-*- text -*-GNU Service Directory---------------------This is a list of people who have asked to be listed as offeringsupport services for GNU software, including GNU Emacs, for a feeor in some cases at no charge.The information comes from the people who asked to be listed;we do not include any information we know to be false, but wecannot check out any of the information; we are transmitting it toyou as it was given to us and do not promise it is correct.Also, this is not an endorsement of the people listed here.We have no opinions and usually no information about the abilities ofany specific person. We provide this list to enable you to contactservice providers and decide for yourself whether to hire one.Before FSF will list your name in the GNU Service Directory, we askthat you agree informally to the following terms:1. You will not restrict (except by copyleft) the use or distributionof any software, documentation, or other information you supply anyonein the course of modifying, extending, or supporting GNU software.This includes any information specifically designed to ameliorate theuse of GNU software.2. You will not take advantage of contact made through the ServiceDirectory to advertise an unrelated business (e.g., sales ofnon-GNU-related proprietary information). You may spontaneouslymention your availability for general consulting, but you should notpromote a specific unrelated business unless the client asks.Please include some indication of your rates, because otherwise usershave nothing to go by. Please put each e-mail address inside "<>".Please put nothing else inside "<>". Thanks!For a current copy of this directory, or to have yourself listed, ask: gnu@gnu.org** Please keep the entries in this file alphabetical **Alcove <infos@alcove.fr>12/13 place Indira Gandhi92230 GennevilliersFrancehttp://www.alcove.frT?l.: +33 1 47 33 82 84Fax: +33 1 47 33 76 98Alcove offers a comprehensive range of corporate-qualityFree Software related solutions, with technical supportvia telephone, fax or email and remote system management.We also offers consulting and training. Alcove is now developingpartnerships with top range companies in the computer businesslike SQL Ing?nierie in its field of skills : consulting, technicalsupport...Rates approximately 4000FF per day, depending on the job.Updated: 1999-04-13Amazonia Computing<rick@efn.org>http://www.efn.org/~rick745 Foothill DriveEugene, OR 97405541-465-9008I provide development and technical support for free softwareand open source systems including embedded programming, GNU/Linux, theGNU development suite..I have over 10 years experience building and maintaining systems rangingfrom medical patient monitoring systems to Linux device drivers forcustom PCI plug in cards.Rates range from $75.00/hr to $85/hr USD. I am also willing to workon fixed price contracts.Updated: 1999-04-02AO UrbanSoft <info@usoft.spb.ru>St. Petersburg State University Science CampusSt. Petersburg, Russiahttp://www.usoft.spb.ruAO UrbanSoft packages, markets and supportsindustry standard free software products,including the Linux operating system andTeX document compiler.The company also provides programming services based on TeX, Tk, Python, HTML, Java, Perl andIntranet. Rates approximately 15 USD per hour (as of 1997).Updated: 1999-04-02 by GNU staffDipl.-Inform. Gerd Aschemann <Aschemann@Informatik.TU-Darmstadt.de>Osannstr. 49D-64285 DarmstadtTel.: +49 6151 16 2259http://www.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/VS/Mitarbeiter/Aschemann/- System Administrator (UNIX and NT) at CS Department, TU Darmstadt, Germany- 18 years working in the CS field, System administration on different platforms- 12 years with UNIX/Networking/FreeWare/GNU/X11- 9 years courses on Operating Systems and Distributed Systems- Lectures on System and Network Administration- Platforms: Solaris, Linux, SunOS, Ultrix, HP-UX, Digital Unix, AIX, SCO, FreeBSDs- Distributed Platforms and Information Systems (CORBA, WWW, Java)- Experience with parallel environments (Connection Machine, Meiko, Parsytec)- ConsultantRates are at 150,-- DM (~85 US$) per hour minimum, depending on the job.I am willing to travel for sufficiently large jobs.Updated: 1999-04-14Don Barry, Ph.D. <don@astro.as.utexas.edu>Austin, Texas http://www.chara.gsu.edu/~don/Astrophysicist with extensive and varied hacker background. Substantialexpertise in mathematical modeling, instrument interface, low-level andhigh-level hardware control, statistical analysis, automated/mathematicaltypesetting. Also fluent in opto/electro/mechanical design. I try to findsolutions using free software when possible and specialize in GNU/Linuxplatforms. Degrees also in chemistry and mathematics.Speak: C, APL, Fortran, J, Perl, Emacs Lisp, IDL, variety of machinelanguages from CDC CYBER (!) to x86 families, TeX/LaTeX, sendmail, andquite a few others. Experience on platforms from PDP to present.Rates: $75--$150 per hour + travel (if required) depending on the needs ofthe project, the level of support and availability required, and itsinterest to me.Services: consulting, design, porting, lecturing, support, project definition,system implementation.Updated: 1999-04-02Laurent Bernardin16, rue DicksL-6944 NiederanvenLuxemburg<laurent@bernardin.com>+41 1 300 3712Support and installation of all GNU software.Expertise: C, C++, Java, Motif, X, Unix administration, network securityRates: ~85 US$ / hour (Flux 3500.