GNU Emacs NEWS -- history of user-visible changes. 26-Mar-1986Copyright (C) 1986 Richard M. Stallman.See the end for copying conditions.For older news, see the file OOOOONEWS.Changes in Emacs 17* Frustrated?Try M-x doctor.* Bored?Try M-x hanoi.* Brain-damaged?Try M-x yow.* Sun3, Tahoe, Apollo, HP9000s300, Celerity, NCR Tower 32, Sequent, Stride, Encore, Plexus and AT&T 7300 machines supported.The Tahoe, Sun3, Sequent and Celerity use 4.2. In regard to theApollo, see the file APOLLO in this directory. NCR Tower32,HP9000s300, Stride and Nu run forms of System V. System V rel 2 alsoworks on Vaxes now. See etc/MACHINES.* System V Unix supported, including subprocesses.It should be possible now to bring up Emacs on a machine runningmere unameliorated system V Unix with no major work; just possible bugfixes. But you can expect to find a handful of those on any machinethat Emacs has not been run on before.* Berkeley 4.1 Unix supported.See etc/MACHINES.* Portable `alloca' provided.Emacs can now run on machines that do not and cannot support the librarysubroutine `alloca' in the canonical fashion, using an `alloca' emulationwritten in C.* On-line manual.Info now contains an Emacs manual, with essentially the same textas in the printed manual.The manual can now be printed with a standard TeX.Nicely typeset and printed copies of the manual are availablefrom the Free Software Foundation.* Backup file version numbers.Emacs now supports version numbers in backup files.The first time you save a particular file in one editing session,the old file is copied or renamed to serve as a backup file.In the past, the name for the backup file was made by appending `~'to the end of the original file name.Now the backup file name can instead be made by appending ".~NN~" tothe original file name, where NN stands for a numeric version. Eachtime this is done, the new version number is one higher than thehighest previously used.Thus, the active, current file does not have a version number.Only the backups have them.This feature is controlled by the variable `version-control'. If itis `nil', as normally, then numbered backups are made only for filesthat already have numbered backups. Backup names with just `~' areused for files that have no numbered backups.If `version-control' is `never', then the backup file's name ismade with just `~' in any case.If `version-control' is not `nil' or `never', numbered backups aremade unconditionally.To prevent unlimited consumption of disk space, Emacs can deleteold backup versions automatically. Generally Emacs keeps the firstfew backups and the latest few backups, deleting any in between.This happens every time a new backup is made. The two variables thatcontrol the deletion are `kept-old-versions' and `kept-new-versions'.Their values are, respectively, the number of oldest backups to keepand the number of newest ones to keep, each time a new backup is made.The value of `kept-new-versions' includes the backup just created.By default, both values are 2.If `trim-versions-without-asking' is non-`nil', the excess middle versionsare deleted without a murmur. If it is `nil', the default, then youare asked whether the excess middle versions should really be deleted.Dired has a new command `.' which marks for deletion all but the latestand oldest few of every numeric series of backups. `kept-old-versions'controls the number of oldest versions to keep, and `dired-kept-versions'controls the number of latest versions to keep. A numeric argument tothe `.' command, if positive, specifies the number of latest versionsto keep, overriding `dired-kept-versions'. A negative argument specifiesthe number of oldest versions to keep, using minus the argument to override`kept-old-versions'.* Immediate conflict detection.Emacs now locks the files it is modifying, so that ifyou start to modify within Emacs a file that is beingmodified in another Emacs, you get an immediate warning.The warning gives you three choices:1. Give up, and do not make any changes.2. Make changes anyway at your own risk.3. Make changes anyway, and record yourself as the person locking the file (instead of whoever was previously recorded.)Just visiting a file does not lock it. It is lockedwhen you try to change the buffer that is visiting the file.Saving the file unlocks it until you make another change.Locking is done by writing a lock file in a special designateddirectory. If such a directory is not provided and told toEmacs as part of configuring it for your machine, the lock featureis turned off.* M-x recover-file.This command is used to get a file back from an auto-save(after a system crash, for example). It takes a file nameas argument and visits that file, but gets the data from thefile's last auto save rather than from the file itself.* M-x normal-mode.This command resets the current buffer's major mode and localvariables to be as specified by the visit filename, the -*- lineand/or the Local Variables: block at the end of the buffer.It is the same thing normally done when a file is first visited.* Echo area messages disappear shortly if minibuffer is in use.Any message in the echo area disappears after 2 secondsif the minibuffer is active. This allows the minibufferto become visible again.* C-z on System V runs a subshell.On systems which do not allow programs to be suspended, the C-z commandforks a subshell that talks directly to the terminal, and then waitsfor the subshell to exit. This gets almost the effect of suspendingin that you can run other programs and then return to Emacs. However,you cannot log out from the subshell.* C-c is always a prefix character.Also, subcommands of C-c which are letters are alwaysreserved for the user. No standard Emacs major modedefines any of them.* Picture mode C-c commands changed.The old C-c k command is now C-c C-w.The old C-c y command is now C-c C-x.* Shell mode commands changed.All the special commands of Shell mode are now moved ontothe C-c prefix. Most are not changed aside from that.Thus, the old Shell mode C-c command (kill current job)is now C-c C-c; the old C-z (suspend current job) is now C-c C-z,etc.The old C-x commands are now C-c commands. C-x C-k (kill output)is now C-c C-o, and C-x C-v (show output) is now C-c C-r.The old M-= (copy previous input) command is now C-c C-y.