  306
+    .                             .              .
+    17          s t a RET      ' a+a^2 RET       =
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The @kbd{=} key @dfn{evaluates} a formula by replacing all its
+variables by the values that were stored in them.
+For RPN calculations, you can recall a variable's value on the
+stack either by entering its name as a formula and pressing @kbd{=},
+or by using the @kbd{s r} command.
+1:  17         2:  17         3:  17         2:  17         1:  306
+    .          1:  17         2:  17         1:  289            .
+                   .          1:  2              .
+                                  .
+  s r a RET     ' a RET =         2              ^              +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+If you press a single digit for a variable name (as in @kbd{s t 3}, you
+get one of ten @dfn{quick variables} @code{q0} through @code{q9}.
+They are ``quick'' simply because you don't have to type the letter
+@code{q} or the @key{RET} after their names.  In fact, you can type
+simply @kbd{s 3} as a shorthand for @kbd{s s 3}, and likewise for
+@kbd{t 3} and @w{@kbd{r 3}}.
+Any variables in an algebraic formula for which you have not stored
+values are left alone, even when you evaluate the formula.
+1:  2 a + 2 b     1:  34 + 2 b
+    .                 .
+ ' 2a+2b RET          =
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Calls to function names which are undefined in Calc are also left
+alone, as are calls for which the value is undefined.
+1:  2 + log10(0) + log10(x) + log10(5, 6) + foo(3)
+    .
+ ' log10(100) + log10(0) + log10(x) + log10(5,6) + foo(3) RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+In this example, the first call to @code{log10} works, but the other
+calls are not evaluated.  In the second call, the logarithm is
+undefined for that value of the argument; in the third, the argument
+is symbolic, and in the fourth, there are too many arguments.  In the
+fifth case, there is no function called @code{foo}.  You will see a
+``Wrong number of arguments'' message referring to @samp{log10(5,6)}.
+Press the @kbd{w} (``why'') key to see any other messages that may
+have arisen from the last calculation.  In this case you will get
+``logarithm of zero,'' then ``number expected: @code{x}''.  Calc
+automatically displays the first message only if the message is
+sufficiently important; for example, Calc considers ``wrong number
+of arguments'' and ``logarithm of zero'' to be important enough to
+report automatically, while a message like ``number expected: @code{x}''
+will only show up if you explicitly press the @kbd{w} key.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 2.}  Joe entered the formula @samp{2 x y},
+stored 5 in @code{x}, pressed @kbd{=}, and got the expected result,
+@samp{10 y}.  He then tried the same for the formula @samp{2 x (1+y)},
+expecting @samp{10 (1+y)}, but it didn't work.  Why not?
+@xref{Algebraic Answer 2, 2}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 3.}  What result would you expect
+@kbd{1 @key{RET} 0 /} to give?  What if you then type @kbd{0 *}?
+@xref{Algebraic Answer 3, 3}. (@bullet{})
+One interesting way to work with variables is to use the
+@dfn{evaluates-to} (@samp{=>}) operator.  It works like this:
+Enter a formula algebraically in the usual way, but follow
+the formula with an @samp{=>} symbol.  (There is also an @kbd{s =}
+command which builds an @samp{=>} formula using the stack.)  On
+the stack, you will see two copies of the formula with an @samp{=>}
+between them.  The lefthand formula is exactly like you typed it;
+the righthand formula has been evaluated as if by typing @kbd{=}.
+2:  2 + 3 => 5                     2:  2 + 3 => 5
+1:  2 a + 2 b => 34 + 2 b          1:  2 a + 2 b => 20 + 2 b
+    .                                  .
+' 2+3 => RET  ' 2a+2b RET s =          10 s t a RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Notice that the instant we stored a new value in @code{a}, all
+@samp{=>} operators already on the stack that referred to @cite{a}
+were updated to use the new value.  With @samp{=>}, you can push a
+set of formulas on the stack, then change the variables experimentally
+to see the effects on the formulas' values.
+You can also ``unstore'' a variable when you are through with it:
+2:  2 + 5 => 5
+1:  2 a + 2 b => 2 a + 2 b
+    .
+    s u a RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+We will encounter formulas involving variables and functions again
+when we discuss the algebra and calculus features of the Calculator.
+@node Undo Tutorial, Modes Tutorial, Algebraic Tutorial, Basic Tutorial
+@subsection Undo and Redo
+If you make a mistake, you can usually correct it by pressing shift-@kbd{U},
+the ``undo'' command.  First, clear the stack (@kbd{M-0 DEL}) and exit
+and restart Calc (@kbd{M-# M-# M-# M-#}) to make sure things start off
+with a clean slate.  Now:
+1:  2          2:  2          1:  8          2:  2          1:  6
+    .          1:  3              .          1:  3              .
+                   .                             .
+   2 RET           3              ^              U              *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+You can undo any number of times.  Calc keeps a complete record of
+all you have done since you last opened the Calc window.  After the
+above example, you could type:
+1:  6          2:  2          1:  2              .              .
+    .          1:  3              .
+                   .
+                                                             (error)
+                   U              U              U              U
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+You can also type @kbd{D} to ``redo'' a command that you have undone
+    .          1:  2          2:  2          1:  6          1:  6
+                   .          1:  3              .              .
+                                  .
+                                                             (error)
+                   D              D              D              D
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+It was not possible to redo past the @cite{6}, since that was placed there
+by something other than an undo command.
+@cindex Time travel
+You can think of undo and redo as a sort of ``time machine.''  Press
+@kbd{U} to go backward in time, @kbd{D} to go forward.  If you go
+backward and do something (like @kbd{*}) then, as any science fiction
+reader knows, you have changed your future and you cannot go forward
+again.  Thus, the inability to redo past the @cite{6} even though there
+was an earlier undo command.
+You can always recall an earlier result using the Trail.  We've ignored
+the trail so far, but it has been faithfully recording everything we
+did since we loaded the Calculator.  If the Trail is not displayed,
+press @kbd{t d} now to turn it on.
+Let's try grabbing an earlier result.  The @cite{8} we computed was
+undone by a @kbd{U} command, and was lost even to Redo when we pressed
+@kbd{*}, but it's still there in the trail.  There should be a little
+@samp{>} arrow (the @dfn{trail pointer}) resting on the last trail
+entry.  If there isn't, press @kbd{t ]} to reset the trail pointer.
+Now, press @w{@kbd{t p}} to move the arrow onto the line containing
+@cite{8}, and press @w{@kbd{t y}} to ``yank'' that number back onto the
+If you press @kbd{t ]} again, you will see that even our Yank command
+went into the trail.
+Let's go further back in time.  Earlier in the tutorial we computed
+a huge integer using the formula @samp{2^3^4}.  We don't remember
+what it was, but the first digits were ``241''.  Press @kbd{t r}
+(which stands for trail-search-reverse), then type @kbd{241}.
+The trail cursor will jump back to the next previous occurrence of
+the string ``241'' in the trail.  This is just a regular Emacs
+incremental search; you can now press @kbd{C-s} or @kbd{C-r} to
+continue the search forwards or backwards as you like.
+To finish the search, press @key{RET}.  This halts the incremental
+search and leaves the trail pointer at the thing we found.  Now we
+can type @kbd{t y} to yank that number onto the stack.  If we hadn't
+remembered the ``241'', we could simply have searched for @kbd{2^3^4},
+then pressed @kbd{@key{RET} t n} to halt and then move to the next item.
+You may have noticed that all the trail-related commands begin with
+the letter @kbd{t}.  (The store-and-recall commands, on the other hand,
+all began with @kbd{s}.)  Calc has so many commands that there aren't
+enough keys for all of them, so various commands are grouped into
+two-letter sequences where the first letter is called the @dfn{prefix}
+key.  If you type a prefix key by accident, you can press @kbd{C-g}
+to cancel it.  (In fact, you can press @kbd{C-g} to cancel almost
+anything in Emacs.)  To get help on a prefix key, press that key
+followed by @kbd{?}.  Some prefixes have several lines of help,
+so you need to press @kbd{?} repeatedly to see them all.  This may
+not work under Lucid Emacs, but you can also type @kbd{h h} to
+see all the help at once.
+Try pressing @kbd{t ?} now.  You will see a line of the form,
+trail/time: Display; Fwd, Back; Next, Prev, Here, [, ]; Yank:  [MORE]  t-
+@end smallexample
+The word ``trail'' indicates that the @kbd{t} prefix key contains
+trail-related commands.  Each entry on the line shows one command,
+with a single capital letter showing which letter you press to get
+that command.  We have used @kbd{t n}, @kbd{t p}, @kbd{t ]}, and
+@kbd{t y} so far.  The @samp{[MORE]} means you can press @kbd{?}
+again to see more @kbd{t}-prefix comands.  Notice that the commands
+are roughly divided (by semicolons) into related groups.
+When you are in the help display for a prefix key, the prefix is
+still active.  If you press another key, like @kbd{y} for example,
+it will be interpreted as a @kbd{t y} command.  If all you wanted
+was to look at the help messages, press @kbd{C-g} afterwards to cancel
+the prefix.
+One more way to correct an error is by editing the stack entries.
+The actual Stack buffer is marked read-only and must not be edited
+directly, but you can press @kbd{`} (the backquote or accent grave)
+to edit a stack entry.
+Try entering @samp{3.141439} now.  If this is supposed to represent
+@cite{pi}, it's got several errors.  Press @kbd{`} to edit this number.
+Now use the normal Emacs cursor motion and editing keys to change
+the second 4 to a 5, and to transpose the 3 and the 9.  When you
+press @key{RET}, the number on the stack will be replaced by your
+new number.  This works for formulas, vectors, and all other types
+of values you can put on the stack.  The @kbd{`} key also works
+during entry of a number or algebraic formula.
+@node Modes Tutorial, , Undo Tutorial, Basic Tutorial
+@subsection Mode-Setting Commands
+Calc has many types of @dfn{modes} that affect the way it interprets
+your commands or the way it displays data.  We have already seen one
+mode, namely algebraic mode.  There are many others, too; we'll
+try some of the most common ones here.
+Perhaps the most fundamental mode in Calc is the current @dfn{precision}.
+Notice the @samp{12} on the Calc window's mode line:
+--%%-Calc: 12 Deg       (Calculator)----All------
+@end smallexample
+Most of the symbols there are Emacs things you don't need to worry
+about, but the @samp{12} and the @samp{Deg} are mode indicators.
+The @samp{12} means that calculations should always be carried to
+12 significant figures.  That is why, when we type @kbd{1 @key{RET} 7 /},
+we get @cite{0.142857142857} with exactly 12 digits, not counting
+leading and trailing zeros.
+You can set the precision to anything you like by pressing @kbd{p},
+then entering a suitable number.  Try pressing @kbd{p 30 @key{RET}},
+then doing @kbd{1 @key{RET} 7 /} again:
+1:  0.142857142857
+2:  0.142857142857142857142857142857
+    .
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Although the precision can be set arbitrarily high, Calc always
+has to have @emph{some} value for the current precision.  After
+all, the true value @cite{1/7} is an infinitely repeating decimal;
+Calc has to stop somewhere.
+Of course, calculations are slower the more digits you request.
+Press @w{@kbd{p 12}} now to set the precision back down to the default.
+Calculations always use the current precision.  For example, even
+though we have a 30-digit value for @cite{1/7} on the stack, if
+we use it in a calculation in 12-digit mode it will be rounded
+down to 12 digits before it is used.  Try it; press @key{RET} to
+duplicate the number, then @w{@kbd{1 +}}.  Notice that the @key{RET}
+key didn't round the number, because it doesn't do any calculation.
+But the instant we pressed @kbd{+}, the number was rounded down.
+1:  0.142857142857
+2:  0.142857142857142857142857142857
+3:  1.14285714286
+    .
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+In fact, since we added a digit on the left, we had to lose one
+digit on the right from even the 12-digit value of @cite{1/7}.
+How did we get more than 12 digits when we computed @samp{2^3^4}?  The
+answer is that Calc makes a distinction between @dfn{integers} and
+@dfn{floating-point} numbers, or @dfn{floats}.  An integer is a number
+that does not contain a decimal point.  There is no such thing as an
+``infinitely repeating fraction integer,'' so Calc doesn't have to limit
+itself.  If you asked for @samp{2^10000} (don't try this!), you would
+have to wait a long time but you would eventually get an exact answer.
+If you ask for @samp{2.^10000}, you will quickly get an answer which is
+correct only to 12 places.  The decimal point tells Calc that it should
+use floating-point arithmetic to get the answer, not exact integer
+You can use the @kbd{F} (@code{calc-floor}) command to convert a
+floating-point value to an integer, and @kbd{c f} (@code{calc-float})
+to convert an integer to floating-point form.
+Let's try entering that last calculation:
+1:  2.         2:  2.         1:  1.99506311689e3010
+    .          1:  10000          .
+                   .
+  2.0 RET          10000 RET      ^
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@cindex Scientific notation, entry of
+Notice the letter @samp{e} in there.  It represents ``times ten to the
+power of,'' and is used by Calc automatically whenever writing the
+number out fully would introduce more extra zeros than you probably
+want to see.  You can enter numbers in this notation, too.
+1:  2.         2:  2.         1:  1.99506311678e3010
+    .          1:  10000.         .
+                   .
+  2.0 RET          1e4 RET        ^
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@cindex Round-off errors
+Hey, the answer is different!  Look closely at the middle columns
+of the two examples.  In the first, the stack contained the
+exact integer @cite{10000}, but in the second it contained
+a floating-point value with a decimal point.  When you raise a
+number to an integer power, Calc uses repeated squaring and
+multiplication to get the answer.  When you use a floating-point
+power, Calc uses logarithms and exponentials.  As you can see,
+a slight error crept in during one of these methods.  Which
+one should we trust?  Let's raise the precision a bit and find
+    .          1:  2.         2:  2.         1:  1.995063116880828e3010
+                   .          1:  10000.         .
+                                  .
+ p 16 RET        2. RET           1e4            ^    p 12 RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@cindex Guard digits
+Presumably, it doesn't matter whether we do this higher-precision
+calculation using an integer or floating-point power, since we
+have added enough ``guard digits'' to trust the first 12 digits
+no matter what.  And the verdict is@dots{}  Integer powers were more
+accurate; in fact, the result was only off by one unit in the
+last place.
+@cindex Guard digits
+Calc does many of its internal calculations to a slightly higher
+precision, but it doesn't always bump the precision up enough.
+In each case, Calc added about two digits of precision during
+its calculation and then rounded back down to 12 digits
+afterward.  In one case, it was enough; in the the other, it
+wasn't.  If you really need @var{x} digits of precision, it
+never hurts to do the calculation with a few extra guard digits.
+What if we want guard digits but don't want to look at them?
+We can set the @dfn{float format}.  Calc supports four major
+formats for floating-point numbers, called @dfn{normal},
+@dfn{fixed-point}, @dfn{scientific notation}, and @dfn{engineering
+notation}.  You get them by pressing @w{@kbd{d n}}, @kbd{d f},
+@kbd{d s}, and @kbd{d e}, respectively.  In each case, you can
+supply a numeric prefix argument which says how many digits
+should be displayed.  As an example, let's put a few numbers
+onto the stack and try some different display modes.  First,
+use @kbd{M-0 DEL} to clear the stack, then enter the four
+numbers shown here:
+4:  12345      4:  12345      4:  12345      4:  12345      4:  12345
+3:  12345.     3:  12300.     3:  1.2345e4   3:  1.23e4     3:  12345.000
+2:  123.45     2:  123.       2:  1.2345e2   2:  1.23e2     2:  123.450
+1:  12.345     1:  12.3       1:  1.2345e1   1:  1.23e1     1:  12.345
+    .              .              .              .              .
+   d n          M-3 d n          d s          M-3 d s        M-3 d f
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Notice that when we typed @kbd{M-3 d n}, the numbers were rounded down
+to three significant digits, but then when we typed @kbd{d s} all
+five significant figures reappeared.  The float format does not
+affect how numbers are stored, it only affects how they are
+displayed.  Only the current precision governs the actual rounding
+of numbers in the Calculator's memory.
+Engineering notation, not shown here, is like scientific notation
+except the exponent (the power-of-ten part) is always adjusted to be
+a multiple of three (as in ``kilo,'' ``micro,'' etc.).  As a result
+there will be one, two, or three digits before the decimal point.
+Whenever you change a display-related mode, Calc redraws everything
+in the stack.  This may be slow if there are many things on the stack,
+so Calc allows you to type shift-@kbd{H} before any mode command to
+prevent it from updating the stack.  Anything Calc displays after the
+mode-changing command will appear in the new format.
+4:  12345      4:  12345      4:  12345      4:  12345      4:  12345
+3:  12345.000  3:  12345.000  3:  12345.000  3:  1.2345e4   3:  12345.
+2:  123.450    2:  123.450    2:  1.2345e1   2:  1.2345e1   2:  123.45
+1:  12.345     1:  1.2345e1   1:  1.2345e2   1:  1.2345e2   1:  12.345
+    .              .              .              .              .
+    H d s          DEL U          TAB            d SPC          d n
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Here the @kbd{H d s} command changes to scientific notation but without
+updating the screen.  Deleting the top stack entry and undoing it back
+causes it to show up in the new format; swapping the top two stack
+entries reformats both entries.  The @kbd{d SPC} command refreshes the
+whole stack.  The @kbd{d n} command changes back to the normal float
+format; since it doesn't have an @kbd{H} prefix, it also updates all
+the stack entries to be in @kbd{d n} format.
+Notice that the integer @cite{12345} was not affected by any
+of the float formats.  Integers are integers, and are always
+displayed exactly.
+@cindex Large numbers, readability
+Large integers have their own problems.  Let's look back at
+the result of @kbd{2^3^4}.
+@end example
+Quick---how many digits does this have?  Try typing @kbd{d g}:
+@end example
+Now how many digits does this have?  It's much easier to tell!
+We can actually group digits into clumps of any size.  Some
+people prefer @kbd{M-5 d g}:
+@end example
+Let's see what happens to floating-point numbers when they are grouped.
+First, type @kbd{p 25 @key{RET}} to make sure we have enough precision
+to get ourselves into trouble.  Now, type @kbd{1e13 /}:
+@end example
+The integer part is grouped but the fractional part isn't.  Now try
+@kbd{M-- M-5 d g} (that's meta-minus-sign, meta-five):
+@end example
+If you find it hard to tell the decimal point from the commas, try
+changing the grouping character to a space with @kbd{d , @key{SPC}}:
+24 17851 63922.92583 49412 352
+@end example
+Type @kbd{d , ,} to restore the normal grouping character, then
+@kbd{d g} again to turn grouping off.  Also, press @kbd{p 12} to
+restore the default precision.
+Press @kbd{U} enough times to get the original big integer back.
+(Notice that @kbd{U} does not undo each mode-setting command; if
+you want to undo a mode-setting command, you have to do it yourself.)
+Now, type @kbd{d r 16 @key{RET}}:
+@end example
+The number is now displayed in @dfn{hexadecimal}, or ``base-16'' form.
+Suddenly it looks pretty simple; this should be no surprise, since we
+got this number by computing a power of two, and 16 is a power of 2.
+In fact, we can use @w{@kbd{d r 2 @key{RET}}} to see it in actual binary
+2#1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 @dots{}
+@end example
+We don't have enough space here to show all the zeros!  They won't
+fit on a typical screen, either, so you will have to use horizontal
+scrolling to see them all.  Press @kbd{<} and @kbd{>} to scroll the
+stack window left and right by half its width.  Another way to view
+something large is to press @kbd{`} (back-quote) to edit the top of
+stack in a separate window.  (Press @kbd{M-# M-#} when you are done.)
+You can enter non-decimal numbers using the @kbd{#} symbol, too.
+Let's see what the hexadecimal number @samp{5FE} looks like in
+binary.  Type @kbd{16#5FE} (the letters can be typed in upper or
+lower case; they will always appear in upper case).  It will also
+help to turn grouping on with @kbd{d g}:
+@end example
+Notice that @kbd{d g} groups by fours by default if the display radix
+is binary or hexadecimal, but by threes if it is decimal, octal, or any
+other radix.
+Now let's see that number in decimal; type @kbd{d r 10}:
+@end example
+Numbers are not @emph{stored} with any particular radix attached.  They're
+just numbers; they can be entered in any radix, and are always displayed
+in whatever radix you've chosen with @kbd{d r}.  The current radix applies
+to integers, fractions, and floats.
+@cindex Roundoff errors, in non-decimal numbers
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 1.}  Your friend Joe tried to enter one-third
+as @samp{3#0.1} in @kbd{d r 3} mode with a precision of 12.  He got
+@samp{3#0.0222222...} (with 25 2's) in the display.  When he multiplied
+that by three, he got @samp{3#0.222222...} instead of the expected
+@samp{3#1}.  Next, Joe entered @samp{3#0.2} and, to his great relief,
+saw @samp{3#0.2} on the screen.  But when he typed @kbd{2 /}, he got
+@samp{3#0.10000001} (some zeros omitted).  What's going on here?
+@xref{Modes Answer 1, 1}. (@bullet{})
+@cindex Scientific notation, in non-decimal numbers
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 2.}  Scientific notation works in non-decimal
+modes in the natural way (the exponent is a power of the radix instead of
+a power of ten, although the exponent itself is always written in decimal).
+Thus @samp{8#1.23e3 = 8#1230.0}.  Suppose we have the hexadecimal number
+@samp{f.e8f} times 16 to the 15th power:  We write @samp{16#f.e8fe15}.
+What is wrong with this picture?  What could we write instead that would
+work better?  @xref{Modes Answer 2, 2}. (@bullet{})
+The @kbd{m} prefix key has another set of modes, relating to the way
+Calc interprets your inputs and does computations.  Whereas @kbd{d}-prefix
+modes generally affect the way things look, @kbd{m}-prefix modes affect
+the way they are actually computed.
+The most popular @kbd{m}-prefix mode is the @dfn{angular mode}.  Notice
+the @samp{Deg} indicator in the mode line.  This means that if you use
+a command that interprets a number as an angle, it will assume the
+angle is measured in degrees.  For example,
+1:  45         1:  0.707106781187   1:  0.500000000001    1:  0.5
+    .              .                    .                     .
+    45             S                    2 ^                   c 1
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The shift-@kbd{S} command computes the sine of an angle.  The sine
+of 45 degrees is @c{$\sqrt{2}/2$}
+@cite{sqrt(2)/2}; squaring this yields @cite{2/4 = 0.5}.
+However, there has been a slight roundoff error because the
+representation of @c{$\sqrt{2}/2$}
+@cite{sqrt(2)/2} wasn't exact.  The @kbd{c 1}
+command is a handy way to clean up numbers in this case; it
+temporarily reduces the precision by one digit while it
+re-rounds the number on the top of the stack.
+@cindex Roundoff errors, examples
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 3.}  Your friend Joe computed the sine
+of 45 degrees as shown above, then, hoping to avoid an inexact
+result, he increased the precision to 16 digits before squaring.
+What happened?  @xref{Modes Answer 3, 3}. (@bullet{})
+To do this calculation in radians, we would type @kbd{m r} first.
+(The indicator changes to @samp{Rad}.)  45 degrees corresponds to
+@cite{pi/4} radians.  To get @c{$\pi$}
+@cite{pi}, press the @kbd{P} key.  (Once
+again, this is a shifted capital @kbd{P}.  Remember, unshifted
+@kbd{p} sets the precision.)
+1:  3.14159265359   1:  0.785398163398   1:  0.707106781187
+    .                   .                .
+    P                   4 /       m r    S
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Likewise, inverse trigonometric functions generate results in
+either radians or degrees, depending on the current angular mode.
+1:  0.707106781187   1:  0.785398163398   1:  45.
+    .                    .                    .
+    .5 Q        m r      I S        m d       U I S
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Here we compute the Inverse Sine of @c{$\sqrt{0.5}$}
+@cite{sqrt(0.5)}, first in
+radians, then in degrees.
+Use @kbd{c d} and @kbd{c r} to convert a number from radians to degrees
+and vice-versa.
+1:  45         1:  0.785398163397     1:  45.
+    .              .                      .
+    45             c r                    c d
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Another interesting mode is @dfn{fraction mode}.  Normally,
+dividing two integers produces a floating-point result if the
+quotient can't be expressed as an exact integer.  Fraction mode
+causes integer division to produce a fraction, i.e., a rational
+number, instead.
+2:  12         1:  1.33333333333    1:  4:3
+1:  9              .                    .
+    .
+ 12 RET 9          /          m f       U /      m f
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+In the first case, we get an approximate floating-point result.
+In the second case, we get an exact fractional result (four-thirds).
+You can enter a fraction at any time using @kbd{:} notation.
+(Calc uses @kbd{:} instead of @kbd{/} as the fraction separator
+because @kbd{/} is already used to divide the top two stack
+elements.)  Calculations involving fractions will always
+produce exact fractional results; fraction mode only says
+what to do when dividing two integers.
+@cindex Fractions vs. floats
+@cindex Floats vs. fractions
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 4.}  If fractional arithmetic is exact,
+why would you ever use floating-point numbers instead?
+@xref{Modes Answer 4, 4}. (@bullet{})
+Typing @kbd{m f} doesn't change any existing values in the stack.
+In the above example, we had to Undo the division and do it over
+again when we changed to fraction mode.  But if you use the
+evaluates-to operator you can get commands like @kbd{m f} to
+recompute for you.
+1:  12 / 9 => 1.33333333333    1:  12 / 9 => 1.333    1:  12 / 9 => 4:3
+    .                              .                      .
+   ' 12/9 => RET                   p 4 RET                m f
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+In this example, the righthand side of the @samp{=>} operator
+on the stack is recomputed when we change the precision, then
+again when we change to fraction mode.  All @samp{=>} expressions
+on the stack are recomputed every time you change any mode that
+might affect their values.
+@node Arithmetic Tutorial, Vector/Matrix Tutorial, Basic Tutorial, Tutorial
+@section Arithmetic Tutorial
+In this section, we explore the arithmetic and scientific functions
+available in the Calculator.
+The standard arithmetic commands are @kbd{+}, @kbd{-}, @kbd{*}, @kbd{/},
+and @kbd{^}.  Each normally takes two numbers from the top of the stack
+and pushes back a result.  The @kbd{n} and @kbd{&} keys perform
+change-sign and reciprocal operations, respectively.
+1:  5          1:  0.2        1:  5.         1:  -5.        1:  5.
+    .              .              .              .              .
+    5              &              &              n              n
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@cindex Binary operators
+You can apply a ``binary operator'' like @kbd{+} across any number of
+stack entries by giving it a numeric prefix.  You can also apply it
+pairwise to several stack elements along with the top one if you use
+a negative prefix.
+3:  2          1:  9          3:  2          4:  2          3:  12
+2:  3              .          2:  3          3:  3          2:  13
+1:  4                         1:  4          2:  4          1:  14
+    .                             .          1:  10             .
+                                                 .
+2 RET 3 RET 4     M-3 +           U              10          M-- M-3 +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@cindex Unary operators
+You can apply a ``unary operator'' like @kbd{&} to the top @var{n}
+stack entries with a numeric prefix, too.
+3:  2          3:  0.5                3:  0.5
+2:  3          2:  0.333333333333     2:  3.
+1:  4          1:  0.25               1:  4.
+    .              .                      .
+2 RET 3 RET 4      M-3 &                  M-2 &
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Notice that the results here are left in floating-point form.
+We can convert them back to integers by pressing @kbd{F}, the
+``floor'' function.  This function rounds down to the next lower
+integer.  There is also @kbd{R}, which rounds to the nearest
+7:  2.         7:  2          7:  2
+6:  2.4        6:  2          6:  2
+5:  2.5        5:  2          5:  3
+4:  2.6        4:  2          4:  3
+3:  -2.        3:  -2         3:  -2
+2:  -2.4       2:  -3         2:  -2
+1:  -2.6       1:  -3         1:  -3
+    .              .              .
+                  M-7 F        U M-7 R
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Since dividing-and-flooring (i.e., ``integer quotient'') is such a
+common operation, Calc provides a special command for that purpose, the
+backslash @kbd{\}.  Another common arithmetic operator is @kbd{%}, which
+computes the remainder that would arise from a @kbd{\} operation, i.e.,
+the ``modulo'' of two numbers.  For example,
+2:  1234       1:  12         2:  1234       1:  34
+1:  100            .          1:  100            .
+    .                             .
+1234 RET 100       \              U              %
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+These commands actually work for any real numbers, not just integers.
+2:  3.1415     1:  3          2:  3.1415     1:  0.1415
+1:  1              .          1:  1              .
+    .                             .
+3.1415 RET 1       \              U              %
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 1.}  The @kbd{\} command would appear to be a
+frill, since you could always do the same thing with @kbd{/ F}.  Think
+of a situation where this is not true---@kbd{/ F} would be inadequate.
+Now think of a way you could get around the problem if Calc didn't
+provide a @kbd{\} command.  @xref{Arithmetic Answer 1, 1}. (@bullet{})
+We've already seen the @kbd{Q} (square root) and @kbd{S} (sine)
+commands.  Other commands along those lines are @kbd{C} (cosine),
+@kbd{T} (tangent), @kbd{E} (@cite{e^x}) and @kbd{L} (natural
+logarithm).  These can be modified by the @kbd{I} (inverse) and
+@kbd{H} (hyperbolic) prefix keys.
+Let's compute the sine and cosine of an angle, and verify the
+identity @c{$\sin^2x + \cos^2x = 1$}
+@cite{sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 = 1}.  We'll
+arbitrarily pick @i{-64} degrees as a good value for @cite{x}.  With
+the angular mode set to degrees (type @w{@kbd{m d}}), do:
+2:  -64        2:  -64        2:  -0.89879   2:  -0.89879   1:  1.
+1:  -64        1:  -0.89879   1:  -64        1:  0.43837        .
+    .              .              .              .
+ 64 n RET RET      S              TAB            C              f h
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(For brevity, we're showing only five digits of the results here.
+You can of course do these calculations to any precision you like.)
+Remember, @kbd{f h} is the @code{calc-hypot}, or square-root of sum
+of squares, command.
+Another identity is @c{$\displaystyle\tan x = {\sin x \over \cos x}$}
+@cite{tan(x) = sin(x) / cos(x)}.
+2:  -0.89879   1:  -2.0503    1:  -64.
+1:  0.43837        .              .
+    .
+    U              /              I T
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+A physical interpretation of this calculation is that if you move
+@cite{0.89879} units downward and @cite{0.43837} units to the right,
+your direction of motion is @i{-64} degrees from horizontal.  Suppose
+we move in the opposite direction, up and to the left:
+2:  -0.89879   2:  0.89879    1:  -2.0503    1:  -64.
+1:  0.43837    1:  -0.43837       .              .
+    .              .
+    U U            M-2 n          /              I T
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+How can the angle be the same?  The answer is that the @kbd{/} operation
+loses information about the signs of its inputs.  Because the quotient
+is negative, we know exactly one of the inputs was negative, but we
+can't tell which one.  There is an @kbd{f T} [@code{arctan2}] function which
+computes the inverse tangent of the quotient of a pair of numbers.
+Since you feed it the two original numbers, it has enough information
+to give you a full 360-degree answer.
+2:  0.89879    1:  116.       3:  116.       2:  116.       1:  180.
+1:  -0.43837       .          2:  -0.89879   1:  -64.           .
+    .                         1:  0.43837        .
+                                  .
+    U U            f T         M-RET M-2 n       f T            -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The resulting angles differ by 180 degrees; in other words, they
+point in opposite directions, just as we would expect.
+The @key{META}-@key{RET} we used in the third step is the
+``last-arguments'' command.  It is sort of like Undo, except that it
+restores the arguments of the last command to the stack without removing
+the command's result.  It is useful in situations like this one,
+where we need to do several operations on the same inputs.  We could
+have accomplished the same thing by using @kbd{M-2 @key{RET}} to duplicate
+the top two stack elements right after the @kbd{U U}, then a pair of
+@kbd{M-@key{TAB}} commands to cycle the 116 up around the duplicates.
+A similar identity is supposed to hold for hyperbolic sines and cosines,
+except that it is the @emph{difference}
+@c{$\cosh^2x - \sinh^2x$}
+@cite{cosh(x)^2 - sinh(x)^2} that always equals one.
+Let's try to verify this identity.@refill
+2:  -64        2:  -64        2:  -64        2:  9.7192e54  2:  9.7192e54
+1:  -64        1:  -3.1175e27 1:  9.7192e54  1:  -64        1:  9.7192e54
+    .              .              .              .              .
+ 64 n RET RET      H C            2 ^            TAB            H S 2 ^
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@cindex Roundoff errors, examples
+Something's obviously wrong, because when we subtract these numbers
+the answer will clearly be zero!  But if you think about it, if these
+numbers @emph{did} differ by one, it would be in the 55th decimal
+place.  The difference we seek has been lost entirely to roundoff
+We could verify this hypothesis by doing the actual calculation with,
+say, 60 decimal places of precision.  This will be slow, but not
+enormously so.  Try it if you wish; sure enough, the answer is
+0.99999, reasonably close to 1.
+Of course, a more reasonable way to verify the identity is to use
+a more reasonable value for @cite{x}!
+@cindex Common logarithm
+Some Calculator commands use the Hyperbolic prefix for other purposes.
+The logarithm and exponential functions, for example, work to the base
+@cite{e} normally but use base-10 instead if you use the Hyperbolic
+1:  1000       1:  6.9077     1:  1000       1:  3
+    .              .              .              .
+    1000           L              U              H L
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+First, we mistakenly compute a natural logarithm.  Then we undo
+and compute a common logarithm instead.
+The @kbd{B} key computes a general base-@var{b} logarithm for any
+value of @var{b}.
+2:  1000       1:  3          1:  1000.      2:  1000.      1:  6.9077
+1:  10             .              .          1:  2.71828        .
+    .                                            .
+ 1000 RET 10       B              H E            H P            B
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Here we first use @kbd{B} to compute the base-10 logarithm, then use
+the ``hyperbolic'' exponential as a cheap hack to recover the number
+1000, then use @kbd{B} again to compute the natural logarithm.  Note
+that @kbd{P} with the hyperbolic prefix pushes the constant @cite{e}
+onto the stack.
+You may have noticed that both times we took the base-10 logarithm
+of 1000, we got an exact integer result.  Calc always tries to give
+an exact rational result for calculations involving rational numbers
+where possible.  But when we used @kbd{H E}, the result was a
+floating-point number for no apparent reason.  In fact, if we had
+computed @kbd{10 @key{RET} 3 ^} we @emph{would} have gotten an
+exact integer 1000.  But the @kbd{H E} command is rigged to generate
+a floating-point result all of the time so that @kbd{1000 H E} will
+not waste time computing a thousand-digit integer when all you
+probably wanted was @samp{1e1000}.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 2.}  Find a pair of integer inputs to
+the @kbd{B} command for which Calc could find an exact rational
+result but doesn't.  @xref{Arithmetic Answer 2, 2}. (@bullet{})
+The Calculator also has a set of functions relating to combinatorics
+and statistics.  You may be familiar with the @dfn{factorial} function,
+which computes the product of all the integers up to a given number.
+1:  100        1:  93326215443...    1:  100.       1:  9.3326e157
+    .              .                     .              .
+    100            !                     U c f          !
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Recall, the @kbd{c f} command converts the integer or fraction at the
+top of the stack to floating-point format.  If you take the factorial
+of a floating-point number, you get a floating-point result
+accurate to the current precision.  But if you give @kbd{!} an
+exact integer, you get an exact integer result (158 digits long
+in this case).
+If you take the factorial of a non-integer, Calc uses a generalized
+factorial function defined in terms of Euler's Gamma function
+(which is itself available as the @kbd{f g} command).
+3:  4.         3:  24.               1:  5.5        1:  52.342777847
+2:  4.5        2:  52.3427777847         .              .
+1:  5.         1:  120.
+    .              .
+                   M-3 !              M-0 DEL 5.5       f g
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Here we verify the identity @c{$n! = \Gamma(n+1)$}
+@cite{@var{n}!@: = gamma(@var{n}+1)}.
+The binomial coefficient @var{n}-choose-@var{m}@c{ or $\displaystyle {n \choose m}$}
+@asis{} is defined by
+@c{$\displaystyle {n! \over m! \, (n-m)!}$}
+@cite{n!@: / m!@: (n-m)!} for all reals @cite{n} and
+@cite{m}.  The intermediate results in this formula can become quite
+large even if the final result is small; the @kbd{k c} command computes
+a binomial coefficient in a way that avoids large intermediate
+The @kbd{k} prefix key defines several common functions out of
+combinatorics and number theory.  Here we compute the binomial
+coefficient 30-choose-20, then determine its prime factorization.
+2:  30         1:  30045015   1:  [3, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 23, 29]
+1:  20             .              .
+    .
+ 30 RET 20         k c            k f
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+You can verify these prime factors by using @kbd{v u} to ``unpack''
+this vector into 8 separate stack entries, then @kbd{M-8 *} to
+multiply them back together.  The result is the original number,
+@cindex Hash tables
+Suppose a program you are writing needs a hash table with at least
+10000 entries.  It's best to use a prime number as the actual size
+of a hash table.  Calc can compute the next prime number after 10000:
+1:  10000      1:  10007      1:  9973
+    .              .              .
+    10000          k n            I k n
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Just for kicks we've also computed the next prime @emph{less} than
+@c [fix-ref Financial Functions]
+@xref{Financial Functions}, for a description of the Calculator
+commands that deal with business and financial calculations (functions
+like @code{pv}, @code{rate}, and @code{sln}).
+@c [fix-ref Binary Number Functions]
+@xref{Binary Functions}, to read about the commands for operating
+on binary numbers (like @code{and}, @code{xor}, and @code{lsh}).
+@node Vector/Matrix Tutorial, Types Tutorial, Arithmetic Tutorial, Tutorial
+@section Vector/Matrix Tutorial
+A @dfn{vector} is a list of numbers or other Calc data objects.
+Calc provides a large set of commands that operate on vectors.  Some
+are familiar operations from vector analysis.  Others simply treat
+a vector as a list of objects.
+* Vector Analysis Tutorial::
+* Matrix Tutorial::
+* List Tutorial::
+@end menu
+@node Vector Analysis Tutorial, Matrix Tutorial, Vector/Matrix Tutorial, Vector/Matrix Tutorial
+@subsection Vector Analysis
+If you add two vectors, the result is a vector of the sums of the
+elements, taken pairwise.
+1:  [1, 2, 3]     2:  [1, 2, 3]     1:  [8, 8, 3]
+    .             1:  [7, 6, 0]         .
+                      .
+    [1,2,3]  s 1      [7 6 0]  s 2      +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Note that we can separate the vector elements with either commas or
+spaces.  This is true whether we are using incomplete vectors or
+algebraic entry.  The @kbd{s 1} and @kbd{s 2} commands save these
+vectors so we can easily reuse them later.
+If you multiply two vectors, the result is the sum of the products
+of the elements taken pairwise.  This is called the @dfn{dot product}
+of the vectors.
+2:  [1, 2, 3]     1:  19
+1:  [7, 6, 0]         .
+    .
+    r 1 r 2           *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@cindex Dot product
+The dot product of two vectors is equal to the product of their
+lengths times the cosine of the angle between them.  (Here the vector
+is interpreted as a line from the origin @cite{(0,0,0)} to the
+specified point in three-dimensional space.)  The @kbd{A}
+(absolute value) command can be used to compute the length of a
+3:  19            3:  19          1:  0.550782    1:  56.579
+2:  [1, 2, 3]     2:  3.741657        .               .
+1:  [7, 6, 0]     1:  9.219544
+    .                 .
+    M-RET             M-2 A          * /             I C
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+First we recall the arguments to the dot product command, then
+we compute the absolute values of the top two stack entries to
+obtain the lengths of the vectors, then we divide the dot product
+by the product of the lengths to get the cosine of the angle.
+The inverse cosine finds that the angle between the vectors
+is about 56 degrees.
+@cindex Cross product
+@cindex Perpendicular vectors
+The @dfn{cross product} of two vectors is a vector whose length
+is the product of the lengths of the inputs times the sine of the
+angle between them, and whose direction is perpendicular to both
+input vectors.  Unlike the dot product, the cross product is
+defined only for three-dimensional vectors.  Let's double-check
+our computation of the angle using the cross product.
+2:  [1, 2, 3]  3:  [-18, 21, -8]  1:  [-0.52, 0.61, -0.23]  1:  56.579
+1:  [7, 6, 0]  2:  [1, 2, 3]          .                         .
+    .          1:  [7, 6, 0]
+                   .
+    r 1 r 2        V C  s 3  M-RET    M-2 A * /                 A I S
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+First we recall the original vectors and compute their cross product,
+which we also store for later reference.  Now we divide the vector
+by the product of the lengths of the original vectors.  The length of
+this vector should be the sine of the angle; sure enough, it is!
+@c [fix-ref General Mode Commands]
+Vector-related commands generally begin with the @kbd{v} prefix key.
+Some are uppercase letters and some are lowercase.  To make it easier
+to type these commands, the shift-@kbd{V} prefix key acts the same as
+the @kbd{v} key.  (@xref{General Mode Commands}, for a way to make all
+prefix keys have this property.)
+If we take the dot product of two perpendicular vectors we expect
+to get zero, since the cosine of 90 degrees is zero.  Let's check
+that the cross product is indeed perpendicular to both inputs:
+2:  [1, 2, 3]      1:  0          2:  [7, 6, 0]      1:  0
+1:  [-18, 21, -8]      .          1:  [-18, 21, -8]      .
+    .                                 .
+    r 1 r 3            *          DEL r 2 r 3            *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@cindex Normalizing a vector
+@cindex Unit vectors
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 1.}  Given a vector on the top of the
+stack, what keystrokes would you use to @dfn{normalize} the
+vector, i.e., to reduce its length to one without changing its
+direction?  @xref{Vector Answer 1, 1}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 2.}  Suppose a certain particle can be
+at any of several positions along a ruler.  You have a list of
+those positions in the form of a vector, and another list of the
+probabilities for the particle to be at the corresponding positions.
+Find the average position of the particle.
+@xref{Vector Answer 2, 2}. (@bullet{})
+@node Matrix Tutorial, List Tutorial, Vector Analysis Tutorial, Vector/Matrix Tutorial
+@subsection Matrices
+A @dfn{matrix} is just a vector of vectors, all the same length.
+This means you can enter a matrix using nested brackets.  You can
+also use the semicolon character to enter a matrix.  We'll show
+both methods here:
+1:  [ [ 1, 2, 3 ]             1:  [ [ 1, 2, 3 ]
+      [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]                 [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]
+    .                             .
+  [[1 2 3] [4 5 6]]             ' [1 2 3; 4 5 6] RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+We'll be using this matrix again, so type @kbd{s 4} to save it now.
+Note that semicolons work with incomplete vectors, but they work
+better in algebraic entry.  That's why we use the apostrophe in
+the second example.
+When two matrices are multiplied, the lefthand matrix must have
+the same number of columns as the righthand matrix has rows.
+Row @cite{i}, column @cite{j} of the result is effectively the
+dot product of row @cite{i} of the left matrix by column @cite{j}
+of the right matrix.
+If we try to duplicate this matrix and multiply it by itself,
+the dimensions are wrong and the multiplication cannot take place:
+1:  [ [ 1, 2, 3 ]   * [ [ 1, 2, 3 ]
+      [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]     [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]
+    .
+    RET *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Though rather hard to read, this is a formula which shows the product
+of two matrices.  The @samp{*} function, having invalid arguments, has
+been left in symbolic form.
+We can multiply the matrices if we @dfn{transpose} one of them first.
+2:  [ [ 1, 2, 3 ]       1:  [ [ 14, 32 ]      1:  [ [ 17, 22, 27 ]
+      [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]           [ 32, 77 ] ]          [ 22, 29, 36 ]
+1:  [ [ 1, 4 ]              .                       [ 27, 36, 45 ] ]
+      [ 2, 5 ]                                    .
+      [ 3, 6 ] ]
+    .
+    U v t                   *                     U TAB *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Matrix multiplication is not commutative; indeed, switching the
+order of the operands can even change the dimensions of the result
+matrix, as happened here!
+If you multiply a plain vector by a matrix, it is treated as a
+single row or column depending on which side of the matrix it is
+on.  The result is a plain vector which should also be interpreted
+as a row or column as appropriate.
+2:  [ [ 1, 2, 3 ]      1:  [14, 32]
+      [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]        .
+1:  [1, 2, 3]
+    .
+    r 4 r 1                *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Multiplying in the other order wouldn't work because the number of
+rows in the matrix is different from the number of elements in the
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 1.}  Use @samp{*} to sum along the rows
+of the above @c{$2\times3$}
+@asis{2x3} matrix to get @cite{[6, 15]}.  Now use @samp{*} to
+sum along the columns to get @cite{[5, 7, 9]}.
+@xref{Matrix Answer 1, 1}. (@bullet{})
+@cindex Identity matrix
+An @dfn{identity matrix} is a square matrix with ones along the
+diagonal and zeros elsewhere.  It has the property that multiplication
+by an identity matrix, on the left or on the right, always produces
+the original matrix.
+1:  [ [ 1, 2, 3 ]      2:  [ [ 1, 2, 3 ]      1:  [ [ 1, 2, 3 ]
+      [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]          [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]          [ 4, 5, 6 ] ]
+    .                  1:  [ [ 1, 0, 0 ]          .
+                             [ 0, 1, 0 ]
+                             [ 0, 0, 1 ] ]
+                           .
+    r 4                    v i 3 RET              *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+If a matrix is square, it is often possible to find its @dfn{inverse},
+that is, a matrix which, when multiplied by the original matrix, yields
+an identity matrix.  The @kbd{&} (reciprocal) key also computes the
+inverse of a matrix.
+1:  [ [ 1, 2, 3 ]      1:  [ [   -2.4,     1.2,   -0.2 ]
+      [ 4, 5, 6 ]            [    2.8,    -1.4,    0.4 ]
+      [ 7, 6, 0 ] ]          [ -0.73333, 0.53333, -0.2 ] ]
+    .                      .
+    r 4 r 2 |  s 5         &
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The vertical bar @kbd{|} @dfn{concatenates} numbers, vectors, and
+matrices together.  Here we have used it to add a new row onto
+our matrix to make it square.
+We can multiply these two matrices in either order to get an identity.
+1:  [ [ 1., 0., 0. ]      1:  [ [ 1., 0., 0. ]
+      [ 0., 1., 0. ]            [ 0., 1., 0. ]
+      [ 0., 0., 1. ] ]          [ 0., 0., 1. ] ]
+    .                         .
+    M-RET  *                  U TAB *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@cindex Systems of linear equations
+@cindex Linear equations, systems of
+Matrix inverses are related to systems of linear equations in algebra.
+Suppose we had the following set of equations:
+    a + 2b + 3c = 6
+   4a + 5b + 6c = 2
+   7a + 6b      = 3
+@end example
+@end group
+@end ifinfo
+$$ \openup1\jot \tabskip=0pt plus1fil
+\halign to\displaywidth{\tabskip=0pt
+   $\hfil#$&$\hfil{}#{}$&
+   $\hfil#$&$\hfil{}#{}$&
+   $\hfil#$&${}#\hfil$\tabskip=0pt plus1fil\cr
+  a&+&2b&+&3c&=6 \cr
+ 4a&+&5b&+&6c&=2 \cr
+ 7a&+&6b& &  &=3 \cr}
+@end tex
+This can be cast into the matrix equation,
+   [ [ 1, 2, 3 ]     [ [ a ]     [ [ 6 ]
+     [ 4, 5, 6 ]   *   [ b ]   =   [ 2 ]
+     [ 7, 6, 0 ] ]     [ c ] ]     [ 3 ] ]
+@end example
+@end group
+@end ifinfo
+$$ \pmatrix{ 1 & 2 & 3 \cr 4 & 5 & 6 \cr 7 & 6 & 0 }
+   \times
+   \pmatrix{ a \cr b \cr c } = \pmatrix{ 6 \cr 2 \cr 3 }
+@end tex
+We can solve this system of equations by multiplying both sides by the
+inverse of the matrix.  Calc can do this all in one step:
+2:  [6, 2, 3]          1:  [-12.6, 15.2, -3.93333]
+1:  [ [ 1, 2, 3 ]          .
+      [ 4, 5, 6 ]
+      [ 7, 6, 0 ] ]
+    .
+    [6,2,3] r 5            /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The result is the @cite{[a, b, c]} vector that solves the equations.
+(Dividing by a square matrix is equivalent to multiplying by its
+Let's verify this solution:
+2:  [ [ 1, 2, 3 ]                1:  [6., 2., 3.]
+      [ 4, 5, 6 ]                    .
+      [ 7, 6, 0 ] ]
+1:  [-12.6, 15.2, -3.93333]
+    .
+    r 5  TAB                         *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Note that we had to be careful about the order in which we multiplied
+the matrix and vector.  If we multiplied in the other order, Calc would
+assume the vector was a row vector in order to make the dimensions
+come out right, and the answer would be incorrect.  If you
+don't feel safe letting Calc take either interpretation of your
+vectors, use explicit @c{$N\times1$}
+@asis{Nx1} or @c{$1\times N$}
+@asis{1xN} matrices instead.
+In this case, you would enter the original column vector as
+@samp{[[6], [2], [3]]} or @samp{[6; 2; 3]}.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 2.}  Algebraic entry allows you to make
+vectors and matrices that include variables.  Solve the following
+system of equations to get expressions for @cite{x} and @cite{y}
+in terms of @cite{a} and @cite{b}.
+   x + a y = 6
+   x + b y = 10
+@end example
+@end group
+@end ifinfo
+$$ \eqalign{ x &+ a y = 6 \cr
+             x &+ b y = 10}
+@end tex
+@xref{Matrix Answer 2, 2}. (@bullet{})
+@cindex Least-squares for over-determined systems
+@cindex Over-determined systems of equations
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 3.}  A system of equations is ``over-determined''
+if it has more equations than variables.  It is often the case that
+there are no values for the variables that will satisfy all the
+equations at once, but it is still useful to find a set of values
+which ``nearly'' satisfy all the equations.  In terms of matrix equations,
+you can't solve @cite{A X = B} directly because the matrix @cite{A}
+is not square for an over-determined system.  Matrix inversion works
+only for square matrices.  One common trick is to multiply both sides
+on the left by the transpose of @cite{A}:
+@samp{trn(A)*A*X = trn(A)*B}.
+@end ifinfo
+$A^T A \, X = A^T B$, where $A^T$ is the transpose \samp{trn(A)}.
+@end tex
+Now @c{$A^T A$}
+@cite{trn(A)*A} is a square matrix so a solution is possible.  It
+turns out that the @cite{X} vector you compute in this way will be a
+``least-squares'' solution, which can be regarded as the ``closest''
+solution to the set of equations.  Use Calc to solve the following
+over-determined system:@refill
+    a + 2b + 3c = 6
+   4a + 5b + 6c = 2
+   7a + 6b      = 3
+   2a + 4b + 6c = 11
+@end example
+@end group
+@end ifinfo
+$$ \openup1\jot \tabskip=0pt plus1fil
+\halign to\displaywidth{\tabskip=0pt
+   $\hfil#$&$\hfil{}#{}$&
+   $\hfil#$&$\hfil{}#{}$&
+   $\hfil#$&${}#\hfil$\tabskip=0pt plus1fil\cr
+  a&+&2b&+&3c&=6 \cr
+ 4a&+&5b&+&6c&=2 \cr
+ 7a&+&6b& &  &=3 \cr
+ 2a&+&4b&+&6c&=11 \cr}
+@end tex
+@xref{Matrix Answer 3, 3}. (@bullet{})
+@node List Tutorial, , Matrix Tutorial, Vector/Matrix Tutorial
+@subsection Vectors as Lists
+@cindex Lists
+Although Calc has a number of features for manipulating vectors and
+matrices as mathematical objects, you can also treat vectors as
+simple lists of values.  For example, we saw that the @kbd{k f}
+command returns a vector which is a list of the prime factors of a
+You can pack and unpack stack entries into vectors:
+3:  10         1:  [10, 20, 30]     3:  10
+2:  20             .                2:  20
+1:  30                              1:  30
+    .                                   .
+                   M-3 v p              v u
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+You can also build vectors out of consecutive integers, or out
+of many copies of a given value:
+1:  [1, 2, 3, 4]    2:  [1, 2, 3, 4]    2:  [1, 2, 3, 4]
+    .               1:  17              1:  [17, 17, 17, 17]
+                        .                   .
+    v x 4 RET           17                  v b 4 RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+You can apply an operator to every element of a vector using the
+@dfn{map} command.
+1:  [17, 34, 51, 68]   1:  [289, 1156, 2601, 4624]  1:  [17, 34, 51, 68]
+    .                      .                            .
+    V M *                  2 V M ^                      V M Q
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+In the first step, we multiply the vector of integers by the vector
+of 17's elementwise.  In the second step, we raise each element to
+the power two.  (The general rule is that both operands must be
+vectors of the same length, or else one must be a vector and the
+other a plain number.)  In the final step, we take the square root
+of each element.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 1.}  Compute a vector of powers of two
+from @c{$2^{-4}$}
+@cite{2^-4} to @cite{2^4}.  @xref{List Answer 1, 1}. (@bullet{})
+You can also @dfn{reduce} a binary operator across a vector.
+For example, reducing @samp{*} computes the product of all the
+elements in the vector:
+1:  123123     1:  [3, 7, 11, 13, 41]      1:  123123
+    .              .                           .
+    123123         k f                         V R *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+In this example, we decompose 123123 into its prime factors, then
+multiply those factors together again to yield the original number.
+We could compute a dot product ``by hand'' using mapping and
+2:  [1, 2, 3]     1:  [7, 12, 0]     1:  19
+1:  [7, 6, 0]         .                  .
+    .
+    r 1 r 2           V M *              V R +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Recalling two vectors from the previous section, we compute the
+sum of pairwise products of the elements to get the same answer
+for the dot product as before.
+A slight variant of vector reduction is the @dfn{accumulate} operation,
+@kbd{V U}.  This produces a vector of the intermediate results from
+a corresponding reduction.  Here we compute a table of factorials:
+1:  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]    1:  [1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720]
+    .                         .
+    v x 6 RET                 V U *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Calc allows vectors to grow as large as you like, although it gets
+rather slow if vectors have more than about a hundred elements.
+Actually, most of the time is spent formatting these large vectors
+for display, not calculating on them.  Try the following experiment
+(if your computer is very fast you may need to substitute a larger
+vector size).
+1:  [1, 2, 3, 4, ...      1:  [2, 3, 4, 5, ...
+    .                         .
+    v x 500 RET               1 V M +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Now press @kbd{v .} (the letter @kbd{v}, then a period) and try the
+experiment again.  In @kbd{v .} mode, long vectors are displayed
+``abbreviated'' like this:
+1:  [1, 2, 3, ..., 500]   1:  [2, 3, 4, ..., 501]
+    .                         .
+    v x 500 RET               1 V M +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(where now the @samp{...} is actually part of the Calc display).
+You will find both operations are now much faster.  But notice that
+even in @w{@kbd{v .}} mode, the full vectors are still shown in the Trail.
+Type @w{@kbd{t .}} to cause the trail to abbreviate as well, and try the
+experiment one more time.  Operations on long vectors are now quite
+fast!  (But of course if you use @kbd{t .} you will lose the ability
+to get old vectors back using the @kbd{t y} command.)
+An easy way to view a full vector when @kbd{v .} mode is active is
+to press @kbd{`} (back-quote) to edit the vector; editing always works
+with the full, unabbreviated value.
+@cindex Least-squares for fitting a straight line
+@cindex Fitting data to a line
+@cindex Line, fitting data to
+@cindex Data, extracting from buffers
+@cindex Columns of data, extracting
+As a larger example, let's try to fit a straight line to some data,
+using the method of least squares.  (Calc has a built-in command for
+least-squares curve fitting, but we'll do it by hand here just to
+practice working with vectors.)  Suppose we have the following list
+of values in a file we have loaded into Emacs:
+  x        y
+ ---      ---
+ 1.34    0.234
+ 1.41    0.298
+ 1.49    0.402
+ 1.56    0.412
+ 1.64    0.466
+ 1.73    0.473
+ 1.82    0.601
+ 1.91    0.519
+ 2.01    0.603
+ 2.11    0.637
+ 2.22    0.645
+ 2.33    0.705
+ 2.45    0.917
+ 2.58    1.009
+ 2.71    0.971
+ 2.85    1.062
+ 3.00    1.148
+ 3.15    1.157
+ 3.32    1.354
+@end smallexample
+If you are reading this tutorial in printed form, you will find it
+easiest to press @kbd{M-# i} to enter the on-line Info version of
+the manual and find this table there.  (Press @kbd{g}, then type
+@kbd{List Tutorial}, to jump straight to this section.)
+Position the cursor at the upper-left corner of this table, just
+to the left of the @cite{1.34}.  Press @kbd{C-@@} to set the mark.
+(On your system this may be @kbd{C-2}, @kbd{C-SPC}, or @kbd{NUL}.)
+Now position the cursor to the lower-right, just after the @cite{1.354}.
+You have now defined this region as an Emacs ``rectangle.''  Still
+in the Info buffer, type @kbd{M-# r}.  This command
+(@code{calc-grab-rectangle}) will pop you back into the Calculator, with
+the contents of the rectangle you specified in the form of a matrix.@refill
+1:  [ [ 1.34, 0.234 ]
+      [ 1.41, 0.298 ]
+      @dots{}
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(You may wish to use @kbd{v .} mode to abbreviate the display of this
+large matrix.)
+We want to treat this as a pair of lists.  The first step is to
+transpose this matrix into a pair of rows.  Remember, a matrix is
+just a vector of vectors.  So we can unpack the matrix into a pair
+of row vectors on the stack.
+1:  [ [ 1.34,  1.41,  1.49,  ... ]     2:  [1.34, 1.41, 1.49, ... ]
+      [ 0.234, 0.298, 0.402, ... ] ]   1:  [0.234, 0.298, 0.402, ... ]
+    .                                      .
+    v t                                    v u
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Let's store these in quick variables 1 and 2, respectively.
+1:  [1.34, 1.41, 1.49, ... ]        .
+    .
+    t 2                             t 1
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(Recall that @kbd{t 2} is a variant of @kbd{s 2} that removes the
+stored value from the stack.)
+In a least squares fit, the slope @cite{m} is given by the formula
+m = (N sum(x y) - sum(x) sum(y)) / (N sum(x^2) - sum(x)^2)
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+$$ m = {N \sum x y - \sum x \sum y  \over
+        N \sum x^2 - \left( \sum x \right)^2} $$
+@end tex
+where @c{$\sum x$}
+@cite{sum(x)} represents the sum of all the values of @cite{x}.
+While there is an actual @code{sum} function in Calc, it's easier to
+sum a vector using a simple reduction.  First, let's compute the four
+different sums that this formula uses.
+1:  41.63                 1:  98.0003
+    .                         .
+ r 1 V R +   t 3           r 1 2 V M ^ V R +   t 4
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  13.613                1:  33.36554
+    .                         .
+ r 2 V R +   t 5           r 1 r 2 V M * V R +   t 6
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+These are @samp{sum(x)}, @samp{sum(x^2)}, @samp{sum(y)}, and @samp{sum(x y)},
+respectively.  (We could have used @kbd{*} to compute @samp{sum(x^2)} and
+@samp{sum(x y)}.)
+@end ifinfo
+These are $\sum x$, $\sum x^2$, $\sum y$, and $\sum x y$,
+respectively.  (We could have used \kbd{*} to compute $\sum x^2$ and
+$\sum x y$.)
+@end tex
+Finally, we also need @cite{N}, the number of data points.  This is just
+the length of either of our lists.
+1:  19
+    .
+ r 1 v l   t 7
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(That's @kbd{v} followed by a lower-case @kbd{l}.)
+Now we grind through the formula:
+1:  633.94526  2:  633.94526  1:  67.23607
+    .          1:  566.70919      .
+                   .
+ r 7 r 6 *      r 3 r 5 *         -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+2:  67.23607   3:  67.23607   2:  67.23607   1:  0.52141679
+1:  1862.0057  2:  1862.0057  1:  128.9488       .
+    .          1:  1733.0569      .
+                   .
+ r 7 r 4 *      r 3 2 ^           -              /   t 8
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+That gives us the slope @cite{m}.  The y-intercept @cite{b} can now
+be found with the simple formula,
+b = (sum(y) - m sum(x)) / N
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+$$ b = {\sum y - m \sum x \over N} $$
+@end tex
+1:  13.613     2:  13.613     1:  -8.09358   1:  -0.425978
+    .          1:  21.70658       .              .
+                   .
+   r 5            r 8 r 3 *       -              r 7 /   t 9
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Let's ``plot'' this straight line approximation, @c{$y \approx m x + b$}
+@cite{m x + b}, and compare it with the original data.@refill
+1:  [0.699, 0.735, ... ]    1:  [0.273, 0.309, ... ]
+    .                           .
+    r 1 r 8 *                   r 9 +    s 0
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Notice that multiplying a vector by a constant, and adding a constant
+to a vector, can be done without mapping commands since these are
+common operations from vector algebra.  As far as Calc is concerned,
+we've just been doing geometry in 19-dimensional space!
+We can subtract this vector from our original @cite{y} vector to get
+a feel for the error of our fit.  Let's find the maximum error:
+1:  [0.0387, 0.0112, ... ]   1:  [0.0387, 0.0112, ... ]   1:  0.0897
+    .                            .                            .
+    r 2 -                        V M A                        V R X
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+First we compute a vector of differences, then we take the absolute
+values of these differences, then we reduce the @code{max} function
+across the vector.  (The @code{max} function is on the two-key sequence
+@kbd{f x}; because it is so common to use @code{max} in a vector
+operation, the letters @kbd{X} and @kbd{N} are also accepted for
+@code{max} and @code{min} in this context.  In general, you answer
+the @kbd{V M} or @kbd{V R} prompt with the actual key sequence that
+invokes the function you want.  You could have typed @kbd{V R f x} or
+even @kbd{V R x max @key{RET}} if you had preferred.)
+If your system has the GNUPLOT program, you can see graphs of your
+data and your straight line to see how well they match.  (If you have
+GNUPLOT 3.0, the following instructions will work regardless of the
+kind of display you have.  Some GNUPLOT 2.0, non-X-windows systems
+may require additional steps to view the graphs.)
+Let's start by plotting the original data.  Recall the ``@i{x}'' and ``@i{y}''
+vectors onto the stack and press @kbd{g f}.  This ``fast'' graphing
+command does everything you need to do for simple, straightforward
+plotting of data.
+2:  [1.34, 1.41, 1.49, ... ]
+1:  [0.234, 0.298, 0.402, ... ]
+    .
+    r 1 r 2    g f
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+If all goes well, you will shortly get a new window containing a graph
+of the data.  (If not, contact your GNUPLOT or Calc installer to find
+out what went wrong.)  In the X window system, this will be a separate
+graphics window.  For other kinds of displays, the default is to
+display the graph in Emacs itself using rough character graphics.
+Press @kbd{q} when you are done viewing the character graphics.
+Next, let's add the line we got from our least-squares fit:
+2:  [1.34, 1.41, 1.49, ... ]
+1:  [0.273, 0.309, 0.351, ... ]
+    .
+    DEL r 0    g a  g p
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+It's not very useful to get symbols to mark the data points on this
+second curve; you can type @kbd{g S g p} to remove them.  Type @kbd{g q}
+when you are done to remove the X graphics window and terminate GNUPLOT.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 2.}  An earlier exercise showed how to do
+least squares fitting to a general system of equations.  Our 19 data
+points are really 19 equations of the form @cite{y_i = m x_i + b} for
+different pairs of @cite{(x_i,y_i)}.  Use the matrix-transpose method
+to solve for @cite{m} and @cite{b}, duplicating the above result.
+@xref{List Answer 2, 2}. (@bullet{})
+@cindex Geometric mean
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 3.}  If the input data do not form a
+rectangle, you can use @w{@kbd{M-# g}} (@code{calc-grab-region})
+to grab the data the way Emacs normally works with regions---it reads
+left-to-right, top-to-bottom, treating line breaks the same as spaces.
+Use this command to find the geometric mean of the following numbers.
+(The geometric mean is the @var{n}th root of the product of @var{n} numbers.)
+2.3  6  22  15.1  7
+  15  14  7.5
+  2.5
+@end example
+The @kbd{M-# g} command accepts numbers separated by spaces or commas,
+with or without surrounding vector brackets.
+@xref{List Answer 3, 3}. (@bullet{})
+As another example, a theorem about binomial coefficients tells
+us that the alternating sum of binomial coefficients
+@var{n}-choose-0 minus @var{n}-choose-1 plus @var{n}-choose-2, and so
+on up to @var{n}-choose-@var{n},
+always comes out to zero.  Let's verify this
+for @cite{n=6}.@refill
+@end ifinfo
+As another example, a theorem about binomial coefficients tells
+us that the alternating sum of binomial coefficients
+${n \choose 0} - {n \choose 1} + {n \choose 2} - \cdots \pm {n \choose n}$
+always comes out to zero.  Let's verify this
+for \cite{n=6}.
+@end tex
+1:  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]     1:  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+    .                             .
+    v x 7 RET                     1 -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  [1, -6, 15, -20, 15, -6, 1]          1:  0
+    .                                        .
+    V M ' (-1)^$ choose(6,$) RET             V R +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The @kbd{V M '} command prompts you to enter any algebraic expression
+to define the function to map over the vector.  The symbol @samp{$}
+inside this expression represents the argument to the function.
+The Calculator applies this formula to each element of the vector,
+substituting each element's value for the @samp{$} sign(s) in turn.
+To define a two-argument function, use @samp{$$} for the first
+argument and @samp{$} for the second:  @kbd{V M ' $$-$ RET} is
+equivalent to @kbd{V M -}.  This is analogous to regular algebraic
+entry, where @samp{$$} would refer to the next-to-top stack entry
+and @samp{$} would refer to the top stack entry, and @kbd{' $$-$ RET}
+would act exactly like @kbd{-}.
+Notice that the @kbd{V M '} command has recorded two things in the
+trail:  The result, as usual, and also a funny-looking thing marked
+@samp{oper} that represents the operator function you typed in.
+The function is enclosed in @samp{< >} brackets, and the argument is
+denoted by a @samp{#} sign.  If there were several arguments, they
+would be shown as @samp{#1}, @samp{#2}, and so on.  (For example,
+@kbd{V M ' $$-$} will put the function @samp{<#1 - #2>} on the
+trail.)  This object is a ``nameless function''; you can use nameless
+@w{@samp{< >}} notation to answer the @kbd{V M '} prompt if you like.
+Nameless function notation has the interesting, occasionally useful
+property that a nameless function is not actually evaluated until
+it is used.  For example, @kbd{V M ' $+random(2.0)} evaluates
+@samp{random(2.0)} once and adds that random number to all elements
+of the vector, but @kbd{V M ' <#+random(2.0)>} evaluates the
+@samp{random(2.0)} separately for each vector element.
+Another group of operators that are often useful with @kbd{V M} are
+the relational operators:  @kbd{a =}, for example, compares two numbers
+and gives the result 1 if they are equal, or 0 if not.  Similarly,
+@w{@kbd{a <}} checks for one number being less than another.
+Other useful vector operations include @kbd{v v}, to reverse a
+vector end-for-end; @kbd{V S}, to sort the elements of a vector
+into increasing order; and @kbd{v r} and @w{@kbd{v c}}, to extract
+one row or column of a matrix, or (in both cases) to extract one
+element of a plain vector.  With a negative argument, @kbd{v r}
+and @kbd{v c} instead delete one row, column, or vector element.
+@cindex Divisor functions
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 4.}  The @cite{k}th @dfn{divisor function}
+@end tex
+is the sum of the @cite{k}th powers of all the divisors of an
+integer @cite{n}.  Figure out a method for computing the divisor
+function for reasonably small values of @cite{n}.  As a test,
+the 0th and 1st divisor functions of 30 are 8 and 72, respectively.
+@xref{List Answer 4, 4}. (@bullet{})
+@cindex Square-free numbers
+@cindex Duplicate values in a list
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 5.}  The @kbd{k f} command produces a
+list of prime factors for a number.  Sometimes it is important to
+know that a number is @dfn{square-free}, i.e., that no prime occurs
+more than once in its list of prime factors.  Find a sequence of
+keystrokes to tell if a number is square-free; your method should
+leave 1 on the stack if it is, or 0 if it isn't.
+@xref{List Answer 5, 5}. (@bullet{})
+@cindex Triangular lists
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 6.}  Build a list of lists that looks
+like the following diagram.  (You may wish to use the @kbd{v /}
+command to enable multi-line display of vectors.)
+1:  [ [1],
+      [1, 2],
+      [1, 2, 3],
+      [1, 2, 3, 4],
+      [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
+      [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] ]
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@xref{List Answer 6, 6}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 7.}  Build the following list of lists.
+1:  [ [0],
+      [1, 2],
+      [3, 4, 5],
+      [6, 7, 8, 9],
+      [10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
+      [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] ]
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@xref{List Answer 7, 7}. (@bullet{})
+@cindex Maximizing a function over a list of values
+@c [fix-ref Numerical Solutions]
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 8.}  Compute a list of values of Bessel's
+@cite{J1} function @samp{besJ(1,x)} for @cite{x} from 0 to 5
+in steps of 0.25.
+Find the value of @cite{x} (from among the above set of values) for
+which @samp{besJ(1,x)} is a maximum.  Use an ``automatic'' method,
+i.e., just reading along the list by hand to find the largest value
+is not allowed!  (There is an @kbd{a X} command which does this kind
+of thing automatically; @pxref{Numerical Solutions}.)
+@xref{List Answer 8, 8}. (@bullet{})@refill
+@cindex Digits, vectors of
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 9.}  You are given an integer in the range
+@c{$0 \le N < 10^m$}
+@cite{0 <= N < 10^m} for @cite{m=12} (i.e., an integer of less than
+twelve digits).  Convert this integer into a vector of @cite{m}
+digits, each in the range from 0 to 9.  In vector-of-digits notation,
+add one to this integer to produce a vector of @cite{m+1} digits
+(since there could be a carry out of the most significant digit).
+Convert this vector back into a regular integer.  A good integer
+to try is 25129925999.  @xref{List Answer 9, 9}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 10.}  Your friend Joe tried to use
+@kbd{V R a =} to test if all numbers in a list were equal.  What
+happened?  How would you do this test?  @xref{List Answer 10, 10}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 11.}  The area of a circle of radius one
+is @c{$\pi$}
+@cite{pi}.  The area of the @c{$2\times2$}
+@asis{2x2} square that encloses that
+circle is 4.  So if we throw @i{N} darts at random points in the square,
+about @c{$\pi/4$}
+@cite{pi/4} of them will land inside the circle.  This gives us
+an entertaining way to estimate the value of @c{$\pi$}
+@cite{pi}.  The @w{@kbd{k r}}
+command picks a random number between zero and the value on the stack.
+We could get a random floating-point number between @i{-1} and 1 by typing
+@w{@kbd{2.0 k r 1 -}}.  Build a vector of 100 random @cite{(x,y)} points in
+this square, then use vector mapping and reduction to count how many
+points lie inside the unit circle.  Hint:  Use the @kbd{v b} command.
+@xref{List Answer 11, 11}. (@bullet{})
+@cindex Matchstick problem
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 12.}  The @dfn{matchstick problem} provides
+another way to calculate @c{$\pi$}
+@cite{pi}.  Say you have an infinite field
+of vertical lines with a spacing of one inch.  Toss a one-inch matchstick
+onto the field.  The probability that the matchstick will land crossing
+a line turns out to be @c{$2/\pi$}
+@cite{2/pi}.  Toss 100 matchsticks to estimate
+@cite{pi}.  (If you want still more fun, the probability that the GCD
+(@w{@kbd{k g}}) of two large integers is one turns out to be @c{$6/\pi^2$}
+That provides yet another way to estimate @c{$\pi$}
+@xref{List Answer 12, 12}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 13.}  An algebraic entry of a string in
+double-quote marks, @samp{"hello"}, creates a vector of the numerical
+(ASCII) codes of the characters (here, @cite{[104, 101, 108, 108, 111]}).
+Sometimes it is convenient to compute a @dfn{hash code} of a string,
+which is just an integer that represents the value of that string.
+Two equal strings have the same hash code; two different strings
+@dfn{probably} have different hash codes.  (For example, Calc has
+over 400 function names, but Emacs can quickly find the definition for
+any given name because it has sorted the functions into ``buckets'' by
+their hash codes.  Sometimes a few names will hash into the same bucket,
+but it is easier to search among a few names than among all the names.)
+One popular hash function is computed as follows:  First set @cite{h = 0}.
+Then, for each character from the string in turn, set @cite{h = 3h + c_i}
+where @cite{c_i} is the character's ASCII code.  If we have 511 buckets,
+we then take the hash code modulo 511 to get the bucket number.  Develop a
+simple command or commands for converting string vectors into hash codes.
+The hash code for @samp{"Testing, 1, 2, 3"} is 1960915098, which modulo
+511 is 121.  @xref{List Answer 13, 13}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 14.}  The @kbd{H V R} and @kbd{H V U}
+commands do nested function evaluations.  @kbd{H V U} takes a starting
+value and a number of steps @var{n} from the stack; it then applies the
+function you give to the starting value 0, 1, 2, up to @var{n} times
+and returns a vector of the results.  Use this command to create a
+``random walk'' of 50 steps.  Start with the two-dimensional point
+@cite{(0,0)}; then take one step a random distance between @i{-1} and 1
+in both @cite{x} and @cite{y}; then take another step, and so on.  Use the
+@kbd{g f} command to display this random walk.  Now modify your random
+walk to walk a unit distance, but in a random direction, at each step.
+(Hint:  The @code{sincos} function returns a vector of the cosine and
+sine of an angle.)  @xref{List Answer 14, 14}. (@bullet{})
+@node Types Tutorial, Algebra Tutorial, Vector/Matrix Tutorial, Tutorial
+@section Types Tutorial
+Calc understands a variety of data types as well as simple numbers.
+In this section, we'll experiment with each of these types in turn.
+The numbers we've been using so far have mainly been either @dfn{integers}
+or @dfn{floats}.  We saw that floats are usually a good approximation to
+the mathematical concept of real numbers, but they are only approximations
+and are susceptible to roundoff error.  Calc also supports @dfn{fractions},
+which can exactly represent any rational number.
+1:  3628800    2:  3628800    1:  518400:7   1:  518414:7   1:  7:518414
+    .          1:  49             .              .              .
+                   .
+    10 !           49 RET         :              2 +            &
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The @kbd{:} command divides two integers to get a fraction; @kbd{/}
+would normally divide integers to get a floating-point result.
+Notice we had to type @key{RET} between the @kbd{49} and the @kbd{:}
+since the @kbd{:} would otherwise be interpreted as part of a
+fraction beginning with 49.
+You can convert between floating-point and fractional format using
+@kbd{c f} and @kbd{c F}:
+1:  1.35027217629e-5    1:  7:518414
+    .                       .
+    c f                     c F
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The @kbd{c F} command replaces a floating-point number with the
+``simplest'' fraction whose floating-point representation is the
+same, to within the current precision.
+1:  3.14159265359   1:  1146408:364913   1:  3.1416   1:  355:113
+    .                   .                    .            .
+    P                   c F      DEL       p 5 RET P      c F
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 1.}  A calculation has produced the
+result 1.26508260337.  You suspect it is the square root of the
+product of @c{$\pi$}
+@cite{pi} and some rational number.  Is it?  (Be sure
+to allow for roundoff error!)  @xref{Types Answer 1, 1}. (@bullet{})
+@dfn{Complex numbers} can be stored in both rectangular and polar form.
+1:  -9     1:  (0, 3)    1:  (3; 90.)   1:  (6; 90.)   1:  (2.4495; 45.)
+    .          .             .              .              .
+    9 n        Q             c p            2 *            Q
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The square root of @i{-9} is by default rendered in rectangular form
+(@w{@cite{0 + 3i}}), but we can convert it to polar form (3 with a
+phase angle of 90 degrees).  All the usual arithmetic and scientific
+operations are defined on both types of complex numbers.
+Another generalized kind of number is @dfn{infinity}.  Infinity
+isn't really a number, but it can sometimes be treated like one.
+Calc uses the symbol @code{inf} to represent positive infinity,
+i.e., a value greater than any real number.  Naturally, you can
+also write @samp{-inf} for minus infinity, a value less than any
+real number.  The word @code{inf} can only be input using
+algebraic entry.
+2:  inf        2:  -inf       2:  -inf       2:  -inf       1:  nan
+1:  -17        1:  -inf       1:  -inf       1:  inf            .
+    .              .              .              .
+' inf RET 17 n     *  RET         72 +           A              +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Since infinity is infinitely large, multiplying it by any finite
+number (like @i{-17}) has no effect, except that since @i{-17}
+is negative, it changes a plus infinity to a minus infinity.
+(``A huge positive number, multiplied by @i{-17}, yields a huge
+negative number.'')  Adding any finite number to infinity also
+leaves it unchanged.  Taking an absolute value gives us plus
+infinity again.  Finally, we add this plus infinity to the minus
+infinity we had earlier.  If you work it out, you might expect
+the answer to be @i{-72} for this.  But the 72 has been completely
+lost next to the infinities; by the time we compute @w{@samp{inf - inf}}
+the finite difference between them, if any, is indetectable.
+So we say the result is @dfn{indeterminate}, which Calc writes
+with the symbol @code{nan} (for Not A Number).
+Dividing by zero is normally treated as an error, but you can get
+Calc to write an answer in terms of infinity by pressing @kbd{m i}
+to turn on ``infinite mode.''
+3:  nan        2:  nan        2:  nan        2:  nan        1:  nan
+2:  1          1:  1 / 0      1:  uinf       1:  uinf           .
+1:  0              .              .              .
+    .
+  1 RET 0          /       m i    U /            17 n *         +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Dividing by zero normally is left unevaluated, but after @kbd{m i}
+it instead gives an infinite result.  The answer is actually
+@code{uinf}, ``undirected infinity.''  If you look at a graph of
+@cite{1 / x} around @w{@cite{x = 0}}, you'll see that it goes toward
+plus infinity as you approach zero from above, but toward minus
+infinity as you approach from below.  Since we said only @cite{1 / 0},
+Calc knows that the answer is infinite but not in which direction.
+That's what @code{uinf} means.  Notice that multiplying @code{uinf}
+by a negative number still leaves plain @code{uinf}; there's no
+point in saying @samp{-uinf} because the sign of @code{uinf} is
+unknown anyway.  Finally, we add @code{uinf} to our @code{nan},
+yielding @code{nan} again.  It's easy to see that, because
+@code{nan} means ``totally unknown'' while @code{uinf} means
+``unknown sign but known to be infinite,'' the more mysterious
+@code{nan} wins out when it is combined with @code{uinf}, or, for
+that matter, with anything else.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 2.}  Predict what Calc will answer
+for each of these formulas:  @samp{inf / inf}, @samp{exp(inf)},
+@samp{exp(-inf)}, @samp{sqrt(-inf)}, @samp{sqrt(uinf)},
+@samp{abs(uinf)}, @samp{ln(0)}.
+@xref{Types Answer 2, 2}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 3.}  We saw that @samp{inf - inf = nan},
+which stands for an unknown value.  Can @code{nan} stand for
+a complex number?  Can it stand for infinity?
+@xref{Types Answer 3, 3}. (@bullet{})
+@dfn{HMS forms} represent a value in terms of hours, minutes, and
+1:  2@@ 30' 0"     1:  3@@ 30' 0"     2:  3@@ 30' 0"     1:  2.
+    .                 .             1:  1@@ 45' 0."        .
+                                        .
+  2@@ 30' RET          1 +               RET 2 /           /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+HMS forms can also be used to hold angles in degrees, minutes, and
+1:  0.5        1:  26.56505   1:  26@@ 33' 54.18"    1:  0.44721
+    .              .              .                     .
+    0.5            I T            c h                   S
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+First we convert the inverse tangent of 0.5 to degrees-minutes-seconds
+form, then we take the sine of that angle.  Note that the trigonometric
+functions will accept HMS forms directly as input.
+@cindex Beatles
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 4.}  The Beatles' @emph{Abbey Road} is
+47 minutes and 26 seconds long, and contains 17 songs.  What is the
+average length of a song on @emph{Abbey Road}?  If the Extended Disco
+Version of @emph{Abbey Road} added 20 seconds to the length of each
+song, how long would the album be?  @xref{Types Answer 4, 4}. (@bullet{})
+A @dfn{date form} represents a date, or a date and time.  Dates must
+be entered using algebraic entry.  Date forms are surrounded by
+@samp{< >} symbols; most standard formats for dates are recognized.
+2:  <Sun Jan 13, 1991>                    1:  2.25
+1:  <6:00pm Thu Jan 10, 1991>                 .
+    .
+' <13 Jan 1991>, <1/10/91, 6pm> RET           -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+In this example, we enter two dates, then subtract to find the
+number of days between them.  It is also possible to add an
+HMS form or a number (of days) to a date form to get another
+date form.
+1:  <4:45:59pm Mon Jan 14, 1991>     1:  <2:50:59am Thu Jan 17, 1991>
+    .                                    .
+    t N                                  2 + 10@@ 5' +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@c [fix-ref Date Arithmetic]
+The @kbd{t N} (``now'') command pushes the current date and time on the
+stack; then we add two days, ten hours and five minutes to the date and
+time.  Other date-and-time related commands include @kbd{t J}, which
+does Julian day conversions, @kbd{t W}, which finds the beginning of
+the week in which a date form lies, and @kbd{t I}, which increments a
+date by one or several months.  @xref{Date Arithmetic}, for more.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 5.}  How many days until the next
+Friday the 13th?  @xref{Types Answer 5, 5}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 6.}  How many leap years will there be
+between now and the year 10001 A.D.?  @xref{Types Answer 6, 6}. (@bullet{})
+@cindex Slope and angle of a line
+@cindex Angle and slope of a line
+An @dfn{error form} represents a mean value with an attached standard
+deviation, or error estimate.  Suppose our measurements indicate that
+a certain telephone pole is about 30 meters away, with an estimated
+error of 1 meter, and 8 meters tall, with an estimated error of 0.2
+meters.  What is the slope of a line from here to the top of the
+pole, and what is the equivalent angle in degrees?
+1:  8 +/- 0.2    2:  8 +/- 0.2   1:  0.266 +/- 0.011   1:  14.93 +/- 0.594
+    .            1:  30 +/- 1        .                     .
+                     .
+    8 p .2 RET       30 p 1          /                     I T
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+This means that the angle is about 15 degrees, and, assuming our
+original error estimates were valid standard deviations, there is about
+a 60% chance that the result is correct within 0.59 degrees.
+@cindex Torus, volume of
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 7.}  The volume of a torus (a donut shape) is
+@c{$2 \pi^2 R r^2$}
+@w{@cite{2 pi^2 R r^2}} where @cite{R} is the radius of the circle that
+defines the center of the tube and @cite{r} is the radius of the tube
+itself.  Suppose @cite{R} is 20 cm and @cite{r} is 4 cm, each known to
+within 5 percent.  What is the volume and the relative uncertainty of
+the volume?  @xref{Types Answer 7, 7}. (@bullet{})
+An @dfn{interval form} represents a range of values.  While an
+error form is best for making statistical estimates, intervals give
+you exact bounds on an answer.  Suppose we additionally know that
+our telephone pole is definitely between 28 and 31 meters away,
+and that it is between 7.7 and 8.1 meters tall.
+1:  [7.7 .. 8.1]  2:  [7.7 .. 8.1]  1:  [0.24 .. 0.28]  1:  [13.9 .. 16.1]
+    .             1:  [28 .. 31]        .                   .
+                      .
+  [ 7.7 .. 8.1 ]    [ 28 .. 31 ]        /                   I T
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+If our bounds were correct, then the angle to the top of the pole
+is sure to lie in the range shown.
+The square brackets around these intervals indicate that the endpoints
+themselves are allowable values.  In other words, the distance to the
+telephone pole is between 28 and 31, @emph{inclusive}.  You can also
+make an interval that is exclusive of its endpoints by writing
+parentheses instead of square brackets.  You can even make an interval
+which is inclusive (``closed'') on one end and exclusive (``open'') on
+the other.
+1:  [1 .. 10)    1:  (0.1 .. 1]   2:  (0.1 .. 1]   1:  (0.2 .. 3)
+    .                .            1:  [2 .. 3)         .
+                                      .
+  [ 1 .. 10 )        &              [ 2 .. 3 )         *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The Calculator automatically keeps track of which end values should
+be open and which should be closed.  You can also make infinite or
+semi-infinite intervals by using @samp{-inf} or @samp{inf} for one
+or both endpoints.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 8.}  What answer would you expect from
+@samp{@w{1 /} @w{(0 .. 10)}}?  What about @samp{@w{1 /} @w{(-10 .. 0)}}?  What
+about @samp{@w{1 /} @w{[0 .. 10]}} (where the interval actually includes
+zero)?  What about @samp{@w{1 /} @w{(-10 .. 10)}}?
+@xref{Types Answer 8, 8}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 9.}  Two easy ways of squaring a number
+are @kbd{RET *} and @w{@kbd{2 ^}}.  Normally these produce the same
+answer.  Would you expect this still to hold true for interval forms?
+If not, which of these will result in a larger interval?
+@xref{Types Answer 9, 9}. (@bullet{})
+A @dfn{modulo form} is used for performing arithmetic modulo @i{M}.
+For example, arithmetic involving time is generally done modulo 12
+or 24 hours.
+1:  17 mod 24    1:  3 mod 24     1:  21 mod 24    1:  9 mod 24
+    .                .                .                .
+    17 M 24 RET      10 +             n                5 /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+In this last step, Calc has found a new number which, when multiplied
+by 5 modulo 24, produces the original number, 21.  If @i{M} is prime
+it is always possible to find such a number.  For non-prime @i{M}
+like 24, it is only sometimes possible.
+1:  10 mod 24    1:  16 mod 24    1:  1000000...   1:  16
+    .                .                .                .
+    10 M 24 RET      100 ^            10 RET 100 ^     24 %
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+These two calculations get the same answer, but the first one is
+much more efficient because it avoids the huge intermediate value
+that arises in the second one.
+@cindex Fermat, primality test of
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 10.}  A theorem of Pierre de Fermat
+says that @c{\w{$x^{n-1} \bmod n = 1$}}
+@cite{x^(n-1) mod n = 1} if @cite{n} is a prime number
+and @cite{x} is an integer less than @cite{n}.  If @cite{n} is
+@emph{not} a prime number, this will @emph{not} be true for most
+values of @cite{x}.  Thus we can test informally if a number is
+prime by trying this formula for several values of @cite{x}.
+Use this test to tell whether the following numbers are prime:
+811749613, 15485863.  @xref{Types Answer 10, 10}. (@bullet{})
+It is possible to use HMS forms as parts of error forms, intervals,
+modulo forms, or as the phase part of a polar complex number.
+For example, the @code{calc-time} command pushes the current time
+of day on the stack as an HMS/modulo form.
+1:  17@@ 34' 45" mod 24@@ 0' 0"     1:  6@@ 22' 15" mod 24@@ 0' 0"
+    .                                 .
+    x time RET                        n
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+This calculation tells me it is six hours and 22 minutes until midnight.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 11.}  A rule of thumb is that one year
+is about @c{$\pi \times 10^7$}
+@w{@cite{pi * 10^7}} seconds.  What time will it be that
+many seconds from right now?  @xref{Types Answer 11, 11}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 12.}  You are preparing to order packaging
+for the CD release of the Extended Disco Version of @emph{Abbey Road}.
+You are told that the songs will actually be anywhere from 20 to 60
+seconds longer than the originals.  One CD can hold about 75 minutes
+of music.  Should you order single or double packages?
+@xref{Types Answer 12, 12}. (@bullet{})
+Another kind of data the Calculator can manipulate is numbers with
+@dfn{units}.  This isn't strictly a new data type; it's simply an
+application of algebraic expressions, where we use variables with
+suggestive names like @samp{cm} and @samp{in} to represent units
+like centimeters and inches.
+1:  2 in        1:  5.08 cm      1:  0.027778 fath   1:  0.0508 m
+    .               .                .                   .
+    ' 2in RET       u c cm RET       u c fath RET        u b
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+We enter the quantity ``2 inches'' (actually an algebraic expression
+which means two times the variable @samp{in}), then we convert it
+first to centimeters, then to fathoms, then finally to ``base'' units,
+which in this case means meters.
+1:  9 acre     1:  3 sqrt(acre)   1:  190.84 m   1:  190.84 m + 30 cm
+    .              .                  .              .
+ ' 9 acre RET      Q                  u s            ' $+30 cm RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  191.14 m     1:  36536.3046 m^2    1:  365363046 cm^2
+    .                .                     .
+    u s              2 ^                   u c cgs
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Since units expressions are really just formulas, taking the square
+root of @samp{acre} is undefined.  After all, @code{acre} might be an
+algebraic variable that you will someday assign a value.  We use the
+``units-simplify'' command to simplify the expression with variables
+being interpreted as unit names.
+In the final step, we have converted not to a particular unit, but to a
+units system.  The ``cgs'' system uses centimeters instead of meters
+as its standard unit of length.
+There is a wide variety of units defined in the Calculator.
+1:  55 mph     1:  88.5139 kph   1:   88.5139 km / hr   1:  8.201407e-8 c
+    .              .                  .                     .
+ ' 55 mph RET      u c kph RET        u c km/hr RET         u c c RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+We express a speed first in miles per hour, then in kilometers per
+hour, then again using a slightly more explicit notation, then
+finally in terms of fractions of the speed of light.
+Temperature conversions are a bit more tricky.  There are two ways to
+interpret ``20 degrees Fahrenheit''---it could mean an actual
+temperature, or it could mean a change in temperature.  For normal
+units there is no difference, but temperature units have an offset
+as well as a scale factor and so there must be two explicit commands
+for them.
+1:  20 degF       1:  11.1111 degC     1:  -20:3 degC    1:  -6.666 degC
+    .                 .                    .                 .
+  ' 20 degF RET       u c degC RET         U u t degC RET    c f
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+First we convert a change of 20 degrees Fahrenheit into an equivalent
+change in degrees Celsius (or Centigrade).  Then, we convert the
+absolute temperature 20 degrees Fahrenheit into Celsius.  Since
+this comes out as an exact fraction, we then convert to floating-point
+for easier comparison with the other result.
+For simple unit conversions, you can put a plain number on the stack.
+Then @kbd{u c} and @kbd{u t} will prompt for both old and new units.
+When you use this method, you're responsible for remembering which
+numbers are in which units:
+1:  55         1:  88.5139              1:  8.201407e-8
+    .              .                        .
+    55             u c mph RET kph RET      u c km/hr RET c RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+To see a complete list of built-in units, type @kbd{u v}.  Press
+@w{@kbd{M-# c}} again to re-enter the Calculator when you're done looking
+at the units table.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 13.}  How many seconds are there really
+in a year?  @xref{Types Answer 13, 13}. (@bullet{})
+@cindex Speed of light
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 14.}  Supercomputer designs are limited by
+the speed of light (and of electricity, which is nearly as fast).
+Suppose a computer has a 4.1 ns (nanosecond) clock cycle, and its
+cabinet is one meter across.  Is speed of light going to be a
+significant factor in its design?  @xref{Types Answer 14, 14}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 15.}  Sam the Slug normally travels about
+five yards in an hour.  He has obtained a supply of Power Pills; each
+Power Pill he eats doubles his speed.  How many Power Pills can he
+swallow and still travel legally on most US highways?
+@xref{Types Answer 15, 15}. (@bullet{})
+@node Algebra Tutorial, Programming Tutorial, Types Tutorial, Tutorial
+@section Algebra and Calculus Tutorial
+This section shows how to use Calc's algebra facilities to solve
+equations, do simple calculus problems, and manipulate algebraic
+* Basic Algebra Tutorial::
+* Rewrites Tutorial::
+@end menu
+@node Basic Algebra Tutorial, Rewrites Tutorial, Algebra Tutorial, Algebra Tutorial
+@subsection Basic Algebra
+If you enter a formula in algebraic mode that refers to variables,
+the formula itself is pushed onto the stack.  You can manipulate
+formulas as regular data objects.
+1:  2 x^2 - 6       1:  6 - 2 x^2       1:  (6 - 2 x^2) (3 x^2 + y)
+    .                   .                   .
+    ' 2x^2-6 RET        n                   ' 3x^2+y RET *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 1.}  Do @kbd{' x RET Q 2 ^} and
+@kbd{' x RET 2 ^ Q} both wind up with the same result (@samp{x})?
+Why or why not?  @xref{Algebra Answer 1, 1}. (@bullet{})
+There are also commands for doing common algebraic operations on
+formulas.  Continuing with the formula from the last example,
+1:  18 x^2 + 6 y - 6 x^4 - 2 x^2 y    1:  (18 - 2 y) x^2 - 6 x^4 + 6 y
+    .                                     .
+    a x                                   a c x RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+First we ``expand'' using the distributive law, then we ``collect''
+terms involving like powers of @cite{x}.
+Let's find the value of this expression when @cite{x} is 2 and @cite{y}
+is one-half.
+1:  17 x^2 - 6 x^4 + 3      1:  -25
+    .                           .
+    1:2 s l y RET               2 s l x RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The @kbd{s l} command means ``let''; it takes a number from the top of
+the stack and temporarily assigns it as the value of the variable
+you specify.  It then evaluates (as if by the @kbd{=} key) the
+next expression on the stack.  After this command, the variable goes
+back to its original value, if any.
+(An earlier exercise in this tutorial involved storing a value in the
+variable @code{x}; if this value is still there, you will have to
+unstore it with @kbd{s u x RET} before the above example will work
+@cindex Maximum of a function using Calculus
+Let's find the maximum value of our original expression when @cite{y}
+is one-half and @cite{x} ranges over all possible values.  We can
+do this by taking the derivative with respect to @cite{x} and examining
+values of @cite{x} for which the derivative is zero.  If the second
+derivative of the function at that value of @cite{x} is negative,
+the function has a local maximum there.
+1:  17 x^2 - 6 x^4 + 3      1:  34 x - 24 x^3
+    .                           .
+    U DEL  s 1                  a d x RET   s 2
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Well, the derivative is clearly zero when @cite{x} is zero.  To find
+the other root(s), let's divide through by @cite{x} and then solve:
+1:  (34 x - 24 x^3) / x    1:  34 x / x - 24 x^3 / x    1:  34 - 24 x^2
+    .                          .                            .
+    ' x RET /                  a x                          a s
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  34 - 24 x^2 = 0        1:  x = 1.19023
+    .                          .
+    0 a =  s 3                 a S x RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Notice the use of @kbd{a s} to ``simplify'' the formula.  When the
+default algebraic simplifications don't do enough, you can use
+@kbd{a s} to tell Calc to spend more time on the job.
+Now we compute the second derivative and plug in our values of @cite{x}:
+1:  1.19023        2:  1.19023         2:  1.19023
+    .              1:  34 x - 24 x^3   1:  34 - 72 x^2
+                       .                   .
+    a .                r 2                 a d x RET s 4
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(The @kbd{a .} command extracts just the righthand side of an equation.
+Another method would have been to use @kbd{v u} to unpack the equation
+@w{@samp{x = 1.19}} to @samp{x} and @samp{1.19}, then use @kbd{M-- M-2 DEL}
+to delete the @samp{x}.)
+2:  34 - 72 x^2   1:  -68.         2:  34 - 72 x^2     1:  34
+1:  1.19023           .            1:  0                   .
+    .                                  .
+    TAB               s l x RET        U DEL 0             s l x RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The first of these second derivatives is negative, so we know the function
+has a maximum value at @cite{x = 1.19023}.  (The function also has a
+local @emph{minimum} at @cite{x = 0}.)
+When we solved for @cite{x}, we got only one value even though
+@cite{34 - 24 x^2 = 0} is a quadratic equation that ought to have
+two solutions.  The reason is that @w{@kbd{a S}} normally returns a
+single ``principal'' solution.  If it needs to come up with an
+arbitrary sign (as occurs in the quadratic formula) it picks @cite{+}.
+If it needs an arbitrary integer, it picks zero.  We can get a full
+solution by pressing @kbd{H} (the Hyperbolic flag) before @kbd{a S}.
+1:  34 - 24 x^2 = 0    1:  x = 1.19023 s1      1:  x = -1.19023
+    .                      .                       .
+    r 3                    H a S x RET  s 5        1 n  s l s1 RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Calc has invented the variable @samp{s1} to represent an unknown sign;
+it is supposed to be either @i{+1} or @i{-1}.  Here we have used
+the ``let'' command to evaluate the expression when the sign is negative.
+If we plugged this into our second derivative we would get the same,
+negative, answer, so @cite{x = -1.19023} is also a maximum.
+To find the actual maximum value, we must plug our two values of @cite{x}
+into the original formula.
+2:  17 x^2 - 6 x^4 + 3    1:  24.08333 s1^2 - 12.04166 s1^4 + 3
+1:  x = 1.19023 s1            .
+    .
+    r 1 r 5                   s l RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(Here we see another way to use @kbd{s l}; if its input is an equation
+with a variable on the lefthand side, then @kbd{s l} treats the equation
+like an assignment to that variable if you don't give a variable name.)
+It's clear that this will have the same value for either sign of
+@code{s1}, but let's work it out anyway, just for the exercise:
+2:  [-1, 1]              1:  [15.04166, 15.04166]
+1:  24.08333 s1^2 ...        .
+    .
+  [ 1 n , 1 ] TAB            V M $ RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Here we have used a vector mapping operation to evaluate the function
+at several values of @samp{s1} at once.  @kbd{V M $} is like @kbd{V M '}
+except that it takes the formula from the top of the stack.  The
+formula is interpreted as a function to apply across the vector at the
+next-to-top stack level.  Since a formula on the stack can't contain
+@samp{$} signs, Calc assumes the variables in the formula stand for
+different arguments.  It prompts you for an @dfn{argument list}, giving
+the list of all variables in the formula in alphabetical order as the
+default list.  In this case the default is @samp{(s1)}, which is just
+what we want so we simply press @key{RET} at the prompt.
+If there had been several different values, we could have used
+@w{@kbd{V R X}} to find the global maximum.
+Calc has a built-in @kbd{a P} command that solves an equation using
+@w{@kbd{H a S}} and returns a vector of all the solutions.  It simply
+automates the job we just did by hand.  Applied to our original
+cubic polynomial, it would produce the vector of solutions
+@cite{[1.19023, -1.19023, 0]}.  (There is also an @kbd{a X} command
+which finds a local maximum of a function.  It uses a numerical search
+method rather than examining the derivatives, and thus requires you
+to provide some kind of initial guess to show it where to look.)
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 2.}  Given a vector of the roots of a
+polynomial (such as the output of an @kbd{a P} command), what
+sequence of commands would you use to reconstruct the original
+polynomial?  (The answer will be unique to within a constant
+multiple; choose the solution where the leading coefficient is one.)
+@xref{Algebra Answer 2, 2}. (@bullet{})
+The @kbd{m s} command enables ``symbolic mode,'' in which formulas
+like @samp{sqrt(5)} that can't be evaluated exactly are left in
+symbolic form rather than giving a floating-point approximate answer.
+Fraction mode (@kbd{m f}) is also useful when doing algebra.
+2:  34 x - 24 x^3        2:  34 x - 24 x^3
+1:  34 x - 24 x^3        1:  [sqrt(51) / 6, sqrt(51) / -6, 0]
+    .                        .
+    r 2  RET     m s  m f    a P x RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+One more mode that makes reading formulas easier is ``Big mode.''
+               3
+2:  34 x - 24 x
+      ____   ____
+     V 51   V 51
+1:  [-----, -----, 0]
+       6     -6
+    .
+    d B
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Here things like powers, square roots, and quotients and fractions
+are displayed in a two-dimensional pictorial form.  Calc has other
+language modes as well, such as C mode, FORTRAN mode, and @TeX{} mode.
+2:  34*x - 24*pow(x, 3)               2:  34*x - 24*x**3
+1:  @{sqrt(51) / 6, sqrt(51) / -6, 0@}  1:  /sqrt(51) / 6, sqrt(51) / -6, 0/
+    .                                     .
+    d C                                   d F
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+3:  34 x - 24 x^3
+2:  [@{\sqrt@{51@} \over 6@}, @{\sqrt@{51@} \over -6@}, 0]
+1:  @{2 \over 3@} \sqrt@{5@}
+    .
+    d T   ' 2 \sqrt@{5@} \over 3 RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+As you can see, language modes affect both entry and display of
+formulas.  They affect such things as the names used for built-in
+functions, the set of arithmetic operators and their precedences,
+and notations for vectors and matrices.
+Notice that @samp{sqrt(51)} may cause problems with older
+implementations of C and FORTRAN, which would require something more
+like @samp{sqrt(51.0)}.  It is always wise to check over the formulas
+produced by the various language modes to make sure they are fully
+Type @kbd{m s}, @kbd{m f}, and @kbd{d N} to reset these modes.  (You
+may prefer to remain in Big mode, but all the examples in the tutorial
+are shown in normal mode.)
+@cindex Area under a curve
+What is the area under the portion of this curve from @cite{x = 1} to @cite{2}?
+This is simply the integral of the function:
+1:  17 x^2 - 6 x^4 + 3     1:  5.6666 x^3 - 1.2 x^5 + 3 x
+    .                          .
+    r 1                        a i x
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+We want to evaluate this at our two values for @cite{x} and subtract.
+One way to do it is again with vector mapping and reduction:
+2:  [2, 1]            1:  [12.93333, 7.46666]    1:  5.46666
+1:  5.6666 x^3 ...        .                          .
+   [ 2 , 1 ] TAB          V M $ RET                  V R -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 3.}  Find the integral from 1 to @cite{y}
+of @c{$x \sin \pi x$}
+@w{@cite{x sin(pi x)}} (where the sine is calculated in radians).
+Find the values of the integral for integers @cite{y} from 1 to 5.
+@xref{Algebra Answer 3, 3}. (@bullet{})
+Calc's integrator can do many simple integrals symbolically, but many
+others are beyond its capabilities.  Suppose we wish to find the area
+under the curve @c{$\sin x \ln x$}
+@cite{sin(x) ln(x)} over the same range of @cite{x}.  If
+you entered this formula and typed @kbd{a i x RET} (don't bother to try
+this), Calc would work for a long time but would be unable to find a
+solution.  In fact, there is no closed-form solution to this integral.
+Now what do we do?
+@cindex Integration, numerical
+@cindex Numerical integration
+One approach would be to do the integral numerically.  It is not hard
+to do this by hand using vector mapping and reduction.  It is rather
+slow, though, since the sine and logarithm functions take a long time.
+We can save some time by reducing the working precision.
+3:  10                  1:  [1, 1.1, 1.2,  ...  , 1.8, 1.9]
+2:  1                       .
+1:  0.1
+    .
+ 10 RET 1 RET .1 RET        C-u v x
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(Note that we have used the extended version of @kbd{v x}; we could
+also have used plain @kbd{v x} as follows:  @kbd{v x 10 RET 9 + .1 *}.)
+2:  [1, 1.1, ... ]              1:  [0., 0.084941, 0.16993, ... ]
+1:  sin(x) ln(x)                    .
+    .
+    ' sin(x) ln(x) RET  s 1    m r  p 5 RET   V M $ RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  3.4195     0.34195
+    .          .
+    V R +      0.1 *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(If you got wildly different results, did you remember to switch
+to radians mode?)
+Here we have divided the curve into ten segments of equal width;
+approximating these segments as rectangular boxes (i.e., assuming
+the curve is nearly flat at that resolution), we compute the areas
+of the boxes (height times width), then sum the areas.  (It is
+faster to sum first, then multiply by the width, since the width
+is the same for every box.)
+The true value of this integral turns out to be about 0.374, so
+we're not doing too well.  Let's try another approach.
+1:  sin(x) ln(x)    1:  0.84147 x - 0.84147 + 0.11957 (x - 1)^2 - ...
+    .                   .
+    r 1                 a t x=1 RET 4 RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Here we have computed the Taylor series expansion of the function
+about the point @cite{x=1}.  We can now integrate this polynomial
+approximation, since polynomials are easy to integrate.
+1:  0.42074 x^2 + ...    1:  [-0.0446, -0.42073]      1:  0.3761
+    .                        .                            .
+    a i x RET            [ 2 , 1 ] TAB  V M $ RET         V R -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Better!  By increasing the precision and/or asking for more terms
+in the Taylor series, we can get a result as accurate as we like.
+(Taylor series converge better away from singularities in the
+function such as the one at @code{ln(0)}, so it would also help to
+expand the series about the points @cite{x=2} or @cite{x=1.5} instead
+of @cite{x=1}.)
+@cindex Simpson's rule
+@cindex Integration by Simpson's rule
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 4.}  Our first method approximated the
+curve by stairsteps of width 0.1; the total area was then the sum
+of the areas of the rectangles under these stairsteps.  Our second
+method approximated the function by a polynomial, which turned out
+to be a better approximation than stairsteps.  A third method is
+@dfn{Simpson's rule}, which is like the stairstep method except
+that the steps are not required to be flat.  Simpson's rule boils
+down to the formula,
+(h/3) * (f(a) + 4 f(a+h) + 2 f(a+2h) + 4 f(a+3h) + ...
+              + 2 f(a+(n-2)*h) + 4 f(a+(n-1)*h) + f(a+n*h))
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+$$ \displaylines{
+      \qquad {h \over 3} (f(a) + 4 f(a+h) + 2 f(a+2h) + 4 f(a+3h) + \cdots
+   \hfill \cr \hfill    {} + 2 f(a+(n-2)h) + 4 f(a+(n-1)h) + f(a+n h)) \qquad
+} $$
+@end tex
+where @cite{n} (which must be even) is the number of slices and @cite{h}
+is the width of each slice.  These are 10 and 0.1 in our example.
+For reference, here is the corresponding formula for the stairstep
+h * (f(a) + f(a+h) + f(a+2h) + f(a+3h) + ...
+          + f(a+(n-2)*h) + f(a+(n-1)*h))
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+$$ h (f(a) + f(a+h) + f(a+2h) + f(a+3h) + \cdots
+           + f(a+(n-2)h) + f(a+(n-1)h)) $$
+@end tex
+Compute the integral from 1 to 2 of @c{$\sin x \ln x$}
+@cite{sin(x) ln(x)} using
+Simpson's rule with 10 slices.  @xref{Algebra Answer 4, 4}. (@bullet{})
+Calc has a built-in @kbd{a I} command for doing numerical integration.
+It uses @dfn{Romberg's method}, which is a more sophisticated cousin
+of Simpson's rule.  In particular, it knows how to keep refining the
+result until the current precision is satisfied.
+@c [fix-ref Selecting Sub-Formulas]
+Aside from the commands we've seen so far, Calc also provides a
+large set of commands for operating on parts of formulas.  You
+indicate the desired sub-formula by placing the cursor on any part
+of the formula before giving a @dfn{selection} command.  Selections won't
+be covered in the tutorial; @pxref{Selecting Subformulas}, for
+details and examples.
+@c hard exercise: simplify (2^(n r) - 2^(r*(n - 1))) / (2^r - 1) 2^(n - 1)
+@c                to 2^((n-1)*(r-1)).
+@node Rewrites Tutorial, , Basic Algebra Tutorial, Algebra Tutorial
+@subsection Rewrite Rules
+No matter how many built-in commands Calc provided for doing algebra,
+there would always be something you wanted to do that Calc didn't have
+in its repertoire.  So Calc also provides a @dfn{rewrite rule} system
+that you can use to define your own algebraic manipulations.
+Suppose we want to simplify this trigonometric formula:
+1:  1 / cos(x) - sin(x) tan(x)
+    .
+    ' 1/cos(x) - sin(x) tan(x) RET   s 1
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+If we were simplifying this by hand, we'd probably replace the
+@samp{tan} with a @samp{sin/cos} first, then combine over a common
+denominator.  There is no Calc command to do the former; the @kbd{a n}
+algebra command will do the latter but we'll do both with rewrite
+rules just for practice.
+Rewrite rules are written with the @samp{:=} symbol.
+1:  1 / cos(x) - sin(x)^2 / cos(x)
+    .
+    a r tan(a) := sin(a)/cos(a) RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(The ``assignment operator'' @samp{:=} has several uses in Calc.  All
+by itself the formula @samp{tan(a) := sin(a)/cos(a)} doesn't do anything,
+but when it is given to the @kbd{a r} command, that command interprets
+it as a rewrite rule.)
+The lefthand side, @samp{tan(a)}, is called the @dfn{pattern} of the
+rewrite rule.  Calc searches the formula on the stack for parts that
+match the pattern.  Variables in a rewrite pattern are called
+@dfn{meta-variables}, and when matching the pattern each meta-variable
+can match any sub-formula.  Here, the meta-variable @samp{a} matched
+the actual variable @samp{x}.
+When the pattern part of a rewrite rule matches a part of the formula,
+that part is replaced by the righthand side with all the meta-variables
+substituted with the things they matched.  So the result is
+@samp{sin(x) / cos(x)}.  Calc's normal algebraic simplifications then
+mix this in with the rest of the original formula.
+To merge over a common denominator, we can use another simple rule:
+1:  (1 - sin(x)^2) / cos(x)
+    .
+    a r a/x + b/x := (a+b)/x RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+This rule points out several interesting features of rewrite patterns.
+First, if a meta-variable appears several times in a pattern, it must
+match the same thing everywhere.  This rule detects common denominators
+because the same meta-variable @samp{x} is used in both of the
+Second, meta-variable names are independent from variables in the
+target formula.  Notice that the meta-variable @samp{x} here matches
+the subformula @samp{cos(x)}; Calc never confuses the two meanings of
+And third, rewrite patterns know a little bit about the algebraic
+properties of formulas.  The pattern called for a sum of two quotients;
+Calc was able to match a difference of two quotients by matching
+@samp{a = 1}, @samp{b = -sin(x)^2}, and @samp{x = cos(x)}.
+@c [fix-ref Algebraic Properties of Rewrite Rules]
+We could just as easily have written @samp{a/x - b/x := (a-b)/x} for
+the rule.  It would have worked just the same in all cases.  (If we
+really wanted the rule to apply only to @samp{+} or only to @samp{-},
+we could have used the @code{plain} symbol.  @xref{Algebraic Properties
+of Rewrite Rules}, for some examples of this.)
+One more rewrite will complete the job.  We want to use the identity
+@samp{sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 = 1}, but of course we must first rearrange
+the identity in a way that matches our formula.  The obvious rule
+would be @samp{@w{1 - sin(x)^2} := cos(x)^2}, but a little thought shows
+that the rule @samp{sin(x)^2 := 1 - cos(x)^2} will also work.  The
+latter rule has a more general pattern so it will work in many other
+situations, too.
+1:  (1 + cos(x)^2 - 1) / cos(x)           1:  cos(x)
+    .                                         .
+    a r sin(x)^2 := 1 - cos(x)^2 RET          a s
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+You may ask, what's the point of using the most general rule if you
+have to type it in every time anyway?  The answer is that Calc allows
+you to store a rewrite rule in a variable, then give the variable
+name in the @kbd{a r} command.  In fact, this is the preferred way to
+use rewrites.  For one, if you need a rule once you'll most likely
+need it again later.  Also, if the rule doesn't work quite right you
+can simply Undo, edit the variable, and run the rule again without
+having to retype it.
+' tan(x) := sin(x)/cos(x) RET      s t tsc RET
+' a/x + b/x := (a+b)/x RET         s t merge RET
+' sin(x)^2 := 1 - cos(x)^2 RET     s t sinsqr RET
+1:  1 / cos(x) - sin(x) tan(x)     1:  cos(x)
+    .                                  .
+    r 1                a r tsc RET  a r merge RET  a r sinsqr RET  a s
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+To edit a variable, type @kbd{s e} and the variable name, use regular
+Emacs editing commands as necessary, then type @kbd{M-# M-#} or
+@kbd{C-c C-c} to store the edited value back into the variable.
+You can also use @w{@kbd{s e}} to create a new variable if you wish.
+Notice that the first time you use each rule, Calc puts up a ``compiling''
+message briefly.  The pattern matcher converts rules into a special
+optimized pattern-matching language rather than using them directly.
+This allows @kbd{a r} to apply even rather complicated rules very
+efficiently.  If the rule is stored in a variable, Calc compiles it
+only once and stores the compiled form along with the variable.  That's
+another good reason to store your rules in variables rather than
+entering them on the fly.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 1.}  Type @kbd{m s} to get symbolic
+mode, then enter the formula @samp{@w{(2 + sqrt(2))} / @w{(1 + sqrt(2))}}.
+Using a rewrite rule, simplify this formula by multiplying both
+sides by the conjugate @w{@samp{1 - sqrt(2)}}.  The result will have
+to be expanded by the distributive law; do this with another
+rewrite.  @xref{Rewrites Answer 1, 1}. (@bullet{})
+The @kbd{a r} command can also accept a vector of rewrite rules, or
+a variable containing a vector of rules.
+1:  [tsc, merge, sinsqr]          1:  [tan(x) := sin(x) / cos(x), ... ]
+    .                                 .
+    ' [tsc,merge,sinsqr] RET          =
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  1 / cos(x) - sin(x) tan(x)    1:  cos(x)
+    .                                 .
+    s t trig RET  r 1                 a r trig RET  a s
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@c [fix-ref Nested Formulas with Rewrite Rules]
+Calc tries all the rules you give against all parts of the formula,
+repeating until no further change is possible.  (The exact order in
+which things are tried is rather complex, but for simple rules like
+the ones we've used here the order doesn't really matter.
+@xref{Nested Formulas with Rewrite Rules}.)
+Calc actually repeats only up to 100 times, just in case your rule set
+has gotten into an infinite loop.  You can give a numeric prefix argument
+to @kbd{a r} to specify any limit.  In particular, @kbd{M-1 a r} does
+only one rewrite at a time.
+1:  1 / cos(x) - sin(x)^2 / cos(x)    1:  (1 - sin(x)^2) / cos(x)
+    .                                     .
+    r 1  M-1 a r trig RET                 M-1 a r trig RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+You can type @kbd{M-0 a r} if you want no limit at all on the number
+of rewrites that occur.
+Rewrite rules can also be @dfn{conditional}.  Simply follow the rule
+with a @samp{::} symbol and the desired condition.  For example,
+1:  exp(2 pi i) + exp(3 pi i) + exp(4 pi i)
+    .
+    ' exp(2 pi i) + exp(3 pi i) + exp(4 pi i) RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  1 + exp(3 pi i) + 1
+    .
+    a r exp(k pi i) := 1 :: k % 2 = 0 RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(Recall, @samp{k % 2} is the remainder from dividing @samp{k} by 2,
+which will be zero only when @samp{k} is an even integer.)
+An interesting point is that the variables @samp{pi} and @samp{i}
+were matched literally rather than acting as meta-variables.
+This is because they are special-constant variables.  The special
+constants @samp{e}, @samp{phi}, and so on also match literally.
+A common error with rewrite
+rules is to write, say, @samp{f(a,b,c,d,e) := g(a+b+c+d+e)}, expecting
+to match any @samp{f} with five arguments but in fact matching
+only when the fifth argument is literally @samp{e}!@refill
+@cindex Fibonacci numbers
+@c @starindex
+@tindex fib
+Rewrite rules provide an interesting way to define your own functions.
+Suppose we want to define @samp{fib(n)} to produce the @var{n}th
+Fibonacci number.  The first two Fibonacci numbers are each 1;
+later numbers are formed by summing the two preceding numbers in
+the sequence.  This is easy to express in a set of three rules:
+' [fib(1) := 1, fib(2) := 1, fib(n) := fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)] RET  s t fib
+1:  fib(7)               1:  13
+    .                        .
+    ' fib(7) RET             a r fib RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+One thing that is guaranteed about the order that rewrites are tried
+is that, for any given subformula, earlier rules in the rule set will
+be tried for that subformula before later ones.  So even though the
+first and third rules both match @samp{fib(1)}, we know the first will
+be used preferentially.
+This rule set has one dangerous bug:  Suppose we apply it to the
+formula @samp{fib(x)}?  (Don't actually try this.)  The third rule
+will match @samp{fib(x)} and replace it with @w{@samp{fib(x-1) + fib(x-2)}}.
+Each of these will then be replaced to get @samp{fib(x-2) + 2 fib(x-3) +
+fib(x-4)}, and so on, expanding forever.  What we really want is to apply
+the third rule only when @samp{n} is an integer greater than two.  Type
+@w{@kbd{s e fib RET}}, then edit the third rule to:
+fib(n) := fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) :: integer(n) :: n > 2
+@end smallexample
+1:  fib(6) + fib(x) + fib(0)      1:  8 + fib(x) + fib(0)
+    .                                 .
+    ' fib(6)+fib(x)+fib(0) RET        a r fib RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+We've created a new function, @code{fib}, and a new command,
+@w{@kbd{a r fib RET}}, which means ``evaluate all @code{fib} calls in
+this formula.''  To make things easier still, we can tell Calc to
+apply these rules automatically by storing them in the special
+variable @code{EvalRules}.
+1:  [fib(1) := ...]    .                1:  [8, 13]
+    .                                       .
+    s r fib RET        s t EvalRules RET    ' [fib(6), fib(7)] RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+It turns out that this rule set has the problem that it does far
+more work than it needs to when @samp{n} is large.  Consider the
+first few steps of the computation of @samp{fib(6)}:
+fib(6) =
+fib(5)              +               fib(4) =
+fib(4)     +      fib(3)     +      fib(3)     +      fib(2) =
+fib(3) + fib(2) + fib(2) + fib(1) + fib(2) + fib(1) + 1 = ...
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Note that @samp{fib(3)} appears three times here.  Unless Calc's
+algebraic simplifier notices the multiple @samp{fib(3)}s and combines
+them (and, as it happens, it doesn't), this rule set does lots of
+needless recomputation.  To cure the problem, type @code{s e EvalRules}
+to edit the rules (or just @kbd{s E}, a shorthand command for editing
+@code{EvalRules}) and add another condition:
+fib(n) := fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) :: integer(n) :: n > 2 :: remember
+@end smallexample
+If a @samp{:: remember} condition appears anywhere in a rule, then if
+that rule succeeds Calc will add another rule that describes that match
+to the front of the rule set.  (Remembering works in any rule set, but
+for technical reasons it is most effective in @code{EvalRules}.)  For
+example, if the rule rewrites @samp{fib(7)} to something that evaluates
+to 13, then the rule @samp{fib(7) := 13} will be added to the rule set.
+Type @kbd{' fib(8) RET} to compute the eighth Fibonacci number, then
+type @kbd{s E} again to see what has happened to the rule set.
+With the @code{remember} feature, our rule set can now compute
+@samp{fib(@var{n})} in just @var{n} steps.  In the process it builds
+up a table of all Fibonacci numbers up to @var{n}.  After we have
+computed the result for a particular @var{n}, we can get it back
+(and the results for all smaller @var{n}) later in just one step.
+All Calc operations will run somewhat slower whenever @code{EvalRules}
+contains any rules.  You should type @kbd{s u EvalRules RET} now to
+un-store the variable.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 2.}  Sometimes it is possible to reformulate
+a problem to reduce the amount of recursion necessary to solve it.
+Create a rule that, in about @var{n} simple steps and without recourse
+to the @code{remember} option, replaces @samp{fib(@var{n}, 1, 1)} with
+@samp{fib(1, @var{x}, @var{y})} where @var{x} and @var{y} are the
+@var{n}th and @var{n+1}st Fibonacci numbers, respectively.  This rule is
+rather clunky to use, so add a couple more rules to make the ``user
+interface'' the same as for our first version: enter @samp{fib(@var{n})},
+get back a plain number.  @xref{Rewrites Answer 2, 2}. (@bullet{})
+There are many more things that rewrites can do.  For example, there
+are @samp{&&&} and @samp{|||} pattern operators that create ``and''
+and ``or'' combinations of rules.  As one really simple example, we
+could combine our first two Fibonacci rules thusly:
+[fib(1 ||| 2) := 1, fib(n) := ... ]
+@end example
+That means ``@code{fib} of something matching either 1 or 2 rewrites
+to 1.''
+You can also make meta-variables optional by enclosing them in @code{opt}.
+For example, the pattern @samp{a + b x} matches @samp{2 + 3 x} but not
+@samp{2 + x} or @samp{3 x} or @samp{x}.  The pattern @samp{opt(a) + opt(b) x}
+matches all of these forms, filling in a default of zero for @samp{a}
+and one for @samp{b}.
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 3.}  Your friend Joe had @samp{2 + 3 x}
+on the stack and tried to use the rule
+@samp{opt(a) + opt(b) x := f(a, b, x)}.  What happened?
+@xref{Rewrites Answer 3, 3}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 4.}  Starting with a positive integer @cite{a},
+divide @cite{a} by two if it is even, otherwise compute @cite{3 a + 1}.
+Now repeat this step over and over.  A famous unproved conjecture
+is that for any starting @cite{a}, the sequence always eventually
+reaches 1.  Given the formula @samp{seq(@var{a}, 0)}, write a set of
+rules that convert this into @samp{seq(1, @var{n})} where @var{n}
+is the number of steps it took the sequence to reach the value 1.
+Now enhance the rules to accept @samp{seq(@var{a})} as a starting
+configuration, and to stop with just the number @var{n} by itself.
+Now make the result be a vector of values in the sequence, from @var{a}
+to 1.  (The formula @samp{@var{x}|@var{y}} appends the vectors @var{x}
+and @var{y}.)  For example, rewriting @samp{seq(6)} should yield the
+vector @cite{[6, 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]}.
+@xref{Rewrites Answer 4, 4}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 5.}  Define, using rewrite rules, a function
+@samp{nterms(@var{x})} that returns the number of terms in the sum
+@var{x}, or 1 if @var{x} is not a sum.  (A @dfn{sum} for our purposes
+is one or more non-sum terms separated by @samp{+} or @samp{-} signs,
+so that @cite{2 - 3 (x + y) + x y} is a sum of three terms.)
+@xref{Rewrites Answer 5, 5}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 6.}  Calc considers the form @cite{0^0}
+to be ``indeterminate,'' and leaves it unevaluated (assuming infinite
+mode is not enabled).  Some people prefer to define @cite{0^0 = 1},
+so that the identity @cite{x^0 = 1} can safely be used for all @cite{x}.
+Find a way to make Calc follow this convention.  What happens if you
+now type @kbd{m i} to turn on infinite mode?
+@xref{Rewrites Answer 6, 6}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 7.}  A Taylor series for a function is an
+infinite series that exactly equals the value of that function at
+values of @cite{x} near zero.
+cos(x) = 1 - x^2 / 2! + x^4 / 4! - x^6 / 6! + ...
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+\turnoffactive \let\rm\goodrm
+$$ \cos x = 1 - {x^2 \over 2!} + {x^4 \over 4!} - {x^6 \over 6!} + \cdots $$
+@end tex
+The @kbd{a t} command produces a @dfn{truncated Taylor series} which
+is obtained by dropping all the terms higher than, say, @cite{x^2}.
+Calc represents the truncated Taylor series as a polynomial in @cite{x}.
+Mathematicians often write a truncated series using a ``big-O'' notation
+that records what was the lowest term that was truncated.
+cos(x) = 1 - x^2 / 2! + O(x^3)
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+\turnoffactive \let\rm\goodrm
+$$ \cos x = 1 - {x^2 \over 2!} + O(x^3) $$
+@end tex
+The meaning of @cite{O(x^3)} is ``a quantity which is negligibly small
+if @cite{x^3} is considered negligibly small as @cite{x} goes to zero.''
+The exercise is to create rewrite rules that simplify sums and products of
+power series represented as @samp{@var{polynomial} + O(@var{var}^@var{n})}.
+For example, given @samp{1 - x^2 / 2 + O(x^3)} and @samp{x - x^3 / 6 + O(x^4)}
+on the stack, we want to be able to type @kbd{*} and get the result
+@samp{x - 2:3 x^3 + O(x^4)}.  Don't worry if the terms of the sum are
+rearranged or if @kbd{a s} needs to be typed after rewriting.  (This one
+is rather tricky; the solution at the end of this chapter uses 6 rewrite
+rules.  Hint:  The @samp{constant(x)} condition tests whether @samp{x} is
+a number.)  @xref{Rewrites Answer 7, 7}. (@bullet{})
+@c [fix-ref Rewrite Rules]
+@xref{Rewrite Rules}, for the whole story on rewrite rules.
+@node Programming Tutorial, Answers to Exercises, Algebra Tutorial, Tutorial
+@section Programming Tutorial
+The Calculator is written entirely in Emacs Lisp, a highly extensible
+language.  If you know Lisp, you can program the Calculator to do
+anything you like.  Rewrite rules also work as a powerful programming
+system.  But Lisp and rewrite rules take a while to master, and often
+all you want to do is define a new function or repeat a command a few
+times.  Calc has features that allow you to do these things easily.
+(Note that the programming commands relating to user-defined keys
+are not yet supported under Lucid Emacs 19.)
+One very limited form of programming is defining your own functions.
+Calc's @kbd{Z F} command allows you to define a function name and
+key sequence to correspond to any formula.  Programming commands use
+the shift-@kbd{Z} prefix; the user commands they create use the lower
+case @kbd{z} prefix.
+1:  1 + x + x^2 / 2 + x^3 / 6         1:  1 + x + x^2 / 2 + x^3 / 6
+    .                                     .
+    ' 1 + x + x^2/2! + x^3/3! RET         Z F e myexp RET RET RET y
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+This polynomial is a Taylor series approximation to @samp{exp(x)}.
+The @kbd{Z F} command asks a number of questions.  The above answers
+say that the key sequence for our function should be @kbd{z e}; the
+@kbd{M-x} equivalent should be @code{calc-myexp}; the name of the
+function in algebraic formulas should also be @code{myexp}; the
+default argument list @samp{(x)} is acceptable; and finally @kbd{y}
+answers the question ``leave it in symbolic form for non-constant
+1:  1.3495     2:  1.3495     3:  1.3495
+    .          1:  1.34986    2:  1.34986
+                   .          1:  myexp(a + 1)
+                                  .
+    .3 z e         .3 E           ' a+1 RET z e
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+First we call our new @code{exp} approximation with 0.3 as an
+argument, and compare it with the true @code{exp} function.  Then
+we note that, as requested, if we try to give @kbd{z e} an
+argument that isn't a plain number, it leaves the @code{myexp}
+function call in symbolic form.  If we had answered @kbd{n} to the
+final question, @samp{myexp(a + 1)} would have evaluated by plugging
+in @samp{a + 1} for @samp{x} in the defining formula.
+@cindex Sine integral Si(x)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex Si
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 1.}  The ``sine integral'' function
+@c{${\rm Si}(x)$}
+@cite{Si(x)} is defined as the integral of @samp{sin(t)/t} for
+@cite{t = 0} to @cite{x} in radians.  (It was invented because this
+integral has no solution in terms of basic functions; if you give it
+to Calc's @kbd{a i} command, it will ponder it for a long time and then
+give up.)  We can use the numerical integration command, however,
+which in algebraic notation is written like @samp{ninteg(f(t), t, 0, x)}
+with any integrand @samp{f(t)}.  Define a @kbd{z s} command and
+@code{Si} function that implement this.  You will need to edit the
+default argument list a bit.  As a test, @samp{Si(1)} should return
+0.946083.  (Hint:  @code{ninteg} will run a lot faster if you reduce
+the precision to, say, six digits beforehand.)
+@xref{Programming Answer 1, 1}. (@bullet{})
+The simplest way to do real ``programming'' of Emacs is to define a
+@dfn{keyboard macro}.  A keyboard macro is simply a sequence of
+keystrokes which Emacs has stored away and can play back on demand.
+For example, if you find yourself typing @kbd{H a S x @key{RET}} often,
+you may wish to program a keyboard macro to type this for you.
+1:  y = sqrt(x)          1:  x = y^2
+    .                        .
+    ' y=sqrt(x) RET       C-x ( H a S x RET C-x )
+1:  y = cos(x)           1:  x = s1 arccos(y) + 2 pi n1
+    .                        .
+    ' y=cos(x) RET           X
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+When you type @kbd{C-x (}, Emacs begins recording.  But it is also
+still ready to execute your keystrokes, so you're really ``training''
+Emacs by walking it through the procedure once.  When you type
+@w{@kbd{C-x )}}, the macro is recorded.  You can now type @kbd{X} to
+re-execute the same keystrokes.
+You can give a name to your macro by typing @kbd{Z K}.
+1:  .              1:  y = x^4         1:  x = s2 sqrt(s1 sqrt(y))
+                       .                   .
+  Z K x RET            ' y=x^4 RET         z x
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Notice that we use shift-@kbd{Z} to define the command, and lower-case
+@kbd{z} to call it up.
+Keyboard macros can call other macros.
+1:  abs(x)        1:  x = s1 y                1:  2 / x    1:  x = 2 / y
+    .                 .                           .            .
+ ' abs(x) RET   C-x ( ' y RET a = z x C-x )    ' 2/x RET       X
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 2.}  Define a keyboard macro to negate
+the item in level 3 of the stack, without disturbing the rest of
+the stack.  @xref{Programming Answer 2, 2}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 3.}  Define keyboard macros to compute
+the following functions:
+Compute @c{$\displaystyle{\sin x \over x}$}
+@cite{sin(x) / x}, where @cite{x} is the number on the
+top of the stack.
+Compute the base-@cite{b} logarithm, just like the @kbd{B} key except
+the arguments are taken in the opposite order.
+Produce a vector of integers from 1 to the integer on the top of
+the stack.
+@end enumerate
+@xref{Programming Answer 3, 3}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 4.}  Define a keyboard macro to compute
+the average (mean) value of a list of numbers.
+@xref{Programming Answer 4, 4}. (@bullet{})
+In many programs, some of the steps must execute several times.
+Calc has @dfn{looping} commands that allow this.  Loops are useful
+inside keyboard macros, but actually work at any time.
+1:  x^6          2:  x^6        1: 360 x^2
+    .            1:  4             .
+                     .
+  ' x^6 RET          4         Z < a d x RET Z >
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Here we have computed the fourth derivative of @cite{x^6} by
+enclosing a derivative command in a ``repeat loop'' structure.
+This structure pops a repeat count from the stack, then
+executes the body of the loop that many times.
+If you make a mistake while entering the body of the loop,
+type @w{@kbd{Z C-g}} to cancel the loop command.
+@cindex Fibonacci numbers
+Here's another example:
+3:  1               2:  10946
+2:  1               1:  17711
+1:  20                  .
+    .
+1 RET RET 20       Z < TAB C-j + Z >
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The numbers in levels 2 and 1 should be the 21st and 22nd Fibonacci
+numbers, respectively.  (To see what's going on, try a few repetitions
+of the loop body by hand; @kbd{C-j}, also on the Line-Feed or @key{LFD}
+key if you have one, makes a copy of the number in level 2.)
+@cindex Golden ratio
+@cindex Phi, golden ratio
+A fascinating property of the Fibonacci numbers is that the @cite{n}th
+Fibonacci number can be found directly by computing @c{$\phi^n / \sqrt{5}$}
+@cite{phi^n / sqrt(5)}
+and then rounding to the nearest integer, where @c{$\phi$ (``phi'')}
+@cite{phi}, the
+``golden ratio,'' is @c{$(1 + \sqrt{5}) / 2$}
+@cite{(1 + sqrt(5)) / 2}.  (For convenience, this constant is available
+from the @code{phi} variable, or the @kbd{I H P} command.)
+1:  1.61803         1:  24476.0000409    1:  10945.9999817    1:  10946
+    .                   .                    .                    .
+    I H P               21 ^                 5 Q /                R
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@cindex Continued fractions
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 5.}  The @dfn{continued fraction}
+representation of @c{$\phi$}
+@cite{phi} is @c{$1 + 1/(1 + 1/(1 + 1/( \ldots )))$}
+@cite{1 + 1/(1 + 1/(1 + 1/( ...@: )))}.
+We can compute an approximate value by carrying this however far
+and then replacing the innermost @c{$1/( \ldots )$}
+@cite{1/( ...@: )} by 1.  Approximate
+@cite{phi} using a twenty-term continued fraction.
+@xref{Programming Answer 5, 5}. (@bullet{})
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 6.}  Linear recurrences like the one for
+Fibonacci numbers can be expressed in terms of matrices.  Given a
+vector @w{@cite{[a, b]}} determine a matrix which, when multiplied by this
+vector, produces the vector @cite{[b, c]}, where @cite{a}, @cite{b} and
+@cite{c} are three successive Fibonacci numbers.  Now write a program
+that, given an integer @cite{n}, computes the @cite{n}th Fibonacci number
+using matrix arithmetic.  @xref{Programming Answer 6, 6}. (@bullet{})
+@cindex Harmonic numbers
+A more sophisticated kind of loop is the @dfn{for} loop.  Suppose
+we wish to compute the 20th ``harmonic'' number, which is equal to
+the sum of the reciprocals of the integers from 1 to 20.
+3:  0               1:  3.597739
+2:  1                   .
+1:  20
+    .
+0 RET 1 RET 20         Z ( & + 1 Z )
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The ``for'' loop pops two numbers, the lower and upper limits, then
+repeats the body of the loop as an internal counter increases from
+the lower limit to the upper one.  Just before executing the loop
+body, it pushes the current loop counter.  When the loop body
+finishes, it pops the ``step,'' i.e., the amount by which to
+increment the loop counter.  As you can see, our loop always
+uses a step of one.
+This harmonic number function uses the stack to hold the running
+total as well as for the various loop housekeeping functions.  If
+you find this disorienting, you can sum in a variable instead:
+1:  0         2:  1                  .            1:  3.597739
+    .         1:  20                                  .
+                  .
+    0 t 7       1 RET 20      Z ( & s + 7 1 Z )       r 7
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The @kbd{s +} command adds the top-of-stack into the value in a
+variable (and removes that value from the stack).
+It's worth noting that many jobs that call for a ``for'' loop can
+also be done more easily by Calc's high-level operations.  Two
+other ways to compute harmonic numbers are to use vector mapping
+and reduction (@kbd{v x 20}, then @w{@kbd{V M &}}, then @kbd{V R +}),
+or to use the summation command @kbd{a +}.  Both of these are
+probably easier than using loops.  However, there are some
+situations where loops really are the way to go:
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 7.}  Use a ``for'' loop to find the first
+harmonic number which is greater than 4.0.
+@xref{Programming Answer 7, 7}. (@bullet{})
+Of course, if we're going to be using variables in our programs,
+we have to worry about the programs clobbering values that the
+caller was keeping in those same variables.  This is easy to
+fix, though:
+    .        1:  0.6667       1:  0.6667     3:  0.6667
+                 .                .          2:  3.597739
+                                             1:  0.6667
+                                                 .
+   Z `    p 4 RET 2 RET 3 /   s 7 s s a RET    Z '  r 7 s r a RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+When we type @kbd{Z `} (that's a back-quote character), Calc saves
+its mode settings and the contents of the ten ``quick variables''
+for later reference.  When we type @kbd{Z '} (that's an apostrophe
+now), Calc restores those saved values.  Thus the @kbd{p 4} and
+@kbd{s 7} commands have no effect outside this sequence.  Wrapping
+this around the body of a keyboard macro ensures that it doesn't
+interfere with what the user of the macro was doing.  Notice that
+the contents of the stack, and the values of named variables,
+survive past the @kbd{Z '} command.
+@cindex Bernoulli numbers, approximate
+The @dfn{Bernoulli numbers} are a sequence with the interesting
+property that all of the odd Bernoulli numbers are zero, and the
+even ones, while difficult to compute, can be roughly approximated
+by the formula @c{$\displaystyle{2 n! \over (2 \pi)^n}$}
+@cite{2 n!@: / (2 pi)^n}.  Let's write a keyboard
+macro to compute (approximate) Bernoulli numbers.  (Calc has a
+command, @kbd{k b}, to compute exact Bernoulli numbers, but
+this command is very slow for large @cite{n} since the higher
+Bernoulli numbers are very large fractions.)
+1:  10               1:  0.0756823
+    .                    .
+    10     C-x ( RET 2 % Z [ DEL 0 Z : ' 2 $! / (2 pi)^$ RET = Z ] C-x )
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+You can read @kbd{Z [} as ``then,'' @kbd{Z :} as ``else,'' and
+@kbd{Z ]} as ``end-if.''  There is no need for an explicit ``if''
+command.  For the purposes of @w{@kbd{Z [}}, the condition is ``true''
+if the value it pops from the stack is a nonzero number, or ``false''
+if it pops zero or something that is not a number (like a formula).
+Here we take our integer argument modulo 2; this will be nonzero
+if we're asking for an odd Bernoulli number.
+The actual tenth Bernoulli number is @cite{5/66}.
+3:  0.0756823    1:  0          1:  0.25305    1:  0          1:  1.16659
+2:  5:66             .              .              .              .
+1:  0.0757575
+    .
+10 k b RET c f   M-0 DEL 11 X   DEL 12 X       DEL 13 X       DEL 14 X
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Just to exercise loops a bit more, let's compute a table of even
+Bernoulli numbers.
+3:  []             1:  [0.10132, 0.03079, 0.02340, 0.033197, ...]
+2:  2                  .
+1:  30
+    .
+ [ ] 2 RET 30          Z ( X | 2 Z )
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The vertical-bar @kbd{|} is the vector-concatenation command.  When
+we execute it, the list we are building will be in stack level 2
+(initially this is an empty list), and the next Bernoulli number
+will be in level 1.  The effect is to append the Bernoulli number
+onto the end of the list.  (To create a table of exact fractional
+Bernoulli numbers, just replace @kbd{X} with @kbd{k b} in the above
+sequence of keystrokes.)
+With loops and conditionals, you can program essentially anything
+in Calc.  One other command that makes looping easier is @kbd{Z /},
+which takes a condition from the stack and breaks out of the enclosing
+loop if the condition is true (non-zero).  You can use this to make
+``while'' and ``until'' style loops.
+If you make a mistake when entering a keyboard macro, you can edit
+it using @kbd{Z E}.  First, you must attach it to a key with @kbd{Z K}.
+One technique is to enter a throwaway dummy definition for the macro,
+then enter the real one in the edit command.
+1:  3                   1:  3           Keyboard Macro Editor.
+    .                       .           Original keys: 1 RET 2 +
+                                        type "1\r"
+                                        type "2"
+                                        calc-plus
+C-x ( 1 RET 2 + C-x )    Z K h RET      Z E h
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+This shows the screen display assuming you have the @file{macedit}
+keyboard macro editing package installed, which is usually the case
+since a copy of @file{macedit} comes bundled with Calc.
+A keyboard macro is stored as a pure keystroke sequence.  The
+@file{macedit} package (invoked by @kbd{Z E}) scans along the
+macro and tries to decode it back into human-readable steps.
+If a key or keys are simply shorthand for some command with a
+@kbd{M-x} name, that name is shown.  Anything that doesn't correspond
+to a @kbd{M-x} command is written as a @samp{type} command.
+Let's edit in a new definition, for computing harmonic numbers.
+First, erase the three lines of the old definition.  Then, type
+in the new definition (or use Emacs @kbd{M-w} and @kbd{C-y} commands
+to copy it from this page of the Info file; you can skip typing
+the comments that begin with @samp{#}).
+calc-kbd-push         # Save local values (Z `)
+type "0"              # Push a zero
+calc-store-into       # Store it in variable 1
+type "1"
+type "1"              # Initial value for loop
+calc-roll-down        # This is the TAB key; swap initial & final
+calc-kbd-for          # Begin "for" loop...
+calc-inv              #   Take reciprocal
+calc-store-plus       #   Add to accumulator
+type "1"
+type "1"              #   Loop step is 1
+calc-kbd-end-for      # End "for" loop
+calc-recall           # Now recall final accumulated value
+type "1"
+calc-kbd-pop          # Restore values (Z ')
+@end smallexample
+Press @kbd{M-# M-#} to finish editing and return to the Calculator.
+1:  20         1:  3.597739
+    .              .
+    20             z h
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+If you don't know how to write a particular command in @file{macedit}
+format, you can always write it as keystrokes in a @code{type} command.
+There is also a @code{keys} command which interprets the rest of the
+line as standard Emacs keystroke names.  In fact, @file{macedit} defines
+a handy @code{read-kbd-macro} command which reads the current region
+of the current buffer as a sequence of keystroke names, and defines that
+sequence on the @kbd{X} (and @kbd{C-x e}) key.  Because this is so
+useful, Calc puts this command on the @kbd{M-# m} key.  Try reading in
+this macro in the following form:  Press @kbd{C-@@} (or @kbd{C-SPC}) at
+one end of the text below, then type @kbd{M-# m} at the other.
+Z ` 0 t 1
+    1 TAB
+    Z (  & s + 1  1 Z )
+    r 1
+Z '
+@end example
+@end group
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 8.}  A general algorithm for solving
+equations numerically is @dfn{Newton's Method}.  Given the equation
+@cite{f(x) = 0} for any function @cite{f}, and an initial guess
+@cite{x_0} which is reasonably close to the desired solution, apply
+this formula over and over:
+new_x = x - f(x)/f'(x)
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+$$ x_{\goodrm new} = x - {f(x) \over f'(x)} $$
+@end tex
+where @cite{f'(x)} is the derivative of @cite{f}.  The @cite{x}
+values will quickly converge to a solution, i.e., eventually
+@c{$x_{\rm new}$}
+@cite{new_x} and @cite{x} will be equal to within the limits
+of the current precision.  Write a program which takes a formula
+involving the variable @cite{x}, and an initial guess @cite{x_0},
+on the stack, and produces a value of @cite{x} for which the formula
+is zero.  Use it to find a solution of @c{$\sin(\cos x) = 0.5$}
+@cite{sin(cos(x)) = 0.5}
+near @cite{x = 4.5}.  (Use angles measured in radians.)  Note that
+the built-in @w{@kbd{a R}} (@code{calc-find-root}) command uses Newton's
+method when it is able.  @xref{Programming Answer 8, 8}. (@bullet{})
+@cindex Digamma function
+@cindex Gamma constant, Euler's
+@cindex Euler's gamma constant
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 9.}  The @dfn{digamma} function @c{$\psi(z)$ (``psi'')}
+is defined as the derivative of @c{$\ln \Gamma(z)$}
+@cite{ln(gamma(z))}.  For large
+values of @cite{z}, it can be approximated by the infinite sum
+psi(z) ~= ln(z) - 1/2z - sum(bern(2 n) / 2 n z^(2 n), n, 1, inf)
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+$$ \psi(z) \approx \ln z - {1\over2z} -
+   \sum_{n=1}^\infty {\code{bern}(2 n) \over 2 n z^{2n}}
+@end tex
+where @c{$\sum$}
+@cite{sum} represents the sum over @cite{n} from 1 to infinity
+(or to some limit high enough to give the desired accuracy), and
+the @code{bern} function produces (exact) Bernoulli numbers.
+While this sum is not guaranteed to converge, in practice it is safe.
+An interesting mathematical constant is Euler's gamma, which is equal
+to about 0.5772.  One way to compute it is by the formula,
+@c{$\gamma = -\psi(1)$}
+@cite{gamma = -psi(1)}.  Unfortunately, 1 isn't a large enough argument
+for the above formula to work (5 is a much safer value for @cite{z}).
+Fortunately, we can compute @c{$\psi(1)$}
+@cite{psi(1)} from @c{$\psi(5)$}
+@cite{psi(5)} using
+the recurrence @c{$\psi(z+1) = \psi(z) + {1 \over z}$}
+@cite{psi(z+1) = psi(z) + 1/z}.  Your task:  Develop
+a program to compute @c{$\psi(z)$}
+@cite{psi(z)}; it should ``pump up'' @cite{z}
+if necessary to be greater than 5, then use the above summation
+formula.  Use looping commands to compute the sum.  Use your function
+to compute @c{$\gamma$}
+@cite{gamma} to twelve decimal places.  (Calc has a built-in command
+for Euler's constant, @kbd{I P}, which you can use to check your answer.)
+@xref{Programming Answer 9, 9}. (@bullet{})
+@cindex Polynomial, list of coefficients
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 10.}  Given a polynomial in @cite{x} and
+a number @cite{m} on the stack, where the polynomial is of degree
+@cite{m} or less (i.e., does not have any terms higher than @cite{x^m}),
+write a program to convert the polynomial into a list-of-coefficients
+notation.  For example, @cite{5 x^4 + (x + 1)^2} with @cite{m = 6}
+should produce the list @cite{[1, 2, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0]}.  Also develop
+a way to convert from this form back to the standard algebraic form.
+@xref{Programming Answer 10, 10}. (@bullet{})
+@cindex Recursion
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 11.}  The @dfn{Stirling numbers of the
+first kind} are defined by the recurrences,
+s(n,n) = 1   for n >= 0,
+s(n,0) = 0   for n > 0,
+s(n+1,m) = s(n,m-1) - n s(n,m)   for n >= m >= 1.
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+$$ \eqalign{ s(n,n)   &= 1 \qquad \hbox{for } n \ge 0,  \cr
+             s(n,0)   &= 0 \qquad \hbox{for } n > 0, \cr
+             s(n+1,m) &= s(n,m-1) - n \, s(n,m) \qquad
+                          \hbox{for } n \ge m \ge 1.}
+(These numbers are also sometimes written $\displaystyle{n \brack m}$.)
+@end tex
+This can be implemented using a @dfn{recursive} program in Calc; the
+program must invoke itself in order to calculate the two righthand
+terms in the general formula.  Since it always invokes itself with
+``simpler'' arguments, it's easy to see that it must eventually finish
+the computation.  Recursion is a little difficult with Emacs keyboard
+macros since the macro is executed before its definition is complete.
+So here's the recommended strategy:  Create a ``dummy macro'' and assign
+it to a key with, e.g., @kbd{Z K s}.  Now enter the true definition,
+using the @kbd{z s} command to call itself recursively, then assign it
+to the same key with @kbd{Z K s}.  Now the @kbd{z s} command will run
+the complete recursive program.  (Another way is to use @w{@kbd{Z E}}
+or @kbd{M-# m} (@code{read-kbd-macro}) to read the whole macro at once,
+thus avoiding the ``training'' phase.)  The task:  Write a program
+that computes Stirling numbers of the first kind, given @cite{n} and
+@cite{m} on the stack.  Test it with @emph{small} inputs like
+@cite{s(4,2)}.  (There is a built-in command for Stirling numbers,
+@kbd{k s}, which you can use to check your answers.)
+@xref{Programming Answer 11, 11}. (@bullet{})
+The programming commands we've seen in this part of the tutorial
+are low-level, general-purpose operations.  Often you will find
+that a higher-level function, such as vector mapping or rewrite
+rules, will do the job much more easily than a detailed, step-by-step
+program can:
+(@bullet{}) @strong{Exercise 12.}  Write another program for
+computing Stirling numbers of the first kind, this time using
+rewrite rules.  Once again, @cite{n} and @cite{m} should be taken
+from the stack.  @xref{Programming Answer 12, 12}. (@bullet{})
+@end example
+This ends the tutorial section of the Calc manual.  Now you know enough
+about Calc to use it effectively for many kinds of calculations.  But
+Calc has many features that were not even touched upon in this tutorial.
+@c [not-split]
+The rest of this manual tells the whole story.
+@c [when-split]
+@c Volume II of this manual, the @dfn{Calc Reference}, tells the whole story.
+@node Answers to Exercises, , Programming Tutorial, Tutorial
+@section Answers to Exercises
+This section includes answers to all the exercises in the Calc tutorial.
+* RPN Answer 1::           1 RET 2 RET 3 RET 4 + * -
+* RPN Answer 2::           2*4 + 7*9.5 + 5/4
+* RPN Answer 3::           Operating on levels 2 and 3
+* RPN Answer 4::           Joe's complex problems
+* Algebraic Answer 1::     Simulating Q command
+* Algebraic Answer 2::     Joe's algebraic woes
+* Algebraic Answer 3::     1 / 0
+* Modes Answer 1::         3#0.1 = 3#0.0222222?
+* Modes Answer 2::         16#f.e8fe15
+* Modes Answer 3::         Joe's rounding bug
+* Modes Answer 4::         Why floating point?
+* Arithmetic Answer 1::    Why the \ command?
+* Arithmetic Answer 2::    Tripping up the B command
+* Vector Answer 1::        Normalizing a vector
+* Vector Answer 2::        Average position
+* Matrix Answer 1::        Row and column sums
+* Matrix Answer 2::        Symbolic system of equations
+* Matrix Answer 3::        Over-determined system
+* List Answer 1::          Powers of two
+* List Answer 2::          Least-squares fit with matrices
+* List Answer 3::          Geometric mean
+* List Answer 4::          Divisor function
+* List Answer 5::          Duplicate factors
+* List Answer 6::          Triangular list
+* List Answer 7::          Another triangular list
+* List Answer 8::          Maximum of Bessel function
+* List Answer 9::          Integers the hard way
+* List Answer 10::         All elements equal
+* List Answer 11::         Estimating pi with darts
+* List Answer 12::         Estimating pi with matchsticks
+* List Answer 13::         Hash codes
+* List Answer 14::         Random walk
+* Types Answer 1::         Square root of pi times rational
+* Types Answer 2::         Infinities
+* Types Answer 3::         What can "nan" be?
+* Types Answer 4::         Abbey Road
+* Types Answer 5::         Friday the 13th
+* Types Answer 6::         Leap years
+* Types Answer 7::         Erroneous donut
+* Types Answer 8::         Dividing intervals
+* Types Answer 9::         Squaring intervals
+* Types Answer 10::        Fermat's primality test
+* Types Answer 11::        pi * 10^7 seconds
+* Types Answer 12::        Abbey Road on CD
+* Types Answer 13::        Not quite pi * 10^7 seconds
+* Types Answer 14::        Supercomputers and c
+* Types Answer 15::        Sam the Slug
+* Algebra Answer 1::       Squares and square roots
+* Algebra Answer 2::       Building polynomial from roots
+* Algebra Answer 3::       Integral of x sin(pi x)
+* Algebra Answer 4::       Simpson's rule
+* Rewrites Answer 1::      Multiplying by conjugate
+* Rewrites Answer 2::      Alternative fib rule
+* Rewrites Answer 3::      Rewriting opt(a) + opt(b) x
+* Rewrites Answer 4::      Sequence of integers
+* Rewrites Answer 5::      Number of terms in sum
+* Rewrites Answer 6::      Defining 0^0 = 1
+* Rewrites Answer 7::      Truncated Taylor series
+* Programming Answer 1::   Fresnel's C(x)
+* Programming Answer 2::   Negate third stack element
+* Programming Answer 3::   Compute sin(x) / x, etc.
+* Programming Answer 4::   Average value of a list
+* Programming Answer 5::   Continued fraction phi
+* Programming Answer 6::   Matrix Fibonacci numbers
+* Programming Answer 7::   Harmonic number greater than 4
+* Programming Answer 8::   Newton's method
+* Programming Answer 9::   Digamma function
+* Programming Answer 10::  Unpacking a polynomial
+* Programming Answer 11::  Recursive Stirling numbers
+* Programming Answer 12::  Stirling numbers with rewrites
+@end menu
+@c The following kludgery prevents the individual answers from
+@c being entered on the table of contents.
+@end tex
+@node RPN Answer 1, RPN Answer 2, Answers to Exercises, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection RPN Tutorial Exercise 1
+@kbd{1 @key{RET} 2 @key{RET} 3 @key{RET} 4 + * -}
+The result is @c{$1 - (2 \times (3 + 4)) = -13$}
+@cite{1 - (2 * (3 + 4)) = -13}.
+@node RPN Answer 2, RPN Answer 3, RPN Answer 1, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection RPN Tutorial Exercise 2
+@c{$2\times4 + 7\times9.5 + {5\over4} = 75.75$}
+@cite{2*4 + 7*9.5 + 5/4 = 75.75}
+After computing the intermediate term @c{$2\times4 = 8$}
+@cite{2*4 = 8}, you can leave
+that result on the stack while you compute the second term.  With
+both of these results waiting on the stack you can then compute the
+final term, then press @kbd{+ +} to add everything up.
+2:  2          1:  8          3:  8          2:  8
+1:  4              .          2:  7          1:  66.5
+    .                         1:  9.5            .
+                                  .
+  2 RET 4          *          7 RET 9.5          *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+4:  8          3:  8          2:  8          1:  75.75
+3:  66.5       2:  66.5       1:  67.75          .
+2:  5          1:  1.25           .
+1:  4              .
+    .
+  5 RET 4          /              +              +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Alternatively, you could add the first two terms before going on
+with the third term.
+2:  8          1:  74.5       3:  74.5       2:  74.5       1:  75.75
+1:  66.5           .          2:  5          1:  1.25           .
+    .                         1:  4              .
+                                  .
+   ...             +            5 RET 4          /              +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+On an old-style RPN calculator this second method would have the
+advantage of using only three stack levels.  But since Calc's stack
+can grow arbitrarily large this isn't really an issue.  Which method
+you choose is purely a matter of taste.
+@node RPN Answer 3, RPN Answer 4, RPN Answer 2, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection RPN Tutorial Exercise 3
+The @key{TAB} key provides a way to operate on the number in level 2.
+3:  10         3:  10         4:  10         3:  10         3:  10
+2:  20         2:  30         3:  30         2:  30         2:  21
+1:  30         1:  20         2:  20         1:  21         1:  30
+    .              .          1:  1              .              .
+                                  .
+                  TAB             1              +             TAB
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Similarly, @key{M-TAB} gives you access to the number in level 3.
+3:  10         3:  21         3:  21         3:  30         3:  11
+2:  21         2:  30         2:  30         2:  11         2:  21
+1:  30         1:  10         1:  11         1:  21         1:  30
+    .              .              .              .              .
+                  M-TAB           1 +           M-TAB          M-TAB
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@node RPN Answer 4, Algebraic Answer 1, RPN Answer 3, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection RPN Tutorial Exercise 4
+Either @kbd{( 2 , 3 )} or @kbd{( 2 @key{SPC} 3 )} would have worked,
+but using both the comma and the space at once yields:
+1:  ( ...      2:  ( ...      1:  (2, ...    2:  (2, ...    2:  (2, ...
+    .          1:  2              .          1:  (2, ...    1:  (2, 3)
+                   .                             .              .
+    (              2              ,             SPC            3 )
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Joe probably tried to type @kbd{@key{TAB} @key{DEL}} to swap the
+extra incomplete object to the top of the stack and delete it.
+But a feature of Calc is that @key{DEL} on an incomplete object
+deletes just one component out of that object, so he had to press
+@key{DEL} twice to finish the job.
+2:  (2, ...    2:  (2, 3)     2:  (2, 3)     1:  (2, 3)
+1:  (2, 3)     1:  (2, ...    1:  ( ...          .
+    .              .              .
+                  TAB            DEL            DEL
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(As it turns out, deleting the second-to-top stack entry happens often
+enough that Calc provides a special key, @kbd{M-DEL}, to do just that.
+@kbd{M-DEL} is just like @kbd{TAB DEL}, except that it doesn't exhibit
+the ``feature'' that tripped poor Joe.)
+@node Algebraic Answer 1, Algebraic Answer 2, RPN Answer 4, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Algebraic Entry Tutorial Exercise 1
+Type @kbd{' sqrt($) @key{RET}}.
+If the @kbd{Q} key is broken, you could use @kbd{' $^0.5 @key{RET}}.
+Or, RPN style, @kbd{0.5 ^}.
+(Actually, @samp{$^1:2}, using the fraction one-half as the power, is
+a closer equivalent, since @samp{9^0.5} yields @cite{3.0} whereas
+@samp{sqrt(9)} and @samp{9^1:2} yield the exact integer @cite{3}.)
+@node Algebraic Answer 2, Algebraic Answer 3, Algebraic Answer 1, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Algebraic Entry Tutorial Exercise 2
+In the formula @samp{2 x (1+y)}, @samp{x} was interpreted as a function
+name with @samp{1+y} as its argument.  Assigning a value to a variable
+has no relation to a function by the same name.  Joe needed to use an
+explicit @samp{*} symbol here:  @samp{2 x*(1+y)}.
+@node Algebraic Answer 3, Modes Answer 1, Algebraic Answer 2, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Algebraic Entry Tutorial Exercise 3
+The result from @kbd{1 @key{RET} 0 /} will be the formula @cite{1 / 0}.
+The ``function'' @samp{/} cannot be evaluated when its second argument
+is zero, so it is left in symbolic form.  When you now type @kbd{0 *},
+the result will be zero because Calc uses the general rule that ``zero
+times anything is zero.''
+@c [fix-ref Infinities]
+The @kbd{m i} command enables an @dfn{infinite mode} in which @cite{1 / 0}
+results in a special symbol that represents ``infinity.''  If you
+multiply infinity by zero, Calc uses another special new symbol to
+show that the answer is ``indeterminate.''  @xref{Infinities}, for
+further discussion of infinite and indeterminate values.
+@node Modes Answer 1, Modes Answer 2, Algebraic Answer 3, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Modes Tutorial Exercise 1
+Calc always stores its numbers in decimal, so even though one-third has
+an exact base-3 representation (@samp{3#0.1}), it is still stored as
+0.3333333 (chopped off after 12 or however many decimal digits) inside
+the calculator's memory.  When this inexact number is converted back
+to base 3 for display, it may still be slightly inexact.  When we
+multiply this number by 3, we get 0.999999, also an inexact value.
+When Calc displays a number in base 3, it has to decide how many digits
+to show.  If the current precision is 12 (decimal) digits, that corresponds
+to @samp{12 / log10(3) = 25.15} base-3 digits.  Because 25.15 is not an
+exact integer, Calc shows only 25 digits, with the result that stored
+numbers carry a little bit of extra information that may not show up on
+the screen.  When Joe entered @samp{3#0.2}, the stored number 0.666666
+happened to round to a pleasing value when it lost that last 0.15 of a
+digit, but it was still inexact in Calc's memory.  When he divided by 2,
+he still got the dreaded inexact value 0.333333.  (Actually, he divided
+0.666667 by 2 to get 0.333334, which is why he got something a little
+higher than @code{3#0.1} instead of a little lower.)
+If Joe didn't want to be bothered with all this, he could have typed
+@kbd{M-24 d n} to display with one less digit than the default.  (If
+you give @kbd{d n} a negative argument, it uses default-minus-that,
+so @kbd{M-- d n} would be an easier way to get the same effect.)  Those
+inexact results would still be lurking there, but they would now be
+rounded to nice, natural-looking values for display purposes.  (Remember,
+@samp{0.022222} in base 3 is like @samp{0.099999} in base 10; rounding
+off one digit will round the number up to @samp{0.1}.)  Depending on the
+nature of your work, this hiding of the inexactness may be a benefit or
+a danger.  With the @kbd{d n} command, Calc gives you the choice.
+Incidentally, another consequence of all this is that if you type
+@kbd{M-30 d n} to display more digits than are ``really there,''
+you'll see garbage digits at the end of the number.  (In decimal
+display mode, with decimally-stored numbers, these garbage digits are
+always zero so they vanish and you don't notice them.)  Because Calc
+rounds off that 0.15 digit, there is the danger that two numbers could
+be slightly different internally but still look the same.  If you feel
+uneasy about this, set the @kbd{d n} precision to be a little higher
+than normal; you'll get ugly garbage digits, but you'll always be able
+to tell two distinct numbers apart.
+An interesting side note is that most computers store their
+floating-point numbers in binary, and convert to decimal for display.
+Thus everyday programs have the same problem:  Decimal 0.1 cannot be
+represented exactly in binary (try it: @kbd{0.1 d 2}), so @samp{0.1 * 10}
+comes out as an inexact approximation to 1 on some machines (though
+they generally arrange to hide it from you by rounding off one digit as
+we did above).  Because Calc works in decimal instead of binary, you can
+be sure that numbers that look exact @emph{are} exact as long as you stay
+in decimal display mode.
+It's not hard to show that any number that can be represented exactly
+in binary, octal, or hexadecimal is also exact in decimal, so the kinds
+of problems we saw in this exercise are likely to be severe only when
+you use a relatively unusual radix like 3.
+@node Modes Answer 2, Modes Answer 3, Modes Answer 1, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Modes Tutorial Exercise 2
+If the radix is 15 or higher, we can't use the letter @samp{e} to mark
+the exponent because @samp{e} is interpreted as a digit.  When Calc
+needs to display scientific notation in a high radix, it writes
+@samp{16#F.E8F*16.^15}.  You can enter a number like this as an
+algebraic entry.  Also, pressing @kbd{e} without any digits before it
+normally types @kbd{1e}, but in a high radix it types @kbd{16.^} and
+puts you in algebraic entry:  @kbd{16#f.e8f RET e 15 RET *} is another
+way to enter this number.
+The reason Calc puts a decimal point in the @samp{16.^} is to prevent
+huge integers from being generated if the exponent is large (consider
+@samp{16#1.23*16^1000}, where we compute @samp{16^1000} as a giant
+exact integer and then throw away most of the digits when we multiply
+it by the floating-point @samp{16#1.23}).  While this wouldn't normally
+matter for display purposes, it could give you a nasty surprise if you
+copied that number into a file and later moved it back into Calc.
+@node Modes Answer 3, Modes Answer 4, Modes Answer 2, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Modes Tutorial Exercise 3
+The answer he got was @cite{0.5000000000006399}.
+The problem is not that the square operation is inexact, but that the
+sine of 45 that was already on the stack was accurate to only 12 places.
+Arbitrary-precision calculations still only give answers as good as
+their inputs.
+The real problem is that there is no 12-digit number which, when
+squared, comes out to 0.5 exactly.  The @kbd{f [} and @kbd{f ]}
+commands decrease or increase a number by one unit in the last
+place (according to the current precision).  They are useful for
+determining facts like this.
+1:  0.707106781187      1:  0.500000000001
+    .                       .
+    45 S                    2 ^
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  0.707106781187      1:  0.707106781186      1:  0.499999999999
+    .                       .                       .
+    U  DEL                  f [                     2 ^
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+A high-precision calculation must be carried out in high precision
+all the way.  The only number in the original problem which was known
+exactly was the quantity 45 degrees, so the precision must be raised
+before anything is done after the number 45 has been entered in order
+for the higher precision to be meaningful.
+@node Modes Answer 4, Arithmetic Answer 1, Modes Answer 3, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Modes Tutorial Exercise 4
+Many calculations involve real-world quantities, like the width and
+height of a piece of wood or the volume of a jar.  Such quantities
+can't be measured exactly anyway, and if the data that is input to
+a calculation is inexact, doing exact arithmetic on it is a waste
+of time.
+Fractions become unwieldy after too many calculations have been
+done with them.  For example, the sum of the reciprocals of the
+integers from 1 to 10 is 7381:2520.  The sum from 1 to 30 is
+9304682830147:2329089562800.  After a point it will take a long
+time to add even one more term to this sum, but a floating-point
+calculation of the sum will not have this problem.
+Also, rational numbers cannot express the results of all calculations.
+There is no fractional form for the square root of two, so if you type
+@w{@kbd{2 Q}}, Calc has no choice but to give you a floating-point answer.
+@node Arithmetic Answer 1, Arithmetic Answer 2, Modes Answer 4, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Arithmetic Tutorial Exercise 1
+Dividing two integers that are larger than the current precision may
+give a floating-point result that is inaccurate even when rounded
+down to an integer.  Consider @cite{123456789 / 2} when the current
+precision is 6 digits.  The true answer is @cite{61728394.5}, but
+with a precision of 6 this will be rounded to @c{$12345700.0/2.0 = 61728500.0$}
+@cite{12345700.@: / 2.@: = 61728500.}.
+The result, when converted to an integer, will be off by 106.
+Here are two solutions:  Raise the precision enough that the
+floating-point round-off error is strictly to the right of the
+decimal point.  Or, convert to fraction mode so that @cite{123456789 / 2}
+produces the exact fraction @cite{123456789:2}, which can be rounded
+down by the @kbd{F} command without ever switching to floating-point
+@node Arithmetic Answer 2, Vector Answer 1, Arithmetic Answer 1, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Arithmetic Tutorial Exercise 2
+@kbd{27 @key{RET} 9 B} could give the exact result @cite{3:2}, but it
+does a floating-point calculation instead and produces @cite{1.5}.
+Calc will find an exact result for a logarithm if the result is an integer
+or the reciprocal of an integer.  But there is no efficient way to search
+the space of all possible rational numbers for an exact answer, so Calc
+doesn't try.
+@node Vector Answer 1, Vector Answer 2, Arithmetic Answer 2, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Vector Tutorial Exercise 1
+Duplicate the vector, compute its length, then divide the vector
+by its length:  @kbd{@key{RET} A /}.
+1:  [1, 2, 3]  2:  [1, 2, 3]      1:  [0.27, 0.53, 0.80]  1:  1.
+    .          1:  3.74165738677      .                       .
+                   .
+    r 1            RET A              /                       A
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The final @kbd{A} command shows that the normalized vector does
+indeed have unit length.
+@node Vector Answer 2, Matrix Answer 1, Vector Answer 1, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Vector Tutorial Exercise 2
+The average position is equal to the sum of the products of the
+positions times their corresponding probabilities.  This is the
+definition of the dot product operation.  So all you need to do
+is to put the two vectors on the stack and press @kbd{*}.
+@node Matrix Answer 1, Matrix Answer 2, Vector Answer 2, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Matrix Tutorial Exercise 1
+The trick is to multiply by a vector of ones.  Use @kbd{r 4 [1 1 1] *} to
+get the row sum.  Similarly, use @kbd{[1 1] r 4 *} to get the column sum.
+@node Matrix Answer 2, Matrix Answer 3, Matrix Answer 1, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Matrix Tutorial Exercise 2
+   x + a y = 6
+   x + b y = 10
+@end example
+@end group
+@end ifinfo
+$$ \eqalign{ x &+ a y = 6 \cr
+             x &+ b y = 10}
+@end tex
+Just enter the righthand side vector, then divide by the lefthand side
+matrix as usual.
+1:  [6, 10]    2:  [6, 10]         1:  [6 - 4 a / (b - a), 4 / (b - a) ]
+    .          1:  [ [ 1, a ]          .
+                     [ 1, b ] ]
+                   .
+' [6 10] RET     ' [1 a; 1 b] RET      /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+This can be made more readable using @kbd{d B} to enable ``big'' display
+          4 a     4
+1:  [6 - -----, -----]
+         b - a  b - a
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Type @kbd{d N} to return to ``normal'' display mode afterwards.