-)Updated: 1999-05-05Dean Brettle Computer Consulting<dean@brettle.com>http://www.brettle.com/7485 Rush River DriveSuite 710-193Sacramento, CA 95831916-422-8129I provide development, technical support, and training for free softwareand open source systems including GNU/Linux, the GNU development suite,Tcl/Tk, Emacs, and the GIMP.I have over 9 years experience building and maintaining systems rangingfrom computed tomography systems to airborne sensor control systems --all with free software.Rates range from $80/hr - $120/hr USD. I am also interested in workingon fixed price contracts.Updated: 1999-04-02James Craig Burley97 Arrowhead CircleAshland, MA 01721(Email and postal mail contacts only, please.)Email: <craig@jcb-sc.com>Web: http://world.std.com/~burley/Expertise: Compiler Internals (author of GNU Fortran, for example) Operating Systems Internals Tools/Utilities Development and Maintenance Microcode Development and Maintenance (primarily VLIW machines) System Design (computers, operating systems, toolsets, &c) Debugging (often asked to help debug Other People's Code) Documentation (authored many books and ran a few doc projects) Extensive experience with a variety of operating systems, hardware, languages, and so onRate: $100/hourUpdated: 1999-04-01C2V Michel Delval <mfd@c2v.com>82 bd Haussmann Jean-Alain Le Borgne <jalb@c2v.com>75008 ParisFranceTel (33 1) (33 1) 100413,1012http://www.c2v.com/freesoft.htme-mail: <consult@c2v.com>Services: we offer source or source+binary distribution,installation, training, maintenance, technical support,consulting, specific development and followup on the GNU softwaredevelopment environment: Emacs, gcc/g++, binutils, gas, gdb.Porting on new platforms, and professionally developing softwarewith the GNU tools in the Unix/X11 environment since they werefirst available.Experience: GNU C Compilation toolchain for the SGS-Thomson D950and ST20 DSP chips.GNU C compilation toolchain (cross-compiler, compiler, linker,assembler, debugger) for SparcV7 ERC32 based space systems(Sextant Avionique / Alcatel Espace).Feasability study, analysis and prototyping of a completecompilation toolchain based on the GNU programming tools for theCSEM RISC microprocessor family.Rates: from 2000 FF/day to 150 000 FF/year, 40% discount foreducational institutions, add taxes and expenses. Ask for list.Updated: 1999-05-05Bruce Dawson - <jbd@codemeta.com>CodeMeta, Inc.Manchester, NH USA800-354-2209Specializing in GNU tools such as guile, CVS, gnats, bash, gawk, fileutils...Services: o 800 phone support. o Modification and development. o Training.Rate: $75/hour or per quote.http://www.codemeta.comUpdated: 1999-04-12CodeSourcery, LLC <info@codesourcery.com3421 El Camino Real #35Atherton, CA 94027(650) 364-5360http://www.codesourcery.comCodeSourcery specializes in customization of, enhancements to, andsupport for all GNU software. We have particular experience in thefield of programming tools, and have been responsible for manyfeatures in the GNU C and C++ compilers including the implementationof member templates and type-based alias analysis. Mark Mitchell, oneof our co-founders, is an official maintainer of the EGCS C++front-end.We also have experience with GNU tools ranging from emacs to binutilsto gdb to autoconf, and are willing to work on any and all freesoftware projects.Please see our web page at www.codesourcery.com for more informationabout our products, services, and prices.Updated: 1999-04-12Stuart Cracraft <cracraft@ai.mit.edu>P.O. Box 6752Laguna Niguel, CA, 92607, USAPhone: 714-347-8106 (prefer email)Website: http://home.earthlink.net/~cracraft/index.htmlRate: $75/hour, and as appropriate for the project.Consultation topics:Entire GNU suite - porting, compilation, installation,user-training, administrator-training.Method: via any combination of telephone, dialup, Internet, in-person, email.Experience: supporting GNU since project inception, original port ofGNU Emacs to Sun Solaris, original author of GNU Emacs online tutorial.Expertise in C, Emacs Lisp, Perl, Expect, Oracle, Informix, SunOS, Solaris,NIS, NFS, system-monitoring via paging. Unix System and Databaseadministration or development. Updated: 1999-04-17Cygnus Solutions<info@cygnus.com>1325 Chesapeake TerraceSunnyvale, CA 94089 USA+1 408 542 9600 voice+1 408 542 9699 faxCygnus Solutions provides supported and maintained versions of gcc, g++, gdbwith GUI, GNU linker and GNU macro assembler. In addition, Cygnus providesthese GNU software development tools for well over 100 host-targetconfigurations. Support includes bug fixes and semi-annual releases of thetoolset. Each release is regression tested and includes substantialimprovements and additions to the current release. Support is available forgroups of 5 or 25 on a wide range of standard, special and vintagetoolchains for native and embedded applications. New target processors arebeing added regularly. Rates for support for standard