* Shell mode recognizes aliases for `pushd', `popd' and `cd'.Shell mode now uses the variable `shell-pushd-regexp' as aregular expression to recognize any command name that isequivalent to a `pushd' command. By default it is set upto recognize just `pushd' itself. If you use aliases for`pushd', change the regexp to recognize them as well.There are also `shell-popd-regexp' to recognize commandswith the effect of a `popd', and `shell-cd-regexp' to recognizecommands with the effect of a `cd'.* "Exit" command in certain modes now C-c C-c.These include electric buffer menu mode, electric command historymode, Info node edit mode, and Rmail edit mode. In all thesemodes, the command to exit used to be just C-c.* Outline mode changes.Lines that are not heading lines are now called "body" lines.The command `hide-text' is renamed to `hide-body'.The key M-H is renamed to C-c C-h.The key M-S is renamed to C-c C-s.The key M-s is renamed to C-c C-i.Changes of line visibility are no longer undoable. As a result,they no longer use up undo memory and no longer interfere withundoing earlier commands.* Rmail changes.The s and q commands now both expunge deleted messages before saving;use C-x C-s to save without expunging.The u command now undeletes the current message if it is deleted;otherwise, it backs up as far as necessary to reach a deleted message,and undeletes that one. The u command in the summary behaves likewise,but considers only messages listed in the summary. The M-u commandhas been eliminated.The o and C-o keys' meanings are interchanged.o now outputs to an Rmail file, and C-o to a Unix mail file.The F command (rmail-find) is renamed to M-s (rmail-search).Various new commands and features exist; see the Emacs manual.* Local bindings described first in describe-bindings.* [...], {...} now balance in Fundamental mode.* Nroff mode and TeX mode.The are two new major modes for editing nroff input and TeX input.See the Emacs manual for full information.* New C indentation style variable `c-brace-imaginary-offset'.The value of `c-brace-imaginary-offset', normally zero, controls theindentation of a statement inside a brace-group where the open-braceis not the first thing on a line. The value says where the open-braceis imagined to be, relative to the first nonblank character on the line.* Dired improvements.Dired now normally keeps the cursor at the beginning of the file name,not at the beginning of the line. The most used motion commands areredefined in Dired to position the cursor this way.`n' and `p' are now equivalent in dired to `C-n' and `C-p'.If any files to be deleted cannot be deleted, their names areprinted in an error message.If the `v' command is invoked on a file which is a directory,dired is run on that directory.* `visit-tag-table' renamed `visit-tags-table'.This is so apropos of `tags' finds everything you need toknow about in connection with Tags.* `mh-e' library uses C-c as prefix.All the special commands of `mh-rmail' now are placed on aC-c prefix rather than on the C-x prefix. This is forconsistency with other special modes with their own commands.* M-$ or `spell-word' checks word before point.It used to check the word after point.* Quitting during autoloading no longer causes trouble.Now, when a file is autoloaded, all function redefinitionsand `provide' calls are recorded and are undone if you quitbefore the file is finished loading.As a result, it no longer happens that some of the entry pointswhich are normally autoloading have been defined already, but theentire file is not really present to support them.* `else' can now be indented correctly in C mode.TAB in C mode now knows which `if' statement an `else' matchesup with, and can indent the `else' correctly under the `if',even if the `if' contained such things as another `if' statement,or a `while' or `for' statement, with no braces around it.* `batch-byte-compile'Runs byte-compile-file on the files specified on the command line.All the rest of the command line arguments are taken as files tocompile (or, if directories, to do byte-recompile-directory on).Must be used only with -batch, and kills emacs on completion.Each file will be processed even if an error occurred previously.For example, invoke `emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile *.el'.* `-batch' changes.`-batch' now implies `-q': no init file is loaded by Emacs when`-batch' is used. Also, no `term/TERMTYPE.el' file is loaded. Autosaving is not done except in buffers in which it is explicitlyrequested. Also, many echo-area printouts describing what is going onare inhibited in batch mode, so that the only output you get is theoutput you program specifically.One echo-area message that is not suppressed is the one that saysthat a file is being loaded. That is because you can prevent thismessage by passing `t' as the third argument to `load'.* Display of search string in incremental search.Now, when you type C-s or C-r to reuse the previous searchstring, that search string is displayed immediately in the echo area.Three dots are displayed after the search string while searchis actually going on.* View commands.The commands C-x ], C-x [, C-x /, C-x j and C-x o are nowavailable inside `view-buffer' and `view-file', with theirnormal meanings.* Full-width windows preferred.The ``other-window'' commands prefer other full width windows,and will split only full width windows.* M-x rename-file can copy if necessary.When used between different file systems, since actual renaming doesnot work, the old file will be copied and deleted.* Within C-x ESC, you can pick the command to repeat.While editing a previous command to be repeated, inside C-x ESC,you can now use the commands M-p and M-n to pick an earlier orlater command to repeat. M-n picks the next earlier commandand M-p picks the next later one. The new command appears inthe minibuffer, and you can go ahead and edit it, and repeat itwhen you exit the minibuffer.Using M-n or M-p within C-x ESC is like having used a differentnumeric argument when you ran C-x ESC in the first place.The command you finally execute using C-x ESC is added to thefront of the command history, unless it is identical with thefirst thing in the command history.