+@node Matrix Answer 3, List Answer 1, Matrix Answer 2, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Matrix Tutorial Exercise 3
+To solve @c{$A^T A \, X = A^T B$}
+@cite{trn(A) * A * X = trn(A) * B}, first we compute
+@c{$A' = A^T A$}
+@cite{A2 = trn(A) * A} and @c{$B' = A^T B$}
+@cite{B2 = trn(A) * B}; now, we have a
+system @c{$A' X = B'$}
+@cite{A2 * X = B2} which we can solve using Calc's @samp{/}
+    a + 2b + 3c = 6
+   4a + 5b + 6c = 2
+   7a + 6b      = 3
+   2a + 4b + 6c = 11
+@end example
+@end group
+@end ifinfo
+$$ \openup1\jot \tabskip=0pt plus1fil
+\halign to\displaywidth{\tabskip=0pt
+   $\hfil#$&$\hfil{}#{}$&
+   $\hfil#$&$\hfil{}#{}$&
+   $\hfil#$&${}#\hfil$\tabskip=0pt plus1fil\cr
+  a&+&2b&+&3c&=6 \cr
+ 4a&+&5b&+&6c&=2 \cr
+ 7a&+&6b& &  &=3 \cr
+ 2a&+&4b&+&6c&=11 \cr}
+@end tex
+The first step is to enter the coefficient matrix.  We'll store it in
+quick variable number 7 for later reference.  Next, we compute the
+@cite{B2} vector.
+1:  [ [ 1, 2, 3 ]             2:  [ [ 1, 4, 7, 2 ]     1:  [57, 84, 96]
+      [ 4, 5, 6 ]                   [ 2, 5, 6, 4 ]         .
+      [ 7, 6, 0 ]                   [ 3, 6, 0, 6 ] ]
+      [ 2, 4, 6 ] ]           1:  [6, 2, 3, 11]
+    .                             .
+' [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 6 0; 2 4 6] RET  s 7  v t  [6 2 3 11]   *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Now we compute the matrix @c{$A'$}
+@cite{A2} and divide.
+2:  [57, 84, 96]          1:  [-11.64, 14.08, -3.64]
+1:  [ [ 70, 72, 39 ]          .
+      [ 72, 81, 60 ]
+      [ 39, 60, 81 ] ]
+    .
+    r 7 v t r 7 *             /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(The actual computed answer will be slightly inexact due to
+round-off error.)
+Notice that the answers are similar to those for the @c{$3\times3$}
+@asis{3x3} system
+solved in the text.  That's because the fourth equation that was
+added to the system is almost identical to the first one multiplied
+by two.  (If it were identical, we would have gotten the exact same
+answer since the @c{$4\times3$}
+@asis{4x3} system would be equivalent to the original @c{$3\times3$}
+Since the first and fourth equations aren't quite equivalent, they
+can't both be satisfied at once.  Let's plug our answers back into
+the original system of equations to see how well they match.
+2:  [-11.64, 14.08, -3.64]     1:  [5.6, 2., 3., 11.2]
+1:  [ [ 1, 2, 3 ]                  .
+      [ 4, 5, 6 ]
+      [ 7, 6, 0 ]
+      [ 2, 4, 6 ] ]
+    .
+    r 7                            TAB *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+This is reasonably close to our original @cite{B} vector,
+@cite{[6, 2, 3, 11]}.
+@node List Answer 1, List Answer 2, Matrix Answer 3, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection List Tutorial Exercise 1
+We can use @kbd{v x} to build a vector of integers.  This needs to be
+adjusted to get the range of integers we desire.  Mapping @samp{-}
+across the vector will accomplish this, although it turns out the
+plain @samp{-} key will work just as well.
+2:  2                              2:  2
+1:  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]    1:  [-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
+    .                                  .
+    2  v x 9 RET                       5 V M -   or   5 -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Now we use @kbd{V M ^} to map the exponentiation operator across the
+1:  [0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16]
+    .
+    V M ^
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@node List Answer 2, List Answer 3, List Answer 1, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection List Tutorial Exercise 2
+Given @cite{x} and @cite{y} vectors in quick variables 1 and 2 as before,
+the first job is to form the matrix that describes the problem.
+   m*x + b*1 = y
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+$$ m \times x + b \times 1 = y $$
+@end tex
+Thus we want a @c{$19\times2$}
+@asis{19x2} matrix with our @cite{x} vector as one column and
+ones as the other column.  So, first we build the column of ones, then
+we combine the two columns to form our @cite{A} matrix.
+2:  [1.34, 1.41, 1.49, ... ]    1:  [ [ 1.34, 1 ]
+1:  [1, 1, 1, ...]                    [ 1.41, 1 ]
+    .                                 [ 1.49, 1 ]
+                                      @dots{}
+    r 1 1 v b 19 RET                M-2 v p v t   s 3
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Now we compute @c{$A^T y$}
+@cite{trn(A) * y} and @c{$A^T A$}
+@cite{trn(A) * A} and divide.
+1:  [33.36554, 13.613]    2:  [33.36554, 13.613]
+    .                     1:  [ [ 98.0003, 41.63 ]
+                                [  41.63,   19   ] ]
+                              .
+ v t r 2 *                    r 3 v t r 3 *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(Hey, those numbers look familiar!)
+1:  [0.52141679, -0.425978]
+    .
+    /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Since we were solving equations of the form @c{$m \times x + b \times 1 = y$}
+@cite{m*x + b*1 = y}, these
+numbers should be @cite{m} and @cite{b}, respectively.  Sure enough, they
+agree exactly with the result computed using @kbd{V M} and @kbd{V R}!
+The moral of this story:  @kbd{V M} and @kbd{V R} will probably solve
+your problem, but there is often an easier way using the higher-level
+arithmetic functions!
+@c [fix-ref Curve Fitting]
+In fact, there is a built-in @kbd{a F} command that does least-squares
+fits.  @xref{Curve Fitting}.
+@node List Answer 3, List Answer 4, List Answer 2, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection List Tutorial Exercise 3
+Move to one end of the list and press @kbd{C-@@} (or @kbd{C-SPC} or
+whatever) to set the mark, then move to the other end of the list
+and type @w{@kbd{M-# g}}.
+1:  [2.3, 6, 22, 15.1, 7, 15, 14, 7.5, 2.5]
+    .
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+To make things interesting, let's assume we don't know at a glance
+how many numbers are in this list.  Then we could type:
+2:  [2.3, 6, 22, ... ]     2:  [2.3, 6, 22, ... ]
+1:  [2.3, 6, 22, ... ]     1:  126356422.5
+    .                          .
+    RET                        V R *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+2:  126356422.5            2:  126356422.5     1:  7.94652913734
+1:  [2.3, 6, 22, ... ]     1:  9                   .
+    .                          .
+    TAB                        v l                 I ^
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(The @kbd{I ^} command computes the @var{n}th root of a number.
+You could also type @kbd{& ^} to take the reciprocal of 9 and
+then raise the number to that power.)
+@node List Answer 4, List Answer 5, List Answer 3, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection List Tutorial Exercise 4
+A number @cite{j} is a divisor of @cite{n} if @c{$n \mathbin{\hbox{\code{\%}}} j = 0$}
+@samp{n % j = 0}.  The first
+step is to get a vector that identifies the divisors.
+2:  30                  2:  [0, 0, 0, 2, ...]    1:  [1, 1, 1, 0, ...]
+1:  [1, 2, 3, 4, ...]   1:  0                        .
+    .                       .
+ 30 RET v x 30 RET   s 1    V M %  0                 V M a =  s 2
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+This vector has 1's marking divisors of 30 and 0's marking non-divisors.
+The zeroth divisor function is just the total number of divisors.
+The first divisor function is the sum of the divisors.
+1:  8      3:  8                    2:  8                    2:  8
+           2:  [1, 2, 3, 4, ...]    1:  [1, 2, 3, 0, ...]    1:  72
+           1:  [1, 1, 1, 0, ...]        .                        .
+               .
+   V R +       r 1 r 2                  V M *                  V R +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Once again, the last two steps just compute a dot product for which
+a simple @kbd{*} would have worked equally well.
+@node List Answer 5, List Answer 6, List Answer 4, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection List Tutorial Exercise 5
+The obvious first step is to obtain the list of factors with @kbd{k f}.
+This list will always be in sorted order, so if there are duplicates
+they will be right next to each other.  A suitable method is to compare
+the list with a copy of itself shifted over by one.
+1:  [3, 7, 7, 7, 19]   2:  [3, 7, 7, 7, 19]     2:  [3, 7, 7, 7, 19, 0]
+    .                  1:  [3, 7, 7, 7, 19, 0]  1:  [0, 3, 7, 7, 7, 19]
+                           .                        .
+    19551 k f              RET 0 |                  TAB 0 TAB |
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]   1:  2          1:  0
+    .                        .              .
+    V M a =                  V R +          0 a =
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Note that we have to arrange for both vectors to have the same length
+so that the mapping operation works; no prime factor will ever be
+zero, so adding zeros on the left and right is safe.  From then on
+the job is pretty straightforward.
+Incidentally, Calc provides the @c{\dfn{M\"obius} $\mu$}
+@dfn{Moebius mu} function which is
+zero if and only if its argument is square-free.  It would be a much
+more convenient way to do the above test in practice.
+@node List Answer 6, List Answer 7, List Answer 5, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection List Tutorial Exercise 6
+First use @kbd{v x 6 RET} to get a list of integers, then @kbd{V M v x}
+to get a list of lists of integers!
+@node List Answer 7, List Answer 8, List Answer 6, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection List Tutorial Exercise 7
+Here's one solution.  First, compute the triangular list from the previous
+exercise and type @kbd{1 -} to subtract one from all the elements.
+1:  [ [0],
+      [0, 1],
+      [0, 1, 2],
+      @dots{}
+    1 -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The numbers down the lefthand edge of the list we desire are called
+the ``triangular numbers'' (now you know why!).  The @cite{n}th
+triangular number is the sum of the integers from 1 to @cite{n}, and
+can be computed directly by the formula @c{$n (n+1) \over 2$}
+@cite{n * (n+1) / 2}.
+2:  [ [0], [0, 1], ... ]    2:  [ [0], [0, 1], ... ]
+1:  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]      1:  [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
+    .                           .
+    v x 6 RET 1 -               V M ' $ ($+1)/2 RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Adding this list to the above list of lists produces the desired
+1:  [ [0],
+      [1, 2],
+      [3, 4, 5],
+      [6, 7, 8, 9],
+      [10, 11, 12, 13, 14],
+      [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20] ]
+      .
+      V M +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+If we did not know the formula for triangular numbers, we could have
+computed them using a @kbd{V U +} command.  We could also have
+gotten them the hard way by mapping a reduction across the original
+triangular list.
+2:  [ [0], [0, 1], ... ]    2:  [ [0], [0, 1], ... ]
+1:  [ [0], [0, 1], ... ]    1:  [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
+    .                           .
+    RET                         V M V R +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(This means ``map a @kbd{V R +} command across the vector,'' and
+since each element of the main vector is itself a small vector,
+@kbd{V R +} computes the sum of its elements.)
+@node List Answer 8, List Answer 9, List Answer 7, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection List Tutorial Exercise 8
+The first step is to build a list of values of @cite{x}.
+1:  [1, 2, 3, ..., 21]  1:  [0, 1, 2, ..., 20]  1:  [0, 0.25, 0.5, ..., 5]
+    .                       .                       .
+    v x 21 RET              1 -                     4 /  s 1
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Next, we compute the Bessel function values.
+1:  [0., 0.124, 0.242, ..., -0.328]
+    .
+    V M ' besJ(1,$) RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(Another way to do this would be @kbd{1 TAB V M f j}.)
+A way to isolate the maximum value is to compute the maximum using
+@kbd{V R X}, then compare all the Bessel values with that maximum.
+2:  [0., 0.124, 0.242, ... ]   1:  [0, 0, 0, ... ]    2:  [0, 0, 0, ... ]
+1:  0.5801562                      .                  1:  1
+    .                                                     .
+    RET V R X                      V M a =                RET V R +    DEL
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+It's a good idea to verify, as in the last step above, that only
+one value is equal to the maximum.  (After all, a plot of @c{$\sin x$}
+might have many points all equal to the maximum value, 1.)
+The vector we have now has a single 1 in the position that indicates
+the maximum value of @cite{x}.  Now it is a simple matter to convert
+this back into the corresponding value itself.
+2:  [0, 0, 0, ... ]         1:  [0, 0., 0., ... ]    1:  1.75
+1:  [0, 0.25, 0.5, ... ]        .                        .
+    .
+    r 1                         V M *                    V R +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+If @kbd{a =} had produced more than one @cite{1} value, this method
+would have given the sum of all maximum @cite{x} values; not very
+useful!  In this case we could have used @kbd{v m} (@code{calc-mask-vector})
+instead.  This command deletes all elements of a ``data'' vector that
+correspond to zeros in a ``mask'' vector, leaving us with, in this
+example, a vector of maximum @cite{x} values.
+The built-in @kbd{a X} command maximizes a function using more
+efficient methods.  Just for illustration, let's use @kbd{a X}
+to maximize @samp{besJ(1,x)} over this same interval.
+2:  besJ(1, x)                 1:  [1.84115, 0.581865]
+1:  [0 .. 5]                       .
+    .
+' besJ(1,x), [0..5] RET            a X x RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The output from @kbd{a X} is a vector containing the value of @cite{x}
+that maximizes the function, and the function's value at that maximum.
+As you can see, our simple search got quite close to the right answer.
+@node List Answer 9, List Answer 10, List Answer 8, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection List Tutorial Exercise 9
+Step one is to convert our integer into vector notation.
+1:  25129925999           3:  25129925999
+    .                     2:  10
+                          1:  [11, 10, 9, ..., 1, 0]
+                              .
+    25129925999 RET           10 RET 12 RET v x 12 RET -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  25129925999              1:  [0, 2, 25, 251, 2512, ... ]
+2:  [100000000000, ... ]         .
+    .
+    V M ^   s 1                  V M \
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(Recall, the @kbd{\} command computes an integer quotient.)
+1:  [0, 2, 5, 1, 2, 9, 9, 2, 5, 9, 9, 9]
+    .
+    10 V M %   s 2
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Next we must increment this number.  This involves adding one to
+the last digit, plus handling carries.  There is a carry to the
+left out of a digit if that digit is a nine and all the digits to
+the right of it are nines.
+1:  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]   1:  [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, ... ]
+    .                                          .
+    9 V M a =                                  v v
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, ... ]   1:  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
+    .                              .
+    V U *                          v v 1 |
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Accumulating @kbd{*} across a vector of ones and zeros will preserve
+only the initial run of ones.  These are the carries into all digits
+except the rightmost digit.  Concatenating a one on the right takes
+care of aligning the carries properly, and also adding one to the
+rightmost digit.
+2:  [0, 0, 0, 0, ... ]     1:  [0, 0, 2, 5, 1, 2, 9, 9, 2, 6, 0, 0, 0]
+1:  [0, 0, 2, 5, ... ]         .
+    .
+    0 r 2 |                    V M +  10 V M %
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Here we have concatenated 0 to the @emph{left} of the original number;
+this takes care of shifting the carries by one with respect to the
+digits that generated them.
+Finally, we must convert this list back into an integer.
+3:  [0, 0, 2, 5, ... ]        2:  [0, 0, 2, 5, ... ]
+2:  1000000000000             1:  [1000000000000, 100000000000, ... ]
+1:  [100000000000, ... ]          .
+    .
+    10 RET 12 ^  r 1              |
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  [0, 0, 20000000000, 5000000000, ... ]    1:  25129926000
+    .                                            .
+    V M *                                        V R +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Another way to do this final step would be to reduce the formula
+@w{@samp{10 $$ + $}} across the vector of digits.
+1:  [0, 0, 2, 5, ... ]        1:  25129926000
+    .                             .
+                                  V R ' 10 $$ + $ RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@node List Answer 10, List Answer 11, List Answer 9, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection List Tutorial Exercise 10
+For the list @cite{[a, b, c, d]}, the result is @cite{((a = b) = c) = d},
+which will compare @cite{a} and @cite{b} to produce a 1 or 0, which is
+then compared with @cite{c} to produce another 1 or 0, which is then
+compared with @cite{d}.  This is not at all what Joe wanted.
+Here's a more correct method:
+1:  [7, 7, 7, 8, 7]      2:  [7, 7, 7, 8, 7]
+    .                    1:  7
+                             .
+  ' [7,7,7,8,7] RET          RET v r 1 RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  [1, 1, 1, 0, 1]      1:  0
+    .                        .
+    V M a =                  V R *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@node List Answer 11, List Answer 12, List Answer 10, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection List Tutorial Exercise 11
+The circle of unit radius consists of those points @cite{(x,y)} for which
+@cite{x^2 + y^2 < 1}.  We start by generating a vector of @cite{x^2}
+and a vector of @cite{y^2}.
+We can make this go a bit faster by using the @kbd{v .} and @kbd{t .}
+2:  [2., 2., ..., 2.]          2:  [2., 2., ..., 2.]
+1:  [2., 2., ..., 2.]          1:  [1.16, 1.98, ..., 0.81]
+    .                              .
+ v . t .  2. v b 100 RET RET       V M k r
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+2:  [2., 2., ..., 2.]          1:  [0.026, 0.96, ..., 0.036]
+1:  [0.026, 0.96, ..., 0.036]  2:  [0.53, 0.81, ..., 0.094]
+    .                              .
+    1 -  2 V M ^                   TAB  V M k r  1 -  2 V M ^
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Now we sum the @cite{x^2} and @cite{y^2} values, compare with 1 to
+get a vector of 1/0 truth values, then sum the truth values.
+1:  [0.56, 1.78, ..., 0.13]    1:  [1, 0, ..., 1]    1:  84
+    .                              .                     .
+    +                              1 V M a <             V R +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The ratio @cite{84/100} should approximate the ratio @c{$\pi/4$}
+1:  0.84       1:  3.36       2:  3.36       1:  1.0695
+    .              .          1:  3.14159        .
+    100 /          4 *            P              /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Our estimate, 3.36, is off by about 7%.  We could get a better estimate
+by taking more points (say, 1000), but it's clear that this method is
+not very efficient!
+(Naturally, since this example uses random numbers your own answer
+will be slightly different from the one shown here!)
+If you typed @kbd{v .} and @kbd{t .} before, type them again to
+return to full-sized display of vectors.
+@node List Answer 12, List Answer 13, List Answer 11, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection List Tutorial Exercise 12
+This problem can be made a lot easier by taking advantage of some
+symmetries.  First of all, after some thought it's clear that the
+@cite{y} axis can be ignored altogether.  Just pick a random @cite{x}
+component for one end of the match, pick a random direction @c{$\theta$}
+and see if @cite{x} and @c{$x + \cos \theta$}
+@cite{x + cos(theta)} (which is the @cite{x}
+coordinate of the other endpoint) cross a line.  The lines are at
+integer coordinates, so this happens when the two numbers surround
+an integer.
+Since the two endpoints are equivalent, we may as well choose the leftmost
+of the two endpoints as @cite{x}.  Then @cite{theta} is an angle pointing
+to the right, in the range -90 to 90 degrees.  (We could use radians, but
+it would feel like cheating to refer to @c{$\pi/2$}
+@cite{pi/2} radians while trying
+to estimate @c{$\pi$}
+In fact, since the field of lines is infinite we can choose the
+coordinates 0 and 1 for the lines on either side of the leftmost
+endpoint.  The rightmost endpoint will be between 0 and 1 if the
+match does not cross a line, or between 1 and 2 if it does.  So:
+Pick random @cite{x} and @c{$\theta$}
+@cite{theta}, compute @c{$x + \cos \theta$}
+@cite{x + cos(theta)},
+and count how many of the results are greater than one.  Simple!
+We can make this go a bit faster by using the @kbd{v .} and @kbd{t .}
+1:  [0.52, 0.71, ..., 0.72]    2:  [0.52, 0.71, ..., 0.72]
+    .                          1:  [78.4, 64.5, ..., -42.9]
+                                   .
+v . t . 1. v b 100 RET  V M k r    180. v b 100 RET  V M k r  90 -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(The next step may be slow, depending on the speed of your computer.)
+2:  [0.52, 0.71, ..., 0.72]    1:  [0.72, 1.14, ..., 1.45]
+1:  [0.20, 0.43, ..., 0.73]        .
+    .
+    m d  V M C                     +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  [0, 1, ..., 1]       1:  0.64            1:  3.125
+    .                        .                   .
+    1 V M a >                V R + 100 /         2 TAB /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Let's try the third method, too.  We'll use random integers up to
+one million.  The @kbd{k r} command with an integer argument picks
+a random integer.
+2:  [1000000, 1000000, ..., 1000000]   2:  [78489, 527587, ..., 814975]
+1:  [1000000, 1000000, ..., 1000000]   1:  [324014, 358783, ..., 955450]
+    .                                      .
+    1000000 v b 100 RET RET                V M k r  TAB  V M k r
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  [1, 1, ..., 25]      1:  [1, 1, ..., 0]     1:  0.56
+    .                        .                      .
+    V M k g                  1 V M a =              V R + 100 /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  10.714        1:  3.273
+    .                 .
+    6 TAB /           Q
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+For a proof of this property of the GCD function, see section 4.5.2,
+exercise 10, of Knuth's @emph{Art of Computer Programming}, volume II.
+If you typed @kbd{v .} and @kbd{t .} before, type them again to
+return to full-sized display of vectors.
+@node List Answer 13, List Answer 14, List Answer 12, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection List Tutorial Exercise 13
+First, we put the string on the stack as a vector of ASCII codes.
+1:  [84, 101, 115, ..., 51]
+    .
+    "Testing, 1, 2, 3 RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Note that the @kbd{"} key, like @kbd{$}, initiates algebraic entry so
+there was no need to type an apostrophe.  Also, Calc didn't mind that
+we omitted the closing @kbd{"}.  (The same goes for all closing delimiters
+like @kbd{)} and @kbd{]} at the end of a formula.
+We'll show two different approaches here.  In the first, we note that
+if the input vector is @cite{[a, b, c, d]}, then the hash code is
+@cite{3 (3 (3a + b) + c) + d = 27a + 9b + 3c + d}.  In other words,
+it's a sum of descending powers of three times the ASCII codes.
+2:  [84, 101, 115, ..., 51]    2:  [84, 101, 115, ..., 51]
+1:  16                         1:  [15, 14, 13, ..., 0]
+    .                              .
+    RET v l                        v x 16 RET -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+2:  [84, 101, 115, ..., 51]    1:  1960915098    1:  121
+1:  [14348907, ..., 1]             .                 .
+    .
+    3 TAB V M ^                    *                 511 %
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Once again, @kbd{*} elegantly summarizes most of the computation.
+But there's an even more elegant approach:  Reduce the formula
+@kbd{3 $$ + $} across the vector.  Recall that this represents a
+function of two arguments that computes its first argument times three
+plus its second argument.
+1:  [84, 101, 115, ..., 51]    1:  1960915098
+    .                              .
+    "Testing, 1, 2, 3 RET          V R ' 3$$+$ RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+If you did the decimal arithmetic exercise, this will be familiar.
+Basically, we're turning a base-3 vector of digits into an integer,
+except that our ``digits'' are much larger than real digits.
+Instead of typing @kbd{511 %} again to reduce the result, we can be
+cleverer still and notice that rather than computing a huge integer
+and taking the modulo at the end, we can take the modulo at each step
+without affecting the result.  While this means there are more
+arithmetic operations, the numbers we operate on remain small so
+the operations are faster.
+1:  [84, 101, 115, ..., 51]    1:  121
+    .                              .
+    "Testing, 1, 2, 3 RET          V R ' (3$$+$)%511 RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Why does this work?  Think about a two-step computation:
+@w{@cite{3 (3a + b) + c}}.  Taking a result modulo 511 basically means
+subtracting off enough 511's to put the result in the desired range.
+So the result when we take the modulo after every step is,
+3 (3 a + b - 511 m) + c - 511 n
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+$$ 3 (3 a + b - 511 m) + c - 511 n $$
+@end tex
+for some suitable integers @cite{m} and @cite{n}.  Expanding out by
+the distributive law yields
+9 a + 3 b + c - 511*3 m - 511 n
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+$$ 9 a + 3 b + c - 511\times3 m - 511 n $$
+@end tex
+The @cite{m} term in the latter formula is redundant because any
+contribution it makes could just as easily be made by the @cite{n}
+term.  So we can take it out to get an equivalent formula with
+@cite{n' = 3m + n},
+9 a + 3 b + c - 511 n'
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+$$ 9 a + 3 b + c - 511 n' $$
+@end tex
+which is just the formula for taking the modulo only at the end of
+the calculation.  Therefore the two methods are essentially the same.
+Later in the tutorial we will encounter @dfn{modulo forms}, which
+basically automate the idea of reducing every intermediate result
+modulo some value @i{M}.
+@node List Answer 14, Types Answer 1, List Answer 13, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection List Tutorial Exercise 14
+We want to use @kbd{H V U} to nest a function which adds a random
+step to an @cite{(x,y)} coordinate.  The function is a bit long, but
+otherwise the problem is quite straightforward.
+2:  [0, 0]     1:  [ [    0,       0    ]
+1:  50               [  0.4288, -0.1695 ]
+    .                [ -0.4787, -0.9027 ]
+                     ...
+    [0,0] 50       H V U ' <# + [random(2.0)-1, random(2.0)-1]> RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Just as the text recommended, we used @samp{< >} nameless function
+notation to keep the two @code{random} calls from being evaluated
+before nesting even begins.
+We now have a vector of @cite{[x, y]} sub-vectors, which by Calc's
+rules acts like a matrix.  We can transpose this matrix and unpack
+to get a pair of vectors, @cite{x} and @cite{y}, suitable for graphing.
+2:  [ 0, 0.4288, -0.4787, ... ]
+1:  [ 0, -0.1696, -0.9027, ... ]
+    .
+    v t  v u  g f
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Incidentally, because the @cite{x} and @cite{y} are completely
+independent in this case, we could have done two separate commands
+to create our @cite{x} and @cite{y} vectors of numbers directly.
+To make a random walk of unit steps, we note that @code{sincos} of
+a random direction exactly gives us an @cite{[x, y]} step of unit
+length; in fact, the new nesting function is even briefer, though
+we might want to lower the precision a bit for it.
+2:  [0, 0]     1:  [ [    0,      0    ]
+1:  50               [  0.1318, 0.9912 ]
+    .                [ -0.5965, 0.3061 ]
+                     ...
+    [0,0] 50   m d  p 6 RET   H V U ' <# + sincos(random(360.0))> RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Another @kbd{v t v u g f} sequence will graph this new random walk.
+An interesting twist on these random walk functions would be to use
+complex numbers instead of 2-vectors to represent points on the plane.
+In the first example, we'd use something like @samp{random + random*(0,1)},
+and in the second we could use polar complex numbers with random phase
+angles.  (This exercise was first suggested in this form by Randal
+@node Types Answer 1, Types Answer 2, List Answer 14, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Types Tutorial Exercise 1
+If the number is the square root of @c{$\pi$}
+@cite{pi} times a rational number,
+then its square, divided by @c{$\pi$}
+@cite{pi}, should be a rational number.
+1:  1.26508260337    1:  0.509433962268   1:  2486645810:4881193627
+    .                    .                    .
+                         2 ^ P /              c F
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Technically speaking this is a rational number, but not one that is
+likely to have arisen in the original problem.  More likely, it just
+happens to be the fraction which most closely represents some
+irrational number to within 12 digits.
+But perhaps our result was not quite exact.  Let's reduce the
+precision slightly and try again:
+1:  0.509433962268     1:  27:53
+    .                      .
+    U p 10 RET             c F
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Aha!  It's unlikely that an irrational number would equal a fraction
+this simple to within ten digits, so our original number was probably
+@c{$\sqrt{27 \pi / 53}$}
+@cite{sqrt(27 pi / 53)}.
+Notice that we didn't need to re-round the number when we reduced the
+precision.  Remember, arithmetic operations always round their inputs
+to the current precision before they begin.
+@node Types Answer 2, Types Answer 3, Types Answer 1, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Types Tutorial Exercise 2
+@samp{inf / inf = nan}.  Perhaps @samp{1} is the ``obvious'' answer.
+But if @w{@samp{17 inf = inf}}, then @samp{17 inf / inf = inf / inf = 17}, too.
+@samp{exp(inf) = inf}.  It's tempting to say that the exponential
+of infinity must be ``bigger'' than ``regular'' infinity, but as
+far as Calc is concerned all infinities are as just as big.
+In other words, as @cite{x} goes to infinity, @cite{e^x} also goes
+to infinity, but the fact the @cite{e^x} grows much faster than
+@cite{x} is not relevant here.
+@samp{exp(-inf) = 0}.  Here we have a finite answer even though
+the input is infinite.
+@samp{sqrt(-inf) = (0, 1) inf}.  Remember that @cite{(0, 1)}
+represents the imaginary number @cite{i}.  Here's a derivation:
+@samp{sqrt(-inf) = @w{sqrt((-1) * inf)} = sqrt(-1) * sqrt(inf)}.
+The first part is, by definition, @cite{i}; the second is @code{inf}
+because, once again, all infinities are the same size.
+@samp{sqrt(uinf) = uinf}.  In fact, we do know something about the
+direction because @code{sqrt} is defined to return a value in the
+right half of the complex plane.  But Calc has no notation for this,
+so it settles for the conservative answer @code{uinf}.
+@samp{abs(uinf) = inf}.  No matter which direction @cite{x} points,
+@samp{abs(x)} always points along the positive real axis.
+@samp{ln(0) = -inf}.  Here we have an infinite answer to a finite
+input.  As in the @cite{1 / 0} case, Calc will only use infinities
+here if you have turned on ``infinite'' mode.  Otherwise, it will
+treat @samp{ln(0)} as an error.
+@node Types Answer 3, Types Answer 4, Types Answer 2, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Types Tutorial Exercise 3
+We can make @samp{inf - inf} be any real number we like, say,
+@cite{a}, just by claiming that we added @cite{a} to the first
+infinity but not to the second.  This is just as true for complex
+values of @cite{a}, so @code{nan} can stand for a complex number.
+(And, similarly, @code{uinf} can stand for an infinity that points
+in any direction in the complex plane, such as @samp{(0, 1) inf}).
+In fact, we can multiply the first @code{inf} by two.  Surely
+@w{@samp{2 inf - inf = inf}}, but also @samp{2 inf - inf = inf - inf = nan}.
+So @code{nan} can even stand for infinity.  Obviously it's just
+as easy to make it stand for minus infinity as for plus infinity.
+The moral of this story is that ``infinity'' is a slippery fish
+indeed, and Calc tries to handle it by having a very simple model
+for infinities (only the direction counts, not the ``size''); but
+Calc is careful to write @code{nan} any time this simple model is
+unable to tell what the true answer is.
+@node Types Answer 4, Types Answer 5, Types Answer 3, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Types Tutorial Exercise 4
+2:  0@@ 47' 26"              1:  0@@ 2' 47.411765"
+1:  17                          .
+    .
+    0@@ 47' 26" RET 17           /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The average song length is two minutes and 47.4 seconds.
+2:  0@@ 2' 47.411765"     1:  0@@ 3' 7.411765"    1:  0@@ 53' 6.000005"
+1:  0@@ 0' 20"                .                      .
+    .
+    20"                      +                      17 *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The album would be 53 minutes and 6 seconds long.
+@node Types Answer 5, Types Answer 6, Types Answer 4, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Types Tutorial Exercise 5
+Let's suppose it's January 14, 1991.  The easiest thing to do is
+to keep trying 13ths of months until Calc reports a Friday.
+We can do this by manually entering dates, or by using @kbd{t I}:
+1:  <Wed Feb 13, 1991>    1:  <Wed Mar 13, 1991>   1:  <Sat Apr 13, 1991>
+    .                         .                        .
+    ' <2/13> RET       DEL    ' <3/13> RET             t I
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(Calc assumes the current year if you don't say otherwise.)
+This is getting tedious---we can keep advancing the date by typing
+@kbd{t I} over and over again, but let's automate the job by using
+vector mapping.  The @kbd{t I} command actually takes a second
+``how-many-months'' argument, which defaults to one.  This
+argument is exactly what we want to map over:
+2:  <Sat Apr 13, 1991>     1:  [<Mon May 13, 1991>, <Thu Jun 13, 1991>,
+1:  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]          <Sat Jul 13, 1991>, <Tue Aug 13, 1991>,
+    .                           <Fri Sep 13, 1991>, <Sun Oct 13, 1991>]
+                               .
+    v x 6 RET                  V M t I
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Et voila, September 13, 1991 is a Friday.
+@end ifinfo
+{\it Et voil{\accent"12 a}}, September 13, 1991 is a Friday.
+@end tex
+1:  242
+    .
+' <sep 13> - <jan 14> RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+And the answer to our original question:  242 days to go.
+@node Types Answer 6, Types Answer 7, Types Answer 5, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Types Tutorial Exercise 6
+The full rule for leap years is that they occur in every year divisible
+by four, except that they don't occur in years divisible by 100, except
+that they @emph{do} in years divisible by 400.  We could work out the
+answer by carefully counting the years divisible by four and the
+exceptions, but there is a much simpler way that works even if we
+don't know the leap year rule.
+Let's assume the present year is 1991.  Years have 365 days, except
+that leap years (whenever they occur) have 366 days.  So let's count
+the number of days between now and then, and compare that to the
+number of years times 365.  The number of extra days we find must be
+equal to the number of leap years there were.
+1:  <Mon Jan 1, 10001>     2:  <Mon Jan 1, 10001>     1:  2925593
+    .                      1:  <Tue Jan 1, 1991>          .
+                               .
+  ' <jan 1 10001> RET         ' <jan 1 1991> RET          -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+3:  2925593       2:  2925593     2:  2925593     1:  1943
+2:  10001         1:  8010        1:  2923650         .
+1:  1991              .               .
+    .
+  10001 RET 1991      -               365 *           -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@c [fix-ref Date Forms]
+There will be 1943 leap years before the year 10001.  (Assuming,
+of course, that the algorithm for computing leap years remains
+unchanged for that long.  @xref{Date Forms}, for some interesting
+background information in that regard.)
+@node Types Answer 7, Types Answer 8, Types Answer 6, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Types Tutorial Exercise 7
+The relative errors must be converted to absolute errors so that
+@samp{+/-} notation may be used.
+1:  1.              2:  1.
+    .               1:  0.2
+                        .
+    20 RET .05 *        4 RET .05 *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Now we simply chug through the formula.
+1:  19.7392088022    1:  394.78 +/- 19.739    1:  6316.5 +/- 706.21
+    .                    .                        .
+    2 P 2 ^ *            20 p 1 *                 4 p .2 RET 2 ^ *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+It turns out the @kbd{v u} command will unpack an error form as
+well as a vector.  This saves us some retyping of numbers.
+3:  6316.5 +/- 706.21     2:  6316.5 +/- 706.21
+2:  6316.5                1:  0.1118
+1:  706.21                    .
+    .
+    RET v u                   TAB /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Thus the volume is 6316 cubic centimeters, within about 11 percent.
+@node Types Answer 8, Types Answer 9, Types Answer 7, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Types Tutorial Exercise 8
+The first answer is pretty simple:  @samp{1 / (0 .. 10) = (0.1 .. inf)}.
+Since a number in the interval @samp{(0 .. 10)} can get arbitrarily
+close to zero, its reciprocal can get arbitrarily large, so the answer
+is an interval that effectively means, ``any number greater than 0.1''
+but with no upper bound.
+The second answer, similarly, is @samp{1 / (-10 .. 0) = (-inf .. -0.1)}.
+Calc normally treats division by zero as an error, so that the formula
+@w{@samp{1 / 0}} is left unsimplified.  Our third problem,
+@w{@samp{1 / [0 .. 10]}}, also (potentially) divides by zero because zero
+is now a member of the interval.  So Calc leaves this one unevaluated, too.
+If you turn on ``infinite'' mode by pressing @kbd{m i}, you will
+instead get the answer @samp{[0.1 .. inf]}, which includes infinity
+as a possible value.
+The fourth calculation, @samp{1 / (-10 .. 10)}, has the same problem.
+Zero is buried inside the interval, but it's still a possible value.
+It's not hard to see that the actual result of @samp{1 / (-10 .. 10)}
+will be either greater than @i{0.1}, or less than @i{-0.1}.  Thus
+the interval goes from minus infinity to plus infinity, with a ``hole''
+in it from @i{-0.1} to @i{0.1}.  Calc doesn't have any way to
+represent this, so it just reports @samp{[-inf .. inf]} as the answer.
+It may be disappointing to hear ``the answer lies somewhere between
+minus infinity and plus infinity, inclusive,'' but that's the best
+that interval arithmetic can do in this case.
+@node Types Answer 9, Types Answer 10, Types Answer 8, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Types Tutorial Exercise 9
+1:  [-3 .. 3]       2:  [-3 .. 3]     2:  [0 .. 9]
+    .               1:  [0 .. 9]      1:  [-9 .. 9]
+                        .                 .
+    [ 3 n .. 3 ]        RET 2 ^           TAB RET *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+In the first case the result says, ``if a number is between @i{-3} and
+3, its square is between 0 and 9.''  The second case says, ``the product
+of two numbers each between @i{-3} and 3 is between @i{-9} and 9.''
+An interval form is not a number; it is a symbol that can stand for
+many different numbers.  Two identical-looking interval forms can stand
+for different numbers.
+The same issue arises when you try to square an error form.
+@node Types Answer 10, Types Answer 11, Types Answer 9, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Types Tutorial Exercise 10
+Testing the first number, we might arbitrarily choose 17 for @cite{x}.
+1:  17 mod 811749613   2:  17 mod 811749613   1:  533694123 mod 811749613
+    .                      811749612              .
+                           .
+    17 M 811749613 RET     811749612              ^
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Since 533694123 is (considerably) different from 1, the number 811749613
+must not be prime.
+It's awkward to type the number in twice as we did above.  There are
+various ways to avoid this, and algebraic entry is one.  In fact, using
+a vector mapping operation we can perform several tests at once.  Let's
+use this method to test the second number.
+2:  [17, 42, 100000]               1:  [1 mod 15485863, 1 mod ... ]
+1:  15485863                           .
+    .
+ [17 42 100000] 15485863 RET           V M ' ($$ mod $)^($-1) RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The result is three ones (modulo @cite{n}), so it's very probable that
+15485863 is prime.  (In fact, this number is the millionth prime.)
+Note that the functions @samp{($$^($-1)) mod $} or @samp{$$^($-1) % $}
+would have been hopelessly inefficient, since they would have calculated
+the power using full integer arithmetic.
+Calc has a @kbd{k p} command that does primality testing.  For small
+numbers it does an exact test; for large numbers it uses a variant
+of the Fermat test we used here.  You can use @kbd{k p} repeatedly
+to prove that a large integer is prime with any desired probability.
+@node Types Answer 11, Types Answer 12, Types Answer 10, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Types Tutorial Exercise 11
+There are several ways to insert a calculated number into an HMS form.
+One way to convert a number of seconds to an HMS form is simply to
+multiply the number by an HMS form representing one second:
+1:  31415926.5359     2:  31415926.5359     1:  8726@@ 38' 46.5359"
+    .                 1:  0@@ 0' 1"              .
+                          .
+    P 1e7 *               0@@ 0' 1"              *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+2:  8726@@ 38' 46.5359"             1:  6@@ 6' 2.5359" mod 24@@ 0' 0"
+1:  15@@ 27' 16" mod 24@@ 0' 0"          .
+    .
+    x time RET                         +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+It will be just after six in the morning.
+The algebraic @code{hms} function can also be used to build an
+HMS form:
+1:  hms(0, 0, 10000000. pi)       1:  8726@@ 38' 46.5359"
+    .                                 .
+  ' hms(0, 0, 1e7 pi) RET             =
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The @kbd{=} key is necessary to evaluate the symbol @samp{pi} to
+the actual number 3.14159...
+@node Types Answer 12, Types Answer 13, Types Answer 11, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Types Tutorial Exercise 12
+As we recall, there are 17 songs of about 2 minutes and 47 seconds
+2:  0@@ 2' 47"                    1:  [0@@ 3' 7" .. 0@@ 3' 47"]
+1:  [0@@ 0' 20" .. 0@@ 1' 0"]          .
+    .
+    [ 0@@ 20" .. 0@@ 1' ]              +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  [0@@ 52' 59." .. 1@@ 4' 19."]
+    .
+    17 *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+No matter how long it is, the album will fit nicely on one CD.
+@node Types Answer 13, Types Answer 14, Types Answer 12, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Types Tutorial Exercise 13
+Type @kbd{' 1 yr RET u c s RET}.  The answer is 31557600 seconds.
+@node Types Answer 14, Types Answer 15, Types Answer 13, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Types Tutorial Exercise 14
+How long will it take for a signal to get from one end of the computer
+to the other?
+1:  m / c         1:  3.3356 ns
+    .                 .
+ ' 1 m / c RET        u c ns RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(Recall, @samp{c} is a ``unit'' corresponding to the speed of light.)
+1:  3.3356 ns     1:  0.81356 ns / ns     1:  0.81356
+2:  4.1 ns            .                       .
+    .
+  ' 4.1 ns RET        /                       u s
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Thus a signal could take up to 81 percent of a clock cycle just to
+go from one place to another inside the computer, assuming the signal
+could actually attain the full speed of light.  Pretty tight!
+@node Types Answer 15, Algebra Answer 1, Types Answer 14, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Types Tutorial Exercise 15
+The speed limit is 55 miles per hour on most highways.  We want to
+find the ratio of Sam's speed to the US speed limit.
+1:  55 mph         2:  55 mph           3:  11 hr mph / yd
+    .              1:  5 yd / hr            .
+                       .
+  ' 55 mph RET       ' 5 yd/hr RET          /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The @kbd{u s} command cancels out these units to get a plain
+number.  Now we take the logarithm base two to find the final
+answer, assuming that each successive pill doubles his speed.
+1:  19360.       2:  19360.       1:  14.24
+    .            1:  2                .
+                     .
+    u s              2                B
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Thus Sam can take up to 14 pills without a worry.
+@node Algebra Answer 1, Algebra Answer 2, Types Answer 15, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Algebra Tutorial Exercise 1
+@c [fix-ref Declarations]
+The result @samp{sqrt(x)^2} is simplified back to @cite{x} by the
+Calculator, but @samp{sqrt(x^2)} is not.  (Consider what happens
+if @w{@cite{x = -4}}.)  If @cite{x} is real, this formula could be
+simplified to @samp{abs(x)}, but for general complex arguments even
+that is not safe.  (@xref{Declarations}, for a way to tell Calc
+that @cite{x} is known to be real.)
+@node Algebra Answer 2, Algebra Answer 3, Algebra Answer 1, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Algebra Tutorial Exercise 2
+Suppose our roots are @cite{[a, b, c]}.  We want a polynomial which
+is zero when @cite{x} is any of these values.  The trivial polynomial
+@cite{x-a} is zero when @cite{x=a}, so the product @cite{(x-a)(x-b)(x-c)}
+will do the job.  We can use @kbd{a c x} to write this in a more
+familiar form.
+1:  34 x - 24 x^3          1:  [1.19023, -1.19023, 0]
+    .                          .
+    r 2                        a P x RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  [x - 1.19023, x + 1.19023, x]     1:  (x - 1.19023) (x + 1.19023) x
+    .                                     .
+    V M ' x-$ RET                         V R *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  x^3 - 1.41666 x        1:  34 x - 24 x^3
+    .                          .
+    a c x RET                  24 n *  a x
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Sure enough, our answer (multiplied by a suitable constant) is the
+same as the original polynomial.
+@node Algebra Answer 3, Algebra Answer 4, Algebra Answer 2, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Algebra Tutorial Exercise 3
+1:  x sin(pi x)         1:  (sin(pi x) - pi x cos(pi x)) / pi^2
+    .                       .
+  ' x sin(pi x) RET   m r   a i x RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  [y, 1]
+2:  (sin(pi x) - pi x cos(pi x)) / pi^2
+    .
+  ' [y,1] RET TAB
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  [(sin(pi y) - pi y cos(pi y)) / pi^2, (sin(pi) - pi cos(pi)) / pi^2]
+    .
+    V M $ RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  (sin(pi y) - pi y cos(pi y)) / pi^2 + (pi cos(pi) - sin(pi)) / pi^2
+    .
+    V R -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  (sin(3.14159 y) - 3.14159 y cos(3.14159 y)) / 9.8696 - 0.3183
+    .
+    =
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  [0., -0.95493, 0.63662, -1.5915, 1.2732]
+    .
+    v x 5 RET  TAB  V M $ RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@node Algebra Answer 4, Rewrites Answer 1, Algebra Answer 3, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Algebra Tutorial Exercise 4
+The hard part is that @kbd{V R +} is no longer sufficient to add up all
+the contributions from the slices, since the slices have varying
+coefficients.  So first we must come up with a vector of these
+coefficients.  Here's one way:
+2:  -1                 2:  3                    1:  [4, 2, ..., 4]
+1:  [1, 2, ..., 9]     1:  [-1, 1, ..., -1]         .
+    .                      .
+    1 n v x 9 RET          V M ^  3 TAB             -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  [4, 2, ..., 4, 1]      1:  [1, 4, 2, ..., 4, 1]
+    .                          .
+    1 |                        1 TAB |
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Now we compute the function values.  Note that for this method we need
+eleven values, including both endpoints of the desired interval.
+2:  [1, 4, 2, ..., 4, 1]
+1:  [1, 1.1, 1.2,  ...  , 1.8, 1.9, 2.]
+    .
+ 11 RET 1 RET .1 RET  C-u v x
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+2:  [1, 4, 2, ..., 4, 1]
+1:  [0., 0.084941, 0.16993, ... ]
+    .
+    ' sin(x) ln(x) RET   m r  p 5 RET   V M $ RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Once again this calls for @kbd{V M * V R +}; a simple @kbd{*} does the
+same thing.
+1:  11.22      1:  1.122      1:  0.374
+    .              .              .
+    *              .1 *           3 /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Wow!  That's even better than the result from the Taylor series method.
+@node Rewrites Answer 1, Rewrites Answer 2, Algebra Answer 4, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Rewrites Tutorial Exercise 1
+We'll use Big mode to make the formulas more readable.
+                                               ___
+                                          2 + V 2
+1:  (2 + sqrt(2)) / (1 + sqrt(2))     1:  --------
+    .                                          ___
+                                          1 + V 2
+                                          .
+  ' (2+sqrt(2)) / (1+sqrt(2)) RET         d B
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Multiplying by the conjugate helps because @cite{(a+b) (a-b) = a^2 - b^2}.
+          ___    ___
+1:  (2 + V 2 ) (V 2  - 1)
+    .
+  a r a/(b+c) := a*(b-c) / (b^2-c^2) RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+         ___                         ___
+1:  2 + V 2  - 2                1:  V 2
+    .                               .
+  a r a*(b+c) := a*b + a*c          a s
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(We could have used @kbd{a x} instead of a rewrite rule for the
+second step.)
+The multiply-by-conjugate rule turns out to be useful in many
+different circumstances, such as when the denominator involves
+sines and cosines or the imaginary constant @code{i}.
+@node Rewrites Answer 2, Rewrites Answer 3, Rewrites Answer 1, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Rewrites Tutorial Exercise 2
+Here is the rule set:
+[ fib(n) := fib(n, 1, 1) :: integer(n) :: n >= 1,
+  fib(1, x, y) := x,
+  fib(n, x, y) := fib(n-1, y, x+y) ]
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The first rule turns a one-argument @code{fib} that people like to write
+into a three-argument @code{fib} that makes computation easier.  The
+second rule converts back from three-argument form once the computation
+is done.  The third rule does the computation itself.  It basically
+says that if @cite{x} and @cite{y} are two consecutive Fibonacci numbers,
+then @cite{y} and @cite{x+y} are the next (overlapping) pair of Fibonacci
+Notice that because the number @cite{n} was ``validated'' by the
+conditions on the first rule, there is no need to put conditions on
+the other rules because the rule set would never get that far unless
+the input were valid.  That further speeds computation, since no
+extra conditions need to be checked at every step.
+Actually, a user with a nasty sense of humor could enter a bad
+three-argument @code{fib} call directly, say, @samp{fib(0, 1, 1)},
+which would get the rules into an infinite loop.  One thing that would
+help keep this from happening by accident would be to use something like
+@samp{ZzFib} instead of @code{fib} as the name of the three-argument
+@node Rewrites Answer 3, Rewrites Answer 4, Rewrites Answer 2, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Rewrites Tutorial Exercise 3
+He got an infinite loop.  First, Calc did as expected and rewrote
+@w{@samp{2 + 3 x}} to @samp{f(2, 3, x)}.  Then it looked for ways to
+apply the rule again, and found that @samp{f(2, 3, x)} looks like
+@samp{a + b x} with @w{@samp{a = 0}} and @samp{b = 1}, so it rewrote to
+@samp{f(0, 1, f(2, 3, x))}.  It then wrapped another @samp{f(0, 1, ...)}
+around that, and so on, ad infinitum.  Joe should have used @kbd{M-1 a r}
+to make sure the rule applied only once.
+(Actually, even the first step didn't work as he expected.  What Calc
+really gives for @kbd{M-1 a r} in this situation is @samp{f(3 x, 1, 2)},
+treating 2 as the ``variable,'' and @samp{3 x} as a constant being added
+to it.  While this may seem odd, it's just as valid a solution as the
+``obvious'' one.  One way to fix this would be to add the condition
+@samp{:: variable(x)} to the rule, to make sure the thing that matches
+@samp{x} is indeed a variable, or to change @samp{x} to @samp{quote(x)}
+on the lefthand side, so that the rule matches the actual variable
+@samp{x} rather than letting @samp{x} stand for something else.)
+@node Rewrites Answer 4, Rewrites Answer 5, Rewrites Answer 3, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Rewrites Tutorial Exercise 4
+@c @starindex
+@tindex seq
+Here is a suitable set of rules to solve the first part of the problem:
+[ seq(n, c) := seq(n/2,  c+1) :: n%2 = 0,
+  seq(n, c) := seq(3n+1, c+1) :: n%2 = 1 :: n > 1 ]
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Given the initial formula @samp{seq(6, 0)}, application of these
+rules produces the following sequence of formulas:
+seq( 3, 1)
+seq(10, 2)
+seq( 5, 3)
+seq(16, 4)
+seq( 8, 5)
+seq( 4, 6)
+seq( 2, 7)
+seq( 1, 8)
+@end example
+whereupon neither of the rules match, and rewriting stops.
+We can pretty this up a bit with a couple more rules:
+[ seq(n) := seq(n, 0),
+  seq(1, c) := c,
+  ... ]
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Now, given @samp{seq(6)} as the starting configuration, we get 8
+as the result.
+The change to return a vector is quite simple:
+[ seq(n) := seq(n, []) :: integer(n) :: n > 0,
+  seq(1, v) := v | 1,
+  seq(n, v) := seq(n/2,  v | n) :: n%2 = 0,
+  seq(n, v) := seq(3n+1, v | n) :: n%2 = 1 ]
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Given @samp{seq(6)}, the result is @samp{[6, 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1]}.
+Notice that the @cite{n > 1} guard is no longer necessary on the last
+rule since the @cite{n = 1} case is now detected by another rule.
+But a guard has been added to the initial rule to make sure the
+initial value is suitable before the computation begins.
+While still a good idea, this guard is not as vitally important as it
+was for the @code{fib} function, since calling, say, @samp{seq(x, [])}
+will not get into an infinite loop.  Calc will not be able to prove
+the symbol @samp{x} is either even or odd, so none of the rules will
+apply and the rewrites will stop right away.
+@node Rewrites Answer 5, Rewrites Answer 6, Rewrites Answer 4, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Rewrites Tutorial Exercise 5
+@c @starindex
+@tindex nterms
+If @cite{x} is the sum @cite{a + b}, then `@t{nterms(}@i{x}@t{)}' must
+be `@t{nterms(}@i{a}@t{)}' plus `@t{nterms(}@i{b}@t{)}'.  If @cite{x}
+is not a sum, then `@t{nterms(}@i{x}@t{)}' = 1.
+[ nterms(a + b) := nterms(a) + nterms(b),
+  nterms(x)     := 1 ]
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Here we have taken advantage of the fact that earlier rules always
+match before later rules; @samp{nterms(x)} will only be tried if we
+already know that @samp{x} is not a sum.
+@node Rewrites Answer 6, Rewrites Answer 7, Rewrites Answer 5, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Rewrites Tutorial Exercise 6
+Just put the rule @samp{0^0 := 1} into @code{EvalRules}.  For example,
+before making this definition we have:
+2:  [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]                1:  [1, 1, 0^0, 1, 1]
+1:  0                                    .
+    .
+    v x 5 RET  3 -  0                    V M ^
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+But then:
+2:  [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]                1:  [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
+1:  0                                    .
+    .
+    U  ' 0^0:=1 RET s t EvalRules RET    V M ^
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Perhaps more surprisingly, this rule still works with infinite mode
+turned on.  Calc tries @code{EvalRules} before any built-in rules for
+a function.  This allows you to override the default behavior of any
+Calc feature:  Even though Calc now wants to evaluate @cite{0^0} to
+@code{nan}, your rule gets there first and evaluates it to 1 instead.
+Just for kicks, try adding the rule @code{2+3 := 6} to @code{EvalRules}.
+What happens?  (Be sure to remove this rule afterward, or you might get
+a nasty surprise when you use Calc to balance your checkbook!)
+@node Rewrites Answer 7, Programming Answer 1, Rewrites Answer 6, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Rewrites Tutorial Exercise 7
+Here is a rule set that will do the job:
+[ a*(b + c) := a*b + a*c,
+  opt(a) O(x^n) + opt(b) O(x^m) := O(x^n) :: n <= m
+     :: constant(a) :: constant(b),
+  opt(a) O(x^n) + opt(b) x^m := O(x^n) :: n <= m
+     :: constant(a) :: constant(b),
+  a O(x^n) := O(x^n) :: constant(a),
+  x^opt(m) O(x^n) := O(x^(n+m)),
+  O(x^n) O(x^m) := O(x^(n+m)) ]
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+If we really want the @kbd{+} and @kbd{*} keys to operate naturally
+on power series, we should put these rules in @code{EvalRules}.  For
+testing purposes, it is better to put them in a different variable,
+say, @code{O}, first.
+The first rule just expands products of sums so that the rest of the
+rules can assume they have an expanded-out polynomial to work with.
+Note that this rule does not mention @samp{O} at all, so it will
+apply to any product-of-sum it encounters---this rule may surprise
+you if you put it into @code{EvalRules}!
+In the second rule, the sum of two O's is changed to the smaller O.
+The optional constant coefficients are there mostly so that
+@samp{O(x^2) - O(x^3)} and @samp{O(x^3) - O(x^2)} are handled
+as well as @samp{O(x^2) + O(x^3)}.
+The third rule absorbs higher powers of @samp{x} into O's.
+The fourth rule says that a constant times a negligible quantity
+is still negligible.  (This rule will also match @samp{O(x^3) / 4},
+with @samp{a = 1/4}.)
+The fifth rule rewrites, for example, @samp{x^2 O(x^3)} to @samp{O(x^5)}.
+(It is easy to see that if one of these forms is negligible, the other
+is, too.)  Notice the @samp{x^opt(m)} to pick up terms like
+@w{@samp{x O(x^3)}}.  Optional powers will match @samp{x} as @samp{x^1}
+but not 1 as @samp{x^0}.  This turns out to be exactly what we want here.
+The sixth rule is the corresponding rule for products of two O's.
+Another way to solve this problem would be to create a new ``data type''
+that represents truncated power series.  We might represent these as
+function calls @samp{series(@var{coefs}, @var{x})} where @var{coefs} is
+a vector of coefficients for @cite{x^0}, @cite{x^1}, @cite{x^2}, and so
+on.  Rules would exist for sums and products of such @code{series}
+objects, and as an optional convenience could also know how to combine a
+@code{series} object with a normal polynomial.  (With this, and with a
+rule that rewrites @samp{O(x^n)} to the equivalent @code{series} form,
+you could still enter power series in exactly the same notation as
+before.)  Operations on such objects would probably be more efficient,
+although the objects would be a bit harder to read.
+@c [fix-ref Compositions]
+Some other symbolic math programs provide a power series data type
+similar to this.  Mathematica, for example, has an object that looks
+like @samp{PowerSeries[@var{x}, @var{x0}, @var{coefs}, @var{nmin},
+@var{nmax}, @var{den}]}, where @var{x0} is the point about which the
+power series is taken (we've been assuming this was always zero),
+and @var{nmin}, @var{nmax}, and @var{den} allow pseudo-power-series
+with fractional or negative powers.  Also, the @code{PowerSeries}
+objects have a special display format that makes them look like
+@samp{2 x^2 + O(x^4)} when they are printed out.  (@xref{Compositions},
+for a way to do this in Calc, although for something as involved as
+this it would probably be better to write the formatting routine
+in Lisp.)
+@node Programming Answer 1, Programming Answer 2, Rewrites Answer 7, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Programming Tutorial Exercise 1
+Just enter the formula @samp{ninteg(sin(t)/t, t, 0, x)}, type
+@kbd{Z F}, and answer the questions.  Since this formula contains two
+variables, the default argument list will be @samp{(t x)}.  We want to
+change this to @samp{(x)} since @cite{t} is really a dummy variable
+to be used within @code{ninteg}.
+The exact keystrokes are @kbd{Z F s Si RET RET C-b C-b DEL DEL RET y}.
+(The @kbd{C-b C-b DEL DEL} are what fix the argument list.)
+@node Programming Answer 2, Programming Answer 3, Programming Answer 1, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Programming Tutorial Exercise 2
+One way is to move the number to the top of the stack, operate on
+it, then move it back:  @kbd{C-x ( M-TAB n M-TAB M-TAB C-x )}.
+Another way is to negate the top three stack entries, then negate
+again the top two stack entries:  @kbd{C-x ( M-3 n M-2 n C-x )}.
+Finally, it turns out that a negative prefix argument causes a
+command like @kbd{n} to operate on the specified stack entry only,
+which is just what we want:  @kbd{C-x ( M-- 3 n C-x )}.
+Just for kicks, let's also do it algebraically:
+@w{@kbd{C-x ( ' -$$$, $$, $ RET C-x )}}.
+@node Programming Answer 3, Programming Answer 4, Programming Answer 2, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Programming Tutorial Exercise 3
+Each of these functions can be computed using the stack, or using
+algebraic entry, whichever way you prefer:
+Computing @c{$\displaystyle{\sin x \over x}$}
+@cite{sin(x) / x}:
+Using the stack:  @kbd{C-x (  RET S TAB /  C-x )}.
+Using algebraic entry:  @kbd{C-x (  ' sin($)/$ RET  C-x )}.
+Computing the logarithm:
+Using the stack:  @kbd{C-x (  TAB B  C-x )}
+Using algebraic entry:  @kbd{C-x (  ' log($,$$) RET  C-x )}.
+Computing the vector of integers:
+Using the stack:  @kbd{C-x (  1 RET 1  C-u v x  C-x )}.  (Recall that
+@kbd{C-u v x} takes the vector size, starting value, and increment
+from the stack.)
+Alternatively:  @kbd{C-x (  ~ v x  C-x )}.  (The @kbd{~} key pops a
+number from the stack and uses it as the prefix argument for the
+next command.)
+Using algebraic entry:  @kbd{C-x (  ' index($) RET  C-x )}.
+@node Programming Answer 4, Programming Answer 5, Programming Answer 3, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Programming Tutorial Exercise 4
+Here's one way:  @kbd{C-x ( RET V R + TAB v l / C-x )}.
+@node Programming Answer 5, Programming Answer 6, Programming Answer 4, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Programming Tutorial Exercise 5
+2:  1              1:  1.61803398502         2:  1.61803398502
+1:  20                 .                     1:  1.61803398875
+    .                                            .
+   1 RET 20         Z < & 1 + Z >                I H P
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+This answer is quite accurate.
+@node Programming Answer 6, Programming Answer 7, Programming Answer 5, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Programming Tutorial Exercise 6
+Here is the matrix:
+[ [ 0, 1 ]   * [a, b] = [b, a + b]
+  [ 1, 1 ] ]
+@end example
+Thus @samp{[0, 1; 1, 1]^n * [1, 1]} computes Fibonacci numbers @cite{n+1}
+and @cite{n+2}.  Here's one program that does the job:
+C-x ( ' [0, 1; 1, 1] ^ ($-1) * [1, 1] RET v u DEL C-x )
+@end example
+This program is quite efficient because Calc knows how to raise a
+matrix (or other value) to the power @cite{n} in only @c{$\log_2 n$}
+steps.  For example, this program can compute the 1000th Fibonacci
+number (a 209-digit integer!) in about 10 steps; even though the
+@kbd{Z < ... Z >} solution had much simpler steps, it would have
+required so many steps that it would not have been practical.
+@node Programming Answer 7, Programming Answer 8, Programming Answer 6, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Programming Tutorial Exercise 7
+The trick here is to compute the harmonic numbers differently, so that
+the loop counter itself accumulates the sum of reciprocals.  We use
+a separate variable to hold the integer counter.
+1:  1          2:  1       1:  .
+    .          1:  4
+                   .
+    1 t 1       1 RET 4      Z ( t 2 r 1 1 + s 1 & Z )
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The body of the loop goes as follows:  First save the harmonic sum
+so far in variable 2.  Then delete it from the stack; the for loop
+itself will take care of remembering it for us.  Next, recall the
+count from variable 1, add one to it, and feed its reciprocal to
+the for loop to use as the step value.  The for loop will increase
+the ``loop counter'' by that amount and keep going until the
+loop counter exceeds 4.
+2:  31                  3:  31
+1:  3.99498713092       2:  3.99498713092
+    .                   1:  4.02724519544
+                            .
+    r 1 r 2                 RET 31 & +
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Thus we find that the 30th harmonic number is 3.99, and the 31st
+harmonic number is 4.02.
+@node Programming Answer 8, Programming Answer 9, Programming Answer 7, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Programming Tutorial Exercise 8
+The first step is to compute the derivative @cite{f'(x)} and thus
+the formula @c{$\displaystyle{x - {f(x) \over f'(x)}}$}
+@cite{x - f(x)/f'(x)}.
+(Because this definition is long, it will be repeated in concise form
+below.  You can use @w{@kbd{M-# m}} to load it from there.  While you are
+entering a @kbd{Z ` Z '} body in a macro, Calc simply collects
+keystrokes without executing them.  In the following diagrams we'll
+pretend Calc actually executed the keystrokes as you typed them,
+just for purposes of illustration.)
+2:  sin(cos(x)) - 0.5            3:  4.5
+1:  4.5                          2:  sin(cos(x)) - 0.5
+    .                            1:  -(sin(x) cos(cos(x)))
+                                     .
+' sin(cos(x))-0.5 RET 4.5  m r  C-x ( Z `  TAB RET a d x RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+2:  4.5
+1:  x + (sin(cos(x)) - 0.5) / sin(x) cos(cos(x))
+    .
+    /  ' x RET TAB -   t 1
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Now, we enter the loop.  We'll use a repeat loop with a 20-repetition
+limit just in case the method fails to converge for some reason.
+(Normally, the @w{@kbd{Z /}} command will stop the loop before all 20
+repetitions are done.)
+1:  4.5         3:  4.5                     2:  4.5
+    .           2:  x + (sin(cos(x)) ...    1:  5.24196456928
+                1:  4.5                         .
+                    .
+  20 Z <          RET r 1 TAB                 s l x RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+This is the new guess for @cite{x}.  Now we compare it with the
+old one to see if we've converged.
+3:  5.24196     2:  5.24196     1:  5.24196     1:  5.26345856348
+2:  5.24196     1:  0               .               .
+1:  4.5             .
+    .
+  RET M-TAB         a =             Z /             Z > Z ' C-x )
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The loop converges in just a few steps to this value.  To check
+the result, we can simply substitute it back into the equation.
+2:  5.26345856348
+1:  0.499999999997
+    .
+ RET ' sin(cos($)) RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Let's test the new definition again:
+2:  x^2 - 9           1:  3.
+1:  1                     .
+    .
+  ' x^2-9 RET 1           X
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Once again, here's the full Newton's Method definition:
+C-x ( Z `  TAB RET a d x RET  /  ' x RET TAB -  t 1
+           20 Z <  RET r 1 TAB  s l x RET
+                   RET M-TAB  a =  Z /
+              Z >
+      Z '
+C-x )
+@end example
+@end group
+@c [fix-ref Nesting and Fixed Points]
+It turns out that Calc has a built-in command for applying a formula
+repeatedly until it converges to a number.  @xref{Nesting and Fixed Points},
+to see how to use it.
+@c [fix-ref Root Finding]
+Also, of course, @kbd{a R} is a built-in command that uses Newton's
+method (among others) to look for numerical solutions to any equation.
+@xref{Root Finding}.
+@node Programming Answer 9, Programming Answer 10, Programming Answer 8, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Programming Tutorial Exercise 9
+The first step is to adjust @cite{z} to be greater than 5.  A simple
+``for'' loop will do the job here.  If @cite{z} is less than 5, we
+reduce the problem using @c{$\psi(z) = \psi(z+1) - 1/z$}
+@cite{psi(z) = psi(z+1) - 1/z}.  We go
+on to compute @c{$\psi(z+1)$}
+@cite{psi(z+1)}, and remember to add back a factor of
+@cite{-1/z} when we're done.  This step is repeated until @cite{z > 5}.
+(Because this definition is long, it will be repeated in concise form
+below.  You can use @w{@kbd{M-# m}} to load it from there.  While you are
+entering a @kbd{Z ` Z '} body in a macro, Calc simply collects
+keystrokes without executing them.  In the following diagrams we'll
+pretend Calc actually executed the keystrokes as you typed them,
+just for purposes of illustration.)
+1:  1.             1:  1.
+    .                  .
+ 1.0 RET       C-x ( Z `  s 1  0 t 2
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Here, variable 1 holds @cite{z} and variable 2 holds the adjustment
+factor.  If @cite{z < 5}, we use a loop to increase it.
+(By the way, we started with @samp{1.0} instead of the integer 1 because
+otherwise the calculation below will try to do exact fractional arithmetic,
+and will never converge because fractions compare equal only if they
+are exactly equal, not just equal to within the current precision.)
+3:  1.      2:  1.       1:  6.
+2:  1.      1:  1            .
+1:  5           .
+    .
+  RET 5        a <    Z [  5 Z (  & s + 2  1 s + 1  1 Z ) r 1  Z ]
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Now we compute the initial part of the sum:  @c{$\ln z - {1 \over 2z}$}
+@cite{ln(z) - 1/2z}
+minus the adjustment factor.
+2:  1.79175946923      2:  1.7084261359      1:  -0.57490719743
+1:  0.0833333333333    1:  2.28333333333         .
+    .                      .
+    L  r 1 2 * &           -  r 2                -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Now we evaluate the series.  We'll use another ``for'' loop counting
+up the value of @cite{2 n}.  (Calc does have a summation command,
+@kbd{a +}, but we'll use loops just to get more practice with them.)
+3:  -0.5749       3:  -0.5749        4:  -0.5749      2:  -0.5749
+2:  2             2:  1:6            3:  1:6          1:  2.3148e-3
+1:  40            1:  2              2:  2                .
+    .                 .              1:  36.
+                                         .
+   2 RET 40        Z ( RET k b TAB     RET r 1 TAB ^      * /
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+3:  -0.5749       3:  -0.5772      2:  -0.5772     1:  -0.577215664892
+2:  -0.5749       2:  -0.5772      1:  0               .
+1:  2.3148e-3     1:  -0.5749          .
+    .                 .
+  TAB RET M-TAB       - RET M-TAB      a =     Z /    2  Z )  Z ' C-x )
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+This is the value of @c{$-\gamma$}
+@cite{- gamma}, with a slight bit of roundoff error.
+To get a full 12 digits, let's use a higher precision:
+2:  -0.577215664892      2:  -0.577215664892
+1:  1.                   1:  -0.577215664901532
+    1. RET                   p 16 RET X
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Here's the complete sequence of keystrokes:
+C-x ( Z `  s 1  0 t 2
+           RET 5 a <  Z [  5 Z (  & s + 2  1 s + 1  1 Z ) r 1  Z ]
+           L r 1 2 * & - r 2 -
+           2 RET 40  Z (  RET k b TAB RET r 1 TAB ^ * /
+                          TAB RET M-TAB - RET M-TAB a = Z /
+                  2  Z )
+      Z '
+C-x )
+@end example
+@end group
+@node Programming Answer 10, Programming Answer 11, Programming Answer 9, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Programming Tutorial Exercise 10
+Taking the derivative of a term of the form @cite{x^n} will produce
+a term like @c{$n x^{n-1}$}
+@cite{n x^(n-1)}.  Taking the derivative of a constant
+produces zero.  From this it is easy to see that the @cite{n}th
+derivative of a polynomial, evaluated at @cite{x = 0}, will equal the
+coefficient on the @cite{x^n} term times @cite{n!}.
+(Because this definition is long, it will be repeated in concise form
+below.  You can use @w{@kbd{M-# m}} to load it from there.  While you are
+entering a @kbd{Z ` Z '} body in a macro, Calc simply collects
+keystrokes without executing them.  In the following diagrams we'll
+pretend Calc actually executed the keystrokes as you typed them,
+just for purposes of illustration.)
+2:  5 x^4 + (x + 1)^2          3:  5 x^4 + (x + 1)^2
+1:  6                          2:  0
+    .                          1:  6
+                                   .
+  ' 5 x^4 + (x+1)^2 RET 6        C-x ( Z `  [ ] t 1  0 TAB
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Variable 1 will accumulate the vector of coefficients.
+2:  0              3:  0                  2:  5 x^4 + ...
+1:  5 x^4 + ...    2:  5 x^4 + ...        1:  1
+    .              1:  1                      .
+                       .
+   Z ( TAB         RET 0 s l x RET            M-TAB ! /  s | 1
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Note that @kbd{s | 1} appends the top-of-stack value to the vector
+in a variable; it is completely analogous to @kbd{s + 1}.  We could
+have written instead, @kbd{r 1 TAB | t 1}.
+1:  20 x^3 + 2 x + 2      1:  0         1:  [1, 2, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0]
+    .                         .             .
+    a d x RET                 1 Z )         DEL r 1  Z ' C-x )
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+To convert back, a simple method is just to map the coefficients
+against a table of powers of @cite{x}.
+2:  [1, 2, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0]    2:  [1, 2, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0]
+1:  6                        1:  [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+    .                            .
+    6 RET                        1 + 0 RET 1 C-u v x
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+2:  [1, 2, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0]    2:  1 + 2 x + x^2 + 5 x^4
+1:  [1, x, x^2, x^3, ... ]       .
+    .
+    ' x RET TAB V M ^            *
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Once again, here are the whole polynomial to/from vector programs:
+C-x ( Z `  [ ] t 1  0 TAB
+           Z (  TAB RET 0 s l x RET M-TAB ! /  s | 1
+                a d x RET
+         1 Z ) r 1
+      Z '
+C-x )
+C-x (  1 + 0 RET 1 C-u v x ' x RET TAB V M ^ *  C-x )
+@end example
+@end group
+@node Programming Answer 11, Programming Answer 12, Programming Answer 10, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Programming Tutorial Exercise 11
+First we define a dummy program to go on the @kbd{z s} key.  The true
+@w{@kbd{z s}} key is supposed to take two numbers from the stack and
+return one number, so @kbd{DEL} as a dummy definition will make
+sure the stack comes out right.
+2:  4          1:  4                         2:  4
+1:  2              .                         1:  2
+    .                                            .
+  4 RET 2       C-x ( DEL C-x )  Z K s RET       2
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The last step replaces the 2 that was eaten during the creation
+of the dummy @kbd{z s} command.  Now we move on to the real
+definition.  The recurrence needs to be rewritten slightly,
+to the form @cite{s(n,m) = s(n-1,m-1) - (n-1) s(n-1,m)}.
+(Because this definition is long, it will be repeated in concise form
+below.  You can use @kbd{M-# m} to load it from there.)
+2:  4        4:  4       3:  4       2:  4
+1:  2        3:  2       2:  2       1:  2
+    .        2:  4       1:  0           .
+             1:  2           .
+                 .
+  C-x (       M-2 RET        a =         Z [  DEL DEL 1  Z :
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+4:  4       2:  4                     2:  3      4:  3    4:  3    3:  3
+3:  2       1:  2                     1:  2      3:  2    3:  2    2:  2
+2:  2           .                         .      2:  3    2:  3    1:  3
+1:  0                                            1:  2    1:  1        .
+    .                                                .        .
+  RET 0   a = Z [  DEL DEL 0  Z :  TAB 1 - TAB   M-2 RET     1 -      z s
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(Note that the value 3 that our dummy @kbd{z s} produces is not correct;
+it is merely a placeholder that will do just as well for now.)
+3:  3               4:  3           3:  3       2:  3      1:  -6
+2:  3               3:  3           2:  3       1:  9          .
+1:  2               2:  3           1:  3           .
+    .               1:  2               .
+                        .
+ M-TAB M-TAB     TAB RET M-TAB         z s          *          -
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+1:  -6                          2:  4          1:  11      2:  11
+    .                           1:  2              .       1:  11
+                                    .                          .
+  Z ] Z ] C-x )   Z K s RET      DEL 4 RET 2       z s      M-RET k s
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Even though the result that we got during the definition was highly
+bogus, once the definition is complete the @kbd{z s} command gets
+the right answers.
+Here's the full program once again:
+C-x (  M-2 RET a =
+       Z [  DEL DEL 1
+       Z :  RET 0 a =
+            Z [  DEL DEL 0
+            Z :  TAB 1 - TAB M-2 RET 1 - z s
+                 M-TAB M-TAB TAB RET M-TAB z s * -
+            Z ]
+       Z ]
+C-x )
+@end example
+@end group
+You can read this definition using @kbd{M-# m} (@code{read-kbd-macro})
+followed by @kbd{Z K s}, without having to make a dummy definition
+first, because @code{read-kbd-macro} doesn't need to execute the
+definition as it reads it in.  For this reason, @code{M-# m} is often
+the easiest way to create recursive programs in Calc.
+@node Programming Answer 12, , Programming Answer 11, Answers to Exercises
+@subsection Programming Tutorial Exercise 12
+This turns out to be a much easier way to solve the problem.  Let's
+denote Stirling numbers as calls of the function @samp{s}.
+First, we store the rewrite rules corresponding to the definition of
+Stirling numbers in a convenient variable:
+s e StirlingRules RET
+[ s(n,n) := 1  :: n >= 0,
+  s(n,0) := 0  :: n > 0,
+  s(n,m) := s(n-1,m-1) - (n-1) s(n-1,m) :: n >= m :: m >= 1 ]
+C-c C-c
+@end smallexample
+Now, it's just a matter of applying the rules:
+2:  4          1:  s(4, 2)              1:  11
+1:  2              .                        .
+    .
+  4 RET 2       C-x (  ' s($$,$) RET     a r StirlingRules RET  C-x )
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+As in the case of the @code{fib} rules, it would be useful to put these
+rules in @code{EvalRules} and to add a @samp{:: remember} condition to
+the last rule.
+@c This ends the table-of-contents kludge from above:
+@end tex
+@c [reference]
+@node Introduction, Data Types, Tutorial, Top
+@chapter Introduction
+This chapter is the beginning of the Calc reference manual.
+It covers basic concepts such as the stack, algebraic and
+numeric entry, undo, numeric prefix arguments, etc.
+@c [when-split]
+@c (Chapter 2, the Tutorial, has been printed in a separate volume.)
+* Basic Commands::
+* Help Commands::
+* Stack Basics::
+* Numeric Entry::
+* Algebraic Entry::
+* Quick Calculator::
+* Keypad Mode::
+* Prefix Arguments::
+* Undo::
+* Error Messages::
+* Multiple Calculators::
+* Troubleshooting Commands::
+@end menu
+@node Basic Commands, Help Commands, Introduction, Introduction
+@section Basic Commands
+@pindex calc
+@pindex calc-mode
+@cindex Starting the Calculator
+@cindex Running the Calculator
+To start the Calculator in its standard interface, type @kbd{M-x calc}.
+By default this creates a pair of small windows, @samp{*Calculator*}
+and @samp{*Calc Trail*}.  The former displays the contents of the
+Calculator stack and is manipulated exclusively through Calc commands.
+It is possible (though not usually necessary) to create several Calc
+Mode buffers each of which has an independent stack, undo list, and
+mode settings.  There is exactly one Calc Trail buffer; it records a
+list of the results of all calculations that have been done.  The
+Calc Trail buffer uses a variant of Calc Mode, so Calculator commands
+still work when the trail buffer's window is selected.  It is possible
+to turn the trail window off, but the @samp{*Calc Trail*} buffer itself
+still exists and is updated silently.  @xref{Trail Commands}.@refill
+@kindex M-# c
+@kindex M-# M-#
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex M-# #
+In most installations, the @kbd{M-# c} key sequence is a more
+convenient way to start the Calculator.  Also, @kbd{M-# M-#} and
+@kbd{M-# #} are synonyms for @kbd{M-# c} unless you last used Calc
+in its ``keypad'' mode.
+@kindex x
+@kindex M-x
+@pindex calc-execute-extended-command
+Most Calc commands use one or two keystrokes.  Lower- and upper-case
+letters are distinct.  Commands may also be entered in full @kbd{M-x} form;
+for some commands this is the only form.  As a convenience, the @kbd{x}
+key (@code{calc-execute-extended-command})
+is like @kbd{M-x} except that it enters the initial string @samp{calc-}
+for you.  For example, the following key sequences are equivalent:
+@kbd{S}, @kbd{M-x calc-sin @key{RET}}, @kbd{x sin @key{RET}}.@refill
+@cindex Extensions module
+@cindex @file{calc-ext} module
+The Calculator exists in many parts.  When you type @kbd{M-# c}, the
+Emacs ``auto-load'' mechanism will bring in only the first part, which
+contains the basic arithmetic functions.  The other parts will be
+auto-loaded the first time you use the more advanced commands like trig
+functions or matrix operations.  This is done to improve the response time
+of the Calculator in the common case when all you need to do is a
+little arithmetic.  If for some reason the Calculator fails to load an
+extension module automatically, you can force it to load all the
+extensions by using the @kbd{M-# L} (@code{calc-load-everything})
+command.  @xref{Mode Settings}.@refill
+If you type @kbd{M-x calc} or @kbd{M-# c} with any numeric prefix argument,
+the Calculator is loaded if necessary, but it is not actually started.
+If the argument is positive, the @file{calc-ext} extensions are also
+loaded if necessary.  User-written Lisp code that wishes to make use
+of Calc's arithmetic routines can use @samp{(calc 0)} or @samp{(calc 1)}
+to auto-load the Calculator.@refill
+@kindex M-# b
+@pindex full-calc
+If you type @kbd{M-# b}, then next time you use @kbd{M-# c} you
+will get a Calculator that uses the full height of the Emacs screen.
+When full-screen mode is on, @kbd{M-# c} runs the @code{full-calc}
+command instead of @code{calc}.  From the Unix shell you can type
+@samp{emacs -f full-calc} to start a new Emacs specifically for use
+as a calculator.  When Calc is started from the Emacs command line
+like this, Calc's normal ``quit'' commands actually quit Emacs itself.
+@kindex M-# o
+@pindex calc-other-window
+The @kbd{M-# o} command is like @kbd{M-# c} except that the Calc
+window is not actually selected.  If you are already in the Calc
+window, @kbd{M-# o} switches you out of it.  (The regular Emacs
+@kbd{C-x o} command would also work for this, but it has a
+tendency to drop you into the Calc Trail window instead, which
+@kbd{M-# o} takes care not to do.)
+@c @mindex M-# q
+For one quick calculation, you can type @kbd{M-# q} (@code{quick-calc})
+which prompts you for a formula (like @samp{2+3/4}).  The result is
+displayed at the bottom of the Emacs screen without ever creating
+any special Calculator windows.  @xref{Quick Calculator}.
+@c @mindex M-# k
+Finally, if you are using the X window system you may want to try
+@kbd{M-# k} (@code{calc-keypad}) which runs Calc with a
+``calculator keypad'' picture as well as a stack display.  Click on
+the keys with the mouse to operate the calculator.  @xref{Keypad Mode}.
+@kindex q
+@pindex calc-quit
+@cindex Quitting the Calculator
+@cindex Exiting the Calculator
+The @kbd{q} key (@code{calc-quit}) exits Calc Mode and closes the
+Calculator's window(s).  It does not delete the Calculator buffers.
+If you type @kbd{M-x calc} again, the Calculator will reappear with the
+contents of the stack intact.  Typing @kbd{M-# c} or @kbd{M-# M-#}
+again from inside the Calculator buffer is equivalent to executing
+@code{calc-quit}; you can think of @kbd{M-# M-#} as toggling the
+Calculator on and off.@refill
+@kindex M-# x
+The @kbd{M-# x} command also turns the Calculator off, no matter which
+user interface (standard, Keypad, or Embedded) is currently active.
+It also cancels @code{calc-edit} mode if used from there.
+@kindex d SPC
+@pindex calc-refresh
+@cindex Refreshing a garbled display
+@cindex Garbled displays, refreshing
+The @kbd{d SPC} key sequence (@code{calc-refresh}) redraws the contents
+of the Calculator buffer from memory.  Use this if the contents of the
+buffer have been damaged somehow.
+@c @mindex o
+The @kbd{o} key (@code{calc-realign}) moves the cursor back to its
+``home'' position at the bottom of the Calculator buffer.
+@kindex <
+@kindex >
+@pindex calc-scroll-left
+@pindex calc-scroll-right
+@cindex Horizontal scrolling
+@cindex Scrolling
+@cindex Wide text, scrolling
+The @kbd{<} and @kbd{>} keys are bound to @code{calc-scroll-left} and
+@code{calc-scroll-right}.  These are just like the normal horizontal
+scrolling commands except that they scroll one half-screen at a time by
+default.  (Calc formats its output to fit within the bounds of the
+window whenever it can.)@refill
+@kindex @{
+@kindex @}
+@pindex calc-scroll-down
+@pindex calc-scroll-up
+@cindex Vertical scrolling
+The @kbd{@{} and @kbd{@}} keys are bound to @code{calc-scroll-down}
+and @code{calc-scroll-up}.  They scroll up or down by one-half the
+height of the Calc window.@refill
+@kindex M-# 0
+@pindex calc-reset
+The @kbd{M-# 0} command (@code{calc-reset}; that's @kbd{M-#} followed
+by a zero) resets the Calculator to its default state.  This clears
+the stack, resets all the modes, clears the caches (@pxref{Caches}),
+and so on.  (It does @emph{not} erase the values of any variables.)
+With a numeric prefix argument, @kbd{M-# 0} preserves the contents
+of the stack but resets everything else.
+@pindex calc-version
+The @kbd{M-x calc-version} command displays the current version number
+of Calc and the name of the person who installed it on your system.
+(This information is also present in the @samp{*Calc Trail*} buffer,
+and in the output of the @kbd{h h} command.)
+@node Help Commands, Stack Basics, Basic Commands, Introduction
+@section Help Commands
+@cindex Help commands
+@kindex ?
+@pindex calc-help
+The @kbd{?} key (@code{calc-help}) displays a series of brief help messages.
+Some keys (such as @kbd{b} and @kbd{d}) are prefix keys, like Emacs'
+@key{ESC} and @kbd{C-x} prefixes.  You can type
+@kbd{?} after a prefix to see a list of commands beginning with that
+prefix.  (If the message includes @samp{[MORE]}, press @kbd{?} again
+to see additional commands for that prefix.)
+@kindex h h
+@pindex calc-full-help
+The @kbd{h h} (@code{calc-full-help}) command displays all the @kbd{?}
+responses at once.  When printed, this makes a nice, compact (three pages)
+summary of Calc keystrokes.
+In general, the @kbd{h} key prefix introduces various commands that
+provide help within Calc.  Many of the @kbd{h} key functions are
+Calc-specific analogues to the @kbd{C-h} functions for Emacs help.
+@kindex h i
+@kindex M-# i
+@kindex i
+@pindex calc-info
+The @kbd{h i} (@code{calc-info}) command runs the Emacs Info system
+to read this manual on-line.  This is basically the same as typing
+@kbd{C-h i} (the regular way to run the Info system), then, if Info
+is not already in the Calc manual, selecting the beginning of the
+manual.  The @kbd{M-# i} command is another way to read the Calc
+manual; it is different from @kbd{h i} in that it works any time,
+not just inside Calc.  The plain @kbd{i} key is also equivalent to
+@kbd{h i}, though this key is obsolete and may be replaced with a
+different command in a future version of Calc.
+@kindex h t
+@kindex M-# t
+@pindex calc-tutorial
+The @kbd{h t} (@code{calc-tutorial}) command runs the Info system on
+the Tutorial section of the Calc manual.  It is like @kbd{h i},
+except that it selects the starting node of the tutorial rather
+than the beginning of the whole manual.  (It actually selects the
+node ``Interactive Tutorial'' which tells a few things about
+using the Info system before going on to the actual tutorial.)
+The @kbd{M-# t} key is equivalent to @kbd{h t} (but it works at
+all times).
+@kindex h s
+@kindex M-# s
+@pindex calc-info-summary
+The @kbd{h s} (@code{calc-info-summary}) command runs the Info system
+on the Summary node of the Calc manual.  @xref{Summary}.  The @kbd{M-# s}
+key is equivalent to @kbd{h s}.
+@kindex h k
+@pindex calc-describe-key
+The @kbd{h k} (@code{calc-describe-key}) command looks up a key
+sequence in the Calc manual.  For example, @kbd{h k H a S} looks
+up the documentation on the @kbd{H a S} (@code{calc-solve-for})
+command.  This works by looking up the textual description of
+the key(s) in the Key Index of the manual, then jumping to the
+node indicated by the index.
+Most Calc commands do not have traditional Emacs documentation
+strings, since the @kbd{h k} command is both more convenient and
+more instructive.  This means the regular Emacs @kbd{C-h k}
+(@code{describe-key}) command will not be useful for Calc keystrokes.
+@kindex h c
+@pindex calc-describe-key-briefly
+The @kbd{h c} (@code{calc-describe-key-briefly}) command reads a
+key sequence and displays a brief one-line description of it at
+the bottom of the screen.  It looks for the key sequence in the
+Summary node of the Calc manual; if it doesn't find the sequence
+there, it acts just like its regular Emacs counterpart @kbd{C-h c}
+(@code{describe-key-briefly}).  For example, @kbd{h c H a S}
+gives the description:
+H a S runs calc-solve-for:  a `H a S' v  => fsolve(a,v)  (?=notes)
+@end smallexample
+which means the command @kbd{H a S} or @kbd{H M-x calc-solve-for}
+takes a value @cite{a} from the stack, prompts for a value @cite{v},
+then applies the algebraic function @code{fsolve} to these values.
+The @samp{?=notes} message means you can now type @kbd{?} to see
+additional notes from the summary that apply to this command.
+@kindex h f
+@pindex calc-describe-function
+The @kbd{h f} (@code{calc-describe-function}) command looks up an
+algebraic function or a command name in the Calc manual.  The
+prompt initially contains @samp{calcFunc-}; follow this with an
+algebraic function name to look up that function in the Function
+Index.  Or, backspace and enter a command name beginning with
+@samp{calc-} to look it up in the Command Index.  This command
+will also look up operator symbols that can appear in algebraic
+formulas, like @samp{%} and @samp{=>}.
+@kindex h v
+@pindex calc-describe-variable
+The @kbd{h v} (@code{calc-describe-variable}) command looks up a
+variable in the Calc manual.  The prompt initially contains the
+@samp{var-} prefix; just add a variable name like @code{pi} or
+@kindex h b
+@pindex describe-bindings
+The @kbd{h b} (@code{calc-describe-bindings}) command is just like
+@kbd{C-h b}, except that only local (Calc-related) key bindings are
+@kindex h n
+The @kbd{h n} or @kbd{h C-n} (@code{calc-view-news}) command displays
+the ``news'' or change history of Calc.  This is kept in the file
+@file{README}, which Calc looks for in the same directory as the Calc
+source files.
+@kindex h C-c
+@kindex h C-d
+@kindex h C-w
+The @kbd{h C-c}, @kbd{h C-d}, and @kbd{h C-w} keys display copying,
+distribution, and warranty information about Calc.  These work by
+pulling up the appropriate parts of the ``Copying'' or ``Reporting
+Bugs'' sections of the manual.
+@node Stack Basics, Numeric Entry, Help Commands, Introduction
+@section Stack Basics
+@cindex Stack basics
+@c [fix-tut RPN Calculations and the Stack]
+Calc uses RPN notation.  If you are not familar with RPN, @pxref{RPN
+To add the numbers 1 and 2 in Calc you would type the keys:
+@kbd{1 @key{RET} 2 +}.
+(@key{RET} corresponds to the @key{ENTER} key on most calculators.)
+The first three keystrokes ``push'' the numbers 1 and 2 onto the stack.  The
+@kbd{+} key always ``pops'' the top two numbers from the stack, adds them,
+and pushes the result (3) back onto the stack.  This number is ready for
+further calculations:  @kbd{5 -} pushes 5 onto the stack, then pops the
+3 and 5, subtracts them, and pushes the result (@i{-2}).@refill
+Note that the ``top'' of the stack actually appears at the @emph{bottom}
+of the buffer.  A line containing a single @samp{.} character signifies
+the end of the buffer; Calculator commands operate on the number(s)
+directly above this line.  The @kbd{d t} (@code{calc-truncate-stack})
+command allows you to move the @samp{.} marker up and down in the stack;
+@pxref{Truncating the Stack}.
+@kindex d l
+@pindex calc-line-numbering
+Stack elements are numbered consecutively, with number 1 being the top of
+the stack.  These line numbers are ordinarily displayed on the lefthand side
+of the window.  The @kbd{d l} (@code{calc-line-numbering}) command controls
+whether these numbers appear.  (Line numbers may be turned off since they
+slow the Calculator down a bit and also clutter the display.)
+@kindex o
+@pindex calc-realign
+The unshifted letter @kbd{o} (@code{calc-realign}) command repositions
+the cursor to its top-of-stack ``home'' position.  It also undoes any
+horizontal scrolling in the window.  If you give it a numeric prefix
+argument, it instead moves the cursor to the specified stack element.
+The @key{RET} (or equivalent @key{SPC}) key is only required to separate
+two consecutive numbers.
+(After all, if you typed @kbd{1 2} by themselves the Calculator
+would enter the number 12.)  If you press @kbd{RET} or @kbd{SPC} @emph{not}
+right after typing a number, the key duplicates the number on the top of
+the stack.  @kbd{@key{RET} *} is thus a handy way to square a number.@refill
+The @key{DEL} key pops and throws away the top number on the stack.
+The @key{TAB} key swaps the top two objects on the stack.
+@xref{Stack and Trail}, for descriptions of these and other stack-related
+@node Numeric Entry, Algebraic Entry, Stack Basics, Introduction
+@section Numeric Entry
+@kindex 0-9
+@kindex .
+@kindex e
+@cindex Numeric entry
+@cindex Entering numbers
+Pressing a digit or other numeric key begins numeric entry using the
+minibuffer.  The number is pushed on the stack when you press the @key{RET}
+or @key{SPC} keys.  If you press any other non-numeric key, the number is
+pushed onto the stack and the appropriate operation is performed.  If
+you press a numeric key which is not valid, the key is ignored.
+@cindex Minus signs
+@cindex Negative numbers, entering
+@kindex _
+There are three different concepts corresponding to the word ``minus,''
+typified by @cite{a-b} (subtraction), @cite{-x}
+(change-sign), and @cite{-5} (negative number).  Calc uses three
+different keys for these operations, respectively:
+@kbd{-}, @kbd{n}, and @kbd{_} (the underscore).  The @kbd{-} key subtracts
+the two numbers on the top of the stack.  The @kbd{n} key changes the sign
+of the number on the top of the stack or the number currently being entered.
+The @kbd{_} key begins entry of a negative number or changes the sign of
+the number currently being entered.  The following sequences all enter the
+number @i{-5} onto the stack:  @kbd{0 @key{RET} 5 -}, @kbd{5 n @key{RET}},
+@kbd{5 @key{RET} n}, @kbd{_ 5 @key{RET}}, @kbd{5 _ @key{RET}}.@refill
+Some other keys are active during numeric entry, such as @kbd{#} for
+non-decimal numbers, @kbd{:} for fractions, and @kbd{@@} for HMS forms.
+These notations are described later in this manual with the corresponding
+data types.  @xref{Data Types}.
+During numeric entry, the only editing key available is @kbd{DEL}.
+@node Algebraic Entry, Quick Calculator, Numeric Entry, Introduction
+@section Algebraic Entry
+@kindex '
+@pindex calc-algebraic-entry
+@cindex Algebraic notation
+@cindex Formulas, entering
+Calculations can also be entered in algebraic form.  This is accomplished
+by typing the apostrophe key, @kbd{'}, followed by the expression in
+standard format:  @kbd{@key{'} 2+3*4 @key{RET}} computes
+@c{$2+(3\times4) = 14$}
+@cite{2+(3*4) = 14} and pushes that on the stack.  If you wish you can
+ignore the RPN aspect of Calc altogether and simply enter algebraic
+expressions in this way.  You may want to use @key{DEL} every so often to
+clear previous results off the stack.@refill
+You can press the apostrophe key during normal numeric entry to switch
+the half-entered number into algebraic entry mode.  One reason to do this
+would be to use the full Emacs cursor motion and editing keys, which are
+available during algebraic entry but not during numeric entry.
+In the same vein, during either numeric or algebraic entry you can
+press @kbd{`} (backquote) to switch to @code{calc-edit} mode, where
+you complete your half-finished entry in a separate buffer.
+@xref{Editing Stack Entries}.
+@kindex m a
+@pindex calc-algebraic-mode
+@cindex Algebraic mode
+If you prefer algebraic entry, you can use the command @kbd{m a}
+(@code{calc-algebraic-mode}) to set Algebraic mode.  In this mode,
+digits and other keys that would normally start numeric entry instead
+start full algebraic entry; as long as your formula begins with a digit
+you can omit the apostrophe.  Open parentheses and square brackets also
+begin algebraic entry.  You can still do RPN calculations in this mode,
+but you will have to press @key{RET} to terminate every number:
+@kbd{2 @key{RET} 3 @key{RET} * 4 @key{RET} +} would accomplish the same
+thing as @kbd{2*3+4 @key{RET}}.@refill
+@cindex Incomplete algebraic mode
+If you give a numeric prefix argument like @kbd{C-u} to the @kbd{m a}
+command, it enables Incomplete Algebraic mode; this is like regular
+Algebraic mode except that it applies to the @kbd{(} and @kbd{[} keys
+only.  Numeric keys still begin a numeric entry in this mode.
+@kindex m t
+@pindex calc-total-algebraic-mode
+@cindex Total algebraic mode
+The @kbd{m t} (@code{calc-total-algebraic-mode}) gives you an even
+stronger algebraic-entry mode, in which @emph{all} regular letter and
+punctuation keys begin algebraic entry.  Use this if you prefer typing
+@w{@kbd{sqrt( )}} instead of @kbd{Q}, @w{@kbd{factor( )}} instead of
+@kbd{a f}, and so on.  To type regular Calc commands when you are in
+``total'' algebraic mode, hold down the @key{META} key.  Thus @kbd{M-q}
+is the command to quit Calc, @kbd{M-p} sets the precision, and
+@kbd{M-m t} (or @kbd{M-m M-t}, if you prefer) turns total algebraic
+mode back off again.  Meta keys also terminate algebraic entry, so
+that @kbd{2+3 M-S} is equivalent to @kbd{2+3 RET M-S}.  The symbol
+@samp{Alg*} will appear in the mode line whenever you are in this mode.
+Pressing @kbd{'} (the apostrophe) a second time re-enters the previous
+algebraic formula.  You can then use the normal Emacs editing keys to
+modify this formula to your liking before pressing @key{RET}.
+@kindex $
+@cindex Formulas, referring to stack
+Within a formula entered from the keyboard, the symbol @kbd{$}
+represents the number on the top of the stack.  If an entered formula
+contains any @kbd{$} characters, the Calculator replaces the top of
+stack with that formula rather than simply pushing the formula onto the
+stack.  Thus, @kbd{' 1+2 @key{RET}} pushes 3 on the stack, and @kbd{$*2
+@key{RET}} replaces it with 6.  Note that the @kbd{$} key always
+initiates algebraic entry; the @kbd{'} is unnecessary if @kbd{$} is the
+first character in the new formula.@refill
+Higher stack elements can be accessed from an entered formula with the
+symbols @kbd{$$}, @kbd{$$$}, and so on.  The number of stack elements
+removed (to be replaced by the entered values) equals the number of dollar
+signs in the longest such symbol in the formula.  For example, @samp{$$+$$$}
+adds the second and third stack elements, replacing the top three elements
+with the answer.  (All information about the top stack element is thus lost
+since no single @samp{$} appears in this formula.)@refill
+A slightly different way to refer to stack elements is with a dollar
+sign followed by a number:  @samp{$1}, @samp{$2}, and so on are much
+like @samp{$}, @samp{$$}, etc., except that stack entries referred
+to numerically are not replaced by the algebraic entry.  That is, while
+@samp{$+1} replaces 5 on the stack with 6, @samp{$1+1} leaves the 5
+on the stack and pushes an additional 6.
+If a sequence of formulas are entered separated by commas, each formula
+is pushed onto the stack in turn.  For example, @samp{1,2,3} pushes
+those three numbers onto the stack (leaving the 3 at the top), and
+@samp{$+1,$-1} replaces a 5 on the stack with 4 followed by 6.  Also,
+@samp{$,$$} exchanges the top two elements of the stack, just like the
+@key{TAB} key.
+You can finish an algebraic entry with @kbd{M-=} or @kbd{M-RET} instead
+of @key{RET}.  This uses @kbd{=} to evaluate the variables in each
+formula that goes onto the stack.  (Thus @kbd{' pi @key{RET}} pushes
+the variable @samp{pi}, but @kbd{' pi M-RET} pushes 3.1415.)
+If you finish your algebraic entry by pressing @kbd{LFD} (or @kbd{C-j})
+instead of @key{RET}, Calc disables the default simplifications
+(as if by @kbd{m O}; @pxref{Simplification Modes}) while the entry
+is being pushed on the stack.  Thus @kbd{' 1+2 @key{RET}} pushes 3
+on the stack, but @kbd{' 1+2 @key{LFD}} pushes the formula @cite{1+2};
+you might then press @kbd{=} when it is time to evaluate this formula.
+@node Quick Calculator, Prefix Arguments, Algebraic Entry, Introduction
+@section ``Quick Calculator'' Mode
+@kindex M-# q
+@pindex quick-calc
+@cindex Quick Calculator
+There is another way to invoke the Calculator if all you need to do
+is make one or two quick calculations.  Type @kbd{M-# q} (or
+@kbd{M-x quick-calc}), then type any formula as an algebraic entry.
+The Calculator will compute the result and display it in the echo
+area, without ever actually putting up a Calc window.
+You can use the @kbd{$} character in a Quick Calculator formula to
+refer to the previous Quick Calculator result.  Older results are
+not retained; the Quick Calculator has no effect on the full
+Calculator's stack or trail.  If you compute a result and then
+forget what it was, just run @code{M-# q} again and enter
+@samp{$} as the formula.
+If this is the first time you have used the Calculator in this Emacs
+session, the @kbd{M-# q} command will create the @code{*Calculator*}
+buffer and perform all the usual initializations; it simply will
+refrain from putting that buffer up in a new window.  The Quick
+Calculator refers to the @code{*Calculator*} buffer for all mode
+settings.  Thus, for example, to set the precision that the Quick
+Calculator uses, simply run the full Calculator momentarily and use
+the regular @kbd{p} command.
+If you use @code{M-# q} from inside the Calculator buffer, the
+effect is the same as pressing the apostrophe key (algebraic entry).
+The result of a Quick calculation is placed in the Emacs ``kill ring''
+as well as being displayed.  A subsequent @kbd{C-y} command will
+yank the result into the editing buffer.  You can also use this
+to yank the result into the next @kbd{M-# q} input line as a more
+explicit alternative to @kbd{$} notation, or to yank the result
+into the Calculator stack after typing @kbd{M-# c}.
+If you finish your formula by typing @key{LFD} (or @kbd{C-j}) instead
+of @key{RET}, the result is inserted immediately into the current
+buffer rather than going into the kill ring.
+Quick Calculator results are actually evaluated as if by the @kbd{=}
+key (which replaces variable names by their stored values, if any).
+If the formula you enter is an assignment to a variable using the
+@samp{:=} operator, say, @samp{foo := 2 + 3} or @samp{foo := foo + 1},
+then the result of the evaluation is stored in that Calc variable.
+@xref{Store and Recall}.
+If the result is an integer and the current display radix is decimal,
+the number will also be displayed in hex and octal formats.  If the
+integer is in the range from 1 to 126, it will also be displayed as
+an ASCII character.
+For example, the quoted character @samp{"x"} produces the vector
+result @samp{[120]} (because 120 is the ASCII code of the lower-case
+`x'; @pxref{Strings}).  Since this is a vector, not an integer, it
+is displayed only according to the current mode settings.  But
+running Quick Calc again and entering @samp{120} will produce the
+result @samp{120 (16#78, 8#170, x)} which shows the number in its
+decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and ASCII forms.
+Please note that the Quick Calculator is not any faster at loading
+or computing the answer than the full Calculator; the name ``quick''
+merely refers to the fact that it's much less hassle to use for
+small calculations.
+@node Prefix Arguments, Undo, Quick Calculator, Introduction
+@section Numeric Prefix Arguments
+Many Calculator commands use numeric prefix arguments.  Some, such as
+@kbd{d s} (@code{calc-sci-notation}), set a parameter to the value of
+the prefix argument or use a default if you don't use a prefix.
+Others (like @kbd{d f} (@code{calc-fix-notation})) require an argument
+and prompt for a number if you don't give one as a prefix.@refill
+As a rule, stack-manipulation commands accept a numeric prefix argument
+which is interpreted as an index into the stack.  A positive argument
+operates on the top @var{n} stack entries; a negative argument operates
+on the @var{n}th stack entry in isolation; and a zero argument operates
+on the entire stack.
+Most commands that perform computations (such as the arithmetic and
+scientific functions) accept a numeric prefix argument that allows the
+operation to be applied across many stack elements.  For unary operations
+(that is, functions of one argument like absolute value or complex
+conjugate), a positive prefix argument applies that function to the top
+@var{n} stack entries simultaneously, and a negative argument applies it
+to the @var{n}th stack entry only.  For binary operations (functions of
+two arguments like addition, GCD, and vector concatenation), a positive
+prefix argument ``reduces'' the function across the top @var{n}
+stack elements (for example, @kbd{C-u 5 +} sums the top 5 stack entries;
+@pxref{Reducing and Mapping}), and a negative argument maps the next-to-top
+@var{n} stack elements with the top stack element as a second argument
+(for example, @kbd{7 c-u -5 +} adds 7 to the top 5 stack elements).
+This feature is not available for operations which use the numeric prefix
+argument for some other purpose.
+Numeric prefixes are specified the same way as always in Emacs:  Press
+a sequence of @key{META}-digits, or press @key{ESC} followed by digits,
+or press @kbd{C-u} followed by digits.  Some commands treat plain
+@kbd{C-u} (without any actual digits) specially.@refill
+@kindex ~
+@pindex calc-num-prefix
+You can type @kbd{~} (@code{calc-num-prefix}) to pop an integer from the
+top of the stack and enter it as the numeric prefix for the next command.
+For example, @kbd{C-u 16 p} sets the precision to 16 digits; an alternate
+(silly) way to do this would be @kbd{2 @key{RET} 4 ^ ~ p}, i.e., compute 2
+to the fourth power and set the precision to that value.@refill
+Conversely, if you have typed a numeric prefix argument the @kbd{~} key
+pushes it onto the stack in the form of an integer.
+@node Undo, Error Messages, Prefix Arguments, Introduction
+@section Undoing Mistakes
+@kindex U
+@kindex C-_
+@pindex calc-undo
+@cindex Mistakes, undoing
+@cindex Undoing mistakes
+@cindex Errors, undoing
+The shift-@kbd{U} key (@code{calc-undo}) undoes the most recent operation.
+If that operation added or dropped objects from the stack, those objects
+are removed or restored.  If it was a ``store'' operation, you are
+queried whether or not to restore the variable to its original value.
+The @kbd{U} key may be pressed any number of times to undo successively
+farther back in time; with a numeric prefix argument it undoes a
+specified number of operations.  The undo history is cleared only by the
+@kbd{q} (@code{calc-quit}) command.  (Recall that @kbd{M-# c} is
+synonymous with @code{calc-quit} while inside the Calculator; this
+also clears the undo history.)
+Currently the mode-setting commands (like @code{calc-precision}) are not
+undoable.  You can undo past a point where you changed a mode, but you
+will need to reset the mode yourself.
+@kindex D
+@pindex calc-redo
+@cindex Redoing after an Undo
+The shift-@kbd{D} key (@code{calc-redo}) redoes an operation that was
+mistakenly undone.  Pressing @kbd{U} with a negative prefix argument is
+equivalent to executing @code{calc-redo}.  You can redo any number of
+times, up to the number of recent consecutive undo commands.  Redo
+information is cleared whenever you give any command that adds new undo
+information, i.e., if you undo, then enter a number on the stack or make
+any other change, then it will be too late to redo.
+@kindex M-RET
+@pindex calc-last-args
+@cindex Last-arguments feature
+@cindex Arguments, restoring
+The @kbd{M-@key{RET}} key (@code{calc-last-args}) is like undo in that
+it restores the arguments of the most recent command onto the stack;
+however, it does not remove the result of that command.  Given a numeric
+prefix argument, this command applies to the @cite{n}th most recent
+command which removed items from the stack; it pushes those items back
+onto the stack.
+The @kbd{K} (@code{calc-keep-args}) command provides a related function
+to @kbd{M-@key{RET}}.  @xref{Stack and Trail}.
+It is also possible to recall previous results or inputs using the trail.
+@xref{Trail Commands}.
+The standard Emacs @kbd{C-_} undo key is recognized as a synonym for @kbd{U}.
+@node Error Messages, Multiple Calculators, Undo, Introduction
+@section Error Messages
+@kindex w
+@pindex calc-why
+@cindex Errors, messages
+@cindex Why did an error occur?
+Many situations that would produce an error message in other calculators
+simply create unsimplified formulas in the Emacs Calculator.  For example,
+@kbd{1 @key{RET} 0 /} pushes the formula @cite{1 / 0}; @w{@kbd{0 L}} pushes
+the formula @samp{ln(0)}.  Floating-point overflow and underflow are also
+reasons for this to happen.
+When a function call must be left in symbolic form, Calc usually
+produces a message explaining why.  Messages that are probably
+surprising or indicative of user errors are displayed automatically.
+Other messages are simply kept in Calc's memory and are displayed only
+if you type @kbd{w} (@code{calc-why}).  You can also press @kbd{w} if
+the same computation results in several messages.  (The first message
+will end with @samp{[w=more]} in this case.)
+@kindex d w
+@pindex calc-auto-why
+The @kbd{d w} (@code{calc-auto-why}) command controls when error messages
+are displayed automatically.  (Calc effectively presses @kbd{w} for you
+after your computation finishes.)  By default, this occurs only for
+``important'' messages.  The other possible modes are to report
+@emph{all} messages automatically, or to report none automatically (so
+that you must always press @kbd{w} yourself to see the messages).
+@node Multiple Calculators, Troubleshooting Commands, Error Messages, Introduction
+@section Multiple Calculators
+@pindex another-calc
+It is possible to have any number of Calc Mode buffers at once.
+Usually this is done by executing @kbd{M-x another-calc}, which
+is similar to @kbd{M-# c} except that if a @samp{*Calculator*}
+buffer already exists, a new, independent one with a name of the
+form @samp{*Calculator*<@var{n}>} is created.  You can also use the
+command @code{calc-mode} to put any buffer into Calculator mode, but
+this would ordinarily never be done.
+The @kbd{q} (@code{calc-quit}) command does not destroy a Calculator buffer;
+it only closes its window.  Use @kbd{M-x kill-buffer} to destroy a
+Calculator buffer.
+Each Calculator buffer keeps its own stack, undo list, and mode settings
+such as precision, angular mode, and display formats.  In Emacs terms,
+variables such as @code{calc-stack} are buffer-local variables.  The
+global default values of these variables are used only when a new
+Calculator buffer is created.  The @code{calc-quit} command saves
+the stack and mode settings of the buffer being quit as the new defaults.
+There is only one trail buffer, @samp{*Calc Trail*}, used by all
+Calculator buffers.
+@node Troubleshooting Commands, , Multiple Calculators, Introduction
+@section Troubleshooting Commands
+This section describes commands you can use in case a computation
+incorrectly fails or gives the wrong answer.
+@xref{Reporting Bugs}, if you find a problem that appears to be due
+to a bug or deficiency in Calc.
+* Autoloading Problems::
+* Recursion Depth::
+* Caches::
+* Debugging Calc::
+@end menu
+@node Autoloading Problems, Recursion Depth, Troubleshooting Commands, Troubleshooting Commands
+@subsection Autoloading Problems
+The Calc program is split into many component files; components are
+loaded automatically as you use various commands that require them.
+Occasionally Calc may lose track of when a certain component is
+necessary; typically this means you will type a command and it won't
+work because some function you've never heard of was undefined.
+@kindex M-# L
+@pindex calc-load-everything
+If this happens, the easiest workaround is to type @kbd{M-# L}
+(@code{calc-load-everything}) to force all the parts of Calc to be
+loaded right away.  This will cause Emacs to take up a lot more
+memory than it would otherwise, but it's guaranteed to fix the problem.
+If you seem to run into this problem no matter what you do, or if
+even the @kbd{M-# L} command crashes, Calc may have been improperly
+installed.  @xref{Installation}, for details of the installation
+@node Recursion Depth, Caches, Autoloading Problems, Troubleshooting Commands
+@subsection Recursion Depth
+@kindex M
+@kindex I M
+@pindex calc-more-recursion-depth
+@pindex calc-less-recursion-depth
+@cindex Recursion depth
+@cindex ``Computation got stuck'' message
+@cindex @code{max-lisp-eval-depth}
+@cindex @code{max-specpdl-size}
+Calc uses recursion in many of its calculations.  Emacs Lisp keeps a
+variable @code{max-lisp-eval-depth} which limits the amount of recursion
+possible in an attempt to recover from program bugs.  If a calculation
+ever halts incorrectly with the message ``Computation got stuck or
+ran too long,'' use the @kbd{M} command (@code{calc-more-recursion-depth})
+to increase this limit.  (Of course, this will not help if the
+calculation really did get stuck due to some problem inside Calc.)@refill
+The limit is always increased (multiplied) by a factor of two.  There
+is also an @kbd{I M} (@code{calc-less-recursion-depth}) command which
+decreases this limit by a factor of two, down to a minimum value of 200.
+The default value is 1000.
+These commands also double or halve @code{max-specpdl-size}, another
+internal Lisp recursion limit.  The minimum value for this limit is 600.
+@node Caches, Debugging Calc, Recursion Depth, Troubleshooting Commands
+@subsection Caches
+@cindex Caches
+@cindex Flushing caches
+Calc saves certain values after they have been computed once.  For
+example, the @kbd{P} (@code{calc-pi}) command initially ``knows'' the
+constant @c{$\pi$}
+@cite{pi} to about 20 decimal places; if the current precision
+is greater than this, it will recompute @c{$\pi$}
+@cite{pi} using a series
+approximation.  This value will not need to be recomputed ever again
+unless you raise the precision still further.  Many operations such as
+logarithms and sines make use of similarly cached values such as
+@c{$\pi \over 4$}
+@cite{pi/4} and @c{$\ln 2$}
+@cite{ln(2)}.  The visible effect of caching is that
+high-precision computations may seem to do extra work the first time.
+Other things cached include powers of two (for the binary arithmetic
+functions), matrix inverses and determinants, symbolic integrals, and
+data points computed by the graphing commands.
+@pindex calc-flush-caches
+If you suspect a Calculator cache has become corrupt, you can use the
+@code{calc-flush-caches} command to reset all caches to the empty state.
+(This should only be necessary in the event of bugs in the Calculator.)
+The @kbd{M-# 0} (with the zero key) command also resets caches along
+with all other aspects of the Calculator's state.
+@node Debugging Calc, , Caches, Troubleshooting Commands
+@subsection Debugging Calc
+A few commands exist to help in the debugging of Calc commands.
+@xref{Programming}, to see the various ways that you can write
+your own Calc commands.
+@kindex Z T
+@pindex calc-timing
+The @kbd{Z T} (@code{calc-timing}) command turns on and off a mode
+in which the timing of slow commands is reported in the Trail.
+Any Calc command that takes two seconds or longer writes a line
+to the Trail showing how many seconds it took.  This value is
+accurate only to within one second.
+All steps of executing a command are included; in particular, time
+taken to format the result for display in the stack and trail is
+counted.  Some prompts also count time taken waiting for them to
+be answered, while others do not; this depends on the exact
+implementation of the command.  For best results, if you are timing
+a sequence that includes prompts or multiple commands, define a
+keyboard macro to run the whole sequence at once.  Calc's @kbd{X}
+command (@pxref{Keyboard Macros}) will then report the time taken
+to execute the whole macro.
+Another advantage of the @kbd{X} command is that while it is
+executing, the stack and trail are not updated from step to step.
+So if you expect the output of your test sequence to leave a result
+that may take a long time to format and you don't wish to count
+this formatting time, end your sequence with a @key{DEL} keystroke
+to clear the result from the stack.  When you run the sequence with
+@kbd{X}, Calc will never bother to format the large result.
+Another thing @kbd{Z T} does is to increase the Emacs variable
+@code{gc-cons-threshold} to a much higher value (two million; the
+usual default in Calc is 250,000) for the duration of each command.
+This generally prevents garbage collection during the timing of
+the command, though it may cause your Emacs process to grow
+abnormally large.  (Garbage collection time is a major unpredictable
+factor in the timing of Emacs operations.)
+Another command that is useful when debugging your own Lisp
+extensions to Calc is @kbd{M-x calc-pass-errors}, which disables
+the error handler that changes the ``@code{max-lisp-eval-depth}
+exceeded'' message to the much more friendly ``Computation got
+stuck or ran too long.''  This handler interferes with the Emacs
+Lisp debugger's @code{debug-on-error} mode.  Errors are reported
+in the handler itself rather than at the true location of the
+error.  After you have executed @code{calc-pass-errors}, Lisp
+errors will be reported correctly but the user-friendly message
+will be lost.
+@node Data Types, Stack and Trail, Introduction, Top
+@chapter Data Types
+This chapter discusses the various types of objects that can be placed
+on the Calculator stack, how they are displayed, and how they are
+entered.  (@xref{Data Type Formats}, for information on how these data
+types are represented as underlying Lisp objects.)@refill
+Integers, fractions, and floats are various ways of describing real
+numbers.  HMS forms also for many purposes act as real numbers.  These
+types can be combined to form complex numbers, modulo forms, error forms,
+or interval forms.  (But these last four types cannot be combined
+arbitrarily:@: error forms may not contain modulo forms, for example.)
+Finally, all these types of numbers may be combined into vectors,
+matrices, or algebraic formulas.
+* Integers::                The most basic data type.
+* Fractions::               This and above are called @dfn{rationals}.
+* Floats::                  This and above are called @dfn{reals}.
+* Complex Numbers::         This and above are called @dfn{numbers}.
+* Infinities::
+* Vectors and Matrices::
+* Strings::
+* HMS Forms::
+* Date Forms::
+* Modulo Forms::
+* Error Forms::
+* Interval Forms::
+* Incomplete Objects::
+* Variables::
+* Formulas::
+@end menu
+@node Integers, Fractions, Data Types, Data Types
+@section Integers
+@cindex Integers
+The Calculator stores integers to arbitrary precision.  Addition,
+subtraction, and multiplication of integers always yields an exact
+integer result.  (If the result of a division or exponentiation of
+integers is not an integer, it is expressed in fractional or
+floating-point form according to the current Fraction Mode.
+@xref{Fraction Mode}.)
+A decimal integer is represented as an optional sign followed by a
+sequence of digits.  Grouping (@pxref{Grouping Digits}) can be used to
+insert a comma at every third digit for display purposes, but you
+must not type commas during the entry of numbers.@refill
+@kindex #
+A non-decimal integer is represented as an optional sign, a radix
+between 2 and 36, a @samp{#} symbol, and one or more digits.  For radix 11
+and above, the letters A through Z (upper- or lower-case) count as
+digits and do not terminate numeric entry mode.  @xref{Radix Modes}, for how
+to set the default radix for display of integers.  Numbers of any radix
+may be entered at any time.  If you press @kbd{#} at the beginning of a
+number, the current display radix is used.@refill
+@node Fractions, Floats, Integers, Data Types
+@section Fractions
+@cindex Fractions
+A @dfn{fraction} is a ratio of two integers.  Fractions are traditionally
+written ``2/3'' but Calc uses the notation @samp{2:3}.  (The @kbd{/} key
+performs RPN division; the following two sequences push the number
+@samp{2:3} on the stack:  @kbd{2 :@: 3 @key{RET}}, or @kbd{2 @key{RET} 3 /}
+assuming Fraction Mode has been enabled.)
+When the Calculator produces a fractional result it always reduces it to
+simplest form, which may in fact be an integer.@refill
+Fractions may also be entered in a three-part form, where @samp{2:3:4}
+represents two-and-three-quarters.  @xref{Fraction Formats}, for fraction
+display formats.@refill
+Non-decimal fractions are entered and displayed as
+@samp{@var{radix}#@var{num}:@var{denom}} (or in the analogous three-part
+form).  The numerator and denominator always use the same radix.@refill
+@node Floats, Complex Numbers, Fractions, Data Types
+@section Floats
+@cindex Floating-point numbers
+A floating-point number or @dfn{float} is a number stored in scientific
+notation.  The number of significant digits in the fractional part is
+governed by the current floating precision (@pxref{Precision}).  The
+range of acceptable values is from @c{$10^{-3999999}$}
+@cite{10^-3999999} (inclusive)
+to @c{$10^{4000000}$}
+(exclusive), plus the corresponding negative
+values and zero.
+Calculations that would exceed the allowable range of values (such
+as @samp{exp(exp(20))}) are left in symbolic form by Calc.  The
+messages ``floating-point overflow'' or ``floating-point underflow''
+indicate that during the calculation a number would have been produced
+that was too large or too close to zero, respectively, to be represented
+by Calc.  This does not necessarily mean the final result would have
+overflowed, just that an overflow occurred while computing the result.
+(In fact, it could report an underflow even though the final result
+would have overflowed!)
+If a rational number and a float are mixed in a calculation, the result
+will in general be expressed as a float.  Commands that require an integer
+value (such as @kbd{k g} [@code{gcd}]) will also accept integer-valued
+floats, i.e., floating-point numbers with nothing after the decimal point.
+Floats are identified by the presence of a decimal point and/or an
+exponent.  In general a float consists of an optional sign, digits
+including an optional decimal point, and an optional exponent consisting
+of an @samp{e}, an optional sign, and up to seven exponent digits.
+For example, @samp{23.5e-2} is 23.5 times ten to the minus-second power,
+or 0.235.
+Floating-point numbers are normally displayed in decimal notation with
+all significant figures shown.  Exceedingly large or small numbers are
+displayed in scientific notation.  Various other display options are
+available.  @xref{Float Formats}.
+@cindex Accuracy of calculations
+Floating-point numbers are stored in decimal, not binary.  The result
+of each operation is rounded to the nearest value representable in the
+number of significant digits specified by the current precision,
+rounding away from zero in the case of a tie.  Thus (in the default
+display mode) what you see is exactly what you get.  Some operations such
+as square roots and transcendental functions are performed with several
+digits of extra precision and then rounded down, in an effort to make the
+final result accurate to the full requested precision.  However,
+accuracy is not rigorously guaranteed.  If you suspect the validity of a
+result, try doing the same calculation in a higher precision.  The
+Calculator's arithmetic is not intended to be IEEE-conformant in any
+While floats are always @emph{stored} in decimal, they can be entered
+and displayed in any radix just like integers and fractions.  The
+notation @samp{@var{radix}#@var{ddd}.@var{ddd}} is a floating-point
+number whose digits are in the specified radix.  Note that the @samp{.}
+is more aptly referred to as a ``radix point'' than as a decimal
+point in this case.  The number @samp{8#123.4567} is defined as
+@samp{8#1234567 * 8^-4}.  If the radix is 14 or less, you can use
+@samp{e} notation to write a non-decimal number in scientific notation.
+The exponent is written in decimal, and is considered to be a power
+of the radix: @samp{8#1234567e-4}.  If the radix is 15 or above, the
+letter @samp{e} is a digit, so scientific notation must be written
+out, e.g., @samp{16#123.4567*16^2}.  The first two exercises of the
+Modes Tutorial explore some of the properties of non-decimal floats.
+@node Complex Numbers, Infinities, Floats, Data Types
+@section Complex Numbers
+@cindex Complex numbers
+There are two supported formats for complex numbers: rectangular and
+polar.  The default format is rectangular, displayed in the form
+@samp{(@var{real},@var{imag})} where @var{real} is the real part and
+@var{imag} is the imaginary part, each of which may be any real number.
+Rectangular complex numbers can also be displayed in @samp{@var{a}+@var{b}i}
+notation; @pxref{Complex Formats}.@refill
+Polar complex numbers are displayed in the form `@t{(}@var{r}@t{;}@c{$\theta$}
+where @var{r} is the nonnegative magnitude and @c{$\theta$}
+@var{theta} is the argument
+or phase angle.  The range of @c{$\theta$}
+@var{theta} depends on the current angular
+mode (@pxref{Angular Modes}); it is generally between @i{-180} and
+@i{+180} degrees or the equivalent range in radians.@refill
+Complex numbers are entered in stages using incomplete objects.
+@xref{Incomplete Objects}.
+Operations on rectangular complex numbers yield rectangular complex
+results, and similarly for polar complex numbers.  Where the two types
+are mixed, or where new complex numbers arise (as for the square root of
+a negative real), the current @dfn{Polar Mode} is used to determine the
+type.  @xref{Polar Mode}.
+A complex result in which the imaginary part is zero (or the phase angle
+is 0 or 180 degrees or @c{$\pi$}
+@cite{pi} radians) is automatically converted to a real
+@node Infinities, Vectors and Matrices, Complex Numbers, Data Types
+@section Infinities
+@cindex Infinity
+@cindex @code{inf} variable
+@cindex @code{uinf} variable
+@cindex @code{nan} variable
+@vindex inf
+@vindex uinf
+@vindex nan
+The word @code{inf} represents the mathematical concept of @dfn{infinity}.
+Calc actually has three slightly different infinity-like values:
+@code{inf}, @code{uinf}, and @code{nan}.  These are just regular
+variable names (@pxref{Variables}); you should avoid using these
+names for your own variables because Calc gives them special
+treatment.  Infinities, like all variable names, are normally
+entered using algebraic entry.
+Mathematically speaking, it is not rigorously correct to treat
+``infinity'' as if it were a number, but mathematicians often do
+so informally.  When they say that @samp{1 / inf = 0}, what they
+really mean is that @cite{1 / x}, as @cite{x} becomes larger and
+larger, becomes arbitrarily close to zero.  So you can imagine
+that if @cite{x} got ``all the way to infinity,'' then @cite{1 / x}
+would go all the way to zero.  Similarly, when they say that
+@samp{exp(inf) = inf}, they mean that @c{$e^x$}
+@cite{exp(x)} grows without
+bound as @cite{x} grows.  The symbol @samp{-inf} likewise stands
+for an infinitely negative real value; for example, we say that
+@samp{exp(-inf) = 0}.  You can have an infinity pointing in any
+direction on the complex plane:  @samp{sqrt(-inf) = i inf}.
+The same concept of limits can be used to define @cite{1 / 0}.  We
+really want the value that @cite{1 / x} approaches as @cite{x}
+approaches zero.  But if all we have is @cite{1 / 0}, we can't
+tell which direction @cite{x} was coming from.  If @cite{x} was
+positive and decreasing toward zero, then we should say that
+@samp{1 / 0 = inf}.  But if @cite{x} was negative and increasing
+toward zero, the answer is @samp{1 / 0 = -inf}.  In fact, @cite{x}
+could be an imaginary number, giving the answer @samp{i inf} or
+@samp{-i inf}.  Calc uses the special symbol @samp{uinf} to mean
+@dfn{undirected infinity}, i.e., a value which is infinitely
+large but with an unknown sign (or direction on the complex plane).
+Calc actually has three modes that say how infinities are handled.
+Normally, infinities never arise from calculations that didn't
+already have them.  Thus, @cite{1 / 0} is treated simply as an
+error and left unevaluated.  The @kbd{m i} (@code{calc-infinite-mode})
+command (@pxref{Infinite Mode}) enables a mode in which
+@cite{1 / 0} evaluates to @code{uinf} instead.  There is also
+an alternative type of infinite mode which says to treat zeros
+as if they were positive, so that @samp{1 / 0 = inf}.  While this
+is less mathematically correct, it may be the answer you want in
+some cases.
+Since all infinities are ``as large'' as all others, Calc simplifies,
+e.g., @samp{5 inf} to @samp{inf}.  Another example is
+@samp{5 - inf = -inf}, where the @samp{-inf} is so large that
+adding a finite number like five to it does not affect it.
+Note that @samp{a - inf} also results in @samp{-inf}; Calc assumes
+that variables like @code{a} always stand for finite quantities.
+Just to show that infinities really are all the same size,
+note that @samp{sqrt(inf) = inf^2 = exp(inf) = inf} in Calc's
+It's not so easy to define certain formulas like @samp{0 * inf} and
+@samp{inf / inf}.  Depending on where these zeros and infinities
+came from, the answer could be literally anything.  The latter
+formula could be the limit of @cite{x / x} (giving a result of one),
+or @cite{2 x / x} (giving two), or @cite{x^2 / x} (giving @code{inf}),
+or @cite{x / x^2} (giving zero).  Calc uses the symbol @code{nan}
+to represent such an @dfn{indeterminate} value.  (The name ``nan''
+comes from analogy with the ``NAN'' concept of IEEE standard
+arithmetic; it stands for ``Not A Number.''  This is somewhat of a
+misnomer, since @code{nan} @emph{does} stand for some number or
+infinity, it's just that @emph{which} number it stands for
+cannot be determined.)  In Calc's notation, @samp{0 * inf = nan}
+and @samp{inf / inf = nan}.  A few other common indeterminate
+expressions are @samp{inf - inf} and @samp{inf ^ 0}.  Also,
+@samp{0 / 0 = nan} if you have turned on ``infinite mode''
+(as described above).
+Infinities are especially useful as parts of @dfn{intervals}.
+@xref{Interval Forms}.
+@node Vectors and Matrices, Strings, Infinities, Data Types
+@section Vectors and Matrices
+@cindex Vectors
+@cindex Plain vectors
+@cindex Matrices
+The @dfn{vector} data type is flexible and general.  A vector is simply a
+list of zero or more data objects.  When these objects are numbers, the
+whole is a vector in the mathematical sense.  When these objects are
+themselves vectors of equal (nonzero) length, the whole is a @dfn{matrix}.
+A vector which is not a matrix is referred to here as a @dfn{plain vector}.
+A vector is displayed as a list of values separated by commas and enclosed
+in square brackets:  @samp{[1, 2, 3]}.  Thus the following is a 2 row by
+3 column matrix:  @samp{[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}.  Vectors, like complex
+numbers, are entered as incomplete objects.  @xref{Incomplete Objects}.
+During algebraic entry, vectors are entered all at once in the usual
+brackets-and-commas form.  Matrices may be entered algebraically as nested
+vectors, or using the shortcut notation @w{@samp{[1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6]}},
+with rows separated by semicolons.  The commas may usually be omitted
+when entering vectors:  @samp{[1 2 3]}.  Curly braces may be used in
+place of brackets: @samp{@{1, 2, 3@}}, but the commas are required in
+this case.
+Traditional vector and matrix arithmetic is also supported;
+@pxref{Basic Arithmetic} and @pxref{Matrix Functions}.
+Many other operations are applied to vectors element-wise.  For example,
+the complex conjugate of a vector is a vector of the complex conjugates
+of its elements.@refill
+@c @starindex
+@tindex vec
+Algebraic functions for building vectors include @samp{vec(a, b, c)}
+to build @samp{[a, b, c]}, @samp{cvec(a, n, m)} to build an @c{$n\times m$}
+matrix of @samp{a}s, and @samp{index(n)} to build a vector of integers
+from 1 to @samp{n}.
+@node Strings, HMS Forms, Vectors and Matrices, Data Types
+@section Strings
+@kindex "
+@cindex Strings
+@cindex Character strings
+Character strings are not a special data type in the Calculator.
+Rather, a string is represented simply as a vector all of whose
+elements are integers in the range 0 to 255 (ASCII codes).  You can
+enter a string at any time by pressing the @kbd{"} key.  Quotation
+marks and backslashes are written @samp{\"} and @samp{\\}, respectively,
+inside strings.  Other notations introduced by backslashes are:
+\a     7          \^@@    0
+\b     8          \^a-z  1-26
+\e     27         \^[    27
+\f     12         \^\\   28
+\n     10         \^]    29
+\r     13         \^^    30
+\t     9          \^_    31
+                  \^?    127
+@end example
+@end group
+Finally, a backslash followed by three octal digits produces any
+character from its ASCII code.
+@kindex d "
+@pindex calc-display-strings
+Strings are normally displayed in vector-of-integers form.  The
+@w{@kbd{d "}} (@code{calc-display-strings}) command toggles a mode in
+which any vectors of small integers are displayed as quoted strings
+The backslash notations shown above are also used for displaying
+strings.  Characters 128 and above are not translated by Calc; unless
+you have an Emacs modified for 8-bit fonts, these will show up in
+backslash-octal-digits notation.  For characters below 32, and
+for character 127, Calc uses the backslash-letter combination if
+there is one, or otherwise uses a @samp{\^} sequence.
+The only Calc feature that uses strings is @dfn{compositions};
+@pxref{Compositions}.  Strings also provide a convenient
+way to do conversions between ASCII characters and integers.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex string
+There is a @code{string} function which provides a different display
+format for strings.  Basically, @samp{string(@var{s})}, where @var{s}
+is a vector of integers in the proper range, is displayed as the
+corresponding string of characters with no surrounding quotation
+marks or other modifications.  Thus @samp{string("ABC")} (or
+@samp{string([65 66 67])}) will look like @samp{ABC} on the stack.
+This happens regardless of whether @w{@kbd{d "}} has been used.  The
+only way to turn it off is to use @kbd{d U} (unformatted language
+mode) which will display @samp{string("ABC")} instead.
+Control characters are displayed somewhat differently by @code{string}.
+Characters below 32, and character 127, are shown using @samp{^} notation
+(same as shown above, but without the backslash).  The quote and
+backslash characters are left alone, as are characters 128 and above.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex bstring
+The @code{bstring} function is just like @code{string} except that
+the resulting string is breakable across multiple lines if it doesn't
+fit all on one line.  Potential break points occur at every space
+character in the string.
+@node HMS Forms, Date Forms, Strings, Data Types
+@section HMS Forms
+@cindex Hours-minutes-seconds forms
+@cindex Degrees-minutes-seconds forms
+@dfn{HMS} stands for Hours-Minutes-Seconds; when used as an angular
+argument, the interpretation is Degrees-Minutes-Seconds.  All functions
+that operate on angles accept HMS forms.  These are interpreted as
+degrees regardless of the current angular mode.  It is also possible to
+use HMS as the angular mode so that calculated angles are expressed in
+degrees, minutes, and seconds.
+@kindex @@
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex ' (HMS forms)
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex " (HMS forms)
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex h (HMS forms)
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex o (HMS forms)
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex m (HMS forms)
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s (HMS forms)
+The default format for HMS values is
+@samp{@var{hours}@@ @var{mins}' @var{secs}"}.  During entry, the letters
+@samp{h} (for ``hours'') or
+@samp{o} (approximating the ``degrees'' symbol) are accepted as well as
+@samp{@@}, @samp{m} is accepted in place of @samp{'}, and @samp{s} is
+accepted in place of @samp{"}.
+The @var{hours} value is an integer (or integer-valued float).
+The @var{mins} value is an integer or integer-valued float between 0 and 59.
+The @var{secs} value is a real number between 0 (inclusive) and 60
+(exclusive).  A positive HMS form is interpreted as @var{hours} +
+@var{mins}/60 + @var{secs}/3600.  A negative HMS form is interpreted
+as @i{- @var{hours}} @i{-} @var{mins}/60 @i{-} @var{secs}/3600.
+Display format for HMS forms is quite flexible.  @xref{HMS Formats}.@refill
+HMS forms can be added and subtracted.  When they are added to numbers,
+the numbers are interpreted according to the current angular mode.  HMS
+forms can also be multiplied and divided by real numbers.  Dividing
+two HMS forms produces a real-valued ratio of the two angles.
+@pindex calc-time
+@cindex Time of day
+Just for kicks, @kbd{M-x calc-time} pushes the current time of day on
+the stack as an HMS form.
+@node Date Forms, Modulo Forms, HMS Forms, Data Types
+@section Date Forms
+@cindex Date forms
+A @dfn{date form} represents a date and possibly an associated time.
+Simple date arithmetic is supported:  Adding a number to a date
+produces a new date shifted by that many days; adding an HMS form to
+a date shifts it by that many hours.  Subtracting two date forms
+computes the number of days between them (represented as a simple
+number).  Many other operations, such as multiplying two date forms,
+are nonsensical and are not allowed by Calc.
+Date forms are entered and displayed enclosed in @samp{< >} brackets.
+The default format is, e.g., @samp{<Wed Jan 9, 1991>} for dates,
+or @samp{<3:32:20pm Wed Jan 9, 1991>} for dates with times.
+Input is flexible; date forms can be entered in any of the usual
+notations for dates and times.  @xref{Date Formats}.
+Date forms are stored internally as numbers, specifically the number
+of days since midnight on the morning of January 1 of the year 1 AD.
+If the internal number is an integer, the form represents a date only;
+if the internal number is a fraction or float, the form represents
+a date and time.  For example, @samp{<6:00am Wed Jan 9, 1991>}
+is represented by the number 726842.25.  The standard precision of
+12 decimal digits is enough to ensure that a (reasonable) date and
+time can be stored without roundoff error.
+If the current precision is greater than 12, date forms will keep
+additional digits in the seconds position.  For example, if the
+precision is 15, the seconds will keep three digits after the
+decimal point.  Decreasing the precision below 12 may cause the
+time part of a date form to become inaccurate.  This can also happen
+if astronomically high years are used, though this will not be an
+issue in everyday (or even everymillenium) use.  Note that date
+forms without times are stored as exact integers, so roundoff is
+never an issue for them.
+You can use the @kbd{v p} (@code{calc-pack}) and @kbd{v u}
+(@code{calc-unpack}) commands to get at the numerical representation
+of a date form.  @xref{Packing and Unpacking}.
+Date forms can go arbitrarily far into the future or past.  Negative
+year numbers represent years BC.  Calc uses a combination of the
+Gregorian and Julian calendars, following the history of Great
+Britain and the British colonies.  This is the same calendar that
+is used by the @code{cal} program in most Unix implementations.
+@cindex Julian calendar
+@cindex Gregorian calendar
+Some historical background:  The Julian calendar was created by
+Julius Caesar in the year 46 BC as an attempt to fix the gradual
+drift caused by the lack of leap years in the calendar used
+until that time.  The Julian calendar introduced an extra day in
+all years divisible by four.  After some initial confusion, the
+calendar was adopted around the year we call 8 AD.  Some centuries
+later it became apparent that the Julian year of 365.25 days was
+itself not quite right.  In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII introduced the
+Gregorian calendar, which added the new rule that years divisible
+by 100, but not by 400, were not to be considered leap years
+despite being divisible by four.  Many countries delayed adoption
+of the Gregorian calendar because of religious differences;
+in Britain it was put off until the year 1752, by which time
+the Julian calendar had fallen eleven days behind the true
+seasons.  So the switch to the Gregorian calendar in early
+September 1752 introduced a discontinuity:  The day after
+Sep 2, 1752 is Sep 14, 1752.  Calc follows this convention.
+To take another example, Russia waited until 1918 before
+adopting the new calendar, and thus needed to remove thirteen
+days (between Feb 1, 1918 and Feb 14, 1918).  This means that
+Calc's reckoning will be inconsistent with Russian history between
+1752 and 1918, and similarly for various other countries.
+Today's timekeepers introduce an occasional ``leap second'' as
+well, but Calc does not take these minor effects into account.
+(If it did, it would have to report a non-integer number of days
+between, say, @samp{<12:00am Mon Jan 1, 1900>} and
+@samp{<12:00am Sat Jan 1, 2000>}.)
+Calc uses the Julian calendar for all dates before the year 1752,
+including dates BC when the Julian calendar technically had not
+yet been invented.  Thus the claim that day number @i{-10000} is
+called ``August 16, 28 BC'' should be taken with a grain of salt.
+Please note that there is no ``year 0''; the day before
+@samp{<Sat Jan 1, +1>} is @samp{<Fri Dec 31, -1>}.  These are
+days 0 and @i{-1} respectively in Calc's internal numbering scheme.
+@cindex Julian day counting
+Another day counting system in common use is, confusingly, also
+called ``Julian.''  It was invented in 1583 by Joseph Justus
+Scaliger, who named it in honor of his father Julius Caesar
+Scaliger.  For obscure reasons he chose to start his day
+numbering on Jan 1, 4713 BC at noon, which in Calc's scheme
+is @i{-1721423.5} (recall that Calc starts at midnight instead
+of noon).  Thus to convert a Calc date code obtained by
+unpacking a date form into a Julian day number, simply add
+1721423.5.  The Julian code for @samp{6:00am Jan 9, 1991}
+is 2448265.75.  The built-in @kbd{t J} command performs
+this conversion for you.
+@cindex Unix time format
+The Unix operating system measures time as an integer number of
+seconds since midnight, Jan 1, 1970.  To convert a Calc date
+value into a Unix time stamp, first subtract 719164 (the code
+for @samp{<Jan 1, 1970>}), then multiply by 86400 (the number of
+seconds in a day) and press @kbd{R} to round to the nearest
+integer.  If you have a date form, you can simply subtract the
+day @samp{<Jan 1, 1970>} instead of unpacking and subtracting
+719164.  Likewise, divide by 86400 and add @samp{<Jan 1, 1970>}
+to convert from Unix time to a Calc date form.  (Note that
+Unix normally maintains the time in the GMT time zone; you may
+need to subtract five hours to get New York time, or eight hours
+for California time.  The same is usually true of Julian day
+counts.)  The built-in @kbd{t U} command performs these
+@node Modulo Forms, Error Forms, Date Forms, Data Types
+@section Modulo Forms
+@cindex Modulo forms
+A @dfn{modulo form} is a real number which is taken modulo (i.e., within
+an integer multiple of) some value @cite{M}.  Arithmetic modulo @cite{M}
+often arises in number theory.  Modulo forms are written
+`@i{a} @t{mod} @i{M}',
+where @cite{a} and @cite{M} are real numbers or HMS forms, and
+@c{$0 \le a < M$}
+@cite{0 <= a < @var{M}}.
+In many applications @cite{a} and @cite{M} will be
+integers but this is not required.@refill
+Modulo forms are not to be confused with the modulo operator @samp{%}.
+The expression @samp{27 % 10} means to compute 27 modulo 10 to produce
+the result 7.  Further computations treat this 7 as just a regular integer.
+The expression @samp{27 mod 10} produces the result @samp{7 mod 10};
+further computations with this value are again reduced modulo 10 so that
+the result always lies in the desired range.
+When two modulo forms with identical @cite{M}'s are added or multiplied,
+the Calculator simply adds or multiplies the values, then reduces modulo
+@cite{M}.  If one argument is a modulo form and the other a plain number,
+the plain number is treated like a compatible modulo form.  It is also
+possible to raise modulo forms to powers; the result is the value raised
+to the power, then reduced modulo @cite{M}.  (When all values involved
+are integers, this calculation is done much more efficiently than
+actually computing the power and then reducing.)
+@cindex Modulo division
+Two modulo forms `@i{a} @t{mod} @i{M}' and `@i{b} @t{mod} @i{M}'
+can be divided if @cite{a}, @cite{b}, and @cite{M} are all
+integers.  The result is the modulo form which, when multiplied by
+`@i{b} @t{mod} @i{M}', produces `@i{a} @t{mod} @i{M}'.  If
+there is no solution to this equation (which can happen only when
+@cite{M} is non-prime), or if any of the arguments are non-integers, the
+division is left in symbolic form.  Other operations, such as square
+roots, are not yet supported for modulo forms.  (Note that, although
+@w{`@t{(}@i{a} @t{mod} @i{M}@t{)^.5}'} will compute a ``modulo square root''
+in the sense of reducing @c{$\sqrt a$}
+@cite{sqrt(a)} modulo @cite{M}, this is not a
+useful definition from the number-theoretical point of view.)@refill
+@c @mindex M
+@kindex M (modulo forms)
+@c @mindex mod
+@tindex mod (operator)
+To create a modulo form during numeric entry, press the shift-@kbd{M}
+key to enter the word @samp{mod}.  As a special convenience, pressing
+shift-@kbd{M} a second time automatically enters the value of @cite{M}
+that was most recently used before.  During algebraic entry, either
+type @samp{mod} by hand or press @kbd{M-m} (that's @kbd{@key{META}-m}).
+Once again, pressing this a second time enters the current modulo.@refill
+You can also use @kbd{v p} and @kbd{%} to modify modulo forms.
+@xref{Building Vectors}.  @xref{Basic Arithmetic}.
+It is possible to mix HMS forms and modulo forms.  For example, an
+HMS form modulo 24 could be used to manipulate clock times; an HMS
+form modulo 360 would be suitable for angles.  Making the modulo @cite{M}
+also be an HMS form eliminates troubles that would arise if the angular
+mode were inadvertently set to Radians, in which case
+@w{@samp{2@@ 0' 0" mod 24}} would be interpreted as two degrees modulo
+24 radians!
+Modulo forms cannot have variables or formulas for components.  If you
+enter the formula @samp{(x + 2) mod 5}, Calc propagates the modulus
+to each of the coefficients:  @samp{(1 mod 5) x + (2 mod 5)}.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex makemod
+The algebraic function @samp{makemod(a, m)} builds the modulo form
+@w{@samp{a mod m}}.
+@node Error Forms, Interval Forms, Modulo Forms, Data Types
+@section Error Forms
+@cindex Error forms
+@cindex Standard deviations
+An @dfn{error form} is a number with an associated standard
+deviation, as in @samp{2.3 +/- 0.12}.  The notation
+`@i{x} @t{+/-} @c{$\sigma$}
+@asis{sigma}' stands for an uncertain value which follows a normal or
+Gaussian distribution of mean @cite{x} and standard deviation or
+``error'' @c{$\sigma$}
+@cite{sigma}.  Both the mean and the error can be either numbers or
+formulas.  Generally these are real numbers but the mean may also be
+complex.  If the error is negative or complex, it is changed to its
+absolute value.  An error form with zero error is converted to a
+regular number by the Calculator.@refill
+All arithmetic and transcendental functions accept error forms as input.
+Operations on the mean-value part work just like operations on regular
+numbers.  The error part for any function @cite{f(x)} (such as @c{$\sin x$}
+is defined by the error of @cite{x} times the derivative of @cite{f}
+evaluated at the mean value of @cite{x}.  For a two-argument function
+@cite{f(x,y)} (such as addition) the error is the square root of the sum
+of the squares of the errors due to @cite{x} and @cite{y}.
+$$ \eqalign{
+  f(x \hbox{\code{ +/- }} \sigma)
+    &= f(x) \hbox{\code{ +/- }} \sigma \left| {df(x) \over dx} \right| \cr
+  f(x \hbox{\code{ +/- }} \sigma_x, y \hbox{\code{ +/- }} \sigma_y)
+    &= f(x,y) \hbox{\code{ +/- }}
+        \sqrt{\left(\sigma_x \left| {\partial f(x,y) \over \partial x}
+                             \right| \right)^2
+             +\left(\sigma_y \left| {\partial f(x,y) \over \partial y}
+                             \right| \right)^2 } \cr
+} $$
+@end tex
+Note that this
+definition assumes the errors in @cite{x} and @cite{y} are uncorrelated.
+A side effect of this definition is that @samp{(2 +/- 1) * (2 +/- 1)}
+is not the same as @samp{(2 +/- 1)^2}; the former represents the product
+of two independent values which happen to have the same probability
+distributions, and the latter is the product of one random value with itself.
+The former will produce an answer with less error, since on the average
+the two independent errors can be expected to cancel out.@refill
+Consult a good text on error analysis for a discussion of the proper use
+of standard deviations.  Actual errors often are neither Gaussian-distributed
+nor uncorrelated, and the above formulas are valid only when errors
+are small.  As an example, the error arising from
+`@t{sin(}@i{x} @t{+/-} @c{$\sigma$}
+@i{sigma}@t{)}' is
+@i{sigma} @t{abs(cos(}@i{x}@t{))}'.  When @cite{x} is close to zero,
+@c{$\cos x$}
+@cite{cos(x)} is
+close to one so the error in the sine is close to @c{$\sigma$}
+@cite{sigma}; this makes sense, since @c{$\sin x$}
+@cite{sin(x)} is approximately @cite{x} near zero, so a given
+error in @cite{x} will produce about the same error in the sine.  Likewise,
+near 90 degrees @c{$\cos x$}
+@cite{cos(x)} is nearly zero and so the computed error is
+small:  The sine curve is nearly flat in that region, so an error in @cite{x}
+has relatively little effect on the value of @c{$\sin x$}
+@cite{sin(x)}.  However, consider
+@samp{sin(90 +/- 1000)}.  The cosine of 90 is zero, so Calc will report
+zero error!  We get an obviously wrong result because we have violated
+the small-error approximation underlying the error analysis.  If the error
+in @cite{x} had been small, the error in @c{$\sin x$}
+@cite{sin(x)} would indeed have been negligible.@refill
+@c @mindex p
+@kindex p (error forms)
+@tindex +/-
+To enter an error form during regular numeric entry, use the @kbd{p}
+(``plus-or-minus'') key to type the @samp{+/-} symbol.  (If you try actually
+typing @samp{+/-} the @kbd{+} key will be interpreted as the Calculator's
+@kbd{+} command!)  Within an algebraic formula, you can press @kbd{M-p} to
+type the @samp{+/-} symbol, or type it out by hand.
+Error forms and complex numbers can be mixed; the formulas shown above
+are used for complex numbers, too; note that if the error part evaluates
+to a complex number its absolute value (or the square root of the sum of
+the squares of the absolute values of the two error contributions) is
+used.  Mathematically, this corresponds to a radially symmetric Gaussian
+distribution of numbers on the complex plane.  However, note that Calc
+considers an error form with real components to represent a real number,
+not a complex distribution around a real mean.
+Error forms may also be composed of HMS forms.  For best results, both
+the mean and the error should be HMS forms if either one is.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex sdev
+The algebraic function @samp{sdev(a, b)} builds the error form @samp{a +/- b}.
+@node Interval Forms, Incomplete Objects, Error Forms, Data Types
+@section Interval Forms
+@cindex Interval forms
+An @dfn{interval} is a subset of consecutive real numbers.  For example,
+the interval @samp{[2 ..@: 4]} represents all the numbers from 2 to 4,
+inclusive.  If you multiply it by the interval @samp{[0.5 ..@: 2]} you
+obtain @samp{[1 ..@: 8]}.  This calculation represents the fact that if
+you multiply some number in the range @samp{[2 ..@: 4]} by some other
+number in the range @samp{[0.5 ..@: 2]}, your result will lie in the range
+from 1 to 8.  Interval arithmetic is used to get a worst-case estimate
+of the possible range of values a computation will produce, given the
+set of possible values of the input.
+Calc supports several varieties of intervals, including @dfn{closed}
+intervals of the type shown above, @dfn{open} intervals such as
+@samp{(2 ..@: 4)}, which represents the range of numbers from 2 to 4
+@emph{exclusive}, and @dfn{semi-open} intervals in which one end
+uses a round parenthesis and the other a square bracket.  In mathematical
+@samp{[2 ..@: 4]} means @cite{2 <= x <= 4}, whereas
+@samp{[2 ..@: 4)} represents @cite{2 <= x < 4},
+@samp{(2 ..@: 4]} represents @cite{2 < x <= 4}, and
+@samp{(2 ..@: 4)} represents @cite{2 < x < 4}.@refill
+@end ifinfo
+Calc supports several varieties of intervals, including \dfn{closed}
+intervals of the type shown above, \dfn{open} intervals such as
+\samp{(2 ..\: 4)}, which represents the range of numbers from 2 to 4
+\emph{exclusive}, and \dfn{semi-open} intervals in which one end
+uses a round parenthesis and the other a square bracket.  In mathematical
+$$ \eqalign{
+   [2 \hbox{\cite{..}} 4]  &\quad\hbox{means}\quad  2 \le x \le 4  \cr
+   [2 \hbox{\cite{..}} 4)  &\quad\hbox{means}\quad  2 \le x  <  4  \cr
+   (2 \hbox{\cite{..}} 4]  &\quad\hbox{means}\quad  2  <  x \le 4  \cr
+   (2 \hbox{\cite{..}} 4)  &\quad\hbox{means}\quad  2  <  x  <  4  \cr
+} $$
+@end tex
+The lower and upper limits of an interval must be either real numbers
+(or HMS or date forms), or symbolic expressions which are assumed to be
+real-valued, or @samp{-inf} and @samp{inf}.  In general the lower limit
+must be less than the upper limit.  A closed interval containing only
+one value, @samp{[3 ..@: 3]}, is converted to a plain number (3)
+automatically.  An interval containing no values at all (such as
+@samp{[3 ..@: 2]} or @samp{[2 ..@: 2)}) can be represented but is not
+guaranteed to behave well when used in arithmetic.  Note that the
+interval @samp{[3 .. inf)} represents all real numbers greater than
+or equal to 3, and @samp{(-inf .. inf)} represents all real numbers.
+In fact, @samp{[-inf .. inf]} represents all real numbers including
+the real infinities.
+Intervals are entered in the notation shown here, either as algebraic
+formulas, or using incomplete forms.  (@xref{Incomplete Objects}.)
+In algebraic formulas, multiple periods in a row are collected from
+left to right, so that @samp{1...1e2} is interpreted as @samp{1.0 ..@: 1e2}
+rather than @samp{1 ..@: 0.1e2}.  Add spaces or zeros if you want to
+get the other interpretation.  If you omit the lower or upper limit,
+a default of @samp{-inf} or @samp{inf} (respectively) is furnished.
+``Infinite mode'' also affects operations on intervals
+(@pxref{Infinities}).  Calc will always introduce an open infinity,
+as in @samp{1 / (0 .. 2] = [0.5 .. inf)}.  But closed infinities,
+@w{@samp{1 / [0 .. 2] = [0.5 .. inf]}}, arise only in infinite mode;
+otherwise they are left unevaluated.  Note that the ``direction'' of
+a zero is not an issue in this case since the zero is always assumed
+to be continuous with the rest of the interval.  For intervals that
+contain zero inside them Calc is forced to give the result,
+@samp{1 / (-2 .. 2) = [-inf .. inf]}.
+While it may seem that intervals and error forms are similar, they are
+based on entirely different concepts of inexact quantities.  An error
+form `@i{x} @t{+/-} @c{$\sigma$}
+@i{sigma}' means a variable is random, and its value could
+be anything but is ``probably'' within one @c{$\sigma$}
+@i{sigma} of the mean value @cite{x}.
+An interval `@t{[}@i{a} @t{..@:} @i{b}@t{]}' means a variable's value
+is unknown, but guaranteed to lie in the specified range.  Error forms
+are statistical or ``average case'' approximations; interval arithmetic
+tends to produce ``worst case'' bounds on an answer.@refill
+Intervals may not contain complex numbers, but they may contain
+HMS forms or date forms.
+@xref{Set Operations}, for commands that interpret interval forms
+as subsets of the set of real numbers.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex intv
+The algebraic function @samp{intv(n, a, b)} builds an interval form
+from @samp{a} to @samp{b}; @samp{n} is an integer code which must
+be 0 for @samp{(..)}, 1 for @samp{(..]}, 2 for @samp{[..)}, or
+3 for @samp{[..]}.
+Please note that in fully rigorous interval arithmetic, care would be
+taken to make sure that the computation of the lower bound rounds toward
+minus infinity, while upper bound computations round toward plus
+infinity.  Calc's arithmetic always uses a round-to-nearest mode,
+which means that roundoff errors could creep into an interval
+calculation to produce intervals slightly smaller than they ought to
+be.  For example, entering @samp{[1..2]} and pressing @kbd{Q 2 ^}
+should yield the interval @samp{[1..2]} again, but in fact it yields the
+(slightly too small) interval @samp{[1..1.9999999]} due to roundoff
+@node Incomplete Objects, Variables, Interval Forms, Data Types
+@section Incomplete Objects
+@c @mindex [ ]
+@kindex [
+@c @mindex ( )
+@kindex (
+@kindex ,
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex ]
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex )
+@cindex Incomplete vectors
+@cindex Incomplete complex numbers
+@cindex Incomplete interval forms
+When @kbd{(} or @kbd{[} is typed to begin entering a complex number or
+vector, respectively, the effect is to push an @dfn{incomplete} complex
+number or vector onto the stack.  The @kbd{,} key adds the value(s) at
+the top of the stack onto the current incomplete object.  The @kbd{)}
+and @kbd{]} keys ``close'' the incomplete object after adding any values
+on the top of the stack in front of the incomplete object.
+As a result, the sequence of keystrokes @kbd{[ 2 , 3 @key{RET} 2 * , 9 ]}
+pushes the vector @samp{[2, 6, 9]} onto the stack.  Likewise, @kbd{( 1 , 2 Q )}
+pushes the complex number @samp{(1, 1.414)} (approximately).
+If several values lie on the stack in front of the incomplete object,
+all are collected and appended to the object.  Thus the @kbd{,} key
+is redundant:  @kbd{[ 2 @key{RET} 3 @key{RET} 2 * 9 ]}.  Some people
+prefer the equivalent @key{SPC} key to @key{RET}.@refill
+As a special case, typing @kbd{,} immediately after @kbd{(}, @kbd{[}, or
+@kbd{,} adds a zero or duplicates the preceding value in the list being
+formed.  Typing @key{DEL} during incomplete entry removes the last item
+from the list.
+@kindex ;
+The @kbd{;} key is used in the same way as @kbd{,} to create polar complex
+numbers:  @kbd{( 1 ; 2 )}.  When entering a vector, @kbd{;} is useful for
+creating a matrix.  In particular, @kbd{[ [ 1 , 2 ; 3 , 4 ; 5 , 6 ] ]} is
+equivalent to @kbd{[ [ 1 , 2 ] , [ 3 , 4 ] , [ 5 , 6 ] ]}.
+@kindex ..
+@pindex calc-dots
+Incomplete entry is also used to enter intervals.  For example,
+@kbd{[ 2 ..@: 4 )} enters a semi-open interval.  Note that when you type
+the first period, it will be interpreted as a decimal point, but when
+you type a second period immediately afterward, it is re-interpreted as
+part of the interval symbol.  Typing @kbd{..} corresponds to executing
+the @code{calc-dots} command.
+If you find incomplete entry distracting, you may wish to enter vectors
+and complex numbers as algebraic formulas by pressing the apostrophe key.
+@node Variables, Formulas, Incomplete Objects, Data Types
+@section Variables
+@cindex Variables, in formulas
+A @dfn{variable} is somewhere between a storage register on a conventional
+calculator, and a variable in a programming language.  (In fact, a Calc
+variable is really just an Emacs Lisp variable that contains a Calc number
+or formula.)  A variable's name is normally composed of letters and digits.
+Calc also allows apostrophes and @code{#} signs in variable names.
+The Calc variable @code{foo} corresponds to the Emacs Lisp variable
+@code{var-foo}.  Commands like @kbd{s s} (@code{calc-store}) that operate
+on variables can be made to use any arbitrary Lisp variable simply by
+backspacing over the @samp{var-} prefix in the minibuffer.@refill
+In a command that takes a variable name, you can either type the full
+name of a variable, or type a single digit to use one of the special
+convenience variables @code{var-q0} through @code{var-q9}.  For example,
+@kbd{3 s s 2} stores the number 3 in variable @code{var-q2}, and
+@w{@kbd{3 s s foo @key{RET}}} stores that number in variable
+To push a variable itself (as opposed to the variable's value) on the
+stack, enter its name as an algebraic expression using the apostrophe
+(@key{'}) key.  Variable names in algebraic formulas implicitly have
+@samp{var-} prefixed to their names.  The @samp{#} character in variable
+names used in algebraic formulas corresponds to a dash @samp{-} in the
+Lisp variable name.  If the name contains any dashes, the prefix @samp{var-}
+is @emph{not} automatically added.  Thus the two formulas @samp{foo + 1}
+and @samp{var#foo + 1} both refer to the same variable.
+@kindex =
+@pindex calc-evaluate
+@cindex Evaluation of variables in a formula
+@cindex Variables, evaluation
+@cindex Formulas, evaluation
+The @kbd{=} (@code{calc-evaluate}) key ``evaluates'' a formula by
+replacing all variables in the formula which have been given values by a
+@code{calc-store} or @code{calc-let} command by their stored values.
+Other variables are left alone.  Thus a variable that has not been
+stored acts like an abstract variable in algebra; a variable that has
+been stored acts more like a register in a traditional calculator.
+With a positive numeric prefix argument, @kbd{=} evaluates the top
+@var{n} stack entries; with a negative argument, @kbd{=} evaluates
+the @var{n}th stack entry.
+@cindex @code{e} variable
+@cindex @code{pi} variable
+@cindex @code{i} variable
+@cindex @code{phi} variable
+@cindex @code{gamma} variable
+@vindex e
+@vindex pi
+@vindex i
+@vindex phi
+@vindex gamma
+A few variables are called @dfn{special constants}.  Their names are
+@samp{e}, @samp{pi}, @samp{i}, @samp{phi}, and @samp{gamma}.
+(@xref{Scientific Functions}.)  When they are evaluated with @kbd{=},
+their values are calculated if necessary according to the current precision
+or complex polar mode.  If you wish to use these symbols for other purposes,
+simply undefine or redefine them using @code{calc-store}.@refill
+The variables @samp{inf}, @samp{uinf}, and @samp{nan} stand for
+infinite or indeterminate values.  It's best not to use them as
+regular variables, since Calc uses special algebraic rules when
+it manipulates them.  Calc displays a warning message if you store
+a value into any of these special variables.
+@xref{Store and Recall}, for a discussion of commands dealing with variables.
+@node Formulas, , Variables, Data Types
+@section Formulas
+@cindex Formulas
+@cindex Expressions
+@cindex Operators in formulas
+@cindex Precedence of operators
+When you press the apostrophe key you may enter any expression or formula
+in algebraic form.  (Calc uses the terms ``expression'' and ``formula''
+interchangeably.)  An expression is built up of numbers, variable names,
+and function calls, combined with various arithmetic operators.
+Parentheses may
+be used to indicate grouping.  Spaces are ignored within formulas, except
+that spaces are not permitted within variable names or numbers.
+Arithmetic operators, in order from highest to lowest precedence, and
+with their equivalent function names, are:
+@samp{_} [@code{subscr}] (subscripts);
+postfix @samp{%} [@code{percent}] (as in @samp{25% = 0.25});
+prefix @samp{+} and @samp{-} [@code{neg}] (as in @samp{-x})
+and prefix @samp{!} [@code{lnot}] (logical ``not,'' as in @samp{!x});
+@samp{+/-} [@code{sdev}] (the standard deviation symbol) and
+@samp{mod} [@code{makemod}] (the symbol for modulo forms);
+postfix @samp{!} [@code{fact}] (factorial, as in @samp{n!})
+and postfix @samp{!!} [@code{dfact}] (double factorial);
+@samp{^} [@code{pow}] (raised-to-the-power-of);
+@samp{*} [@code{mul}];
+@samp{/} [@code{div}], @samp{%} [@code{mod}] (modulo), and
+@samp{\} [@code{idiv}] (integer division);
+infix @samp{+} [@code{add}] and @samp{-} [@code{sub}] (as in @samp{x-y});
+@samp{|} [@code{vconcat}] (vector concatenation);
+relations @samp{=} [@code{eq}], @samp{!=} [@code{neq}], @samp{<} [@code{lt}],
+@samp{>} [@code{gt}], @samp{<=} [@code{leq}], and @samp{>=} [@code{geq}];
+@samp{&&} [@code{land}] (logical ``and'');
+@samp{||} [@code{lor}] (logical ``or'');
+the C-style ``if'' operator @samp{a?b:c} [@code{if}];
+@samp{!!!} [@code{pnot}] (rewrite pattern ``not'');
+@samp{&&&} [@code{pand}] (rewrite pattern ``and'');
+@samp{|||} [@code{por}] (rewrite pattern ``or'');
+@samp{:=} [@code{assign}] (for assignments and rewrite rules);
+@samp{::} [@code{condition}] (rewrite pattern condition);
+@samp{=>} [@code{evalto}].
+Note that, unlike in usual computer notation, multiplication binds more
+strongly than division:  @samp{a*b/c*d} is equivalent to @c{$a b \over c d$}
+@cindex Multiplication, implicit
+@cindex Implicit multiplication
+The multiplication sign @samp{*} may be omitted in many cases.  In particular,
+if the righthand side is a number, variable name, or parenthesized
+expression, the @samp{*} may be omitted.  Implicit multiplication has the
+same precedence as the explicit @samp{*} operator.  The one exception to
+the rule is that a variable name followed by a parenthesized expression,
+as in @samp{f(x)},
+is interpreted as a function call, not an implicit @samp{*}.  In many
+cases you must use a space if you omit the @samp{*}:  @samp{2a} is the
+same as @samp{2*a}, and @samp{a b} is the same as @samp{a*b}, but @samp{ab}
+is a variable called @code{ab}, @emph{not} the product of @samp{a} and
+@samp{b}!  Also note that @samp{f (x)} is still a function call.@refill
+@cindex Implicit comma in vectors
+The rules are slightly different for vectors written with square brackets.
+In vectors, the space character is interpreted (like the comma) as a
+separator of elements of the vector.  Thus @w{@samp{[ 2a b+c d ]}} is
+equivalent to @samp{[2*a, b+c, d]}, whereas @samp{2a b+c d} is equivalent
+to @samp{2*a*b + c*d}.
+Note that spaces around the brackets, and around explicit commas, are
+ignored.  To force spaces to be interpreted as multiplication you can
+enclose a formula in parentheses as in @samp{[(a b) 2(c d)]}, which is
+interpreted as @samp{[a*b, 2*c*d]}.  An implicit comma is also inserted
+between @samp{][}, as in the matrix @samp{[[1 2][3 4]]}.@refill
+Vectors that contain commas (not embedded within nested parentheses or
+brackets) do not treat spaces specially:  @samp{[a b, 2 c d]} is a vector
+of two elements.  Also, if it would be an error to treat spaces as
+separators, but not otherwise, then Calc will ignore spaces:
+@w{@samp{[a - b]}} is a vector of one element, but @w{@samp{[a -b]}} is
+a vector of two elements.  Finally, vectors entered with curly braces
+instead of square brackets do not give spaces any special treatment.
+When Calc displays a vector that does not contain any commas, it will
+insert parentheses if necessary to make the meaning clear:
+@w{@samp{[(a b)]}}.
+The expression @samp{5%-2} is ambiguous; is this five-percent minus two,
+or five modulo minus-two?  Calc always interprets the leftmost symbol as
+an infix operator preferentially (modulo, in this case), so you would
+need to write @samp{(5%)-2} to get the former interpretation.
+@cindex Function call notation
+A function call is, e.g., @samp{sin(1+x)}.  Function names follow the same
+rules as variable names except that the default prefix @samp{calcFunc-} is
+used (instead of @samp{var-}) for the internal Lisp form.
+Most mathematical Calculator commands like
+@code{calc-sin} have function equivalents like @code{sin}.
+If no Lisp function is defined for a function called by a formula, the
+call is left as it is during algebraic manipulation: @samp{f(x+y)} is
+left alone.  Beware that many innocent-looking short names like @code{in}
+and @code{re} have predefined meanings which could surprise you; however,
+single letters or single letters followed by digits are always safe to
+use for your own function names.  @xref{Function Index}.@refill
+In the documentation for particular commands, the notation @kbd{H S}
+(@code{calc-sinh}) [@code{sinh}] means that the key sequence @kbd{H S}, the
+command @kbd{M-x calc-sinh}, and the algebraic function @code{sinh(x)} all
+represent the same operation.@refill
+Commands that interpret (``parse'') text as algebraic formulas include
+algebraic entry (@kbd{'}), editing commands like @kbd{`} which parse
+the contents of the editing buffer when you finish, the @kbd{M-# g}
+and @w{@kbd{M-# r}} commands, the @kbd{C-y} command, the X window system
+``paste'' mouse operation, and Embedded Mode.  All of these operations
+use the same rules for parsing formulas; in particular, language modes
+(@pxref{Language Modes}) affect them all in the same way.
+When you read a large amount of text into the Calculator (say a vector
+which represents a big set of rewrite rules; @pxref{Rewrite Rules}),
+you may wish to include comments in the text.  Calc's formula parser
+ignores the symbol @samp{%%} and anything following it on a line:
+[ a + b,   %% the sum of "a" and "b"
+  c + d,
+  %% last line is coming up:
+  e + f ]
+@end example
+This is parsed exactly the same as @samp{[ a + b, c + d, e + f ]}.
+@xref{Syntax Tables}, for a way to create your own operators and other
+input notations.  @xref{Compositions}, for a way to create new display
+@xref{Algebra}, for commands for manipulating formulas symbolically.
+@node Stack and Trail, Mode Settings, Data Types, Top
+@chapter Stack and Trail Commands
+This chapter describes the Calc commands for manipulating objects on the
+stack and in the trail buffer.  (These commands operate on objects of any
+type, such as numbers, vectors, formulas, and incomplete objects.)
+* Stack Manipulation::
+* Editing Stack Entries::
+* Trail Commands::
+* Keep Arguments::
+@end menu
+@node Stack Manipulation, Editing Stack Entries, Stack and Trail, Stack and Trail
+@section Stack Manipulation Commands
+@kindex RET
+@kindex SPC
+@pindex calc-enter
+@cindex Duplicating stack entries
+To duplicate the top object on the stack, press @key{RET} or @key{SPC}
+(two equivalent keys for the @code{calc-enter} command).
+Given a positive numeric prefix argument, these commands duplicate
+several elements at the top of the stack.
+Given a negative argument,
+these commands duplicate the specified element of the stack.
+Given an argument of zero, they duplicate the entire stack.