products start at $7495.Cygnus Solutions contact: Kathy Powers ph: +1-206-888-6002 fx: +1-206-888-6145 email: <kpowers@cygnus.com>Updated: 1999-04-12Marcus G. Daniels <marcusd@gnu.org>1399 Hyde Park Road <mgd@santafe.edu>Santa Fe, NM 87501-8943 <marcus@tdb.com>(505)984-8800 x267I can customize, extend, port, and repair many types of free software.I have software maintenance experience (e.g. CLISP, Swarm), and havecontributed to several GNU packages (e.g. Emacs). Twelve years of Cand Unix experience. Consulting rates start at $60 US/hr.Updated: 1999-04-12DSS Distributed Systems Software, Inc.7500 Abercrombie Dr., Suite 103 <dss@dss.bc.ca>Richmond, British Columbia V6Y 3J9 http://www.dss.bc.caCANADA (604) 270-9559GNU-related services: We specialize in support for GCC (mainly C and C++), including porting, retargeting, and customizing. Also, GNU and other free software that falls within our areas of expertise.Expertise: DSS provides software design, implementation, and consulting services. Distributed systems: o Client/Server architectures, computer networking, communicationprotocols o Directory systems, including X.500 and LDAP o High-performance and special-purpose distributed systems and databases: scalability, reliability, availability, transactions o Computer systems performance analysis Compilers, translators, and interpreters, including "small" and special-purpose languagesRates: Consulting rates are $65-$200 USD per hour, plus applicable taxes. Fixed-cost projects are also possible.Updated: 1999-04-20Echo Labs <echo@iinet.net.au>29 Weld St, http://www.iinet.net.au/~echo/Nedlands, WA 6009Perth, Australia+61 (0) 41 356 0008Echo Labs is a software consultancy that also provides support anddevelopment skills. Specialising in GNU software, particularly Tcl/Tkand Linux. We can deliver systems at a fraction of the cost of thosebased on more traditional technologies. Internet/intranet and datacommunications solutions, for all platforms are undertaken. GUIfront-ends done quickly.While typically involved in engineering and technical areas, anyGNU/Open Source software will be supported.For further details see: http://www.iinet.net.au/~echo/Experience: 13+ years C/Unix, Sun, SCO, GNU/Linux, Win/NT. Secure WWW servers (Apache SSL), Ecommerce solutions. Systems programming, device drivers, hardware interfacing. GNU tools/utilities, Embedded & realtime systems. Communications protocols and implementation.Degrees: BAppSc (CS), Curtin University, PerthRates: AUS $50-75/hr neg.Updated: 1999-04-13Markus Fleck <fleck@gnu.org>Koeln/Bonn/NRW <fleck@isoc.de>Germany (DE)Services:- Training Seminars: GNU/Linux; CGI programming; Scripting with Tcl, Perl, Python, PHP3, awk; Tk programming; IETF/W3C Standards; Internet- GNU-based Groupware Solutions, Customization- System Administration (GNU/Linux, SunOS/Solaris)- Email "question answering"Rates: consulting/programming: DM 150/h (~$85); seminar fees negotiated on individual basisUpdated: 1999-04-04Noah Friedman <friedman@splode.com>4463 Moraga AvenueOakland, CA 94611(permanent)Author of several Emacs Lisp packages and parts of Emacs, as well asnumerous network and unix system utilities. Co-maintained GNU Texinfo andAutoconf for a couple of years. Experienced unix systems engineer.FSF employee Feb 1991--Sep 1994.I can perform installation, porting, and enhancement of all GNU softwareand any other free software, especially for Linux/GNU systems; designhigh-capacity hardware-redundant servers for production environments;provide consulting on the use of version control management with CVS; and Iam willing to provide handholding for shell programming and Emacs Lispdevelopment.Fees negotiable, averaging $100-$150/hour. I can work in the Californiabay area or anywhere accessible on the Internet. For larger jobs I may bewilling to travel.Updated: 1999-04-02Brian Gough <bjg@network-theory.co.uk>Network Theory Limited http://www.network-theory.co.uk/Bristol, United KingdomTel: 0117 9681086 (in UK), +44 117 9681086 (outside UK)I provide support, development, and installation of free software on acontract basis. I also do system administration. I can work at yoursite, over the internet, or by phone/email.I have extensive experience in C, Perl, Unix and the internet,including two years running a large website in the US.I can also provide specialized consulting in numerical softwaredevelopment for scientific and quantitative applications.Rate: 40-60 pounds/hour, depending on task and length of project, negotiable.Updated: 1999-04-06Ronald F. Guilmette <rfg@monkeys.com>RG Consulting1751 East Roseville Pkwy. #1828Roseville, CA 95661Tel: +1 916 786 7945FAX: +1 916 786 5311Services: Development & porting of GNU software development tools.GNU Contributions: Invented, designed, and implemented the protoize and unprotoize tools supplied with GCC2. Designed and developed all code to support the generation of Dwarf symbolic debugging information for System V Release 4 in GCC2. Performed original port of GNU compilers to SVr4 system. Finished port of GNU compilers to Intel i860 RISC processor.Experience: 13+ years UNIX systems experience, all working on compilers and related tools. 7+ years working professionally on GCC, G++, and GDB under contract to various firms including the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC), Data General (DG), Network Computing Devices (NCD), and Intel Corp.Other qualifications: Developer of the RoadTest (tm) C and C++ commercial compiler test suites. Former vice-chairman of UNIX International Programming Languages Special Interest Group (UI/PLSIG). Bachelor's and a Master's degrees, both in Computer Science.Rates: Variable depending upon contract duration. Call for quote.Updated: 1999-05-05 Interactive Information Limited is an Edinburgh-based company that specialises in WWW services and in particular support for accessing existing systems and information. Our staff have many years experience in using, and developing lisp packages within, Emacs, and in using other GNU/Unix tools, particularly under public domain UNIXes. We can provide services throughout the UK, at any level from general consultancy through fetching, installing and customising software to bespoke programming. Fees would be in the range #300 - #600 per day, depending primarily on the size of the job. You can contact us by email: <enquire@interactive.co.uk> by phone: 0370 30 40 52 (UK) (+44) 370 30 40 52 (International) by post: 3, Lauriston Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 9HH ScotlandUpdated: 1999-04-30Dipl.-Inform. Klaus K?mpf <kkaempf@gmx.de>L?hnerstrasse 14D-90491 N?rnbergGermany- 18 years C/Unix experience- 10 years VMS experience- Ported BFD library, Binutils, GNU Assembler, GNU C, GNU C++, GNU C++ libraries, and GNU Make to openVMS/Alpha.I do a lot of cross-platform (Unix/Linux-OpenVMS-WindowsNT) developmentmostly with the GNU compiler environment. I am actively supporting GNUsoftware on OpenVMS/Alpha and OpenVMS/VAX.Updated: 1999-04-20Joseph R. Kiniry <kiniry@acm.org>Caltech Mailstop 256-80 http://www.josephkiniry.com/Pasadena, CA 91125Phone: 626-395-3556Fax: 626-792-4257Long-term high-level consultant with four advanced degrees in avariety of domains. See http://www.josephkiniry.com/resume.htmlfor more information on professional and academic background.I provide installation, porting, debugging, customization, design, anddevelopment of GNU and other UNIX and non-UNIX software. I am or havebeen a certified developer with Microsoft, SunSoft, NeXT, and Amiga.I have a great deal of development and management experience and anextremely broad background which contributes to my excellent systemintegration capabilities. I have a special expertise and conductresearch in distributed systems and component/object technologies.Time and material rates for local work vary regionally, but arecurrently $350 per hour on the west coast. Other rates apply forlong-term jobs (day rates, travel, etc.) and remote work (usually 1/2fee). I am interested in fixed-bid jobs and will work for lower ratesfor non-profit organizations and educational institutions.Updated: 1999-04-12Bradley M. Kuhn<bkuhn@ebb.org>http://www.ebb.org/bkuhnI am available for system administration and software developmentconsulting, including but not limited to installation, configuration andintegration of GNU tools and other copy-lefted software such as GNU/Linuxand the various distributions of GNU/Linux.Please visit my homepage for more information on my background and skills.My resume is also available there.I am available for both 1099 (preferred) and W2 on-site contracting in theCincinnati, OH, USA metropolitan area, as well as remote consulting viadialup or Internet connection anywhere in the USA. I have no interest inpermanent relocation at this time. However, temporary (one week maximum)jobs with paid expenses will be considered.My rate varies greatly between $25-$40/hour, depending on the circumstances.Rates for non-profit organizations are substantially lower, and possibly gratis.Updated: 1999-04-17Fen Labalme <fen@comedia.com>CoMedia Consulting http://www.comedia.com/142 S. Lake Merced Hill WE ARE EVERYWHERESan Francisco CA 94132 JUST SAY "KNOW"Consulting, installation, customization and training for GNU Emacs,and selected other GNU & network software. Design & implementationof free software projects, as well as software engineering & systemdesign. I have been hacking Emacs since '76 when it was TECO and ^Rmacros (don't ask), and am inter/intra-network, UNIX & Web friendly.Rates: $150 hour & up, depending; flat rate jobs considered. Lower rates, barter or free for selected non-profits.Updated: 1999-04-17Greg LeheyLEMISPO Box 460Echunga SA 5153AustraliaPhone: +61-8-8388-8250Fax: +61-8-8388-8250Mobile: +61-41-739-7062Mail <grog@lemis.com>Services: Supply, porting, installation, consultation on all GNUproducts.Experience: 25 years OS and compiler experience, ports of most GNUproducts. Author of ported software CD-ROM for UNIX System V.4.2,"Porting UNIX Software" (O'Reilly), "Installing and Running FreeBSD"and "The Complete FreeBSD" (both Walnut Creek).Rates: Choice of AUD 180 per hour or hotline rates AUD 3 per minute.Outside Australia, $US 100 per hour or $US 2 per minute. Quickquestions may be free. Limited free support available forpurchasers of LEMIS CD-ROMs.Updated: 1999-04-18Alan Lehotsky <apl@alum.mit.edu>Quality Software Management634 West StCarlisle, MA 01741Phone: (978)287-0435Fax: (978)287-0436Services: - Support for GNU compilers, including rehost/retarget - General system software work (SW tools, O/S, device drivers) - runtime library (especially floating point) - project management - software process improvementExperience: 15+ years of design and implementation of optimizing compilers. "Mr. Bliss" at Digital in the 70's and early 80's. Experience with Motorola 68k, PowerPC, SPARC, x86, NS32K, ADI SHARC DSP. Compilers for languages including Ada, BLISS, C, C++, FORTRAN, Pascal, Modula/2, O/S experience includes Unix (OSF/1, SunOS, Solaris, AIX, HP/UX), VAX/VMS, Windows/NT, MacOS. 