diff lisp/textmodes/reftex-ref.el @ 25280:9b601931b795

Initial revision
author Carsten Dominik <dominik@science.uva.nl>
date Mon, 16 Aug 1999 07:42:41 +0000
children 7ed67319c5aa
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/textmodes/reftex-ref.el	Mon Aug 16 07:42:41 1999 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
+;;; reftex-ref.el - Code to create labels and references with RefTeX
+;;; Version: 4.5
+;;; See main file reftex.el for licensing information
+(provide 'reftex-ref)
+(require 'reftex)
+(defun reftex-label-location (&optional bound)
+  "Return the environment or macro which determines the label type at point.
+If optional BOUND is an integer, limit backward searches to that point."
+  (let* ((loc1 (reftex-what-macro reftex-label-mac-list bound))
+         (loc2 (reftex-what-environment reftex-label-env-list bound))
+	 (loc3 (reftex-what-special-env 1 bound))
+         (p1 (or (cdr loc1) 0))
+         (p2 (or (cdr loc2) 0))
+	 (p3 (or (cdr loc3) 0))
+	 (pmax (max p1 p2 p3)))
+    (setq reftex-location-start pmax)
+    (cond
+     ((= p1 pmax)
+      ;; A macro.  Default context after macro name.
+      (setq reftex-default-context-position (+ p1 (length (car loc1))))
+      (or (car loc1) "section"))
+     ((= p2 pmax)
+      ;; An environment.  Default context after \begin{name}.
+      (setq reftex-default-context-position (+ p2 8 (length (car loc2))))
+      (or (car loc2) "section"))
+     ((= p3 pmax)
+      ;; A special.  Default context right there.
+      (setq reftex-default-context-position p3)
+      (setq loc3 (car loc3))
+      (cond ((null loc3) "section")
+	    ((symbolp loc3) (symbol-name loc3))
+	    ((stringp loc3) loc3)
+	    (t "section")))
+     (t ;; This should not happen, I think?
+      "section"))))
+(defun reftex-label-info-update (cell)
+  ;; Update information about just one label in a different file.
+  ;; CELL contains the old info list
+  (let* ((label   (nth 0 cell))
+         (typekey (nth 1 cell))
+         ;; (text    (nth 2 cell))
+         (file    (nth 3 cell))
+         (comment (nth 4 cell))
+         (note    (nth 5 cell))
+         (buf (reftex-get-file-buffer-force
+               file (not (eq t reftex-keep-temporary-buffers)))))
+    (if (not buf)
+        (list label typekey "" file comment "LOST LABEL.  RESCAN TO FIX.")
+      (save-excursion
+        (set-buffer buf)
+        (save-restriction
+          (widen)
+          (goto-char 1)
+          (if (or (re-search-forward
+		   (format reftex-find-label-regexp-format
+			   (regexp-quote label)) nil t)
+		  (re-search-forward
+		   (format reftex-find-label-regexp-format2
+			   (regexp-quote label)) nil t))
+              (progn
+                (backward-char 1)
+                (append (reftex-label-info label file) (list note)))
+            (list label typekey "" file "LOST LABEL.  RESCAN TO FIX.")))))))
+(defun reftex-label-info (label &optional file bound derive env-or-mac)
+  ;; Return info list on LABEL at point.
+  (let* ((env-or-mac (or env-or-mac (reftex-label-location bound)))
+         (typekey (nth 1 (assoc env-or-mac reftex-env-or-mac-alist)))
+         (file (or file (buffer-file-name)))
+         (parse (nth 2 (assoc env-or-mac reftex-env-or-mac-alist)))
+         (text (reftex-short-context env-or-mac parse reftex-location-start
+                                     derive))
+	 (in-comment (reftex-in-comment)))
+    (list label typekey text file in-comment)))
+;;; Creating labels ---------------------------------------------------------
+(defun reftex-label (&optional environment no-insert)
+  "Insert a unique label.  Return the label.
+If ENVIRONMENT is given, don't bother to find out yourself.
