diff admin/nt/README.W32 @ 39011:dc12250ba65b

add scripts for creating precompiled Windows distributions
author Andrew Innes <andrewi@gnu.org>
date Wed, 29 Aug 2001 13:58:01 +0000
children ade47df15864
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/admin/nt/README.W32	Wed Aug 29 13:58:01 2001 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+	      Emacs for Windows NT and Windows 95/98/2000
+			Version 21.0.104 pretest
+			     July 16, 2001
+  This README file describes how to set up and run a precompiled version
+  of GNU Emacs for Windows NT and Windows 95/98/2000.  This distribution
+  can be found on the ftp.gnu.org server and its mirrors:
+	ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/windows/emacs/
+  This server contains other distributions, including the full Emacs
+  source distribution and the lisp source distribution, as well as older
+  releases of Emacs for Windows.
+  Answers to frequently asked questions, and further information about
+  this port of GNU Emacs and related software packages can be found via
+  http or ftp:
+	http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/windows/ntemacs.html
+	ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/windows/emacs/docs/ntemacs.html
+* Preliminaries
+  Along with this file should be six subdirectories (bin, etc, info,
+  lisp, lock, site-lisp).  Depending on which distribution you have
+  installed, the lisp subdirectory might contain both the lisp source
+  (*.el) and compiled lisp files (*.elc), or just the compiled lisp
+  files.  If you don't have the lisp source files, you can obtain them
+  by downloading the lisp source distribution or the full source
+  distribution from the ftp site mentioned above.
+* Setting up Emacs
+  To install Emacs, simply unpack all the files into a directory of your
+  choice, but note that you might encounter minor problems if there is a
+  space anywhere in the directory name.  To complete the installation
+  process, you can optionally run the program addpm.exe in the bin
+  subdirectory.  This will add some entries to the registry that tell
+  Emacs where to find its support files, and put an icon for Emacs in
+  the Start Menu under "Start -> Programs -> Gnu Emacs -> Emacs".
+  Some users have reported that the Start Menu item is not created for
+  them.  If this happens, just create your own shortcut to runemacs.exe,
+  eg. by dragging it on to the desktop or the Start button.
+  Note that running addpm is now an optional step; Emacs is able to
+  locate all of its files without needing the information to be set in
+  the environment or the registry, although such settings will still be
+  obeyed if present.  This is convenient for running Emacs on a machine
+  which disallows registry changes, or on which software should not be
+  installed.  For instance, you can now run Emacs directly from a CD
+  without copying or installing anything on the machine itself.
+* Starting Emacs
+  To run Emacs, simply select Emacs from the Start Menu, or invoke
+  runemacs.exe directly from Explorer or a command prompt.  This will
+  start Emacs in its default GUI mode, ready to use.  If you have never
+  used Emacs before, you should follow the tutorial at this point
+  (select Emacs Tutorial from the Help menu), since Emacs is quite
+  different from ordinary Windows applications in many respects.
+  If you want to use Emacs in tty or character mode within a command
+  window, you can start it by typing "emacs -nw" at the command prompt.
+  (Obviously, you need to ensure that the Emacs bin subdirectory is in
+  your PATH first, or specify the path to emacs.exe.)  The -nw
+  (non-windowed) mode of operation is most useful if you have a telnet
+  server on your machine, allowing you to run Emacs remotely.
+* Uninstalling Emacs
+  If you should need to uninstall Emacs, simply delete all the files and
+  subdirectories from the directory where it was unpacked (Emacs does
+  not install or update any files in system directories or anywhere
+  else).  If you ran the addpm.exe program to create the registry
+  entries and the Start menu icon, then you can remove the registry
+  entries using regedit.  All of the settings are written under the
+  Software\GNU\Emacs key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, or if you didn't have
+  administrator privileges, the same key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.  Just
+  delete the Software\GNU\Emacs key.
+  The Start menu entry can be removed by right-clicking on the Task bar
+  and selecting Properties, then using the Remove option on the Start
+  Menu Programs page.  (If you installed under an account with
+  administrator privileges, then you need to click the Advanced button
+  and look for the Gnu Emacs menu item under All Users.)