5 years experience with GCC internals, including major changes to support 8 bit bytes on word-address SHARC DSP and general support of PowerPC code generation.References availableRates: $100/hr. fixed price possible for well-defined deliverables.Updated: 1999-04-02Reuven M. Lerner <reuven@lerner.co.il>17 Disraeli StreetHaifa 34333IsraelPhone: 04-824-2265 (within Israel) +972-4-824-2265 (outside of Israel)Fax: 04-826-1219 (within Israel) +972-4-826-1219 (outside of Israel) WWW: http://www.lerner.co.il- System and network administration, especially Linux-based systems and networks- Administration, training, and programming for Internet nodes and World-Wide Web sites- Installation, support and training in the use of Linux, Emacs, Perl, and other free software- Expertise in C, Emacs Lisp, and PerlConsulting rates: $75/hour, less for non-profitsUpdated: 1999-04-04Richard Levitte (in TeX: Richard LevitteLevitte Programming Levitte ProgrammingSpannvagen 38, I Spannv\"agen 28, IS-168 35 Bromma S-168 35 BrommaSweden Sweden)Tel.nr.: +46 (8) 26 52 47 (there is an answering machine)Cellular: +46 (708) 26 53 44e-mail: <levitte@lp.se>What I do: Primarily I work on GNU software for VMS, both VAX and AXP. I've been porting GNU Emacs to VMS since spring 1991. I've ported a bunch of other GNU programs as well. I maintain GNU vmslib. For further info, see http://www.lp.se/~levitte/prof/resume.htmlPrograms supported: To a varying degree (ranging from extension and porting to installation and simple questions) at the time of updating this entry: - GNU vmslib, emacs, autoconf, zip, diffutils, m4, patch, texinfo, C/C++; on both VMS and Unix. - Other GNU programs to a small degree; on Unix. For further info, look at http://www.lp.se/products/gnu.htmlExperience: Fluent in TeX/LaTeX and many programming languages. Modified key elements in Emacs (e.g., memory and process management) to work transparently on VMS. I have very good knowledge in the VMS operating system. I'm also knowledged in the a few Unix flavors. For further info, see http://www.lp.se/~levitte/prof/resume.htmlYour Rate: $70-$100/hour (500-800 SEK in sweden), plus expenses. My rates are negotiable, depending on how interesting the project is to me.Updated: 1999-04-12Sean Levy <attila@StAlphonsos.COM>352 Roup Ave http://www.StAlphonsos.COM/~attila/Pittsburgh, PA 15232 +1.800.852.3322USAI have been a professional hacker for over 17 years, and have worked oneverything from PDP-10's and -11's and early microcomputers to modern Unixworkstations of various kinds, at all levels. I've done every kind ofhacking, in many different languages (including some I designed andimplemented). Current efforts are focused on Linux, GNU software, WWW-basedsystems, and security. My resume and PGP key are available via my webpages.Based in Pittsburgh, PA, available anywhere via the Internet. Possibilityof travel for some jobs. Speak Spanish, have traveled in Europe andScandinavia.Rates: $100 USD/hour standard, lower for non-profits or other worthy causes, $200 USD/hour for pager access and 24-hour supportUpdated: 1999-04-17Gord Matzigkeit <gord@gnu.org>#15, 2105 Cornwall Street http://www.fig.org/~gord/Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 2K8 Voice: (306) 522-7884CANADAI will gladly help novice and intermediate computer users to install,understand, and use free software, whether or not I have priorexperience with that software. I know my limitations well, and willfreely give other contacts if I cannot solve your problem myself.I have over 4 years of experience with several of the major free OSes:GNU/Linux (Debian, Red Hat), NetBSD, FreeBSD, and GNU/Hurd. Some ofmy specialties are networking, Emacs, Automake, Autoconf, C, Perl, andshell script programming.My rates are negotiable depending on the task: usually $40-$60(Canadian) per hour. Flat rates preferred.Updated: 1999-04-13Thi Nguyen <ttn@netcom.com>San Jose, CA, USA +1 408 314 3470Expertise: Hardware Verification Tools and Environment - simulators / transactors / stimulus generators - scripts of all sorts / environment / flows - elisp dvelopment, customizations - GNU binutils adaptation for new processor architectures - software QA methodology (including management) - speak: C, C++, elisp, Scheme, Perl, Verilog, shPlease see ftp://ftp.netcom.com/pub/tt/ttn/resume.html for resume.Rate: $100/hr, possibly lessUpdated: 1999-04-12David NicolPost office box 45163Kansas City, Missouri 64171david@tipjar.comhttp://www.tipjar.com/dnconsultUnix, GNU/Linux, Perl