/* * * Copyright (C) 1986 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GNU Emacs.GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)any later version.GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write tothe Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ * * * For Emacs in SunView/Sun-Windows: (supported by Sun Unix v3.2) * Insert a notifier filter-function to convert all useful input * to "key" sequences that emacs can understand. See: Emacstool(1). * * Author: Jeff Peck, Sun Microsystems, Inc. <peck@sun.com> * * Original Idea: Ian Batten * Updated 15-Mar-88, Jeff Peck: set IN_EMACSTOOL, TERM, TERMCAP * */#include <suntool/sunview.h>#include <suntool/tty.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <sys/file.h>#define BUFFER_SIZE 128 /* Size of all the buffers *//* define WANT_CAPS_LOCK to make f-key T1 (aka F1) behave as CapsLock */#define WANT_CAPS_LOCK#ifdef WANT_CAPS_LOCKint caps_lock; /* toggle indicater for f-key T1 caps lock */static char *Caps = "[CAPS] "; /* Caps Lock prefix string */#define CAPS_LEN 7 /* strlen (Caps) */#endifstatic char *mouse_prefix = "\030\000"; /* C-x C-@ */static int m_prefix_length = 2; /* mouse_prefix length */static char *key_prefix = "\030*"; /* C-x * */static int k_prefix_length = 2; /* key_prefix length */static char *emacs_name = "emacs"; /* default run command */static char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; /* send to ttysw_input */static char *title = "Emacstool - "; /* initial title */Frame frame; /* Base frame for system */Tty ttysw; /* Where emacs is */int font_width, font_height; /* For translating pixels to chars */int console_fd = 0; /* for debugging: setenv DEBUGEMACSTOOL */FILE *console; /* for debugging: setenv DEBUGEMACSTOOL */Icon frame_icon;/* make an icon_image for the default frame_icon */static short default_image[258] = {#include <images/terminal.icon>};mpr_static(icon_image, 64, 64, 1, default_image);/* * Assign a value to a set of keys */intbutton_value (event) Event *event;{ int retval = 0; /* * Code up the current situation: * * 1 = MS_LEFT; * 2 = MS_MIDDLE; * 4 = MS_RIGHT; * 8 = SHIFT; * 16 = CONTROL; * 32 = META; * 64 = DOUBLE; * 128 = UP; */ if (MS_LEFT == (event_id (event))) retval = 1; if (MS_MIDDLE == (event_id (event))) retval = 2; if (MS_RIGHT == (event_id (event))) retval = 4; if (event_shift_is_down (event)) retval += 8; if (event_ctrl_is_down (event)) retval += 16; if (event_meta_is_down (event)) retval += 32; if (event_is_up (event)) retval += 128; return retval;}/* * Variables to store the time of the previous mouse event that was * sent to emacs. * * The theory is that to time double clicks while ignoreing UP buttons, * we must keep track of the accumulated time. * * If someone writes a SUN-SET-INPUT-MASK for emacstool, * That could be used to selectively disable UP events, * and then this cruft wouldn't be necessary. */static long prev_event_sec = 0;static long prev_event_usec = 0;/* * Give the time difference in milliseconds, where one second * is considered infinite. */inttime_delta (now_sec, now_usec, prev_sec, prev_usec) long now_sec, now_usec, prev_sec, prev_usec;{ long sec_delta = now_sec - prev_sec; long usec_delta = now_usec - prev_usec; if (usec_delta < 0) { /* "borrow" a second */ usec_delta += 1000000; --sec_delta; } if (sec_delta >= 10) return (9999); /* Infinity */ else return ((sec_delta * 1000) + (usec_delta / 1000));}/* * Filter function to translate selected input events for emacs * Mouse button events become ^X^@(button x-col y-line time-delta) . * Function keys: ESC-*{c}{lrt} l,r,t for Left, Right, Top; * {c} encodes the keynumber as a character [a-o] */static Notify_valueinput_event_filter_function (window, event, arg, type) Window window; Event *event; Notify_arg arg; Notify_event_type type;{ struct timeval time_stamp; if (console_fd) fprintf(console, "Event: %d\n", event_id(event)); /* UP L1 is the STOP key */ if (event_id(event) == WIN_STOP) { ttysw_input(ttysw, "\007\007\007\007\007\007\007", 7); return NOTIFY_IGNORED; } /* UP L5 & L7 is Expose & Open, let them pass to sunview */ if (event_id(event) == KEY_LEFT(5) || event_id(event) == KEY_LEFT(7)) if(event_is_up (event)) return notify_next_event_func (window, event, arg, type); else return NOTIFY_IGNORED; if (event_is_button (event)) { /* do Mouse Button events *//* Commented out so that we send mouse up events too. if (event_is_up (event)) return notify_next_event_func (window, event, arg, type);*/ time_stamp = event_time (event); ttysw_input (ttysw, mouse_prefix, m_prefix_length); sprintf (buffer, "(%d %d %d %d)\015", button_value (event), event_x (event) / font_width, event_y (event) / font_height, time_delta (time_stamp.tv_sec, time_stamp.tv_usec, prev_event_sec, prev_event_usec) ); ttysw_input (ttysw, buffer, strlen(buffer)); prev_event_sec = time_stamp.tv_sec; prev_event_usec = time_stamp.tv_usec; return NOTIFY_IGNORED; } { /* Do the function key events */ int d; char c = (char) 0; if ((event_is_key_left (event)) ? ((d = event_id(event) - KEY_LEFT(1) + 'a'), c='l') : ((event_is_key_right (event)) ? ((d = event_id(event) - KEY_RIGHT(1) + 'a'), c='r') : ((event_is_key_top (event)) ? ((d = event_id(event) - KEY_TOP(1) + 'a'), c='t') : 0))) { if (event_is_up(event)) return NOTIFY_IGNORED; if (event_shift_is_down (event)) c = c - 32; /* this will give a non-{lrt} for unshifted keys */ if (event_ctrl_is_down (event)) c = c - 64; if (event_meta_is_down (event)) c = c + 128;#ifdef WANT_CAPS_LOCK/* set a toggle and relabel window so T1 can act like caps-lock */ if (event_id(event) == KEY_TOP(1)) { /* make a frame label with and without CAPS */ strcpy (buffer, Caps); title = &buffer[CAPS_LEN]; strncpy (title, (char *)window_get (frame, FRAME_LABEL), BUFFER_SIZE - CAPS_LEN); buffer[BUFFER_SIZE] = (char) 0; if (strncmp (title, Caps, CAPS_LEN) == 0) title += CAPS_LEN; /* already Caps */ caps_lock = (caps_lock ? 0 : CAPS_LEN); window_set(frame, FRAME_LABEL, (title -= caps_lock), 0); return NOTIFY_IGNORED; }#endif ttysw_input (ttysw, key_prefix, k_prefix_length); sprintf (buffer, "%c%c", d, c); ttysw_input(ttysw, buffer, strlen(buffer)); return NOTIFY_IGNORED; } } if ((event_is_ascii(event) || event_is_meta(event)) && event_is_up(event)) return NOTIFY_IGNORED;#ifdef WANT_CAPS_LOCK/* shift alpha chars to upper case if toggle is set */ if ((caps_lock) && event_is_ascii(event) && (event_id(event) >= 'a') && (event_id(event) <= 'z')) event_set_id(event, (event_id(event) - 32));/* crufty, but it works for now. is there an UPCASE(event)? */#endif return notify_next_event_func (window, event, arg, type);}main (argc, argv) int argc; char **argv;{ int error_code; /* Error codes */ if(getenv("DEBUGEMACSTOOL")) console = fdopen (console_fd = open("/dev/console",O_WRONLY), "w"); /* do this first, so arglist can override it */ frame_icon = icon_create (ICON_LABEL, "Emacstool", ICON_IMAGE, &icon_image, 0); putenv("IN_EMACSTOOL=t"); /* notify subprocess that it is in emacstool */ if (putenv("TERM=sun") != 0) /* TTYSW will be a TERM=sun window */ {fprintf (stderr, "%s: Could not set TERM=sun, using `%s'\n", argv[0], (char *)getenv("TERM")) ;}; /* * If TERMCAP starts with a slash, it is the pathname of the * termcap file, not an entry extracted from it, so KEEP it! * Otherwise, it may not relate to the new TERM, so Nuke-It. * If there is no TERMCAP environment variable, don't make one. */ { char *termcap ; /* Current TERMCAP value */ termcap = (char *)getenv("TERMCAP") ; if (termcap && (*termcap != '/')) { if (putenv("TERMCAP=") != 0) {fprintf (stderr, "%s: Could not clear TERMCAP\n", argv[0]) ;} ; } ; } ; /* find command to run as subprocess in window */ if (!(argv[0] = (char *)getenv("EMACSTOOL"))) /* Set emacs command name */ argv[0] = emacs_name; for (argc = 1; argv[argc]; argc++) /* Use last one on line */ if(!(strcmp ("-rc", argv[argc]))) /* Override if -rc given */ { int i = argc; argv[argc--]=0; /* kill the -rc argument */ if (argv[i+1]) { /* move to agrv[0] and squeeze the rest */ argv[0]=argv[i+1]; for (; argv[i+2]; (argv[i]=argv[i+2],argv[++i]=0)); } } strcpy (buffer, title); strncat (buffer, argv[0], /* append run command name */ (BUFFER_SIZE - (strlen (buffer)) - (strlen (argv[0]))) - 1); /* Build a frame to run in */ frame = window_create ((Window)NULL, FRAME, FRAME_LABEL, buffer, FRAME_ICON, frame_icon, FRAME_ARGC_PTR_ARGV, &argc, argv, 0); /* Create a tty with emacs in it */ ttysw = window_create (frame, TTY, TTY_QUIT_ON_CHILD_DEATH, TRUE, TTY_BOLDSTYLE, 8, TTY_ARGV, argv, 0); window_set(ttysw, WIN_CONSUME_PICK_EVENTS, WIN_STOP, WIN_MOUSE_BUTTONS, WIN_UP_EVENTS, /* LOC_WINENTER, LOC_WINEXIT, LOC_MOVE, */ 0, WIN_CONSUME_KBD_EVENTS, WIN_STOP, WIN_ASCII_EVENTS, WIN_LEFT_KEYS, WIN_TOP_KEYS, WIN_RIGHT_KEYS, /* WIN_UP_ASCII_EVENTS, */ 0, 0); font_height = (int)window_get (ttysw, WIN_ROW_HEIGHT); font_width = (int)window_get (ttysw, WIN_COLUMN_WIDTH); /* Interpose my event function */ error_code = (int) notify_interpose_event_func (ttysw, input_event_filter_function, NOTIFY_SAFE); if (error_code != 0) /* Barf */ { fprintf (stderr, "notify_interpose_event_func got %d.\n", error_code); exit (1); } window_main_loop (frame); /* And away we go */}