+* Troubleshooting
+  Unpacking the distributions
+  If you encounter trouble trying to run Emacs, there are a number of
+  possible causes.  If you didn't use the versions of tar and gunzip (or
+  djtarnt) on the above ftp site, it is possible that the distribution
+  became corrupted while it was being unpacked.  Check the following for
+  indications that the distribution was not corrupted:
+    * Be sure to disable the CR/LF translation or the executables will
+      be unusable.  Older versions of WinZipNT would enable this
+      translation by default.  If you are using WinZipNT, disable it.
+      (I don't have WinZipNT myself, and I do not know the specific
+      commands necessary to disable it.)
+    * Check that filenames were not truncated to 8.3.  For example,
+      there should be a file lisp\abbrevlist.elc; if this has been
+      truncated to abbrevli.elc, your distribution has been corrupted
+      while unpacking and Emacs will not start.
+    * Users have said that some utilities (WinZip again?) don't create
+      the lock subdirectory.  You can create the lock directory by hand
+      (it is normally empty).
+    * Users have also reported that the gnu-win32 tar corrupts the
+      executables.  Use the version of tar or djtarnt on the ftp.gnu.org
+      site instead.
+  If you believe you have unpacked the distributions correctly and are
+  still encountering problems, see the section on Further Information
+  below.
+  Virus scanners
+  Some virus scanners interfere with Emacs' use of subprocesses.  If you
+  are unable to use subprocesses and you use Dr. Solomon's WinGuard or
+  McAfee's Vshield, turn off "Scan all files" (WinGuard) or "boot sector
+  scanning" (McAfee exclusion properties).
+* Further information
+  If you have access to the World Wide Web, I would recommend pointing
+  your favorite web browser to following the document (if you haven't
+  already):
+	http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/windows/ntemacs.html
+  This document serves as an FAQ and a source for further information
+  about the Windows port and related software packages.
+  In addition to the FAQ, there is a mailing list for discussing issues
+  related to the Windows port of Emacs.  The name of the list is
+  "ntemacs-users@cs.washington.edu".  For information about the list,
+  send a message to "ntemacs-users-request@cs.washington.edu" with the
+  word "info" in the body of the message.  To subscribe to the list,
+  send a message to the same address with the word "subscribe" in the
+  body of the message; similarly, to unsubscribe from the list, send a
+  message with the word "unsubscribe" in the message body.
+  Another valuable source of information and help which should not be
+  overlooked is the various Usenet news groups dedicated to Emacs.
+  These are particuarly good for help with general issues which aren't
+  specific to the Windows port of Emacs.  The main news groups to use
+  for seeking help are:
+	gnu.emacs.help
+	comp.emacs
+  There are also fairly regular postings and announcements of new or
+  updated Emacs packages on this group:
+	gnu.emacs.sources
+* Reporting bugs
+  If you encounter a bug in this port of Emacs, we would like to hear
+  about it.  First check the FAQ on the web page above to see if the bug
+  is already known and if there are any workarounds.  Then check whether
+  the bug has something to do with code in your .emacs file, e.g. by
+  invoking Emacs with the "-q --no-site-file" options.
+  If you decide that it is a bug in Emacs that might be specific to the
+  Windows port, send a message to the ntemacs-users@cs.washington.edu
+  mailing list describing the bug, the version of Emacs that you are
+  using, and the operating system that you are running on (Windows NT,
+  2000, 95 or 98 including service pack level if known).  If the bug is
+  related to subprocesses, also specify which shell you are using (e.g.,
+  include the values of `shell-file-name' and `shell-explicit-file-name'
+  in your message).
+  If you think the bug is not specific to the Windows port of Emacs,
+  then it is better to mail the bug report to bug-gnu-emacs@gnu.org so
+  that it will be seen by the right people.  If Emacs has been set up to
+  send mail, you can use the command M-x report-emacs-bug to create and
+  send the bug report, but in some cases there is a function to report
+  bugs in a specific package; e.g. M-x gnus-bug for Gnus, M-x
+  c-submit-bug-report for C/C++/Java mode, etc.
+  Enjoy.
+  Andrew Innes
+  (andrewi@gnu.org)