installation, C, C++, Lisp, Perl programming.LRP routers.CGI programming.Installation, porting.Specification development, design, implementation, documentation.Current projects include: implementing an extension to xterm EROS scsi drivers tipjar transaction service UMKC remote access systemRate: $60/hour, or fixed contract. On-site support available ingreater Kansas City area.Updated: 1999-04-04Jonas Oberg (TeX: Jonas \"ObergKaserngatan 6 Kaserngatan 6S-723 47 Vasteras S-723 47 V\"aster\.asSweden Sweden)Phone: +46-21-144831E-mail: <jonas@coyote.org>I offer support for most GNU software including the GNUHurd and also do system administration on GNU systems.I can do free software development and have a goodunderstanding of automake, autoconf, flex, bison, guile,texinfo and much more. Rates around USD$100.Updated: 1999-06-07Peter OlsenP.O. Box 410Simpsonville, MD 21150pcolsen@acm.orgWhat I do: Mathematical modeling and model building using Gnu and other Free Software. Scientific and engineering analysis, modeling, and programming in FORTRAN, C, LISP, and Java. Statistical analysis. Emacs customization.Examples of my previous work: 1. I built the model used predict the amount of work required to clean up the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Model was completed in ten days, used to allocate resources for $2 billion summer cleanup, predictions were accurate. 2. I built a model applying commercial capital investment standards to a Federal Agency budget, helped support $250 Million budget increase.Credo: Engineering is the art of applying a professional knowledge of mathematics and the physical sciences to improve the quality of life.Rates: $225/hour (+ travel and expenses) on site, $175/hour remote access.Notes: 1. Visiting Lecturer for Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics: Will speak without fee about Valdez model (or other work) to Educational and not-for-profit organizations (plus most-economical travel and living expenses or travel or living arrangements in kind). 2. I do not accept offers which pose even the appearance of conflict of interest with any present or former client or employer.Updated: 1999-04-12 Open Systems Consultants a.s Open Systems Consultants a.s St. Olavsgt. 24 Fabrikkvn 8 N-0166 OSLO N-4033 FORUS NORWAY NORWAYPhone: Fax: +47 22 20 40 50 +47 22 20 02 85Web: E-mail: http://www.osc.no <gnu-support@osc.no>Open Systems Consultants a.s can provide programming support for allGNU software -- extending or adopting it to meet customer needs.Prices vary with software and project. Hourly fees are in the $80-120range. Fixed-priced projects are also available. Phone support isavailable only for customers with support contracts.Updated: 1999-04-23Francesco Potorti` <F.Potorti@cnuce.cnr.it>Via S.Stefano, 856123 Pisa, ItalyTel. (050)560671Emacs: installation and maintenance, training and tutorials, customisation, extensions, troubleshooting. Author of some of the packages in the emacs distribution, has made the porting of emacs to the Motorola Delta architecture.Other: installation and maintenance of GNU software. Experience with hylafax, RCS, gperf, etags, smail, indent, diff, gawk, gcc, screen. Is the current maintainer of etags.Rates: 30-80 KL/hr, depending on experience on the particular task. Average is 50 KL/hr $50/hr. Prefer e-mail communication to telephone.Qualifications: Electronic Engineering degree, Pisa. Full time researcher in CNUCE-CNR. Familiar with elisp programming and porting of C programs.Updated: 1999-04-12Quiotix CorporationMountain View, CAContact: Jeffrey Siegal jbs@quiotix.com +1 650 843-1300Areas of focus: Embedded systems and GNU/Linux platforms. Porting GNUsoftware to embedded systems, extending GNU software to better supportembedded environments, developing new tools and utilities for embeddeddevelopment using GNU software. Porting software to GNU/Linux-basedplatforms, developing system software and extensions for GNU/Linuxplatforms.Services: porting, development, support, project management, advisoryconsulting.Rates: $125-$250/hour or fixed fees depending on services provided.Updated: 1999-04-12Stanislav ShalunovEmail: shalunov@mccme.ruPhones: 732-967-0489Installing, configuring, customizing and troubleshooting GNU Emacs,GCC, GDB, CVS, most GNU utilities in fact. Help with other freesoftware as well. Suggesting suitable for your purposes freesoftware. Teaching and handholding.Rate: $60/hour + travel expenses if travel is required. (I'mcurrently located in NJ.)Updated: 1999-04-12Vin SheltonEtherSoft, Inc617.796.9086<acs@alumni.princeton.edu>I have been a professional programmer for 20 years, with most of that timespent doing UNIX/C/C++ hacking. My specialties are (in no particularorder): system/kernel hacking, speech recognition, perl, object-orienteddesign and analysis, FSF software (I have built nearly every FSF package onseveral different platforms), small language design and implementation, andHTML/web programming. Currently I'm a member of the XEmacs and egcs betateams. My rates vary from $70 - $100 per hour, depending on the size of theproject.Updated: 1999-04-17Signum Support AB <info@signum.se>Teknikringen 8S-583 30 Linkoping, Sweden+46 13 21 46 00 voice+46 13 21 47 00 faxhttp://www.signum.se/Signum Support AB is a company dedicated to supporting, developing anddistributing free software for mainly UNIX systems. The people behindSignum Support AB have many years of general UNIX and Internetexperience, both as system administrators and as programmers, and alsoextensive experience in maintaining and administering the GNU programsand Linux.Signum Support develops and markets the free GUI equipped ReadynetInternet server, the free PHTTPD http server and the easy to use Linuxbased Fuego firewall.Services offered: - Support on Internet service software, especially the free Readynet Internet server we have developed for Linux. - Support on Linux. - Customization of Linux. - Installation and customizing GNU and other free software. We are making free software as easy to install and use as shrink wrapped programs. - Warranty protection. - Finding, Recommending and Investigation of free software in any area of the customer's choice. - Regular consulting.Rates: For software items, request our price list. For consulting, 700-900 SEK/hour.Updated: 1999-04-12 Jon Solomon <jsol@gnu.org> 235 Main St., Apt 3C-1 East Hartford, Conn. 06118 +1 860 313-2000 Maintains all GNU software... Available for General Consulting (contact me if you are interested)... Sendmail a specialty... Can answer questions pertaining to the installation, maintenance, bug reporting and fixing for most GNU products... Adhering to the FSF/GNU copyleft for all work... (I only charge for the time it takes to do the above, the software (and most GNU copyleft'd software) is free. I can make tapes for you if you need that... Rate: $90.00/hour.Updated: 1999-04-13Name: Julian Stacey <jhs@freebsd.org>, Fallback <jhs@muc.de>Location: Munich Germany, & on the Internet.Qualifications: University Degree, BSc Hons Computers & Cybernetics, 1980.Phone: +49.89.268616 Fax: +49.89.2608126 Data: +49.89.26023276Resume: http://www.freebsd.org/~jhs/Time Zone: +01:00Rate: 130-200 DM/Hour.Commercial Independent Freelance Consultancy: Unix (Pref. BSD or Linux), C, X-Windows, FSF Tools, Internet firewalls, Systems engineering, hardware interfacing, real time, comms & scientific industrial, Cyrillic screen & printer etc. Custom design & Porting. No {Emacs, Cobol, Microsoft}.Free Sources: FSF & all BSD sources, X-Windows, XFree86, free Ftp dial in (info on web). Media Copy Charge depends on time+postage+media 2Gig 90m DAT, QIC 1/4" 525Meg, 150M, & 60M; LS-120, CAS-60M. Free GCC-1.40 For Symmetric Computer Systems Model 375 (native cc is broken).Languages: Deutsch & Francais (I am English) Man kann mir in Deutsch schreiben, (oder mich anrufen). Je comprend Francais, mais je n'ecris pas des responses en Fr.COMMERCIAL PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANCY: - Please state you want to pay for consultancy at commercial rates, & outline your project duration, etc.! NO FREE HELP ! - I Am Not A Help Desk ! I have no time to do that. Neither the FSF nor anyone else pays me to offer any such service. - I contribute source code to the public domain, but I sell my time, which is Not available as a public service. - I dislike phone calls from strangers seeking free advice on things I may well not know enough about. Post such questions to an Internet newsgroup or list (via a friend if you don't have Internet access) & let someone with time, best knowledge, & inclination answer. - If you must phone me, immediately ask for a few minutes advice "Free Of Charge" (else if you just swamp me in technicalities without first having the decency to let me know you'r Not a potential paying customer, you'r just encouraging me to hang up). - Give me an email address, so I can forward follow-up info. - Volunteer to phone back next week to hear subsequent info/solutions/ questions I/friends/net have come up with meantime: Almost always the information I have instantly to hand is a small fraction of the useful information I could provide. I despise those who do not phone back later, after I've spent time researching their problem; but I refuse to also waste my money on long distance calls to inform them what I've previously wasted my time learning for their benefit. - Language: Make an effort, speak some English ! Use no German dialect, only Hoch Deutsch. Spell very slowly & clearly, I am Not good at fast German pronunciation, & don't recognise umlauts ! - Numbers: Use Only single digits (think of keyboard input), use no inverted German digit pairs (EG no "eight hundred, two and thirty", & no convoluted French (EG "four twenties and fifteen") !Updated: 1999-04-18Richard M. Stallman <rms@gnu.org>545 Tech Sq, Rm 430Cambridge, MA 02139Emacs: anything whateverIs anyone interested in courses in using or extending GNU Emacs?Original inventor of Emacs and main author of GNU Emacs and GCC.Rates: $6/min or $250/hr.Updated: 1999-04-14Kayvan A. Sylvan <kayvan@sylvan.com>Sylvan Associates, Inc.879 Lewiston DriveSan Jose, CA 95136-1517Phone: (408) 978-1407Fax: (408) 978-1407I will help you port, install and customize GNU Emacs, GCC, G++,bison, and other GNU tools on almost any architecture and operatingsystem. Questions