+For example, with @samp{10 20 30} on the stack,
+@key{RET} creates @samp{10 20 30 30},
+@kbd{C-u 2 @key{RET}} creates @samp{10 20 30 20 30},
+@kbd{C-u - 2 @key{RET}} creates @samp{10 20 30 20}, and
+@kbd{C-u 0 @key{RET}} creates @samp{10 20 30 10 20 30}.@refill
+@kindex LFD
+@pindex calc-over
+The @key{LFD} (@code{calc-over}) command (on a key marked Line-Feed if you
+have it, else on @kbd{C-j}) is like @code{calc-enter}
+except that the sign of the numeric prefix argument is interpreted
+oppositely.  Also, with no prefix argument the default argument is 2.
+Thus with @samp{10 20 30} on the stack, @key{LFD} and @kbd{C-u 2 @key{LFD}}
+are both equivalent to @kbd{C-u - 2 @key{RET}}, producing
+@samp{10 20 30 20}.@refill
+@kindex DEL
+@kindex C-d
+@pindex calc-pop
+@cindex Removing stack entries
+@cindex Deleting stack entries
+To remove the top element from the stack, press @key{DEL} (@code{calc-pop}).
+The @kbd{C-d} key is a synonym for @key{DEL}.
+(If the top element is an incomplete object with at least one element, the
+last element is removed from it.)  Given a positive numeric prefix argument,
+several elements are removed.  Given a negative argument, the specified
+element of the stack is deleted.  Given an argument of zero, the entire
+stack is emptied.
+For example, with @samp{10 20 30} on the stack,
+@key{DEL} leaves @samp{10 20},
+@kbd{C-u 2 @key{DEL}} leaves @samp{10},
+@kbd{C-u - 2 @key{DEL}} leaves @samp{10 30}, and
+@kbd{C-u 0 @key{DEL}} leaves an empty stack.@refill
+@kindex M-DEL
+@pindex calc-pop-above
+The @key{M-DEL} (@code{calc-pop-above}) command is to @key{DEL} what
+@key{LFD} is to @key{RET}:  It interprets the sign of the numeric
+prefix argument in the opposite way, and the default argument is 2.
+Thus @key{M-DEL} by itself removes the second-from-top stack element,
+leaving the first, third, fourth, and so on; @kbd{M-3 M-DEL} deletes
+the third stack element.
+@kindex TAB
+@pindex calc-roll-down
+To exchange the top two elements of the stack, press @key{TAB}
+(@code{calc-roll-down}).  Given a positive numeric prefix argument, the
+specified number of elements at the top of the stack are rotated downward.
+Given a negative argument, the entire stack is rotated downward the specified
+number of times.  Given an argument of zero, the entire stack is reversed
+For example, with @samp{10 20 30 40 50} on the stack,
+@key{TAB} creates @samp{10 20 30 50 40},
+@kbd{C-u 3 @key{TAB}} creates @samp{10 20 50 30 40},
+@kbd{C-u - 2 @key{TAB}} creates @samp{40 50 10 20 30}, and
+@kbd{C-u 0 @key{TAB}} creates @samp{50 40 30 20 10}.@refill
+@kindex M-TAB
+@pindex calc-roll-up
+The command @key{M-TAB} (@code{calc-roll-up}) is analogous to @key{TAB}
+except that it rotates upward instead of downward.  Also, the default
+with no prefix argument is to rotate the top 3 elements.
+For example, with @samp{10 20 30 40 50} on the stack,
+@key{M-TAB} creates @samp{10 20 40 50 30},
+@kbd{C-u 4 @key{M-TAB}} creates @samp{10 30 40 50 20},
+@kbd{C-u - 2 @key{M-TAB}} creates @samp{30 40 50 10 20}, and
+@kbd{C-u 0 @key{M-TAB}} creates @samp{50 40 30 20 10}.@refill
+A good way to view the operation of @key{TAB} and @key{M-TAB} is in
+terms of moving a particular element to a new position in the stack.
+With a positive argument @i{n}, @key{TAB} moves the top stack
+element down to level @i{n}, making room for it by pulling all the
+intervening stack elements toward the top.  @key{M-TAB} moves the
+element at level @i{n} up to the top.  (Compare with @key{LFD},
+which copies instead of moving the element in level @i{n}.)
+With a negative argument @i{-n}, @key{TAB} rotates the stack
+to move the object in level @i{n} to the deepest place in the
+stack, and the object in level @i{n+1} to the top.  @key{M-TAB}
+rotates the deepest stack element to be in level @i{n}, also
+putting the top stack element in level @i{n+1}.
+@xref{Selecting Subformulas}, for a way to apply these commands to
+any portion of a vector or formula on the stack.
+@node Editing Stack Entries, Trail Commands, Stack Manipulation, Stack and Trail
+@section Editing Stack Entries
+@kindex `
+@pindex calc-edit
+@pindex calc-edit-finish
+@cindex Editing the stack with Emacs
+The backquote, @kbd{`} (@code{calc-edit}) command creates a temporary
+buffer (@samp{*Calc Edit*}) for editing the top-of-stack value using
+regular Emacs commands.  With a numeric prefix argument, it edits the
+specified number of stack entries at once.  (An argument of zero edits
+the entire stack; a negative argument edits one specific stack entry.)
+When you are done editing, press @kbd{M-# M-#} to finish and return
+to Calc.  The @key{RET} and @key{LFD} keys also work to finish most
+sorts of editing, though in some cases Calc leaves @key{RET} with its
+usual meaning (``insert a newline'') if it's a situation where you
+might want to insert new lines into the editing buffer.  The traditional
+Emacs ``finish'' key sequence, @kbd{C-c C-c}, also works to finish
+editing and may be easier to type, depending on your keyboard.
+When you finish editing, the Calculator parses the lines of text in
+the @samp{*Calc Edit*} buffer as numbers or formulas, replaces the
+original stack elements in the original buffer with these new values,
+then kills the @samp{*Calc Edit*} buffer.  The original Calculator buffer
+continues to exist during editing, but for best results you should be
+careful not to change it until you have finished the edit.  You can
+also cancel the edit by pressing @kbd{M-# x}.
+The formula is normally reevaluated as it is put onto the stack.
+For example, editing @samp{a + 2} to @samp{3 + 2} and pressing
+@kbd{M-# M-#} will push 5 on the stack.  If you use @key{LFD} to
+finish, Calc will put the result on the stack without evaluating it.
+If you give a prefix argument to @kbd{M-# M-#} (or @kbd{C-c C-c}),
+Calc will not kill the @samp{*Calc Edit*} buffer.  You can switch
+back to that buffer and continue editing if you wish.  However, you
+should understand that if you initiated the edit with @kbd{`}, the
+@kbd{M-# M-#} operation will be programmed to replace the top of the
+stack with the new edited value, and it will do this even if you have
+rearranged the stack in the meanwhile.  This is not so much of a problem
+with other editing commands, though, such as @kbd{s e}
+(@code{calc-edit-variable}; @pxref{Operations on Variables}).
+If the @code{calc-edit} command involves more than one stack entry,
+each line of the @samp{*Calc Edit*} buffer is interpreted as a
+separate formula.  Otherwise, the entire buffer is interpreted as
+one formula, with line breaks ignored.  (You can use @kbd{C-o} or
+@kbd{C-q C-j} to insert a newline in the buffer without pressing @key{RET}.)
+The @kbd{`} key also works during numeric or algebraic entry.  The
+text entered so far is moved to the @code{*Calc Edit*} buffer for
+more extensive editing than is convenient in the minibuffer.
+@node Trail Commands, Keep Arguments, Editing Stack Entries, Stack and Trail
+@section Trail Commands
+@cindex Trail buffer
+The commands for manipulating the Calc Trail buffer are two-key sequences
+beginning with the @kbd{t} prefix.
+@kindex t d
+@pindex calc-trail-display
+The @kbd{t d} (@code{calc-trail-display}) command turns display of the
+trail on and off.  Normally the trail display is toggled on if it was off,
+off if it was on.  With a numeric prefix of zero, this command always
+turns the trail off; with a prefix of one, it always turns the trail on.
+The other trail-manipulation commands described here automatically turn
+the trail on.  Note that when the trail is off values are still recorded
+there; they are simply not displayed.  To set Emacs to turn the trail
+off by default, type @kbd{t d} and then save the mode settings with
+@kbd{m m} (@code{calc-save-modes}).
+@kindex t i
+@pindex calc-trail-in
+@kindex t o
+@pindex calc-trail-out
+The @kbd{t i} (@code{calc-trail-in}) and @kbd{t o}
+(@code{calc-trail-out}) commands switch the cursor into and out of the
+Calc Trail window.  In practice they are rarely used, since the commands
+shown below are a more convenient way to move around in the
+trail, and they work ``by remote control'' when the cursor is still
+in the Calculator window.@refill
+@cindex Trail pointer
+There is a @dfn{trail pointer} which selects some entry of the trail at
+any given time.  The trail pointer looks like a @samp{>} symbol right
+before the selected number.  The following commands operate on the
+trail pointer in various ways.
+@kindex t y
+@pindex calc-trail-yank
+@cindex Retrieving previous results
+The @kbd{t y} (@code{calc-trail-yank}) command reads the selected value in
+the trail and pushes it onto the Calculator stack.  It allows you to
+re-use any previously computed value without retyping.  With a numeric
+prefix argument @var{n}, it yanks the value @var{n} lines above the current
+trail pointer.
+@kindex t <
+@pindex calc-trail-scroll-left
+@kindex t >
+@pindex calc-trail-scroll-right
+The @kbd{t <} (@code{calc-trail-scroll-left}) and @kbd{t >}
+(@code{calc-trail-scroll-right}) commands horizontally scroll the trail
+window left or right by one half of its width.@refill
+@kindex t n
+@pindex calc-trail-next
+@kindex t p
+@pindex calc-trail-previous
+@kindex t f
+@pindex calc-trail-forward
+@kindex t b
+@pindex calc-trail-backward
+The @kbd{t n} (@code{calc-trail-next}) and @kbd{t p}
+(@code{calc-trail-previous)} commands move the trail pointer down or up
+one line.  The @kbd{t f} (@code{calc-trail-forward}) and @kbd{t b}
+(@code{calc-trail-backward}) commands move the trail pointer down or up
+one screenful at a time.  All of these commands accept numeric prefix
+arguments to move several lines or screenfuls at a time.@refill
+@kindex t [
+@pindex calc-trail-first
+@kindex t ]
+@pindex calc-trail-last
+@kindex t h
+@pindex calc-trail-here
+The @kbd{t [} (@code{calc-trail-first}) and @kbd{t ]}
+(@code{calc-trail-last}) commands move the trail pointer to the first or
+last line of the trail.  The @kbd{t h} (@code{calc-trail-here}) command
+moves the trail pointer to the cursor position; unlike the other trail
+commands, @kbd{t h} works only when Calc Trail is the selected window.@refill
+@kindex t s
+@pindex calc-trail-isearch-forward
+@kindex t r
+@pindex calc-trail-isearch-backward
+The @kbd{t s} (@code{calc-trail-isearch-forward}) and @kbd{t r}
+(@code{calc-trail-isearch-backward}) commands perform an incremental
+search forward or backward through the trail.  You can press @key{RET}
+to terminate the search; the trail pointer moves to the current line.
+If you cancel the search with @kbd{C-g}, the trail pointer stays where
+it was when the search began.@refill
+@end ifinfo
+The @kbd{t s} (@code{calc-trail-isearch-forward}) and @kbd{t r}
+(@code{calc-trail-isearch-backward}) com\-mands perform an incremental
+search forward or backward through the trail.  You can press @key{RET}
+to terminate the search; the trail pointer moves to the current line.
+If you cancel the search with @kbd{C-g}, the trail pointer stays where
+it was when the search began.
+@end tex
+@kindex t m
+@pindex calc-trail-marker
+The @kbd{t m} (@code{calc-trail-marker}) command allows you to enter a
+line of text of your own choosing into the trail.  The text is inserted
+after the line containing the trail pointer; this usually means it is
+added to the end of the trail.  Trail markers are useful mainly as the
+targets for later incremental searches in the trail.
+@kindex t k
+@pindex calc-trail-kill
+The @kbd{t k} (@code{calc-trail-kill}) command removes the selected line
+from the trail.  The line is saved in the Emacs kill ring suitable for
+yanking into another buffer, but it is not easy to yank the text back
+into the trail buffer.  With a numeric prefix argument, this command
+kills the @var{n} lines below or above the selected one.
+The @kbd{t .} (@code{calc-full-trail-vectors}) command is described
+elsewhere; @pxref{Vector and Matrix Formats}.
+@node Keep Arguments, , Trail Commands, Stack and Trail
+@section Keep Arguments
+@kindex K
+@pindex calc-keep-args
+The @kbd{K} (@code{calc-keep-args}) command acts like a prefix for
+the following command.  It prevents that command from removing its
+arguments from the stack.  For example, after @kbd{2 @key{RET} 3 +},
+the stack contains the sole number 5, but after @kbd{2 @key{RET} 3 K +},
+the stack contains the arguments and the result: @samp{2 3 5}.
+This works for all commands that take arguments off the stack.  As
+another example, @kbd{K a s} simplifies a formula, pushing the
+simplified version of the formula onto the stack after the original
+formula (rather than replacing the original formula).
+Note that you could get the same effect by typing @kbd{RET a s},
+copying the formula and then simplifying the copy.  One difference
+is that for a very large formula the time taken to format the
+intermediate copy in @kbd{RET a s} could be noticeable; @kbd{K a s}
+would avoid this extra work.
+Even stack manipulation commands are affected.  @key{TAB} works by
+popping two values and pushing them back in the opposite order,
+so @kbd{2 @key{RET} 3 K @key{TAB}} produces @samp{2 3 3 2}.
+A few Calc commands provide other ways of doing the same thing.
+For example, @kbd{' sin($)} replaces the number on the stack with
+its sine using algebraic entry; to push the sine and keep the
+original argument you could use either @kbd{' sin($1)} or
+@kbd{K ' sin($)}.  @xref{Algebraic Entry}.  Also, the @kbd{s s}
+command is effectively the same as @kbd{K s t}.  @xref{Storing Variables}.
+Keyboard macros may interact surprisingly with the @kbd{K} prefix.
+If you have defined a keyboard macro to be, say, @samp{Q +} to add
+one number to the square root of another, then typing @kbd{K X} will
+execute @kbd{K Q +}, probably not what you expected.  The @kbd{K}
+prefix will apply to just the first command in the macro rather than
+the whole macro.
+If you execute a command and then decide you really wanted to keep
+the argument, you can press @kbd{M-@key{RET}} (@code{calc-last-args}).
+This command pushes the last arguments that were popped by any command
+onto the stack.  Note that the order of things on the stack will be
+different than with @kbd{K}:  @kbd{2 @key{RET} 3 + M-@key{RET}} leaves
+@samp{5 2 3} on the stack instead of @samp{2 3 5}.  @xref{Undo}.
+@node Mode Settings, Arithmetic, Stack and Trail, Top
+@chapter Mode Settings
+This chapter describes commands that set modes in the Calculator.
+They do not affect the contents of the stack, although they may change
+the @emph{appearance} or @emph{interpretation} of the stack's contents.
+* General Mode Commands::
+* Precision::
+* Inverse and Hyperbolic::
+* Calculation Modes::
+* Simplification Modes::
+* Declarations::
+* Display Modes::
+* Language Modes::
+* Modes Variable::
+* Calc Mode Line::
+@end menu
+@node General Mode Commands, Precision, Mode Settings, Mode Settings
+@section General Mode Commands
+@kindex m m
+@pindex calc-save-modes
+@cindex Continuous memory
+@cindex Saving mode settings
+@cindex Permanent mode settings
+@cindex @file{.emacs} file, mode settings
+You can save all of the current mode settings in your @file{.emacs} file
+with the @kbd{m m} (@code{calc-save-modes}) command.  This will cause
+Emacs to reestablish these modes each time it starts up.  The modes saved
+in the file include everything controlled by the @kbd{m} and @kbd{d}
+prefix keys, the current precision and binary word size, whether or not
+the trail is displayed, the current height of the Calc window, and more.
+The current interface (used when you type @kbd{M-# M-#}) is also saved.
+If there were already saved mode settings in the file, they are replaced.
+Otherwise, the new mode information is appended to the end of the file.
+@kindex m R
+@pindex calc-mode-record-mode
+The @kbd{m R} (@code{calc-mode-record-mode}) command tells Calc to
+record the new mode settings (as if by pressing @kbd{m m}) every
+time a mode setting changes.  If Embedded Mode is enabled, other
+options are available; @pxref{Mode Settings in Embedded Mode}.
+@kindex m F
+@pindex calc-settings-file-name
+The @kbd{m F} (@code{calc-settings-file-name}) command allows you to
+choose a different place than your @file{.emacs} file for @kbd{m m},
+@kbd{Z P}, and similar commands to save permanent information.
+You are prompted for a file name.  All Calc modes are then reset to
+their default values, then settings from the file you named are loaded
+if this file exists, and this file becomes the one that Calc will
+use in the future for commands like @kbd{m m}.  The default settings
+file name is @file{~/.emacs}.  You can see the current file name by
+giving a blank response to the @kbd{m F} prompt.  See also the
+discussion of the @code{calc-settings-file} variable; @pxref{Installation}.
+If the file name you give contains the string @samp{.emacs} anywhere
+inside it, @kbd{m F} will not automatically load the new file.  This
+is because you are presumably switching to your @file{~/.emacs} file,
+which may contain other things you don't want to reread.  You can give
+a numeric prefix argument of 1 to @kbd{m F} to force it to read the
+file no matter what its name.  Conversely, an argument of @i{-1} tells
+@kbd{m F} @emph{not} to read the new file.  An argument of 2 or @i{-2}
+tells @kbd{m F} not to reset the modes to their defaults beforehand,
+which is useful if you intend your new file to have a variant of the
+modes present in the file you were using before.
+@kindex m x
+@pindex calc-always-load-extensions
+The @kbd{m x} (@code{calc-always-load-extensions}) command enables a mode
+in which the first use of Calc loads the entire program, including all
+extensions modules.  Otherwise, the extensions modules will not be loaded
+until the various advanced Calc features are used.  Since this mode only
+has effect when Calc is first loaded, @kbd{m x} is usually followed by
+@kbd{m m} to make the mode-setting permanent.  To load all of Calc just
+once, rather than always in the future, you can press @kbd{M-# L}.
+@kindex m S
+@pindex calc-shift-prefix
+The @kbd{m S} (@code{calc-shift-prefix}) command enables a mode in which
+all of Calc's letter prefix keys may be typed shifted as well as unshifted.
+If you are typing, say, @kbd{a S} (@code{calc-solve-for}) quite often
+you might find it easier to turn this mode on so that you can type
+@kbd{A S} instead.  When this mode is enabled, the commands that used to
+be on those single shifted letters (e.g., @kbd{A} (@code{calc-abs})) can
+now be invoked by pressing the shifted letter twice: @kbd{A A}.  Note
+that the @kbd{v} prefix key always works both shifted and unshifted, and
+the @kbd{z} and @kbd{Z} prefix keys are always distinct.  Also, the @kbd{h}
+prefix is not affected by this mode.  Press @kbd{m S} again to disable
+shifted-prefix mode.
+@node Precision, Inverse and Hyperbolic, General Mode Commands, Mode Settings
+@section Precision
+@kindex p
+@pindex calc-precision
+@cindex Precision of calculations
+The @kbd{p} (@code{calc-precision}) command controls the precision to
+which floating-point calculations are carried.  The precision must be
+at least 3 digits and may be arbitrarily high, within the limits of
+memory and time.  This affects only floats:  Integer and rational
+calculations are always carried out with as many digits as necessary.
+The @kbd{p} key prompts for the current precision.  If you wish you
+can instead give the precision as a numeric prefix argument.
+Many internal calculations are carried to one or two digits higher
+precision than normal.  Results are rounded down afterward to the
+current precision.  Unless a special display mode has been selected,
+floats are always displayed with their full stored precision, i.e.,
+what you see is what you get.  Reducing the current precision does not
+round values already on the stack, but those values will be rounded
+down before being used in any calculation.  The @kbd{c 0} through
+@kbd{c 9} commands (@pxref{Conversions}) can be used to round an
+existing value to a new precision.@refill
+@cindex Accuracy of calculations
+It is important to distinguish the concepts of @dfn{precision} and
+@dfn{accuracy}.  In the normal usage of these words, the number
+123.4567 has a precision of 7 digits but an accuracy of 4 digits.
+The precision is the total number of digits not counting leading
+or trailing zeros (regardless of the position of the decimal point).
+The accuracy is simply the number of digits after the decimal point
+(again not counting trailing zeros).  In Calc you control the precision,
+not the accuracy of computations.  If you were to set the accuracy
+instead, then calculations like @samp{exp(100)} would generate many
+more digits than you would typically need, while @samp{exp(-100)} would
+probably round to zero!  In Calc, both these computations give you
+exactly 12 (or the requested number of) significant digits.
+The only Calc features that deal with accuracy instead of precision
+are fixed-point display mode for floats (@kbd{d f}; @pxref{Float Formats}),
+and the rounding functions like @code{floor} and @code{round}
+(@pxref{Integer Truncation}).  Also, @kbd{c 0} through @kbd{c 9}
+deal with both precision and accuracy depending on the magnitudes
+of the numbers involved.
+If you need to work with a particular fixed accuracy (say, dollars and
+cents with two digits after the decimal point), one solution is to work
+with integers and an ``implied'' decimal point.  For example, $8.99
+divided by 6 would be entered @kbd{899 RET 6 /}, yielding 149.833
+(actually $1.49833 with our implied decimal point); pressing @kbd{R}
+would round this to 150 cents, i.e., $1.50.
+@xref{Floats}, for still more on floating-point precision and related
+@node Inverse and Hyperbolic, Calculation Modes, Precision, Mode Settings
+@section Inverse and Hyperbolic Flags
+@kindex I
+@pindex calc-inverse
+There is no single-key equivalent to the @code{calc-arcsin} function.
+Instead, you must first press @kbd{I} (@code{calc-inverse}) to set
+the @dfn{Inverse Flag}, then press @kbd{S} (@code{calc-sin}).
+The @kbd{I} key actually toggles the Inverse Flag.  When this flag
+is set, the word @samp{Inv} appears in the mode line.@refill
+@kindex H
+@pindex calc-hyperbolic
+Likewise, the @kbd{H} key (@code{calc-hyperbolic}) sets or clears the
+Hyperbolic Flag, which transforms @code{calc-sin} into @code{calc-sinh}.
+If both of these flags are set at once, the effect will be
+@code{calc-arcsinh}.  (The Hyperbolic flag is also used by some
+non-trigonometric commands; for example @kbd{H L} computes a base-10,
+instead of base-@i{e}, logarithm.)@refill
+Command names like @code{calc-arcsin} are provided for completeness, and
+may be executed with @kbd{x} or @kbd{M-x}.  Their effect is simply to
+toggle the Inverse and/or Hyperbolic flags and then execute the
+corresponding base command (@code{calc-sin} in this case).
+The Inverse and Hyperbolic flags apply only to the next Calculator
+command, after which they are automatically cleared.  (They are also
+cleared if the next keystroke is not a Calc command.)  Digits you
+type after @kbd{I} or @kbd{H} (or @kbd{K}) are treated as prefix
+arguments for the next command, not as numeric entries.  The same
+is true of @kbd{C-u}, but not of the minus sign (@kbd{K -} means to
+subtract and keep arguments).
+The third Calc prefix flag, @kbd{K} (keep-arguments), is discussed
+elsewhere.  @xref{Keep Arguments}.
+@node Calculation Modes, Simplification Modes, Inverse and Hyperbolic, Mode Settings
+@section Calculation Modes
+The commands in this section are two-key sequences beginning with
+the @kbd{m} prefix.  (That's the letter @kbd{m}, not the @key{META} key.)
+The @samp{m a} (@code{calc-algebraic-mode}) command is described elsewhere
+(@pxref{Algebraic Entry}).
+* Angular Modes::
+* Polar Mode::
+* Fraction Mode::
+* Infinite Mode::
+* Symbolic Mode::
+* Matrix Mode::
+* Automatic Recomputation::
+* Working Message::
+@end menu
+@node Angular Modes, Polar Mode, Calculation Modes, Calculation Modes
+@subsection Angular Modes
+@cindex Angular mode
+The Calculator supports three notations for angles: radians, degrees,
+and degrees-minutes-seconds.  When a number is presented to a function
+like @code{sin} that requires an angle, the current angular mode is
+used to interpret the number as either radians or degrees.  If an HMS
+form is presented to @code{sin}, it is always interpreted as
+Functions that compute angles produce a number in radians, a number in
+degrees, or an HMS form depending on the current angular mode.  If the
+result is a complex number and the current mode is HMS, the number is
+instead expressed in degrees.  (Complex-number calculations would
+normally be done in radians mode, though.  Complex numbers are converted
+to degrees by calculating the complex result in radians and then
+multiplying by 180 over @c{$\pi$}
+@kindex m r
+@pindex calc-radians-mode
+@kindex m d
+@pindex calc-degrees-mode
+@kindex m h
+@pindex calc-hms-mode
+The @kbd{m r} (@code{calc-radians-mode}), @kbd{m d} (@code{calc-degrees-mode}),
+and @kbd{m h} (@code{calc-hms-mode}) commands control the angular mode.
+The current angular mode is displayed on the Emacs mode line.
+The default angular mode is degrees.@refill
+@node Polar Mode, Fraction Mode, Angular Modes, Calculation Modes
+@subsection Polar Mode
+@cindex Polar mode
+The Calculator normally ``prefers'' rectangular complex numbers in the
+sense that rectangular form is used when the proper form can not be
+decided from the input.  This might happen by multiplying a rectangular
+number by a polar one, by taking the square root of a negative real
+number, or by entering @kbd{( 2 @key{SPC} 3 )}.
+@kindex m p
+@pindex calc-polar-mode
+The @kbd{m p} (@code{calc-polar-mode}) command toggles complex-number
+preference between rectangular and polar forms.  In polar mode, all
+of the above example situations would produce polar complex numbers.
+@node Fraction Mode, Infinite Mode, Polar Mode, Calculation Modes
+@subsection Fraction Mode
+@cindex Fraction mode
+@cindex Division of integers
+Division of two integers normally yields a floating-point number if the
+result cannot be expressed as an integer.  In some cases you would
+rather get an exact fractional answer.  One way to accomplish this is
+to multiply fractions instead:  @kbd{6 @key{RET} 1:4 *} produces @cite{3:2}
+even though @kbd{6 @key{RET} 4 /} produces @cite{1.5}.
+@kindex m f
+@pindex calc-frac-mode
+To set the Calculator to produce fractional results for normal integer
+divisions, use the @kbd{m f} (@code{calc-frac-mode}) command.
+For example, @cite{8/4} produces @cite{2} in either mode,
+but @cite{6/4} produces @cite{3:2} in Fraction Mode, @cite{1.5} in
+Float Mode.@refill
+At any time you can use @kbd{c f} (@code{calc-float}) to convert a
+fraction to a float, or @kbd{c F} (@code{calc-fraction}) to convert a
+float to a fraction.  @xref{Conversions}.
+@node Infinite Mode, Symbolic Mode, Fraction Mode, Calculation Modes
+@subsection Infinite Mode
+@cindex Infinite mode
+The Calculator normally treats results like @cite{1 / 0} as errors;
+formulas like this are left in unsimplified form.  But Calc can be
+put into a mode where such calculations instead produce ``infinite''
+@kindex m i
+@pindex calc-infinite-mode
+The @kbd{m i} (@code{calc-infinite-mode}) command turns this mode
+on and off.  When the mode is off, infinities do not arise except
+in calculations that already had infinities as inputs.  (One exception
+is that infinite open intervals like @samp{[0 .. inf)} can be
+generated; however, intervals closed at infinity (@samp{[0 .. inf]})
+will not be generated when infinite mode is off.)
+With infinite mode turned on, @samp{1 / 0} will generate @code{uinf},
+an undirected infinity.  @xref{Infinities}, for a discussion of the
+difference between @code{inf} and @code{uinf}.  Also, @cite{0 / 0}
+evaluates to @code{nan}, the ``indeterminate'' symbol.  Various other
+functions can also return infinities in this mode; for example,
+@samp{ln(0) = -inf}, and @samp{gamma(-7) = uinf}.  Once again,
+note that @samp{exp(inf) = inf} regardless of infinite mode because
+this calculation has infinity as an input.
+@cindex Positive infinite mode
+The @kbd{m i} command with a numeric prefix argument of zero,
+i.e., @kbd{C-u 0 m i}, turns on a ``positive infinite mode'' in
+which zero is treated as positive instead of being directionless.  
+Thus, @samp{1 / 0 = inf} and @samp{-1 / 0 = -inf} in this mode.
+Note that zero never actually has a sign in Calc; there are no
+separate representations for @i{+0} and @i{-0}.  Positive
+infinite mode merely changes the interpretation given to the
+single symbol, @samp{0}.  One consequence of this is that, while
+you might expect @samp{1 / -0 = -inf}, actually @samp{1 / -0}
+is equivalent to @samp{1 / 0}, which is equal to positive @code{inf}.
+@node Symbolic Mode, Matrix Mode, Infinite Mode, Calculation Modes
+@subsection Symbolic Mode
+@cindex Symbolic mode
+@cindex Inexact results
+Calculations are normally performed numerically wherever possible.
+For example, the @code{calc-sqrt} command, or @code{sqrt} function in an
+algebraic expression, produces a numeric answer if the argument is a
+number or a symbolic expression if the argument is an expression:
+@kbd{2 Q} pushes 1.4142 but @kbd{@key{'} x+1 @key{RET} Q} pushes @samp{sqrt(x+1)}.
+@kindex m s
+@pindex calc-symbolic-mode
+In @dfn{symbolic mode}, controlled by the @kbd{m s} (@code{calc-symbolic-mode})
+command, functions which would produce inexact, irrational results are
+left in symbolic form.  Thus @kbd{16 Q} pushes 4, but @kbd{2 Q} pushes
+@kindex N
+@pindex calc-eval-num
+The shift-@kbd{N} (@code{calc-eval-num}) command evaluates numerically
+the expression at the top of the stack, by temporarily disabling
+@code{calc-symbolic-mode} and executing @kbd{=} (@code{calc-evaluate}).
+Given a numeric prefix argument, it also
+sets the floating-point precision to the specified value for the duration
+of the command.@refill
+To evaluate a formula numerically without expanding the variables it
+contains, you can use the key sequence @kbd{m s a v m s} (this uses
+@code{calc-alg-evaluate}, which resimplifies but doesn't evaluate
+@node Matrix Mode, Automatic Recomputation, Symbolic Mode, Calculation Modes
+@subsection Matrix and Scalar Modes
+@cindex Matrix mode
+@cindex Scalar mode
+Calc sometimes makes assumptions during algebraic manipulation that
+are awkward or incorrect when vectors and matrices are involved.
+Calc has two modes, @dfn{matrix mode} and @dfn{scalar mode}, which
+modify its behavior around vectors in useful ways.
+@kindex m v
+@pindex calc-matrix-mode
+Press @kbd{m v} (@code{calc-matrix-mode}) once to enter matrix mode.
+In this mode, all objects are assumed to be matrices unless provably
+otherwise.  One major effect is that Calc will no longer consider
+multiplication to be commutative.  (Recall that in matrix arithmetic,
+@samp{A*B} is not the same as @samp{B*A}.)  This assumption affects
+rewrite rules and algebraic simplification.  Another effect of this
+mode is that calculations that would normally produce constants like
+0 and 1 (e.g., @cite{a - a} and @cite{a / a}, respectively) will now
+produce function calls that represent ``generic'' zero or identity
+matrices: @samp{idn(0)}, @samp{idn(1)}.  The @code{idn} function
+@samp{idn(@var{a},@var{n})} returns @var{a} times an @var{n}x@var{n}
+identity matrix; if @var{n} is omitted, it doesn't know what
+dimension to use and so the @code{idn} call remains in symbolic
+form.  However, if this generic identity matrix is later combined
+with a matrix whose size is known, it will be converted into
+a true identity matrix of the appropriate size.  On the other hand,
+if it is combined with a scalar (as in @samp{idn(1) + 2}), Calc
+will assume it really was a scalar after all and produce, e.g., 3.
+Press @kbd{m v} a second time to get scalar mode.  Here, objects are
+assumed @emph{not} to be vectors or matrices unless provably so.
+For example, normally adding a variable to a vector, as in
+@samp{[x, y, z] + a}, will leave the sum in symbolic form because
+as far as Calc knows, @samp{a} could represent either a number or
+another 3-vector.  In scalar mode, @samp{a} is assumed to be a
+non-vector, and the addition is evaluated to @samp{[x+a, y+a, z+a]}.
+Press @kbd{m v} a third time to return to the normal mode of operation.
+If you press @kbd{m v} with a numeric prefix argument @var{n}, you
+get a special ``dimensioned matrix mode'' in which matrices of
+unknown size are assumed to be @var{n}x@var{n} square matrices.
+Then, the function call @samp{idn(1)} will expand into an actual
+matrix rather than representing a ``generic'' matrix.
+@cindex Declaring scalar variables
+Of course these modes are approximations to the true state of
+affairs, which is probably that some quantities will be matrices
+and others will be scalars.  One solution is to ``declare''
+certain variables or functions to be scalar-valued.
+@xref{Declarations}, to see how to make declarations in Calc.
+There is nothing stopping you from declaring a variable to be
+scalar and then storing a matrix in it; however, if you do, the
+results you get from Calc may not be valid.  Suppose you let Calc
+get the result @samp{[x+a, y+a, z+a]} shown above, and then stored
+@samp{[1, 2, 3]} in @samp{a}.  The result would not be the same as
+for @samp{[x, y, z] + [1, 2, 3]}, but that's because you have broken
+your earlier promise to Calc that @samp{a} would be scalar.
+Another way to mix scalars and matrices is to use selections
+(@pxref{Selecting Subformulas}).  Use matrix mode when operating on
+your formula normally; then, to apply scalar mode to a certain part
+of the formula without affecting the rest just select that part,
+change into scalar mode and press @kbd{=} to resimplify the part
+under this mode, then change back to matrix mode before deselecting.
+@node Automatic Recomputation, Working Message, Matrix Mode, Calculation Modes
+@subsection Automatic Recomputation
+The @dfn{evaluates-to} operator, @samp{=>}, has the special
+property that any @samp{=>} formulas on the stack are recomputed
+whenever variable values or mode settings that might affect them
+are changed.  @xref{Evaluates-To Operator}.
+@kindex m C
+@pindex calc-auto-recompute
+The @kbd{m C} (@code{calc-auto-recompute}) command turns this
+automatic recomputation on and off.  If you turn it off, Calc will
+not update @samp{=>} operators on the stack (nor those in the
+attached Embedded Mode buffer, if there is one).  They will not
+be updated unless you explicitly do so by pressing @kbd{=} or until
+you press @kbd{m C} to turn recomputation back on.  (While automatic
+recomputation is off, you can think of @kbd{m C m C} as a command
+to update all @samp{=>} operators while leaving recomputation off.)
+To update @samp{=>} operators in an Embedded buffer while
+automatic recomputation is off, use @w{@kbd{M-# u}}.
+@xref{Embedded Mode}.
+@node Working Message, , Automatic Recomputation, Calculation Modes
+@subsection Working Messages
+@cindex Performance
+@cindex Working messages
+Since the Calculator is written entirely in Emacs Lisp, which is not
+designed for heavy numerical work, many operations are quite slow.
+The Calculator normally displays the message @samp{Working...} in the
+echo area during any command that may be slow.  In addition, iterative
+operations such as square roots and trigonometric functions display the
+intermediate result at each step.  Both of these types of messages can
+be disabled if you find them distracting.
+@kindex m w
+@pindex calc-working
+Type @kbd{m w} (@code{calc-working}) with a numeric prefix of 0 to
+disable all ``working'' messages.  Use a numeric prefix of 1 to enable
+only the plain @samp{Working...} message.  Use a numeric prefix of 2 to
+see intermediate results as well.  With no numeric prefix this displays
+the current mode.@refill
+While it may seem that the ``working'' messages will slow Calc down
+considerably, experiments have shown that their impact is actually
+quite small.  But if your terminal is slow you may find that it helps
+to turn the messages off.
+@node Simplification Modes, Declarations, Calculation Modes, Mode Settings
+@section Simplification Modes
+The current @dfn{simplification mode} controls how numbers and formulas
+are ``normalized'' when being taken from or pushed onto the stack.
+Some normalizations are unavoidable, such as rounding floating-point
+results to the current precision, and reducing fractions to simplest
+form.  Others, such as simplifying a formula like @cite{a+a} (or @cite{2+3}),
+are done by default but can be turned off when necessary.
+When you press a key like @kbd{+} when @cite{2} and @cite{3} are on the
+stack, Calc pops these numbers, normalizes them, creates the formula
+@cite{2+3}, normalizes it, and pushes the result.  Of course the standard
+rules for normalizing @cite{2+3} will produce the result @cite{5}.
+Simplification mode commands consist of the lower-case @kbd{m} prefix key
+followed by a shifted letter.
+@kindex m O
+@pindex calc-no-simplify-mode
+The @kbd{m O} (@code{calc-no-simplify-mode}) command turns off all optional
+simplifications.  These would leave a formula like @cite{2+3} alone.  In
+fact, nothing except simple numbers are ever affected by normalization
+in this mode.
+@kindex m N
+@pindex calc-num-simplify-mode
+The @kbd{m N} (@code{calc-num-simplify-mode}) command turns off simplification
+of any formulas except those for which all arguments are constants.  For
+example, @cite{1+2} is simplified to @cite{3}, and @cite{a+(2-2)} is
+simplified to @cite{a+0} but no further, since one argument of the sum
+is not a constant.  Unfortunately, @cite{(a+2)-2} is @emph{not} simplified
+because the top-level @samp{-} operator's arguments are not both
+constant numbers (one of them is the formula @cite{a+2}).
+A constant is a number or other numeric object (such as a constant
+error form or modulo form), or a vector all of whose
+elements are constant.@refill
+@kindex m D
+@pindex calc-default-simplify-mode
+The @kbd{m D} (@code{calc-default-simplify-mode}) command restores the
+default simplifications for all formulas.  This includes many easy and
+fast algebraic simplifications such as @cite{a+0} to @cite{a}, and
+@cite{a + 2 a} to @cite{3 a}, as well as evaluating functions like
+@cite{@t{deriv}(x^2, x)} to @cite{2 x}.
+@kindex m B
+@pindex calc-bin-simplify-mode
+The @kbd{m B} (@code{calc-bin-simplify-mode}) mode applies the default
+simplifications to a result and then, if the result is an integer,
+uses the @kbd{b c} (@code{calc-clip}) command to clip the integer according
+to the current binary word size.  @xref{Binary Functions}.  Real numbers
+are rounded to the nearest integer and then clipped; other kinds of
+results (after the default simplifications) are left alone.
+@kindex m A
+@pindex calc-alg-simplify-mode
+The @kbd{m A} (@code{calc-alg-simplify-mode}) mode does algebraic
+simplification; it applies all the default simplifications, and also
+the more powerful (and slower) simplifications made by @kbd{a s}
+(@code{calc-simplify}).  @xref{Algebraic Simplifications}.
+@kindex m E
+@pindex calc-ext-simplify-mode
+The @kbd{m E} (@code{calc-ext-simplify-mode}) mode does ``extended''
+algebraic simplification, as by the @kbd{a e} (@code{calc-simplify-extended})
+command.  @xref{Unsafe Simplifications}.
+@kindex m U
+@pindex calc-units-simplify-mode
+The @kbd{m U} (@code{calc-units-simplify-mode}) mode does units
+simplification; it applies the command @kbd{u s}
+(@code{calc-simplify-units}), which in turn
+is a superset of @kbd{a s}.  In this mode, variable names which
+are identifiable as unit names (like @samp{mm} for ``millimeters'')
+are simplified with their unit definitions in mind.@refill
+A common technique is to set the simplification mode down to the lowest
+amount of simplification you will allow to be applied automatically, then
+use manual commands like @kbd{a s} and @kbd{c c} (@code{calc-clean}) to
+perform higher types of simplifications on demand.  @xref{Algebraic
+Definitions}, for another sample use of no-simplification mode.@refill
+@node Declarations, Display Modes, Simplification Modes, Mode Settings
+@section Declarations
+A @dfn{declaration} is a statement you make that promises you will
+use a certain variable or function in a restricted way.  This may
+give Calc the freedom to do things that it couldn't do if it had to
+take the fully general situation into account.
+* Declaration Basics::
+* Kinds of Declarations::
+* Functions for Declarations::
+@end menu
+@node Declaration Basics, Kinds of Declarations, Declarations, Declarations
+@subsection Declaration Basics
+@kindex s d
+@pindex calc-declare-variable
+The @kbd{s d} (@code{calc-declare-variable}) command is the easiest
+way to make a declaration for a variable.  This command prompts for
+the variable name, then prompts for the declaration.  The default
+at the declaration prompt is the previous declaration, if any.
+You can edit this declaration, or press @kbd{C-k} to erase it and
+type a new declaration.  (Or, erase it and press @key{RET} to clear
+the declaration, effectively ``undeclaring'' the variable.)
+A declaration is in general a vector of @dfn{type symbols} and
+@dfn{range} values.  If there is only one type symbol or range value,
+you can write it directly rather than enclosing it in a vector.
+For example, @kbd{s d foo RET real RET} declares @code{foo} to
+be a real number, and @kbd{s d bar RET [int, const, [1..6]] RET}
+declares @code{bar} to be a constant integer between 1 and 6.
+(Actually, you can omit the outermost brackets and Calc will
+provide them for you: @kbd{s d bar RET int, const, [1..6] RET}.)
+@cindex @code{Decls} variable
+@vindex Decls
+Declarations in Calc are kept in a special variable called @code{Decls}.
+This variable encodes the set of all outstanding declarations in
+the form of a matrix.  Each row has two elements:  A variable or
+vector of variables declared by that row, and the declaration
+specifier as described above.  You can use the @kbd{s D} command to
+edit this variable if you wish to see all the declarations at once.
+@xref{Operations on Variables}, for a description of this command
+and the @kbd{s p} command that allows you to save your declarations
+permanently if you wish.
+Items being declared can also be function calls.  The arguments in
+the call are ignored; the effect is to say that this function returns
+values of the declared type for any valid arguments.  The @kbd{s d}
+command declares only variables, so if you wish to make a function
+declaration you will have to edit the @code{Decls} matrix yourself.
+For example, the declaration matrix
+[ [ foo,       real       ]
+  [ [j, k, n], int        ]
+  [ f(1,2,3),  [0 .. inf) ] ]
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+declares that @code{foo} represents a real number, @code{j}, @code{k}
+and @code{n} represent integers, and the function @code{f} always
+returns a real number in the interval shown.
+@vindex All
+If there is a declaration for the variable @code{All}, then that
+declaration applies to all variables that are not otherwise declared.
+It does not apply to function names.  For example, using the row
+@samp{[All, real]} says that all your variables are real unless they
+are explicitly declared without @code{real} in some other row.
+The @kbd{s d} command declares @code{All} if you give a blank
+response to the variable-name prompt.
+@node Kinds of Declarations, Functions for Declarations, Declaration Basics, Declarations
+@subsection Kinds of Declarations
+The type-specifier part of a declaration (that is, the second prompt
+in the @kbd{s d} command) can be a type symbol, an interval, or a
+vector consisting of zero or more type symbols followed by zero or
+more intervals or numbers that represent the set of possible values
+for the variable.
+[ [ a, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ]
+  [ b, [1 .. 5]        ]
+  [ c, [int, 1 .. 5]   ] ]
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Here @code{a} is declared to contain one of the five integers shown;
+@code{b} is any number in the interval from 1 to 5 (any real number
+since we haven't specified), and @code{c} is any integer in that
+interval.  Thus the declarations for @code{a} and @code{c} are
+nearly equivalent (see below).
+The type-specifier can be the empty vector @samp{[]} to say that
+nothing is known about a given variable's value.  This is the same
+as not declaring the variable at all except that it overrides any
+@code{All} declaration which would otherwise apply.
+The initial value of @code{Decls} is the empty vector @samp{[]}.
+If @code{Decls} has no stored value or if the value stored in it
+is not valid, it is ignored and there are no declarations as far
+as Calc is concerned.  (The @kbd{s d} command will replace such a
+malformed value with a fresh empty matrix, @samp{[]}, before recording
+the new declaration.)  Unrecognized type symbols are ignored.
+The following type symbols describe what sorts of numbers will be
+stored in a variable:
+@table @code
+@item int
+@item numint
+Numerical integers.  (Integers or integer-valued floats.)
+@item frac
+Fractions.  (Rational numbers which are not integers.)
+@item rat
+Rational numbers.  (Either integers or fractions.)
+@item float
+Floating-point numbers.
+@item real
+Real numbers.  (Integers, fractions, or floats.  Actually,
+intervals and error forms with real components also count as
+reals here.)
+@item pos
+Positive real numbers.  (Strictly greater than zero.)
+@item nonneg
+Nonnegative real numbers.  (Greater than or equal to zero.)
+@item number
+Numbers.  (Real or complex.)
+@end table
+Calc uses this information to determine when certain simplifications
+of formulas are safe.  For example, @samp{(x^y)^z} cannot be
+simplified to @samp{x^(y z)} in general; for example,
+@samp{((-3)^2)^1:2} is 3, but @samp{(-3)^(2*1:2) = (-3)^1} is @i{-3}.
+However, this simplification @emph{is} safe if @code{z} is known
+to be an integer, or if @code{x} is known to be a nonnegative
+real number.  If you have given declarations that allow Calc to
+deduce either of these facts, Calc will perform this simplification
+of the formula.
+Calc can apply a certain amount of logic when using declarations.
+For example, @samp{(x^y)^(2n+1)} will be simplified if @code{n}
+has been declared @code{int}; Calc knows that an integer times an
+integer, plus an integer, must always be an integer.  (In fact,
+Calc would simplify @samp{(-x)^(2n+1)} to @samp{-(x^(2n+1))} since
+it is able to determine that @samp{2n+1} must be an odd integer.)
+Similarly, @samp{(abs(x)^y)^z} will be simplified to @samp{abs(x)^(y z)}
+because Calc knows that the @code{abs} function always returns a
+nonnegative real.  If you had a @code{myabs} function that also had
+this property, you could get Calc to recognize it by adding the row
+@samp{[myabs(), nonneg]} to the @code{Decls} matrix.
+One instance of this simplification is @samp{sqrt(x^2)} (since the
+@code{sqrt} function is effectively a one-half power).  Normally
+Calc leaves this formula alone.  After the command
+@kbd{s d x RET real RET}, however, it can simplify the formula to
+@samp{abs(x)}.  And after @kbd{s d x RET nonneg RET}, Calc can
+simplify this formula all the way to @samp{x}.
+If there are any intervals or real numbers in the type specifier,
+they comprise the set of possible values that the variable or
+function being declared can have.  In particular, the type symbol
+@code{real} is effectively the same as the range @samp{[-inf .. inf]}
+(note that infinity is included in the range of possible values);
+@code{pos} is the same as @samp{(0 .. inf]}, and @code{nonneg} is
+the same as @samp{[0 .. inf]}.  Saying @samp{[real, [-5 .. 5]]} is
+redundant because the fact that the variable is real can be
+deduced just from the interval, but @samp{[int, [-5 .. 5]]} and
+@samp{[rat, [-5 .. 5]]} are useful combinations.
+Note that the vector of intervals or numbers is in the same format
+used by Calc's set-manipulation commands.  @xref{Set Operations}.
+The type specifier @samp{[1, 2, 3]} is equivalent to
+@samp{[numint, 1, 2, 3]}, @emph{not} to @samp{[int, 1, 2, 3]}.
+In other words, the range of possible values means only that
+the variable's value must be numerically equal to a number in
+that range, but not that it must be equal in type as well.
+Calc's set operations act the same way; @samp{in(2, [1., 2., 3.])}
+and @samp{in(1.5, [1:2, 3:2, 5:2])} both report ``true.''
+If you use a conflicting combination of type specifiers, the
+results are unpredictable.  An example is @samp{[pos, [0 .. 5]]},
+where the interval does not lie in the range described by the
+type symbol.
+``Real'' declarations mostly affect simplifications involving powers
+like the one described above.  Another case where they are used
+is in the @kbd{a P} command which returns a list of all roots of a
+polynomial; if the variable has been declared real, only the real
+roots (if any) will be included in the list.
+``Integer'' declarations are used for simplifications which are valid
+only when certain values are integers (such as @samp{(x^y)^z}
+shown above).
+Another command that makes use of declarations is @kbd{a s}, when
+simplifying equations and inequalities.  It will cancel @code{x}
+from both sides of @samp{a x = b x} only if it is sure @code{x}
+is non-zero, say, because it has a @code{pos} declaration.
+To declare specifically that @code{x} is real and non-zero,
+use @samp{[[-inf .. 0), (0 .. inf]]}.  (There is no way in the
+current notation to say that @code{x} is nonzero but not necessarily
+real.)  The @kbd{a e} command does ``unsafe'' simplifications,
+including cancelling @samp{x} from the equation when @samp{x} is
+not known to be nonzero.
+Another set of type symbols distinguish between scalars and vectors.
+@table @code
+@item scalar
+The value is not a vector.
+@item vector
+The value is a vector.
+@item matrix
+The value is a matrix (a rectangular vector of vectors).
+@end table
+These type symbols can be combined with the other type symbols
+described above; @samp{[int, matrix]} describes an object which
+is a matrix of integers.
+Scalar/vector declarations are used to determine whether certain
+algebraic operations are safe.  For example, @samp{[a, b, c] + x}
+is normally not simplified to @samp{[a + x, b + x, c + x]}, but
+it will be if @code{x} has been declared @code{scalar}.  On the
+other hand, multiplication is usually assumed to be commutative,
+but the terms in @samp{x y} will never be exchanged if both @code{x}
+and @code{y} are known to be vectors or matrices.  (Calc currently
+never distinguishes between @code{vector} and @code{matrix}
+@xref{Matrix Mode}, for a discussion of ``matrix mode'' and
+``scalar mode,'' which are similar to declaring @samp{[All, matrix]}
+or @samp{[All, scalar]} but much more convenient.
+One more type symbol that is recognized is used with the @kbd{H a d}
+command for taking total derivatives of a formula.  @xref{Calculus}.
+@table @code
+@item const
+The value is a constant with respect to other variables.
+@end table
+Calc does not check the declarations for a variable when you store
+a value in it.  However, storing @i{-3.5} in a variable that has
+been declared @code{pos}, @code{int}, or @code{matrix} may have
+unexpected effects; Calc may evaluate @samp{sqrt(x^2)} to @cite{3.5}
+if it substitutes the value first, or to @cite{-3.5} if @code{x}
+was declared @code{pos} and the formula @samp{sqrt(x^2)} is
+simplified to @samp{x} before the value is substituted.  Before
+using a variable for a new purpose, it is best to use @kbd{s d}
+or @kbd{s D} to check to make sure you don't still have an old
+declaration for the variable that will conflict with its new meaning.
+@node Functions for Declarations, , Kinds of Declarations, Declarations
+@subsection Functions for Declarations
+Calc has a set of functions for accessing the current declarations
+in a convenient manner.  These functions return 1 if the argument
+can be shown to have the specified property, or 0 if the argument
+can be shown @emph{not} to have that property; otherwise they are
+left unevaluated.  These functions are suitable for use with rewrite
+rules (@pxref{Conditional Rewrite Rules}) or programming constructs
+(@pxref{Conditionals in Macros}).  They can be entered only using
+algebraic notation.  @xref{Logical Operations}, for functions
+that perform other tests not related to declarations.
+For example, @samp{dint(17)} returns 1 because 17 is an integer, as
+do @samp{dint(n)} and @samp{dint(2 n - 3)} if @code{n} has been declared
+@code{int}, but @samp{dint(2.5)} and @samp{dint(n + 0.5)} return 0.
+Calc consults knowledge of its own built-in functions as well as your
+own declarations: @samp{dint(floor(x))} returns 1.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex dint
+@c @starindex
+@tindex dnumint
+@c @starindex
+@tindex dnatnum
+The @code{dint} function checks if its argument is an integer.
+The @code{dnatnum} function checks if its argument is a natural
+number, i.e., a nonnegative integer.  The @code{dnumint} function
+checks if its argument is numerically an integer, i.e., either an
+integer or an integer-valued float.  Note that these and the other
+data type functions also accept vectors or matrices composed of
+suitable elements, and that real infinities @samp{inf} and @samp{-inf}
+are considered to be integers for the purposes of these functions.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex drat
+The @code{drat} function checks if its argument is rational, i.e.,
+an integer or fraction.  Infinities count as rational, but intervals
+and error forms do not.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex dreal
+The @code{dreal} function checks if its argument is real.  This
+includes integers, fractions, floats, real error forms, and intervals.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex dimag
+The @code{dimag} function checks if its argument is imaginary,
+i.e., is mathematically equal to a real number times @cite{i}.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex dpos
+@c @starindex
+@tindex dneg
+@c @starindex
+@tindex dnonneg
+The @code{dpos} function checks for positive (but nonzero) reals.
+The @code{dneg} function checks for negative reals.  The @code{dnonneg}
+function checks for nonnegative reals, i.e., reals greater than or
+equal to zero.  Note that the @kbd{a s} command can simplify an
+expression like @cite{x > 0} to 1 or 0 using @code{dpos}, and that
+@kbd{a s} is effectively applied to all conditions in rewrite rules,
+so the actual functions @code{dpos}, @code{dneg}, and @code{dnonneg}
+are rarely necessary.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex dnonzero
+The @code{dnonzero} function checks that its argument is nonzero.
+This includes all nonzero real or complex numbers, all intervals that
+do not include zero, all nonzero modulo forms, vectors all of whose
+elements are nonzero, and variables or formulas whose values can be
+deduced to be nonzero.  It does not include error forms, since they
+represent values which could be anything including zero.  (This is
+also the set of objects considered ``true'' in conditional contexts.)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex deven
+@c @starindex
+@tindex dodd
+The @code{deven} function returns 1 if its argument is known to be
+an even integer (or integer-valued float); it returns 0 if its argument
+is known not to be even (because it is known to be odd or a non-integer).
+The @kbd{a s} command uses this to simplify a test of the form
+@samp{x % 2 = 0}.  There is also an analogous @code{dodd} function.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex drange
+The @code{drange} function returns a set (an interval or a vector
+of intervals and/or numbers; @pxref{Set Operations}) that describes
+the set of possible values of its argument.  If the argument is
+a variable or a function with a declaration, the range is copied
+from the declaration.  Otherwise, the possible signs of the
+expression are determined using a method similar to @code{dpos},
+etc., and a suitable set like @samp{[0 .. inf]} is returned.  If
+the expression is not provably real, the @code{drange} function
+remains unevaluated.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex dscalar
+The @code{dscalar} function returns 1 if its argument is provably
+scalar, or 0 if its argument is provably non-scalar.  It is left
+unevaluated if this cannot be determined.  (If matrix mode or scalar
+mode are in effect, this function returns 1 or 0, respectively,
+if it has no other information.)  When Calc interprets a condition
+(say, in a rewrite rule) it considers an unevaluated formula to be
+``false.''  Thus, @samp{dscalar(a)} is ``true'' only if @code{a} is
+provably scalar, and @samp{!dscalar(a)} is ``true'' only if @code{a}
+is provably non-scalar; both are ``false'' if there is insufficient
+information to tell.
+@node Display Modes, Language Modes, Declarations, Mode Settings
+@section Display Modes
+The commands in this section are two-key sequences beginning with the
+@kbd{d} prefix.  The @kbd{d l} (@code{calc-line-numbering}) and @kbd{d b}
+(@code{calc-line-breaking}) commands are described elsewhere;
+@pxref{Stack Basics} and @pxref{Normal Language Modes}, respectively.
+Display formats for vectors and matrices are also covered elsewhere;
+@pxref{Vector and Matrix Formats}.@refill
+One thing all display modes have in common is their treatment of the
+@kbd{H} prefix.  This prefix causes any mode command that would normally
+refresh the stack to leave the stack display alone.  The word ``Dirty''
+will appear in the mode line when Calc thinks the stack display may not
+reflect the latest mode settings.
+@kindex d RET
+@pindex calc-refresh-top
+The @kbd{d RET} (@code{calc-refresh-top}) command reformats the
+top stack entry according to all the current modes.  Positive prefix
+arguments reformat the top @var{n} entries; negative prefix arguments
+reformat the specified entry, and a prefix of zero is equivalent to
+@kbd{d SPC} (@code{calc-refresh}), which reformats the entire stack.
+For example, @kbd{H d s M-2 d RET} changes to scientific notation
+but reformats only the top two stack entries in the new mode.
+The @kbd{I} prefix has another effect on the display modes.  The mode
+is set only temporarily; the top stack entry is reformatted according
+to that mode, then the original mode setting is restored.  In other
+words, @kbd{I d s} is equivalent to @kbd{H d s d RET H d @var{(old mode)}}.
+* Radix Modes::
+* Grouping Digits::
+* Float Formats::
+* Complex Formats::
+* Fraction Formats::
+* HMS Formats::
+* Date Formats::
+* Truncating the Stack::
+* Justification::
+* Labels::
+@end menu
+@node Radix Modes, Grouping Digits, Display Modes, Display Modes
+@subsection Radix Modes
+@cindex Radix display
+@cindex Non-decimal numbers
+@cindex Decimal and non-decimal numbers
+Calc normally displays numbers in decimal (@dfn{base-10} or @dfn{radix-10})
+notation.  Calc can actually display in any radix from two (binary) to 36.
+When the radix is above 10, the letters @code{A} to @code{Z} are used as
+digits.  When entering such a number, letter keys are interpreted as
+potential digits rather than terminating numeric entry mode.
+@kindex d 2
+@kindex d 8
+@kindex d 6
+@kindex d 0
+@cindex Hexadecimal integers
+@cindex Octal integers
+The key sequences @kbd{d 2}, @kbd{d 8}, @kbd{d 6}, and @kbd{d 0} select
+binary, octal, hexadecimal, and decimal as the current display radix,
+respectively.  Numbers can always be entered in any radix, though the
+current radix is used as a default if you press @kbd{#} without any initial
+digits.  A number entered without a @kbd{#} is @emph{always} interpreted
+as decimal.@refill
+@kindex d r
+@pindex calc-radix
+To set the radix generally, use @kbd{d r} (@code{calc-radix}) and enter
+an integer from 2 to 36.  You can specify the radix as a numeric prefix
+argument; otherwise you will be prompted for it.
+@kindex d z
+@pindex calc-leading-zeros
+@cindex Leading zeros
+Integers normally are displayed with however many digits are necessary to
+represent the integer and no more.  The @kbd{d z} (@code{calc-leading-zeros})
+command causes integers to be padded out with leading zeros according to the
+current binary word size.  (@xref{Binary Functions}, for a discussion of
+word size.)  If the absolute value of the word size is @cite{w}, all integers
+are displayed with at least enough digits to represent @c{$2^w-1$}
+@cite{(2^w)-1} in the
+current radix.  (Larger integers will still be displayed in their entirety.)
+@node Grouping Digits, Float Formats, Radix Modes, Display Modes
+@subsection Grouping Digits
+@kindex d g
+@pindex calc-group-digits
+@cindex Grouping digits
+@cindex Digit grouping
+Long numbers can be hard to read if they have too many digits.  For
+example, the factorial of 30 is 33 digits long!  Press @kbd{d g}
+(@code{calc-group-digits}) to enable @dfn{grouping} mode, in which digits
+are displayed in clumps of 3 or 4 (depending on the current radix)
+separated by commas.
+The @kbd{d g} command toggles grouping on and off.
+With a numerix prefix of 0, this command displays the current state of
+the grouping flag; with an argument of minus one it disables grouping;
+with a positive argument @cite{N} it enables grouping on every @cite{N}
+digits.  For floating-point numbers, grouping normally occurs only
+before the decimal point.  A negative prefix argument @cite{-N} enables
+grouping every @cite{N} digits both before and after the decimal point.@refill
+@kindex d ,
+@pindex calc-group-char
+The @kbd{d ,} (@code{calc-group-char}) command allows you to choose any
+character as the grouping separator.  The default is the comma character.
+If you find it difficult to read vectors of large integers grouped with
+commas, you may wish to use spaces or some other character instead.
+This command takes the next character you type, whatever it is, and
+uses it as the digit separator.  As a special case, @kbd{d , \} selects
+@samp{\,} (@TeX{}'s thin-space symbol) as the digit separator.
+Please note that grouped numbers will not generally be parsed correctly
+if re-read in textual form, say by the use of @kbd{M-# y} and @kbd{M-# g}.
+(@xref{Kill and Yank}, for details on these commands.)  One exception is
+the @samp{\,} separator, which doesn't interfere with parsing because it
+is ignored by @TeX{} language mode.
+@node Float Formats, Complex Formats, Grouping Digits, Display Modes
+@subsection Float Formats
+Floating-point quantities are normally displayed in standard decimal
+form, with scientific notation used if the exponent is especially high
+or low.  All significant digits are normally displayed.  The commands
+in this section allow you to choose among several alternative display
+formats for floats.
+@kindex d n
+@pindex calc-normal-notation
+The @kbd{d n} (@code{calc-normal-notation}) command selects the normal
+display format.  All significant figures in a number are displayed.
+With a positive numeric prefix, numbers are rounded if necessary to
+that number of significant digits.  With a negative numerix prefix,
+the specified number of significant digits less than the current
+precision is used.  (Thus @kbd{C-u -2 d n} displays 10 digits if the
+current precision is 12.)
+@kindex d f
+@pindex calc-fix-notation
+The @kbd{d f} (@code{calc-fix-notation}) command selects fixed-point
+notation.  The numeric argument is the number of digits after the
+decimal point, zero or more.  This format will relax into scientific
+notation if a nonzero number would otherwise have been rounded all the
+way to zero.  Specifying a negative number of digits is the same as
+for a positive number, except that small nonzero numbers will be rounded
+to zero rather than switching to scientific notation.
+@kindex d s
+@pindex calc-sci-notation
+@cindex Scientific notation, display of
+The @kbd{d s} (@code{calc-sci-notation}) command selects scientific
+notation.  A positive argument sets the number of significant figures
+displayed, of which one will be before and the rest after the decimal
+point.  A negative argument works the same as for @kbd{d n} format.
+The default is to display all significant digits.
+@kindex d e
+@pindex calc-eng-notation
+@cindex Engineering notation, display of
+The @kbd{d e} (@code{calc-eng-notation}) command selects engineering
+notation.  This is similar to scientific notation except that the
+exponent is rounded down to a multiple of three, with from one to three
+digits before the decimal point.  An optional numeric prefix sets the
+number of significant digits to display, as for @kbd{d s}.
+It is important to distinguish between the current @emph{precision} and
+the current @emph{display format}.  After the commands @kbd{C-u 10 p}
+and @kbd{C-u 6 d n} the Calculator computes all results to ten
+significant figures but displays only six.  (In fact, intermediate
+calculations are often carried to one or two more significant figures,
+but values placed on the stack will be rounded down to ten figures.)
+Numbers are never actually rounded to the display precision for storage,
+except by commands like @kbd{C-k} and @kbd{M-# y} which operate on the
+actual displayed text in the Calculator buffer.
+@kindex d .
+@pindex calc-point-char
+The @kbd{d .} (@code{calc-point-char}) command selects the character used
+as a decimal point.  Normally this is a period; users in some countries
+may wish to change this to a comma.  Note that this is only a display
+style; on entry, periods must always be used to denote floating-point
+numbers, and commas to separate elements in a list.
+@node Complex Formats, Fraction Formats, Float Formats, Display Modes
+@subsection Complex Formats
+@kindex d c
+@pindex calc-complex-notation
+There are three supported notations for complex numbers in rectangular
+form.  The default is as a pair of real numbers enclosed in parentheses
+and separated by a comma: @samp{(a,b)}.  The @kbd{d c}
+(@code{calc-complex-notation}) command selects this style.@refill
+@kindex d i
+@pindex calc-i-notation
+@kindex d j
+@pindex calc-j-notation
+The other notations are @kbd{d i} (@code{calc-i-notation}), in which
+numbers are displayed in @samp{a+bi} form, and @kbd{d j}
+(@code{calc-j-notation}) which displays the form @samp{a+bj} preferred
+in some disciplines.@refill
+@cindex @code{i} variable
+@vindex i
+Complex numbers are normally entered in @samp{(a,b)} format.
+If you enter @samp{2+3i} as an algebraic formula, it will be stored as
+the formula @samp{2 + 3 * i}.  However, if you use @kbd{=} to evaluate
+this formula and you have not changed the variable @samp{i}, the @samp{i}
+will be interpreted as @samp{(0,1)} and the formula will be simplified
+to @samp{(2,3)}.  Other commands (like @code{calc-sin}) will @emph{not}
+interpret the formula @samp{2 + 3 * i} as a complex number.
+@xref{Variables}, under ``special constants.''@refill
+@node Fraction Formats, HMS Formats, Complex Formats, Display Modes
+@subsection Fraction Formats
+@kindex d o
+@pindex calc-over-notation
+Display of fractional numbers is controlled by the @kbd{d o}
+(@code{calc-over-notation}) command.  By default, a number like
+eight thirds is displayed in the form @samp{8:3}.  The @kbd{d o} command
+prompts for a one- or two-character format.  If you give one character,
+that character is used as the fraction separator.  Common separators are
+@samp{:} and @samp{/}.  (During input of numbers, the @kbd{:} key must be
+used regardless of the display format; in particular, the @kbd{/} is used
+for RPN-style division, @emph{not} for entering fractions.)
+If you give two characters, fractions use ``integer-plus-fractional-part''
+notation.  For example, the format @samp{+/} would display eight thirds
+as @samp{2+2/3}.  If two colons are present in a number being entered,
+the number is interpreted in this form (so that the entries @kbd{2:2:3}
+and @kbd{8:3} are equivalent).
+It is also possible to follow the one- or two-character format with
+a number.  For example:  @samp{:10} or @samp{+/3}.  In this case,
+Calc adjusts all fractions that are displayed to have the specified
+denominator, if possible.  Otherwise it adjusts the denominator to
+be a multiple of the specified value.  For example, in @samp{:6} mode
+the fraction @cite{1:6} will be unaffected, but @cite{2:3} will be
+displayed as @cite{4:6}, @cite{1:2} will be displayed as @cite{3:6},
+and @cite{1:8} will be displayed as @cite{3:24}.  Integers are also
+affected by this mode:  3 is displayed as @cite{18:6}.  Note that the
+format @samp{:1} writes fractions the same as @samp{:}, but it writes
+integers as @cite{n:1}.
+The fraction format does not affect the way fractions or integers are
+stored, only the way they appear on the screen.  The fraction format
+never affects floats.
+@node HMS Formats, Date Formats, Fraction Formats, Display Modes
+@subsection HMS Formats
+@kindex d h
+@pindex calc-hms-notation
+The @kbd{d h} (@code{calc-hms-notation}) command controls the display of
+HMS (hours-minutes-seconds) forms.  It prompts for a string which
+consists basically of an ``hours'' marker, optional punctuation, a
+``minutes'' marker, more optional punctuation, and a ``seconds'' marker.
+Punctuation is zero or more spaces, commas, or semicolons.  The hours
+marker is one or more non-punctuation characters.  The minutes and
+seconds markers must be single non-punctuation characters.
+The default HMS format is @samp{@@ ' "}, producing HMS values of the form
+@samp{23@@ 30' 15.75"}.  The format @samp{deg, ms} would display this same
+value as @samp{23deg, 30m15.75s}.  During numeric entry, the @kbd{h} or @kbd{o}
+keys are recognized as synonyms for @kbd{@@} regardless of display format.
+The @kbd{m} and @kbd{s} keys are recognized as synonyms for @kbd{'} and
+@kbd{"}, respectively, but only if an @kbd{@@} (or @kbd{h} or @kbd{o}) has
+already been typed; otherwise, they have their usual meanings
+(@kbd{m-} prefix and @kbd{s-} prefix).  Thus, @kbd{5 "}, @kbd{0 @@ 5 "}, and
+@kbd{0 h 5 s} are some of the ways to enter the quantity ``five seconds.''
+The @kbd{'} key is recognized as ``minutes'' only if @kbd{@@} (or @kbd{h} or
+@kbd{o}) has already been pressed; otherwise it means to switch to algebraic
+@node Date Formats, Truncating the Stack, HMS Formats, Display Modes
+@subsection Date Formats
+@kindex d d
+@pindex calc-date-notation
+The @kbd{d d} (@code{calc-date-notation}) command controls the display
+of date forms (@pxref{Date Forms}).  It prompts for a string which
+contains letters that represent the various parts of a date and time.
+To show which parts should be omitted when the form represents a pure
+date with no time, parts of the string can be enclosed in @samp{< >}
+marks.  If you don't include @samp{< >} markers in the format, Calc
+guesses at which parts, if any, should be omitted when formatting
+pure dates.
+The default format is:  @samp{<H:mm:SSpp >Www Mmm D, YYYY}.
+An example string in this format is @samp{3:32pm Wed Jan 9, 1991}.
+If you enter a blank format string, this default format is
+Calc uses @samp{< >} notation for nameless functions as well as for
+dates.  @xref{Specifying Operators}.  To avoid confusion with nameless
+functions, your date formats should avoid using the @samp{#} character.
+* Date Formatting Codes::
+* Free-Form Dates::
+* Standard Date Formats::
+@end menu
+@node Date Formatting Codes, Free-Form Dates, Date Formats, Date Formats
+@subsubsection Date Formatting Codes
+When displaying a date, the current date format is used.  All
+characters except for letters and @samp{<} and @samp{>} are
+copied literally when dates are formatted.  The portion between
+@samp{< >} markers is omitted for pure dates, or included for
+date/time forms.  Letters are interpreted according to the table
+When dates are read in during algebraic entry, Calc first tries to
+match the input string to the current format either with or without
+the time part.  The punctuation characters (including spaces) must
+match exactly; letter fields must correspond to suitable text in
+the input.  If this doesn't work, Calc checks if the input is a
+simple number; if so, the number is interpreted as a number of days
+since Jan 1, 1 AD.  Otherwise, Calc tries a much more relaxed and
+flexible algorithm which is described in the next section.
+Weekday names are ignored during reading.
+Two-digit year numbers are interpreted as lying in the range
+from 1941 to 2039.  Years outside that range are always
+entered and displayed in full.  Year numbers with a leading
+@samp{+} sign are always interpreted exactly, allowing the
+entry and display of the years 1 through 99 AD.
+Here is a complete list of the formatting codes for dates:
+@table @asis
+@item Y
+Year:  ``91'' for 1991, ``7'' for 2007, ``+23'' for 23 AD.
+@item YY
+Year:  ``91'' for 1991, ``07'' for 2007, ``+23'' for 23 AD.
+@item BY
+Year:  ``91'' for 1991, `` 7'' for 2007, ``+23'' for 23 AD.
+@item YYY
+Year:  ``1991'' for 1991, ``23'' for 23 AD.
+@item YYYY
+Year:  ``1991'' for 1991, ``+23'' for 23 AD.
+@item aa
+Year:  ``ad'' or blank.
+@item AA
+Year:  ``AD'' or blank.
+@item aaa
+Year:  ``ad '' or blank.  (Note trailing space.)
+@item AAA
+Year:  ``AD '' or blank.
+@item aaaa
+Year:  ``a.d.'' or blank.
+@item AAAA
+Year:  ``A.D.'' or blank.
+@item bb
+Year:  ``bc'' or blank.
+@item BB
+Year:  ``BC'' or blank.
+@item bbb
+Year:  `` bc'' or blank.  (Note leading space.)
+@item BBB
+Year:  `` BC'' or blank.
+@item bbbb
+Year:  ``b.c.'' or blank.
+@item BBBB
+Year:  ``B.C.'' or blank.
+@item M
+Month:  ``8'' for August.
+@item MM
+Month:  ``08'' for August.
+@item BM
+Month:  `` 8'' for August.
+@item MMM
+Month:  ``AUG'' for August.
+@item Mmm
+Month:  ``Aug'' for August.
+@item mmm
+Month:  ``aug'' for August.
+@item MMMM
+Month:  ``AUGUST'' for August.
+@item Mmmm
+Month:  ``August'' for August.
+@item D
+Day:  ``7'' for 7th day of month.
+@item DD
+Day:  ``07'' for 7th day of month.
+@item BD
+Day:  `` 7'' for 7th day of month.
+@item W
+Weekday:  ``0'' for Sunday, ``6'' for Saturday.
+@item WWW
+Weekday:  ``SUN'' for Sunday.
+@item Www
+Weekday:  ``Sun'' for Sunday.
+@item www
+Weekday:  ``sun'' for Sunday.
+@item WWWW
+Weekday:  ``SUNDAY'' for Sunday.
+@item Wwww
+Weekday:  ``Sunday'' for Sunday.
+@item d
+Day of year:  ``34'' for Feb. 3.
+@item ddd
+Day of year:  ``034'' for Feb. 3.
+@item bdd
+Day of year:  `` 34'' for Feb. 3.
+@item h
+Hour:  ``5'' for 5 AM; ``17'' for 5 PM.
+@item hh
+Hour:  ``05'' for 5 AM; ``17'' for 5 PM.
+@item bh
+Hour:  `` 5'' for 5 AM; ``17'' for 5 PM.
+@item H
+Hour:  ``5'' for 5 AM and 5 PM.
+@item HH
+Hour:  ``05'' for 5 AM and 5 PM.
+@item BH
+Hour:  `` 5'' for 5 AM and 5 PM.
+@item p
+AM/PM:  ``a'' or ``p''.
+@item P
+AM/PM:  ``A'' or ``P''.
+@item pp
+AM/PM:  ``am'' or ``pm''.
+@item PP
+AM/PM:  ``AM'' or ``PM''.
+@item pppp
+AM/PM:  ``a.m.'' or ``p.m.''.
+@item PPPP
+AM/PM:  ``A.M.'' or ``P.M.''.
+@item m
+Minutes:  ``7'' for 7.
+@item mm
+Minutes:  ``07'' for 7.
+@item bm
+Minutes:  `` 7'' for 7.
+@item s
+Seconds:  ``7'' for 7;  ``7.23'' for 7.23.
+@item ss
+Seconds:  ``07'' for 7;  ``07.23'' for 7.23.
+@item bs
+Seconds:  `` 7'' for 7;  `` 7.23'' for 7.23.
+@item SS
+Optional seconds:  ``07'' for 7;  blank for 0.
+@item BS
+Optional seconds:  `` 7'' for 7;  blank for 0.
+@item N
+Numeric date/time:  ``726842.25'' for 6:00am Wed Jan 9, 1991.
+@item n
+Numeric date:  ``726842'' for any time on Wed Jan 9, 1991.
+@item J
+Julian date/time:  ``2448265.75'' for 6:00am Wed Jan 9, 1991.
+@item j
+Julian date:  ``2448266'' for any time on Wed Jan 9, 1991.
+@item U
+Unix time:  ``663400800'' for 6:00am Wed Jan 9, 1991.
+@item X
+Brackets suppression.  An ``X'' at the front of the format
+causes the surrounding @w{@samp{< >}} delimiters to be omitted
+when formatting dates.  Note that the brackets are still
+required for algebraic entry.
+@end table
+If ``SS'' or ``BS'' (optional seconds) is preceded by a colon, the
+colon is also omitted if the seconds part is zero.
+If ``bb,'' ``bbb'' or ``bbbb'' or their upper-case equivalents
+appear in the format, then negative year numbers are displayed
+without a minus sign.  Note that ``aa'' and ``bb'' are mutually
+exclusive.  Some typical usages would be @samp{YYYY AABB};
+@samp{AAAYYYYBBB}; @samp{YYYYBBB}.
+The formats ``YY,'' ``YYYY,'' ``MM,'' ``DD,'' ``ddd,'' ``hh,'' ``HH,''
+``mm,'' ``ss,'' and ``SS'' actually match any number of digits during
+reading unless several of these codes are strung together with no
+punctuation in between, in which case the input must have exactly as
+many digits as there are letters in the format.
+The ``j,'' ``J,'' and ``U'' formats do not make any time zone
+adjustment.  They effectively use @samp{julian(x,0)} and
+@samp{unixtime(x,0)} to make the conversion; @pxref{Date Arithmetic}.
+@node Free-Form Dates, Standard Date Formats, Date Formatting Codes, Date Formats
+@subsubsection Free-Form Dates
+When reading a date form during algebraic entry, Calc falls back
+on the algorithm described here if the input does not exactly
+match the current date format.  This algorithm generally
+``does the right thing'' and you don't have to worry about it,
+but it is described here in full detail for the curious.
+Calc does not distinguish between upper- and lower-case letters
+while interpreting dates.
+First, the time portion, if present, is located somewhere in the
+text and then removed.  The remaining text is then interpreted as
+the date.
+A time is of the form @samp{hh:mm:ss}, possibly with the seconds
+part omitted and possibly with an AM/PM indicator added to indicate
+12-hour time.  If the AM/PM is present, the minutes may also be
+omitted.  The AM/PM part may be any of the words @samp{am},
+@samp{pm}, @samp{noon}, or @samp{midnight}; each of these may be
+abbreviated to one letter, and the alternate forms @samp{a.m.},
+@samp{p.m.}, and @samp{mid} are also understood.  Obviously
+@samp{noon} and @samp{midnight} are allowed only on 12:00:00.
+The words @samp{noon}, @samp{mid}, and @samp{midnight} are also
+recognized with no number attached.
+If there is no AM/PM indicator, the time is interpreted in 24-hour
+To read the date portion, all words and numbers are isolated
+from the string; other characters are ignored.  All words must
+be either month names or day-of-week names (the latter of which
+are ignored).  Names can be written in full or as three-letter
+Large numbers, or numbers with @samp{+} or @samp{-} signs,
+are interpreted as years.  If one of the other numbers is
+greater than 12, then that must be the day and the remaining
+number in the input is therefore the month.  Otherwise, Calc
+assumes the month, day and year are in the same order that they
+appear in the current date format.  If the year is omitted, the
+current year is taken from the system clock.
+If there are too many or too few numbers, or any unrecognizable
+words, then the input is rejected.
+If there are any large numbers (of five digits or more) other than
+the year, they are ignored on the assumption that they are something
+like Julian dates that were included along with the traditional
+date components when the date was formatted.
+One of the words @samp{ad}, @samp{a.d.}, @samp{bc}, or @samp{b.c.}
+may optionally be used; the latter two are equivalent to a
+minus sign on the year value.
+If you always enter a four-digit year, and use a name instead
+of a number for the month, there is no danger of ambiguity.
+@node Standard Date Formats, , Free-Form Dates, Date Formats
+@subsubsection Standard Date Formats
+There are actually ten standard date formats, numbered 0 through 9.
+Entering a blank line at the @kbd{d d} command's prompt gives
+you format number 1, Calc's usual format.  You can enter any digit
+to select the other formats.
+To create your own standard date formats, give a numeric prefix
+argument from 0 to 9 to the @w{@kbd{d d}} command.  The format you
+enter will be recorded as the new standard format of that
+number, as well as becoming the new current date format.
+You can save your formats permanently with the @w{@kbd{m m}}
+command (@pxref{Mode Settings}).
+@table @asis
+@item 0
+@samp{N}  (Numerical format)
+@item 1
+@samp{<H:mm:SSpp >Www Mmm D, YYYY}  (American format)
+@item 2
+@samp{D Mmm YYYY<, h:mm:SS>}  (European format)
+@item 3
+@samp{Www Mmm BD< hh:mm:ss> YYYY}  (Unix written date format)
+@item 4
+@samp{M/D/Y< H:mm:SSpp>}  (American slashed format)
+@item 5
+@samp{D.M.Y< h:mm:SS>}  (European dotted format)
+@item 6
+@samp{M-D-Y< H:mm:SSpp>}  (American dashed format)
+@item 7
+@samp{D-M-Y< h:mm:SS>}  (European dashed format)
+@item 8
+@samp{j<, h:mm:ss>}  (Julian day plus time)
+@item 9
+@samp{YYddd< hh:mm:ss>}  (Year-day format)
+@end table
+@node Truncating the Stack, Justification, Date Formats, Display Modes
+@subsection Truncating the Stack
+@kindex d t
+@pindex calc-truncate-stack
+@cindex Truncating the stack
+@cindex Narrowing the stack
+The @kbd{d t} (@code{calc-truncate-stack}) command moves the @samp{.}@:
+line that marks the top-of-stack up or down in the Calculator buffer.
+The number right above that line is considered to the be at the top of
+the stack.  Any numbers below that line are ``hidden'' from all stack
+operations.  This is similar to the Emacs ``narrowing'' feature, except
+that the values below the @samp{.} are @emph{visible}, just temporarily
+frozen.  This feature allows you to keep several independent calculations
+running at once in different parts of the stack, or to apply a certain
+command to an element buried deep in the stack.@refill
+Pressing @kbd{d t} by itself moves the @samp{.} to the line the cursor
+is on.  Thus, this line and all those below it become hidden.  To un-hide
+these lines, move down to the end of the buffer and press @w{@kbd{d t}}.
+With a positive numeric prefix argument @cite{n}, @kbd{d t} hides the
+bottom @cite{n} values in the buffer.  With a negative argument, it hides
+all but the top @cite{n} values.  With an argument of zero, it hides zero
+values, i.e., moves the @samp{.} all the way down to the bottom.@refill
+@kindex d [
+@pindex calc-truncate-up
+@kindex d ]
+@pindex calc-truncate-down
+The @kbd{d [} (@code{calc-truncate-up}) and @kbd{d ]}
+(@code{calc-truncate-down}) commands move the @samp{.} up or down one
+line at a time (or several lines with a prefix argument).@refill
+@node Justification, Labels, Truncating the Stack, Display Modes
+@subsection Justification
+@kindex d <
+@pindex calc-left-justify
+@kindex d =
+@pindex calc-center-justify
+@kindex d >
+@pindex calc-right-justify
+Values on the stack are normally left-justified in the window.  You can
+control this arrangement by typing @kbd{d <} (@code{calc-left-justify}),
+@kbd{d >} (@code{calc-right-justify}), or @kbd{d =}
+(@code{calc-center-justify}).  For example, in right-justification mode,
+stack entries are displayed flush-right against the right edge of the
+If you change the width of the Calculator window you may have to type
+@kbd{d SPC} (@code{calc-refresh}) to re-align right-justified or centered
+Right-justification is especially useful together with fixed-point
+notation (see @code{d f}; @code{calc-fix-notation}).  With these modes
+together, the decimal points on numbers will always line up.
+With a numeric prefix argument, the justification commands give you
+a little extra control over the display.  The argument specifies the
+horizontal ``origin'' of a display line.  It is also possible to
+specify a maximum line width using the @kbd{d b} command (@pxref{Normal
+Language Modes}).  For reference, the precise rules for formatting and
+breaking lines are given below.  Notice that the interaction between
+origin and line width is slightly different in each justification
+In left-justified mode, the line is indented by a number of spaces
+given by the origin (default zero).  If the result is longer than the
+maximum line width, if given, or too wide to fit in the Calc window
+otherwise, then it is broken into lines which will fit; each broken
+line is indented to the origin.
+In right-justified mode, lines are shifted right so that the rightmost
+character is just before the origin, or just before the current
+window width if no origin was specified.  If the line is too long
+for this, then it is broken; the current line width is used, if
+specified, or else the origin is used as a width if that is
+specified, or else the line is broken to fit in the window.
+In centering mode, the origin is the column number of the center of
+each stack entry.  If a line width is specified, lines will not be
+allowed to go past that width; Calc will either indent less or
+break the lines if necessary.  If no origin is specified, half the
+line width or Calc window width is used.
+Note that, in each case, if line numbering is enabled the display
+is indented an additional four spaces to make room for the line
+number.  The width of the line number is taken into account when
+positioning according to the current Calc window width, but not
+when positioning by explicit origins and widths.  In the latter
+case, the display is formatted as specified, and then uniformly
+shifted over four spaces to fit the line numbers.
+@node Labels, , Justification, Display Modes
+@subsection Labels
+@kindex d @{
+@pindex calc-left-label
+The @kbd{d @{} (@code{calc-left-label}) command prompts for a string,
+then displays that string to the left of every stack entry.  If the
+entries are left-justified (@pxref{Justification}), then they will
+appear immediately after the label (unless you specified an origin
+greater than the length of the label).  If the entries are centered
+or right-justified, the label appears on the far left and does not
+affect the horizontal position of the stack entry.
+Give a blank string (with @kbd{d @{ @key{RET}}) to turn the label off.
+@kindex d @}
+@pindex calc-right-label
+The @kbd{d @}} (@code{calc-right-label}) command similarly adds a
+label on the righthand side.  It does not affect positioning of
+the stack entries unless they are right-justified.  Also, if both
+a line width and an origin are given in right-justified mode, the
+stack entry is justified to the origin and the righthand label is
+justified to the line width.
+One application of labels would be to add equation numbers to
+formulas you are manipulating in Calc and then copying into a
+document (possibly using Embedded Mode).  The equations would
+typically be centered, and the equation numbers would be on the
+left or right as you prefer.
+@node Language Modes, Modes Variable, Display Modes, Mode Settings
+@section Language Modes
+The commands in this section change Calc to use a different notation for
+entry and display of formulas, corresponding to the conventions of some
+other common language such as Pascal or @TeX{}.  Objects displayed on the
+stack or yanked from the Calculator to an editing buffer will be formatted
+in the current language; objects entered in algebraic entry or yanked from
+another buffer will be interpreted according to the current language.
+The current language has no effect on things written to or read from the
+trail buffer, nor does it affect numeric entry.  Only algebraic entry is
+affected.  You can make even algebraic entry ignore the current language
+and use the standard notation by giving a numeric prefix, e.g., @kbd{C-u '}.
+For example, suppose the formula @samp{2*a[1] + atan(a[2])} occurs in a C
+program; elsewhere in the program you need the derivatives of this formula
+with respect to @samp{a[1]} and @samp{a[2]}.  First, type @kbd{d C}
+to switch to C notation.  Now use @code{C-u M-# g} to grab the formula
+into the Calculator, @kbd{a d a[1] @key{RET}} to differentiate with respect
+to the first variable, and @kbd{M-# y} to yank the formula for the derivative
+back into your C program.  Press @kbd{U} to undo the differentiation and
+repeat with @kbd{a d a[2] @key{RET}} for the other derivative.
+Without being switched into C mode first, Calc would have misinterpreted
+the brackets in @samp{a[1]} and @samp{a[2]}, would not have known that
+@code{atan} was equivalent to Calc's built-in @code{arctan} function,
+and would have written the formula back with notations (like implicit
+multiplication) which would not have been legal for a C program.
+As another example, suppose you are maintaining a C program and a @TeX{}
+document, each of which needs a copy of the same formula.  You can grab the
+formula from the program in C mode, switch to @TeX{} mode, and yank the
+formula into the document in @TeX{} math-mode format.
+Language modes are selected by typing the letter @kbd{d} followed by a
+shifted letter key.
+* Normal Language Modes::
+* C FORTRAN Pascal::
+* TeX Language Mode::
+* Eqn Language Mode::
+* Mathematica Language Mode::
+* Maple Language Mode::
+* Compositions::
+* Syntax Tables::
+@end menu
+@node Normal Language Modes, C FORTRAN Pascal, Language Modes, Language Modes
+@subsection Normal Language Modes
+@kindex d N
+@pindex calc-normal-language
+The @kbd{d N} (@code{calc-normal-language}) command selects the usual
+notation for Calc formulas, as described in the rest of this manual.
+Matrices are displayed in a multi-line tabular format, but all other
+objects are written in linear form, as they would be typed from the
+@kindex d O
+@pindex calc-flat-language
+@cindex Matrix display
+The @kbd{d O} (@code{calc-flat-language}) command selects a language
+identical with the normal one, except that matrices are written in
+one-line form along with everything else.  In some applications this
+form may be more suitable for yanking data into other buffers.
+@kindex d b
+@pindex calc-line-breaking
+@cindex Line breaking
+@cindex Breaking up long lines
+Even in one-line mode, long formulas or vectors will still be split
+across multiple lines if they exceed the width of the Calculator window.
+The @kbd{d b} (@code{calc-line-breaking}) command turns this line-breaking
+feature on and off.  (It works independently of the current language.)
+If you give a numeric prefix argument of five or greater to the @kbd{d b}
+command, that argument will specify the line width used when breaking
+long lines.
+@kindex d B
+@pindex calc-big-language
+The @kbd{d B} (@code{calc-big-language}) command selects a language
+which uses textual approximations to various mathematical notations,
+such as powers, quotients, and square roots:
+  ____________
+ | a + 1    2
+ | ----- + c
+\|   b
+@end example
+in place of @samp{sqrt((a+1)/b + c^2)}.
+Subscripts like @samp{a_i} are displayed as actual subscripts in ``big''
+mode.  Double subscripts, @samp{a_i_j} (@samp{subscr(subscr(a, i), j)})
+are displayed as @samp{a} with subscripts separated by commas:
+@samp{i, j}.  They must still be entered in the usual underscore
+One slight ambiguity of Big notation is that
+  3
+- -
+  4
+@end example
+can represent either the negative rational number @cite{-3:4}, or the
+actual expression @samp{-(3/4)}; but the latter formula would normally
+never be displayed because it would immediately be evaluated to
+@cite{-3:4} or @cite{-0.75}, so this ambiguity is not a problem in
+typical use.
+Non-decimal numbers are displayed with subscripts.  Thus there is no
+way to tell the difference between @samp{16#C2} and @samp{C2_16},
+though generally you will know which interpretation is correct.
+Logarithms @samp{log(x,b)} and @samp{log10(x)} also use subscripts
+in Big mode.
+In Big mode, stack entries often take up several lines.  To aid
+readability, stack entries are separated by a blank line in this mode.
+You may find it useful to expand the Calc window's height using
+@kbd{C-x ^} (@code{enlarge-window}) or to make the Calc window the only
+one on the screen with @kbd{C-x 1} (@code{delete-other-windows}).
+Long lines are currently not rearranged to fit the window width in
+Big mode, so you may need to use the @kbd{<} and @kbd{>} keys
+to scroll across a wide formula.  For really big formulas, you may
+even need to use @kbd{@{} and @kbd{@}} to scroll up and down.
+@kindex d U
+@pindex calc-unformatted-language
+The @kbd{d U} (@code{calc-unformatted-language}) command altogether disables
+the use of operator notation in formulas.  In this mode, the formula
+shown above would be displayed:
+sqrt(add(div(add(a, 1), b), pow(c, 2)))
+@end example
+These four modes differ only in display format, not in the format
+expected for algebraic entry.  The standard Calc operators work in
+all four modes, and unformatted notation works in any language mode
+(except that Mathematica mode expects square brackets instead of
+@node C FORTRAN Pascal, TeX Language Mode, Normal Language Modes, Language Modes
+@subsection C, FORTRAN, and Pascal Modes
+@kindex d C
+@pindex calc-c-language
+@cindex C language
+The @kbd{d C} (@code{calc-c-language}) command selects the conventions
+of the C language for display and entry of formulas.  This differs from
+the normal language mode in a variety of (mostly minor) ways.  In
+particular, C language operators and operator precedences are used in
+place of Calc's usual ones.  For example, @samp{a^b} means @samp{xor(a,b)}
+in C mode; a value raised to a power is written as a function call,
+In C mode, vectors and matrices use curly braces instead of brackets.
+Octal and hexadecimal values are written with leading @samp{0} or @samp{0x}
+rather than using the @samp{#} symbol.  Array subscripting is
+translated into @code{subscr} calls, so that @samp{a[i]} in C
+mode is the same as @samp{a_i} in normal mode.  Assignments
+turn into the @code{assign} function, which Calc normally displays
+using the @samp{:=} symbol.
+The variables @code{var-pi} and @code{var-e} would be displayed @samp{pi}
+and @samp{e} in normal mode, but in C mode they are displayed as
+@samp{M_PI} and @samp{M_E}, corresponding to the names of constants
+typically provided in the @file{<math.h>} header.  Functions whose
+names are different in C are translated automatically for entry and
+display purposes.  For example, entering @samp{asin(x)} will push the
+formula @samp{arcsin(x)} onto the stack; this formula will be displayed
+as @samp{asin(x)} as long as C mode is in effect.
+@kindex d P
+@pindex calc-pascal-language
+@cindex Pascal language
+The @kbd{d P} (@code{calc-pascal-language}) command selects Pascal
+conventions.  Like C mode, Pascal mode interprets array brackets and uses
+a different table of operators.  Hexadecimal numbers are entered and
+displayed with a preceding dollar sign.  (Thus the regular meaning of
+@kbd{$2} during algebraic entry does not work in Pascal mode, though
+@kbd{$} (and @kbd{$$}, etc.) not followed by digits works the same as
+always.)  No special provisions are made for other non-decimal numbers,
+vectors, and so on, since there is no universally accepted standard way
+of handling these in Pascal.
+@kindex d F
+@pindex calc-fortran-language
+@cindex FORTRAN language
+The @kbd{d F} (@code{calc-fortran-language}) command selects FORTRAN
+conventions.  Various function names are transformed into FORTRAN
+equivalents.  Vectors are written as @samp{/1, 2, 3/}, and may be
+entered this way or using square brackets.  Since FORTRAN uses round
+parentheses for both function calls and array subscripts, Calc displays
+both in the same way; @samp{a(i)} is interpreted as a function call
+upon reading, and subscripts must be entered as @samp{subscr(a, i)}.
+Also, if the variable @code{a} has been declared to have type
+@code{vector} or @code{matrix} then @samp{a(i)} will be parsed as a
+subscript.  (@xref{Declarations}.)  Usually it doesn't matter, though;
+if you enter the subscript expression @samp{a(i)} and Calc interprets
+it as a function call, you'll never know the difference unless you
+switch to another language mode or replace @code{a} with an actual
+vector (or unless @code{a} happens to be the name of a built-in
+Underscores are allowed in variable and function names in all of these
+language modes.  The underscore here is equivalent to the @samp{#} in
+normal mode, or to hyphens in the underlying Emacs Lisp variable names.
+FORTRAN and Pascal modes normally do not adjust the case of letters in
+formulas.  Most built-in Calc names use lower-case letters.  If you use a
+positive numeric prefix argument with @kbd{d P} or @kbd{d F}, these
+modes will use upper-case letters exclusively for display, and will
+convert to lower-case on input.  With a negative prefix, these modes
+convert to lower-case for display and input.
+@node TeX Language Mode, Eqn Language Mode, C FORTRAN Pascal, Language Modes
+@subsection @TeX{} Language Mode
+@kindex d T
+@pindex calc-tex-language
+@cindex TeX language
+The @kbd{d T} (@code{calc-tex-language}) command selects the conventions
+of ``math mode'' in the @TeX{} typesetting language, by Donald Knuth.
+Formulas are entered
+and displayed in @TeX{} notation, as in @samp{\sin\left( a \over b \right)}.
+Math formulas are usually enclosed by @samp{$ $} signs in @TeX{}; these
+should be omitted when interfacing with Calc.  To Calc, the @samp{$} sign
+has the same meaning it always does in algebraic formulas (a reference to
+an existing entry on the stack).@refill
+Complex numbers are displayed as in @samp{3 + 4i}.  Fractions and
+quotients are written using @code{\over};
+binomial coefficients are written with @code{\choose}.
+Interval forms are written with @code{\ldots}, and
+error forms are written with @code{\pm}.
+Absolute values are written as in @samp{|x + 1|}, and the floor and
+ceiling functions are written with @code{\lfloor}, @code{\rfloor}, etc.
+The words @code{\left} and @code{\right} are ignored when reading
+formulas in @TeX{} mode.  Both @code{inf} and @code{uinf} are written
+as @code{\infty}; when read, @code{\infty} always translates to
+Function calls are written the usual way, with the function name followed
+by the arguments in parentheses.  However, functions for which @TeX{} has
+special names (like @code{\sin}) will use curly braces instead of
+parentheses for very simple arguments.  During input, curly braces and
+parentheses work equally well for grouping, but when the document is
+formatted the curly braces will be invisible.  Thus the printed result is
+@c{$\sin{2 x}$}
+@cite{sin 2x} but @c{$\sin(2 + x)$}
+@cite{sin(2 + x)}.
+Function and variable names not treated specially by @TeX{} are simply
+written out as-is, which will cause them to come out in italic letters
+in the printed document.  If you invoke @kbd{d T} with a positive numeric
+prefix argument, names of more than one character will instead be written
+@samp{\hbox@{@var{name}@}}.  The @samp{\hbox@{ @}} notation is ignored
+during reading.  If you use a negative prefix argument, such function
+names are written @samp{\@var{name}}, and function names that begin
+with @code{\} during reading have the @code{\} removed.  (Note that
+in this mode, long variable names are still written with @code{\hbox}.
+However, you can always make an actual variable name like @code{\bar}
+in any @TeX{} mode.)
+During reading, text of the form @samp{\matrix@{ ...@: @}} is replaced
+by @samp{[ ...@: ]}.  The same also applies to @code{\pmatrix} and
+@code{\bmatrix}.  The symbol @samp{&} is interpreted as a comma,
+and the symbols @samp{\cr} and @samp{\\} are interpreted as semicolons.
+During output, matrices are displayed in @samp{\matrix@{ a & b \\ c & d@}}
+format; you may need to edit this afterwards to change @code{\matrix}
+to @code{\pmatrix} or @code{\\} to @code{\cr}.
+Accents like @code{\tilde} and @code{\bar} translate into function
+calls internally (@samp{tilde(x)}, @samp{bar(x)}).  The @code{\underline}
+sequence is treated as an accent.  The @code{\vec} accent corresponds
+to the function name @code{Vec}, because @code{vec} is the name of
+a built-in Calc function.  The following table shows the accents
+in Calc, @TeX{}, and @dfn{eqn} (described in the next section):
+@let@calcindexershow=@calcindexernoshow  @c Suppress marginal notes
+@end iftex
+@c @starindex
+@tindex acute
+@c @starindex
+@tindex bar
+@c @starindex
+@tindex breve
+@c @starindex
+@tindex check
+@c @starindex
+@tindex dot
+@c @starindex
+@tindex dotdot
+@c @starindex
+@tindex dyad
+@c @starindex
+@tindex grave
+@c @starindex
+@tindex hat
+@c @starindex
+@tindex Prime
+@c @starindex
+@tindex tilde
+@c @starindex
+@tindex under
+@c @starindex
+@tindex Vec
+@end iftex
+Calc      TeX           eqn
+----      ---           ---
+acute     \acute
+bar       \bar          bar
+breve     \breve        
+check     \check
+dot       \dot          dot
+dotdot    \ddot         dotdot
+dyad                    dyad
+grave     \grave
+hat       \hat          hat
+Prime                   prime
+tilde     \tilde        tilde
+under     \underline    under
+Vec       \vec          vec
+@end example
+The @samp{=>} (evaluates-to) operator appears as a @code{\to} symbol:
+@samp{@{@var{a} \to @var{b}@}}.  @TeX{} defines @code{\to} as an
+alias for @code{\rightarrow}.  However, if the @samp{=>} is the
+top-level expression being formatted, a slightly different notation
+is used:  @samp{\evalto @var{a} \to @var{b}}.  The @code{\evalto}
+word is ignored by Calc's input routines, and is undefined in @TeX{}.
+You will typically want to include one of the following definitions
+at the top of a @TeX{} file that uses @code{\evalto}:
+@end example
+The first definition formats evaluates-to operators in the usual
+way.  The second causes only the @var{b} part to appear in the
+printed document; the @var{a} part and the arrow are hidden.
+Another definition you may wish to use is @samp{\let\to=\Rightarrow}
+which causes @code{\to} to appear more like Calc's @samp{=>} symbol.
+@xref{Evaluates-To Operator}, for a discussion of @code{evalto}.
+The complete set of @TeX{} control sequences that are ignored during
+reading is:
+\hbox  \mbox  \text  \left  \right
+\,  \>  \:  \;  \!  \quad  \qquad  \hfil  \hfill
+\displaystyle  \textstyle  \dsize  \tsize
+\scriptstyle  \scriptscriptstyle  \ssize  \ssize
+\rm  \bf  \it  \sl  \roman  \bold  \italic  \slanted
+\cal  \mit  \Cal  \Bbb  \frak  \goth
+@end example
+Note that, because these symbols are ignored, reading a @TeX{} formula
+into Calc and writing it back out may lose spacing and font information.
+Also, the ``discretionary multiplication sign'' @samp{\*} is read
+the same as @samp{*}.
+The @TeX{} version of this manual includes some printed examples at the
+end of this section.
+@end ifinfo
+Here are some examples of how various Calc formulas are formatted in @TeX{}:
+sin(a^2 / b_i)
+\sin\left( {a^2 \over b_i} \right)
+@end example
+$$ \sin\left( a^2 \over b_i \right) $$
+@end tex
+@sp 1
+@end group
+[(3, 4), 3:4, 3 +/- 4, [3 .. inf)]
+[3 + 4i, @{3 \over 4@}, 3 \pm 4, [3 \ldots \infty)]
+@end example
+$$ [3 + 4i, {3 \over 4}, 3 \pm 4, [ 3 \ldots \infty)] $$
+@end tex
+@sp 1
+@end group
+[abs(a), abs(a / b), floor(a), ceil(a / b)]
+[|a|, \left| a \over b \right|,
+ \lfloor a \rfloor, \left\lceil a \over b \right\rceil]
+@end example
+$$ [|a|, \left| a \over b \right|,
+    \lfloor a \rfloor, \left\lceil a \over b \right\rceil] $$
+@end tex
+@sp 1
+@end group
+[sin(a), sin(2 a), sin(2 + a), sin(a / b)]
+[\sin@{a@}, \sin@{2 a@}, \sin(2 + a),
+ \sin\left( @{a \over b@} \right)]
+@end example
+$$ [\sin{a}, \sin{2 a}, \sin(2 + a), \sin\left( {a \over b} \right)] $$
+@end tex
+@sp 2
+@end group
+First with plain @kbd{d T}, then with @kbd{C-u d T}, then finally with
+@kbd{C-u - d T} (using the example definition
+@samp{\def\foo#1@{\tilde F(#1)@}}:
+[f(a), foo(bar), sin(pi)]
+[f(a), foo(bar), \sin{\pi}]
+[f(a), \hbox@{foo@}(\hbox@{bar@}), \sin@{\pi@}]
+[f(a), \foo@{\hbox@{bar@}@}, \sin@{\pi@}]
+@end example
+$$ [f(a), foo(bar), \sin{\pi}] $$
+$$ [f(a), \hbox{foo}(\hbox{bar}), \sin{\pi}] $$
+$$ [f(a), \tilde F(\hbox{bar}), \sin{\pi}] $$
+@end tex
+@sp 2
+@end group
+First with @samp{\def\evalto@{@}}, then with @samp{\def\evalto#1\to@{@}}:
+2 + 3 => 5
+\evalto 2 + 3 \to 5
+@end example
+$$ 2 + 3 \to 5 $$
+$$ 5 $$
+@end tex
+@sp 2
+@end group
+First with standard @code{\to}, then with @samp{\let\to\Rightarrow}:
+[2 + 3 => 5, a / 2 => (b + c) / 2]
+[@{2 + 3 \to 5@}, @{@{a \over 2@} \to @{b + c \over 2@}@}]
+@end example
+$$ [{2 + 3 \to 5}, {{a \over 2} \to {b + c \over 2}}] $$
+$$ [{2 + 3 \to 5}, {{a \over 2} \to {b + c \over 2}}] $$}
+@end tex
+@sp 2
+@end group
+Matrices normally, then changing @code{\matrix} to @code{\pmatrix}:
+[ [ a / b, 0 ], [ 0, 2^(x + 1) ] ]
+\matrix@{ @{a \over b@} & 0 \\ 0 & 2^@{(x + 1)@} @}
+\pmatrix@{ @{a \over b@} & 0 \\ 0 & 2^@{(x + 1)@} @}
+@end example
+$$ \matrix{ {a \over b} & 0 \cr 0 & 2^{(x + 1)} } $$
+$$ \pmatrix{ {a \over b} & 0 \cr 0 & 2^{(x + 1)} } $$
+@end tex
+@sp 2
+@end group
+@end iftex
+@node Eqn Language Mode, Mathematica Language Mode, TeX Language Mode, Language Modes
+@subsection Eqn Language Mode
+@kindex d E
+@pindex calc-eqn-language
+@dfn{Eqn} is another popular formatter for math formulas.  It is
+designed for use with the TROFF text formatter, and comes standard
+with many versions of Unix.  The @kbd{d E} (@code{calc-eqn-language})
+command selects @dfn{eqn} notation.
+The @dfn{eqn} language's main idiosyncrasy is that whitespace plays
+a significant part in the parsing of the language.  For example,
+@samp{sqrt x+1 + y} treats @samp{x+1} as the argument of the
+@code{sqrt} operator.  @dfn{Eqn} also understands more conventional
+grouping using curly braces:  @samp{sqrt@{x+1@} + y}.  Braces are
+required only when the argument contains spaces.
+In Calc's @dfn{eqn} mode, however, curly braces are required to
+delimit arguments of operators like @code{sqrt}.  The first of the
+above examples would treat only the @samp{x} as the argument of
+@code{sqrt}, and in fact @samp{sin x+1} would be interpreted as
+@samp{sin * x + 1}, because @code{sin} is not a special operator
+in the @dfn{eqn} language.  If you always surround the argument
+with curly braces, Calc will never misunderstand.
+Calc also understands parentheses as grouping characters.  Another
+peculiarity of @dfn{eqn}'s syntax makes it advisable to separate
+words with spaces from any surrounding characters that aren't curly
+braces, so Calc writes @samp{sin ( x + y )} in @dfn{eqn} mode.
+(The spaces around @code{sin} are important to make @dfn{eqn}
+recognize that @code{sin} should be typeset in a roman font, and
+the spaces around @code{x} and @code{y} are a good idea just in
+case the @dfn{eqn} document has defined special meanings for these
+names, too.)
+Powers and subscripts are written with the @code{sub} and @code{sup}
+operators, respectively.  Note that the caret symbol @samp{^} is
+treated the same as a space in @dfn{eqn} mode, as is the @samp{~}
+symbol (these are used to introduce spaces of various widths into
+the typeset output of @dfn{eqn}).
+As in @TeX{} mode, Calc's formatter omits parentheses around the
+arguments of functions like @code{ln} and @code{sin} if they are
+``simple-looking''; in this case Calc surrounds the argument with
+braces, separated by a @samp{~} from the function name: @samp{sin~@{x@}}.
+Font change codes (like @samp{roman @var{x}}) and positioning codes
+(like @samp{~} and @samp{down @var{n} @var{x}}) are ignored by the
+@dfn{eqn} reader.  Also ignored are the words @code{left}, @code{right},
+@code{mark}, and @code{lineup}.  Quotation marks in @dfn{eqn} mode input
+are treated the same as curly braces: @samp{sqrt "1+x"} is equivalent to
+@samp{sqrt @{1+x@}}; this is only an approximation to the true meaning
+of quotes in @dfn{eqn}, but it is good enough for most uses.
+Accent codes (@samp{@var{x} dot}) are handled by treating them as
+function calls (@samp{dot(@var{x})}) internally.  @xref{TeX Language
+Mode} for a table of these accent functions.  The @code{prime} accent
+is treated specially if it occurs on a variable or function name:
+@samp{f prime prime @w{( x prime )}} is stored internally as
+@samp{f'@w{'}(x')}.  For example, taking the derivative of @samp{f(2 x)}
+with @kbd{a d x} will produce @samp{2 f'(2 x)}, which @dfn{eqn} mode
+will display as @samp{2 f prime ( 2 x )}.
+Assignments are written with the @samp{<-} (left-arrow) symbol,
+and @code{evalto} operators are written with @samp{->} or
+@samp{evalto ... ->} (@pxref{TeX Language Mode}, for a discussion
+of this).  The regular Calc symbols @samp{:=} and @samp{=>} are also
+recognized for these operators during reading.
+Vectors in @dfn{eqn} mode use regular Calc square brackets, but
+matrices are formatted as @samp{matrix @{ ccol @{ a above b @} ... @}}.
+The words @code{lcol} and @code{rcol} are recognized as synonyms
+for @code{ccol} during input, and are generated instead of @code{ccol}
+if the matrix justification mode so specifies.
+@node Mathematica Language Mode, Maple Language Mode, Eqn Language Mode, Language Modes
+@subsection Mathematica Language Mode
+@kindex d M
+@pindex calc-mathematica-language
+@cindex Mathematica language
+The @kbd{d M} (@code{calc-mathematica-language}) command selects the
+conventions of Mathematica, a powerful and popular mathematical tool
+from Wolfram Research, Inc.  Notable differences in Mathematica mode
+are that the names of built-in functions are capitalized, and function
+calls use square brackets instead of parentheses.  Thus the Calc
+formula @samp{sin(2 x)} is entered and displayed @w{@samp{Sin[2 x]}} in
+Mathematica mode.
+Vectors and matrices use curly braces in Mathematica.  Complex numbers
+are written @samp{3 + 4 I}.  The standard special constants in Calc are
+written @code{Pi}, @code{E}, @code{I}, @code{GoldenRatio}, @code{EulerGamma},
+@code{Infinity}, @code{ComplexInfinity}, and @code{Indeterminate} in
+Mathematica mode.
+Non-decimal numbers are written, e.g., @samp{16^^7fff}.  Floating-point
+numbers in scientific notation are written @samp{1.23*10.^3}.
+Subscripts use double square brackets: @samp{a[[i]]}.@refill
+@node Maple Language Mode, Compositions, Mathematica Language Mode, Language Modes
+@subsection Maple Language Mode
+@kindex d W
+@pindex calc-maple-language
+@cindex Maple language
+The @kbd{d W} (@code{calc-maple-language}) command selects the
+conventions of Maple, another mathematical tool from the University
+of Waterloo.  
+Maple's language is much like C.  Underscores are allowed in symbol
+names; square brackets are used for subscripts; explicit @samp{*}s for
+multiplications are required.  Use either @samp{^} or @samp{**} to
+denote powers.
+Maple uses square brackets for lists and curly braces for sets.  Calc
+interprets both notations as vectors, and displays vectors with square
+brackets.  This means Maple sets will be converted to lists when they
+pass through Calc.  As a special case, matrices are written as calls
+to the function @code{matrix}, given a list of lists as the argument,
+and can be read in this form or with all-capitals @code{MATRIX}.
+The Maple interval notation @samp{2 .. 3} has no surrounding brackets;
+Calc reads @samp{2 .. 3} as the closed interval @samp{[2 .. 3]}, and
+writes any kind of interval as @samp{2 .. 3}.  This means you cannot
+see the difference between an open and a closed interval while in
+Maple display mode.
+Maple writes complex numbers as @samp{3 + 4*I}.  Its special constants
+are @code{Pi}, @code{E}, @code{I}, and @code{infinity} (all three of
+@code{inf}, @code{uinf}, and @code{nan} display as @code{infinity}).
+Floating-point numbers are written @samp{1.23*10.^3}.
+Among things not currently handled by Calc's Maple mode are the
+various quote symbols, procedures and functional operators, and
+inert (@samp{&}) operators.
+@node Compositions, Syntax Tables, Maple Language Mode, Language Modes
+@subsection Compositions
+@cindex Compositions
+There are several @dfn{composition functions} which allow you to get
+displays in a variety of formats similar to those in Big language
+mode.  Most of these functions do not evaluate to anything; they are
+placeholders which are left in symbolic form by Calc's evaluator but
+are recognized by Calc's display formatting routines.
+Two of these, @code{string} and @code{bstring}, are described elsewhere.
+@xref{Strings}.  For example, @samp{string("ABC")} is displayed as
+@samp{ABC}.  When viewed on the stack it will be indistinguishable from
+the variable @code{ABC}, but internally it will be stored as
+@samp{string([65, 66, 67])} and can still be manipulated this way; for
+example, the selection and vector commands @kbd{j 1 v v j u} would
+select the vector portion of this object and reverse the elements, then
+deselect to reveal a string whose characters had been reversed.
+The composition functions do the same thing in all language modes
+(although their components will of course be formatted in the current
+language mode).  The one exception is Unformatted mode (@kbd{d U}),
+which does not give the composition functions any special treatment.
+The functions are discussed here because of their relationship to
+the language modes.
+* Composition Basics::
+* Horizontal Compositions::
+* Vertical Compositions::
+* Other Compositions::
+* Information about Compositions::
+* User-Defined Compositions::
+@end menu
+@node Composition Basics, Horizontal Compositions, Compositions, Compositions
+@subsubsection Composition Basics
+Compositions are generally formed by stacking formulas together
+horizontally or vertically in various ways.  Those formulas are
+themselves compositions.  @TeX{} users will find this analogous
+to @TeX{}'s ``boxes.''  Each multi-line composition has a
+@dfn{baseline}; horizontal compositions use the baselines to
+decide how formulas should be positioned relative to one another.
+For example, in the Big mode formula
+          2
+     a + b
+17 + ------
+       c
+@end example
+@end group
+the second term of the sum is four lines tall and has line three as
+its baseline.  Thus when the term is combined with 17, line three
+is placed on the same level as the baseline of 17.
+@end tex
+Another important composition concept is @dfn{precedence}.  This is
+an integer that represents the binding strength of various operators.
+For example, @samp{*} has higher precedence (195) than @samp{+} (180),
+which means that @samp{(a * b) + c} will be formatted without the
+parentheses, but @samp{a * (b + c)} will keep the parentheses.
+The operator table used by normal and Big language modes has the
+following precedences:
+_     1200   @r{(subscripts)}
+%     1100   @r{(as in n}%@r{)}
+-     1000   @r{(as in }-@r{n)}
+!     1000   @r{(as in }!@r{n)}
+mod    400
++/-    300
+!!     210    @r{(as in n}!!@r{)}
+!      210    @r{(as in n}!@r{)}
+^      200
+*      195    @r{(or implicit multiplication)}
+/ % \  190
++ -    180    @r{(as in a}+@r{b)}
+|      170
+< =    160    @r{(and other relations)}
+&&     110
+||     100
+? :     90
+!!!     85
+&&&     80
+|||     75
+:=      50
+::      45
+=>      40
+@end example
+The general rule is that if an operator with precedence @cite{n}
+occurs as an argument to an operator with precedence @cite{m}, then
+the argument is enclosed in parentheses if @cite{n < m}.  Top-level
+expressions and expressions which are function arguments, vector
+components, etc., are formatted with precedence zero (so that they
+normally never get additional parentheses).
+For binary left-associative operators like @samp{+}, the righthand
+argument is actually formatted with one-higher precedence than shown
+in the table.  This makes sure @samp{(a + b) + c} omits the parentheses,
+but the unnatural form @samp{a + (b + c)} keeps its parentheses.
+Right-associative operators like @samp{^} format the lefthand argument
+with one-higher precedence.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex cprec
+The @code{cprec} function formats an expression with an arbitrary
+precedence.  For example, @samp{cprec(abc, 185)} will combine into
+sums and products as follows:  @samp{7 + abc}, @samp{7 (abc)} (because
+this @code{cprec} form has higher precedence than addition, but lower
+precedence than multiplication).
+@end tex
+A final composition issue is @dfn{line breaking}.  Calc uses two
+different strategies for ``flat'' and ``non-flat'' compositions.
+A non-flat composition is anything that appears on multiple lines
+(not counting line breaking).  Examples would be matrices and Big
+mode powers and quotients.  Non-flat compositions are displayed
+exactly as specified.  If they come out wider than the current
+window, you must use horizontal scrolling (@kbd{<} and @kbd{>}) to
+view them.
+Flat compositions, on the other hand, will be broken across several
+lines if they are too wide to fit the window.  Certain points in a
+composition are noted internally as @dfn{break points}.  Calc's
+general strategy is to fill each line as much as possible, then to
+move down to the next line starting at the first break point that
+didn't fit.  However, the line breaker understands the hierarchical
+structure of formulas.  It will not break an ``inner'' formula if
+it can use an earlier break point from an ``outer'' formula instead.
+For example, a vector of sums might be formatted as:
+[ a + b + c, d + e + f,
+  g + h + i, j + k + l, m ]
+@end example
+@end group
+If the @samp{m} can fit, then so, it seems, could the @samp{g}.
+But Calc prefers to break at the comma since the comma is part
+of a ``more outer'' formula.  Calc would break at a plus sign
+only if it had to, say, if the very first sum in the vector had
+itself been too large to fit.
+Of the composition functions described below, only @code{choriz}
+generates break points.  The @code{bstring} function (@pxref{Strings})
+also generates breakable items:  A break point is added after every
+space (or group of spaces) except for spaces at the very beginning or
+end of the string.
+Composition functions themselves count as levels in the formula
+hierarchy, so a @code{choriz} that is a component of a larger
+@code{choriz} will be less likely to be broken.  As a special case,
+if a @code{bstring} occurs as a component of a @code{choriz} or
+@code{choriz}-like object (such as a vector or a list of arguments
+in a function call), then the break points in that @code{bstring}
+will be on the same level as the break points of the surrounding
+@node Horizontal Compositions, Vertical Compositions, Composition Basics, Compositions
+@subsubsection Horizontal Compositions
+@c @starindex
+@tindex choriz
+The @code{choriz} function takes a vector of objects and composes
+them horizontally.  For example, @samp{choriz([17, a b/c, d])} formats
+as @w{@samp{17a b / cd}} in normal language mode, or as
+  a b
+   c
+@end example
+@end group
+in Big language mode.  This is actually one case of the general
+function @samp{choriz(@var{vec}, @var{sep}, @var{prec})}, where
+either or both of @var{sep} and @var{prec} may be omitted.
+@var{Prec} gives the @dfn{precedence} to use when formatting
+each of the components of @var{vec}.  The default precedence is
+the precedence from the surrounding environment.
+@var{Sep} is a string (i.e., a vector of character codes as might
+be entered with @code{" "} notation) which should separate components
+of the composition.  Also, if @var{sep} is given, the line breaker
+will allow lines to be broken after each occurrence of @var{sep}.
+If @var{sep} is omitted, the composition will not be breakable
+(unless any of its component compositions are breakable).
+For example, @samp{2 choriz([a, b c, d = e], " + ", 180)} is
+formatted as @samp{2 a + b c + (d = e)}.  To get the @code{choriz}
+to have precedence 180 ``outwards'' as well as ``inwards,''
+enclose it in a @code{cprec} form:  @samp{2 cprec(choriz(...), 180)}
+formats as @samp{2 (a + b c + (d = e))}.
+The baseline of a horizontal composition is the same as the
+baselines of the component compositions, which are all aligned.
+@node Vertical Compositions, Other Compositions, Horizontal Compositions, Compositions
+@subsubsection Vertical Compositions
+@c @starindex
+@tindex cvert
+The @code{cvert} function makes a vertical composition.  Each
+component of the vector is centered in a column.  The baseline of
+the result is by default the top line of the resulting composition.
+For example, @samp{f(cvert([a, bb, ccc]), cvert([a^2 + 1, b^2]))}
+formats in Big mode as
+f( a ,  2    )
+  bb   a  + 1
+  ccc     2
+         b
+@end example
+@end group
+@c @starindex
+@tindex cbase
+There are several special composition functions that work only as
+components of a vertical composition.  The @code{cbase} function
+controls the baseline of the vertical composition; the baseline
+will be the same as the baseline of whatever component is enclosed
+in @code{cbase}.  Thus @samp{f(cvert([a, cbase(bb), ccc]),
+cvert([a^2 + 1, cbase(b^2)]))} displays as
+        2
+       a  + 1
+   a      2
+f(bb ,   b   )
+  ccc
+@end example
+@end group
+@c @starindex
+@tindex ctbase
+@c @starindex
+@tindex cbbase
+There are also @code{ctbase} and @code{cbbase} functions which
+make the baseline of the vertical composition equal to the top
+or bottom line (rather than the baseline) of that component.
+Thus @samp{cvert([cbase(a / b)]) + cvert([ctbase(a / b)]) +
+cvert([cbbase(a / b)])} gives
+        a
+a       -
+- + a + b
+b   -
+    b
+@end example
+@end group
+There should be only one @code{cbase}, @code{ctbase}, or @code{cbbase}
+function in a given vertical composition.  These functions can also
+be written with no arguments:  @samp{ctbase()} is a zero-height object
+which means the baseline is the top line of the following item, and
+@samp{cbbase()} means the baseline is the bottom line of the preceding
+@c @starindex
+@tindex crule
+The @code{crule} function builds a ``rule,'' or horizontal line,
+across a vertical composition.  By itself @samp{crule()} uses @samp{-}
+characters to build the rule.  You can specify any other character,
+e.g., @samp{crule("=")}.  The argument must be a character code or
+vector of exactly one character code.  It is repeated to match the
+width of the widest item in the stack.  For example, a quotient
+with a thick line is @samp{cvert([a + 1, cbase(crule("=")), b^2])}:
+a + 1
+  2
+ b
+@end example
+@end group
+@c @starindex
+@tindex clvert
+@c @starindex
+@tindex crvert
+Finally, the functions @code{clvert} and @code{crvert} act exactly
+like @code{cvert} except that the items are left- or right-justified
+in the stack.  Thus @samp{clvert([a, bb, ccc]) + crvert([a, bb, ccc])}
+a   +   a
+bb     bb
+ccc   ccc
+@end example
+@end group
+Like @code{choriz}, the vertical compositions accept a second argument
+which gives the precedence to use when formatting the components.
+Vertical compositions do not support separator strings.
+@node Other Compositions, Information about Compositions, Vertical Compositions, Compositions
+@subsubsection Other Compositions
+@c @starindex
+@tindex csup
+The @code{csup} function builds a superscripted expression.  For
+example, @samp{csup(a, b)} looks the same as @samp{a^b} does in Big
+language mode.  This is essentially a horizontal composition of
+@samp{a} and @samp{b}, where @samp{b} is shifted up so that its
+bottom line is one above the baseline.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex csub
+Likewise, the @code{csub} function builds a subscripted expression.
+This shifts @samp{b} down so that its top line is one below the
+bottom line of @samp{a} (note that this is not quite analogous to
+@code{csup}).  Other arrangements can be obtained by using
+@code{choriz} and @code{cvert} directly.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex cflat
+The @code{cflat} function formats its argument in ``flat'' mode,
+as obtained by @samp{d O}, if the current language mode is normal
+or Big.  It has no effect in other language modes.  For example,
+@samp{a^(b/c)} is formatted by Big mode like @samp{csup(a, cflat(b/c))}
+to improve its readability.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex cspace
+The @code{cspace} function creates horizontal space.  For example,
+@samp{cspace(4)} is effectively the same as @samp{string("    ")}.
+A second string (i.e., vector of characters) argument is repeated
+instead of the space character.  For example, @samp{cspace(4, "ab")}
+looks like @samp{abababab}.  If the second argument is not a string,
+it is formatted in the normal way and then several copies of that
+are composed together:  @samp{cspace(4, a^2)} yields
+ 2 2 2 2
+a a a a
+@end example
+@end group
+If the number argument is zero, this is a zero-width object.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex cvspace
+The @code{cvspace} function creates vertical space, or a vertical
+stack of copies of a certain string or formatted object.  The
+baseline is the center line of the resulting stack.  A numerical
+argument of zero will produce an object which contributes zero
+height if used in a vertical composition.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex ctspace
+@c @starindex
+@tindex cbspace
+There are also @code{ctspace} and @code{cbspace} functions which
+create vertical space with the baseline the same as the baseline
+of the top or bottom copy, respectively, of the second argument.
+Thus @samp{cvspace(2, a/b) + ctspace(2, a/b) + cbspace(2, a/b)}
+displays as:
+        a
+        -
+a       b
+-   a   a
+b + - + -
+a   b   b
+-   a
+b   -
+    b
+@end example
+@end group
+@node Information about Compositions, User-Defined Compositions, Other Compositions, Compositions
+@subsubsection Information about Compositions
+The functions in this section are actual functions; they compose their
+arguments according to the current language and other display modes,
+then return a certain measurement of the composition as an integer.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex cwidth
+The @code{cwidth} function measures the width, in characters, of a
+composition.  For example, @samp{cwidth(a + b)} is 5, and
+@samp{cwidth(a / b)} is 5 in normal mode, 1 in Big mode, and 11 in
+@TeX{} mode (for @samp{@{a \over b@}}).  The argument may involve
+the composition functions described in this section.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex cheight
+The @code{cheight} function measures the height of a composition.
+This is the total number of lines in the argument's printed form.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex cascent
+@c @starindex
+@tindex cdescent
+The functions @code{cascent} and @code{cdescent} measure the amount
+of the height that is above (and including) the baseline, or below
+the baseline, respectively.  Thus @samp{cascent(@var{x}) + cdescent(@var{x})}
+always equals @samp{cheight(@var{x})}.  For a one-line formula like
+@samp{a + b}, @code{cascent} returns 1 and @code{cdescent} returns 0.
+For @samp{a / b} in Big mode, @code{cascent} returns 2 and @code{cdescent}
+returns 1.  The only formula for which @code{cascent} will return zero
+is @samp{cvspace(0)} or equivalents.
+@node User-Defined Compositions, , Information about Compositions, Compositions
+@subsubsection User-Defined Compositions
+@kindex Z C
+@pindex calc-user-define-composition
+The @kbd{Z C} (@code{calc-user-define-composition}) command lets you
+define the display format for any algebraic function.  You provide a
+formula containing a certain number of argument variables on the stack.
+Any time Calc formats a call to the specified function in the current
+language mode and with that number of arguments, Calc effectively
+replaces the function call with that formula with the arguments
+Calc builds the default argument list by sorting all the variable names
+that appear in the formula into alphabetical order.  You can edit this
+argument list before pressing @key{RET} if you wish.  Any variables in
+the formula that do not appear in the argument list will be displayed
+literally; any arguments that do not appear in the formula will not
+affect the display at all.
+You can define formats for built-in functions, for functions you have
+defined with @kbd{Z F} (@pxref{Algebraic Definitions}), or for functions
+which have no definitions but are being used as purely syntactic objects.
+You can define different formats for each language mode, and for each
+number of arguments, using a succession of @kbd{Z C} commands.  When
+Calc formats a function call, it first searches for a format defined
+for the current language mode (and number of arguments); if there is
+none, it uses the format defined for the Normal language mode.  If
+neither format exists, Calc uses its built-in standard format for that
+function (usually just @samp{@var{func}(@var{args})}).
+If you execute @kbd{Z C} with the number 0 on the stack instead of a
+formula, any defined formats for the function in the current language
+mode will be removed.  The function will revert to its standard format.
+For example, the default format for the binomial coefficient function
+@samp{choose(n, m)} in the Big language mode is
+ n
+( )
+ m
+@end example
+@end group
+You might prefer the notation,
+ C
+n m
+@end example
+@end group
+To define this notation, first make sure you are in Big mode,
+then put the formula
+choriz([cvert([cvspace(1), n]), C, cvert([cvspace(1), m])])
+@end smallexample
+on the stack and type @kbd{Z C}.  Answer the first prompt with
+@code{choose}.  The second prompt will be the default argument list
+of @samp{(C m n)}.  Edit this list to be @samp{(n m)} and press
+@key{RET}.  Now, try it out:  For example, turn simplification
+off with @kbd{m O} and enter @samp{choose(a,b) + choose(7,3)}
+as an algebraic entry.
+ C  +  C 
+a b   7 3
+@end example
+@end group
+As another example, let's define the usual notation for Stirling
+numbers of the first kind, @samp{stir1(n, m)}.  This is just like
+the regular format for binomial coefficients but with square brackets
+instead of parentheses.
+choriz([string("["), cvert([n, cbase(cvspace(1)), m]), string("]")])
+@end smallexample
+Now type @kbd{Z C stir1 @key{RET}}, edit the argument list to
+@samp{(n m)}, and type @key{RET}.
+The formula provided to @kbd{Z C} usually will involve composition
+functions, but it doesn't have to.  Putting the formula @samp{a + b + c}
+onto the stack and typing @kbd{Z C foo @key{RET} @key{RET}} would define
+the function @samp{foo(x,y,z)} to display like @samp{x + y + z}.
+This ``sum'' will act exactly like a real sum for all formatting
+purposes (it will be parenthesized the same, and so on).  However
+it will be computationally unrelated to a sum.  For example, the
+formula @samp{2 * foo(1, 2, 3)} will display as @samp{2 (1 + 2 + 3)}.
+Operator precedences have caused the ``sum'' to be written in
+parentheses, but the arguments have not actually been summed.
+(Generally a display format like this would be undesirable, since
+it can easily be confused with a real sum.)
+The special function @code{eval} can be used inside a @kbd{Z C}
+composition formula to cause all or part of the formula to be
+evaluated at display time.  For example, if the formula is
+@samp{a + eval(b + c)}, then @samp{foo(1, 2, 3)} will be displayed
+as @samp{1 + 5}.  Evaluation will use the default simplifications,
+regardless of the current simplification mode.  There are also
+@code{evalsimp} and @code{evalextsimp} which simplify as if by
+@kbd{a s} and @kbd{a e} (respectively).  Note that these ``functions''
+operate only in the context of composition formulas (and also in
+rewrite rules, where they serve a similar purpose; @pxref{Rewrite
+Rules}).  On the stack, a call to @code{eval} will be left in
+symbolic form.
+It is not a good idea to use @code{eval} except as a last resort.
+It can cause the display of formulas to be extremely slow.  For
+example, while @samp{eval(a + b)} might seem quite fast and simple,
+there are several situations where it could be slow.  For example,
+@samp{a} and/or @samp{b} could be polar complex numbers, in which
+case doing the sum requires trigonometry.  Or, @samp{a} could be
+the factorial @samp{fact(100)} which is unevaluated because you
+have typed @kbd{m O}; @code{eval} will evaluate it anyway to
+produce a large, unwieldy integer.
+You can save your display formats permanently using the @kbd{Z P}
+command (@pxref{Creating User Keys}).
+@node Syntax Tables, , Compositions, Language Modes
+@subsection Syntax Tables
+@cindex Syntax tables
+@cindex Parsing formulas, customized
+Syntax tables do for input what compositions do for output:  They
+allow you to teach custom notations to Calc's formula parser.
+Calc keeps a separate syntax table for each language mode.
+(Note that the Calc ``syntax tables'' discussed here are completely
+unrelated to the syntax tables described in the Emacs manual.)
+@kindex Z S
+@pindex calc-edit-user-syntax
+The @kbd{Z S} (@code{calc-edit-user-syntax}) command edits the
+syntax table for the current language mode.  If you want your
+syntax to work in any language, define it in the normal language
+mode.  Type @kbd{M-# M-#} to finish editing the syntax table, or
+@kbd{M-# x} to cancel the edit.  The @kbd{m m} command saves all
+the syntax tables along with the other mode settings;
+@pxref{General Mode Commands}.
+* Syntax Table Basics::
+* Precedence in Syntax Tables::
+* Advanced Syntax Patterns::
+* Conditional Syntax Rules::
+@end menu
+@node Syntax Table Basics, Precedence in Syntax Tables, Syntax Tables, Syntax Tables
+@subsubsection Syntax Table Basics
+@dfn{Parsing} is the process of converting a raw string of characters,
+such as you would type in during algebraic entry, into a Calc formula.
+Calc's parser works in two stages.  First, the input is broken down
+into @dfn{tokens}, such as words, numbers, and punctuation symbols
+like @samp{+}, @samp{:=}, and @samp{+/-}.  Space between tokens is
+ignored (except when it serves to separate adjacent words).  Next,
+the parser matches this string of tokens against various built-in
+syntactic patterns, such as ``an expression followed by @samp{+}
+followed by another expression'' or ``a name followed by @samp{(},
+zero or more expressions separated by commas, and @samp{)}.''
+A @dfn{syntax table} is a list of user-defined @dfn{syntax rules},
+which allow you to specify new patterns to define your own
+favorite input notations.  Calc's parser always checks the syntax
+table for the current language mode, then the table for the normal
+language mode, before it uses its built-in rules to parse an
+algebraic formula you have entered.  Each syntax rule should go on
+its own line; it consists of a @dfn{pattern}, a @samp{:=} symbol,
+and a Calc formula with an optional @dfn{condition}.  (Syntax rules
+resemble algebraic rewrite rules, but the notation for patterns is
+completely different.)
+A syntax pattern is a list of tokens, separated by spaces.
+Except for a few special symbols, tokens in syntax patterns are
+matched literally, from left to right.  For example, the rule,
+foo ( ) := 2+3
+@end example
+would cause Calc to parse the formula @samp{4+foo()*5} as if it
+were @samp{4+(2+3)*5}.  Notice that the parentheses were written
+as two separate tokens in the rule.  As a result, the rule works
+for both @samp{foo()} and @w{@samp{foo (  )}}.  If we had written
+the rule as @samp{foo () := 2+3}, then Calc would treat @samp{()}
+as a single, indivisible token, so that @w{@samp{foo( )}} would
+not be recognized by the rule.  (It would be parsed as a regular
+zero-argument function call instead.)  In fact, this rule would
+also make trouble for the rest of Calc's parser:  An unrelated
+formula like @samp{bar()} would now be tokenized into @samp{bar ()}
+instead of @samp{bar ( )}, so that the standard parser for function
+calls would no longer recognize it!
+While it is possible to make a token with a mixture of letters
+and punctuation symbols, this is not recommended.  It is better to
+break it into several tokens, as we did with @samp{foo()} above.
+The symbol @samp{#} in a syntax pattern matches any Calc expression.
+On the righthand side, the things that matched the @samp{#}s can
+be referred to as @samp{#1}, @samp{#2}, and so on (where @samp{#1}
+matches the leftmost @samp{#} in the pattern).  For example, these
+rules match a user-defined function, prefix operator, infix operator,
+and postfix operator, respectively:
+foo ( # ) := myfunc(#1)
+foo # := myprefix(#1)
+# foo # := myinfix(#1,#2)
+# foo := mypostfix(#1)
+@end example
+Thus @samp{foo(3)} will parse as @samp{myfunc(3)}, and @samp{2+3 foo}
+will parse as @samp{mypostfix(2+3)}.
+It is important to write the first two rules in the order shown,
+because Calc tries rules in order from first to last.  If the
+pattern @samp{foo #} came first, it would match anything that could
+match the @samp{foo ( # )} rule, since an expression in parentheses
+is itself a valid expression.  Thus the @w{@samp{foo ( # )}} rule would
+never get to match anything.  Likewise, the last two rules must be
+written in the order shown or else @samp{3 foo 4} will be parsed as
+@samp{mypostfix(3) * 4}.  (Of course, the best way to avoid these
+ambiguities is not to use the same symbol in more than one way at
+the same time!  In case you're not convinced, try the following
+exercise:  How will the above rules parse the input @samp{foo(3,4)},
+if at all?  Work it out for yourself, then try it in Calc and see.)
+Calc is quite flexible about what sorts of patterns are allowed.
+The only rule is that every pattern must begin with a literal
+token (like @samp{foo} in the first two patterns above), or with
+a @samp{#} followed by a literal token (as in the last two
+patterns).  After that, any mixture is allowed, although putting
+two @samp{#}s in a row will not be very useful since two
+expressions with nothing between them will be parsed as one
+expression that uses implicit multiplication.
+As a more practical example, Maple uses the notation
+@samp{sum(a(i), i=1..10)} for sums, which Calc's Maple mode doesn't
+recognize at present.  To handle this syntax, we simply add the
+sum ( # , # = # .. # ) := sum(#1,#2,#3,#4)
+@end example
+to the Maple mode syntax table.  As another example, C mode can't
+read assignment operators like @samp{++} and @samp{*=}.  We can
+define these operators quite easily:
+# *= # := muleq(#1,#2)
+# ++ := postinc(#1)
+++ # := preinc(#1)
+@end example
+To complete the job, we would use corresponding composition functions
+and @kbd{Z C} to cause these functions to display in their respective
+Maple and C notations.  (Note that the C example ignores issues of
+operator precedence, which are discussed in the next section.)
+You can enclose any token in quotes to prevent its usual
+interpretation in syntax patterns:
+# ":=" # := becomes(#1,#2)
+@end example
+Quotes also allow you to include spaces in a token, although once
+again it is generally better to use two tokens than one token with
+an embedded space.  To include an actual quotation mark in a quoted
+token, precede it with a backslash.  (This also works to include
+backslashes in tokens.)
+# "bad token" # "/\"\\" # := silly(#1,#2,#3)
+@end example
+This will parse @samp{3 bad token 4 /"\ 5} to @samp{silly(3,4,5)}.
+The token @kbd{#} has a predefined meaning in Calc's formula parser;
+it is not legal to use @samp{"#"} in a syntax rule.  However, longer
+tokens that include the @samp{#} character are allowed.  Also, while
+@samp{"$"} and @samp{"\""} are allowed as tokens, their presence in
+the syntax table will prevent those characters from working in their
+usual ways (referring to stack entries and quoting strings,
+Finally, the notation @samp{%%} anywhere in a syntax table causes
+the rest of the line to be ignored as a comment.
+@node Precedence in Syntax Tables, Advanced Syntax Patterns, Syntax Table Basics, Syntax Tables
+@subsubsection Precedence
+Different operators are generally assigned different @dfn{precedences}.
+By default, an operator defined by a rule like
+# foo # := foo(#1,#2)
+@end example
+will have an extremely low precedence, so that @samp{2*3+4 foo 5 == 6}
+will be parsed as @samp{(2*3+4) foo (5 == 6)}.  To change the
+precedence of an operator, use the notation @samp{#/@var{p}} in
+place of @samp{#}, where @var{p} is an integer precedence level.
+For example, 185 lies between the precedences for @samp{+} and
+@samp{*}, so if we change this rule to
+#/185 foo #/186 := foo(#1,#2)
+@end example
+then @samp{2+3 foo 4*5} will be parsed as @samp{2+(3 foo (4*5))}.
+Also, because we've given the righthand expression slightly higher
+precedence, our new operator will be left-associative:
+@samp{1 foo 2 foo 3} will be parsed as @samp{(1 foo 2) foo 3}.
+By raising the precedence of the lefthand expression instead, we
+can create a right-associative operator.
+@xref{Composition Basics}, for a table of precedences of the
+standard Calc operators.  For the precedences of operators in other
+language modes, look in the Calc source file @file{calc-lang.el}.
+@node Advanced Syntax Patterns, Conditional Syntax Rules, Precedence in Syntax Tables, Syntax Tables
+@subsubsection Advanced Syntax Patterns
+To match a function with a variable number of arguments, you could
+foo ( # ) := myfunc(#1)
+foo ( # , # ) := myfunc(#1,#2)
+foo ( # , # , # ) := myfunc(#1,#2,#3)
+@end example
+but this isn't very elegant.  To match variable numbers of items,
+Calc uses some notations inspired regular expressions and the
+``extended BNF'' style used by some language designers.
+foo ( @{ # @}*, ) := apply(myfunc,#1)
+@end example
+The token @samp{@{} introduces a repeated or optional portion.
+One of the three tokens @samp{@}*}, @samp{@}+}, or @samp{@}?}
+ends the portion.  These will match zero or more, one or more,
+or zero or one copies of the enclosed pattern, respectively.
+In addition, @samp{@}*} and @samp{@}+} can be followed by a
+separator token (with no space in between, as shown above).
+Thus @samp{@{ # @}*,} matches nothing, or one expression, or
+several expressions separated by commas.
+A complete @samp{@{ ... @}} item matches as a vector of the
+items that matched inside it.  For example, the above rule will
+match @samp{foo(1,2,3)} to get @samp{apply(myfunc,[1,2,3])}.
+The Calc @code{apply} function takes a function name and a vector
+of arguments and builds a call to the function with those
+arguments, so the net result is the formula @samp{myfunc(1,2,3)}.
+If the body of a @samp{@{ ... @}} contains several @samp{#}s
+(or nested @samp{@{ ... @}} constructs), then the items will be
+strung together into the resulting vector.  If the body
+does not contain anything but literal tokens, the result will
+always be an empty vector.
+foo ( @{ # , # @}+, ) := bar(#1)
+foo ( @{ @{ # @}*, @}*; ) := matrix(#1)
+@end example
+will parse @samp{foo(1,2,3,4)} as @samp{bar([1,2,3,4])}, and
+@samp{foo(1,2;3,4)} as @samp{matrix([[1,2],[3,4]])}.  Also, after
+some thought it's easy to see how this pair of rules will parse
+@samp{foo(1,2,3)} as @samp{matrix([[1,2,3]])}, since the first
+rule will only match an even number of arguments.  The rule
+foo ( # @{ , # , # @}? ) := bar(#1,#2)
+@end example
+will parse @samp{foo(2,3,4)} as @samp{bar(2,[3,4])}, and
+@samp{foo(2)} as @samp{bar(2,[])}.
+The notation @samp{@{ ... @}?.} (note the trailing period) works
+just the same as regular @samp{@{ ... @}?}, except that it does not
+count as an argument; the following two rules are equivalent:
+foo ( # , @{ also @}? # ) := bar(#1,#3)
+foo ( # , @{ also @}?. # ) := bar(#1,#2)
+@end example
+Note that in the first case the optional text counts as @samp{#2},
+which will always be an empty vector, but in the second case no
+empty vector is produced.
+Another variant is @samp{@{ ... @}?$}, which means the body is
+optional only at the end of the input formula.  All built-in syntax
+rules in Calc use this for closing delimiters, so that during
+algebraic entry you can type @kbd{[sqrt(2), sqrt(3 RET}, omitting
+the closing parenthesis and bracket.  Calc does this automatically
+for trailing @samp{)}, @samp{]}, and @samp{>} tokens in syntax
+rules, but you can use @samp{@{ ... @}?$} explicitly to get
+this effect with any token (such as @samp{"@}"} or @samp{end}).
+Like @samp{@{ ... @}?.}, this notation does not count as an
+argument.  Conversely, you can use quotes, as in @samp{")"}, to
+prevent a closing-delimiter token from being automatically treated
+as optional.
+Calc's parser does not have full backtracking, which means some
+patterns will not work as you might expect:
+foo ( @{ # , @}? # , # ) := bar(#1,#2,#3)
+@end example
+Here we are trying to make the first argument optional, so that
+@samp{foo(2,3)} parses as @samp{bar([],2,3)}.  Unfortunately, Calc
+first tries to match @samp{2,} against the optional part of the
+pattern, finds a match, and so goes ahead to match the rest of the
+pattern.  Later on it will fail to match the second comma, but it
+doesn't know how to go back and try the other alternative at that
+point.  One way to get around this would be to use two rules:
+foo ( # , # , # ) := bar([#1],#2,#3)
+foo ( # , # ) := bar([],#1,#2)
+@end example
+More precisely, when Calc wants to match an optional or repeated
+part of a pattern, it scans forward attempting to match that part.
+If it reaches the end of the optional part without failing, it
+``finalizes'' its choice and proceeds.  If it fails, though, it
+backs up and tries the other alternative.  Thus Calc has ``partial''
+backtracking.  A fully backtracking parser would go on to make sure
+the rest of the pattern matched before finalizing the choice.
+@node Conditional Syntax Rules, , Advanced Syntax Patterns, Syntax Tables
+@subsubsection Conditional Syntax Rules
+It is possible to attach a @dfn{condition} to a syntax rule.  For
+example, the rules
+foo ( # ) := ifoo(#1) :: integer(#1)
+foo ( # ) := gfoo(#1)
+@end example
+will parse @samp{foo(3)} as @samp{ifoo(3)}, but will parse
+@samp{foo(3.5)} and @samp{foo(x)} as calls to @code{gfoo}.  Any
+number of conditions may be attached; all must be true for the
+rule to succeed.  A condition is ``true'' if it evaluates to a
+nonzero number.  @xref{Logical Operations}, for a list of Calc
+functions like @code{integer} that perform logical tests.
+The exact sequence of events is as follows:  When Calc tries a
+rule, it first matches the pattern as usual.  It then substitutes
+@samp{#1}, @samp{#2}, etc., in the conditions, if any.  Next, the
+conditions are simplified and evaluated in order from left to right,
+as if by the @w{@kbd{a s}} algebra command (@pxref{Simplifying Formulas}).
+Each result is true if it is a nonzero number, or an expression
+that can be proven to be nonzero (@pxref{Declarations}).  If the
+results of all conditions are true, the expression (such as
+@samp{ifoo(#1)}) has its @samp{#}s substituted, and that is the
+result of the parse.  If the result of any condition is false, Calc
+goes on to try the next rule in the syntax table.
+Syntax rules also support @code{let} conditions, which operate in
+exactly the same way as they do in algebraic rewrite rules.
+@xref{Other Features of Rewrite Rules}, for details.  A @code{let}
+condition is always true, but as a side effect it defines a
+variable which can be used in later conditions, and also in the
+expression after the @samp{:=} sign:
+foo ( # ) := hifoo(x) :: let(x := #1 + 0.5) :: dnumint(x)
+@end example
+The @code{dnumint} function tests if a value is numerically an
+integer, i.e., either a true integer or an integer-valued float.
+This rule will parse @code{foo} with a half-integer argument,
+like @samp{foo(3.5)}, to a call like @samp{hifoo(4.)}.
+The lefthand side of a syntax rule @code{let} must be a simple
+variable, not the arbitrary pattern that is allowed in rewrite
+The @code{matches} function is also treated specially in syntax
+rule conditions (again, in the same way as in rewrite rules).
+@xref{Matching Commands}.  If the matching pattern contains
+meta-variables, then those meta-variables may be used in later
+conditions and in the result expression.  The arguments to
+@code{matches} are not evaluated in this situation.
+sum ( # , # ) := sum(#1,a,b,c) :: matches(#2, a=[b..c])
+@end example
+This is another way to implement the Maple mode @code{sum} notation.
+In this approach, we allow @samp{#2} to equal the whole expression
+@samp{i=1..10}.  Then, we use @code{matches} to break it apart into
+its components.  If the expression turns out not to match the pattern,
+the syntax rule will fail.  Note that @kbd{Z S} always uses Calc's
+normal language mode for editing expressions in syntax rules, so we
+must use regular Calc notation for the interval @samp{[b..c]} that
+will correspond to the Maple mode interval @samp{1..10}.
+@node Modes Variable, Calc Mode Line, Language Modes, Mode Settings
+@section The @code{Modes} Variable
+@kindex m g
+@pindex calc-get-modes
+The @kbd{m g} (@code{calc-get-modes}) command pushes onto the stack
+a vector of numbers that describes the various mode settings that
+are in effect.  With a numeric prefix argument, it pushes only the
+@var{n}th mode, i.e., the @var{n}th element of this vector.  Keyboard
+macros can use the @kbd{m g} command to modify their behavior based
+on the current mode settings.
+@cindex @code{Modes} variable
+@vindex Modes
+The modes vector is also available in the special variable
+@code{Modes}.  In other words, @kbd{m g} is like @kbd{s r Modes RET}.
+It will not work to store into this variable; in fact, if you do,
+@code{Modes} will cease to track the current modes.  (The @kbd{m g}
+command will continue to work, however.)
+In general, each number in this vector is suitable as a numeric
+prefix argument to the associated mode-setting command.  (Recall
+that the @kbd{~} key takes a number from the stack and gives it as
+a numeric prefix to the next command.)
+The elements of the modes vector are as follows:
+Current precision.  Default is 12; associated command is @kbd{p}.
+Binary word size.  Default is 32; associated command is @kbd{b w}.
+Stack size (not counting the value about to be pushed by @kbd{m g}).
+This is zero if @kbd{m g} is executed with an empty stack.
+Number radix.  Default is 10; command is @kbd{d r}.
+Floating-point format.  This is the number of digits, plus the
+constant 0 for normal notation, 10000 for scientific notation,
+20000 for engineering notation, or 30000 for fixed-point notation.
+These codes are acceptable as prefix arguments to the @kbd{d n}
+command, but note that this may lose information:  For example,
+@kbd{d s} and @kbd{C-u 12 d s} have similar (but not quite
+identical) effects if the current precision is 12, but they both
+produce a code of 10012, which will be treated by @kbd{d n} as
+@kbd{C-u 12 d s}.  If the precision then changes, the float format
+will still be frozen at 12 significant figures.
+Angular mode.  Default is 1 (degrees).  Other values are 2 (radians)
+and 3 (HMS).  The @kbd{m d} command accepts these prefixes.
+Symbolic mode.  Value is 0 or 1; default is 0.  Command is @kbd{m s}.
+Fraction mode.  Value is 0 or 1; default is 0.  Command is @kbd{m f}.
+Polar mode.  Value is 0 (rectangular) or 1 (polar); default is 0.
+Command is @kbd{m p}.
+Matrix/scalar mode.  Default value is @i{-1}.  Value is 0 for scalar
+mode, @i{-2} for matrix mode, or @i{N} for @c{$N\times N$}
+@i{NxN} matrix mode.  Command is @kbd{m v}.
+Simplification mode.  Default is 1.  Value is @i{-1} for off (@kbd{m O}),
+0 for @kbd{m N}, 2 for @kbd{m B}, 3 for @kbd{m A}, 4 for @kbd{m E},
+or 5 for @w{@kbd{m U}}.  The @kbd{m D} command accepts these prefixes.
+Infinite mode.  Default is @i{-1} (off).  Value is 1 if the mode is on,
+or 0 if the mode is on with positive zeros.  Command is @kbd{m i}.
+@end enumerate
+For example, the sequence @kbd{M-1 m g RET 2 + ~ p} increases the
+precision by two, leaving a copy of the old precision on the stack.
+Later, @kbd{~ p} will restore the original precision using that
+stack value.  (This sequence might be especially useful inside a
+keyboard macro.)
+As another example, @kbd{M-3 m g 1 - ~ DEL} deletes all but the
+oldest (bottommost) stack entry.
+Yet another example:  The HP-48 ``round'' command rounds a number
+to the current displayed precision.  You could roughly emulate this
+in Calc with the sequence @kbd{M-5 m g 10000 % ~ c c}.  (This
+would not work for fixed-point mode, but it wouldn't be hard to
+do a full emulation with the help of the @kbd{Z [} and @kbd{Z ]}
+programming commands.  @xref{Conditionals in Macros}.)
+@node Calc Mode Line, , Modes Variable, Mode Settings
+@section The Calc Mode Line
+@cindex Mode line indicators
+This section is a summary of all symbols that can appear on the
+Calc mode line, the highlighted bar that appears under the Calc
+stack window (or under an editing window in Embedded Mode).
+The basic mode line format is:
+--%%-Calc: 12 Deg @var{other modes}       (Calculator)
+@end example
+The @samp{%%} is the Emacs symbol for ``read-only''; it shows that
+regular Emacs commands are not allowed to edit the stack buffer
+as if it were text.
+The word @samp{Calc:} changes to @samp{CalcEmbed:} if Embedded Mode
+is enabled.  The words after this describe the various Calc modes
+that are in effect.
+The first mode is always the current precision, an integer.
+The second mode is always the angular mode, either @code{Deg},
+@code{Rad}, or @code{Hms}.
+Here is a complete list of the remaining symbols that can appear
+on the mode line:
+@table @code
+@item Alg
+Algebraic mode (@kbd{m a}; @pxref{Algebraic Entry}).
+@item Alg[(
+Incomplete algebraic mode (@kbd{C-u m a}).
+@item Alg*
+Total algebraic mode (@kbd{m t}).
+@item Symb
+Symbolic mode (@kbd{m s}; @pxref{Symbolic Mode}).
+@item Matrix
+Matrix mode (@kbd{m v}; @pxref{Matrix Mode}).
+@item Matrix@var{n}
+Dimensioned matrix mode (@kbd{C-u @var{n} m v}).
+@item Scalar
+Scalar mode (@kbd{m v}; @pxref{Matrix Mode}).
+@item Polar
+Polar complex mode (@kbd{m p}; @pxref{Polar Mode}).
+@item Frac
+Fraction mode (@kbd{m f}; @pxref{Fraction Mode}).
+@item Inf
+Infinite mode (@kbd{m i}; @pxref{Infinite Mode}).
+@item +Inf
+Positive infinite mode (@kbd{C-u 0 m i}).
+@item NoSimp
+Default simplifications off (@kbd{m O}; @pxref{Simplification Modes}).
+@item NumSimp
+Default simplifications for numeric arguments only (@kbd{m N}).
+@item BinSimp@var{w}
+Binary-integer simplification mode; word size @var{w} (@kbd{m B}, @kbd{b w}).
+@item AlgSimp
+Algebraic simplification mode (@kbd{m A}).
+@item ExtSimp
+Extended algebraic simplification mode (@kbd{m E}).
+@item UnitSimp
+Units simplification mode (@kbd{m U}).
+@item Bin
+Current radix is 2 (@kbd{d 2}; @pxref{Radix Modes}).
+@item Oct
+Current radix is 8 (@kbd{d 8}).
+@item Hex
+Current radix is 16 (@kbd{d 6}).
+@item Radix@var{n}
+Current radix is @var{n} (@kbd{d r}).
+@item Zero
+Leading zeros (@kbd{d z}; @pxref{Radix Modes}).
+@item Big
+Big language mode (@kbd{d B}; @pxref{Normal Language Modes}).
+@item Flat
+One-line normal language mode (@kbd{d O}).
+@item Unform
+Unformatted language mode (@kbd{d U}).
+@item C
+C language mode (@kbd{d C}; @pxref{C FORTRAN Pascal}).
+@item Pascal
+Pascal language mode (@kbd{d P}).
+@item Fortran
+FORTRAN language mode (@kbd{d F}).
+@item TeX
+@TeX{} language mode (@kbd{d T}; @pxref{TeX Language Mode}).
+@item Eqn
+@dfn{Eqn} language mode (@kbd{d E}; @pxref{Eqn Language Mode}).
+@item Math
+Mathematica language mode (@kbd{d M}; @pxref{Mathematica Language Mode}).
+@item Maple
+Maple language mode (@kbd{d W}; @pxref{Maple Language Mode}).
+@item Norm@var{n}
+Normal float mode with @var{n} digits (@kbd{d n}; @pxref{Float Formats}).
+@item Fix@var{n}
+Fixed point mode with @var{n} digits after the point (@kbd{d f}).
+@item Sci
+Scientific notation mode (@kbd{d s}).
+@item Sci@var{n}
+Scientific notation with @var{n} digits (@kbd{d s}).
+@item Eng
+Engineering notation mode (@kbd{d e}).
+@item Eng@var{n}
+Engineering notation with @var{n} digits (@kbd{d e}).
+@item Left@var{n}
+Left-justified display indented by @var{n} (@kbd{d <}; @pxref{Justification}).
+@item Right
+Right-justified display (@kbd{d >}).
+@item Right@var{n}
+Right-justified display with width @var{n} (@kbd{d >}).
+@item Center
+Centered display (@kbd{d =}).
+@item Center@var{n}
+Centered display with center column @var{n} (@kbd{d =}).
+@item Wid@var{n}
+Line breaking with width @var{n} (@kbd{d b}; @pxref{Normal Language Modes}).
+@item Wide
+No line breaking (@kbd{d b}).
+@item Break
+Selections show deep structure (@kbd{j b}; @pxref{Making Selections}).
+@item Save
+Record modes in @file{~/.emacs} (@kbd{m R}; @pxref{General Mode Commands}).
+@item Local
+Record modes in Embedded buffer (@kbd{m R}).
+@item LocEdit
+Record modes as editing-only in Embedded buffer (@kbd{m R}).
+@item LocPerm
+Record modes as permanent-only in Embedded buffer (@kbd{m R}).
+@item Global
+Record modes as global in Embedded buffer (@kbd{m R}).
+@item Manual
+Automatic recomputation turned off (@kbd{m C}; @pxref{Automatic
+@item Graph
+GNUPLOT process is alive in background (@pxref{Graphics}).
+@item Sel
+Top-of-stack has a selection (Embedded only; @pxref{Making Selections}).
+@item Dirty
+The stack display may not be up-to-date (@pxref{Display Modes}).
+@item Inv
+``Inverse'' prefix was pressed (@kbd{I}; @pxref{Inverse and Hyperbolic}).
+@item Hyp
+``Hyperbolic'' prefix was pressed (@kbd{H}).
+@item Keep
+``Keep-arguments'' prefix was pressed (@kbd{K}).
+@item Narrow
+Stack is truncated (@kbd{d t}; @pxref{Truncating the Stack}).
+@end table
+In addition, the symbols @code{Active} and @code{~Active} can appear
+as minor modes on an Embedded buffer's mode line.  @xref{Embedded Mode}.
+@node Arithmetic, Scientific Functions, Mode Settings, Top
+@chapter Arithmetic Functions
+This chapter describes the Calc commands for doing simple calculations
+on numbers, such as addition, absolute value, and square roots.  These
+commands work by removing the top one or two values from the stack,
+performing the desired operation, and pushing the result back onto the
+stack.  If the operation cannot be performed, the result pushed is a
+formula instead of a number, such as @samp{2/0} (because division by zero
+is illegal) or @samp{sqrt(x)} (because the argument @samp{x} is a formula).
+Most of the commands described here can be invoked by a single keystroke.
+Some of the more obscure ones are two-letter sequences beginning with
+the @kbd{f} (``functions'') prefix key.
+@xref{Prefix Arguments}, for a discussion of the effect of numeric
+prefix arguments on commands in this chapter which do not otherwise
+interpret a prefix argument.
+* Basic Arithmetic::
+* Integer Truncation::
+* Complex Number Functions::
+* Conversions::
+* Date Arithmetic::
+* Financial Functions::
+* Binary Functions::
+@end menu
+@node Basic Arithmetic, Integer Truncation, Arithmetic, Arithmetic
+@section Basic Arithmetic
+@kindex +
+@pindex calc-plus
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex +
+The @kbd{+} (@code{calc-plus}) command adds two numbers.  The numbers may
+be any of the standard Calc data types.  The resulting sum is pushed back
+onto the stack.
+If both arguments of @kbd{+} are vectors or matrices (of matching dimensions),
+the result is a vector or matrix sum.  If one argument is a vector and the
+other a scalar (i.e., a non-vector), the scalar is added to each of the
+elements of the vector to form a new vector.  If the scalar is not a
+number, the operation is left in symbolic form:  Suppose you added @samp{x}
+to the vector @samp{[1,2]}.  You may want the result @samp{[1+x,2+x]}, or
+you may plan to substitute a 2-vector for @samp{x} in the future.  Since
+the Calculator can't tell which interpretation you want, it makes the
+safest assumption.  @xref{Reducing and Mapping}, for a way to add @samp{x}
+to every element of a vector.
+If either argument of @kbd{+} is a complex number, the result will in general
+be complex.  If one argument is in rectangular form and the other polar,
+the current Polar Mode determines the form of the result.  If Symbolic
+Mode is enabled, the sum may be left as a formula if the necessary
+conversions for polar addition are non-trivial.
+If both arguments of @kbd{+} are HMS forms, the forms are added according to
+the usual conventions of hours-minutes-seconds notation.  If one argument
+is an HMS form and the other is a number, that number is converted from
+degrees or radians (depending on the current Angular Mode) to HMS format
+and then the two HMS forms are added.
+If one argument of @kbd{+} is a date form, the other can be either a
+real number, which advances the date by a certain number of days, or
+an HMS form, which advances the date by a certain amount of time.
+Subtracting two date forms yields the number of days between them.
+Adding two date forms is meaningless, but Calc interprets it as the
+subtraction of one date form and the negative of the other.  (The
+negative of a date form can be understood by remembering that dates
+are stored as the number of days before or after Jan 1, 1 AD.)
+If both arguments of @kbd{+} are error forms, the result is an error form
+with an appropriately computed standard deviation.  If one argument is an
+error form and the other is a number, the number is taken to have zero error.
+Error forms may have symbolic formulas as their mean and/or error parts;
+adding these will produce a symbolic error form result.  However, adding an
+error form to a plain symbolic formula (as in @samp{(a +/- b) + c}) will not
+work, for the same reasons just mentioned for vectors.  Instead you must
+write @samp{(a +/- b) + (c +/- 0)}.
+If both arguments of @kbd{+} are modulo forms with equal values of @cite{M},
+or if one argument is a modulo form and the other a plain number, the
+result is a modulo form which represents the sum, modulo @cite{M}, of
+the two values.
+If both arguments of @kbd{+} are intervals, the result is an interval
+which describes all possible sums of the possible input values.  If
+one argument is a plain number, it is treated as the interval
+@w{@samp{[x ..@: x]}}.
+If one argument of @kbd{+} is an infinity and the other is not, the
+result is that same infinity.  If both arguments are infinite and in
+the same direction, the result is the same infinity, but if they are
+infinite in different directions the result is @code{nan}.
+@kindex -
+@pindex calc-minus
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex -
+The @kbd{-} (@code{calc-minus}) command subtracts two values.  The top
+number on the stack is subtracted from the one behind it, so that the
+computation @kbd{5 @key{RET} 2 -} produces 3, not @i{-3}.  All options
+available for @kbd{+} are available for @kbd{-} as well.
+@kindex *
+@pindex calc-times
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex *
+The @kbd{*} (@code{calc-times}) command multiplies two numbers.  If one
+argument is a vector and the other a scalar, the scalar is multiplied by
+the elements of the vector to produce a new vector.  If both arguments
+are vectors, the interpretation depends on the dimensions of the
+vectors:  If both arguments are matrices, a matrix multiplication is
+done.  If one argument is a matrix and the other a plain vector, the
+vector is interpreted as a row vector or column vector, whichever is
+dimensionally correct.  If both arguments are plain vectors, the result
+is a single scalar number which is the dot product of the two vectors.
+If one argument of @kbd{*} is an HMS form and the other a number, the
+HMS form is multiplied by that amount.  It is an error to multiply two
+HMS forms together, or to attempt any multiplication involving date
+forms.  Error forms, modulo forms, and intervals can be multiplied;
+see the comments for addition of those forms.  When two error forms
+or intervals are multiplied they are considered to be statistically
+independent; thus, @samp{[-2 ..@: 3] * [-2 ..@: 3]} is @samp{[-6 ..@: 9]},
+whereas @w{@samp{[-2 ..@: 3] ^ 2}} is @samp{[0 ..@: 9]}.
+@kindex /
+@pindex calc-divide
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex /
+The @kbd{/} (@code{calc-divide}) command divides two numbers.  When
+dividing a scalar @cite{B} by a square matrix @cite{A}, the computation
+performed is @cite{B} times the inverse of @cite{A}.  This also occurs
+if @cite{B} is itself a vector or matrix, in which case the effect is
+to solve the set of linear equations represented by @cite{B}.  If @cite{B}
+is a matrix with the same number of rows as @cite{A}, or a plain vector
+(which is interpreted here as a column vector), then the equation
+@cite{A X = B} is solved for the vector or matrix @cite{X}.  Otherwise,
+if @cite{B} is a non-square matrix with the same number of @emph{columns}
+as @cite{A}, the equation @cite{X A = B} is solved.  If you wish a vector
+@cite{B} to be interpreted as a row vector to be solved as @cite{X A = B},
+make it into a one-row matrix with @kbd{C-u 1 v p} first.  To force a
+left-handed solution with a square matrix @cite{B}, transpose @cite{A} and
+@cite{B} before dividing, then transpose the result.
+HMS forms can be divided by real numbers or by other HMS forms.  Error
+forms can be divided in any combination of ways.  Modulo forms where both
+values and the modulo are integers can be divided to get an integer modulo
+form result.  Intervals can be divided; dividing by an interval that
+encompasses zero or has zero as a limit will result in an infinite
+@kindex ^
+@pindex calc-power
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex ^
+The @kbd{^} (@code{calc-power}) command raises a number to a power.  If
+the power is an integer, an exact result is computed using repeated
+multiplications.  For non-integer powers, Calc uses Newton's method or
+logarithms and exponentials.  Square matrices can be raised to integer
+powers.  If either argument is an error (or interval or modulo) form,
+the result is also an error (or interval or modulo) form.
+@kindex I ^
+@tindex nroot
+If you press the @kbd{I} (inverse) key first, the @kbd{I ^} command
+computes an Nth root:  @kbd{125 RET 3 I ^} computes the number 5.
+(This is entirely equivalent to @kbd{125 RET 1:3 ^}.)
+@kindex \
+@pindex calc-idiv
+@tindex idiv
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex \
+The @kbd{\} (@code{calc-idiv}) command divides two numbers on the stack
+to produce an integer result.  It is equivalent to dividing with
+@key{/}, then rounding down with @kbd{F} (@code{calc-floor}), only a bit
+more convenient and efficient.  Also, since it is an all-integer
+operation when the arguments are integers, it avoids problems that
+@kbd{/ F} would have with floating-point roundoff.
+@kindex %
+@pindex calc-mod
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex %
+The @kbd{%} (@code{calc-mod}) command performs a ``modulo'' (or ``remainder'')
+operation.  Mathematically, @samp{a%b = a - (a\b)*b}, and is defined
+for all real numbers @cite{a} and @cite{b} (except @cite{b=0}).  For
+positive @cite{b}, the result will always be between 0 (inclusive) and
+@cite{b} (exclusive).  Modulo does not work for HMS forms and error forms.
+If @cite{a} is a modulo form, its modulo is changed to @cite{b}, which
+must be positive real number.
+@kindex :
+@pindex calc-fdiv
+@tindex fdiv
+The @kbd{:} (@code{calc-fdiv}) command [@code{fdiv} function in a formula]
+divides the two integers on the top of the stack to produce a fractional
+result.  This is a convenient shorthand for enabling Fraction Mode (with
+@kbd{m f}) temporarily and using @samp{/}.  Note that during numeric entry
+the @kbd{:} key is interpreted as a fraction separator, so to divide 8 by 6
+you would have to type @kbd{8 @key{RET} 6 @key{RET} :}.  (Of course, in
+this case, it would be much easier simply to enter the fraction directly
+as @kbd{8:6 @key{RET}}!)
+@kindex n
+@pindex calc-change-sign
+The @kbd{n} (@code{calc-change-sign}) command negates the number on the top
+of the stack.  It works on numbers, vectors and matrices, HMS forms, date
+forms, error forms, intervals, and modulo forms.
+@kindex A
+@pindex calc-abs
+@tindex abs
+The @kbd{A} (@code{calc-abs}) [@code{abs}] command computes the absolute
+value of a number.  The result of @code{abs} is always a nonnegative
+real number:  With a complex argument, it computes the complex magnitude.
+With a vector or matrix argument, it computes the Frobenius norm, i.e.,
+the square root of the sum of the squares of the absolute values of the
+elements.  The absolute value of an error form is defined by replacing
+the mean part with its absolute value and leaving the error part the same.
+The absolute value of a modulo form is undefined.  The absolute value of
+an interval is defined in the obvious way.
+@kindex f A
+@pindex calc-abssqr
+@tindex abssqr
+The @kbd{f A} (@code{calc-abssqr}) [@code{abssqr}] command computes the
+absolute value squared of a number, vector or matrix, or error form.
+@kindex f s
+@pindex calc-sign
+@tindex sign
+The @kbd{f s} (@code{calc-sign}) [@code{sign}] command returns 1 if its
+argument is positive, @i{-1} if its argument is negative, or 0 if its
+argument is zero.  In algebraic form, you can also write @samp{sign(a,x)}
+which evaluates to @samp{x * sign(a)}, i.e., either @samp{x}, @samp{-x}, or
+zero depending on the sign of @samp{a}.