* Use C-c C-c to exit from editing within Info.It used to be C-z for this. Somehow this use of C-z wasleft out when all the others were moved. The intention is thatC-z should always suspend Emacs.* Default arg to C-x < and C-x > now window width minus 2.These commands, which scroll the current window horizontallyby a specified number of columns, now scroll a considerabledistance rather than a single column if used with no argument.* Auto Save Files Deleted.The default value of `delete-auto-save-files' is now `t', so thatwhen you save a file for real, its auto save file is deleted.* Rnews changes.The N, P and J keys in Rnews are renamed to M-n, M-p and M-j.These keys move among newsgroups.The n and p keys for moving sequentially between news articles nowaccept repeat count arguments, and the + and - keys, made redundant bythis change, are eliminated.The s command for outputting the current article to a fileis renamed as o, to be compatible with Rmail.* Sendmail changes.If you have a ~/.mailrc file, Emacs searches it for mailing addressaliases, and these aliases are expanded when you send mail in Emacs.Fcc fields can now be used in the headers in the *mail* bufferto specify files in which copies of the message should be put.The message is written into those files in Unix mail file format.The message as sent does not contain any Fcc fields in its header.You can use any number of Fcc fields, but only one file name in each one.The variable `mail-archive-file-name', if non-`nil', can be a stringwhich is a file name; an Fcc to that file will be inserted in everymessage when you begin to compose it.A new command C-c q now exists in Mail mode. It fills theparagraphs of an old message that had been inserted with C-c y.When the *mail* buffer is put in Mail mode, text-mode-hookis now run in addition to mail-mode-hook. text-mode-hookis run first.The new variable `mail-header-separator' now specifies the stringto use on the line that goes between the headers and the message text.By default it is still "--text follows this line--".* Command history truncated automatically.Just before each garbage collection, all but the last 30 elementsof the command history are discarded.Incompatible Lisp Programming Changes in Emacs 17* `"e' no longer supported.This feature, which allowed Lisp functions to take argumentsthat were not evaluated, has been eliminated, because it isinescapably hard to make the compiler work properly with suchfunctions.You should use macros instead. A simple way to change anycode that uses `"e' is to replace (defun foo ("e x y z) ...with (defmacro foo (x y z) (list 'foo-1 (list 'quote x) (list 'quote y) (list 'quote z))) (defun foo-1 (x y z) ...* Functions `region-to-string' and `region-around-match' removed.These functions were made for compatibility with Gosling Emacs, but itturns out to be undesirable to use them in GNU Emacs because they usethe mark. They have been eliminated from Emacs proper, but arepresent in mlsupport.el for the sake of converted mocklisp programs.If you were using `region-to-string', you should instead use`buffer-substring'; then you can pass the bounds as arguments andcan avoid setting the mark.If you were using `region-around-match', you can use insteadthe two functions `match-beginning' and `match-end'. These giveyou one bound at a time, as a numeric value, without changingpoint or the mark.* Function `function-type' removed.This just appeared not to be very useful. It can easily be written inLisp if you happen to want it. Just use `symbol-function' to get thefunction definition of a symbol, and look at its data type or its carif it is a list.* Variable `buffer-number' removed.You can still use the function `buffer-number' to find outa buffer's unique number (assigned in order of creation).* Variable `executing-macro' renamed `executing-kbd-macro'.This variable is the currently executing keyboard macro, asa string, or `nil' when no keyboard macro is being executed.* Loading term/$TERM.The library term/$TERM (where $TERM get replaced by your terminaltype), which is done by Emacs automatically when it starts up, nowhappens after the user's .emacs file is loaded.In previous versions of Emacs, these files had names of the formterm-$TERM; thus, for example, term-vt100.el, but now they livein a special subdirectory named term, and have names liketerm/vt100.el.* `command-history' format changed.The elements of this list are now Lisp expressions which canbe evaluated directly to repeat a command.* Unused editing commands removed.The functions `forward-to-word', `backward-to-word',`upcase-char', `mark-beginning-of-buffer' and `mark-end-of-buffer'have been removed. Their definitions can be found in file lisp/unused.el if you need them.Upward Compatible Lisp Programming Changes in Emacs 17* You can now continue after errors and quits.When the debugger is entered because of a C-g, due toa non-`nil' value of `debug-on-quit', the `c' command in the debuggerresumes execution of the code that was running when the quit happened.Use the `q' command to go ahead and quit.The same applies to some kinds of errors, but not all. Errorssignaled with the Lisp function `signal' can be continued; the `c'command causes `signal' to return. The `r' command causes `signal' toreturn the value you specify. The `c' command is equivalent to `r'with the value `nil'.For a `wrong-type-argument' error, the value returned with the `r'command is used in place of the invalid argument. If this new valueis not valid, another error occurs.Errors signaled with the function `error' cannot be continued.If you try to continue, the error just happens again.* `dot' renamed `point'.The word `dot' has been replaced with `point' in allfunction and variable names, including: point, point-min, point-max, point-marker, point-min-marker, point-max-marker, window-point, set-window-point, point-to-register, register-to-point, exchange-point-and-mark.The old names are still supported, for now.