answered. GNU C and lisp hacking available. I willalso do ongoing support and periodic upgrades if you get on my GNUsoftware subscription list.Rates: $70-$100/hour, depending on type of work. Substantial discountsfor long-term contracts and also for educational or non-profitinstitutions.Experience: Many different Unix systems (2.9BSD to 4.4BSD, Xenix, SVR3 andSVR4, Linux, FreeBSD). Systems programming and system administration on allbrands of Unix. Kernel hacking experience. Lots of porting experience.Updated: 1999-04-12TerraTel AB <info@netg.se>Tankeg=E5ngen 4S-417 56 G=F6teborg, Sweden+46 31 50 79 40 voice+46 31 50 79 39 faxhttp://www.netg.seTerraTel AB is a company that does consultant jobs and holds coursesin the fields of Unix software, TCP/IP networking and Internetapplications. The people behind TerraTel AB have many yearsof general UNIX experience, both as system administrators and asprogrammers, and also extensive experience in maintaining the GNUprograms; in administration as well as finding and fixing bugs.Services offered:- Installation and customizing GNU and other free software. We will make free software as easy to install and use as shrink wrapped programs.- Service and support subscriptions.- Warranty protection.- Customization and porting.- Subscriptions to new versions which we will send monthly or with any other interval.- Finding, recommending and investigating free software in any area of the customers choice.- Regular consulting.- Support on Internet service software, especially the free- Support on Linux.- Freeware based courses in Unix usage, C, C++, or any GNU toolsRates: For courses, contact us for a quote,For consulting, $60-120/hour, depending on contract length.Entered: 1999-04-16Leonard H. Tower Jr. <tower@ai.mit.edu> <tower@art.net>36 Porter StreetSomerville, MA 02143USA+1-617-623-7739+1-617-629-5822Will work on most GNU software.Installation, handholding, trouble shooting, extensions, teaching.Rates: $ 150.00/hour + travel expenses. Fixed fee quotes available. Negotiable for non-profits.Experience: Have hacked on over a dozen architectures in many languages. Havesystem mothered too many varieties of Unixes. Assisted rms with the front endof gcc and its back-end support. Resume available on request.Updated: 1999-04-12noris network GmbHMatthias UrlichsKilianstra?e 14290425 NuernbergGermanyPhone: +49 911 9352-0Fax: +49 911 9352-100<info@noris.de>http://info.noris.de/ (German)Expertise: OS internals, esp. Linux, esp. device drivers Network protocol / program design and coding Utilities coding and maintenance Program debugging, testing User interface design and testing Several programming and tool languages We're an ISP => experience in all kinds of ISP-relevant problemsServices: Installation, debugging, enhancement, distribution, for all kinds of free software. System administration for most Unix-like systems. Email, Fax, phone, and in-person consulting (and/or "question answering"). Remote support and system monitoring (over the Internet), Update service (new tools tested and installed automagically) Internet accessRates: DM 150 (~$85) per hour Rates don't include taxes.Updated: 1999-04-13Paul C.A. van Gool <pvangool@illgen.com>Address: Illgen Simulation Technologies, Inc. 130 Robin Hill Road, Suite 200 Goleta, CA 93117 USAPhone: (805)692-2333Fax : (805)692-2334I would like to provide unpaid support for the following things:- C- C++- f2c- compilation and installation of most GNU packagesUpdated: 1999-04-23Joel N. Weber II185 Lowell St #2Somerville, MA 02144-2629devnull@gnu.orgI can install GNU software, customize it, fix bugs, answer questions,and teach.I am fluent in C, emacs lisp, Bourne shell, and awk. I also have agood understanding of automake and autoconf.I have modified identd, cvs, and ftpd to change their securityprocedures; I have modified the GNU fileutils to understand new flagbits that were added to the Hurd. I have been involved in developingHurd translators. Long ago, I worked on developing a web browser;that project was eventually killed, but I learned a lot in theprocess.I am experienced in webmastering and system administration.Rate: $100/hour, negotiable.Updated: 1999-04-02Arne WichmannEMail: <aw@linux.de>Telephone on request.I support GNU software on the following platforms:GNU/LinuxSunOS 4.X 5.XIrix 6.5HPUX 9.Xother platforms on request.Usual rates: 40DM per hour. Free support for private people as timepermits.Updated: 1999-04-14Jody Winstonxprt Computer Consulting, Inc.731 VoyagerHouston, TX, 77062(281) 480-UNIX, <jody@sccsi.com>We have supported, installed, and used the entire GNU software suitefor over 10 years on many different Unix platforms. We have writtencharacter device drivers and proc file systems for custom hardwarerunning on Linux. In addition, we have developed a custom X11 serverand X input extensions. Our consulting rate is $150.00 US dollars perhour, negotiable, plus a per diem for out of town work.Updated: 1999-04-12For a current copy of this directory, or to have yourself listed, ask: fsforder@gnu.orgA current version should be available on our web site at http://www.gnu.org.** Please keep the entries in this file alphabetical **