view etc/gnu.xpm @ 45098:06120f91eb06

(eshell-modify-global-environment): Added this customization variable, which will cause any "export" commands within any eshell buffer to modify the global Emacs environment. It defaults to nil, which means that such commands will only modify that Eshell buffer's environment. (eshell-var-initialize): Initialize `eshell-modify-global-environment'.
author John Wiegley <>
date Fri, 03 May 2002 20:43:53 +0000
parents e96ffe544684
children 23a1cea22d13
line wrap: on
line source

/* XPM */
/* GNU Emacs bitmap conv. to pixmap by Przemek Klosowski (  */
static char * image_name [] = {
"50 50 7 1",
" 	s mask	c none",
"B      c blue",
"x      c black",          	    
":      c sandy brown",  	    
"+      c saddle brown",
"'      c grey",		       	    
".      c white",
"                                                  ",
"                                                  ",
"                                    x             ",
"                                     :x           ",
"                                     :::x         ",
"                                       ::x        ",
"           x                             ::x      ",
"          x:                xxx          :::x     ",
"         x:           xxx xxx:xxx         x::x    ",
"        x::       xxxx::xxx:::::xx        x::x    ",
"       x::       x:::::::xx::::::xx       x::x    ",
"       x::      xx::::::::x:::::::xx     xx::x    ",
"      x::      xx::::::::::::::::::x    xx::xx    ",
"     x::x     xx:::::xxx:::::::xxx:xxx xx:::xx    ",
"    x:::x    xx:::::xx...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:::xx     ",
"    x:::x     ",
"    x:::x    ",
"    x:::xx x:::x::xx.xx..........x.xx.........x   ",
"    x::::xx::xx:::x.xx....''''x'x'x''.xxx.....x   ",
"    xx::::xxxx::xx.xx.xxxx.'''''''.xxx    xxxx    ",
"'''''''''.xx            ",
"'''''.xx           ",
"       xxx::xx...xx.xx.BBBB..xx''''''xx           ",
"        xxxx.....xx.xxBB:BB.xx'''''''xx           ",
"''''''xx           ",
"''''''''''xx           ",
"        x..xxxxxx..x.......x..''''''''xx          ",
"        x.x xxx.x.x.x...xxxx.'''''''''xx          ",
"         x  xxx.x.x.xx...xx..'''''''''xx          ",
"           xx.x..x.x.xx........''''''''x          ",
"          xx'.xx.x.x.x.x.......'''''''''x         ",
"          xx'..xxxx..x...x.......'''''''x         ",
"          xx''.xx.x..xx...x.......'''.xxx         ",
"          xx''..x.x.x.x.x.xx.xxxxx.'.xx+xx        ",
"          xx''..x.xx..xx.x.x.x+++xxxxx+++x        ",
"          xx'''        ",
"           xx''.xx..x..xx.xxxx++x+++x++xxx        ",
"           xx''         ",
"            xx'''.xx.xx..xx.xxxx++x+++xxx         ",
"            xx'''.xxx.xx.xxxxxxxxx++++xxx         ",
"             xx''...xx.xx.xxxxxx++xxxxxxx         ",
"             xx''''          ",
"              xx''''..x..xx..xxxx++++xx           ",
"               xxx'''''x.xx.xxxxxxxxxxx           ",
"                xxx'''''    xxxxx            ",
"                 xxxx''''xxxx                     ",
"                   xxx'''xxx                      ",
"                     xxxxx                        ",
"                                                  ",
"                                                  "