* `string-match' records position of end of match.After a successful call to `string-match', `(match-end 0)' willreturn the index in the string of the first character after the match.Also, `match-begin' and `match-end' with nonzero arguments can beused to find the indices of beginnings and ends of substrings matchedby subpatterns surrounded by parentheses.* New function `insert-before-markers'.This function is just like `insert' except in the handling of anyrelocatable markers that are located at the point of insertion.With `insert', such markers end up pointing before the inserted text.With `insert-before-markers', they end up pointing after the insertedtext.* New function `copy-alist'.This function takes one argument, a list, and makes a disjoint copyof the alist structure. The list itself is copied, and each elementthat is a cons cell is copied, but the cars and cdrs of elementsremain shared with the original argument.This is what it takes to get two alists disjoint enough that changesin one do not change the result of `assq' on the other.* New function `copy-keymap'.This function takes a keymap as argument and returns a new keymapcontaining initially the same bindings. Rebindings in either one ofthem will not alter the bindings in the other.* New function `copy-syntax-table'.This function takes a syntax table as argument and returns a newsyntax table containing initially the same syntax settings. Changesin either one of them will not alter the other.* Randomizing the random numbers.`(random t)' causes the random number generator's seed to be setbased on the current time and Emacs's process id.* Third argument to `modify-syntax-entry'.The optional third argument to `modify-syntax-entry', if specifiedshould be a syntax table. The modification is made in that syntax tablerather than in the current syntax table.* New function `run-hooks'.This function takes any number of symbols as arguments.It processes the symbols in order. For each symbol whichhas a value (as a variable) that is non-nil, the value iscalled as a function, with no arguments.This is useful in major mode commands.* Second arg to `switch-to-buffer'.If this function is given a non-`nil' second argument, then theselection being done is not recorded on the selection history.The buffer's position in the history remains unchanged. Thisfeature is used by the view commands, so that the selection historyafter exiting from viewing is the same as it was before.* Second arg to `display-buffer' and `pop-to-buffer'.These two functions both accept an optional second argument whichdefaults to `nil'. If the argument is not `nil', it means thatanother window (not the selected one) must be found or created todisplay the specified buffer in, even if it is already shown inthe selected window.This feature is used by `switch-to-buffer-other-window'.* New variable `completion-ignore-case'.If this variable is non-`nil', completion allows stringsin different cases to be considered matching. The global valueis `nil'This variable exists for the sake of commands that are completingan argument in which case is not significant. It is possibleto change the value globally, but you might not like the consequencesin the many situations (buffer names, command names, file names)where case makes a difference.* Major modes related to Text mode call text-mode-hook, then their own hooks.For example, turning on Outline mode first calls the value of`text-mode-hook' as a function, if it exists and is non-`nil',and then does likewise for the variable `outline-mode-hook'.* Defining new command line switches.You can define a new command line switch in your .emacs fileby putting elements on the value of `command-switch-alist'.Each element of this list should look like (SWITCHSTRING . FUNCTION)where SWITCHSTRING is a string containing the switch to bedefined, such as "-foo", and FUNCTION is a function to be calledif such an argument is found in the command line. FUNCTIONreceives the command line argument, a string, as its argument.To implement a switch that uses up one or more following arguments,use the fact that the remaining command line arguments are keptas a list in the variable `command-line-args'. FUNCTION canexamine this variable, and do (setq command-line-args (cdr command-line-args)to "use up" an argument.* New variable `load-in-progress'.This variable is non-`nil' when a file of Lisp code is being readand executed by `load'.* New variable `print-length'.The value of this variable is normally `nil'. It may instead bea number; in that case, when a list is printed by `prin1' or`princ' only that many initial elements are printed; the rest arereplaced by `...'.* New variable `find-file-not-found-hook'.If `find-file' or any of its variants is used on a nonexistent file,the value of `find-file-not-found-hook' is called (if it is not `nil')with no arguments, after creating an empty buffer. The file's namecan be found as the value of `buffer-file-name'.* Processes without buffers.In the function `start-process', you can now specify `nil' asthe process's buffer. You can also set a process's buffer to `nil'using `set-process-buffer'.The reason you might want to do this is to prevent the processfrom being killed because any particular buffer is killed.When a process has a buffer, killing that buffer kills theprocess too.When a process has no buffer, its output is lost unless it has afilter, and no indication of its being stopped or killed is givenunless it has a sentinel.* New function `user-variable-p'. `v' arg prompting changed.This function takes a symbol as argument and returns `t' ifthe symbol is defined as a user option variable. This meansthat it has a `variable-documentation' property whose value isa string starting with `*'.Code `v' in an interactive arg reading string now acceptsuser variables only, and completion is limited to the space ofuser variables.The function `read-variable' also now accepts and completesover user variables only.* CBREAK mode input is the default in Unix 4.3 bsd.In Berkeley 4.3 Unix, there are sufficient features for Emacs towork fully correctly using CBREAK mode and not using SIGIO.Therefore, this mode is the default when running under 4.3.This mode corresponds to `nil' as the first argument to`set-input-mode'. You can still select either mode by callingthat function.