+If NO-INSERT is non-nil, do not insert label into buffer.
+With prefix arg, force to rescan document first.
+When you are prompted to enter or confirm a label, and you reply with
+just the prefix or an empty string, no label at all will be inserted.
+A new label is also recorded into the label list.
+This function is controlled by the settings of reftex-insert-label-flags."
+  (interactive)
+  ;; Ensure access to scanning info and rescan buffer if prefix are is '(4).
+  (reftex-access-scan-info current-prefix-arg)
+  ;; Find out what kind of environment this is and abort if necessary.
+  (if (or (not environment)
+          (not (assoc environment reftex-env-or-mac-alist)))
+      (setq environment (reftex-label-location)))
+  (unless environment
+    (error "Can't figure out what kind of label should be inserted"))
+  ;; Ok, go ahead.
+  (catch 'exit
+    (let* ((entry (assoc environment reftex-env-or-mac-alist))
+	   (typekey (nth 1 entry))
+	   (format (nth 3 entry))
+	   (macro-cell (reftex-what-macro 1))
+	   (entry1 (assoc (car macro-cell) reftex-env-or-mac-alist))
+	   label naked prefix valid default force-prompt rescan-is-useful)
+      (when (and (or (nth 5 entry) (nth 5 entry1))
+		 (memq (preceding-char) '(?\[ ?\{)))
+	;; This is an argument of a label macro.  Insert naked label.
+	(setq naked t format "%s"))
+      (setq prefix (or (cdr (assoc typekey reftex-typekey-to-prefix-alist))
+		       (concat typekey "-")))
+      ;; Replace any escapes in the prefix
+      (setq prefix (reftex-replace-prefix-escapes prefix))
+      ;; Make a default label.
+      (cond
+       ((reftex-typekey-check typekey (nth 0 reftex-insert-label-flags))
+	;; Derive a label from context.
+	(setq reftex-active-toc (reftex-last-assoc-before-elt
+				 'toc (car (reftex-where-am-I))
+				 (symbol-value reftex-docstruct-symbol)))
+	(setq default (reftex-no-props
+		       (nth 2 (reftex-label-info " " nil nil t))))
+	;; Catch the cases where the is actually no context available.
+	(if (or (string-match "NO MATCH FOR CONTEXT REGEXP" default)
+		(string-match "ILLEGAL VALUE OF PARSE" default)
+		(string-match "SECTION HEADING NOT FOUND" default)
+		(string-match "HOOK ERROR" default)
+		(string-match "^[ \t]*$" default))
+	    (setq default prefix
+		  force-prompt t)	; need to prompt
+	  (setq default 
+		(concat prefix 
+			(funcall reftex-string-to-label-function default)))
+	  ;; Make it unique.
+	  (setq default (reftex-uniquify-label default nil "-"))))
+       ((reftex-typekey-check typekey (nth 1 reftex-insert-label-flags))
+	;; Minimal default: the user will be prompted.
+	(setq default prefix))
+       (t
+	;; Make an automatic label.
+	(setq default (reftex-uniquify-label prefix t))))
+      ;; Should we ask the user?
+      (if (or (reftex-typekey-check typekey
+				    (nth 1 reftex-insert-label-flags)) ; prompt
+	      force-prompt)
+	  (while (not valid)
+	    ;; iterate until we get a legal label
+	    (setq label (read-string
+			 (if naked "Naked Label: " "Label: ")
+			 default))
+	    ;; Lets make sure that this is a legal label
+	    (cond
+	     ((string-match (concat "\\`\\(" (regexp-quote prefix)
+				    "\\)?[ \t]*\\'")
+			    label)
+	      ;; No label at all, please
+	      (message "No label inserted.")