+@kindex &
+@pindex calc-inv
+@tindex inv
+@cindex Reciprocal
+The @kbd{&} (@code{calc-inv}) [@code{inv}] command computes the
+reciprocal of a number, i.e., @cite{1 / x}.  Operating on a square
+matrix, it computes the inverse of that matrix.
+@kindex Q
+@pindex calc-sqrt
+@tindex sqrt
+The @kbd{Q} (@code{calc-sqrt}) [@code{sqrt}] command computes the square
+root of a number.  For a negative real argument, the result will be a
+complex number whose form is determined by the current Polar Mode.
+@kindex f h
+@pindex calc-hypot
+@tindex hypot
+The @kbd{f h} (@code{calc-hypot}) [@code{hypot}] command computes the square
+root of the sum of the squares of two numbers.  That is, @samp{hypot(a,b)}
+is the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with sides @cite{a}
+and @cite{b}.  If the arguments are complex numbers, their squared
+magnitudes are used.
+@kindex f Q
+@pindex calc-isqrt
+@tindex isqrt
+The @kbd{f Q} (@code{calc-isqrt}) [@code{isqrt}] command computes the
+integer square root of an integer.  This is the true square root of the
+number, rounded down to an integer.  For example, @samp{isqrt(10)}
+produces 3.  Note that, like @kbd{\} [@code{idiv}], this uses exact
+integer arithmetic throughout to avoid roundoff problems.  If the input
+is a floating-point number or other non-integer value, this is exactly
+the same as @samp{floor(sqrt(x))}.
+@kindex f n
+@kindex f x
+@pindex calc-min
+@tindex min
+@pindex calc-max
+@tindex max
+The @kbd{f n} (@code{calc-min}) [@code{min}] and @kbd{f x} (@code{calc-max})
+[@code{max}] commands take the minimum or maximum of two real numbers,
+respectively.  These commands also work on HMS forms, date forms,
+intervals, and infinities.  (In algebraic expressions, these functions
+take any number of arguments and return the maximum or minimum among
+all the arguments.)@refill
+@kindex f M
+@kindex f X
+@pindex calc-mant-part
+@tindex mant
+@pindex calc-xpon-part
+@tindex xpon
+The @kbd{f M} (@code{calc-mant-part}) [@code{mant}] function extracts
+the ``mantissa'' part @cite{m} of its floating-point argument; @kbd{f X}
+(@code{calc-xpon-part}) [@code{xpon}] extracts the ``exponent'' part
+@cite{e}.  The original number is equal to @c{$m \times 10^e$}
+@cite{m * 10^e},
+where @cite{m} is in the interval @samp{[1.0 ..@: 10.0)} except that
+@cite{m=e=0} if the original number is zero.  For integers
+and fractions, @code{mant} returns the number unchanged and @code{xpon}
+returns zero.  The @kbd{v u} (@code{calc-unpack}) command can also be
+used to ``unpack'' a floating-point number; this produces an integer
+mantissa and exponent, with the constraint that the mantissa is not
+a multiple of ten (again except for the @cite{m=e=0} case).@refill
+@kindex f S
+@pindex calc-scale-float
+@tindex scf
+The @kbd{f S} (@code{calc-scale-float}) [@code{scf}] function scales a number
+by a given power of ten.  Thus, @samp{scf(mant(x), xpon(x)) = x} for any
+real @samp{x}.  The second argument must be an integer, but the first
+may actually be any numeric value.  For example, @samp{scf(5,-2) = 0.05}
+or @samp{1:20} depending on the current Fraction Mode.@refill
+@kindex f [
+@kindex f ]
+@pindex calc-decrement
+@pindex calc-increment
+@tindex decr
+@tindex incr
+The @kbd{f [} (@code{calc-decrement}) [@code{decr}] and @kbd{f ]}
+(@code{calc-increment}) [@code{incr}] functions decrease or increase
+a number by one unit.  For integers, the effect is obvious.  For
+floating-point numbers, the change is by one unit in the last place.
+For example, incrementing @samp{12.3456} when the current precision
+is 6 digits yields @samp{12.3457}.  If the current precision had been
+8 digits, the result would have been @samp{12.345601}.  Incrementing
+@samp{0.0} produces @c{$10^{-p}$}
+@cite{10^-p}, where @cite{p} is the current
+precision.  These operations are defined only on integers and floats.
+With numeric prefix arguments, they change the number by @cite{n} units.
+Note that incrementing followed by decrementing, or vice-versa, will
+almost but not quite always cancel out.  Suppose the precision is
+6 digits and the number @samp{9.99999} is on the stack.  Incrementing
+will produce @samp{10.0000}; decrementing will produce @samp{9.9999}.
+One digit has been dropped.  This is an unavoidable consequence of the
+way floating-point numbers work.
+Incrementing a date/time form adjusts it by a certain number of seconds.
+Incrementing a pure date form adjusts it by a certain number of days.
+@node Integer Truncation, Complex Number Functions, Basic Arithmetic, Arithmetic
+@section Integer Truncation
+There are four commands for truncating a real number to an integer,
+differing mainly in their treatment of negative numbers.  All of these
+commands have the property that if the argument is an integer, the result
+is the same integer.  An integer-valued floating-point argument is converted
+to integer form.
+If you press @kbd{H} (@code{calc-hyperbolic}) first, the result will be
+expressed as an integer-valued floating-point number.
+@cindex Integer part of a number
+@kindex F
+@pindex calc-floor
+@tindex floor
+@tindex ffloor
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex H F
+The @kbd{F} (@code{calc-floor}) [@code{floor} or @code{ffloor}] command
+truncates a real number to the next lower integer, i.e., toward minus
+infinity.  Thus @kbd{3.6 F} produces 3, but @kbd{_3.6 F} produces
+@kindex I F
+@pindex calc-ceiling
+@tindex ceil
+@tindex fceil
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex H I F
+The @kbd{I F} (@code{calc-ceiling}) [@code{ceil} or @code{fceil}]
+command truncates toward positive infinity.  Thus @kbd{3.6 I F} produces
+4, and @kbd{_3.6 I F} produces @i{-3}.@refill
+@kindex R
+@pindex calc-round
+@tindex round
+@tindex fround
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex H R
+The @kbd{R} (@code{calc-round}) [@code{round} or @code{fround}] command
+rounds to the nearest integer.  When the fractional part is .5 exactly,
+this command rounds away from zero.  (All other rounding in the
+Calculator uses this convention as well.)  Thus @kbd{3.5 R} produces 4
+but @kbd{3.4 R} produces 3; @kbd{_3.5 R} produces @i{-4}.@refill
+@kindex I R
+@pindex calc-trunc
+@tindex trunc
+@tindex ftrunc
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex H I R
+The @kbd{I R} (@code{calc-trunc}) [@code{trunc} or @code{ftrunc}]
+command truncates toward zero.  In other words, it ``chops off''
+everything after the decimal point.  Thus @kbd{3.6 I R} produces 3 and
+@kbd{_3.6 I R} produces @i{-3}.@refill
+These functions may not be applied meaningfully to error forms, but they
+do work for intervals.  As a convenience, applying @code{floor} to a
+modulo form floors the value part of the form.  Applied to a vector,
+these functions operate on all elements of the vector one by one.
+Applied to a date form, they operate on the internal numerical
+representation of dates, converting a date/time form into a pure date.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex rounde
+@c @starindex
+@tindex roundu
+@c @starindex
+@tindex frounde
+@c @starindex
+@tindex froundu
+There are two more rounding functions which can only be entered in
+algebraic notation.  The @code{roundu} function is like @code{round}
+except that it rounds up, toward plus infinity, when the fractional
+part is .5.  This distinction matters only for negative arguments.
+Also, @code{rounde} rounds to an even number in the case of a tie,
+rounding up or down as necessary.  For example, @samp{rounde(3.5)} and
+@samp{rounde(4.5)} both return 4, but @samp{rounde(5.5)} returns 6.
+The advantage of round-to-even is that the net error due to rounding
+after a long calculation tends to cancel out to zero.  An important
+subtle point here is that the number being fed to @code{rounde} will
+already have been rounded to the current precision before @code{rounde}
+begins.  For example, @samp{rounde(2.500001)} with a current precision
+of 6 will incorrectly, or at least surprisingly, yield 2 because the
+argument will first have been rounded down to @cite{2.5} (which
+@code{rounde} sees as an exact tie between 2 and 3).
+Each of these functions, when written in algebraic formulas, allows
+a second argument which specifies the number of digits after the
+decimal point to keep.  For example, @samp{round(123.4567, 2)} will
+produce the answer 123.46, and @samp{round(123.4567, -1)} will
+produce 120 (i.e., the cutoff is one digit to the @emph{left} of
+the decimal point).  A second argument of zero is equivalent to
+no second argument at all.
+@cindex Fractional part of a number
+To compute the fractional part of a number (i.e., the amount which, when
+added to `@t{floor(}@i{N}@t{)}', will produce @cite{N}) just take @cite{N}
+modulo 1 using the @code{%} command.@refill
+Note also the @kbd{\} (integer quotient), @kbd{f I} (integer logarithm),
+and @kbd{f Q} (integer square root) commands, which are analogous to
+@kbd{/}, @kbd{B}, and @kbd{Q}, respectively, except that they take integer
+arguments and return the result rounded down to an integer.
+@node Complex Number Functions, Conversions, Integer Truncation, Arithmetic
+@section Complex Number Functions
+@kindex J
+@pindex calc-conj
+@tindex conj
+The @kbd{J} (@code{calc-conj}) [@code{conj}] command computes the
+complex conjugate of a number.  For complex number @cite{a+bi}, the
+complex conjugate is @cite{a-bi}.  If the argument is a real number,
+this command leaves it the same.  If the argument is a vector or matrix,
+this command replaces each element by its complex conjugate.
+@kindex G
+@pindex calc-argument
+@tindex arg
+The @kbd{G} (@code{calc-argument}) [@code{arg}] command computes the
+``argument'' or polar angle of a complex number.  For a number in polar
+notation, this is simply the second component of the pair
+The result is expressed according to the current angular mode and will
+be in the range @i{-180} degrees (exclusive) to @i{+180} degrees
+(inclusive), or the equivalent range in radians.@refill
+@pindex calc-imaginary
+The @code{calc-imaginary} command multiplies the number on the
+top of the stack by the imaginary number @cite{i = (0,1)}.  This
+command is not normally bound to a key in Calc, but it is available
+on the @key{IMAG} button in Keypad Mode.
+@kindex f r
+@pindex calc-re
+@tindex re
+The @kbd{f r} (@code{calc-re}) [@code{re}] command replaces a complex number
+by its real part.  This command has no effect on real numbers.  (As an
+added convenience, @code{re} applied to a modulo form extracts
+the value part.)@refill
+@kindex f i
+@pindex calc-im
+@tindex im
+The @kbd{f i} (@code{calc-im}) [@code{im}] command replaces a complex number
+by its imaginary part; real numbers are converted to zero.  With a vector
+or matrix argument, these functions operate element-wise.@refill
+@c @mindex v p
+@kindex v p (complex)
+@pindex calc-pack
+The @kbd{v p} (@code{calc-pack}) command can pack the top two numbers on
+the the stack into a composite object such as a complex number.  With
+a prefix argument of @i{-1}, it produces a rectangular complex number;
+with an argument of @i{-2}, it produces a polar complex number.
+(Also, @pxref{Building Vectors}.)
+@c @mindex v u
+@kindex v u (complex)
+@pindex calc-unpack
+The @kbd{v u} (@code{calc-unpack}) command takes the complex number
+(or other composite object) on the top of the stack and unpacks it
+into its separate components.
+@node Conversions, Date Arithmetic, Complex Number Functions, Arithmetic
+@section Conversions
+The commands described in this section convert numbers from one form
+to another; they are two-key sequences beginning with the letter @kbd{c}.
+@kindex c f
+@pindex calc-float
+@tindex pfloat
+The @kbd{c f} (@code{calc-float}) [@code{pfloat}] command converts the
+number on the top of the stack to floating-point form.  For example,
+@cite{23} is converted to @cite{23.0}, @cite{3:2} is converted to
+@cite{1.5}, and @cite{2.3} is left the same.  If the value is a composite
+object such as a complex number or vector, each of the components is
+converted to floating-point.  If the value is a formula, all numbers
+in the formula are converted to floating-point.  Note that depending
+on the current floating-point precision, conversion to floating-point
+format may lose information.@refill
+As a special exception, integers which appear as powers or subscripts
+are not floated by @kbd{c f}.  If you really want to float a power,
+you can use a @kbd{j s} command to select the power followed by @kbd{c f}.
+Because @kbd{c f} cannot examine the formula outside of the selection,
+it does not notice that the thing being floated is a power.
+@xref{Selecting Subformulas}.
+The normal @kbd{c f} command is ``pervasive'' in the sense that it
+applies to all numbers throughout the formula.  The @code{pfloat}
+algebraic function never stays around in a formula; @samp{pfloat(a + 1)}
+changes to @samp{a + 1.0} as soon as it is evaluated.
+@kindex H c f
+@tindex float
+With the Hyperbolic flag, @kbd{H c f} [@code{float}] operates
+only on the number or vector of numbers at the top level of its
+argument.  Thus, @samp{float(1)} is 1.0, but @samp{float(a + 1)}
+is left unevaluated because its argument is not a number.
+You should use @kbd{H c f} if you wish to guarantee that the final
+value, once all the variables have been assigned, is a float; you
+would use @kbd{c f} if you wish to do the conversion on the numbers
+that appear right now.
+@kindex c F
+@pindex calc-fraction
+@tindex pfrac
+The @kbd{c F} (@code{calc-fraction}) [@code{pfrac}] command converts a
+floating-point number into a fractional approximation.  By default, it
+produces a fraction whose decimal representation is the same as the
+input number, to within the current precision.  You can also give a
+numeric prefix argument to specify a tolerance, either directly, or,
+if the prefix argument is zero, by using the number on top of the stack
+as the tolerance.  If the tolerance is a positive integer, the fraction
+is correct to within that many significant figures.  If the tolerance is
+a non-positive integer, it specifies how many digits fewer than the current
+precision to use.  If the tolerance is a floating-point number, the
+fraction is correct to within that absolute amount.
+@kindex H c F
+@tindex frac
+The @code{pfrac} function is pervasive, like @code{pfloat}.
+There is also a non-pervasive version, @kbd{H c F} [@code{frac}],
+which is analogous to @kbd{H c f} discussed above.
+@kindex c d
+@pindex calc-to-degrees
+@tindex deg
+The @kbd{c d} (@code{calc-to-degrees}) [@code{deg}] command converts a
+number into degrees form.  The value on the top of the stack may be an
+HMS form (interpreted as degrees-minutes-seconds), or a real number which
+will be interpreted in radians regardless of the current angular mode.@refill
+@kindex c r
+@pindex calc-to-radians
+@tindex rad
+The @kbd{c r} (@code{calc-to-radians}) [@code{rad}] command converts an
+HMS form or angle in degrees into an angle in radians.
+@kindex c h
+@pindex calc-to-hms
+@tindex hms
+The @kbd{c h} (@code{calc-to-hms}) [@code{hms}] command converts a real
+number, interpreted according to the current angular mode, to an HMS
+form describing the same angle.  In algebraic notation, the @code{hms}
+function also accepts three arguments: @samp{hms(@var{h}, @var{m}, @var{s})}.
+(The three-argument version is independent of the current angular mode.)
+@pindex calc-from-hms
+The @code{calc-from-hms} command converts the HMS form on the top of the
+stack into a real number according to the current angular mode.
+@kindex c p
+@kindex I c p
+@pindex calc-polar
+@tindex polar
+@tindex rect
+The @kbd{c p} (@code{calc-polar}) command converts the complex number on
+the top of the stack from polar to rectangular form, or from rectangular
+to polar form, whichever is appropriate.  Real numbers are left the same.
+This command is equivalent to the @code{rect} or @code{polar}
+functions in algebraic formulas, depending on the direction of
+conversion.  (It uses @code{polar}, except that if the argument is
+already a polar complex number, it uses @code{rect} instead.  The
+@kbd{I c p} command always uses @code{rect}.)@refill
+@kindex c c
+@pindex calc-clean
+@tindex pclean
+The @kbd{c c} (@code{calc-clean}) [@code{pclean}] command ``cleans'' the
+number on the top of the stack.  Floating point numbers are re-rounded
+according to the current precision.  Polar numbers whose angular
+components have strayed from the @i{-180} to @i{+180} degree range
+are normalized.  (Note that results will be undesirable if the current
+angular mode is different from the one under which the number was
+produced!)  Integers and fractions are generally unaffected by this
+operation.  Vectors and formulas are cleaned by cleaning each component
+number (i.e., pervasively).@refill
+If the simplification mode is set below the default level, it is raised
+to the default level for the purposes of this command.  Thus, @kbd{c c}
+applies the default simplifications even if their automatic application
+is disabled.  @xref{Simplification Modes}.
+@cindex Roundoff errors, correcting
+A numeric prefix argument to @kbd{c c} sets the floating-point precision
+to that value for the duration of the command.  A positive prefix (of at
+least 3) sets the precision to the specified value; a negative or zero
+prefix decreases the precision by the specified amount.
+@kindex c 0-9
+@pindex calc-clean-num
+The keystroke sequences @kbd{c 0} through @kbd{c 9} are equivalent
+to @kbd{c c} with the corresponding negative prefix argument.  If roundoff
+errors have changed 2.0 into 1.999999, typing @kbd{c 1} to clip off one
+decimal place often conveniently does the trick.
+The @kbd{c c} command with a numeric prefix argument, and the @kbd{c 0}
+through @kbd{c 9} commands, also ``clip'' very small floating-point
+numbers to zero.  If the exponent is less than or equal to the negative
+of the specified precision, the number is changed to 0.0.  For example,
+if the current precision is 12, then @kbd{c 2} changes the vector
+@samp{[1e-8, 1e-9, 1e-10, 1e-11]} to @samp{[1e-8, 1e-9, 0, 0]}.
+Numbers this small generally arise from roundoff noise.
+If the numbers you are using really are legitimately this small,
+you should avoid using the @kbd{c 0} through @kbd{c 9} commands.
+(The plain @kbd{c c} command rounds to the current precision but
+does not clip small numbers.)
+One more property of @kbd{c 0} through @kbd{c 9}, and of @kbd{c c} with
+a prefix argument, is that integer-valued floats are converted to
+plain integers, so that @kbd{c 1} on @samp{[1., 1.5, 2., 2.5, 3.]}
+produces @samp{[1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3]}.  This is not done for huge
+numbers (@samp{1e100} is technically an integer-valued float, but
+you wouldn't want it automatically converted to a 100-digit integer).
+@kindex H c 0-9
+@kindex H c c
+@tindex clean
+With the Hyperbolic flag, @kbd{H c c} and @kbd{H c 0} through @kbd{H c 9}
+operate non-pervasively [@code{clean}].
+@node Date Arithmetic, Financial Functions, Conversions, Arithmetic
+@section Date Arithmetic
+@cindex Date arithmetic, additional functions
+The commands described in this section perform various conversions
+and calculations involving date forms (@pxref{Date Forms}).  They
+use the @kbd{t} (for time/date) prefix key followed by shifted
+The simplest date arithmetic is done using the regular @kbd{+} and @kbd{-}
+commands.  In particular, adding a number to a date form advances the
+date form by a certain number of days; adding an HMS form to a date
+form advances the date by a certain amount of time; and subtracting two
+date forms produces a difference measured in days.  The commands
+described here provide additional, more specialized operations on dates.
+Many of these commands accept a numeric prefix argument; if you give
+plain @kbd{C-u} as the prefix, these commands will instead take the
+additional argument from the top of the stack.
+* Date Conversions::
+* Date Functions::
+* Time Zones::
+* Business Days::
+@end menu
+@node Date Conversions, Date Functions, Date Arithmetic, Date Arithmetic
+@subsection Date Conversions
+@kindex t D
+@pindex calc-date
+@tindex date
+The @kbd{t D} (@code{calc-date}) [@code{date}] command converts a
+date form into a number, measured in days since Jan 1, 1 AD.  The
+result will be an integer if @var{date} is a pure date form, or a
+fraction or float if @var{date} is a date/time form.  Or, if its
+argument is a number, it converts this number into a date form.
+With a numeric prefix argument, @kbd{t D} takes that many objects
+(up to six) from the top of the stack and interprets them in one
+of the following ways:
+The @samp{date(@var{year}, @var{month}, @var{day})} function
+builds a pure date form out of the specified year, month, and
+day, which must all be integers.  @var{Year} is a year number,
+such as 1991 (@emph{not} the same as 91!).  @var{Month} must be
+an integer in the range 1 to 12; @var{day} must be in the range
+1 to 31.  If the specified month has fewer than 31 days and
+@var{day} is too large, the equivalent day in the following
+month will be used.
+The @samp{date(@var{month}, @var{day})} function builds a
+pure date form using the current year, as determined by the
+real-time clock.
+The @samp{date(@var{year}, @var{month}, @var{day}, @var{hms})}
+function builds a date/time form using an @var{hms} form.
+The @samp{date(@var{year}, @var{month}, @var{day}, @var{hour},
+@var{minute}, @var{second})} function builds a date/time form.
+@var{hour} should be an integer in the range 0 to 23;
+@var{minute} should be an integer in the range 0 to 59;
+@var{second} should be any real number in the range @samp{[0 .. 60)}.
+The last two arguments default to zero if omitted.
+@kindex t J
+@pindex calc-julian
+@tindex julian
+@cindex Julian day counts, conversions
+The @kbd{t J} (@code{calc-julian}) [@code{julian}] command converts
+a date form into a Julian day count, which is the number of days
+since noon on Jan 1, 4713 BC.  A pure date is converted to an integer
+Julian count representing noon of that day.  A date/time form is
+converted to an exact floating-point Julian count, adjusted to
+interpret the date form in the current time zone but the Julian
+day count in Greenwich Mean Time.  A numeric prefix argument allows
+you to specify the time zone; @pxref{Time Zones}.  Use a prefix of
+zero to suppress the time zone adjustment.  Note that pure date forms
+are never time-zone adjusted.
+This command can also do the opposite conversion, from a Julian day
+count (either an integer day, or a floating-point day and time in
+the GMT zone), into a pure date form or a date/time form in the
+current or specified time zone.
+@kindex t U
+@pindex calc-unix-time
+@tindex unixtime
+@cindex Unix time format, conversions
+The @kbd{t U} (@code{calc-unix-time}) [@code{unixtime}] command
+converts a date form into a Unix time value, which is the number of
+seconds since midnight on Jan 1, 1970, or vice-versa.  The numeric result
+will be an integer if the current precision is 12 or less; for higher
+precisions, the result may be a float with (@var{precision}@i{-}12)
+digits after the decimal.  Just as for @kbd{t J}, the numeric time
+is interpreted in the GMT time zone and the date form is interpreted
+in the current or specified zone.  Some systems use Unix-like
+numbering but with the local time zone; give a prefix of zero to
+suppress the adjustment if so.
+@kindex t C
+@pindex calc-convert-time-zones
+@tindex tzconv
+@cindex Time Zones, converting between
+The @kbd{t C} (@code{calc-convert-time-zones}) [@code{tzconv}]
+command converts a date form from one time zone to another.  You
+are prompted for each time zone name in turn; you can answer with
+any suitable Calc time zone expression (@pxref{Time Zones}).
+If you answer either prompt with a blank line, the local time
+zone is used for that prompt.  You can also answer the first
+prompt with @kbd{$} to take the two time zone names from the
+stack (and the date to be converted from the third stack level).
+@node Date Functions, Business Days, Date Conversions, Date Arithmetic
+@subsection Date Functions
+@kindex t N
+@pindex calc-now
+@tindex now
+The @kbd{t N} (@code{calc-now}) [@code{now}] command pushes the
+current date and time on the stack as a date form.  The time is
+reported in terms of the specified time zone; with no numeric prefix
+argument, @kbd{t N} reports for the current time zone.
+@kindex t P
+@pindex calc-date-part
+The @kbd{t P} (@code{calc-date-part}) command extracts one part
+of a date form.  The prefix argument specifies the part; with no
+argument, this command prompts for a part code from 1 to 9.
+The various part codes are described in the following paragraphs.
+@tindex year
+The @kbd{M-1 t P} [@code{year}] function extracts the year number
+from a date form as an integer, e.g., 1991.  This and the
+following functions will also accept a real number for an
+argument, which is interpreted as a standard Calc day number.
+Note that this function will never return zero, since the year
+1 BC immediately precedes the year 1 AD.
+@tindex month
+The @kbd{M-2 t P} [@code{month}] function extracts the month number
+from a date form as an integer in the range 1 to 12.
+@tindex day
+The @kbd{M-3 t P} [@code{day}] function extracts the day number
+from a date form as an integer in the range 1 to 31.
+@tindex hour
+The @kbd{M-4 t P} [@code{hour}] function extracts the hour from
+a date form as an integer in the range 0 (midnight) to 23.  Note
+that 24-hour time is always used.  This returns zero for a pure
+date form.  This function (and the following two) also accept
+HMS forms as input.
+@tindex minute
+The @kbd{M-5 t P} [@code{minute}] function extracts the minute
+from a date form as an integer in the range 0 to 59.
+@tindex second
+The @kbd{M-6 t P} [@code{second}] function extracts the second
+from a date form.  If the current precision is 12 or less,
+the result is an integer in the range 0 to 59.  For higher
+precisions, the result may instead be a floating-point number.
+@tindex weekday
+The @kbd{M-7 t P} [@code{weekday}] function extracts the weekday
+number from a date form as an integer in the range 0 (Sunday)
+to 6 (Saturday).
+@tindex yearday
+The @kbd{M-8 t P} [@code{yearday}] function extracts the day-of-year
+number from a date form as an integer in the range 1 (January 1)
+to 366 (December 31 of a leap year).
+@tindex time
+The @kbd{M-9 t P} [@code{time}] function extracts the time portion
+of a date form as an HMS form.  This returns @samp{0@@ 0' 0"}
+for a pure date form.
+@kindex t M
+@pindex calc-new-month
+@tindex newmonth
+The @kbd{t M} (@code{calc-new-month}) [@code{newmonth}] command
+computes a new date form that represents the first day of the month
+specified by the input date.  The result is always a pure date
+form; only the year and month numbers of the input are retained.
+With a numeric prefix argument @var{n} in the range from 1 to 31,
+@kbd{t M} computes the @var{n}th day of the month.  (If @var{n}
+is greater than the actual number of days in the month, or if
+@var{n} is zero, the last day of the month is used.)
+@kindex t Y
+@pindex calc-new-year
+@tindex newyear
+The @kbd{t Y} (@code{calc-new-year}) [@code{newyear}] command
+computes a new pure date form that represents the first day of
+the year specified by the input.  The month, day, and time
+of the input date form are lost.  With a numeric prefix argument
+@var{n} in the range from 1 to 366, @kbd{t Y} computes the
+@var{n}th day of the year (366 is treated as 365 in non-leap
+years).  A prefix argument of 0 computes the last day of the
+year (December 31).  A negative prefix argument from @i{-1} to
+@i{-12} computes the first day of the @var{n}th month of the year.
+@kindex t W
+@pindex calc-new-week
+@tindex newweek
+The @kbd{t W} (@code{calc-new-week}) [@code{newweek}] command
+computes a new pure date form that represents the Sunday on or before
+the input date.  With a numeric prefix argument, it can be made to
+use any day of the week as the starting day; the argument must be in
+the range from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).  This function always
+subtracts between 0 and 6 days from the input date.
+Here's an example use of @code{newweek}:  Find the date of the next
+Wednesday after a given date.  Using @kbd{M-3 t W} or @samp{newweek(d, 3)}
+will give you the @emph{preceding} Wednesday, so @samp{newweek(d+7, 3)}
+will give you the following Wednesday.  A further look at the definition
+of @code{newweek} shows that if the input date is itself a Wednesday,
+this formula will return the Wednesday one week in the future.  An
+exercise for the reader is to modify this formula to yield the same day
+if the input is already a Wednesday.  Another interesting exercise is
+to preserve the time-of-day portion of the input (@code{newweek} resets
+the time to midnight; hint:@: how can @code{newweek} be defined in terms
+of the @code{weekday} function?).
+@c @starindex
+@tindex pwday
+The @samp{pwday(@var{date})} function (not on any key) computes the
+day-of-month number of the Sunday on or before @var{date}.  With
+two arguments, @samp{pwday(@var{date}, @var{day})} computes the day
+number of the Sunday on or before day number @var{day} of the month
+specified by @var{date}.  The @var{day} must be in the range from
+7 to 31; if the day number is greater than the actual number of days
+in the month, the true number of days is used instead.  Thus
+@samp{pwday(@var{date}, 7)} finds the first Sunday of the month, and
+@samp{pwday(@var{date}, 31)} finds the last Sunday of the month.
+With a third @var{weekday} argument, @code{pwday} can be made to look
+for any day of the week instead of Sunday.
+@kindex t I
+@pindex calc-inc-month
+@tindex incmonth
+The @kbd{t I} (@code{calc-inc-month}) [@code{incmonth}] command
+increases a date form by one month, or by an arbitrary number of
+months specified by a numeric prefix argument.  The time portion,
+if any, of the date form stays the same.  The day also stays the
+same, except that if the new month has fewer days the day
+number may be reduced to lie in the valid range.  For example,
+@samp{incmonth(<Jan 31, 1991>)} produces @samp{<Feb 28, 1991>}.
+Because of this, @kbd{t I t I} and @kbd{M-2 t I} do not always give
+the same results (@samp{<Mar 28, 1991>} versus @samp{<Mar 31, 1991>}
+in this case).
+@c @starindex
+@tindex incyear
+The @samp{incyear(@var{date}, @var{step})} function increases
+a date form by the specified number of years, which may be
+any positive or negative integer.  Note that @samp{incyear(d, n)}
+is equivalent to @w{@samp{incmonth(d, 12*n)}}, but these do not have
+simple equivalents in terms of day arithmetic because
+months and years have varying lengths.  If the @var{step}
+argument is omitted, 1 year is assumed.  There is no keyboard
+command for this function; use @kbd{C-u 12 t I} instead.
+There is no @code{newday} function at all because @kbd{F} [@code{floor}]
+serves this purpose.  Similarly, instead of @code{incday} and
+@code{incweek} simply use @cite{d + n} or @cite{d + 7 n}.
+@xref{Basic Arithmetic}, for the @kbd{f ]} [@code{incr}] command
+which can adjust a date/time form by a certain number of seconds.
+@node Business Days, Time Zones, Date Functions, Date Arithmetic
+@subsection Business Days
+Often time is measured in ``business days'' or ``working days,''
+where weekends and holidays are skipped.  Calc's normal date
+arithmetic functions use calendar days, so that subtracting two
+consecutive Mondays will yield a difference of 7 days.  By contrast,
+subtracting two consecutive Mondays would yield 5 business days
+(assuming two-day weekends and the absence of holidays).
+@kindex t +
+@kindex t -
+@tindex badd
+@tindex bsub
+@pindex calc-business-days-plus
+@pindex calc-business-days-minus
+The @kbd{t +} (@code{calc-business-days-plus}) [@code{badd}]
+and @kbd{t -} (@code{calc-business-days-minus}) [@code{bsub}]
+commands perform arithmetic using business days.  For @kbd{t +},
+one argument must be a date form and the other must be a real
+number (positive or negative).  If the number is not an integer,
+then a certain amount of time is added as well as a number of
+days; for example, adding 0.5 business days to a time in Friday
+evening will produce a time in Monday morning.  It is also
+possible to add an HMS form; adding @samp{12@@ 0' 0"} also adds
+half a business day.  For @kbd{t -}, the arguments are either a
+date form and a number or HMS form, or two date forms, in which
+case the result is the number of business days between the two
+@cindex @code{Holidays} variable
+@vindex Holidays
+By default, Calc considers any day that is not a Saturday or
+Sunday to be a business day.  You can define any number of
+additional holidays by editing the variable @code{Holidays}.
+(There is an @w{@kbd{s H}} convenience command for editing this
+variable.)  Initially, @code{Holidays} contains the vector
+@samp{[sat, sun]}.  Entries in the @code{Holidays} vector may
+be any of the following kinds of objects:
+@itemize @bullet
+Date forms (pure dates, not date/time forms).  These specify
+particular days which are to be treated as holidays.
+Intervals of date forms.  These specify a range of days, all of
+which are holidays (e.g., Christmas week).  @xref{Interval Forms}.
+Nested vectors of date forms.  Each date form in the vector is
+considered to be a holiday.
+Any Calc formula which evaluates to one of the above three things.
+If the formula involves the variable @cite{y}, it stands for a
+yearly repeating holiday; @cite{y} will take on various year
+numbers like 1992.  For example, @samp{date(y, 12, 25)} specifies
+Christmas day, and @samp{newweek(date(y, 11, 7), 4) + 21} specifies
+Thanksgiving (which is held on the fourth Thursday of November).
+If the formula involves the variable @cite{m}, that variable
+takes on month numbers from 1 to 12:  @samp{date(y, m, 15)} is
+a holiday that takes place on the 15th of every month.
+A weekday name, such as @code{sat} or @code{sun}.  This is really
+a variable whose name is a three-letter, lower-case day name.
+An interval of year numbers (integers).  This specifies the span of
+years over which this holiday list is to be considered valid.  Any
+business-day arithmetic that goes outside this range will result
+in an error message.  Use this if you are including an explicit
+list of holidays, rather than a formula to generate them, and you
+want to make sure you don't accidentally go beyond the last point
+where the holidays you entered are complete.  If there is no
+limiting interval in the @code{Holidays} vector, the default
+@samp{[1 .. 2737]} is used.  (This is the absolute range of years
+for which Calc's business-day algorithms will operate.)
+An interval of HMS forms.  This specifies the span of hours that
+are to be considered one business day.  For example, if this
+range is @samp{[9@@ 0' 0" .. 17@@ 0' 0"]} (i.e., 9am to 5pm), then
+the business day is only eight hours long, so that @kbd{1.5 t +}
+on @samp{<4:00pm Fri Dec 13, 1991>} will add one business day and
+four business hours to produce @samp{<12:00pm Tue Dec 17, 1991>}.
+Likewise, @kbd{t -} will now express differences in time as
+fractions of an eight-hour day.  Times before 9am will be treated
+as 9am by business date arithmetic, and times at or after 5pm will
+be treated as 4:59:59pm.  If there is no HMS interval in @code{Holidays},
+the full 24-hour day @samp{[0@ 0' 0" .. 24@ 0' 0"]} is assumed.
+(Regardless of the type of bounds you specify, the interval is
+treated as inclusive on the low end and exclusive on the high end,
+so that the work day goes from 9am up to, but not including, 5pm.)
+@end itemize
+If the @code{Holidays} vector is empty, then @kbd{t +} and
+@kbd{t -} will act just like @kbd{+} and @kbd{-} because there will
+then be no difference between business days and calendar days.
+Calc expands the intervals and formulas you give into a complete
+list of holidays for internal use.  This is done mainly to make
+sure it can detect multiple holidays.  (For example,
+@samp{<Jan 1, 1989>} is both New Year's Day and a Sunday, but
+Calc's algorithms take care to count it only once when figuring
+the number of holidays between two dates.)
+Since the complete list of holidays for all the years from 1 to
+2737 would be huge, Calc actually computes only the part of the
+list between the smallest and largest years that have been involved
+in business-day calculations so far.  Normally, you won't have to
+worry about this.  Keep in mind, however, that if you do one
+calculation for 1992, and another for 1792, even if both involve
+only a small range of years, Calc will still work out all the
+holidays that fall in that 200-year span.
+If you add a (positive) number of days to a date form that falls on a
+weekend or holiday, the date form is treated as if it were the most
+recent business day.  (Thus adding one business day to a Friday,
+Saturday, or Sunday will all yield the following Monday.)  If you
+subtract a number of days from a weekend or holiday, the date is
+effectively on the following business day.  (So subtracting one business
+day from Saturday, Sunday, or Monday yields the preceding Friday.)  The
+difference between two dates one or both of which fall on holidays
+equals the number of actual business days between them.  These
+conventions are consistent in the sense that, if you add @var{n}
+business days to any date, the difference between the result and the
+original date will come out to @var{n} business days.  (It can't be
+completely consistent though; a subtraction followed by an addition
+might come out a bit differently, since @kbd{t +} is incapable of
+producing a date that falls on a weekend or holiday.)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex holiday
+There is a @code{holiday} function, not on any keys, that takes
+any date form and returns 1 if that date falls on a weekend or
+holiday, as defined in @code{Holidays}, or 0 if the date is a
+business day.
+@node Time Zones, , Business Days, Date Arithmetic
+@subsection Time Zones
+@cindex Time zones
+@cindex Daylight savings time
+Time zones and daylight savings time are a complicated business.
+The conversions to and from Julian and Unix-style dates automatically
+compute the correct time zone and daylight savings adjustment to use,
+provided they can figure out this information.  This section describes
+Calc's time zone adjustment algorithm in detail, in case you want to
+do conversions in different time zones or in case Calc's algorithms
+can't determine the right correction to use.
+Adjustments for time zones and daylight savings time are done by
+@kbd{t U}, @kbd{t J}, @kbd{t N}, and @kbd{t C}, but not by any other
+commands.  In particular, @samp{<may 1 1991> - <apr 1 1991>} evaluates
+to exactly 30 days even though there is a daylight-savings
+transition in between.  This is also true for Julian pure dates:
+@samp{julian(<may 1 1991>) - julian(<apr 1 1991>)}.  But Julian
+and Unix date/times will adjust for daylight savings time:
+@samp{julian(<12am may 1 1991>) - julian(<12am apr 1 1991>)}
+evaluates to @samp{29.95834} (that's 29 days and 23 hours)
+because one hour was lost when daylight savings commenced on
+April 7, 1991.
+In brief, the idiom @samp{julian(@var{date1}) - julian(@var{date2})}
+computes the actual number of 24-hour periods between two dates, whereas
+@samp{@var{date1} - @var{date2}} computes the number of calendar
+days between two dates without taking daylight savings into account.
+@pindex calc-time-zone
+@c @starindex
+@tindex tzone
+The @code{calc-time-zone} [@code{tzone}] command converts the time
+zone specified by its numeric prefix argument into a number of
+seconds difference from Greenwich mean time (GMT).  If the argument
+is a number, the result is simply that value multiplied by 3600.
+Typical arguments for North America are 5 (Eastern) or 8 (Pacific).  If
+Daylight Savings time is in effect, one hour should be subtracted from
+the normal difference.
+If you give a prefix of plain @kbd{C-u}, @code{calc-time-zone} (like other
+date arithmetic commands that include a time zone argument) takes the
+zone argument from the top of the stack.  (In the case of @kbd{t J}
+and @kbd{t U}, the normal argument is then taken from the second-to-top
+stack position.)  This allows you to give a non-integer time zone
+adjustment.  The time-zone argument can also be an HMS form, or
+it can be a variable which is a time zone name in upper- or lower-case.
+For example @samp{tzone(PST) = tzone(8)} and @samp{tzone(pdt) = tzone(7)}
+(for Pacific standard and daylight savings times, respectively).
+North American and European time zone names are defined as follows;
+note that for each time zone there is one name for standard time,
+another for daylight savings time, and a third for ``generalized'' time
+in which the daylight savings adjustment is computed from context.
+ 9    8    7    6    5    4     3.5     0     -1      -2     -2
+ 8    7    6    5    4    3     2.5     -1    -2      -3     -3
+9/8  8/7  7/6  6/5  5/4  4/3  3.5/2.5  0/-1 -1/-2   -2/-3  -2/-3
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@vindex math-tzone-names
+To define time zone names that do not appear in the above table,
+you must modify the Lisp variable @code{math-tzone-names}.  This
+is a list of lists describing the different time zone names; its
+structure is best explained by an example.  The three entries for
+Pacific Time look like this:
+( ( "PST" 8 0 )    ; Name as an upper-case string, then standard
+  ( "PDT" 8 -1 )   ; adjustment, then daylight savings adjustment.
+  ( "PGT" 8 "PST" "PDT" ) )   ; Generalized time zone.
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@cindex @code{TimeZone} variable
+@vindex TimeZone
+With no arguments, @code{calc-time-zone} or @samp{tzone()} obtains an
+argument from the Calc variable @code{TimeZone} if a value has been
+stored for that variable.  If not, Calc runs the Unix @samp{date}
+command and looks for one of the above time zone names in the output;
+if this does not succeed, @samp{tzone()} leaves itself unevaluated.
+The time zone name in the @samp{date} output may be followed by a signed
+adjustment, e.g., @samp{GMT+5} or @samp{GMT+0500} which specifies a
+number of hours and minutes to be added to the base time zone.
+Calc stores the time zone it finds into @code{TimeZone} to speed
+later calls to @samp{tzone()}.
+The special time zone name @code{local} is equivalent to no argument,
+i.e., it uses the local time zone as obtained from the @code{date}
+If the time zone name found is one of the standard or daylight
+savings zone names from the above table, and Calc's internal
+daylight savings algorithm says that time and zone are consistent
+(e.g., @code{PDT} accompanies a date that Calc's algorithm would also
+consider to be daylight savings, or @code{PST} accompanies a date
+that Calc would consider to be standard time), then Calc substitutes
+the corresponding generalized time zone (like @code{PGT}).
+If your system does not have a suitable @samp{date} command, you
+may wish to put a @samp{(setq var-TimeZone ...)} in your Emacs
+initialization file to set the time zone.  The easiest way to do
+this is to edit the @code{TimeZone} variable using Calc's @kbd{s T}
+command, then use the @kbd{s p} (@code{calc-permanent-variable})
+command to save the value of @code{TimeZone} permanently.
+The @kbd{t J} and @code{t U} commands with no numeric prefix
+arguments do the same thing as @samp{tzone()}.  If the current
+time zone is a generalized time zone, e.g., @code{EGT}, Calc
+examines the date being converted to tell whether to use standard
+or daylight savings time.  But if the current time zone is explicit,
+e.g., @code{EST} or @code{EDT}, then that adjustment is used exactly
+and Calc's daylight savings algorithm is not consulted.
+Some places don't follow the usual rules for daylight savings time.
+The state of Arizona, for example, does not observe daylight savings
+time.  If you run Calc during the winter season in Arizona, the
+Unix @code{date} command will report @code{MST} time zone, which
+Calc will change to @code{MGT}.  If you then convert a time that
+lies in the summer months, Calc will apply an incorrect daylight
+savings time adjustment.  To avoid this, set your @code{TimeZone}
+variable explicitly to @code{MST} to force the use of standard,
+non-daylight-savings time.
+@vindex math-daylight-savings-hook
+@findex math-std-daylight-savings
+By default Calc always considers daylight savings time to begin at
+2 a.m.@: on the first Sunday of April, and to end at 2 a.m.@: on the
+last Sunday of October.  This is the rule that has been in effect
+in North America since 1987.  If you are in a country that uses
+different rules for computing daylight savings time, you have two
+choices:  Write your own daylight savings hook, or control time
+zones explicitly by setting the @code{TimeZone} variable and/or
+always giving a time-zone argument for the conversion functions.
+The Lisp variable @code{math-daylight-savings-hook} holds the
+name of a function that is used to compute the daylight savings
+adjustment for a given date.  The default is
+@code{math-std-daylight-savings}, which computes an adjustment
+(either 0 or @i{-1}) using the North American rules given above.
+The daylight savings hook function is called with four arguments:
+The date, as a floating-point number in standard Calc format;
+a six-element list of the date decomposed into year, month, day,
+hour, minute, and second, respectively; a string which contains
+the generalized time zone name in upper-case, e.g., @code{"WEGT"};
+and a special adjustment to be applied to the hour value when
+converting into a generalized time zone (see below).
+@findex math-prev-weekday-in-month
+The Lisp function @code{math-prev-weekday-in-month} is useful for
+daylight savings computations.  This is an internal version of
+the user-level @code{pwday} function described in the previous
+section. It takes four arguments:  The floating-point date value,
+the corresponding six-element date list, the day-of-month number,
+and the weekday number (0-6).
+The default daylight savings hook ignores the time zone name, but a
+more sophisticated hook could use different algorithms for different
+time zones.  It would also be possible to use different algorithms
+depending on the year number, but the default hook always uses the
+algorithm for 1987 and later.  Here is a listing of the default
+daylight savings hook:
+(defun math-std-daylight-savings (date dt zone bump)
+  (cond ((< (nth 1 dt) 4) 0)
+        ((= (nth 1 dt) 4)
+         (let ((sunday (math-prev-weekday-in-month date dt 7 0)))
+           (cond ((< (nth 2 dt) sunday) 0)
+                 ((= (nth 2 dt) sunday)
+                  (if (>= (nth 3 dt) (+ 3 bump)) -1 0))
+                 (t -1))))
+        ((< (nth 1 dt) 10) -1)
+        ((= (nth 1 dt) 10)
+         (let ((sunday (math-prev-weekday-in-month date dt 31 0)))
+           (cond ((< (nth 2 dt) sunday) -1)
+                 ((= (nth 2 dt) sunday)
+                  (if (>= (nth 3 dt) (+ 2 bump)) 0 -1))
+                 (t 0))))
+        (t 0))
+@end smallexample
+The @code{bump} parameter is equal to zero when Calc is converting
+from a date form in a generalized time zone into a GMT date value.
+It is @i{-1} when Calc is converting in the other direction.  The
+adjustments shown above ensure that the conversion behaves correctly
+and reasonably around the 2 a.m.@: transition in each direction.
+There is a ``missing'' hour between 2 a.m.@: and 3 a.m.@: at the
+beginning of daylight savings time; converting a date/time form that
+falls in this hour results in a time value for the following hour,
+from 3 a.m.@: to 4 a.m.  At the end of daylight savings time, the
+hour from 1 a.m.@: to 2 a.m.@: repeats itself; converting a date/time
+form that falls in in this hour results in a time value for the first
+manifestion of that time (@emph{not} the one that occurs one hour later).
+If @code{math-daylight-savings-hook} is @code{nil}, then the
+daylight savings adjustment is always taken to be zero.
+In algebraic formulas, @samp{tzone(@var{zone}, @var{date})}
+computes the time zone adjustment for a given zone name at a
+given date.  The @var{date} is ignored unless @var{zone} is a
+generalized time zone.  If @var{date} is a date form, the
+daylight savings computation is applied to it as it appears.
+If @var{date} is a numeric date value, it is adjusted for the
+daylight-savings version of @var{zone} before being given to
+the daylight savings hook.  This odd-sounding rule ensures
+that the daylight-savings computation is always done in
+local time, not in the GMT time that a numeric @var{date}
+is typically represented in.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex dsadj
+The @samp{dsadj(@var{date}, @var{zone})} function computes the
+daylight savings adjustment that is appropriate for @var{date} in
+time zone @var{zone}.  If @var{zone} is explicitly in or not in
+daylight savings time (e.g., @code{PDT} or @code{PST}) the
+@var{date} is ignored.  If @var{zone} is a generalized time zone,
+the algorithms described above are used.  If @var{zone} is omitted,
+the computation is done for the current time zone.
+@xref{Reporting Bugs}, for the address of Calc's author, if you
+should wish to contribute your improved versions of
+@code{math-tzone-names} and @code{math-daylight-savings-hook}
+to the Calc distribution.
+@node Financial Functions, Binary Functions, Date Arithmetic, Arithmetic
+@section Financial Functions
+Calc's financial or business functions use the @kbd{b} prefix
+key followed by a shifted letter.  (The @kbd{b} prefix followed by
+a lower-case letter is used for operations on binary numbers.)
+Note that the rate and the number of intervals given to these
+functions must be on the same time scale, e.g., both months or
+both years.  Mixing an annual interest rate with a time expressed
+in months will give you very wrong answers!
+It is wise to compute these functions to a higher precision than
+you really need, just to make sure your answer is correct to the
+last penny; also, you may wish to check the definitions at the end
+of this section to make sure the functions have the meaning you expect.
+* Percentages::
+* Future Value::
+* Present Value::
+* Related Financial Functions::
+* Depreciation Functions::
+* Definitions of Financial Functions::
+@end menu
+@node Percentages, Future Value, Financial Functions, Financial Functions
+@subsection Percentages
+@kindex M-%
+@pindex calc-percent
+@tindex %
+@tindex percent
+The @kbd{M-%} (@code{calc-percent}) command takes a percentage value,
+say 5.4, and converts it to an equivalent actual number.  For example,
+@kbd{5.4 M-%} enters 0.054 on the stack.  (That's the @key{META} or
+@key{ESC} key combined with @kbd{%}.)
+Actually, @kbd{M-%} creates a formula of the form @samp{5.4%}.
+You can enter @samp{5.4%} yourself during algebraic entry.  The
+@samp{%} operator simply means, ``the preceding value divided by
+100.''  The @samp{%} operator has very high precedence, so that
+@samp{1+8%} is interpreted as @samp{1+(8%)}, not as @samp{(1+8)%}.
+(The @samp{%} operator is just a postfix notation for the
+@code{percent} function, just like @samp{20!} is the notation for
+@samp{fact(20)}, or twenty-factorial.)
+The formula @samp{5.4%} would normally evaluate immediately to
+0.054, but the @kbd{M-%} command suppresses evaluation as it puts
+the formula onto the stack.  However, the next Calc command that
+uses the formula @samp{5.4%} will evaluate it as its first step.
+The net effect is that you get to look at @samp{5.4%} on the stack,
+but Calc commands see it as @samp{0.054}, which is what they expect.
+In particular, @samp{5.4%} and @samp{0.054} are suitable values
+for the @var{rate} arguments of the various financial functions,
+but the number @samp{5.4} is probably @emph{not} suitable---it
+represents a rate of 540 percent!
+The key sequence @kbd{M-% *} effectively means ``percent-of.''
+For example, @kbd{68 RET 25 M-% *} computes 17, which is 25% of
+68 (and also 68% of 25, which comes out to the same thing).
+@kindex c %
+@pindex calc-convert-percent
+The @kbd{c %} (@code{calc-convert-percent}) command converts the
+value on the top of the stack from numeric to percentage form.
+For example, if 0.08 is on the stack, @kbd{c %} converts it to
+@samp{8%}.  The quantity is the same, it's just represented
+differently.  (Contrast this with @kbd{M-%}, which would convert
+this number to @samp{0.08%}.)  The @kbd{=} key is a convenient way
+to convert a formula like @samp{8%} back to numeric form, 0.08.
+To compute what percentage one quantity is of another quantity,
+use @kbd{/ c %}.  For example, @w{@kbd{17 RET 68 / c %}} displays
+@kindex b %
+@pindex calc-percent-change
+@tindex relch
+The @kbd{b %} (@code{calc-percent-change}) [@code{relch}] command
+calculates the percentage change from one number to another.
+For example, @kbd{40 RET 50 b %} produces the answer @samp{25%},
+since 50 is 25% larger than 40.  A negative result represents a
+decrease:  @kbd{50 RET 40 b %} produces @samp{-20%}, since 40 is
+20% smaller than 50.  (The answers are different in magnitude
+because, in the first case, we're increasing by 25% of 40, but
+in the second case, we're decreasing by 20% of 50.)  The effect
+of @kbd{40 RET 50 b %} is to compute @cite{(50-40)/40}, converting
+the answer to percentage form as if by @kbd{c %}.
+@node Future Value, Present Value, Percentages, Financial Functions
+@subsection Future Value
+@kindex b F
+@pindex calc-fin-fv
+@tindex fv
+The @kbd{b F} (@code{calc-fin-fv}) [@code{fv}] command computes
+the future value of an investment.  It takes three arguments
+from the stack:  @samp{fv(@var{rate}, @var{n}, @var{payment})}.
+If you give payments of @var{payment} every year for @var{n}
+years, and the money you have paid earns interest at @var{rate} per
+year, then this function tells you what your investment would be
+worth at the end of the period.  (The actual interval doesn't
+have to be years, as long as @var{n} and @var{rate} are expressed
+in terms of the same intervals.)  This function assumes payments
+occur at the @emph{end} of each interval.
+@kindex I b F
+@tindex fvb
+The @kbd{I b F} [@code{fvb}] command does the same computation,
+but assuming your payments are at the beginning of each interval.
+Suppose you plan to deposit $1000 per year in a savings account
+earning 5.4% interest, starting right now.  How much will be
+in the account after five years?  @code{fvb(5.4%, 5, 1000) = 5870.73}.
+Thus you will have earned $870 worth of interest over the years.
+Using the stack, this calculation would have been
+@kbd{5.4 M-% 5 RET 1000 I b F}.  Note that the rate is expressed
+as a number between 0 and 1, @emph{not} as a percentage.
+@kindex H b F
+@tindex fvl
+The @kbd{H b F} [@code{fvl}] command computes the future value
+of an initial lump sum investment.  Suppose you could deposit
+those five thousand dollars in the bank right now; how much would
+they be worth in five years?  @code{fvl(5.4%, 5, 5000) = 6503.89}.
+The algebraic functions @code{fv} and @code{fvb} accept an optional
+fourth argument, which is used as an initial lump sum in the sense
+of @code{fvl}.  In other words, @code{fv(@var{rate}, @var{n},
+@var{payment}, @var{initial}) = fv(@var{rate}, @var{n}, @var{payment})
++ fvl(@var{rate}, @var{n}, @var{initial})}.@refill
+To illustrate the relationships between these functions, we could
+do the @code{fvb} calculation ``by hand'' using @code{fvl}.  The
+final balance will be the sum of the contributions of our five
+deposits at various times.  The first deposit earns interest for
+five years:  @code{fvl(5.4%, 5, 1000) = 1300.78}.  The second
+deposit only earns interest for four years:  @code{fvl(5.4%, 4, 1000) =
+1234.13}.  And so on down to the last deposit, which earns one
+year's interest:  @code{fvl(5.4%, 1, 1000) = 1054.00}.  The sum of
+these five values is, sure enough, $5870.73, just as was computed
+by @code{fvb} directly.
+What does @code{fv(5.4%, 5, 1000) = 5569.96} mean?  The payments
+are now at the ends of the periods.  The end of one year is the same
+as the beginning of the next, so what this really means is that we've
+lost the payment at year zero (which contributed $1300.78), but we're
+now counting the payment at year five (which, since it didn't have
+a chance to earn interest, counts as $1000).  Indeed, @cite{5569.96 =
+5870.73 - 1300.78 + 1000} (give or take a bit of roundoff error).
+@node Present Value, Related Financial Functions, Future Value, Financial Functions
+@subsection Present Value
+@kindex b P
+@pindex calc-fin-pv
+@tindex pv
+The @kbd{b P} (@code{calc-fin-pv}) [@code{pv}] command computes
+the present value of an investment.  Like @code{fv}, it takes
+three arguments:  @code{pv(@var{rate}, @var{n}, @var{payment})}.
+It computes the present value of a series of regular payments.
+Suppose you have the chance to make an investment that will
+pay $2000 per year over the next four years; as you receive
+these payments you can put them in the bank at 9% interest.
+You want to know whether it is better to make the investment, or
+to keep the money in the bank where it earns 9% interest right
+from the start.  The calculation @code{pv(9%, 4, 2000)} gives the
+result 6479.44.  If your initial investment must be less than this,
+say, $6000, then the investment is worthwhile.  But if you had to
+put up $7000, then it would be better just to leave it in the bank.
+Here is the interpretation of the result of @code{pv}:  You are
+trying to compare the return from the investment you are
+considering, which is @code{fv(9%, 4, 2000) = 9146.26}, with
+the return from leaving the money in the bank, which is
+@code{fvl(9%, 4, @var{x})} where @var{x} is the amount of money
+you would have to put up in advance.  The @code{pv} function
+finds the break-even point, @cite{x = 6479.44}, at which
+@code{fvl(9%, 4, 6479.44)} is also equal to 9146.26.  This is
+the largest amount you should be willing to invest.
+@kindex I b P
+@tindex pvb
+The @kbd{I b P} [@code{pvb}] command solves the same problem,
+but with payments occurring at the beginning of each interval.
+It has the same relationship to @code{fvb} as @code{pv} has
+to @code{fv}.  For example @code{pvb(9%, 4, 2000) = 7062.59},
+a larger number than @code{pv} produced because we get to start
+earning interest on the return from our investment sooner.
+@kindex H b P
+@tindex pvl
+The @kbd{H b P} [@code{pvl}] command computes the present value of
+an investment that will pay off in one lump sum at the end of the
+period.  For example, if we get our $8000 all at the end of the
+four years, @code{pvl(9%, 4, 8000) = 5667.40}.  This is much
+less than @code{pv} reported, because we don't earn any interest
+on the return from this investment.  Note that @code{pvl} and
+@code{fvl} are simple inverses:  @code{fvl(9%, 4, 5667.40) = 8000}.
+You can give an optional fourth lump-sum argument to @code{pv}
+and @code{pvb}; this is handled in exactly the same way as the
+fourth argument for @code{fv} and @code{fvb}.
+@kindex b N
+@pindex calc-fin-npv
+@tindex npv
+The @kbd{b N} (@code{calc-fin-npv}) [@code{npv}] command computes
+the net present value of a series of irregular investments.
+The first argument is the interest rate.  The second argument is
+a vector which represents the expected return from the investment
+at the end of each interval.  For example, if the rate represents
+a yearly interest rate, then the vector elements are the return
+from the first year, second year, and so on.
+Thus, @code{npv(9%, [2000,2000,2000,2000]) = pv(9%, 4, 2000) = 6479.44}.
+Obviously this function is more interesting when the payments are
+not all the same!
+The @code{npv} function can actually have two or more arguments.
+Multiple arguments are interpreted in the same way as for the
+vector statistical functions like @code{vsum}.
+@xref{Single-Variable Statistics}.  Basically, if there are several
+payment arguments, each either a vector or a plain number, all these
+values are collected left-to-right into the complete list of payments.
+A numeric prefix argument on the @kbd{b N} command says how many
+payment values or vectors to take from the stack.@refill
+@kindex I b N
+@tindex npvb
+The @kbd{I b N} [@code{npvb}] command computes the net present
+value where payments occur at the beginning of each interval
+rather than at the end.
+@node Related Financial Functions, Depreciation Functions, Present Value, Financial Functions
+@subsection Related Financial Functions
+The functions in this section are basically inverses of the
+present value functions with respect to the various arguments.
+@kindex b M
+@pindex calc-fin-pmt
+@tindex pmt
+The @kbd{b M} (@code{calc-fin-pmt}) [@code{pmt}] command computes
+the amount of periodic payment necessary to amortize a loan.
+Thus @code{pmt(@var{rate}, @var{n}, @var{amount})} equals the
+value of @var{payment} such that @code{pv(@var{rate}, @var{n},
+@var{payment}) = @var{amount}}.@refill
+@kindex I b M
+@tindex pmtb
+The @kbd{I b M} [@code{pmtb}] command does the same computation
+but using @code{pvb} instead of @code{pv}.  Like @code{pv} and
+@code{pvb}, these functions can also take a fourth argument which
+represents an initial lump-sum investment.
+@kindex H b M
+The @kbd{H b M} key just invokes the @code{fvl} function, which is
+the inverse of @code{pvl}.  There is no explicit @code{pmtl} function.
+@kindex b #
+@pindex calc-fin-nper
+@tindex nper
+The @kbd{b #} (@code{calc-fin-nper}) [@code{nper}] command computes
+the number of regular payments necessary to amortize a loan.
+Thus @code{nper(@var{rate}, @var{payment}, @var{amount})} equals
+the value of @var{n} such that @code{pv(@var{rate}, @var{n},
+@var{payment}) = @var{amount}}.  If @var{payment} is too small
+ever to amortize a loan for @var{amount} at interest rate @var{rate},
+the @code{nper} function is left in symbolic form.@refill
+@kindex I b #
+@tindex nperb
+The @kbd{I b #} [@code{nperb}] command does the same computation
+but using @code{pvb} instead of @code{pv}.  You can give a fourth
+lump-sum argument to these functions, but the computation will be
+rather slow in the four-argument case.@refill
+@kindex H b #
+@tindex nperl
+The @kbd{H b #} [@code{nperl}] command does the same computation
+using @code{pvl}.  By exchanging @var{payment} and @var{amount} you
+can also get the solution for @code{fvl}.  For example,
+@code{nperl(8%, 2000, 1000) = 9.006}, so if you place $1000 in a
+bank account earning 8%, it will take nine years to grow to $2000.@refill
+@kindex b T
+@pindex calc-fin-rate
+@tindex rate
+The @kbd{b T} (@code{calc-fin-rate}) [@code{rate}] command computes
+the rate of return on an investment.  This is also an inverse of @code{pv}:
+@code{rate(@var{n}, @var{payment}, @var{amount})} computes the value of
+@var{rate} such that @code{pv(@var{rate}, @var{n}, @var{payment}) =
+@var{amount}}.  The result is expressed as a formula like @samp{6.3%}.@refill
+@kindex I b T
+@kindex H b T
+@tindex rateb
+@tindex ratel
+The @kbd{I b T} [@code{rateb}] and @kbd{H b T} [@code{ratel}]
+commands solve the analogous equations with @code{pvb} or @code{pvl}
+in place of @code{pv}.  Also, @code{rate} and @code{rateb} can
+accept an optional fourth argument just like @code{pv} and @code{pvb}.
+To redo the above example from a different perspective,
+@code{ratel(9, 2000, 1000) = 8.00597%}, which says you will need an
+interest rate of 8% in order to double your account in nine years.@refill
+@kindex b I
+@pindex calc-fin-irr
+@tindex irr
+The @kbd{b I} (@code{calc-fin-irr}) [@code{irr}] command is the
+analogous function to @code{rate} but for net present value.
+Its argument is a vector of payments.  Thus @code{irr(@var{payments})}
+computes the @var{rate} such that @code{npv(@var{rate}, @var{payments}) = 0};
+this rate is known as the @dfn{internal rate of return}.
+@kindex I b I
+@tindex irrb
+The @kbd{I b I} [@code{irrb}] command computes the internal rate of
+return assuming payments occur at the beginning of each period.
+@node Depreciation Functions, Definitions of Financial Functions, Related Financial Functions, Financial Functions
+@subsection Depreciation Functions
+The functions in this section calculate @dfn{depreciation}, which is
+the amount of value that a possession loses over time.  These functions
+are characterized by three parameters:  @var{cost}, the original cost
+of the asset; @var{salvage}, the value the asset will have at the end
+of its expected ``useful life''; and @var{life}, the number of years
+(or other periods) of the expected useful life.
+There are several methods for calculating depreciation that differ in
+the way they spread the depreciation over the lifetime of the asset.
+@kindex b S
+@pindex calc-fin-sln
+@tindex sln
+The @kbd{b S} (@code{calc-fin-sln}) [@code{sln}] command computes the
+``straight-line'' depreciation.  In this method, the asset depreciates
+by the same amount every year (or period).  For example,
+@samp{sln(12000, 2000, 5)} returns 2000.  The asset costs $12000
+initially and will be worth $2000 after five years; it loses $2000
+per year.
+@kindex b Y
+@pindex calc-fin-syd
+@tindex syd
+The @kbd{b Y} (@code{calc-fin-syd}) [@code{syd}] command computes the
+accelerated ``sum-of-years'-digits'' depreciation.  Here the depreciation
+is higher during the early years of the asset's life.  Since the
+depreciation is different each year, @kbd{b Y} takes a fourth @var{period}
+parameter which specifies which year is requested, from 1 to @var{life}.
+If @var{period} is outside this range, the @code{syd} function will
+return zero.
+@kindex b D
+@pindex calc-fin-ddb
+@tindex ddb
+The @kbd{b D} (@code{calc-fin-ddb}) [@code{ddb}] command computes an
+accelerated depreciation using the double-declining balance method.
+It also takes a fourth @var{period} parameter.
+For symmetry, the @code{sln} function will accept a @var{period}
+parameter as well, although it will ignore its value except that the
+return value will as usual be zero if @var{period} is out of range.
+For example, pushing the vector @cite{[1,2,3,4,5]} (perhaps with @kbd{v x 5})
+and then mapping @kbd{V M ' [sln(12000,2000,5,$), syd(12000,2000,5,$),
+ddb(12000,2000,5,$)] RET} produces a matrix that allows us to compare
+the three depreciation methods:
+[ [ 2000, 3333, 4800 ]
+  [ 2000, 2667, 2880 ]
+  [ 2000, 2000, 1728 ]
+  [ 2000, 1333,  592 ]
+  [ 2000,  667,   0  ] ]
+@end example
+@end group
+(Values have been rounded to nearest integers in this figure.)
+We see that @code{sln} depreciates by the same amount each year,
+@kbd{syd} depreciates more at the beginning and less at the end,
+and @kbd{ddb} weights the depreciation even more toward the beginning.
+Summing columns with @kbd{V R : +} yields @cite{[10000, 10000, 10000]};
+the total depreciation in any method is (by definition) the
+difference between the cost and the salvage value.
+@node Definitions of Financial Functions, , Depreciation Functions, Financial Functions
+@subsection Definitions
+For your reference, here are the actual formulas used to compute
+Calc's financial functions.
+Calc will not evaluate a financial function unless the @var{rate} or
+@var{n} argument is known.  However, @var{payment} or @var{amount} can
+be a variable.  Calc expands these functions according to the
+formulas below for symbolic arguments only when you use the @kbd{a "}
+(@code{calc-expand-formula}) command, or when taking derivatives or
+integrals or solving equations involving the functions.
+These formulas are shown using the conventions of ``Big'' display
+mode (@kbd{d B}); for example, the formula for @code{fv} written
+linearly is @samp{pmt * ((1 + rate)^n) - 1) / rate}.
+                                        n
+                              (1 + rate)  - 1
+fv(rate, n, pmt) =      pmt * ---------------
+                                   rate
+                                         n
+                              ((1 + rate)  - 1) (1 + rate)
+fvb(rate, n, pmt) =     pmt * ----------------------------
+                                         rate
+                                        n
+fvl(rate, n, pmt) =     pmt * (1 + rate)
+                                            -n
+                              1 - (1 + rate)  
+pv(rate, n, pmt) =      pmt * ----------------
+                                    rate
+                                             -n
+                              (1 - (1 + rate)  ) (1 + rate)
+pvb(rate, n, pmt) =     pmt * -----------------------------
+                                         rate
+                                        -n
+pvl(rate, n, pmt) =     pmt * (1 + rate)
+                                    -1               -2               -3
+npv(rate, [a, b, c]) =  a*(1 + rate)   + b*(1 + rate)   + c*(1 + rate)
+                                        -1               -2
+npvb(rate, [a, b, c]) = a + b*(1 + rate)   + c*(1 + rate)
+                                             -n
+                        (amt - x * (1 + rate)  ) * rate
+pmt(rate, n, amt, x) =  -------------------------------
+                                             -n
+                               1 - (1 + rate)
+                                             -n
+                        (amt - x * (1 + rate)  ) * rate
+pmtb(rate, n, amt, x) = -------------------------------
+                                        -n
+                         (1 - (1 + rate)  ) (1 + rate)
+                                   amt * rate
+nper(rate, pmt, amt) =  - log(1 - ------------, 1 + rate)
+                                      pmt
+                                    amt * rate
+nperb(rate, pmt, amt) = - log(1 - ---------------, 1 + rate)
+                                  pmt * (1 + rate)
+                              amt
+nperl(rate, pmt, amt) = - log(---, 1 + rate)
+                              pmt
+                           1/n
+                        pmt
+ratel(n, pmt, amt) =    ------ - 1
+                           1/n
+                        amt
+                        cost - salv
+sln(cost, salv, life) = -----------
+                           life
+                             (cost - salv) * (life - per + 1)
+syd(cost, salv, life, per) = --------------------------------
+                                  life * (life + 1) / 2
+                             book * 2
+ddb(cost, salv, life, per) = --------,  book = cost - depreciation so far
+                               life
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+$$ \code{fv}(r, n, p) = p { (1 + r)^n - 1 \over r } $$
+$$ \code{fvb}(r, n, p) = p { ((1 + r)^n - 1) (1 + r) \over r } $$
+$$ \code{fvl}(r, n, p) = p (1 + r)^n $$
+$$ \code{pv}(r, n, p) = p { 1 - (1 + r)^{-n} \over r } $$
+$$ \code{pvb}(r, n, p) = p { (1 - (1 + r)^{-n}) (1 + r) \over r } $$
+$$ \code{pvl}(r, n, p) = p (1 + r)^{-n} $$
+$$ \code{npv}(r, [a,b,c]) = a (1 + r)^{-1} + b (1 + r)^{-2} + c (1 + r)^{-3} $$
+$$ \code{npvb}(r, [a,b,c]) = a + b (1 + r)^{-1} + c (1 + r)^{-2} $$
+$$ \code{pmt}(r, n, a, x) = { (a - x (1 + r)^{-n}) r \over 1 - (1 + r)^{-n} }$$
+$$ \code{pmtb}(r, n, a, x) = { (a - x (1 + r)^{-n}) r \over
+                               (1 - (1 + r)^{-n}) (1 + r) } $$
+$$ \code{nper}(r, p, a) = -\code{log}(1 - { a r \over p }, 1 + r) $$
+$$ \code{nperb}(r, p, a) = -\code{log}(1 - { a r \over p (1 + r) }, 1 + r) $$
+$$ \code{nperl}(r, p, a) = -\code{log}({a \over p}, 1 + r) $$
+$$ \code{ratel}(n, p, a) = { p^{1/n} \over a^{1/n} } - 1 $$
+$$ \code{sln}(c, s, l) = { c - s \over l } $$
+$$ \code{syd}(c, s, l, p) = { (c - s) (l - p + 1) \over l (l+1) / 2 } $$
+$$ \code{ddb}(c, s, l, p) = { 2 (c - \hbox{depreciation so far}) \over l } $$
+@end tex
+In @code{pmt} and @code{pmtb}, @cite{x=0} if omitted.
+These functions accept any numeric objects, including error forms,
+intervals, and even (though not very usefully) complex numbers.  The
+above formulas specify exactly the behavior of these functions with
+all sorts of inputs.
+Note that if the first argument to the @code{log} in @code{nper} is
+negative, @code{nper} leaves itself in symbolic form rather than
+returning a (financially meaningless) complex number.
+@samp{rate(num, pmt, amt)} solves the equation
+@samp{pv(rate, num, pmt) = amt} for @samp{rate} using @kbd{H a R}
+(@code{calc-find-root}), with the interval @samp{[.01% .. 100%]}
+for an initial guess.  The @code{rateb} function is the same except
+that it uses @code{pvb}.  Note that @code{ratel} can be solved
+directly; its formula is shown in the above list.
+Similarly, @samp{irr(pmts)} solves the equation @samp{npv(rate, pmts) = 0}
+for @samp{rate}.
+If you give a fourth argument to @code{nper} or @code{nperb}, Calc
+will also use @kbd{H a R} to solve the equation using an initial
+guess interval of @samp{[0 .. 100]}.
+A fourth argument to @code{fv} simply sums the two components
+calculated from the above formulas for @code{fv} and @code{fvl}.
+The same is true of @code{fvb}, @code{pv}, and @code{pvb}.
+The @kbd{ddb} function is computed iteratively; the ``book'' value
+starts out equal to @var{cost}, and decreases according to the above
+formula for the specified number of periods.  If the book value
+would decrease below @var{salvage}, it only decreases to @var{salvage}
+and the depreciation is zero for all subsequent periods.  The @code{ddb}
+function returns the amount the book value decreased in the specified
+The Calc financial function names were borrowed mostly from Microsoft
+Excel and Borland's Quattro.  The @code{ratel} function corresponds to
+@samp{@@CGR} in Borland's Reflex.  The @code{nper} and @code{nperl}
+functions correspond to @samp{@@TERM} and @samp{@@CTERM} in Quattro,
+respectively.  Beware that the Calc functions may take their arguments
+in a different order than the corresponding functions in your favorite
+@node Binary Functions, , Financial Functions, Arithmetic
+@section Binary Number Functions
+The commands in this chapter all use two-letter sequences beginning with
+the @kbd{b} prefix.
+@cindex Binary numbers
+The ``binary'' operations actually work regardless of the currently
+displayed radix, although their results make the most sense in a radix
+like 2, 8, or 16 (as obtained by the @kbd{d 2}, @kbd{d 8}, or @w{@kbd{d 6}}
+commands, respectively).  You may also wish to enable display of leading
+zeros with @kbd{d z}.  @xref{Radix Modes}.
+@cindex Word size for binary operations
+The Calculator maintains a current @dfn{word size} @cite{w}, an
+arbitrary positive or negative integer.  For a positive word size, all
+of the binary operations described here operate modulo @cite{2^w}.  In
+particular, negative arguments are converted to positive integers modulo
+@cite{2^w} by all binary functions.@refill
+If the word size is negative, binary operations produce 2's complement
+integers from @c{$-2^{-w-1}$}
+@cite{-(2^(-w-1))} to @c{$2^{-w-1}-1$}
+@cite{2^(-w-1)-1} inclusive.  Either
+mode accepts inputs in any range; the sign of @cite{w} affects only
+the results produced.
+@kindex b c
+@pindex calc-clip
+@tindex clip
+The @kbd{b c} (@code{calc-clip})
+[@code{clip}] command can be used to clip a number by reducing it modulo
+@cite{2^w}.  The commands described in this chapter automatically clip
+their results to the current word size.  Note that other operations like
+addition do not use the current word size, since integer addition
+generally is not ``binary.''  (However, @pxref{Simplification Modes},
+@code{calc-bin-simplify-mode}.)  For example, with a word size of 8
+bits @kbd{b c} converts a number to the range 0 to 255; with a word
+size of @i{-8} @kbd{b c} converts to the range @i{-128} to 127.@refill
+@kindex b w
+@pindex calc-word-size
+The default word size is 32 bits.  All operations except the shifts and
+rotates allow you to specify a different word size for that one
+operation by giving a numeric prefix argument:  @kbd{C-u 8 b c} clips the
+top of stack to the range 0 to 255 regardless of the current word size.
+To set the word size permanently, use @kbd{b w} (@code{calc-word-size}).
+This command displays a prompt with the current word size; press @key{RET}
+immediately to keep this word size, or type a new word size at the prompt.
+When the binary operations are written in symbolic form, they take an
+optional second (or third) word-size parameter.  When a formula like
+@samp{and(a,b)} is finally evaluated, the word size current at that time
+will be used, but when @samp{and(a,b,-8)} is evaluated, a word size of
+@i{-8} will always be used.  A symbolic binary function will be left
+in symbolic form unless the all of its argument(s) are integers or
+integer-valued floats.
+If either or both arguments are modulo forms for which @cite{M} is a
+power of two, that power of two is taken as the word size unless a
+numeric prefix argument overrides it.  The current word size is never
+consulted when modulo-power-of-two forms are involved.
+@kindex b a
+@pindex calc-and
+@tindex and
+The @kbd{b a} (@code{calc-and}) [@code{and}] command computes the bitwise
+AND of the two numbers on the top of the stack.  In other words, for each
+of the @cite{w} binary digits of the two numbers (pairwise), the corresponding
+bit of the result is 1 if and only if both input bits are 1:
+@samp{and(2#1100, 2#1010) = 2#1000}.
+@kindex b o
+@pindex calc-or
+@tindex or
+The @kbd{b o} (@code{calc-or}) [@code{or}] command computes the bitwise
+inclusive OR of two numbers.  A bit is 1 if either of the input bits, or
+both, are 1:  @samp{or(2#1100, 2#1010) = 2#1110}.
+@kindex b x
+@pindex calc-xor
+@tindex xor
+The @kbd{b x} (@code{calc-xor}) [@code{xor}] command computes the bitwise
+exclusive OR of two numbers.  A bit is 1 if exactly one of the input bits
+is 1:  @samp{xor(2#1100, 2#1010) = 2#0110}.
+@kindex b d
+@pindex calc-diff
+@tindex diff
+The @kbd{b d} (@code{calc-diff}) [@code{diff}] command computes the bitwise
+difference of two numbers; this is defined by @samp{diff(a,b) = and(a,not(b))},
+so that @samp{diff(2#1100, 2#1010) = 2#0100}.
+@kindex b n
+@pindex calc-not
+@tindex not
+The @kbd{b n} (@code{calc-not}) [@code{not}] command computes the bitwise
+NOT of a number.  A bit is 1 if the input bit is 0 and vice-versa.
+@kindex b l
+@pindex calc-lshift-binary
+@tindex lsh
+The @kbd{b l} (@code{calc-lshift-binary}) [@code{lsh}] command shifts a
+number left by one bit, or by the number of bits specified in the numeric
+prefix argument.  A negative prefix argument performs a logical right shift,
+in which zeros are shifted in on the left.  In symbolic form, @samp{lsh(a)}
+is short for @samp{lsh(a,1)}, which in turn is short for @samp{lsh(a,n,w)}.
+Bits shifted ``off the end,'' according to the current word size, are lost.
+@kindex H b l
+@kindex H b r
+@c @mindex @idots
+@kindex H b L
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex H b R
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex H b t
+The @kbd{H b l} command also does a left shift, but it takes two arguments
+from the stack (the value to shift, and, at top-of-stack, the number of
+bits to shift).  This version interprets the prefix argument just like
+the regular binary operations, i.e., as a word size.  The Hyperbolic flag
+has a similar effect on the rest of the binary shift and rotate commands.
+@kindex b r
+@pindex calc-rshift-binary
+@tindex rsh
+The @kbd{b r} (@code{calc-rshift-binary}) [@code{rsh}] command shifts a
+number right by one bit, or by the number of bits specified in the numeric
+prefix argument:  @samp{rsh(a,n) = lsh(a,-n)}.
+@kindex b L
+@pindex calc-lshift-arith
+@tindex ash
+The @kbd{b L} (@code{calc-lshift-arith}) [@code{ash}] command shifts a
+number left.  It is analogous to @code{lsh}, except that if the shift
+is rightward (the prefix argument is negative), an arithmetic shift
+is performed as described below.
+@kindex b R
+@pindex calc-rshift-arith
+@tindex rash
+The @kbd{b R} (@code{calc-rshift-arith}) [@code{rash}] command performs
+an ``arithmetic'' shift to the right, in which the leftmost bit (according
+to the current word size) is duplicated rather than shifting in zeros.
+This corresponds to dividing by a power of two where the input is interpreted
+as a signed, twos-complement number.  (The distinction between the @samp{rsh}
+and @samp{rash} operations is totally independent from whether the word
+size is positive or negative.)  With a negative prefix argument, this
+performs a standard left shift.
+@kindex b t
+@pindex calc-rotate-binary
+@tindex rot
+The @kbd{b t} (@code{calc-rotate-binary}) [@code{rot}] command rotates a
+number one bit to the left.  The leftmost bit (according to the current
+word size) is dropped off the left and shifted in on the right.  With a
+numeric prefix argument, the number is rotated that many bits to the left
+or right.
+@xref{Set Operations}, for the @kbd{b p} and @kbd{b u} commands that
+pack and unpack binary integers into sets.  (For example, @kbd{b u}
+unpacks the number @samp{2#11001} to the set of bit-numbers
+@samp{[0, 3, 4]}.)  Type @kbd{b u V #} to count the number of ``1''
+bits in a binary integer.
+Another interesting use of the set representation of binary integers
+is to reverse the bits in, say, a 32-bit integer.  Type @kbd{b u} to
+unpack; type @kbd{31 TAB -} to replace each bit-number in the set
+with 31 minus that bit-number; type @kbd{b p} to pack the set back
+into a binary integer.
+@node Scientific Functions, Matrix Functions, Arithmetic, Top
+@chapter Scientific Functions
+The functions described here perform trigonometric and other transcendental
+calculations.  They generally produce floating-point answers correct to the
+full current precision.  The @kbd{H} (Hyperbolic) and @kbd{I} (Inverse)
+flag keys must be used to get some of these functions from the keyboard.
+@kindex P
+@pindex calc-pi
+@cindex @code{pi} variable
+@vindex pi
+@kindex H P
+@cindex @code{e} variable
+@vindex e
+@kindex I P
+@cindex @code{gamma} variable
+@vindex gamma
+@cindex Gamma constant, Euler's
+@cindex Euler's gamma constant
+@kindex H I P
+@cindex @code{phi} variable
+@cindex Phi, golden ratio
+@cindex Golden ratio
+One miscellanous command is shift-@kbd{P} (@code{calc-pi}), which pushes
+the value of @c{$\pi$}
+@cite{pi} (at the current precision) onto the stack.  With the
+Hyperbolic flag, it pushes the value @cite{e}, the base of natural logarithms.
+With the Inverse flag, it pushes Euler's constant @c{$\gamma$}
+@cite{gamma} (about 0.5772).  With both Inverse and Hyperbolic, it
+pushes the ``golden ratio'' @c{$\phi$}
+@cite{phi} (about 1.618).  (At present, Euler's constant is not available
+to unlimited precision; Calc knows only the first 100 digits.)
+In Symbolic mode, these commands push the
+actual variables @samp{pi}, @samp{e}, @samp{gamma}, and @samp{phi},
+respectively, instead of their values; @pxref{Symbolic Mode}.@refill
+@c @mindex Q
+@c @mindex I Q
+@kindex I Q
+@tindex sqr
+The @kbd{Q} (@code{calc-sqrt}) [@code{sqrt}] function is described elsewhere;
+@pxref{Basic Arithmetic}.  With the Inverse flag [@code{sqr}], this command
+computes the square of the argument.
+@xref{Prefix Arguments}, for a discussion of the effect of numeric
+prefix arguments on commands in this chapter which do not otherwise
+interpret a prefix argument.
+* Logarithmic Functions::
+* Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions::
+* Advanced Math Functions::
+* Branch Cuts::
+* Random Numbers::
+* Combinatorial Functions::
+* Probability Distribution Functions::
+@end menu
+@node Logarithmic Functions, Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions, Scientific Functions, Scientific Functions
+@section Logarithmic Functions
+@kindex L
+@pindex calc-ln
+@tindex ln
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex I E
+The shift-@kbd{L} (@code{calc-ln}) [@code{ln}] command computes the natural
+logarithm of the real or complex number on the top of the stack.  With
+the Inverse flag it computes the exponential function instead, although
+this is redundant with the @kbd{E} command.
+@kindex E
+@pindex calc-exp
+@tindex exp
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex I L
+The shift-@kbd{E} (@code{calc-exp}) [@code{exp}] command computes the
+exponential, i.e., @cite{e} raised to the power of the number on the stack.
+The meanings of the Inverse and Hyperbolic flags follow from those for
+the @code{calc-ln} command.
+@kindex H L
+@kindex H E
+@pindex calc-log10
+@tindex log10
+@tindex exp10
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex H I L
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex H I E
+The @kbd{H L} (@code{calc-log10}) [@code{log10}] command computes the common
+(base-10) logarithm of a number.  (With the Inverse flag [@code{exp10}],
+it raises ten to a given power.)  Note that the common logarithm of a
+complex number is computed by taking the natural logarithm and dividing
+by @c{$\ln10$}
+@kindex B
+@kindex I B
+@pindex calc-log
+@tindex log
+@tindex alog
+The @kbd{B} (@code{calc-log}) [@code{log}] command computes a logarithm
+to any base.  For example, @kbd{1024 @key{RET} 2 B} produces 10, since
+@c{$2^{10} = 1024$}
+@cite{2^10 = 1024}.  In certain cases like @samp{log(3,9)}, the result
+will be either @cite{1:2} or @cite{0.5} depending on the current Fraction
+Mode setting.  With the Inverse flag [@code{alog}], this command is
+similar to @kbd{^} except that the order of the arguments is reversed.
+@kindex f I
+@pindex calc-ilog
+@tindex ilog
+The @kbd{f I} (@code{calc-ilog}) [@code{ilog}] command computes the
+integer logarithm of a number to any base.  The number and the base must
+themselves be positive integers.  This is the true logarithm, rounded
+down to an integer.  Thus @kbd{ilog(x,10)} is 3 for all @cite{x} in the
+range from 1000 to 9999.  If both arguments are positive integers, exact
+integer arithmetic is used; otherwise, this is equivalent to
+@kindex f E
+@pindex calc-expm1
+@tindex expm1
+The @kbd{f E} (@code{calc-expm1}) [@code{expm1}] command computes
+@c{$e^x - 1$}
+@cite{exp(x)-1}, but using an algorithm that produces a more accurate
+answer when the result is close to zero, i.e., when @c{$e^x$}
+@cite{exp(x)} is close
+to one.
+@kindex f L
+@pindex calc-lnp1
+@tindex lnp1
+The @kbd{f L} (@code{calc-lnp1}) [@code{lnp1}] command computes
+@cite{ln(x+1)}, producing a more accurate answer when @cite{x} is close
+to zero.
+@node Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions, Advanced Math Functions, Logarithmic Functions, Scientific Functions
+@section Trigonometric/Hyperbolic Functions
+@kindex S
+@pindex calc-sin
+@tindex sin
+The shift-@kbd{S} (@code{calc-sin}) [@code{sin}] command computes the sine
+of an angle or complex number.  If the input is an HMS form, it is interpreted
+as degrees-minutes-seconds; otherwise, the input is interpreted according
+to the current angular mode.  It is best to use Radians mode when operating
+on complex numbers.@refill
+Calc's ``units'' mechanism includes angular units like @code{deg},
+@code{rad}, and @code{grad}.  While @samp{sin(45 deg)} is not evaluated
+all the time, the @kbd{u s} (@code{calc-simplify-units}) command will
+simplify @samp{sin(45 deg)} by taking the sine of 45 degrees, regardless
+of the current angular mode.  @xref{Basic Operations on Units}.
+Also, the symbolic variable @code{pi} is not ordinarily recognized in
+arguments to trigonometric functions, as in @samp{sin(3 pi / 4)}, but
+the @kbd{a s} (@code{calc-simplify}) command recognizes many such
+formulas when the current angular mode is radians @emph{and} symbolic
+mode is enabled; this example would be replaced by @samp{sqrt(2) / 2}.
+@xref{Symbolic Mode}.  Beware, this simplification occurs even if you
+have stored a different value in the variable @samp{pi}; this is one
+reason why changing built-in variables is a bad idea.  Arguments of
+the form @cite{x} plus a multiple of @c{$\pi/2$}
+@cite{pi/2} are also simplified.
+Calc includes similar formulas for @code{cos} and @code{tan}.@refill
+The @kbd{a s} command knows all angles which are integer multiples of
+@cite{pi/12}, @c{$\pi/10$}
+@cite{pi/10}, or @c{$\pi/8$}
+@cite{pi/8} radians.  In degrees mode,
+analogous simplifications occur for integer multiples of 15 or 18
+degrees, and for arguments plus multiples of 90 degrees.
+@kindex I S
+@pindex calc-arcsin
+@tindex arcsin
+With the Inverse flag, @code{calc-sin} computes an arcsine.  This is also
+available as the @code{calc-arcsin} command or @code{arcsin} algebraic
+function.  The returned argument is converted to degrees, radians, or HMS
+notation depending on the current angular mode.
+@kindex H S
+@pindex calc-sinh
+@tindex sinh
+@kindex H I S
+@pindex calc-arcsinh
+@tindex arcsinh
+With the Hyperbolic flag, @code{calc-sin} computes the hyperbolic
+sine, also available as @code{calc-sinh} [@code{sinh}].  With the
+Hyperbolic and Inverse flags, it computes the hyperbolic arcsine
+(@code{calc-arcsinh}) [@code{arcsinh}].
+@kindex C
+@pindex calc-cos
+@tindex cos
+@c @mindex @idots
+@kindex I C
+@pindex calc-arccos
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex arccos
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex H C
+@pindex calc-cosh
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex cosh
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex H I C
+@pindex calc-arccosh
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex arccosh
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex T
+@pindex calc-tan
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex tan
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex I T
+@pindex calc-arctan
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex arctan
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex H T
+@pindex calc-tanh
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex tanh
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex H I T
+@pindex calc-arctanh
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex arctanh
+The shift-@kbd{C} (@code{calc-cos}) [@code{cos}] command computes the cosine
+of an angle or complex number, and shift-@kbd{T} (@code{calc-tan}) [@code{tan}]
+computes the tangent, along with all the various inverse and hyperbolic
+variants of these functions.
+@kindex f T
+@pindex calc-arctan2
+@tindex arctan2
+The @kbd{f T} (@code{calc-arctan2}) [@code{arctan2}] command takes two
+numbers from the stack and computes the arc tangent of their ratio.  The
+result is in the full range from @i{-180} (exclusive) to @i{+180}
+(inclusive) degrees, or the analogous range in radians.  A similar
+result would be obtained with @kbd{/} followed by @kbd{I T}, but the
+value would only be in the range from @i{-90} to @i{+90} degrees
+since the division loses information about the signs of the two
+components, and an error might result from an explicit division by zero
+which @code{arctan2} would avoid.  By (arbitrary) definition,
+@pindex calc-sincos
+@c @starindex
+@tindex sincos
+@c @starindex
+@c @mindex arc@idots
+@tindex arcsincos
+The @code{calc-sincos} [@code{sincos}] command computes the sine and
+cosine of a number, returning them as a vector of the form
+@samp{[@var{cos}, @var{sin}]}.
+With the Inverse flag [@code{arcsincos}], this command takes a two-element
+vector as an argument and computes @code{arctan2} of the elements.
+(This command does not accept the Hyperbolic flag.)@refill
+@node Advanced Math Functions, Branch Cuts, Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions, Scientific Functions
+@section Advanced Mathematical Functions
+Calc can compute a variety of less common functions that arise in
+various branches of mathematics.  All of the functions described in
+this section allow arbitrary complex arguments and, except as noted,
+will work to arbitrarily large precisions.  They can not at present
+handle error forms or intervals as arguments.
+NOTE:  These functions are still experimental.  In particular, their
+accuracy is not guaranteed in all domains.  It is advisable to set the
+current precision comfortably higher than you actually need when
+using these functions.  Also, these functions may be impractically
+slow for some values of the arguments.
+@kindex f g
+@pindex calc-gamma
+@tindex gamma
+The @kbd{f g} (@code{calc-gamma}) [@code{gamma}] command computes the Euler
+gamma function.  For positive integer arguments, this is related to the
+factorial function:  @samp{gamma(n+1) = fact(n)}.  For general complex
+arguments the gamma function can be defined by the following definite
+integral:  @c{$\Gamma(a) = \int_0^\infty t^{a-1} e^t dt$}
+@cite{gamma(a) = integ(t^(a-1) exp(t), t, 0, inf)}.
+(The actual implementation uses far more efficient computational methods.)
+@kindex f G
+@tindex gammaP
+@c @mindex @idots
+@kindex I f G
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex H f G
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex H I f G
+@pindex calc-inc-gamma
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex gammaQ
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex gammag
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex gammaG
+The @kbd{f G} (@code{calc-inc-gamma}) [@code{gammaP}] command computes
+the incomplete gamma function, denoted @samp{P(a,x)}.  This is defined by
+the integral, @c{$P(a,x) = \left( \int_0^x t^{a-1} e^t dt \right) / \Gamma(a)$}
+@cite{gammaP(a,x) = integ(t^(a-1) exp(t), t, 0, x) / gamma(a)}.
+This implies that @samp{gammaP(a,inf) = 1} for any @cite{a} (see the
+definition of the normal gamma function).
+Several other varieties of incomplete gamma function are defined.
+The complement of @cite{P(a,x)}, called @cite{Q(a,x) = 1-P(a,x)} by
+some authors, is computed by the @kbd{I f G} [@code{gammaQ}] command.
+You can think of this as taking the other half of the integral, from
+@cite{x} to infinity.
+The functions corresponding to the integrals that define @cite{P(a,x)}
+and @cite{Q(a,x)} but without the normalizing @cite{1/gamma(a)}
+factor are called @cite{g(a,x)} and @cite{G(a,x)}, respectively
+(where @cite{g} and @cite{G} represent the lower- and upper-case Greek
+letter gamma).  You can obtain these using the @kbd{H f G} [@code{gammag}]
+and @kbd{H I f G} [@code{gammaG}] commands.
+@end ifinfo
+The functions corresponding to the integrals that define $P(a,x)$
+and $Q(a,x)$ but without the normalizing $1/\Gamma(a)$
+factor are called $\gamma(a,x)$ and $\Gamma(a,x)$, respectively.
+You can obtain these using the \kbd{H f G} [\code{gammag}] and
+\kbd{I H f G} [\code{gammaG}] commands.
+@end tex
+@kindex f b
+@pindex calc-beta
+@tindex beta
+The @kbd{f b} (@code{calc-beta}) [@code{beta}] command computes the
+Euler beta function, which is defined in terms of the gamma function as
+@c{$B(a,b) = \Gamma(a) \Gamma(b) / \Gamma(a+b)$}
+@cite{beta(a,b) = gamma(a) gamma(b) / gamma(a+b)}, or by
+@c{$B(a,b) = \int_0^1 t^{a-1} (1-t)^{b-1} dt$}
+@cite{beta(a,b) = integ(t^(a-1) (1-t)^(b-1), t, 0, 1)}.
+@kindex f B
+@kindex H f B
+@pindex calc-inc-beta
+@tindex betaI
+@tindex betaB
+The @kbd{f B} (@code{calc-inc-beta}) [@code{betaI}] command computes
+the incomplete beta function @cite{I(x,a,b)}.  It is defined by
+@c{$I(x,a,b) = \left( \int_0^x t^{a-1} (1-t)^{b-1} dt \right) / B(a,b)$}
+@cite{betaI(x,a,b) = integ(t^(a-1) (1-t)^(b-1), t, 0, x) / beta(a,b)}.
+Once again, the @kbd{H} (hyperbolic) prefix gives the corresponding
+un-normalized version [@code{betaB}].
+@kindex f e
+@kindex I f e
+@pindex calc-erf
+@tindex erf
+@tindex erfc
+The @kbd{f e} (@code{calc-erf}) [@code{erf}] command computes the
+error function @c{$\hbox{erf}(x) = {2 \over \sqrt{\pi}} \int_0^x e^{-t^2} dt$}
+@cite{erf(x) = 2 integ(exp(-(t^2)), t, 0, x) / sqrt(pi)}.
+The complementary error function @kbd{I f e} (@code{calc-erfc}) [@code{erfc}]
+is the corresponding integral from @samp{x} to infinity; the sum
+@c{$\hbox{erf}(x) + \hbox{erfc}(x) = 1$}
+@cite{erf(x) + erfc(x) = 1}.
+@kindex f j
+@kindex f y
+@pindex calc-bessel-J
+@pindex calc-bessel-Y
+@tindex besJ
+@tindex besY
+The @kbd{f j} (@code{calc-bessel-J}) [@code{besJ}] and @kbd{f y}
+(@code{calc-bessel-Y}) [@code{besY}] commands compute the Bessel
+functions of the first and second kinds, respectively.
+In @samp{besJ(n,x)} and @samp{besY(n,x)} the ``order'' parameter
+@cite{n} is often an integer, but is not required to be one.
+Calc's implementation of the Bessel functions currently limits the
+precision to 8 digits, and may not be exact even to that precision.
+Use with care!@refill
+@node Branch Cuts, Random Numbers, Advanced Math Functions, Scientific Functions
+@section Branch Cuts and Principal Values
+@cindex Branch cuts
+@cindex Principal values
+All of the logarithmic, trigonometric, and other scientific functions are
+defined for complex numbers as well as for reals.
+This section describes the values
+returned in cases where the general result is a family of possible values.
+Calc follows section 12.5.3 of Steele's @dfn{Common Lisp, the Language},
+second edition, in these matters.  This section will describe each
+function briefly; for a more detailed discussion (including some nifty
+diagrams), consult Steele's book.
+Note that the branch cuts for @code{arctan} and @code{arctanh} were
+changed between the first and second editions of Steele.  Versions of
+Calc starting with 2.00 follow the second edition.
+The new branch cuts exactly match those of the HP-28/48 calculators.
+They also match those of Mathematica 1.2, except that Mathematica's
+@code{arctan} cut is always in the right half of the complex plane,
+and its @code{arctanh} cut is always in the top half of the plane.
+Calc's cuts are continuous with quadrants I and III for @code{arctan},
+or II and IV for @code{arctanh}.
+Note:  The current implementations of these functions with complex arguments
+are designed with proper behavior around the branch cuts in mind, @emph{not}
+efficiency or accuracy.  You may need to increase the floating precision
+and wait a while to get suitable answers from them.
+For @samp{sqrt(a+bi)}:  When @cite{a<0} and @cite{b} is small but positive
+or zero, the result is close to the @cite{+i} axis.  For @cite{b} small and
+negative, the result is close to the @cite{-i} axis.  The result always lies
+in the right half of the complex plane.
+For @samp{ln(a+bi)}:  The real part is defined as @samp{ln(abs(a+bi))}.
+The imaginary part is defined as @samp{arg(a+bi) = arctan2(b,a)}.
+Thus the branch cuts for @code{sqrt} and @code{ln} both lie on the
+negative real axis.
+The following table describes these branch cuts in another way.
+If the real and imaginary parts of @cite{z} are as shown, then
+the real and imaginary parts of @cite{f(z)} will be as shown.
+Here @code{eps} stands for a small positive value; each
+occurrence of @code{eps} may stand for a different small value.
+     z           sqrt(z)       ln(z)
+   +,   0         +,  0       any, 0
+   -,   0         0,  +       any, pi
+   -, +eps      +eps, +      +eps, +
+   -, -eps      +eps, -      +eps, -
+@end smallexample
+For @samp{z1^z2}:  This is defined by @samp{exp(ln(z1)*z2)}.
+One interesting consequence of this is that @samp{(-8)^1:3} does
+not evaluate to @i{-2} as you might expect, but to the complex
+number @cite{(1., 1.732)}.  Both of these are valid cube roots
+of @i{-8} (as is @cite{(1., -1.732)}); Calc chooses a perhaps
+less-obvious root for the sake of mathematical consistency.
+For @samp{arcsin(z)}:  This is defined by @samp{-i*ln(i*z + sqrt(1-z^2))}.
+The branch cuts are on the real axis, less than @i{-1} and greater than 1.
+For @samp{arccos(z)}:  This is defined by @samp{-i*ln(z + i*sqrt(1-z^2))},
+or equivalently by @samp{pi/2 - arcsin(z)}.  The branch cuts are on
+the real axis, less than @i{-1} and greater than 1.
+For @samp{arctan(z)}:  This is defined by
+@samp{(ln(1+i*z) - ln(1-i*z)) / (2*i)}.  The branch cuts are on the
+imaginary axis, below @cite{-i} and above @cite{i}.
+For @samp{arcsinh(z)}:  This is defined by @samp{ln(z + sqrt(1+z^2))}.
+The branch cuts are on the imaginary axis, below @cite{-i} and
+above @cite{i}.
+For @samp{arccosh(z)}:  This is defined by
+@samp{ln(z + (z+1)*sqrt((z-1)/(z+1)))}.  The branch cut is on the
+real axis less than 1.
+For @samp{arctanh(z)}:  This is defined by @samp{(ln(1+z) - ln(1-z)) / 2}.
+The branch cuts are on the real axis, less than @i{-1} and greater than 1.
+The following tables for @code{arcsin}, @code{arccos}, and
+@code{arctan} assume the current angular mode is radians.  The
+hyperbolic functions operate independently of the angular mode.
+       z             arcsin(z)            arccos(z)
+ (-1..1),  0      (-pi/2..pi/2), 0       (0..pi), 0
+ (-1..1), +eps    (-pi/2..pi/2), +eps    (0..pi), -eps
+ (-1..1), -eps    (-pi/2..pi/2), -eps    (0..pi), +eps
+   <-1,    0          -pi/2,     +         pi,    -
+   <-1,  +eps      -pi/2 + eps,  +      pi - eps, -
+   <-1,  -eps      -pi/2 + eps,  -      pi - eps, +
+    >1,    0           pi/2,     -          0,    +
+    >1,  +eps       pi/2 - eps,  +        +eps,   -
+    >1,  -eps       pi/2 - eps,  -        +eps,   +
+@end smallexample
+       z            arccosh(z)         arctanh(z)
+ (-1..1),  0        0,  (0..pi)       any,     0
+ (-1..1), +eps    +eps, (0..pi)       any,    +eps
+ (-1..1), -eps    +eps, (-pi..0)      any,    -eps
+   <-1,    0        +,    pi           -,     pi/2
+   <-1,  +eps       +,  pi - eps       -,  pi/2 - eps
+   <-1,  -eps       +, -pi + eps       -, -pi/2 + eps
+    >1,    0        +,     0           +,    -pi/2
+    >1,  +eps       +,   +eps          +,  pi/2 - eps
+    >1,  -eps       +,   -eps          +, -pi/2 + eps
+@end smallexample
+       z           arcsinh(z)           arctan(z)
+   0, (-1..1)    0, (-pi/2..pi/2)         0,     any
+   0,   <-1      -,    -pi/2            -pi/2,    -
+ +eps,  <-1      +, -pi/2 + eps       pi/2 - eps, -
+ -eps,  <-1      -, -pi/2 + eps      -pi/2 + eps, -
+   0,    >1      +,     pi/2             pi/2,    +
+ +eps,   >1      +,  pi/2 - eps       pi/2 - eps, +
+ -eps,   >1      -,  pi/2 - eps      -pi/2 + eps, +
+@end smallexample
+Finally, the following identities help to illustrate the relationship
+between the complex trigonometric and hyperbolic functions.  They
+are valid everywhere, including on the branch cuts.
+sin(i*z)  = i*sinh(z)       arcsin(i*z)  = i*arcsinh(z)
+cos(i*z)  =   cosh(z)       arcsinh(i*z) = i*arcsin(z)
+tan(i*z)  = i*tanh(z)       arctan(i*z)  = i*arctanh(z)
+sinh(i*z) = i*sin(z)        cosh(i*z)    =   cos(z)
+@end smallexample
+The ``advanced math'' functions (gamma, Bessel, etc.@:) are also defined
+for general complex arguments, but their branch cuts and principal values
+are not rigorously specified at present.
+@node Random Numbers, Combinatorial Functions, Branch Cuts, Scientific Functions
+@section Random Numbers
+@kindex k r
+@pindex calc-random
+@tindex random
+The @kbd{k r} (@code{calc-random}) [@code{random}] command produces
+random numbers of various sorts.
+Given a positive numeric prefix argument @cite{M}, it produces a random
+integer @cite{N} in the range @c{$0 \le N < M$}
+@cite{0 <= N < M}.  Each of the @cite{M}
+values appears with equal probability.@refill
+With no numeric prefix argument, the @kbd{k r} command takes its argument
+from the stack instead.  Once again, if this is a positive integer @cite{M}
+the result is a random integer less than @cite{M}.  However, note that
+while numeric prefix arguments are limited to six digits or so, an @cite{M}
+taken from the stack can be arbitrarily large.  If @cite{M} is negative,
+the result is a random integer in the range @c{$M < N \le 0$}
+@cite{M < N <= 0}.
+If the value on the stack is a floating-point number @cite{M}, the result
+is a random floating-point number @cite{N} in the range @c{$0 \le N < M$}
+@cite{0 <= N < M}
+or @c{$M < N \le 0$}
+@cite{M < N <= 0}, according to the sign of @cite{M}.
+If @cite{M} is zero, the result is a Gaussian-distributed random real
+number; the distribution has a mean of zero and a standard deviation
+of one.  The algorithm used generates random numbers in pairs; thus,
+every other call to this function will be especially fast.
+If @cite{M} is an error form @c{$m$ @code{+/-} $\sigma$}
+@samp{m +/- s} where @i{m}
+and @c{$\sigma$}
+@i{s} are both real numbers, the result uses a Gaussian
+distribution with mean @i{m} and standard deviation @c{$\sigma$}
+If @cite{M} is an interval form, the lower and upper bounds specify the
+acceptable limits of the random numbers.  If both bounds are integers,
+the result is a random integer in the specified range.  If either bound
+is floating-point, the result is a random real number in the specified
+range.  If the interval is open at either end, the result will be sure
+not to equal that end value.  (This makes a big difference for integer
+intervals, but for floating-point intervals it's relatively minor:
+with a precision of 6, @samp{random([1.0..2.0))} will return any of one
+million numbers from 1.00000 to 1.99999; @samp{random([1.0..2.0])} may
+additionally return 2.00000, but the probability of this happening is
+extremely small.)
+If @cite{M} is a vector, the result is one element taken at random from
+the vector.  All elements of the vector are given equal probabilities.
+@vindex RandSeed
+The sequence of numbers produced by @kbd{k r} is completely random by
+default, i.e., the sequence is seeded each time you start Calc using
+the current time and other information.  You can get a reproducible
+sequence by storing a particular ``seed value'' in the Calc variable
+@code{RandSeed}.  Any integer will do for a seed; integers of from 1
+to 12 digits are good.  If you later store a different integer into
+@code{RandSeed}, Calc will switch to a different pseudo-random
+sequence.  If you ``unstore'' @code{RandSeed}, Calc will re-seed itself
+from the current time.  If you store the same integer that you used
+before back into @code{RandSeed}, you will get the exact same sequence
+of random numbers as before.
+@pindex calc-rrandom
+The @code{calc-rrandom} command (not on any key) produces a random real
+number between zero and one.  It is equivalent to @samp{random(1.0)}.
+@kindex k a
+@pindex calc-random-again
+The @kbd{k a} (@code{calc-random-again}) command produces another random
+number, re-using the most recent value of @cite{M}.  With a numeric
+prefix argument @var{n}, it produces @var{n} more random numbers using
+that value of @cite{M}.
+@kindex k h
+@pindex calc-shuffle
+@tindex shuffle
+The @kbd{k h} (@code{calc-shuffle}) command produces a vector of several
+random values with no duplicates.  The value on the top of the stack
+specifies the set from which the random values are drawn, and may be any
+of the @cite{M} formats described above.  The numeric prefix argument
+gives the length of the desired list.  (If you do not provide a numeric
+prefix argument, the length of the list is taken from the top of the
+stack, and @cite{M} from second-to-top.)
+If @cite{M} is a floating-point number, zero, or an error form (so
+that the random values are being drawn from the set of real numbers)
+there is little practical difference between using @kbd{k h} and using
+@kbd{k r} several times.  But if the set of possible values consists
+of just a few integers, or the elements of a vector, then there is
+a very real chance that multiple @kbd{k r}'s will produce the same
+number more than once.  The @kbd{k h} command produces a vector whose
+elements are always distinct.  (Actually, there is a slight exception:
+If @cite{M} is a vector, no given vector element will be drawn more
+than once, but if several elements of @cite{M} are equal, they may
+each make it into the result vector.)
+One use of @kbd{k h} is to rearrange a list at random.  This happens
+if the prefix argument is equal to the number of values in the list:
+@kbd{[1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3] 5 k h} might produce the permuted list
+@samp{[2.5, 1, 1.5, 3, 2]}.  As a convenient feature, if the argument
+@var{n} is negative it is replaced by the size of the set represented
+by @cite{M}.  Naturally, this is allowed only when @cite{M} specifies
+a small discrete set of possibilities.
+To do the equivalent of @kbd{k h} but with duplications allowed,
+given @cite{M} on the stack and with @var{n} just entered as a numeric
+prefix, use @kbd{v b} to build a vector of copies of @cite{M}, then use
+@kbd{V M k r} to ``map'' the normal @kbd{k r} function over the
+elements of this vector.  @xref{Matrix Functions}.
+* Random Number Generator::     (Complete description of Calc's algorithm)
+@end menu
+@node Random Number Generator, , Random Numbers, Random Numbers
+@subsection Random Number Generator
+Calc's random number generator uses several methods to ensure that
+the numbers it produces are highly random.  Knuth's @emph{Art of
+Computer Programming}, Volume II, contains a thorough description
+of the theory of random number generators and their measurement and
+If @code{RandSeed} has no stored value, Calc calls Emacs' built-in
+@code{random} function to get a stream of random numbers, which it
+then treats in various ways to avoid problems inherent in the simple
+random number generators that many systems use to implement @code{random}.
+When Calc's random number generator is first invoked, it ``seeds''
+the low-level random sequence using the time of day, so that the
+random number sequence will be different every time you use Calc.
+Since Emacs Lisp doesn't specify the range of values that will be
+returned by its @code{random} function, Calc exercises the function
+several times to estimate the range.  When Calc subsequently uses
+the @code{random} function, it takes only 10 bits of the result
+near the most-significant end.  (It avoids at least the bottom
+four bits, preferably more, and also tries to avoid the top two
+bits.)  This strategy works well with the linear congruential
+generators that are typically used to implement @code{random}.
+If @code{RandSeed} contains an integer, Calc uses this integer to
+seed an ``additive congruential'' method (Knuth's algorithm 3.2.2A,
+computing @c{$X_{n-55} - X_{n-24}$}
+@cite{X_n-55 - X_n-24}).  This method expands the seed
+value into a large table which is maintained internally; the variable
+@code{RandSeed} is changed from, e.g., 42 to the vector @cite{[42]}
+to indicate that the seed has been absorbed into this table.  When
+@code{RandSeed} contains a vector, @kbd{k r} and related commands
+continue to use the same internal table as last time.  There is no
+way to extract the complete state of the random number generator
+so that you can restart it from any point; you can only restart it
+from the same initial seed value.  A simple way to restart from the
+same seed is to type @kbd{s r RandSeed} to get the seed vector,
+@kbd{v u} to unpack it back into a number, then @kbd{s t RandSeed}
+to reseed the generator with that number.
+Calc uses a ``shuffling'' method as described in algorithm 3.2.2B
+of Knuth.  It fills a table with 13 random 10-bit numbers.  Then,
+to generate a new random number, it uses the previous number to
+index into the table, picks the value it finds there as the new
+random number, then replaces that table entry with a new value
+obtained from a call to the base random number generator (either
+the additive congruential generator or the @code{random} function
+supplied by the system).  If there are any flaws in the base
+generator, shuffling will tend to even them out.  But if the system
+provides an excellent @code{random} function, shuffling will not
+damage its randomness.
+To create a random integer of a certain number of digits, Calc
+builds the integer three decimal digits at a time.  For each group
+of three digits, Calc calls its 10-bit shuffling random number generator
+(which returns a value from 0 to 1023); if the random value is 1000
+or more, Calc throws it out and tries again until it gets a suitable
+To create a random floating-point number with precision @var{p}, Calc
+simply creates a random @var{p}-digit integer and multiplies by
+@cite{10^-p}.  The resulting random numbers should be very clean, but note
+that relatively small numbers will have few significant random digits.
+In other words, with a precision of 12, you will occasionally get
+numbers on the order of @c{$10^{-9}$}
+@cite{10^-9} or @c{$10^{-10}$}
+@cite{10^-10}, but those numbers
+will only have two or three random digits since they correspond to small
+integers times @c{$10^{-12}$}
+To create a random integer in the interval @samp{[0 .. @var{m})}, Calc
+counts the digits in @var{m}, creates a random integer with three
+additional digits, then reduces modulo @var{m}.  Unless @var{m} is a
+power of ten the resulting values will be very slightly biased toward
+the lower numbers, but this bias will be less than 0.1%.  (For example,
+if @var{m} is 42, Calc will reduce a random integer less than 100000
+modulo 42 to get a result less than 42.  It is easy to show that the
+numbers 40 and 41 will be only 2380/2381 as likely to result from this
+modulo operation as numbers 39 and below.)  If @var{m} is a power of
+ten, however, the numbers should be completely unbiased.
+The Gaussian random numbers generated by @samp{random(0.0)} use the
+``polar'' method described in Knuth section 3.4.1C.  This method
+generates a pair of Gaussian random numbers at a time, so only every
+other call to @samp{random(0.0)} will require significant calculations.
+@node Combinatorial Functions, Probability Distribution Functions, Random Numbers, Scientific Functions
+@section Combinatorial Functions
+Commands relating to combinatorics and number theory begin with the
+@kbd{k} key prefix.
+@kindex k g
+@pindex calc-gcd
+@tindex gcd
+The @kbd{k g} (@code{calc-gcd}) [@code{gcd}] command computes the
+Greatest Common Divisor of two integers.  It also accepts fractions;
+the GCD of two fractions is defined by taking the GCD of the
+numerators, and the LCM of the denominators.  This definition is
+consistent with the idea that @samp{a / gcd(a,x)} should yield an
+integer for any @samp{a} and @samp{x}.  For other types of arguments,
+the operation is left in symbolic form.@refill
+@kindex k l
+@pindex calc-lcm
+@tindex lcm
+The @kbd{k l} (@code{calc-lcm}) [@code{lcm}] command computes the
+Least Common Multiple of two integers or fractions.  The product of
+the LCM and GCD of two numbers is equal to the product of the
+@kindex k E
+@pindex calc-extended-gcd
+@tindex egcd
+The @kbd{k E} (@code{calc-extended-gcd}) [@code{egcd}] command computes
+the GCD of two integers @cite{x} and @cite{y} and returns a vector
+@cite{[g, a, b]} where @c{$g = \gcd(x,y) = a x + b y$}
+@cite{g = gcd(x,y) = a x + b y}.
+@kindex !
+@pindex calc-factorial
+@tindex fact
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex !
+The @kbd{!} (@code{calc-factorial}) [@code{fact}] command computes the
+factorial of the number at the top of the stack.  If the number is an
+integer, the result is an exact integer.  If the number is an
+integer-valued float, the result is a floating-point approximation.  If
+the number is a non-integral real number, the generalized factorial is used,
+as defined by the Euler Gamma function.  Please note that computation of
+large factorials can be slow; using floating-point format will help
+since fewer digits must be maintained.  The same is true of many of
+the commands in this section.@refill
+@kindex k d
+@pindex calc-double-factorial
+@tindex dfact
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex !!
+The @kbd{k d} (@code{calc-double-factorial}) [@code{dfact}] command
+computes the ``double factorial'' of an integer.  For an even integer,
+this is the product of even integers from 2 to @cite{N}.  For an odd
+integer, this is the product of odd integers from 3 to @cite{N}.  If
+the argument is an integer-valued float, the result is a floating-point
+approximation.  This function is undefined for negative even integers.
+The notation @cite{N!!} is also recognized for double factorials.@refill
+@kindex k c
+@pindex calc-choose
+@tindex choose
+The @kbd{k c} (@code{calc-choose}) [@code{choose}] command computes the
+binomial coefficient @cite{N}-choose-@cite{M}, where @cite{M} is the number
+on the top of the stack and @cite{N} is second-to-top.  If both arguments
+are integers, the result is an exact integer.  Otherwise, the result is a
+floating-point approximation.  The binomial coefficient is defined for all
+real numbers by @c{$N! \over M! (N-M)!\,$}
+@cite{N! / M! (N-M)!}.
+@kindex H k c
+@pindex calc-perm
+@tindex perm
+The @kbd{H k c} (@code{calc-perm}) [@code{perm}] command computes the
+number-of-permutations function @cite{N! / (N-M)!}.
+@end ifinfo
+The \kbd{H k c} (\code{calc-perm}) [\code{perm}] command computes the
+number-of-perm\-utations function $N! \over (N-M)!\,$.
+@end tex
+@kindex k b
+@kindex H k b
+@pindex calc-bernoulli-number
+@tindex bern
+The @kbd{k b} (@code{calc-bernoulli-number}) [@code{bern}] command
+computes a given Bernoulli number.  The value at the top of the stack
+is a nonnegative integer @cite{n} that specifies which Bernoulli number
+is desired.  The @kbd{H k b} command computes a Bernoulli polynomial,
+taking @cite{n} from the second-to-top position and @cite{x} from the
+top of the stack.  If @cite{x} is a variable or formula the result is
+a polynomial in @cite{x}; if @cite{x} is a number the result is a number.
+@kindex k e
+@kindex H k e
+@pindex calc-euler-number
+@tindex euler
+The @kbd{k e} (@code{calc-euler-number}) [@code{euler}] command similarly
+computes an Euler number, and @w{@kbd{H k e}} computes an Euler polynomial.
+Bernoulli and Euler numbers occur in the Taylor expansions of several
+@kindex k s
+@kindex H k s
+@pindex calc-stirling-number
+@tindex stir1
+@tindex stir2
+The @kbd{k s} (@code{calc-stirling-number}) [@code{stir1}] command
+computes a Stirling number of the first kind@c{ $n \brack m$}
+@asis{}, given two integers
+@cite{n} and @cite{m} on the stack.  The @kbd{H k s} [@code{stir2}]
+command computes a Stirling number of the second kind@c{ $n \brace m$}
+@asis{}.  These are
+the number of @cite{m}-cycle permutations of @cite{n} objects, and
+the number of ways to partition @cite{n} objects into @cite{m}
+non-empty sets, respectively.
+@kindex k p
+@pindex calc-prime-test
+@cindex Primes
+The @kbd{k p} (@code{calc-prime-test}) command checks if the integer on
+the top of the stack is prime.  For integers less than eight million, the
+answer is always exact and reasonably fast.  For larger integers, a
+probabilistic method is used (see Knuth vol. II, section 4.5.4, algorithm P).
+The number is first checked against small prime factors (up to 13).  Then,
+any number of iterations of the algorithm are performed.  Each step either
+discovers that the number is non-prime, or substantially increases the
+certainty that the number is prime.  After a few steps, the chance that
+a number was mistakenly described as prime will be less than one percent.
+(Indeed, this is a worst-case estimate of the probability; in practice
+even a single iteration is quite reliable.)  After the @kbd{k p} command,
+the number will be reported as definitely prime or non-prime if possible,
+or otherwise ``probably'' prime with a certain probability of error.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex prime
+The normal @kbd{k p} command performs one iteration of the primality
+test.  Pressing @kbd{k p} repeatedly for the same integer will perform
+additional iterations.  Also, @kbd{k p} with a numeric prefix performs
+the specified number of iterations.  There is also an algebraic function
+@samp{prime(n)} or @samp{prime(n,iters)} which returns 1 if @cite{n}
+is (probably) prime and 0 if not.
+@kindex k f
+@pindex calc-prime-factors
+@tindex prfac
+The @kbd{k f} (@code{calc-prime-factors}) [@code{prfac}] command
+attempts to decompose an integer into its prime factors.  For numbers up
+to 25 million, the answer is exact although it may take some time.  The
+result is a vector of the prime factors in increasing order.  For larger
+inputs, prime factors above 5000 may not be found, in which case the
+last number in the vector will be an unfactored integer greater than 25
+million (with a warning message).  For negative integers, the first
+element of the list will be @i{-1}.  For inputs @i{-1}, @i{0}, and
+@i{1}, the result is a list of the same number.
+@kindex k n
+@pindex calc-next-prime
+@c @mindex nextpr@idots
+@tindex nextprime
+The @kbd{k n} (@code{calc-next-prime}) [@code{nextprime}] command finds
+the next prime above a given number.  Essentially, it searches by calling
+@code{calc-prime-test} on successive integers until it finds one that
+passes the test.  This is quite fast for integers less than eight million,
+but once the probabilistic test comes into play the search may be rather
+slow.  Ordinarily this command stops for any prime that passes one iteration
+of the primality test.  With a numeric prefix argument, a number must pass
+the specified number of iterations before the search stops.  (This only
+matters when searching above eight million.)  You can always use additional
+@kbd{k p} commands to increase your certainty that the number is indeed
+@kindex I k n
+@pindex calc-prev-prime
+@c @mindex prevpr@idots
+@tindex prevprime
+The @kbd{I k n} (@code{calc-prev-prime}) [@code{prevprime}] command
+analogously finds the next prime less than a given number.
+@kindex k t
+@pindex calc-totient
+@tindex totient
+The @kbd{k t} (@code{calc-totient}) [@code{totient}] command computes the
+Euler ``totient'' function@c{ $\phi(n)$}
+@asis{}, the number of integers less than @cite{n} which
+are relatively prime to @cite{n}.
+@kindex k m
+@pindex calc-moebius
+@tindex moebius
+The @kbd{k m} (@code{calc-moebius}) [@code{moebius}] command computes the
+@c{M\"obius $\mu$}
+@asis{Moebius ``mu''} function.  If the input number is a product of @cite{k}
+distinct factors, this is @cite{(-1)^k}.  If the input number has any
+duplicate factors (i.e., can be divided by the same prime more than once),
+the result is zero.
+@node Probability Distribution Functions, , Combinatorial Functions, Scientific Functions
+@section Probability Distribution Functions
+The functions in this section compute various probability distributions.
+For continuous distributions, this is the integral of the probability
+density function from @cite{x} to infinity.  (These are the ``upper
+tail'' distribution functions; there are also corresponding ``lower
+tail'' functions which integrate from minus infinity to @cite{x}.)
+For discrete distributions, the upper tail function gives the sum
+from @cite{x} to infinity; the lower tail function gives the sum
+from minus infinity up to, but not including,@w{ }@cite{x}.
+To integrate from @cite{x} to @cite{y}, just use the distribution
+function twice and subtract.  For example, the probability that a
+Gaussian random variable with mean 2 and standard deviation 1 will
+lie in the range from 2.5 to 2.8 is @samp{utpn(2.5,2,1) - utpn(2.8,2,1)}
+(``the probability that it is greater than 2.5, but not greater than 2.8''),
+or equivalently @samp{ltpn(2.8,2,1) - ltpn(2.5,2,1)}.
+@kindex k B
+@kindex I k B
+@pindex calc-utpb
+@tindex utpb
+@tindex ltpb
+The @kbd{k B} (@code{calc-utpb}) [@code{utpb}] function uses the
+binomial distribution.  Push the parameters @var{n}, @var{p}, and
+then @var{x} onto the stack; the result (@samp{utpb(x,n,p)}) is the
+probability that an event will occur @var{x} or more times out
+of @var{n} trials, if its probability of occurring in any given
+trial is @var{p}.  The @kbd{I k B} [@code{ltpb}] function is
+the probability that the event will occur fewer than @var{x} times.
+The other probability distribution functions similarly take the
+form @kbd{k @var{X}} (@code{calc-utp@var{x}}) [@code{utp@var{x}}]
+and @kbd{I k @var{X}} [@code{ltp@var{x}}], for various letters
+@var{x}.  The arguments to the algebraic functions are the value of
+the random variable first, then whatever other parameters define the
+distribution.  Note these are among the few Calc functions where the
+order of the arguments in algebraic form differs from the order of
+arguments as found on the stack.  (The random variable comes last on
+the stack, so that you can type, e.g., @kbd{2 @key{RET} 1 @key{RET} 2.5
+k N M-@key{RET} @key{DEL} 2.8 k N -}, using @kbd{M-@key{RET} @key{DEL}} to
+recover the original arguments but substitute a new value for @cite{x}.)
+@kindex k C
+@pindex calc-utpc
+@tindex utpc
+@c @mindex @idots
+@kindex I k C
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex ltpc
+The @samp{utpc(x,v)} function uses the chi-square distribution with
+@cite{v} degrees of freedom.  It is the probability that a model is
+correct if its chi-square statistic is @cite{x}.
+@kindex k F
+@pindex calc-utpf
+@tindex utpf
+@c @mindex @idots
+@kindex I k F
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex ltpf
+The @samp{utpf(F,v1,v2)} function uses the F distribution, used in
+various statistical tests.  The parameters @c{$\nu_1$}
+@cite{v1} and @c{$\nu_2$}
+are the degrees of freedom in the numerator and denominator,
+respectively, used in computing the statistic @cite{F}.
+@kindex k N
+@pindex calc-utpn
+@tindex utpn
+@c @mindex @idots
+@kindex I k N
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex ltpn
+The @samp{utpn(x,m,s)} function uses a normal (Gaussian) distribution
+with mean @cite{m} and standard deviation @c{$\sigma$}
+@cite{s}.  It is the
+probability that such a normal-distributed random variable would
+exceed @cite{x}.
+@kindex k P
+@pindex calc-utpp
+@tindex utpp
+@c @mindex @idots
+@kindex I k P
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex ltpp
+The @samp{utpp(n,x)} function uses a Poisson distribution with
+mean @cite{x}.  It is the probability that @cite{n} or more such
+Poisson random events will occur.
+@kindex k T
+@pindex calc-ltpt
+@tindex utpt
+@c @mindex @idots
+@kindex I k T
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex ltpt
+The @samp{utpt(t,v)} function uses the Student's ``t'' distribution
+with @c{$\nu$}
+@cite{v} degrees of freedom.  It is the probability that a
+t-distributed random variable will be greater than @cite{t}.
+(Note:  This computes the distribution function @c{$A(t|\nu)$}
+where @c{$A(0|\nu) = 1$}
+@cite{A(0|v) = 1} and @c{$A(\infty|\nu) \to 0$}
+@cite{A(inf|v) -> 0}.  The
+@code{UTPT} operation on the HP-48 uses a different definition
+which returns half of Calc's value:  @samp{UTPT(t,v) = .5*utpt(t,v)}.)
+While Calc does not provide inverses of the probability distribution
+functions, the @kbd{a R} command can be used to solve for the inverse.
+Since the distribution functions are monotonic, @kbd{a R} is guaranteed
+to be able to find a solution given any initial guess.
+@xref{Numerical Solutions}.
+@node Matrix Functions, Algebra, Scientific Functions, Top
+@chapter Vector/Matrix Functions
+Many of the commands described here begin with the @kbd{v} prefix.
+(For convenience, the shift-@kbd{V} prefix is equivalent to @kbd{v}.)
+The commands usually apply to both plain vectors and matrices; some
+apply only to matrices or only to square matrices.  If the argument
+has the wrong dimensions the operation is left in symbolic form.
+Vectors are entered and displayed using @samp{[a,b,c]} notation.
+Matrices are vectors of which all elements are vectors of equal length.
+(Though none of the standard Calc commands use this concept, a
+three-dimensional matrix or rank-3 tensor could be defined as a
+vector of matrices, and so on.)
+* Packing and Unpacking::
+* Building Vectors::
+* Extracting Elements::
+* Manipulating Vectors::
+* Vector and Matrix Arithmetic::
+* Set Operations::
+* Statistical Operations::
+* Reducing and Mapping::
+* Vector and Matrix Formats::
+@end menu
+@node Packing and Unpacking, Building Vectors, Matrix Functions, Matrix Functions
+@section Packing and Unpacking
+Calc's ``pack'' and ``unpack'' commands collect stack entries to build
+composite objects such as vectors and complex numbers.  They are
+described in this chapter because they are most often used to build
+@kindex v p
+@pindex calc-pack
+The @kbd{v p} (@code{calc-pack}) [@code{pack}] command collects several
+elements from the stack into a matrix, complex number, HMS form, error
+form, etc.  It uses a numeric prefix argument to specify the kind of
+object to be built; this argument is referred to as the ``packing mode.''
+If the packing mode is a nonnegative integer, a vector of that
+length is created.  For example, @kbd{C-u 5 v p} will pop the top
+five stack elements and push back a single vector of those five
+elements.  (@kbd{C-u 0 v p} simply creates an empty vector.)
+The same effect can be had by pressing @kbd{[} to push an incomplete
+vector on the stack, using @key{TAB} (@code{calc-roll-down}) to sneak
+the incomplete object up past a certain number of elements, and
+then pressing @kbd{]} to complete the vector.
+Negative packing modes create other kinds of composite objects:
+@table @cite
+@item -1
+Two values are collected to build a complex number.  For example,
+@kbd{5 @key{RET} 7 C-u -1 v p} creates the complex number
+@cite{(5, 7)}.  The result is always a rectangular complex
+number.  The two input values must both be real numbers,
+i.e., integers, fractions, or floats.  If they are not, Calc
+will instead build a formula like @samp{a + (0, 1) b}.  (The
+other packing modes also create a symbolic answer if the
+components are not suitable.)
+@item -2
+Two values are collected to build a polar complex number.
+The first is the magnitude; the second is the phase expressed
+in either degrees or radians according to the current angular
+@item -3
+Three values are collected into an HMS form.  The first
+two values (hours and minutes) must be integers or
+integer-valued floats.  The third value may be any real
+@item -4
+Two values are collected into an error form.  The inputs
+may be real numbers or formulas.
+@item -5
+Two values are collected into a modulo form.  The inputs
+must be real numbers.
+@item -6
+Two values are collected into the interval @samp{[a .. b]}.
+The inputs may be real numbers, HMS or date forms, or formulas.
+@item -7
+Two values are collected into the interval @samp{[a .. b)}.
+@item -8
+Two values are collected into the interval @samp{(a .. b]}.
+@item -9
+Two values are collected into the interval @samp{(a .. b)}.
+@item -10
+Two integer values are collected into a fraction.
+@item -11
+Two values are collected into a floating-point number.
+The first is the mantissa; the second, which must be an
+integer, is the exponent.  The result is the mantissa
+times ten to the power of the exponent.
+@item -12
+This is treated the same as @i{-11} by the @kbd{v p} command.
+When unpacking, @i{-12} specifies that a floating-point mantissa
+is desired.
+@item -13
+A real number is converted into a date form.
+@item -14
+Three numbers (year, month, day) are packed into a pure date form.
+@item -15
+Six numbers are packed into a date/time form.
+@end table
+With any of the two-input negative packing modes, either or both
+of the inputs may be vectors.  If both are vectors of the same
+length, the result is another vector made by packing corresponding
+elements of the input vectors.  If one input is a vector and the
+other is a plain number, the number is packed along with each vector
+element to produce a new vector.  For example, @kbd{C-u -4 v p}
+could be used to convert a vector of numbers and a vector of errors
+into a single vector of error forms; @kbd{C-u -5 v p} could convert
+a vector of numbers and a single number @var{M} into a vector of
+numbers modulo @var{M}.
+If you don't give a prefix argument to @kbd{v p}, it takes
+the packing mode from the top of the stack.  The elements to
+be packed then begin at stack level 2.  Thus
+@kbd{1 @key{RET} 2 @key{RET} 4 n v p} is another way to
+enter the error form @samp{1 +/- 2}.
+If the packing mode taken from the stack is a vector, the result is a
+matrix with the dimensions specified by the elements of the vector,
+which must each be integers.  For example, if the packing mode is
+@samp{[2, 3]}, then six numbers will be taken from the stack and
+returned in the form @samp{[@w{[a, b, c]}, [d, e, f]]}.
+If any elements of the vector are negative, other kinds of
+packing are done at that level as described above.  For
+example, @samp{[2, 3, -4]} takes 12 objects and creates a
+@asis{2x3} matrix of error forms: @samp{[[a +/- b, c +/- d ... ]]}.
+Also, @samp{[-4, -10]} will convert four integers into an
+error form consisting of two fractions:  @samp{a:b +/- c:d}.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex pack
+There is an equivalent algebraic function,
+@samp{pack(@var{mode}, @var{items})} where @var{mode} is a
+packing mode (an integer or a vector of integers) and @var{items}
+is a vector of objects to be packed (re-packed, really) according
+to that mode.  For example, @samp{pack([3, -4], [a,b,c,d,e,f])}
+yields @samp{[a +/- b, @w{c +/- d}, e +/- f]}.  The function is
+left in symbolic form if the packing mode is illegal, or if the
+number of data items does not match the number of items required
+by the mode.
+@kindex v u
+@pindex calc-unpack
+The @kbd{v u} (@code{calc-unpack}) command takes the vector, complex
+number, HMS form, or other composite object on the top of the stack and
+``unpacks'' it, pushing each of its elements onto the stack as separate
+objects.  Thus, it is the ``inverse'' of @kbd{v p}.  If the value
+at the top of the stack is a formula, @kbd{v u} unpacks it by pushing
+each of the arguments of the top-level operator onto the stack.
+You can optionally give a numeric prefix argument to @kbd{v u}
+to specify an explicit (un)packing mode.  If the packing mode is
+negative and the input is actually a vector or matrix, the result
+will be two or more similar vectors or matrices of the elements.
+For example, given the vector @samp{[@w{a +/- b}, c^2, d +/- 7]},
+the result of @kbd{C-u -4 v u} will be the two vectors
+@samp{[a, c^2, d]} and @w{@samp{[b, 0, 7]}}.
+Note that the prefix argument can have an effect even when the input is
+not a vector.  For example, if the input is the number @i{-5}, then
+@kbd{c-u -1 v u} yields @i{-5} and 0 (the components of @i{-5}
+when viewed as a rectangular complex number); @kbd{C-u -2 v u} yields 5
+and 180 (assuming degrees mode); and @kbd{C-u -10 v u} yields @i{-5}
+and 1 (the numerator and denominator of @i{-5}, viewed as a rational
+number).  Plain @kbd{v u} with this input would complain that the input
+is not a composite object.
+Unpacking mode @i{-11} converts a float into an integer mantissa and
+an integer exponent, where the mantissa is not divisible by 10
+(except that 0.0 is represented by a mantissa and exponent of 0).
+Unpacking mode @i{-12} converts a float into a floating-point mantissa
+and integer exponent, where the mantissa (for non-zero numbers)
+is guaranteed to lie in the range [1 .. 10).  In both cases,
+the mantissa is shifted left or right (and the exponent adjusted
+to compensate) in order to satisfy these constraints.
+Positive unpacking modes are treated differently than for @kbd{v p}.
+A mode of 1 is much like plain @kbd{v u} with no prefix argument,
+except that in addition to the components of the input object,
+a suitable packing mode to re-pack the object is also pushed.
+Thus, @kbd{C-u 1 v u} followed by @kbd{v p} will re-build the
+original object.
+A mode of 2 unpacks two levels of the object; the resulting
+re-packing mode will be a vector of length 2.  This might be used
+to unpack a matrix, say, or a vector of error forms.  Higher
+unpacking modes unpack the input even more deeply.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex unpack
+There are two algebraic functions analogous to @kbd{v u}.
+The @samp{unpack(@var{mode}, @var{item})} function unpacks the
+@var{item} using the given @var{mode}, returning the result as
+a vector of components.  Here the @var{mode} must be an
+integer, not a vector.  For example, @samp{unpack(-4, a +/- b)}
+returns @samp{[a, b]}, as does @samp{unpack(1, a +/- b)}.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex unpackt
+The @code{unpackt} function is like @code{unpack} but instead
+of returning a simple vector of items, it returns a vector of
+two things:  The mode, and the vector of items.  For example,
+@samp{unpackt(1, 2:3 +/- 1:4)} returns @samp{[-4, [2:3, 1:4]]},
+and @samp{unpackt(2, 2:3 +/- 1:4)} returns @samp{[[-4, -10], [2, 3, 1, 4]]}.
+The identity for re-building the original object is
+@samp{apply(pack, unpackt(@var{n}, @var{x})) = @var{x}}.  (The
+@code{apply} function builds a function call given the function
+name and a vector of arguments.)
+@cindex Numerator of a fraction, extracting
+Subscript notation is a useful way to extract a particular part
+of an object.  For example, to get the numerator of a rational
+number, you can use @samp{unpack(-10, @var{x})_1}.
+@node Building Vectors, Extracting Elements, Packing and Unpacking, Matrix Functions
+@section Building Vectors
+Vectors and matrices can be added,
+subtracted, multiplied, and divided; @pxref{Basic Arithmetic}.@refill
+@kindex |
+@pindex calc-concat
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex |
+The @kbd{|} (@code{calc-concat}) command ``concatenates'' two vectors
+into one.  For example, after @kbd{@w{[ 1 , 2 ]} [ 3 , 4 ] |}, the stack
+will contain the single vector @samp{[1, 2, 3, 4]}.  If the arguments
+are matrices, the rows of the first matrix are concatenated with the
+rows of the second.  (In other words, two matrices are just two vectors
+of row-vectors as far as @kbd{|} is concerned.)
+If either argument to @kbd{|} is a scalar (a non-vector), it is treated
+like a one-element vector for purposes of concatenation:  @kbd{1 [ 2 , 3 ] |}
+produces the vector @samp{[1, 2, 3]}.  Likewise, if one argument is a
+matrix and the other is a plain vector, the vector is treated as a
+one-row matrix.
+@kindex H |
+@tindex append
+The @kbd{H |} (@code{calc-append}) [@code{append}] command concatenates
+two vectors without any special cases.  Both inputs must be vectors.
+Whether or not they are matrices is not taken into account.  If either
+argument is a scalar, the @code{append} function is left in symbolic form.
+See also @code{cons} and @code{rcons} below.
+@kindex I |
+@kindex H I |
+The @kbd{I |} and @kbd{H I |} commands are similar, but they use their
+two stack arguments in the opposite order.  Thus @kbd{I |} is equivalent
+to @kbd{TAB |}, but possibly more convenient and also a bit faster.
+@kindex v d
+@pindex calc-diag
+@tindex diag
+The @kbd{v d} (@code{calc-diag}) [@code{diag}] function builds a diagonal
+square matrix.  The optional numeric prefix gives the number of rows
+and columns in the matrix.  If the value at the top of the stack is a
+vector, the elements of the vector are used as the diagonal elements; the
+prefix, if specified, must match the size of the vector.  If the value on
+the stack is a scalar, it is used for each element on the diagonal, and
+the prefix argument is required.
+To build a constant square matrix, e.g., a @c{$3\times3$}
+@asis{3x3} matrix filled with ones,
+use @kbd{0 M-3 v d 1 +}, i.e., build a zero matrix first and then add a
+constant value to that matrix.  (Another alternative would be to use
+@kbd{v b} and @kbd{v a}; see below.)
+@kindex v i
+@pindex calc-ident
+@tindex idn
+The @kbd{v i} (@code{calc-ident}) [@code{idn}] function builds an identity
+matrix of the specified size.  It is a convenient form of @kbd{v d}
+where the diagonal element is always one.  If no prefix argument is given,
+this command prompts for one.
+In algebraic notation, @samp{idn(a,n)} acts much like @samp{diag(a,n)},
+except that @cite{a} is required to be a scalar (non-vector) quantity.
+If @cite{n} is omitted, @samp{idn(a)} represents @cite{a} times an
+identity matrix of unknown size.  Calc can operate algebraically on
+such generic identity matrices, and if one is combined with a matrix
+whose size is known, it is converted automatically to an identity
+matrix of a suitable matching size.  The @kbd{v i} command with an
+argument of zero creates a generic identity matrix, @samp{idn(1)}.
+Note that in dimensioned matrix mode (@pxref{Matrix Mode}), generic
+identity matrices are immediately expanded to the current default
+@kindex v x
+@pindex calc-index
+@tindex index
+The @kbd{v x} (@code{calc-index}) [@code{index}] function builds a vector
+of consecutive integers from 1 to @var{n}, where @var{n} is the numeric
+prefix argument.  If you do not provide a prefix argument, you will be
+prompted to enter a suitable number.  If @var{n} is negative, the result
+is a vector of negative integers from @var{n} to @i{-1}.
+With a prefix argument of just @kbd{C-u}, the @kbd{v x} command takes
+three values from the stack: @var{n}, @var{start}, and @var{incr} (with
+@var{incr} at top-of-stack).  Counting starts at @var{start} and increases
+by @var{incr} for successive vector elements.  If @var{start} or @var{n}
+is in floating-point format, the resulting vector elements will also be
+floats.  Note that @var{start} and @var{incr} may in fact be any kind
+of numbers or formulas.
+When @var{start} and @var{incr} are specified, a negative @var{n} has a
+different interpretation:  It causes a geometric instead of arithmetic
+sequence to be generated.  For example, @samp{index(-3, a, b)} produces
+@samp{[a, a b, a b^2]}.  If you omit @var{incr} in the algebraic form,
+@samp{index(@var{n}, @var{start})}, the default value for @var{incr}
+is one for positive @var{n} or two for negative @var{n}.
+@kindex v b
+@pindex calc-build-vector
+@tindex cvec
+The @kbd{v b} (@code{calc-build-vector}) [@code{cvec}] function builds a
+vector of @var{n} copies of the value on the top of the stack, where @var{n}
+is the numeric prefix argument.  In algebraic formulas, @samp{cvec(x,n,m)}
+can also be used to build an @var{n}-by-@var{m} matrix of copies of @var{x}.
+(Interactively, just use @kbd{v b} twice: once to build a row, then again
+to build a matrix of copies of that row.)
+@kindex v h
+@kindex I v h
+@pindex calc-head
+@pindex calc-tail
+@tindex head
+@tindex tail
+The @kbd{v h} (@code{calc-head}) [@code{head}] function returns the first
+element of a vector.  The @kbd{I v h} (@code{calc-tail}) [@code{tail}]
+function returns the vector with its first element removed.  In both
+cases, the argument must be a non-empty vector.
+@kindex v k
+@pindex calc-cons
+@tindex cons
+The @kbd{v k} (@code{calc-cons}) [@code{cons}] function takes a value @var{h}
+and a vector @var{t} from the stack, and produces the vector whose head is
+@var{h} and whose tail is @var{t}.  This is similar to @kbd{|}, except
+if @var{h} is itself a vector, @kbd{|} will concatenate the two vectors
+whereas @code{cons} will insert @var{h} at the front of the vector @var{t}.
+@kindex H v h
+@tindex rhead
+@c @mindex @idots
+@kindex H I v h
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex H v k
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex rtail
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex rcons
+Each of these three functions also accepts the Hyperbolic flag [@code{rhead},
+@code{rtail}, @code{rcons}] in which case @var{t} instead represents
+the @emph{last} single element of the vector, with @var{h}
+representing the remainder of the vector.  Thus the vector
+@samp{[a, b, c, d] = cons(a, [b, c, d]) = rcons([a, b, c], d)}.
+Also, @samp{head([a, b, c, d]) = a}, @samp{tail([a, b, c, d]) = [b, c, d]},
+@samp{rhead([a, b, c, d]) = [a, b, c]}, and @samp{rtail([a, b, c, d]) = d}.
+@node Extracting Elements, Manipulating Vectors, Building Vectors, Matrix Functions
+@section Extracting Vector Elements
+@kindex v r
+@pindex calc-mrow
+@tindex mrow
+The @kbd{v r} (@code{calc-mrow}) [@code{mrow}] command extracts one row of
+the matrix on the top of the stack, or one element of the plain vector on
+the top of the stack.  The row or element is specified by the numeric
+prefix argument; the default is to prompt for the row or element number.
+The matrix or vector is replaced by the specified row or element in the
+form of a vector or scalar, respectively.
+@cindex Permutations, applying
+With a prefix argument of @kbd{C-u} only, @kbd{v r} takes the index of
+the element or row from the top of the stack, and the vector or matrix
+from the second-to-top position.  If the index is itself a vector of
+integers, the result is a vector of the corresponding elements of the
+input vector, or a matrix of the corresponding rows of the input matrix.
+This command can be used to obtain any permutation of a vector.
+With @kbd{C-u}, if the index is an interval form with integer components,
+it is interpreted as a range of indices and the corresponding subvector or
+submatrix is returned.
+@cindex Subscript notation
+@kindex a _
+@pindex calc-subscript
+@tindex subscr
+@tindex _
+Subscript notation in algebraic formulas (@samp{a_b}) stands for the
+Calc function @code{subscr}, which is synonymous with @code{mrow}.
+Thus, @samp{[x, y, z]_k} produces @cite{x}, @cite{y}, or @cite{z} if
+@cite{k} is one, two, or three, respectively.  A double subscript
+(@samp{M_i_j}, equivalent to @samp{subscr(subscr(M, i), j)}) will
+access the element at row @cite{i}, column @cite{j} of a matrix.
+The @kbd{a _} (@code{calc-subscript}) command creates a subscript
+formula @samp{a_b} out of two stack entries.  (It is on the @kbd{a}
+``algebra'' prefix because subscripted variables are often used
+purely as an algebraic notation.)
+@tindex mrrow
+Given a negative prefix argument, @kbd{v r} instead deletes one row or
+element from the matrix or vector on the top of the stack.  Thus
+@kbd{C-u 2 v r} replaces a matrix with its second row, but @kbd{C-u -2 v r}
+replaces the matrix with the same matrix with its second row removed.
+In algebraic form this function is called @code{mrrow}.
+@tindex getdiag
+Given a prefix argument of zero, @kbd{v r} extracts the diagonal elements
+of a square matrix in the form of a vector.  In algebraic form this
+function is called @code{getdiag}.
+@kindex v c
+@pindex calc-mcol
+@tindex mcol
+@tindex mrcol
+The @kbd{v c} (@code{calc-mcol}) [@code{mcol} or @code{mrcol}] command is
+the analogous operation on columns of a matrix.  Given a plain vector
+it extracts (or removes) one element, just like @kbd{v r}.  If the
+index in @kbd{C-u v c} is an interval or vector and the argument is a
+matrix, the result is a submatrix with only the specified columns
+retained (and possibly permuted in the case of a vector index).@refill
+To extract a matrix element at a given row and column, use @kbd{v r} to
+extract the row as a vector, then @kbd{v c} to extract the column element
+from that vector.  In algebraic formulas, it is often more convenient to
+use subscript notation:  @samp{m_i_j} gives row @cite{i}, column @cite{j}
+of matrix @cite{m}.
+@kindex v s
+@pindex calc-subvector
+@tindex subvec
+The @kbd{v s} (@code{calc-subvector}) [@code{subvec}] command extracts
+a subvector of a vector.  The arguments are the vector, the starting
+index, and the ending index, with the ending index in the top-of-stack
+position.  The starting index indicates the first element of the vector
+to take.  The ending index indicates the first element @emph{past} the
+range to be taken.  Thus, @samp{subvec([a, b, c, d, e], 2, 4)} produces
+the subvector @samp{[b, c]}.  You could get the same result using
+@samp{mrow([a, b, c, d, e], @w{[2 .. 4)})}.
+If either the start or the end index is zero or negative, it is
+interpreted as relative to the end of the vector.  Thus
+@samp{subvec([a, b, c, d, e], 2, -2)} also produces @samp{[b, c]}.  In
+the algebraic form, the end index can be omitted in which case it
+is taken as zero, i.e., elements from the starting element to the
+end of the vector are used.  The infinity symbol, @code{inf}, also
+has this effect when used as the ending index.
+@kindex I v s
+@tindex rsubvec
+With the Inverse flag, @kbd{I v s} [@code{rsubvec}] removes a subvector
+from a vector.  The arguments are interpreted the same as for the
+normal @kbd{v s} command.  Thus, @samp{rsubvec([a, b, c, d, e], 2, 4)}
+produces @samp{[a, d, e]}.  It is always true that @code{subvec} and
+@code{rsubvec} return complementary parts of the input vector.
+@xref{Selecting Subformulas}, for an alternative way to operate on
+vectors one element at a time.
+@node Manipulating Vectors, Vector and Matrix Arithmetic, Extracting Elements, Matrix Functions
+@section Manipulating Vectors
+@kindex v l
+@pindex calc-vlength
+@tindex vlen
+The @kbd{v l} (@code{calc-vlength}) [@code{vlen}] command computes the
+length of a vector.  The length of a non-vector is considered to be zero.
+Note that matrices are just vectors of vectors for the purposes of this
+@kindex H v l
+@tindex mdims
+With the Hyperbolic flag, @kbd{H v l} [@code{mdims}] computes a vector
+of the dimensions of a vector, matrix, or higher-order object.  For
+example, @samp{mdims([[a,b,c],[d,e,f]])} returns @samp{[2, 3]} since
+its argument is a @c{$2\times3$}
+@asis{2x3} matrix.
+@kindex v f
+@pindex calc-vector-find
+@tindex find
+The @kbd{v f} (@code{calc-vector-find}) [@code{find}] command searches
+along a vector for the first element equal to a given target.  The target
+is on the top of the stack; the vector is in the second-to-top position.
+If a match is found, the result is the index of the matching element.
+Otherwise, the result is zero.  The numeric prefix argument, if given,
+allows you to select any starting index for the search.
+@kindex v a
+@pindex calc-arrange-vector
+@tindex arrange
+@cindex Arranging a matrix
+@cindex Reshaping a matrix
+@cindex Flattening a matrix
+The @kbd{v a} (@code{calc-arrange-vector}) [@code{arrange}] command
+rearranges a vector to have a certain number of columns and rows.  The
+numeric prefix argument specifies the number of columns; if you do not
+provide an argument, you will be prompted for the number of columns.
+The vector or matrix on the top of the stack is @dfn{flattened} into a
+plain vector.  If the number of columns is nonzero, this vector is
+then formed into a matrix by taking successive groups of @var{n} elements.
+If the number of columns does not evenly divide the number of elements
+in the vector, the last row will be short and the result will not be
+suitable for use as a matrix.  For example, with the matrix
+@samp{[[1, 2], @w{[3, 4]}]} on the stack, @kbd{v a 4} produces
+@samp{[[1, 2, 3, 4]]} (a @c{$1\times4$}
+@asis{1x4} matrix), @kbd{v a 1} produces
+@samp{[[1], [2], [3], [4]]} (a @c{$4\times1$}
+@asis{4x1} matrix), @kbd{v a 2} produces
+@samp{[[1, 2], [3, 4]]} (the original @c{$2\times2$}
+@asis{2x2} matrix), @w{@kbd{v a 3}} produces
+@samp{[[1, 2, 3], [4]]} (not a matrix), and @kbd{v a 0} produces
+the flattened list @samp{[1, 2, @w{3, 4}]}.
+@cindex Sorting data
+@kindex V S
+@kindex I V S
+@pindex calc-sort
+@tindex sort
+@tindex rsort
+The @kbd{V S} (@code{calc-sort}) [@code{sort}] command sorts the elements of
+a vector into increasing order.  Real numbers, real infinities, and
+constant interval forms come first in this ordering; next come other
+kinds of numbers, then variables (in alphabetical order), then finally
+come formulas and other kinds of objects; these are sorted according
+to a kind of lexicographic ordering with the useful property that
+one vector is less or greater than another if the first corresponding
+unequal elements are less or greater, respectively.  Since quoted strings
+are stored by Calc internally as vectors of ASCII character codes
+(@pxref{Strings}), this means vectors of strings are also sorted into
+alphabetical order by this command.
+The @kbd{I V S} [@code{rsort}] command sorts a vector into decreasing order.
+@cindex Permutation, inverse of
+@cindex Inverse of permutation
+@cindex Index tables
+@cindex Rank tables
+@kindex V G
+@kindex I V G
+@pindex calc-grade
+@tindex grade
+@tindex rgrade
+The @kbd{V G} (@code{calc-grade}) [@code{grade}, @code{rgrade}] command
+produces an index table or permutation vector which, if applied to the
+input vector (as the index of @kbd{C-u v r}, say), would sort the vector.
+A permutation vector is just a vector of integers from 1 to @var{n}, where
+each integer occurs exactly once.  One application of this is to sort a
+matrix of data rows using one column as the sort key; extract that column,
+grade it with @kbd{V G}, then use the result to reorder the original matrix
+with @kbd{C-u v r}.  Another interesting property of the @code{V G} command
+is that, if the input is itself a permutation vector, the result will
+be the inverse of the permutation.  The inverse of an index table is
+a rank table, whose @var{k}th element says where the @var{k}th original
+vector element will rest when the vector is sorted.  To get a rank
+table, just use @kbd{V G V G}.
+With the Inverse flag, @kbd{I V G} produces an index table that would
+sort the input into decreasing order.  Note that @kbd{V S} and @kbd{V G}
+use a ``stable'' sorting algorithm, i.e., any two elements which are equal
+will not be moved out of their original order.  Generally there is no way
+to tell with @kbd{V S}, since two elements which are equal look the same,
+but with @kbd{V G} this can be an important issue.  In the matrix-of-rows
+example, suppose you have names and telephone numbers as two columns and
+you wish to sort by phone number primarily, and by name when the numbers
+are equal.  You can sort the data matrix by names first, and then again
+by phone numbers.  Because the sort is stable, any two rows with equal
+phone numbers will remain sorted by name even after the second sort.
+@cindex Histograms
+@kindex V H
+@pindex calc-histogram
+@c @mindex histo@idots
+@tindex histogram
+The @kbd{V H} (@code{calc-histogram}) [@code{histogram}] command builds a
+histogram of a vector of numbers.  Vector elements are assumed to be
+integers or real numbers in the range [0..@var{n}) for some ``number of
+bins'' @var{n}, which is the numeric prefix argument given to the
+command.  The result is a vector of @var{n} counts of how many times
+each value appeared in the original vector.  Non-integers in the input
+are rounded down to integers.  Any vector elements outside the specified
+range are ignored.  (You can tell if elements have been ignored by noting
+that the counts in the result vector don't add up to the length of the
+input vector.)
+@kindex H V H
+With the Hyperbolic flag, @kbd{H V H} pulls two vectors from the stack.
+The second-to-top vector is the list of numbers as before.  The top
+vector is an equal-sized list of ``weights'' to attach to the elements
+of the data vector.  For example, if the first data element is 4.2 and
+the first weight is 10, then 10 will be added to bin 4 of the result
+vector.  Without the hyperbolic flag, every element has a weight of one.
+@kindex v t
+@pindex calc-transpose
+@tindex trn
+The @kbd{v t} (@code{calc-transpose}) [@code{trn}] command computes
+the transpose of the matrix at the top of the stack.  If the argument
+is a plain vector, it is treated as a row vector and transposed into
+a one-column matrix.
+@kindex v v
+@pindex calc-reverse-vector
+@tindex rev
+The @kbd{v v} (@code{calc-reverse-vector}) [@code{vec}] command reverses
+a vector end-for-end.  Given a matrix, it reverses the order of the rows.
+(To reverse the columns instead, just use @kbd{v t v v v t}.  The same
+principle can be used to apply other vector commands to the columns of
+a matrix.)
+@kindex v m
+@pindex calc-mask-vector
+@tindex vmask
+The @kbd{v m} (@code{calc-mask-vector}) [@code{vmask}] command uses
+one vector as a mask to extract elements of another vector.  The mask
+is in the second-to-top position; the target vector is on the top of
+the stack.  These vectors must have the same length.  The result is
+the same as the target vector, but with all elements which correspond
+to zeros in the mask vector deleted.  Thus, for example,
+@samp{vmask([1, 0, 1, 0, 1], [a, b, c, d, e])} produces @samp{[a, c, e]}.
+@xref{Logical Operations}.
+@kindex v e
+@pindex calc-expand-vector
+@tindex vexp
+The @kbd{v e} (@code{calc-expand-vector}) [@code{vexp}] command
+expands a vector according to another mask vector.  The result is a
+vector the same length as the mask, but with nonzero elements replaced
+by successive elements from the target vector.  The length of the target
+vector is normally the number of nonzero elements in the mask.  If the
+target vector is longer, its last few elements are lost.  If the target
+vector is shorter, the last few nonzero mask elements are left
+unreplaced in the result.  Thus @samp{vexp([2, 0, 3, 0, 7], [a, b])}
+produces @samp{[a, 0, b, 0, 7]}.
+@kindex H v e
+With the Hyperbolic flag, @kbd{H v e} takes a filler value from the
+top of the stack; the mask and target vectors come from the third and
+second elements of the stack.  This filler is used where the mask is
+zero:  @samp{vexp([2, 0, 3, 0, 7], [a, b], z)} produces
+@samp{[a, z, c, z, 7]}.  If the filler value is itself a vector,
+then successive values are taken from it, so that the effect is to
+interleave two vectors according to the mask:
+@samp{vexp([2, 0, 3, 7, 0, 0], [a, b], [x, y])} produces
+@samp{[a, x, b, 7, y, 0]}.
+Another variation on the masking idea is to combine @samp{[a, b, c, d, e]}
+with the mask @samp{[1, 0, 1, 0, 1]} to produce @samp{[a, 0, c, 0, e]}.
+You can accomplish this with @kbd{V M a &}, mapping the logical ``and''
+operation across the two vectors.  @xref{Logical Operations}.  Note that
+the @code{? :} operation also discussed there allows other types of
+masking using vectors.
+@node Vector and Matrix Arithmetic, Set Operations, Manipulating Vectors, Matrix Functions
+@section Vector and Matrix Arithmetic
+Basic arithmetic operations like addition and multiplication are defined
+for vectors and matrices as well as for numbers.  Division of matrices, in
+the sense of multiplying by the inverse, is supported.  (Division by a
+matrix actually uses LU-decomposition for greater accuracy and speed.)
+@xref{Basic Arithmetic}.
+The following functions are applied element-wise if their arguments are
+vectors or matrices: @code{change-sign}, @code{conj}, @code{arg},
+@code{re}, @code{im}, @code{polar}, @code{rect}, @code{clean},
+@code{float}, @code{frac}.  @xref{Function Index}.@refill
+@kindex V J
+@pindex calc-conj-transpose
+@tindex ctrn
+The @kbd{V J} (@code{calc-conj-transpose}) [@code{ctrn}] command computes
+the conjugate transpose of its argument, i.e., @samp{conj(trn(x))}.
+@c @mindex A
+@kindex A (vectors)
+@pindex calc-abs (vectors)
+@c @mindex abs
+@tindex abs (vectors)
+The @kbd{A} (@code{calc-abs}) [@code{abs}] command computes the
+Frobenius norm of a vector or matrix argument.  This is the square
+root of the sum of the squares of the absolute values of the
+elements of the vector or matrix.  If the vector is interpreted as
+a point in two- or three-dimensional space, this is the distance
+from that point to the origin.@refill
+@kindex v n
+@pindex calc-rnorm
+@tindex rnorm
+The @kbd{v n} (@code{calc-rnorm}) [@code{rnorm}] command computes
+the row norm, or infinity-norm, of a vector or matrix.  For a plain
+vector, this is the maximum of the absolute values of the elements.
+For a matrix, this is the maximum of the row-absolute-value-sums,
+i.e., of the sums of the absolute values of the elements along the
+various rows.
+@kindex V N
+@pindex calc-cnorm
+@tindex cnorm
+The @kbd{V N} (@code{calc-cnorm}) [@code{cnorm}] command computes
+the column norm, or one-norm, of a vector or matrix.  For a plain
+vector, this is the sum of the absolute values of the elements.
+For a matrix, this is the maximum of the column-absolute-value-sums.
+General @cite{k}-norms for @cite{k} other than one or infinity are
+not provided.
+@kindex V C
+@pindex calc-cross
+@tindex cross
+The @kbd{V C} (@code{calc-cross}) [@code{cross}] command computes the
+right-handed cross product of two vectors, each of which must have
+exactly three elements.
+@c @mindex &
+@kindex & (matrices)
+@pindex calc-inv (matrices)
+@c @mindex inv
+@tindex inv (matrices)
+The @kbd{&} (@code{calc-inv}) [@code{inv}] command computes the
+inverse of a square matrix.  If the matrix is singular, the inverse
+operation is left in symbolic form.  Matrix inverses are recorded so
+that once an inverse (or determinant) of a particular matrix has been
+computed, the inverse and determinant of the matrix can be recomputed
+quickly in the future.
+If the argument to @kbd{&} is a plain number @cite{x}, this
+command simply computes @cite{1/x}.  This is okay, because the
+@samp{/} operator also does a matrix inversion when dividing one
+by a matrix.
+@kindex V D
+@pindex calc-mdet
+@tindex det
+The @kbd{V D} (@code{calc-mdet}) [@code{det}] command computes the
+determinant of a square matrix.
+@kindex V L
+@pindex calc-mlud
+@tindex lud
+The @kbd{V L} (@code{calc-mlud}) [@code{lud}] command computes the
+LU decomposition of a matrix.  The result is a list of three matrices
+which, when multiplied together left-to-right, form the original matrix.
+The first is a permutation matrix that arises from pivoting in the
+algorithm, the second is lower-triangular with ones on the diagonal,
+and the third is upper-triangular.
+@kindex V T
+@pindex calc-mtrace
+@tindex tr
+The @kbd{V T} (@code{calc-mtrace}) [@code{tr}] command computes the
+trace of a square matrix.  This is defined as the sum of the diagonal
+elements of the matrix.
+@node Set Operations, Statistical Operations, Vector and Matrix Arithmetic, Matrix Functions
+@section Set Operations using Vectors
+@cindex Sets, as vectors
+Calc includes several commands which interpret vectors as @dfn{sets} of
+objects.  A set is a collection of objects; any given object can appear
+only once in the set.  Calc stores sets as vectors of objects in
+sorted order.  Objects in a Calc set can be any of the usual things,
+such as numbers, variables, or formulas.  Two set elements are considered
+equal if they are identical, except that numerically equal numbers like
+the integer 4 and the float 4.0 are considered equal even though they
+are not ``identical.''  Variables are treated like plain symbols without
+attached values by the set operations; subtracting the set @samp{[b]}
+from @samp{[a, b]} always yields the set @samp{[a]} even though if
+the variables @samp{a} and @samp{b} both equalled 17, you might
+expect the answer @samp{[]}.
+If a set contains interval forms, then it is assumed to be a set of
+real numbers.  In this case, all set operations require the elements
+of the set to be only things that are allowed in intervals:  Real
+numbers, plus and minus infinity, HMS forms, and date forms.  If
+there are variables or other non-real objects present in a real set,
+all set operations on it will be left in unevaluated form.
+If the input to a set operation is a plain number or interval form
+@var{a}, it is treated like the one-element vector @samp{[@var{a}]}.
+The result is always a vector, except that if the set consists of a
+single interval, the interval itself is returned instead.
+@xref{Logical Operations}, for the @code{in} function which tests if
+a certain value is a member of a given set.  To test if the set @cite{A}
+is a subset of the set @cite{B}, use @samp{vdiff(A, B) = []}.
+@kindex V +
+@pindex calc-remove-duplicates
+@tindex rdup
+The @kbd{V +} (@code{calc-remove-duplicates}) [@code{rdup}] command
+converts an arbitrary vector into set notation.  It works by sorting
+the vector as if by @kbd{V S}, then removing duplicates.  (For example,
+@kbd{[a, 5, 4, a, 4.0]} is sorted to @samp{[4, 4.0, 5, a, a]} and then
+reduced to @samp{[4, 5, a]}).  Overlapping intervals are merged as
+necessary.  You rarely need to use @kbd{V +} explicitly, since all the
+other set-based commands apply @kbd{V +} to their inputs before using
+@kindex V V
+@pindex calc-set-union
+@tindex vunion
+The @kbd{V V} (@code{calc-set-union}) [@code{vunion}] command computes
+the union of two sets.  An object is in the union of two sets if and
+only if it is in either (or both) of the input sets.  (You could
+accomplish the same thing by concatenating the sets with @kbd{|},
+then using @kbd{V +}.)
+@kindex V ^
+@pindex calc-set-intersect
+@tindex vint
+The @kbd{V ^} (@code{calc-set-intersect}) [@code{vint}] command computes
+the intersection of two sets.  An object is in the intersection if
+and only if it is in both of the input sets.  Thus if the input
+sets are disjoint, i.e., if they share no common elements, the result
+will be the empty vector @samp{[]}.  Note that the characters @kbd{V}
+and @kbd{^} were chosen to be close to the conventional mathematical
+notation for set union@c{ ($A \cup B$)}
+@asis{} and intersection@c{ ($A \cap B$)}
+@kindex V -
+@pindex calc-set-difference
+@tindex vdiff
+The @kbd{V -} (@code{calc-set-difference}) [@code{vdiff}] command computes
+the difference between two sets.  An object is in the difference
+@cite{A - B} if and only if it is in @cite{A} but not in @cite{B}.
+Thus subtracting @samp{[y,z]} from a set will remove the elements
+@samp{y} and @samp{z} if they are present.  You can also think of this
+as a general @dfn{set complement} operator; if @cite{A} is the set of
+all possible values, then @cite{A - B} is the ``complement'' of @cite{B}.
+Obviously this is only practical if the set of all possible values in
+your problem is small enough to list in a Calc vector (or simple
+enough to express in a few intervals).
+@kindex V X
+@pindex calc-set-xor
+@tindex vxor
+The @kbd{V X} (@code{calc-set-xor}) [@code{vxor}] command computes
+the ``exclusive-or,'' or ``symmetric difference'' of two sets.
+An object is in the symmetric difference of two sets if and only
+if it is in one, but @emph{not} both, of the sets.  Objects that
+occur in both sets ``cancel out.''
+@kindex V ~
+@pindex calc-set-complement
+@tindex vcompl
+The @kbd{V ~} (@code{calc-set-complement}) [@code{vcompl}] command
+computes the complement of a set with respect to the real numbers.
+Thus @samp{vcompl(x)} is equivalent to @samp{vdiff([-inf .. inf], x)}.
+For example, @samp{vcompl([2, (3 .. 4]])} evaluates to
+@samp{[[-inf .. 2), (2 .. 3], (4 .. inf]]}.
+@kindex V F
+@pindex calc-set-floor
+@tindex vfloor
+The @kbd{V F} (@code{calc-set-floor}) [@code{vfloor}] command
+reinterprets a set as a set of integers.  Any non-integer values,
+and intervals that do not enclose any integers, are removed.  Open
+intervals are converted to equivalent closed intervals.  Successive
+integers are converted into intervals of integers.  For example, the
+complement of the set @samp{[2, 6, 7, 8]} is messy, but if you wanted
+the complement with respect to the set of integers you could type
+@kbd{V ~ V F} to get @samp{[[-inf .. 1], [3 .. 5], [9 .. inf]]}.
+@kindex V E
+@pindex calc-set-enumerate
+@tindex venum
+The @kbd{V E} (@code{calc-set-enumerate}) [@code{venum}] command
+converts a set of integers into an explicit vector.  Intervals in
+the set are expanded out to lists of all integers encompassed by
+the intervals.  This only works for finite sets (i.e., sets which
+do not involve @samp{-inf} or @samp{inf}).
+@kindex V :
+@pindex calc-set-span
+@tindex vspan
+The @kbd{V :} (@code{calc-set-span}) [@code{vspan}] command converts any
+set of reals into an interval form that encompasses all its elements.
+The lower limit will be the smallest element in the set; the upper
+limit will be the largest element.  For an empty set, @samp{vspan([])}
+returns the empty interval @w{@samp{[0 .. 0)}}.
+@kindex V #
+@pindex calc-set-cardinality
+@tindex vcard
+The @kbd{V #} (@code{calc-set-cardinality}) [@code{vcard}] command counts
+the number of integers in a set.  The result is the length of the vector
+that would be produced by @kbd{V E}, although the computation is much
+more efficient than actually producing that vector.
+@cindex Sets, as binary numbers
+Another representation for sets that may be more appropriate in some
+cases is binary numbers.  If you are dealing with sets of integers
+in the range 0 to 49, you can use a 50-bit binary number where a
+particular bit is 1 if the corresponding element is in the set.
+@xref{Binary Functions}, for a list of commands that operate on
+binary numbers.  Note that many of the above set operations have
+direct equivalents in binary arithmetic:  @kbd{b o} (@code{calc-or}),
+@kbd{b a} (@code{calc-and}), @kbd{b d} (@code{calc-diff}),
+@kbd{b x} (@code{calc-xor}), and @kbd{b n} (@code{calc-not}),
+respectively.  You can use whatever representation for sets is most
+convenient to you.
+@kindex b p
+@kindex b u
+@pindex calc-pack-bits
+@pindex calc-unpack-bits
+@tindex vpack
+@tindex vunpack
+The @kbd{b u} (@code{calc-unpack-bits}) [@code{vunpack}] command
+converts an integer that represents a set in binary into a set
+in vector/interval notation.  For example, @samp{vunpack(67)}
+returns @samp{[[0 .. 1], 6]}.  If the input is negative, the set
+it represents is semi-infinite: @samp{vunpack(-4) = [2 .. inf)}.