* Information on memory usage.The new variable `data-bytes-used' contains the numberof bytes of impure space allocated in Emacs.`data-bytes-free' contains the number of additional bytesEmacs could allocate. Note that space formerly allocatedand freed again still counts as `used', since it is stillin Emacs's address space.* No limit on size of output from `format'.The string output from `format' used to be truncated to100 characters in length. Now it can have any length.* New errors `void-variable' and `void-function' replace `void-symbol'.This change makes it possible to have error messages thatclearly distinguish undefined variables from undefined functions.It also allows `condition-case' to handle one case without the other.* `replace-match' handling of `\'.In `replace-match', when the replacement is not literal,`\' in the replacement string is always treated as anescape marker. The only two special `\' constructsare `\&' and `\DIGIT', so `\' followed by anything other than`&' or a digit has no effect. `\\' is necessary to includea `\' in the replacement text.This level of escaping is comparable with what goes on ina regular expression. It is over and above the level of `\'escaping that goes on when strings are read in Lisp syntax.* New error `invalid-regexp'.A regexp search signals this type of error if the argument doesnot meet the rules for regexp syntax.* `kill-emacs' with argument.If the argument is a number, it is returned as the exit status codeof the Emacs process. If the argument is a string, its contentsare stuffed as pending terminal input, to be read by another programafter Emacs is dead.* New fifth argument to `subst-char-in-region'.This argument is optional and defaults to `nil'. If it is not `nil',then the substitutions made by this function are not recordedin the Undo mechanism.This feature should be used with great care. It is now usedby Outline mode to make lines visible or invisible.* ` *Backtrace*' buffer renamed to `*Backtrace*'.As a result, you can now reselect this buffer easily if you switch toanother while in the debugger.Exiting from the debugger kills the `*Backtrace*' buffer, so you willnot try to give commands in it when no longer really in the debugger.* New function `switch-to-buffer-other-window'.This is the new primitive to select a specified buffer (theargument) in another window. It is not quite the same as`pop-to-buffer', because it is guaranteed to create anotherwindow (assuming there is room on the screen) so that it canleave the current window's old buffer displayed as well.All functions to select a buffer in another window shoulddo so by calling this new function.* New variable `minibuffer-help-form'.At entry to the minibuffer, the variable `help-form' is boundto the value of `minibuffer-help-form'.`help-form' is expected at all times to contain either `nil'or an expression to be executed when C-h is typed (overridingteh definition of C-h as a command). `minibuffer-help-form'can be used to provide a different default way of handlingC-h while in the minibuffer.* New \{...} documentation construct.It is now possible to set up the documentation string fora major mode in such a way that it always describes the contentsof the major mode's keymap, as it has been customized.To do this, include in the documentation string the characters `\{'followed by the name of the variable containing the keymap,terminated with `}'. (The `\' at the beginning probably needs tobe quoted with a second `\', to include it in the doc string.)This construct is normally used on a line by itself, with no blanklines before or after.For example, the documentation string for the function `c-mode' contains ... Paragraphs are separated by blank lines only. Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back. \\{c-mode-map} Variables controlling indentation style: ...* New character syntax class "punctuation".Punctuation characters behave like whitespace in word andlist parsing, but can be distinguished in regexps and in thefunction `char-syntax'. Punctuation syntax is represented bya period in `modify-syntax-entry'.* `auto-mode-alist' no longer needs entries for backup-file names,Backup suffixes of all kinds are now stripped from a file's namebefore searching `auto-mode-alist'.Changes in Emacs 16* No special code for Ambassadors, VT-100's and Concept-100's.Emacs now controls these terminals based on the termcap entry, likeall other terminals. Formerly it did not refer to the termcap entriesfor those terminal types, and often the termcap entries for thoseterminals are wrong or inadequate. If you experience worse behavioron these terminals than in version 15, you can probably correct it byfixing up the termcap entry. See ./TERMS for more info.See ./TERMS in any case if you find that some terminal does not workright with Emacs now.* Minibuffer default completion character is TAB (and not ESC).So that ESC can be used in minibuffer for more useful prefix commands.* C-z suspends Emacs in all modes.Formerly, C-z was redefined for other purposes by certain modes,such as Buffer Menu mode. Now other keys are used for those purposes,to keep the meaning of C-z uniform.* C-x ESC (repeat-complex-command) allows editing the command it repeats.Instead of asking for confirmation to re-execute a command from thecommand history, the command is placed, in its Lisp form, into theminibuffer for editing. You can confirm by typing RETURN, change somearguments and then confirm, or abort with C-g.* Incremental search does less redisplay on slow terminals.If the terminal baud rate is <= the value of `isearch-slow-speed',incremental searching outside the text on the screen createsa single-line window and uses that to display the line on whicha match has been found. Exiting or quitting the search restoresthe previous window configuration and redisplays the window youwere searching in.The initial value of `isearch-slow-speed' is 1200.This feature is courtesy of crl@purdue.