+	      (throw 'exit nil))
+	     ;; Test if label contains strange characters
+	     ((string-match reftex-label-illegal-re label)
+	      (message "Label \"%s\" contains illegal characters" label)
+	      (ding)
+	      (sit-for 2))
+	     ;; Look it up in the label list
+	     ((setq entry (assoc label
+				 (symbol-value reftex-docstruct-symbol)))
+	      (ding)
+	      (if (y-or-n-p 
+		   (format "Label '%s' exists. Use anyway? " label))
+		  (setq valid t)))
+	     ;; Label is ok
+	     (t
+	      (setq valid t))))
+	(setq label default))
+      ;; Insert the label into the label list
+      (let* ((here-I-am-info 
+	      (save-excursion
+		(if (and (or naked no-insert) 
+			 (integerp (cdr macro-cell)))
+		    (goto-char (cdr macro-cell)))
+		(reftex-where-am-I)))
+	     (here-I-am (car here-I-am-info))
+	     (note (if (cdr here-I-am-info)
+		       ""
+	     (file (buffer-file-name))
+	     (text nil)
+	     (tail (memq here-I-am (symbol-value reftex-docstruct-symbol))))
+	(or (cdr here-I-am-info) (setq rescan-is-useful t))
+	(when tail
+	  (push (list label typekey text file nil note) (cdr tail))
+	  (put reftex-docstruct-symbol 'modified t)))
+      ;; Insert the label into the buffer
+      (unless no-insert
+	(insert
+	 (if reftex-format-label-function
+	     (funcall reftex-format-label-function label format)
+	   (format format label)))
+	(if (and reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX
+		 (fboundp 'LaTeX-add-labels))
+	    ;; Tell AUCTeX about this
+	    (LaTeX-add-labels label)))
+      ;; Delete the corresponding selection buffers to force update on next use.
+      (when reftex-auto-update-selection-buffers
+	(reftex-erase-buffer (reftex-make-selection-buffer-name typekey))
+	(reftex-erase-buffer (reftex-make-selection-buffer-name " ")))
+      (when (and rescan-is-useful reftex-allow-automatic-rescan)
+	(reftex-parse-one))
+      ;; return value of the function is the label
+      label)))
+(defun reftex-string-to-label (string)
+  "Convert a string (a sentence) to a label.
+Uses `reftex-derive-label-parameters' and `reftex-label-illegal-re'.  It
+also applies `reftex-translate-to-ascii-function' to the string."
+  (when (and reftex-translate-to-ascii-function
+	     (fboundp reftex-translate-to-ascii-function))
+    (setq string (funcall reftex-translate-to-ascii-function string)))
+  (apply 'reftex-convert-string string
+	 "[-~ \t\n\r,;]+" reftex-label-illegal-re nil nil
+	 reftex-derive-label-parameters))
+(defun reftex-latin1-to-ascii (string)
+  ;; Translate the upper 128 chars in the Latin-1 charset to ASCII equivalents
+  (let ((tab "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'@@@@@@@@@@@@@ icLxY|S\"ca<--R-o|23'uq..1o>423?AAAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOXOUUUUYP3aaaaaaaceeeeiiiidnooooo:ouuuuypy")
+	(emacsp (not (featurep 'xemacs))))
+    (mapconcat 
+     (lambda (c)
+       (cond ((and (> c 127) (< c 256))                 ; 8 bit Latin-1
+	      (char-to-string (aref tab (- c 128))))
+	     ((and emacsp                               ; Not for XEmacs
+		   (> c 2175) (< c 2304))               ; Mule Latin-1
+	      (char-to-string (aref tab (- c 2176))))
+	     (t (char-to-string c))))
+     string "")))
+(defun reftex-replace-prefix-escapes (prefix)
+  ;; Replace %escapes in a label prefix
+  (save-match-data
+    (let (letter (num 0) replace)
+      (while (string-match "\\%\\([a-zA-Z]\\)" prefix num)
+        (setq letter (match-string 1 prefix))
+        (setq replace
+              (cond
+               ((equal letter "f")
+                (file-name-sans-extension
+                 (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))))
+               ((equal letter "F")
+                (let ((masterdir (file-name-directory (reftex-TeX-master-file)))
+                      (file (file-name-sans-extension (buffer-file-name))))
+                  (if (string-match (concat "\\`" (regexp-quote masterdir))
+                                    file)
+                      (substring file (length masterdir))
+                    file)))
+               ((equal letter "u")
+                (or (user-login-name) ""))
+	       ((equal letter "S")
+		(let* (macro level)
+		  (save-excursion
+		    (save-match-data
+		      (when (re-search-backward reftex-section-regexp nil t)
+			(setq macro (reftex-match-string 2)
+			      level 
+			      (abs 
+			       (cdr (assoc macro reftex-section-levels-all)))))
+		      (cdr (or (assoc macro reftex-section-prefixes)
+			       (assoc level reftex-section-prefixes)
+			       (assq t reftex-section-prefixes)
+			       (list t "sec:")))))))
+               (t "")))
+        (setq num (1- (+ (match-beginning 1) (length replace)))
+              prefix (replace-match replace nil nil prefix)))
+      prefix)))
+(defun reftex-uniquify-label (label &optional force separator)
+  ;; Make label unique by appending a number.
+  ;; Optional FORCE means, force appending a number, even if label is unique.
+  ;; Optional SEPARATOR is a string to stick between label and number.
+  ;; Ensure access to scanning info
+  (reftex-access-scan-info)
+  (cond
+   ((and (not force)
+         (not (assoc label (symbol-value reftex-docstruct-symbol))))
+    label)
+   (t
+    (let* ((label-numbers (assq 'label-numbers
+                                (symbol-value reftex-docstruct-symbol)))
+           (label-numbers-alist (cdr label-numbers))
+           (cell (or (assoc label label-numbers-alist)
+                     (car (setcdr label-numbers
+                                  (cons (cons label 0)
+                                        label-numbers-alist)))))
+           (num (1+ (cdr cell)))
+           (sep (or separator "")))
+      (while (assoc (concat label sep (int-to-string num))
+                    (symbol-value reftex-docstruct-symbol))
+        (incf num))
+      (setcdr cell num)
+      (concat label sep (int-to-string num))))))
+;;; Referencing labels ------------------------------------------------------
+;; Help string for the reference label menu
+(defconst reftex-select-label-prompt
+  "Select: [n]ext [p]revious [r]escan [ ]context e[x]tern [q]uit RET [?]HELP+more")
+(defconst reftex-select-label-help
+  " n / p      Go to next/previous label (Cursor motion works as well)
+ C-c C-n/p  Go to next/previous section heading.
+ b / l      Jump back to previous selection / Reuse last referenced label.
+ g / s      Update menu      / Switch label type.
+ r / C-u r  Reparse document / Reparse entire document.
+ x          Switch to label menu of external document (with LaTeX package `xr').
+ F t c      Toggle:  [F]ile borders, [t]able of contents,  [c]ontext
+ # %        Toggle:  [#] label counters,   [%] labels in comments
+ SPC / f    Show full context in other window / Toggle follow mode.
+ .          Show insertion point in other window.
+ v   / V    Toggle \\ref <-> \\vref / Rotate \\ref <=> \\fref <=> \\Fref
+ TAB        Enter a label with completion.
+ m , - +    Mark entry. `,-+' also assign a separator.
+ a / A      Put all marked entries into one/many \\ref commands.
+ q / RET    Quit without referencing / Accept current label (also on mouse-2).")
+(defun reftex-reference (&optional type no-insert cut)
+  "Make a LaTeX reference.  Look only for labels of a certain TYPE.
+With prefix arg, force to rescan buffer for labels.  This should only be
+necessary if you have recently entered labels yourself without using
+reftex-label.  Rescanning of the buffer can also be requested from the
+label selection menu.
+The function returns the selected label or nil.
+If NO-INSERT is non-nil, do not insert \\ref command, just return label.
+When called with 2 C-u prefix args, disable magic word recognition."
+  (interactive)
+  ;; check for active recursive edits
+  (reftex-check-recursive-edit)
+  ;; Ensure access to scanning info and rescan buffer if prefix are is '(4)
+  (reftex-access-scan-info current-prefix-arg)
+  (unless type
+    ;; guess type from context
+    (if (and reftex-guess-label-type
+             (setq type (reftex-guess-label-type)))
+	(setq cut (cdr type)
+	      type (car type))
+      (setq type (reftex-query-label-type))))
+  (let* ((refstyle 
+	  (cond ((reftex-typekey-check type reftex-vref-is-default) "\\vref")
+		((reftex-typekey-check type reftex-fref-is-default) "\\fref")
+		(t "\\ref")))
+	 (reftex-format-ref-function reftex-format-ref-function)
+	 (form "\\ref{%s}")
+	 label labels sep sep1)
+    ;; Have the user select a label
+    (set-marker reftex-select-return-marker (point))
+    (setq labels (save-excursion
+		   (reftex-offer-label-menu type)))
+    (reftex-ensure-compiled-variables)
+    (set-marker reftex-select-return-marker nil)
+    ;; If the first entry is the symbol 'concat, concat all all labels.
+    ;; We keep the cdr of the first label for typekey etc information.
+    (if (eq (car labels) 'concat)
+	(setq labels (list (list (mapconcat 'car (cdr labels) ",")
+				 (cdr (nth 1 labels))))))
+    (setq type (nth 1 (car labels))
+	  form (or (cdr (assoc type reftex-typekey-to-format-alist))
+		   form))
+    (cond
+     (no-insert
+      ;; Just return the first label
+      (car (car labels)))
+     ((null labels)
+      (message "Quit")
+      nil)
+     (t
+      (while labels
+	(setq label (car (car labels))
+	      sep (nth 2 (car labels))
+	      sep1 (cdr (assoc sep reftex-multiref-punctuation))
+	      labels (cdr labels))
+	(when cut 
+	  (backward-delete-char cut)
+	  (setq cut nil))
+	;; remove ~ if we do already have a space
+	(when (and (= ?~ (string-to-char form))
+		   (member (preceding-char) '(?\ ?\t ?\n)))
+	  (setq form (substring form 1)))
+	;; do we have a special format?
+	(setq reftex-format-ref-function
+	      (cond
+	       ((string= refstyle "\\vref") 'reftex-format-vref)
+	       ((string= refstyle "\\fref") 'reftex-format-fref)
+	       ((string= refstyle "\\Fref") 'reftex-format-Fref)
+	       (t reftex-format-ref-function)))
+	;; ok, insert the reference
+	(if sep1 (insert sep1))
+	(insert
+	 (if reftex-format-ref-function
+	     (funcall reftex-format-ref-function label form)
+	   (format form label label)))
+	;; take out the initial ~ for good
+	(and (= ?~ (string-to-char form))
+	     (setq form (substring form 1))))
+      (message "")
+      label))))
+(defun reftex-guess-label-type ()
+  ;; Examine context to guess what a \ref might want to reference.
+  (let ((words reftex-words-to-typekey-alist)
+	(case-fold-search t)
+	(bound (max (point-min) (- (point) 35)))
+	matched	cell)
+    (save-excursion
+      (while (and (setq cell (pop words))
+		  (not (setq matched 
+			     (re-search-backward (car cell) bound t))))))
+    (if matched
+	(cons (cdr cell) (- (match-end 0) (match-end 1)))
+      nil)))
+(defvar reftex-select-label-map)
+(defun reftex-offer-label-menu (typekey)
+  ;; Offer a menu with the appropriate labels.
+  (let* ((buf (current-buffer))
+	 (xr-data (assq 'xr (symbol-value reftex-docstruct-symbol)))
+	 (xr-alist (cons (cons "" (buffer-file-name)) (nth 1 xr-data)))
+	 (xr-index 0)
+         (here-I-am (car (reftex-where-am-I)))
+	 (here-I-am1 here-I-am)
+         (toc (reftex-typekey-check typekey reftex-label-menu-flags 0))
+         (files (reftex-typekey-check typekey reftex-label-menu-flags 7))
+         (context (not (reftex-typekey-check
+                        typekey reftex-label-menu-flags 3)))
+         (counter (reftex-typekey-check
+                   typekey reftex-label-menu-flags 2))
+         (follow  (reftex-typekey-check
+                   typekey reftex-label-menu-flags 4))
+         (commented (nth 5 reftex-label-menu-flags))
+	 (prefix "")
+	 selection-buffers
+         offset rtn key data last-data entries)
+    (unwind-protect
+        (catch 'exit
+          (while t
+            (save-window-excursion
+	      (delete-other-windows)
+	      (setq reftex-call-back-to-this-buffer buf
+		    reftex-latex-syntax-table (syntax-table))
+	      (let ((default-major-mode 'reftex-select-label-mode))
+		(if reftex-use-multiple-selection-buffers
+		    (switch-to-buffer-other-window
+		     (save-excursion
+		       (set-buffer buf)
+		       (reftex-make-selection-buffer-name typekey)))
+		  (switch-to-buffer-other-window "*RefTeX Select*")
+		  (reftex-erase-buffer)))
+	      (unless (eq major-mode 'reftex-select-label-mode)
+		(reftex-select-label-mode))
+	      (add-to-list 'selection-buffers (current-buffer))
+              (setq truncate-lines t)
+	      (setq mode-line-format
+		    (list "----  " 'mode-line-buffer-identification
+			  "  " 'global-mode-string "   (" mode-name ")"
+			  "  S<" 'refstyle ">"
+			  " -%-"))
+	      (cond
+	       ((= 0 (buffer-size))
+		(let ((buffer-read-only nil))
+		  (message "Creating Selection Buffer...")
+		  (setq offset (reftex-insert-docstruct
+				buf
+				toc
+				typekey
+				nil ; index
+				files
+				context
+				counter
+				commented
+				(or here-I-am offset) 
+				prefix
+				nil  ; no a toc buffer 
+				))))
+	       (here-I-am
+		(setq offset (reftex-get-offset buf here-I-am typekey)))
+	       (t (setq offset t)))
+	      (setq buffer-read-only t)
+	      (setq offset (or offset t))
+              (setq here-I-am nil) ; turn off determination of offset
+              (setq rtn
+                    (reftex-select-item
+                     reftex-select-label-prompt
+                     reftex-select-label-help
+		     reftex-select-label-map
+                     offset
+                     'reftex-show-label-location follow))
+              (setq key       (car rtn)
+                    data      (nth 1 rtn)
+                    last-data (nth 2 rtn)
+		    offset    t)
+              (unless key (throw 'exit nil))
+              (cond
+	       ((eq key ?g)
+		;; update buffer
+		(reftex-erase-buffer))
+               ((or (eq key ?r)
+                    (eq key ?R))
+                ;; rescan buffer
+		(and current-prefix-arg (setq key ?R))
+		(reftex-erase-buffer)
+                (reftex-reparse-document buf last-data key))
+               ((eq key ?c)
+                ;; toggle context mode
+		(reftex-erase-buffer)
+                (setq context (not context)))
+               ((eq key ?s)
+                ;; switch type
+		(setq here-I-am here-I-am1)
+                (setq typekey (reftex-query-label-type)))
+               ((eq key ?t)
+                ;; toggle table of contents display
+		(reftex-erase-buffer)
+                (setq toc (not toc)))
+               ((eq key ?F)
+                ;; toggle display of included file borders
+		(reftex-erase-buffer)
+                (setq files (not files)))
+               ((eq key ?#)
+                ;; toggle counter display
+		(reftex-erase-buffer)
+                (setq counter (not counter)))
+               ((eq key ?%)
+                ;; toggle display of commented labels
+		(reftex-erase-buffer)
+                (setq commented (not commented)))
+               ((eq key ?l)
+                ;; reuse the last referenced label again
+                (setq entries reftex-last-used-reference)
+                (throw 'exit t))
+	       ((eq key ?x)
+		;; select an external document
+		(setq xr-index (reftex-select-external-document
+				xr-alist xr-index))
+		(setq buf (or (reftex-get-file-buffer-force
+			       (cdr (nth xr-index xr-alist)))
+			      (error "Cannot switch document"))
+		      prefix (or (car (nth xr-index xr-alist)) ""))
+		(set-buffer buf)
+		(reftex-access-scan-info))
+	       ((stringp key)
+		(setq entries
+		      (list
+		       (list
+			(or (assoc key (symbol-value reftex-docstruct-symbol))
+			    (list key typekey)))))
+		(throw 'exit t))
+	       ((memq key '(?a ?A return))
+		(cond
+		 (reftex-select-marked
+		  (setq entries (nreverse reftex-select-marked)))
+		 (data
+		  (setq entries (list (list data))))
+		 (t (setq entries nil)))
+		(when entries
+		  (if (equal key ?a) (push 'concat entries))
+		  (setq reftex-last-used-reference entries))
+                (set-buffer buf)
+                (throw 'exit t))
+	       (t (error "This should not happen (reftex-offer-label-menu)"))))))
+      (save-excursion
+	(while reftex-buffers-with-changed-invisibility
+	  (set-buffer (car (car reftex-buffers-with-changed-invisibility)))
+	  (setq buffer-invisibility-spec 
+		(cdr (pop reftex-buffers-with-changed-invisibility)))))
+      (mapcar (lambda (buf) (and (buffer-live-p buf) (bury-buffer buf)))
+	      selection-buffers)
+      (reftex-kill-temporary-buffers))
+    ;; Add the prefixes, put together the relevant information in the form
+    ;; (LABEL TYPEKEY SEPERATOR) and return a list of those.
+    (mapcar (lambda (x)
+	      (if (listp x)
+		  (list (concat prefix (car (car x)))
+			(nth 1 (car x))
+			(nth 2 x))
+		x))
+	    entries)))
+(defun reftex-reparse-document (&optional buffer data key)
+  ;; Rescan the document.
+  (save-window-excursion
+    (save-excursion
+      (if buffer
+          (if (not (bufferp buffer))
+              (error "No such buffer %s" (buffer-name buffer))
+            (set-buffer buffer)))
+      (let ((arg (if (eq key ?R) '(16) '(4)))
+            (file (nth 3 data)))
+        (reftex-access-scan-info arg file)))))
+(defun reftex-query-label-type ()
+  ;; Ask for label type
+  (let ((key (reftex-select-with-char 
+	      reftex-type-query-prompt reftex-type-query-help 3)))
+    (unless (member (char-to-string key) reftex-typekey-list)
+      (error "No such label type: %s" (char-to-string key)))
+    (char-to-string key)))
+(defun reftex-show-label-location (data forward no-revisit 
+					&optional stay error)
+  ;; View the definition site of a label in another window.
+  ;; DATA is an entry from the docstruct list.
+  ;; FORWARD indicates if the label is likely forward from current point.
+  ;; NO-REVISIT means do not load a file to show this label.
+  ;; STAY means leave the new window selected.
+  ;; ERROR means throw an error exception when the label cannot be found.
+  ;; If ERROR is nil, the return value of this function indicates success.
+  (let* ((this-window (selected-window))
+	 (errorf (if error 'error 'message))
+         label file buffer re found)
+    (catch 'exit
+      (setq label (nth 0 data)
+	    file  (nth 3 data))
+      (unless file
+	(funcall errorf "Unknown label - reparse might help")
+	(throw 'exit nil))
+      ;; Goto the file in another window
+      (setq buffer 
+	    (if no-revisit
+		(reftex-get-buffer-visiting file)
+	      (reftex-get-file-buffer-force
+	       file (not reftex-keep-temporary-buffers))))
+      (if buffer
+          ;; good - the file is available
+          (switch-to-buffer-other-window buffer)
+        ;; we have got a problem here.  The file does not exist.
+        ;; Let' get out of here..
+	(funcall errorf "Label %s not found" label)
+	(throw 'exit nil))
+      ;; search for that label
+      (setq re (format reftex-find-label-regexp-format (regexp-quote label)))
+      (setq found
+	    (if forward
+		(re-search-forward re nil t)
+	      (re-search-backward re nil t)))
+      (unless found
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+	(unless (setq found (re-search-forward re nil t))
+	  ;; Ooops.  Must be in a macro with distributed args.
+	  (setq found
+		(re-search-forward
+		 (format reftex-find-label-regexp-format2
+			 (regexp-quote label)) nil t))))
+      (if (match-end 3)
+	  (progn
+	    (reftex-highlight 0 (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3))
+	    (reftex-show-entry (match-beginning 3) (match-end 3))
+	    (recenter '(4))
+	    (unless stay (select-window this-window)))
+	(select-window this-window)
+	(funcall errorf "Label %s not found" label))
+      found)))
+(defvar font-lock-mode)
+(defun reftex-show-entry (beg-hlt end-hlt)
+  ;; Show entry if point is hidden
+  (let* ((n (/ (reftex-window-height) 2))
+         (beg (save-excursion
+               (re-search-backward "[\n\r]" nil 1 n) (point)))
+         (end (save-excursion
+                (re-search-forward  "[\n\r]" nil 1 n) (point))))
+    (cond
+     ((and (boundp 'buffer-invisibility-spec) buffer-invisibility-spec
+	   (get-char-property (1+ beg-hlt) 'invisible))
+      ;; Invisible with text properties.  That is easy to change.
+      (push (cons (current-buffer) buffer-invisibility-spec)
+	    reftex-buffers-with-changed-invisibility)
+      (setq buffer-invisibility-spec nil))
+     ((string-match "\r" (buffer-substring beg end))
+      ;; Invisible with selective display.  We need to copy it.
+      (let ((string (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)))
+	(switch-to-buffer "*RefTeX Context Copy*")
+	(setq buffer-read-only nil)
+	(erase-buffer)
+	(insert string)
+	(subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max) ?\r ?\n t)
+	(goto-char (- beg-hlt beg))
+	(reftex-highlight 0 (1+ (- beg-hlt beg)) (1+ (- end-hlt beg)))
+	(if (reftex-refontify)
+	    (when (or (not (eq major-mode 'latex-mode))
+		      (not font-lock-mode))
+	      (latex-mode)
+	      (run-hook-with-args 
+	       'reftex-pre-refontification-functions
+	       reftex-call-back-to-this-buffer 'reftex-hidden)
+	      (turn-on-font-lock))
+	  (when (or (not (eq major-mode 'fundamental-mode))
+		    font-lock-mode)
+	    (fundamental-mode)))
+	(run-hooks 'reftex-display-copied-context-hook)
+	(setq buffer-read-only t))))))
+(defun reftex-varioref-vref ()
+  "Insert a reference using the `\vref' macro from the varioref package."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((reftex-format-ref-function 'reftex-format-vref))
+    (reftex-reference)))
+(defun reftex-fancyref-fref ()
+  "Insert a reference using the `\fref' macro from the fancyref package."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((reftex-format-ref-function 'reftex-format-fref)
+	;;(reftex-guess-label-type nil) ;FIXME do we want this????
+	)
+    (reftex-reference)))
+(defun reftex-fancyref-Fref ()
+  "Insert a reference using the `\Fref' macro from the fancyref package."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((reftex-format-ref-function 'reftex-format-Fref)
+	;;(reftex-guess-label-type nil) ;FIXME do we want this????
+	)
+    (reftex-reference)))
+(defun reftex-format-vref (label fmt)
+  (while (string-match "\\\\ref{" fmt)
+    (setq fmt (replace-match "\\vref{" t t fmt)))
+  (format fmt label label))
+(defun reftex-format-Fref (label def-fmt)
+  (format "\\Fref{%s}" label))
+(defun reftex-format-fref (label def-fmt)
+  (format "\\fref{%s}" label))
+;;; reftex-ref.el ends here