+Use @kbd{V E} afterwards to expand intervals to individual
+values if you wish.  Note that this command uses the @kbd{b}
+(binary) prefix key.
+The @kbd{b p} (@code{calc-pack-bits}) [@code{vpack}] command
+converts the other way, from a vector or interval representing
+a set of nonnegative integers into a binary integer describing
+the same set.  The set may include positive infinity, but must
+not include any negative numbers.  The input is interpreted as a
+set of integers in the sense of @kbd{V F} (@code{vfloor}).  Beware
+that a simple input like @samp{[100]} can result in a huge integer
+representation (@c{$2^{100}$}
+@cite{2^100}, a 31-digit integer, in this case).
+@node Statistical Operations, Reducing and Mapping, Set Operations, Matrix Functions
+@section Statistical Operations on Vectors
+@cindex Statistical functions
+The commands in this section take vectors as arguments and compute
+various statistical measures on the data stored in the vectors.  The
+references used in the definitions of these functions are Bevington's
+@emph{Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical Sciences},
+and @emph{Numerical Recipes} by Press, Flannery, Teukolsky and
+The statistical commands use the @kbd{u} prefix key followed by
+a shifted letter or other character.
+@xref{Manipulating Vectors}, for a description of @kbd{V H}
+@xref{Curve Fitting}, for the @kbd{a F} command for doing
+least-squares fits to statistical data.
+@xref{Probability Distribution Functions}, for several common
+probability distribution functions.
+* Single-Variable Statistics::
+* Paired-Sample Statistics::
+@end menu
+@node Single-Variable Statistics, Paired-Sample Statistics, Statistical Operations, Statistical Operations
+@subsection Single-Variable Statistics
+These functions do various statistical computations on single
+vectors.  Given a numeric prefix argument, they actually pop
+@var{n} objects from the stack and combine them into a data
+vector.  Each object may be either a number or a vector; if a
+vector, any sub-vectors inside it are ``flattened'' as if by
+@kbd{v a 0}; @pxref{Manipulating Vectors}.  By default one object
+is popped, which (in order to be useful) is usually a vector.
+If an argument is a variable name, and the value stored in that
+variable is a vector, then the stored vector is used.  This method
+has the advantage that if your data vector is large, you can avoid
+the slow process of manipulating it directly on the stack.
+These functions are left in symbolic form if any of their arguments
+are not numbers or vectors, e.g., if an argument is a formula, or
+a non-vector variable.  However, formulas embedded within vector
+arguments are accepted; the result is a symbolic representation
+of the computation, based on the assumption that the formula does
+not itself represent a vector.  All varieties of numbers such as
+error forms and interval forms are acceptable.
+Some of the functions in this section also accept a single error form
+or interval as an argument.  They then describe a property of the
+normal or uniform (respectively) statistical distribution described
+by the argument.  The arguments are interpreted in the same way as
+the @var{M} argument of the random number function @kbd{k r}.  In
+particular, an interval with integer limits is considered an integer
+distribution, so that @samp{[2 .. 6)} is the same as @samp{[2 .. 5]}.
+An interval with at least one floating-point limit is a continuous
+distribution:  @samp{[2.0 .. 6.0)} is @emph{not} the same as
+@samp{[2.0 .. 5.0]}!
+@kindex u #
+@pindex calc-vector-count
+@tindex vcount
+The @kbd{u #} (@code{calc-vector-count}) [@code{vcount}] command
+computes the number of data values represented by the inputs.
+For example, @samp{vcount(1, [2, 3], [[4, 5], [], x, y])} returns 7.
+If the argument is a single vector with no sub-vectors, this
+simply computes the length of the vector.
+@kindex u +
+@kindex u *
+@pindex calc-vector-sum
+@pindex calc-vector-prod
+@tindex vsum
+@tindex vprod
+@cindex Summations (statistical)
+The @kbd{u +} (@code{calc-vector-sum}) [@code{vsum}] command
+computes the sum of the data values.  The @kbd{u *}
+(@code{calc-vector-prod}) [@code{vprod}] command computes the
+product of the data values.  If the input is a single flat vector,
+these are the same as @kbd{V R +} and @kbd{V R *}
+(@pxref{Reducing and Mapping}).@refill
+@kindex u X
+@kindex u N
+@pindex calc-vector-max
+@pindex calc-vector-min
+@tindex vmax
+@tindex vmin
+The @kbd{u X} (@code{calc-vector-max}) [@code{vmax}] command
+computes the maximum of the data values, and the @kbd{u N}
+(@code{calc-vector-min}) [@code{vmin}] command computes the minimum.
+If the argument is an interval, this finds the minimum or maximum
+value in the interval.  (Note that @samp{vmax([2..6)) = 5} as
+described above.)  If the argument is an error form, this returns
+plus or minus infinity.
+@kindex u M
+@pindex calc-vector-mean
+@tindex vmean
+@cindex Mean of data values
+The @kbd{u M} (@code{calc-vector-mean}) [@code{vmean}] command
+computes the average (arithmetic mean) of the data values.
+If the inputs are error forms @c{$x$ @code{+/-} $\sigma$}
+@samp{x +/- s}, this is the weighted
+mean of the @cite{x} values with weights @c{$1 / \sigma^2$}
+@cite{1 / s^2}.
+$$ \mu = { \displaystyle \sum { x_i \over \sigma_i^2 } \over
+           \displaystyle \sum { 1 \over \sigma_i^2 } } $$
+@end tex
+If the inputs are not error forms, this is simply the sum of the
+values divided by the count of the values.@refill
+Note that a plain number can be considered an error form with
+error @c{$\sigma = 0$}
+@cite{s = 0}.  If the input to @kbd{u M} is a mixture of
+plain numbers and error forms, the result is the mean of the
+plain numbers, ignoring all values with non-zero errors.  (By the
+above definitions it's clear that a plain number effectively
+has an infinite weight, next to which an error form with a finite
+weight is completely negligible.)
+This function also works for distributions (error forms or
+intervals).  The mean of an error form `@i{a} @t{+/-} @i{b}' is simply
+@cite{a}.  The mean of an interval is the mean of the minimum
+and maximum values of the interval.
+@kindex I u M
+@pindex calc-vector-mean-error
+@tindex vmeane
+The @kbd{I u M} (@code{calc-vector-mean-error}) [@code{vmeane}]
+command computes the mean of the data points expressed as an
+error form.  This includes the estimated error associated with
+the mean.  If the inputs are error forms, the error is the square
+root of the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the squares
+of the input errors.  (I.e., the variance is the reciprocal of the
+sum of the reciprocals of the variances.)
+$$ \sigma_\mu^2 = {1 \over \displaystyle \sum {1 \over \sigma_i^2}} $$
+@end tex
+If the inputs are plain
+numbers, the error is equal to the standard deviation of the values
+divided by the square root of the number of values.  (This works
+out to be equivalent to calculating the standard deviation and
+then assuming each value's error is equal to this standard
+$$ \sigma_\mu^2 = {\sigma^2 \over N} $$
+@end tex
+@kindex H u M
+@pindex calc-vector-median
+@tindex vmedian
+@cindex Median of data values
+The @kbd{H u M} (@code{calc-vector-median}) [@code{vmedian}]
+command computes the median of the data values.  The values are
+first sorted into numerical order; the median is the middle
+value after sorting.  (If the number of data values is even,
+the median is taken to be the average of the two middle values.)
+The median function is different from the other functions in
+this section in that the arguments must all be real numbers;
+variables are not accepted even when nested inside vectors.
+(Otherwise it is not possible to sort the data values.)  If
+any of the input values are error forms, their error parts are
+The median function also accepts distributions.  For both normal
+(error form) and uniform (interval) distributions, the median is
+the same as the mean.
+@kindex H I u M
+@pindex calc-vector-harmonic-mean
+@tindex vhmean
+@cindex Harmonic mean
+The @kbd{H I u M} (@code{calc-vector-harmonic-mean}) [@code{vhmean}]
+command computes the harmonic mean of the data values.  This is
+defined as the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the reciprocals
+of the values.
+$$ { N \over \displaystyle \sum {1 \over x_i} } $$
+@end tex
+@kindex u G
+@pindex calc-vector-geometric-mean
+@tindex vgmean
+@cindex Geometric mean
+The @kbd{u G} (@code{calc-vector-geometric-mean}) [@code{vgmean}]
+command computes the geometric mean of the data values.  This
+is the @i{N}th root of the product of the values.  This is also
+equal to the @code{exp} of the arithmetic mean of the logarithms
+of the data values.
+$$ \exp \left ( \sum { \ln x_i } \right ) =
+   \left ( \prod { x_i } \right)^{1 / N} $$
+@end tex
+@kindex H u G
+@tindex agmean
+The @kbd{H u G} [@code{agmean}] command computes the ``arithmetic-geometric
+mean'' of two numbers taken from the stack.  This is computed by
+replacing the two numbers with their arithmetic mean and geometric
+mean, then repeating until the two values converge.
+$$ a_{i+1} = { a_i + b_i \over 2 } , \qquad b_{i+1} = \sqrt{a_i b_i} $$
+@end tex
+@cindex Root-mean-square
+Another commonly used mean, the RMS (root-mean-square), can be computed
+for a vector of numbers simply by using the @kbd{A} command.
+@kindex u S
+@pindex calc-vector-sdev
+@tindex vsdev
+@cindex Standard deviation
+@cindex Sample statistics
+The @kbd{u S} (@code{calc-vector-sdev}) [@code{vsdev}] command
+computes the standard deviation@c{ $\sigma$}
+@asis{} of the data values.  If the
+values are error forms, the errors are used as weights just
+as for @kbd{u M}.  This is the @emph{sample} standard deviation,
+whose value is the square root of the sum of the squares of the
+differences between the values and the mean of the @cite{N} values,
+divided by @cite{N-1}.
+$$ \sigma^2 = {1 \over N - 1} \sum (x_i - \mu)^2 $$
+@end tex
+This function also applies to distributions.  The standard deviation
+of a single error form is simply the error part.  The standard deviation
+of a continuous interval happens to equal the difference between the
+limits, divided by @c{$\sqrt{12}$}
+@cite{sqrt(12)}.  The standard deviation of an
+integer interval is the same as the standard deviation of a vector
+of those integers.
+@kindex I u S
+@pindex calc-vector-pop-sdev
+@tindex vpsdev
+@cindex Population statistics
+The @kbd{I u S} (@code{calc-vector-pop-sdev}) [@code{vpsdev}]
+command computes the @emph{population} standard deviation.
+It is defined by the same formula as above but dividing
+by @cite{N} instead of by @cite{N-1}.  The population standard
+deviation is used when the input represents the entire set of
+data values in the distribution; the sample standard deviation
+is used when the input represents a sample of the set of all
+data values, so that the mean computed from the input is itself
+only an estimate of the true mean.
+$$ \sigma^2 = {1 \over N} \sum (x_i - \mu)^2 $$
+@end tex
+For error forms and continuous intervals, @code{vpsdev} works
+exactly like @code{vsdev}.  For integer intervals, it computes the
+population standard deviation of the equivalent vector of integers.
+@kindex H u S
+@kindex H I u S
+@pindex calc-vector-variance
+@pindex calc-vector-pop-variance
+@tindex vvar
+@tindex vpvar
+@cindex Variance of data values
+The @kbd{H u S} (@code{calc-vector-variance}) [@code{vvar}] and
+@kbd{H I u S} (@code{calc-vector-pop-variance}) [@code{vpvar}]
+commands compute the variance of the data values.  The variance
+is the square@c{ $\sigma^2$}
+@asis{} of the standard deviation, i.e., the sum of the
+squares of the deviations of the data values from the mean.
+(This definition also applies when the argument is a distribution.)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex vflat
+The @code{vflat} algebraic function returns a vector of its
+arguments, interpreted in the same way as the other functions
+in this section.  For example, @samp{vflat(1, [2, [3, 4]], 5)}
+returns @samp{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}.
+@node Paired-Sample Statistics, , Single-Variable Statistics, Statistical Operations
+@subsection Paired-Sample Statistics
+The functions in this section take two arguments, which must be
+vectors of equal size.  The vectors are each flattened in the same
+way as by the single-variable statistical functions.  Given a numeric
+prefix argument of 1, these functions instead take one object from
+the stack, which must be an @c{$N\times2$}
+@asis{Nx2} matrix of data values.  Once
+again, variable names can be used in place of actual vectors and
+@kindex u C
+@pindex calc-vector-covariance
+@tindex vcov
+@cindex Covariance
+The @kbd{u C} (@code{calc-vector-covariance}) [@code{vcov}] command
+computes the sample covariance of two vectors.  The covariance
+of vectors @var{x} and @var{y} is the sum of the products of the
+differences between the elements of @var{x} and the mean of @var{x}
+times the differences between the corresponding elements of @var{y}
+and the mean of @var{y}, all divided by @cite{N-1}.  Note that
+the variance of a vector is just the covariance of the vector
+with itself.  Once again, if the inputs are error forms the
+errors are used as weight factors.  If both @var{x} and @var{y}
+are composed of error forms, the error for a given data point
+is taken as the square root of the sum of the squares of the two
+input errors.
+$$ \sigma_{x\!y}^2 = {1 \over N-1} \sum (x_i - \mu_x) (y_i - \mu_y) $$
+$$ \sigma_{x\!y}^2 =
+    {\displaystyle {1 \over N-1}
+                   \sum {(x_i - \mu_x) (y_i - \mu_y) \over \sigma_i^2}
+     \over \displaystyle {1 \over N} \sum {1 \over \sigma_i^2}}
+@end tex
+@kindex I u C
+@pindex calc-vector-pop-covariance
+@tindex vpcov
+The @kbd{I u C} (@code{calc-vector-pop-covariance}) [@code{vpcov}]
+command computes the population covariance, which is the same as the
+sample covariance computed by @kbd{u C} except dividing by @cite{N}
+instead of @cite{N-1}.
+@kindex H u C
+@pindex calc-vector-correlation
+@tindex vcorr
+@cindex Correlation coefficient
+@cindex Linear correlation
+The @kbd{H u C} (@code{calc-vector-correlation}) [@code{vcorr}]
+command computes the linear correlation coefficient of two vectors.
+This is defined by the covariance of the vectors divided by the
+product of their standard deviations.  (There is no difference
+between sample or population statistics here.)
+$$ r_{x\!y} = { \sigma_{x\!y}^2 \over \sigma_x^2 \sigma_y^2 } $$
+@end tex
+@node Reducing and Mapping, Vector and Matrix Formats, Statistical Operations, Matrix Functions
+@section Reducing and Mapping Vectors
+The commands in this section allow for more general operations on the
+elements of vectors.
+@kindex V A
+@pindex calc-apply
+@tindex apply
+The simplest of these operations is @kbd{V A} (@code{calc-apply})
+[@code{apply}], which applies a given operator to the elements of a vector.
+For example, applying the hypothetical function @code{f} to the vector
+@w{@samp{[1, 2, 3]}} would produce the function call @samp{f(1, 2, 3)}.
+Applying the @code{+} function to the vector @samp{[a, b]} gives
+@samp{a + b}.  Applying @code{+} to the vector @samp{[a, b, c]} is an
+error, since the @code{+} function expects exactly two arguments.
+While @kbd{V A} is useful in some cases, you will usually find that either
+@kbd{V R} or @kbd{V M}, described below, is closer to what you want.
+* Specifying Operators::
+* Mapping::
+* Reducing::
+* Nesting and Fixed Points::
+* Generalized Products::
+@end menu
+@node Specifying Operators, Mapping, Reducing and Mapping, Reducing and Mapping
+@subsection Specifying Operators
+Commands in this section (like @kbd{V A}) prompt you to press the key
+corresponding to the desired operator.  Press @kbd{?} for a partial
+list of the available operators.  Generally, an operator is any key or
+sequence of keys that would normally take one or more arguments from
+the stack and replace them with a result.  For example, @kbd{V A H C}
+uses the hyperbolic cosine operator, @code{cosh}.  (Since @code{cosh}
+expects one argument, @kbd{V A H C} requires a vector with a single
+element as its argument.)
+You can press @kbd{x} at the operator prompt to select any algebraic
+function by name to use as the operator.  This includes functions you
+have defined yourself using the @kbd{Z F} command.  (@xref{Algebraic
+Definitions}.)  If you give a name for which no function has been
+defined, the result is left in symbolic form, as in @samp{f(1, 2, 3)}.
+Calc will prompt for the number of arguments the function takes if it
+can't figure it out on its own (say, because you named a function that
+is currently undefined).  It is also possible to type a digit key before
+the function name to specify the number of arguments, e.g.,
+@kbd{V M 3 x f RET} calls @code{f} with three arguments even if it
+looks like it ought to have only two.  This technique may be necessary
+if the function allows a variable number of arguments.  For example,
+the @kbd{v e} [@code{vexp}] function accepts two or three arguments;
+if you want to map with the three-argument version, you will have to
+type @kbd{V M 3 v e}.
+It is also possible to apply any formula to a vector by treating that
+formula as a function.  When prompted for the operator to use, press
+@kbd{'} (the apostrophe) and type your formula as an algebraic entry.
+You will then be prompted for the argument list, which defaults to a
+list of all variables that appear in the formula, sorted into alphabetic
+order.  For example, suppose you enter the formula @w{@samp{x + 2y^x}}.
+The default argument list would be @samp{(x y)}, which means that if
+this function is applied to the arguments @samp{[3, 10]} the result will
+be @samp{3 + 2*10^3}.  (If you plan to use a certain formula in this
+way often, you might consider defining it as a function with @kbd{Z F}.)
+Another way to specify the arguments to the formula you enter is with
+@kbd{$}, @kbd{$$}, and so on.  For example, @kbd{V A ' $$ + 2$^$$}
+has the same effect as the previous example.  The argument list is
+automatically taken to be @samp{($$ $)}.  (The order of the arguments
+may seem backwards, but it is analogous to the way normal algebraic
+entry interacts with the stack.)
+If you press @kbd{$} at the operator prompt, the effect is similar to
+the apostrophe except that the relevant formula is taken from top-of-stack
+instead.  The actual vector arguments of the @kbd{V A $} or related command
+then start at the second-to-top stack position.  You will still be
+prompted for an argument list.
+@cindex Nameless functions
+@cindex Generic functions
+A function can be written without a name using the notation @samp{<#1 - #2>},
+which means ``a function of two arguments that computes the first
+argument minus the second argument.''  The symbols @samp{#1} and @samp{#2}
+are placeholders for the arguments.  You can use any names for these
+placeholders if you wish, by including an argument list followed by a
+colon:  @samp{<x, y : x - y>}.  When you type @kbd{V A ' $$ + 2$^$$ RET},
+Calc builds the nameless function @samp{<#1 + 2 #2^#1>} as the function
+to map across the vectors.  When you type @kbd{V A ' x + 2y^x RET RET},
+Calc builds the nameless function @w{@samp{<x, y : x + 2 y^x>}}.  In both
+cases, Calc also writes the nameless function to the Trail so that you
+can get it back later if you wish.
+If there is only one argument, you can write @samp{#} in place of @samp{#1}.
+(Note that @samp{< >} notation is also used for date forms.  Calc tells
+that @samp{<@var{stuff}>} is a nameless function by the presence of
+@samp{#} signs inside @var{stuff}, or by the fact that @var{stuff}
+begins with a list of variables followed by a colon.)
+You can type a nameless function directly to @kbd{V A '}, or put one on
+the stack and use it with @w{@kbd{V A $}}.  Calc will not prompt for an
+argument list in this case, since the nameless function specifies the
+argument list as well as the function itself.  In @kbd{V A '}, you can
+omit the @samp{< >} marks if you use @samp{#} notation for the arguments,
+so that @kbd{V A ' #1+#2 RET} is the same as @kbd{V A ' <#1+#2> RET},
+which in turn is the same as @kbd{V A ' $$+$ RET}.
+@cindex Lambda expressions
+@c @starindex
+@tindex lambda
+The internal format for @samp{<x, y : x + y>} is @samp{lambda(x, y, x + y)}.
+(The word @code{lambda} derives from Lisp notation and the theory of
+functions.)  The internal format for @samp{<#1 + #2>} is @samp{lambda(ArgA,
+ArgB, ArgA + ArgB)}.  Note that there is no actual Calc function called
+@code{lambda}; the whole point is that the @code{lambda} expression is
+used in its symbolic form, not evaluated for an answer until it is applied
+to specific arguments by a command like @kbd{V A} or @kbd{V M}.
+(Actually, @code{lambda} does have one special property:  Its arguments
+are never evaluated; for example, putting @samp{<(2/3) #>} on the stack
+will not simplify the @samp{2/3} until the nameless function is actually
+@tindex add
+@tindex sub
+@c @mindex @idots
+@tindex mul
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex div
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex pow
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex neg
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex mod
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex vconcat
+As usual, commands like @kbd{V A} have algebraic function name equivalents.
+For example, @kbd{V A k g} with an argument of @samp{v} is equivalent to
+@samp{apply(gcd, v)}.  The first argument specifies the operator name,
+and is either a variable whose name is the same as the function name,
+or a nameless function like @samp{<#^3+1>}.  Operators that are normally
+written as algebraic symbols have the names @code{add}, @code{sub},
+@code{mul}, @code{div}, @code{pow}, @code{neg}, @code{mod}, and
+@c @starindex
+@tindex call
+The @code{call} function builds a function call out of several arguments:
+@samp{call(gcd, x, y)} is the same as @samp{apply(gcd, [x, y])}, which
+in turn is the same as @samp{gcd(x, y)}.  The first argument of @code{call},
+like the other functions described here, may be either a variable naming a
+function, or a nameless function (@samp{call(<#1+2#2>, x, y)} is the same
+as @samp{x + 2y}).
+(Experts will notice that it's not quite proper to use a variable to name
+a function, since the name @code{gcd} corresponds to the Lisp variable
+@code{var-gcd} but to the Lisp function @code{calcFunc-gcd}.  Calc
+automatically makes this translation, so you don't have to worry
+about it.)
+@node Mapping, Reducing, Specifying Operators, Reducing and Mapping
+@subsection Mapping
+@kindex V M
+@pindex calc-map
+@tindex map
+The @kbd{V M} (@code{calc-map}) [@code{map}] command applies a given
+operator elementwise to one or more vectors.  For example, mapping
+@code{A} [@code{abs}] produces a vector of the absolute values of the
+elements in the input vector.  Mapping @code{+} pops two vectors from
+the stack, which must be of equal length, and produces a vector of the
+pairwise sums of the elements.  If either argument is a non-vector, it
+is duplicated for each element of the other vector.  For example,
+@kbd{[1,2,3] 2 V M ^} squares the elements of the specified vector.
+With the 2 listed first, it would have computed a vector of powers of
+two.  Mapping a user-defined function pops as many arguments from the
+stack as the function requires.  If you give an undefined name, you will
+be prompted for the number of arguments to use.@refill
+If any argument to @kbd{V M} is a matrix, the operator is normally mapped
+across all elements of the matrix.  For example, given the matrix
+@cite{[[1, -2, 3], [-4, 5, -6]]}, @kbd{V M A} takes six absolute values to
+produce another @c{$3\times2$}
+@asis{3x2} matrix, @cite{[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]}.
+@tindex mapr
+The command @kbd{V M _} [@code{mapr}] (i.e., type an underscore at the
+operator prompt) maps by rows instead.  For example, @kbd{V M _ A} views
+the above matrix as a vector of two 3-element row vectors.  It produces
+a new vector which contains the absolute values of those row vectors,
+namely @cite{[3.74, 8.77]}.  (Recall, the absolute value of a vector is
+defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of the elements.)
+Some operators accept vectors and return new vectors; for example,
+@kbd{v v} reverses a vector, so @kbd{V M _ v v} would reverse each row
+of the matrix to get a new matrix, @cite{[[3, -2, 1], [-6, 5, -4]]}.
+Sometimes a vector of vectors (representing, say, strings, sets, or lists)
+happens to look like a matrix.  If so, remember to use @kbd{V M _} if you
+want to map a function across the whole strings or sets rather than across
+their individual elements.
+@tindex mapc
+The command @kbd{V M :} [@code{mapc}] maps by columns.  Basically, it
+transposes the input matrix, maps by rows, and then, if the result is a
+matrix, transposes again.  For example, @kbd{V M : A} takes the absolute
+values of the three columns of the matrix, treating each as a 2-vector,
+and @kbd{V M : v v} reverses the columns to get the matrix
+@cite{[[-4, 5, -6], [1, -2, 3]]}.
+(The symbols @kbd{_} and @kbd{:} were chosen because they had row-like
+and column-like appearances, and were not already taken by useful
+operators.  Also, they appear shifted on most keyboards so they are easy
+to type after @kbd{V M}.)
+The @kbd{_} and @kbd{:} modifiers have no effect on arguments that are
+not matrices (so if none of the arguments are matrices, they have no
+effect at all).  If some of the arguments are matrices and others are
+plain numbers, the plain numbers are held constant for all rows of the
+matrix (so that @kbd{2 V M _ ^} squares every row of a matrix; squaring
+a vector takes a dot product of the vector with itself).
+If some of the arguments are vectors with the same lengths as the
+rows (for @kbd{V M _}) or columns (for @kbd{V M :}) of the matrix
+arguments, those vectors are also held constant for every row or
+Sometimes it is useful to specify another mapping command as the operator
+to use with @kbd{V M}.  For example, @kbd{V M _ V A +} applies @kbd{V A +}
+to each row of the input matrix, which in turn adds the two values on that
+row.  If you give another vector-operator command as the operator for
+@kbd{V M}, it automatically uses map-by-rows mode if you don't specify
+otherwise; thus @kbd{V M V A +} is equivalent to @kbd{V M _ V A +}.  (If
+you really want to map-by-elements another mapping command, you can use
+a triple-nested mapping command:  @kbd{V M V M V A +} means to map
+@kbd{V M V A +} over the rows of the matrix; in turn, @kbd{V A +} is
+mapped over the elements of each row.)
+@tindex mapa
+@tindex mapd
+Previous versions of Calc had ``map across'' and ``map down'' modes
+that are now considered obsolete; the old ``map across'' is now simply
+@kbd{V M V A}, and ``map down'' is now @kbd{V M : V A}.  The algebraic
+functions @code{mapa} and @code{mapd} are still supported, though.
+Note also that, while the old mapping modes were persistent (once you
+set the mode, it would apply to later mapping commands until you reset
+it), the new @kbd{:} and @kbd{_} modifiers apply only to the current
+mapping command.  The default @kbd{V M} always means map-by-elements.
+@xref{Algebraic Manipulation}, for the @kbd{a M} command, which is like
+@kbd{V M} but for equations and inequalities instead of vectors.
+@xref{Storing Variables}, for the @kbd{s m} command which modifies a
+variable's stored value using a @kbd{V M}-like operator.
+@node Reducing, Nesting and Fixed Points, Mapping, Reducing and Mapping
+@subsection Reducing
+@kindex V R
+@pindex calc-reduce
+@tindex reduce
+The @kbd{V R} (@code{calc-reduce}) [@code{reduce}] command applies a given
+binary operator across all the elements of a vector.  A binary operator is
+a function such as @code{+} or @code{max} which takes two arguments.  For
+example, reducing @code{+} over a vector computes the sum of the elements
+of the vector.  Reducing @code{-} computes the first element minus each of
+the remaining elements.  Reducing @code{max} computes the maximum element
+and so on.  In general, reducing @code{f} over the vector @samp{[a, b, c, d]}
+produces @samp{f(f(f(a, b), c), d)}.
+@kindex I V R
+@tindex rreduce
+The @kbd{I V R} [@code{rreduce}] command is similar to @kbd{V R} except
+that works from right to left through the vector.  For example, plain
+@kbd{V R -} on the vector @samp{[a, b, c, d]} produces @samp{a - b - c - d}
+but @kbd{I V R -} on the same vector produces @samp{a - (b - (c - d))},
+or @samp{a - b + c - d}.  This ``alternating sum'' occurs frequently
+in power series expansions.
+@kindex V U
+@tindex accum
+The @kbd{V U} (@code{calc-accumulate}) [@code{accum}] command does an
+accumulation operation.  Here Calc does the corresponding reduction
+operation, but instead of producing only the final result, it produces
+a vector of all the intermediate results.  Accumulating @code{+} over
+the vector @samp{[a, b, c, d]} produces the vector
+@samp{[a, a + b, a + b + c, a + b + c + d]}.
+@kindex I V U
+@tindex raccum
+The @kbd{I V U} [@code{raccum}] command does a right-to-left accumulation.
+For example, @kbd{I V U -} on the vector @samp{[a, b, c, d]} produces the
+vector @samp{[a - b + c - d, b - c + d, c - d, d]}.
+@tindex reducea
+@tindex rreducea
+@tindex reduced
+@tindex rreduced
+As for @kbd{V M}, @kbd{V R} normally reduces a matrix elementwise.  For
+example, given the matrix @cite{[[a, b, c], [d, e, f]]}, @kbd{V R +} will
+compute @cite{a + b + c + d + e + f}.  You can type @kbd{V R _} or
+@kbd{V R :} to modify this behavior.  The @kbd{V R _} [@code{reducea}]
+command reduces ``across'' the matrix; it reduces each row of the matrix
+as a vector, then collects the results.  Thus @kbd{V R _ +} of this
+matrix would produce @cite{[a + b + c, d + e + f]}.  Similarly, @kbd{V R :}
+[@code{reduced}] reduces down; @kbd{V R : +} would produce @cite{[a + d,
+b + e, c + f]}.
+@tindex reducer
+@tindex rreducer
+There is a third ``by rows'' mode for reduction that is occasionally
+useful; @kbd{V R =} [@code{reducer}] simply reduces the operator over
+the rows of the matrix themselves.  Thus @kbd{V R = +} on the above
+matrix would get the same result as @kbd{V R : +}, since adding two
+row vectors is equivalent to adding their elements.  But @kbd{V R = *}
+would multiply the two rows (to get a single number, their dot product),
+while @kbd{V R : *} would produce a vector of the products of the columns.
+These three matrix reduction modes work with @kbd{V R} and @kbd{I V R},
+but they are not currently supported with @kbd{V U} or @kbd{I V U}.
+@tindex reducec
+@tindex rreducec
+The obsolete reduce-by-columns function, @code{reducec}, is still
+supported but there is no way to get it through the @kbd{V R} command.
+The commands @kbd{M-# :} and @kbd{M-# _} are equivalent to typing
+@kbd{M-# r} to grab a rectangle of data into Calc, and then typing
+@kbd{V R : +} or @kbd{V R _ +}, respectively, to sum the columns or
+rows of the matrix.  @xref{Grabbing From Buffers}.
+@node Nesting and Fixed Points, Generalized Products, Reducing, Reducing and Mapping
+@subsection Nesting and Fixed Points
+@kindex H V R
+@tindex nest
+The @kbd{H V R} [@code{nest}] command applies a function to a given
+argument repeatedly.  It takes two values, @samp{a} and @samp{n}, from
+the stack, where @samp{n} must be an integer.  It then applies the
+function nested @samp{n} times; if the function is @samp{f} and @samp{n}
+is 3, the result is @samp{f(f(f(a)))}.  The number @samp{n} may be
+negative if Calc knows an inverse for the function @samp{f}; for
+example, @samp{nest(sin, a, -2)} returns @samp{arcsin(arcsin(a))}.
+@kindex H V U
+@tindex anest
+The @kbd{H V U} [@code{anest}] command is an accumulating version of
+@code{nest}:  It returns a vector of @samp{n+1} values, e.g.,
+@samp{[a, f(a), f(f(a)), f(f(f(a)))]}.  If @samp{n} is negative and
+@samp{F} is the inverse of @samp{f}, then the result is of the
+form @samp{[a, F(a), F(F(a)), F(F(F(a)))]}.
+@kindex H I V R
+@tindex fixp
+@cindex Fixed points
+The @kbd{H I V R} [@code{fixp}] command is like @kbd{H V R}, except
+that it takes only an @samp{a} value from the stack; the function is
+applied until it reaches a ``fixed point,'' i.e., until the result
+no longer changes.
+@kindex H I V U
+@tindex afixp
+The @kbd{H I V U} [@code{afixp}] command is an accumulating @code{fixp}.
+The first element of the return vector will be the initial value @samp{a};
+the last element will be the final result that would have been returned
+by @code{fixp}.
+For example, 0.739085 is a fixed point of the cosine function (in radians):
+@samp{cos(0.739085) = 0.739085}.  You can find this value by putting, say,
+1.0 on the stack and typing @kbd{H I V U C}.  (We use the accumulating
+version so we can see the intermediate results:  @samp{[1, 0.540302, 0.857553,
+0.65329, ...]}.  With a precision of six, this command will take 36 steps
+to converge to 0.739085.)
+Newton's method for finding roots is a classic example of iteration
+to a fixed point.  To find the square root of five starting with an
+initial guess, Newton's method would look for a fixed point of the
+function @samp{(x + 5/x) / 2}.  Putting a guess of 1 on the stack
+and typing @kbd{H I V R ' ($ + 5/$)/2 RET} quickly yields the result
+2.23607.  This is equivalent to using the @kbd{a R} (@code{calc-find-root})
+command to find a root of the equation @samp{x^2 = 5}.
+These examples used numbers for @samp{a} values.  Calc keeps applying
+the function until two successive results are equal to within the
+current precision.  For complex numbers, both the real parts and the
+imaginary parts must be equal to within the current precision.  If
+@samp{a} is a formula (say, a variable name), then the function is
+applied until two successive results are exactly the same formula.
+It is up to you to ensure that the function will eventually converge;
+if it doesn't, you may have to press @kbd{C-g} to stop the Calculator.
+The algebraic @code{fixp} function takes two optional arguments, @samp{n}
+and @samp{tol}.  The first is the maximum number of steps to be allowed,
+and must be either an integer or the symbol @samp{inf} (infinity, the
+default).  The second is a convergence tolerance.  If a tolerance is
+specified, all results during the calculation must be numbers, not
+formulas, and the iteration stops when the magnitude of the difference
+between two successive results is less than or equal to the tolerance.
+(This implies that a tolerance of zero iterates until the results are
+exactly equal.)
+Putting it all together, @samp{fixp(<(# + A/#)/2>, B, 20, 1e-10)}
+computes the square root of @samp{A} given the initial guess @samp{B},
+stopping when the result is correct within the specified tolerance, or
+when 20 steps have been taken, whichever is sooner.
+@node Generalized Products, , Nesting and Fixed Points, Reducing and Mapping
+@subsection Generalized Products
+@kindex V O
+@pindex calc-outer-product
+@tindex outer
+The @kbd{V O} (@code{calc-outer-product}) [@code{outer}] command applies
+a given binary operator to all possible pairs of elements from two
+vectors, to produce a matrix.  For example, @kbd{V O *} with @samp{[a, b]}
+and @samp{[x, y, z]} on the stack produces a multiplication table:
+@samp{[[a x, a y, a z], [b x, b y, b z]]}.  Element @var{r},@var{c} of
+the result matrix is obtained by applying the operator to element @var{r}
+of the lefthand vector and element @var{c} of the righthand vector.
+@kindex V I
+@pindex calc-inner-product
+@tindex inner
+The @kbd{V I} (@code{calc-inner-product}) [@code{inner}] command computes
+the generalized inner product of two vectors or matrices, given a
+``multiplicative'' operator and an ``additive'' operator.  These can each
+actually be any binary operators; if they are @samp{*} and @samp{+},
+respectively, the result is a standard matrix multiplication.  Element
+@var{r},@var{c} of the result matrix is obtained by mapping the
+multiplicative operator across row @var{r} of the lefthand matrix and
+column @var{c} of the righthand matrix, and then reducing with the additive
+operator.  Just as for the standard @kbd{*} command, this can also do a
+vector-matrix or matrix-vector inner product, or a vector-vector
+generalized dot product.
+Since @kbd{V I} requires two operators, it prompts twice.  In each case,
+you can use any of the usual methods for entering the operator.  If you
+use @kbd{$} twice to take both operator formulas from the stack, the
+first (multiplicative) operator is taken from the top of the stack
+and the second (additive) operator is taken from second-to-top.
+@node Vector and Matrix Formats, , Reducing and Mapping, Matrix Functions
+@section Vector and Matrix Display Formats
+Commands for controlling vector and matrix display use the @kbd{v} prefix
+instead of the usual @kbd{d} prefix.  But they are display modes; in
+particular, they are influenced by the @kbd{I} and @kbd{H} prefix keys
+in the same way (@pxref{Display Modes}).  Matrix display is also
+influenced by the @kbd{d O} (@code{calc-flat-language}) mode;
+@pxref{Normal Language Modes}.
+@kindex V <
+@pindex calc-matrix-left-justify
+@kindex V =
+@pindex calc-matrix-center-justify
+@kindex V >
+@pindex calc-matrix-right-justify
+The commands @kbd{v <} (@code{calc-matrix-left-justify}), @kbd{v >}
+(@code{calc-matrix-right-justify}), and @w{@kbd{v =}}
+(@code{calc-matrix-center-justify}) control whether matrix elements
+are justified to the left, right, or center of their columns.@refill
+@kindex V [
+@pindex calc-vector-brackets
+@kindex V @{
+@pindex calc-vector-braces
+@kindex V (
+@pindex calc-vector-parens
+The @kbd{v [} (@code{calc-vector-brackets}) command turns the square
+brackets that surround vectors and matrices displayed in the stack on
+and off.  The @kbd{v @{} (@code{calc-vector-braces}) and @kbd{v (}
+(@code{calc-vector-parens}) commands use curly braces or parentheses,
+respectively, instead of square brackets.  For example, @kbd{v @{} might
+be used in preparation for yanking a matrix into a buffer running
+Mathematica.  (In fact, the Mathematica language mode uses this mode;
+@pxref{Mathematica Language Mode}.)  Note that, regardless of the
+display mode, either brackets or braces may be used to enter vectors,
+and parentheses may never be used for this purpose.@refill
+@kindex V ]
+@pindex calc-matrix-brackets
+The @kbd{v ]} (@code{calc-matrix-brackets}) command controls the
+``big'' style display of matrices.  It prompts for a string of code
+letters; currently implemented letters are @code{R}, which enables
+brackets on each row of the matrix; @code{O}, which enables outer
+brackets in opposite corners of the matrix; and @code{C}, which
+enables commas or semicolons at the ends of all rows but the last.
+The default format is @samp{RO}.  (Before Calc 2.00, the format
+was fixed at @samp{ROC}.)  Here are some example matrices:
+[ [ 123,  0,   0  ]       [ [ 123,  0,   0  ],
+  [  0,  123,  0  ]         [  0,  123,  0  ],
+  [  0,   0,  123 ] ]       [  0,   0,  123 ] ]
+         RO                        ROC
+@end example
+@end group
+  [ 123,  0,   0            [ 123,  0,   0 ;
+     0,  123,  0               0,  123,  0 ;
+     0,   0,  123 ]            0,   0,  123 ]
+          O                        OC
+@end example
+@end group
+  [ 123,  0,   0  ]           123,  0,   0
+  [  0,  123,  0  ]            0,  123,  0
+  [  0,   0,  123 ]            0,   0,  123
+          R                       @r{blank}
+@end example
+@end group
+Note that of the formats shown here, @samp{RO}, @samp{ROC}, and
+@samp{OC} are all recognized as matrices during reading, while
+the others are useful for display only.
+@kindex V ,
+@pindex calc-vector-commas
+The @kbd{v ,} (@code{calc-vector-commas}) command turns commas on and
+off in vector and matrix display.@refill
+In vectors of length one, and in all vectors when commas have been
+turned off, Calc adds extra parentheses around formulas that might
+otherwise be ambiguous.  For example, @samp{[a b]} could be a vector
+of the one formula @samp{a b}, or it could be a vector of two
+variables with commas turned off.  Calc will display the former
+case as @samp{[(a b)]}.  You can disable these extra parentheses
+(to make the output less cluttered at the expense of allowing some
+ambiguity) by adding the letter @code{P} to the control string you
+give to @kbd{v ]} (as described above).
+@kindex V .
+@pindex calc-full-vectors
+The @kbd{v .} (@code{calc-full-vectors}) command turns abbreviated
+display of long vectors on and off.  In this mode, vectors of six
+or more elements, or matrices of six or more rows or columns, will
+be displayed in an abbreviated form that displays only the first
+three elements and the last element:  @samp{[a, b, c, ..., z]}.
+When very large vectors are involved this will substantially
+improve Calc's display speed.
+@kindex t .
+@pindex calc-full-trail-vectors
+The @kbd{t .} (@code{calc-full-trail-vectors}) command controls a
+similar mode for recording vectors in the Trail.  If you turn on
+this mode, vectors of six or more elements and matrices of six or
+more rows or columns will be abbreviated when they are put in the
+Trail.  The @kbd{t y} (@code{calc-trail-yank}) command will be
+unable to recover those vectors.  If you are working with very
+large vectors, this mode will improve the speed of all operations
+that involve the trail.
+@kindex V /
+@pindex calc-break-vectors
+The @kbd{v /} (@code{calc-break-vectors}) command turns multi-line
+vector display on and off.  Normally, matrices are displayed with one
+row per line but all other types of vectors are displayed in a single
+line.  This mode causes all vectors, whether matrices or not, to be
+displayed with a single element per line.  Sub-vectors within the
+vectors will still use the normal linear form.
+@node Algebra, Units, Matrix Functions, Top
+@chapter Algebra
+This section covers the Calc features that help you work with
+algebraic formulas.  First, the general sub-formula selection
+mechanism is described; this works in conjunction with any Calc
+commands.  Then, commands for specific algebraic operations are
+described.  Finally, the flexible @dfn{rewrite rule} mechanism
+is discussed.
+The algebraic commands use the @kbd{a} key prefix; selection
+commands use the @kbd{j} (for ``just a letter that wasn't used
+for anything else'') prefix.
+@xref{Editing Stack Entries}, to see how to manipulate formulas
+using regular Emacs editing commands.@refill
+When doing algebraic work, you may find several of the Calculator's
+modes to be helpful, including algebraic-simplification mode (@kbd{m A})
+or no-simplification mode (@kbd{m O}),
+algebraic-entry mode (@kbd{m a}), fraction mode (@kbd{m f}), and
+symbolic mode (@kbd{m s}).  @xref{Mode Settings}, for discussions
+of these modes.  You may also wish to select ``big'' display mode (@kbd{d B}).
+@xref{Normal Language Modes}.@refill
+* Selecting Subformulas::
+* Algebraic Manipulation::
+* Simplifying Formulas::
+* Polynomials::
+* Calculus::
+* Solving Equations::
+* Numerical Solutions::
+* Curve Fitting::
+* Summations::
+* Logical Operations::
+* Rewrite Rules::
+@end menu
+@node Selecting Subformulas, Algebraic Manipulation, Algebra, Algebra
+@section Selecting Sub-Formulas
+@cindex Selections
+@cindex Sub-formulas
+@cindex Parts of formulas
+When working with an algebraic formula it is often necessary to
+manipulate a portion of the formula rather than the formula as a
+whole.  Calc allows you to ``select'' a portion of any formula on
+the stack.  Commands which would normally operate on that stack
+entry will now operate only on the sub-formula, leaving the
+surrounding part of the stack entry alone.
+One common non-algebraic use for selection involves vectors.  To work
+on one element of a vector in-place, simply select that element as a
+``sub-formula'' of the vector.
+* Making Selections::
+* Changing Selections::
+* Displaying Selections::
+* Operating on Selections::
+* Rearranging with Selections::
+@end menu
+@node Making Selections, Changing Selections, Selecting Subformulas, Selecting Subformulas
+@subsection Making Selections
+@kindex j s
+@pindex calc-select-here
+To select a sub-formula, move the Emacs cursor to any character in that
+sub-formula, and press @w{@kbd{j s}} (@code{calc-select-here}).  Calc will
+highlight the smallest portion of the formula that contains that
+character.  By default the sub-formula is highlighted by blanking out
+all of the rest of the formula with dots.  Selection works in any
+display mode but is perhaps easiest in ``big'' (@kbd{d B}) mode.
+Suppose you enter the following formula:
+           3    ___
+    (a + b)  + V c
+1:  ---------------
+        2 x + 1
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+(by typing @kbd{' ((a+b)^3 + sqrt(c)) / (2x+1)}).  If you move the
+cursor to the letter @samp{b} and press @w{@kbd{j s}}, the display changes
+           .    ...
+    .. . b.  . . .
+1*  ...............
+        . . . .
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Every character not part of the sub-formula @samp{b} has been changed
+to a dot.  The @samp{*} next to the line number is to remind you that
+the formula has a portion of it selected.  (In this case, it's very
+obvious, but it might not always be.  If Embedded Mode is enabled,
+the word @samp{Sel} also appears in the mode line because the stack
+may not be visible.  @pxref{Embedded Mode}.)
+If you had instead placed the cursor on the parenthesis immediately to
+the right of the @samp{b}, the selection would have been:
+           .    ...
+    (a + b)  . . .
+1*  ...............
+        . . . .
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The portion selected is always large enough to be considered a complete
+formula all by itself, so selecting the parenthesis selects the whole
+formula that it encloses.  Putting the cursor on the the @samp{+} sign
+would have had the same effect.
+(Strictly speaking, the Emacs cursor is really the manifestation of
+the Emacs ``point,'' which is a position @emph{between} two characters
+in the buffer.  So purists would say that Calc selects the smallest
+sub-formula which contains the character to the right of ``point.'')
+If you supply a numeric prefix argument @var{n}, the selection is
+expanded to the @var{n}th enclosing sub-formula.  Thus, positioning
+the cursor on the @samp{b} and typing @kbd{C-u 1 j s} will select
+@samp{a + b}; typing @kbd{C-u 2 j s} will select @samp{(a + b)^3},
+and so on.
+If the cursor is not on any part of the formula, or if you give a
+numeric prefix that is too large, the entire formula is selected.
+If the cursor is on the @samp{.} line that marks the top of the stack
+(i.e., its normal ``rest position''), this command selects the entire
+formula at stack level 1.  Most selection commands similarly operate
+on the formula at the top of the stack if you haven't positioned the
+cursor on any stack entry.
+@kindex j a
+@pindex calc-select-additional
+The @kbd{j a} (@code{calc-select-additional}) command enlarges the
+current selection to encompass the cursor.  To select the smallest
+sub-formula defined by two different points, move to the first and
+press @kbd{j s}, then move to the other and press @kbd{j a}.  This
+is roughly analogous to using @kbd{C-@@} (@code{set-mark-command}) to
+select the two ends of a region of text during normal Emacs editing.
+@kindex j o
+@pindex calc-select-once
+The @kbd{j o} (@code{calc-select-once}) command selects a formula in
+exactly the same way as @kbd{j s}, except that the selection will
+last only as long as the next command that uses it.  For example,
+@kbd{j o 1 +} is a handy way to add one to the sub-formula indicated
+by the cursor.
+(A somewhat more precise definition: The @kbd{j o} command sets a flag
+such that the next command involving selected stack entries will clear
+the selections on those stack entries afterwards.  All other selection
+commands except @kbd{j a} and @kbd{j O} clear this flag.)
+@kindex j S
+@kindex j O
+@pindex calc-select-here-maybe
+@pindex calc-select-once-maybe
+The @kbd{j S} (@code{calc-select-here-maybe}) and @kbd{j O}
+(@code{calc-select-once-maybe}) commands are equivalent to @kbd{j s}
+and @kbd{j o}, respectively, except that if the formula already
+has a selection they have no effect.  This is analogous to the
+behavior of some commands such as @kbd{j r} (@code{calc-rewrite-selection};
+@pxref{Selections with Rewrite Rules}) and is mainly intended to be
+used in keyboard macros that implement your own selection-oriented
+Selection of sub-formulas normally treats associative terms like
+@samp{a + b - c + d} and @samp{x * y * z} as single levels of the formula.
+If you place the cursor anywhere inside @samp{a + b - c + d} except
+on one of the variable names and use @kbd{j s}, you will select the
+entire four-term sum.
+@kindex j b
+@pindex calc-break-selections
+The @kbd{j b} (@code{calc-break-selections}) command controls a mode
+in which the ``deep structure'' of these associative formulas shows
+through.  Calc actually stores the above formulas as @samp{((a + b) - c) + d}
+and @samp{x * (y * z)}.  (Note that for certain obscure reasons, Calc
+treats multiplication as right-associative.)  Once you have enabled
+@kbd{j b} mode, selecting with the cursor on the @samp{-} sign would
+only select the @samp{a + b - c} portion, which makes sense when the
+deep structure of the sum is considered.  There is no way to select
+the @samp{b - c + d} portion; although this might initially look
+like just as legitimate a sub-formula as @samp{a + b - c}, the deep
+structure shows that it isn't.  The @kbd{d U} command can be used
+to view the deep structure of any formula (@pxref{Normal Language Modes}).
+When @kbd{j b} mode has not been enabled, the deep structure is
+generally hidden by the selection commands---what you see is what
+you get.
+@kindex j u
+@pindex calc-unselect
+The @kbd{j u} (@code{calc-unselect}) command unselects the formula
+that the cursor is on.  If there was no selection in the formula,
+this command has no effect.  With a numeric prefix argument, it
+unselects the @var{n}th stack element rather than using the cursor
+@kindex j c
+@pindex calc-clear-selections
+The @kbd{j c} (@code{calc-clear-selections}) command unselects all
+stack elements.
+@node Changing Selections, Displaying Selections, Making Selections, Selecting Subformulas
+@subsection Changing Selections
+@kindex j m
+@pindex calc-select-more
+Once you have selected a sub-formula, you can expand it using the
+@w{@kbd{j m}} (@code{calc-select-more}) command.  If @samp{a + b} is
+selected, pressing @w{@kbd{j m}} repeatedly works as follows:
+           3    ...                3    ___                3    ___
+    (a + b)  . . .          (a + b)  + V c          (a + b)  + V c
+1*  ...............     1*  ...............     1*  ---------------
+        . . . .                 . . . .                 2 x + 1
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+In the last example, the entire formula is selected.  This is roughly
+the same as having no selection at all, but because there are subtle
+differences the @samp{*} character is still there on the line number.
+With a numeric prefix argument @var{n}, @kbd{j m} expands @var{n}
+times (or until the entire formula is selected).  Note that @kbd{j s}
+with argument @var{n} is equivalent to plain @kbd{j s} followed by
+@kbd{j m} with argument @var{n}.  If @w{@kbd{j m}} is used when there
+is no current selection, it is equivalent to @w{@kbd{j s}}.
+Even though @kbd{j m} does not explicitly use the location of the
+cursor within the formula, it nevertheless uses the cursor to determine
+which stack element to operate on.  As usual, @kbd{j m} when the cursor
+is not on any stack element operates on the top stack element.
+@kindex j l
+@pindex calc-select-less
+The @kbd{j l} (@code{calc-select-less}) command reduces the current
+selection around the cursor position.  That is, it selects the
+immediate sub-formula of the current selection which contains the
+cursor, the opposite of @kbd{j m}.  If the cursor is not inside the
+current selection, the command de-selects the formula.
+@kindex j 1-9
+@pindex calc-select-part
+The @kbd{j 1} through @kbd{j 9} (@code{calc-select-part}) commands
+select the @var{n}th sub-formula of the current selection.  They are
+like @kbd{j l} (@code{calc-select-less}) except they use counting
+rather than the cursor position to decide which sub-formula to select.
+For example, if the current selection is @kbd{a + b + c} or
+@kbd{f(a, b, c)} or @kbd{[a, b, c]}, then @kbd{j 1} selects @samp{a},
+@kbd{j 2} selects @samp{b}, and @kbd{j 3} selects @samp{c}; in each of
+these cases, @kbd{j 4} through @kbd{j 9} would be errors.
+If there is no current selection, @kbd{j 1} through @kbd{j 9} select
+the @var{n}th top-level sub-formula.  (In other words, they act as if
+the entire stack entry were selected first.)  To select the @var{n}th
+sub-formula where @var{n} is greater than nine, you must instead invoke
+@w{@kbd{j 1}} with @var{n} as a numeric prefix argument.@refill
+@kindex j n
+@kindex j p
+@pindex calc-select-next
+@pindex calc-select-previous
+The @kbd{j n} (@code{calc-select-next}) and @kbd{j p}
+(@code{calc-select-previous}) commands change the current selection
+to the next or previous sub-formula at the same level.  For example,
+if @samp{b} is selected in @w{@samp{2 + a*b*c + x}}, then @kbd{j n}
+selects @samp{c}.  Further @kbd{j n} commands would be in error because,
+even though there is something to the right of @samp{c} (namely, @samp{x}),
+it is not at the same level; in this case, it is not a term of the
+same product as @samp{b} and @samp{c}.  However, @kbd{j m} (to select
+the whole product @samp{a*b*c} as a term of the sum) followed by
+@w{@kbd{j n}} would successfully select the @samp{x}.
+Similarly, @kbd{j p} moves the selection from the @samp{b} in this
+sample formula to the @samp{a}.  Both commands accept numeric prefix
+arguments to move several steps at a time.
+It is interesting to compare Calc's selection commands with the
+Emacs Info system's commands for navigating through hierarchically
+organized documentation.  Calc's @kbd{j n} command is completely
+analogous to Info's @kbd{n} command.  Likewise, @kbd{j p} maps to
+@kbd{p}, @kbd{j 2} maps to @kbd{2}, and Info's @kbd{u} is like @kbd{j m}.
+(Note that @kbd{j u} stands for @code{calc-unselect}, not ``up''.)
+The Info @kbd{m} command is somewhat similar to Calc's @kbd{j s} and
+@kbd{j l}; in each case, you can jump directly to a sub-component
+of the hierarchy simply by pointing to it with the cursor.
+@node Displaying Selections, Operating on Selections, Changing Selections, Selecting Subformulas
+@subsection Displaying Selections
+@kindex j d
+@pindex calc-show-selections
+The @kbd{j d} (@code{calc-show-selections}) command controls how
+selected sub-formulas are displayed.  One of the alternatives is
+illustrated in the above examples; if we press @kbd{j d} we switch
+to the other style in which the selected portion itself is obscured
+by @samp{#} signs:
+           3    ...                  #    ___
+    (a + b)  . . .            ## # ##  + V c
+1*  ...............       1*  ---------------
+        . . . .                   2 x + 1
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@node Operating on Selections, Rearranging with Selections, Displaying Selections, Selecting Subformulas
+@subsection Operating on Selections
+Once a selection is made, all Calc commands that manipulate items
+on the stack will operate on the selected portions of the items
+instead.  (Note that several stack elements may have selections
+at once, though there can be only one selection at a time in any
+given stack element.)
+@kindex j e
+@pindex calc-enable-selections
+The @kbd{j e} (@code{calc-enable-selections}) command disables the
+effect that selections have on Calc commands.  The current selections
+still exist, but Calc commands operate on whole stack elements anyway.
+This mode can be identified by the fact that the @samp{*} markers on
+the line numbers are gone, even though selections are visible.  To
+reactivate the selections, press @kbd{j e} again.
+To extract a sub-formula as a new formula, simply select the
+sub-formula and press @key{RET}.  This normally duplicates the top
+stack element; here it duplicates only the selected portion of that
+To replace a sub-formula with something different, you can enter the
+new value onto the stack and press @key{TAB}.  This normally exchanges
+the top two stack elements; here it swaps the value you entered into
+the selected portion of the formula, returning the old selected
+portion to the top of the stack.
+           3    ...                    ...                    ___
+    (a + b)  . . .           17 x y . . .           17 x y + V c
+2*  ...............      2*  .............      2:  -------------
+        . . . .                 . . . .                2 x + 1
+                                    3                      3
+1:  17 x y               1:  (a + b)            1:  (a + b)
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+In this example we select a sub-formula of our original example,
+enter a new formula, @key{TAB} it into place, then deselect to see
+the complete, edited formula.
+If you want to swap whole formulas around even though they contain
+selections, just use @kbd{j e} before and after.
+@kindex j '
+@pindex calc-enter-selection
+The @kbd{j '} (@code{calc-enter-selection}) command is another way
+to replace a selected sub-formula.  This command does an algebraic
+entry just like the regular @kbd{'} key.  When you press @key{RET},
+the formula you type replaces the original selection.  You can use
+the @samp{$} symbol in the formula to refer to the original
+selection.  If there is no selection in the formula under the cursor,
+the cursor is used to make a temporary selection for the purposes of
+the command.  Thus, to change a term of a formula, all you have to
+do is move the Emacs cursor to that term and press @kbd{j '}.
+@kindex j `
+@pindex calc-edit-selection
+The @kbd{j `} (@code{calc-edit-selection}) command is a similar
+analogue of the @kbd{`} (@code{calc-edit}) command.  It edits the
+selected sub-formula in a separate buffer.  If there is no
+selection, it edits the sub-formula indicated by the cursor.
+To delete a sub-formula, press @key{DEL}.  This generally replaces
+the sub-formula with the constant zero, but in a few suitable contexts
+it uses the constant one instead.  The @key{DEL} key automatically
+deselects and re-simplifies the entire formula afterwards.  Thus:
+              ###
+    17 x y + # #          17 x y         17 # y          17 y
+1*  -------------     1:  -------    1*  -------    1:  -------
+       2 x + 1            2 x + 1        2 x + 1        2 x + 1
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+In this example, we first delete the @samp{sqrt(c)} term; Calc
+accomplishes this by replacing @samp{sqrt(c)} with zero and
+resimplifying.  We then delete the @kbd{x} in the numerator;
+since this is part of a product, Calc replaces it with @samp{1}
+and resimplifies.
+If you select an element of a vector and press @key{DEL}, that
+element is deleted from the vector.  If you delete one side of
+an equation or inequality, only the opposite side remains.
+@kindex j DEL
+@pindex calc-del-selection
+The @kbd{j @key{DEL}} (@code{calc-del-selection}) command is like
+@key{DEL} but with the auto-selecting behavior of @kbd{j '} and
+@kbd{j `}.  It deletes the selected portion of the formula
+indicated by the cursor, or, in the absence of a selection, it
+deletes the sub-formula indicated by the cursor position.
+@kindex j RET
+@pindex calc-grab-selection
+(There is also an auto-selecting @kbd{j @key{RET}} (@code{calc-copy-selection})
+Normal arithmetic operations also apply to sub-formulas.  Here we
+select the denominator, press @kbd{5 -} to subtract five from the
+denominator, press @kbd{n} to negate the denominator, then
+press @kbd{Q} to take the square root.
+     .. .           .. .           .. .             .. .
+1*  .......    1*  .......    1*  .......    1*  ..........
+    2 x + 1        2 x - 4        4 - 2 x         _________
+                                                 V 4 - 2 x
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Certain types of operations on selections are not allowed.  For
+example, for an arithmetic function like @kbd{-} no more than one of
+the arguments may be a selected sub-formula.  (As the above example
+shows, the result of the subtraction is spliced back into the argument
+which had the selection; if there were more than one selection involved,
+this would not be well-defined.)  If you try to subtract two selections,
+the command will abort with an error message.
+Operations on sub-formulas sometimes leave the formula as a whole
+in an ``un-natural'' state.  Consider negating the @samp{2 x} term
+of our sample formula by selecting it and pressing @kbd{n}
+       .. .                .. .
+1*  ..........      1*  ...........
+     .........           ..........
+    . . . 2 x           . . . -2 x
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Unselecting the sub-formula reveals that the minus sign, which would
+normally have cancelled out with the subtraction automatically, has
+not been able to do so because the subtraction was not part of the
+selected portion.  Pressing @kbd{=} (@code{calc-evaluate}) or doing
+any other mathematical operation on the whole formula will cause it
+to be simplified.
+       17 y                17 y
+1:  -----------     1:  ----------
+     __________          _________
+    V 4 - -2 x          V 4 + 2 x
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+@node Rearranging with Selections, , Operating on Selections, Selecting Subformulas
+@subsection Rearranging Formulas using Selections
+@kindex j R
+@pindex calc-commute-right
+The @kbd{j R} (@code{calc-commute-right}) command moves the selected
+sub-formula to the right in its surrounding formula.  Generally the
+selection is one term of a sum or product; the sum or product is
+rearranged according to the commutative laws of algebra.
+As with @kbd{j '} and @kbd{j DEL}, the term under the cursor is used
+if there is no selection in the current formula.  All commands described
+in this section share this property.  In this example, we place the
+cursor on the @samp{a} and type @kbd{j R}, then repeat.
+1:  a + b - c          1:  b + a - c          1:  b - c + a
+@end smallexample
+Note that in the final step above, the @samp{a} is switched with
+the @samp{c} but the signs are adjusted accordingly.  When moving
+terms of sums and products, @kbd{j R} will never change the
+mathematical meaning of the formula.
+The selected term may also be an element of a vector or an argument
+of a function.  The term is exchanged with the one to its right.
+In this case, the ``meaning'' of the vector or function may of
+course be drastically changed.
+1:  [a, b, c]          1:  [b, a, c]          1:  [b, c, a]
+1:  f(a, b, c)         1:  f(b, a, c)         1:  f(b, c, a)
+@end smallexample
+@kindex j L
+@pindex calc-commute-left
+The @kbd{j L} (@code{calc-commute-left}) command is like @kbd{j R}
+except that it swaps the selected term with the one to its left.
+With numeric prefix arguments, these commands move the selected
+term several steps at a time.  It is an error to try to move a
+term left or right past the end of its enclosing formula.
+With numeric prefix arguments of zero, these commands move the
+selected term as far as possible in the given direction.
+@kindex j D
+@pindex calc-sel-distribute
+The @kbd{j D} (@code{calc-sel-distribute}) command mixes the selected
+sum or product into the surrounding formula using the distributive
+law.  For example, in @samp{a * (b - c)} with the @samp{b - c}
+selected, the result is @samp{a b - a c}.  This also distributes
+products or quotients into surrounding powers, and can also do
+transformations like @samp{exp(a + b)} to @samp{exp(a) exp(b)},
+where @samp{a + b} is the selected term, and @samp{ln(a ^ b)}
+to @samp{ln(a) b}, where @samp{a ^ b} is the selected term.
+For multiple-term sums or products, @kbd{j D} takes off one term
+at a time:  @samp{a * (b + c - d)} goes to @samp{a * (c - d) + a b}
+with the @samp{c - d} selected so that you can type @kbd{j D}
+repeatedly to expand completely.  The @kbd{j D} command allows a
+numeric prefix argument which specifies the maximum number of
+times to expand at once; the default is one time only.
+@vindex DistribRules
+The @kbd{j D} command is implemented using rewrite rules.
+@xref{Selections with Rewrite Rules}.  The rules are stored in
+the Calc variable @code{DistribRules}.  A convenient way to view
+these rules is to use @kbd{s e} (@code{calc-edit-variable}) which
+displays and edits the stored value of a variable.  Press @key{M-# M-#}
+to return from editing mode; be careful not to make any actual changes
+or else you will affect the behavior of future @kbd{j D} commands!
+To extend @kbd{j D} to handle new cases, just edit @code{DistribRules}
+as described above.  You can then use the @kbd{s p} command to save
+this variable's value permanently for future Calc sessions.
+@xref{Operations on Variables}.
+@kindex j M
+@pindex calc-sel-merge
+@vindex MergeRules
+The @kbd{j M} (@code{calc-sel-merge}) command is the complement
+of @kbd{j D}; given @samp{a b - a c} with either @samp{a b} or
+@samp{a c} selected, the result is @samp{a * (b - c)}.  Once
+again, @kbd{j M} can also merge calls to functions like @code{exp}
+and @code{ln}; examine the variable @code{MergeRules} to see all
+the relevant rules.
+@kindex j C
+@pindex calc-sel-commute
+@vindex CommuteRules
+The @kbd{j C} (@code{calc-sel-commute}) command swaps the arguments
+of the selected sum, product, or equation.  It always behaves as
+if @kbd{j b} mode were in effect, i.e., the sum @samp{a + b + c} is
+treated as the nested sums @samp{(a + b) + c} by this command.
+If you put the cursor on the first @samp{+}, the result is
+@samp{(b + a) + c}; if you put the cursor on the second @samp{+}, the
+result is @samp{c + (a + b)} (which the default simplifications
+will rearrange to @samp{(c + a) + b}).  The relevant rules are stored
+in the variable @code{CommuteRules}.
+You may need to turn default simplifications off (with the @kbd{m O}
+command) in order to get the full benefit of @kbd{j C}.  For example,
+commuting @samp{a - b} produces @samp{-b + a}, but the default
+simplifications will ``simplify'' this right back to @samp{a - b} if
+you don't turn them off.  The same is true of some of the other
+manipulations described in this section.
+@kindex j N
+@pindex calc-sel-negate
+@vindex NegateRules
+The @kbd{j N} (@code{calc-sel-negate}) command replaces the selected
+term with the negative of that term, then adjusts the surrounding
+formula in order to preserve the meaning.  For example, given
+@samp{exp(a - b)} where @samp{a - b} is selected, the result is
+@samp{1 / exp(b - a)}.  By contrast, selecting a term and using the
+regular @kbd{n} (@code{calc-change-sign}) command negates the
+term without adjusting the surroundings, thus changing the meaning
+of the formula as a whole.  The rules variable is @code{NegateRules}.
+@kindex j &
+@pindex calc-sel-invert
+@vindex InvertRules
+The @kbd{j &} (@code{calc-sel-invert}) command is similar to @kbd{j N}
+except it takes the reciprocal of the selected term.  For example,
+given @samp{a - ln(b)} with @samp{b} selected, the result is
+@samp{a + ln(1/b)}.  The rules variable is @code{InvertRules}.
+@kindex j E
+@pindex calc-sel-jump-equals
+@vindex JumpRules
+The @kbd{j E} (@code{calc-sel-jump-equals}) command moves the
+selected term from one side of an equation to the other.  Given
+@samp{a + b = c + d} with @samp{c} selected, the result is
+@samp{a + b - c = d}.  This command also works if the selected
+term is part of a @samp{*}, @samp{/}, or @samp{^} formula.  The
+relevant rules variable is @code{JumpRules}.
+@kindex j I
+@kindex H j I
+@pindex calc-sel-isolate
+The @kbd{j I} (@code{calc-sel-isolate}) command isolates the
+selected term on its side of an equation.  It uses the @kbd{a S}
+(@code{calc-solve-for}) command to solve the equation, and the
+Hyperbolic flag affects it in the same way.  @xref{Solving Equations}.
+When it applies, @kbd{j I} is often easier to use than @kbd{j E}.
+It understands more rules of algebra, and works for inequalities
+as well as equations.
+@kindex j *
+@kindex j /
+@pindex calc-sel-mult-both-sides
+@pindex calc-sel-div-both-sides
+The @kbd{j *} (@code{calc-sel-mult-both-sides}) command prompts for a
+formula using algebraic entry, then multiplies both sides of the
+selected quotient or equation by that formula.  It simplifies each
+side with @kbd{a s} (@code{calc-simplify}) before re-forming the
+quotient or equation.  You can suppress this simplification by
+providing any numeric prefix argument.  There is also a @kbd{j /}
+(@code{calc-sel-div-both-sides}) which is similar to @kbd{j *} but
+dividing instead of multiplying by the factor you enter.
+As a special feature, if the numerator of the quotient is 1, then
+the denominator is expanded at the top level using the distributive
+law (i.e., using the @kbd{C-u -1 a x} command).  Suppose the
+formula on the stack is @samp{1 / (sqrt(a) + 1)}, and you wish
+to eliminate the square root in the denominator by multiplying both
+sides by @samp{sqrt(a) - 1}.  Calc's default simplifications would
+change the result @samp{(sqrt(a) - 1) / (sqrt(a) - 1) (sqrt(a) + 1)}
+right back to the original form by cancellation; Calc expands the
+denominator to @samp{sqrt(a) (sqrt(a) - 1) + sqrt(a) - 1} to prevent
+this.  (You would now want to use an @kbd{a x} command to expand
+the rest of the way, whereupon the denominator would cancel out to
+the desired form, @samp{a - 1}.)  When the numerator is not 1, this
+initial expansion is not necessary because Calc's default
+simplifications will not notice the potential cancellation.
+If the selection is an inequality, @kbd{j *} and @kbd{j /} will
+accept any factor, but will warn unless they can prove the factor
+is either positive or negative.  (In the latter case the direction
+of the inequality will be switched appropriately.)  @xref{Declarations},
+for ways to inform Calc that a given variable is positive or
+negative.  If Calc can't tell for sure what the sign of the factor
+will be, it will assume it is positive and display a warning
+For selections that are not quotients, equations, or inequalities,
+these commands pull out a multiplicative factor:  They divide (or
+multiply) by the entered formula, simplify, then multiply (or divide)
+back by the formula.
+@kindex j +
+@kindex j -
+@pindex calc-sel-add-both-sides
+@pindex calc-sel-sub-both-sides
+The @kbd{j +} (@code{calc-sel-add-both-sides}) and @kbd{j -}
+(@code{calc-sel-sub-both-sides}) commands analogously add to or
+subtract from both sides of an equation or inequality.  For other
+types of selections, they extract an additive factor.  A numeric
+prefix argument suppresses simplification of the intermediate
+@kindex j U
+@pindex calc-sel-unpack
+The @kbd{j U} (@code{calc-sel-unpack}) command replaces the
+selected function call with its argument.  For example, given
+@samp{a + sin(x^2)} with @samp{sin(x^2)} selected, the result
+is @samp{a + x^2}.  (The @samp{x^2} will remain selected; if you
+wanted to change the @code{sin} to @code{cos}, just press @kbd{C}
+now to take the cosine of the selected part.)
+@kindex j v
+@pindex calc-sel-evaluate
+The @kbd{j v} (@code{calc-sel-evaluate}) command performs the
+normal default simplifications on the selected sub-formula.
+These are the simplifications that are normally done automatically
+on all results, but which may have been partially inhibited by
+previous selection-related operations, or turned off altogether
+by the @kbd{m O} command.  This command is just an auto-selecting
+version of the @w{@kbd{a v}} command (@pxref{Algebraic Manipulation}).
+With a numeric prefix argument of 2, @kbd{C-u 2 j v} applies
+the @kbd{a s} (@code{calc-simplify}) command to the selected
+sub-formula.  With a prefix argument of 3 or more, e.g., @kbd{C-u j v}
+applies the @kbd{a e} (@code{calc-simplify-extended}) command.
+@xref{Simplifying Formulas}.  With a negative prefix argument
+it simplifies at the top level only, just as with @kbd{a v}.
+Here the ``top'' level refers to the top level of the selected
+@kindex j "
+@pindex calc-sel-expand-formula
+The @kbd{j "} (@code{calc-sel-expand-formula}) command is to @kbd{a "}
+(@pxref{Algebraic Manipulation}) what @kbd{j v} is to @kbd{a v}.
+You can use the @kbd{j r} (@code{calc-rewrite-selection}) command
+to define other algebraic operations on sub-formulas.  @xref{Rewrite Rules}.
+@node Algebraic Manipulation, Simplifying Formulas, Selecting Subformulas, Algebra
+@section Algebraic Manipulation
+The commands in this section perform general-purpose algebraic
+manipulations.  They work on the whole formula at the top of the
+stack (unless, of course, you have made a selection in that
+Many algebra commands prompt for a variable name or formula.  If you
+answer the prompt with a blank line, the variable or formula is taken
+from top-of-stack, and the normal argument for the command is taken
+from the second-to-top stack level.
+@kindex a v
+@pindex calc-alg-evaluate
+The @kbd{a v} (@code{calc-alg-evaluate}) command performs the normal
+default simplifications on a formula; for example, @samp{a - -b} is
+changed to @samp{a + b}.  These simplifications are normally done
+automatically on all Calc results, so this command is useful only if
+you have turned default simplifications off with an @kbd{m O}
+command.  @xref{Simplification Modes}.
+It is often more convenient to type @kbd{=}, which is like @kbd{a v}
+but which also substitutes stored values for variables in the formula.
+Use @kbd{a v} if you want the variables to ignore their stored values.
+If you give a numeric prefix argument of 2 to @kbd{a v}, it simplifies
+as if in algebraic simplification mode.  This is equivalent to typing
+@kbd{a s}; @pxref{Simplifying Formulas}.  If you give a numeric prefix
+of 3 or more, it uses extended simplification mode (@kbd{a e}).
+If you give a negative prefix argument @i{-1}, @i{-2}, or @i{-3},
+it simplifies in the corresponding mode but only works on the top-level
+function call of the formula.  For example, @samp{(2 + 3) * (2 + 3)} will
+simplify to @samp{(2 + 3)^2}, without simplifying the sub-formulas
+@samp{2 + 3}.  As another example, typing @kbd{V R +} to sum the vector
+@samp{[1, 2, 3, 4]} produces the formula @samp{reduce(add, [1, 2, 3, 4])}
+in no-simplify mode.  Using @kbd{a v} will evaluate this all the way to
+10; using @kbd{C-u - a v} will evaluate it only to @samp{1 + 2 + 3 + 4}.
+(@xref{Reducing and Mapping}.)
+@tindex evalv
+@tindex evalvn
+The @kbd{=} command corresponds to the @code{evalv} function, and
+the related @kbd{N} command, which is like @kbd{=} but temporarily
+disables symbolic (@kbd{m s}) mode during the evaluation, corresponds
+to the @code{evalvn} function.  (These commands interpret their prefix
+arguments differently than @kbd{a v}; @kbd{=} treats the prefix as
+the number of stack elements to evaluate at once, and @kbd{N} treats
+it as a temporary different working precision.)
+The @code{evalvn} function can take an alternate working precision
+as an optional second argument.  This argument can be either an
+integer, to set the precision absolutely, or a vector containing
+a single integer, to adjust the precision relative to the current
+precision.  Note that @code{evalvn} with a larger than current
+precision will do the calculation at this higher precision, but the
+result will as usual be rounded back down to the current precision
+afterward.  For example, @samp{evalvn(pi - 3.1415)} at a precision
+of 12 will return @samp{9.265359e-5}; @samp{evalvn(pi - 3.1415, 30)}
+will return @samp{9.26535897932e-5} (computing a 25-digit result which
+is then rounded down to 12); and @samp{evalvn(pi - 3.1415, [-2])}
+will return @samp{9.2654e-5}.
+@kindex a "
+@pindex calc-expand-formula
+The @kbd{a "} (@code{calc-expand-formula}) command expands functions
+into their defining formulas wherever possible.  For example,
+@samp{deg(x^2)} is changed to @samp{180 x^2 / pi}.  Most functions,
+like @code{sin} and @code{gcd}, are not defined by simple formulas
+and so are unaffected by this command.  One important class of
+functions which @emph{can} be expanded is the user-defined functions
+created by the @kbd{Z F} command.  @xref{Algebraic Definitions}.
+Other functions which @kbd{a "} can expand include the probability
+distribution functions, most of the financial functions, and the
+hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions.  A numeric prefix argument
+affects @kbd{a "} in the same way as it does @kbd{a v}:  A positive
+argument expands all functions in the formula and then simplifies in
+various ways; a negative argument expands and simplifies only the
+top-level function call.
+@kindex a M
+@pindex calc-map-equation
+@tindex mapeq
+The @kbd{a M} (@code{calc-map-equation}) [@code{mapeq}] command applies
+a given function or operator to one or more equations.  It is analogous
+to @kbd{V M}, which operates on vectors instead of equations.
+@pxref{Reducing and Mapping}.  For example, @kbd{a M S} changes
+@samp{x = y+1} to @samp{sin(x) = sin(y+1)}, and @kbd{a M +} with
+@samp{x = y+1} and @cite{6} on the stack produces @samp{x+6 = y+7}.
+With two equations on the stack, @kbd{a M +} would add the lefthand
+sides together and the righthand sides together to get the two
+respective sides of a new equation.
+Mapping also works on inequalities.  Mapping two similar inequalities
+produces another inequality of the same type.  Mapping an inequality
+with an equation produces an inequality of the same type.  Mapping a
+@samp{<=} with a @samp{<} or @samp{!=} (not-equal) produces a @samp{<}.
+If inequalities with opposite direction (e.g., @samp{<} and @samp{>})
+are mapped, the direction of the second inequality is reversed to
+match the first:  Using @kbd{a M +} on @samp{a < b} and @samp{a > 2}
+reverses the latter to get @samp{2 < a}, which then allows the
+combination @samp{a + 2 < b + a}, which the @kbd{a s} command can
+then simplify to get @samp{2 < b}.
+Using @kbd{a M *}, @kbd{a M /}, @kbd{a M n}, or @kbd{a M &} to negate
+or invert an inequality will reverse the direction of the inequality.
+Other adjustments to inequalities are @emph{not} done automatically;
+@kbd{a M S} will change @w{@samp{x < y}} to @samp{sin(x) < sin(y)} even
+though this is not true for all values of the variables.
+@kindex H a M
+@tindex mapeqp
+With the Hyperbolic flag, @kbd{H a M} [@code{mapeqp}] does a plain
+mapping operation without reversing the direction of any inequalities.
+Thus, @kbd{H a M &} would change @kbd{x > 2} to @kbd{1/x > 0.5}.
+(This change is mathematically incorrect, but perhaps you were
+fixing an inequality which was already incorrect.)
+@kindex I a M
+@tindex mapeqr
+With the Inverse flag, @kbd{I a M} [@code{mapeqr}] always reverses
+the direction of the inequality.  You might use @kbd{I a M C} to
+change @samp{x < y} to @samp{cos(x) > cos(y)} if you know you are
+working with small positive angles.
+@kindex a b
+@pindex calc-substitute
+@tindex subst
+The @kbd{a b} (@code{calc-substitute}) [@code{subst}] command substitutes
+all occurrences
+of some variable or sub-expression of an expression with a new
+sub-expression.  For example, substituting @samp{sin(x)} with @samp{cos(y)}
+in @samp{2 sin(x)^2 + x sin(x) + sin(2 x)} produces
+@samp{2 cos(y)^2 + x cos(y) + @w{sin(2 x)}}.
+Note that this is a purely structural substitution; the lone @samp{x} and
+the @samp{sin(2 x)} stayed the same because they did not look like
+@samp{sin(x)}.  @xref{Rewrite Rules}, for a more general method for
+doing substitutions.@refill
+The @kbd{a b} command normally prompts for two formulas, the old
+one and the new one.  If you enter a blank line for the first
+prompt, all three arguments are taken from the stack (new, then old,
+then target expression).  If you type an old formula but then enter a
+blank line for the new one, the new formula is taken from top-of-stack
+and the target from second-to-top.  If you answer both prompts, the
+target is taken from top-of-stack as usual.
+Note that @kbd{a b} has no understanding of commutativity or
+associativity.  The pattern @samp{x+y} will not match the formula
+@samp{y+x}.  Also, @samp{y+z} will not match inside the formula @samp{x+y+z}
+because the @samp{+} operator is left-associative, so the ``deep
+structure'' of that formula is @samp{(x+y) + z}.  Use @kbd{d U}
+(@code{calc-unformatted-language}) mode to see the true structure of
+a formula.  The rewrite rule mechanism, discussed later, does not have
+these limitations.
+As an algebraic function, @code{subst} takes three arguments:
+Target expression, old, new.  Note that @code{subst} is always
+evaluated immediately, even if its arguments are variables, so if
+you wish to put a call to @code{subst} onto the stack you must
+turn the default simplifications off first (with @kbd{m O}).
+@node Simplifying Formulas, Polynomials, Algebraic Manipulation, Algebra
+@section Simplifying Formulas
+@kindex a s
+@pindex calc-simplify
+@tindex simplify
+The @kbd{a s} (@code{calc-simplify}) [@code{simplify}] command applies
+various algebraic rules to simplify a formula.  This includes rules which
+are not part of the default simplifications because they may be too slow
+to apply all the time, or may not be desirable all of the time.  For
+example, non-adjacent terms of sums are combined, as in @samp{a + b + 2 a}
+to @samp{b + 3 a}, and some formulas like @samp{sin(arcsin(x))} are
+simplified to @samp{x}.
+The sections below describe all the various kinds of algebraic
+simplifications Calc provides in full detail.  None of Calc's
+simplification commands are designed to pull rabbits out of hats;
+they simply apply certain specific rules to put formulas into
+less redundant or more pleasing forms.  Serious algebra in Calc
+must be done manually, usually with a combination of selections
+and rewrite rules.  @xref{Rearranging with Selections}.
+@xref{Rewrite Rules}.
+@xref{Simplification Modes}, for commands to control what level of
+simplification occurs automatically.  Normally only the ``default
+simplifications'' occur.
+* Default Simplifications::
+* Algebraic Simplifications::
+* Unsafe Simplifications::
+* Simplification of Units::
+@end menu
+@node Default Simplifications, Algebraic Simplifications, Simplifying Formulas, Simplifying Formulas
+@subsection Default Simplifications
+@cindex Default simplifications
+This section describes the ``default simplifications,'' those which are
+normally applied to all results.  For example, if you enter the variable
+@cite{x} on the stack twice and push @kbd{+}, Calc's default
+simplifications automatically change @cite{x + x} to @cite{2 x}.
+The @kbd{m O} command turns off the default simplifications, so that
+@cite{x + x} will remain in this form unless you give an explicit
+``simplify'' command like @kbd{=} or @kbd{a v}.  @xref{Algebraic
+Manipulation}.  The @kbd{m D} command turns the default simplifications
+back on.
+The most basic default simplification is the evaluation of functions.
+For example, @cite{2 + 3} is evaluated to @cite{5}, and @cite{@t{sqrt}(9)}
+is evaluated to @cite{3}.  Evaluation does not occur if the arguments
+to a function are somehow of the wrong type (@cite{@t{tan}([2,3,4])},
+range (@cite{@t{tan}(90)}), or number (@cite{@t{tan}(3,5)}), or if the
+function name is not recognized (@cite{@t{f}(5)}), or if ``symbolic''
+mode (@pxref{Symbolic Mode}) prevents evaluation (@cite{@t{sqrt}(2)}).
+Calc simplifies (evaluates) the arguments to a function before it
+simplifies the function itself.  Thus @cite{@t{sqrt}(5+4)} is
+simplified to @cite{@t{sqrt}(9)} before the @code{sqrt} function
+itself is applied.  There are very few exceptions to this rule:
+@code{quote}, @code{lambda}, and @code{condition} (the @code{::}
+operator) do not evaluate their arguments, @code{if} (the @code{? :}
+operator) does not evaluate all of its arguments, and @code{evalto}
+does not evaluate its lefthand argument.
+Most commands apply the default simplifications to all arguments they
+take from the stack, perform a particular operation, then simplify
+the result before pushing it back on the stack.  In the common special
+case of regular arithmetic commands like @kbd{+} and @kbd{Q} [@code{sqrt}],
+the arguments are simply popped from the stack and collected into a
+suitable function call, which is then simplified (the arguments being
+simplified first as part of the process, as described above).
+The default simplifications are too numerous to describe completely
+here, but this section will describe the ones that apply to the
+major arithmetic operators.  This list will be rather technical in
+nature, and will probably be interesting to you only if you are
+a serious user of Calc's algebra facilities.
+@end tex
+As well as the simplifications described here, if you have stored
+any rewrite rules in the variable @code{EvalRules} then these rules
+will also be applied before any built-in default simplifications.
+@xref{Automatic Rewrites}, for details.
+@end tex
+And now, on with the default simplifications:
+Arithmetic operators like @kbd{+} and @kbd{*} always take two
+arguments in Calc's internal form.  Sums and products of three or
+more terms are arranged by the associative law of algebra into
+a left-associative form for sums, @cite{((a + b) + c) + d}, and
+a right-associative form for products, @cite{a * (b * (c * d))}.
+Formulas like @cite{(a + b) + (c + d)} are rearranged to
+left-associative form, though this rarely matters since Calc's
+algebra commands are designed to hide the inner structure of
+sums and products as much as possible.  Sums and products in
+their proper associative form will be written without parentheses
+in the examples below.
+Sums and products are @emph{not} rearranged according to the
+commutative law (@cite{a + b} to @cite{b + a}) except in a few
+special cases described below.  Some algebra programs always
+rearrange terms into a canonical order, which enables them to
+see that @cite{a b + b a} can be simplified to @cite{2 a b}.
+Calc assumes you have put the terms into the order you want
+and generally leaves that order alone, with the consequence
+that formulas like the above will only be simplified if you
+explicitly give the @kbd{a s} command.  @xref{Algebraic
+Differences @cite{a - b} are treated like sums @cite{a + (-b)}
+for purposes of simplification; one of the default simplifications
+is to rewrite @cite{a + (-b)} or @cite{(-b) + a}, where @cite{-b}
+represents a ``negative-looking'' term, into @cite{a - b} form.
+``Negative-looking'' means negative numbers, negated formulas like
+@cite{-x}, and products or quotients in which either term is
+Other simplifications involving negation are @cite{-(-x)} to @cite{x};
+@cite{-(a b)} or @cite{-(a/b)} where either @cite{a} or @cite{b} is
+negative-looking, simplified by negating that term, or else where
+@cite{a} or @cite{b} is any number, by negating that number;
+@cite{-(a + b)} to @cite{-a - b}, and @cite{-(b - a)} to @cite{a - b}.
+(This, and rewriting @cite{(-b) + a} to @cite{a - b}, are the only
+cases where the order of terms in a sum is changed by the default
+The distributive law is used to simplify sums in some cases:
+@cite{a x + b x} to @cite{(a + b) x}, where @cite{a} represents
+a number or an implicit 1 or @i{-1} (as in @cite{x} or @cite{-x})
+and similarly for @cite{b}.  Use the @kbd{a c}, @w{@kbd{a f}}, or
+@kbd{j M} commands to merge sums with non-numeric coefficients
+using the distributive law.
+The distributive law is only used for sums of two terms, or
+for adjacent terms in a larger sum.  Thus @cite{a + b + b + c}
+is simplified to @cite{a + 2 b + c}, but @cite{a + b + c + b}
+is not simplified.  The reason is that comparing all terms of a
+sum with one another would require time proportional to the
+square of the number of terms; Calc relegates potentially slow
+operations like this to commands that have to be invoked
+explicitly, like @kbd{a s}.
+Finally, @cite{a + 0} and @cite{0 + a} are simplified to @cite{a}.
+A consequence of the above rules is that @cite{0 - a} is simplified
+to @cite{-a}.
+@end tex
+The products @cite{1 a} and @cite{a 1} are simplified to @cite{a};
+@cite{(-1) a} and @cite{a (-1)} are simplified to @cite{-a};
+@cite{0 a} and @cite{a 0} are simplified to @cite{0}, except that
+in matrix mode where @cite{a} is not provably scalar the result
+is the generic zero matrix @samp{idn(0)}, and that if @cite{a} is
+infinite the result is @samp{nan}.
+Also, @cite{(-a) b} and @cite{a (-b)} are simplified to @cite{-(a b)},
+where this occurs for negated formulas but not for regular negative
+Products are commuted only to move numbers to the front:
+@cite{a b 2} is commuted to @cite{2 a b}.
+The product @cite{a (b + c)} is distributed over the sum only if
+@cite{a} and at least one of @cite{b} and @cite{c} are numbers:
+@cite{2 (x + 3)} goes to @cite{2 x + 6}.  The formula
+@cite{(-a) (b - c)}, where @cite{-a} is a negative number, is
+rewritten to @cite{a (c - b)}.
+The distributive law of products and powers is used for adjacent
+terms of the product: @cite{x^a x^b} goes to @c{$x^{a+b}$}
+where @cite{a} is a number, or an implicit 1 (as in @cite{x}),
+or the implicit one-half of @cite{@t{sqrt}(x)}, and similarly for
+@cite{b}.  The result is written using @samp{sqrt} or @samp{1/sqrt}
+if the sum of the powers is @cite{1/2} or @cite{-1/2}, respectively.
+If the sum of the powers is zero, the product is simplified to
+@cite{1} or to @samp{idn(1)} if matrix mode is enabled.
+The product of a negative power times anything but another negative
+power is changed to use division:  @c{$x^{-2} y$}
+@cite{x^(-2) y} goes to @cite{y / x^2} unless matrix mode is
+in effect and neither @cite{x} nor @cite{y} are scalar (in which
+case it is considered unsafe to rearrange the order of the terms).
+Finally, @cite{a (b/c)} is rewritten to @cite{(a b)/c}, and also
+@cite{(a/b) c} is changed to @cite{(a c)/b} unless in matrix mode.
+@end tex
+Simplifications for quotients are analogous to those for products.
+The quotient @cite{0 / x} is simplified to @cite{0}, with the same
+exceptions that were noted for @cite{0 x}.  Likewise, @cite{x / 1}
+and @cite{x / (-1)} are simplified to @cite{x} and @cite{-x},
+The quotient @cite{x / 0} is left unsimplified or changed to an
+infinite quantity, as directed by the current infinite mode.
+@xref{Infinite Mode}.
+The expression @c{$a / b^{-c}$}
+@cite{a / b^(-c)} is changed to @cite{a b^c},
+where @cite{-c} is any negative-looking power.  Also, @cite{1 / b^c}
+is changed to @c{$b^{-c}$}
+@cite{b^(-c)} for any power @cite{c}.
+Also, @cite{(-a) / b} and @cite{a / (-b)} go to @cite{-(a/b)};
+@cite{(a/b) / c} goes to @cite{a / (b c)}; and @cite{a / (b/c)}
+goes to @cite{(a c) / b} unless matrix mode prevents this
+rearrangement.  Similarly, @cite{a / (b:c)} is simplified to
+@cite{(c:b) a} for any fraction @cite{b:c}.
+The distributive law is applied to @cite{(a + b) / c} only if
+@cite{c} and at least one of @cite{a} and @cite{b} are numbers.
+Quotients of powers and square roots are distributed just as
+described for multiplication.
+Quotients of products cancel only in the leading terms of the
+numerator and denominator.  In other words, @cite{a x b / a y b}
+is cancelled to @cite{x b / y b} but not to @cite{x / y}.  Once
+again this is because full cancellation can be slow; use @kbd{a s}
+to cancel all terms of the quotient.
+Quotients of negative-looking values are simplified according
+to @cite{(-a) / (-b)} to @cite{a / b}, @cite{(-a) / (b - c)}
+to @cite{a / (c - b)}, and @cite{(a - b) / (-c)} to @cite{(b - a) / c}.
+@end tex
+The formula @cite{x^0} is simplified to @cite{1}, or to @samp{idn(1)}
+in matrix mode.  The formula @cite{0^x} is simplified to @cite{0}
+unless @cite{x} is a negative number or complex number, in which
+case the result is an infinity or an unsimplified formula according
+to the current infinite mode.  Note that @cite{0^0} is an
+indeterminate form, as evidenced by the fact that the simplifications
+for @cite{x^0} and @cite{0^x} conflict when @cite{x=0}.
+Powers of products or quotients @cite{(a b)^c}, @cite{(a/b)^c}
+are distributed to @cite{a^c b^c}, @cite{a^c / b^c} only if @cite{c}
+is an integer, or if either @cite{a} or @cite{b} are nonnegative
+real numbers.  Powers of powers @cite{(a^b)^c} are simplified to
+@c{$a^{b c}$}
+@cite{a^(b c)} only when @cite{c} is an integer and @cite{b c} also
+evaluates to an integer.  Without these restrictions these simplifications
+would not be safe because of problems with principal values.
+(In other words, @c{$((-3)^{1/2})^2$}
+@cite{((-3)^1:2)^2} is safe to simplify, but
+@cite{((-3)^2)^1:2} is not.)  @xref{Declarations}, for ways to inform
+Calc that your variables satisfy these requirements.
+As a special case of this rule, @cite{@t{sqrt}(x)^n} is simplified to
+@cite{x^(n/2)} only for even integers @cite{n}.
+If @cite{a} is known to be real, @cite{b} is an even integer, and
+@cite{c} is a half- or quarter-integer, then @cite{(a^b)^c} is
+simplified to @c{$@t{abs}(a^{b c})$}
+@cite{@t{abs}(a^(b c))}.
+Also, @cite{(-a)^b} is simplified to @cite{a^b} if @cite{b} is an
+even integer, or to @cite{-(a^b)} if @cite{b} is an odd integer,
+for any negative-looking expression @cite{-a}.
+Square roots @cite{@t{sqrt}(x)} generally act like one-half powers
+@cite{x^1:2} for the purposes of the above-listed simplifications.
+Also, note that @c{$1 / x^{1:2}$}
+@cite{1 / x^1:2} is changed to @c{$x^{-1:2}$}
+but @cite{1 / @t{sqrt}(x)} is left alone.
+@end tex
+Generic identity matrices (@pxref{Matrix Mode}) are simplified by the
+following rules:  @cite{@t{idn}(a) + b} to @cite{a + b} if @cite{b}
+is provably scalar, or expanded out if @cite{b} is a matrix;
+@cite{@t{idn}(a) + @t{idn}(b)} to @cite{@t{idn}(a + b)};
+@cite{-@t{idn}(a)} to @cite{@t{idn}(-a)}; @cite{a @t{idn}(b)} to
+@cite{@t{idn}(a b)} if @cite{a} is provably scalar, or to @cite{a b}
+if @cite{a} is provably non-scalar; @cite{@t{idn}(a) @t{idn}(b)}
+to @cite{@t{idn}(a b)}; analogous simplifications for quotients
+involving @code{idn}; and @cite{@t{idn}(a)^n} to @cite{@t{idn}(a^n)}
+where @cite{n} is an integer.
+@end tex
+The @code{floor} function and other integer truncation functions
+vanish if the argument is provably integer-valued, so that
+@cite{@t{floor}(@t{round}(x))} simplifies to @cite{@t{round}(x)}.
+Also, combinations of @code{float}, @code{floor} and its friends,
+and @code{ffloor} and its friends, are simplified in appropriate
+ways.  @xref{Integer Truncation}.
+The expression @cite{@t{abs}(-x)} changes to @cite{@t{abs}(x)}.
+The expression @cite{@t{abs}(@t{abs}(x))} changes to @cite{@t{abs}(x)};
+in fact, @cite{@t{abs}(x)} changes to @cite{x} or @cite{-x} if @cite{x}
+is provably nonnegative or nonpositive (@pxref{Declarations}).
+While most functions do not recognize the variable @code{i} as an
+imaginary number, the @code{arg} function does handle the two cases
+@cite{@t{arg}(@t{i})} and @cite{@t{arg}(-@t{i})} just for convenience.
+The expression @cite{@t{conj}(@t{conj}(x))} simplifies to @cite{x}.
+Various other expressions involving @code{conj}, @code{re}, and
+@code{im} are simplified, especially if some of the arguments are
+provably real or involve the constant @code{i}.  For example,
+@cite{@t{conj}(a + b i)} is changed to @cite{@t{conj}(a) - @t{conj}(b) i},
+or to @cite{a - b i} if @cite{a} and @cite{b} are known to be real.
+Functions like @code{sin} and @code{arctan} generally don't have
+any default simplifications beyond simply evaluating the functions
+for suitable numeric arguments and infinity.  The @kbd{a s} command
+described in the next section does provide some simplifications for
+these functions, though.
+One important simplification that does occur is that @cite{@t{ln}(@t{e})}
+is simplified to 1, and @cite{@t{ln}(@t{e}^x)} is simplified to @cite{x}
+for any @cite{x}.  This occurs even if you have stored a different
+value in the Calc variable @samp{e}; but this would be a bad idea
+in any case if you were also using natural logarithms!
+Among the logical functions, @t{!}@i{(a} @t{<=} @i{b)} changes to
+@cite{a > b} and so on.  Equations and inequalities where both sides
+are either negative-looking or zero are simplified by negating both sides
+and reversing the inequality.  While it might seem reasonable to simplify
+@cite{!!x} to @cite{x}, this would not be valid in general because
+@cite{!!2} is 1, not 2.
+Most other Calc functions have few if any default simplifications
+defined, aside of course from evaluation when the arguments are
+suitable numbers.
+@node Algebraic Simplifications, Unsafe Simplifications, Default Simplifications, Simplifying Formulas
+@subsection Algebraic Simplifications
+@cindex Algebraic simplifications
+The @kbd{a s} command makes simplifications that may be too slow to
+do all the time, or that may not be desirable all of the time.
+If you find these simplifications are worthwhile, you can type
+@kbd{m A} to have Calc apply them automatically.
+This section describes all simplifications that are performed by
+the @kbd{a s} command.  Note that these occur in addition to the
+default simplifications; even if the default simplifications have
+been turned off by an @kbd{m O} command, @kbd{a s} will turn them
+back on temporarily while it simplifies the formula.
+There is a variable, @code{AlgSimpRules}, in which you can put rewrites
+to be applied by @kbd{a s}.  Its use is analogous to @code{EvalRules},
+but without the special restrictions.  Basically, the simplifier does
+@samp{@w{a r} AlgSimpRules} with an infinite repeat count on the whole
+expression being simplified, then it traverses the expression applying
+the built-in rules described below.  If the result is different from
+the original expression, the process repeats with the default
+simplifications (including @code{EvalRules}), then @code{AlgSimpRules},
+then the built-in simplifications, and so on.
+@end tex
+Sums are simplified in two ways.  Constant terms are commuted to the
+end of the sum, so that @cite{a + 2 + b} changes to @cite{a + b + 2}.
+The only exception is that a constant will not be commuted away
+from the first position of a difference, i.e., @cite{2 - x} is not
+commuted to @cite{-x + 2}.
+Also, terms of sums are combined by the distributive law, as in
+@cite{x + y + 2 x} to @cite{y + 3 x}.  This always occurs for
+adjacent terms, but @kbd{a s} compares all pairs of terms including
+non-adjacent ones.
+@end tex
+Products are sorted into a canonical order using the commutative
+law.  For example, @cite{b c a} is commuted to @cite{a b c}.
+This allows easier comparison of products; for example, the default
+simplifications will not change @cite{x y + y x} to @cite{2 x y},
+but @kbd{a s} will; it first rewrites the sum to @cite{x y + x y},
+and then the default simplifications are able to recognize a sum
+of identical terms.
+The canonical ordering used to sort terms of products has the
+property that real-valued numbers, interval forms and infinities
+come first, and are sorted into increasing order.  The @kbd{V S}
+command uses the same ordering when sorting a vector.
+Sorting of terms of products is inhibited when matrix mode is
+turned on; in this case, Calc will never exchange the order of
+two terms unless it knows at least one of the terms is a scalar.
+Products of powers are distributed by comparing all pairs of
+terms, using the same method that the default simplifications
+use for adjacent terms of products.
+Even though sums are not sorted, the commutative law is still
+taken into account when terms of a product are being compared.
+Thus @cite{(x + y) (y + x)} will be simplified to @cite{(x + y)^2}.
+A subtle point is that @cite{(x - y) (y - x)} will @emph{not}
+be simplified to @cite{-(x - y)^2}; Calc does not notice that
+one term can be written as a constant times the other, even if
+that constant is @i{-1}.
+A fraction times any expression, @cite{(a:b) x}, is changed to
+a quotient involving integers:  @cite{a x / b}.  This is not
+done for floating-point numbers like @cite{0.5}, however.  This
+is one reason why you may find it convenient to turn Fraction mode
+on while doing algebra; @pxref{Fraction Mode}.
+@end tex
+Quotients are simplified by comparing all terms in the numerator
+with all terms in the denominator for possible cancellation using
+the distributive law.  For example, @cite{a x^2 b / c x^3 d} will
+cancel @cite{x^2} from both sides to get @cite{a b / c x d}.
+(The terms in the denominator will then be rearranged to @cite{c d x}
+as described above.)  If there is any common integer or fractional
+factor in the numerator and denominator, it is cancelled out;
+for example, @cite{(4 x + 6) / 8 x} simplifies to @cite{(2 x + 3) / 4 x}.
+Non-constant common factors are not found even by @kbd{a s}.  To
+cancel the factor @cite{a} in @cite{(a x + a) / a^2} you could first
+use @kbd{j M} on the product @cite{a x} to Merge the numerator to
+@cite{a (1+x)}, which can then be simplified successfully.
+@end tex
+Integer powers of the variable @code{i} are simplified according
+to the identity @cite{i^2 = -1}.  If you store a new value other
+than the complex number @cite{(0,1)} in @code{i}, this simplification
+will no longer occur.  This is done by @kbd{a s} instead of by default
+in case someone (unwisely) uses the name @code{i} for a variable
+unrelated to complex numbers; it would be unfortunate if Calc
+quietly and automatically changed this formula for reasons the
+user might not have been thinking of.
+Square roots of integer or rational arguments are simplified in
+several ways.  (Note that these will be left unevaluated only in
+Symbolic mode.)  First, square integer or rational factors are
+pulled out so that @cite{@t{sqrt}(8)} is rewritten as
+@cite{2 sqrt(2)}.  Conceptually speaking this implies factoring
+the argument into primes and moving pairs of primes out of the
+square root, but for reasons of efficiency Calc only looks for
+primes up to 29.
+Square roots in the denominator of a quotient are moved to the
+numerator:  @cite{1 / @t{sqrt}(3)} changes to @cite{@t{sqrt}(3) / 3}.
+The same effect occurs for the square root of a fraction:
+@cite{@t{sqrt}(2:3)} changes to @cite{@t{sqrt}(6) / 3}.
+@end tex
+The @code{%} (modulo) operator is simplified in several ways
+when the modulus @cite{M} is a positive real number.  First, if
+the argument is of the form @cite{x + n} for some real number
+@cite{n}, then @cite{n} is itself reduced modulo @cite{M}.  For
+example, @samp{(x - 23) % 10} is simplified to @samp{(x + 7) % 10}.
+If the argument is multiplied by a constant, and this constant
+has a common integer divisor with the modulus, then this factor is
+cancelled out.  For example, @samp{12 x % 15} is changed to
+@samp{3 (4 x % 5)} by factoring out 3.  Also, @samp{(12 x + 1) % 15}
+is changed to @samp{3 ((4 x + 1:3) % 5)}.  While these forms may
+not seem ``simpler,'' they allow Calc to discover useful information
+about modulo forms in the presence of declarations.
+If the modulus is 1, then Calc can use @code{int} declarations to
+evaluate the expression.  For example, the idiom @samp{x % 2} is
+often used to check whether a number is odd or even.  As described
+above, @w{@samp{2 n % 2}} and @samp{(2 n + 1) % 2} are simplified to
+@samp{2 (n % 1)} and @samp{2 ((n + 1:2) % 1)}, respectively; Calc
+can simplify these to 0 and 1 (respectively) if @code{n} has been
+declared to be an integer.
+@end tex
+Trigonometric functions are simplified in several ways.  First,
+@cite{@t{sin}(@t{arcsin}(x))} is simplified to @cite{x}, and
+similarly for @code{cos} and @code{tan}.  If the argument to
+@code{sin} is negative-looking, it is simplified to @cite{-@t{sin}(x)},
+and similarly for @code{cos} and @code{tan}.  Finally, certain
+special values of the argument are recognized;
+@pxref{Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions}.
+Trigonometric functions of inverses of different trigonometric
+functions can also be simplified, as in @cite{@t{sin}(@t{arccos}(x))}
+to @cite{@t{sqrt}(1 - x^2)}.
+Hyperbolic functions of their inverses and of negative-looking
+arguments are also handled, as are exponentials of inverse
+hyperbolic functions.
+No simplifications for inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic
+functions are known, except for negative arguments of @code{arcsin},
+@code{arctan}, @code{arcsinh}, and @code{arctanh}.  Note that
+@cite{@t{arcsin}(@t{sin}(x))} can @emph{not} safely change to
+@cite{x}, since this only correct within an integer multiple
+of @c{$2 \pi$}
+@cite{2 pi} radians or 360 degrees.  However,
+@cite{@t{arcsinh}(@t{sinh}(x))} is simplified to @cite{x} if
+@cite{x} is known to be real.
+Several simplifications that apply to logarithms and exponentials
+are that @cite{@t{exp}(@t{ln}(x))}, @c{$@t{e}^{\ln(x)}$}
+@cite{e^@t{ln}(x)}, and
+@c{$10^{{\rm log10}(x)}$}
+@cite{10^@t{log10}(x)} all reduce to @cite{x}.
+Also, @cite{@t{ln}(@t{exp}(x))}, etc., can reduce to @cite{x} if
+@cite{x} is provably real.  The form @cite{@t{exp}(x)^y} is simplified
+to @cite{@t{exp}(x y)}.  If @cite{x} is a suitable multiple of @c{$\pi i$}
+@cite{pi i}
+(as described above for the trigonometric functions), then @cite{@t{exp}(x)}
+or @cite{e^x} will be expanded.  Finally, @cite{@t{ln}(x)} is simplified
+to a form involving @code{pi} and @code{i} where @cite{x} is provably
+negative, positive imaginary, or negative imaginary.
+The error functions @code{erf} and @code{erfc} are simplified when
+their arguments are negative-looking or are calls to the @code{conj}
+@end tex
+Equations and inequalities are simplified by cancelling factors
+of products, quotients, or sums on both sides.  Inequalities
+change sign if a negative multiplicative factor is cancelled.
+Non-constant multiplicative factors as in @cite{a b = a c} are
+cancelled from equations only if they are provably nonzero (generally
+because they were declared so; @pxref{Declarations}).  Factors
+are cancelled from inequalities only if they are nonzero and their
+sign is known.
+Simplification also replaces an equation or inequality with
+1 or 0 (``true'' or ``false'') if it can through the use of
+declarations.  If @cite{x} is declared to be an integer greater
+than 5, then @cite{x < 3}, @cite{x = 3}, and @cite{x = 7.5} are
+all simplified to 0, but @cite{x > 3} is simplified to 1.
+By a similar analysis, @cite{abs(x) >= 0} is simplified to 1,
+as is @cite{x^2 >= 0} if @cite{x} is known to be real.
+@node Unsafe Simplifications, Simplification of Units, Algebraic Simplifications, Simplifying Formulas
+@subsection ``Unsafe'' Simplifications
+@cindex Unsafe simplifications
+@cindex Extended simplification
+@kindex a e
+@pindex calc-simplify-extended
+@c @mindex esimpl@idots
+@tindex esimplify
+The @kbd{a e} (@code{calc-simplify-extended}) [@code{esimplify}] command
+is like @kbd{a s}
+except that it applies some additional simplifications which are not
+``safe'' in all cases.  Use this only if you know the values in your
+formula lie in the restricted ranges for which these simplifications
+are valid.  The symbolic integrator uses @kbd{a e};
+one effect of this is that the integrator's results must be used with
+caution.  Where an integral table will often attach conditions like
+``for positive @cite{a} only,'' Calc (like most other symbolic
+integration programs) will simply produce an unqualified result.@refill
+Because @kbd{a e}'s simplifications are unsafe, it is sometimes better
+to type @kbd{C-u -3 a v}, which does extended simplification only
+on the top level of the formula without affecting the sub-formulas.
+In fact, @kbd{C-u -3 j v} allows you to target extended simplification
+to any specific part of a formula.
+The variable @code{ExtSimpRules} contains rewrites to be applied by
+the @kbd{a e} command.  These are applied in addition to
+@code{EvalRules} and @code{AlgSimpRules}.  (The @kbd{a r AlgSimpRules}
+step described above is simply followed by an @kbd{a r ExtSimpRules} step.)
+Following is a complete list of ``unsafe'' simplifications performed
+by @kbd{a e}.
+@end tex
+Inverse trigonometric or hyperbolic functions, called with their
+corresponding non-inverse functions as arguments, are simplified
+by @kbd{a e}.  For example, @cite{@t{arcsin}(@t{sin}(x))} changes
+to @cite{x}.  Also, @cite{@t{arcsin}(@t{cos}(x))} and
+@cite{@t{arccos}(@t{sin}(x))} both change to @cite{@t{pi}/2 - x}.
+These simplifications are unsafe because they are valid only for
+values of @cite{x} in a certain range; outside that range, values
+are folded down to the 360-degree range that the inverse trigonometric
+functions always produce.
+Powers of powers @cite{(x^a)^b} are simplified to @c{$x^{a b}$}
+@cite{x^(a b)}
+for all @cite{a} and @cite{b}.  These results will be valid only
+in a restricted range of @cite{x}; for example, in @c{$(x^2)^{1:2}$}
+the powers cancel to get @cite{x}, which is valid for positive values
+of @cite{x} but not for negative or complex values.
+Similarly, @cite{@t{sqrt}(x^a)} and @cite{@t{sqrt}(x)^a} are both
+simplified (possibly unsafely) to @c{$x^{a/2}$}
+Forms like @cite{@t{sqrt}(1 - @t{sin}(x)^2)} are simplified to, e.g.,
+@cite{@t{cos}(x)}.  Calc has identities of this sort for @code{sin},
+@code{cos}, @code{tan}, @code{sinh}, and @code{cosh}.
+Arguments of square roots are partially factored to look for
+squared terms that can be extracted.  For example,
+@cite{@t{sqrt}(a^2 b^3 + a^3 b^2)} simplifies to @cite{a b @t{sqrt}(a+b)}.
+The simplifications of @cite{@t{ln}(@t{exp}(x))}, @cite{@t{ln}(@t{e}^x)},
+and @cite{@t{log10}(10^x)} to @cite{x} are also unsafe because
+of problems with principal values (although these simplifications
+are safe if @cite{x} is known to be real).
+Common factors are cancelled from products on both sides of an
+equation, even if those factors may be zero:  @cite{a x / b x}
+to @cite{a / b}.  Such factors are never cancelled from
+inequalities:  Even @kbd{a e} is not bold enough to reduce
+@cite{a x < b x} to @cite{a < b} (or @cite{a > b}, depending
+on whether you believe @cite{x} is positive or negative).
+The @kbd{a M /} command can be used to divide a factor out of
+both sides of an inequality.
+@node Simplification of Units, , Unsafe Simplifications, Simplifying Formulas
+@subsection Simplification of Units
+The simplifications described in this section are applied by the
+@kbd{u s} (@code{calc-simplify-units}) command.  These are in addition
+to the regular @kbd{a s} (but not @kbd{a e}) simplifications described
+earlier.  @xref{Basic Operations on Units}.
+The variable @code{UnitSimpRules} contains rewrites to be applied by
+the @kbd{u s} command.  These are applied in addition to @code{EvalRules}
+and @code{AlgSimpRules}.
+Scalar mode is automatically put into effect when simplifying units.
+@xref{Matrix Mode}.
+Sums @cite{a + b} involving units are simplified by extracting the
+units of @cite{a} as if by the @kbd{u x} command (call the result
+@cite{u_a}), then simplifying the expression @cite{b / u_a}
+using @kbd{u b} and @kbd{u s}.  If the result has units then the sum
+is inconsistent and is left alone.  Otherwise, it is rewritten
+in terms of the units @cite{u_a}.
+If units auto-ranging mode is enabled, products or quotients in
+which the first argument is a number which is out of range for the
+leading unit are modified accordingly.
+When cancelling and combining units in products and quotients,
+Calc accounts for unit names that differ only in the prefix letter.
+For example, @samp{2 km m} is simplified to @samp{2000 m^2}.
+However, compatible but different units like @code{ft} and @code{in}
+are not combined in this way.
+Quotients @cite{a / b} are simplified in three additional ways.  First,
+if @cite{b} is a number or a product beginning with a number, Calc
+computes the reciprocal of this number and moves it to the numerator.
+Second, for each pair of unit names from the numerator and denominator
+of a quotient, if the units are compatible (e.g., they are both
+units of area) then they are replaced by the ratio between those
+units.  For example, in @samp{3 s in N / kg cm} the units
+@samp{in / cm} will be replaced by @cite{2.54}.
+Third, if the units in the quotient exactly cancel out, so that
+a @kbd{u b} command on the quotient would produce a dimensionless
+number for an answer, then the quotient simplifies to that number.
+For powers and square roots, the ``unsafe'' simplifications
+@cite{(a b)^c} to @cite{a^c b^c}, @cite{(a/b)^c} to @cite{a^c / b^c},
+and @cite{(a^b)^c} to @c{$a^{b c}$}
+@cite{a^(b c)} are done if the powers are
+real numbers.  (These are safe in the context of units because
+all numbers involved can reasonably be assumed to be real.)
+Also, if a unit name is raised to a fractional power, and the
+base units in that unit name all occur to powers which are a
+multiple of the denominator of the power, then the unit name
+is expanded out into its base units, which can then be simplified
+according to the previous paragraph.  For example, @samp{acre^1.5}
+is simplified by noting that @cite{1.5 = 3:2}, that @samp{acre}
+is defined in terms of @samp{m^2}, and that the 2 in the power of
+@code{m} is a multiple of 2 in @cite{3:2}.  Thus, @code{acre^1.5} is
+replaced by approximately @c{$(4046 m^2)^{1.5}$}
+@cite{(4046 m^2)^1.5}, which is then
+changed to @c{$4046^{1.5} \, (m^2)^{1.5}$}
+@cite{4046^1.5 (m^2)^1.5}, then to @cite{257440 m^3}.
+The functions @code{float}, @code{frac}, @code{clean}, @code{abs},
+as well as @code{floor} and the other integer truncation functions,
+applied to unit names or products or quotients involving units, are
+simplified.  For example, @samp{round(1.6 in)} is changed to
+@samp{round(1.6) round(in)}; the lefthand term evaluates to 2,
+and the righthand term simplifies to @code{in}.
+The functions @code{sin}, @code{cos}, and @code{tan} with arguments
+that have angular units like @code{rad} or @code{arcmin} are
+simplified by converting to base units (radians), then evaluating
+with the angular mode temporarily set to radians.
+@node Polynomials, Calculus, Simplifying Formulas, Algebra
+@section Polynomials
+A @dfn{polynomial} is a sum of terms which are coefficients times
+various powers of a ``base'' variable.  For example, @cite{2 x^2 + 3 x - 4}
+is a polynomial in @cite{x}.  Some formulas can be considered
+polynomials in several different variables:  @cite{1 + 2 x + 3 y + 4 x y^2}
+is a polynomial in both @cite{x} and @cite{y}.  Polynomial coefficients
+are often numbers, but they may in general be any formulas not
+involving the base variable.
+@kindex a f
+@pindex calc-factor
+@tindex factor
+The @kbd{a f} (@code{calc-factor}) [@code{factor}] command factors a
+polynomial into a product of terms.  For example, the polynomial
+@cite{x^3 + 2 x^2 + x} is factored into @samp{x*(x+1)^2}.  As another
+example, @cite{a c + b d + b c + a d} is factored into the product
+@cite{(a + b) (c + d)}.
+Calc currently has three algorithms for factoring.  Formulas which are
+linear in several variables, such as the second example above, are
+merged according to the distributive law.  Formulas which are
+polynomials in a single variable, with constant integer or fractional
+coefficients, are factored into irreducible linear and/or quadratic
+terms.  The first example above factors into three linear terms
+(@cite{x}, @cite{x+1}, and @cite{x+1} again).  Finally, formulas
+which do not fit the above criteria are handled by the algebraic
+rewrite mechanism.
+Calc's polynomial factorization algorithm works by using the general
+root-finding command (@w{@kbd{a P}}) to solve for the roots of the
+polynomial.  It then looks for roots which are rational numbers
+or complex-conjugate pairs, and converts these into linear and
+quadratic terms, respectively.  Because it uses floating-point
+arithmetic, it may be unable to find terms that involve large
+integers (whose number of digits approaches the current precision).
+Also, irreducible factors of degree higher than quadratic are not
+found, and polynomials in more than one variable are not treated.
+(A more robust factorization algorithm may be included in a future
+version of Calc.)
+@vindex FactorRules
+@c @starindex
+@tindex thecoefs
+@c @starindex
+@c @mindex @idots
+@tindex thefactors
+The rewrite-based factorization method uses rules stored in the variable
+@code{FactorRules}.  @xref{Rewrite Rules}, for a discussion of the
+operation of rewrite rules.  The default @code{FactorRules} are able
+to factor quadratic forms symbolically into two linear terms,
+@cite{(a x + b) (c x + d)}.  You can edit these rules to include other
+cases if you wish.  To use the rules, Calc builds the formula
+@samp{thecoefs(x, [a, b, c, ...])} where @code{x} is the polynomial
+base variable and @code{a}, @code{b}, etc., are polynomial coefficients
+(which may be numbers or formulas).  The constant term is written first,
+i.e., in the @code{a} position.  When the rules complete, they should have
+changed the formula into the form @samp{thefactors(x, [f1, f2, f3, ...])}
+where each @code{fi} should be a factored term, e.g., @samp{x - ai}.
+Calc then multiplies these terms together to get the complete
+factored form of the polynomial.  If the rules do not change the
+@code{thecoefs} call to a @code{thefactors} call, @kbd{a f} leaves the
+polynomial alone on the assumption that it is unfactorable.  (Note that
+the function names @code{thecoefs} and @code{thefactors} are used only
+as placeholders; there are no actual Calc functions by those names.)
+@kindex H a f
+@tindex factors
+The @kbd{H a f} [@code{factors}] command also factors a polynomial,
+but it returns a list of factors instead of an expression which is the
+product of the factors.  Each factor is represented by a sub-vector
+of the factor, and the power with which it appears.  For example,
+@cite{x^5 + x^4 - 33 x^3 + 63 x^2} factors to @cite{(x + 7) x^2 (x - 3)^2}
+in @kbd{a f}, or to @cite{[ [x, 2], [x+7, 1], [x-3, 2] ]} in @kbd{H a f}.
+If there is an overall numeric factor, it always comes first in the list.
+The functions @code{factor} and @code{factors} allow a second argument
+when written in algebraic form; @samp{factor(x,v)} factors @cite{x} with
+respect to the specific variable @cite{v}.  The default is to factor with
+respect to all the variables that appear in @cite{x}.
+@kindex a c
+@pindex calc-collect
+@tindex collect
+The @kbd{a c} (@code{calc-collect}) [@code{collect}] command rearranges a
+formula as a
+polynomial in a given variable, ordered in decreasing powers of that
+variable.  For example, given @cite{1 + 2 x + 3 y + 4 x y^2} on
+the stack, @kbd{a c x} would produce @cite{(2 + 4 y^2) x + (1 + 3 y)},
+and @kbd{a c y} would produce @cite{(4 x) y^2 + 3 y + (1 + 2 x)}.
+The polynomial will be expanded out using the distributive law as
+necessary:  Collecting @cite{x} in @cite{(x - 1)^3} produces
+@cite{x^3 - 3 x^2 + 3 x - 1}.  Terms not involving @cite{x} will
+not be expanded.
+The ``variable'' you specify at the prompt can actually be any
+expression: @kbd{a c ln(x+1)} will collect together all terms multiplied
+by @samp{ln(x+1)} or integer powers thereof.  If @samp{x} also appears
+in the formula in a context other than @samp{ln(x+1)}, @kbd{a c} will
+treat those occurrences as unrelated to @samp{ln(x+1)}, i.e., as constants.
+@kindex a x
+@pindex calc-expand
+@tindex expand
+The @kbd{a x} (@code{calc-expand}) [@code{expand}] command expands an
+expression by applying the distributive law everywhere.  It applies to
+products, quotients, and powers involving sums.  By default, it fully
+distributes all parts of the expression.  With a numeric prefix argument,
+the distributive law is applied only the specified number of times, then
+the partially expanded expression is left on the stack.
+The @kbd{a x} and @kbd{j D} commands are somewhat redundant.  Use
+@kbd{a x} if you want to expand all products of sums in your formula.
+Use @kbd{j D} if you want to expand a particular specified term of
+the formula.  There is an exactly analogous correspondence between
+@kbd{a f} and @kbd{j M}.  (The @kbd{j D} and @kbd{j M} commands
+also know many other kinds of expansions, such as
+@samp{exp(a + b) = exp(a) exp(b)}, which @kbd{a x} and @kbd{a f}
+do not do.)
+Calc's automatic simplifications will sometimes reverse a partial
+expansion.  For example, the first step in expanding @cite{(x+1)^3} is
+to write @cite{(x+1) (x+1)^2}.  If @kbd{a x} stops there and tries
+to put this formula onto the stack, though, Calc will automatically
+simplify it back to @cite{(x+1)^3} form.  The solution is to turn
+simplification off first (@pxref{Simplification Modes}), or to run
+@kbd{a x} without a numeric prefix argument so that it expands all
+the way in one step.
+@kindex a a
+@pindex calc-apart
+@tindex apart
+The @kbd{a a} (@code{calc-apart}) [@code{apart}] command expands a
+rational function by partial fractions.  A rational function is the
+quotient of two polynomials; @code{apart} pulls this apart into a
+sum of rational functions with simple denominators.  In algebraic
+notation, the @code{apart} function allows a second argument that
+specifies which variable to use as the ``base''; by default, Calc
+chooses the base variable automatically.
+@kindex a n
+@pindex calc-normalize-rat
+@tindex nrat
+The @kbd{a n} (@code{calc-normalize-rat}) [@code{nrat}] command
+attempts to arrange a formula into a quotient of two polynomials.
+For example, given @cite{1 + (a + b/c) / d}, the result would be
+@cite{(b + a c + c d) / c d}.  The quotient is reduced, so that
+@kbd{a n} will simplify @cite{(x^2 + 2x + 1) / (x^2 - 1)} by dividing
+out the common factor @cite{x + 1}, yielding @cite{(x + 1) / (x - 1)}.
+@kindex a \
+@pindex calc-poly-div
+@tindex pdiv
+The @kbd{a \} (@code{calc-poly-div}) [@code{pdiv}] command divides
+two polynomials @cite{u} and @cite{v}, yielding a new polynomial
+@cite{q}.  If several variables occur in the inputs, the inputs are
+considered multivariate polynomials.  (Calc divides by the variable
+with the largest power in @cite{u} first, or, in the case of equal
+powers, chooses the variables in alphabetical order.)  For example,
+dividing @cite{x^2 + 3 x + 2} by @cite{x + 2} yields @cite{x + 1}.
+The remainder from the division, if any, is reported at the bottom
+of the screen and is also placed in the Trail along with the quotient.
+Using @code{pdiv} in algebraic notation, you can specify the particular
+variable to be used as the base:  `@t{pdiv(}@i{a}@t{,}@i{b}@t{,}@i{x}@t{)}'.
+If @code{pdiv} is given only two arguments (as is always the case with
+the @kbd{a \} command), then it does a multivariate division as outlined
+@kindex a %
+@pindex calc-poly-rem
+@tindex prem
+The @kbd{a %} (@code{calc-poly-rem}) [@code{prem}] command divides
+two polynomials and keeps the remainder @cite{r}.  The quotient
+@cite{q} is discarded.  For any formulas @cite{a} and @cite{b}, the
+results of @kbd{a \} and @kbd{a %} satisfy @cite{a = q b + r}.
+(This is analogous to plain @kbd{\} and @kbd{%}, which compute the
+integer quotient and remainder from dividing two numbers.)
+@kindex a /
+@kindex H a /
+@pindex calc-poly-div-rem
+@tindex pdivrem
+@tindex pdivide
+The @kbd{a /} (@code{calc-poly-div-rem}) [@code{pdivrem}] command
+divides two polynomials and reports both the quotient and the
+remainder as a vector @cite{[q, r]}.  The @kbd{H a /} [@code{pdivide}]
+command divides two polynomials and constructs the formula
+@cite{q + r/b} on the stack.  (Naturally if the remainder is zero,
+this will immediately simplify to @cite{q}.)
+@kindex a g
+@pindex calc-poly-gcd
+@tindex pgcd
+The @kbd{a g} (@code{calc-poly-gcd}) [@code{pgcd}] command computes
+the greatest common divisor of two polynomials.  (The GCD actually
+is unique only to within a constant multiplier; Calc attempts to
+choose a GCD which will be unsurprising.)  For example, the @kbd{a n}
+command uses @kbd{a g} to take the GCD of the numerator and denominator
+of a quotient, then divides each by the result using @kbd{a \}.  (The
+definition of GCD ensures that this division can take place without
+leaving a remainder.)
+While the polynomials used in operations like @kbd{a /} and @kbd{a g}
+often have integer coefficients, this is not required.  Calc can also
+deal with polynomials over the rationals or floating-point reals.
+Polynomials with modulo-form coefficients are also useful in many
+applications; if you enter @samp{(x^2 + 3 x - 1) mod 5}, Calc
+automatically transforms this into a polynomial over the field of
+integers mod 5:  @samp{(1 mod 5) x^2 + (3 mod 5) x + (4 mod 5)}.
+Congratulations and thanks go to Ove Ewerlid
+(@code{ewerlid@@mizar.DoCS.UU.SE}), who contributed many of the
+polynomial routines used in the above commands.
+@xref{Decomposing Polynomials}, for several useful functions for
+extracting the individual coefficients of a polynomial.
+@node Calculus, Solving Equations, Polynomials, Algebra
+@section Calculus
+The following calculus commands do not automatically simplify their
+inputs or outputs using @code{calc-simplify}.  You may find it helps
+to do this by hand by typing @kbd{a s} or @kbd{a e}.  It may also help
+to use @kbd{a x} and/or @kbd{a c} to arrange a result in the most
+readable way.
+* Differentiation::
+* Integration::
+* Customizing the Integrator::
+* Numerical Integration::
+* Taylor Series::
+@end menu
+@node Differentiation, Integration, Calculus, Calculus
+@subsection Differentiation
+@kindex a d
+@kindex H a d
+@pindex calc-derivative
+@tindex deriv
+@tindex tderiv
+The @kbd{a d} (@code{calc-derivative}) [@code{deriv}] command computes
+the derivative of the expression on the top of the stack with respect to
+some variable, which it will prompt you to enter.  Normally, variables
+in the formula other than the specified differentiation variable are
+considered constant, i.e., @samp{deriv(y,x)} is reduced to zero.  With
+the Hyperbolic flag, the @code{tderiv} (total derivative) operation is used
+instead, in which derivatives of variables are not reduced to zero
+unless those variables are known to be ``constant,'' i.e., independent
+of any other variables.  (The built-in special variables like @code{pi}
+are considered constant, as are variables that have been declared
+@code{const}; @pxref{Declarations}.)
+With a numeric prefix argument @var{n}, this command computes the
+@var{n}th derivative.
+When working with trigonometric functions, it is best to switch to
+radians mode first (with @w{@kbd{m r}}).  The derivative of @samp{sin(x)}
+in degrees is @samp{(pi/180) cos(x)}, probably not the expected
+If you use the @code{deriv} function directly in an algebraic formula,
+you can write @samp{deriv(f,x,x0)} which represents the derivative
+of @cite{f} with respect to @cite{x}, evaluated at the point @c{$x=x_0$}
+If the formula being differentiated contains functions which Calc does
+not know, the derivatives of those functions are produced by adding
+primes (apostrophe characters).  For example, @samp{deriv(f(2x), x)}
+produces @samp{2 f'(2 x)}, where the function @code{f'} represents the
+derivative of @code{f}.
+For functions you have defined with the @kbd{Z F} command, Calc expands
+the functions according to their defining formulas unless you have
+also defined @code{f'} suitably.  For example, suppose we define
+@samp{sinc(x) = sin(x)/x} using @kbd{Z F}.  If we then differentiate
+the formula @samp{sinc(2 x)}, the formula will be expanded to
+@samp{sin(2 x) / (2 x)} and differentiated.  However, if we also
+define @samp{sinc'(x) = dsinc(x)}, say, then Calc will write the
+result as @samp{2 dsinc(2 x)}.  @xref{Algebraic Definitions}.
+For multi-argument functions @samp{f(x,y,z)}, the derivative with respect
+to the first argument is written @samp{f'(x,y,z)}; derivatives with
+respect to the other arguments are @samp{f'2(x,y,z)} and @samp{f'3(x,y,z)}.
+Various higher-order derivatives can be formed in the obvious way, e.g.,
+@samp{f'@var{}'(x)} (the second derivative of @code{f}) or
+@samp{f'@var{}'2'3(x,y,z)} (@code{f} differentiated with respect to each
+argument once).@refill
+@node Integration, Customizing the Integrator, Differentiation, Calculus
+@subsection Integration
+@kindex a i
+@pindex calc-integral
+@tindex integ
+The @kbd{a i} (@code{calc-integral}) [@code{integ}] command computes the
+indefinite integral of the expression on the top of the stack with
+respect to a variable.  The integrator is not guaranteed to work for
+all integrable functions, but it is able to integrate several large
+classes of formulas.  In particular, any polynomial or rational function
+(a polynomial divided by a polynomial) is acceptable.  (Rational functions
+don't have to be in explicit quotient form, however; @c{$x/(1+x^{-2})$}
+is not strictly a quotient of polynomials, but it is equivalent to
+@cite{x^3/(x^2+1)}, which is.)  Also, square roots of terms involving
+@cite{x} and @cite{x^2} may appear in rational functions being
+integrated.  Finally, rational functions involving trigonometric or
+hyperbolic functions can be integrated.
+If you use the @code{integ} function directly in an algebraic formula,
+you can also write @samp{integ(f,x,v)} which expresses the resulting
+indefinite integral in terms of variable @code{v} instead of @code{x}.
+With four arguments, @samp{integ(f(x),x,a,b)} represents a definite
+integral from @code{a} to @code{b}.
+@end ifinfo
+If you use the @code{integ} function directly in an algebraic formula,
+you can also write @samp{integ(f,x,v)} which expresses the resulting
+indefinite integral in terms of variable @code{v} instead of @code{x}.
+With four arguments, @samp{integ(f(x),x,a,b)} represents a definite
+integral $\int_a^b f(x) \, dx$.
+@end tex
+Please note that the current implementation of Calc's integrator sometimes
+produces results that are significantly more complex than they need to
+be.  For example, the integral Calc finds for @c{$1/(x+\sqrt{x^2+1})$}
+is several times more complicated than the answer Mathematica
+returns for the same input, although the two forms are numerically
+equivalent.  Also, any indefinite integral should be considered to have
+an arbitrary constant of integration added to it, although Calc does not
+write an explicit constant of integration in its result.  For example,
+Calc's solution for @c{$1/(1+\tan x)$}
+@cite{1/(1+tan(x))} differs from the solution given
+in the @emph{CRC Math Tables} by a constant factor of @c{$\pi i / 2$}
+@cite{pi i / 2},
+due to a different choice of constant of integration.
+The Calculator remembers all the integrals it has done.  If conditions
+change in a way that would invalidate the old integrals, say, a switch
+from degrees to radians mode, then they will be thrown out.  If you
+suspect this is not happening when it should, use the
+@code{calc-flush-caches} command; @pxref{Caches}.
+@vindex IntegLimit
+Calc normally will pursue integration by substitution or integration by
+parts up to 3 nested times before abandoning an approach as fruitless.
+If the integrator is taking too long, you can lower this limit by storing
+a number (like 2) in the variable @code{IntegLimit}.  (The @kbd{s I}
+command is a convenient way to edit @code{IntegLimit}.)  If this variable
+has no stored value or does not contain a nonnegative integer, a limit
+of 3 is used.  The lower this limit is, the greater the chance that Calc
+will be unable to integrate a function it could otherwise handle.  Raising
+this limit allows the Calculator to solve more integrals, though the time
+it takes may grow exponentially.  You can monitor the integrator's actions
+by creating an Emacs buffer called @code{*Trace*}.  If such a buffer
+exists, the @kbd{a i} command will write a log of its actions there.
+If you want to manipulate integrals in a purely symbolic way, you can
+set the integration nesting limit to 0 to prevent all but fast
+table-lookup solutions of integrals.  You might then wish to define
+rewrite rules for integration by parts, various kinds of substitutions,
+and so on.  @xref{Rewrite Rules}.
+@node Customizing the Integrator, Numerical Integration, Integration, Calculus
+@subsection Customizing the Integrator
+@vindex IntegRules
+Calc has two built-in rewrite rules called @code{IntegRules} and
+@code{IntegAfterRules} which you can edit to define new integration
+methods.  @xref{Rewrite Rules}.  At each step of the integration process,
+Calc wraps the current integrand in a call to the fictitious function
+@samp{integtry(@var{expr},@var{var})}, where @var{expr} is the
+integrand and @var{var} is the integration variable.  If your rules
+rewrite this to be a plain formula (not a call to @code{integtry}), then
+Calc will use this formula as the integral of @var{expr}.  For example,
+the rule @samp{integtry(mysin(x),x) := -mycos(x)} would define a rule to
+integrate a function @code{mysin} that acts like the sine function.
+Then, putting @samp{4 mysin(2y+1)} on the stack and typing @kbd{a i y}
+will produce the integral @samp{-2 mycos(2y+1)}.  Note that Calc has
+automatically made various transformations on the integral to allow it
+to use your rule; integral tables generally give rules for
+@samp{mysin(a x + b)}, but you don't need to use this much generality
+in your @code{IntegRules}.
+@cindex Exponential integral Ei(x)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex Ei
+As a more serious example, the expression @samp{exp(x)/x} cannot be
+integrated in terms of the standard functions, so the ``exponential
+integral'' function @c{${\rm Ei}(x)$}
+@cite{Ei(x)} was invented to describe it.
+We can get Calc to do this integral in terms of a made-up @code{Ei}
+function by adding the rule @samp{[integtry(exp(x)/x, x) := Ei(x)]}
+to @code{IntegRules}.  Now entering @samp{exp(2x)/x} on the stack
+and typing @kbd{a i x} yields @samp{Ei(2 x)}.  This new rule will
+work with Calc's various built-in integration methods (such as
+integration by substitution) to solve a variety of other problems
+involving @code{Ei}:  For example, now Calc will also be able to
+integrate @samp{exp(exp(x))} and @samp{ln(ln(x))} (to get @samp{Ei(exp(x))}
+and @samp{x ln(ln(x)) - Ei(ln(x))}, respectively).
+Your rule may do further integration by calling @code{integ}.  For
+example, @samp{integtry(twice(u),x) := twice(integ(u))} allows Calc
+to integrate @samp{twice(sin(x))} to get @samp{twice(-cos(x))}.
+Note that @code{integ} was called with only one argument.  This notation
+is allowed only within @code{IntegRules}; it means ``integrate this
+with respect to the same integration variable.''  If Calc is unable
+to integrate @code{u}, the integration that invoked @code{IntegRules}
+also fails.  Thus integrating @samp{twice(f(x))} fails, returning the
+unevaluated integral @samp{integ(twice(f(x)), x)}.  It is still legal
+to call @code{integ} with two or more arguments, however; in this case,
+if @code{u} is not integrable, @code{twice} itself will still be
+integrated:  If the above rule is changed to @samp{... := twice(integ(u,x))},
+then integrating @samp{twice(f(x))} will yield @samp{twice(integ(f(x),x))}.
+If a rule instead produces the formula @samp{integsubst(@var{sexpr},
+@var{svar})}, either replacing the top-level @code{integtry} call or
+nested anywhere inside the expression, then Calc will apply the
+substitution @samp{@var{u} = @var{sexpr}(@var{svar})} to try to
+integrate the original @var{expr}.  For example, the rule
+@samp{sqrt(a) := integsubst(sqrt(x),x)} says that if Calc ever finds
+a square root in the integrand, it should attempt the substitution
+@samp{u = sqrt(x)}.  (This particular rule is unnecessary because
+Calc always tries ``obvious'' substitutions where @var{sexpr} actually
+appears in the integrand.)  The variable @var{svar} may be the same
+as the @var{var} that appeared in the call to @code{integtry}, but
+it need not be.
+When integrating according to an @code{integsubst}, Calc uses the
+equation solver to find the inverse of @var{sexpr} (if the integrand
+refers to @var{var} anywhere except in subexpressions that exactly
+match @var{sexpr}).  It uses the differentiator to find the derivative
+of @var{sexpr} and/or its inverse (it has two methods that use one
+derivative or the other).  You can also specify these items by adding
+extra arguments to the @code{integsubst} your rules construct; the
+general form is @samp{integsubst(@var{sexpr}, @var{svar}, @var{sinv},
+@var{sprime})}, where @var{sinv} is the inverse of @var{sexpr} (still
+written as a function of @var{svar}), and @var{sprime} is the
+derivative of @var{sexpr} with respect to @var{svar}.  If you don't
+specify these things, and Calc is not able to work them out on its
+own with the information it knows, then your substitution rule will
+work only in very specific, simple cases.
+Calc applies @code{IntegRules} as if by @kbd{C-u 1 a r IntegRules};
+in other words, Calc stops rewriting as soon as any rule in your rule
+set succeeds.  (If it weren't for this, the @samp{integsubst(sqrt(x),x)}
+example above would keep on adding layers of @code{integsubst} calls
+@vindex IntegSimpRules
+Another set of rules, stored in @code{IntegSimpRules}, are applied
+every time the integrator uses @kbd{a s} to simplify an intermediate
+result.  For example, putting the rule @samp{twice(x) := 2 x} into
+@code{IntegSimpRules} would tell Calc to convert the @code{twice}
+function into a form it knows whenever integration is attempted.
+One more way to influence the integrator is to define a function with
+the @kbd{Z F} command (@pxref{Algebraic Definitions}).  Calc's
+integrator automatically expands such functions according to their
+defining formulas, even if you originally asked for the function to
+be left unevaluated for symbolic arguments.  (Certain other Calc
+systems, such as the differentiator and the equation solver, also
+do this.)
+@vindex IntegAfterRules
+Sometimes Calc is able to find a solution to your integral, but it
+expresses the result in a way that is unnecessarily complicated.  If
+this happens, you can either use @code{integsubst} as described
+above to try to hint at a more direct path to the desired result, or
+you can use @code{IntegAfterRules}.  This is an extra rule set that
+runs after the main integrator returns its result; basically, Calc does
+an @kbd{a r IntegAfterRules} on the result before showing it to you.
+(It also does an @kbd{a s}, without @code{IntegSimpRules}, after that
+to further simplify the result.)  For example, Calc's integrator
+sometimes produces expressions of the form @samp{ln(1+x) - ln(1-x)};
+the default @code{IntegAfterRules} rewrite this into the more readable
+form @samp{2 arctanh(x)}.  Note that, unlike @code{IntegRules},
+@code{IntegSimpRules} and @code{IntegAfterRules} are applied any number
+of times until no further changes are possible.  Rewriting by
+@code{IntegAfterRules} occurs only after the main integrator has
+finished, not at every step as for @code{IntegRules} and
+@node Numerical Integration, Taylor Series, Customizing the Integrator, Calculus
+@subsection Numerical Integration
+@kindex a I
+@pindex calc-num-integral
+@tindex ninteg
+If you want a purely numerical answer to an integration problem, you can
+use the @kbd{a I} (@code{calc-num-integral}) [@code{ninteg}] command.  This
+command prompts for an integration variable, a lower limit, and an
+upper limit.  Except for the integration variable, all other variables
+that appear in the integrand formula must have stored values.  (A stored
+value, if any, for the integration variable itself is ignored.)
+Numerical integration works by evaluating your formula at many points in
+the specified interval.  Calc uses an ``open Romberg'' method; this means
+that it does not evaluate the formula actually at the endpoints (so that
+it is safe to integrate @samp{sin(x)/x} from zero, for example).  Also,
+the Romberg method works especially well when the function being
+integrated is fairly smooth.  If the function is not smooth, Calc will
+have to evaluate it at quite a few points before it can accurately
+determine the value of the integral.
+Integration is much faster when the current precision is small.  It is
+best to set the precision to the smallest acceptable number of digits
+before you use @kbd{a I}.  If Calc appears to be taking too long, press
+@kbd{C-g} to halt it and try a lower precision.  If Calc still appears
+to need hundreds of evaluations, check to make sure your function is
+well-behaved in the specified interval.
+It is possible for the lower integration limit to be @samp{-inf} (minus
+infinity).  Likewise, the upper limit may be plus infinity.  Calc
+internally transforms the integral into an equivalent one with finite
+limits.  However, integration to or across singularities is not supported:
+The integral of @samp{1/sqrt(x)} from 0 to 1 exists (it can be found
+by Calc's symbolic integrator, for example), but @kbd{a I} will fail
+because the integrand goes to infinity at one of the endpoints.
+@node Taylor Series, , Numerical Integration, Calculus
+@subsection Taylor Series
+@kindex a t
+@pindex calc-taylor
+@tindex taylor
+The @kbd{a t} (@code{calc-taylor}) [@code{taylor}] command computes a
+power series expansion or Taylor series of a function.  You specify the
+variable and the desired number of terms.  You may give an expression of
+the form @samp{@var{var} = @var{a}} or @samp{@var{var} - @var{a}} instead
+of just a variable to produce a Taylor expansion about the point @var{a}.
+You may specify the number of terms with a numeric prefix argument;
+otherwise the command will prompt you for the number of terms.  Note that
+many series expansions have coefficients of zero for some terms, so you
+may appear to get fewer terms than you asked for.@refill
+If the @kbd{a i} command is unable to find a symbolic integral for a
+function, you can get an approximation by integrating the function's
+Taylor series.
+@node Solving Equations, Numerical Solutions, Calculus, Algebra
+@section Solving Equations
+@kindex a S
+@pindex calc-solve-for
+@tindex solve
+@cindex Equations, solving
+@cindex Solving equations
+The @kbd{a S} (@code{calc-solve-for}) [@code{solve}] command rearranges
+an equation to solve for a specific variable.  An equation is an
+expression of the form @cite{L = R}.  For example, the command @kbd{a S x}
+will rearrange @cite{y = 3x + 6} to the form, @cite{x = y/3 - 2}.  If the
+input is not an equation, it is treated like an equation of the
+form @cite{X = 0}.
+This command also works for inequalities, as in @cite{y < 3x + 6}.
+Some inequalities cannot be solved where the analogous equation could
+be; for example, solving @c{$a < b \, c$}
+@cite{a < b c} for @cite{b} is impossible
+without knowing the sign of @cite{c}.  In this case, @kbd{a S} will
+produce the result @c{$b \mathbin{\hbox{\code{!=}}} a/c$}
+@cite{b != a/c} (using the not-equal-to operator)
+to signify that the direction of the inequality is now unknown.  The
+inequality @c{$a \le b \, c$}
+@cite{a <= b c} is not even partially solved.
+@xref{Declarations}, for a way to tell Calc that the signs of the
+variables in a formula are in fact known.
+Two useful commands for working with the result of @kbd{a S} are
+@kbd{a .} (@pxref{Logical Operations}), which converts @cite{x = y/3 - 2}
+to @cite{y/3 - 2}, and @kbd{s l} (@pxref{Let Command}) which evaluates
+another formula with @cite{x} set equal to @cite{y/3 - 2}.
+* Multiple Solutions::
+* Solving Systems of Equations::
+* Decomposing Polynomials::
+@end menu
+@node Multiple Solutions, Solving Systems of Equations, Solving Equations, Solving Equations
+@subsection Multiple Solutions
+@kindex H a S
+@tindex fsolve
+Some equations have more than one solution.  The Hyperbolic flag
+(@code{H a S}) [@code{fsolve}] tells the solver to report the fully
+general family of solutions.  It will invent variables @code{n1},
+@code{n2}, @dots{}, which represent independent arbitrary integers, and
+@code{s1}, @code{s2}, @dots{}, which represent independent arbitrary
+signs (either @i{+1} or @i{-1}).  If you don't use the Hyperbolic
+flag, Calc will use zero in place of all arbitrary integers, and plus
+one in place of all arbitrary signs.  Note that variables like @code{n1}
+and @code{s1} are not given any special interpretation in Calc except by
+the equation solver itself.  As usual, you can use the @w{@kbd{s l}}
+(@code{calc-let}) command to obtain solutions for various actual values
+of these variables.
+For example, @kbd{' x^2 = y @key{RET} H a S x @key{RET}} solves to
+get @samp{x = s1 sqrt(y)}, indicating that the two solutions to the
+equation are @samp{sqrt(y)} and @samp{-sqrt(y)}.  Another way to
+think about it is that the square-root operation is really a
+two-valued function; since every Calc function must return a
+single result, @code{sqrt} chooses to return the positive result.
+Then @kbd{H a S} doctors this result using @code{s1} to indicate
+the full set of possible values of the mathematical square-root.
+There is a similar phenomenon going the other direction:  Suppose
+we solve @samp{sqrt(y) = x} for @code{y}.  Calc squares both sides
+to get @samp{y = x^2}.  This is correct, except that it introduces
+some dubious solutions.  Consider solving @samp{sqrt(y) = -3}:
+Calc will report @cite{y = 9} as a valid solution, which is true
+in the mathematical sense of square-root, but false (there is no
+solution) for the actual Calc positive-valued @code{sqrt}.  This
+happens for both @kbd{a S} and @kbd{H a S}.
+@cindex @code{GenCount} variable
+@vindex GenCount
+@c @starindex
+@tindex an
+@c @starindex
+@tindex as
+If you store a positive integer in the Calc variable @code{GenCount},
+then Calc will generate formulas of the form @samp{as(@var{n})} for
+arbitrary signs, and @samp{an(@var{n})} for arbitrary integers,
+where @var{n} represents successive values taken by incrementing
+@code{GenCount} by one.  While the normal arbitrary sign and
+integer symbols start over at @code{s1} and @code{n1} with each
+new Calc command, the @code{GenCount} approach will give each
+arbitrary value a name that is unique throughout the entire Calc
+session.  Also, the arbitrary values are function calls instead
+of variables, which is advantageous in some cases.  For example,
+you can make a rewrite rule that recognizes all arbitrary signs
+using a pattern like @samp{as(n)}.  The @kbd{s l} command only works
+on variables, but you can use the @kbd{a b} (@code{calc-substitute})
+command to substitute actual values for function calls like @samp{as(3)}.
+The @kbd{s G} (@code{calc-edit-GenCount}) command is a convenient
+way to create or edit this variable.  Press @kbd{M-# M-#} to finish.
+If you have not stored a value in @code{GenCount}, or if the value
+in that variable is not a positive integer, the regular
+@code{s1}/@code{n1} notation is used.
+@kindex I a S
+@kindex H I a S
+@tindex finv
+@tindex ffinv
+With the Inverse flag, @kbd{I a S} [@code{finv}] treats the expression
+on top of the stack as a function of the specified variable and solves
+to find the inverse function, written in terms of the same variable.
+For example, @kbd{I a S x} inverts @cite{2x + 6} to @cite{x/2 - 3}.
+You can use both Inverse and Hyperbolic [@code{ffinv}] to obtain a
+fully general inverse, as described above.
+@kindex a P
+@pindex calc-poly-roots
+@tindex roots
+Some equations, specifically polynomials, have a known, finite number
+of solutions.  The @kbd{a P} (@code{calc-poly-roots}) [@code{roots}]
+command uses @kbd{H a S} to solve an equation in general form, then, for
+all arbitrary-sign variables like @code{s1}, and all arbitrary-integer
+variables like @code{n1} for which @code{n1} only usefully varies over
+a finite range, it expands these variables out to all their possible
+values.  The results are collected into a vector, which is returned.
+For example, @samp{roots(x^4 = 1, x)} returns the four solutions
+@samp{[1, -1, (0, 1), (0, -1)]}.  Generally an @var{n}th degree
+polynomial will always have @var{n} roots on the complex plane.
+(If you have given a @code{real} declaration for the solution
+variable, then only the real-valued solutions, if any, will be
+reported; @pxref{Declarations}.)
+Note that because @kbd{a P} uses @kbd{H a S}, it is able to deliver
+symbolic solutions if the polynomial has symbolic coefficients.  Also
+note that Calc's solver is not able to get exact symbolic solutions
+to all polynomials.  Polynomials containing powers up to @cite{x^4}
+can always be solved exactly; polynomials of higher degree sometimes
+can be:  @cite{x^6 + x^3 + 1} is converted to @cite{(x^3)^2 + (x^3) + 1},
+which can be solved for @cite{x^3} using the quadratic equation, and then
+for @cite{x} by taking cube roots.  But in many cases, like
+@cite{x^6 + x + 1}, Calc does not know how to rewrite the polynomial
+into a form it can solve.  The @kbd{a P} command can still deliver a
+list of numerical roots, however, provided that symbolic mode (@kbd{m s})
+is not turned on.  (If you work with symbolic mode on, recall that the
+@kbd{N} (@code{calc-eval-num}) key is a handy way to reevaluate the
+formula on the stack with symbolic mode temporarily off.)  Naturally,
+@kbd{a P} can only provide numerical roots if the polynomial coefficents
+are all numbers (real or complex).
+@node Solving Systems of Equations, Decomposing Polynomials, Multiple Solutions, Solving Equations
+@subsection Solving Systems of Equations
+@cindex Systems of equations, symbolic
+You can also use the commands described above to solve systems of
+simultaneous equations.  Just create a vector of equations, then
+specify a vector of variables for which to solve.  (You can omit
+the surrounding brackets when entering the vector of variables
+at the prompt.)
+For example, putting @samp{[x + y = a, x - y = b]} on the stack
+and typing @kbd{a S x,y @key{RET}} produces the vector of solutions
+@samp{[x = a - (a-b)/2, y = (a-b)/2]}.  The result vector will
+have the same length as the variables vector, and the variables
+will be listed in the same order there.  Note that the solutions
+are not always simplified as far as possible; the solution for
+@cite{x} here could be improved by an application of the @kbd{a n}
+Calc's algorithm works by trying to eliminate one variable at a
+time by solving one of the equations for that variable and then
+substituting into the other equations.  Calc will try all the
+possibilities, but you can speed things up by noting that Calc
+first tries to eliminate the first variable with the first
+equation, then the second variable with the second equation,
+and so on.  It also helps to put the simpler (e.g., more linear)
+equations toward the front of the list.  Calc's algorithm will
+solve any system of linear equations, and also many kinds of
+nonlinear systems.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex elim
+Normally there will be as many variables as equations.  If you
+give fewer variables than equations (an ``over-determined'' system
+of equations), Calc will find a partial solution.  For example,
+typing @kbd{a S y @key{RET}} with the above system of equations
+would produce @samp{[y = a - x]}.  There are now several ways to
+express this solution in terms of the original variables; Calc uses
+the first one that it finds.  You can control the choice by adding
+variable specifiers of the form @samp{elim(@var{v})} to the
+variables list.  This says that @var{v} should be eliminated from
+the equations; the variable will not appear at all in the solution.
+For example, typing @kbd{a S y,elim(x)} would yield
+@samp{[y = a - (b+a)/2]}.
+If the variables list contains only @code{elim} specifiers,
+Calc simply eliminates those variables from the equations
+and then returns the resulting set of equations.  For example,
+@kbd{a S elim(x)} produces @samp{[a - 2 y = b]}.  Every variable
+eliminated will reduce the number of equations in the system
+by one.
+Again, @kbd{a S} gives you one solution to the system of
+equations.  If there are several solutions, you can use @kbd{H a S}
+to get a general family of solutions, or, if there is a finite
+number of solutions, you can use @kbd{a P} to get a list.  (In
+the latter case, the result will take the form of a matrix where
+the rows are different solutions and the columns correspond to the
+variables you requested.)
+Another way to deal with certain kinds of overdetermined systems of
+equations is the @kbd{a F} command, which does least-squares fitting
+to satisfy the equations.  @xref{Curve Fitting}.
+@node Decomposing Polynomials, , Solving Systems of Equations, Solving Equations
+@subsection Decomposing Polynomials
+@c @starindex
+@tindex poly
+The @code{poly} function takes a polynomial and a variable as
+arguments, and returns a vector of polynomial coefficients (constant
+coefficient first).  For example, @samp{poly(x^3 + 2 x, x)} returns
+@cite{[0, 2, 0, 1]}.  If the input is not a polynomial in @cite{x},
+the call to @code{poly} is left in symbolic form.  If the input does
+not involve the variable @cite{x}, the input is returned in a list
+of length one, representing a polynomial with only a constant
+coefficient.  The call @samp{poly(x, x)} returns the vector @cite{[0, 1]}.
+The last element of the returned vector is guaranteed to be nonzero;
+note that @samp{poly(0, x)} returns the empty vector @cite{[]}.
+Note also that @cite{x} may actually be any formula; for example,
+@samp{poly(sin(x)^2 - sin(x) + 3, sin(x))} returns @cite{[3, -1, 1]}.
+@cindex Coefficients of polynomial
+@cindex Degree of polynomial
+To get the @cite{x^k} coefficient of polynomial @cite{p}, use
+@samp{poly(p, x)_(k+1)}.  To get the degree of polynomial @cite{p},
+use @samp{vlen(poly(p, x)) - 1}.  For example, @samp{poly((x+1)^4, x)}
+returns @samp{[1, 4, 6, 4, 1]}, so @samp{poly((x+1)^4, x)_(2+1)}
+gives the @cite{x^2} coefficient of this polynomial, 6.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex gpoly
+One important feature of the solver is its ability to recognize
+formulas which are ``essentially'' polynomials.  This ability is
+made available to the user through the @code{gpoly} function, which
+is used just like @code{poly}:  @samp{gpoly(@var{expr}, @var{var})}.
+If @var{expr} is a polynomial in some term which includes @var{var}, then
+this function will return a vector @samp{[@var{x}, @var{c}, @var{a}]}
+where @var{x} is the term that depends on @var{var}, @var{c} is a
+vector of polynomial coefficients (like the one returned by @code{poly}),
+and @var{a} is a multiplier which is usually 1.  Basically,
+@samp{@var{expr} = @var{a}*(@var{c}_1 + @var{c}_2 @var{x} +
+@var{c}_3 @var{x}^2 + ...)}.  The last element of @var{c} is
+guaranteed to be non-zero, and @var{c} will not equal @samp{[1]}
+(i.e., the trivial decomposition @var{expr} = @var{x} is not
+considered a polynomial).  One side effect is that @samp{gpoly(x, x)}
+and @samp{gpoly(6, x)}, both of which might be expected to recognize
+their arguments as polynomials, will not because the decomposition
+is considered trivial.
+For example, @samp{gpoly((x-2)^2, x)} returns @samp{[x, [4, -4, 1], 1]},
+since the expanded form of this polynomial is @cite{4 - 4 x + x^2}.
+The term @var{x} may itself be a polynomial in @var{var}.  This is
+done to reduce the size of the @var{c} vector.  For example,
+@samp{gpoly(x^4 + x^2 - 1, x)} returns @samp{[x^2, [-1, 1, 1], 1]},
+since a quadratic polynomial in @cite{x^2} is easier to solve than
+a quartic polynomial in @cite{x}.
+A few more examples of the kinds of polynomials @code{gpoly} can
+sin(x) - 1               [sin(x), [-1, 1], 1]
+x + 1/x - 1              [x, [1, -1, 1], 1/x]
+x + 1/x                  [x^2, [1, 1], 1/x]
+x^3 + 2 x                [x^2, [2, 1], x]
+x + x^2:3 + sqrt(x)      [x^1:6, [1, 1, 0, 1], x^1:2]
+x^(2a) + 2 x^a + 5       [x^a, [5, 2, 1], 1]
+(exp(-x) + exp(x)) / 2   [e^(2 x), [0.5, 0.5], e^-x]
+@end smallexample
+The @code{poly} and @code{gpoly} functions accept a third integer argument
+which specifies the largest degree of polynomial that is acceptable.
+If this is @cite{n}, then only @var{c} vectors of length @cite{n+1}
+or less will be returned.  Otherwise, the @code{poly} or @code{gpoly}
+call will remain in symbolic form.  For example, the equation solver
+can handle quartics and smaller polynomials, so it calls
+@samp{gpoly(@var{expr}, @var{var}, 4)} to discover whether @var{expr}
+can be treated by its linear, quadratic, cubic, or quartic formulas.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex pdeg
+The @code{pdeg} function computes the degree of a polynomial;
+@samp{pdeg(p,x)} is the highest power of @code{x} that appears in
+@code{p}.  This is the same as @samp{vlen(poly(p,x))-1}, but is
+much more efficient.  If @code{p} is constant with respect to @code{x},
+then @samp{pdeg(p,x) = 0}.  If @code{p} is not a polynomial in @code{x}
+(e.g., @samp{pdeg(2 cos(x), x)}, the function remains unevaluated.
+It is possible to omit the second argument @code{x}, in which case
+@samp{pdeg(p)} returns the highest total degree of any term of the
+polynomial, counting all variables that appear in @code{p}.  Note
+that @code{pdeg(c) = pdeg(c,x) = 0} for any nonzero constant @code{c};
+the degree of the constant zero is considered to be @code{-inf}
+(minus infinity).
+@c @starindex
+@tindex plead
+The @code{plead} function finds the leading term of a polynomial.
+Thus @samp{plead(p,x)} is equivalent to @samp{poly(p,x)_vlen(poly(p,x))},
+though again more efficient.  In particular, @samp{plead((2x+1)^10, x)}
+returns 1024 without expanding out the list of coefficients.  The
+value of @code{plead(p,x)} will be zero only if @cite{p = 0}.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex pcont
+The @code{pcont} function finds the @dfn{content} of a polynomial.  This
+is the greatest common divisor of all the coefficients of the polynomial.
+With two arguments, @code{pcont(p,x)} effectively uses @samp{poly(p,x)}
+to get a list of coefficients, then uses @code{pgcd} (the polynomial
+GCD function) to combine these into an answer.  For example,
+@samp{pcont(4 x y^2 + 6 x^2 y, x)} is @samp{2 y}.  The content is
+basically the ``biggest'' polynomial that can be divided into @code{p}
+exactly.  The sign of the content is the same as the sign of the leading
+With only one argument, @samp{pcont(p)} computes the numerical
+content of the polynomial, i.e., the @code{gcd} of the numerical
+coefficients of all the terms in the formula.  Note that @code{gcd}
+is defined on rational numbers as well as integers; it computes
+the @code{gcd} of the numerators and the @code{lcm} of the
+denominators.  Thus @samp{pcont(4:3 x y^2 + 6 x^2 y)} returns 2:3.
+Dividing the polynomial by this number will clear all the
+denominators, as well as dividing by any common content in the
+numerators.  The numerical content of a polynomial is negative only
+if all the coefficients in the polynomial are negative.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex pprim
+The @code{pprim} function finds the @dfn{primitive part} of a
+polynomial, which is simply the polynomial divided (using @code{pdiv}
+if necessary) by its content.  If the input polynomial has rational
+coefficients, the result will have integer coefficients in simplest
+@node Numerical Solutions, Curve Fitting, Solving Equations, Algebra
+@section Numerical Solutions
+Not all equations can be solved symbolically.  The commands in this
+section use numerical algorithms that can find a solution to a specific
+instance of an equation to any desired accuracy.  Note that the
+numerical commands are slower than their algebraic cousins; it is a
+good idea to try @kbd{a S} before resorting to these commands.
+(@xref{Curve Fitting}, for some other, more specialized, operations
+on numerical data.)
+* Root Finding::
+* Minimization::
+* Numerical Systems of Equations::
+@end menu
+@node Root Finding, Minimization, Numerical Solutions, Numerical Solutions
+@subsection Root Finding
+@kindex a R
+@pindex calc-find-root
+@tindex root
+@cindex Newton's method
+@cindex Roots of equations
+@cindex Numerical root-finding
+The @kbd{a R} (@code{calc-find-root}) [@code{root}] command finds a
+numerical solution (or @dfn{root}) of an equation.  (This command treats
+inequalities the same as equations.  If the input is any other kind
+of formula, it is interpreted as an equation of the form @cite{X = 0}.)
+The @kbd{a R} command requires an initial guess on the top of the
+stack, and a formula in the second-to-top position.  It prompts for a
+solution variable, which must appear in the formula.  All other variables
+that appear in the formula must have assigned values, i.e., when
+a value is assigned to the solution variable and the formula is
+evaluated with @kbd{=}, it should evaluate to a number.  Any assigned
+value for the solution variable itself is ignored and unaffected by
+this command.
+When the command completes, the initial guess is replaced on the stack
+by a vector of two numbers:  The value of the solution variable that
+solves the equation, and the difference between the lefthand and
+righthand sides of the equation at that value.  Ordinarily, the second
+number will be zero or very nearly zero.  (Note that Calc uses a
+slightly higher precision while finding the root, and thus the second
+number may be slightly different from the value you would compute from
+the equation yourself.)
+The @kbd{v h} (@code{calc-head}) command is a handy way to extract
+the first element of the result vector, discarding the error term.
+The initial guess can be a real number, in which case Calc searches
+for a real solution near that number, or a complex number, in which
+case Calc searches the whole complex plane near that number for a
+solution, or it can be an interval form which restricts the search
+to real numbers inside that interval.
+Calc tries to use @kbd{a d} to take the derivative of the equation.
+If this succeeds, it uses Newton's method.  If the equation is not
+differentiable Calc uses a bisection method.  (If Newton's method
+appears to be going astray, Calc switches over to bisection if it
+can, or otherwise gives up.  In this case it may help to try again
+with a slightly different initial guess.)  If the initial guess is a
+complex number, the function must be differentiable.
+If the formula (or the difference between the sides of an equation)
+is negative at one end of the interval you specify and positive at
+the other end, the root finder is guaranteed to find a root.
+Otherwise, Calc subdivides the interval into small parts looking for
+positive and negative values to bracket the root.  When your guess is
+an interval, Calc will not look outside that interval for a root.
+@kindex H a R
+@tindex wroot
+The @kbd{H a R} [@code{wroot}] command is similar to @kbd{a R}, except
+that if the initial guess is an interval for which the function has
+the same sign at both ends, then rather than subdividing the interval
+Calc attempts to widen it to enclose a root.  Use this mode if
+you are not sure if the function has a root in your interval.
+If the function is not differentiable, and you give a simple number
+instead of an interval as your initial guess, Calc uses this widening
+process even if you did not type the Hyperbolic flag.  (If the function
+@emph{is} differentiable, Calc uses Newton's method which does not
+require a bounding interval in order to work.)
+If Calc leaves the @code{root} or @code{wroot} function in symbolic
+form on the stack, it will normally display an explanation for why
+no root was found.  If you miss this explanation, press @kbd{w}
+(@code{calc-why}) to get it back.
+@node Minimization, Numerical Systems of Equations, Root Finding, Numerical Solutions
+@subsection Minimization
+@kindex a N
+@kindex H a N
+@kindex a X
+@kindex H a X
+@pindex calc-find-minimum
+@pindex calc-find-maximum
+@tindex minimize
+@tindex maximize
+@cindex Minimization, numerical
+The @kbd{a N} (@code{calc-find-minimum}) [@code{minimize}] command
+finds a minimum value for a formula.  It is very similar in operation
+to @kbd{a R} (@code{calc-find-root}):  You give the formula and an initial
+guess on the stack, and are prompted for the name of a variable.  The guess
+may be either a number near the desired minimum, or an interval enclosing
+the desired minimum.  The function returns a vector containing the
+value of the the variable which minimizes the formula's value, along
+with the minimum value itself.
+Note that this command looks for a @emph{local} minimum.  Many functions
+have more than one minimum; some, like @c{$x \sin x$}
+@cite{x sin(x)}, have infinitely
+many.  In fact, there is no easy way to define the ``global'' minimum
+of @c{$x \sin x$}
+@cite{x sin(x)} but Calc can still locate any particular local minimum
+for you.  Calc basically goes downhill from the initial guess until it
+finds a point at which the function's value is greater both to the left
+and to the right.  Calc does not use derivatives when minimizing a function.
+If your initial guess is an interval and it looks like the minimum
+occurs at one or the other endpoint of the interval, Calc will return
+that endpoint only if that endpoint is closed; thus, minimizing @cite{17 x}
+over @cite{[2..3]} will return @cite{[2, 38]}, but minimizing over
+@cite{(2..3]} would report no minimum found.  In general, you should
+use closed intervals to find literally the minimum value in that
+range of @cite{x}, or open intervals to find the local minimum, if
+any, that happens to lie in that range.
+Most functions are smooth and flat near their minimum values.  Because
+of this flatness, if the current precision is, say, 12 digits, the
+variable can only be determined meaningfully to about six digits.  Thus
+you should set the precision to twice as many digits as you need in your
+@c @mindex wmin@idots
+@tindex wminimize
+@c @mindex wmax@idots
+@tindex wmaximize
+The @kbd{H a N} [@code{wminimize}] command, analogously to @kbd{H a R},
+expands the guess interval to enclose a minimum rather than requiring
+that the minimum lie inside the interval you supply.
+The @kbd{a X} (@code{calc-find-maximum}) [@code{maximize}] and
+@kbd{H a X} [@code{wmaximize}] commands effectively minimize the
+negative of the formula you supply.
+The formula must evaluate to a real number at all points inside the
+interval (or near the initial guess if the guess is a number).  If
+the initial guess is a complex number the variable will be minimized
+over the complex numbers; if it is real or an interval it will
+be minimized over the reals.
+@node Numerical Systems of Equations, , Minimization, Numerical Solutions
+@subsection Systems of Equations
+@cindex Systems of equations, numerical
+The @kbd{a R} command can also solve systems of equations.  In this
+case, the equation should instead be a vector of equations, the
+guess should instead be a vector of numbers (intervals are not
+supported), and the variable should be a vector of variables.  You
+can omit the brackets while entering the list of variables.  Each
+equation must be differentiable by each variable for this mode to
+work.  The result will be a vector of two vectors:  The variable
+values that solved the system of equations, and the differences
+between the sides of the equations with those variable values.
+There must be the same number of equations as variables.  Since
+only plain numbers are allowed as guesses, the Hyperbolic flag has
+no effect when solving a system of equations.
+It is also possible to minimize over many variables with @kbd{a N}
+(or maximize with @kbd{a X}).  Once again the variable name should
+be replaced by a vector of variables, and the initial guess should
+be an equal-sized vector of initial guesses.  But, unlike the case of
+multidimensional @kbd{a R}, the formula being minimized should
+still be a single formula, @emph{not} a vector.  Beware that
+multidimensional minimization is currently @emph{very} slow.
+@node Curve Fitting, Summations, Numerical Solutions, Algebra
+@section Curve Fitting
+The @kbd{a F} command fits a set of data to a @dfn{model formula},
+such as @cite{y = m x + b} where @cite{m} and @cite{b} are parameters
+to be determined.  For a typical set of measured data there will be
+no single @cite{m} and @cite{b} that exactly fit the data; in this
+case, Calc chooses values of the parameters that provide the closest
+possible fit.
+* Linear Fits::
+* Polynomial and Multilinear Fits::
+* Error Estimates for Fits::
+* Standard Nonlinear Models::
+* Curve Fitting Details::
+* Interpolation::
+@end menu
+@node Linear Fits, Polynomial and Multilinear Fits, Curve Fitting, Curve Fitting
+@subsection Linear Fits
+@kindex a F
+@pindex calc-curve-fit
+@tindex fit
+@cindex Linear regression
+@cindex Least-squares fits
+The @kbd{a F} (@code{calc-curve-fit}) [@code{fit}] command attempts
+to fit a set of data (@cite{x} and @cite{y} vectors of numbers) to a
+straight line, polynomial, or other function of @cite{x}.  For the
+moment we will consider only the case of fitting to a line, and we
+will ignore the issue of whether or not the model was in fact a good
+fit for the data.
+In a standard linear least-squares fit, we have a set of @cite{(x,y)}
+data points that we wish to fit to the model @cite{y = m x + b}
+by adjusting the parameters @cite{m} and @cite{b} to make the @cite{y}
+values calculated from the formula be as close as possible to the actual
+@cite{y} values in the data set.  (In a polynomial fit, the model is
+instead, say, @cite{y = a x^3 + b x^2 + c x + d}.  In a multilinear fit,
+we have data points of the form @cite{(x_1,x_2,x_3,y)} and our model is
+@cite{y = a x_1 + b x_2 + c x_3 + d}.  These will be discussed later.)
+In the model formula, variables like @cite{x} and @cite{x_2} are called
+the @dfn{independent variables}, and @cite{y} is the @dfn{dependent
+variable}.  Variables like @cite{m}, @cite{a}, and @cite{b} are called
+the @dfn{parameters} of the model.
+The @kbd{a F} command takes the data set to be fitted from the stack.
+By default, it expects the data in the form of a matrix.  For example,
+for a linear or polynomial fit, this would be a @c{$2\times N$}
+@asis{2xN} matrix where
+the first row is a list of @cite{x} values and the second row has the
+corresponding @cite{y} values.  For the multilinear fit shown above,
+the matrix would have four rows (@cite{x_1}, @cite{x_2}, @cite{x_3}, and
+@cite{y}, respectively).
+If you happen to have an @c{$N\times2$}
+@asis{Nx2} matrix instead of a @c{$2\times N$}
+@asis{2xN} matrix,
+just press @kbd{v t} first to transpose the matrix.
+After you type @kbd{a F}, Calc prompts you to select a model.  For a
+linear fit, press the digit @kbd{1}.
+Calc then prompts for you to name the variables.  By default it chooses
+high letters like @cite{x} and @cite{y} for independent variables and
+low letters like @cite{a} and @cite{b} for parameters.  (The dependent
+variable doesn't need a name.)  The two kinds of variables are separated
+by a semicolon.  Since you generally care more about the names of the
+independent variables than of the parameters, Calc also allows you to
+name only those and let the parameters use default names.
+For example, suppose the data matrix
+[ [ 1, 2, 3, 4,  5  ]
+  [ 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 ] ]
+@end example
+@end group
+@end ifinfo
+$$ \pmatrix{ 1 & 2 & 3 & 4  & 5  \cr
+             5 & 7 & 9 & 11 & 13 }
+@end tex
+is on the stack and we wish to do a simple linear fit.  Type
+@kbd{a F}, then @kbd{1} for the model, then @kbd{RET} to use
+the default names.  The result will be the formula @cite{3 + 2 x}
+on the stack.  Calc has created the model expression @kbd{a + b x},
+then found the optimal values of @cite{a} and @cite{b} to fit the
+data.  (In this case, it was able to find an exact fit.)  Calc then
+substituted those values for @cite{a} and @cite{b} in the model
+The @kbd{a F} command puts two entries in the trail.  One is, as
+always, a copy of the result that went to the stack; the other is
+a vector of the actual parameter values, written as equations:
+@cite{[a = 3, b = 2]}, in case you'd rather read them in a list
+than pick them out of the formula.  (You can type @kbd{t y}
+to move this vector to the stack; @pxref{Trail Commands}.)
+Specifying a different independent variable name will affect the
+resulting formula: @kbd{a F 1 k RET} produces @kbd{3 + 2 k}.
+Changing the parameter names (say, @kbd{a F 1 k;b,m RET}) will affect
+the equations that go into the trail.
+@end tex
+To see what happens when the fit is not exact, we could change
+the number 13 in the data matrix to 14 and try the fit again.
+The result is:
+2.6 + 2.2 x
+@end example
+Evaluating this formula, say with @kbd{v x 5 RET TAB V M $ RET}, shows
+a reasonably close match to the y-values in the data.
+[4.8, 7., 9.2, 11.4, 13.6]
+@end example
+Since there is no line which passes through all the @i{N} data points,
+Calc has chosen a line that best approximates the data points using
+the method of least squares.  The idea is to define the @dfn{chi-square}
+error measure
+chi^2 = sum((y_i - (a + b x_i))^2, i, 1, N)
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+$$ \chi^2 = \sum_{i=1}^N (y_i - (a + b x_i))^2 $$
+@end tex
+which is clearly zero if @cite{a + b x} exactly fits all data points,
+and increases as various @cite{a + b x_i} values fail to match the
+corresponding @cite{y_i} values.  There are several reasons why the
+summand is squared, one of them being to ensure that @c{$\chi^2 \ge 0$}
+@cite{chi^2 >= 0}.
+Least-squares fitting simply chooses the values of @cite{a} and @cite{b}
+for which the error @c{$\chi^2$}
+@cite{chi^2} is as small as possible.
+Other kinds of models do the same thing but with a different model
+formula in place of @cite{a + b x_i}.
+@end tex
+A numeric prefix argument causes the @kbd{a F} command to take the
+data in some other form than one big matrix.  A positive argument @i{N}
+will take @i{N} items from the stack, corresponding to the @i{N} rows
+of a data matrix.  In the linear case, @i{N} must be 2 since there
+is always one independent variable and one dependent variable.
+A prefix of zero or plain @kbd{C-u} is a compromise; Calc takes two
+items from the stack, an @i{N}-row matrix of @cite{x} values, and a
+vector of @cite{y} values.  If there is only one independent variable,
+the @cite{x} values can be either a one-row matrix or a plain vector,
+in which case the @kbd{C-u} prefix is the same as a @w{@kbd{C-u 2}} prefix.
+@node Polynomial and Multilinear Fits, Error Estimates for Fits, Linear Fits, Curve Fitting
+@subsection Polynomial and Multilinear Fits
+To fit the data to higher-order polynomials, just type one of the
+digits @kbd{2} through @kbd{9} when prompted for a model.  For example,
+we could fit the original data matrix from the previous section
+(with 13, not 14) to a parabola instead of a line by typing
+@kbd{a F 2 RET}.
+2.00000000001 x - 1.5e-12 x^2 + 2.99999999999
+@end example
+Note that since the constant and linear terms are enough to fit the
+data exactly, it's no surprise that Calc chose a tiny contribution
+for @cite{x^2}.  (The fact that it's not exactly zero is due only
+to roundoff error.  Since our data are exact integers, we could get
+an exact answer by typing @kbd{m f} first to get fraction mode.
+Then the @cite{x^2} term would vanish altogether.  Usually, though,
+the data being fitted will be approximate floats so fraction mode
+won't help.)
+Doing the @kbd{a F 2} fit on the data set with 14 instead of 13
+gives a much larger @cite{x^2} contribution, as Calc bends the
+line slightly to improve the fit.
+0.142857142855 x^2 + 1.34285714287 x + 3.59999999998
+@end example
+An important result from the theory of polynomial fitting is that it
+is always possible to fit @i{N} data points exactly using a polynomial
+of degree @i{N-1}, sometimes called an @dfn{interpolating polynomial}.
+Using the modified (14) data matrix, a model number of 4 gives
+a polynomial that exactly matches all five data points:
+0.04167 x^4 - 0.4167 x^3 + 1.458 x^2 - 0.08333 x + 4.
+@end example
+The actual coefficients we get with a precision of 12, like
+@cite{0.0416666663588}, clearly suffer from loss of precision.
+It is a good idea to increase the working precision to several
+digits beyond what you need when you do a fitting operation.
+Or, if your data are exact, use fraction mode to get exact
+You can type @kbd{i} instead of a digit at the model prompt to fit
+the data exactly to a polynomial.  This just counts the number of
+columns of the data matrix to choose the degree of the polynomial
+Fitting data ``exactly'' to high-degree polynomials is not always
+a good idea, though.  High-degree polynomials have a tendency to
+wiggle uncontrollably in between the fitting data points.  Also,
+if the exact-fit polynomial is going to be used to interpolate or
+extrapolate the data, it is numerically better to use the @kbd{a p}
+command described below.  @xref{Interpolation}.
+@end tex
+Another generalization of the linear model is to assume the
+@cite{y} values are a sum of linear contributions from several
+@cite{x} values.  This is a @dfn{multilinear} fit, and it is also
+selected by the @kbd{1} digit key.  (Calc decides whether the fit
+is linear or multilinear by counting the rows in the data matrix.)
+Given the data matrix,
+[ [  1,   2,   3,    4,   5  ]
+  [  7,   2,   3,    5,   2  ]
+  [ 14.5, 15, 18.5, 22.5, 24 ] ]
+@end example
+@end group
+the command @kbd{a F 1 RET} will call the first row @cite{x} and the
+second row @cite{y}, and will fit the values in the third row to the
+model @cite{a + b x + c y}.
+8. + 3. x + 0.5 y
+@end example
+Calc can do multilinear fits with any number of independent variables
+(i.e., with any number of data rows).
+@end tex
+Yet another variation is @dfn{homogeneous} linear models, in which
+the constant term is known to be zero.  In the linear case, this
+means the model formula is simply @cite{a x}; in the multilinear
+case, the model might be @cite{a x + b y + c z}; and in the polynomial
+case, the model could be @cite{a x + b x^2 + c x^3}.  You can get
+a homogeneous linear or multilinear model by pressing the letter
+@kbd{h} followed by a regular model key, like @kbd{1} or @kbd{2}.
+It is certainly possible to have other constrained linear models,
+like @cite{2.3 + a x} or @cite{a - 4 x}.  While there is no single
+key to select models like these, a later section shows how to enter
+any desired model by hand.  In the first case, for example, you
+would enter @kbd{a F ' 2.3 + a x}.
+Another class of models that will work but must be entered by hand
+are multinomial fits, e.g., @cite{a + b x + c y + d x^2 + e y^2 + f x y}.
+@node Error Estimates for Fits, Standard Nonlinear Models, Polynomial and Multilinear Fits, Curve Fitting
+@subsection Error Estimates for Fits
+@kindex H a F
+@tindex efit
+With the Hyperbolic flag, @kbd{H a F} [@code{efit}] performs the same
+fitting operation as @kbd{a F}, but reports the coefficients as error
+forms instead of plain numbers.  Fitting our two data matrices (first
+with 13, then with 14) to a line with @kbd{H a F} gives the results,
+3. + 2. x
+2.6 +/- 0.382970843103 + 2.2 +/- 0.115470053838 x
+@end example
+In the first case the estimated errors are zero because the linear
+fit is perfect.  In the second case, the errors are nonzero but
+moderately small, because the data are still very close to linear.
+It is also possible for the @emph{input} to a fitting operation to
+contain error forms.  The data values must either all include errors
+or all be plain numbers.  Error forms can go anywhere but generally
+go on the numbers in the last row of the data matrix.  If the last
+row contains error forms
+`@i{y_i}@w{ @t{+/-} }@c{$\sigma_i$}
+@i{sigma_i}', then the @c{$\chi^2$}
+statistic is now,
+chi^2 = sum(((y_i - (a + b x_i)) / sigma_i)^2, i, 1, N)
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+$$ \chi^2 = \sum_{i=1}^N \left(y_i - (a + b x_i) \over \sigma_i\right)^2 $$
+@end tex
+so that data points with larger error estimates contribute less to
+the fitting operation.
+If there are error forms on other rows of the data matrix, all the
+errors for a given data point are combined; the square root of the
+sum of the squares of the errors forms the @c{$\sigma_i$}
+@cite{sigma_i} used for
+the data point.
+Both @kbd{a F} and @kbd{H a F} can accept error forms in the input
+matrix, although if you are concerned about error analysis you will
+probably use @kbd{H a F} so that the output also contains error
+If the input contains error forms but all the @c{$\sigma_i$}
+@cite{sigma_i} values are
+the same, it is easy to see that the resulting fitted model will be
+the same as if the input did not have error forms at all (@c{$\chi^2$}
+is simply scaled uniformly by @c{$1 / \sigma^2$}
+@cite{1 / sigma^2}, which doesn't affect
+where it has a minimum).  But there @emph{will} be a difference
+in the estimated errors of the coefficients reported by @kbd{H a F}.
+Consult any text on statistical modelling of data for a discussion
+of where these error estimates come from and how they should be
+@end tex
+@kindex I a F
+@tindex xfit
+With the Inverse flag, @kbd{I a F} [@code{xfit}] produces even more
+information.  The result is a vector of six items:
+The model formula with error forms for its coefficients or
+parameters.  This is the result that @kbd{H a F} would have
+A vector of ``raw'' parameter values for the model.  These are the
+polynomial coefficients or other parameters as plain numbers, in the
+same order as the parameters appeared in the final prompt of the
+@kbd{I a F} command.  For polynomials of degree @cite{d}, this vector
+will have length @cite{M = d+1} with the constant term first.
+The covariance matrix @cite{C} computed from the fit.  This is
+an @i{M}x@i{M} symmetric matrix; the diagonal elements
+@cite{C_j_j} are the variances @c{$\sigma_j^2$}
+@cite{sigma_j^2} of the parameters.
+The other elements are covariances @c{$\sigma_{ij}^2$}
+@cite{sigma_i_j^2} that describe the
+correlation between pairs of parameters.  (A related set of
+numbers, the @dfn{linear correlation coefficients} @c{$r_{ij}$}
+are defined as @c{$\sigma_{ij}^2 / \sigma_i \, \sigma_j$}
+@cite{sigma_i_j^2 / sigma_i sigma_j}.)
+A vector of @cite{M} ``parameter filter'' functions whose
+meanings are described below.  If no filters are necessary this
+will instead be an empty vector; this is always the case for the
+polynomial and multilinear fits described so far.
+The value of @c{$\chi^2$}
+@cite{chi^2} for the fit, calculated by the formulas
+shown above.  This gives a measure of the quality of the fit;
+statisticians consider @c{$\chi^2 \approx N - M$}
+@cite{chi^2 = N - M} to indicate a moderately good fit
+(where again @cite{N} is the number of data points and @cite{M}
+is the number of parameters).
+A measure of goodness of fit expressed as a probability @cite{Q}.
+This is computed from the @code{utpc} probability distribution
+function using @c{$\chi^2$}
+@cite{chi^2} with @cite{N - M} degrees of freedom.  A
+value of 0.5 implies a good fit; some texts recommend that often
+@cite{Q = 0.1} or even 0.001 can signify an acceptable fit.  In
+particular, @c{$\chi^2$}
+@cite{chi^2} statistics assume the errors in your inputs
+follow a normal (Gaussian) distribution; if they don't, you may
+have to accept smaller values of @cite{Q}.
+The @cite{Q} value is computed only if the input included error
+estimates.  Otherwise, Calc will report the symbol @code{nan}
+for @cite{Q}.  The reason is that in this case the @c{$\chi^2$}
+value has effectively been used to estimate the original errors
+in the input, and thus there is no redundant information left
+over to use for a confidence test.
+@end enumerate
+@node Standard Nonlinear Models, Curve Fitting Details, Error Estimates for Fits, Curve Fitting
+@subsection Standard Nonlinear Models
+The @kbd{a F} command also accepts other kinds of models besides
+lines and polynomials.  Some common models have quick single-key
+abbreviations; others must be entered by hand as algebraic formulas.
+Here is a complete list of the standard models recognized by @kbd{a F}:
+@table @kbd
+@item 1
+Linear or multilinear.  @i{a + b x + c y + d z}.
+@item 2-9
+Polynomials.  @i{a + b x + c x^2 + d x^3}.
+@item e
+Exponential.  @i{a} @t{exp}@i{(b x)} @t{exp}@i{(c y)}.
+@item E
+Base-10 exponential.  @i{a} @t{10^}@i{(b x)} @t{10^}@i{(c y)}.
+@item x
+Exponential (alternate notation).  @t{exp}@i{(a + b x + c y)}.
+@item X
+Base-10 exponential (alternate).  @t{10^}@i{(a + b x + c y)}.
+@item l
+Logarithmic.  @i{a + b} @t{ln}@i{(x) + c} @t{ln}@i{(y)}.
+@item L
+Base-10 logarithmic.  @i{a + b} @t{log10}@i{(x) + c} @t{log10}@i{(y)}.
+@item ^
+General exponential.  @i{a b^x c^y}.
+@item p
+Power law.  @i{a x^b y^c}.
+@item q
+Quadratic.  @i{a + b (x-c)^2 + d (x-e)^2}.
+@item g
+Gaussian.  @c{${a \over b \sqrt{2 \pi}} \exp\left( -{1 \over 2} \left( x - c \over b \right)^2 \right)$}
+@i{(a / b sqrt(2 pi)) exp(-0.5*((x-c)/b)^2)}.
+@end table
+All of these models are used in the usual way; just press the appropriate
+letter at the model prompt, and choose variable names if you wish.  The
+result will be a formula as shown in the above table, with the best-fit
+values of the parameters substituted.  (You may find it easier to read
+the parameter values from the vector that is placed in the trail.)
+All models except Gaussian and polynomials can generalize as shown to any
+number of independent variables.  Also, all the built-in models have an
+additive or multiplicative parameter shown as @cite{a} in the above table
+which can be replaced by zero or one, as appropriate, by typing @kbd{h}
+before the model key.
+Note that many of these models are essentially equivalent, but express
+the parameters slightly differently.  For example, @cite{a b^x} and
+the other two exponential models are all algebraic rearrangements of
+each other.  Also, the ``quadratic'' model is just a degree-2 polynomial
+with the parameters expressed differently.  Use whichever form best
+matches the problem.
+The HP-28/48 calculators support four different models for curve
+fitting, called @code{LIN}, @code{LOG}, @code{EXP}, and @code{PWR}.
+These correspond to Calc models @samp{a + b x}, @samp{a + b ln(x)},
+@samp{a exp(b x)}, and @samp{a x^b}, respectively.  In each case,
+@cite{a} is what the HP-48 identifies as the ``intercept,'' and
+@cite{b} is what it calls the ``slope.''
+@end tex
+If the model you want doesn't appear on this list, press @kbd{'}
+(the apostrophe key) at the model prompt to enter any algebraic
+formula, such as @kbd{m x - b}, as the model.  (Not all models
+will work, though---see the next section for details.)
+The model can also be an equation like @cite{y = m x + b}.
+In this case, Calc thinks of all the rows of the data matrix on
+equal terms; this model effectively has two parameters
+(@cite{m} and @cite{b}) and two independent variables (@cite{x}
+and @cite{y}), with no ``dependent'' variables.  Model equations
+do not need to take this @cite{y =} form.  For example, the
+implicit line equation @cite{a x + b y = 1} works fine as a
+When you enter a model, Calc makes an alphabetical list of all
+the variables that appear in the model.  These are used for the
+default parameters, independent variables, and dependent variable
+(in that order).  If you enter a plain formula (not an equation),
+Calc assumes the dependent variable does not appear in the formula
+and thus does not need a name.
+For example, if the model formula has the variables @cite{a,mu,sigma,t,x},
+and the data matrix has three rows (meaning two independent variables),
+Calc will use @cite{a,mu,sigma} as the default parameters, and the
+data rows will be named @cite{t} and @cite{x}, respectively.  If you
+enter an equation instead of a plain formula, Calc will use @cite{a,mu}
+as the parameters, and @cite{sigma,t,x} as the three independent
+You can, of course, override these choices by entering something
+different at the prompt.  If you leave some variables out of the list,
+those variables must have stored values and those stored values will
+be used as constants in the model.  (Stored values for the parameters
+and independent variables are ignored by the @kbd{a F} command.)
+If you list only independent variables, all the remaining variables
+in the model formula will become parameters.
+If there are @kbd{$} signs in the model you type, they will stand
+for parameters and all other variables (in alphabetical order)
+will be independent.  Use @kbd{$} for one parameter, @kbd{$$} for
+another, and so on.  Thus @kbd{$ x + $$} is another way to describe
+a linear model.
+If you type a @kbd{$} instead of @kbd{'} at the model prompt itself,
+Calc will take the model formula from the stack.  (The data must then
+appear at the second stack level.)  The same conventions are used to
+choose which variables in the formula are independent by default and
+which are parameters.
+Models taken from the stack can also be expressed as vectors of
+two or three elements, @cite{[@var{model}, @var{vars}]} or
+@cite{[@var{model}, @var{vars}, @var{params}]}.  Each of @var{vars}
+and @var{params} may be either a variable or a vector of variables.
+(If @var{params} is omitted, all variables in @var{model} except
+those listed as @var{vars} are parameters.)@refill
+When you enter a model manually with @kbd{'}, Calc puts a 3-vector
+describing the model in the trail so you can get it back if you wish.
+@end tex
+@vindex Model1
+@vindex Model2
+Finally, you can store a model in one of the Calc variables
+@code{Model1} or @code{Model2}, then use this model by typing
+@kbd{a F u} or @kbd{a F U} (respectively).  The value stored in
+the variable can be any of the formats that @kbd{a F $} would
+accept for a model on the stack.
+@end tex
+Calc uses the principal values of inverse functions like @code{ln}
+and @code{arcsin} when doing fits.  For example, when you enter
+the model @samp{y = sin(a t + b)} Calc actually uses the easier
+form @samp{arcsin(y) = a t + b}.  The @code{arcsin} function always
+returns results in the range from @i{-90} to 90 degrees (or the
+equivalent range in radians).  Suppose you had data that you
+believed to represent roughly three oscillations of a sine wave,
+so that the argument of the sine might go from zero to @c{$3\times360$}
+@i{3*360} degrees.
+The above model would appear to be a good way to determine the
+true frequency and phase of the sine wave, but in practice it
+would fail utterly.  The righthand side of the actual model
+@samp{arcsin(y) = a t + b} will grow smoothly with @cite{t}, but
+the lefthand side will bounce back and forth between @i{-90} and 90.
+No values of @cite{a} and @cite{b} can make the two sides match,
+even approximately.
+There is no good solution to this problem at present.  You could
+restrict your data to small enough ranges so that the above problem
+doesn't occur (i.e., not straddling any peaks in the sine wave).
+Or, in this case, you could use a totally different method such as
+Fourier analysis, which is beyond the scope of the @kbd{a F} command.
+(Unfortunately, Calc does not currently have any facilities for
+taking Fourier and related transforms.)
+@node Curve Fitting Details, Interpolation, Standard Nonlinear Models, Curve Fitting
+@subsection Curve Fitting Details
+Calc's internal least-squares fitter can only handle multilinear
+models.  More precisely, it can handle any model of the form
+@cite{a f(x,y,z) + b g(x,y,z) + c h(x,y,z)}, where @cite{a,b,c}
+are the parameters and @cite{x,y,z} are the independent variables
+(of course there can be any number of each, not just three).
+In a simple multilinear or polynomial fit, it is easy to see how
+to convert the model into this form.  For example, if the model
+is @cite{a + b x + c x^2}, then @cite{f(x) = 1}, @cite{g(x) = x},
+and @cite{h(x) = x^2} are suitable functions.
+For other models, Calc uses a variety of algebraic manipulations
+to try to put the problem into the form
+Y(x,y,z) = A(a,b,c) F(x,y,z) + B(a,b,c) G(x,y,z) + C(a,b,c) H(x,y,z)
+@end smallexample
+where @cite{Y,A,B,C,F,G,H} are arbitrary functions.  It computes
+@cite{Y}, @cite{F}, @cite{G}, and @cite{H} for all the data points,
+does a standard linear fit to find the values of @cite{A}, @cite{B},
+and @cite{C}, then uses the equation solver to solve for @cite{a,b,c}
+in terms of @cite{A,B,C}.
+A remarkable number of models can be cast into this general form.
+We'll look at two examples here to see how it works.  The power-law
+model @cite{y = a x^b} with two independent variables and two parameters
+can be rewritten as follows:
+y = a x^b
+y = a exp(b ln(x))
+y = exp(ln(a) + b ln(x))
+ln(y) = ln(a) + b ln(x)
+@end example
+which matches the desired form with @c{$Y = \ln(y)$}
+@cite{Y = ln(y)}, @c{$A = \ln(a)$}
+@cite{A = ln(a)},
+@cite{F = 1}, @cite{B = b}, and @c{$G = \ln(x)$}
+@cite{G = ln(x)}.  Calc thus computes
+the logarithms of your @cite{y} and @cite{x} values, does a linear fit
+for @cite{A} and @cite{B}, then solves to get @c{$a = \exp(A)$}
+@cite{a = exp(A)} and
+@cite{b = B}.
+Another interesting example is the ``quadratic'' model, which can
+be handled by expanding according to the distributive law.
+y = a + b*(x - c)^2
+y = a + b c^2 - 2 b c x + b x^2
+@end example
+which matches with @cite{Y = y}, @cite{A = a + b c^2}, @cite{F = 1},
+@cite{B = -2 b c}, @cite{G = x} (the @i{-2} factor could just as easily
+have been put into @cite{G} instead of @cite{B}), @cite{C = b}, and
+@cite{H = x^2}.
+The Gaussian model looks quite complicated, but a closer examination
+shows that it's actually similar to the quadratic model but with an
+exponential that can be brought to the top and moved into @cite{Y}.
+An example of a model that cannot be put into general linear
+form is a Gaussian with a constant background added on, i.e.,
+@cite{d} + the regular Gaussian formula.  If you have a model like
+this, your best bet is to replace enough of your parameters with
+constants to make the model linearizable, then adjust the constants
+manually by doing a series of fits.  You can compare the fits by
+graphing them, by examining the goodness-of-fit measures returned by
+@kbd{I a F}, or by some other method suitable to your application.
+Note that some models can be linearized in several ways.  The
+Gaussian-plus-@i{d} model can be linearized by setting @cite{d}
+(the background) to a constant, or by setting @cite{b} (the standard
+deviation) and @cite{c} (the mean) to constants.
+To fit a model with constants substituted for some parameters, just
+store suitable values in those parameter variables, then omit them
+from the list of parameters when you answer the variables prompt.
+@end tex
+A last desperate step would be to use the general-purpose
+@code{minimize} function rather than @code{fit}.  After all, both
+functions solve the problem of minimizing an expression (the @c{$\chi^2$}
+sum) by adjusting certain parameters in the expression.  The @kbd{a F}
+command is able to use a vastly more efficient algorithm due to its
+special knowledge about linear chi-square sums, but the @kbd{a N}
+command can do the same thing by brute force.
+A compromise would be to pick out a few parameters without which the
+fit is linearizable, and use @code{minimize} on a call to @code{fit}
+which efficiently takes care of the rest of the parameters.  The thing
+to be minimized would be the value of @c{$\chi^2$}
+@cite{chi^2} returned as
+the fifth result of the @code{xfit} function:
+minimize(xfit(gaus(a,b,c,d,x), x, [a,b,c], data)_5, d, guess)
+@end smallexample
+where @code{gaus} represents the Gaussian model with background,
+@code{data} represents the data matrix, and @code{guess} represents
+the initial guess for @cite{d} that @code{minimize} requires.
+This operation will only be, shall we say, extraordinarily slow
+rather than astronomically slow (as would be the case if @code{minimize}
+were used by itself to solve the problem).
+@end tex
+The @kbd{I a F} [@code{xfit}] command is somewhat trickier when
+nonlinear models are used.  The second item in the result is the
+vector of ``raw'' parameters @cite{A}, @cite{B}, @cite{C}.  The
+covariance matrix is written in terms of those raw parameters.
+The fifth item is a vector of @dfn{filter} expressions.  This
+is the empty vector @samp{[]} if the raw parameters were the same
+as the requested parameters, i.e., if @cite{A = a}, @cite{B = b},
+and so on (which is always true if the model is already linear
+in the parameters as written, e.g., for polynomial fits).  If the
+parameters had to be rearranged, the fifth item is instead a vector
+of one formula per parameter in the original model.  The raw
+parameters are expressed in these ``filter'' formulas as
+@samp{fitdummy(1)} for @cite{A}, @samp{fitdummy(2)} for @cite{B},
+and so on.
+When Calc needs to modify the model to return the result, it replaces
+@samp{fitdummy(1)} in all the filters with the first item in the raw
+parameters list, and so on for the other raw parameters, then
+evaluates the resulting filter formulas to get the actual parameter
+values to be substituted into the original model.  In the case of
+@kbd{H a F} and @kbd{I a F} where the parameters must be error forms,
+Calc uses the square roots of the diagonal entries of the covariance
+matrix as error values for the raw parameters, then lets Calc's
+standard error-form arithmetic take it from there.
+If you use @kbd{I a F} with a nonlinear model, be sure to remember
+that the covariance matrix is in terms of the raw parameters,
+@emph{not} the actual requested parameters.  It's up to you to
+figure out how to interpret the covariances in the presence of
+nontrivial filter functions.
+Things are also complicated when the input contains error forms.
+Suppose there are three independent and dependent variables, @cite{x},
+@cite{y}, and @cite{z}, one or more of which are error forms in the
+data.  Calc combines all the error values by taking the square root
+of the sum of the squares of the errors.  It then changes @cite{x}
+and @cite{y} to be plain numbers, and makes @cite{z} into an error
+form with this combined error.  The @cite{Y(x,y,z)} part of the
+linearized model is evaluated, and the result should be an error
+form.  The error part of that result is used for @c{$\sigma_i$}
+@cite{sigma_i} for
+the data point.  If for some reason @cite{Y(x,y,z)} does not return
+an error form, the combined error from @cite{z} is used directly
+for @c{$\sigma_i$}
+@cite{sigma_i}.  Finally, @cite{z} is also stripped of its error
+for use in computing @cite{F(x,y,z)}, @cite{G(x,y,z)} and so on;
+the righthand side of the linearized model is computed in regular
+arithmetic with no error forms.
+(While these rules may seem complicated, they are designed to do
+the most reasonable thing in the typical case that @cite{Y(x,y,z)}
+depends only on the dependent variable @cite{z}, and in fact is
+often simply equal to @cite{z}.  For common cases like polynomials
+and multilinear models, the combined error is simply used as the
+@cite{sigma} for the data point with no further ado.)
+@end tex
+@vindex FitRules
+It may be the case that the model you wish to use is linearizable,
+but Calc's built-in rules are unable to figure it out.  Calc uses
+its algebraic rewrite mechanism to linearize a model.  The rewrite
+rules are kept in the variable @code{FitRules}.  You can edit this
+variable using the @kbd{s e FitRules} command; in fact, there is
+a special @kbd{s F} command just for editing @code{FitRules}.
+@xref{Operations on Variables}.
+@xref{Rewrite Rules}, for a discussion of rewrite rules.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex fitvar
+@c @starindex
+@c @mindex @idots
+@tindex fitparam
+@c @starindex
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex fitmodel
+@c @starindex
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex fitsystem
+@c @starindex
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex fitdummy
+Calc uses @code{FitRules} as follows.  First, it converts the model
+to an equation if necessary and encloses the model equation in a
+call to the function @code{fitmodel} (which is not actually a defined
+function in Calc; it is only used as a placeholder by the rewrite rules).
+Parameter variables are renamed to function calls @samp{fitparam(1)},
+@samp{fitparam(2)}, and so on, and independent variables are renamed
+to @samp{fitvar(1)}, @samp{fitvar(2)}, etc.  The dependent variable
+is the highest-numbered @code{fitvar}.  For example, the power law
+model @cite{a x^b} is converted to @cite{y = a x^b}, then to
+fitmodel(fitvar(2) = fitparam(1) fitvar(1)^fitparam(2))
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Calc then applies the rewrites as if by @samp{C-u 0 a r FitRules}.
+(The zero prefix means that rewriting should continue until no further
+changes are possible.)
+When rewriting is complete, the @code{fitmodel} call should have
+been replaced by a @code{fitsystem} call that looks like this:
+fitsystem(@var{Y}, @var{FGH}, @var{abc})
+@end example
+where @var{Y} is a formula that describes the function @cite{Y(x,y,z)},
+@var{FGH} is the vector of formulas @cite{[F(x,y,z), G(x,y,z), H(x,y,z)]},
+and @var{abc} is the vector of parameter filters which refer to the
+raw parameters as @samp{fitdummy(1)} for @cite{A}, @samp{fitdummy(2)}
+for @cite{B}, etc.  While the number of raw parameters (the length of
+the @var{FGH} vector) is usually the same as the number of original
+parameters (the length of the @var{abc} vector), this is not required.
+The power law model eventually boils down to
+          [1, ln(fitvar(1))],
+          [exp(fitdummy(1)), fitdummy(2)])
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The actual implementation of @code{FitRules} is complicated; it
+proceeds in four phases.  First, common rearrangements are done
+to try to bring linear terms together and to isolate functions like
+@code{exp} and @code{ln} either all the way ``out'' (so that they
+can be put into @var{Y}) or all the way ``in'' (so that they can
+be put into @var{abc} or @var{FGH}).  In particular, all
+non-constant powers are converted to logs-and-exponentials form,
+and the distributive law is used to expand products of sums.
+Quotients are rewritten to use the @samp{fitinv} function, where
+@samp{fitinv(x)} represents @cite{1/x} while the @code{FitRules}
+are operating.  (The use of @code{fitinv} makes recognition of
+linear-looking forms easier.)  If you modify @code{FitRules}, you
+will probably only need to modify the rules for this phase.
+Phase two, whose rules can actually also apply during phases one
+and three, first rewrites @code{fitmodel} to a two-argument
+form @samp{fitmodel(@var{Y}, @var{model})}, where @var{Y} is
+initially zero and @var{model} has been changed from @cite{a=b}
+to @cite{a-b} form.  It then tries to peel off invertible functions
+from the outside of @var{model} and put them into @var{Y} instead,
+calling the equation solver to invert the functions.  Finally, when
+this is no longer possible, the @code{fitmodel} is changed to a
+four-argument @code{fitsystem}, where the fourth argument is
+@var{model} and the @var{FGH} and @var{abc} vectors are initially
+empty.  (The last vector is really @var{ABC}, corresponding to
+raw parameters, for now.)
+Phase three converts a sum of items in the @var{model} to a sum
+of @samp{fitpart(@var{a}, @var{b}, @var{c})} terms which represent
+terms @samp{@var{a}*@var{b}*@var{c}} of the sum, where @var{a}
+is all factors that do not involve any variables, @var{b} is all
+factors that involve only parameters, and @var{c} is the factors
+that involve only independent variables.  (If this decomposition
+is not possible, the rule set will not complete and Calc will
+complain that the model is too complex.)  Then @code{fitpart}s
+with equal @var{b} or @var{c} components are merged back together
+using the distributive law in order to minimize the number of
+raw parameters needed.
+Phase four moves the @code{fitpart} terms into the @var{FGH} and
+@var{ABC} vectors.  Also, some of the algebraic expansions that
+were done in phase 1 are undone now to make the formulas more
+computationally efficient.  Finally, it calls the solver one more
+time to convert the @var{ABC} vector to an @var{abc} vector, and
+removes the fourth @var{model} argument (which by now will be zero)
+to obtain the three-argument @code{fitsystem} that the linear
+least-squares solver wants to see.
+@c @starindex
+@c @mindex hasfit@idots
+@tindex hasfitparams
+@c @starindex
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex hasfitvars
+Two functions which are useful in connection with @code{FitRules}
+are @samp{hasfitparams(x)} and @samp{hasfitvars(x)}, which check
+whether @cite{x} refers to any parameters or independent variables,
+respectively.  Specifically, these functions return ``true'' if the
+argument contains any @code{fitparam} (or @code{fitvar}) function
+calls, and ``false'' otherwise.  (Recall that ``true'' means a
+nonzero number, and ``false'' means zero.  The actual nonzero number
+returned is the largest @var{n} from all the @samp{fitparam(@var{n})}s
+or @samp{fitvar(@var{n})}s, respectively, that appear in the formula.)
+@end tex
+The @code{fit} function in algebraic notation normally takes four
+arguments, @samp{fit(@var{model}, @var{vars}, @var{params}, @var{data})},
+where @var{model} is the model formula as it would be typed after
+@kbd{a F '}, @var{vars} is the independent variable or a vector of
+independent variables, @var{params} likewise gives the parameter(s),
+and @var{data} is the data matrix.  Note that the length of @var{vars}
+must be equal to the number of rows in @var{data} if @var{model} is
+an equation, or one less than the number of rows if @var{model} is
+a plain formula.  (Actually, a name for the dependent variable is
+allowed but will be ignored in the plain-formula case.)
+If @var{params} is omitted, the parameters are all variables in
+@var{model} except those that appear in @var{vars}.  If @var{vars}
+is also omitted, Calc sorts all the variables that appear in
+@var{model} alphabetically and uses the higher ones for @var{vars}
+and the lower ones for @var{params}.
+Alternatively, @samp{fit(@var{modelvec}, @var{data})} is allowed
+where @var{modelvec} is a 2- or 3-vector describing the model
+and variables, as discussed previously.
+If Calc is unable to do the fit, the @code{fit} function is left
+in symbolic form, ordinarily with an explanatory message.  The
+message will be ``Model expression is too complex'' if the
+linearizer was unable to put the model into the required form.
+The @code{efit} (corresponding to @kbd{H a F}) and @code{xfit}
+(for @kbd{I a F}) functions are completely analogous.
+@node Interpolation, ,  Curve Fitting Details, Curve Fitting
+@subsection Polynomial Interpolation
+@kindex a p
+@pindex calc-poly-interp
+@tindex polint
+The @kbd{a p} (@code{calc-poly-interp}) [@code{polint}] command does
+a polynomial interpolation at a particular @cite{x} value.  It takes
+two arguments from the stack:  A data matrix of the sort used by
+@kbd{a F}, and a single number which represents the desired @cite{x}
+value.  Calc effectively does an exact polynomial fit as if by @kbd{a F i},
+then substitutes the @cite{x} value into the result in order to get an
+approximate @cite{y} value based on the fit.  (Calc does not actually
+use @kbd{a F i}, however; it uses a direct method which is both more
+efficient and more numerically stable.)
+The result of @kbd{a p} is actually a vector of two values:  The @cite{y}
+value approximation, and an error measure @cite{dy} that reflects Calc's
+estimation of the probable error of the approximation at that value of
+@cite{x}.  If the input @cite{x} is equal to any of the @cite{x} values
+in the data matrix, the output @cite{y} will be the corresponding @cite{y}
+value from the matrix, and the output @cite{dy} will be exactly zero.
+A prefix argument of 2 causes @kbd{a p} to take separate x- and
+y-vectors from the stack instead of one data matrix.
+If @cite{x} is a vector of numbers, @kbd{a p} will return a matrix of
+interpolated results for each of those @cite{x} values.  (The matrix will
+have two columns, the @cite{y} values and the @cite{dy} values.)
+If @cite{x} is a formula instead of a number, the @code{polint} function
+remains in symbolic form; use the @kbd{a "} command to expand it out to
+a formula that describes the fit in symbolic terms.
+In all cases, the @kbd{a p} command leaves the data vectors or matrix
+on the stack.  Only the @cite{x} value is replaced by the result.
+@kindex H a p
+@tindex ratint
+The @kbd{H a p} [@code{ratint}] command does a rational function
+interpolation.  It is used exactly like @kbd{a p}, except that it
+uses as its model the quotient of two polynomials.  If there are
+@cite{N} data points, the numerator and denominator polynomials will
+each have degree @cite{N/2} (if @cite{N} is odd, the denominator will
+have degree one higher than the numerator).
+Rational approximations have the advantage that they can accurately
+describe functions that have poles (points at which the function's value
+goes to infinity, so that the denominator polynomial of the approximation
+goes to zero).  If @cite{x} corresponds to a pole of the fitted rational
+function, then the result will be a division by zero.  If Infinite mode
+is enabled, the result will be @samp{[uinf, uinf]}.
+There is no way to get the actual coefficients of the rational function
+used by @kbd{H a p}.  (The algorithm never generates these coefficients
+explicitly, and quotients of polynomials are beyond @w{@kbd{a F}}'s
+capabilities to fit.)
+@node Summations, Logical Operations, Curve Fitting, Algebra
+@section Summations
+@cindex Summation of a series
+@kindex a +
+@pindex calc-summation
+@tindex sum
+The @kbd{a +} (@code{calc-summation}) [@code{sum}] command computes
+the sum of a formula over a certain range of index values.  The formula
+is taken from the top of the stack; the command prompts for the
+name of the summation index variable, the lower limit of the
+sum (any formula), and the upper limit of the sum.  If you
+enter a blank line at any of these prompts, that prompt and
+any later ones are answered by reading additional elements from
+the stack.  Thus, @kbd{' k^2 RET ' k RET 1 RET 5 RET a + RET}
+produces the result 55.
+$$ \sum_{k=1}^5 k^2 = 55 $$
+@end tex
+The choice of index variable is arbitrary, but it's best not to
+use a variable with a stored value.  In particular, while
+@code{i} is often a favorite index variable, it should be avoided
+in Calc because @code{i} has the imaginary constant @cite{(0, 1)}
+as a value.  If you pressed @kbd{=} on a sum over @code{i}, it would
+be changed to a nonsensical sum over the ``variable'' @cite{(0, 1)}!
+If you really want to use @code{i} as an index variable, use
+@w{@kbd{s u i RET}} first to ``unstore'' this variable.
+(@xref{Storing Variables}.)
+A numeric prefix argument steps the index by that amount rather
+than by one.  Thus @kbd{' a_k RET C-u -2 a + k RET 10 RET 0 RET}
+yields @samp{a_10 + a_8 + a_6 + a_4 + a_2 + a_0}.  A prefix
+argument of plain @kbd{C-u} causes @kbd{a +} to prompt for the
+step value, in which case you can enter any formula or enter
+a blank line to take the step value from the stack.  With the
+@kbd{C-u} prefix, @kbd{a +} can take up to five arguments from
+the stack:  The formula, the variable, the lower limit, the
+upper limit, and (at the top of the stack), the step value.
+Calc knows how to do certain sums in closed form.  For example,
+@samp{sum(6 k^2, k, 1, n) = @w{2 n^3} + 3 n^2 + n}.  In particular,
+this is possible if the formula being summed is polynomial or
+exponential in the index variable.  Sums of logarithms are
+transformed into logarithms of products.  Sums of trigonometric
+and hyperbolic functions are transformed to sums of exponentials
+and then done in closed form.  Also, of course, sums in which the
+lower and upper limits are both numbers can always be evaluated
+just by grinding them out, although Calc will use closed forms
+whenever it can for the sake of efficiency.
+The notation for sums in algebraic formulas is
+@samp{sum(@var{expr}, @var{var}, @var{low}, @var{high}, @var{step})}.
+If @var{step} is omitted, it defaults to one.  If @var{high} is
+omitted, @var{low} is actually the upper limit and the lower limit
+is one.  If @var{low} is also omitted, the limits are @samp{-inf}
+and @samp{inf}, respectively.
+Infinite sums can sometimes be evaluated:  @samp{sum(.5^k, k, 1, inf)}
+returns @cite{1}.  This is done by evaluating the sum in closed
+form (to @samp{1. - 0.5^n} in this case), then evaluating this
+formula with @code{n} set to @code{inf}.  Calc's usual rules
+for ``infinite'' arithmetic can find the answer from there.  If
+infinite arithmetic yields a @samp{nan}, or if the sum cannot be
+solved in closed form, Calc leaves the @code{sum} function in
+symbolic form.  @xref{Infinities}.
+As a special feature, if the limits are infinite (or omitted, as
+described above) but the formula includes vectors subscripted by
+expressions that involve the iteration variable, Calc narrows
+the limits to include only the range of integers which result in
+legal subscripts for the vector.  For example, the sum
+@samp{sum(k [a,b,c,d,e,f,g]_(2k),k)} evaluates to @samp{b + 2 d + 3 f}.
+The limits of a sum do not need to be integers.  For example,
+@samp{sum(a_k, k, 0, 2 n, n)} produces @samp{a_0 + a_n + a_(2 n)}.
+Calc computes the number of iterations using the formula
+@samp{1 + (@var{high} - @var{low}) / @var{step}}, which must,
+after simplification as if by @kbd{a s}, evaluate to an integer.
+If the number of iterations according to the above formula does
+not come out to an integer, the sum is illegal and will be left
+in symbolic form.  However, closed forms are still supplied, and
+you are on your honor not to misuse the resulting formulas by
+substituting mismatched bounds into them.  For example,
+@samp{sum(k, k, 1, 10, 2)} is invalid, but Calc will go ahead and
+evaluate the closed form solution for the limits 1 and 10 to get
+the rather dubious answer, 29.25.
+If the lower limit is greater than the upper limit (assuming a
+positive step size), the result is generally zero.  However,
+Calc only guarantees a zero result when the upper limit is
+exactly one step less than the lower limit, i.e., if the number
+of iterations is @i{-1}.  Thus @samp{sum(f(k), k, n, n-1)} is zero
+but the sum from @samp{n} to @samp{n-2} may report a nonzero value
+if Calc used a closed form solution.
+Calc's logical predicates like @cite{a < b} return 1 for ``true''
+and 0 for ``false.''  @xref{Logical Operations}.  This can be
+used to advantage for building conditional sums.  For example,
+@samp{sum(prime(k)*k^2, k, 1, 20)} is the sum of the squares of all
+prime numbers from 1 to 20; the @code{prime} predicate returns 1 if
+its argument is prime and 0 otherwise.  You can read this expression
+as ``the sum of @cite{k^2}, where @cite{k} is prime.''  Indeed,
+@samp{sum(prime(k)*k^2, k)} would represent the sum of @emph{all} primes
+squared, since the limits default to plus and minus infinity, but
+there are no such sums that Calc's built-in rules can do in
+closed form.
+As another example, @samp{sum((k != k_0) * f(k), k, 1, n)} is the
+sum of @cite{f(k)} for all @cite{k} from 1 to @cite{n}, excluding
+one value @cite{k_0}.  Slightly more tricky is the summand
+@samp{(k != k_0) / (k - k_0)}, which is an attempt to describe
+the sum of all @cite{1/(k-k_0)} except at @cite{k = k_0}, where
+this would be a division by zero.  But at @cite{k = k_0}, this
+formula works out to the indeterminate form @cite{0 / 0}, which
+Calc will not assume is zero.  Better would be to use
+@samp{(k != k_0) ? 1/(k-k_0) : 0}; the @samp{? :} operator does
+an ``if-then-else'' test:  This expression says, ``if @c{$k \ne k_0$}
+@cite{k != k_0},
+then @cite{1/(k-k_0)}, else zero.''  Now the formula @cite{1/(k-k_0)}
+will not even be evaluated by Calc when @cite{k = k_0}.
+@cindex Alternating sums
+@kindex a -
+@pindex calc-alt-summation
+@tindex asum
+The @kbd{a -} (@code{calc-alt-summation}) [@code{asum}] command
+computes an alternating sum.  Successive terms of the sequence
+are given alternating signs, with the first term (corresponding
+to the lower index value) being positive.  Alternating sums
+are converted to normal sums with an extra term of the form
+@samp{(-1)^(k-@var{low})}.  This formula is adjusted appropriately
+if the step value is other than one.  For example, the Taylor
+series for the sine function is @samp{asum(x^k / k!, k, 1, inf, 2)}.
+(Calc cannot evaluate this infinite series, but it can approximate
+it if you replace @code{inf} with any particular odd number.)
+Calc converts this series to a regular sum with a step of one,
+namely @samp{sum((-1)^k x^(2k+1) / (2k+1)!, k, 0, inf)}.
+@cindex Product of a sequence
+@kindex a *
+@pindex calc-product
+@tindex prod
+The @kbd{a *} (@code{calc-product}) [@code{prod}] command is
+the analogous way to take a product of many terms.  Calc also knows
+some closed forms for products, such as @samp{prod(k, k, 1, n) = n!}.
+Conditional products can be written @samp{prod(k^prime(k), k, 1, n)}
+or @samp{prod(prime(k) ? k : 1, k, 1, n)}.
+@kindex a T
+@pindex calc-tabulate
+@tindex table
+The @kbd{a T} (@code{calc-tabulate}) [@code{table}] command
+evaluates a formula at a series of iterated index values, just
+like @code{sum} and @code{prod}, but its result is simply a
+vector of the results.  For example, @samp{table(a_i, i, 1, 7, 2)}
+produces @samp{[a_1, a_3, a_5, a_7]}.
+@node Logical Operations, Rewrite Rules, Summations, Algebra
+@section Logical Operations
+The following commands and algebraic functions return true/false values,
+where 1 represents ``true'' and 0 represents ``false.''  In cases where
+a truth value is required (such as for the condition part of a rewrite
+rule, or as the condition for a @w{@kbd{Z [ Z ]}} control structure), any
+nonzero value is accepted to mean ``true.''  (Specifically, anything
+for which @code{dnonzero} returns 1 is ``true,'' and anything for
+which @code{dnonzero} returns 0 or cannot decide is assumed ``false.''
+Note that this means that @w{@kbd{Z [ Z ]}} will execute the ``then''
+portion if its condition is provably true, but it will execute the
+``else'' portion for any condition like @cite{a = b} that is not
+provably true, even if it might be true.  Algebraic functions that
+have conditions as arguments, like @code{? :} and @code{&&}, remain
+unevaluated if the condition is neither provably true nor provably
+false.  @xref{Declarations}.)
+@kindex a =
+@pindex calc-equal-to
+@tindex eq
+@tindex =
+@tindex ==
+The @kbd{a =} (@code{calc-equal-to}) command, or @samp{eq(a,b)} function
+(which can also be written @samp{a = b} or @samp{a == b} in an algebraic
+formula) is true if @cite{a} and @cite{b} are equal, either because they
+are identical expressions, or because they are numbers which are
+numerically equal.  (Thus the integer 1 is considered equal to the float
+1.0.)  If the equality of @cite{a} and @cite{b} cannot be determined,
+the comparison is left in symbolic form.  Note that as a command, this
+operation pops two values from the stack and pushes back either a 1 or
+a 0, or a formula @samp{a = b} if the values' equality cannot be determined.
+Many Calc commands use @samp{=} formulas to represent @dfn{equations}.
+For example, the @kbd{a S} (@code{calc-solve-for}) command rearranges
+an equation to solve for a given variable.  The @kbd{a M}
+(@code{calc-map-equation}) command can be used to apply any
+function to both sides of an equation; for example, @kbd{2 a M *}
+multiplies both sides of the equation by two.  Note that just
+@kbd{2 *} would not do the same thing; it would produce the formula
+@samp{2 (a = b)} which represents 2 if the equality is true or
+zero if not.
+The @code{eq} function with more than two arguments (e.g., @kbd{C-u 3 a =}
+or @samp{a = b = c}) tests if all of its arguments are equal.  In
+algebraic notation, the @samp{=} operator is unusual in that it is
+neither left- nor right-associative:  @samp{a = b = c} is not the
+same as @samp{(a = b) = c} or @samp{a = (b = c)} (which each compare
+one variable with the 1 or 0 that results from comparing two other
+@kindex a #
+@pindex calc-not-equal-to
+@tindex neq
+@tindex !=
+The @kbd{a #} (@code{calc-not-equal-to}) command, or @samp{neq(a,b)} or
+@samp{a != b} function, is true if @cite{a} and @cite{b} are not equal.
+This also works with more than two arguments; @samp{a != b != c != d}
+tests that all four of @cite{a}, @cite{b}, @cite{c}, and @cite{d} are
+distinct numbers.
+@kindex a <
+@tindex lt
+@c @mindex @idots
+@kindex a >
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex a [
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex a ]
+@pindex calc-less-than
+@pindex calc-greater-than
+@pindex calc-less-equal
+@pindex calc-greater-equal
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex gt
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex leq
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex geq
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex <
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex >
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex <=
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex >=
+The @kbd{a <} (@code{calc-less-than}) [@samp{lt(a,b)} or @samp{a < b}]
+operation is true if @cite{a} is less than @cite{b}.  Similar functions
+are @kbd{a >} (@code{calc-greater-than}) [@samp{gt(a,b)} or @samp{a > b}],
+@kbd{a [} (@code{calc-less-equal}) [@samp{leq(a,b)} or @samp{a <= b}], and
+@kbd{a ]} (@code{calc-greater-equal}) [@samp{geq(a,b)} or @samp{a >= b}].
+While the inequality functions like @code{lt} do not accept more
+than two arguments, the syntax @w{@samp{a <= b < c}} is translated to an
+equivalent expression involving intervals: @samp{b in [a .. c)}.
+(See the description of @code{in} below.)  All four combinations
+of @samp{<} and @samp{<=} are allowed, or any of the four combinations
+of @samp{>} and @samp{>=}.  Four-argument constructions like
+@samp{a < b < c < d}, and mixtures like @w{@samp{a < b = c}} that
+involve both equalities and inequalities, are not allowed.
+@kindex a .
+@pindex calc-remove-equal
+@tindex rmeq
+The @kbd{a .} (@code{calc-remove-equal}) [@code{rmeq}] command extracts
+the righthand side of the equation or inequality on the top of the
+stack.  It also works elementwise on vectors.  For example, if
+@samp{[x = 2.34, y = z / 2]} is on the stack, then @kbd{a .} produces
+@samp{[2.34, z / 2]}.  As a special case, if the righthand side is a
+variable and the lefthand side is a number (as in @samp{2.34 = x}), then
+Calc keeps the lefthand side instead.  Finally, this command works with
+assignments @samp{x := 2.34} as well as equations, always taking the
+the righthand side, and for @samp{=>} (evaluates-to) operators, always
+taking the lefthand side.
+@kindex a &
+@pindex calc-logical-and
+@tindex land
+@tindex &&
+The @kbd{a &} (@code{calc-logical-and}) [@samp{land(a,b)} or @samp{a && b}]
+function is true if both of its arguments are true, i.e., are
+non-zero numbers.  In this case, the result will be either @cite{a} or
+@cite{b}, chosen arbitrarily.  If either argument is zero, the result is
+zero.  Otherwise, the formula is left in symbolic form.
+@kindex a |
+@pindex calc-logical-or
+@tindex lor
+@tindex ||
+The @kbd{a |} (@code{calc-logical-or}) [@samp{lor(a,b)} or @samp{a || b}]
+function is true if either or both of its arguments are true (nonzero).
+The result is whichever argument was nonzero, choosing arbitrarily if both
+are nonzero.  If both @cite{a} and @cite{b} are zero, the result is
+@kindex a !
+@pindex calc-logical-not
+@tindex lnot
+@tindex !
+The @kbd{a !} (@code{calc-logical-not}) [@samp{lnot(a)} or @samp{!@: a}]
+function is true if @cite{a} is false (zero), or false if @cite{a} is
+true (nonzero).  It is left in symbolic form if @cite{a} is not a
+@kindex a :
+@pindex calc-logical-if
+@tindex if
+@c @mindex ? :
+@tindex ?
+@c @mindex @null
+@tindex :
+@cindex Arguments, not evaluated
+The @kbd{a :} (@code{calc-logical-if}) [@samp{if(a,b,c)} or @samp{a ? b :@: c}]
+function is equal to either @cite{b} or @cite{c} if @cite{a} is a nonzero
+number or zero, respectively.  If @cite{a} is not a number, the test is
+left in symbolic form and neither @cite{b} nor @cite{c} is evaluated in
+any way.  In algebraic formulas, this is one of the few Calc functions
+whose arguments are not automatically evaluated when the function itself
+is evaluated.  The others are @code{lambda}, @code{quote}, and
+One minor surprise to watch out for is that the formula @samp{a?3:4}
+will not work because the @samp{3:4} is parsed as a fraction instead of
+as three separate symbols.  Type something like @samp{a ? 3 : 4} or
+@samp{a?(3):4} instead.
+As a special case, if @cite{a} evaluates to a vector, then both @cite{b}
+and @cite{c} are evaluated; the result is a vector of the same length
+as @cite{a} whose elements are chosen from corresponding elements of
+@cite{b} and @cite{c} according to whether each element of @cite{a}
+is zero or nonzero.  Each of @cite{b} and @cite{c} must be either a
+vector of the same length as @cite{a}, or a non-vector which is matched
+with all elements of @cite{a}.
+@kindex a @{
+@pindex calc-in-set
+@tindex in
+The @kbd{a @{} (@code{calc-in-set}) [@samp{in(a,b)}] function is true if
+the number @cite{a} is in the set of numbers represented by @cite{b}.
+If @cite{b} is an interval form, @cite{a} must be one of the values
+encompassed by the interval.  If @cite{b} is a vector, @cite{a} must be
+equal to one of the elements of the vector.  (If any vector elements are
+intervals, @cite{a} must be in any of the intervals.)  If @cite{b} is a
+plain number, @cite{a} must be numerically equal to @cite{b}.
+@xref{Set Operations}, for a group of commands that manipulate sets
+of this sort.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex typeof
+The @samp{typeof(a)} function produces an integer or variable which
+characterizes @cite{a}.  If @cite{a} is a number, vector, or variable,
+the result will be one of the following numbers:
+ 1   Integer
+ 2   Fraction
+ 3   Floating-point number
+ 4   HMS form
+ 5   Rectangular complex number
+ 6   Polar complex number
+ 7   Error form
+ 8   Interval form
+ 9   Modulo form
+10   Date-only form
+11   Date/time form
+12   Infinity (inf, uinf, or nan)
+100  Variable
+101  Vector (but not a matrix)
+102  Matrix
+@end example
+Otherwise, @cite{a} is a formula, and the result is a variable which
+represents the name of the top-level function call.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex integer
+@c @starindex
+@tindex real
+@c @starindex
+@tindex constant
+The @samp{integer(a)} function returns true if @cite{a} is an integer.
+The @samp{real(a)} function
+is true if @cite{a} is a real number, either integer, fraction, or
+float.  The @samp{constant(a)} function returns true if @cite{a} is
+any of the objects for which @code{typeof} would produce an integer
+code result except for variables, and provided that the components of
+an object like a vector or error form are themselves constant.
+Note that infinities do not satisfy any of these tests, nor do
+special constants like @code{pi} and @code{e}.@refill
+@xref{Declarations}, for a set of similar functions that recognize
+formulas as well as actual numbers.  For example, @samp{dint(floor(x))}
+is true because @samp{floor(x)} is provably integer-valued, but
+@samp{integer(floor(x))} does not because @samp{floor(x)} is not
+literally an integer constant.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex refers
+The @samp{refers(a,b)} function is true if the variable (or sub-expression)
+@cite{b} appears in @cite{a}, or false otherwise.  Unlike the other
+tests described here, this function returns a definite ``no'' answer
+even if its arguments are still in symbolic form.  The only case where
+@code{refers} will be left unevaluated is if @cite{a} is a plain
+variable (different from @cite{b}).
+@c @starindex
+@tindex negative
+The @samp{negative(a)} function returns true if @cite{a} ``looks'' negative,
+because it is a negative number, because it is of the form @cite{-x},
+or because it is a product or quotient with a term that looks negative.
+This is most useful in rewrite rules.  Beware that @samp{negative(a)}
+evaluates to 1 or 0 for @emph{any} argument @cite{a}, so it can only
+be stored in a formula if the default simplifications are turned off
+first with @kbd{m O} (or if it appears in an unevaluated context such
+as a rewrite rule condition).
+@c @starindex
+@tindex variable
+The @samp{variable(a)} function is true if @cite{a} is a variable,
+or false if not.  If @cite{a} is a function call, this test is left
+in symbolic form.  Built-in variables like @code{pi} and @code{inf}
+are considered variables like any others by this test.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex nonvar
+The @samp{nonvar(a)} function is true if @cite{a} is a non-variable.
+If its argument is a variable it is left unsimplified; it never
+actually returns zero.  However, since Calc's condition-testing
+commands consider ``false'' anything not provably true, this is
+often good enough.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex lin
+@c @starindex
+@tindex linnt
+@c @starindex
+@tindex islin
+@c @starindex
+@tindex islinnt
+@cindex Linearity testing
+The functions @code{lin}, @code{linnt}, @code{islin}, and @code{islinnt}
+check if an expression is ``linear,'' i.e., can be written in the form
+@cite{a + b x} for some constants @cite{a} and @cite{b}, and some
+variable or subformula @cite{x}.  The function @samp{islin(f,x)} checks
+if formula @cite{f} is linear in @cite{x}, returning 1 if so.  For
+example, @samp{islin(x,x)}, @samp{islin(-x,x)}, @samp{islin(3,x)}, and
+@samp{islin(x y / 3 - 2, x)} all return 1.  The @samp{lin(f,x)} function
+is similar, except that instead of returning 1 it returns the vector
+@cite{[a, b, x]}.  For the above examples, this vector would be
+@cite{[0, 1, x]}, @cite{[0, -1, x]}, @cite{[3, 0, x]}, and
+@cite{[-2, y/3, x]}, respectively.  Both @code{lin} and @code{islin}
+generally remain unevaluated for expressions which are not linear,
+e.g., @samp{lin(2 x^2, x)} and @samp{lin(sin(x), x)}.  The second
+argument can also be a formula; @samp{islin(2 + 3 sin(x), sin(x))}
+returns true.
+The @code{linnt} and @code{islinnt} functions perform a similar check,
+but require a ``non-trivial'' linear form, which means that the
+@cite{b} coefficient must be non-zero.  For example, @samp{lin(2,x)}
+returns @cite{[2, 0, x]} and @samp{lin(y,x)} returns @cite{[y, 0, x]},
+but @samp{linnt(2,x)} and @samp{linnt(y,x)} are left unevaluated
+(in other words, these formulas are considered to be only ``trivially''
+linear in @cite{x}).
+All four linearity-testing functions allow you to omit the second
+argument, in which case the input may be linear in any non-constant
+formula.  Here, the @cite{a=0}, @cite{b=1} case is also considered
+trivial, and only constant values for @cite{a} and @cite{b} are
+recognized.  Thus, @samp{lin(2 x y)} returns @cite{[0, 2, x y]},
+@samp{lin(2 - x y)} returns @cite{[2, -1, x y]}, and @samp{lin(x y)}
+returns @cite{[0, 1, x y]}.  The @code{linnt} function would allow the
+first two cases but not the third.  Also, neither @code{lin} nor
+@code{linnt} accept plain constants as linear in the one-argument
+case: @samp{islin(2,x)} is true, but @samp{islin(2)} is false.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex istrue
+The @samp{istrue(a)} function returns 1 if @cite{a} is a nonzero
+number or provably nonzero formula, or 0 if @cite{a} is anything else.
+Calls to @code{istrue} can only be manipulated if @kbd{m O} mode is
+used to make sure they are not evaluated prematurely.  (Note that
+declarations are used when deciding whether a formula is true;
+@code{istrue} returns 1 when @code{dnonzero} would return 1, and
+it returns 0 when @code{dnonzero} would return 0 or leave itself
+in symbolic form.)
+@node Rewrite Rules, , Logical Operations, Algebra
+@section Rewrite Rules
+@cindex Rewrite rules
+@cindex Transformations
+@cindex Pattern matching
+@kindex a r
+@pindex calc-rewrite
+@tindex rewrite
+The @kbd{a r} (@code{calc-rewrite}) [@code{rewrite}] command makes
+substitutions in a formula according to a specified pattern or patterns
+known as @dfn{rewrite rules}.  Whereas @kbd{a b} (@code{calc-substitute})
+matches literally, so that substituting @samp{sin(x)} with @samp{cos(x)}
+matches only the @code{sin} function applied to the variable @code{x},
+rewrite rules match general kinds of formulas; rewriting using the rule
+@samp{sin(x) := cos(x)} matches @code{sin} of any argument and replaces
+it with @code{cos} of that same argument.  The only significance of the
+name @code{x} is that the same name is used on both sides of the rule.
+Rewrite rules rearrange formulas already in Calc's memory.
+@xref{Syntax Tables}, to read about @dfn{syntax rules}, which are
+similar to algebraic rewrite rules but operate when new algebraic
+entries are being parsed, converting strings of characters into
+Calc formulas.
+* Entering Rewrite Rules::
+* Basic Rewrite Rules::
+* Conditional Rewrite Rules::
+* Algebraic Properties of Rewrite Rules::
+* Other Features of Rewrite Rules::
+* Composing Patterns in Rewrite Rules::
+* Nested Formulas with Rewrite Rules::
+* Multi-Phase Rewrite Rules::
+* Selections with Rewrite Rules::
+* Matching Commands::
+* Automatic Rewrites::
+* Debugging Rewrites::
+* Examples of Rewrite Rules::
+@end menu
+@node Entering Rewrite Rules, Basic Rewrite Rules, Rewrite Rules, Rewrite Rules
+@subsection Entering Rewrite Rules
+Rewrite rules normally use the ``assignment'' operator
+@samp{@var{old} := @var{new}}.
+This operator is equivalent to the function call @samp{assign(old, new)}.
+The @code{assign} function is undefined by itself in Calc, so an
+assignment formula such as a rewrite rule will be left alone by ordinary
+Calc commands.  But certain commands, like the rewrite system, interpret
+assignments in special ways.@refill
+For example, the rule @samp{sin(x)^2 := 1-cos(x)^2} says to replace
+every occurrence of the sine of something, squared, with one minus the
+square of the cosine of that same thing.  All by itself as a formula
+on the stack it does nothing, but when given to the @kbd{a r} command
+it turns that command into a sine-squared-to-cosine-squared converter.
+To specify a set of rules to be applied all at once, make a vector of
+When @kbd{a r} prompts you to enter the rewrite rules, you can answer
+in several ways:
+With a rule:  @kbd{f(x) := g(x) RET}.
+With a vector of rules:  @kbd{[f1(x) := g1(x), f2(x) := g2(x)] RET}.
+(You can omit the enclosing square brackets if you wish.)
+With the name of a variable that contains the rule or rules vector:
+@kbd{myrules RET}.
+With any formula except a rule, a vector, or a variable name; this
+will be interpreted as the @var{old} half of a rewrite rule,
+and you will be prompted a second time for the @var{new} half:
+@kbd{f(x) @key{RET} g(x) @key{RET}}.
+With a blank line, in which case the rule, rules vector, or variable
+will be taken from the top of the stack (and the formula to be
+rewritten will come from the second-to-top position).
+@end enumerate
+If you enter the rules directly (as opposed to using rules stored
+in a variable), those rules will be put into the Trail so that you
+can retrieve them later.  @xref{Trail Commands}.
+It is most convenient to store rules you use often in a variable and
+invoke them by giving the variable name.  The @kbd{s e}
+(@code{calc-edit-variable}) command is an easy way to create or edit a
+rule set stored in a variable.  You may also wish to use @kbd{s p}
+(@code{calc-permanent-variable}) to save your rules permanently;
+@pxref{Operations on Variables}.@refill
+Rewrite rules are compiled into a special internal form for faster
+matching.  If you enter a rule set directly it must be recompiled
+every time.  If you store the rules in a variable and refer to them
+through that variable, they will be compiled once and saved away
+along with the variable for later reference.  This is another good
+reason to store your rules in a variable.
+Calc also accepts an obsolete notation for rules, as vectors
+@samp{[@var{old}, @var{new}]}.  But because it is easily confused with a
+vector of two rules, the use of this notation is no longer recommended.
+@node Basic Rewrite Rules, Conditional Rewrite Rules, Entering Rewrite Rules, Rewrite Rules
+@subsection Basic Rewrite Rules
+To match a particular formula @cite{x} with a particular rewrite rule
+@samp{@var{old} := @var{new}}, Calc compares the structure of @cite{x} with
+the structure of @var{old}.  Variables that appear in @var{old} are
+treated as @dfn{meta-variables}; the corresponding positions in @cite{x}
+may contain any sub-formulas.  For example, the pattern @samp{f(x,y)}
+would match the expression @samp{f(12, a+1)} with the meta-variable
+@samp{x} corresponding to 12 and with @samp{y} corresponding to
+@samp{a+1}.  However, this pattern would not match @samp{f(12)} or
+@samp{g(12, a+1)}, since there is no assignment of the meta-variables
+that will make the pattern match these expressions.  Notice that if
+the pattern is a single meta-variable, it will match any expression.
+If a given meta-variable appears more than once in @var{old}, the
+corresponding sub-formulas of @cite{x} must be identical.  Thus
+the pattern @samp{f(x,x)} would match @samp{f(12, 12)} and
+@samp{f(a+1, a+1)} but not @samp{f(12, a+1)} or @samp{f(a+b, b+a)}.
+(@xref{Conditional Rewrite Rules}, for a way to match the latter.)
+Things other than variables must match exactly between the pattern
+and the target formula.  To match a particular variable exactly, use
+the pseudo-function @samp{quote(v)} in the pattern.  For example, the
+pattern @samp{x+quote(y)} matches @samp{x+y}, @samp{2+y}, or
+The special variable names @samp{e}, @samp{pi}, @samp{i}, @samp{phi},
+@samp{gamma}, @samp{inf}, @samp{uinf}, and @samp{nan} always match
+literally.  Thus the pattern @samp{sin(d + e + f)} acts exactly like
+@samp{sin(d + quote(e) + f)}.
+If the @var{old} pattern is found to match a given formula, that
+formula is replaced by @var{new}, where any occurrences in @var{new}
+of meta-variables from the pattern are replaced with the sub-formulas
+that they matched.  Thus, applying the rule @samp{f(x,y) := g(y+x,x)}
+to @samp{f(12, a+1)} would produce @samp{g(a+13, 12)}.
+The normal @kbd{a r} command applies rewrite rules over and over
+throughout the target formula until no further changes are possible
+(up to a limit of 100 times).  Use @kbd{C-u 1 a r} to make only one
+change at a time.
+@node Conditional Rewrite Rules, Algebraic Properties of Rewrite Rules, Basic Rewrite Rules, Rewrite Rules
+@subsection Conditional Rewrite Rules
+A rewrite rule can also be @dfn{conditional}, written in the form
+@samp{@var{old} := @var{new} :: @var{cond}}.  (There is also the obsolete
+form @samp{[@var{old}, @var{new}, @var{cond}]}.)  If a @var{cond} part
+is present in the
+rule, this is an additional condition that must be satisfied before
+the rule is accepted.  Once @var{old} has been successfully matched
+to the target expression, @var{cond} is evaluated (with all the
+meta-variables substituted for the values they matched) and simplified
+with @kbd{a s} (@code{calc-simplify}).  If the result is a nonzero
+number or any other object known to be nonzero (@pxref{Declarations}),
+the rule is accepted.  If the result is zero or if it is a symbolic
+formula that is not known to be nonzero, the rule is rejected.
+@xref{Logical Operations}, for a number of functions that return
+1 or 0 according to the results of various tests.@refill
+For example, the formula @samp{n > 0} simplifies to 1 or 0 if @cite{n}
+is replaced by a positive or nonpositive number, respectively (or if
+@cite{n} has been declared to be positive or nonpositive).  Thus,
+the rule @samp{f(x,y) := g(y+x,x) :: x+y > 0} would apply to
+@samp{f(0, 4)} but not to @samp{f(-3, 2)} or @samp{f(12, a+1)}
+(assuming no outstanding declarations for @cite{a}).  In the case of
+@samp{f(-3, 2)}, the condition can be shown not to be satisfied; in
+the case of @samp{f(12, a+1)}, the condition merely cannot be shown
+to be satisfied, but that is enough to reject the rule.
+While Calc will use declarations to reason about variables in the
+formula being rewritten, declarations do not apply to meta-variables.
+For example, the rule @samp{f(a) := g(a+1)} will match for any values
+of @samp{a}, such as complex numbers, vectors, or formulas, even if
+@samp{a} has been declared to be real or scalar.  If you want the
+meta-variable @samp{a} to match only literal real numbers, use
+@samp{f(a) := g(a+1) :: real(a)}.  If you want @samp{a} to match only
+reals and formulas which are provably real, use @samp{dreal(a)} as
+the condition.
+The @samp{::} operator is a shorthand for the @code{condition}
+function; @samp{@var{old} := @var{new} :: @var{cond}} is equivalent to
+the formula @samp{condition(assign(@var{old}, @var{new}), @var{cond})}.
+If you have several conditions, you can use @samp{... :: c1 :: c2 :: c3}
+or @samp{... :: c1 && c2 && c3}.  The two are entirely equivalent.
+It is also possible to embed conditions inside the pattern:
+@samp{f(x :: x>0, y) := g(y+x, x)}.  This is purely a notational
+convenience, though; where a condition appears in a rule has no
+effect on when it is tested.  The rewrite-rule compiler automatically
+decides when it is best to test each condition while a rule is being
+Certain conditions are handled as special cases by the rewrite rule
+system and are tested very efficiently:  Where @cite{x} is any
+meta-variable, these conditions are @samp{integer(x)}, @samp{real(x)},
+@samp{constant(x)}, @samp{negative(x)}, @samp{x >= y} where @cite{y}
+is either a constant or another meta-variable and @samp{>=} may be
+replaced by any of the six relational operators, and @samp{x % a = b}
+where @cite{a} and @cite{b} are constants.  Other conditions, like
+@samp{x >= y+1} or @samp{dreal(x)}, will be less efficient to check
+since Calc must bring the whole evaluator and simplifier into play.
+An interesting property of @samp{::} is that neither of its arguments
+will be touched by Calc's default simplifications.  This is important
+because conditions often are expressions that cannot safely be
+evaluated early.  For example, the @code{typeof} function never
+remains in symbolic form; entering @samp{typeof(a)} will put the
+number 100 (the type code for variables like @samp{a}) on the stack.
+But putting the condition @samp{... :: typeof(a) = 6} on the stack
+is safe since @samp{::} prevents the @code{typeof} from being
+evaluated until the condition is actually used by the rewrite system.
+Since @samp{::} protects its lefthand side, too, you can use a dummy
+condition to protect a rule that must itself not evaluate early.
+For example, it's not safe to put @samp{a(f,x) := apply(f, [x])} on
+the stack because it will immediately evaluate to @samp{a(f,x) := f(x)},
+where the meta-variable-ness of @code{f} on the righthand side has been
+lost.  But @samp{a(f,x) := apply(f, [x]) :: 1} is safe, and of course
+the condition @samp{1} is always true (nonzero) so it has no effect on
+the functioning of the rule.  (The rewrite compiler will ensure that
+it doesn't even impact the speed of matching the rule.)
+@node Algebraic Properties of Rewrite Rules, Other Features of Rewrite Rules, Conditional Rewrite Rules, Rewrite Rules
+@subsection Algebraic Properties of Rewrite Rules
+The rewrite mechanism understands the algebraic properties of functions
+like @samp{+} and @samp{*}.  In particular, pattern matching takes
+the associativity and commutativity of the following functions into
++ - *  = !=  && ||  and or xor  vint vunion vxor  gcd lcm  max min  beta
+@end smallexample
+For example, the rewrite rule:
+a x + b x  :=  (a + b) x
+@end example
+will match formulas of the form,
+a x + b x,  x a + x b,  a x + x b,  x a + b x
+@end example
+Rewrites also understand the relationship between the @samp{+} and @samp{-}
+operators.  The above rewrite rule will also match the formulas,
+a x - b x,  x a - x b,  a x - x b,  x a - b x
+@end example
+by matching @samp{b} in the pattern to @samp{-b} from the formula.
+Applied to a sum of many terms like @samp{r + a x + s + b x + t}, this
+pattern will check all pairs of terms for possible matches.  The rewrite
+will take whichever suitable pair it discovers first.
+In general, a pattern using an associative operator like @samp{a + b}
+will try @i{2 n} different ways to match a sum of @i{n} terms
+like @samp{x + y + z - w}.  First, @samp{a} is matched against each
+of @samp{x}, @samp{y}, @samp{z}, and @samp{-w} in turn, with @samp{b}
+being matched to the remainders @samp{y + z - w}, @samp{x + z - w}, etc.
+If none of these succeed, then @samp{b} is matched against each of the
+four terms with @samp{a} matching the remainder.  Half-and-half matches,
+like @samp{(x + y) + (z - w)}, are not tried.
+Note that @samp{*} is not commutative when applied to matrices, but
+rewrite rules pretend that it is.  If you type @kbd{m v} to enable
+matrix mode (@pxref{Matrix Mode}), rewrite rules will match @samp{*}
+literally, ignoring its usual commutativity property.  (In the
+current implementation, the associativity also vanishes---it is as
+if the pattern had been enclosed in a @code{plain} marker; see below.)
+If you are applying rewrites to formulas with matrices, it's best to
+enable matrix mode first to prevent algebraically incorrect rewrites
+from occurring.
+The pattern @samp{-x} will actually match any expression.  For example,
+the rule
+f(-x)  :=  -f(x)
+@end example
+will rewrite @samp{f(a)} to @samp{-f(-a)}.  To avoid this, either use
+a @code{plain} marker as described below, or add a @samp{negative(x)}
+condition.  The @code{negative} function is true if its argument
+``looks'' negative, for example, because it is a negative number or
+because it is a formula like @samp{-x}.  The new rule using this
+condition is:
+f(x)  :=  -f(-x)  :: negative(x)    @r{or, equivalently,}
+f(-x)  :=  -f(x)  :: negative(-x)
+@end example
+In the same way, the pattern @samp{x - y} will match the sum @samp{a + b}
+by matching @samp{y} to @samp{-b}.
+The pattern @samp{a b} will also match the formula @samp{x/y} if
+@samp{y} is a number.  Thus the rule @samp{a x + @w{b x} := (a+b) x}
+will also convert @samp{a x + x / 2} to @samp{(a + 0.5) x} (or
+@samp{(a + 1:2) x}, depending on the current fraction mode).
+Calc will @emph{not} take other liberties with @samp{*}, @samp{/}, and
+@samp{^}.  For example, the pattern @samp{f(a b)} will not match
+@samp{f(x^2)}, and @samp{f(a + b)} will not match @samp{f(2 x)}, even
+though conceivably these patterns could match with @samp{a = b = x}.
+Nor will @samp{f(a b)} match @samp{f(x / y)} if @samp{y} is not a
+constant, even though it could be considered to match with @samp{a = x}
+and @samp{b = 1/y}.  The reasons are partly for efficiency, and partly
+because while few mathematical operations are substantively different
+for addition and subtraction, often it is preferable to treat the cases
+of multiplication, division, and integer powers separately.
+Even more subtle is the rule set
+[ f(a) + f(b) := f(a + b),  -f(a) := f(-a) ]
+@end example
+attempting to match @samp{f(x) - f(y)}.  You might think that Calc
+will view this subtraction as @samp{f(x) + (-f(y))} and then apply
+the above two rules in turn, but actually this will not work because
+Calc only does this when considering rules for @samp{+} (like the
+first rule in this set).  So it will see first that @samp{f(x) + (-f(y))}
+does not match @samp{f(a) + f(b)} for any assignments of the
+meta-variables, and then it will see that @samp{f(x) - f(y)} does
+not match @samp{-f(a)} for any assignment of @samp{a}.  Because Calc
+tries only one rule at a time, it will not be able to rewrite
+@samp{f(x) - f(y)} with this rule set.  An explicit @samp{f(a) - f(b)}
+rule will have to be added.
+Another thing patterns will @emph{not} do is break up complex numbers.
+The pattern @samp{myconj(a + @w{b i)} := a - b i} will work for formulas
+involving the special constant @samp{i} (such as @samp{3 - 4 i}), but
+it will not match actual complex numbers like @samp{(3, -4)}.  A version
+of the above rule for complex numbers would be
+myconj(a)  :=  re(a) - im(a) (0,1)  :: im(a) != 0
+@end example
+(Because the @code{re} and @code{im} functions understand the properties
+of the special constant @samp{i}, this rule will also work for
+@samp{3 - 4 i}.  In fact, this particular rule would probably be better
+without the @samp{im(a) != 0} condition, since if @samp{im(a) = 0} the
+righthand side of the rule will still give the correct answer for the
+conjugate of a real number.)
+It is also possible to specify optional arguments in patterns.  The rule
+opt(a) x + opt(b) (x^opt(c) + opt(d))  :=  f(a, b, c, d)
+@end example
+will match the formula
+5 (x^2 - 4) + 3 x
+@end example
+in a fairly straightforward manner, but it will also match reduced
+formulas like
+x + x^2,    2(x + 1) - x,    x + x
+@end example
+producing, respectively,
+f(1, 1, 2, 0),   f(-1, 2, 1, 1),   f(1, 1, 1, 0)
+@end example
+(The latter two formulas can be entered only if default simplifications
+have been turned off with @kbd{m O}.)
+The default value for a term of a sum is zero.  The default value
+for a part of a product, for a power, or for the denominator of a
+quotient, is one.  Also, @samp{-x} matches the pattern @samp{opt(a) b}
+with @samp{a = -1}.
+In particular, the distributive-law rule can be refined to
+opt(a) x + opt(b) x  :=  (a + b) x
+@end example
+so that it will convert, e.g., @samp{a x - x}, to @samp{(a - 1) x}.
+The pattern @samp{opt(a) + opt(b) x} matches almost any formulas which
+are linear in @samp{x}.  You can also use the @code{lin} and @code{islin}
+functions with rewrite conditions to test for this; @pxref{Logical
+Operations}.  These functions are not as convenient to use in rewrite
+rules, but they recognize more kinds of formulas as linear:
+@samp{x/z} is considered linear with @cite{b = 1/z} by @code{lin},
+but it will not match the above pattern because that pattern calls
+for a multiplication, not a division.
+As another example, the obvious rule to replace @samp{sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2}
+by 1,
+sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2  :=  1
+@end example
+misses many cases because the sine and cosine may both be multiplied by
+an equal factor.  Here's a more successful rule:
+opt(a) sin(x)^2 + opt(a) cos(x)^2  :=  a
+@end example
+Note that this rule will @emph{not} match @samp{sin(x)^2 + 6 cos(x)^2}
+because one @cite{a} would have ``matched'' 1 while the other matched 6.
+Calc automatically converts a rule like
+f(x-1, x)  :=  g(x)
+@end example
+into the form
+f(temp, x)  :=  g(x)  :: temp = x-1
+@end example
+(where @code{temp} stands for a new, invented meta-variable that
+doesn't actually have a name).  This modified rule will successfully
+match @samp{f(6, 7)}, binding @samp{temp} and @samp{x} to 6 and 7,
+respectively, then verifying that they differ by one even though
+@samp{6} does not superficially look like @samp{x-1}.
+However, Calc does not solve equations to interpret a rule.  The
+following rule,
+f(x-1, x+1)  :=  g(x)
+@end example
+will not work.  That is, it will match @samp{f(a - 1 + b, a + 1 + b)}
+but not @samp{f(6, 8)}.  Calc always interprets at least one occurrence
+of a variable by literal matching.  If the variable appears ``isolated''
+then Calc is smart enough to use it for literal matching.  But in this
+last example, Calc is forced to rewrite the rule to @samp{f(x-1, temp)
+:= g(x) :: temp = x+1} where the @samp{x-1} term must correspond to an
+actual ``something-minus-one'' in the target formula.
+A successful way to write this would be @samp{f(x, x+2) := g(x+1)}.
+You could make this resemble the original form more closely by using
+@code{let} notation, which is described in the next section:
+f(xm1, x+1)  :=  g(x)  :: let(x := xm1+1)
+@end example
+Calc does this rewriting or ``conditionalizing'' for any sub-pattern
+which involves only the functions in the following list, operating
+only on constants and meta-variables which have already been matched
+elsewhere in the pattern.  When matching a function call, Calc is
+careful to match arguments which are plain variables before arguments
+which are calls to any of the functions below, so that a pattern like
+@samp{f(x-1, x)} can be conditionalized even though the isolated
+@samp{x} comes after the @samp{x-1}.
++ - * / \ % ^  abs sign  round rounde roundu trunc floor ceil
+max min  re im conj arg
+@end smallexample
+You can suppress all of the special treatments described in this
+section by surrounding a function call with a @code{plain} marker.
+This marker causes the function call which is its argument to be
+matched literally, without regard to commutativity, associativity,
+negation, or conditionalization.  When you use @code{plain}, the
+``deep structure'' of the formula being matched can show through.
+For example,
+plain(a - a b)  :=  f(a, b)
+@end example
+will match only literal subtractions.  However, the @code{plain}
+marker does not affect its arguments' arguments.  In this case,
+commutativity and associativity is still considered while matching
+the @w{@samp{a b}} sub-pattern, so the whole pattern will match
+@samp{x - y x} as well as @samp{x - x y}.  We could go still
+further and use
+plain(a - plain(a b))  :=  f(a, b)
+@end example
+which would do a completely strict match for the pattern.
+By contrast, the @code{quote} marker means that not only the
+function name but also the arguments must be literally the same.
+The above pattern will match @samp{x - x y} but
+quote(a - a b)  :=  f(a, b)
+@end example
+will match only the single formula @samp{a - a b}.  Also,
+quote(a - quote(a b))  :=  f(a, b)
+@end example
+will match only @samp{a - quote(a b)}---probably not the desired
+A certain amount of algebra is also done when substituting the
+meta-variables on the righthand side of a rule.  For example,
+in the rule
+a + f(b)  :=  f(a + b)
+@end example
+matching @samp{f(x) - y} would produce @samp{f((-y) + x)} if
+taken literally, but the rewrite mechanism will simplify the
+righthand side to @samp{f(x - y)} automatically.  (Of course,
+the default simplifications would do this anyway, so this
+special simplification is only noticeable if you have turned the
+default simplifications off.)  This rewriting is done only when
+a meta-variable expands to a ``negative-looking'' expression.
+If this simplification is not desirable, you can use a @code{plain}
+marker on the righthand side:
+a + f(b)  :=  f(plain(a + b))
+@end example
+In this example, we are still allowing the pattern-matcher to
+use all the algebra it can muster, but the righthand side will
+always simplify to a literal addition like @samp{f((-y) + x)}.
+@node Other Features of Rewrite Rules, Composing Patterns in Rewrite Rules, Algebraic Properties of Rewrite Rules, Rewrite Rules
+@subsection Other Features of Rewrite Rules
+Certain ``function names'' serve as markers in rewrite rules.
+Here is a complete list of these markers.  First are listed the
+markers that work inside a pattern; then come the markers that
+work in the righthand side of a rule.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex import
+One kind of marker, @samp{import(x)}, takes the place of a whole
+rule.  Here @cite{x} is the name of a variable containing another
+rule set; those rules are ``spliced into'' the rule set that
+imports them.  For example, if @samp{[f(a+b) := f(a) + f(b),
+f(a b) := a f(b) :: real(a)]} is stored in variable @samp{linearF},
+then the rule set @samp{[f(0) := 0, import(linearF)]} will apply
+all three rules.  It is possible to modify the imported rules
+slightly:  @samp{import(x, v1, x1, v2, x2, @dots{})} imports
+the rule set @cite{x} with all occurrences of @c{$v_1$}
+@cite{v1}, as either
+a variable name or a function name, replaced with @c{$x_1$}
+@cite{x1} and
+so on.  (If @c{$v_1$}
+@cite{v1} is used as a function name, then @c{$x_1$}
+must be either a function name itself or a @w{@samp{< >}} nameless
+function; @pxref{Specifying Operators}.)  For example, @samp{[g(0) := 0,
+import(linearF, f, g)]} applies the linearity rules to the function
+@samp{g} instead of @samp{f}.  Imports can be nested, but the
+import-with-renaming feature may fail to rename sub-imports properly.
+The special functions allowed in patterns are:
+@table @samp
+@item quote(x)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex quote
+This pattern matches exactly @cite{x}; variable names in @cite{x} are
+not interpreted as meta-variables.  The only flexibility is that
+numbers are compared for numeric equality, so that the pattern
+@samp{f(quote(12))} will match both @samp{f(12)} and @samp{f(12.0)}.
+(Numbers are always treated this way by the rewrite mechanism:
+The rule @samp{f(x,x) := g(x)} will match @samp{f(12, 12.0)}.
+The rewrite may produce either @samp{g(12)} or @samp{g(12.0)}
+as a result in this case.)
+@item plain(x)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex plain
+Here @cite{x} must be a function call @samp{f(x1,x2,@dots{})}.  This
+pattern matches a call to function @cite{f} with the specified
+argument patterns.  No special knowledge of the properties of the
+function @cite{f} is used in this case; @samp{+} is not commutative or
+associative.  Unlike @code{quote}, the arguments @samp{x1,x2,@dots{}}
+are treated as patterns.  If you wish them to be treated ``plainly''
+as well, you must enclose them with more @code{plain} markers:
+@samp{plain(plain(@w{-a}) + plain(b c))}.
+@item opt(x,def)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex opt
+Here @cite{x} must be a variable name.  This must appear as an
+argument to a function or an element of a vector; it specifies that
+the argument or element is optional.
+As an argument to @samp{+}, @samp{-}, @samp{*}, @samp{&&}, or @samp{||},
+or as the second argument to @samp{/} or @samp{^}, the value @var{def}
+may be omitted.  The pattern @samp{x + opt(y)} matches a sum by
+binding one summand to @cite{x} and the other to @cite{y}, and it
+matches anything else by binding the whole expression to @cite{x} and
+zero to @cite{y}.  The other operators above work similarly.@refill
+For general miscellanous functions, the default value @code{def}
+must be specified.  Optional arguments are dropped starting with
+the rightmost one during matching.  For example, the pattern
+@samp{f(opt(a,0), b, opt(c,b))} will match @samp{f(b)}, @samp{f(a,b)},
+or @samp{f(a,b,c)}.  Default values of zero and @cite{b} are
+supplied in this example for the omitted arguments.  Note that
+the literal variable @cite{b} will be the default in the latter
+case, @emph{not} the value that matched the meta-variable @cite{b}.
+In other words, the default @var{def} is effectively quoted.
+@item condition(x,c)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex condition
+@tindex ::
+This matches the pattern @cite{x}, with the attached condition
+@cite{c}.  It is the same as @samp{x :: c}.
+@item pand(x,y)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex pand
+@tindex &&&
+This matches anything that matches both pattern @cite{x} and
+pattern @cite{y}.  It is the same as @samp{x &&& y}.
+@pxref{Composing Patterns in Rewrite Rules}.
+@item por(x,y)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex por
+@tindex |||
+This matches anything that matches either pattern @cite{x} or
+pattern @cite{y}.  It is the same as @w{@samp{x ||| y}}.
+@item pnot(x)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex pnot
+@tindex !!!
+This matches anything that does not match pattern @cite{x}.
+It is the same as @samp{!!! x}.
+@item cons(h,t)
+@c @mindex cons
+@tindex cons (rewrites)
+This matches any vector of one or more elements.  The first
+element is matched to @cite{h}; a vector of the remaining
+elements is matched to @cite{t}.  Note that vectors of fixed
+length can also be matched as actual vectors:  The rule
+@samp{cons(a,cons(b,[])) := cons(a+b,[])} is equivalent
+to the rule @samp{[a,b] := [a+b]}.
+@item rcons(t,h)
+@c @mindex rcons
+@tindex rcons (rewrites)
+This is like @code{cons}, except that the @emph{last} element
+is matched to @cite{h}, with the remaining elements matched
+to @cite{t}.
+@item apply(f,args)
+@c @mindex apply
+@tindex apply (rewrites)
+This matches any function call.  The name of the function, in
+the form of a variable, is matched to @cite{f}.  The arguments
+of the function, as a vector of zero or more objects, are
+matched to @samp{args}.  Constants, variables, and vectors
+do @emph{not} match an @code{apply} pattern.  For example,
+@samp{apply(f,x)} matches any function call, @samp{apply(quote(f),x)}
+matches any call to the function @samp{f}, @samp{apply(f,[a,b])}
+matches any function call with exactly two arguments, and
+@samp{apply(quote(f), cons(a,cons(b,x)))} matches any call
+to the function @samp{f} with two or more arguments.  Another
+way to implement the latter, if the rest of the rule does not
+need to refer to the first two arguments of @samp{f} by name,
+would be @samp{apply(quote(f), x :: vlen(x) >= 2)}.
+Here's a more interesting sample use of @code{apply}:
+apply(f,[x+n])  :=  n + apply(f,[x])
+   :: in(f, [floor,ceil,round,trunc]) :: integer(n)
+@end example
+Note, however, that this will be slower to match than a rule
+set with four separate rules.  The reason is that Calc sorts
+the rules of a rule set according to top-level function name;
+if the top-level function is @code{apply}, Calc must try the
+rule for every single formula and sub-formula.  If the top-level
+function in the pattern is, say, @code{floor}, then Calc invokes
+the rule only for sub-formulas which are calls to @code{floor}.
+Formulas normally written with operators like @code{+} are still
+considered function calls:  @code{apply(f,x)} matches @samp{a+b}
+with @samp{f = add}, @samp{x = [a,b]}.
+You must use @code{apply} for meta-variables with function names
+on both sides of a rewrite rule:  @samp{apply(f, [x]) := f(x+1)}
+is @emph{not} correct, because it rewrites @samp{spam(6)} into
+@samp{f(7)}.  The righthand side should be @samp{apply(f, [x+1])}.
+Also note that you will have to use no-simplify (@kbd{m O})
+mode when entering this rule so that the @code{apply} isn't
+evaluated immediately to get the new rule @samp{f(x) := f(x+1)}.
+Or, use @kbd{s e} to enter the rule without going through the stack,
+or enter the rule as @samp{apply(f, [x]) := apply(f, [x+1]) @w{:: 1}}.
+@xref{Conditional Rewrite Rules}.
+@item select(x)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex select
+This is used for applying rules to formulas with selections;
+@pxref{Selections with Rewrite Rules}.
+@end table
+Special functions for the righthand sides of rules are:
+@table @samp
+@item quote(x)
+The notation @samp{quote(x)} is changed to @samp{x} when the
+righthand side is used.  As far as the rewrite rule is concerned,
+@code{quote} is invisible.  However, @code{quote} has the special
+property in Calc that its argument is not evaluated.  Thus,
+while it will not work to put the rule @samp{t(a) := typeof(a)}
+on the stack because @samp{typeof(a)} is evaluated immediately
+to produce @samp{t(a) := 100}, you can use @code{quote} to
+protect the righthand side:  @samp{t(a) := quote(typeof(a))}.
+(@xref{Conditional Rewrite Rules}, for another trick for
+protecting rules from evaluation.)
+@item plain(x)
+Special properties of and simplifications for the function call
+@cite{x} are not used.  One interesting case where @code{plain}
+is useful is the rule, @samp{q(x) := quote(x)}, trying to expand a
+shorthand notation for the @code{quote} function.  This rule will
+not work as shown; instead of replacing @samp{q(foo)} with
+@samp{quote(foo)}, it will replace it with @samp{foo}!  The correct
+rule would be @samp{q(x) := plain(quote(x))}.
+@item cons(h,t)
+Where @cite{t} is a vector, this is converted into an expanded
+vector during rewrite processing.  Note that @code{cons} is a regular
+Calc function which normally does this anyway; the only way @code{cons}
+is treated specially by rewrites is that @code{cons} on the righthand
+side of a rule will be evaluated even if default simplifications
+have been turned off.
+@item rcons(t,h)
+Analogous to @code{cons} except putting @cite{h} at the @emph{end} of
+the vector @cite{t}.
+@item apply(f,args)
+Where @cite{f} is a variable and @var{args} is a vector, this
+is converted to a function call.  Once again, note that @code{apply}
+is also a regular Calc function.
+@item eval(x)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex eval
+The formula @cite{x} is handled in the usual way, then the
+default simplifications are applied to it even if they have
+been turned off normally.  This allows you to treat any function
+similarly to the way @code{cons} and @code{apply} are always
+treated.  However, there is a slight difference:  @samp{cons(2+3, [])}
+with default simplifications off will be converted to @samp{[2+3]},
+whereas @samp{eval(cons(2+3, []))} will be converted to @samp{[5]}.
+@item evalsimp(x)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex evalsimp
+The formula @cite{x} has meta-variables substituted in the usual
+way, then algebraically simplified as if by the @kbd{a s} command.
+@item evalextsimp(x)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex evalextsimp
+The formula @cite{x} has meta-variables substituted in the normal
+way, then ``extendedly'' simplified as if by the @kbd{a e} command.
+@item select(x)
+@xref{Selections with Rewrite Rules}.
+@end table
+There are also some special functions you can use in conditions.
+@table @samp
+@item let(v := x)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex let
+The expression @cite{x} is evaluated with meta-variables substituted.
+The @kbd{a s} command's simplifications are @emph{not} applied by
+default, but @cite{x} can include calls to @code{evalsimp} or
+@code{evalextsimp} as described above to invoke higher levels
+of simplification.  The
+result of @cite{x} is then bound to the meta-variable @cite{v}.  As
+usual, if this meta-variable has already been matched to something
+else the two values must be equal; if the meta-variable is new then
+it is bound to the result of the expression.  This variable can then
+appear in later conditions, and on the righthand side of the rule.
+In fact, @cite{v} may be any pattern in which case the result of
+evaluating @cite{x} is matched to that pattern, binding any
+meta-variables that appear in that pattern.  Note that @code{let}
+can only appear by itself as a condition, or as one term of an
+@samp{&&} which is a whole condition:  It cannot be inside
+an @samp{||} term or otherwise buried.@refill
+The alternate, equivalent form @samp{let(v, x)} is also recognized.
+Note that the use of @samp{:=} by @code{let}, while still being
+assignment-like in character, is unrelated to the use of @samp{:=}
+in the main part of a rewrite rule.
+As an example, @samp{f(a) := g(ia) :: let(ia := 1/a) :: constant(ia)}
+replaces @samp{f(a)} with @samp{g} of the inverse of @samp{a}, if
+that inverse exists and is constant.  For example, if @samp{a} is a
+singular matrix the operation @samp{1/a} is left unsimplified and
+@samp{constant(ia)} fails, but if @samp{a} is an invertible matrix
+then the rule succeeds.  Without @code{let} there would be no way
+to express this rule that didn't have to invert the matrix twice.
+Note that, because the meta-variable @samp{ia} is otherwise unbound
+in this rule, the @code{let} condition itself always ``succeeds''
+because no matter what @samp{1/a} evaluates to, it can successfully
+be bound to @code{ia}.@refill
+Here's another example, for integrating cosines of linear
+terms:  @samp{myint(cos(y),x) := sin(y)/b :: let([a,b,x] := lin(y,x))}.
+The @code{lin} function returns a 3-vector if its argument is linear,
+or leaves itself unevaluated if not.  But an unevaluated @code{lin}
+call will not match the 3-vector on the lefthand side of the @code{let},
+so this @code{let} both verifies that @code{y} is linear, and binds
+the coefficients @code{a} and @code{b} for use elsewhere in the rule.
+(It would have been possible to use @samp{sin(a x + b)/b} for the
+righthand side instead, but using @samp{sin(y)/b} avoids gratuitous
+rearrangement of the argument of the sine.)@refill
+@c @starindex
+@tindex ierf
+Similarly, here is a rule that implements an inverse-@code{erf}
+function.  It uses @code{root} to search for a solution.  If
+@code{root} succeeds, it will return a vector of two numbers
+where the first number is the desired solution.  If no solution
+is found, @code{root} remains in symbolic form.  So we use
+@code{let} to check that the result was indeed a vector.
+ierf(x)  :=  y  :: let([y,z] := root(erf(a) = x, a, .5))
+@end example
+@item matches(v,p)
+The meta-variable @var{v}, which must already have been matched
+to something elsewhere in the rule, is compared against pattern
+@var{p}.  Since @code{matches} is a standard Calc function, it
+can appear anywhere in a condition.  But if it appears alone or
+as a term of a top-level @samp{&&}, then you get the special
+extra feature that meta-variables which are bound to things
+inside @var{p} can be used elsewhere in the surrounding rewrite
+The only real difference between @samp{let(p := v)} and
+@samp{matches(v, p)} is that the former evaluates @samp{v} using
+the default simplifications, while the latter does not.
+@item remember
+@vindex remember
+This is actually a variable, not a function.  If @code{remember}
+appears as a condition in a rule, then when that rule succeeds
+the original expression and rewritten expression are added to the
+front of the rule set that contained the rule.  If the rule set
+was not stored in a variable, @code{remember} is ignored.  The
+lefthand side is enclosed in @code{quote} in the added rule if it
+contains any variables.
+For example, the rule @samp{f(n) := n f(n-1) :: remember} applied
+to @samp{f(7)} will add the rule @samp{f(7) := 7 f(6)} to the front
+of the rule set.  The rule set @code{EvalRules} works slightly
+differently:  There, the evaluation of @samp{f(6)} will complete before
+the result is added to the rule set, in this case as @samp{f(7) := 5040}.
+Thus @code{remember} is most useful inside @code{EvalRules}.
+It is up to you to ensure that the optimization performed by
+@code{remember} is safe.  For example, the rule @samp{foo(n) := n
+:: evalv(eatfoo) > 0 :: remember} is a bad idea (@code{evalv} is
+the function equivalent of the @kbd{=} command); if the variable
+@code{eatfoo} ever contains 1, rules like @samp{foo(7) := 7} will
+be added to the rule set and will continue to operate even if
+@code{eatfoo} is later changed to 0.
+@item remember(c)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex remember
+Remember the match as described above, but only if condition @cite{c}
+is true.  For example, @samp{remember(n % 4 = 0)} in the above factorial
+rule remembers only every fourth result.  Note that @samp{remember(1)}
+is equivalent to @samp{remember}, and @samp{remember(0)} has no effect.
+@end table
+@node Composing Patterns in Rewrite Rules, Nested Formulas with Rewrite Rules, Other Features of Rewrite Rules, Rewrite Rules
+@subsection Composing Patterns in Rewrite Rules
+There are three operators, @samp{&&&}, @samp{|||}, and @samp{!!!},
+that combine rewrite patterns to make larger patterns.  The
+combinations are ``and,'' ``or,'' and ``not,'' respectively, and
+these operators are the pattern equivalents of @samp{&&}, @samp{||}
+and @samp{!} (which operate on zero-or-nonzero logical values).
+Note that @samp{&&&}, @samp{|||}, and @samp{!!!} are left in symbolic
+form by all regular Calc features; they have special meaning only in
+the context of rewrite rule patterns.
+The pattern @samp{@var{p1} &&& @var{p2}} matches anything that
+matches both @var{p1} and @var{p2}.  One especially useful case is
+when one of @var{p1} or @var{p2} is a meta-variable.  For example,
+here is a rule that operates on error forms:
+f(x &&& a +/- b, x)  :=  g(x)
+@end example
+This does the same thing, but is arguably simpler than, the rule
+f(a +/- b, a +/- b)  :=  g(a +/- b)
+@end example
+@c @starindex
+@tindex ends
+Here's another interesting example:
+ends(cons(a, x) &&& rcons(y, b))  :=  [a, b]
+@end example
+which effectively clips out the middle of a vector leaving just
+the first and last elements.  This rule will change a one-element
+vector @samp{[a]} to @samp{[a, a]}.  The similar rule
+ends(cons(a, rcons(y, b)))  :=  [a, b]
+@end example
+would do the same thing except that it would fail to match a
+one-element vector.
+@end tex
+The pattern @samp{@var{p1} ||| @var{p2}} matches anything that
+matches either @var{p1} or @var{p2}.  Calc first tries matching
+against @var{p1}; if that fails, it goes on to try @var{p2}.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex curve
+A simple example of @samp{|||} is
+curve(inf ||| -inf)  :=  0
+@end example
+which converts both @samp{curve(inf)} and @samp{curve(-inf)} to zero.
+Here is a larger example:
+log(a, b) ||| (ln(a) :: let(b := e))  :=  mylog(a, b)
+@end example
+This matches both generalized and natural logarithms in a single rule.
+Note that the @samp{::} term must be enclosed in parentheses because
+that operator has lower precedence than @samp{|||} or @samp{:=}.
+(In practice this rule would probably include a third alternative,
+omitted here for brevity, to take care of @code{log10}.)
+While Calc generally treats interior conditions exactly the same as
+conditions on the outside of a rule, it does guarantee that if all the
+variables in the condition are special names like @code{e}, or already
+bound in the pattern to which the condition is attached (say, if
+@samp{a} had appeared in this condition), then Calc will process this
+condition right after matching the pattern to the left of the @samp{::}.
+Thus, we know that @samp{b} will be bound to @samp{e} only if the
+@code{ln} branch of the @samp{|||} was taken.
+Note that this rule was careful to bind the same set of meta-variables
+on both sides of the @samp{|||}.  Calc does not check this, but if
+you bind a certain meta-variable only in one branch and then use that
+meta-variable elsewhere in the rule, results are unpredictable:
+f(a,b) ||| g(b)  :=  h(a,b)
+@end example
+Here if the pattern matches @samp{g(17)}, Calc makes no promises about
+the value that will be substituted for @samp{a} on the righthand side.
+@end tex
+The pattern @samp{!!! @var{pat}} matches anything that does not
+match @var{pat}.  Any meta-variables that are bound while matching
+@var{pat} remain unbound outside of @var{pat}.
+For example,
+f(x &&& !!! a +/- b, !!![])  :=  g(x)
+@end example
+converts @code{f} whose first argument is anything @emph{except} an
+error form, and whose second argument is not the empty vector, into
+a similar call to @code{g} (but without the second argument).
+If we know that the second argument will be a vector (empty or not),
+then an equivalent rule would be:
+f(x, y)  :=  g(x)  :: typeof(x) != 7 :: vlen(y) > 0
+@end example
+where of course 7 is the @code{typeof} code for error forms.
+Another final condition, that works for any kind of @samp{y},
+would be @samp{!istrue(y == [])}.  (The @code{istrue} function
+returns an explicit 0 if its argument was left in symbolic form;
+plain @samp{!(y == [])} or @samp{y != []} would not work to replace
+@samp{!!![]} since these would be left unsimplified, and thus cause
+the rule to fail, if @samp{y} was something like a variable name.)
+It is possible for a @samp{!!!} to refer to meta-variables bound
+elsewhere in the pattern.  For example,
+f(a, !!!a)  :=  g(a)
+@end example
+matches any call to @code{f} with different arguments, changing
+this to @code{g} with only the first argument.
+If a function call is to be matched and one of the argument patterns
+contains a @samp{!!!} somewhere inside it, that argument will be
+matched last.  Thus
+f(!!!a, a)  :=  g(a)
+@end example
+will be careful to bind @samp{a} to the second argument of @code{f}
+before testing the first argument.  If Calc had tried to match the
+first argument of @code{f} first, the results would have been
+disasterous:  Since @code{a} was unbound so far, the pattern @samp{a}
+would have matched anything at all, and the pattern @samp{!!!a}
+therefore would @emph{not} have matched anything at all!
+@node Nested Formulas with Rewrite Rules, Multi-Phase Rewrite Rules, Composing Patterns in Rewrite Rules, Rewrite Rules
+@subsection Nested Formulas with Rewrite Rules
+When @kbd{a r} (@code{calc-rewrite}) is used, it takes an expression from
+the top of the stack and attempts to match any of the specified rules
+to any part of the expression, starting with the whole expression
+and then, if that fails, trying deeper and deeper sub-expressions.
+For each part of the expression, the rules are tried in the order
+they appear in the rules vector.  The first rule to match the first
+sub-expression wins; it replaces the matched sub-expression according
+to the @var{new} part of the rule.
+Often, the rule set will match and change the formula several times.
+The top-level formula is first matched and substituted repeatedly until
+it no longer matches the pattern; then, sub-formulas are tried, and
+so on.  Once every part of the formula has gotten its chance, the
+rewrite mechanism starts over again with the top-level formula
+(in case a substitution of one of its arguments has caused it again
+to match).  This continues until no further matches can be made
+anywhere in the formula.
+It is possible for a rule set to get into an infinite loop.  The
+most obvious case, replacing a formula with itself, is not a problem
+because a rule is not considered to ``succeed'' unless the righthand
+side actually comes out to something different than the original
+formula or sub-formula that was matched.  But if you accidentally
+had both @samp{ln(a b) := ln(a) + ln(b)} and the reverse
+@samp{ln(a) + ln(b) := ln(a b)} in your rule set, Calc would
+run forever switching a formula back and forth between the two
+To avoid disaster, Calc normally stops after 100 changes have been
+made to the formula.  This will be enough for most multiple rewrites,
+but it will keep an endless loop of rewrites from locking up the
+computer forever.  (On most systems, you can also type @kbd{C-g} to
+halt any Emacs command prematurely.)
+To change this limit, give a positive numeric prefix argument.
+In particular, @kbd{M-1 a r} applies only one rewrite at a time,
+useful when you are first testing your rule (or just if repeated
+rewriting is not what is called for by your application).
+@c @starindex
+@c @mindex iter@idots
+@tindex iterations
+You can also put a ``function call'' @samp{iterations(@var{n})}
+in place of a rule anywhere in your rules vector (but usually at
+the top).  Then, @var{n} will be used instead of 100 as the default
+number of iterations for this rule set.  You can use
+@samp{iterations(inf)} if you want no iteration limit by default.
+A prefix argument will override the @code{iterations} limit in the
+rule set.
+[ iterations(1),
+  f(x) := f(x+1) ]
+@end example
+More precisely, the limit controls the number of ``iterations,''
+where each iteration is a successful matching of a rule pattern whose
+righthand side, after substituting meta-variables and applying the
+default simplifications, is different from the original sub-formula
+that was matched.
+A prefix argument of zero sets the limit to infinity.  Use with caution!
+Given a negative numeric prefix argument, @kbd{a r} will match and
+substitute the top-level expression up to that many times, but
+will not attempt to match the rules to any sub-expressions.
+In a formula, @code{rewrite(@var{expr}, @var{rules}, @var{n})}
+does a rewriting operation.  Here @var{expr} is the expression
+being rewritten, @var{rules} is the rule, vector of rules, or
+variable containing the rules, and @var{n} is the optional
+iteration limit, which may be a positive integer, a negative
+integer, or @samp{inf} or @samp{-inf}.  If @var{n} is omitted
+the @code{iterations} value from the rule set is used; if both
+are omitted, 100 is used.
+@node Multi-Phase Rewrite Rules, Selections with Rewrite Rules, Nested Formulas with Rewrite Rules, Rewrite Rules
+@subsection Multi-Phase Rewrite Rules
+It is possible to separate a rewrite rule set into several @dfn{phases}.
+During each phase, certain rules will be enabled while certain others
+will be disabled.  A @dfn{phase schedule} controls the order in which
+phases occur during the rewriting process.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex phase
+@vindex all
+If a call to the marker function @code{phase} appears in the rules
+vector in place of a rule, all rules following that point will be
+members of the phase(s) identified in the arguments to @code{phase}.
+Phases are given integer numbers.  The markers @samp{phase()} and
+@samp{phase(all)} both mean the following rules belong to all phases;
+this is the default at the start of the rule set.
+If you do not explicitly schedule the phases, Calc sorts all phase
+numbers that appear in the rule set and executes the phases in
+ascending order.  For example, the rule set
+[ f0(x) := g0(x),
+  phase(1),
+  f1(x) := g1(x),
+  phase(2),
+  f2(x) := g2(x),
+  phase(3),
+  f3(x) := g3(x),
+  phase(1,2),
+  f4(x) := g4(x) ]
+@end example
+@end group
+has three phases, 1 through 3.  Phase 1 consists of the @code{f0},
+@code{f1}, and @code{f4} rules (in that order).  Phase 2 consists of
+@code{f0}, @code{f2}, and @code{f4}.  Phase 3 consists of @code{f0}
+and @code{f3}.
+When Calc rewrites a formula using this rule set, it first rewrites
+the formula using only the phase 1 rules until no further changes are
+possible.  Then it switches to the phase 2 rule set and continues
+until no further changes occur, then finally rewrites with phase 3.
+When no more phase 3 rules apply, rewriting finishes.  (This is
+assuming @kbd{a r} with a large enough prefix argument to allow the
+rewriting to run to completion; the sequence just described stops
+early if the number of iterations specified in the prefix argument,
+100 by default, is reached.)
+During each phase, Calc descends through the nested levels of the
+formula as described previously.  (@xref{Nested Formulas with Rewrite
+Rules}.)  Rewriting starts at the top of the formula, then works its
+way down to the parts, then goes back to the top and works down again.
+The phase 2 rules do not begin until no phase 1 rules apply anywhere
+in the formula.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex schedule
+A @code{schedule} marker appearing in the rule set (anywhere, but
+conventionally at the top) changes the default schedule of phases.
+In the simplest case, @code{schedule} has a sequence of phase numbers
+for arguments; each phase number is invoked in turn until the
+arguments to @code{schedule} are exhausted.  Thus adding
+@samp{schedule(3,2,1)} at the top of the above rule set would
+reverse the order of the phases; @samp{schedule(1,2,3)} would have
+no effect since this is the default schedule; and @samp{schedule(1,2,1,3)}
+would give phase 1 a second chance after phase 2 has completed, before
+moving on to phase 3.
+Any argument to @code{schedule} can instead be a vector of phase
+numbers (or even of sub-vectors).  Then the sub-sequence of phases
+described by the vector are tried repeatedly until no change occurs
+in any phase in the sequence.  For example, @samp{schedule([1, 2], 3)}
+tries phase 1, then phase 2, then, if either phase made any changes
+to the formula, repeats these two phases until they can make no
+further progress.  Finally, it goes on to phase 3 for finishing
+Also, items in @code{schedule} can be variable names as well as
+numbers.  A variable name is interpreted as the name of a function
+to call on the whole formula.  For example, @samp{schedule(1, simplify)}
+says to apply the phase-1 rules (presumably, all of them), then to
+call @code{simplify} which is the function name equivalent of @kbd{a s}.
+Likewise, @samp{schedule([1, simplify])} says to alternate between
+phase 1 and @kbd{a s} until no further changes occur.
+Phases can be used purely to improve efficiency; if it is known that
+a certain group of rules will apply only at the beginning of rewriting,
+and a certain other group will apply only at the end, then rewriting
+will be faster if these groups are identified as separate phases.
+Once the phase 1 rules are done, Calc can put them aside and no longer
+spend any time on them while it works on phase 2.
+There are also some problems that can only be solved with several
+rewrite phases.  For a real-world example of a multi-phase rule set,
+examine the set @code{FitRules}, which is used by the curve-fitting
+command to convert a model expression to linear form.
+@xref{Curve Fitting Details}.  This set is divided into four phases.
+The first phase rewrites certain kinds of expressions to be more
+easily linearizable, but less computationally efficient.  After the
+linear components have been picked out, the final phase includes the
+opposite rewrites to put each component back into an efficient form.
+If both sets of rules were included in one big phase, Calc could get
+into an infinite loop going back and forth between the two forms.
+Elsewhere in @code{FitRules}, the components are first isolated,
+then recombined where possible to reduce the complexity of the linear
+fit, then finally packaged one component at a time into vectors.
+If the packaging rules were allowed to begin before the recombining
+rules were finished, some components might be put away into vectors
+before they had a chance to recombine.  By putting these rules in
+two separate phases, this problem is neatly avoided.
+@node Selections with Rewrite Rules, Matching Commands, Multi-Phase Rewrite Rules, Rewrite Rules
+@subsection Selections with Rewrite Rules
+If a sub-formula of the current formula is selected (as by @kbd{j s};
+@pxref{Selecting Subformulas}), the @kbd{a r} (@code{calc-rewrite})
+command applies only to that sub-formula.  Together with a negative
+prefix argument, you can use this fact to apply a rewrite to one
+specific part of a formula without affecting any other parts.
+@kindex j r
+@pindex calc-rewrite-selection
+The @kbd{j r} (@code{calc-rewrite-selection}) command allows more
+sophisticated operations on selections.  This command prompts for
+the rules in the same way as @kbd{a r}, but it then applies those
+rules to the whole formula in question even though a sub-formula
+of it has been selected.  However, the selected sub-formula will
+first have been surrounded by a @samp{select( )} function call.
+(Calc's evaluator does not understand the function name @code{select};
+this is only a tag used by the @kbd{j r} command.)
+For example, suppose the formula on the stack is @samp{2 (a + b)^2}
+and the sub-formula @samp{a + b} is selected.  This formula will
+be rewritten to @samp{2 select(a + b)^2} and then the rewrite
+rules will be applied in the usual way.  The rewrite rules can
+include references to @code{select} to tell where in the pattern
+the selected sub-formula should appear.
+If there is still exactly one @samp{select( )} function call in
+the formula after rewriting is done, it indicates which part of
+the formula should be selected afterwards.  Otherwise, the
+formula will be unselected.
+You can make @kbd{j r} act much like @kbd{a r} by enclosing both parts
+of the rewrite rule with @samp{select()}.  However, @kbd{j r}
+allows you to use the current selection in more flexible ways.
+Suppose you wished to make a rule which removed the exponent from
+the selected term; the rule @samp{select(a)^x := select(a)} would
+work.  In the above example, it would rewrite @samp{2 select(a + b)^2}
+to @samp{2 select(a + b)}.  This would then be returned to the
+stack as @samp{2 (a + b)} with the @samp{a + b} selected.
+The @kbd{j r} command uses one iteration by default, unlike
+@kbd{a r} which defaults to 100 iterations.  A numeric prefix
+argument affects @kbd{j r} in the same way as @kbd{a r}.
+@xref{Nested Formulas with Rewrite Rules}.
+As with other selection commands, @kbd{j r} operates on the stack
+entry that contains the cursor.  (If the cursor is on the top-of-stack
+@samp{.} marker, it works as if the cursor were on the formula
+at stack level 1.)
+If you don't specify a set of rules, the rules are taken from the
+top of the stack, just as with @kbd{a r}.  In this case, the
+cursor must indicate stack entry 2 or above as the formula to be
+rewritten (otherwise the same formula would be used as both the
+target and the rewrite rules).
+If the indicated formula has no selection, the cursor position within
+the formula temporarily selects a sub-formula for the purposes of this
+command.  If the cursor is not on any sub-formula (e.g., it is in
+the line-number area to the left of the formula), the @samp{select( )}
+markers are ignored by the rewrite mechanism and the rules are allowed
+to apply anywhere in the formula.
+As a special feature, the normal @kbd{a r} command also ignores
+@samp{select( )} calls in rewrite rules.  For example, if you used the
+above rule @samp{select(a)^x := select(a)} with @kbd{a r}, it would apply
+the rule as if it were @samp{a^x := a}.  Thus, you can write general
+purpose rules with @samp{select( )} hints inside them so that they
+will ``do the right thing'' in both @kbd{a r} and @kbd{j r},
+both with and without selections.
+@node Matching Commands, Automatic Rewrites, Selections with Rewrite Rules, Rewrite Rules
+@subsection Matching Commands
+@kindex a m
+@pindex calc-match
+@tindex match
+The @kbd{a m} (@code{calc-match}) [@code{match}] function takes a
+vector of formulas and a rewrite-rule-style pattern, and produces
+a vector of all formulas which match the pattern.  The command
+prompts you to enter the pattern; as for @kbd{a r}, you can enter
+a single pattern (i.e., a formula with meta-variables), or a
+vector of patterns, or a variable which contains patterns, or
+you can give a blank response in which case the patterns are taken
+from the top of the stack.  The pattern set will be compiled once
+and saved if it is stored in a variable.  If there are several
+patterns in the set, vector elements are kept if they match any
+of the patterns.
+For example, @samp{match(a+b, [x, x+y, x-y, 7, x+y+z])}
+will return @samp{[x+y, x-y, x+y+z]}.
+The @code{import} mechanism is not available for pattern sets.
+The @kbd{a m} command can also be used to extract all vector elements
+which satisfy any condition:  The pattern @samp{x :: x>0} will select
+all the positive vector elements.
+@kindex I a m
+@tindex matchnot
+With the Inverse flag [@code{matchnot}], this command extracts all
+vector elements which do @emph{not} match the given pattern.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex matches
+There is also a function @samp{matches(@var{x}, @var{p})} which
+evaluates to 1 if expression @var{x} matches pattern @var{p}, or
+to 0 otherwise.  This is sometimes useful for including into the
+conditional clauses of other rewrite rules.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex vmatches
+The function @code{vmatches} is just like @code{matches}, except
+that if the match succeeds it returns a vector of assignments to
+the meta-variables instead of the number 1.  For example,
+@samp{vmatches(f(1,2), f(a,b))} returns @samp{[a := 1, b := 2]}.
+If the match fails, the function returns the number 0.
+@node Automatic Rewrites, Debugging Rewrites, Matching Commands, Rewrite Rules
+@subsection Automatic Rewrites
+@cindex @code{EvalRules} variable
+@vindex EvalRules
+It is possible to get Calc to apply a set of rewrite rules on all
+results, effectively adding to the built-in set of default
+simplifications.  To do this, simply store your rule set in the
+variable @code{EvalRules}.  There is a convenient @kbd{s E} command
+for editing @code{EvalRules}; @pxref{Operations on Variables}.
+For example, suppose you want @samp{sin(a + b)} to be expanded out
+to @samp{sin(b) cos(a) + cos(b) sin(a)} wherever it appears, and
+similarly for @samp{cos(a + b)}.  The corresponding rewrite rule
+set would be,
+[ sin(a + b)  :=  cos(a) sin(b) + sin(a) cos(b),
+  cos(a + b)  :=  cos(a) cos(b) - sin(a) sin(b) ]
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+To apply these manually, you could put them in a variable called
+@code{trigexp} and then use @kbd{a r trigexp} every time you wanted
+to expand trig functions.  But if instead you store them in the
+variable @code{EvalRules}, they will automatically be applied to all
+sines and cosines of sums.  Then, with @samp{2 x} and @samp{45} on
+the stack, typing @kbd{+ S} will (assuming degrees mode) result in
+@samp{0.7071 sin(2 x) + 0.7071 cos(2 x)} automatically.
+As each level of a formula is evaluated, the rules from
+@code{EvalRules} are applied before the default simplifications.
+Rewriting continues until no further @code{EvalRules} apply.
+Note that this is different from the usual order of application of
+rewrite rules:  @code{EvalRules} works from the bottom up, simplifying
+the arguments to a function before the function itself, while @kbd{a r}
+applies rules from the top down.
+Because the @code{EvalRules} are tried first, you can use them to
+override the normal behavior of any built-in Calc function.
+It is important not to write a rule that will get into an infinite
+loop.  For example, the rule set @samp{[f(0) := 1, f(n) := n f(n-1)]}
+appears to be a good definition of a factorial function, but it is
+unsafe.  Imagine what happens if @samp{f(2.5)} is simplified.  Calc
+will continue to subtract 1 from this argument forever without reaching
+zero.  A safer second rule would be @samp{f(n) := n f(n-1) :: n>0}.
+Another dangerous rule is @samp{g(x, y) := g(y, x)}.  Rewriting
+@samp{g(2, 4)}, this would bounce back and forth between that and
+@samp{g(4, 2)} forever.  If an infinite loop in @code{EvalRules}
+occurs, Emacs will eventually stop with a ``Computation got stuck
+or ran too long'' message.
+Another subtle difference between @code{EvalRules} and regular rewrites
+concerns rules that rewrite a formula into an identical formula.  For
+example, @samp{f(n) := f(floor(n))} ``fails to match'' when @cite{n} is
+already an integer.  But in @code{EvalRules} this case is detected only
+if the righthand side literally becomes the original formula before any
+further simplification.  This means that @samp{f(n) := f(floor(n))} will
+get into an infinite loop if it occurs in @code{EvalRules}.  Calc will
+replace @samp{f(6)} with @samp{f(floor(6))}, which is different from
+@samp{f(6)}, so it will consider the rule to have matched and will
+continue simplifying that formula; first the argument is simplified
+to get @samp{f(6)}, then the rule matches again to get @samp{f(floor(6))}
+again, ad infinitum.  A much safer rule would check its argument first,
+say, with @samp{f(n) := f(floor(n)) :: !dint(n)}.
+(What really happens is that the rewrite mechanism substitutes the
+meta-variables in the righthand side of a rule, compares to see if the
+result is the same as the original formula and fails if so, then uses
+the default simplifications to simplify the result and compares again
+(and again fails if the formula has simplified back to its original
+form).  The only special wrinkle for the @code{EvalRules} is that the
+same rules will come back into play when the default simplifications
+are used.  What Calc wants to do is build @samp{f(floor(6))}, see that
+this is different from the original formula, simplify to @samp{f(6)},
+see that this is the same as the original formula, and thus halt the
+rewriting.  But while simplifying, @samp{f(6)} will again trigger
+the same @code{EvalRules} rule and Calc will get into a loop inside
+the rewrite mechanism itself.)
+The @code{phase}, @code{schedule}, and @code{iterations} markers do
+not work in @code{EvalRules}.  If the rule set is divided into phases,
+only the phase 1 rules are applied, and the schedule is ignored.
+The rules are always repeated as many times as possible.
+The @code{EvalRules} are applied to all function calls in a formula,
+but not to numbers (and other number-like objects like error forms),
+nor to vectors or individual variable names.  (Though they will apply
+to @emph{components} of vectors and error forms when appropriate.)  You
+might try to make a variable @code{phihat} which automatically expands
+to its definition without the need to press @kbd{=} by writing the
+rule @samp{quote(phihat) := (1-sqrt(5))/2}, but unfortunately this rule
+will not work as part of @code{EvalRules}.
+Finally, another limitation is that Calc sometimes calls its built-in
+functions directly rather than going through the default simplifications.
+When it does this, @code{EvalRules} will not be able to override those
+functions.  For example, when you take the absolute value of the complex
+number @cite{(2, 3)}, Calc computes @samp{sqrt(2*2 + 3*3)} by calling
+the multiplication, addition, and square root functions directly rather
+than applying the default simplifications to this formula.  So an
+@code{EvalRules} rule that (perversely) rewrites @samp{sqrt(13) := 6}
+would not apply.  (However, if you put Calc into symbolic mode so that
+@samp{sqrt(13)} will be left in symbolic form by the built-in square
+root function, your rule will be able to apply.  But if the complex
+number were @cite{(3,4)}, so that @samp{sqrt(25)} must be calculated,
+then symbolic mode will not help because @samp{sqrt(25)} can be
+evaluated exactly to 5.)
+One subtle restriction that normally only manifests itself with
+@code{EvalRules} is that while a given rewrite rule is in the process
+of being checked, that same rule cannot be recursively applied.  Calc
+effectively removes the rule from its rule set while checking the rule,
+then puts it back once the match succeeds or fails.  (The technical
+reason for this is that compiled pattern programs are not reentrant.)
+For example, consider the rule @samp{foo(x) := x :: foo(x/2) > 0}
+attempting to match @samp{foo(8)}.  This rule will be inactive while
+the condition @samp{foo(4) > 0} is checked, even though it might be
+an integral part of evaluating that condition.  Note that this is not
+a problem for the more usual recursive type of rule, such as
+@samp{foo(x) := foo(x/2)}, because there the rule has succeeded and
+been reactivated by the time the righthand side is evaluated.
+If @code{EvalRules} has no stored value (its default state), or if
+anything but a vector is stored in it, then it is ignored.
+Even though Calc's rewrite mechanism is designed to compare rewrite
+rules to formulas as quickly as possible, storing rules in
+@code{EvalRules} may make Calc run substantially slower.  This is
+particularly true of rules where the top-level call is a commonly used
+function, or is not fixed.  The rule @samp{f(n) := n f(n-1) :: n>0} will
+only activate the rewrite mechanism for calls to the function @code{f},
+but @samp{lg(n) + lg(m) := lg(n m)} will check every @samp{+} operator.
+And @samp{apply(f, [a*b]) := apply(f, [a]) + apply(f, [b]) ::
+in(f, [ln, log10])} may seem more ``efficient'' than two separate
+rules for @code{ln} and @code{log10}, but actually it is vastly less
+efficient because rules with @code{apply} as the top-level pattern
+must be tested against @emph{every} function call that is simplified.
+@cindex @code{AlgSimpRules} variable
+@vindex AlgSimpRules
+Suppose you want @samp{sin(a + b)} to be expanded out not all the time,
+but only when @kbd{a s} is used to simplify the formula.  The variable
+@code{AlgSimpRules} holds rules for this purpose.  The @kbd{a s} command
+will apply @code{EvalRules} and @code{AlgSimpRules} to the formula, as
+well as all of its built-in simplifications.
+Most of the special limitations for @code{EvalRules} don't apply to
+@code{AlgSimpRules}.  Calc simply does an @kbd{a r AlgSimpRules}
+command with an infinite repeat count as the first step of @kbd{a s}.
+It then applies its own built-in simplifications throughout the
+formula, and then repeats these two steps (along with applying the
+default simplifications) until no further changes are possible.
+@cindex @code{ExtSimpRules} variable
+@cindex @code{UnitSimpRules} variable
+@vindex ExtSimpRules
+@vindex UnitSimpRules
+There are also @code{ExtSimpRules} and @code{UnitSimpRules} variables
+that are used by @kbd{a e} and @kbd{u s}, respectively; these commands
+also apply @code{EvalRules} and @code{AlgSimpRules}.  The variable
+@code{IntegSimpRules} contains simplification rules that are used
+only during integration by @kbd{a i}.
+@node Debugging Rewrites, Examples of Rewrite Rules, Automatic Rewrites, Rewrite Rules
+@subsection Debugging Rewrites
+If a buffer named @samp{*Trace*} exists, the rewrite mechanism will
+record some useful information there as it operates.  The original
+formula is written there, as is the result of each successful rewrite,
+and the final result of the rewriting.  All phase changes are also
+Calc always appends to @samp{*Trace*}.  You must empty this buffer
+yourself periodically if it is in danger of growing unwieldy.
+Note that the rewriting mechanism is substantially slower when the
+@samp{*Trace*} buffer exists, even if the buffer is not visible on
+the screen.  Once you are done, you will probably want to kill this
+buffer (with @kbd{C-x k *Trace* @key{RET}}).  If you leave it in
+existence and forget about it, all your future rewrite commands will
+be needlessly slow.
+@node Examples of Rewrite Rules, , Debugging Rewrites, Rewrite Rules
+@subsection Examples of Rewrite Rules
+Returning to the example of substituting the pattern
+@samp{sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2} with 1, we saw that the rule
+@samp{opt(a) sin(x)^2 + opt(a) cos(x)^2 := a} does a good job of
+finding suitable cases.  Another solution would be to use the rule
+@samp{cos(x)^2 := 1 - sin(x)^2}, followed by algebraic simplification
+if necessary.  This rule will be the most effective way to do the job,
+but at the expense of making some changes that you might not desire.@refill
+Another algebraic rewrite rule is @samp{exp(x+y) := exp(x) exp(y)}.
+To make this work with the @w{@kbd{j r}} command so that it can be
+easily targeted to a particular exponential in a large formula,
+you might wish to write the rule as @samp{select(exp(x+y)) :=
+select(exp(x) exp(y))}.  The @samp{select} markers will be
+ignored by the regular @kbd{a r} command
+(@pxref{Selections with Rewrite Rules}).@refill
+A surprisingly useful rewrite rule is @samp{a/(b-c) := a*(b+c)/(b^2-c^2)}.
+This will simplify the formula whenever @cite{b} and/or @cite{c} can
+be made simpler by squaring.  For example, applying this rule to
+@samp{2 / (sqrt(2) + 3)} yields @samp{6:7 - 2:7 sqrt(2)} (assuming
+Symbolic Mode has been enabled to keep the square root from being
+evaulated to a floating-point approximation).  This rule is also
+useful when working with symbolic complex numbers, e.g.,
+@samp{(a + b i) / (c + d i)}.
+As another example, we could define our own ``triangular numbers'' function
+with the rules @samp{[tri(0) := 0, tri(n) := n + tri(n-1) :: n>0]}.  Enter
+this vector and store it in a variable:  @kbd{@w{s t} trirules}.  Now, given
+a suitable formula like @samp{tri(5)} on the stack, type @samp{a r trirules}
+to apply these rules repeatedly.  After six applications, @kbd{a r} will
+stop with 15 on the stack.  Once these rules are debugged, it would probably
+be most useful to add them to @code{EvalRules} so that Calc will evaluate
+the new @code{tri} function automatically.  We could then use @kbd{Z K} on
+the keyboard macro @kbd{' tri($) RET} to make a command that applies
+@code{tri} to the value on the top of the stack.  @xref{Programming}.
+@cindex Quaternions
+The following rule set, contributed by @c{Fran\c cois}
+@asis{Francois} Pinard, implements
+@dfn{quaternions}, a generalization of the concept of complex numbers.
+Quaternions have four components, and are here represented by function
+calls @samp{quat(@var{w}, [@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z}])} with ``real
+part'' @var{w} and the three ``imaginary'' parts collected into a
+vector.  Various arithmetical operations on quaternions are supported.
+To use these rules, either add them to @code{EvalRules}, or create a
+command based on @kbd{a r} for simplifying quaternion formulas.
+A convenient way to enter quaternions would be a command defined by
+a keyboard macro containing: @kbd{' quat($$$$, [$$$, $$, $]) @key{RET}}.
+[ quat(w, x, y, z) := quat(w, [x, y, z]),
+  quat(w, [0, 0, 0]) := w,
+  abs(quat(w, v)) := hypot(w, v),
+  -quat(w, v) := quat(-w, -v),
+  r + quat(w, v) := quat(r + w, v) :: real(r),
+  r - quat(w, v) := quat(r - w, -v) :: real(r),
+  quat(w1, v1) + quat(w2, v2) := quat(w1 + w2, v1 + v2),
+  r * quat(w, v) := quat(r * w, r * v) :: real(r),
+  plain(quat(w1, v1) * quat(w2, v2))
+     := quat(w1 * w2 - v1 * v2, w1 * v2 + w2 * v1 + cross(v1, v2)),
+  quat(w1, v1) / r := quat(w1 / r, v1 / r) :: real(r),
+  z / quat(w, v) := z * quatinv(quat(w, v)),
+  quatinv(quat(w, v)) := quat(w, -v) / (w^2 + v^2),
+  quatsqr(quat(w, v)) := quat(w^2 - v^2, 2 * w * v),
+  quat(w, v)^k := quatsqr(quat(w, v)^(k / 2))
+               :: integer(k) :: k > 0 :: k % 2 = 0,
+  quat(w, v)^k := quatsqr(quat(w, v)^((k - 1) / 2)) * quat(w, v)
+               :: integer(k) :: k > 2,
+  quat(w, v)^-k := quatinv(quat(w, v)^k) :: integer(k) :: k > 0 ]
+@end smallexample
+Quaternions, like matrices, have non-commutative multiplication.
+In other words, @cite{q1 * q2 = q2 * q1} is not necessarily true if
+@cite{q1} and @cite{q2} are @code{quat} forms.  The @samp{quat*quat}
+rule above uses @code{plain} to prevent Calc from rearranging the
+product.  It may also be wise to add the line @samp{[quat(), matrix]}
+to the @code{Decls} matrix, to ensure that Calc's other algebraic
+operations will not rearrange a quaternion product.  @xref{Declarations}.
+These rules also accept a four-argument @code{quat} form, converting
+it to the preferred form in the first rule.  If you would rather see
+results in the four-argument form, just append the two items
+@samp{phase(2), quat(w, [x, y, z]) := quat(w, x, y, z)} to the end
+of the rule set.  (But remember that multi-phase rule sets don't work
+in @code{EvalRules}.)
+@node Units, Store and Recall, Algebra, Top
+@chapter Operating on Units
+One special interpretation of algebraic formulas is as numbers with units.
+For example, the formula @samp{5 m / s^2} can be read ``five meters
+per second squared.''  The commands in this chapter help you
+manipulate units expressions in this form.  Units-related commands
+begin with the @kbd{u} prefix key.
+* Basic Operations on Units::
+* The Units Table::
+* Predefined Units::
+* User-Defined Units::
+@end menu
+@node Basic Operations on Units, The Units Table, Units, Units
+@section Basic Operations on Units
+A @dfn{units expression} is a formula which is basically a number
+multiplied and/or divided by one or more @dfn{unit names}, which may
+optionally be raised to integer powers.  Actually, the value part need not
+be a number; any product or quotient involving unit names is a units
+expression.  Many of the units commands will also accept any formula,
+where the command applies to all units expressions which appear in the
+A unit name is a variable whose name appears in the @dfn{unit table},
+or a variable whose name is a prefix character like @samp{k} (for ``kilo'')
+or @samp{u} (for ``micro'') followed by a name in the unit table.
+A substantial table of built-in units is provided with Calc;
+@pxref{Predefined Units}.  You can also define your own unit names;
+@pxref{User-Defined Units}.@refill
+Note that if the value part of a units expression is exactly @samp{1},
+it will be removed by the Calculator's automatic algebra routines:  The
+formula @samp{1 mm} is ``simplified'' to @samp{mm}.  This is only a
+display anomaly, however; @samp{mm} will work just fine as a
+representation of one millimeter.@refill
+You may find that Algebraic Mode (@pxref{Algebraic Entry}) makes working
+with units expressions easier.  Otherwise, you will have to remember
+to hit the apostrophe key every time you wish to enter units.
+@kindex u s
+@pindex calc-simplify-units
+@c @mindex usimpl@idots
+@tindex usimplify
+The @kbd{u s} (@code{calc-simplify-units}) [@code{usimplify}] command
+simplifies a units
+expression.  It uses @kbd{a s} (@code{calc-simplify}) to simplify the
+expression first as a regular algebraic formula; it then looks for
+features that can be further simplified by converting one object's units
+to be compatible with another's.  For example, @samp{5 m + 23 mm} will
+simplify to @samp{5.023 m}.  When different but compatible units are
+added, the righthand term's units are converted to match those of the
+lefthand term.  @xref{Simplification Modes}, for a way to have this done
+automatically at all times.@refill
+Units simplification also handles quotients of two units with the same
+dimensionality, as in @w{@samp{2 in s/L cm}} to @samp{5.08 s/L}; fractional
+powers of unit expressions, as in @samp{sqrt(9 mm^2)} to @samp{3 mm} and
+@samp{sqrt(9 acre)} to a quantity in meters; and @code{floor},
+@code{ceil}, @code{round}, @code{rounde}, @code{roundu}, @code{trunc},
+@code{float}, @code{frac}, @code{abs}, and @code{clean}
+applied to units expressions, in which case
+the operation in question is applied only to the numeric part of the
+expression.  Finally, trigonometric functions of quantities with units
+of angle are evaluated, regardless of the current angular mode.@refill
+@kindex u c
+@pindex calc-convert-units
+The @kbd{u c} (@code{calc-convert-units}) command converts a units
+expression to new, compatible units.  For example, given the units
+expression @samp{55 mph}, typing @kbd{u c m/s @key{RET}} produces
+@samp{24.5872 m/s}.  If the units you request are inconsistent with
+the original units, the number will be converted into your units
+times whatever ``remainder'' units are left over.  For example,
+converting @samp{55 mph} into acres produces @samp{6.08e-3 acre / m s}.
+(Recall that multiplication binds more strongly than division in Calc
+formulas, so the units here are acres per meter-second.)  Remainder
+units are expressed in terms of ``fundamental'' units like @samp{m} and
+@samp{s}, regardless of the input units.
+One special exception is that if you specify a single unit name, and
+a compatible unit appears somewhere in the units expression, then
+that compatible unit will be converted to the new unit and the
+remaining units in the expression will be left alone.  For example,
+given the input @samp{980 cm/s^2}, the command @kbd{u c ms} will
+change the @samp{s} to @samp{ms} to get @samp{9.8e-4 cm/ms^2}.
+The ``remainder unit'' @samp{cm} is left alone rather than being
+changed to the base unit @samp{m}.
+You can use explicit unit conversion instead of the @kbd{u s} command
+to gain more control over the units of the result of an expression.
+For example, given @samp{5 m + 23 mm}, you can type @kbd{u c m} or
+@kbd{u c mm} to express the result in either meters or millimeters.
+(For that matter, you could type @kbd{u c fath} to express the result
+in fathoms, if you preferred!)
+In place of a specific set of units, you can also enter one of the
+units system names @code{si}, @code{mks} (equivalent), or @code{cgs}.
+For example, @kbd{u c si @key{RET}} converts the expression into
+International System of Units (SI) base units.  Also, @kbd{u c base}
+converts to Calc's base units, which are the same as @code{si} units
+except that @code{base} uses @samp{g} as the fundamental unit of mass
+whereas @code{si} uses @samp{kg}.
+@cindex Composite units
+The @kbd{u c} command also accepts @dfn{composite units}, which
+are expressed as the sum of several compatible unit names.  For
+example, converting @samp{30.5 in} to units @samp{mi+ft+in} (miles,
+feet, and inches) produces @samp{2 ft + 6.5 in}.  Calc first
+sorts the unit names into order of decreasing relative size.
+It then accounts for as much of the input quantity as it can
+using an integer number times the largest unit, then moves on
+to the next smaller unit, and so on.  Only the smallest unit
+may have a non-integer amount attached in the result.  A few
+standard unit names exist for common combinations, such as
+@code{mfi} for @samp{mi+ft+in}, and @code{tpo} for @samp{ton+lb+oz}.
+Composite units are expanded as if by @kbd{a x}, so that
+@samp{(ft+in)/hr} is first converted to @samp{ft/hr+in/hr}.
+If the value on the stack does not contain any units, @kbd{u c} will
+prompt first for the old units which this value should be considered
+to have, then for the new units.  Assuming the old and new units you
+give are consistent with each other, the result also will not contain
+any units.  For example, @kbd{@w{u c} cm RET in RET} converts the number
+2 on the stack to 5.08.
+@kindex u b
+@pindex calc-base-units
+The @kbd{u b} (@code{calc-base-units}) command is shorthand for
+@kbd{u c base}; it converts the units expression on the top of the
+stack into @code{base} units.  If @kbd{u s} does not simplify a
+units expression as far as you would like, try @kbd{u b}.
+The @kbd{u c} and @kbd{u b} commands treat temperature units (like
+@samp{degC} and @samp{K}) as relative temperatures.  For example,
+@kbd{u c} converts @samp{10 degC} to @samp{18 degF}: A change of 10
+degrees Celsius corresponds to a change of 18 degrees Fahrenheit.
+@kindex u t
+@pindex calc-convert-temperature
+@cindex Temperature conversion
+The @kbd{u t} (@code{calc-convert-temperature}) command converts
+absolute temperatures.  The value on the stack must be a simple units
+expression with units of temperature only.  This command would convert
+@samp{10 degC} to @samp{50 degF}, the equivalent temperature on the
+Fahrenheit scale.@refill
+@kindex u r
+@pindex calc-remove-units
+@kindex u x
+@pindex calc-extract-units
+The @kbd{u r} (@code{calc-remove-units}) command removes units from the
+formula at the top of the stack.  The @kbd{u x}
+(@code{calc-extract-units}) command extracts only the units portion of a
+formula.  These commands essentially replace every term of the formula
+that does or doesn't (respectively) look like a unit name by the
+constant 1, then resimplify the formula.@refill
+@kindex u a
+@pindex calc-autorange-units
+The @kbd{u a} (@code{calc-autorange-units}) command turns on and off a
+mode in which unit prefixes like @code{k} (``kilo'') are automatically
+applied to keep the numeric part of a units expression in a reasonable
+range.  This mode affects @kbd{u s} and all units conversion commands
+except @kbd{u b}.  For example, with autoranging on, @samp{12345 Hz}
+will be simplified to @samp{12.345 kHz}.  Autoranging is useful for
+some kinds of units (like @code{Hz} and @code{m}), but is probably
+undesirable for non-metric units like @code{ft} and @code{tbsp}.
+(Composite units are more appropriate for those; see above.)
+Autoranging always applies the prefix to the leftmost unit name.
+Calc chooses the largest prefix that causes the number to be greater
+than or equal to 1.0.  Thus an increasing sequence of adjusted times
+would be @samp{1 ms, 10 ms, 100 ms, 1 s, 10 s, 100 s, 1 ks}.
+Generally the rule of thumb is that the number will be adjusted
+to be in the interval @samp{[1 .. 1000)}, although there are several
+exceptions to this rule.  First, if the unit has a power then this
+is not possible; @samp{0.1 s^2} simplifies to @samp{100000 ms^2}.
+Second, the ``centi-'' prefix is allowed to form @code{cm} (centimeters),
+but will not apply to other units.  The ``deci-,'' ``deka-,'' and
+``hecto-'' prefixes are never used.  Thus the allowable interval is
+@samp{[1 .. 10)} for millimeters and @samp{[1 .. 100)} for centimeters.
+Finally, a prefix will not be added to a unit if the resulting name
+is also the actual name of another unit; @samp{1e-15 t} would normally
+be considered a ``femto-ton,'' but it is written as @samp{1000 at}
+(1000 atto-tons) instead because @code{ft} would be confused with feet.
+@node The Units Table, Predefined Units, Basic Operations on Units, Units
+@section The Units Table
+@kindex u v
+@pindex calc-enter-units-table
+The @kbd{u v} (@code{calc-enter-units-table}) command displays the units table
+in another buffer called @code{*Units Table*}.  Each entry in this table
+gives the unit name as it would appear in an expression, the definition
+of the unit in terms of simpler units, and a full name or description of
+the unit.  Fundamental units are defined as themselves; these are the
+units produced by the @kbd{u b} command.  The fundamental units are
+meters, seconds, grams, kelvins, amperes, candelas, moles, radians,
+and steradians.
+The Units Table buffer also displays the Unit Prefix Table.  Note that
+two prefixes, ``kilo'' and ``hecto,'' accept either upper- or lower-case
+prefix letters.  @samp{Meg} is also accepted as a synonym for the @samp{M}
+prefix.  Whenever a unit name can be interpreted as either a built-in name
+or a prefix followed by another built-in name, the former interpretation
+wins.  For example, @samp{2 pt} means two pints, not two pico-tons.
+The Units Table buffer, once created, is not rebuilt unless you define
+new units.  To force the buffer to be rebuilt, give any numeric prefix
+argument to @kbd{u v}.
+@kindex u V
+@pindex calc-view-units-table
+The @kbd{u V} (@code{calc-view-units-table}) command is like @kbd{u v} except
+that the cursor is not moved into the Units Table buffer.  You can
+type @kbd{u V} again to remove the Units Table from the display.  To
+return from the Units Table buffer after a @kbd{u v}, type @kbd{M-# c}
+again or use the regular Emacs @w{@kbd{C-x o}} (@code{other-window})
+command.  You can also kill the buffer with @kbd{C-x k} if you wish;
+the actual units table is safely stored inside the Calculator.
+@kindex u g
+@pindex calc-get-unit-definition
+The @kbd{u g} (@code{calc-get-unit-definition}) command retrieves a unit's
+defining expression and pushes it onto the Calculator stack.  For example,
+@kbd{u g in} will produce the expression @samp{2.54 cm}.  This is the
+same definition for the unit that would appear in the Units Table buffer.
+Note that this command works only for actual unit names; @kbd{u g km}
+will report that no such unit exists, for example, because @code{km} is
+really the unit @code{m} with a @code{k} (``kilo'') prefix.  To see a
+definition of a unit in terms of base units, it is easier to push the
+unit name on the stack and then reduce it to base units with @kbd{u b}.
+@kindex u e
+@pindex calc-explain-units
+The @kbd{u e} (@code{calc-explain-units}) command displays an English
+description of the units of the expression on the stack.  For example,
+for the expression @samp{62 km^2 g / s^2 mol K}, the description is
+``Square-Kilometer Gram per (Second-squared Mole Degree-Kelvin).''  This
+command uses the English descriptions that appear in the righthand
+column of the Units Table.
+@node Predefined Units, User-Defined Units, The Units Table, Units
+@section Predefined Units
+Since the exact definitions of many kinds of units have evolved over the
+years, and since certain countries sometimes have local differences in
+their definitions, it is a good idea to examine Calc's definition of a
+unit before depending on its exact value.  For example, there are three
+different units for gallons, corresponding to the US (@code{gal}),
+Canadian (@code{galC}), and British (@code{galUK}) definitions.  Also,
+note that @code{oz} is a standard ounce of mass, @code{ozt} is a Troy
+ounce, and @code{ozfl} is a fluid ounce.
+The temperature units corresponding to degrees Kelvin and Centigrade
+(Celsius) are the same in this table, since most units commands treat
+temperatures as being relative.  The @code{calc-convert-temperature}
+command has special rules for handling the different absolute magnitudes
+of the various temperature scales.
+The unit of volume ``liters'' can be referred to by either the lower-case
+@code{l} or the upper-case @code{L}.
+The unit @code{A} stands for Amperes; the name @code{Ang} is used
+for \AA ngstroms.
+@end tex
+for Angstroms.
+@end ifinfo
+The unit @code{pt} stands for pints; the name @code{point} stands for
+a typographical point, defined by @samp{72 point = 1 in}.  There is
+also @code{tpt}, which stands for a printer's point as defined by the
+@TeX{} typesetting system:  @samp{72.27 tpt = 1 in}.
+The unit @code{e} stands for the elementary (electron) unit of charge;
+because algebra command could mistake this for the special constant
+@cite{e}, Calc provides the alternate unit name @code{ech} which is
+preferable to @code{e}.
+The name @code{g} stands for one gram of mass; there is also @code{gf},
+one gram of force.  (Likewise for @kbd{lb}, pounds, and @kbd{lbf}.)
+Meanwhile, one ``@cite{g}'' of acceleration is denoted @code{ga}.
+The unit @code{ton} is a U.S. ton of @samp{2000 lb}, and @code{t} is
+a metric ton of @samp{1000 kg}.
+The names @code{s} (or @code{sec}) and @code{min} refer to units of
+time; @code{arcsec} and @code{arcmin} are units of angle.
+Some ``units'' are really physical constants; for example, @code{c}
+represents the speed of light, and @code{h} represents Planck's
+constant.  You can use these just like other units: converting
+@samp{.5 c} to @samp{m/s} expresses one-half the speed of light in
+meters per second.  You can also use this merely as a handy reference;
+the @kbd{u g} command gets the definition of one of these constants
+in its normal terms, and @kbd{u b} expresses the definition in base
+Two units, @code{pi} and @code{fsc} (the fine structure constant,
+approximately @i{1/137}) are dimensionless.  The units simplification
+commands simply treat these names as equivalent to their corresponding
+values.  However you can, for example, use @kbd{u c} to convert a pure
+number into multiples of the fine structure constant, or @kbd{u b} to
+convert this back into a pure number.  (When @kbd{u c} prompts for the
+``old units,'' just enter a blank line to signify that the value
+really is unitless.)
+@c Describe angular units, luminosity vs. steradians problem.
+@node User-Defined Units, , Predefined Units, Units
+@section User-Defined Units
+Calc provides ways to get quick access to your selected ``favorite''
+units, as well as ways to define your own new units.
+@kindex u 0-9
+@pindex calc-quick-units
+@vindex Units
+@cindex @code{Units} variable
+@cindex Quick units
+To select your favorite units, store a vector of unit names or
+expressions in the Calc variable @code{Units}.  The @kbd{u 1}
+through @kbd{u 9} commands (@code{calc-quick-units}) provide access
+to these units.  If the value on the top of the stack is a plain
+number (with no units attached), then @kbd{u 1} gives it the
+specified units.  (Basically, it multiplies the number by the
+first item in the @code{Units} vector.)  If the number on the
+stack @emph{does} have units, then @kbd{u 1} converts that number
+to the new units.  For example, suppose the vector @samp{[in, ft]}
+is stored in @code{Units}.  Then @kbd{30 u 1} will create the
+expression @samp{30 in}, and @kbd{u 2} will convert that expression
+to @samp{2.5 ft}.
+The @kbd{u 0} command accesses the tenth element of @code{Units}.
+Only ten quick units may be defined at a time.  If the @code{Units}
+variable has no stored value (the default), or if its value is not
+a vector, then the quick-units commands will not function.  The
+@kbd{s U} command is a convenient way to edit the @code{Units}
+variable; @pxref{Operations on Variables}.
+@kindex u d
+@pindex calc-define-unit
+@cindex User-defined units
+The @kbd{u d} (@code{calc-define-unit}) command records the units
+expression on the top of the stack as the definition for a new,
+user-defined unit.  For example, putting @samp{16.5 ft} on the stack and
+typing @kbd{u d rod} defines the new unit @samp{rod} to be equivalent to
+16.5 feet.  The unit conversion and simplification commands will now
+treat @code{rod} just like any other unit of length.  You will also be
+prompted for an optional English description of the unit, which will
+appear in the Units Table.
+@kindex u u
+@pindex calc-undefine-unit
+The @kbd{u u} (@code{calc-undefine-unit}) command removes a user-defined
+unit.  It is not possible to remove one of the predefined units,
+If you define a unit with an existing unit name, your new definition
+will replace the original definition of that unit.  If the unit was a
+predefined unit, the old definition will not be replaced, only
+``shadowed.''  The built-in definition will reappear if you later use
+@kbd{u u} to remove the shadowing definition.
+To create a new fundamental unit, use either 1 or the unit name itself
+as the defining expression.  Otherwise the expression can involve any
+other units that you like (except for composite units like @samp{mfi}).
+You can create a new composite unit with a sum of other units as the
+defining expression.  The next unit operation like @kbd{u c} or @kbd{u v}
+will rebuild the internal unit table incorporating your modifications.
+Note that erroneous definitions (such as two units defined in terms of
+each other) will not be detected until the unit table is next rebuilt;
+@kbd{u v} is a convenient way to force this to happen.
+Temperature units are treated specially inside the Calculator; it is not
+possible to create user-defined temperature units.
+@kindex u p
+@pindex calc-permanent-units
+@cindex @file{.emacs} file, user-defined units
+The @kbd{u p} (@code{calc-permanent-units}) command stores the user-defined
+units in your @file{.emacs} file, so that the units will still be
+available in subsequent Emacs sessions.  If there was already a set of
+user-defined units in your @file{.emacs} file, it is replaced by the
+new set.  (@xref{General Mode Commands}, for a way to tell Calc to use
+a different file instead of @file{.emacs}.)
+@node Store and Recall, Graphics, Units, Top
+@chapter Storing and Recalling
+Calculator variables are really just Lisp variables that contain numbers
+or formulas in a form that Calc can understand.  The commands in this
+section allow you to manipulate variables conveniently.  Commands related
+to variables use the @kbd{s} prefix key.
+* Storing Variables::
+* Recalling Variables::
+* Operations on Variables::
+* Let Command::
+* Evaluates-To Operator::
+@end menu
+@node Storing Variables, Recalling Variables, Store and Recall, Store and Recall
+@section Storing Variables
+@kindex s s
+@pindex calc-store
+@cindex Storing variables
+@cindex Quick variables
+@vindex q0
+@vindex q9
+The @kbd{s s} (@code{calc-store}) command stores the value at the top of
+the stack into a specified variable.  It prompts you to enter the
+name of the variable.  If you press a single digit, the value is stored
+immediately in one of the ``quick'' variables @code{var-q0} through
+@code{var-q9}.  Or you can enter any variable name.  The prefix @samp{var-}
+is supplied for you; when a name appears in a formula (as in @samp{a+q2})
+the prefix @samp{var-} is also supplied there, so normally you can simply
+forget about @samp{var-} everywhere.  Its only purpose is to enable you to
+use Calc variables without fear of accidentally clobbering some variable in
+another Emacs package.  If you really want to store in an arbitrary Lisp
+variable, just backspace over the @samp{var-}.
+@kindex s t
+@pindex calc-store-into
+The @kbd{s s} command leaves the stored value on the stack.  There is
+also an @kbd{s t} (@code{calc-store-into}) command, which removes a
+value from the stack and stores it in a variable.
+If the top of stack value is an equation @samp{a = 7} or assignment
+@samp{a := 7} with a variable on the lefthand side, then Calc will
+assign that variable with that value by default, i.e., if you type
+@kbd{s s @key{RET}} or @kbd{s t @key{RET}}.  In this example, the
+value 7 would be stored in the variable @samp{a}.  (If you do type
+a variable name at the prompt, the top-of-stack value is stored in
+its entirety, even if it is an equation:  @samp{s s b @key{RET}}
+with @samp{a := 7} on the stack stores @samp{a := 7} in @code{b}.)
+In fact, the top of stack value can be a vector of equations or
+assignments with different variables on their lefthand sides; the
+default will be to store all the variables with their corresponding
+righthand sides simultaneously.
+It is also possible to type an equation or assignment directly at
+the prompt for the @kbd{s s} or @kbd{s t} command:  @kbd{s s foo = 7}.
+In this case the expression to the right of the @kbd{=} or @kbd{:=}
+symbol is evaluated as if by the @kbd{=} command, and that value is
+stored in the variable.  No value is taken from the stack; @kbd{s s}
+and @kbd{s t} are equivalent when used in this way.
+@kindex s 0-9
+@kindex t 0-9
+The prefix keys @kbd{s} and @kbd{t} may be followed immediately by a
+digit; @kbd{s 9} is equivalent to @kbd{s s 9}, and @kbd{t 9} is
+equivalent to @kbd{s t 9}.  (The @kbd{t} prefix is otherwise used
+for trail and time/date commands.)
+@kindex s +
+@kindex s -
+@c @mindex @idots
+@kindex s *
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s /
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s ^
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s |
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s n
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s &
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s [
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s ]
+@pindex calc-store-plus
+@pindex calc-store-minus
+@pindex calc-store-times
+@pindex calc-store-div
+@pindex calc-store-power
+@pindex calc-store-concat
+@pindex calc-store-neg
+@pindex calc-store-inv
+@pindex calc-store-decr
+@pindex calc-store-incr
+There are also several ``arithmetic store'' commands.  For example,
+@kbd{s +} removes a value from the stack and adds it to the specified
+variable.  The other arithmetic stores are @kbd{s -}, @kbd{s *}, @kbd{s /},
+@kbd{s ^}, and @w{@kbd{s |}} (vector concatenation), plus @kbd{s n} and
+@kbd{s &} which negate or invert the value in a variable, and @w{@kbd{s [}}
+and @kbd{s ]} which decrease or increase a variable by one.
+All the arithmetic stores accept the Inverse prefix to reverse the
+order of the operands.  If @cite{v} represents the contents of the
+variable, and @cite{a} is the value drawn from the stack, then regular
+@w{@kbd{s -}} assigns @c{$v \coloneq v - a$}
+@cite{v := v - a}, but @kbd{I s -} assigns
+@c{$v \coloneq a - v$}
+@cite{v := a - v}.  While @kbd{I s *} might seem pointless, it is
+useful if matrix multiplication is involved.  Actually, all the
+arithmetic stores use formulas designed to behave usefully both
+forwards and backwards:
+s +        v := v + a          v := a + v
+s -        v := v - a          v := a - v
+s *        v := v * a          v := a * v
+s /        v := v / a          v := a / v
+s ^        v := v ^ a          v := a ^ v
+s |        v := v | a          v := a | v
+s n        v := v / (-1)       v := (-1) / v
+s &        v := v ^ (-1)       v := (-1) ^ v
+s [        v := v - 1          v := 1 - v
+s ]        v := v - (-1)       v := (-1) - v
+@end example
+@end group
+In the last four cases, a numeric prefix argument will be used in
+place of the number one.  (For example, @kbd{M-2 s ]} increases
+a variable by 2, and @kbd{M-2 I s ]} replaces a variable by
+minus-two minus the variable.
+The first six arithmetic stores can also be typed @kbd{s t +}, @kbd{s t -},
+etc.  The commands @kbd{s s +}, @kbd{s s -}, and so on are analogous
+arithmetic stores that don't remove the value @cite{a} from the stack.
+All arithmetic stores report the new value of the variable in the
+Trail for your information.  They signal an error if the variable
+previously had no stored value.  If default simplifications have been
+turned off, the arithmetic stores temporarily turn them on for numeric
+arguments only (i.e., they temporarily do an @kbd{m N} command).
+@xref{Simplification Modes}.  Large vectors put in the trail by
+these commands always use abbreviated (@kbd{t .}) mode.
+@kindex s m
+@pindex calc-store-map
+The @kbd{s m} command is a general way to adjust a variable's value
+using any Calc function.  It is a ``mapping'' command analogous to
+@kbd{V M}, @kbd{V R}, etc.  @xref{Reducing and Mapping}, to see
+how to specify a function for a mapping command.  Basically,
+all you do is type the Calc command key that would invoke that
+function normally.  For example, @kbd{s m n} applies the @kbd{n}
+key to negate the contents of the variable, so @kbd{s m n} is
+equivalent to @kbd{s n}.  Also, @kbd{s m Q} takes the square root
+of the value stored in a variable, @kbd{s m v v} uses @kbd{v v} to
+reverse the vector stored in the variable, and @kbd{s m H I S}
+takes the hyperbolic arcsine of the variable contents.
+If the mapping function takes two or more arguments, the additional
+arguments are taken from the stack; the old value of the variable
+is provided as the first argument.  Thus @kbd{s m -} with @cite{a}
+on the stack computes @cite{v - a}, just like @kbd{s -}.  With the
+Inverse prefix, the variable's original value becomes the @emph{last}
+argument instead of the first.  Thus @kbd{I s m -} is also
+equivalent to @kbd{I s -}.
+@kindex s x
+@pindex calc-store-exchange
+The @kbd{s x} (@code{calc-store-exchange}) command exchanges the value
+of a variable with the value on the top of the stack.  Naturally, the
+variable must already have a stored value for this to work.
+You can type an equation or assignment at the @kbd{s x} prompt.  The
+command @kbd{s x a=6} takes no values from the stack; instead, it
+pushes the old value of @samp{a} on the stack and stores @samp{a = 6}.
+@kindex s u
+@pindex calc-unstore
+@cindex Void variables
+@cindex Un-storing variables
+Until you store something in them, variables are ``void,'' that is, they
+contain no value at all.  If they appear in an algebraic formula they
+will be left alone even if you press @kbd{=} (@code{calc-evaluate}).
+The @kbd{s u} (@code{calc-unstore}) command returns a variable to the
+void state.@refill
+The only variables with predefined values are the ``special constants''
+@code{pi}, @code{e}, @code{i}, @code{phi}, and @code{gamma}.  You are free
+to unstore these variables or to store new values into them if you like,
+although some of the algebraic-manipulation functions may assume these
+variables represent their standard values.  Calc displays a warning if
+you change the value of one of these variables, or of one of the other
+special variables @code{inf}, @code{uinf}, and @code{nan} (which are
+normally void).
+Note that @code{var-pi} doesn't actually have 3.14159265359 stored
+in it, but rather a special magic value that evaluates to @c{$\pi$}
+at the current precision.  Likewise @code{var-e}, @code{var-i}, and
+@code{var-phi} evaluate according to the current precision or polar mode.
+If you recall a value from @code{pi} and store it back, this magic
+property will be lost.
+@kindex s c
+@pindex calc-copy-variable
+The @kbd{s c} (@code{calc-copy-variable}) command copies the stored
+value of one variable to another.  It differs from a simple @kbd{s r}
+followed by an @kbd{s t} in two important ways.  First, the value never
+goes on the stack and thus is never rounded, evaluated, or simplified
+in any way; it is not even rounded down to the current precision.
+Second, the ``magic'' contents of a variable like @code{var-e} can
+be copied into another variable with this command, perhaps because
+you need to unstore @code{var-e} right now but you wish to put it
+back when you're done.  The @kbd{s c} command is the only way to
+manipulate these magic values intact.
+@node Recalling Variables, Operations on Variables, Storing Variables, Store and Recall
+@section Recalling Variables
+@kindex s r
+@pindex calc-recall
+@cindex Recalling variables
+The most straightforward way to extract the stored value from a variable
+is to use the @kbd{s r} (@code{calc-recall}) command.  This command prompts
+for a variable name (similarly to @code{calc-store}), looks up the value
+of the specified variable, and pushes that value onto the stack.  It is
+an error to try to recall a void variable.
+It is also possible to recall the value from a variable by evaluating a
+formula containing that variable.  For example, @kbd{' a @key{RET} =} is
+the same as @kbd{s r a @key{RET}} except that if the variable is void, the
+former will simply leave the formula @samp{a} on the stack whereas the
+latter will produce an error message.
+@kindex r 0-9
+The @kbd{r} prefix may be followed by a digit, so that @kbd{r 9} is
+equivalent to @kbd{s r 9}.  (The @kbd{r} prefix is otherwise unused
+in the current version of Calc.)
+@node Operations on Variables, Let Command, Recalling Variables, Store and Recall
+@section Other Operations on Variables
+@kindex s e
+@pindex calc-edit-variable
+The @kbd{s e} (@code{calc-edit-variable}) command edits the stored
+value of a variable without ever putting that value on the stack
+or simplifying or evaluating the value.  It prompts for the name of
+the variable to edit.  If the variable has no stored value, the
+editing buffer will start out empty.  If the editing buffer is
+empty when you press @key{M-# M-#} to finish, the variable will
+be made void.  @xref{Editing Stack Entries}, for a general
+description of editing.
+The @kbd{s e} command is especially useful for creating and editing
+rewrite rules which are stored in variables.  Sometimes these rules
+contain formulas which must not be evaluated until the rules are
+actually used.  (For example, they may refer to @samp{deriv(x,y)},
+where @code{x} will someday become some expression involving @code{y};
+if you let Calc evaluate the rule while you are defining it, Calc will
+replace @samp{deriv(x,y)} with 0 because the formula @code{x} does
+not itself refer to @code{y}.)  By contrast, recalling the variable,
+editing with @kbd{`}, and storing will evaluate the variable's value
+as a side effect of putting the value on the stack.
+@kindex s A
+@kindex s D
+@c @mindex @idots
+@kindex s E
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s F
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s G
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s H
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s I
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s L
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s P
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s R
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s T
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s U
+@c @mindex @null
+@kindex s X
+@pindex calc-store-AlgSimpRules
+@pindex calc-store-Decls
+@pindex calc-store-EvalRules
+@pindex calc-store-FitRules
+@pindex calc-store-GenCount
+@pindex calc-store-Holidays
+@pindex calc-store-IntegLimit
+@pindex calc-store-LineStyles
+@pindex calc-store-PointStyles
+@pindex calc-store-PlotRejects
+@pindex calc-store-TimeZone
+@pindex calc-store-Units
+@pindex calc-store-ExtSimpRules
+There are several special-purpose variable-editing commands that
+use the @kbd{s} prefix followed by a shifted letter:
+@table @kbd
+@item s A
+Edit @code{AlgSimpRules}.  @xref{Algebraic Simplifications}.
+@item s D
+Edit @code{Decls}.  @xref{Declarations}.
+@item s E
+Edit @code{EvalRules}.  @xref{Default Simplifications}.
+@item s F
+Edit @code{FitRules}.  @xref{Curve Fitting}.
+@item s G
+Edit @code{GenCount}.  @xref{Solving Equations}.
+@item s H
+Edit @code{Holidays}.  @xref{Business Days}.
+@item s I
+Edit @code{IntegLimit}.  @xref{Calculus}.
+@item s L
+Edit @code{LineStyles}.  @xref{Graphics}.
+@item s P
+Edit @code{PointStyles}.  @xref{Graphics}.
+@item s R
+Edit @code{PlotRejects}.  @xref{Graphics}.
+@item s T
+Edit @code{TimeZone}.  @xref{Time Zones}.
+@item s U
+Edit @code{Units}.  @xref{User-Defined Units}.
+@item s X
+Edit @code{ExtSimpRules}.  @xref{Unsafe Simplifications}.
+@end table
+These commands are just versions of @kbd{s e} that use fixed variable
+names rather than prompting for the variable name.
+@kindex s p
+@pindex calc-permanent-variable
+@cindex Storing variables
+@cindex Permanent variables
+@cindex @file{.emacs} file, veriables
+The @kbd{s p} (@code{calc-permanent-variable}) command saves a
+variable's value permanently in your @file{.emacs} file, so that its
+value will still be available in future Emacs sessions.  You can
+re-execute @w{@kbd{s p}} later on to update the saved value, but the
+only way to remove a saved variable is to edit your @file{.emacs} file
+by hand.  (@xref{General Mode Commands}, for a way to tell Calc to
+use a different file instead of @file{.emacs}.)
+If you do not specify the name of a variable to save (i.e.,
+@kbd{s p @key{RET}}), all @samp{var-} variables with defined values
+are saved except for the special constants @code{pi}, @code{e},
+@code{i}, @code{phi}, and @code{gamma}; the variables @code{TimeZone}
+and @code{PlotRejects};
+@code{FitRules}, @code{DistribRules}, and other built-in rewrite
+rules; and @code{PlotData@var{n}} variables generated
+by the graphics commands.  (You can still save these variables by
+explicitly naming them in an @kbd{s p} command.)@refill
+@kindex s i
+@pindex calc-insert-variables
+The @kbd{s i} (@code{calc-insert-variables}) command writes
+the values of all @samp{var-} variables into a specified buffer.
+The variables are written in the form of Lisp @code{setq} commands
+which store the values in string form.  You can place these commands
+in your @file{.emacs} buffer if you wish, though in this case it
+would be easier to use @kbd{s p @key{RET}}.  (Note that @kbd{s i}
+omits the same set of variables as @w{@kbd{s p @key{RET}}}; the difference
+is that @kbd{s i} will store the variables in any buffer, and it also
+stores in a more human-readable format.)
+@node Let Command, Evaluates-To Operator, Operations on Variables, Store and Recall
+@section The Let Command
+@kindex s l
+@pindex calc-let
+@cindex Variables, temporary assignment
+@cindex Temporary assignment to variables
+If you have an expression like @samp{a+b^2} on the stack and you wish to
+compute its value where @cite{b=3}, you can simply store 3 in @cite{b} and
+then press @kbd{=} to reevaluate the formula.  This has the side-effect
+of leaving the stored value of 3 in @cite{b} for future operations.
+The @kbd{s l} (@code{calc-let}) command evaluates a formula under a
+@emph{temporary} assignment of a variable.  It stores the value on the
+top of the stack into the specified variable, then evaluates the
+second-to-top stack entry, then restores the original value (or lack of one)
+in the variable.  Thus after @kbd{'@w{ }a+b^2 @key{RET} 3 s l b @key{RET}},
+the stack will contain the formula @samp{a + 9}.  The subsequent command
+@kbd{@w{5 s l a} @key{RET}} will replace this formula with the number 14.
+The variables @samp{a} and @samp{b} are not permanently affected in any way
+by these commands.
+The value on the top of the stack may be an equation or assignment, or
+a vector of equations or assignments, in which case the default will be
+analogous to the case of @kbd{s t @key{RET}}.  @xref{Storing Variables}.
+Also, you can answer the variable-name prompt with an equation or
+assignment:  @kbd{s l b=3 RET} is the same as storing 3 on the stack
+and typing @kbd{s l b RET}.
+The @kbd{a b} (@code{calc-substitute}) command is another way to substitute
+a variable with a value in a formula.  It does an actual substitution
+rather than temporarily assigning the variable and evaluating.  For
+example, letting @cite{n=2} in @samp{f(n pi)} with @kbd{a b} will
+produce @samp{f(2 pi)}, whereas @kbd{s l} would give @samp{f(6.28)}
+since the evaluation step will also evaluate @code{pi}.
+@node Evaluates-To Operator, , Let Command, Store and Recall
+@section The Evaluates-To Operator
+@tindex evalto
+@tindex =>
+@cindex Evaluates-to operator
+@cindex @samp{=>} operator
+The special algebraic symbol @samp{=>} is known as the @dfn{evaluates-to
+operator}.  (It will show up as an @code{evalto} function call in
+other language modes like Pascal and @TeX{}.)  This is a binary
+operator, that is, it has a lefthand and a righthand argument,
+although it can be entered with the righthand argument omitted.
+A formula like @samp{@var{a} => @var{b}} is evaluated by Calc as
+follows:  First, @var{a} is not simplified or modified in any
+way.  The previous value of argument @var{b} is thrown away; the
+formula @var{a} is then copied and evaluated as if by the @kbd{=}
+command according to all current modes and stored variable values,
+and the result is installed as the new value of @var{b}.
+For example, suppose you enter the algebraic formula @samp{2 + 3 => 17}.
+The number 17 is ignored, and the lefthand argument is left in its
+unevaluated form; the result is the formula @samp{2 + 3 => 5}.
+@kindex s =
+@pindex calc-evalto
+You can enter an @samp{=>} formula either directly using algebraic
+entry (in which case the righthand side may be omitted since it is
+going to be replaced right away anyhow), or by using the @kbd{s =}
+(@code{calc-evalto}) command, which takes @var{a} from the stack
+and replaces it with @samp{@var{a} => @var{b}}.
+Calc keeps track of all @samp{=>} operators on the stack, and
+recomputes them whenever anything changes that might affect their
+values, i.e., a mode setting or variable value.  This occurs only
+if the @samp{=>} operator is at the top level of the formula, or
+if it is part of a top-level vector.  In other words, pushing
+@samp{2 + (a => 17)} will change the 17 to the actual value of
+@samp{a} when you enter the formula, but the result will not be
+dynamically updated when @samp{a} is changed later because the
+@samp{=>} operator is buried inside a sum.  However, a vector
+of @samp{=>} operators will be recomputed, since it is convenient
+to push a vector like @samp{[a =>, b =>, c =>]} on the stack to
+make a concise display of all the variables in your problem.
+(Another way to do this would be to use @samp{[a, b, c] =>},
+which provides a slightly different format of display.  You
+can use whichever you find easiest to read.)
+@kindex m C
+@pindex calc-auto-recompute
+The @kbd{m C} (@code{calc-auto-recompute}) command allows you to
+turn this automatic recomputation on or off.  If you turn
+recomputation off, you must explicitly recompute an @samp{=>}
+operator on the stack in one of the usual ways, such as by
+pressing @kbd{=}.  Turning recomputation off temporarily can save
+a lot of time if you will be changing several modes or variables
+before you look at the @samp{=>} entries again.
+Most commands are not especially useful with @samp{=>} operators
+as arguments.  For example, given @samp{x + 2 => 17}, it won't
+work to type @kbd{1 +} to get @samp{x + 3 => 18}.  If you want
+to operate on the lefthand side of the @samp{=>} operator on
+the top of the stack, type @kbd{j 1} (that's the digit ``one'')
+to select the lefthand side, execute your commands, then type
+@kbd{j u} to unselect.
+All current modes apply when an @samp{=>} operator is computed,
+including the current simplification mode.  Recall that the
+formula @samp{x + y + x} is not handled by Calc's default
+simplifications, but the @kbd{a s} command will reduce it to
+the simpler form @samp{y + 2 x}.  You can also type @kbd{m A}
+to enable an algebraic-simplification mode in which the
+equivalent of @kbd{a s} is used on all of Calc's results.
+If you enter @samp{x + y + x =>} normally, the result will
+be @samp{x + y + x => x + y + x}.  If you change to
+algebraic-simplification mode, the result will be
+@samp{x + y + x => y + 2 x}.  However, just pressing @kbd{a s}
+once will have no effect on @samp{x + y + x => x + y + x},
+because the righthand side depends only on the lefthand side
+and the current mode settings, and the lefthand side is not
+affected by commands like @kbd{a s}.
+The ``let'' command (@kbd{s l}) has an interesting interaction
+with the @samp{=>} operator.  The @kbd{s l} command evaluates the
+second-to-top stack entry with the top stack entry supplying
+a temporary value for a given variable.  As you might expect,
+if that stack entry is an @samp{=>} operator its righthand
+side will temporarily show this value for the variable.  In
+fact, all @samp{=>}s on the stack will be updated if they refer
+to that variable.  But this change is temporary in the sense
+that the next command that causes Calc to look at those stack
+entries will make them revert to the old variable value.
+2:  a => a             2:  a => 17         2:  a => a
+1:  a + 1 => a + 1     1:  a + 1 => 18     1:  a + 1 => a + 1
+    .                      .                   .
+                           17 s l a RET        p 8 RET
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+Here the @kbd{p 8} command changes the current precision,
+thus causing the @samp{=>} forms to be recomputed after the
+influence of the ``let'' is gone.  The @kbd{d SPC} command
+(@code{calc-refresh}) is a handy way to force the @samp{=>}
+operators on the stack to be recomputed without any other
+side effects.
+@kindex s :
+@pindex calc-assign
+@tindex assign
+@tindex :=
+Embedded Mode also uses @samp{=>} operators.  In embedded mode,
+the lefthand side of an @samp{=>} operator can refer to variables
+assigned elsewhere in the file by @samp{:=} operators.  The
+assignment operator @samp{a := 17} does not actually do anything
+by itself.  But Embedded Mode recognizes it and marks it as a sort
+of file-local definition of the variable.  You can enter @samp{:=}
+operators in algebraic mode, or by using the @kbd{s :}
+(@code{calc-assign}) [@code{assign}] command which takes a variable
+and value from the stack and replaces them with an assignment.
+@xref{TeX Language Mode}, for the way @samp{=>} appears in
+@TeX{} language output.  The @dfn{eqn} mode gives similar
+treatment to @samp{=>}.
+@node Graphics, Kill and Yank, Store and Recall, Top
+@chapter Graphics
+The commands for graphing data begin with the @kbd{g} prefix key.  Calc
+uses GNUPLOT 2.0 or 3.0 to do graphics.  These commands will only work
+if GNUPLOT is available on your system.  (While GNUPLOT sounds like
+a relative of GNU Emacs, it is actually completely unrelated.
+However, it is free software and can be obtained from the Free
+Software Foundation's machine @samp{prep.ai.mit.edu}.)
+@vindex calc-gnuplot-name
+If you have GNUPLOT installed on your system but Calc is unable to
+find it, you may need to set the @code{calc-gnuplot-name} variable
+in your @file{.emacs} file.  You may also need to set some Lisp
+variables to show Calc how to run GNUPLOT on your system; these
+are described under @kbd{g D} and @kbd{g O} below.  If you are
+using the X window system, Calc will configure GNUPLOT for you
+automatically.  If you have GNUPLOT 3.0 and you are not using X,
+Calc will configure GNUPLOT to display graphs using simple character
+graphics that will work on any terminal.
+* Basic Graphics::
+* Three Dimensional Graphics::
+* Managing Curves::
+* Graphics Options::
+* Devices::
+@end menu
+@node Basic Graphics, Three Dimensional Graphics, Graphics, Graphics
+@section Basic Graphics
+@kindex g f
+@pindex calc-graph-fast
+The easiest graphics command is @kbd{g f} (@code{calc-graph-fast}).
+This command takes two vectors of equal length from the stack.
+The vector at the top of the stack represents the ``y'' values of
+the various data points.  The vector in the second-to-top position
+represents the corresponding ``x'' values.  This command runs
+GNUPLOT (if it has not already been started by previous graphing
+commands) and displays the set of data points.  The points will
+be connected by lines, and there will also be some kind of symbol
+to indicate the points themselves.
+The ``x'' entry may instead be an interval form, in which case suitable
+``x'' values are interpolated between the minimum and maximum values of
+the interval (whether the interval is open or closed is ignored).
+The ``x'' entry may also be a number, in which case Calc uses the
+sequence of ``x'' values @cite{x}, @cite{x+1}, @cite{x+2}, etc.
+(Generally the number 0 or 1 would be used for @cite{x} in this case.)
+The ``y'' entry may be any formula instead of a vector.  Calc effectively
+uses @kbd{N} (@code{calc-eval-num}) to evaluate variables in the formula;
+the result of this must be a formula in a single (unassigned) variable.
+The formula is plotted with this variable taking on the various ``x''
+values.  Graphs of formulas by default use lines without symbols at the
+computed data points.  Note that if neither ``x'' nor ``y'' is a vector,
+Calc guesses at a reasonable number of data points to use.  See the
+@kbd{g N} command below.  (The ``x'' values must be either a vector
+or an interval if ``y'' is a formula.)
+@c @starindex
+@tindex xy
+If ``y'' is (or evaluates to) a formula of the form
+@samp{xy(@var{x}, @var{y})} then the result is a
+parametric plot.  The two arguments of the fictitious @code{xy} function
+are used as the ``x'' and ``y'' coordinates of the curve, respectively.
+In this case the ``x'' vector or interval you specified is not directly
+visible in the graph.  For example, if ``x'' is the interval @samp{[0..360]}
+and ``y'' is the formula @samp{xy(sin(t), cos(t))}, the resulting graph
+will be a circle.@refill
+Also, ``x'' and ``y'' may each be variable names, in which case Calc
+looks for suitable vectors, intervals, or formulas stored in those
+The ``x'' and ``y'' values for the data points (as pulled from the vectors,
+calculated from the formulas, or interpolated from the intervals) should
+be real numbers (integers, fractions, or floats).  If either the ``x''
+value or the ``y'' value of a given data point is not a real number, that
+data point will be omitted from the graph.  The points on either side
+of the invalid point will @emph{not} be connected by a line.
+See the documentation for @kbd{g a} below for a description of the way
+numeric prefix arguments affect @kbd{g f}.
+@cindex @code{PlotRejects} variable
+@vindex PlotRejects
+If you store an empty vector in the variable @code{PlotRejects}
+(i.e., @kbd{[ ] s t PlotRejects}), Calc will append information to
+this vector for every data point which was rejected because its
+``x'' or ``y'' values were not real numbers.  The result will be
+a matrix where each row holds the curve number, data point number,
+``x'' value, and ``y'' value for a rejected data point.
+@xref{Evaluates-To Operator}, for a handy way to keep tabs on the
+current value of @code{PlotRejects}.  @xref{Operations on Variables},
+for the @kbd{s R} command which is another easy way to examine
+@kindex g c
+@pindex calc-graph-clear
+To clear the graphics display, type @kbd{g c} (@code{calc-graph-clear}).
+If the GNUPLOT output device is an X window, the window will go away.
+Effects on other kinds of output devices will vary.  You don't need
+to use @kbd{g c} if you don't want to---if you give another @kbd{g f}
+or @kbd{g p} command later on, it will reuse the existing graphics
+window if there is one.
+@node Three Dimensional Graphics, Managing Curves, Basic Graphics, Graphics
+@section Three-Dimensional Graphics
+@kindex g F
+@pindex calc-graph-fast-3d
+The @kbd{g F} (@code{calc-graph-fast-3d}) command makes a three-dimensional
+graph.  It works only if you have GNUPLOT 3.0 or later; with GNUPLOT 2.0,
+you will see a GNUPLOT error message if you try this command.
+The @kbd{g F} command takes three values from the stack, called ``x'',
+``y'', and ``z'', respectively.  As was the case for 2D graphs, there
+are several options for these values.
+In the first case, ``x'' and ``y'' are each vectors (not necessarily of
+the same length); either or both may instead be interval forms.  The
+``z'' value must be a matrix with the same number of rows as elements
+in ``x'', and the same number of columns as elements in ``y''.  The
+result is a surface plot where @c{$z_{ij}$}
+@cite{z_ij} is the height of the point
+at coordinate @cite{(x_i, y_j)} on the surface.  The 3D graph will
+be displayed from a certain default viewpoint; you can change this
+viewpoint by adding a @samp{set view} to the @samp{*Gnuplot Commands*}
+buffer as described later.  See the GNUPLOT 3.0 documentation for a
+description of the @samp{set view} command.
+Each point in the matrix will be displayed as a dot in the graph,
+and these points will be connected by a grid of lines (@dfn{isolines}).
+In the second case, ``x'', ``y'', and ``z'' are all vectors of equal
+length.  The resulting graph displays a 3D line instead of a surface,
+where the coordinates of points along the line are successive triplets
+of values from the input vectors.
+In the third case, ``x'' and ``y'' are vectors or interval forms, and
+``z'' is any formula involving two variables (not counting variables
+with assigned values).  These variables are sorted into alphabetical
+order; the first takes on values from ``x'' and the second takes on
+values from ``y'' to form a matrix of results that are graphed as a
+3D surface.
+@c @starindex
+@tindex xyz
+If the ``z'' formula evaluates to a call to the fictitious function
+@samp{xyz(@var{x}, @var{y}, @var{z})}, then the result is a
+``parametric surface.''  In this case, the axes of the graph are
+taken from the @var{x} and @var{y} values in these calls, and the
+``x'' and ``y'' values from the input vectors or intervals are used only
+to specify the range of inputs to the formula.  For example, plotting
+@samp{[0..360], [0..180], xyz(sin(x)*sin(y), cos(x)*sin(y), cos(y))}
+will draw a sphere.  (Since the default resolution for 3D plots is
+5 steps in each of ``x'' and ``y'', this will draw a very crude
+sphere.  You could use the @kbd{g N} command, described below, to
+increase this resolution, or specify the ``x'' and ``y'' values as
+vectors with more than 5 elements.
+It is also possible to have a function in a regular @kbd{g f} plot
+evaluate to an @code{xyz} call.  Since @kbd{g f} plots a line, not
+a surface, the result will be a 3D parametric line.  For example,
+@samp{[[0..720], xyz(sin(x), cos(x), x)]} will plot two turns of a
+helix (a three-dimensional spiral).
+As for @kbd{g f}, each of ``x'', ``y'', and ``z'' may instead be
+variables containing the relevant data.
+@node Managing Curves, Graphics Options, Three Dimensional Graphics, Graphics
+@section Managing Curves
+The @kbd{g f} command is really shorthand for the following commands:
+@kbd{C-u g d  g a  g p}.  Likewise, @w{@kbd{g F}} is shorthand for
+@kbd{C-u g d  g A  g p}.  You can gain more control over your graph
+by using these commands directly.
+@kindex g a
+@pindex calc-graph-add
+The @kbd{g a} (@code{calc-graph-add}) command adds the ``curve''
+represented by the two values on the top of the stack to the current
+graph.  You can have any number of curves in the same graph.  When
+you give the @kbd{g p} command, all the curves will be drawn superimposed
+on the same axes.
+The @kbd{g a} command (and many others that affect the current graph)
+will cause a special buffer, @samp{*Gnuplot Commands*}, to be displayed
+in another window.  This buffer is a template of the commands that will
+be sent to GNUPLOT when it is time to draw the graph.  The first
+@kbd{g a} command adds a @code{plot} command to this buffer.  Succeeding
+@kbd{g a} commands add extra curves onto that @code{plot} command.
+Other graph-related commands put other GNUPLOT commands into this
+buffer.  In normal usage you never need to work with this buffer
+directly, but you can if you wish.  The only constraint is that there
+must be only one @code{plot} command, and it must be the last command
+in the buffer.  If you want to save and later restore a complete graph
+configuration, you can use regular Emacs commands to save and restore
+the contents of the @samp{*Gnuplot Commands*} buffer.
+@vindex PlotData1
+@vindex PlotData2
+If the values on the stack are not variable names, @kbd{g a} will invent
+variable names for them (of the form @samp{PlotData@var{n}}) and store
+the values in those variables.  The ``x'' and ``y'' variables are what
+go into the @code{plot} command in the template.  If you add a curve
+that uses a certain variable and then later change that variable, you
+can replot the graph without having to delete and re-add the curve.
+That's because the variable name, not the vector, interval or formula
+itself, is what was added by @kbd{g a}.
+A numeric prefix argument on @kbd{g a} or @kbd{g f} changes the way
+stack entries are interpreted as curves.  With a positive prefix
+argument @cite{n}, the top @cite{n} stack entries are ``y'' values
+for @cite{n} different curves which share a common ``x'' value in
+the @cite{n+1}st stack entry.  (Thus @kbd{g a} with no prefix
+argument is equivalent to @kbd{C-u 1 g a}.)
+A prefix of zero or plain @kbd{C-u} means to take two stack entries,
+``x'' and ``y'' as usual, but to interpret ``y'' as a vector of
+``y'' values for several curves that share a common ``x''.
+A negative prefix argument tells Calc to read @cite{n} vectors from
+the stack; each vector @cite{[x, y]} describes an independent curve.
+This is the only form of @kbd{g a} that creates several curves at once
+that don't have common ``x'' values.  (Of course, the range of ``x''
+values covered by all the curves ought to be roughly the same if
+they are to look nice on the same graph.)
+For example, to plot @c{$\sin n x$}
+@cite{sin(n x)} for integers @cite{n}
+from 1 to 5, you could use @kbd{v x} to create a vector of integers
+(@cite{n}), then @kbd{V M '} or @kbd{V M $} to map @samp{sin(n x)}
+across this vector.  The resulting vector of formulas is suitable
+for use as the ``y'' argument to a @kbd{C-u g a} or @kbd{C-u g f}
+@kindex g A
+@pindex calc-graph-add-3d
+The @kbd{g A} (@code{calc-graph-add-3d}) command adds a 3D curve
+to the graph.  It is not legal to intermix 2D and 3D curves in a
+single graph.  This command takes three arguments, ``x'', ``y'',
+and ``z'', from the stack.  With a positive prefix @cite{n}, it
+takes @cite{n+2} arguments (common ``x'' and ``y'', plus @cite{n}
+separate ``z''s).  With a zero prefix, it takes three stack entries
+but the ``z'' entry is a vector of curve values.  With a negative
+prefix @cite{-n}, it takes @cite{n} vectors of the form @cite{[x, y, z]}.
+The @kbd{g A} command works by adding a @code{splot} (surface-plot)
+command to the @samp{*Gnuplot Commands*} buffer.
+(Although @kbd{g a} adds a 2D @code{plot} command to the
+@samp{*Gnuplot Commands*} buffer, Calc changes this to @code{splot}
+before sending it to GNUPLOT if it notices that the data points are
+evaluating to @code{xyz} calls.  It will not work to mix 2D and 3D
+@kbd{g a} curves in a single graph, although Calc does not currently
+check for this.)
+@kindex g d
+@pindex calc-graph-delete
+The @kbd{g d} (@code{calc-graph-delete}) command deletes the most
+recently added curve from the graph.  It has no effect if there are
+no curves in the graph.  With a numeric prefix argument of any kind,
+it deletes all of the curves from the graph.
+@kindex g H
+@pindex calc-graph-hide
+The @kbd{g H} (@code{calc-graph-hide}) command ``hides'' or ``unhides''
+the most recently added curve.  A hidden curve will not appear in
+the actual plot, but information about it such as its name and line and
+point styles will be retained.
+@kindex g j
+@pindex calc-graph-juggle
+The @kbd{g j} (@code{calc-graph-juggle}) command moves the curve
+at the end of the list (the ``most recently added curve'') to the
+front of the list.  The next-most-recent curve is thus exposed for
+@w{@kbd{g d}} or similar commands to use.  With @kbd{g j} you can work
+with any curve in the graph even though curve-related commands only
+affect the last curve in the list.
+@kindex g p
+@pindex calc-graph-plot
+The @kbd{g p} (@code{calc-graph-plot}) command uses GNUPLOT to draw
+the graph described in the @samp{*Gnuplot Commands*} buffer.  Any
+GNUPLOT parameters which are not defined by commands in this buffer
+are reset to their default values.  The variables named in the @code{plot}
+command are written to a temporary data file and the variable names
+are then replaced by the file name in the template.  The resulting
+plotting commands are fed to the GNUPLOT program.  See the documentation
+for the GNUPLOT program for more specific information.  All temporary
+files are removed when Emacs or GNUPLOT exits.
+If you give a formula for ``y'', Calc will remember all the values that
+it calculates for the formula so that later plots can reuse these values.
+Calc throws out these saved values when you change any circumstances
+that may affect the data, such as switching from Degrees to Radians
+mode, or changing the value of a parameter in the formula.  You can
+force Calc to recompute the data from scratch by giving a negative
+numeric prefix argument to @kbd{g p}.
+Calc uses a fairly rough step size when graphing formulas over intervals.
+This is to ensure quick response.  You can ``refine'' a plot by giving
+a positive numeric prefix argument to @kbd{g p}.  Calc goes through
+the data points it has computed and saved from previous plots of the
+function, and computes and inserts a new data point midway between
+each of the existing points.  You can refine a plot any number of times,
+but beware that the amount of calculation involved doubles each time.
+Calc does not remember computed values for 3D graphs.  This means the
+numerix prefix argument, if any, to @kbd{g p} is effectively ignored if
+the current graph is three-dimensional.
+@kindex g P
+@pindex calc-graph-print
+The @kbd{g P} (@code{calc-graph-print}) command is like @kbd{g p},
+except that it sends the output to a printer instead of to the
+screen.  More precisely, @kbd{g p} looks for @samp{set terminal}
+or @samp{set output} commands in the @samp{*Gnuplot Commands*} buffer;
+lacking these it uses the default settings.  However, @kbd{g P}
+ignores @samp{set terminal} and @samp{set output} commands and
+uses a different set of default values.  All of these values are
+controlled by the @kbd{g D} and @kbd{g O} commands discussed below.
+Provided everything is set up properly, @kbd{g p} will plot to
+the screen unless you have specified otherwise and @kbd{g P} will
+always plot to the printer.
+@node Graphics Options, Devices, Managing Curves, Graphics
+@section Graphics Options
+@kindex g g
+@pindex calc-graph-grid
+The @kbd{g g} (@code{calc-graph-grid}) command turns the ``grid''
+on and off.  It is off by default; tick marks appear only at the
+edges of the graph.  With the grid turned on, dotted lines appear
+across the graph at each tick mark.  Note that this command only
+changes the setting in @samp{*Gnuplot Commands*}; to see the effects
+of the change you must give another @kbd{g p} command.
+@kindex g b
+@pindex calc-graph-border
+The @kbd{g b} (@code{calc-graph-border}) command turns the border
+(the box that surrounds the graph) on and off.  It is on by default.
+This command will only work with GNUPLOT 3.0 and later versions.
+@kindex g k
+@pindex calc-graph-key
+The @kbd{g k} (@code{calc-graph-key}) command turns the ``key''
+on and off.  The key is a chart in the corner of the graph that
+shows the correspondence between curves and line styles.  It is
+off by default, and is only really useful if you have several
+curves on the same graph.
+@kindex g N
+@pindex calc-graph-num-points
+The @kbd{g N} (@code{calc-graph-num-points}) command allows you
+to select the number of data points in the graph.  This only affects
+curves where neither ``x'' nor ``y'' is specified as a vector.
+Enter a blank line to revert to the default value (initially 15).
+With no prefix argument, this command affects only the current graph.
+With a positive prefix argument this command changes or, if you enter
+a blank line, displays the default number of points used for all
+graphs created by @kbd{g a} that don't specify the resolution explicitly.
+With a negative prefix argument, this command changes or displays
+the default value (initially 5) used for 3D graphs created by @kbd{g A}.
+Note that a 3D setting of 5 means that a total of @cite{5^2 = 25} points
+will be computed for the surface.
+Data values in the graph of a function are normally computed to a
+precision of five digits, regardless of the current precision at the
+time. This is usually more than adequate, but there are cases where
+it will not be.  For example, plotting @cite{1 + x} with @cite{x} in the
+interval @samp{[0 ..@: 1e-6]} will round all the data points down
+to 1.0!  Putting the command @samp{set precision @var{n}} in the
+@samp{*Gnuplot Commands*} buffer will cause the data to be computed
+at precision @var{n} instead of 5.  Since this is such a rare case,
+there is no keystroke-based command to set the precision.
+@kindex g h
+@pindex calc-graph-header
+The @kbd{g h} (@code{calc-graph-header}) command sets the title
+for the graph.  This will show up centered above the graph.
+The default title is blank (no title).
+@kindex g n
+@pindex calc-graph-name
+The @kbd{g n} (@code{calc-graph-name}) command sets the title of an
+individual curve.  Like the other curve-manipulating commands, it
+affects the most recently added curve, i.e., the last curve on the
+list in the @samp{*Gnuplot Commands*} buffer.  To set the title of
+the other curves you must first juggle them to the end of the list
+with @kbd{g j}, or edit the @samp{*Gnuplot Commands*} buffer by hand.
+Curve titles appear in the key; if the key is turned off they are
+not used.
+@kindex g t
+@kindex g T
+@pindex calc-graph-title-x
+@pindex calc-graph-title-y
+The @kbd{g t} (@code{calc-graph-title-x}) and @kbd{g T}
+(@code{calc-graph-title-y}) commands set the titles on the ``x''
+and ``y'' axes, respectively.  These titles appear next to the
+tick marks on the left and bottom edges of the graph, respectively.
+Calc does not have commands to control the tick marks themselves,
+but you can edit them into the @samp{*Gnuplot Commands*} buffer if
+you wish.  See the GNUPLOT documentation for details.
+@kindex g r
+@kindex g R
+@pindex calc-graph-range-x
+@pindex calc-graph-range-y
+The @kbd{g r} (@code{calc-graph-range-x}) and @kbd{g R}
+(@code{calc-graph-range-y}) commands set the range of values on the
+``x'' and ``y'' axes, respectively.  You are prompted to enter a
+suitable range.  This should be either a pair of numbers of the
+form, @samp{@var{min}:@var{max}}, or a blank line to revert to the
+default behavior of setting the range based on the range of values
+in the data, or @samp{$} to take the range from the top of the stack.
+Ranges on the stack can be represented as either interval forms or
+vectors:  @samp{[@var{min} ..@: @var{max}]} or @samp{[@var{min}, @var{max}]}.
+@kindex g l
+@kindex g L
+@pindex calc-graph-log-x
+@pindex calc-graph-log-y
+The @kbd{g l} (@code{calc-graph-log-x}) and @kbd{g L} (@code{calc-graph-log-y})
+commands allow you to set either or both of the axes of the graph to
+be logarithmic instead of linear.
+@kindex g C-l
+@kindex g C-r
+@kindex g C-t
+@pindex calc-graph-log-z
+@pindex calc-graph-range-z
+@pindex calc-graph-title-z
+For 3D plots, @kbd{g C-t}, @kbd{g C-r}, and @kbd{g C-l} (those are
+letters with the Control key held down) are the corresponding commands
+for the ``z'' axis.
+@kindex g z
+@kindex g Z
+@pindex calc-graph-zero-x
+@pindex calc-graph-zero-y
+The @kbd{g z} (@code{calc-graph-zero-x}) and @kbd{g Z}
+(@code{calc-graph-zero-y}) commands control whether a dotted line is
+drawn to indicate the ``x'' and/or ``y'' zero axes.  (These are the same
+dotted lines that would be drawn there anyway if you used @kbd{g g} to
+turn the ``grid'' feature on.)  Zero-axis lines are on by default, and
+may be turned off only in GNUPLOT 3.0 and later versions.  They are
+not available for 3D plots.
+@kindex g s
+@pindex calc-graph-line-style
+The @kbd{g s} (@code{calc-graph-line-style}) command turns the connecting
+lines on or off for the most recently added curve, and optionally selects
+the style of lines to be used for that curve.  Plain @kbd{g s} simply
+toggles the lines on and off.  With a numeric prefix argument, @kbd{g s}
+turns lines on and sets a particular line style.  Line style numbers
+start at one and their meanings vary depending on the output device.
+GNUPLOT guarantees that there will be at least six different line styles
+available for any device.
+@kindex g S
+@pindex calc-graph-point-style
+The @kbd{g S} (@code{calc-graph-point-style}) command similarly turns
+the symbols at the data points on or off, or sets the point style.
+If you turn both lines and points off, the data points will show as
+tiny dots.
+@cindex @code{LineStyles} variable
+@cindex @code{PointStyles} variable
+@vindex LineStyles
+@vindex PointStyles
+Another way to specify curve styles is with the @code{LineStyles} and
+@code{PointStyles} variables.  These variables initially have no stored
+values, but if you store a vector of integers in one of these variables,
+the @kbd{g a} and @kbd{g f} commands will use those style numbers
+instead of the defaults for new curves that are added to the graph.
+An entry should be a positive integer for a specific style, or 0 to let
+the style be chosen automatically, or @i{-1} to turn off lines or points
+altogether.  If there are more curves than elements in the vector, the
+last few curves will continue to have the default styles.  Of course,
+you can later use @kbd{g s} and @kbd{g S} to change any of these styles.
+For example, @kbd{'[2 -1 3] RET s t LineStyles} causes the first curve
+to have lines in style number 2, the second curve to have no connecting
+lines, and the third curve to have lines in style 3.  Point styles will
+still be assigned automatically, but you could store another vector in
+@code{PointStyles} to define them, too.
+@node Devices, , Graphics Options, Graphics
+@section Graphical Devices
+@kindex g D
+@pindex calc-graph-device
+The @kbd{g D} (@code{calc-graph-device}) command sets the device name
+(or ``terminal name'' in GNUPLOT lingo) to be used by @kbd{g p} commands
+on this graph.  It does not affect the permanent default device name.
+If you enter a blank name, the device name reverts to the default.
+Enter @samp{?} to see a list of supported devices.
+With a positive numeric prefix argument, @kbd{g D} instead sets
+the default device name, used by all plots in the future which do
+not override it with a plain @kbd{g D} command.  If you enter a
+blank line this command shows you the current default.  The special
+name @code{default} signifies that Calc should choose @code{x11} if
+the X window system is in use (as indicated by the presence of a
+@code{DISPLAY} environment variable), or otherwise @code{dumb} under
+GNUPLOT 3.0 and later, or @code{postscript} under GNUPLOT 2.0.
+This is the initial default value.
+The @code{dumb} device is an interface to ``dumb terminals,'' i.e.,
+terminals with no special graphics facilities.  It writes a crude
+picture of the graph composed of characters like @code{-} and @code{|}
+to a buffer called @samp{*Gnuplot Trail*}, which Calc then displays.
+The graph is made the same size as the Emacs screen, which on most
+dumb terminals will be @c{$80\times24$}
+@asis{80x24} characters.  The graph is displayed in
+an Emacs ``recursive edit''; type @kbd{q} or @kbd{M-# M-#} to exit
+the recursive edit and return to Calc.  Note that the @code{dumb}
+device is present only in GNUPLOT 3.0 and later versions.
+The word @code{dumb} may be followed by two numbers separated by
+spaces.  These are the desired width and height of the graph in
+characters.  Also, the device name @code{big} is like @code{dumb}
+but creates a graph four times the width and height of the Emacs
+screen.  You will then have to scroll around to view the entire
+graph.  In the @samp{*Gnuplot Trail*} buffer, @key{SPC}, @key{DEL},
+@kbd{<}, and @kbd{>} are defined to scroll by one screenful in each
+of the four directions.
+With a negative numeric prefix argument, @kbd{g D} sets or displays
+the device name used by @kbd{g P} (@code{calc-graph-print}).  This
+is initially @code{postscript}.  If you don't have a PostScript
+printer, you may decide once again to use @code{dumb} to create a
+plot on any text-only printer.
+@kindex g O
+@pindex calc-graph-output
+The @kbd{g O} (@code{calc-graph-output}) command sets the name of
+the output file used by GNUPLOT.  For some devices, notably @code{x11},
+there is no output file and this information is not used.  Many other
+``devices'' are really file formats like @code{postscript}; in these
+cases the output in the desired format goes into the file you name
+with @kbd{g O}.  Type @kbd{g O stdout RET} to set GNUPLOT to write
+to its standard output stream, i.e., to @samp{*Gnuplot Trail*}.
+This is the default setting.
+Another special output name is @code{tty}, which means that GNUPLOT
+is going to write graphics commands directly to its standard output,
+which you wish Emacs to pass through to your terminal.  Tektronix
+graphics terminals, among other devices, operate this way.  Calc does
+this by telling GNUPLOT to write to a temporary file, then running a
+sub-shell executing the command @samp{cat tempfile >/dev/tty}.  On
+typical Unix systems, this will copy the temporary file directly to
+the terminal, bypassing Emacs entirely.  You will have to type @kbd{C-l}
+to Emacs afterwards to refresh the screen.
+Once again, @kbd{g O} with a positive or negative prefix argument
+sets the default or printer output file names, respectively.  In each
+case you can specify @code{auto}, which causes Calc to invent a temporary
+file name for each @kbd{g p} (or @kbd{g P}) command.  This temporary file
+will be deleted once it has been displayed or printed.  If the output file
+name is not @code{auto}, the file is not automatically deleted.
+The default and printer devices and output files can be saved
+permanently by the @kbd{m m} (@code{calc-save-modes}) command.  The
+default number of data points (see @kbd{g N}) and the X geometry
+(see @kbd{g X}) are also saved.  Other graph information is @emph{not}
+saved; you can save a graph's configuration simply by saving the contents
+of the @samp{*Gnuplot Commands*} buffer.
+@vindex calc-gnuplot-plot-command
+@vindex calc-gnuplot-default-device
+@vindex calc-gnuplot-default-output
+@vindex calc-gnuplot-print-command
+@vindex calc-gnuplot-print-device
+@vindex calc-gnuplot-print-output
+If you are installing Calc you may wish to configure the default and
+printer devices and output files for the whole system.  The relevant
+Lisp variables are @code{calc-gnuplot-default-device} and @code{-output},
+and @code{calc-gnuplot-print-device} and @code{-output}.  The output
+file names must be either strings as described above, or Lisp
+expressions which are evaluated on the fly to get the output file names.
+Other important Lisp variables are @code{calc-gnuplot-plot-command} and
+@code{calc-gnuplot-print-command}, which give the system commands to
+display or print the output of GNUPLOT, respectively.  These may be
+@code{nil} if no command is necessary, or strings which can include
+@samp{%s} to signify the name of the file to be displayed or printed.
+Or, these variables may contain Lisp expressions which are evaluated
+to display or print the output.
+@kindex g x
+@pindex calc-graph-display
+The @kbd{g x} (@code{calc-graph-display}) command lets you specify
+on which X window system display your graphs should be drawn.  Enter
+a blank line to see the current display name.  This command has no
+effect unless the current device is @code{x11}.
+@kindex g X
+@pindex calc-graph-geometry
+The @kbd{g X} (@code{calc-graph-geometry}) command is a similar
+command for specifying the position and size of the X window.
+The normal value is @code{default}, which generally means your
+window manager will let you place the window interactively.
+Entering @samp{800x500+0+0} would create an 800-by-500 pixel
+window in the upper-left corner of the screen.
+The buffer called @samp{*Gnuplot Trail*} holds a transcript of the
+session with GNUPLOT.  This shows the commands Calc has ``typed'' to
+GNUPLOT and the responses it has received.  Calc tries to notice when an
+error message has appeared here and display the buffer for you when
+this happens.  You can check this buffer yourself if you suspect
+something has gone wrong.
+@kindex g C
+@pindex calc-graph-command
+The @kbd{g C} (@code{calc-graph-command}) command prompts you to
+enter any line of text, then simply sends that line to the current
+GNUPLOT process.  The @samp{*Gnuplot Trail*} buffer looks deceptively
+like a Shell buffer but you can't type commands in it yourself.
+Instead, you must use @kbd{g C} for this purpose.
+@kindex g v
+@kindex g V
+@pindex calc-graph-view-commands
+@pindex calc-graph-view-trail
+The @kbd{g v} (@code{calc-graph-view-commands}) and @kbd{g V}
+(@code{calc-graph-view-trail}) commands display the @samp{*Gnuplot Commands*}
+and @samp{*Gnuplot Trail*} buffers, respectively, in another window.
+This happens automatically when Calc thinks there is something you
+will want to see in either of these buffers.  If you type @kbd{g v}
+or @kbd{g V} when the relevant buffer is already displayed, the
+buffer is hidden again.
+One reason to use @kbd{g v} is to add your own commands to the
+@samp{*Gnuplot Commands*} buffer.  Press @kbd{g v}, then use
+@kbd{C-x o} to switch into that window.  For example, GNUPLOT has
+@samp{set label} and @samp{set arrow} commands that allow you to
+annotate your plots.  Since Calc doesn't understand these commands,
+you have to add them to the @samp{*Gnuplot Commands*} buffer
+yourself, then use @w{@kbd{g p}} to replot using these new commands.  Note
+that your commands must appear @emph{before} the @code{plot} command.
+To get help on any GNUPLOT feature, type, e.g., @kbd{g C help set label}.
+You may have to type @kbd{g C RET} a few times to clear the
+``press return for more'' or ``subtopic of @dots{}'' requests.
+Note that Calc always sends commands (like @samp{set nolabel}) to
+reset all plotting parameters to the defaults before each plot, so
+to delete a label all you need to do is delete the @samp{set label}
+line you added (or comment it out with @samp{#}) and then replot
+with @kbd{g p}.
+@kindex g q
+@pindex calc-graph-quit
+You can use @kbd{g q} (@code{calc-graph-quit}) to kill the GNUPLOT
+process that is running.  The next graphing command you give will
+start a fresh GNUPLOT process.  The word @samp{Graph} appears in
+the Calc window's mode line whenever a GNUPLOT process is currently
+running.  The GNUPLOT process is automatically killed when you
+exit Emacs if you haven't killed it manually by then.
+@kindex g K
+@pindex calc-graph-kill
+The @kbd{g K} (@code{calc-graph-kill}) command is like @kbd{g q}
+except that it also views the @samp{*Gnuplot Trail*} buffer so that
+you can see the process being killed.  This is better if you are
+killing GNUPLOT because you think it has gotten stuck.
+@node Kill and Yank, Keypad Mode, Graphics, Top
+@chapter Kill and Yank Functions
+The commands in this chapter move information between the Calculator and
+other Emacs editing buffers.
+In many cases Embedded Mode is an easier and more natural way to
+work with Calc from a regular editing buffer.  @xref{Embedded Mode}.
+* Killing From Stack::
+* Yanking Into Stack::
+* Grabbing From Buffers::
+* Yanking Into Buffers::
+* X Cut and Paste::
+@end menu
+@node Killing From Stack, Yanking Into Stack, Kill and Yank, Kill and Yank
+@section Killing from the Stack
+@kindex C-k
+@pindex calc-kill
+@kindex M-k
+@pindex calc-copy-as-kill
+@kindex C-w
+@pindex calc-kill-region
+@kindex M-w
+@pindex calc-copy-region-as-kill
+@cindex Kill ring
+@dfn{Kill} commands are Emacs commands that insert text into the
+``kill ring,'' from which it can later be ``yanked'' by a @kbd{C-y}
+command.  Three common kill commands in normal Emacs are @kbd{C-k}, which
+kills one line, @kbd{C-w}, which kills the region between mark and point,
+and @kbd{M-w}, which puts the region into the kill ring without actually
+deleting it.  All of these commands work in the Calculator, too.  Also,
+@kbd{M-k} has been provided to complete the set; it puts the current line
+into the kill ring without deleting anything.
+The kill commands are unusual in that they pay attention to the location
+of the cursor in the Calculator buffer.  If the cursor is on or below the
+bottom line, the kill commands operate on the top of the stack.  Otherwise,
+they operate on whatever stack element the cursor is on.  Calc's kill
+commands always operate on whole stack entries.  (They act the same as their
+standard Emacs cousins except they ``round up'' the specified region to
+encompass full lines.)  The text is copied into the kill ring exactly as
+it appears on the screen, including line numbers if they are enabled.
+A numeric prefix argument to @kbd{C-k} or @kbd{M-k} affects the number
+of lines killed.  A positive argument kills the current line and @cite{n-1}
+lines below it.  A negative argument kills the @cite{-n} lines above the
+current line.  Again this mirrors the behavior of the standard Emacs
+@kbd{C-k} command.  Although a whole line is always deleted, @kbd{C-k}
+with no argument copies only the number itself into the kill ring, whereas
+@kbd{C-k} with a prefix argument of 1 copies the number with its trailing
+@node Yanking Into Stack, Grabbing From Buffers, Killing From Stack, Kill and Yank
+@section Yanking into the Stack
+@kindex C-y
+@pindex calc-yank
+The @kbd{C-y} command yanks the most recently killed text back into the
+Calculator.  It pushes this value onto the top of the stack regardless of
+the cursor position.  In general it re-parses the killed text as a number
+or formula (or a list of these separated by commas or newlines).  However if
+the thing being yanked is something that was just killed from the Calculator
+itself, its full internal structure is yanked.  For example, if you have
+set the floating-point display mode to show only four significant digits,
+then killing and re-yanking 3.14159 (which displays as 3.142) will yank the
+full 3.14159, even though yanking it into any other buffer would yank the
+number in its displayed form, 3.142.  (Since the default display modes
+show all objects to their full precision, this feature normally makes no
+@node Grabbing From Buffers, Yanking Into Buffers, Yanking Into Stack, Kill and Yank
+@section Grabbing from Other Buffers
+@kindex M-# g
+@pindex calc-grab-region
+The @kbd{M-# g} (@code{calc-grab-region}) command takes the text between
+point and mark in the current buffer and attempts to parse it as a
+vector of values.  Basically, it wraps the text in vector brackets
+@samp{[ ]} unless the text already is enclosed in vector brackets,
+then reads the text as if it were an algebraic entry.  The contents
+of the vector may be numbers, formulas, or any other Calc objects.
+If the @kbd{M-# g} command works successfully, it does an automatic
+@kbd{M-# c} to enter the Calculator buffer.
+A numeric prefix argument grabs the specified number of lines around
+point, ignoring the mark.  A positive prefix grabs from point to the
+@cite{n}th following newline (so that @kbd{M-1 M-# g} grabs from point
+to the end of the current line); a negative prefix grabs from point
+back to the @cite{n+1}st preceding newline.  In these cases the text
+that is grabbed is exactly the same as the text that @kbd{C-k} would
+delete given that prefix argument.
+A prefix of zero grabs the current line; point may be anywhere on the
+A plain @kbd{C-u} prefix interprets the region between point and mark
+as a single number or formula rather than a vector.  For example,
+@kbd{M-# g} on the text @samp{2 a b} produces the vector of three
+values @samp{[2, a, b]}, but @kbd{C-u M-# g} on the same region
+reads a formula which is a product of three things:  @samp{2 a b}.
+(The text @samp{a + b}, on the other hand, will be grabbed as a
+vector of one element by plain @kbd{M-# g} because the interpretation
+@samp{[a, +, b]} would be a syntax error.)
+If a different language has been specified (@pxref{Language Modes}),
+the grabbed text will be interpreted according to that language.
+@kindex M-# r
+@pindex calc-grab-rectangle
+The @kbd{M-# r} (@code{calc-grab-rectangle}) command takes the text between
+point and mark and attempts to parse it as a matrix.  If point and mark
+are both in the leftmost column, the lines in between are parsed in their
+entirety.  Otherwise, point and mark define the corners of a rectangle
+whose contents are parsed.
+Each line of the grabbed area becomes a row of the matrix.  The result
+will actually be a vector of vectors, which Calc will treat as a matrix
+only if every row contains the same number of values.
+If a line contains a portion surrounded by square brackets (or curly
+braces), that portion is interpreted as a vector which becomes a row
+of the matrix.  Any text surrounding the bracketed portion on the line
+is ignored.
+Otherwise, the entire line is interpreted as a row vector as if it
+were surrounded by square brackets.  Leading line numbers (in the
+format used in the Calc stack buffer) are ignored.  If you wish to
+force this interpretation (even if the line contains bracketed
+portions), give a negative numeric prefix argument to the
+@kbd{M-# r} command.
+If you give a numeric prefix argument of zero or plain @kbd{C-u}, each
+line is instead interpreted as a single formula which is converted into
+a one-element vector.  Thus the result of @kbd{C-u M-# r} will be a
+one-column matrix.  For example, suppose one line of the data is the
+expression @samp{2 a}.  A plain @w{@kbd{M-# r}} will interpret this as
+@samp{[2 a]}, which in turn is read as a two-element vector that forms
+one row of the matrix.  But a @kbd{C-u M-# r} will interpret this row
+as @samp{[2*a]}.
+If you give a positive numeric prefix argument @var{n}, then each line
+will be split up into columns of width @var{n}; each column is parsed
+separately as a matrix element.  If a line contained
+@w{@samp{2 +/- 3 4 +/- 5}}, then grabbing with a prefix argument of 8
+would correctly split the line into two error forms.@refill
+@xref{Matrix Functions}, to see how to pull the matrix apart into its
+constituent rows and columns.  (If it is a @c{$1\times1$}
+@asis{1x1} matrix, just hit @kbd{v u}
+(@code{calc-unpack}) twice.)
+@kindex M-# :
+@kindex M-# _
+@pindex calc-grab-sum-across
+@pindex calc-grab-sum-down
+@cindex Summing rows and columns of data
+The @kbd{M-# :} (@code{calc-grab-sum-down}) command is a handy way to
+grab a rectangle of data and sum its columns.  It is equivalent to
+typing @kbd{M-# r}, followed by @kbd{V R : +} (the vector reduction
+command that sums the columns of a matrix; @pxref{Reducing}).  The
+result of the command will be a vector of numbers, one for each column
+in the input data.  The @kbd{M-# _} (@code{calc-grab-sum-across}) command
+similarly grabs a rectangle and sums its rows by executing @w{@kbd{V R _ +}}.
+As well as being more convenient, @kbd{M-# :} and @kbd{M-# _} are also
+much faster because they don't actually place the grabbed vector on
+the stack.  In a @kbd{M-# r V R : +} sequence, formatting the vector
+for display on the stack takes a large fraction of the total time
+(unless you have planned ahead and used @kbd{v .} and @kbd{t .} modes).
+For example, suppose we have a column of numbers in a file which we
+wish to sum.  Go to one corner of the column and press @kbd{C-@@} to
+set the mark; go to the other corner and type @kbd{M-# :}.  Since there
+is only one column, the result will be a vector of one number, the sum.
+(You can type @kbd{v u} to unpack this vector into a plain number if
+you want to do further arithmetic with it.)
+To compute the product of the column of numbers, we would have to do
+it ``by hand'' since there's no special grab-and-multiply command.
+Use @kbd{M-# r} to grab the column of numbers into the calculator in
+the form of a column matrix.  The statistics command @kbd{u *} is a
+handy way to find the product of a vector or matrix of numbers.
+@xref{Statistical Operations}.  Another approach would be to use
+an explicit column reduction command, @kbd{V R : *}.
+@node Yanking Into Buffers, X Cut and Paste, Grabbing From Buffers, Kill and Yank
+@section Yanking into Other Buffers
+@kindex y
+@pindex calc-copy-to-buffer
+The plain @kbd{y} (@code{calc-copy-to-buffer}) command inserts the number
+at the top of the stack into the most recently used normal editing buffer.
+(More specifically, this is the most recently used buffer which is displayed
+in a window and whose name does not begin with @samp{*}.  If there is no
+such buffer, this is the most recently used buffer except for Calculator
+and Calc Trail buffers.)  The number is inserted exactly as it appears and
+without a newline.  (If line-numbering is enabled, the line number is
+normally not included.)  The number is @emph{not} removed from the stack.
+With a prefix argument, @kbd{y} inserts several numbers, one per line.
+A positive argument inserts the specified number of values from the top
+of the stack.  A negative argument inserts the @cite{n}th value from the
+top of the stack.  An argument of zero inserts the entire stack.  Note
+that @kbd{y} with an argument of 1 is slightly different from @kbd{y}
+with no argument; the former always copies full lines, whereas the
+latter strips off the trailing newline.
+With a lone @kbd{C-u} as a prefix argument, @kbd{y} @emph{replaces} the
+region in the other buffer with the yanked text, then quits the
+Calculator, leaving you in that buffer.  A typical use would be to use
+@kbd{M-# g} to read a region of data into the Calculator, operate on the
+data to produce a new matrix, then type @kbd{C-u y} to replace the
+original data with the new data.  One might wish to alter the matrix
+display style (@pxref{Vector and Matrix Formats}) or change the current
+display language (@pxref{Language Modes}) before doing this.  Also, note
+that this command replaces a linear region of text (as grabbed by
+@kbd{M-# g}), not a rectangle (as grabbed by @kbd{M-# r}).@refill
+If the editing buffer is in overwrite (as opposed to insert) mode,
+and the @kbd{C-u} prefix was not used, then the yanked number will
+overwrite the characters following point rather than being inserted
+before those characters.  The usual conventions of overwrite mode
+are observed; for example, characters will be inserted at the end of
+a line rather than overflowing onto the next line.  Yanking a multi-line
+object such as a matrix in overwrite mode overwrites the next @var{n}
+lines in the buffer, lengthening or shortening each line as necessary.
+Finally, if the thing being yanked is a simple integer or floating-point
+number (like @samp{-1.2345e-3}) and the characters following point also
+make up such a number, then Calc will replace that number with the new
+number, lengthening or shortening as necessary.  The concept of
+``overwrite mode'' has thus been generalized from overwriting characters
+to overwriting one complete number with another.
+@kindex M-# y
+The @kbd{M-# y} key sequence is equivalent to @kbd{y} except that
+it can be typed anywhere, not just in Calc.  This provides an easy
+way to guarantee that Calc knows which editing buffer you want to use!
+@node X Cut and Paste, , Yanking Into Buffers, Kill and Yank
+@section X Cut and Paste
+If you are using Emacs with the X window system, there is an easier
+way to move small amounts of data into and out of the calculator:
+Use the mouse-oriented cut and paste facilities of X.
+The default bindings for a three-button mouse cause the left button
+to move the Emacs cursor to the given place, the right button to
+select the text between the cursor and the clicked location, and
+the middle button to yank the selection into the buffer at the
+clicked location.  So, if you have a Calc window and an editing
+window on your Emacs screen, you can use left-click/right-click
+to select a number, vector, or formula from one window, then
+middle-click to paste that value into the other window.  When you
+paste text into the Calc window, Calc interprets it as an algebraic
+entry.  It doesn't matter where you click in the Calc window; the
+new value is always pushed onto the top of the stack.
+The @code{xterm} program that is typically used for general-purpose
+shell windows in X interprets the mouse buttons in the same way.
+So you can use the mouse to move data between Calc and any other
+Unix program.  One nice feature of @code{xterm} is that a double
+left-click selects one word, and a triple left-click selects a
+whole line.  So you can usually transfer a single number into Calc
+just by double-clicking on it in the shell, then middle-clicking
+in the Calc window.
+@node Keypad Mode, Embedded Mode, Kill and Yank, Introduction
+@chapter ``Keypad'' Mode
+@kindex M-# k
+@pindex calc-keypad
+The @kbd{M-# k} (@code{calc-keypad}) command starts the Calculator
+and displays a picture of a calculator-style keypad.  If you are using
+the X window system, you can click on any of the ``keys'' in the
+keypad using the left mouse button to operate the calculator.
+The original window remains the selected window; in keypad mode
+you can type in your file while simultaneously performing
+calculations with the mouse.
+@pindex full-calc-keypad
+If you have used @kbd{M-# b} first, @kbd{M-# k} instead invokes
+the @code{full-calc-keypad} command, which takes over the whole
+Emacs screen and displays the keypad, the Calc stack, and the Calc
+trail all at once.  This mode would normally be used when running
+Calc standalone (@pxref{Standalone Operation}).
+If you aren't using the X window system, you must switch into
+the @samp{*Calc Keypad*} window, place the cursor on the desired
+``key,'' and type @key{SPC} or @key{RET}.  If you think this
+is easier than using Calc normally, go right ahead.
+Calc commands are more or less the same in keypad mode.  Certain
+keypad keys differ slightly from the corresponding normal Calc
+keystrokes; all such deviations are described below.
+Keypad Mode includes many more commands than will fit on the keypad
+at once.  Click the right mouse button [@code{calc-keypad-menu}]
+to switch to the next menu.  The bottom five rows of the keypad
+stay the same; the top three rows change to a new set of commands.
+To return to earlier menus, click the middle mouse button
+[@code{calc-keypad-menu-back}] or simply advance through the menus
+until you wrap around.  Typing @key{TAB} inside the keypad window
+is equivalent to clicking the right mouse button there.
+You can always click the @key{EXEC} button and type any normal
+Calc key sequence.  This is equivalent to switching into the
+Calc buffer, typing the keys, then switching back to your
+original buffer.
+* Keypad Main Menu::
+* Keypad Functions Menu::
+* Keypad Binary Menu::
+* Keypad Vectors Menu::
+* Keypad Modes Menu::
+@end menu
+@node Keypad Main Menu, Keypad Functions Menu, Keypad Mode, Keypad Mode
+@section Main Menu
+|----+-----Calc 2.00-----+----1
+| LN |EXP |    |ABS |IDIV|MOD |
+|SIN |COS |TAN |SQRT|y^x |1/x |
+|  ENTER  |+/- |EEX |UNDO| <- |
+| INV |  7  |  8  |  9  |  /  |
+| HYP |  4  |  5  |  6  |  *  |
+|EXEC |  1  |  2  |  3  |  -  |
+| OFF |  0  |  .  | PI  |  +  |
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+This is the menu that appears the first time you start Keypad Mode.
+It will show up in a vertical window on the right side of your screen.
+Above this menu is the traditional Calc stack display.  On a 24-line
+screen you will be able to see the top three stack entries.
+The ten digit keys, decimal point, and @key{EEX} key are used for
+entering numbers in the obvious way.  @key{EEX} begins entry of an
+exponent in scientific notation.  Just as with regular Calc, the
+number is pushed onto the stack as soon as you press @key{ENTER}
+or any other function key.
+The @key{+/-} key corresponds to normal Calc's @kbd{n} key.  During
+numeric entry it changes the sign of the number or of the exponent.
+At other times it changes the sign of the number on the top of the
+The @key{INV} and @key{HYP} keys modify other keys.  As well as
+having the effects described elsewhere in this manual, Keypad Mode
+defines several other ``inverse'' operations.  These are described
+below and in the following sections.
+The @key{ENTER} key finishes the current numeric entry, or otherwise
+duplicates the top entry on the stack.
+The @key{UNDO} key undoes the most recent Calc operation.
+@kbd{INV UNDO} is the ``redo'' command, and @kbd{HYP UNDO} is
+``last arguments'' (@kbd{M-RET}).
+The @key{<-} key acts as a ``backspace'' during numeric entry.
+At other times it removes the top stack entry.  @kbd{INV <-}
+clears the entire stack.  @kbd{HYP <-} takes an integer from
+the stack, then removes that many additional stack elements.
+The @key{EXEC} key prompts you to enter any keystroke sequence
+that would normally work in Calc mode.  This can include a
+numeric prefix if you wish.  It is also possible simply to
+switch into the Calc window and type commands in it; there is
+nothing ``magic'' about this window when Keypad Mode is active.
+The other keys in this display perform their obvious calculator
+functions.  @key{CLN2} rounds the top-of-stack by temporarily
+reducing the precision by 2 digits.  @key{FLT} converts an
+integer or fraction on the top of the stack to floating-point.
+The @key{INV} and @key{HYP} keys combined with several of these keys
+give you access to some common functions even if the appropriate menu
+is not displayed.  Obviously you don't need to learn these keys
+unless you find yourself wasting time switching among the menus.
+@table @kbd
+@item INV +/-
+is the same as @key{1/x}.
+@item INV +
+is the same as @key{SQRT}.
+@item INV -
+is the same as @key{CONJ}.
+@item INV *
+is the same as @key{y^x}.
+@item INV /
+is the same as @key{INV y^x} (the @cite{x}th root of @cite{y}).
+@item HYP/INV 1
+are the same as @key{SIN} / @kbd{INV SIN}.
+@item HYP/INV 2
+are the same as @key{COS} / @kbd{INV COS}.
+@item HYP/INV 3
+are the same as @key{TAN} / @kbd{INV TAN}.
+@item INV/HYP 4
+are the same as @key{LN} / @kbd{HYP LN}.
+@item INV/HYP 5
+are the same as @key{EXP} / @kbd{HYP EXP}.
+@item INV 6
+is the same as @key{ABS}.
+@item INV 7
+is the same as @key{RND} (@code{calc-round}).
+@item INV 8
+is the same as @key{CLN2}.
+@item INV 9
+is the same as @key{FLT} (@code{calc-float}).
+@item INV 0
+is the same as @key{IMAG}.
+@item INV .
+is the same as @key{PREC}.
+@item INV ENTER
+is the same as @key{SWAP}.
+@item HYP ENTER
+is the same as @key{RLL3}.
+is the same as @key{OVER}.
+@item HYP +/-
+packs the top two stack entries as an error form.
+@item HYP EEX
+packs the top two stack entries as a modulo form.
+@item INV EEX
+creates an interval form; this removes an integer which is one
+of 0 @samp{[]}, 1 @samp{[)}, 2 @samp{(]} or 3 @samp{()}, followed
+by the two limits of the interval.
+@end table
+The @kbd{OFF} key turns Calc off; typing @kbd{M-# k} or @kbd{M-# M-#}
+again has the same effect.  This is analogous to typing @kbd{q} or
+hitting @kbd{M-# c} again in the normal calculator.  If Calc is
+running standalone (the @code{full-calc-keypad} command appeared in the
+command line that started Emacs), then @kbd{OFF} is replaced with
+@kbd{EXIT}; clicking on this actually exits Emacs itself.
+@node Keypad Functions Menu, Keypad Binary Menu, Keypad Main Menu, Keypad Mode
+@section Functions Menu
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+This menu provides various operations from the @kbd{f} and @kbd{k}
+prefix keys.
+@key{IMAG} multiplies the number on the stack by the imaginary
+number @cite{i = (0, 1)}.
+@key{RE} extracts the real part a complex number.  @kbd{INV RE}
+extracts the imaginary part.
+@key{RAND} takes a number from the top of the stack and computes
+a random number greater than or equal to zero but less than that
+number.  (@xref{Random Numbers}.)  @key{RAGN} is the ``random
+again'' command; it computes another random number using the
+same limit as last time.
+@key{INV GCD} computes the LCM (least common multiple) function.
+@key{INV FACT} is the gamma function.  @c{$\Gamma(x) = (x-1)!$}
+@cite{gamma(x) = (x-1)!}.
+@key{PERM} is the number-of-permutations function, which is on the
+@kbd{H k c} key in normal Calc.
+@key{NXTP} finds the next prime after a number.  @kbd{INV NXTP}
+finds the previous prime.
+@node Keypad Binary Menu, Keypad Vectors Menu, Keypad Functions Menu, Keypad Mode
+@section Binary Menu
+| A  | B  | C  | D  | E  | F  |
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The keys in this menu perform operations on binary integers.
+Note that both logical and arithmetic right-shifts are provided.
+@key{INV LSH} rotates one bit to the left.
+The ``difference'' function (normally on @kbd{b d}) is on @key{INV AND}.
+The ``clip'' function (normally on @w{@kbd{b c}}) is on @key{INV NOT}.
+The @key{DEC}, @key{HEX}, @key{OCT}, and @key{BIN} keys select the
+current radix for display and entry of numbers:  Decimal, hexadecimal,
+octal, or binary.  The six letter keys @key{A} through @key{F} are used
+for entering hexadecimal numbers.
+The @key{WSIZ} key displays the current word size for binary operations
+and allows you to enter a new word size.  You can respond to the prompt
+using either the keyboard or the digits and @key{ENTER} from the keypad.
+The initial word size is 32 bits.
+@node Keypad Vectors Menu, Keypad Modes Menu, Keypad Binary Menu, Keypad Mode
+@section Vectors Menu
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The keys in this menu operate on vectors and matrices.
+@key{PACK} removes an integer @var{n} from the top of the stack;
+the next @var{n} stack elements are removed and packed into a vector,
+which is replaced onto the stack.  Thus the sequence
+@kbd{1 ENTER 3 ENTER 5 ENTER 3 PACK} enters the vector
+@samp{[1, 3, 5]} onto the stack.  To enter a matrix, build each row
+on the stack as a vector, then use a final @key{PACK} to collect the
+rows into a matrix.
+@key{UNPK} unpacks the vector on the stack, pushing each of its
+components separately.
+@key{INDX} removes an integer @var{n}, then builds a vector of
+integers from 1 to @var{n}.  @kbd{INV INDX} takes three numbers
+from the stack:  The vector size @var{n}, the starting number,
+and the increment.  @kbd{BLD} takes an integer @var{n} and any
+value @var{x} and builds a vector of @var{n} copies of @var{x}.
+@key{IDNT} removes an integer @var{n}, then builds an @var{n}-by-@var{n}
+identity matrix.
+@key{LEN} replaces a vector by its length, an integer.
+@key{...} turns on or off ``abbreviated'' display mode for large vectors.
+@key{MINV}, @key{MDET}, @key{MTRN}, and @key{CROSS} are the matrix
+inverse, determinant, and transpose, and vector cross product.
+@key{SUM} replaces a vector by the sum of its elements.  It is
+equivalent to @kbd{u +} in normal Calc (@pxref{Statistical Operations}).
+@key{PROD} computes the product of the elements of a vector, and
+@key{MAX} computes the maximum of all the elements of a vector.
+@key{INV SUM} computes the alternating sum of the first element
+minus the second, plus the third, minus the fourth, and so on.
+@key{INV MAX} computes the minimum of the vector elements.
+@key{HYP SUM} computes the mean of the vector elements.
+@key{HYP PROD} computes the sample standard deviation.
+@key{HYP MAX} computes the median.
+@key{MAP*} multiplies two vectors elementwise.  It is equivalent
+to the @kbd{V M *} command.  @key{MAP^} computes powers elementwise.
+The arguments must be vectors of equal length, or one must be a vector
+and the other must be a plain number.  For example, @kbd{2 MAP^} squares
+all the elements of a vector.
+@key{MAP$} maps the formula on the top of the stack across the
+vector in the second-to-top position.  If the formula contains
+several variables, Calc takes that many vectors starting at the
+second-to-top position and matches them to the variables in
+alphabetical order.  The result is a vector of the same size as
+the input vectors, whose elements are the formula evaluated with
+the variables set to the various sets of numbers in those vectors.
+For example, you could simulate @key{MAP^} using @key{MAP$} with
+the formula @samp{x^y}.
+The @kbd{"x"} key pushes the variable name @cite{x} onto the
+stack.  To build the formula @cite{x^2 + 6}, you would use the
+key sequence @kbd{"x" 2 y^x 6 +}.  This formula would then be
+suitable for use with the @key{MAP$} key described above.
+With @key{INV}, @key{HYP}, or @key{INV} and @key{HYP}, the
+@kbd{"x"} key pushes the variable names @cite{y}, @cite{z}, and
+@cite{t}, respectively.
+@node Keypad Modes Menu, , Keypad Vectors Menu, Keypad Mode
+@section Modes Menu
+|FLT |FIX |SCI |ENG |GRP |    |
+@end smallexample
+@end group
+The keys in this menu manipulate modes, variables, and the stack.
+The @key{FLT}, @key{FIX}, @key{SCI}, and @key{ENG} keys select
+floating-point, fixed-point, scientific, or engineering notation.
+@key{FIX} displays two digits after the decimal by default; the
+others display full precision.  With the @key{INV} prefix, these
+keys pop a number-of-digits argument from the stack.
+The @key{GRP} key turns grouping of digits with commas on or off.
+@kbd{INV GRP} enables grouping to the right of the decimal point as
+well as to the left.
+The @key{RAD} and @key{DEG} keys switch between radians and degrees
+for trigonometric functions.
+The @key{FRAC} key turns Fraction mode on or off.  This affects
+whether commands like @kbd{/} with integer arguments produce
+fractional or floating-point results.
+The @key{POLR} key turns Polar mode on or off, determining whether
+polar or rectangular complex numbers are used by default.
+The @key{SYMB} key turns Symbolic mode on or off, in which
+operations that would produce inexact floating-point results
+are left unevaluated as algebraic formulas.
+The @key{PREC} key selects the current precision.  Answer with
+the keyboard or with the keypad digit and @key{ENTER} keys.
+The @key{SWAP} key exchanges the top two stack elements.
+The @key{RLL3} key rotates the top three stack elements upwards.
+The @key{RLL4} key rotates the top four stack elements upwards.
+The @key{OVER} key duplicates the second-to-top stack element.
+The @key{STO} and @key{RCL} keys are analogous to @kbd{s t} and
+@kbd{s r} in regular Calc.  @xref{Store and Recall}.  Click the
+@key{STO} or @key{RCL} key, then one of the ten digits.  (Named
+variables are not available in Keypad Mode.)  You can also use,
+for example, @kbd{STO + 3} to add to register 3.
+@node Embedded Mode, Programming, Keypad Mode, Top
+@chapter Embedded Mode
+Embedded Mode in Calc provides an alternative to copying numbers
+and formulas back and forth between editing buffers and the Calc
+stack.  In Embedded Mode, your editing buffer becomes temporarily
+linked to the stack and this copying is taken care of automatically.
+* Basic Embedded Mode::
+* More About Embedded Mode::
+* Assignments in Embedded Mode::
+* Mode Settings in Embedded Mode::
+* Customizing Embedded Mode::
+@end menu
+@node Basic Embedded Mode, More About Embedded Mode, Embedded Mode, Embedded Mode
+@section Basic Embedded Mode
+@kindex M-# e
+@pindex calc-embedded
+To enter Embedded mode, position the Emacs point (cursor) on a
+formula in any buffer and press @kbd{M-# e} (@code{calc-embedded}).
+Note that @kbd{M-# e} is not to be used in the Calc stack buffer
+like most Calc commands, but rather in regular editing buffers that
+are visiting your own files.
+Calc normally scans backward and forward in the buffer for the
+nearest opening and closing @dfn{formula delimiters}.  The simplest
+delimiters are blank lines.  Other delimiters that Embedded Mode
+understands are:
+The @TeX{} and La@TeX{} math delimiters @samp{$ $}, @samp{$$ $$},
+@samp{\[ \]}, and @samp{\( \)};
+Lines beginning with @samp{\begin} and @samp{\end};
+Lines beginning with @samp{@@} (Texinfo delimiters).
+Lines beginning with @samp{.EQ} and @samp{.EN} (@dfn{eqn} delimiters);
+Lines containing a single @samp{%} or @samp{.\"} symbol and nothing else.
+@end enumerate
+@xref{Customizing Embedded Mode}, to see how to make Calc recognize
+your own favorite delimiters.  Delimiters like @samp{$ $} can appear
+on their own separate lines or in-line with the formula.
+If you give a positive or negative numeric prefix argument, Calc
+instead uses the current point as one end of the formula, and moves
+forward or backward (respectively) by that many lines to find the
+other end.  Explicit delimiters are not necessary in this case.
+With a prefix argument of zero, Calc uses the current region
+(delimited by point and mark) instead of formula delimiters.
+@kindex M-# w
+@pindex calc-embedded-word
+With a prefix argument of @kbd{C-u} only, Calc scans for the first
+non-numeric character (i.e., the first character that is not a
+digit, sign, decimal point, or upper- or lower-case @samp{e})
+forward and backward to delimit the formula.  @kbd{M-# w}
+(@code{calc-embedded-word}) is equivalent to @kbd{C-u M-# e}.
+When you enable Embedded mode for a formula, Calc reads the text
+between the delimiters and tries to interpret it as a Calc formula.
+It's best if the current Calc language mode is correct for the
+formula, but Calc can generally identify @TeX{} formulas and
+Big-style formulas even if the language mode is wrong.  If Calc
+can't make sense of the formula, it beeps and refuses to enter
+Embedded mode.  But if the current language is wrong, Calc can
+sometimes parse the formula successfully (but incorrectly);
+for example, the C expression @samp{atan(a[1])} can be parsed
+in Normal language mode, but the @code{atan} won't correspond to
+the built-in @code{arctan} function, and the @samp{a[1]} will be
+interpreted as @samp{a} times the vector @samp{[1]}!
+If you press @kbd{M-# e} or @kbd{M-# w} to activate an embedded
+formula which is blank, say with the cursor on the space between
+the two delimiters @samp{$ $}, Calc will immediately prompt for
+an algebraic entry.
+Only one formula in one buffer can be enabled at a time.  If you
+move to another area of the current buffer and give Calc commands,
+Calc turns Embedded mode off for the old formula and then tries
+to restart Embedded mode at the new position.  Other buffers are
+not affected by Embedded mode.
+When Embedded mode begins, Calc pushes the current formula onto
+the stack.  No Calc stack window is created; however, Calc copies
+the top-of-stack position into the original buffer at all times.
+You can create a Calc window by hand with @kbd{M-# o} if you
+find you need to see the entire stack.
+For example, typing @kbd{M-# e} while somewhere in the formula
+@samp{n>2} in the following line enables Embedded mode on that
+We define $F_n = F_(n-1)+F_(n-2)$ for all $n>2$.
+@end example
+The formula @cite{n>2} will be pushed onto the Calc stack, and
+the top of stack will be copied back into the editing buffer.
+This means that spaces will appear around the @samp{>} symbol
+to match Calc's usual display style:
+We define $F_n = F_(n-1)+F_(n-2)$ for all $n > 2$.
+@end example
+No spaces have appeared around the @samp{+} sign because it's
+in a different formula, one which we have not yet touched with
+Embedded mode.
+Now that Embedded mode is enabled, keys you type in this buffer
+are interpreted as Calc commands.  At this point we might use
+the ``commute'' command @kbd{j C} to reverse the inequality.
+This is a selection-based command for which we first need to
+move the cursor onto the operator (@samp{>} in this case) that
+needs to be commuted.
+We define $F_n = F_(n-1)+F_(n-2)$ for all $2 < n$.
+@end example
+The @kbd{M-# o} command is a useful way to open a Calc window
+without actually selecting that window.  Giving this command
+verifies that @samp{2 < n} is also on the Calc stack.  Typing
+@kbd{17 RET} would produce:
+We define $F_n = F_(n-1)+F_(n-2)$ for all $17$.
+@end example
+with @samp{2 < n} and @samp{17} on the stack; typing @key{TAB}
+at this point will exchange the two stack values and restore
+@samp{2 < n} to the embedded formula.  Even though you can't
+normally see the stack in Embedded mode, it is still there and
+it still operates in the same way.  But, as with old-fashioned
+RPN calculators, you can only see the value at the top of the
+stack at any given time (unless you use @kbd{M-# o}).
+Typing @kbd{M-# e} again turns Embedded mode off.  The Calc
+window reveals that the formula @w{@samp{2 < n}} is automatically
+removed from the stack, but the @samp{17} is not.  Entering
+Embedded mode always pushes one thing onto the stack, and
+leaving Embedded mode always removes one thing.  Anything else
+that happens on the stack is entirely your business as far as
+Embedded mode is concerned.
+If you press @kbd{M-# e} in the wrong place by accident, it is
+possible that Calc will be able to parse the nearby text as a
+formula and will mangle that text in an attempt to redisplay it
+``properly'' in the current language mode.  If this happens,
+press @kbd{M-# e} again to exit Embedded mode, then give the
+regular Emacs ``undo'' command (@kbd{C-_} or @kbd{C-x u}) to put
+the text back the way it was before Calc edited it.  Note that Calc's
+own Undo command (typed before you turn Embedded mode back off)
+will not do you any good, because as far as Calc is concerned
+you haven't done anything with this formula yet.
+@node More About Embedded Mode, Assignments in Embedded Mode, Basic Embedded Mode, Embedded Mode
+@section More About Embedded Mode
+When Embedded mode ``activates'' a formula, i.e., when it examines
+the formula for the first time since the buffer was created or
+loaded, Calc tries to sense the language in which the formula was
+written.  If the formula contains any @TeX{}-like @samp{\} sequences,
+it is parsed (i.e., read) in @TeX{} mode.  If the formula appears to
+be written in multi-line Big mode, it is parsed in Big mode.  Otherwise,
+it is parsed according to the current language mode.
+Note that Calc does not change the current language mode according
+to what it finds.  Even though it can read a @TeX{} formula when
+not in @TeX{} mode, it will immediately rewrite this formula using
+whatever language mode is in effect.  You must then type @kbd{d T}
+to switch Calc permanently into @TeX{} mode if that is what you
+@end tex
+@kindex d p
+@pindex calc-show-plain
+Calc's parser is unable to read certain kinds of formulas.  For
+example, with @kbd{v ]} (@code{calc-matrix-brackets}) you can
+specify matrix display styles which the parser is unable to
+recognize as matrices.  The @kbd{d p} (@code{calc-show-plain})
+command turns on a mode in which a ``plain'' version of a
+formula is placed in front of the fully-formatted version.
+When Calc reads a formula that has such a plain version in
+front, it reads the plain version and ignores the formatted
+Plain formulas are preceded and followed by @samp{%%%} signs
+by default.  This notation has the advantage that the @samp{%}
+character begins a comment in @TeX{}, so if your formula is
+embedded in a @TeX{} document its plain version will be
+invisible in the final printed copy.  @xref{Customizing
+Embedded Mode}, to see how to change the ``plain'' formula
+delimiters, say to something that @dfn{eqn} or some other
+formatter will treat as a comment.
+There are several notations which Calc's parser for ``big''
+formatted formulas can't yet recognize.  In particular, it can't
+read the large symbols for @code{sum}, @code{prod}, and @code{integ},
+and it can't handle @samp{=>} with the righthand argument omitted.
+Also, Calc won't recognize special formats you have defined with
+the @kbd{Z C} command (@pxref{User-Defined Compositions}).  In
+these cases it is important to use ``plain'' mode to make sure
+Calc will be able to read your formula later.
+Another example where ``plain'' mode is important is if you have
+specified a float mode with few digits of precision.  Normally
+any digits that are computed but not displayed will simply be
+lost when you save and re-load your embedded buffer, but ``plain''
+mode allows you to make sure that the complete number is present
+in the file as well as the rounded-down number.
+@end tex
+Embedded buffers remember active formulas for as long as they
+exist in Emacs memory.  Suppose you have an embedded formula
+which is @c{$\pi$}
+@cite{pi} to the normal 12 decimal places, and then
+type @w{@kbd{C-u 5 d n}} to display only five decimal places.
+If you then type @kbd{d n}, all 12 places reappear because the
+full number is still there on the Calc stack.  More surprisingly,
+even if you exit Embedded mode and later re-enter it for that
+formula, typing @kbd{d n} will restore all 12 places because
+each buffer remembers all its active formulas.  However, if you
+save the buffer in a file and reload it in a new Emacs session,
+all non-displayed digits will have been lost unless you used
+``plain'' mode.
+@end tex
+In some applications of Embedded mode, you will want to have a
+sequence of copies of a formula that show its evolution as you
+work on it.  For example, you might want to have a sequence
+like this in your file (elaborating here on the example from
+the ``Getting Started'' chapter):
+The derivative of
+                              ln(ln(x))
+                  @r{(the derivative of }ln(ln(x))@r{)}
+whose value at x = 2 is
+                            @r{(the value)}
+and at x = 3 is
+                            @r{(the value)}
+@end smallexample
+@kindex M-# d
+@pindex calc-embedded-duplicate
+The @kbd{M-# d} (@code{calc-embedded-duplicate}) command is a
+handy way to make sequences like this.  If you type @kbd{M-# d},
+the formula under the cursor (which may or may not have Embedded
+mode enabled for it at the time) is copied immediately below and
+Embedded mode is then enabled for that copy.
+For this example, you would start with just
+The derivative of
+                              ln(ln(x))
+@end smallexample
+and press @kbd{M-# d} with the cursor on this formula.  The result
+The derivative of
+                              ln(ln(x))
+                              ln(ln(x))
+@end smallexample
+with the second copy of the formula enabled in Embedded mode.
+You can now press @kbd{a d x RET} to take the derivative, and
+@kbd{M-# d M-# d} to make two more copies of the derivative.
+To complete the computations, type @kbd{3 s l x RET} to evaluate
+the last formula, then move up to the second-to-last formula
+and type @kbd{2 s l x RET}.
+Finally, you would want to press @kbd{M-# e} to exit Embedded
+mode, then go up and insert the necessary text in between the
+various formulas and numbers.
+@end tex
+@kindex M-# f
+@kindex M-# '
+@pindex calc-embedded-new-formula
+The @kbd{M-# f} (@code{calc-embedded-new-formula}) command
+creates a new embedded formula at the current point.  It inserts
+some default delimiters, which are usually just blank lines,
+and then does an algebraic entry to get the formula (which is
+then enabled for Embedded mode).  This is just shorthand for
+typing the delimiters yourself, positioning the cursor between
+the new delimiters, and pressing @kbd{M-# e}.  The key sequence
+@kbd{M-# '} is equivalent to @kbd{M-# f}.
+@kindex M-# n
+@kindex M-# p
+@pindex calc-embedded-next
+@pindex calc-embedded-previous
+The @kbd{M-# n} (@code{calc-embedded-next}) and @kbd{M-# p}
+(@code{calc-embedded-previous}) commands move the cursor to the
+next or previous active embedded formula in the buffer.  They
+can take positive or negative prefix arguments to move by several
+formulas.  Note that these commands do not actually examine the
+text of the buffer looking for formulas; they only see formulas
+which have previously been activated in Embedded mode.  In fact,
+@kbd{M-# n} and @kbd{M-# p} are a useful way to tell which
+embedded formulas are currently active.  Also, note that these
+commands do not enable Embedded mode on the next or previous
+formula, they just move the cursor.  (By the way, @kbd{M-# n} is
+not as awkward to type as it may seem, because @kbd{M-#} ignores
+Shift and Meta on the second keystroke:  @kbd{M-# M-N} can be typed
+by holding down Shift and Meta and alternately typing two keys.)
+@kindex M-# `
+@pindex calc-embedded-edit
+The @kbd{M-# `} (@code{calc-embedded-edit}) command edits the
+embedded formula at the current point as if by @kbd{`} (@code{calc-edit}).
+Embedded mode does not have to be enabled for this to work.  Press
+@kbd{M-# M-#} to finish the edit, or @kbd{M-# x} to cancel.
+@node Assignments in Embedded Mode, Mode Settings in Embedded Mode, More About Embedded Mode, Embedded Mode
+@section Assignments in Embedded Mode
+The @samp{:=} (assignment) and @samp{=>} (``evaluates-to'') operators
+are especially useful in Embedded mode.  They allow you to make
+a definition in one formula, then refer to that definition in
+other formulas embedded in the same buffer.
+An embedded formula which is an assignment to a variable, as in
+foo := 5
+@end example
+records @cite{5} as the stored value of @code{foo} for the
+purposes of Embedded mode operations in the current buffer.  It
+does @emph{not} actually store @cite{5} as the ``global'' value
+of @code{foo}, however.  Regular Calc operations, and Embedded
+formulas in other buffers, will not see this assignment.
+One way to use this assigned value is simply to create an
+Embedded formula elsewhere that refers to @code{foo}, and to press
+@kbd{=} in that formula.  However, this permanently replaces the
+@code{foo} in the formula with its current value.  More interesting
+is to use @samp{=>} elsewhere:
+foo + 7 => 12
+@end example
+@xref{Evaluates-To Operator}, for a general discussion of @samp{=>}.
+If you move back and change the assignment to @code{foo}, any
+@samp{=>} formulas which refer to it are automatically updated.
+foo := 17
+foo + 7 => 24
+@end example
+The obvious question then is, @emph{how} can one easily change the
+assignment to @code{foo}?  If you simply select the formula in
+Embedded mode and type 17, the assignment itself will be replaced
+by the 17.  The effect on the other formula will be that the
+variable @code{foo} becomes unassigned:
+foo + 7 => foo + 7
+@end example
+The right thing to do is first to use a selection command (@kbd{j 2}
+will do the trick) to select the righthand side of the assignment.
+Then, @kbd{17 TAB DEL} will swap the 17 into place (@pxref{Selecting
+Subformulas}, to see how this works).
+@kindex M-# j
+@pindex calc-embedded-select
+The @kbd{M-# j} (@code{calc-embedded-select}) command provides an
+easy way to operate on assigments.  It is just like @kbd{M-# e},
+except that if the enabled formula is an assignment, it uses
+@kbd{j 2} to select the righthand side.  If the enabled formula
+is an evaluates-to, it uses @kbd{j 1} to select the lefthand side.
+A formula can also be a combination of both:
+bar := foo + 3 => 20
+@end example
+in which case @kbd{M-# j} will select the middle part (@samp{foo + 3}).
+The formula is automatically deselected when you leave Embedded
+@kindex M-# u
+@kindex M-# =
+@pindex calc-embedded-update
+Another way to change the assignment to @code{foo} would simply be
+to edit the number using regular Emacs editing rather than Embedded
+mode.  Then, we have to find a way to get Embedded mode to notice
+the change.  The @kbd{M-# u} or @kbd{M-# =}
+(@code{calc-embedded-update-formula}) command is a convenient way
+to do this.@refill
+foo := 6
+foo + 7 => 13
+@end example
+Pressing @kbd{M-# u} is much like pressing @kbd{M-# e = M-# e}, that
+is, temporarily enabling Embedded mode for the formula under the
+cursor and then evaluating it with @kbd{=}.  But @kbd{M-# u} does
+not actually use @kbd{M-# e}, and in fact another formula somewhere
+else can be enabled in Embedded mode while you use @kbd{M-# u} and
+that formula will not be disturbed.
+With a numeric prefix argument, @kbd{M-# u} updates all active
+@samp{=>} formulas in the buffer.  Formulas which have not yet
+been activated in Embedded mode, and formulas which do not have
+@samp{=>} as their top-level operator, are not affected by this.
+(This is useful only if you have used @kbd{m C}; see below.)
+With a plain @kbd{C-u} prefix, @kbd{C-u M-# u} updates only in the
+region between mark and point rather than in the whole buffer.
+@kbd{M-# u} is also a handy way to activate a formula, such as an
+@samp{=>} formula that has freshly been typed in or loaded from a
+@kindex M-# a
+@pindex calc-embedded-activate
+The @kbd{M-# a} (@code{calc-embedded-activate}) command scans
+through the current buffer and activates all embedded formulas
+that contain @samp{:=} or @samp{=>} symbols.  This does not mean
+that Embedded mode is actually turned on, but only that the
+formulas' positions are registered with Embedded mode so that
+the @samp{=>} values can be properly updated as assignments are
+It is a good idea to type @kbd{M-# a} right after loading a file
+that uses embedded @samp{=>} operators.  Emacs includes a nifty
+``buffer-local variables'' feature that you can use to do this
+automatically.  The idea is to place near the end of your file
+a few lines that look like this:
+--- Local Variables: ---
+--- eval:(calc-embedded-activate) ---
+--- End: ---
+@end example
+where the leading and trailing @samp{---} can be replaced by
+any suitable strings (which must be the same on all three lines)
+or omitted altogether; in a @TeX{} file, @samp{%} would be a good
+leading string and no trailing string would be necessary.  In a
+C program, @samp{/*} and @samp{*/} would be good leading and
+trailing strings.
+When Emacs loads a file into memory, it checks for a Local Variables
+section like this one at the end of the file.  If it finds this
+section, it does the specified things (in this case, running
+@kbd{M-# a} automatically) before editing of the file begins.
+The Local Variables section must be within 3000 characters of the
+end of the file for Emacs to find it, and it must be in the last
+page of the file if the file has any page separators.
+@xref{File Variables, , Local Variables in Files, emacs, the
+Emacs manual}.
+Note that @kbd{M-# a} does not update the formulas it finds.
+To do this, type, say, @kbd{M-1 M-# u} after @w{@kbd{M-# a}}.
+Generally this should not be a problem, though, because the
+formulas will have been up-to-date already when the file was
+Normally, @kbd{M-# a} activates all the formulas it finds, but
+any previous active formulas remain active as well.  With a
+positive numeric prefix argument, @kbd{M-# a} first deactivates
+all current active formulas, then actives the ones it finds in
+its scan of the buffer.  With a negative prefix argument,
+@kbd{M-# a} simply deactivates all formulas.
+Embedded mode has two symbols, @samp{Active} and @samp{~Active},
+which it puts next to the major mode name in a buffer's mode line.
+It puts @samp{Active} if it has reason to believe that all
+formulas in the buffer are active, because you have typed @kbd{M-# a}
+and Calc has not since had to deactivate any formulas (which can
+happen if Calc goes to update an @samp{=>} formula somewhere because
+a variable changed, and finds that the formula is no longer there
+due to some kind of editing outside of Embedded mode).  Calc puts
+@samp{~Active} in the mode line if some, but probably not all,
+formulas in the buffer are active.  This happens if you activate
+a few formulas one at a time but never use @kbd{M-# a}, or if you
+used @kbd{M-# a} but then Calc had to deactivate a formula
+because it lost track of it.  If neither of these symbols appears
+in the mode line, no embedded formulas are active in the buffer
+(e.g., before Embedded mode has been used, or after a @kbd{M-- M-# a}).
+Embedded formulas can refer to assignments both before and after them
+in the buffer.  If there are several assignments to a variable, the
+nearest preceding assignment is used if there is one, otherwise the
+following assignment is used.
+x => 1
+x := 1
+x => 1
+x := 2
+x => 2
+@end example
+As well as simple variables, you can also assign to subscript
+expressions of the form @samp{@var{var}_@var{number}} (as in
+@code{x_0}), or @samp{@var{var}_@var{var}} (as in @code{x_max}).
+Assignments to other kinds of objects can be represented by Calc,
+but the automatic linkage between assignments and references works
+only for plain variables and these two kinds of subscript expressions.
+If there are no assignments to a given variable, the global
+stored value for the variable is used (@pxref{Storing Variables}),
+or, if no value is stored, the variable is left in symbolic form.
+Note that global stored values will be lost when the file is saved
+and loaded in a later Emacs session, unless you have used the
+@kbd{s p} (@code{calc-permanent-variable}) command to save them;
+@pxref{Operations on Variables}.
+The @kbd{m C} (@code{calc-auto-recompute}) command turns automatic
+recomputation of @samp{=>} forms on and off.  If you turn automatic
+recomputation off, you will have to use @kbd{M-# u} to update these
+formulas manually after an assignment has been changed.  If you
+plan to change several assignments at once, it may be more efficient
+to type @kbd{m C}, change all the assignments, then use @kbd{M-1 M-# u}
+to update the entire buffer afterwards.  The @kbd{m C} command also
+controls @samp{=>} formulas on the stack; @pxref{Evaluates-To
+Operator}.  When you turn automatic recomputation back on, the
+stack will be updated but the Embedded buffer will not; you must
+use @kbd{M-# u} to update the buffer by hand.
+@node Mode Settings in Embedded Mode, Customizing Embedded Mode, Assignments in Embedded Mode, Embedded Mode
+@section Mode Settings in Embedded Mode
+Embedded Mode has a rather complicated mechanism for handling mode
+settings in Embedded formulas.  It is possible to put annotations
+in the file that specify mode settings either global to the entire
+file or local to a particular formula or formulas.  In the latter
+case, different modes can be specified for use when a formula
+is the enabled Embedded Mode formula.
+When you give any mode-setting command, like @kbd{m f} (for fraction
+mode) or @kbd{d s} (for scientific notation), Embedded Mode adds
+a line like the following one to the file just before the opening
+delimiter of the formula.
+% [calc-mode: fractions: t]
+% [calc-mode: float-format: (sci 0)]
+@end example
+When Calc interprets an embedded formula, it scans the text before
+the formula for mode-setting annotations like these and sets the
+Calc buffer to match these modes.  Modes not explicitly described
+in the file are not changed.  Calc scans all the way to the top of
+the file, or up to a line of the form
+% [calc-defaults]
+@end example
+which you can insert at strategic places in the file if this backward
+scan is getting too slow, or just to provide a barrier between one
+``zone'' of mode settings and another.
+If the file contains several annotations for the same mode, the
+closest one before the formula is used.  Annotations after the
+formula are never used (except for global annotations, described
+The scan does not look for the leading @samp{% }, only for the
+square brackets and the text they enclose.  You can edit the mode
+annotations to a style that works better in context if you wish.
+@xref{Customizing Embedded Mode}, to see how to change the style
+that Calc uses when it generates the annotations.  You can write
+mode annotations into the file yourself if you know the syntax;
+the easiest way to find the syntax for a given mode is to let
+Calc write the annotation for it once and see what it does.
+If you give a mode-changing command for a mode that already has
+a suitable annotation just above the current formula, Calc will
+modify that annotation rather than generating a new, conflicting
+Mode annotations have three parts, separated by colons.  (Spaces
+after the colons are optional.)  The first identifies the kind
+of mode setting, the second is a name for the mode itself, and
+the third is the value in the form of a Lisp symbol, number,
+or list.  Annotations with unrecognizable text in the first or
+second parts are ignored.  The third part is not checked to make
+sure the value is of a legal type or range; if you write an
+annotation by hand, be sure to give a proper value or results
+will be unpredictable.  Mode-setting annotations are case-sensitive.
+While Embedded Mode is enabled, the word @code{Local} appears in
+the mode line.  This is to show that mode setting commands generate
+annotations that are ``local'' to the current formula or set of
+formulas.  The @kbd{m R} (@code{calc-mode-record-mode}) command
+causes Calc to generate different kinds of annotations.  Pressing
+@kbd{m R} repeatedly cycles through the possible modes.
+@code{LocEdit} and @code{LocPerm} modes generate annotations
+that look like this, respectively:
+% [calc-edit-mode: float-format: (sci 0)]
+% [calc-perm-mode: float-format: (sci 5)]
+@end example
+The first kind of annotation will be used only while a formula
+is enabled in Embedded Mode.  The second kind will be used only
+when the formula is @emph{not} enabled.  (Whether the formula
+is ``active'' or not, i.e., whether Calc has seen this formula
+yet, is not relevant here.)
+@code{Global} mode generates an annotation like this at the end
+of the file:
+% [calc-global-mode: fractions t]
+@end example
+Global mode annotations affect all formulas throughout the file,
+and may appear anywhere in the file.  This allows you to tuck your
+mode annotations somewhere out of the way, say, on a new page of
+the file, as long as those mode settings are suitable for all
+formulas in the file.
+Enabling a formula with @kbd{M-# e} causes a fresh scan for local
+mode annotations; you will have to use this after adding annotations
+above a formula by hand to get the formula to notice them.  Updating
+a formula with @kbd{M-# u} will also re-scan the local modes, but
+global modes are only re-scanned by @kbd{M-# a}.
+Another way that modes can get out of date is if you add a local
+mode annotation to a formula that has another formula after it.
+In this example, we have used the @kbd{d s} command while the
+first of the two embedded formulas is active.  But the second
+formula has not changed its style to match, even though by the
+rules of reading annotations the @samp{(sci 0)} applies to it, too.
+% [calc-mode: float-format: (sci 0)]
+@end example
+We would have to go down to the other formula and press @kbd{M-# u}
+on it in order to get it to notice the new annotation.
+Two more mode-recording modes selectable by @kbd{m R} are @code{Save}
+(which works even outside of Embedded Mode), in which mode settings
+are recorded permanently in your Emacs startup file @file{~/.emacs}
+rather than by annotating the current document, and no-recording
+mode (where there is no symbol like @code{Save} or @code{Local} in
+the mode line), in which mode-changing commands do not leave any
+annotations at all.
+When Embedded Mode is not enabled, mode-recording modes except
+for @code{Save} have no effect.
+@node Customizing Embedded Mode, , Mode Settings in Embedded Mode, Embedded Mode
+@section Customizing Embedded Mode
+You can modify Embedded Mode's behavior by setting various Lisp
+variables described here.  Use @kbd{M-x set-variable} or
+@kbd{M-x edit-options} to adjust a variable on the fly, or
+put a suitable @code{setq} statement in your @file{~/.emacs}
+file to set a variable permanently.  (Another possibility would
+be to use a file-local variable annotation at the end of the
+file; @pxref{File Variables, , Local Variables in Files, emacs, the
+Emacs manual}.)
+While none of these variables will be buffer-local by default, you
+can make any of them local to any embedded-mode buffer.  (Their
+values in the @samp{*Calculator*} buffer are never used.)
+@vindex calc-embedded-open-formula
+The @code{calc-embedded-open-formula} variable holds a regular
+expression for the opening delimiter of a formula.  @xref{Regexp Search,
+, Regular Expression Search, emacs, the Emacs manual}, to see
+how regular expressions work.  Basically, a regular expression is a
+pattern that Calc can search for.  A regular expression that considers
+blank lines, @samp{$}, and @samp{$$} to be opening delimiters is
+@code{"\\`\\|^\n\\|\\$\\$?"}.  Just in case the meaning of this
+regular expression is not completely plain, let's go through it
+in detail.
+The surrounding @samp{" "} marks quote the text between them as a
+Lisp string.  If you left them off, @code{set-variable} or
+@code{edit-options} would try to read the regular expression as a
+Lisp program.
+The most obvious property of this regular expression is that it
+contains indecently many backslashes.  There are actually two levels
+of backslash usage going on here.  First, when Lisp reads a quoted
+string, all pairs of characters beginning with a backslash are
+interpreted as special characters.  Here, @code{\n} changes to a
+new-line character, and @code{\\} changes to a single backslash.
+So the actual regular expression seen by Calc is
+@samp{\`\|^ @r{(newline)} \|\$\$?}.
+Regular expressions also consider pairs beginning with backslash
+to have special meanings.  Sometimes the backslash is used to quote
+a character that otherwise would have a special meaning in a regular
+expression, like @samp{$}, which normally means ``end-of-line,''
+or @samp{?}, which means that the preceding item is optional.  So
+@samp{\$\$?} matches either one or two dollar signs.
+The other codes in this regular expression are @samp{^}, which matches
+``beginning-of-line,'' @samp{\|}, which means ``or,'' and @samp{\`},
+which matches ``beginning-of-buffer.''  So the whole pattern means
+that a formula begins at the beginning of the buffer, or on a newline
+that occurs at the beginning of a line (i.e., a blank line), or at
+one or two dollar signs.
+The default value of @code{calc-embedded-open-formula} looks just
+like this example, with several more alternatives added on to
+recognize various other common kinds of delimiters.
+By the way, the reason to use @samp{^\n} rather than @samp{^$}
+or @samp{\n\n}, which also would appear to match blank lines,
+is that the former expression actually ``consumes'' only one
+newline character as @emph{part of} the delimiter, whereas the
+latter expressions consume zero or two newlines, respectively.
+The former choice gives the most natural behavior when Calc
+must operate on a whole formula including its delimiters.
+See the Emacs manual for complete details on regular expressions.
+But just for your convenience, here is a list of all characters
+which must be quoted with backslash (like @samp{\$}) to avoid
+some special interpretation:  @samp{. * + ? [ ] ^ $ \}.  (Note
+the backslash in this list; for example, to match @samp{\[} you
+must use @code{"\\\\\\["}.  An exercise for the reader is to
+account for each of these six backslashes!)
+@vindex calc-embedded-close-formula
+The @code{calc-embedded-close-formula} variable holds a regular
+expression for the closing delimiter of a formula.  A closing
+regular expression to match the above example would be
+@code{"\\'\\|\n$\\|\\$\\$?"}.  This is almost the same as the
+other one, except it now uses @samp{\'} (``end-of-buffer'') and
+@samp{\n$} (newline occurring at end of line, yet another way
+of describing a blank line that is more appropriate for this
+@vindex calc-embedded-open-word
+@vindex calc-embedded-close-word
+The @code{calc-embedded-open-word} and @code{calc-embedded-close-word}
+variables are similar expressions used when you type @kbd{M-# w}
+instead of @kbd{M-# e} to enable Embedded mode.
+@vindex calc-embedded-open-plain
+The @code{calc-embedded-open-plain} variable is a string which
+begins a ``plain'' formula written in front of the formatted
+formula when @kbd{d p} mode is turned on.  Note that this is an
+actual string, not a regular expression, because Calc must be able
+to write this string into a buffer as well as to recognize it.
+The default string is @code{"%%% "} (note the trailing space).
+@vindex calc-embedded-close-plain
+The @code{calc-embedded-close-plain} variable is a string which
+ends a ``plain'' formula.  The default is @code{" %%%\n"}.  Without
+the trailing newline here, the first line of a ``big'' mode formula
+that followed might be shifted over with respect to the other lines.
+@vindex calc-embedded-open-new-formula
+The @code{calc-embedded-open-new-formula} variable is a string
+which is inserted at the front of a new formula when you type
+@kbd{M-# f}.  Its default value is @code{"\n\n"}.  If this
+string begins with a newline character and the @kbd{M-# f} is
+typed at the beginning of a line, @kbd{M-# f} will skip this
+first newline to avoid introducing unnecessary blank lines in
+the file.
+@vindex calc-embedded-close-new-formula
+The @code{calc-embedded-close-new-formula} variable is the corresponding
+string which is inserted at the end of a new formula.  Its default
+value is also @code{"\n\n"}.  The final newline is omitted by
+@w{@kbd{M-# f}} if typed at the end of a line.  (It follows that if
+@kbd{M-# f} is typed on a blank line, both a leading opening
+newline and a trailing closing newline are omitted.)
+@vindex calc-embedded-announce-formula
+The @code{calc-embedded-announce-formula} variable is a regular
+expression which is sure to be followed by an embedded formula.
+The @kbd{M-# a} command searches for this pattern as well as for
+@samp{=>} and @samp{:=} operators.  Note that @kbd{M-# a} will
+not activate just anything surrounded by formula delimiters; after
+all, blank lines are considered formula delimiters by default!
+But if your language includes a delimiter which can only occur
+actually in front of a formula, you can take advantage of it here.
+The default pattern is @code{"%Embed\n\\(% .*\n\\)*"}, which
+checks for @samp{%Embed} followed by any number of lines beginning
+with @samp{%} and a space.  This last is important to make Calc
+consider mode annotations part of the pattern, so that the formula's
+opening delimiter really is sure to follow the pattern.
+@vindex calc-embedded-open-mode
+The @code{calc-embedded-open-mode} variable is a string (not a
+regular expression) which should precede a mode annotation.
+Calc never scans for this string; Calc always looks for the
+annotation itself.  But this is the string that is inserted before
+the opening bracket when Calc adds an annotation on its own.
+The default is @code{"% "}.
+@vindex calc-embedded-close-mode
+The @code{calc-embedded-close-mode} variable is a string which
+follows a mode annotation written by Calc.  Its default value
+is simply a newline, @code{"\n"}.  If you change this, it is a
+good idea still to end with a newline so that mode annotations
+will appear on lines by themselves.
+@node Programming, Installation, Embedded Mode, Top
+@chapter Programming
+There are several ways to ``program'' the Emacs Calculator, depending
+on the nature of the problem you need to solve.
+@dfn{Keyboard macros} allow you to record a sequence of keystrokes
+and play them back at a later time.  This is just the standard Emacs
+keyboard macro mechanism, dressed up with a few more features such
+as loops and conditionals.
+@dfn{Algebraic definitions} allow you to use any formula to define a
+new function.  This function can then be used in algebraic formulas or
+as an interactive command.
+@dfn{Rewrite rules} are discussed in the section on algebra commands.
+@xref{Rewrite Rules}.  If you put your rewrite rules in the variable
+@code{EvalRules}, they will be applied automatically to all Calc
+results in just the same way as an internal ``rule'' is applied to
+evaluate @samp{sqrt(9)} to 3 and so on.  @xref{Automatic Rewrites}.
+@dfn{Lisp} is the programming language that Calc (and most of Emacs)
+is written in.  If the above techniques aren't powerful enough, you
+can write Lisp functions to do anything that built-in Calc commands
+can do.  Lisp code is also somewhat faster than keyboard macros or
+rewrite rules.
+@end enumerate
+@kindex z
+Programming features are available through the @kbd{z} and @kbd{Z}
+prefix keys.  New commands that you define are two-key sequences
+beginning with @kbd{z}.  Commands for managing these definitions
+use the shift-@kbd{Z} prefix.  (The @kbd{Z T} (@code{calc-timing})
+command is described elsewhere; @pxref{Troubleshooting Commands}.
+The @kbd{Z C} (@code{calc-user-define-composition}) command is also
+described elsewhere; @pxref{User-Defined Compositions}.)
+* Creating User Keys::
+* Keyboard Macros::
+* Invocation Macros::
+* Algebraic Definitions::
+* Lisp Definitions::
+@end menu
+@node Creating User Keys, Keyboard Macros, Programming, Programming
+@section Creating User Keys
+@kindex Z D
+@pindex calc-user-define
+Any Calculator command may be bound to a key using the @kbd{Z D}
+(@code{calc-user-define}) command.  Actually, it is bound to a two-key
+sequence beginning with the lower-case @kbd{z} prefix.
+The @kbd{Z D} command first prompts for the key to define.  For example,
+press @kbd{Z D a} to define the new key sequence @kbd{z a}.  You are then
+prompted for the name of the Calculator command that this key should
+run.  For example, the @code{calc-sincos} command is not normally
+available on a key.  Typing @kbd{Z D s sincos @key{RET}} programs the
+@kbd{z s} key sequence to run @code{calc-sincos}.  This definition will remain
+in effect for the rest of this Emacs session, or until you redefine
+@kbd{z s} to be something else.
+You can actually bind any Emacs command to a @kbd{z} key sequence by
+backspacing over the @samp{calc-} when you are prompted for the command name.
+As with any other prefix key, you can type @kbd{z ?} to see a list of
+all the two-key sequences you have defined that start with @kbd{z}.
+Initially, no @kbd{z} sequences (except @kbd{z ?} itself) are defined.
+User keys are typically letters, but may in fact be any key.
+(@key{META}-keys are not permitted, nor are a terminal's special
+function keys which generate multi-character sequences when pressed.)
+You can define different commands on the shifted and unshifted versions
+of a letter if you wish.
+@kindex Z U
+@pindex calc-user-undefine
+The @kbd{Z U} (@code{calc-user-undefine}) command unbinds a user key.
+For example, the key sequence @kbd{Z U s} will undefine the @code{sincos}
+key we defined above.
+@kindex Z P
+@pindex calc-user-define-permanent
+@cindex Storing user definitions
+@cindex Permanent user definitions
+@cindex @file{.emacs} file, user-defined commands
+The @kbd{Z P} (@code{calc-user-define-permanent}) command makes a key
+binding permanent so that it will remain in effect even in future Emacs
+sessions.  (It does this by adding a suitable bit of Lisp code into
+your @file{.emacs} file.)  For example, @kbd{Z P s} would register
+our @code{sincos} command permanently.  If you later wish to unregister
+this command you must edit your @file{.emacs} file by hand.
+(@xref{General Mode Commands}, for a way to tell Calc to use a
+different file instead of @file{.emacs}.)
+The @kbd{Z P} command also saves the user definition, if any, for the
+command bound to the key.  After @kbd{Z F} and @kbd{Z C}, a given user
+key could invoke a command, which in turn calls an algebraic function,
+which might have one or more special display formats.  A single @kbd{Z P}
+command will save all of these definitions.
+To save a command or function without its key binding (or if there is
+no key binding for the command or function), type @kbd{'} (the apostrophe)
+when prompted for a key.  Then, type the function name, or backspace
+to change the @samp{calcFunc-} prefix to @samp{calc-} and enter a
+command name.  (If the command you give implies a function, the function
+will be saved, and if the function has any display formats, those will
+be saved, but not the other way around:  Saving a function will not save
+any commands or key bindings associated with the function.)
+@kindex Z E
+@pindex calc-user-define-edit
+@cindex Editing user definitions
+The @kbd{Z E} (@code{calc-user-define-edit}) command edits the definition
+of a user key.  This works for keys that have been defined by either
+keyboard macros or formulas; further details are contained in the relevant
+following sections.
+@node Keyboard Macros, Invocation Macros, Creating User Keys, Programming
+@section Programming with Keyboard Macros
+@kindex X
+@cindex Programming with keyboard macros
+@cindex Keyboard macros
+The easiest way to ``program'' the Emacs Calculator is to use standard
+keyboard macros.  Press @w{@kbd{C-x (}} to begin recording a macro.  From
+this point on, keystrokes you type will be saved away as well as
+performing their usual functions.  Press @kbd{C-x )} to end recording.
+Press shift-@kbd{X} (or the standard Emacs key sequence @kbd{C-x e}) to
+execute your keyboard macro by replaying the recorded keystrokes.
+@xref{Keyboard Macros, , , emacs, the Emacs Manual}, for further
+When you use @kbd{X} to invoke a keyboard macro, the entire macro is
+treated as a single command by the undo and trail features.  The stack
+display buffer is not updated during macro execution, but is instead
+fixed up once the macro completes.  Thus, commands defined with keyboard
+macros are convenient and efficient.  The @kbd{C-x e} command, on the
+other hand, invokes the keyboard macro with no special treatment: Each
+command in the macro will record its own undo information and trail entry,
+and update the stack buffer accordingly.  If your macro uses features
+outside of Calc's control to operate on the contents of the Calc stack
+buffer, or if it includes Undo, Redo, or last-arguments commands, you
+must use @kbd{C-x e} to make sure the buffer and undo list are up-to-date
+at all times.  You could also consider using @kbd{K} (@code{calc-keep-args})
+instead of @kbd{M-@key{RET}} (@code{calc-last-args}).
+Calc extends the standard Emacs keyboard macros in several ways.
+Keyboard macros can be used to create user-defined commands.  Keyboard
+macros can include conditional and iteration structures, somewhat
+analogous to those provided by a traditional programmable calculator.
+* Naming Keyboard Macros::
+* Conditionals in Macros::
+* Loops in Macros::
+* Local Values in Macros::
+* Queries in Macros::
+@end menu
+@node Naming Keyboard Macros, Conditionals in Macros, Keyboard Macros, Keyboard Macros
+@subsection Naming Keyboard Macros
+@kindex Z K
+@pindex calc-user-define-kbd-macro
+Once you have defined a keyboard macro, you can bind it to a @kbd{z}
+key sequence with the @kbd{Z K} (@code{calc-user-define-kbd-macro}) command.
+This command prompts first for a key, then for a command name.  For
+example, if you type @kbd{C-x ( n @key{TAB} n @key{TAB} C-x )} you will
+define a keyboard macro which negates the top two numbers on the stack
+(@key{TAB} swaps the top two stack elements).  Now you can type
+@kbd{Z K n @key{RET}} to define this keyboard macro onto the @kbd{z n} key
+sequence.  The default command name (if you answer the second prompt with
+just the @key{RET} key as in this example) will be something like
+@samp{calc-User-n}.  The keyboard macro will now be available as both
+@kbd{z n} and @kbd{M-x calc-User-n}.  You can backspace and enter a more
+descriptive command name if you wish.@refill
+Macros defined by @kbd{Z K} act like single commands; they are executed
+in the same way as by the @kbd{X} key.  If you wish to define the macro
+as a standard no-frills Emacs macro (to be executed as if by @kbd{C-x e}),
+give a negative prefix argument to @kbd{Z K}.
+Once you have bound your keyboard macro to a key, you can use
+@kbd{Z P} to register it permanently with Emacs.  @xref{Creating User Keys}.
+@cindex Keyboard macros, editing
+The @kbd{Z E} (@code{calc-user-define-edit}) command on a key that has
+been defined by a keyboard macro tries to use the @code{edit-kbd-macro}
+command to edit the macro.  This command may be found in the
+@file{macedit} package, a copy of which comes with Calc.  It decomposes
+the macro definition into full Emacs command names, like @code{calc-pop}
+and @code{calc-add}.  Type @kbd{M-# M-#} to finish editing and update
+the definition stored on the key, or, to cancel the edit, type
+@kbd{M-# x}.@refill
+If you give a negative numeric prefix argument to @kbd{Z E}, the keyboard
+macro is edited in spelled-out keystroke form.  For example, the editing
+buffer might contain the nine characters @w{@samp{1 RET 2 +}}.  When you press
+@kbd{M-# M-#}, the @code{read-kbd-macro} feature of the @file{macedit}
+package is used to reinterpret these key names.  The
+notations @code{RET}, @code{LFD}, @code{TAB}, @code{SPC}, @code{DEL}, and
+@code{NUL} must be written in all uppercase, as must the prefixes @code{C-}
+and @code{M-}.  Spaces and line breaks are ignored.  Other characters are
+copied verbatim into the keyboard macro.  Basically, the notation is the
+same as is used in all of this manual's examples, except that the manual
+takes some liberties with spaces:  When we say @kbd{' [1 2 3] RET}, we take
+it for granted that it is clear we really mean @kbd{' [1 SPC 2 SPC 3] RET},
+which is what @code{read-kbd-macro} wants to see.@refill
+If @file{macedit} is not available, @kbd{Z E} edits the keyboard macro
+in ``raw'' form; the editing buffer simply contains characters like
+@samp{1^M2+} (here @samp{^M} represents the carriage-return character).
+Editing in this mode, you will have to use @kbd{C-q} to enter new
+control characters into the buffer.@refill
+@kindex M-# m
+@pindex read-kbd-macro
+The @kbd{M-# m} (@code{read-kbd-macro}) command reads an Emacs ``region''
+of spelled-out keystrokes and defines it as the current keyboard macro.
+It is a convenient way to define a keyboard macro that has been stored
+in a file, or to define a macro without executing it at the same time.
+The @kbd{M-# m} command works only if @file{macedit} is present.
+@node Conditionals in Macros, Loops in Macros, Naming Keyboard Macros, Keyboard Macros
+@subsection Conditionals in Keyboard Macros
+@kindex Z [
+@kindex Z ]
+@pindex calc-kbd-if
+@pindex calc-kbd-else
+@pindex calc-kbd-else-if
+@pindex calc-kbd-end-if
+@cindex Conditional structures
+The @kbd{Z [} (@code{calc-kbd-if}) and @kbd{Z ]} (@code{calc-kbd-end-if})
+commands allow you to put simple tests in a keyboard macro.  When Calc
+sees the @kbd{Z [}, it pops an object from the stack and, if the object is
+a non-zero value, continues executing keystrokes.  But if the object is
+zero, or if it is not provably nonzero, Calc skips ahead to the matching
+@kbd{Z ]} keystroke.  @xref{Logical Operations}, for a set of commands for
+performing tests which conveniently produce 1 for true and 0 for false.
+For example, @kbd{@key{RET} 0 a < Z [ n Z ]} implements an absolute-value
+function in the form of a keyboard macro.  This macro duplicates the
+number on the top of the stack, pushes zero and compares using @kbd{a <}
+(@code{calc-less-than}), then, if the number was less than zero,
+executes @kbd{n} (@code{calc-change-sign}).  Otherwise, the change-sign
+command is skipped.
+To program this macro, type @kbd{C-x (}, type the above sequence of
+keystrokes, then type @kbd{C-x )}.  Note that the keystrokes will be
+executed while you are making the definition as well as when you later
+re-execute the macro by typing @kbd{X}.  Thus you should make sure a
+suitable number is on the stack before defining the macro so that you
+don't get a stack-underflow error during the definition process.
+Conditionals can be nested arbitrarily.  However, there should be exactly
+one @kbd{Z ]} for each @kbd{Z [} in a keyboard macro.
+@kindex Z :
+The @kbd{Z :} (@code{calc-kbd-else}) command allows you to choose between
+two keystroke sequences.  The general format is @kbd{@var{cond} Z [
+@var{then-part} Z : @var{else-part} Z ]}.  If @var{cond} is true
+(i.e., if the top of stack contains a non-zero number after @var{cond}
+has been executed), the @var{then-part} will be executed and the
+@var{else-part} will be skipped.  Otherwise, the @var{then-part} will
+be skipped and the @var{else-part} will be executed.
+@kindex Z |
+The @kbd{Z |} (@code{calc-kbd-else-if}) command allows you to choose
+between any number of alternatives.  For example,
+@kbd{@var{cond1} Z [ @var{part1} Z : @var{cond2} Z | @var{part2} Z :
+@var{part3} Z ]} will execute @var{part1} if @var{cond1} is true,
+otherwise it will execute @var{part2} if @var{cond2} is true, otherwise
+it will execute @var{part3}.
+More precisely, @kbd{Z [} pops a number and conditionally skips to the
+next matching @kbd{Z :} or @kbd{Z ]} key.  @w{@kbd{Z ]}} has no effect when
+actually executed.  @kbd{Z :} skips to the next matching @kbd{Z ]}.
+@kbd{Z |} pops a number and conditionally skips to the next matching
+@kbd{Z :} or @kbd{Z ]}; thus, @kbd{Z [} and @kbd{Z |} are functionally
+equivalent except that @kbd{Z [} participates in nesting but @kbd{Z |}
+does not.
+Calc's conditional and looping constructs work by scanning the
+keyboard macro for occurrences of character sequences like @samp{Z:}
+and @samp{Z]}.  One side-effect of this is that if you use these
+constructs you must be careful that these character pairs do not
+occur by accident in other parts of the macros.  Since Calc rarely
+uses shift-@kbd{Z} for any purpose except as a prefix character, this
+is not likely to be a problem.  Another side-effect is that it will
+not work to define your own custom key bindings for these commands.
+Only the standard shift-@kbd{Z} bindings will work correctly.
+@kindex Z C-g
+If Calc gets stuck while skipping characters during the definition of a
+macro, type @kbd{Z C-g} to cancel the definition.  (Typing plain @kbd{C-g}
+actually adds a @kbd{C-g} keystroke to the macro.)
+@node Loops in Macros, Local Values in Macros, Conditionals in Macros, Keyboard Macros
+@subsection Loops in Keyboard Macros
+@kindex Z <
+@kindex Z >
+@pindex calc-kbd-repeat
+@pindex calc-kbd-end-repeat
+@cindex Looping structures
+@cindex Iterative structures
+The @kbd{Z <} (@code{calc-kbd-repeat}) and @kbd{Z >}
+(@code{calc-kbd-end-repeat}) commands pop a number from the stack,
+which must be an integer, then repeat the keystrokes between the brackets
+the specified number of times.  If the integer is zero or negative, the
+body is skipped altogether.  For example, @kbd{1 @key{TAB} Z < 2 * Z >}
+computes two to a nonnegative integer power.  First, we push 1 on the
+stack and then swap the integer argument back to the top.  The @kbd{Z <}
+pops that argument leaving the 1 back on top of the stack.  Then, we
+repeat a multiply-by-two step however many times.@refill
+Once again, the keyboard macro is executed as it is being entered.
+In this case it is especially important to set up reasonable initial
+conditions before making the definition:  Suppose the integer 1000 just
+happened to be sitting on the stack before we typed the above definition!
+Another approach is to enter a harmless dummy definition for the macro,
+then go back and edit in the real one with a @kbd{Z E} command.  Yet
+another approach is to type the macro as written-out keystroke names
+in a buffer, then use @kbd{M-# m} (@code{read-kbd-macro}) to read the
+@kindex Z /
+@pindex calc-break
+The @kbd{Z /} (@code{calc-kbd-break}) command allows you to break out
+of a keyboard macro loop prematurely.  It pops an object from the stack;
+if that object is true (a non-zero number), control jumps out of the
+innermost enclosing @kbd{Z <} @dots{} @kbd{Z >} loop and continues
+after the @kbd{Z >}.  If the object is false, the @kbd{Z /} has no
+effect.  Thus @kbd{@var{cond} Z /} is similar to @samp{if (@var{cond}) break;}
+in the C language.@refill
+@kindex Z (
+@kindex Z )
+@pindex calc-kbd-for
+@pindex calc-kbd-end-for
+The @kbd{Z (} (@code{calc-kbd-for}) and @kbd{Z )} (@code{calc-kbd-end-for})
+commands are similar to @kbd{Z <} and @kbd{Z >}, except that they make the
+value of the counter available inside the loop.  The general layout is
+@kbd{@var{init} @var{final} Z ( @var{body} @var{step} Z )}.  The @kbd{Z (}
+command pops initial and final values from the stack.  It then creates
+a temporary internal counter and initializes it with the value @var{init}.
+The @kbd{Z (} command then repeatedly pushes the counter value onto the
+stack and executes @var{body} and @var{step}, adding @var{step} to the
+counter each time until the loop finishes.@refill
+@cindex Summations (by keyboard macros)
+By default, the loop finishes when the counter becomes greater than (or
+less than) @var{final}, assuming @var{initial} is less than (greater
+than) @var{final}.  If @var{initial} is equal to @var{final}, the body
+executes exactly once.  The body of the loop always executes at least
+once.  For example, @kbd{0 1 10 Z ( 2 ^ + 1 Z )} computes the sum of the
+squares of the integers from 1 to 10, in steps of 1.
+If you give a numeric prefix argument of 1 to @kbd{Z (}, the loop is
+forced to use upward-counting conventions.  In this case, if @var{initial}
+is greater than @var{final} the body will not be executed at all.
+Note that @var{step} may still be negative in this loop; the prefix
+argument merely constrains the loop-finished test.  Likewise, a prefix
+argument of @i{-1} forces downward-counting conventions.
+@kindex Z @{
+@kindex Z @}
+@pindex calc-kbd-loop
+@pindex calc-kbd-end-loop
+The @kbd{Z @{} (@code{calc-kbd-loop}) and @kbd{Z @}}
+(@code{calc-kbd-end-loop}) commands are similar to @kbd{Z <} and
+@kbd{Z >}, except that they do not pop a count from the stack---they
+effectively create an infinite loop.  Every @kbd{Z @{} @dots{} @kbd{Z @}}
+loop ought to include at least one @kbd{Z /} to make sure the loop
+doesn't run forever.  (If any error message occurs which causes Emacs
+to beep, the keyboard macro will also be halted; this is a standard
+feature of Emacs.  You can also generally press @kbd{C-g} to halt a
+running keyboard macro, although not all versions of Unix support
+this feature.)
+The conditional and looping constructs are not actually tied to
+keyboard macros, but they are most often used in that context.
+For example, the keystrokes @kbd{10 Z < 23 @key{RET} Z >} push
+ten copies of 23 onto the stack.  This can be typed ``live'' just
+as easily as in a macro definition.
+@xref{Conditionals in Macros}, for some additional notes about
+conditional and looping commands.
+@node Local Values in Macros, Queries in Macros, Loops in Macros, Keyboard Macros
+@subsection Local Values in Macros
+@cindex Local variables
+@cindex Restoring saved modes
+Keyboard macros sometimes want to operate under known conditions
+without affecting surrounding conditions.  For example, a keyboard
+macro may wish to turn on Fraction Mode, or set a particular
+precision, independent of the user's normal setting for those
+@kindex Z `
+@kindex Z '
+@pindex calc-kbd-push
+@pindex calc-kbd-pop
+Macros also sometimes need to use local variables.  Assignments to
+local variables inside the macro should not affect any variables
+outside the macro.  The @kbd{Z `} (@code{calc-kbd-push}) and @kbd{Z '}
+(@code{calc-kbd-pop}) commands give you both of these capabilities.
+When you type @kbd{Z `} (with a backquote or accent grave character),
+the values of various mode settings are saved away.  The ten ``quick''
+variables @code{q0} through @code{q9} are also saved.  When
+you type @w{@kbd{Z '}} (with an apostrophe), these values are restored.
+Pairs of @kbd{Z `} and @kbd{Z '} commands may be nested.
+If a keyboard macro halts due to an error in between a @kbd{Z `} and
+a @kbd{Z '}, the saved values will be restored correctly even though
+the macro never reaches the @kbd{Z '} command.  Thus you can use
+@kbd{Z `} and @kbd{Z '} without having to worry about what happens
+in exceptional conditions.
+If you type @kbd{Z `} ``live'' (not in a keyboard macro), Calc puts
+you into a ``recursive edit.''  You can tell you are in a recursive
+edit because there will be extra square brackets in the mode line,
+as in @samp{[(Calculator)]}.  These brackets will go away when you
+type the matching @kbd{Z '} command.  The modes and quick variables
+will be saved and restored in just the same way as if actual keyboard
+macros were involved.
+The modes saved by @kbd{Z `} and @kbd{Z '} are the current precision
+and binary word size, the angular mode (Deg, Rad, or HMS), the
+simplification mode, Algebraic mode, Symbolic mode, Infinite mode,
+Matrix or Scalar mode, Fraction mode, and the current complex mode
+(Polar or Rectangular).  The ten ``quick'' variables' values (or lack
+thereof) are also saved.
+Most mode-setting commands act as toggles, but with a numeric prefix
+they force the mode either on (positive prefix) or off (negative
+or zero prefix).  Since you don't know what the environment might
+be when you invoke your macro, it's best to use prefix arguments
+for all mode-setting commands inside the macro.
+In fact, @kbd{C-u Z `} is like @kbd{Z `} except that it sets the modes
+listed above to their default values.  As usual, the matching @kbd{Z '}
+will restore the modes to their settings from before the @kbd{C-u Z `}.
+Also, @w{@kbd{Z `}} with a negative prefix argument resets algebraic mode
+to its default (off) but leaves the other modes the same as they were
+outside the construct.
+The contents of the stack and trail, values of non-quick variables, and
+other settings such as the language mode and the various display modes,
+are @emph{not} affected by @kbd{Z `} and @kbd{Z '}.
+@node Queries in Macros, , Local Values in Macros, Keyboard Macros
+@subsection Queries in Keyboard Macros
+@kindex Z =
+@pindex calc-kbd-report
+The @kbd{Z =} (@code{calc-kbd-report}) command displays an informative
+message including the value on the top of the stack.  You are prompted
+to enter a string.  That string, along with the top-of-stack value,
+is displayed unless @kbd{m w} (@code{calc-working}) has been used
+to turn such messages off.
+@kindex Z #
+@pindex calc-kbd-query
+The @kbd{Z #} (@code{calc-kbd-query}) command displays a prompt message
+(which you enter during macro definition), then does an algebraic entry
+which takes its input from the keyboard, even during macro execution.
+This command allows your keyboard macros to accept numbers or formulas
+as interactive input.  All the normal conventions of algebraic input,
+including the use of @kbd{$} characters, are supported.
+@xref{Kbd Macro Query, , , emacs, the Emacs Manual}, for a description of
+@kbd{C-x q} (@code{kbd-macro-query}), the standard Emacs way to accept
+keyboard input during a keyboard macro.  In particular, you can use
+@kbd{C-x q} to enter a recursive edit, which allows the user to perform
+any Calculator operations interactively before pressing @kbd{C-M-c} to
+return control to the keyboard macro.
+@node Invocation Macros, Algebraic Definitions, Keyboard Macros, Programming
+@section Invocation Macros
+@kindex M-# z
+@kindex Z I
+@pindex calc-user-invocation
+@pindex calc-user-define-invocation
+Calc provides one special keyboard macro, called up by @kbd{M-# z}
+(@code{calc-user-invocation}), that is intended to allow you to define
+your own special way of starting Calc.  To define this ``invocation
+macro,'' create the macro in the usual way with @kbd{C-x (} and
+@kbd{C-x )}, then type @kbd{Z I} (@code{calc-user-define-invocation}).
+There is only one invocation macro, so you don't need to type any
+additional letters after @kbd{Z I}.  From now on, you can type
+@kbd{M-# z} at any time to execute your invocation macro.
+For example, suppose you find yourself often grabbing rectangles of
+numbers into Calc and multiplying their columns.  You can do this
+by typing @kbd{M-# r} to grab, and @kbd{V R : *} to multiply columns.
+To make this into an invocation macro, just type @kbd{C-x ( M-# r
+V R : * C-x )}, then @kbd{Z I}.  Then, to multiply a rectangle of data,
+just mark the data in its buffer in the usual way and type @kbd{M-# z}.
+Invocation macros are treated like regular Emacs keyboard macros;
+all the special features described above for @kbd{Z K}-style macros
+do not apply.  @kbd{M-# z} is just like @kbd{C-x e}, except that it
+uses the macro that was last stored by @kbd{Z I}.  (In fact, the
+macro does not even have to have anything to do with Calc!)
+The @kbd{m m} command saves the last invocation macro defined by
+@kbd{Z I} along with all the other Calc mode settings.
+@xref{General Mode Commands}.
+@node Algebraic Definitions, Lisp Definitions, Invocation Macros, Programming
+@section Programming with Formulas
+@kindex Z F
+@pindex calc-user-define-formula
+@cindex Programming with algebraic formulas
+Another way to create a new Calculator command uses algebraic formulas.
+The @kbd{Z F} (@code{calc-user-define-formula}) command stores the
+formula at the top of the stack as the definition for a key.  This
+command prompts for five things: The key, the command name, the function
+name, the argument list, and the behavior of the command when given
+non-numeric arguments.
+For example, suppose we type @kbd{' a+2b @key{RET}} to push the formula
+@samp{a + 2*b} onto the stack.  We now type @kbd{Z F m} to define this
+formula on the @kbd{z m} key sequence.  The next prompt is for a command
+name, beginning with @samp{calc-}, which should be the long (@kbd{M-x}) form
+for the new command.  If you simply press @key{RET}, a default name like
+@code{calc-User-m} will be constructed.  In our example, suppose we enter
+@kbd{spam @key{RET}} to define the new command as @code{calc-spam}.
+If you want to give the formula a long-style name only, you can press
+@key{SPC} or @key{RET} when asked which single key to use.  For example
+@kbd{Z F @key{RET} spam @key{RET}} defines the new command as
+@kbd{M-x calc-spam}, with no keyboard equivalent.
+The third prompt is for a function name.  The default is to use the same
+name as the command name but with @samp{calcFunc-} in place of
+@samp{calc-}.  This is the name you will use if you want to enter your
+new function in an algebraic formula.  Suppose we enter @kbd{yow @key{RET}}.
+Then the new function can be invoked by pushing two numbers on the
+stack and typing @kbd{z m} or @kbd{x spam}, or by entering the algebraic
+formula @samp{yow(x,y)}.@refill
+The fourth prompt is for the function's argument list.  This is used to
+associate values on the stack with the variables that appear in the formula.
+The default is a list of all variables which appear in the formula, sorted
+into alphabetical order.  In our case, the default would be @samp{(a b)}.
+This means that, when the user types @kbd{z m}, the Calculator will remove
+two numbers from the stack, substitute these numbers for @samp{a} and
+@samp{b} (respectively) in the formula, then simplify the formula and
+push the result on the stack.  In other words, @kbd{10 @key{RET} 100 z m}
+would replace the 10 and 100 on the stack with the number 210, which is
+@cite{a + 2 b} with @cite{a=10} and @cite{b=100}.  Likewise, the formula
+@samp{yow(10, 100)} will be evaluated by substituting @cite{a=10} and
+@cite{b=100} in the definition.
+You can rearrange the order of the names before pressing @key{RET} to
+control which stack positions go to which variables in the formula.  If
+you remove a variable from the argument list, that variable will be left
+in symbolic form by the command.  Thus using an argument list of @samp{(b)}
+for our function would cause @kbd{10 z m} to replace the 10 on the stack
+with the formula @samp{a + 20}.  If we had used an argument list of
+@samp{(b a)}, the result with inputs 10 and 100 would have been 120.
+You can also put a nameless function on the stack instead of just a
+formula, as in @samp{<a, b : a + 2 b>}.  @xref{Specifying Operators}.
+In this example, the command will be defined by the formula @samp{a + 2 b}
+using the argument list @samp{(a b)}.
+The final prompt is a y-or-n question concerning what to do if symbolic
+arguments are given to your function.  If you answer @kbd{y}, then
+executing @kbd{z m} (using the original argument list @samp{(a b)}) with
+arguments @cite{10} and @cite{x} will leave the function in symbolic
+form, i.e., @samp{yow(10,x)}.  On the other hand, if you answer @kbd{n},
+then the formula will always be expanded, even for non-constant
+arguments: @samp{10 + 2 x}.  If you never plan to feed algebraic
+formulas to your new function, it doesn't matter how you answer this
+If you answered @kbd{y} to this question you can still cause a function
+call to be expanded by typing @kbd{a "} (@code{calc-expand-formula}).
+Also, Calc will expand the function if necessary when you take a
+derivative or integral or solve an equation involving the function.
+@kindex Z G
+@pindex calc-get-user-defn
+Once you have defined a formula on a key, you can retrieve this formula
+with the @kbd{Z G} (@code{calc-user-define-get-defn}) command.  Press a
+key, and this command pushes the formula that was used to define that
+key onto the stack.  Actually, it pushes a nameless function that
+specifies both the argument list and the defining formula.  You will get
+an error message if the key is undefined, or if the key was not defined
+by a @kbd{Z F} command.@refill
+The @kbd{Z E} (@code{calc-user-define-edit}) command on a key that has
+been defined by a formula uses a variant of the @code{calc-edit} command
+to edit the defining formula.  Press @kbd{M-# M-#} to finish editing and
+store the new formula back in the definition, or @kbd{M-# x} to
+cancel the edit.  (The argument list and other properties of the
+definition are unchanged; to adjust the argument list, you can use
+@kbd{Z G} to grab the function onto the stack, edit with @kbd{`}, and
+then re-execute the @kbd{Z F} command.)
+As usual, the @kbd{Z P} command records your definition permanently.
+In this case it will permanently record all three of the relevant
+definitions: the key, the command, and the function.
+You may find it useful to turn off the default simplifications with
+@kbd{m O} (@code{calc-no-simplify-mode}) when entering a formula to be
+used as a function definition.  For example, the formula @samp{deriv(a^2,v)}
+which might be used to define a new function @samp{dsqr(a,v)} will be
+``simplified'' to 0 immediately upon entry since @code{deriv} considers
+@cite{a} to be constant with respect to @cite{v}.  Turning off
+default simplifications cures this problem:  The definition will be stored
+in symbolic form without ever activating the @code{deriv} function.  Press
+@kbd{m D} to turn the default simplifications back on afterwards.
+@node Lisp Definitions, , Algebraic Definitions, Programming
+@section Programming with Lisp
+The Calculator can be programmed quite extensively in Lisp.  All you
+do is write a normal Lisp function definition, but with @code{defmath}
+in place of @code{defun}.  This has the same form as @code{defun}, but it
+automagically replaces calls to standard Lisp functions like @code{+} and
+@code{zerop} with calls to the corresponding functions in Calc's own library.
+Thus you can write natural-looking Lisp code which operates on all of the
+standard Calculator data types.  You can then use @kbd{Z D} if you wish to
+bind your new command to a @kbd{z}-prefix key sequence.  The @kbd{Z E} command
+will not edit a Lisp-based definition.
+Emacs Lisp is described in the GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual.  This section
+assumes a familiarity with Lisp programming concepts; if you do not know
+Lisp, you may find keyboard macros or rewrite rules to be an easier way
+to program the Calculator.
+This section first discusses ways to write commands, functions, or
+small programs to be executed inside of Calc.  Then it discusses how
+your own separate programs are able to call Calc from the outside.
+Finally, there is a list of internal Calc functions and data structures
+for the true Lisp enthusiast.
+* Defining Functions::
+* Defining Simple Commands::
+* Defining Stack Commands::
+* Argument Qualifiers::
+* Example Definitions::
+* Calling Calc from Your Programs::
+* Internals::
+@end menu
+@node Defining Functions, Defining Simple Commands, Lisp Definitions, Lisp Definitions
+@subsection Defining New Functions
+@findex defmath
+The @code{defmath} function (actually a Lisp macro) is like @code{defun}
+except that code in the body of the definition can make use of the full
+range of Calculator data types.  The prefix @samp{calcFunc-} is added
+to the specified name to get the actual Lisp function name.  As a simple
+(defmath myfact (n)
+  (if (> n 0)
+      (* n (myfact (1- n)))
+    1))
+@end example
+This actually expands to the code,
+(defun calcFunc-myfact (n)
+  (if (math-posp n)
+      (math-mul n (calcFunc-myfact (math-add n -1)))
+    1))
+@end example
+This function can be used in algebraic expressions, e.g., @samp{myfact(5)}.
+The @samp{myfact} function as it is defined above has the bug that an
+expression @samp{myfact(a+b)} will be simplified to 1 because the
+formula @samp{a+b} is not considered to be @code{posp}.  A robust
+factorial function would be written along the following lines:
+(defmath myfact (n)
+  (if (> n 0)
+      (* n (myfact (1- n)))
+    (if (= n 0)
+        1
+      nil)))    ; this could be simplified as: (and (= n 0) 1)
+@end smallexample
+If a function returns @code{nil}, it is left unsimplified by the Calculator
+(except that its arguments will be simplified).  Thus, @samp{myfact(a+1+2)}
+will be simplified to @samp{myfact(a+3)} but no further.  Beware that every
+time the Calculator reexamines this formula it will attempt to resimplify
+it, so your function ought to detect the returning-@code{nil} case as
+efficiently as possible.
+The following standard Lisp functions are treated by @code{defmath}:
+@code{+}, @code{-}, @code{*}, @code{/}, @code{%}, @code{^} or
+@code{expt}, @code{=}, @code{<}, @code{>}, @code{<=}, @code{>=},
+@code{/=}, @code{1+}, @code{1-}, @code{logand}, @code{logior}, @code{logxor},
+@code{logandc2}, @code{lognot}.  Also, @code{~=} is an abbreviation for
+@code{math-nearly-equal}, which is useful in implementing Taylor series.@refill
+For other functions @var{func}, if a function by the name
+@samp{calcFunc-@var{func}} exists it is used, otherwise if a function by the
+name @samp{math-@var{func}} exists it is used, otherwise if @var{func} itself
+is defined as a function it is used, otherwise @samp{calcFunc-@var{func}} is
+used on the assumption that this is a to-be-defined math function.  Also, if
+the function name is quoted as in @samp{('integerp a)} the function name is
+always used exactly as written (but not quoted).@refill
+Variable names have @samp{var-} prepended to them unless they appear in
+the function's argument list or in an enclosing @code{let}, @code{let*},
+@code{for}, or @code{foreach} form,
+or their names already contain a @samp{-} character.  Thus a reference to
+@samp{foo} is the same as a reference to @samp{var-foo}.@refill
+A few other Lisp extensions are available in @code{defmath} definitions:
+@itemize @bullet
+The @code{elt} function accepts any number of index variables.
+Note that Calc vectors are stored as Lisp lists whose first
+element is the symbol @code{vec}; thus, @samp{(elt v 2)} yields
+the second element of vector @code{v}, and @samp{(elt m i j)}
+yields one element of a Calc matrix.
+The @code{setq} function has been extended to act like the Common
+Lisp @code{setf} function.  (The name @code{setf} is recognized as
+a synonym of @code{setq}.)  Specifically, the first argument of
+@code{setq} can be an @code{nth}, @code{elt}, @code{car}, or @code{cdr} form,
+in which case the effect is to store into the specified
+element of a list.  Thus, @samp{(setq (elt m i j) x)} stores @cite{x}
+into one element of a matrix.
+A @code{for} looping construct is available.  For example,
+@samp{(for ((i 0 10)) body)} executes @code{body} once for each
+binding of @cite{i} from zero to 10.  This is like a @code{let}
+form in that @cite{i} is temporarily bound to the loop count
+without disturbing its value outside the @code{for} construct.
+Nested loops, as in @samp{(for ((i 0 10) (j 0 (1- i) 2)) body)},
+are also available.  For each value of @cite{i} from zero to 10,
+@cite{j} counts from 0 to @cite{i-1} in steps of two.  Note that
+@code{for} has the same general outline as @code{let*}, except
+that each element of the header is a list of three or four
+things, not just two.
+The @code{foreach} construct loops over elements of a list.
+For example, @samp{(foreach ((x (cdr v))) body)} executes
+@code{body} with @cite{x} bound to each element of Calc vector
+@cite{v} in turn.  The purpose of @code{cdr} here is to skip over
+the initial @code{vec} symbol in the vector.
+The @code{break} function breaks out of the innermost enclosing
+@code{while}, @code{for}, or @code{foreach} loop.  If given a
+value, as in @samp{(break x)}, this value is returned by the
+loop.  (Lisp loops otherwise always return @code{nil}.)
+The @code{return} function prematurely returns from the enclosing
+function.  For example, @samp{(return (+ x y))} returns @cite{x+y}
+as the value of a function.  You can use @code{return} anywhere
+inside the body of the function.
+@end itemize
+Non-integer numbers (and extremely large integers) cannot be included
+directly into a @code{defmath} definition.  This is because the Lisp
+reader will fail to parse them long before @code{defmath} ever gets control.
+Instead, use the notation, @samp{:"3.1415"}.  In fact, any algebraic
+formula can go between the quotes.  For example,
+(defmath sqexp (x)     ; sqexp(x) == sqrt(exp(x)) == exp(x*0.5)
+  (and (numberp x)
+       (exp :"x * 0.5")))
+@end smallexample
+expands to
+(defun calcFunc-sqexp (x)
+  (and (math-numberp x)
+       (calcFunc-exp (math-mul x '(float 5 -1)))))
+@end smallexample
+Note the use of @code{numberp} as a guard to ensure that the argument is
+a number first, returning @code{nil} if not.  The exponential function
+could itself have been included in the expression, if we had preferred:
+@samp{:"exp(x * 0.5)"}.  As another example, the multiplication-and-recursion
+step of @code{myfact} could have been written
+:"n * myfact(n-1)"
+@end example
+If a file named @file{.emacs} exists in your home directory, Emacs reads
+and executes the Lisp forms in this file as it starts up.  While it may
+seem like a good idea to put your favorite @code{defmath} commands here,
+this has the unfortunate side-effect that parts of the Calculator must be
+loaded in to process the @code{defmath} commands whether or not you will
+actually use the Calculator!  A better effect can be had by writing
+(put 'calc-define 'thing '(progn
+ (defmath ... )
+ (defmath ... )
+@end example
+@vindex calc-define
+The @code{put} function adds a @dfn{property} to a symbol.  Each Lisp
+symbol has a list of properties associated with it.  Here we add a
+property with a name of @code{thing} and a @samp{(progn ...)} form as
+its value.  When Calc starts up, and at the start of every Calc command,
+the property list for the symbol @code{calc-define} is checked and the
+values of any properties found are evaluated as Lisp forms.  The
+properties are removed as they are evaluated.  The property names
+(like @code{thing}) are not used; you should choose something like the
+name of your project so as not to conflict with other properties.
+The net effect is that you can put the above code in your @file{.emacs}
+file and it will not be executed until Calc is loaded.  Or, you can put
+that same code in another file which you load by hand either before or
+after Calc itself is loaded.
+The properties of @code{calc-define} are evaluated in the same order
+that they were added.  They can assume that the Calc modules @file{calc.el},
+@file{calc-ext.el}, and @file{calc-macs.el} have been fully loaded, and
+that the @samp{*Calculator*} buffer will be the current buffer.
+If your @code{calc-define} property only defines algebraic functions,
+you can be sure that it will have been evaluated before Calc tries to
+call your function, even if the file defining the property is loaded
+after Calc is loaded.  But if the property defines commands or key
+sequences, it may not be evaluated soon enough.  (Suppose it defines the
+new command @code{tweak-calc}; the user can load your file, then type
+@kbd{M-x tweak-calc} before Calc has had chance to do anything.)  To
+protect against this situation, you can put
+(run-hooks 'calc-check-defines)
+@end example
+@findex calc-check-defines
+at the end of your file.  The @code{calc-check-defines} function is what
+looks for and evaluates properties on @code{calc-define}; @code{run-hooks}
+has the advantage that it is quietly ignored if @code{calc-check-defines}
+is not yet defined because Calc has not yet been loaded.
+Examples of things that ought to be enclosed in a @code{calc-define}
+property are @code{defmath} calls, @code{define-key} calls that modify
+the Calc key map, and any calls that redefine things defined inside Calc.
+Ordinary @code{defun}s need not be enclosed with @code{calc-define}.
+@node Defining Simple Commands, Defining Stack Commands, Defining Functions, Lisp Definitions
+@subsection Defining New Simple Commands
+@findex interactive
+If a @code{defmath} form contains an @code{interactive} clause, it defines
+a Calculator command.  Actually such a @code{defmath} results in @emph{two}
+function definitions:  One, a @samp{calcFunc-} function as was just described,
+with the @code{interactive} clause removed.  Two, a @samp{calc-} function
+with a suitable @code{interactive} clause and some sort of wrapper to make
+the command work in the Calc environment.
+In the simple case, the @code{interactive} clause has the same form as
+for normal Emacs Lisp commands:
+(defmath increase-precision (delta)
+  "Increase precision by DELTA."     ; This is the "documentation string"
+  (interactive "p")                  ; Register this as a M-x-able command
+  (setq calc-internal-prec (+ calc-internal-prec delta)))
+@end smallexample
+This expands to the pair of definitions,
+(defun calc-increase-precision (delta)
+  "Increase precision by DELTA."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (calc-wrapper
+   (setq calc-internal-prec (math-add calc-internal-prec delta))))
+(defun calcFunc-increase-precision (delta)
+  "Increase precision by DELTA."
+  (setq calc-internal-prec (math-add calc-internal-prec delta)))
+@end smallexample
+where in this case the latter function would never really be used!  Note
+that since the Calculator stores small integers as plain Lisp integers,
+the @code{math-add} function will work just as well as the native
+@code{+} even when the intent is to operate on native Lisp integers.
+@findex calc-wrapper
+The @samp{calc-wrapper} call invokes a macro which surrounds the body of
+the function with code that looks roughly like this:
+(let ((calc-command-flags nil))
+  (unwind-protect
+      (save-excursion
+        (calc-select-buffer)
+        @emph{body of function}
+        @emph{renumber stack}
+        @emph{clear} Working @emph{message})
+    @emph{realign cursor and window}
+    @emph{clear Inverse, Hyperbolic, and Keep Args flags}
+    @emph{update Emacs mode line}))
+@end smallexample
+@findex calc-select-buffer
+The @code{calc-select-buffer} function selects the @samp{*Calculator*}
+buffer if necessary, say, because the command was invoked from inside
+the @samp{*Calc Trail*} window.
+@findex calc-set-command-flag
+You can call, for example, @code{(calc-set-command-flag 'no-align)} to set
+the above-mentioned command flags.  The following command flags are
+recognized by Calc routines:
+@table @code
+@item renum-stack
+Stack line numbers @samp{1:}, @samp{2:}, and so on must be renumbered
+after this command completes.  This is set by routines like
+@item clear-message
+Calc should call @samp{(message "")} if this command completes normally
+(to clear a ``Working@dots{}'' message out of the echo area).
+@item no-align
+Do not move the cursor back to the @samp{.} top-of-stack marker.
+@item position-point
+Use the variables @code{calc-position-point-line} and
+@code{calc-position-point-column} to position the cursor after
+this command finishes.
+@item keep-flags
+Do not clear @code{calc-inverse-flag}, @code{calc-hyperbolic-flag},
+and @code{calc-keep-args-flag} at the end of this command.
+@item do-edit
+Switch to buffer @samp{*Calc Edit*} after this command.
+@item hold-trail
+Do not move trail pointer to end of trail when something is recorded
+@end table
+@kindex Y
+@kindex Y ?
+@vindex calc-Y-help-msgs
+Calc reserves a special prefix key, shift-@kbd{Y}, for user-written
+extensions to Calc.  There are no built-in commands that work with
+this prefix key; you must call @code{define-key} from Lisp (probably
+from inside a @code{calc-define} property) to add to it.  Initially only
+@kbd{Y ?} is defined; it takes help messages from a list of strings
+(initially @code{nil}) in the variable @code{calc-Y-help-msgs}.  All
+other undefined keys except for @kbd{Y} are reserved for use by
+future versions of Calc.
+If you are writing a Calc enhancement which you expect to give to
+others, it is best to minimize the number of @kbd{Y}-key sequences
+you use.  In fact, if you have more than one key sequence you should
+consider defining three-key sequences with a @kbd{Y}, then a key that
+stands for your package, then a third key for the particular command
+within your package.
+Users may wish to install several Calc enhancements, and it is possible
+that several enhancements will choose to use the same key.  In the
+example below, a variable @code{inc-prec-base-key} has been defined
+to contain the key that identifies the @code{inc-prec} package.  Its
+value is initially @code{"P"}, but a user can change this variable
+if necessary without having to modify the file.
+Here is a complete file, @file{inc-prec.el}, which makes a @kbd{Y P I}
+command that increases the precision, and a @kbd{Y P D} command that
+decreases the precision.
+;;; Increase and decrease Calc precision.  Dave Gillespie, 5/31/91.
+;;; (Include copyright or copyleft stuff here.)
+(defvar inc-prec-base-key "P"
+  "Base key for inc-prec.el commands.")
+(put 'calc-define 'inc-prec '(progn
+(define-key calc-mode-map (format "Y%sI" inc-prec-base-key)
+            'increase-precision)
+(define-key calc-mode-map (format "Y%sD" inc-prec-base-key)
+            'decrease-precision)
+(setq calc-Y-help-msgs
+      (cons (format "%s + Inc-prec, Dec-prec" inc-prec-base-key)
+            calc-Y-help-msgs))
+(defmath increase-precision (delta)
+  "Increase precision by DELTA."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (setq calc-internal-prec (+ calc-internal-prec delta)))
+(defmath decrease-precision (delta)
+  "Decrease precision by DELTA."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (setq calc-internal-prec (- calc-internal-prec delta)))
+))  ; end of calc-define property
+(run-hooks 'calc-check-defines)
+@end smallexample
+@node Defining Stack Commands, Argument Qualifiers, Defining Simple Commands, Lisp Definitions
+@subsection Defining New Stack-Based Commands
+To define a new computational command which takes and/or leaves arguments
+on the stack, a special form of @code{interactive} clause is used.
+(interactive @var{num} @var{tag})
+@end example
+where @var{num} is an integer, and @var{tag} is a string.  The effect is
+to pop @var{num} values off the stack, resimplify them by calling
+@code{calc-normalize}, and hand them to your function according to the
+function's argument list.  Your function may include @code{&optional} and
+@code{&rest} parameters, so long as calling the function with @var{num}
+parameters is legal.
+Your function must return either a number or a formula in a form
+acceptable to Calc, or a list of such numbers or formulas.  These value(s)
+are pushed onto the stack when the function completes.  They are also
+recorded in the Calc Trail buffer on a line beginning with @var{tag},
+a string of (normally) four characters or less.  If you omit @var{tag}
+or use @code{nil} as a tag, the result is not recorded in the trail.
+As an example, the definition
+(defmath myfact (n)
+  "Compute the factorial of the integer at the top of the stack."
+  (interactive 1 "fact")
+  (if (> n 0)
+      (* n (myfact (1- n)))
+    (and (= n 0) 1)))
+@end smallexample
+is a version of the factorial function shown previously which can be used
+as a command as well as an algebraic function.  It expands to
+(defun calc-myfact ()
+  "Compute the factorial of the integer at the top of the stack."
+  (interactive)
+  (calc-slow-wrapper
+   (calc-enter-result 1 "fact"
+     (cons 'calcFunc-myfact (calc-top-list-n 1)))))
+(defun calcFunc-myfact (n)
+  "Compute the factorial of the integer at the top of the stack."
+  (if (math-posp n)
+      (math-mul n (calcFunc-myfact (math-add n -1)))
+    (and (math-zerop n) 1)))
+@end smallexample
+@findex calc-slow-wrapper
+The @code{calc-slow-wrapper} function is a version of @code{calc-wrapper}
+that automatically puts up a @samp{Working...} message before the
+computation begins.  (This message can be turned off by the user
+with an @kbd{m w} (@code{calc-working}) command.)
+@findex calc-top-list-n
+The @code{calc-top-list-n} function returns a list of the specified number
+of values from the top of the stack.  It resimplifies each value by
+calling @code{calc-normalize}.  If its argument is zero it returns an
+empty list.  It does not actually remove these values from the stack.
+@findex calc-enter-result
+The @code{calc-enter-result} function takes an integer @var{num} and string
+@var{tag} as described above, plus a third argument which is either a
+Calculator data object or a list of such objects.  These objects are
+resimplified and pushed onto the stack after popping the specified number
+of values from the stack.  If @var{tag} is non-@code{nil}, the values
+being pushed are also recorded in the trail.
+Note that if @code{calcFunc-myfact} returns @code{nil} this represents
+``leave the function in symbolic form.''  To return an actual empty list,
+in the sense that @code{calc-enter-result} will push zero elements back
+onto the stack, you should return the special value @samp{'(nil)}, a list
+containing the single symbol @code{nil}.
+The @code{interactive} declaration can actually contain a limited
+Emacs-style code string as well which comes just before @var{num} and
+@var{tag}.  Currently the only Emacs code supported is @samp{"p"}, as in
+(defmath foo (a b &optional c)
+  (interactive "p" 2 "foo")
+  @var{body})
+@end example
+In this example, the command @code{calc-foo} will evaluate the expression
+@samp{foo(a,b)} if executed with no argument, or @samp{foo(a,b,n)} if
+executed with a numeric prefix argument of @cite{n}.
+The other code string allowed is @samp{"m"} (unrelated to the usual @samp{"m"}
+code as used with @code{defun}).  It uses the numeric prefix argument as the
+number of objects to remove from the stack and pass to the function.
+In this case, the integer @var{num} serves as a default number of
+arguments to be used when no prefix is supplied.
+@node Argument Qualifiers, Example Definitions, Defining Stack Commands, Lisp Definitions
+@subsection Argument Qualifiers
+Anywhere a parameter name can appear in the parameter list you can also use
+an @dfn{argument qualifier}.  Thus the general form of a definition is:
+(defmath @var{name} (@var{param} @var{param...}
+               &optional @var{param} @var{param...}
+               &rest @var{param})
+  @var{body})
+@end example
+where each @var{param} is either a symbol or a list of the form
+(@var{qual} @var{param})
+@end example
+The following qualifiers are recognized:
+@table @samp
+@item complete
+@findex complete
+The argument must not be an incomplete vector, interval, or complex number.
+(This is rarely needed since the Calculator itself will never call your
+function with an incomplete argument.  But there is nothing stopping your
+own Lisp code from calling your function with an incomplete argument.)@refill
+@item integer
+@findex integer
+The argument must be an integer.  If it is an integer-valued float
+it will be accepted but converted to integer form.  Non-integers and
+formulas are rejected.
+@item natnum
+@findex natnum
+Like @samp{integer}, but the argument must be non-negative.
+@item fixnum
+@findex fixnum
+Like @samp{integer}, but the argument must fit into a native Lisp integer,
+which on most systems means less than 2^23 in absolute value.  The
+argument is converted into Lisp-integer form if necessary.
+@item float
+@findex float
+The argument is converted to floating-point format if it is a number or
+vector.  If it is a formula it is left alone.  (The argument is never
+actually rejected by this qualifier.)
+@item @var{pred}
+The argument must satisfy predicate @var{pred}, which is one of the
+standard Calculator predicates.  @xref{Predicates}.
+@item not-@var{pred}
+The argument must @emph{not} satisfy predicate @var{pred}.
+@end table
+For example,
+(defmath foo (a (constp (not-matrixp b)) &optional (float c)
+              &rest (integer d))
+  @var{body})
+@end example
+expands to
+(defun calcFunc-foo (a b &optional c &rest d)
+  (and (math-matrixp b)
+       (math-reject-arg b 'not-matrixp))
+  (or (math-constp b)
+      (math-reject-arg b 'constp))
+  (and c (setq c (math-check-float c)))
+  (setq d (mapcar 'math-check-integer d))
+  @var{body})
+@end example
+which performs the necessary checks and conversions before executing the
+body of the function.
+@node Example Definitions, Calling Calc from Your Programs, Argument Qualifiers, Lisp Definitions
+@subsection Example Definitions
+This section includes some Lisp programming examples on a larger scale.
+These programs make use of some of the Calculator's internal functions;
+* Bit Counting Example::
+* Sine Example::
+@end menu
+@node Bit Counting Example, Sine Example, Example Definitions, Example Definitions
+@subsubsection Bit-Counting
+@c @starindex
+@tindex bcount
+Calc does not include a built-in function for counting the number of
+``one'' bits in a binary integer.  It's easy to invent one using @kbd{b u}
+to convert the integer to a set, and @kbd{V #} to count the elements of
+that set; let's write a function that counts the bits without having to
+create an intermediate set.
+(defmath bcount ((natnum n))
+  (interactive 1 "bcnt")
+  (let ((count 0))
+    (while (> n 0)
+      (if (oddp n)
+          (setq count (1+ count)))
+      (setq n (lsh n -1)))
+    count))
+@end smallexample
+When this is expanded by @code{defmath}, it will become the following
+Emacs Lisp function:
+(defun calcFunc-bcount (n)
+  (setq n (math-check-natnum n))
+  (let ((count 0))
+    (while (math-posp n)
+      (if (math-oddp n)
+          (setq count (math-add count 1)))
+      (setq n (calcFunc-lsh n -1)))
+    count))
+@end smallexample
+If the input numbers are large, this function involves a fair amount
+of arithmetic.  A binary right shift is essentially a division by two;
+recall that Calc stores integers in decimal form so bit shifts must
+involve actual division.
+To gain a bit more efficiency, we could divide the integer into
+@i{n}-bit chunks, each of which can be handled quickly because
+they fit into Lisp integers.  It turns out that Calc's arithmetic
+routines are especially fast when dividing by an integer less than
+1000, so we can set @i{n = 9} bits and use repeated division by 512:
+(defmath bcount ((natnum n))
+  (interactive 1 "bcnt")
+  (let ((count 0))
+    (while (not (fixnump n))
+      (let ((qr (idivmod n 512)))
+        (setq count (+ count (bcount-fixnum (cdr qr)))
+              n (car qr))))
+    (+ count (bcount-fixnum n))))
+(defun bcount-fixnum (n)
+  (let ((count 0))
+    (while (> n 0)
+      (setq count (+ count (logand n 1))
+            n (lsh n -1)))
+    count))
+@end smallexample
+Note that the second function uses @code{defun}, not @code{defmath}.
+Because this function deals only with native Lisp integers (``fixnums''),
+it can use the actual Emacs @code{+} and related functions rather
+than the slower but more general Calc equivalents which @code{defmath}
+The @code{idivmod} function does an integer division, returning both
+the quotient and the remainder at once.  Again, note that while it
+might seem that @samp{(logand n 511)} and @samp{(lsh n -9)} are
+more efficient ways to split off the bottom nine bits of @code{n},
+actually they are less efficient because each operation is really
+a division by 512 in disguise; @code{idivmod} allows us to do the
+same thing with a single division by 512.
+@node Sine Example, , Bit Counting Example, Example Definitions
+@subsubsection The Sine Function
+@c @starindex
+@tindex mysin
+A somewhat limited sine function could be defined as follows, using the
+well-known Taylor series expansion for @c{$\sin x$}
+(defmath mysin ((float (anglep x)))
+  (interactive 1 "mysn")
+  (setq x (to-radians x))    ; Convert from current angular mode.
+  (let ((sum x)              ; Initial term of Taylor expansion of sin.
+        newsum
+        (nfact 1)            ; "nfact" equals "n" factorial at all times.
+        (xnegsqr :"-(x^2)")) ; "xnegsqr" equals -x^2.
+    (for ((n 3 100 2))       ; Upper limit of 100 is a good precaution.
+      (working "mysin" sum)  ; Display "Working" message, if enabled.
+      (setq nfact (* nfact (1- n) n)
+            x (* x xnegsqr)
+            newsum (+ sum (/ x nfact)))
+      (if (~= newsum sum)    ; If newsum is "nearly equal to" sum,
+          (break))           ;  then we are done.
+      (setq sum newsum))
+    sum))
+@end smallexample
+The actual @code{sin} function in Calc works by first reducing the problem
+to a sine or cosine of a nonnegative number less than @c{$\pi \over 4$}
+@cite{pi/4}.  This
+ensures that the Taylor series will converge quickly.  Also, the calculation
+is carried out with two extra digits of precision to guard against cumulative
+round-off in @samp{sum}.  Finally, complex arguments are allowed and handled
+by a separate algorithm.
+(defmath mysin ((float (scalarp x)))
+  (interactive 1 "mysn")
+  (setq x (to-radians x))    ; Convert from current angular mode.
+  (with-extra-prec 2         ; Evaluate with extra precision.
+    (cond ((complexp x)
+           (mysin-complex x))
+          ((< x 0)
+           (- (mysin-raw (- x)))    ; Always call mysin-raw with x >= 0.
+          (t (mysin-raw x))))))
+(defmath mysin-raw (x)
+  (cond ((>= x 7)
+         (mysin-raw (% x (two-pi))))     ; Now x < 7.
+        ((> x (pi-over-2))
+         (- (mysin-raw (- x (pi)))))     ; Now -pi/2 <= x <= pi/2.
+        ((> x (pi-over-4))
+         (mycos-raw (- x (pi-over-2))))  ; Now -pi/2 <= x <= pi/4.
+        ((< x (- (pi-over-4)))
+         (- (mycos-raw (+ x (pi-over-2)))))  ; Now -pi/4 <= x <= pi/4,
+        (t (mysin-series x))))           ; so the series will be efficient.
+@end smallexample
+where @code{mysin-complex} is an appropriate function to handle complex
+numbers, @code{mysin-series} is the routine to compute the sine Taylor
+series as before, and @code{mycos-raw} is a function analogous to
+@code{mysin-raw} for cosines.
+The strategy is to ensure that @cite{x} is nonnegative before calling
+@code{mysin-raw}.  This function then recursively reduces its argument
+to a suitable range, namely, plus-or-minus @c{$\pi \over 4$}
+@cite{pi/4}.  Note that each
+test, and particularly the first comparison against 7, is designed so
+that small roundoff errors cannnot produce an infinite loop.  (Suppose
+we compared with @samp{(two-pi)} instead; if due to roundoff problems
+the modulo operator ever returned @samp{(two-pi)} exactly, an infinite
+recursion could result!)  We use modulo only for arguments that will
+clearly get reduced, knowing that the next rule will catch any reductions
+that this rule misses.
+If a program is being written for general use, it is important to code
+it carefully as shown in this second example.  For quick-and-dirty programs,
+when you know that your own use of the sine function will never encounter
+a large argument, a simpler program like the first one shown is fine.
+@node Calling Calc from Your Programs, Internals, Example Definitions, Lisp Definitions
+@subsection Calling Calc from Your Lisp Programs
+A later section (@pxref{Internals}) gives a full description of
+Calc's internal Lisp functions.  It's not hard to call Calc from
+inside your programs, but the number of these functions can be daunting.
+So Calc provides one special ``programmer-friendly'' function called
+@code{calc-eval} that can be made to do just about everything you
+need.  It's not as fast as the low-level Calc functions, but it's
+much simpler to use!
+It may seem that @code{calc-eval} itself has a daunting number of
+options, but they all stem from one simple operation.
+In its simplest manifestation, @samp{(calc-eval "1+2")} parses the
+string @code{"1+2"} as if it were a Calc algebraic entry and returns
+the result formatted as a string: @code{"3"}.
+Since @code{calc-eval} is on the list of recommended @code{autoload}
+functions, you don't need to make any special preparations to load
+Calc before calling @code{calc-eval} the first time.  Calc will be
+loaded and initialized for you.
+All the Calc modes that are currently in effect will be used when
+evaluating the expression and formatting the result.
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@subsubsection Additional Arguments to @code{calc-eval}
+If the input string parses to a list of expressions, Calc returns
+the results separated by @code{", "}.  You can specify a different
+separator by giving a second string argument to @code{calc-eval}:
+@samp{(calc-eval "1+2,3+4" ";")} returns @code{"3;7"}.
+The ``separator'' can also be any of several Lisp symbols which
+request other behaviors from @code{calc-eval}.  These are discussed
+one by one below.
+You can give additional arguments to be substituted for
+@samp{$}, @samp{$$}, and so on in the main expression.  For
+example, @samp{(calc-eval "$/$$" nil "7" "1+1")} evaluates the
+expression @code{"7/(1+1)"} to yield the result @code{"3.5"}
+(assuming Fraction mode is not in effect).  Note the @code{nil}
+used as a placeholder for the item-separator argument.
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@subsubsection Error Handling
+If @code{calc-eval} encounters an error, it returns a list containing
+the character position of the error, plus a suitable message as a
+string.  Note that @samp{1 / 0} is @emph{not} an error by Calc's
+standards; it simply returns the string @code{"1 / 0"} which is the
+division left in symbolic form.  But @samp{(calc-eval "1/")} will
+return the list @samp{(2 "Expected a number")}.
+If you bind the variable @code{calc-eval-error} to @code{t}
+using a @code{let} form surrounding the call to @code{calc-eval},
+errors instead call the Emacs @code{error} function which aborts
+to the Emacs command loop with a beep and an error message.
+If you bind this variable to the symbol @code{string}, error messages
+are returned as strings instead of lists.  The character position is
+As a courtesy to other Lisp code which may be using Calc, be sure
+to bind @code{calc-eval-error} using @code{let} rather than changing
+it permanently with @code{setq}.
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@subsubsection Numbers Only
+Sometimes it is preferable to treat @samp{1 / 0} as an error
+rather than returning a symbolic result.  If you pass the symbol
+@code{num} as the second argument to @code{calc-eval}, results
+that are not constants are treated as errors.  The error message
+reported is the first @code{calc-why} message if there is one,
+or otherwise ``Number expected.''
+A result is ``constant'' if it is a number, vector, or other
+object that does not include variables or function calls.  If it
+is a vector, the components must themselves be constants.
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@subsubsection Default Modes
+If the first argument to @code{calc-eval} is a list whose first
+element is a formula string, then @code{calc-eval} sets all the
+various Calc modes to their default values while the formula is
+evaluated and formatted.  For example, the precision is set to 12
+digits, digit grouping is turned off, and the normal language
+mode is used.
+This same principle applies to the other options discussed below.
+If the first argument would normally be @var{x}, then it can also
+be the list @samp{(@var{x})} to use the default mode settings.
+If there are other elements in the list, they are taken as
+variable-name/value pairs which override the default mode
+settings.  Look at the documentation at the front of the
+@file{calc.el} file to find the names of the Lisp variables for
+the various modes.  The mode settings are restored to their
+original values when @code{calc-eval} is done.
+For example, @samp{(calc-eval '("$+$$" calc-internal-prec 8) 'num a b)}
+computes the sum of two numbers, requiring a numeric result, and
+using default mode settings except that the precision is 8 instead
+of the default of 12.
+It's usually best to use this form of @code{calc-eval} unless your
+program actually considers the interaction with Calc's mode settings
+to be a feature.  This will avoid all sorts of potential ``gotchas'';
+consider what happens with @samp{(calc-eval "sqrt(2)" 'num)}
+when the user has left Calc in symbolic mode or no-simplify mode.
+As another example, @samp{(equal (calc-eval '("$<$$") nil a b) "1")}
+checks if the number in string @cite{a} is less than the one in
+string @cite{b}.  Without using a list, the integer 1 might
+come out in a variety of formats which would be hard to test for
+conveniently: @code{"1"}, @code{"8#1"}, @code{"00001"}.  (But
+see ``Predicates'' mode, below.)
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@subsubsection Raw Numbers
+Normally all input and output for @code{calc-eval} is done with strings.
+You can do arithmetic with, say, @samp{(calc-eval "$+$$" nil a b)}
+in place of @samp{(+ a b)}, but this is very inefficient since the
+numbers must be converted to and from string format as they are passed
+from one @code{calc-eval} to the next.
+If the separator is the symbol @code{raw}, the result will be returned
+as a raw Calc data structure rather than a string.  You can read about
+how these objects look in the following sections, but usually you can
+treat them as ``black box'' objects with no important internal
+There is also a @code{rawnum} symbol, which is a combination of
+@code{raw} (returning a raw Calc object) and @code{num} (signalling
+an error if that object is not a constant).
+You can pass a raw Calc object to @code{calc-eval} in place of a
+string, either as the formula itself or as one of the @samp{$}
+arguments.  Thus @samp{(calc-eval "$+$$" 'raw a b)} is an
+addition function that operates on raw Calc objects.  Of course
+in this case it would be easier to call the low-level @code{math-add}
+function in Calc, if you can remember its name.
+In particular, note that a plain Lisp integer is acceptable to Calc
+as a raw object.  (All Lisp integers are accepted on input, but
+integers of more than six decimal digits are converted to ``big-integer''
+form for output.  @xref{Data Type Formats}.)
+When it comes time to display the object, just use @samp{(calc-eval a)}
+to format it as a string.
+It is an error if the input expression evaluates to a list of
+values.  The separator symbol @code{list} is like @code{raw}
+except that it returns a list of one or more raw Calc objects.
+Note that a Lisp string is not a valid Calc object, nor is a list
+containing a string.  Thus you can still safely distinguish all the
+various kinds of error returns discussed above.
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@subsubsection Predicates
+If the separator symbol is @code{pred}, the result of the formula is
+treated as a true/false value; @code{calc-eval} returns @code{t} or
+@code{nil}, respectively.  A value is considered ``true'' if it is a
+non-zero number, or false if it is zero or if it is not a number.
+For example, @samp{(calc-eval "$<$$" 'pred a b)} tests whether
+one value is less than another.
+As usual, it is also possible for @code{calc-eval} to return one of
+the error indicators described above.  Lisp will interpret such an
+indicator as ``true'' if you don't check for it explicitly.  If you
+wish to have an error register as ``false'', use something like
+@samp{(eq (calc-eval ...) t)}.
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@subsubsection Variable Values
+Variables in the formula passed to @code{calc-eval} are not normally
+replaced by their values.  If you wish this, you can use the
+@code{evalv} function (@pxref{Algebraic Manipulation}).  For example,
+if 4 is stored in Calc variable @code{a} (i.e., in Lisp variable
+@code{var-a}), then @samp{(calc-eval "a+pi")} will return the
+formula @code{"a + pi"}, but @samp{(calc-eval "evalv(a+pi)")}
+will return @code{"7.14159265359"}.
+To store in a Calc variable, just use @code{setq} to store in the
+corresponding Lisp variable.  (This is obtained by prepending
+@samp{var-} to the Calc variable name.)  Calc routines will
+understand either string or raw form values stored in variables,
+although raw data objects are much more efficient.  For example,
+to increment the Calc variable @code{a}:
+(setq var-a (calc-eval "evalv(a+1)" 'raw))
+@end example
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@subsubsection Stack Access
+If the separator symbol is @code{push}, the formula argument is
+evaluated (with possible @samp{$} expansions, as usual).  The
+result is pushed onto the Calc stack.  The return value is @code{nil}
+(unless there is an error from evaluating the formula, in which
+case the return value depends on @code{calc-eval-error} in the
+usual way).
+If the separator symbol is @code{pop}, the first argument to
+@code{calc-eval} must be an integer instead of a string.  That
+many values are popped from the stack and thrown away.  A negative
+argument deletes the entry at that stack level.  The return value
+is the number of elements remaining in the stack after popping;
+@samp{(calc-eval 0 'pop)} is a good way to measure the size of
+the stack.
+If the separator symbol is @code{top}, the first argument to
+@code{calc-eval} must again be an integer.  The value at that
+stack level is formatted as a string and returned.  Thus
+@samp{(calc-eval 1 'top)} returns the top-of-stack value.  If the
+integer is out of range, @code{nil} is returned.
+The separator symbol @code{rawtop} is just like @code{top} except
+that the stack entry is returned as a raw Calc object instead of
+as a string.
+In all of these cases the first argument can be made a list in
+order to force the default mode settings, as described above.
+Thus @samp{(calc-eval '(2 calc-number-radix 16) 'top)} returns the
+second-to-top stack entry, formatted as a string using the default
+instead of current display modes, except that the radix is
+hexadecimal instead of decimal.
+It is, of course, polite to put the Calc stack back the way you
+found it when you are done, unless the user of your program is
+actually expecting it to affect the stack.
+Note that you do not actually have to switch into the @samp{*Calculator*}
+buffer in order to use @code{calc-eval}; it temporarily switches into
+the stack buffer if necessary.
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@subsubsection Keyboard Macros
+If the separator symbol is @code{macro}, the first argument must be a
+string of characters which Calc can execute as a sequence of keystrokes.
+This switches into the Calc buffer for the duration of the macro.
+For example, @samp{(calc-eval "vx5\rVR+" 'macro)} pushes the
+vector @samp{[1,2,3,4,5]} on the stack and then replaces it
+with the sum of those numbers.  Note that @samp{\r} is the Lisp
+notation for the carriage-return, @key{RET}, character.
+If your keyboard macro wishes to pop the stack, @samp{\C-d} is
+safer than @samp{\177} (the @key{DEL} character) because some
+installations may have switched the meanings of @key{DEL} and
+@kbd{C-h}.  Calc always interprets @kbd{C-d} as a synonym for
+``pop-stack'' regardless of key mapping.
+If you provide a third argument to @code{calc-eval}, evaluation
+of the keyboard macro will leave a record in the Trail using
+that argument as a tag string.  Normally the Trail is unaffected.
+The return value in this case is always @code{nil}.
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@subsubsection Lisp Evaluation
+Finally, if the separator symbol is @code{eval}, then the Lisp
+@code{eval} function is called on the first argument, which must
+be a Lisp expression rather than a Calc formula.  Remember to
+quote the expression so that it is not evaluated until inside
+The difference from plain @code{eval} is that @code{calc-eval}
+switches to the Calc buffer before evaluating the expression.
+For example, @samp{(calc-eval '(setq calc-internal-prec 17) 'eval)}
+will correctly affect the buffer-local Calc precision variable.
+An alternative would be @samp{(calc-eval '(calc-precision 17) 'eval)}.
+This is evaluating a call to the function that is normally invoked
+by the @kbd{p} key, giving it 17 as its ``numeric prefix argument.''
+Note that this function will leave a message in the echo area as
+a side effect.  Also, all Calc functions switch to the Calc buffer
+automatically if not invoked from there, so the above call is
+also equivalent to @samp{(calc-precision 17)} by itself.
+In all cases, Calc uses @code{save-excursion} to switch back to
+your original buffer when it is done.
+As usual the first argument can be a list that begins with a Lisp
+expression to use default instead of current mode settings.
+The result of @code{calc-eval} in this usage is just the result
+returned by the evaluated Lisp expression.
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@subsubsection Example
+@findex convert-temp
+Here is a sample Emacs command that uses @code{calc-eval}.  Suppose
+you have a document with lots of references to temperatures on the
+Fahrenheit scale, say ``98.6 F'', and you wish to convert these
+references to Centigrade.  The following command does this conversion.
+Place the Emacs cursor right after the letter ``F'' and invoke the
+command to change ``98.6 F'' to ``37 C''.  Or, if the temperature is
+already in Centigrade form, the command changes it back to Fahrenheit.
+(defun convert-temp ()
+  (interactive)
+  (save-excursion
+    (re-search-backward "[^-.0-9]\\([-.0-9]+\\) *\\([FC]\\)")
+    (let* ((top1 (match-beginning 1))
+           (bot1 (match-end 1))
+           (number (buffer-substring top1 bot1))
+           (top2 (match-beginning 2))
+           (bot2 (match-end 2))
+           (type (buffer-substring top2 bot2)))
+      (if (equal type "F")
+          (setq type "C"
+                number (calc-eval "($ - 32)*5/9" nil number))
+        (setq type "F"
+              number (calc-eval "$*9/5 + 32" nil number)))
+      (goto-char top2)
+      (delete-region top2 bot2)
+      (insert-before-markers type)
+      (goto-char top1)
+      (delete-region top1 bot1)
+      (if (string-match "\\.$" number)   ; change "37." to "37"
+          (setq number (substring number 0 -1)))
+      (insert number))))
+@end example
+Note the use of @code{insert-before-markers} when changing between
+``F'' and ``C'', so that the character winds up before the cursor
+instead of after it.
+@node Internals, , Calling Calc from Your Programs, Lisp Definitions
+@subsection Calculator Internals
+This section describes the Lisp functions defined by the Calculator that
+may be of use to user-written Calculator programs (as described in the
+rest of this chapter).  These functions are shown by their names as they
+conventionally appear in @code{defmath}.  Their full Lisp names are
+generally gotten by prepending @samp{calcFunc-} or @samp{math-} to their
+apparent names.  (Names that begin with @samp{calc-} are already in
+their full Lisp form.)  You can use the actual full names instead if you
+prefer them, or if you are calling these functions from regular Lisp.
+The functions described here are scattered throughout the various
+Calc component files.  Note that @file{calc.el} includes @code{autoload}s
+for only a few component files; when Calc wants to call an advanced
+function it calls @samp{(calc-extensions)} first; this function
+autoloads @file{calc-ext.el}, which in turn autoloads all the functions
+in the remaining component files.
+Because @code{defmath} itself uses the extensions, user-written code
+generally always executes with the extensions already loaded, so
+normally you can use any Calc function and be confident that it will
+be autoloaded for you when necessary.  If you are doing something
+special, check carefully to make sure each function you are using is
+from @file{calc.el} or its components, and call @samp{(calc-extensions)}
+before using any function based in @file{calc-ext.el} if you can't
+prove this file will already be loaded.
+* Data Type Formats::
+* Interactive Lisp Functions::
+* Stack Lisp Functions::
+* Predicates::
+* Computational Lisp Functions::
+* Vector Lisp Functions::
+* Symbolic Lisp Functions::
+* Formatting Lisp Functions::
+* Hooks::
+@end menu
+@node Data Type Formats, Interactive Lisp Functions, Internals, Internals
+@subsubsection Data Type Formats
+Integers are stored in either of two ways, depending on their magnitude.
+Integers less than one million in absolute value are stored as standard
+Lisp integers.  This is the only storage format for Calc data objects
+which is not a Lisp list.
+Large integers are stored as lists of the form @samp{(bigpos @var{d0}
+@var{d1} @var{d2} @dots{})} for positive integers 1000000 or more, or
+@samp{(bigneg @var{d0} @var{d1} @var{d2} @dots{})} for negative integers
+@i{-1000000} or less.  Each @var{d} is a base-1000 ``digit,'' a Lisp integer
+from 0 to 999.  The least significant digit is @var{d0}; the last digit,
+@var{dn}, which is always nonzero, is the most significant digit.  For
+example, the integer @i{-12345678} is stored as @samp{(bigneg 678 345 12)}.
+The distinction between small and large integers is entirely hidden from
+the user.  In @code{defmath} definitions, the Lisp predicate @code{integerp}
+returns true for either kind of integer, and in general both big and small
+integers are accepted anywhere the word ``integer'' is used in this manual.
+If the distinction must be made, native Lisp integers are called @dfn{fixnums}
+and large integers are called @dfn{bignums}.
+Fractions are stored as a list of the form, @samp{(frac @var{n} @var{d})}
+where @var{n} is an integer (big or small) numerator, @var{d} is an
+integer denominator greater than one, and @var{n} and @var{d} are relatively
+prime.  Note that fractions where @var{d} is one are automatically converted
+to plain integers by all math routines; fractions where @var{d} is negative
+are normalized by negating the numerator and denominator.
+Floating-point numbers are stored in the form, @samp{(float @var{mant}
+@var{exp})}, where @var{mant} (the ``mantissa'') is an integer less than
+@samp{10^@var{p}} in absolute value (@var{p} represents the current
+precision), and @var{exp} (the ``exponent'') is a fixnum.  The value of
+the float is @samp{@var{mant} * 10^@var{exp}}.  For example, the number
+@i{-3.14} is stored as @samp{(float -314 -2) = -314*10^-2}.  Other constraints
+are that the number 0.0 is always stored as @samp{(float 0 0)}, and,
+except for the 0.0 case, the rightmost base-10 digit of @var{mant} is
+always nonzero.  (If the rightmost digit is zero, the number is
+rearranged by dividing @var{mant} by ten and incrementing @var{exp}.)@refill
+Rectangular complex numbers are stored in the form @samp{(cplx @var{re}
+@var{im})}, where @var{re} and @var{im} are each real numbers, either
+integers, fractions, or floats.  The value is @samp{@var{re} + @var{im}i}.
+The @var{im} part is nonzero; complex numbers with zero imaginary
+components are converted to real numbers automatically.@refill
+Polar complex numbers are stored in the form @samp{(polar @var{r}
+@var{theta})}, where @var{r} is a positive real value and @var{theta}
+is a real value or HMS form representing an angle.  This angle is
+usually normalized to lie in the interval @samp{(-180 ..@: 180)} degrees,
+or @samp{(-pi ..@: pi)} radians, according to the current angular mode.
+If the angle is 0 the value is converted to a real number automatically.
+(If the angle is 180 degrees, the value is usually also converted to a
+negative real number.)@refill
+Hours-minutes-seconds forms are stored as @samp{(hms @var{h} @var{m}
+@var{s})}, where @var{h} is an integer or an integer-valued float (i.e.,
+a float with @samp{@var{exp} >= 0}), @var{m} is an integer or integer-valued
+float in the range @w{@samp{[0 ..@: 60)}}, and @var{s} is any real number
+in the range @samp{[0 ..@: 60)}.@refill
+Date forms are stored as @samp{(date @var{n})}, where @var{n} is
+a real number that counts days since midnight on the morning of
+January 1, 1 AD.  If @var{n} is an integer, this is a pure date
+form.  If @var{n} is a fraction or float, this is a date/time form.
+Modulo forms are stored as @samp{(mod @var{n} @var{m})}, where @var{m} is a
+positive real number or HMS form, and @var{n} is a real number or HMS
+form in the range @samp{[0 ..@: @var{m})}.
+Error forms are stored as @samp{(sdev @var{x} @var{sigma})}, where @var{x}
+is the mean value and @var{sigma} is the standard deviation.  Each
+component is either a number, an HMS form, or a symbolic object
+(a variable or function call).  If @var{sigma} is zero, the value is
+converted to a plain real number.  If @var{sigma} is negative or
+complex, it is automatically normalized to be a positive real.
+Interval forms are stored as @samp{(intv @var{mask} @var{lo} @var{hi})},
+where @var{mask} is one of the integers 0, 1, 2, or 3, and @var{lo} and
+@var{hi} are real numbers, HMS forms, or symbolic objects.  The @var{mask}
+is a binary integer where 1 represents the fact that the interval is
+closed on the high end, and 2 represents the fact that it is closed on
+the low end.  (Thus 3 represents a fully closed interval.)  The interval
+@w{@samp{(intv 3 @var{x} @var{x})}} is converted to the plain number @var{x};
+intervals @samp{(intv @var{mask} @var{x} @var{x})} for any other @var{mask}
+represent empty intervals.  If @var{hi} is less than @var{lo}, the interval
+is converted to a standard empty interval by replacing @var{hi} with @var{lo}.
+Vectors are stored as @samp{(vec @var{v1} @var{v2} @dots{})}, where @var{v1}
+is the first element of the vector, @var{v2} is the second, and so on.
+An empty vector is stored as @samp{(vec)}.  A matrix is simply a vector
+where all @var{v}'s are themselves vectors of equal lengths.  Note that
+Calc vectors are unrelated to the Emacs Lisp ``vector'' type, which is
+generally unused by Calc data structures.
+Variables are stored as @samp{(var @var{name} @var{sym})}, where
+@var{name} is a Lisp symbol whose print name is used as the visible name
+of the variable, and @var{sym} is a Lisp symbol in which the variable's
+value is actually stored.  Thus, @samp{(var pi var-pi)} represents the
+special constant @samp{pi}.  Almost always, the form is @samp{(var
+@var{v} var-@var{v})}.  If the variable name was entered with @code{#}
+signs (which are converted to hyphens internally), the form is
+@samp{(var @var{u} @var{v})}, where @var{u} is a symbol whose name
+contains @code{#} characters, and @var{v} is a symbol that contains
+@code{-} characters instead.  The value of a variable is the Calc
+object stored in its @var{sym} symbol's value cell.  If the symbol's
+value cell is void or if it contains @code{nil}, the variable has no
+value.  Special constants have the form @samp{(special-const
+@var{value})} stored in their value cell, where @var{value} is a formula
+which is evaluated when the constant's value is requested.  Variables
+which represent units are not stored in any special way; they are units
+only because their names appear in the units table.  If the value
+cell contains a string, it is parsed to get the variable's value when
+the variable is used.@refill
+A Lisp list with any other symbol as the first element is a function call.
+The symbols @code{+}, @code{-}, @code{*}, @code{/}, @code{%}, @code{^},
+and @code{|} represent special binary operators; these lists are always
+of the form @samp{(@var{op} @var{lhs} @var{rhs})} where @var{lhs} is the
+sub-formula on the lefthand side and @var{rhs} is the sub-formula on the
+right.  The symbol @code{neg} represents unary negation; this list is always
+of the form @samp{(neg @var{arg})}.  Any other symbol @var{func} represents a
+function that would be displayed in function-call notation; the symbol
+@var{func} is in general always of the form @samp{calcFunc-@var{name}}.
+The function cell of the symbol @var{func} should contain a Lisp function
+for evaluating a call to @var{func}.  This function is passed the remaining
+elements of the list (themselves already evaluated) as arguments; such
+functions should return @code{nil} or call @code{reject-arg} to signify
+that they should be left in symbolic form, or they should return a Calc
+object which represents their value, or a list of such objects if they
+wish to return multiple values.  (The latter case is allowed only for
+functions which are the outer-level call in an expression whose value is
+about to be pushed on the stack; this feature is considered obsolete
+and is not used by any built-in Calc functions.)@refill
+@node Interactive Lisp Functions, Stack Lisp Functions, Data Type Formats, Internals
+@subsubsection Interactive Functions
+The functions described here are used in implementing interactive Calc
+commands.  Note that this list is not exhaustive!  If there is an
+existing command that behaves similarly to the one you want to define,
+you may find helpful tricks by checking the source code for that command.
+@defun calc-set-command-flag flag
+Set the command flag @var{flag}.  This is generally a Lisp symbol, but
+may in fact be anything.  The effect is to add @var{flag} to the list
+stored in the variable @code{calc-command-flags}, unless it is already
+there.  @xref{Defining Simple Commands}.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-clear-command-flag flag
+If @var{flag} appears among the list of currently-set command flags,
+remove it from that list.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-record-undo rec
+Add the ``undo record'' @var{rec} to the list of steps to take if the
+current operation should need to be undone.  Stack push and pop functions
+automatically call @code{calc-record-undo}, so the kinds of undo records
+you might need to create take the form @samp{(set @var{sym} @var{value})},
+which says that the Lisp variable @var{sym} was changed and had previously
+contained @var{value}; @samp{(store @var{var} @var{value})} which says that
+the Calc variable @var{var} (a string which is the name of the symbol that
+contains the variable's value) was stored and its previous value was
+@var{value} (either a Calc data object, or @code{nil} if the variable was
+previously void); or @samp{(eval @var{undo} @var{redo} @var{args} @dots{})},
+which means that to undo requires calling the function @samp{(@var{undo}
+@var{args} @dots{})} and, if the undo is later redone, calling
+@samp{(@var{redo} @var{args} @dots{})}.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun calc-record-why msg args
+Record the error or warning message @var{msg}, which is normally a string.
+This message will be replayed if the user types @kbd{w} (@code{calc-why});
+if the message string begins with a @samp{*}, it is considered important
+enough to display even if the user doesn't type @kbd{w}.  If one or more
+@var{args} are present, the displayed message will be of the form,
+@samp{@var{msg}: @var{arg1}, @var{arg2}, @dots{}}, where the arguments are
+formatted on the assumption that they are either strings or Calc objects of
+some sort.  If @var{msg} is a symbol, it is the name of a Calc predicate
+(such as @code{integerp} or @code{numvecp}) which the arguments did not
+satisfy; it is expanded to a suitable string such as ``Expected an
+integer.''  The @code{reject-arg} function calls @code{calc-record-why}
+automatically; @pxref{Predicates}.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun calc-is-inverse
+This predicate returns true if the current command is inverse,
+i.e., if the Inverse (@kbd{I} key) flag was set.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-is-hyperbolic
+This predicate is the analogous function for the @kbd{H} key.
+@end defun
+@node Stack Lisp Functions, Predicates, Interactive Lisp Functions, Internals
+@subsubsection Stack-Oriented Functions
+The functions described here perform various operations on the Calc
+stack and trail.  They are to be used in interactive Calc commands.
+@defun calc-push-list vals n
+Push the Calc objects in list @var{vals} onto the stack at stack level
+@var{n}.  If @var{n} is omitted it defaults to 1, so that the elements
+are pushed at the top of the stack.  If @var{n} is greater than 1, the
+elements will be inserted into the stack so that the last element will
+end up at level @var{n}, the next-to-last at level @var{n}+1, etc.
+The elements of @var{vals} are assumed to be valid Calc objects, and
+are not evaluated, rounded, or renormalized in any way.  If @var{vals}
+is an empty list, nothing happens.@refill
+The stack elements are pushed without any sub-formula selections.
+You can give an optional third argument to this function, which must
+be a list the same size as @var{vals} of selections.  Each selection
+must be @code{eq} to some sub-formula of the corresponding formula
+in @var{vals}, or @code{nil} if that formula should have no selection.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-top-list n m
+Return a list of the @var{n} objects starting at level @var{m} of the
+stack.  If @var{m} is omitted it defaults to 1, so that the elements are
+taken from the top of the stack.  If @var{n} is omitted, it also
+defaults to 1, so that the top stack element (in the form of a
+one-element list) is returned.  If @var{m} is greater than 1, the
+@var{m}th stack element will be at the end of the list, the @var{m}+1st
+element will be next-to-last, etc.  If @var{n} or @var{m} are out of
+range, the command is aborted with a suitable error message.  If @var{n}
+is zero, the function returns an empty list.  The stack elements are not
+evaluated, rounded, or renormalized.@refill
+If any stack elements contain selections, and selections have not
+been disabled by the @kbd{j e} (@code{calc-enable-selections}) command,
+this function returns the selected portions rather than the entire
+stack elements.  It can be given a third ``selection-mode'' argument
+which selects other behaviors.  If it is the symbol @code{t}, then
+a selection in any of the requested stack elements produces an
+``illegal operation on selections'' error.  If it is the symbol @code{full},
+the whole stack entry is always returned regardless of selections.
+If it is the symbol @code{sel}, the selected portion is always returned,
+or @code{nil} if there is no selection.  (This mode ignores the @kbd{j e}
+command.)  If the symbol is @code{entry}, the complete stack entry in
+list form is returned; the first element of this list will be the whole
+formula, and the third element will be the selection (or @code{nil}).
+@end defun
+@defun calc-pop-stack n m
+Remove the specified elements from the stack.  The parameters @var{n}
+and @var{m} are defined the same as for @code{calc-top-list}.  The return
+value of @code{calc-pop-stack} is uninteresting.
+If there are any selected sub-formulas among the popped elements, and
+@kbd{j e} has not been used to disable selections, this produces an
+error without changing the stack.  If you supply an optional third
+argument of @code{t}, the stack elements are popped even if they
+contain selections.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-record-list vals tag
+This function records one or more results in the trail.  The @var{vals}
+are a list of strings or Calc objects.  The @var{tag} is the four-character
+tag string to identify the values.  If @var{tag} is omitted, a blank tag
+will be used.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-normalize n
+This function takes a Calc object and ``normalizes'' it.  At the very
+least this involves re-rounding floating-point values according to the
+current precision and other similar jobs.  Also, unless the user has
+selected no-simplify mode (@pxref{Simplification Modes}), this involves
+actually evaluating a formula object by executing the function calls
+it contains, and possibly also doing algebraic simplification, etc.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-top-list-n n m
+This function is identical to @code{calc-top-list}, except that it calls
+@code{calc-normalize} on the values that it takes from the stack.  They
+are also passed through @code{check-complete}, so that incomplete
+objects will be rejected with an error message.  All computational
+commands should use this in preference to @code{calc-top-list}; the only
+standard Calc commands that operate on the stack without normalizing
+are stack management commands like @code{calc-enter} and @code{calc-roll-up}.
+This function accepts the same optional selection-mode argument as
+@end defun
+@defun calc-top-n m
+This function is a convenient form of @code{calc-top-list-n} in which only
+a single element of the stack is taken and returned, rather than a list
+of elements.  This also accepts an optional selection-mode argument.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-enter-result n tag vals
+This function is a convenient interface to most of the above functions.
+The @var{vals} argument should be either a single Calc object, or a list
+of Calc objects; the object or objects are normalized, and the top @var{n}
+stack entries are replaced by the normalized objects.  If @var{tag} is
+non-@code{nil}, the normalized objects are also recorded in the trail.
+A typical stack-based computational command would take the form,
+(calc-enter-result @var{n} @var{tag} (cons 'calcFunc-@var{func}
+                               (calc-top-list-n @var{n})))
+@end smallexample
+If any of the @var{n} stack elements replaced contain sub-formula
+selections, and selections have not been disabled by @kbd{j e},
+this function takes one of two courses of action.  If @var{n} is
+equal to the number of elements in @var{vals}, then each element of
+@var{vals} is spliced into the corresponding selection; this is what
+happens when you use the @key{TAB} key, or when you use a unary
+arithmetic operation like @code{sqrt}.  If @var{vals} has only one
+element but @var{n} is greater than one, there must be only one
+selection among the top @var{n} stack elements; the element from
+@var{vals} is spliced into that selection.  This is what happens when
+you use a binary arithmetic operation like @kbd{+}.  Any other
+combination of @var{n} and @var{vals} is an error when selections
+are present.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-unary-op tag func arg
+This function implements a unary operator that allows a numeric prefix
+argument to apply the operator over many stack entries.  If the prefix
+argument @var{arg} is @code{nil}, this uses @code{calc-enter-result}
+as outlined above.  Otherwise, it maps the function over several stack
+elements; @pxref{Prefix Arguments}.  For example,@refill
+(defun calc-zeta (arg)
+  (interactive "P")
+  (calc-unary-op "zeta" 'calcFunc-zeta arg))
+@end smallexample
+@end defun
+@defun calc-binary-op tag func arg ident unary
+This function implements a binary operator, analogously to
+@code{calc-unary-op}.  The optional @var{ident} and @var{unary}
+arguments specify the behavior when the prefix argument is zero or
+one, respectively.  If the prefix is zero, the value @var{ident}
+is pushed onto the stack, if specified, otherwise an error message
+is displayed.  If the prefix is one, the unary function @var{unary}
+is applied to the top stack element, or, if @var{unary} is not
+specified, nothing happens.  When the argument is two or more,
+the binary function @var{func} is reduced across the top @var{arg}
+stack elements; when the argument is negative, the function is
+mapped between the next-to-top @i{-@var{arg}} stack elements and the
+top element.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun calc-stack-size
+Return the number of elements on the stack as an integer.  This count
+does not include elements that have been temporarily hidden by stack
+truncation; @pxref{Truncating the Stack}.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-cursor-stack-index n
+Move the point to the @var{n}th stack entry.  If @var{n} is zero, this
+will be the @samp{.} line.  If @var{n} is from 1 to the current stack size,
+this will be the beginning of the first line of that stack entry's display.
+If line numbers are enabled, this will move to the first character of the
+line number, not the stack entry itself.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun calc-substack-height n
+Return the number of lines between the beginning of the @var{n}th stack
+entry and the bottom of the buffer.  If @var{n} is zero, this
+will be one (assuming no stack truncation).  If all stack entries are
+one line long (i.e., no matrices are displayed), the return value will
+be equal @var{n}+1 as long as @var{n} is in range.  (Note that in Big
+mode, the return value includes the blank lines that separate stack
+@end defun
+@defun calc-refresh
+Erase the @code{*Calculator*} buffer and reformat its contents from memory.
+This must be called after changing any parameter, such as the current
+display radix, which might change the appearance of existing stack
+entries.  (During a keyboard macro invoked by the @kbd{X} key, refreshing
+is suppressed, but a flag is set so that the entire stack will be refreshed
+rather than just the top few elements when the macro finishes.)@refill
+@end defun
+@node Predicates, Computational Lisp Functions, Stack Lisp Functions, Internals
+@subsubsection Predicates
+The functions described here are predicates, that is, they return a
+true/false value where @code{nil} means false and anything else means
+true.  These predicates are expanded by @code{defmath}, for example,
+from @code{zerop} to @code{math-zerop}.  In many cases they correspond
+to native Lisp functions by the same name, but are extended to cover
+the full range of Calc data types.
+@defun zerop x
+Returns true if @var{x} is numerically zero, in any of the Calc data
+types.  (Note that for some types, such as error forms and intervals,
+it never makes sense to return true.)  In @code{defmath}, the expression
+@samp{(= x 0)} will automatically be converted to @samp{(math-zerop x)},
+and @samp{(/= x 0)} will be converted to @samp{(not (math-zerop x))}.
+@end defun
+@defun negp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is negative.  This accepts negative real numbers
+of various types, negative HMS and date forms, and intervals in which
+all included values are negative.  In @code{defmath}, the expression
+@samp{(< x 0)} will automatically be converted to @samp{(math-negp x)},
+and @samp{(>= x 0)} will be converted to @samp{(not (math-negp x))}.
+@end defun
+@defun posp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is positive (and non-zero).  For complex
+numbers, none of these three predicates will return true.
+@end defun
+@defun looks-negp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is ``negative-looking.''  This returns true if
+@var{x} is a negative number, or a formula with a leading minus sign
+such as @samp{-a/b}.  In other words, this is an object which can be
+made simpler by calling @code{(- @var{x})}.
+@end defun
+@defun integerp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is an integer of any size.
+@end defun
+@defun fixnump x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a native Lisp integer.
+@end defun
+@defun natnump x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a nonnegative integer of any size.
+@end defun
+@defun fixnatnump x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a nonnegative Lisp integer.
+@end defun
+@defun num-integerp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is numerically an integer, i.e., either a
+true integer or a float with no significant digits to the right of
+the decimal point.
+@end defun
+@defun messy-integerp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is numerically, but not literally, an integer.
+A value is @code{num-integerp} if it is @code{integerp} or
+@code{messy-integerp} (but it is never both at once).
+@end defun
+@defun num-natnump x
+Returns true if @var{x} is numerically a nonnegative integer.
+@end defun
+@defun evenp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is an even integer.
+@end defun
+@defun looks-evenp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is an even integer, or a formula with a leading
+multiplicative coefficient which is an even integer.
+@end defun
+@defun oddp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is an odd integer.
+@end defun
+@defun ratp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a rational number, i.e., an integer or a
+@end defun
+@defun realp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a real number, i.e., an integer, fraction,
+or floating-point number.
+@end defun
+@defun anglep x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a real number or HMS form.
+@end defun
+@defun floatp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a float, or a complex number, error form,
+interval, date form, or modulo form in which at least one component
+is a float.
+@end defun
+@defun complexp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a rectangular or polar complex number
+(but not a real number).
+@end defun
+@defun rect-complexp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a rectangular complex number.
+@end defun
+@defun polar-complexp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a polar complex number.
+@end defun
+@defun numberp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a real number or a complex number.
+@end defun
+@defun scalarp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a real or complex number or an HMS form.
+@end defun
+@defun vectorp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a vector (this simply checks if its argument
+is a list whose first element is the symbol @code{vec}).
+@end defun
+@defun numvecp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a number or vector.
+@end defun
+@defun matrixp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a matrix, i.e., a vector of one or more vectors,
+all of the same size.
+@end defun
+@defun square-matrixp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a square matrix.
+@end defun
+@defun objectp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is any numeric Calc object, including real and
+complex numbers, HMS forms, date forms, error forms, intervals, and
+modulo forms.  (Note that error forms and intervals may include formulas
+as their components; see @code{constp} below.)
+@end defun
+@defun objvecp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is an object or a vector.  This also accepts
+incomplete objects, but it rejects variables and formulas (except as
+mentioned above for @code{objectp}).
+@end defun
+@defun primp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is a ``primitive'' or ``atomic'' Calc object,
+i.e., one whose components cannot be regarded as sub-formulas.  This
+includes variables, and all @code{objectp} types except error forms
+and intervals.
+@end defun
+@defun constp x
+Returns true if @var{x} is constant, i.e., a real or complex number,
+HMS form, date form, or error form, interval, or vector all of whose
+components are @code{constp}.
+@end defun
+@defun lessp x y
+Returns true if @var{x} is numerically less than @var{y}.  Returns false
+if @var{x} is greater than or equal to @var{y}, or if the order is
+undefined or cannot be determined.  Generally speaking, this works
+by checking whether @samp{@var{x} - @var{y}} is @code{negp}.  In
+@code{defmath}, the expression @samp{(< x y)} will automatically be
+converted to @samp{(lessp x y)}; expressions involving @code{>}, @code{<=},
+and @code{>=} are similarly converted in terms of @code{lessp}.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun beforep x y
+Returns true if @var{x} comes before @var{y} in a canonical ordering
+of Calc objects.  If @var{x} and @var{y} are both real numbers, this
+will be the same as @code{lessp}.  But whereas @code{lessp} considers
+other types of objects to be unordered, @code{beforep} puts any two
+objects into a definite, consistent order.  The @code{beforep}
+function is used by the @kbd{V S} vector-sorting command, and also
+by @kbd{a s} to put the terms of a product into canonical order:
+This allows @samp{x y + y x} to be simplified easily to @samp{2 x y}.
+@end defun
+@defun equal x y
+This is the standard Lisp @code{equal} predicate; it returns true if
+@var{x} and @var{y} are structurally identical.  This is the usual way
+to compare numbers for equality, but note that @code{equal} will treat
+0 and 0.0 as different.
+@end defun
+@defun math-equal x y
+Returns true if @var{x} and @var{y} are numerically equal, either because
+they are @code{equal}, or because their difference is @code{zerop}.  In
+@code{defmath}, the expression @samp{(= x y)} will automatically be
+converted to @samp{(math-equal x y)}.
+@end defun
+@defun equal-int x n
+Returns true if @var{x} and @var{n} are numerically equal, where @var{n}
+is a fixnum which is not a multiple of 10.  This will automatically be
+used by @code{defmath} in place of the more general @code{math-equal}
+whenever possible.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun nearly-equal x y
+Returns true if @var{x} and @var{y}, as floating-point numbers, are
+equal except possibly in the last decimal place.  For example,
+314.159 and 314.166 are considered nearly equal if the current
+precision is 6 (since they differ by 7 units), but not if the current
+precision is 7 (since they differ by 70 units).  Most functions which
+use series expansions use @code{with-extra-prec} to evaluate the
+series with 2 extra digits of precision, then use @code{nearly-equal}
+to decide when the series has converged; this guards against cumulative
+error in the series evaluation without doing extra work which would be
+lost when the result is rounded back down to the current precision.
+In @code{defmath}, this can be written @samp{(~= @var{x} @var{y})}.
+The @var{x} and @var{y} can be numbers of any kind, including complex.
+@end defun
+@defun nearly-zerop x y
+Returns true if @var{x} is nearly zero, compared to @var{y}.  This
+checks whether @var{x} plus @var{y} would by be @code{nearly-equal}
+to @var{y} itself, to within the current precision, in other words,
+if adding @var{x} to @var{y} would have a negligible effect on @var{y}
+due to roundoff error.  @var{X} may be a real or complex number, but
+@var{y} must be real.
+@end defun
+@defun is-true x
+Return true if the formula @var{x} represents a true value in
+Calc, not Lisp, terms.  It tests if @var{x} is a non-zero number
+or a provably non-zero formula.
+@end defun
+@defun reject-arg val pred
+Abort the current function evaluation due to unacceptable argument values.
+This calls @samp{(calc-record-why @var{pred} @var{val})}, then signals a
+Lisp error which @code{normalize} will trap.  The net effect is that the
+function call which led here will be left in symbolic form.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun inexact-value
+If Symbolic Mode is enabled, this will signal an error that causes
+@code{normalize} to leave the formula in symbolic form, with the message
+``Inexact result.''  (This function has no effect when not in Symbolic Mode.)
+Note that if your function calls @samp{(sin 5)} in Symbolic Mode, the
+@code{sin} function will call @code{inexact-value}, which will cause your
+function to be left unsimplified.  You may instead wish to call
+@samp{(normalize (list 'calcFunc-sin 5))}, which in Symbolic Mode will
+return the formula @samp{sin(5)} to your function.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun overflow
+This signals an error that will be reported as a floating-point overflow.
+@end defun
+@defun underflow
+This signals a floating-point underflow.
+@end defun
+@node Computational Lisp Functions, Vector Lisp Functions, Predicates, Internals
+@subsubsection Computational Functions
+The functions described here do the actual computational work of the
+Calculator.  In addition to these, note that any function described in
+the main body of this manual may be called from Lisp; for example, if
+the documentation refers to the @code{calc-sqrt} [@code{sqrt}] command,
+this means @code{calc-sqrt} is an interactive stack-based square-root
+command and @code{sqrt} (which @code{defmath} expands to @code{calcFunc-sqrt})
+is the actual Lisp function for taking square roots.@refill
+The functions @code{math-add}, @code{math-sub}, @code{math-mul},
+@code{math-div}, @code{math-mod}, and @code{math-neg} are not included
+in this list, since @code{defmath} allows you to write native Lisp
+@code{+}, @code{-}, @code{*}, @code{/}, @code{%}, and unary @code{-},
+respectively, instead.@refill
+@defun normalize val
+(Full form: @code{math-normalize}.)
+Reduce the value @var{val} to standard form.  For example, if @var{val}
+is a fixnum, it will be converted to a bignum if it is too large, and
+if @var{val} is a bignum it will be normalized by clipping off trailing
+(i.e., most-significant) zero digits and converting to a fixnum if it is
+small.  All the various data types are similarly converted to their standard
+forms.  Variables are left alone, but function calls are actually evaluated
+in formulas.  For example, normalizing @samp{(+ 2 (calcFunc-abs -4))} will
+return 6.@refill
+If a function call fails, because the function is void or has the wrong
+number of parameters, or because it returns @code{nil} or calls
+@code{reject-arg} or @code{inexact-result}, @code{normalize} returns
+the formula still in symbolic form.@refill
+If the current Simplification Mode is ``none'' or ``numeric arguments
+only,'' @code{normalize} will act appropriately.  However, the more
+powerful simplification modes (like algebraic simplification) are
+not handled by @code{normalize}.  They are handled by @code{calc-normalize},
+which calls @code{normalize} and possibly some other routines, such
+as @code{simplify} or @code{simplify-units}.  Programs generally will
+never call @code{calc-normalize} except when popping or pushing values
+on the stack.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun evaluate-expr expr
+Replace all variables in @var{expr} that have values with their values,
+then use @code{normalize} to simplify the result.  This is what happens
+when you press the @kbd{=} key interactively.@refill
+@end defun
+@defmac with-extra-prec n body
+Evaluate the Lisp forms in @var{body} with precision increased by @var{n}
+digits.  This is a macro which expands to
+  (let ((calc-internal-prec (+ calc-internal-prec @var{n})))
+    @var{body}))
+@end smallexample
+The surrounding call to @code{math-normalize} causes a floating-point
+result to be rounded down to the original precision afterwards.  This
+is important because some arithmetic operations assume a number's
+mantissa contains no more digits than the current precision allows.
+@end defmac
+@defun make-frac n d
+Build a fraction @samp{@var{n}:@var{d}}.  This is equivalent to calling
+@samp{(normalize (list 'frac @var{n} @var{d}))}, but more efficient.
+@end defun
+@defun make-float mant exp
+Build a floating-point value out of @var{mant} and @var{exp}, both
+of which are arbitrary integers.  This function will return a
+properly normalized float value, or signal an overflow or underflow
+if @var{exp} is out of range.
+@end defun
+@defun make-sdev x sigma
+Build an error form out of @var{x} and the absolute value of @var{sigma}.
+If @var{sigma} is zero, the result is the number @var{x} directly.
+If @var{sigma} is negative or complex, its absolute value is used.
+If @var{x} or @var{sigma} is not a valid type of object for use in
+error forms, this calls @code{reject-arg}.
+@end defun
+@defun make-intv mask lo hi
+Build an interval form out of @var{mask} (which is assumed to be an
+integer from 0 to 3), and the limits @var{lo} and @var{hi}.  If
+@var{lo} is greater than @var{hi}, an empty interval form is returned.
+This calls @code{reject-arg} if @var{lo} or @var{hi} is unsuitable.
+@end defun
+@defun sort-intv mask lo hi
+Build an interval form, similar to @code{make-intv}, except that if
+@var{lo} is less than @var{hi} they are simply exchanged, and the
+bits of @var{mask} are swapped accordingly.
+@end defun
+@defun make-mod n m
+Build a modulo form out of @var{n} and the modulus @var{m}.  Since modulo
+forms do not allow formulas as their components, if @var{n} or @var{m}
+is not a real number or HMS form the result will be a formula which
+is a call to @code{makemod}, the algebraic version of this function.
+@end defun
+@defun float x
+Convert @var{x} to floating-point form.  Integers and fractions are
+converted to numerically equivalent floats; components of complex
+numbers, vectors, HMS forms, date forms, error forms, intervals, and
+modulo forms are recursively floated.  If the argument is a variable
+or formula, this calls @code{reject-arg}.
+@end defun
+@defun compare x y
+Compare the numbers @var{x} and @var{y}, and return @i{-1} if
+@samp{(lessp @var{x} @var{y})}, 1 if @samp{(lessp @var{y} @var{x})},
+0 if @samp{(math-equal @var{x} @var{y})}, or 2 if the order is
+undefined or cannot be determined.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun numdigs n
+Return the number of digits of integer @var{n}, effectively
+@samp{ceil(log10(@var{n}))}, but much more efficient.  Zero is
+considered to have zero digits.
+@end defun
+@defun scale-int x n
+Shift integer @var{x} left @var{n} decimal digits, or right @i{-@var{n}}
+digits with truncation toward zero.
+@end defun
+@defun scale-rounding x n
+Like @code{scale-int}, except that a right shift rounds to the nearest
+integer rather than truncating.
+@end defun
+@defun fixnum n
+Return the integer @var{n} as a fixnum, i.e., a native Lisp integer.
+If @var{n} is outside the permissible range for Lisp integers (usually
+24 binary bits) the result is undefined.
+@end defun
+@defun sqr x
+Compute the square of @var{x}; short for @samp{(* @var{x} @var{x})}.
+@end defun
+@defun quotient x y
+Divide integer @var{x} by integer @var{y}; return an integer quotient
+and discard the remainder.  If @var{x} or @var{y} is negative, the
+direction of rounding is undefined.
+@end defun
+@defun idiv x y
+Perform an integer division; if @var{x} and @var{y} are both nonnegative
+integers, this uses the @code{quotient} function, otherwise it computes
+@samp{floor(@var{x}/@var{y})}.  Thus the result is well-defined but
+slower than for @code{quotient}.
+@end defun
+@defun imod x y
+Divide integer @var{x} by integer @var{y}; return the integer remainder
+and discard the quotient.  Like @code{quotient}, this works only for
+integer arguments and is not well-defined for negative arguments.
+For a more well-defined result, use @samp{(% @var{x} @var{y})}.
+@end defun
+@defun idivmod x y
+Divide integer @var{x} by integer @var{y}; return a cons cell whose
+@code{car} is @samp{(quotient @var{x} @var{y})} and whose @code{cdr}
+is @samp{(imod @var{x} @var{y})}.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun pow x y
+Compute @var{x} to the power @var{y}.  In @code{defmath} code, this can
+also be written @samp{(^ @var{x} @var{y})} or
+@w{@samp{(expt @var{x} @var{y})}}.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun abs-approx x
+Compute a fast approximation to the absolute value of @var{x}.  For
+example, for a rectangular complex number the result is the sum of
+the absolute values of the components.
+@end defun
+@findex two-pi
+@findex pi-over-2
+@findex pi-over-4
+@findex pi-over-180
+@findex sqrt-two-pi
+@findex sqrt-e
+@findex e
+@findex ln-2
+@findex ln-10
+@defun pi
+The function @samp{(pi)} computes @samp{pi} to the current precision.
+Other related constant-generating functions are @code{two-pi},
+@code{pi-over-2}, @code{pi-over-4}, @code{pi-over-180}, @code{sqrt-two-pi},
+@code{e}, @code{sqrt-e}, @code{ln-2}, and @code{ln-10}.  Each function
+returns a floating-point value in the current precision, and each uses
+caching so that all calls after the first are essentially free.@refill
+@end defun
+@defmac math-defcache @var{func} @var{initial} @var{form}
+This macro, usually used as a top-level call like @code{defun} or
+@code{defvar}, defines a new cached constant analogous to @code{pi}, etc.
+It defines a function @code{func} which returns the requested value;
+if @var{initial} is non-@code{nil} it must be a @samp{(float @dots{})}
+form which serves as an initial value for the cache.  If @var{func}
+is called when the cache is empty or does not have enough digits to
+satisfy the current precision, the Lisp expression @var{form} is evaluated
+with the current precision increased by four, and the result minus its
+two least significant digits is stored in the cache.  For example,
+calling @samp{(pi)} with a precision of 30 computes @samp{pi} to 34
+digits, rounds it down to 32 digits for future use, then rounds it
+again to 30 digits for use in the present request.@refill
+@end defmac
+@findex half-circle
+@findex quarter-circle
+@defun full-circle symb
+If the current angular mode is Degrees or HMS, this function returns the
+integer 360.  In Radians mode, this function returns either the
+corresponding value in radians to the current precision, or the formula
+@samp{2*pi}, depending on the Symbolic Mode.  There are also similar
+function @code{half-circle} and @code{quarter-circle}.
+@end defun
+@defun power-of-2 n
+Compute two to the integer power @var{n}, as a (potentially very large)
+integer.  Powers of two are cached, so only the first call for a
+particular @var{n} is expensive.
+@end defun
+@defun integer-log2 n
+Compute the base-2 logarithm of @var{n}, which must be an integer which
+is a power of two.  If @var{n} is not a power of two, this function will
+return @code{nil}.
+@end defun
+@defun div-mod a b m
+Divide @var{a} by @var{b}, modulo @var{m}.  This returns @code{nil} if
+there is no solution, or if any of the arguments are not integers.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun pow-mod a b m
+Compute @var{a} to the power @var{b}, modulo @var{m}.  If @var{a},
+@var{b}, and @var{m} are integers, this uses an especially efficient
+algorithm.  Otherwise, it simply computes @samp{(% (^ a b) m)}.
+@end defun
+@defun isqrt n
+Compute the integer square root of @var{n}.  This is the square root
+of @var{n} rounded down toward zero, i.e., @samp{floor(sqrt(@var{n}))}.
+If @var{n} is itself an integer, the computation is especially efficient.
+@end defun
+@defun to-hms a ang
+Convert the argument @var{a} into an HMS form.  If @var{ang} is specified,
+it is the angular mode in which to interpret @var{a}, either @code{deg}
+or @code{rad}.  Otherwise, the current angular mode is used.  If @var{a}
+is already an HMS form it is returned as-is.
+@end defun
+@defun from-hms a ang
+Convert the HMS form @var{a} into a real number.  If @var{ang} is specified,
+it is the angular mode in which to express the result, otherwise the
+current angular mode is used.  If @var{a} is already a real number, it
+is returned as-is.
+@end defun
+@defun to-radians a
+Convert the number or HMS form @var{a} to radians from the current
+angular mode.
+@end defun
+@defun from-radians a
+Convert the number @var{a} from radians to the current angular mode.
+If @var{a} is a formula, this returns the formula @samp{deg(@var{a})}.
+@end defun
+@defun to-radians-2 a
+Like @code{to-radians}, except that in Symbolic Mode a degrees to
+radians conversion yields a formula like @samp{@var{a}*pi/180}.
+@end defun
+@defun from-radians-2 a
+Like @code{from-radians}, except that in Symbolic Mode a radians to
+degrees conversion yields a formula like @samp{@var{a}*180/pi}.
+@end defun
+@defun random-digit
+Produce a random base-1000 digit in the range 0 to 999.
+@end defun
+@defun random-digits n
+Produce a random @var{n}-digit integer; this will be an integer
+in the interval @samp{[0, 10^@var{n})}.
+@end defun
+@defun random-float
+Produce a random float in the interval @samp{[0, 1)}.
+@end defun
+@defun prime-test n iters
+Determine whether the integer @var{n} is prime.  Return a list which has
+one of these forms: @samp{(nil @var{f})} means the number is non-prime
+because it was found to be divisible by @var{f}; @samp{(nil)} means it
+was found to be non-prime by table look-up (so no factors are known);
+@samp{(nil unknown)} means it is definitely non-prime but no factors
+are known because @var{n} was large enough that Fermat's probabilistic
+test had to be used; @samp{(t)} means the number is definitely prime;
+and @samp{(maybe @var{i} @var{p})} means that Fermat's test, after @var{i}
+iterations, is @var{p} percent sure that the number is prime.  The
+@var{iters} parameter is the number of Fermat iterations to use, in the
+case that this is necessary.  If @code{prime-test} returns ``maybe,''
+you can call it again with the same @var{n} to get a greater certainty;
+@code{prime-test} remembers where it left off.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun to-simple-fraction f
+If @var{f} is a floating-point number which can be represented exactly
+as a small rational number. return that number, else return @var{f}.
+For example, 0.75 would be converted to 3:4.  This function is very
+@end defun
+@defun to-fraction f tol
+Find a rational approximation to floating-point number @var{f} to within
+a specified tolerance @var{tol}; this corresponds to the algebraic
+function @code{frac}, and can be rather slow.
+@end defun
+@defun quarter-integer n
+If @var{n} is an integer or integer-valued float, this function
+returns zero.  If @var{n} is a half-integer (i.e., an integer plus
+@i{1:2} or 0.5), it returns 2.  If @var{n} is a quarter-integer,
+it returns 1 or 3.  If @var{n} is anything else, this function
+returns @code{nil}.
+@end defun
+@node Vector Lisp Functions, Symbolic Lisp Functions, Computational Lisp Functions, Internals
+@subsubsection Vector Functions
+The functions described here perform various operations on vectors and
+@defun math-concat x y
+Do a vector concatenation; this operation is written @samp{@var{x} | @var{y}}
+in a symbolic formula.  @xref{Building Vectors}.
+@end defun
+@defun vec-length v
+Return the length of vector @var{v}.  If @var{v} is not a vector, the
+result is zero.  If @var{v} is a matrix, this returns the number of
+rows in the matrix.
+@end defun
+@defun mat-dimens m
+Determine the dimensions of vector or matrix @var{m}.  If @var{m} is not
+a vector, the result is an empty list.  If @var{m} is a plain vector
+but not a matrix, the result is a one-element list containing the length
+of the vector.  If @var{m} is a matrix with @var{r} rows and @var{c} columns,
+the result is the list @samp{(@var{r} @var{c})}.  Higher-order tensors
+produce lists of more than two dimensions.  Note that the object
+@samp{[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]} is a vector of vectors not all the same size,
+and is treated by this and other Calc routines as a plain vector of two
+@end defun
+@defun dimension-error
+Abort the current function with a message of ``Dimension error.''
+The Calculator will leave the function being evaluated in symbolic
+form; this is really just a special case of @code{reject-arg}.
+@end defun
+@defun build-vector args
+Return a Calc vector with the zero-or-more @var{args} as elements.
+For example, @samp{(build-vector 1 2 3)} returns the Calc vector
+@samp{[1, 2, 3]}, stored internally as the list @samp{(vec 1 2 3)}.
+@end defun
+@defun make-vec obj dims
+Return a Calc vector or matrix all of whose elements are equal to
+@var{obj}.  For example, @samp{(make-vec 27 3 4)} returns a 3x4 matrix
+filled with 27's.
+@end defun
+@defun row-matrix v
+If @var{v} is a plain vector, convert it into a row matrix, i.e.,
+a matrix whose single row is @var{v}.  If @var{v} is already a matrix,
+leave it alone.
+@end defun
+@defun col-matrix v
+If @var{v} is a plain vector, convert it into a column matrix, i.e., a
+matrix with each element of @var{v} as a separate row.  If @var{v} is
+already a matrix, leave it alone.
+@end defun
+@defun map-vec f v
+Map the Lisp function @var{f} over the Calc vector @var{v}.  For example,
+@samp{(map-vec 'math-floor v)} returns a vector of the floored components
+of vector @var{v}.
+@end defun
+@defun map-vec-2 f a b
+Map the Lisp function @var{f} over the two vectors @var{a} and @var{b}.
+If @var{a} and @var{b} are vectors of equal length, the result is a
+vector of the results of calling @samp{(@var{f} @var{ai} @var{bi})}
+for each pair of elements @var{ai} and @var{bi}.  If either @var{a} or
+@var{b} is a scalar, it is matched with each value of the other vector.
+For example, @samp{(map-vec-2 'math-add v 1)} returns the vector @var{v}
+with each element increased by one.  Note that using @samp{'+} would not
+work here, since @code{defmath} does not expand function names everywhere,
+just where they are in the function position of a Lisp expression.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun reduce-vec f v
+Reduce the function @var{f} over the vector @var{v}.  For example, if
+@var{v} is @samp{[10, 20, 30, 40]}, this calls @samp{(f (f (f 10 20) 30) 40)}.
+If @var{v} is a matrix, this reduces over the rows of @var{v}.
+@end defun
+@defun reduce-cols f m
+Reduce the function @var{f} over the columns of matrix @var{m}.  For
+example, if @var{m} is @samp{[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]}, the result
+is a vector of the two elements @samp{(f (f 1 3) 5)} and @samp{(f (f 2 4) 6)}.
+@end defun
+@defun mat-row m n
+Return the @var{n}th row of matrix @var{m}.  This is equivalent to
+@samp{(elt m n)}.  For a slower but safer version, use @code{mrow}.
+(@xref{Extracting Elements}.)
+@end defun
+@defun mat-col m n
+Return the @var{n}th column of matrix @var{m}, in the form of a vector.
+The arguments are not checked for correctness.
+@end defun
+@defun mat-less-row m n
+Return a copy of matrix @var{m} with its @var{n}th row deleted.  The
+number @var{n} must be in range from 1 to the number of rows in @var{m}.
+@end defun
+@defun mat-less-col m n
+Return a copy of matrix @var{m} with its @var{n}th column deleted.
+@end defun
+@defun transpose m
+Return the transpose of matrix @var{m}.
+@end defun
+@defun flatten-vector v
+Flatten nested vector @var{v} into a vector of scalars.  For example,
+if @var{v} is @samp{[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]} the result is @samp{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}.
+@end defun
+@defun copy-matrix m
+If @var{m} is a matrix, return a copy of @var{m}.  This maps
+@code{copy-sequence} over the rows of @var{m}; in Lisp terms, each
+element of the result matrix will be @code{eq} to the corresponding
+element of @var{m}, but none of the @code{cons} cells that make up
+the structure of the matrix will be @code{eq}.  If @var{m} is a plain
+vector, this is the same as @code{copy-sequence}.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun swap-rows m r1 r2
+Exchange rows @var{r1} and @var{r2} of matrix @var{m} in-place.  In
+other words, unlike most of the other functions described here, this
+function changes @var{m} itself rather than building up a new result
+matrix.  The return value is @var{m}, i.e., @samp{(eq (swap-rows m 1 2) m)}
+is true, with the side effect of exchanging the first two rows of
+@end defun
+@node Symbolic Lisp Functions, Formatting Lisp Functions, Vector Lisp Functions, Internals
+@subsubsection Symbolic Functions
+The functions described here operate on symbolic formulas in the
+@defun calc-prepare-selection num
+Prepare a stack entry for selection operations.  If @var{num} is
+omitted, the stack entry containing the cursor is used; otherwise,
+it is the number of the stack entry to use.  This function stores
+useful information about the current stack entry into a set of
+variables.  @code{calc-selection-cache-num} contains the number of
+the stack entry involved (equal to @var{num} if you specified it);
+@code{calc-selection-cache-entry} contains the stack entry as a
+list (such as @code{calc-top-list} would return with @code{entry}
+as the selection mode); and @code{calc-selection-cache-comp} contains
+a special ``tagged'' composition (@pxref{Formatting Lisp Functions})
+which allows Calc to relate cursor positions in the buffer with
+their corresponding sub-formulas.
+A slight complication arises in the selection mechanism because
+formulas may contain small integers.  For example, in the vector
+@samp{[1, 2, 1]} the first and last elements are @code{eq} to each
+other; selections are recorded as the actual Lisp object that
+appears somewhere in the tree of the whole formula, but storing
+@code{1} would falsely select both @code{1}'s in the vector.  So
+@code{calc-prepare-selection} also checks the stack entry and
+replaces any plain integers with ``complex number'' lists of the form
+@samp{(cplx @var{n} 0)}.  This list will be displayed the same as a
+plain @var{n} and the change will be completely invisible to the
+user, but it will guarantee that no two sub-formulas of the stack
+entry will be @code{eq} to each other.  Next time the stack entry
+is involved in a computation, @code{calc-normalize} will replace
+these lists with plain numbers again, again invisibly to the user.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-encase-atoms x
+This modifies the formula @var{x} to ensure that each part of the
+formula is a unique atom, using the @samp{(cplx @var{n} 0)} trick
+described above.  This function may use @code{setcar} to modify
+the formula in-place.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-find-selected-part
+Find the smallest sub-formula of the current formula that contains
+the cursor.  This assumes @code{calc-prepare-selection} has been
+called already.  If the cursor is not actually on any part of the
+formula, this returns @code{nil}.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-change-current-selection selection
+Change the currently prepared stack element's selection to
+@var{selection}, which should be @code{eq} to some sub-formula
+of the stack element, or @code{nil} to unselect the formula.
+The stack element's appearance in the Calc buffer is adjusted
+to reflect the new selection.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-find-nth-part expr n
+Return the @var{n}th sub-formula of @var{expr}.  This function is used
+by the selection commands, and (unless @kbd{j b} has been used) treats
+sums and products as flat many-element formulas.  Thus if @var{expr}
+is @samp{((a + b) - c) + d}, calling @code{calc-find-nth-part} with
+@var{n} equal to four will return @samp{d}.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-find-parent-formula expr part
+Return the sub-formula of @var{expr} which immediately contains
+@var{part}.  If @var{expr} is @samp{a*b + (c+1)*d} and @var{part}
+is @code{eq} to the @samp{c+1} term of @var{expr}, then this function
+will return @samp{(c+1)*d}.  If @var{part} turns out not to be a
+sub-formula of @var{expr}, the function returns @code{nil}.  If
+@var{part} is @code{eq} to @var{expr}, the function returns @code{t}.
+This function does not take associativity into account.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-find-assoc-parent-formula expr part
+This is the same as @code{calc-find-parent-formula}, except that
+(unless @kbd{j b} has been used) it continues widening the selection
+to contain a complete level of the formula.  Given @samp{a} from
+@samp{((a + b) - c) + d}, @code{calc-find-parent-formula} will
+return @samp{a + b} but @code{calc-find-assoc-parent-formula} will
+return the whole expression.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-grow-assoc-formula expr part
+This expands sub-formula @var{part} of @var{expr} to encompass a
+complete level of the formula.  If @var{part} and its immediate
+parent are not compatible associative operators, or if @kbd{j b}
+has been used, this simply returns @var{part}.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-find-sub-formula expr part
+This finds the immediate sub-formula of @var{expr} which contains
+@var{part}.  It returns an index @var{n} such that
+@samp{(calc-find-nth-part @var{expr} @var{n})} would return @var{part}.
+If @var{part} is not a sub-formula of @var{expr}, it returns @code{nil}.
+If @var{part} is @code{eq} to @var{expr}, it returns @code{t}.  This
+function does not take associativity into account.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-replace-sub-formula expr old new
+This function returns a copy of formula @var{expr}, with the
+sub-formula that is @code{eq} to @var{old} replaced by @var{new}.
+@end defun
+@defun simplify expr
+Simplify the expression @var{expr} by applying various algebraic rules.
+This is what the @w{@kbd{a s}} (@code{calc-simplify}) command uses.  This
+always returns a copy of the expression; the structure @var{expr} points
+to remains unchanged in memory.
+More precisely, here is what @code{simplify} does:  The expression is
+first normalized and evaluated by calling @code{normalize}.  If any
+@code{AlgSimpRules} have been defined, they are then applied.  Then
+the expression is traversed in a depth-first, bottom-up fashion; at
+each level, any simplifications that can be made are made until no
+further changes are possible.  Once the entire formula has been
+traversed in this way, it is compared with the original formula (from
+before the call to @code{normalize}) and, if it has changed,
+the entire procedure is repeated (starting with @code{normalize})
+until no further changes occur.  Usually only two iterations are
+needed:@: one to simplify the formula, and another to verify that no
+further simplifications were possible.
+@end defun
+@defun simplify-extended expr
+Simplify the expression @var{expr}, with additional rules enabled that
+help do a more thorough job, while not being entirely ``safe'' in all
+circumstances.  (For example, this mode will simplify @samp{sqrt(x^2)}
+to @samp{x}, which is only valid when @var{x} is positive.)  This is
+implemented by temporarily binding the variable @code{math-living-dangerously}
+to @code{t} (using a @code{let} form) and calling @code{simplify}.
+Dangerous simplification rules are written to check this variable
+before taking any action.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun simplify-units expr
+Simplify the expression @var{expr}, treating variable names as units
+whenever possible.  This works by binding the variable
+@code{math-simplifying-units} to @code{t} while calling @code{simplify}.
+@end defun
+@defmac math-defsimplify funcs body
+Register a new simplification rule; this is normally called as a top-level
+form, like @code{defun} or @code{defmath}.  If @var{funcs} is a symbol
+(like @code{+} or @code{calcFunc-sqrt}), this simplification rule is
+applied to the formulas which are calls to the specified function.  Or,
+@var{funcs} can be a list of such symbols; the rule applies to all
+functions on the list.  The @var{body} is written like the body of a
+function with a single argument called @code{expr}.  The body will be
+executed with @code{expr} bound to a formula which is a call to one of
+the functions @var{funcs}.  If the function body returns @code{nil}, or
+if it returns a result @code{equal} to the original @code{expr}, it is
+ignored and Calc goes on to try the next simplification rule that applies.
+If the function body returns something different, that new formula is
+substituted for @var{expr} in the original formula.@refill
+At each point in the formula, rules are tried in the order of the
+original calls to @code{math-defsimplify}; the search stops after the
+first rule that makes a change.  Thus later rules for that same
+function will not have a chance to trigger until the next iteration
+of the main @code{simplify} loop.
+Note that, since @code{defmath} is not being used here, @var{body} must
+be written in true Lisp code without the conveniences that @code{defmath}
+provides.  If you prefer, you can have @var{body} simply call another
+function (defined with @code{defmath}) which does the real work.
+The arguments of a function call will already have been simplified
+before any rules for the call itself are invoked.  Since a new argument
+list is consed up when this happens, this means that the rule's body is
+allowed to rearrange the function's arguments destructively if that is
+convenient.  Here is a typical example of a simplification rule:
+(math-defsimplify calcFunc-arcsinh
+  (or (and (math-looks-negp (nth 1 expr))
+           (math-neg (list 'calcFunc-arcsinh
+                           (math-neg (nth 1 expr)))))
+      (and (eq (car-safe (nth 1 expr)) 'calcFunc-sinh)
+           (or math-living-dangerously
+               (math-known-realp (nth 1 (nth 1 expr))))
+           (nth 1 (nth 1 expr)))))
+@end smallexample
+This is really a pair of rules written with one @code{math-defsimplify}
+for convenience; the first replaces @samp{arcsinh(-x)} with
+@samp{-arcsinh(x)}, and the second, which is safe only for real @samp{x},
+replaces @samp{arcsinh(sinh(x))} with @samp{x}.@refill
+@end defmac
+@defun common-constant-factor expr
+Check @var{expr} to see if it is a sum of terms all multiplied by the
+same rational value.  If so, return this value.  If not, return @code{nil}.
+For example, if called on @samp{6x + 9y + 12z}, it would return 3, since
+3 is a common factor of all the terms.
+@end defun
+@defun cancel-common-factor expr factor
+Assuming @var{expr} is a sum with @var{factor} as a common factor,
+divide each term of the sum by @var{factor}.  This is done by
+destructively modifying parts of @var{expr}, on the assumption that
+it is being used by a simplification rule (where such things are
+allowed; see above).  For example, consider this built-in rule for
+square roots:
+(math-defsimplify calcFunc-sqrt
+  (let ((fac (math-common-constant-factor (nth 1 expr))))
+    (and fac (not (eq fac 1))
+         (math-mul (math-normalize (list 'calcFunc-sqrt fac))
+                   (math-normalize
+                    (list 'calcFunc-sqrt
+                          (math-cancel-common-factor
+                           (nth 1 expr) fac)))))))
+@end smallexample
+@end defun
+@defun frac-gcd a b
+Compute a ``rational GCD'' of @var{a} and @var{b}, which must both be
+rational numbers.  This is the fraction composed of the GCD of the
+numerators of @var{a} and @var{b}, over the GCD of the denominators.
+It is used by @code{common-constant-factor}.  Note that the standard
+@code{gcd} function uses the LCM to combine the denominators.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun map-tree func expr many
+Try applying Lisp function @var{func} to various sub-expressions of
+@var{expr}.  Initially, call @var{func} with @var{expr} itself as an
+argument.  If this returns an expression which is not @code{equal} to
+@var{expr}, apply @var{func} again until eventually it does return
+@var{expr} with no changes.  Then, if @var{expr} is a function call,
+recursively apply @var{func} to each of the arguments.  This keeps going
+until no changes occur anywhere in the expression; this final expression
+is returned by @code{map-tree}.  Note that, unlike simplification rules,
+@var{func} functions may @emph{not} make destructive changes to
+@var{expr}.  If a third argument @var{many} is provided, it is an
+integer which says how many times @var{func} may be applied; the
+default, as described above, is infinitely many times.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun compile-rewrites rules
+Compile the rewrite rule set specified by @var{rules}, which should
+be a formula that is either a vector or a variable name.  If the latter,
+the compiled rules are saved so that later @code{compile-rules} calls
+for that same variable can return immediately.  If there are problems
+with the rules, this function calls @code{error} with a suitable
+@end defun
+@defun apply-rewrites expr crules heads
+Apply the compiled rewrite rule set @var{crules} to the expression
+@var{expr}.  This will make only one rewrite and only checks at the
+top level of the expression.  The result @code{nil} if no rules
+matched, or if the only rules that matched did not actually change
+the expression.  The @var{heads} argument is optional; if is given,
+it should be a list of all function names that (may) appear in
+@var{expr}.  The rewrite compiler tags each rule with the
+rarest-looking function name in the rule; if you specify @var{heads},
+@code{apply-rewrites} can use this information to narrow its search
+down to just a few rules in the rule set.
+@end defun
+@defun rewrite-heads expr
+Compute a @var{heads} list for @var{expr} suitable for use with
+@code{apply-rewrites}, as discussed above.
+@end defun
+@defun rewrite expr rules many
+This is an all-in-one rewrite function.  It compiles the rule set
+specified by @var{rules}, then uses @code{map-tree} to apply the
+rules throughout @var{expr} up to @var{many} (default infinity)
+@end defun
+@defun match-patterns pat vec not-flag
+Given a Calc vector @var{vec} and an uncompiled pattern set or
+pattern set variable @var{pat}, this function returns a new vector
+of all elements of @var{vec} which do (or don't, if @var{not-flag} is
+non-@code{nil}) match any of the patterns in @var{pat}.
+@end defun
+@defun deriv expr var value symb
+Compute the derivative of @var{expr} with respect to variable @var{var}
+(which may actually be any sub-expression).  If @var{value} is specified,
+the derivative is evaluated at the value of @var{var}; otherwise, the
+derivative is left in terms of @var{var}.  If the expression contains
+functions for which no derivative formula is known, new derivative
+functions are invented by adding primes to the names; @pxref{Calculus}.
+However, if @var{symb} is non-@code{nil}, the presence of undifferentiable
+functions in @var{expr} instead cancels the whole differentiation, and
+@code{deriv} returns @code{nil} instead.
+Derivatives of an @var{n}-argument function can be defined by
+adding a @code{math-derivative-@var{n}} property to the property list
+of the symbol for the function's derivative, which will be the
+function name followed by an apostrophe.  The value of the property
+should be a Lisp function; it is called with the same arguments as the
+original function call that is being differentiated.  It should return
+a formula for the derivative.  For example, the derivative of @code{ln}
+is defined by
+(put 'calcFunc-ln\' 'math-derivative-1
+     (function (lambda (u) (math-div 1 u))))
+@end smallexample
+The two-argument @code{log} function has two derivatives,
+(put 'calcFunc-log\' 'math-derivative-2     ; d(log(x,b)) / dx
+     (function (lambda (x b) ... )))
+(put 'calcFunc-log\'2 'math-derivative-2    ; d(log(x,b)) / db
+     (function (lambda (x b) ... )))
+@end smallexample
+@end defun
+@defun tderiv expr var value symb
+Compute the total derivative of @var{expr}.  This is the same as
+@code{deriv}, except that variables other than @var{var} are not
+assumed to be constant with respect to @var{var}.
+@end defun
+@defun integ expr var low high
+Compute the integral of @var{expr} with respect to @var{var}.
+@xref{Calculus}, for further details.
+@end defun
+@defmac math-defintegral funcs body
+Define a rule for integrating a function or functions of one argument;
+this macro is very similar in format to @code{math-defsimplify}.
+The main difference is that here @var{body} is the body of a function
+with a single argument @code{u} which is bound to the argument to the
+function being integrated, not the function call itself.  Also, the
+variable of integration is available as @code{math-integ-var}.  If
+evaluation of the integral requires doing further integrals, the body
+should call @samp{(math-integral @var{x})} to find the integral of
+@var{x} with respect to @code{math-integ-var}; this function returns
+@code{nil} if the integral could not be done.  Some examples:
+(math-defintegral calcFunc-conj
+  (let ((int (math-integral u)))
+    (and int
+         (list 'calcFunc-conj int))))
+(math-defintegral calcFunc-cos
+  (and (equal u math-integ-var)
+       (math-from-radians-2 (list 'calcFunc-sin u))))
+@end smallexample
+In the @code{cos} example, we define only the integral of @samp{cos(x) dx},
+relying on the general integration-by-substitution facility to handle
+cosines of more complicated arguments.  An integration rule should return
+@code{nil} if it can't do the integral; if several rules are defined for
+the same function, they are tried in order until one returns a non-@code{nil}
+@end defmac
+@defmac math-defintegral-2 funcs body
+Define a rule for integrating a function or functions of two arguments.
+This is exactly analogous to @code{math-defintegral}, except that @var{body}
+is written as the body of a function with two arguments, @var{u} and
+@end defmac
+@defun solve-for lhs rhs var full
+Attempt to solve the equation @samp{@var{lhs} = @var{rhs}} by isolating
+the variable @var{var} on the lefthand side; return the resulting righthand
+side, or @code{nil} if the equation cannot be solved.  The variable
+@var{var} must appear at least once in @var{lhs} or @var{rhs}.  Note that
+the return value is a formula which does not contain @var{var}; this is
+different from the user-level @code{solve} and @code{finv} functions,
+which return a rearranged equation or a functional inverse, respectively.
+If @var{full} is non-@code{nil}, a full solution including dummy signs
+and dummy integers will be produced.  User-defined inverses are provided
+as properties in a manner similar to derivatives:@refill
+(put 'calcFunc-ln 'math-inverse
+     (function (lambda (x) (list 'calcFunc-exp x))))
+@end smallexample
+This function can call @samp{(math-solve-get-sign @var{x})} to create
+a new arbitrary sign variable, returning @var{x} times that sign, and
+@samp{(math-solve-get-int @var{x})} to create a new arbitrary integer
+variable multiplied by @var{x}.  These functions simply return @var{x}
+if the caller requested a non-``full'' solution.
+@end defun
+@defun solve-eqn expr var full
+This version of @code{solve-for} takes an expression which will
+typically be an equation or inequality.  (If it is not, it will be
+interpreted as the equation @samp{@var{expr} = 0}.)  It returns an
+equation or inequality, or @code{nil} if no solution could be found.
+@end defun
+@defun solve-system exprs vars full
+This function solves a system of equations.  Generally, @var{exprs}
+and @var{vars} will be vectors of equal length.
+@xref{Solving Systems of Equations}, for other options.
+@end defun
+@defun expr-contains expr var
+Returns a non-@code{nil} value if @var{var} occurs as a subexpression
+of @var{expr}.
+This function might seem at first to be identical to
+@code{calc-find-sub-formula}.  The key difference is that
+@code{expr-contains} uses @code{equal} to test for matches, whereas
+@code{calc-find-sub-formula} uses @code{eq}.  In the formula
+@samp{f(a, a)}, the two @samp{a}s will be @code{equal} but not
+@code{eq} to each other.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun expr-contains-count expr var
+Returns the number of occurrences of @var{var} as a subexpression
+of @var{expr}, or @code{nil} if there are no occurrences.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun expr-depends expr var
+Returns true if @var{expr} refers to any variable the occurs in @var{var}.
+In other words, it checks if @var{expr} and @var{var} have any variables
+in common.
+@end defun
+@defun expr-contains-vars expr
+Return true if @var{expr} contains any variables, or @code{nil} if @var{expr}
+contains only constants and functions with constant arguments.
+@end defun
+@defun expr-subst expr old new
+Returns a copy of @var{expr}, with all occurrences of @var{old} replaced
+by @var{new}.  This treats @code{lambda} forms specially with respect
+to the dummy argument variables, so that the effect is always to return
+@var{expr} evaluated at @var{old} = @var{new}.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun multi-subst expr old new
+This is like @code{expr-subst}, except that @var{old} and @var{new}
+are lists of expressions to be substituted simultaneously.  If one
+list is shorter than the other, trailing elements of the longer list
+are ignored.
+@end defun
+@defun expr-weight expr
+Returns the ``weight'' of @var{expr}, basically a count of the total
+number of objects and function calls that appear in @var{expr}.  For
+``primitive'' objects, this will be one.
+@end defun
+@defun expr-height expr
+Returns the ``height'' of @var{expr}, which is the deepest level to
+which function calls are nested.  (Note that @samp{@var{a} + @var{b}}
+counts as a function call.)  For primitive objects, this returns zero.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun polynomial-p expr var
+Check if @var{expr} is a polynomial in variable (or sub-expression)
+@var{var}.  If so, return the degree of the polynomial, that is, the
+highest power of @var{var} that appears in @var{expr}.  For example,
+for @samp{(x^2 + 3)^3 + 4} this would return 6.  This function returns
+@code{nil} unless @var{expr}, when expanded out by @kbd{a x}
+(@code{calc-expand}), would consist of a sum of terms in which @var{var}
+appears only raised to nonnegative integer powers.  Note that if
+@var{var} does not occur in @var{expr}, then @var{expr} is considered
+a polynomial of degree 0.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun is-polynomial expr var degree loose
+Check if @var{expr} is a polynomial in variable or sub-expression
+@var{var}, and, if so, return a list representation of the polynomial
+where the elements of the list are coefficients of successive powers of
+@var{var}: @samp{@var{a} + @var{b} x + @var{c} x^3} would produce the
+list @samp{(@var{a} @var{b} 0 @var{c})}, and @samp{(x + 1)^2} would
+produce the list @samp{(1 2 1)}.  The highest element of the list will
+be non-zero, with the special exception that if @var{expr} is the
+constant zero, the returned value will be @samp{(0)}.  Return @code{nil}
+if @var{expr} is not a polynomial in @var{var}.  If @var{degree} is
+specified, this will not consider polynomials of degree higher than that
+value.  This is a good precaution because otherwise an input of
+@samp{(x+1)^1000} will cause a huge coefficient list to be built.  If
+@var{loose} is non-@code{nil}, then a looser definition of a polynomial
+is used in which coefficients are no longer required not to depend on
+@var{var}, but are only required not to take the form of polynomials
+themselves.  For example, @samp{sin(x) x^2 + cos(x)} is a loose
+polynomial with coefficients @samp{((calcFunc-cos x) 0 (calcFunc-sin
+x))}.  The result will never be @code{nil} in loose mode, since any
+expression can be interpreted as a ``constant'' loose polynomial.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun polynomial-base expr pred
+Check if @var{expr} is a polynomial in any variable that occurs in it;
+if so, return that variable.  (If @var{expr} is a multivariate polynomial,
+this chooses one variable arbitrarily.)  If @var{pred} is specified, it should
+be a Lisp function which is called as @samp{(@var{pred} @var{subexpr})},
+and which should return true if @code{mpb-top-expr} (a global name for
+the original @var{expr}) is a suitable polynomial in @var{subexpr}.
+The default predicate uses @samp{(polynomial-p mpb-top-expr @var{subexpr})};
+you can use @var{pred} to specify additional conditions.  Or, you could
+have @var{pred} build up a list of every suitable @var{subexpr} that
+is found.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun poly-simplify poly
+Simplify polynomial coefficient list @var{poly} by (destructively)
+clipping off trailing zeros.
+@end defun
+@defun poly-mix a ac b bc
+Mix two polynomial lists @var{a} and @var{b} (in the form returned by
+@code{is-polynomial}) in a linear combination with coefficient expressions
+@var{ac} and @var{bc}.  The result is a (not necessarily simplified)
+polynomial list representing @samp{@var{ac} @var{a} + @var{bc} @var{b}}.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun poly-mul a b
+Multiply two polynomial coefficient lists @var{a} and @var{b}.  The
+result will be in simplified form if the inputs were simplified.
+@end defun
+@defun build-polynomial-expr poly var
+Construct a Calc formula which represents the polynomial coefficient
+list @var{poly} applied to variable @var{var}.  The @kbd{a c}
+(@code{calc-collect}) command uses @code{is-polynomial} to turn an
+expression into a coefficient list, then @code{build-polynomial-expr}
+to turn the list back into an expression in regular form.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun check-unit-name var
+Check if @var{var} is a variable which can be interpreted as a unit
+name.  If so, return the units table entry for that unit.  This
+will be a list whose first element is the unit name (not counting
+prefix characters) as a symbol and whose second element is the
+Calc expression which defines the unit.  (Refer to the Calc sources
+for details on the remaining elements of this list.)  If @var{var}
+is not a variable or is not a unit name, return @code{nil}.
+@end defun
+@defun units-in-expr-p expr sub-exprs
+Return true if @var{expr} contains any variables which can be
+interpreted as units.  If @var{sub-exprs} is @code{t}, the entire
+expression is searched.  If @var{sub-exprs} is @code{nil}, this
+checks whether @var{expr} is directly a units expression.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun single-units-in-expr-p expr
+Check whether @var{expr} contains exactly one units variable.  If so,
+return the units table entry for the variable.  If @var{expr} does
+not contain any units, return @code{nil}.  If @var{expr} contains
+two or more units, return the symbol @code{wrong}.
+@end defun
+@defun to-standard-units expr which
+Convert units expression @var{expr} to base units.  If @var{which}
+is @code{nil}, use Calc's native base units.  Otherwise, @var{which}
+can specify a units system, which is a list of two-element lists,
+where the first element is a Calc base symbol name and the second
+is an expression to substitute for it.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun remove-units expr
+Return a copy of @var{expr} with all units variables replaced by ones.
+This expression is generally normalized before use.
+@end defun
+@defun extract-units expr
+Return a copy of @var{expr} with everything but units variables replaced
+by ones.
+@end defun
+@node Formatting Lisp Functions, Hooks, Symbolic Lisp Functions, Internals
+@subsubsection I/O and Formatting Functions
+The functions described here are responsible for parsing and formatting
+Calc numbers and formulas.
+@defun calc-eval str sep arg1 arg2 @dots{}
+This is the simplest interface to the Calculator from another Lisp program.
+@xref{Calling Calc from Your Programs}.
+@end defun
+@defun read-number str
+If string @var{str} contains a valid Calc number, either integer,
+fraction, float, or HMS form, this function parses and returns that
+number.  Otherwise, it returns @code{nil}.
+@end defun
+@defun read-expr str
+Read an algebraic expression from string @var{str}.  If @var{str} does
+not have the form of a valid expression, return a list of the form
+@samp{(error @var{pos} @var{msg})} where @var{pos} is an integer index
+into @var{str} of the general location of the error, and @var{msg} is
+a string describing the problem.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun read-exprs str
+Read a list of expressions separated by commas, and return it as a
+Lisp list.  If an error occurs in any expressions, an error list as
+shown above is returned instead.
+@end defun
+@defun calc-do-alg-entry initial prompt no-norm
+Read an algebraic formula or formulas using the minibuffer.  All
+conventions of regular algebraic entry are observed.  The return value
+is a list of Calc formulas; there will be more than one if the user
+entered a list of values separated by commas.  The result is @code{nil}
+if the user presses Return with a blank line.  If @var{initial} is
+given, it is a string which the minibuffer will initially contain.
+If @var{prompt} is given, it is the prompt string to use; the default
+is ``Algebraic:''.  If @var{no-norm} is @code{t}, the formulas will
+be returned exactly as parsed; otherwise, they will be passed through
+@code{calc-normalize} first.@refill
+To support the use of @kbd{$} characters in the algebraic entry, use
+@code{let} to bind @code{calc-dollar-values} to a list of the values
+to be substituted for @kbd{$}, @kbd{$$}, and so on, and bind
+@code{calc-dollar-used} to 0.  Upon return, @code{calc-dollar-used}
+will have been changed to the highest number of consecutive @kbd{$}s
+that actually appeared in the input.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun format-number a
+Convert the real or complex number or HMS form @var{a} to string form.
+@end defun
+@defun format-flat-expr a prec
+Convert the arbitrary Calc number or formula @var{a} to string form,
+in the style used by the trail buffer and the @code{calc-edit} command.
+This is a simple format designed
+mostly to guarantee the string is of a form that can be re-parsed by
+@code{read-expr}.  Most formatting modes, such as digit grouping,
+complex number format, and point character, are ignored to ensure the
+result will be re-readable.  The @var{prec} parameter is normally 0; if
+you pass a large integer like 1000 instead, the expression will be
+surrounded by parentheses unless it is a plain number or variable name.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun format-nice-expr a width
+This is like @code{format-flat-expr} (with @var{prec} equal to 0),
+except that newlines will be inserted to keep lines down to the
+specified @var{width}, and vectors that look like matrices or rewrite
+rules are written in a pseudo-matrix format.  The @code{calc-edit}
+command uses this when only one stack entry is being edited.
+@end defun
+@defun format-value a width
+Convert the Calc number or formula @var{a} to string form, using the
+format seen in the stack buffer.  Beware the the string returned may
+not be re-readable by @code{read-expr}, for example, because of digit
+grouping.  Multi-line objects like matrices produce strings that
+contain newline characters to separate the lines.  The @var{w}
+parameter, if given, is the target window size for which to format
+the expressions.  If @var{w} is omitted, the width of the Calculator
+window is used.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun compose-expr a prec
+Format the Calc number or formula @var{a} according to the current
+language mode, returning a ``composition.''  To learn about the
+structure of compositions, see the comments in the Calc source code.
+You can specify the format of a given type of function call by putting
+a @code{math-compose-@var{lang}} property on the function's symbol,
+whose value is a Lisp function that takes @var{a} and @var{prec} as
+arguments and returns a composition.  Here @var{lang} is a language
+mode name, one of @code{normal}, @code{big}, @code{c}, @code{pascal},
+@code{fortran}, @code{tex}, @code{eqn}, @code{math}, or @code{maple}.
+In Big mode, Calc actually tries @code{math-compose-big} first, then
+tries @code{math-compose-normal}.  If this property does not exist,
+or if the function returns @code{nil}, the function is written in the
+normal function-call notation for that language.
+@end defun
+@defun composition-to-string c w
+Convert a composition structure returned by @code{compose-expr} into
+a string.  Multi-line compositions convert to strings containing
+newline characters.  The target window size is given by @var{w}.
+The @code{format-value} function basically calls @code{compose-expr}
+followed by @code{composition-to-string}.
+@end defun
+@defun comp-width c
+Compute the width in characters of composition @var{c}.
+@end defun
+@defun comp-height c
+Compute the height in lines of composition @var{c}.
+@end defun
+@defun comp-ascent c
+Compute the portion of the height of composition @var{c} which is on or
+above the baseline.  For a one-line composition, this will be one.
+@end defun
+@defun comp-descent c
+Compute the portion of the height of composition @var{c} which is below
+the baseline.  For a one-line composition, this will be zero.
+@end defun
+@defun comp-first-char c
+If composition @var{c} is a ``flat'' composition, return the first
+(leftmost) character of the composition as an integer.  Otherwise,
+return @code{nil}.@refill
+@end defun
+@defun comp-last-char c
+If composition @var{c} is a ``flat'' composition, return the last
+(rightmost) character, otherwise return @code{nil}.
+@end defun
+@comment @node Lisp Variables, Hooks, Formatting Lisp Functions, Internals
+@comment @subsubsection Lisp Variables
+@comment @noindent
+@comment (This section is currently unfinished.)
+@node Hooks, , Formatting Lisp Functions, Internals
+@subsubsection Hooks
+Hooks are variables which contain Lisp functions (or lists of functions)
+which are called at various times.  Calc defines a number of hooks
+that help you to customize it in various ways.  Calc uses the Lisp
+function @code{run-hooks} to invoke the hooks shown below.  Several
+other customization-related variables are also described here.
+@defvar calc-load-hook
+This hook is called at the end of @file{calc.el}, after the file has
+been loaded, before any functions in it have been called, but after
+@code{calc-mode-map} and similar variables have been set up.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-ext-load-hook
+This hook is called at the end of @file{calc-ext.el}.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-start-hook
+This hook is called as the last step in a @kbd{M-x calc} command.
+At this point, the Calc buffer has been created and initialized if
+necessary, the Calc window and trail window have been created,
+and the ``Welcome to Calc'' message has been displayed.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-mode-hook
+This hook is called when the Calc buffer is being created.  Usually
+this will only happen once per Emacs session.  The hook is called
+after Emacs has switched to the new buffer, the mode-settings file
+has been read if necessary, and all other buffer-local variables
+have been set up.  After this hook returns, Calc will perform a
+@code{calc-refresh} operation, set up the mode line display, then
+evaluate any deferred @code{calc-define} properties that have not
+been evaluated yet.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-trail-mode-hook
+This hook is called when the Calc Trail buffer is being created.
+It is called as the very last step of setting up the Trail buffer.
+Like @code{calc-mode-hook}, this will normally happen only once
+per Emacs session.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-end-hook
+This hook is called by @code{calc-quit}, generally because the user
+presses @kbd{q} or @kbd{M-# c} while in Calc.  The Calc buffer will
+be the current buffer.  The hook is called as the very first
+step, before the Calc window is destroyed.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-window-hook
+If this hook exists, it is called to create the Calc window.
+Upon return, this new Calc window should be the current window.
+(The Calc buffer will already be the current buffer when the
+hook is called.)  If the hook is not defined, Calc will
+generally use @code{split-window}, @code{set-window-buffer},
+and @code{select-window} to create the Calc window.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-trail-window-hook
+If this hook exists, it is called to create the Calc Trail window.
+The variable @code{calc-trail-buffer} will contain the buffer
+which the window should use.  Unlike @code{calc-window-hook},
+this hook must @emph{not} switch into the new window.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-edit-mode-hook
+This hook is called by @code{calc-edit} (and the other ``edit''
+commands) when the temporary editing buffer is being created.
+The buffer will have been selected and set up to be in
+@code{calc-edit-mode}, but will not yet have been filled with
+text.  (In fact it may still have leftover text from a previous
+@code{calc-edit} command.)
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-mode-save-hook
+This hook is called by the @code{calc-save-modes} command,
+after Calc's own mode features have been inserted into the
+@file{.emacs} buffer and just before the ``End of mode settings''
+message is inserted.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-reset-hook
+This hook is called after @kbd{M-# 0} (@code{calc-reset}) has
+reset all modes.  The Calc buffer will be the current buffer.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-other-modes
+This variable contains a list of strings.  The strings are
+concatenated at the end of the modes portion of the Calc
+mode line (after standard modes such as ``Deg'', ``Inv'' and
+``Hyp'').  Each string should be a short, single word followed
+by a space.  The variable is @code{nil} by default.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-mode-map
+This is the keymap that is used by Calc mode.  The best time
+to adjust it is probably in a @code{calc-mode-hook}.  If the
+Calc extensions package (@file{calc-ext.el}) has not yet been
+loaded, many of these keys will be bound to @code{calc-missing-key},
+which is a command that loads the extensions package and
+``retypes'' the key.  If your @code{calc-mode-hook} rebinds
+one of these keys, it will probably be overridden when the
+extensions are loaded.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-digit-map
+This is the keymap that is used during numeric entry.  Numeric
+entry uses the minibuffer, but this map binds every non-numeric
+key to @code{calcDigit-nondigit} which generally calls
+@code{exit-minibuffer} and ``retypes'' the key.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-alg-ent-map
+This is the keymap that is used during algebraic entry.  This is
+mostly a copy of @code{minibuffer-local-map}.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-store-var-map
+This is the keymap that is used during entry of variable names for
+commands like @code{calc-store} and @code{calc-recall}.  This is
+mostly a copy of @code{minibuffer-local-completion-map}.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-edit-mode-map
+This is the (sparse) keymap used by @code{calc-edit} and other
+temporary editing commands.  It binds @key{RET}, @key{LFD},
+and @kbd{C-c C-c} to @code{calc-edit-finish}.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-mode-var-list
+This is a list of variables which are saved by @code{calc-save-modes}.
+Each entry is a list of two items, the variable (as a Lisp symbol)
+and its default value.  When modes are being saved, each variable
+is compared with its default value (using @code{equal}) and any
+non-default variables are written out.
+@end defvar
+@defvar calc-local-var-list
+This is a list of variables which should be buffer-local to the
+Calc buffer.  Each entry is a variable name (as a Lisp symbol).
+These variables also have their default values manipulated by
+the @code{calc} and @code{calc-quit} commands; @pxref{Multiple Calculators}.
+Since @code{calc-mode-hook} is called after this list has been
+used the first time, your hook should add a variable to the
+list and also call @code{make-local-variable} itself.
+@end defvar
+@node Installation, Reporting Bugs, Programming, Top
+@appendix Installation
+Calc 2.02 comes as a set of GNU Emacs Lisp files, with names like
+@file{calc.el} and @file{calc-ext.el}, and also as a @file{calc.texinfo}
+file which can be used to generate both on-line and printed
+To install Calc, just follow these simple steps.  If you want more
+information, each step is discussed at length in the sections below.
+Change (@samp{cd}) to the Calc ``home'' directory.  This directory was
+created when you unbundled the Calc @file{.tar} or @file{.shar} file.
+Type @samp{make} to install Calc privately for your own use, or type
+@samp{make install} to install Calc system-wide.  This will compile all
+the Calc component files, modify your @file{.emacs} or the system-wide
+@file{lisp/default} file to install Calc as appropriate, and format
+the on-line Calc manual.
+Both variants are shorthand for the following three steps:
+@itemize @bullet
+@pindex calc-compile
+@samp{make compile} to run the byte-compiler.
+@samp{make private} or @samp{make public}, corresponding to
+@samp{make} and @samp{make install}, respectively.  (If @samp{make public}
+fails because your system doesn't already have a @file{default} or
+@file{default.el} file, use Emacs or the Unix @code{touch} command
+to create a zero-sized one first.)
+@samp{make info} to format the on-line Calc manual.  This first tries
+to use the @file{makeinfo} program; if that program is not present, it
+uses the Emacs @code{texinfo-format-buffer} command instead.
+@end itemize
+The Unix @code{make} utility looks in the file @file{Makefile} in the
+current directory to see what Unix commands correspond to the various
+``targets'' like @code{install} or @code{public}.  If your system
+doesn't have @code{make}, you will have to examine the @file{Makefile}
+and type in the corresponding commands by hand.
+If you ever move Calc to a new home directory, just give the
+@samp{make private} or @samp{make public} command again in the new
+Test your installation as described at the end of these instructions.
+(Optional.)  To print a hardcopy of the Calc manual (over 500 pages)
+or just the Calc Summary (about 20 pages), follow the instructions under
+``Printed Documentation'' below.
+@end enumerate
+Calc is now installed and ready to go!
+@end example
+@node Installation 2, foo, bar, spam
+@end iftex
+@appendixsec Upgrading from Calc 1.07
+If you have Calc version 1.07 or earlier, you will find that Calc 2.00
+is organized quite differently.  For one, Calc 2.00 is now distributed
+already split into many parts; formerly this was done as part of the
+installation procedure.  Also, some new functions must be autoloaded
+and the @kbd{M-#} key must be bound to @code{calc-dispatch} instead
+of to @code{calc}.
+The easiest way to upgrade is to delete your old Calc files and then
+install Calc 2.00 from scratch using the above instructions.  You should
+then go into your @file{.emacs} or @file{default} file and remove the
+old @code{autoload} and @code{global-set-key} commands for Calc, since
+@samp{make public}/@samp{make private} has added new, better ones.
+See the @file{README} and @file{README.prev} files in the Calc
+distribution for more information about what has changed since version
+1.07.  (@file{README.prev} describes changes before 2.00, and is
+present only in the FTP and tape versions of the distribution.)
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@appendixsec The @samp{make public} Command
+If you are not the regular Emacs administrator on your system, your
+account may not be allowed to execute the @samp{make public} command,
+since the system-wide @file{default} file may be write-protected.
+If this is the case, you will have to ask your Emacs installer to
+execute this command.  (Just @code{cd} to the Calc home directory
+and type @samp{make public}.)
+The @samp{make private} command adds exactly the same set of commands
+to your @file{.emacs} file as @samp{make public} adds to @file{default}.
+If your Emacs installer is concerned about typing this command out of
+the blue, you can ask her/him instead to copy the necessary text from
+your @file{.emacs} file.  (It will be marked by a comment that says
+``Commands added by @code{calc-private-autoloads} on (date and time).'')
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@appendixsec Compilation
+Calc is written in a way that maximizes performance when its code has been
+byte-compiled; a side effect is that performance is seriously degraded if
+it @emph{isn't} compiled.  Thus, it is essential to compile the Calculator
+before trying to use it.  The function @samp{calc-compile} in the file
+@file{calc-maint.el} runs the Emacs byte-compiler on all the Calc source
+files.  (Specifically, it runs @kbd{M-x byte-compile-file} on all files
+in the current directory with names of the form @file{calc*.el}, and also
+on the file @file{macedit.el}.)
+If @code{calc-compile} finds that certain files have already been
+compiled and have not been changed since, then it will not bother to
+recompile those files.
+The @code{calc-compile} command also pre-builds certain tables, such as
+the units table (@pxref{The Units Table}) and the built-in rewrite rules
+(@pxref{Rearranging with Selections}) which Calc would otherwise
+need to rebuild every time those features were used.
+The @samp{make compile} shell command is simply a convenient way to
+start an Emacs and give it a @code{calc-compile} command.
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@appendixsec Auto-loading
+To teach Emacs how to load in Calc when you type @kbd{M-#} for the
+first time, add these lines to your @file{.emacs} file (if you are
+installing Calc just for your own use), or the system's @file{lisp/default}
+file (if you are installing Calc publicly).  The @samp{make private}
+and @samp{make public} commands, respectively, take care of this.
+(Note that @samp{make} runs @samp{make private}, and @samp{make install}
+runs @samp{make public}.)
+(autoload 'calc-dispatch          "calc" "Calculator Options" t)
+(autoload 'full-calc              "calc" "Full-screen Calculator" t)
+(autoload 'full-calc-keypad       "calc" "Full-screen X Calculator" t)
+(autoload 'calc-eval              "calc" "Use Calculator from Lisp")
+(autoload 'defmath                "calc" nil t t)
+(autoload 'calc                   "calc" "Calculator Mode" t)
+(autoload 'quick-calc             "calc" "Quick Calculator" t)
+(autoload 'calc-keypad            "calc" "X windows Calculator" t)
+(autoload 'calc-embedded          "calc" "Use Calc from any buffer" t)
+(autoload 'calc-embedded-activate "calc" "Activate =>'s in buffer" t)
+(autoload 'calc-grab-region       "calc" "Grab region of Calc data" t)
+(autoload 'calc-grab-rectangle    "calc" "Grab rectangle of data" t)
+@end smallexample
+@vindex load-path
+Unless you have installed the Calc files in Emacs' main @file{lisp/}
+directory, you will also have to add a command that looks like the
+following to tell Emacs where to find them.  In this example, we
+have put the files in directory @file{/usr/gnu/src/calc-2.00}.
+(setq load-path (append load-path (list "/usr/gnu/src/calc-2.00")))
+@end smallexample
+The @samp{make public} and @samp{make private} commands also do this
+(they use the then-current directory as the name to add to the path).
+If you move Calc to a new location, just repeat the @samp{make public}
+or @samp{make private} command to have this new location added to
+the @code{load-path}.@refill
+The @code{autoload} command for @code{calc-dispatch} is what loads
+@file{calc.elc} when you type @kbd{M-#}.  It is the only @code{autoload}
+that is absolutely necessary for Calc to work.  The others are for
+commands and features that you may wish to use before typing
+@kbd{M-#} for the first time.  In particular, @code{full-calc} and
+@code{full-calc-keypad} are autoloaded to support ``standalone''
+operation (@pxref{Standalone Operation}), @code{calc-eval} and
+@code{defmath} are autoloaded to allow other Emacs Lisp programs to
+use Calc facilities (@pxref{Calling Calc from Your Programs}), and
+@code{calc-embedded-activate} is autoloaded because some Embedded
+Mode files may call it as soon as they are read into Emacs
+(@pxref{Assignments in Embedded Mode}).
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@appendixsec Finding Component Files
+There is no need to write @code{autoload} commands that point to all
+the various Calc component files like @file{calc-misc.elc} and
+@file{calc-alg.elc}.  The main file, @file{calc.elc}, contains all
+the necessary @code{autoload} commands for these files.
+(Actually, to conserve space @file{calc.elc} only autoloads a few of
+the component files, plus @file{calc-ext.elc}, which in turn autoloads
+the rest of the components.  This allows Calc to load a little faster
+in the beginning, but the net effect is the same.)
+This autoloading mechanism assumes that all the component files can
+be found on the @code{load-path}.  The @samp{make public} and
+@samp{make private} commands take care of this, but Calc has a few
+other strategies in case you have installed it in an unusual way.
+If, when Calc is loaded, it is unable to find its components on the
+@code{load-path} it is given, it checks the file name in the original
+@code{autoload} command for @code{calc-dispatch}.  If that name
+included directory information, Calc adds that directory to the
+(autoload 'calc-dispatch "calc-2.00/calc" "Calculator" t)
+@end example
+Suppose the directory @file{/usr/gnu/src/emacs/lisp} is on the path, and
+the above @code{autoload} allows Emacs to find Calc under the name
+@file{/usr/gnu/src/emacs/lisp/calc-2.00/calc.elc}.  Then when Calc
+starts up it will add @file{/usr/gnu/src/emacs/lisp/calc-2.00}
+to the path so that it will later be able to find its component files.
+@vindex calc-autoload-directory
+If the above strategy does not locate the component files, Calc
+examines the variable @code{calc-autoload-directory}.  This is
+initially @code{nil}, but you can store the name of Calc's home
+directory in it as a sure-fire way of getting Calc to find its
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@appendixsec Merging Source Files
+If the @code{autoload} mechanism is not managing to load each part
+of Calc when it is needed, you can concatenate all the @file{.el}
+files into one big file.  The order should be @file{calc.el}, then
+@file{calc-ext.el}, then all the other files in any order.
+Byte-compile the resulting big file.  This merged Calculator ought
+to work just like Calc normally does, though it will be @emph{substantially}
+slower to load.@refill
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@appendixsec Key Bindings
+Calc is normally bound to the @kbd{M-#} key.  To set up this key
+binding, include the following command in your @file{.emacs} or
+@file{lisp/default} file.  (This is done automatically by
+@samp{make private} or @samp{make public}, respectively.)
+(global-set-key "\e#" 'calc-dispatch)
+@end smallexample
+Note that @code{calc-dispatch} actually works as a prefix for various
+two-key sequences.  If you have a convenient unused function key on
+your keyboard, you may wish to bind @code{calc-dispatch} to that as
+well.  You may even wish to bind other specific Calc functions like
+@code{calc} or @code{quick-calc} to other handy function keys.
+Even if you bind @code{calc-dispatch} to other keys, it is best to
+bind it to @kbd{M-#} as well if you possibly can:  There are references
+to @kbd{M-#} all throughout the Calc manual which would confuse novice
+users if they didn't work as advertised.
+@vindex calc-scan-for-dels
+Another key binding issue is the @key{DEL} key.  Some installations
+use a different key (such as backspace) for this purpose.  Calc
+normally scans the entire keymap and maps all keys defined like
+@key{DEL} to the @code{calc-pop} command.  However, this may be
+slow.  You can set the variable @code{calc-scan-for-dels} to
+@code{nil} to cause only the actual @key{DEL} key to be mapped to
+@code{calc-pop}; this will speed loading of Calc.
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@appendixsec The @file{macedit} Package
+The file @file{macedit.el} contains another useful Emacs extension
+called @code{edit-kbd-macro}.  It allows you to edit a keyboard macro
+in human-readable form.  The @kbd{Z E} command in Calc knows how to
+use it to edit user commands that have been defined by keyboard macros.
+To autoload it, you will want to include the commands,
+(autoload 'edit-kbd-macro      "macedit" "Edit Keyboard Macro" t)
+(autoload 'edit-last-kbd-macro "macedit" "Edit Keyboard Macro" t)
+(autoload 'read-kbd-macro      "macedit" "Read Keyboard Macro" t)
+@end smallexample
+The @samp{make public} and @samp{make private} commands do this.
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@appendixsec The GNUPLOT Program
+Calc's graphing commands use the GNUPLOT program.  If you have GNUPLOT
+but you must type some command other than @file{gnuplot} to get it,
+you should add a command to set the Lisp variable @code{calc-gnuplot-name}
+to the appropriate file name.  You may also need to change the variables
+@code{calc-gnuplot-plot-command} and @code{calc-gnuplot-print-command} in
+order to get correct displays and hardcopies, respectively, of your
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@appendixsec On-Line Documentation
+The documentation for Calc (this manual) comes in a file called
+@file{calc.texinfo}.  To format this for use as an on-line manual,
+type @samp{make info} (to use the @code{makeinfo} program), or
+@samp{make texinfo} (to use the @code{texinfmt.el} program which runs
+inside of Emacs).  The former command is recommended if it works
+on your system; it is faster and produces nicer-looking output.
+The @code{makeinfo} program will report inconsistencies involving
+the nodes ``Copying'' and ``Interactive Tutorial''; these
+messages should be ignored.
+The result will be a collection of files whose names begin with
+@file{calc.info}.  You may wish to add a reference to the first
+of these, @file{calc.info} itself, to your Info system's @file{dir}
+file.  (This is optional since the @kbd{M-# i} command can access
+@file{calc.info} whether or not it appears in the @file{dir} file.)
+@vindex calc-info-filename
+There is a Lisp variable called @code{calc-info-filename} which holds
+the name of the Info file containing Calc's on-line documentation.
+Its default value is @code{"calc.info"}, which will work correctly if
+the Info files are stored in Emacs' main @file{info/} directory, or if
+they are in any of the directories listed in the @code{load-path}.  If
+you keep them elsewhere, you will want to put a command of the form,
+(setq calc-info-filename ".../calc.info")
+@end smallexample
+in your @file{.emacs} or @file{lisp/default} file, where @file{...}
+represents the directory containing the Info files.  This will not
+be necessary if you follow the normal installation procedures.
+The @samp{make info} and @samp{make texinfo} commands compare the dates
+on the files @file{calc.texinfo} and @file{calc.info}, and run the
+appropriate program only if the latter file is older or does not exist.
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@appendixsec Printed Documentation
+Because the Calc manual is so large, you should only make a printed
+copy if you really need it.  To print the manual, you will need the
+@TeX{} typesetting program (this is a free program by Donald Knuth
+at Stanford University) as well as the @file{texindex} program and
+@file{texinfo.tex} file, both of which can be obtained from the FSF
+as part of the @code{texinfo2} package.@refill
+To print the Calc manual in one huge 550 page tome, type @samp{make tex}.
+This will take care of running the manual through @TeX{} twice so that
+references to later parts of the manual will have correct page numbers.
+(Don't worry if you get some ``overfull box'' warnings.)
+The result will be a device-independent output file called
+@file{calc.dvi}, which you must print in whatever way is right
+for your system.  On many systems, the command is
+lpr -d calc.dvi
+@end example
+@cindex Marginal notes, adjusting
+Marginal notes for each function and key sequence normally alternate
+between the left and right sides of the page, which is correct if the
+manual is going to be bound as double-sided pages.  Near the top of
+the file @file{calc.texinfo} you will find alternate definitions of
+the @code{\bumpoddpages} macro that put the marginal notes always on
+the same side, best if you plan to be binding single-sided pages.
+@pindex calc-split-manual
+Some people find the Calc manual to be too large to handle easily.
+In fact, some versions of @TeX{} have too little memory to print it.
+So Calc includes a @code{calc-split-manual} command that splits
+@file{calc.texinfo} into two volumes, the Calc Tutorial and the
+Calc Reference.  The easiest way to use it is to type @samp{make tex2}
+instead of @samp{make tex}.  The result will be two smaller files,
+@file{calctut.dvi} and @file{calcref.dvi}.  The former contains the
+tutorial part of the manual; the latter contains the reference part.
+Both volumes include copies of the ``Getting Started'' chapter and
+licensing information.
+To save disk space, you may wish to delete @file{calctut.*} and
+@file{calcref.*} after you're done.  Don't delete @file{calc.texinfo},
+because you will need it to install future patches to Calc.
+The @samp{make tex2} command takes care of all of this for you.
+The @samp{make textut} command formats only the Calc Tutorial volume,
+producing @file{calctut.dvi} but not @file{calcref.dvi}.  Likewise,
+@samp{make texref} formats only the Calc Reference volume.
+@pindex calc-split-summary
+Finally, there is a @code{calc-split-summary} command that splits off
+just the Calc Summary appendix suitable for printing by itself.
+Type @samp{make summary} instead of @samp{make tex}.  The resulting
+@file{calcsum.dvi} file will print in less than 20 pages.  If the
+Key Index file @file{calc.ky} is present, left over from a previous
+@samp{make tex} command, then @samp{make summary} will insert a
+column of page numbers into the summary using that information.
+The @samp{make isummary} command is like @samp{make summary}, but it
+prints a summary that is designed to be substituted into the regular
+manual.  (The two summaries will be identical except for the
+additional column of page numbers.)  To make a complete manual, run
+@samp{make tex} and @samp{make isummary}, print the two resulting
+@file{.dvi} files, then discard the Summary pages that came from
+@file{calc.dvi} and insert the ones from @file{calcsum.dvi} in their
+place.  Also, remember that the table of contents prints at the end
+of the manual but should generally be moved to the front (after the
+title and copyright pages).
+If you don't have @TeX{}, you can print the summary as a plain text
+file by going to the ``Summary'' node in Calc's Info file, then
+typing @kbd{M-x print-buffer} (@pxref{Summary}).
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@appendixsec Settings File
+@vindex calc-settings-file
+Another variable you might want to set is @code{calc-settings-file},
+which holds the file name in which commands like @kbd{m m} and @kbd{Z P}
+store ``permanent'' definitions.  The default value for this variable
+is @code{"~/.emacs"}.  If @code{calc-settings-file} does not contain
+@code{".emacs"} as a substring, and if the variable
+@code{calc-loaded-settings-file} is @code{nil}, then Calc will
+automatically load your settings file (if it exists) the first time
+Calc is invoked.@refill
+@end example
+@end ifinfo
+@appendixsec Testing the Installation
+To test your installation of Calc, start a new Emacs and type @kbd{M-# c}
+to make sure the autoloads and key bindings work.  Type @kbd{M-# i}
+to make sure Calc can find its Info documentation.  Press @kbd{q} to
+exit the Info system and @kbd{M-# c} to re-enter the Calculator.
+Type @kbd{20 S} to compute the sine of 20 degrees; this will test the
+autoloading of the extensions modules.  The result should be
+0.342020143326.  Finally, press @kbd{M-# c} again to make sure the
+Calculator can exit.
+You may also wish to test the GNUPLOT interface; to plot a sine wave,
+type @kbd{' [0 ..@: 360], sin(x) RET g f}.  Type @kbd{g q} when you
+are done viewing the plot.
+Calc is now ready to use.  If you wish to go through the Calc Tutorial,
+press @kbd{M-# t} to begin.
+@end example
+(The above text is included in both the Calc documentation and the
+file INSTALL in the Calc distribution directory.)
+@node Reporting Bugs, Summary, Installation, Top
+@appendix Reporting Bugs
+If you find a bug in Calc, send e-mail to Dave Gillespie,
+daveg@@synaptics.com           @r{or}
+@end example
+While I cannot guarantee that I will have time to work on your bug,
+I do try to fix bugs quickly whenever I can.
+You can obtain a current version of Calc from anonymous FTP on
+@samp{csvax.cs.caltech.edu} in @samp{pub/calc-@var{version}.tar.Z}.
+Calc is also available on the GNU machine, @samp{prep.ai.mit.edu}.
+Patches are posted to the @samp{comp.sources.misc} Usenet group,
+and are also available on @code{csvax}.
+There is an automatic @kbd{M-x report-calc-bug} command which helps
+you to report bugs.  This command prompts you for a brief subject
+line, then leaves you in a mail editing buffer.  Type @kbd{C-c C-c} to
+send your mail.  Make sure your subject line indicates that you are
+reporting a Calc bug; this command sends mail to my regular mailbox.
+If you have suggestions for additional features for Calc, I would
+love to hear them.  Some have dared to suggest that Calc is already
+top-heavy with features; I really don't see what they're talking
+about, so, if you have ideas, send them right in.  (I may even have
+time to implement them!)
+At the front of the source file, @file{calc.el}, is a list of ideas for
+future work which I have not had time to do.  If any enthusiastic souls
+wish to take it upon themselves to work on these, I would be delighted.
+Please let me know if you plan to contribute to Calc so I can coordinate
+your efforts with mine and those of others.  I will do my best to help
+you in whatever way I can.
+@c [summary]
+@node Summary, Key Index, Reporting Bugs, Top
+@appendix Calc Summary
+This section includes a complete list of Calc 2.02 keystroke commands.
+Each line lists the stack entries used by the command (top-of-stack
+last), the keystrokes themselves, the prompts asked by the command,
+and the result of the command (also with top-of-stack last).
+The result is expressed using the equivalent algebraic function.
+Commands which put no results on the stack show the full @kbd{M-x}
+command name in that position.  Numbers preceding the result or
+command name refer to notes at the end.
+Algebraic functions and @kbd{M-x} commands that don't have corresponding
+keystrokes are not listed in this summary.
+@xref{Command Index}.  @xref{Function Index}.
+\vskip-2\baselineskip \null
+\hbox to5em{\indsl\hss#1}%
+\hbox to5em{\ninett#2\hss}%
+\hbox to4em{\indsl#3\hss}%
+\hbox to5em{\indrm\hss#4}%
+@end tex
+@catcode`@(=@active @let(=@sumlpar
+@catcode`@)=@active @let)=@sumrpar
+@catcode`@,=@active @let,=@sumcomma
+@catcode`@!=@active @let!=@sumexcl
+@end iftex
+@end iftex
+@r{       @:     M-# a  @:             @:    33  @:calc-embedded-activate@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# b  @:             @:        @:calc-big-or-small@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# c  @:             @:        @:calc@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# d  @:             @:        @:calc-embedded-duplicate@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# e  @:             @:    34  @:calc-embedded@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# f  @:formula      @:        @:calc-embedded-new-formula@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# g  @:             @:    35  @:calc-grab-region@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# i  @:             @:        @:calc-info@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# j  @:             @:        @:calc-embedded-select@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# k  @:             @:        @:calc-keypad@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# l  @:             @:        @:calc-load-everything@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# m  @:             @:        @:read-kbd-macro@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# n  @:             @:     4  @:calc-embedded-next@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# o  @:             @:        @:calc-other-window@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# p  @:             @:     4  @:calc-embedded-previous@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# q  @:formula      @:        @:quick-calc@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# r  @:             @:    36  @:calc-grab-rectangle@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# s  @:             @:        @:calc-info-summary@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# t  @:             @:        @:calc-tutorial@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# u  @:             @:        @:calc-embedded-update@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# w  @:             @:        @:calc-embedded-word@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# x  @:             @:        @:calc-quit@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# y  @:            @:1,28,49  @:calc-copy-to-buffer@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# z  @:             @:        @:calc-user-invocation@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# :  @:             @:    36  @:calc-grab-sum-down@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# _  @:             @:    36  @:calc-grab-sum-across@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# `  @:editing      @:    30  @:calc-embedded-edit@:}
+@r{       @:     M-# 0  @:(zero)       @:        @:calc-reset@:}
+@r{       @:      0-9   @:number       @:        @:@:number}
+@r{       @:      .     @:number       @:        @:@:0.number}
+@r{       @:      _     @:number       @:        @:-@:number}
+@r{       @:      e     @:number       @:        @:@:1e number}
+@r{       @:      #     @:number       @:        @:@:current-radix@t{#}number}
+@r{       @:      P     @:(in number)  @:        @:+/-@:}
+@r{       @:      M     @:(in number)  @:        @:mod@:}
+@r{       @:      @@ ' " @:  (in number)@:        @:@:HMS form}
+@r{       @:      h m s @:  (in number)@:        @:@:HMS form}
+@r{       @:      '     @:formula      @: 37,46  @:@:formula}
+@r{       @:      $     @:formula      @: 37,46  @:$@:formula}
+@r{       @:      "     @:string       @: 37,46  @:@:string}
+@r{    a b@:      +     @:             @:     2  @:add@:(a,b)  a+b}
+@r{    a b@:      -     @:             @:     2  @:sub@:(a,b)  a@minus{}b}
+@r{    a b@:      *     @:             @:     2  @:mul@:(a,b)  a b, a*b}
+@r{    a b@:      /     @:             @:     2  @:div@:(a,b)  a/b}
+@r{    a b@:      ^     @:             @:     2  @:pow@:(a,b)  a^b}
+@r{    a b@:    I ^     @:             @:     2  @:nroot@:(a,b)  a^(1/b)}
+@r{    a b@:      %     @:             @:     2  @:mod@:(a,b)  a%b}
+@r{    a b@:      \     @:             @:     2  @:idiv@:(a,b)  a\b}
+@r{    a b@:      :     @:             @:     2  @:fdiv@:(a,b)}
+@r{    a b@:      |     @:             @:     2  @:vconcat@:(a,b)  a|b}
+@r{    a b@:    I |     @:             @:        @:vconcat@:(b,a)  b|a}
+@r{    a b@:    H |     @:             @:     2  @:append@:(a,b)}
+@r{    a b@:  I H |     @:             @:        @:append@:(b,a)}
+@r{      a@:      &     @:             @:     1  @:inv@:(a)  1/a}
+@r{      a@:      !     @:             @:     1  @:fact@:(a)  a!}
+@r{      a@:      =     @:             @:     1  @:evalv@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      M-%   @:             @:        @:percent@:(a)  a%}
+@r{  ... a@:      RET   @:             @:     1  @:@:... a a}
+@r{  ... a@:      SPC   @:             @:     1  @:@:... a a}
+@r{... a b@:      TAB   @:             @:     3  @:@:... b a}
+@r{. a b c@:      M-TAB @:             @:     3  @:@:... b c a}
+@r{... a b@:      LFD   @:             @:     1  @:@:... a b a}
+@r{  ... a@:      DEL   @:             @:     1  @:@:...}
+@r{... a b@:      M-DEL @:             @:     1  @:@:... b}
+@r{       @:      M-RET @:             @:     4  @:calc-last-args@:}
+@r{      a@:      `     @:editing      @:  1,30  @:calc-edit@:}
+@r{  ... a@:      C-d   @:             @:     1  @:@:...}
+@r{       @:      C-k   @:             @:    27  @:calc-kill@:}
+@r{       @:      C-w   @:             @:    27  @:calc-kill-region@:}
+@r{       @:      C-y   @:             @:        @:calc-yank@:}
+@r{       @:      C-_   @:             @:     4  @:calc-undo@:}
+@r{       @:      M-k   @:             @:    27  @:calc-copy-as-kill@:}
+@r{       @:      M-w   @:             @:    27  @:calc-copy-region-as-kill@:}
+@r{       @:      [     @:             @:        @:@:[...}
+@r{[.. a b@:      ]     @:             @:        @:@:[a,b]}
+@r{       @:      (     @:             @:        @:@:(...}
+@r{(.. a b@:      )     @:             @:        @:@:(a,b)}
+@r{       @:      ,     @:             @:        @:@:vector or rect complex}
+@r{       @:      ;     @:             @:        @:@:matrix or polar complex}
+@r{       @:      ..    @:             @:        @:@:interval}
+@r{       @:      ~     @:             @:        @:calc-num-prefix@:}
+@r{       @:      <     @:             @:     4  @:calc-scroll-left@:}
+@r{       @:      >     @:             @:     4  @:calc-scroll-right@:}
+@r{       @:      @{     @:             @:     4  @:calc-scroll-down@:}
+@r{       @:      @}     @:             @:     4  @:calc-scroll-up@:}
+@r{       @:      ?     @:             @:        @:calc-help@:}
+@r{      a@:      n     @:             @:     1  @:neg@:(a)  @minus{}a}
+@r{       @:      o     @:             @:     4  @:calc-realign@:}
+@r{       @:      p     @:precision    @:    31  @:calc-precision@:}
+@r{       @:      q     @:             @:        @:calc-quit@:}
+@r{       @:      w     @:             @:        @:calc-why@:}
+@r{       @:      x     @:command      @:        @:M-x calc-@:command}
+@r{      a@:      y     @:            @:1,28,49  @:calc-copy-to-buffer@:}
+@r{      a@:      A     @:             @:     1  @:abs@:(a)}
+@r{    a b@:      B     @:             @:     2  @:log@:(a,b)}
+@r{    a b@:    I B     @:             @:     2  @:alog@:(a,b)  b^a}
+@r{      a@:      C     @:             @:     1  @:cos@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:    I C     @:             @:     1  @:arccos@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:    H C     @:             @:     1  @:cosh@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:  I H C     @:             @:     1  @:arccosh@:(a)}
+@r{       @:      D     @:             @:     4  @:calc-redo@:}
+@r{      a@:      E     @:             @:     1  @:exp@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:    H E     @:             @:     1  @:exp10@:(a)  10.^a}
+@r{      a@:      F     @:             @:  1,11  @:floor@:(a,d)}
+@r{      a@:    I F     @:             @:  1,11  @:ceil@:(a,d)}
+@r{      a@:    H F     @:             @:  1,11  @:ffloor@:(a,d)}
+@r{      a@:  I H F     @:             @:  1,11  @:fceil@:(a,d)}
+@r{      a@:      G     @:             @:     1  @:arg@:(a)}
+@r{       @:      H     @:command      @:    32  @:@:Hyperbolic}
+@r{       @:      I     @:command      @:    32  @:@:Inverse}
+@r{      a@:      J     @:             @:     1  @:conj@:(a)}
+@r{       @:      K     @:command      @:    32  @:@:Keep-args}
+@r{      a@:      L     @:             @:     1  @:ln@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:    H L     @:             @:     1  @:log10@:(a)}
+@r{       @:      M     @:             @:        @:calc-more-recursion-depth@:}
+@r{       @:    I M     @:             @:        @:calc-less-recursion-depth@:}
+@r{      a@:      N     @:             @:     5  @:evalvn@:(a)}
+@r{       @:      P     @:             @:        @:@:pi}
+@r{       @:    I P     @:             @:        @:@:gamma}
+@r{       @:    H P     @:             @:        @:@:e}
+@r{       @:  I H P     @:             @:        @:@:phi}
+@r{      a@:      Q     @:             @:     1  @:sqrt@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:    I Q     @:             @:     1  @:sqr@:(a)  a^2}
+@r{      a@:      R     @:             @:  1,11  @:round@:(a,d)}
+@r{      a@:    I R     @:             @:  1,11  @:trunc@:(a,d)}
+@r{      a@:    H R     @:             @:  1,11  @:fround@:(a,d)}
+@r{      a@:  I H R     @:             @:  1,11  @:ftrunc@:(a,d)}
+@r{      a@:      S     @:             @:     1  @:sin@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:    I S     @:             @:     1  @:arcsin@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:    H S     @:             @:     1  @:sinh@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:  I H S     @:             @:     1  @:arcsinh@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      T     @:             @:     1  @:tan@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:    I T     @:             @:     1  @:arctan@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:    H T     @:             @:     1  @:tanh@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:  I H T     @:             @:     1  @:arctanh@:(a)}
+@r{       @:      U     @:             @:     4  @:calc-undo@:}
+@r{       @:      X     @:             @:     4  @:calc-call-last-kbd-macro@:}
+@r{    a b@:      a =   @:             @:     2  @:eq@:(a,b)  a=b}
+@r{    a b@:      a #   @:             @:     2  @:neq@:(a,b)  a!=b}
+@r{    a b@:      a <   @:             @:     2  @:lt@:(a,b)  a<b}
+@r{    a b@:      a >   @:             @:     2  @:gt@:(a,b)  a>b}
+@r{    a b@:      a [   @:             @:     2  @:leq@:(a,b)  a<=b}
+@r{    a b@:      a ]   @:             @:     2  @:geq@:(a,b)  a>=b}
+@r{    a b@:      a @{   @:             @:     2  @:in@:(a,b)}
+@r{    a b@:      a &   @:             @:  2,45  @:land@:(a,b)  a&&b}
+@r{    a b@:      a |   @:             @:  2,45  @:lor@:(a,b)  a||b}
+@r{      a@:      a !   @:             @:  1,45  @:lnot@:(a)  !a}
+@r{  a b c@:      a :   @:             @:    45  @:if@:(a,b,c)  a?b:c}
+@r{      a@:      a .   @:             @:     1  @:rmeq@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      a "   @:             @:   7,8  @:calc-expand-formula@:}
+@r{      a@:      a +   @:i, l, h      @:  6,38  @:sum@:(a,i,l,h)}
+@r{      a@:      a -   @:i, l, h      @:  6,38  @:asum@:(a,i,l,h)}
+@r{      a@:      a *   @:i, l, h      @:  6,38  @:prod@:(a,i,l,h)}
+@r{    a b@:      a _   @:             @:     2  @:subscr@:(a,b)  a_b}
+@r{    a b@:      a \   @:             @:     2  @:pdiv@:(a,b)}
+@r{    a b@:      a %   @:             @:     2  @:prem@:(a,b)}
+@r{    a b@:      a /   @:             @:     2  @:pdivrem@:(a,b)  [q,r]}
+@r{    a b@:    H a /   @:             @:     2  @:pdivide@:(a,b)  q+r/b}
+@r{      a@:      a a   @:             @:     1  @:apart@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      a b   @:old, new     @:    38  @:subst@:(a,old,new)}
+@r{      a@:      a c   @:v            @:    38  @:collect@:(a,v)}
+@r{      a@:      a d   @:v            @:  4,38  @:deriv@:(a,v)}
+@r{      a@:    H a d   @:v            @:  4,38  @:tderiv@:(a,v)}
+@r{      a@:      a e   @:             @:        @:esimplify@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      a f   @:             @:     1  @:factor@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:    H a f   @:             @:     1  @:factors@:(a)}
+@r{    a b@:      a g   @:             @:     2  @:pgcd@:(a,b)}
+@r{      a@:      a i   @:v            @:    38  @:integ@:(a,v)}
+@r{      a@:      a m   @:pats         @:    38  @:match@:(a,pats)}
+@r{      a@:    I a m   @:pats         @:    38  @:matchnot@:(a,pats)}
+@r{ data x@:      a p   @:             @:    28  @:polint@:(data,x)}
+@r{ data x@:    H a p   @:             @:    28  @:ratint@:(data,x)}
+@r{      a@:      a n   @:             @:     1  @:nrat@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      a r   @:rules        @:4,8,38  @:rewrite@:(a,rules,n)}
+@r{      a@:      a s   @:             @:        @:simplify@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      a t   @:v, n         @: 31,39  @:taylor@:(a,v,n)}
+@r{      a@:      a v   @:             @:   7,8  @:calc-alg-evaluate@:}
+@r{      a@:      a x   @:             @:   4,8  @:expand@:(a)}
+@r{   data@:      a F   @:model, vars  @:    48  @:fit@:(m,iv,pv,data)}
+@r{   data@:    I a F   @:model, vars  @:    48  @:xfit@:(m,iv,pv,data)}
+@r{   data@:    H a F   @:model, vars  @:    48  @:efit@:(m,iv,pv,data)}
+@r{      a@:      a I   @:v, l, h      @:    38  @:ninteg@:(a,v,l,h)}
+@r{    a b@:      a M   @:op           @:    22  @:mapeq@:(op,a,b)}
+@r{    a b@:    I a M   @:op           @:    22  @:mapeqr@:(op,a,b)}
+@r{    a b@:    H a M   @:op           @:    22  @:mapeqp@:(op,a,b)}
+@r{    a g@:      a N   @:v            @:    38  @:minimize@:(a,v,g)}
+@r{    a g@:    H a N   @:v            @:    38  @:wminimize@:(a,v,g)}
+@r{      a@:      a P   @:v            @:    38  @:roots@:(a,v)}
+@r{    a g@:      a R   @:v            @:    38  @:root@:(a,v,g)}
+@r{    a g@:    H a R   @:v            @:    38  @:wroot@:(a,v,g)}
+@r{      a@:      a S   @:v            @:    38  @:solve@:(a,v)}
+@r{      a@:    I a S   @:v            @:    38  @:finv@:(a,v)}
+@r{      a@:    H a S   @:v            @:    38  @:fsolve@:(a,v)}
+@r{      a@:  I H a S   @:v            @:    38  @:ffinv@:(a,v)}
+@r{      a@:      a T   @:i, l, h      @:  6,38  @:table@:(a,i,l,h)}
+@r{    a g@:      a X   @:v            @:    38  @:maximize@:(a,v,g)}
+@r{    a g@:    H a X   @:v            @:    38  @:wmaximize@:(a,v,g)}
+@r{    a b@:      b a   @:             @:     9  @:and@:(a,b,w)}
+@r{      a@:      b c   @:             @:     9  @:clip@:(a,w)}
+@r{    a b@:      b d   @:             @:     9  @:diff@:(a,b,w)}
+@r{      a@:      b l   @:             @:    10  @:lsh@:(a,n,w)}
+@r{    a n@:    H b l   @:             @:     9  @:lsh@:(a,n,w)}
+@r{      a@:      b n   @:             @:     9  @:not@:(a,w)}
+@r{    a b@:      b o   @:             @:     9  @:or@:(a,b,w)}
+@r{      v@:      b p   @:             @:     1  @:vpack@:(v)}
+@r{      a@:      b r   @:             @:    10  @:rsh@:(a,n,w)}
+@r{    a n@:    H b r   @:             @:     9  @:rsh@:(a,n,w)}
+@r{      a@:      b t   @:             @:    10  @:rot@:(a,n,w)}
+@r{    a n@:    H b t   @:             @:     9  @:rot@:(a,n,w)}
+@r{      a@:      b u   @:             @:     1  @:vunpack@:(a)}
+@r{       @:      b w   @:w            @:  9,50  @:calc-word-size@:}
+@r{    a b@:      b x   @:             @:     9  @:xor@:(a,b,w)}
+@r{c s l p@:      b D   @:             @:        @:ddb@:(c,s,l,p)}
+@r{  r n p@:      b F   @:             @:        @:fv@:(r,n,p)}
+@r{  r n p@:    I b F   @:             @:        @:fvb@:(r,n,p)}
+@r{  r n p@:    H b F   @:             @:        @:fvl@:(r,n,p)}
+@r{      v@:      b I   @:             @:    19  @:irr@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:    I b I   @:             @:    19  @:irrb@:(v)}
+@r{      a@:      b L   @:             @:    10  @:ash@:(a,n,w)}
+@r{    a n@:    H b L   @:             @:     9  @:ash@:(a,n,w)}
+@r{  r n a@:      b M   @:             @:        @:pmt@:(r,n,a)}
+@r{  r n a@:    I b M   @:             @:        @:pmtb@:(r,n,a)}
+@r{  r n a@:    H b M   @:             @:        @:pmtl@:(r,n,a)}
+@r{    r v@:      b N   @:             @:    19  @:npv@:(r,v)}
+@r{    r v@:    I b N   @:             @:    19  @:npvb@:(r,v)}
+@r{  r n p@:      b P   @:             @:        @:pv@:(r,n,p)}
+@r{  r n p@:    I b P   @:             @:        @:pvb@:(r,n,p)}
+@r{  r n p@:    H b P   @:             @:        @:pvl@:(r,n,p)}
+@r{      a@:      b R   @:             @:    10  @:rash@:(a,n,w)}
+@r{    a n@:    H b R   @:             @:     9  @:rash@:(a,n,w)}
+@r{  c s l@:      b S   @:             @:        @:sln@:(c,s,l)}
+@r{  n p a@:      b T   @:             @:        @:rate@:(n,p,a)}
+@r{  n p a@:    I b T   @:             @:        @:rateb@:(n,p,a)}
+@r{  n p a@:    H b T   @:             @:        @:ratel@:(n,p,a)}
+@r{c s l p@:      b Y   @:             @:        @:syd@:(c,s,l,p)}
+@r{  r p a@:      b #   @:             @:        @:nper@:(r,p,a)}
+@r{  r p a@:    I b #   @:             @:        @:nperb@:(r,p,a)}
+@r{  r p a@:    H b #   @:             @:        @:nperl@:(r,p,a)}
+@r{    a b@:      b %   @:             @:        @:relch@:(a,b)}
+@r{      a@:      c c   @:             @:     5  @:pclean@:(a,p)}
+@r{      a@:      c 0-9 @:             @:        @:pclean@:(a,p)}
+@r{      a@:    H c c   @:             @:     5  @:clean@:(a,p)}
+@r{      a@:    H c 0-9 @:             @:        @:clean@:(a,p)}
+@r{      a@:      c d   @:             @:     1  @:deg@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      c f   @:             @:     1  @:pfloat@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:    H c f   @:             @:     1  @:float@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      c h   @:             @:     1  @:hms@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      c p   @:             @:        @:polar@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:    I c p   @:             @:        @:rect@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      c r   @:             @:     1  @:rad@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      c F   @:             @:     5  @:pfrac@:(a,p)}
+@r{      a@:    H c F   @:             @:     5  @:frac@:(a,p)}
+@r{      a@:      c %   @:             @:        @:percent@:(a*100)}
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+@r{      a@:      f [   @:             @:     4  @:decr@:(a,n)}
+@r{      a@:      f ]   @:             @:     4  @:incr@:(a,n)}
+@r{    a b@:      f b   @:             @:     2  @:beta@:(a,b)}
+@r{      a@:      f e   @:             @:     1  @:erf@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:    I f e   @:             @:     1  @:erfc@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      f g   @:             @:     1  @:gamma@:(a)}
+@r{    a b@:      f h   @:             @:     2  @:hypot@:(a,b)}
+@r{      a@:      f i   @:             @:     1  @:im@:(a)}
+@r{    n a@:      f j   @:             @:     2  @:besJ@:(n,a)}
+@r{    a b@:      f n   @:             @:     2  @:min@:(a,b)}
+@r{      a@:      f r   @:             @:     1  @:re@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      f s   @:             @:     1  @:sign@:(a)}
+@r{    a b@:      f x   @:             @:     2  @:max@:(a,b)}
+@r{    n a@:      f y   @:             @:     2  @:besY@:(n,a)}
+@r{      a@:      f A   @:             @:     1  @:abssqr@:(a)}
+@r{  x a b@:      f B   @:             @:        @:betaI@:(x,a,b)}
+@r{  x a b@:    H f B   @:             @:        @:betaB@:(x,a,b)}
+@r{      a@:      f E   @:             @:     1  @:expm1@:(a)}
+@r{    a x@:      f G   @:             @:     2  @:gammaP@:(a,x)}
+@r{    a x@:    I f G   @:             @:     2  @:gammaQ@:(a,x)}
+@r{    a x@:    H f G   @:             @:     2  @:gammag@:(a,x)}
+@r{    a x@:  I H f G   @:             @:     2  @:gammaG@:(a,x)}
+@r{    a b@:      f I   @:             @:     2  @:ilog@:(a,b)}
+@r{    a b@:    I f I   @:             @:     2  @:alog@:(a,b)  b^a}
+@r{      a@:      f L   @:             @:     1  @:lnp1@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      f M   @:             @:     1  @:mant@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      f Q   @:             @:     1  @:isqrt@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:    I f Q   @:             @:     1  @:sqr@:(a)  a^2}
+@r{    a n@:      f S   @:             @:     2  @:scf@:(a,n)}
+@r{    y x@:      f T   @:             @:        @:arctan2@:(y,x)}
+@r{      a@:      f X   @:             @:     1  @:xpon@:(a)}
+@r{    x y@:      g a   @:             @: 28,40  @:calc-graph-add@:}
+@r{       @:      g b   @:             @:    12  @:calc-graph-border@:}
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+@r{       @:      g q   @:             @:        @:calc-graph-quit@:}
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+@r{  x y z@:      g A   @:             @: 28,40  @:calc-graph-add-3d@:}
+@r{       @:      g C   @:command      @:        @:calc-graph-command@:}
+@r{       @:      g D   @:device       @: 43,44  @:calc-graph-device@:}
+@r{  x y z@:      g F   @:             @: 28,40  @:calc-graph-fast-3d@:}
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+@r{       @:      j '   @:formula      @:    27  @:calc-enter-selection@:}
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+@r{       @:      j "   @:             @:  7,27  @:calc-sel-expand-formula@:}
+@r{       @:      j +   @:formula      @:    27  @:calc-sel-add-both-sides@:}
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+@r{       @:    H j I   @:             @:    27  @:calc-sel-isolate@: (full)}
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+@r{       @:      k a   @:             @:        @:calc-random-again@:}
+@r{      n@:      k b   @:             @:     1  @:bern@:(n)}
+@r{    n x@:    H k b   @:             @:     2  @:bern@:(n,x)}
+@r{    n m@:      k c   @:             @:     2  @:choose@:(n,m)}
+@r{    n m@:    H k c   @:             @:     2  @:perm@:(n,m)}
+@r{      n@:      k d   @:             @:     1  @:dfact@:(n)  n!!}
+@r{      n@:      k e   @:             @:     1  @:euler@:(n)}
+@r{    n x@:    H k e   @:             @:     2  @:euler@:(n,x)}
+@r{      n@:      k f   @:             @:     4  @:prfac@:(n)}
+@r{    n m@:      k g   @:             @:     2  @:gcd@:(n,m)}
+@r{    m n@:      k h   @:             @:    14  @:shuffle@:(n,m)}
+@r{    n m@:      k l   @:             @:     2  @:lcm@:(n,m)}
+@r{      n@:      k m   @:             @:     1  @:moebius@:(n)}
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+@r{      n@:      k p   @:             @:  4,28  @:calc-prime-test@:}
+@r{      m@:      k r   @:             @:    14  @:random@:(m)}
+@r{    n m@:      k s   @:             @:     2  @:stir1@:(n,m)}
+@r{    n m@:    H k s   @:             @:     2  @:stir2@:(n,m)}
+@r{      n@:      k t   @:             @:     1  @:totient@:(n)}
+@r{  n p x@:      k B   @:             @:        @:utpb@:(x,n,p)}
+@r{  n p x@:    I k B   @:             @:        @:ltpb@:(x,n,p)}
+@r{    v x@:      k C   @:             @:        @:utpc@:(x,v)}
+@r{    v x@:    I k C   @:             @:        @:ltpc@:(x,v)}
+@r{    n m@:      k E   @:             @:        @:egcd@:(n,m)}
+@r{v1 v2 x@:      k F   @:             @:        @:utpf@:(x,v1,v2)}
+@r{v1 v2 x@:    I k F   @:             @:        @:ltpf@:(x,v1,v2)}
+@r{  m s x@:      k N   @:             @:        @:utpn@:(x,m,s)}
+@r{  m s x@:    I k N   @:             @:        @:ltpn@:(x,m,s)}
+@r{    m x@:      k P   @:             @:        @:utpp@:(x,m)}
+@r{    m x@:    I k P   @:             @:        @:ltpp@:(x,m)}
+@r{    v x@:      k T   @:             @:        @:utpt@:(x,v)}
+@r{    v x@:    I k T   @:             @:        @:ltpt@:(x,v)}
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+@r{       @:      m t   @:             @:    12  @:calc-total-algebraic-mode@:}
+@r{       @:      m v   @:             @: 12,13  @:calc-matrix-mode@:}
+@r{       @:      m w   @:             @:    13  @:calc-working@:}
+@r{       @:      m x   @:             @:        @:calc-always-load-extensions@:}
+@r{       @:      m A   @:             @:    12  @:calc-alg-simplify-mode@:}
+@r{       @:      m B   @:             @:    12  @:calc-bin-simplify-mode@:}
+@r{       @:      m C   @:             @:    12  @:calc-auto-recompute@:}
+@r{       @:      m D   @:             @:        @:calc-default-simplify-mode@:}
+@r{       @:      m E   @:             @:    12  @:calc-ext-simplify-mode@:}
+@r{       @:      m F   @:filename     @:    13  @:calc-settings-file-name@:}
+@r{       @:      m N   @:             @:    12  @:calc-num-simplify-mode@:}
+@r{       @:      m O   @:             @:    12  @:calc-no-simplify-mode@:}
+@r{       @:      m R   @:             @: 12,13  @:calc-mode-record-mode@:}
+@r{       @:      m S   @:             @:    12  @:calc-shift-prefix@:}
+@r{       @:      m U   @:             @:    12  @:calc-units-simplify-mode@:}
+@r{       @:      s c   @:var1, var2   @:    29  @:calc-copy-variable@:}
+@r{       @:      s d   @:var, decl    @:        @:calc-declare-variable@:}
+@r{       @:      s e   @:var, editing @: 29,30  @:calc-edit-variable@:}
+@r{       @:      s i   @:buffer       @:        @:calc-insert-variables@:}
+@r{    a b@:      s l   @:var          @:    29  @:@:a  (letting var=b)}
+@r{  a ...@:      s m   @:op, var      @: 22,29  @:calc-store-map@:}
+@r{       @:      s n   @:var          @: 29,47  @:calc-store-neg@:  (v/-1)}
+@r{       @:      s p   @:var          @:    29  @:calc-permanent-variable@:}
+@r{       @:      s r   @:var          @:    29  @:@:v  (recalled value)}
+@r{       @:      r 0-9 @:             @:        @:calc-recall-quick@:}
+@r{      a@:      s s   @:var          @: 28,29  @:calc-store@:}
+@r{      a@:      s 0-9 @:             @:        @:calc-store-quick@:}
+@r{      a@:      s t   @:var          @:    29  @:calc-store-into@:}
+@r{      a@:      t 0-9 @:             @:        @:calc-store-into-quick@:}
+@r{       @:      s u   @:var          @:    29  @:calc-unstore@:}
+@r{      a@:      s x   @:var          @:    29  @:calc-store-exchange@:}
+@r{       @:      s A   @:editing      @:    30  @:calc-edit-AlgSimpRules@:}
+@r{       @:      s D   @:editing      @:    30  @:calc-edit-Decls@:}
+@r{       @:      s E   @:editing      @:    30  @:calc-edit-EvalRules@:}
+@r{       @:      s F   @:editing      @:    30  @:calc-edit-FitRules@:}
+@r{       @:      s G   @:editing      @:    30  @:calc-edit-GenCount@:}
+@r{       @:      s H   @:editing      @:    30  @:calc-edit-Holidays@:}
+@r{       @:      s I   @:editing      @:    30  @:calc-edit-IntegLimit@:}
+@r{       @:      s L   @:editing      @:    30  @:calc-edit-LineStyles@:}
+@r{       @:      s P   @:editing      @:    30  @:calc-edit-PointStyles@:}
+@r{       @:      s R   @:editing      @:    30  @:calc-edit-PlotRejects@:}
+@r{       @:      s T   @:editing      @:    30  @:calc-edit-TimeZone@:}
+@r{       @:      s U   @:editing      @:    30  @:calc-edit-Units@:}
+@r{       @:      s X   @:editing      @:    30  @:calc-edit-ExtSimpRules@:}
+@r{      a@:      s +   @:var          @: 29,47  @:calc-store-plus@:  (v+a)}
+@r{      a@:      s -   @:var          @: 29,47  @:calc-store-minus@:  (v-a)}
+@r{      a@:      s *   @:var          @: 29,47  @:calc-store-times@:  (v*a)}
+@r{      a@:      s /   @:var          @: 29,47  @:calc-store-div@:  (v/a)}
+@r{      a@:      s ^   @:var          @: 29,47  @:calc-store-power@:  (v^a)}
+@r{      a@:      s |   @:var          @: 29,47  @:calc-store-concat@:  (v|a)}
+@r{       @:      s &   @:var          @: 29,47  @:calc-store-inv@:  (v^-1)}
+@r{       @:      s [   @:var          @: 29,47  @:calc-store-decr@:  (v-1)}
+@r{       @:      s ]   @:var          @: 29,47  @:calc-store-incr@:  (v-(-1))}
+@r{    a b@:      s :   @:             @:     2  @:assign@:(a,b)  a @t{:=} b}
+@r{      a@:      s =   @:             @:     1  @:evalto@:(a,b)  a @t{=>}}
+@r{       @:      t [   @:             @:     4  @:calc-trail-first@:}
+@r{       @:      t ]   @:             @:     4  @:calc-trail-last@:}
+@r{       @:      t <   @:             @:     4  @:calc-trail-scroll-left@:}
+@r{       @:      t >   @:             @:     4  @:calc-trail-scroll-right@:}
+@r{       @:      t .   @:             @:    12  @:calc-full-trail-vectors@:}
+@r{       @:      t b   @:             @:     4  @:calc-trail-backward@:}
+@r{       @:      t d   @:             @: 12,50  @:calc-trail-display@:}
+@r{       @:      t f   @:             @:     4  @:calc-trail-forward@:}
+@r{       @:      t h   @:             @:        @:calc-trail-here@:}
+@r{       @:      t i   @:             @:        @:calc-trail-in@:}
+@r{       @:      t k   @:             @:     4  @:calc-trail-kill@:}
+@r{       @:      t m   @:string       @:        @:calc-trail-marker@:}
+@r{       @:      t n   @:             @:     4  @:calc-trail-next@:}
+@r{       @:      t o   @:             @:        @:calc-trail-out@:}
+@r{       @:      t p   @:             @:     4  @:calc-trail-previous@:}
+@r{       @:      t r   @:string       @:        @:calc-trail-isearch-backward@:}
+@r{       @:      t s   @:string       @:        @:calc-trail-isearch-forward@:}
+@r{       @:      t y   @:             @:     4  @:calc-trail-yank@:}
+@r{      d@:      t C   @:oz, nz       @:        @:tzconv@:(d,oz,nz)}
+@r{d oz nz@:      t C   @:$            @:        @:tzconv@:(d,oz,nz)}
+@r{      d@:      t D   @:             @:    15  @:date@:(d)}
+@r{      d@:      t I   @:             @:     4  @:incmonth@:(d,n)}
+@r{      d@:      t J   @:             @:    16  @:julian@:(d,z)}
+@r{      d@:      t M   @:             @:    17  @:newmonth@:(d,n)}
+@r{       @:      t N   @:             @:    16  @:now@:(z)}
+@r{      d@:      t P   @:1            @:    31  @:year@:(d)}
+@r{      d@:      t P   @:2            @:    31  @:month@:(d)}
+@r{      d@:      t P   @:3            @:    31  @:day@:(d)}
+@r{      d@:      t P   @:4            @:    31  @:hour@:(d)}
+@r{      d@:      t P   @:5            @:    31  @:minute@:(d)}
+@r{      d@:      t P   @:6            @:    31  @:second@:(d)}
+@r{      d@:      t P   @:7            @:    31  @:weekday@:(d)}
+@r{      d@:      t P   @:8            @:    31  @:yearday@:(d)}
+@r{      d@:      t P   @:9            @:    31  @:time@:(d)}
+@r{      d@:      t U   @:             @:    16  @:unixtime@:(d,z)}
+@r{      d@:      t W   @:             @:    17  @:newweek@:(d,w)}
+@r{      d@:      t Y   @:             @:    17  @:newyear@:(d,n)}
+@r{    a b@:      t +   @:             @:     2  @:badd@:(a,b)}
+@r{    a b@:      t -   @:             @:     2  @:bsub@:(a,b)}
+@r{       @:      u a   @:             @:    12  @:calc-autorange-units@:}
+@r{      a@:      u b   @:             @:        @:calc-base-units@:}
+@r{      a@:      u c   @:units        @:    18  @:calc-convert-units@:}
+@r{   defn@:      u d   @:unit, descr  @:        @:calc-define-unit@:}
+@r{       @:      u e   @:             @:        @:calc-explain-units@:}
+@r{       @:      u g   @:unit         @:        @:calc-get-unit-definition@:}
+@r{       @:      u p   @:             @:        @:calc-permanent-units@:}
+@r{      a@:      u r   @:             @:        @:calc-remove-units@:}
+@r{      a@:      u s   @:             @:        @:usimplify@:(a)}
+@r{      a@:      u t   @:units        @:    18  @:calc-convert-temperature@:}
+@r{       @:      u u   @:unit         @:        @:calc-undefine-unit@:}
+@r{       @:      u v   @:             @:        @:calc-enter-units-table@:}
+@r{      a@:      u x   @:             @:        @:calc-extract-units@:}
+@r{      a@:      u 0-9 @:             @:        @:calc-quick-units@:}
+@r{  v1 v2@:      u C   @:             @:    20  @:vcov@:(v1,v2)}
+@r{  v1 v2@:    I u C   @:             @:    20  @:vpcov@:(v1,v2)}
+@r{  v1 v2@:    H u C   @:             @:    20  @:vcorr@:(v1,v2)}
+@r{      v@:      u G   @:             @:    19  @:vgmean@:(v)}
+@r{    a b@:    H u G   @:             @:     2  @:agmean@:(a,b)}
+@r{      v@:      u M   @:             @:    19  @:vmean@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:    I u M   @:             @:    19  @:vmeane@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:    H u M   @:             @:    19  @:vmedian@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:  I H u M   @:             @:    19  @:vhmean@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:      u N   @:             @:    19  @:vmin@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:      u S   @:             @:    19  @:vsdev@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:    I u S   @:             @:    19  @:vpsdev@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:    H u S   @:             @:    19  @:vvar@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:  I H u S   @:             @:    19  @:vpvar@:(v)}
+@r{       @:      u V   @:             @:        @:calc-view-units-table@:}
+@r{      v@:      u X   @:             @:    19  @:vmax@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:      u +   @:             @:    19  @:vsum@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:      u *   @:             @:    19  @:vprod@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:      u #   @:             @:    19  @:vcount@:(v)}
+@r{       @:      V (   @:             @:    50  @:calc-vector-parens@:}
+@r{       @:      V @{   @:             @:    50  @:calc-vector-braces@:}
+@r{       @:      V [   @:             @:    50  @:calc-vector-brackets@:}
+@r{       @:      V ]   @:ROCP         @:    50  @:calc-matrix-brackets@:}
+@r{       @:      V ,   @:             @:    50  @:calc-vector-commas@:}
+@r{       @:      V <   @:             @:    50  @:calc-matrix-left-justify@:}
+@r{       @:      V =   @:             @:    50  @:calc-matrix-center-justify@:}
+@r{       @:      V >   @:             @:    50  @:calc-matrix-right-justify@:}
+@r{       @:      V /   @:             @: 12,50  @:calc-break-vectors@:}
+@r{       @:      V .   @:             @: 12,50  @:calc-full-vectors@:}
+@r{    s t@:      V ^   @:             @:     2  @:vint@:(s,t)}
+@r{    s t@:      V -   @:             @:     2  @:vdiff@:(s,t)}
+@r{      s@:      V ~   @:             @:     1  @:vcompl@:(s)}
+@r{      s@:      V #   @:             @:     1  @:vcard@:(s)}
+@r{      s@:      V :   @:             @:     1  @:vspan@:(s)}
+@r{      s@:      V +   @:             @:     1  @:rdup@:(s)}
+@r{      m@:      V &   @:             @:     1  @:inv@:(m)  1/m}
+@r{      v@:      v a   @:n            @:        @:arrange@:(v,n)}
+@r{      a@:      v b   @:n            @:        @:cvec@:(a,n)}
+@r{      v@:      v c   @:n >0         @: 21,31  @:mcol@:(v,n)}
+@r{      v@:      v c   @:n <0         @:    31  @:mrcol@:(v,-n)}
+@r{      m@:      v c   @:0            @:    31  @:getdiag@:(m)}
+@r{      v@:      v d   @:             @:    25  @:diag@:(v,n)}
+@r{    v m@:      v e   @:             @:     2  @:vexp@:(v,m)}
+@r{  v m f@:    H v e   @:             @:     2  @:vexp@:(v,m,f)}
+@r{    v a@:      v f   @:             @:    26  @:find@:(v,a,n)}
+@r{      v@:      v h   @:             @:     1  @:head@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:    I v h   @:             @:     1  @:tail@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:    H v h   @:             @:     1  @:rhead@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:  I H v h   @:             @:     1  @:rtail@:(v)}
+@r{       @:      v i   @:n            @:    31  @:idn@:(1,n)}
+@r{       @:      v i   @:0            @:    31  @:idn@:(1)}
+@r{    h t@:      v k   @:             @:     2  @:cons@:(h,t)}
+@r{    h t@:    H v k   @:             @:     2  @:rcons@:(h,t)}
+@r{      v@:      v l   @:             @:     1  @:vlen@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:    H v l   @:             @:     1  @:mdims@:(v)}
+@r{    v m@:      v m   @:             @:     2  @:vmask@:(v,m)}
+@r{      v@:      v n   @:             @:     1  @:rnorm@:(v)}
+@r{  a b c@:      v p   @:             @:    24  @:calc-pack@:}
+@r{      v@:      v r   @:n >0         @: 21,31  @:mrow@:(v,n)}
+@r{      v@:      v r   @:n <0         @:    31  @:mrrow@:(v,-n)}
+@r{      m@:      v r   @:0            @:    31  @:getdiag@:(m)}
+@r{  v i j@:      v s   @:             @:        @:subvec@:(v,i,j)}
+@r{  v i j@:    I v s   @:             @:        @:rsubvec@:(v,i,j)}
+@r{      m@:      v t   @:             @:     1  @:trn@:(m)}
+@r{      v@:      v u   @:             @:    24  @:calc-unpack@:}
+@r{      v@:      v v   @:             @:     1  @:rev@:(v)}
+@r{       @:      v x   @:n            @:    31  @:index@:(n)}
+@r{  n s i@:  C-u v x   @:             @:        @:index@:(n,s,i)}
+@r{      v@:      V A   @:op           @:    22  @:apply@:(op,v)}
+@r{  v1 v2@:      V C   @:             @:     2  @:cross@:(v1,v2)}
+@r{      m@:      V D   @:             @:     1  @:det@:(m)}
+@r{      s@:      V E   @:             @:     1  @:venum@:(s)}
+@r{      s@:      V F   @:             @:     1  @:vfloor@:(s)}
+@r{      v@:      V G   @:             @:        @:grade@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:    I V G   @:             @:        @:rgrade@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:      V H   @:n            @:    31  @:histogram@:(v,n)}
+@r{    v w@:    H V H   @:n            @:    31  @:histogram@:(v,w,n)}
+@r{  v1 v2@:      V I   @:mop aop      @:    22  @:inner@:(mop,aop,v1,v2)}
+@r{      m@:      V J   @:             @:     1  @:ctrn@:(m)}
+@r{      m@:      V L   @:             @:     1  @:lud@:(m)}
+@r{      v@:      V M   @:op           @: 22,23  @:map@:(op,v)}
+@r{      v@:      V N   @:             @:     1  @:cnorm@:(v)}
+@r{  v1 v2@:      V O   @:op           @:    22  @:outer@:(op,v1,v2)}
+@r{      v@:      V R   @:op           @: 22,23  @:reduce@:(op,v)}
+@r{      v@:    I V R   @:op           @: 22,23  @:rreduce@:(op,v)}
+@r{    a n@:    H V R   @:op           @:    22  @:nest@:(op,a,n)}
+@r{      a@:  I H V R   @:op           @:    22  @:fixp@:(op,a)}
+@r{      v@:      V S   @:             @:        @:sort@:(v)}
+@r{      v@:    I V S   @:             @:        @:rsort@:(v)}
+@r{      m@:      V T   @:             @:     1  @:tr@:(m)}
+@r{      v@:      V U   @:op           @:    22  @:accum@:(op,v)}
+@r{      v@:    I V U   @:op           @:    22  @:raccum@:(op,v)}
+@r{    a n@:    H V U   @:op           @:    22  @:anest@:(op,a,n)}
+@r{      a@:  I H V U   @:op           @:    22  @:afixp@:(op,a)}
+@r{    s t@:      V V   @:             @:     2  @:vunion@:(s,t)}
+@r{    s t@:      V X   @:             @:     2  @:vxor@:(s,t)}
+@r{       @:      Y     @:             @:        @:@:user commands}
+@r{       @:      z     @:             @:        @:@:user commands}
+@r{      c@:      Z [   @:             @:    45  @:calc-kbd-if@:}
+@r{      c@:      Z |   @:             @:    45  @:calc-kbd-else-if@:}
+@r{       @:      Z :   @:             @:        @:calc-kbd-else@:}
+@r{       @:      Z ]   @:             @:        @:calc-kbd-end-if@:}
+@r{       @:      Z @{   @:             @:     4  @:calc-kbd-loop@:}
+@r{      c@:      Z /   @:             @:    45  @:calc-kbd-break@:}
+@r{       @:      Z @}   @:             @:        @:calc-kbd-end-loop@:}
+@r{      n@:      Z <   @:             @:        @:calc-kbd-repeat@:}
+@r{       @:      Z >   @:             @:        @:calc-kbd-end-repeat@:}
+@r{    n m@:      Z (   @:             @:        @:calc-kbd-for@:}
+@r{      s@:      Z )   @:             @:        @:calc-kbd-end-for@:}
+@r{       @:      Z C-g @:             @:        @:@:cancel if/loop command}
+@r{       @:      Z `   @:             @:        @:calc-kbd-push@:}
+@r{       @:      Z '   @:             @:        @:calc-kbd-pop@:}
+@r{      a@:      Z =   @:message      @:    28  @:calc-kbd-report@:}
+@r{       @:      Z #   @:prompt       @:        @:calc-kbd-query@:}
+@r{   comp@:      Z C   @:func, args   @:    50  @:calc-user-define-composition@:}
+@r{       @:      Z D   @:key, command @:        @:calc-user-define@:}
+@r{       @:      Z E   @:key, editing @:    30  @:calc-user-define-edit@:}
+@r{   defn@:      Z F   @:k, c, f, a, n@:    28  @:calc-user-define-formula@:}
+@r{       @:      Z G   @:key          @:        @:calc-get-user-defn@:}
+@r{       @:      Z I   @:             @:        @:calc-user-define-invocation@:}
+@r{       @:      Z K   @:key, command @:        @:calc-user-define-kbd-macro@:}
+@r{       @:      Z P   @:key          @:        @:calc-user-define-permanent@:}
+@r{       @:      Z S   @:             @:    30  @:calc-edit-user-syntax@:}
+@r{       @:      Z T   @:             @:    12  @:calc-timing@:}
+@r{       @:      Z U   @:key          @:        @:calc-user-undefine@:}
+@end format
+@c 1
+Positive prefix arguments apply to @cite{n} stack entries.
+Negative prefix arguments apply to the @cite{-n}th stack entry.
+A prefix of zero applies to the entire stack.  (For @key{LFD} and
+@kbd{M-DEL}, the meaning of the sign is reversed.)
+@c 2
+Positive prefix arguments apply to @cite{n} stack entries.
+Negative prefix arguments apply to the top stack entry
+and the next @cite{-n} stack entries.
+@c 3
+Positive prefix arguments rotate top @cite{n} stack entries by one.
+Negative prefix arguments rotate the entire stack by @cite{-n}.
+A prefix of zero reverses the entire stack.
+@c 4
+Prefix argument specifies a repeat count or distance.
+@c 5
+Positive prefix arguments specify a precision @cite{p}.
+Negative prefix arguments reduce the current precision by @cite{-p}.
+@c 6
+A prefix argument is interpreted as an additional step-size parameter.
+A plain @kbd{C-u} prefix means to prompt for the step size.
+@c 7
+A prefix argument specifies simplification level and depth.
+1=Default, 2=like @kbd{a s}, 3=like @kbd{a e}.
+@c 8
+A negative prefix operates only on the top level of the input formula.
+@c 9
+Positive prefix arguments specify a word size of @cite{w} bits, unsigned.
+Negative prefix arguments specify a word size of @cite{w} bits, signed.
+@c 10
+Prefix arguments specify the shift amount @cite{n}.  The @cite{w} argument
+cannot be specified in the keyboard version of this command.
+@c 11
+From the keyboard, @cite{d} is omitted and defaults to zero.
+@c 12
+Mode is toggled; a positive prefix always sets the mode, and a negative
+prefix always clears the mode.
+@c 13
+Some prefix argument values provide special variations of the mode.
+@c 14
+A prefix argument, if any, is used for @cite{m} instead of taking
+@cite{m} from the stack.  @cite{M} may take any of these values:
+@end iftex
+@table @asis
+@item Integer
+Random integer in the interval @cite{[0 .. m)}.
+@item Float
+Random floating-point number in the interval @cite{[0 .. m)}.
+@item 0.0
+Gaussian with mean 1 and standard deviation 0.
+@item Error form
+Gaussian with specified mean and standard deviation.
+@item Interval
+Random integer or floating-point number in that interval.
+@item Vector
+Random element from the vector.
+@end table
+@end iftex
+@c 15
+A prefix argument from 1 to 6 specifies number of date components
+to remove from the stack.  @xref{Date Conversions}.
+@c 16
+A prefix argument specifies a time zone; @kbd{C-u} says to take the
+time zone number or name from the top of the stack.  @xref{Time Zones}.
+@c 17
+A prefix argument specifies a day number (0-6, 0-31, or 0-366).
+@c 18
+If the input has no units, you will be prompted for both the old and
+the new units.
+@c 19
+With a prefix argument, collect that many stack entries to form the
+input data set.  Each entry may be a single value or a vector of values.
+@c 20
+With a prefix argument of 1, take a single @c{$N\times2$}
+@asis{Nx2} matrix from the
+stack instead of two separate data vectors.
+@c 21
+The row or column number @cite{n} may be given as a numeric prefix
+argument instead.  A plain @kbd{C-u} prefix says to take @cite{n}
+from the top of the stack.  If @cite{n} is a vector or interval,
+a subvector/submatrix of the input is created.
+@c 22
+The @cite{op} prompt can be answered with the key sequence for the
+desired function, or with @kbd{x} or @kbd{z} followed by a function name,
+or with @kbd{$} to take a formula from the top of the stack, or with
+@kbd{'} and a typed formula.  In the last two cases, the formula may
+be a nameless function like @samp{<#1+#2>} or @samp{<x, y : x+y>}, or it
+may include @kbd{$}, @kbd{$$}, etc. (where @kbd{$} will correspond to the
+last argument of the created function), or otherwise you will be
+prompted for an argument list.  The number of vectors popped from the
+stack by @kbd{V M} depends on the number of arguments of the function.
+@c 23
+One of the mapping direction keys @kbd{_} (horizontal, i.e., map
+by rows or reduce across), @kbd{:} (vertical, i.e., map by columns or
+reduce down), or @kbd{=} (map or reduce by rows) may be used before
+entering @cite{op}; these modify the function name by adding the letter
+@code{r} for ``rows,'' @code{c} for ``columns,'' @code{a} for ``across,''
+or @code{d} for ``down.''
+@c 24
+The prefix argument specifies a packing mode.  A nonnegative mode
+is the number of items (for @kbd{v p}) or the number of levels
+(for @kbd{v u}).  A negative mode is as described below.  With no
+prefix argument, the mode is taken from the top of the stack and
+may be an integer or a vector of integers.
+@end iftex
+@table @cite
+@item -1
+@var{(2)}  Rectangular complex number.
+@item -2
+@var{(2)}  Polar complex number.
+@item -3
+@var{(3)}  HMS form.
+@item -4
+@var{(2)}  Error form.
+@item -5
+@var{(2)}  Modulo form.
+@item -6
+@var{(2)}  Closed interval.
+@item -7
+@var{(2)}  Closed .. open interval.
+@item -8
+@var{(2)}  Open .. closed interval.
+@item -9
+@var{(2)}  Open interval.
+@item -10
+@var{(2)}  Fraction.
+@item -11
+@var{(2)}  Float with integer mantissa.
+@item -12
+@var{(2)}  Float with mantissa in @cite{[1 .. 10)}.
+@item -13
+@var{(1)}  Date form (using date numbers).
+@item -14
+@var{(3)}  Date form (using year, month, day).
+@item -15
+@var{(6)}  Date form (using year, month, day, hour, minute, second).
+@end table
+@end iftex
+@c 25
+A prefix argument specifies the size @cite{n} of the matrix.  With no
+prefix argument, @cite{n} is omitted and the size is inferred from
+the input vector.
+@c 26
+The prefix argument specifies the starting position @cite{n} (default 1).
+@c 27
+Cursor position within stack buffer affects this command.
+@c 28
+Arguments are not actually removed from the stack by this command.
+@c 29
+Variable name may be a single digit or a full name.
+@c 30
+Editing occurs in a separate buffer.  Press @kbd{M-# M-#} (or @kbd{C-c C-c},
+@key{LFD}, or in some cases @key{RET}) to finish the edit, or press
+@kbd{M-# x} to cancel the edit.  The @key{LFD} key prevents evaluation
+of the result of the edit.
+@c 31
+The number prompted for can also be provided as a prefix argument.
+@c 32
+Press this key a second time to cancel the prefix.
+@c 33
+With a negative prefix, deactivate all formulas.  With a positive
+prefix, deactivate and then reactivate from scratch.
+@c 34
+Default is to scan for nearest formula delimiter symbols.  With a
+prefix of zero, formula is delimited by mark and point.  With a
+non-zero prefix, formula is delimited by scanning forward or
+backward by that many lines.
+@c 35
+Parse the region between point and mark as a vector.  A nonzero prefix
+parses @var{n} lines before or after point as a vector.  A zero prefix
+parses the current line as a vector.  A @kbd{C-u} prefix parses the
+region between point and mark as a single formula.
+@c 36
+Parse the rectangle defined by point and mark as a matrix.  A positive
+prefix @var{n} divides the rectangle into columns of width @var{n}.
+A zero or @kbd{C-u} prefix parses each line as one formula.  A negative
+prefix suppresses special treatment of bracketed portions of a line.
+@c 37
+A numeric prefix causes the current language mode to be ignored.
+@c 38
+Responding to a prompt with a blank line answers that and all
+later prompts by popping additional stack entries.
+@c 39
+Answer for @cite{v} may also be of the form @cite{v = v_0} or
+@cite{v - v_0}.
+@c 40
+With a positive prefix argument, stack contains many @cite{y}'s and one
+common @cite{x}.  With a zero prefix, stack contains a vector of
+@cite{y}s and a common @cite{x}.  With a negative prefix, stack
+contains many @cite{[x,y]} vectors.  (For 3D plots, substitute
+@cite{z} for @cite{y} and @cite{x,y} for @cite{x}.)
+@c 41
+With any prefix argument, all curves in the graph are deleted.
+@c 42
+With a positive prefix, refines an existing plot with more data points.
+With a negative prefix, forces recomputation of the plot data.
+@c 43
+With any prefix argument, set the default value instead of the
+value for this graph.
+@c 44
+With a negative prefix argument, set the value for the printer.
+@c 45
+Condition is considered ``true'' if it is a nonzero real or complex
+number, or a formula whose value is known to be nonzero; it is ``false''
+@c 46
+Several formulas separated by commas are pushed as multiple stack
+entries.  Trailing @kbd{)}, @kbd{]}, @kbd{@}}, @kbd{>}, and @kbd{"}
+delimiters may be omitted.  The notation @kbd{$$$} refers to the value
+in stack level three, and causes the formula to replace the top three
+stack levels.  The notation @kbd{$3} refers to stack level three without
+causing that value to be removed from the stack.  Use @key{LFD} in place
+of @key{RET} to prevent evaluation; use @kbd{M-=} in place of @key{RET}
+to evaluate variables.@refill
+@c 47
+The variable is replaced by the formula shown on the right.  The
+Inverse flag reverses the order of the operands, e.g., @kbd{I s - x}
+assigns @c{$x \coloneq a-x$}
+@cite{x := a-x}.
+@c 48
+Press @kbd{?} repeatedly to see how to choose a model.  Answer the
+variables prompt with @cite{iv} or @cite{iv;pv} to specify
+independent and parameter variables.  A positive prefix argument
+takes @i{N+1} vectors from the stack; a zero prefix takes a matrix
+and a vector from the stack.
+@c 49
+With a plain @kbd{C-u} prefix, replace the current region of the
+destination buffer with the yanked text instead of inserting.
+@c 50
+All stack entries are reformatted; the @kbd{H} prefix inhibits this.
+The @kbd{I} prefix sets the mode temporarily, redraws the top stack
+entry, then restores the original setting of the mode.
+@c 51
+A negative prefix sets the default 3D resolution instead of the
+default 2D resolution.
+@c 52
+This grabs a vector of the form [@var{prec}, @var{wsize}, @var{ssize},
+@var{radix}, @var{flfmt}, @var{ang}, @var{frac}, @var{symb}, @var{polar},
+@var{matrix}, @var{simp}, @var{inf}].  A prefix argument from 1 to 12
+grabs the @var{n}th mode value only.
+@end enumerate
+(Space is provided below for you to keep your own written notes.)
+@end iftex
+@c [end-summary]
+@node Key Index, Command Index, Summary, Top
+@unnumbered Index of Key Sequences
+@printindex ky
+@node Command Index, Function Index, Key Index, Top
+@unnumbered Index of Calculator Commands
+Since all Calculator commands begin with the prefix @samp{calc-}, the
+@kbd{x} key has been provided as a variant of @kbd{M-x} which automatically
+types @samp{calc-} for you.  Thus, @kbd{x last-args} is short for
+@kbd{M-x calc-last-args}.
+@printindex pg
+@node Function Index, Concept Index, Command Index, Top
+@unnumbered Index of Algebraic Functions
+This is a list of built-in functions and operators usable in algebraic
+expressions.  Their full Lisp names are derived by adding the prefix
+@samp{calcFunc-}, as in @code{calcFunc-sqrt}.
+All functions except those noted with ``*'' have corresponding
+Calc keystrokes and can also be found in the Calc Summary.
+@end iftex
+@printindex tp
+@node Concept Index, Variable Index, Function Index, Top
+@unnumbered Concept Index
+@printindex cp
+@node Variable Index, Lisp Function Index, Concept Index, Top
+@unnumbered Index of Variables
+The variables in this list that do not contain dashes are accessible
+as Calc variables.  Add a @samp{var-} prefix to get the name of the
+corresponding Lisp variable.
+The remaining variables are Lisp variables suitable for @code{setq}ing
+in your @file{.emacs} file.
+@printindex vr
+@node Lisp Function Index, , Variable Index, Top
+@unnumbered Index of Lisp Math Functions
+The following functions are meant to be used with @code{defmath}, not
+@code{defun} definitions.  For names that do not start with @samp{calc-},
+the corresponding full Lisp name is derived by adding a prefix of
+@printindex fn
+@c [end]