* Recursive minibuffers not allowed.If the minibuffer window is selected, most commands that woulduse the minibuffer gets an error instead. (Specific commandsmay override this feature and therefore still be allowed.)Strictly speaking, recursive entry to the minibuffer is stillpossible, because you can switch to another window afterentering the minibuffer, and then minibuffer-using commandsare allowed. This is still allowed by a deliberate decision:if you know enough to switch windows while in the minibuffer,you can probably understand recursive minibuffers.This may be overridden by binding the variable`enable-recursive-minibuffers' to t.* New major mode Emacs-Lisp mode, for editing Lisp code to run in Emacs.The mode in which emacs lisp files is edited is now called emacs-lisp-modeand is distinct from lisp-mode. The latter is intended for use withlisps external to emacs.The hook which is funcalled (if non-nil) on entry to elisp-mode is nowcalled emacs-lisp-mode-hook. A consequence of this changes is that.emacs init files which set the value of lisp-mode-hook may need to bechanged to use the new names.* Correct matching of parentheses is checked on insertion.When you insert a close-paren, the matching open-parenis checked for validity. The close paren must be the kindof close-paren that the open-paren says it should match.Otherwise, a warning message is printed. close-paren immediatelypreceded by quoting backslash syntax character is not matched. This feature was originally written by shane@mit-ajax.* M-x list-command-history* M-x command-history-mode* M-x electric-command-history`list-command-history' displays forms from the command history subjectto user controlled filtering and limit on number of forms. It leavesthe buffer in `command-history-mode'. M-x command-history-moderecomputes the command history each time it is invoked via`list-command-history'. It is like Emacs-Lisp mode except that charactersdon't insert themselves and provision is made for re-evaluating anexpression from the list. `electric-command-history' pops up a typeout window with the command history displayed. If the very nextcharacter is Space, the window goes away and the previous windowconfiguration is restored. Otherwise you can move around in thehistory and select an expression for evaluation *inside* the bufferwhich invoked `electric-command-history'. The original windowconfiguration is restored on exit unless the command selected changesit.* M-x edit-pictureEnters a temporary major mode (the previous major mode is rememberedand can is restored on exit) designed for editing pictures and tables.Printing characters replace rather than insert themselves with motionafterwards that is user controlled (you can specify any of the 8compass directions). Special commands for movement are provided.Special commands for hacking tabs and tab stops are provided. Specialcommands for killing rectangles and overlaying them are provided. Seethe documentation of function edit-picture for more details.Calls value of `edit-picture-hook' on entry if non-nil.* Stupid C-s/C-q `flow control' supported.Do (set-input-mode nil t) to tell Emacs to use CBREAK mode and interpretC-s and C-q as flow control commands. (set-input-mode t nil) switchesback to interrupt-driven input. (set-input-mode nil nil) uses CBREAKmode but no `flow control'; this may make it easier to run Emacs undercertain debuggers that have trouble dealing with inferiors that use SIGIO.CBREAK mode has certain inherent disadvantages, which are why it isnot the default: Meta-keys are ignored; CBREAK mode discards the 8th bit of input characters. Control-G as keyboard input discards buffered output, and therefore can cause incorrect screen updating.The use of `flow control' has its own additional disadvantage: thecharacters C-s and C-q are not available as editing commands. You canpartially compensate for this by setting up a keyboard-translate-table(see file ONEWS) that maps two other characters (such as C-^ and C-\) intoC-s and C-q. Of course, C-^ and C-\ are commonly used as escapecharacters in remote-terminal programs. You really can't win exceptby getting rid of this sort of `flow control.'The configuration switch CBREAK_INPUT is now eliminated.INTERRUPT_INPUT exists only to specify the default mode of operation;#define it to make interrupt-driven input the default.* Completion of directory names provides a slash.If file name completion yields the name of a directory,a slash is appended to it.* Undo can clear modified-flag.If you undo changes in a buffer back to a state in which thebuffer was not considered "modified", then it is labelled asonce again "unmodified".* M-x run-lisp.This command creates an inferior Lisp process whose input and outputappear in the Emacs buffer named `*lisp*'. That buffer uses a major modecalled inferior-lisp-mode, which has many of the commands of lisp-modeand those of shell-mode. Calls the value of shell-mode-hook andlisp-mode-hook, in that order, if non-nil.Meanwhile, in lisp-mode, the command C-M-x is defined tosend the current defun as input to the `*lisp*' subprocess.* Mode line says `Narrow' when buffer is clipped.If a buffer has a clipping restriction (made by `narrow-to-region')then its mode line contains the word `Narrow' after the major andminor modes.* Mode line says `Abbrev' when abbrev mode is on.* add-change-log-entry takes prefix argumentGiving a prefix argument makes it prompt for login name, full name,and site name, with defaults. Otherwise the defaults are usedwith no confirmation.* M-x view-buffer and M-x view-fileview-buffer selects the named buffer, view-file finds the named file; theresulting buffer is placed into view-mode (a recursive edit). The normalemacs commands are not available. Instead a set of special commands isprovided which faclitate moving around in the buffer, searching andscrolling by screenfuls. Exiting view-mode returns to the buffer in whichthe view-file or view-buffer command was given.Type ? or h when viewing for a complete list of view commands.Each calls value of `view-hook' if non-nil on entry.written by shane@mit-ajax.* New key commands in dired.`v' views (like more) the file on the current line.`#' marks auto-save files for deletion.`~' marks backup files for deletion.`r' renames a file and updates the directory listing if thefile is renamed to same directory.`c' copies a file and updates the directory listing if the file iscopied to the same directory.