diff lisp/cedet/semantic/bovine.el @ 105260:bbd7017a25d9

CEDET (development tools) package merged. * cedet/*.el: * cedet/ede/*.el: * cedet/semantic/*.el: * cedet/srecode/*.el: New files.
author Chong Yidong <cyd@stupidchicken.com>
date Mon, 28 Sep 2009 15:15:00 +0000
parents a19d1a45b823
children 108a3a6d8be0
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lisp/cedet/semantic/bovine.el	Mon Sep 28 15:15:00 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+;;; semantic/bovine.el --- LL Parser/Analyzer core.
+;;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam <eric@siege-engine.com>
+;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
+;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Semantix 1.x uses an LL parser named the "bovinator".  This parser
+;; had several conveniences in it which made for parsing tags out of
+;; languages with list characters easy.  This parser lives on as one
+;; of many available parsers for semantic the tool.
+;; This parser should be used when the language is simple, such as
+;; makefiles or other data-declaritive langauges.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'semantic)
+(declare-function semantic-create-bovine-debug-error-frame
+		  "semantic/bovine/debug")
+(declare-function semantic-bovine-debug-create-frame
+		  "semantic/bovine/debug")
+(declare-function semantic-debug-break "semantic/debug")
+;;; Variables
+(defvar semantic-bovinate-nonterminal-check-obarray nil
+  "Obarray of streams already parsed for nonterminal symbols.
+Use this to detect infinite recursion during a parse.")
+(make-variable-buffer-local 'semantic-bovinate-nonterminal-check-obarray)
+;; These are functions that can be called from within a bovine table.
+;; Most of these have code auto-generated from other construct in the
+;; bovine input grammar.
+(defmacro semantic-lambda (&rest return-val)
+  "Create a lambda expression to return a list including RETURN-VAL.
+The return list is a lambda expression to be used in a bovine table."
+  `(lambda (vals start end)
+     (append ,@return-val (list start end))))
+;;; Semantic Bovination
+;; Take a semantic token stream, and convert it using the bovinator.
+;; The bovinator takes a state table, and converts the token stream
+;; into a new semantic stream defined by the bovination table.
+(defsubst semantic-bovinate-symbol-nonterminal-p (sym table)
+  "Return non-nil if SYM is in TABLE, indicating it is NONTERMINAL."
+  ;; sym is always a sym, so assq should be ok.
+  (if (assq sym table) t nil))
+(defmacro semantic-bovinate-nonterminal-db-nt ()
+  "Return the current nonterminal symbol.
+Part of the grammar source debugger.  Depends on the existing
+environment of `semantic-bovinate-stream'."
+  `(if nt-stack
+       (car (aref (car nt-stack) 2))
+     nonterminal))
+(defun semantic-bovinate-nonterminal-check (stream nonterminal)
+  "Check if STREAM not already parsed for NONTERMINAL.
+If so abort because an infinite recursive parse is suspected."
+  (or (vectorp semantic-bovinate-nonterminal-check-obarray)
+      (setq semantic-bovinate-nonterminal-check-obarray
+            (make-vector 13 nil)))
+  (let* ((nt (symbol-name nonterminal))
+         (vs (symbol-value
+              (intern-soft
+               nt semantic-bovinate-nonterminal-check-obarray))))
+    (if (memq stream vs)
+        ;; Always enter debugger to see the backtrace
+        (let ((debug-on-signal t)
+              (debug-on-error  t))
+          (setq semantic-bovinate-nonterminal-check-obarray nil)
+          (error "Infinite recursive parse suspected on %s" nt))
+      (set (intern nt semantic-bovinate-nonterminal-check-obarray)
+           (cons stream vs)))))
+(defun semantic-bovinate-stream (stream &optional nonterminal)
+  "Bovinate STREAM, starting at the first NONTERMINAL rule.
+Use `bovine-toplevel' if NONTERMINAL is not provided.
+This is the core routine for converting a stream into a table.
+Return the list (STREAM SEMANTIC-STREAM) where STREAM are those
+elements of STREAM that have not been used.  SEMANTIC-STREAM is the
+list of semantic tokens found."
+  (if (not nonterminal)
+      (setq nonterminal 'bovine-toplevel))
+  ;; Try to detect infinite recursive parse when doing a full reparse.
+  (or semantic--buffer-cache
+      (semantic-bovinate-nonterminal-check stream nonterminal))
+  (let* ((table semantic--parse-table)
+	 (matchlist (cdr (assq nonterminal table)))
+	 (starting-stream stream)
+	 (nt-loop  t)		  ;non-terminal loop condition
+	 nt-popup                 ;non-nil if return from nt recursion
+	 nt-stack		  ;non-terminal recursion stack
+	 s			  ;Temp Stream Tracker
+	 lse			  ;Local Semantic Element
+	 lte			  ;Local matchlist element
+	 tev			  ;Matchlist entry values from buffer
+	 val			  ;Value found in buffer.
+	 cvl			  ;collected values list.
+	 out			  ;Output
+	 end			  ;End of match
+	 result
+	 )
+    (condition-case debug-condition
+        (while nt-loop
+          (catch 'push-non-terminal
+            (setq nt-popup nil
+                  end (semantic-lex-token-end (car stream)))
+            (while (or nt-loop nt-popup)
+              (setq nt-loop nil
+                    out     nil)
+              (while (or nt-popup matchlist)
+                (if nt-popup
+                    ;; End of a non-terminal recursion
+                    (setq nt-popup nil)
+                  ;; New matching process
+                  (setq s   stream      ;init s from stream.
+                        cvl nil     ;re-init the collected value list.
+                        lte (car matchlist) ;Get the local matchlist entry.
+                        )
+                  (if (or (byte-code-function-p (car lte))
+                          (listp (car lte)))
+                      ;; In this case, we have an EMPTY match!  Make
+                      ;; stuff up.
+                      (setq cvl (list nil))))
+                (while (and lte
+                            (not (byte-code-function-p (car lte)))
+                            (not (listp (car lte))))
+                  ;; GRAMMAR SOURCE DEBUGGING!
+                  (if (and (boundp 'semantic-debug-enabled)
+			   semantic-debug-enabled)
+                      (let* ((db-nt   (semantic-bovinate-nonterminal-db-nt))
+                             (db-ml   (cdr (assq db-nt table)))
+                             (db-mlen (length db-ml))
+                             (db-midx (- db-mlen (length matchlist)))
+                             (db-tlen (length (nth db-midx db-ml)))
+                             (db-tidx (- db-tlen (length lte)))
+			     (frame (progn
+				      (require 'semantic/bovine/debug)
+				      (semantic-bovine-debug-create-frame
+				       db-nt db-midx db-tidx cvl (car s))))
+			     (cmd (semantic-debug-break frame))
+			     )
+                        (cond ((eq 'fail cmd) (setq lte '(trash 0 . 0)))
+			      ((eq 'quit cmd) (signal 'quit "Abort"))
+			      ((eq 'abort cmd) (error "Abort"))
+			      ;; support more commands here.
+			      )))
+                  ;; END GRAMMAR SOURCE DEBUGGING!
+                  (cond
+                   ;; We have a nonterminal symbol.  Recurse inline.
+                   ((setq nt-loop (assq (car lte) table))
+                    (setq
+                     ;; push state into the nt-stack
+                     nt-stack (cons (vector matchlist cvl lte stream end
+                                            )
+                                    nt-stack)
+                     ;; new non-terminal matchlist
+                     matchlist   (cdr nt-loop)
+                     ;; new non-terminal stream
+                     stream      s)
+                    (throw 'push-non-terminal t)
+                    )
+                   ;; Default case
+                   (t
+                    (setq lse (car s)   ;Get the local stream element
+                          s   (cdr s))  ;update stream.
+                    ;; Do the compare
+                    (if (eq (car lte) (semantic-lex-token-class lse)) ;syntactic match
+                        (let ((valdot (semantic-lex-token-bounds lse)))
+                          (setq val (semantic-lex-token-text lse))
+                          (setq lte (cdr lte))
+                          (if (stringp (car lte))
+                              (progn
+                                (setq tev (car lte)
+                                      lte (cdr lte))
+                                (if (string-match tev val)
+                                    (setq cvl (cons
+                                               (if (memq (semantic-lex-token-class lse)
+                                                         '(comment semantic-list))
+                                                   valdot val)
+                                               cvl)) ;append this value
+                                  (setq lte nil cvl nil))) ;clear the entry (exit)
+                            (setq cvl (cons
+                                       (if (memq (semantic-lex-token-class lse)
+                                                 '(comment semantic-list))
+                                           valdot val) cvl))) ;append unchecked value.
+                          (setq end (semantic-lex-token-end lse))
+                          )
+                      (setq lte nil cvl nil)) ;No more matches, exit
+                    )))
+                (if (not cvl)           ;lte=nil;  there was no match.
+                    (setq matchlist (cdr matchlist)) ;Move to next matchlist entry
+                  (let ((start (semantic-lex-token-start (car stream))))
+                    (setq out (cond
+                               ((car lte)
+                                (funcall (car lte) ;call matchlist fn on values
+                                         (nreverse cvl) start end))
+                               ((and (= (length cvl) 1)
+                                     (listp (car cvl))
+                                     (not (numberp (car (car cvl)))))
+                                (append (car cvl) (list start end)))
+                               (t
+                                ;;(append (nreverse cvl) (list start end))))
+                                ;; MAYBE THE FOLLOWING NEEDS LESS CONS
+                                ;; CELLS THAN THE ABOVE?
+                                (nreverse (cons end (cons start cvl)))))
+                          matchlist nil) ;;generate exit condition
+                    (if (not end)
+                        (setq out nil)))
+                  ;; Nothin?
+                  ))
+              (setq result
+                    (if (eq s starting-stream)
+                        (list (cdr s) nil)
+                      (list s out)))
+              (if nt-stack
+                  ;; pop previous state from the nt-stack
+                  (let ((state (car nt-stack)))
+                    (setq nt-popup    t
+                          ;; pop actual parser state
+                          matchlist   (aref state 0)
+                          cvl         (aref state 1)
+                          lte         (aref state 2)
+                          stream      (aref state 3)
+                          end         (aref state 4)
+                          ;; update the stack
+                          nt-stack    (cdr nt-stack))
+                    (if out
+                        (let ((len (length out))
+                              (strip (nreverse (cdr (cdr (reverse out))))))
+                          (setq end (nth (1- len) out) ;reset end to the end of exp
+                                cvl (cons strip cvl) ;prepend value of exp
+                                lte (cdr lte)) ;update the local table entry
+                          )
+                      ;; No value means that we need to terminate this
+                      ;; match.
+                      (setq lte nil cvl nil)) ;No match, exit
+                    )))))
+      (error
+       ;; On error just move forward the stream of lexical tokens
+       (setq result (list (cdr starting-stream) nil))
+       (when (and (boundp 'semantic-debug-enabled)
+		  semantic-debug-enabled)
+	 (require 'semantic/bovine/debug)
+	 (let ((frame (semantic-create-bovine-debug-error-frame
+		       debug-condition)))
+	   (semantic-debug-break frame)))))
+    result))
+;; Make it the default parser
+(defalias 'semantic-parse-stream-default 'semantic-bovinate-stream)
+(provide 'semantic/bovine)
+;; Local variables:
+;; generated-autoload-file: "loaddefs.el"
+;; generated-autoload-feature: semantic/loaddefs
+;; generated-autoload-load-name: "semantic/bovine"
+;; End:
+;;; semantic/bovine.el ends here