* New function `electric-buffer-list'.This pops up a buffer describing the set of emacs buffers.Immediately typing space makes the buffer list go away and returnsto the buffer and window which were previously selected.Otherwise one may use the c-p and c-n commands to move around in thebuffer-list buffer and type Space or C-z to select the buffer on thecursor's line. There are a number of other commands which are the sameas those of buffer-menu-mode.This is a useful thing to bind to c-x c-b in your `.emacs' file if therather non-standard `electric' behaviour of the buffer list suits your taste.Type C-h after invoking electric-buffer-list for more information.Calls value of `electric-buffer-menu-mode-hook' if non-nil on entry.Calls value of `after-electric-buffer-menu' on exit (select) if non-nil.Changes in version 16 for mail reading and sending* sendmail prefix character is C-c (and not C-z). New command C-c w.For instance C-c C-c (or C-c C-s) sends mail now rather than C-z C-z.C-c w inserts your `signature' (contents of ~/.signature) at the endof mail.* New feature in C-c y command in sending mail.C-c y is the command to insert the message being replied to.Normally it deletes most header fields and indents everythingby three spaces.Now, C-c y does not delete header fields or indent.C-c y with any other numeric argument does delete most headerfields, but indents by the amount specified in the argument.* C-r command in Rmail edits current message.It does this by switching to a different major modewhich is nearly the same as Text mode. The only differencebetween it and text mode are the two command C-c and C-].C-c is defined to switch back to Rmail mode, and C-]is defined to restore the original contents of the messageand then switch back to Rmail mode.C-c and C-] are the only ways "back into Rmail", but youcan switch to other buffers and edit them as usual.C-r in Rmail changes only the handling of the Rmail buffer.* Rmail command `t' toggles header display.Normally Rmail reformats messages to hide most header fields.`t' switches to display of all the header fields of thecurrent message, as long as it remains current.Another `t' switches back to the usual display.* Rmail command '>' goes to the last message.* Rmail commands `a' and `k' set message attributes.`a' adds an attribute and `k' removes one. You specifythe attrbute by name. You can specify either a built-inflag such as "deleted" or "filed", or a user-defined keyword(anything not recognized as built-in).* Rmail commands `l' and `L' summarize by attributes.These commands create a summary with one line per message,like `h', but they list only some of the messages. Youspecify which attribute (for `l') or attributes (for `L')the messages should have.* Rmail can parse mmdf mail files.* Interface to MH mail is a front end for GNU emacs and the MH mail system. Itprovides a friendly and convient interface to the MH commands.To read mail, invoke mh-rmail. This will inc new mail and display thescan listing on the screen. To see a summary of the mh-e commands,type ?. Help is available through the usual facilities.To send mail, invoke requires a copy of MH.5 that has been compiled with the MHEcompiler switch.From larus@berkeley.New hooks and parameters in version 16* New variable `blink-matching-paren-distance'.This is the maximum number of characters to search foran open-paren to match an inserted close-paren.The matching open-paren is shown and checked if it is foundwithin this distance.`nil' means search all the way to the beginning of the buffer.In this case, a warning message is printed if no matchingopen-paren is found.This feature was originally written by shane@mit-ajax.* New variable `find-file-run-dired'If nil, find-file will report an error if an attempt to visit adirectory is detected; otherwise, it runs dired on that directory.The default is t.* Variable `dired-listing-switches' holds switches given to `ls' by dired.The value should be a string containing `-' followed by letters.The letter `l' had better be included and letter 'F' had better be excluded!The default is "-al".This feature was originally written by shane@mit-ajax.* New variable `display-time-day-and-date'.If this variable is set non-`nil', the function M-x display-timedisplays the day and date, as well as the time.* New parameter `c-continued-statement-indent'.This controls the extra indentation given to a linethat continues a C statement started on the previous line.By default it is 2, which is why you would see if (foo) bar ();* Changed meaning of `c-indent-level'.The value of `c-brace-offset' used to besubtracted from the value of `c-indent-level' wheneverthat value was used. Now it is not.As a result, `c-indent-level' is now the offset ofstatements within a block, relative to the line containingthe open-brace that starts the block.* turn-on-auto-fill is useful value for text-mode-hook.(setq text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)is all you have to do to make sure Auto Fill mode is turnedon whenever you enter Text mode.* Parameter explicit-shell-file-name for M-x shell.This variable, if non-nil, specifies the file name to usefor the shell to run if you do M-x shell.Changes in version 16 affecting Lisp programming:* Documentation strings adapt to customization.Often the documentation string for a command wants to mentionanother command. Simply stating the other command as acharacter sequence has a disadvantage: if the user customizesEmacs by moving that function to a different command, thecross reference in the documentation becomes wrong.A new feature allows you to write the documentation stringusing a function name, and the command to run that functionis looked up when the documentation is printed.If a documentation string contains `\[' (two characters) thenthe following text, up to the next `]', is taken as a function name.Instead of printing that function name, the command that runs it is printed.(M-x is used to construct a command if no shorter one exists.)For example, instead of putting `C-n' in a documentation stringto refer to the C-n command, put in `\[next-line]'. (In practiceyou will need to quote the backslash with another backslash,due to the syntax for strings in Lisp and C.)To include the literal characters `\[' in a documentation string,precede them with `\='. To include the characters `\=', precedethem with `\='. For example, "\\=\\= is the way to quote \\=\\["will come out as `\= is the way to quote \['.The new function `substitute-command-keys' takes a string possiblycontaning \[...] constructs and replaces those constructs withthe key sequences they currently stand for.* Primitives `find-line-comment' and `find-line-comment-body' flushed.Search for the value of `comment-start-skip' if you want to findwhether and where a line has a comment.* New function `auto-save-file-name-p'Should return non-`nil' iff given a string which is the name of anauto-save file (sans directory name). If you redefine`make-auto-save-file-name', you should redefine this accordingly. Bydefault, this function returns `t' for filenames beginning withcharacter `#'.* The value of `exec-directory' now ends in a slash.This is to be compatible with most directory names in GNU Emacs.* Dribble files and termscript files.(open-dribble-file FILE) opens a dribble file named FILE. When adribble file is open, every character Emacs reads from the terminal iswritten to the dribble file.(open-termscript FILE) opens a termscript file named FILE. When atermscript file is open, all characters sent to the terminal by Emacsare also written in the termscript file.The two of these together are very useful for debugging Emacs problemsin redisplay.* Upper case command characters by default are same as lower case.If a character in a command is an upper case letter, and is not defined,Emacs uses the definition of the corresponding lower case letter.For example, if C-x U is not directly undefined, it is treated asa synonym for C-x u (undo).* Undefined function errors versus undefined variable errors.Void-symbol errors now say "boundp" if the symbol's value was voidor "fboundp" if the function definition was void.* New function `bury-buffer'.The new function `bury-buffer' takes one argument, a buffer object,and puts that buffer at the end of the internal list of buffers.So it is the least preferred candidate for use as the default valueof C-x b, or for other-buffer to return.* Already-displayed buffers have low priority for display.When a buffer is chosen automatically for display, or to be thedefault in C-x b, buffers already displayed in windows have lowerpriority than buffers not currently visible.* `set-window-start' accepts a third argument NOFORCE.This argument, if non-nil, prevents the window's force_start flagfrom being set. Setting the force_start flag causes the nextredisplay to insist on starting display at the specified startingpoint, even if dot must be moved to get it onto the screen.* New function `send-string-to-terminal'.This function takes one argument, a string, and outputs its contentsto the terminal exactly as specified: control characters, escapesequences, and all.* Keypad put in command mode.The terminal's keypad is now put into command mode, as opposed tonumeric mode, while Emacs is running. This is done by means of thetermcap `ks' and `ke' strings.* New function `generate-new-buffer'This function takes a string as an argument NAME and looks for acreates and returns a buffer called NAME if one did not already exist.Otherwise, it successively tries appending suffixes of the form "<1>","<2>" etc to NAME until it creates a string which does not name anexisting buffer. A new buffer with that name is the created and returned.* New function `prin1-to-string'This function takes one argument, a lisp object, and returns a stringcontaining that object's printed representation, such as `prin1'would output.* New function `read-from-minibuffer'Lets you supply a prompt, initial-contents, a keymap, and specifywhether the result should be interpreted as a string or a lisp object.Old functions `read-minibuffer', `eval-minibuffer', `read-string' alltake second optional string argument which is initial contents ofminibuffer. * minibuffer variable names changed (names of keymaps)minibuf-local-map -> minibuffer-local-mapminibuf-local-ns-map -> minibuffer-local-ns-mapminibuf-local-completion-map -> minibuffer-local-completion-mapminibuf-local-must-match-map -> minibuffer-local-must-match-mapChanges in version 16 affecting configuring and building Emacs* Configuration switch VT100_INVERSE eliminated.You can control the use of inverse video on any terminal by settingthe variable `inverse-video', or by changing the termcap entry. Ifyou like, set `inverse-video' in your `.emacs' file based onexamination of (getenv "TERM").* New switch `-batch' makes Emacs run noninteractively.If the switch `-batch' is used, Emacs treats its standard outputand input like ordinary files (even if they are a terminal).It does not display buffers or windows; the only output to standard outputis what would appear as messages in the echo area, and eachmessage is followed by a newline.The terminal modes are not changed, so that C-z and C-c retaintheir normal Unix meanings. Emacs does still read commands fromthe terminal, but the idea of `-batch' is that you use it withother command line arguments that tell Emacs a complete task to perform,including killing itself. `-kill' used as the last argument is a goodway to accomplish this.The Lisp variable `noninteractive' is now defined, to be `nil'except when `-batch' has been specified.* Emacs can be built with output redirected to a file.This is because -batch (see above) is now used in building Emacs.For older news, see the file OOOONEWS.----------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright information:Copyright (C) 1985 Richard M. Stallman Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies of this document as received, in any medium, provided that the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved, thus giving the recipient permission to redistribute in turn. Permission is granted to distribute modified versions of this document, or of portions of it, under the above conditions, provided also that they carry prominent notices stating who last changed them.Local variables:mode: textend: