line source
;;; f90.el --- Fortran-90 mode (free format)
;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Author: Torbj\"orn Einarsson <>
;; Maintainer: Dave Love <>
;; Keywords: fortran, f90, languages
;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; Smart mode for editing F90 programs in FREE FORMAT.
;; Knows about continuation lines, named structured statements, and other
;; new features in F90 including HPF (High Performance Fortran) structures.
;; The basic feature is to provide an accurate indentation of F90 programs.
;; In addition, there are many more features like automatic matching of all
;; end statements, an auto-fill function to break long lines, a join-lines
;; function which joins continued lines etc etc.
;; To facilitate typing, a fairly complete list of abbreviations is provided.
;; For example, `i is short-hand for integer (if abbrev-mode is on).
;; There are two separate features for highlighting the code.
;; 1) Upcasing or capitalizing of all keywords.
;; 2) Colors/fonts using font-lock-mode. (only when using X-windows)
;; Automatic upcase of downcase of keywords is controlled by the parameter
;; f90-auto-keyword-case.
;; The indentations of lines starting with ! is determined by the first of the
;; following matches (the values in the left column are the default values):
;; start-string/regexp indent variable holding start-string/regexp
;; !!! 0
;; !hpf\\$ (re) 0 f90-directive-comment-re
;; !!$ 0 f90-comment-region
;; ! (re) as code f90-indented-comment-re
;; default comment-column
;; Ex: Here is the result of 3 different settings of f90-indented-comment-re
;; f90-indented-comment-re !-indentation !!-indentation
;; ! as code as code
;; !! comment-column as code
;; ![^!] as code comment-column
;; Trailing comments are indented to comment-column with indent-for-comment M-;
;; f90-comment-region (C-c;) toggles insertion of f90-comment-region in region.
;; One common convention for free vs. fixed format is that free-format files
;; have the ending .f90 while the fixed format files have the ending .f.
;; To make f90-mode work, put this file in, for example, your directory
;; ~/lisp, and be sure that you have the following in your .emacs-file
;; (setq load-path (append load-path '("~/lisp")))
;; (autoload 'f90-mode "f90"
;; "Major mode for editing Fortran 90 code in free format." t)
;; (setq auto-mode-alist (append auto-mode-alist
;; (list '("\\.f90$" . f90-mode))))
;; Once you have entered f90-mode, you may get more info by using
;; the command describe-mode (C-h m). For online help describing various
;; functions use C-h f <Name of function you want described>
;; To customize the f90-mode for your taste, use, for example:
;; (you don't have to specify values for all the parameters below)
;;(add-hook 'f90-mode-hook
;; '(lambda () (setq f90-do-indent 3
;; f90-if-indent 3
;; f90-type-indent 3
;; f90-program-indent 2
;; f90-continuation-indent 5
;; f90-comment-region "!!$"
;; f90-directive-comment-re "!hpf\\$"
;; f90-indented-comment-re "!"
;; f90-break-delimiters "[-+\\*/,><=% \t]"
;; f90-break-before-delimiters t
;; f90-beginning-ampersand t
;; f90-smart-end 'blink
;; f90-auto-keyword-case nil
;; f90-leave-line-no nil
;; f90-startup-message t
;; indent-tabs-mode nil
;; f90-font-lock-keywords f90-font-lock-keywords-2
;; )
;; ;;The rest is not default.
;; (abbrev-mode 1) ; turn on abbreviation mode
;; (f90-add-imenu-menu) ; extra menu with functions etc.
;; (if f90-auto-keyword-case ; change case of all keywords on startup
;; (f90-change-keywords f90-auto-keyword-case))
;; ))
;; in your .emacs file (the shown values are the defaults). You can also
;; change the values of the lists f90-keywords etc.
;; The auto-fill and abbreviation minor modes are accessible from the menu,
;; or by using M-x auto-fill-mode and M-x abbrev-mode, respectively.
;; Remarks
;; 1) Line numbers are by default left-justified. If f90-leave-line-no is
;; non-nil, the line numbers are never touched.
;; 2) Multi-; statements like > do i=1,20 ; j=j+i ; end do < are not handled
;; correctly, but I imagine them to be rare.
;; 3) Regexps for hilit19 are no longer supported.
;; 4) For FIXED FORMAT code, use the ordinary fortran mode.
;; 5) This mode does not work under emacs-18.x.
;; 6) Preprocessor directives, i.e., lines starting with # are left-justified
;; and are untouched by all case-changing commands. There is, at present, no
;; mechanism for treating multi-line directives (continued by \ ).
;; 7) f77 do-loops do 10 i=.. ; ; 10 continue are not correctly indented.
;; You are urged to use f90-do loops (with labels if you wish).
;; 8) The highlighting mode under XEmacs is not as complete as under Emacs.
;; List of user commands
;; f90-previous-statement f90-next-statement
;; f90-beginning-of-subprogram f90-end-of-subprogram f90-mark-subprogram
;; f90-comment-region
;; f90-indent-line f90-indent-new-line
;; f90-indent-region (can be called by calling indent-region)
;; f90-indent-subprogram
;; f90-break-line f90-join-lines
;; f90-fill-region
;; f90-insert-end
;; f90-upcase-keywords f90-upcase-region-keywords
;; f90-downcase-keywords f90-downcase-region-keywords
;; f90-capitalize-keywords f90-capitalize-region-keywords
;; f90-add-imenu-menu
;; f90-font-lock-1, f90-font-lock-2, f90-font-lock-3, f90-font-lock-4
;; Thanks to all the people who have tested the mode. Special thanks to Jens
;; Bloch Helmers for encouraging me to write this code, for creative
;; suggestions as well as for the lists of hpf-commands.
;; Also thanks to the authors of the fortran and pascal modes, on which some
;; of this code is built.
;;; Code:
(defconst bug-f90-mode ""
"Address of mailing list for F90 mode bugs.")
;; User options
(defgroup f90 nil
"Fortran-90 mode"
:group 'languages)
(defgroup f90-indent nil
"Fortran-90 indentation"
:prefix "f90-"
:group 'f90)
(defcustom f90-do-indent 3
"*Extra indentation applied to DO blocks."
:type 'integer
:group 'f90-indent)
(defcustom f90-if-indent 3
"*Extra indentation applied to IF, SELECT CASE, WHERE and FORALL blocks."
:type 'integer
:group 'f90-indent)
(defcustom f90-type-indent 3
"*Extra indentation applied to TYPE, INTERFACE and BLOCK DATA blocks."
:type 'integer
:group 'f90-indent)
(defcustom f90-program-indent 2
"*Extra indentation applied to PROGRAM/MODULE/SUBROUTINE/FUNCTION blocks."
:type 'integer
:group 'f90-indent)
(defcustom f90-continuation-indent 5
"*Extra indentation applied to F90 continuation lines."
:type 'integer
:group 'f90-indent)
(defcustom f90-comment-region "!!$"
"*String inserted by \\[f90-comment-region]\
at start of each line in region."
:type 'string
:group 'f90-indent)
(defcustom f90-indented-comment-re "!"
"*Regexp saying which comments to be indented like code."
:type 'regexp
:group 'f90-indent)
(defcustom f90-directive-comment-re "!hpf\\$"
"*Regexp of comment-like directive like \"!HPF\\\\$\", not to be indented."
:type 'regexp
:group 'f90-indent)
(defcustom f90-beginning-ampersand t
"*t makes automatic insertion of \& at beginning of continuation line."
:type 'boolean
:group 'f90)
(defcustom f90-smart-end 'blink
"*From an END statement, check and fill the end using matching block start.
Allowed values are 'blink, 'no-blink, and nil, which determine
whether to blink the matching beginning."
:type '(choice (const blink) (const no-blink) (const nil))
:group 'f90)
(defcustom f90-break-delimiters "[-+\\*/><=,% \t]"
"*Regexp holding list of delimiters at which lines may be broken."
:type 'regexp
:group 'f90)
(defcustom f90-break-before-delimiters t
"*Non-nil causes `f90-do-auto-fill' to break lines before delimiters."
:type 'boolean
:group 'f90)
(defcustom f90-auto-keyword-case nil
"*Automatic case conversion of keywords.
The options are 'downcase-word, 'upcase-word, 'capitalize-word and nil"
:type '(choice (const downcase-word) (const upcase-word)
(const capitalize-word) (const nil))
:group 'f90)
(defcustom f90-leave-line-no nil
"*If nil, left-justify linenumbers."
:type 'boolean
:group 'f90)
(defcustom f90-startup-message t
"*Non-nil displays a startup message when F90 mode is first called."
:type 'boolean
:group 'f90)
(defconst f90-keywords-re
;;("allocate" "allocatable" "assign" "assignment" "backspace" "block"
;;"call" "case" "character" "close" "common" "complex" "contains"
;;"continue" "cycle" "data" "deallocate" "dimension" "do" "double" "else"
;;"elseif" "elsewhere" "end" "enddo" "endfile" "endif" "entry" "equivalence"
;;"exit" "external" "forall" "format" "function" "goto" "if" "implicit"
;;"include" "inquire" "integer" "intent" "interface" "intrinsic" "logical"
;;"module" "namelist" "none" "nullify" "only" "open" "operator" "optional" "parameter"
;;"pause" "pointer" "precision" "print" "private" "procedure" "program"
;;"public" "read" "real" "recursive" "result" "return" "rewind" "save" "select"
;;"sequence" "stop" "subroutine" "target" "then" "type" "use" "where"
;;"while" "write")
"Regexp for F90 keywords.")
(defconst f90-keywords-level-3-re
;; ("allocate" "allocatable" "assign" "assignment" "backspace" "close"
;; "deallocate" "dimension" "endfile" "entry" "equivalence" "external"
;; "inquire" "intent" "intrinsic" "nullify" "only" "open" "operator"
;; "optional" "parameter" "pause" "pointer" "print" "private" "public"
;; "read" "recursive" "result" "rewind" "save" "select" "sequence"
;; "target" "write")
"Keyword-regexp for font-lock level >= 3.")
(defconst f90-procedures-re
;; ("abs" "achar" "acos" "adjustl" "adjustr" "aimag" "aint" "all" "allocated"
;; "anint" "any" "asin" "associated" "atan" "atan2" "bit_size" "btest"
;; "ceiling" "char" "cmplx" "conjg" "cos" "cosh" "count" "cshift"
;; "date_and_time" "dble" "digits" "dim" "dot_product" "dprod" "eoshift"
;; "epsilon" "exp" "exponent" "floor" "fraction" "huge" "iachar" "iand"
;; "ibclr" "ibits" "ibset" "ichar" "ieor" "index" "int" "ior" "ishft"
;; "ishftc" "kind" "lbound" "len" "len_trim" "lge" "lgt" "lle" "llt" "log"
;; "logical" "log10" "matmul" "max" "maxexponent" "maxloc" "maxval" "merge"
;; "min" "minexponent" "minloc" "minval" "mod" "modulo" "mvbits" "nearest"
;; "nint" "not" "pack" "precision" "present" "product" "radix"
;; "random_number" "random_seed" "range" "real" "repeat" "reshape"
;; "rrspacing" "scale" "scan" "selected_int_kind" "selected_real_kind"
;; "set_exponent" "shape" "sign" "sin" "sinh" "size" "spacing" "spread"
;; "sqrt" "sum" "system_clock" "tan" "tanh" "tiny" "transfer" "transpose"
;; "trim" "ubound" "unpack" "verify")
;; A left parenthesis to avoid highlighting non-procedures.
;; Real is taken out here to avoid highlighting declarations.
"im\\)\\)\\|u\\(bound\\|npack\\)\\|verify\\)[ \t]*(")
"Regexp whose first part matches F90 intrinsic procedures.")
(defconst f90-operators-re
;; "and" "or" "not" "eqv" "neqv" "eq" "ne" "lt" "le" "gt" "ge" "true" "false"
"Regexp matching intrinsic operators.")
(defconst f90-hpf-keywords-re
;; Intrinsic procedures
;; ("all_prefix" "all_scatter" "all_suffix" "any_prefix" "any_scatter"
;; "any_suffix" "copy_prefix" "copy_scatter" "copy_suffix" "count_prefix"
;; "count_scatter" "count_suffix" "grade_down" "grade_up" "hpf_alignment"
;; "hpf_template" "hpf_distribution" "iall" "iall_prefix" "iall_scatter"
;; "iall_suffix" "iany" "iany_prefix" "iany_scatter" "iany_suffix" "iparity"
;; "iparity_prefix" "iparity_scatter" "iparity_suffix" "leadz"
;; "maxval_prefix" "maxval_scatter" "maxval_suffix" "minval_prefix"
;; "minval_scatter" "minval_suffix" "parity" "parity_prefix"
;; "parity_scatter" "parity_suffix" "popcnt" "poppar" "product_prefix"
;; "product_scatter" "product_suffix" "sum_prefix" "sum_scatter"
;; "sum_suffix" "ilen" "number_of_processors" "processors_shape")
;; Directives
;; ("align" "distribute" "dynamic" "inherit" "template" "processors"
;; "realign" "redistribute" "independent")
;; Keywords
;; ("pure" "extrinsic" "new" "with" "onto" "block" "cyclic")
"Regexp for all HPF keywords, procedures and directives.")
;; Highlighting patterns
(defvar f90-font-lock-keywords-1
'("\\<\\(end[ \t]*\\(program\\|module\\|function\\|subroutine\\|type\\)\\)\\>[ \t]*\\(\\sw+\\)?"
(1 font-lock-keyword-face) (3 font-lock-function-name-face nil t))
'("\\<\\(program\\|call\\|module\\|subroutine\\|function\\|use\\)\\>[ \t]*\\(\\sw+\\)?"
(1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-function-name-face nil t))
;; Special highlighting of "module procedure foo-list"
'("\\<\\(module[ \t]*procedure\\)\\>" (1 font-lock-keyword-face t))
;; Highlight definition of new type
'("\\<\\(type\\)[ \t]*\\(.*::[ \t]*\\|[ \t]+\\)\\(\\sw+\\)"
(1 font-lock-keyword-face) (3 font-lock-function-name-face))
"\\<\\(\\(end[ \t]*\\)?\\(interface\\|block[ \t]*data\\)\\|contains\\)\\>")
"This does fairly subdued highlighting of comments and function calls.")
(defvar f90-font-lock-keywords-2
(append f90-font-lock-keywords-1
;; Variable declarations (avoid the real function call)
'("^[ \t0-9]*\\(real\\|integer\\|c\\(haracter\\|omplex\\)\\|logical\\|type[ \t]*(\\sw+)\\)\\(.*::\\|[ \t]*(.*)\\)?\\([^!\n]*\\)"
(1 font-lock-type-face) (4 font-lock-variable-name-face))
;; do, if, select, where, and forall constructs
'("\\<\\(end[ \t]*\\(do\\|if\\|select\\|forall\\|where\\)\\)\\>\\([ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)\\)?"
(1 font-lock-keyword-face) (3 font-lock-constant-face nil t))
'("^[ \t0-9]*\\(\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*:[ \t]*\\)?\\(\\(if\\|do\\([ \t]*while\\)?\\|select[ \t]*case\\|where\\|forall\\)\\)\\>"
(2 font-lock-constant-face nil t) (3 font-lock-keyword-face))
;; implicit declaration
'("\\<\\(implicit\\)[ \t]*\\(real\\|integer\\|c\\(haracter\\|omplex\\)\\|logical\\|type[ \t]*(\\sw+)\\|none\\)\\>" (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-type-face))
'("\\<\\(namelist\\|common\\)[ \t]*\/\\(\\sw+\\)?\/" (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-constant-face nil t))
"\\<else\\([ \t]*if\\|where\\)?\\>"
'("\\<\\(exit\\|cycle\\)[ \t]*\\(\\sw+\\)?\\>"
(1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-constant-face nil t))
'("\\<\\(case\\)[ \t]*\\(default\\|(\\)" . 1)
'("\\<\\(do\\|go *to\\)\\>[ \t]*\\([0-9]+\\)"
(1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-constant-face))
;; line numbers (lines whose first character after number is letter)
'("^[ \t]*\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]*[a-z]+" (1 font-lock-constant-face t))))
"Highlights declarations, do-loops and other constructions")
(defvar f90-font-lock-keywords-3
(append f90-font-lock-keywords-2
(list f90-procedures-re '(1 font-lock-keyword-face t))
"\\<real\\>" ; Avoid overwriting real defs.
"Highlights all F90 keywords and intrinsic procedures.")
(defvar f90-font-lock-keywords-4
(append f90-font-lock-keywords-3
(list f90-hpf-keywords-re))
"Highlights all F90 and HPF keywords.")
(defvar f90-font-lock-keywords
"*Default expressions to highlight in F90 mode.")
;; syntax table
(defvar f90-mode-syntax-table nil
"Syntax table in use in F90 mode buffers.")
(if f90-mode-syntax-table
(setq f90-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
(modify-syntax-entry ?\! "<" f90-mode-syntax-table) ; beg. comment
(modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" f90-mode-syntax-table) ; end comment
(modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" f90-mode-syntax-table) ; underscore in names
(modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\"" f90-mode-syntax-table) ; string quote
(modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" f90-mode-syntax-table) ; string quote
(modify-syntax-entry ?\` "w" f90-mode-syntax-table) ; for abbrevs
(modify-syntax-entry ?\r " " f90-mode-syntax-table) ; return is whitespace
(modify-syntax-entry ?+ "." f90-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?- "." f90-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?= "." f90-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?* "." f90-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?/ "." f90-mode-syntax-table)
(modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\" f90-mode-syntax-table)) ; escape chars
;; keys
(defvar f90-mode-map ()
"Keymap used in F90 mode.")
(if f90-mode-map
(setq f90-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key f90-mode-map "`" 'f90-abbrev-start)
(define-key f90-mode-map "\C-c;" 'f90-comment-region)
(define-key f90-mode-map "\C-\M-a" 'f90-beginning-of-subprogram)
(define-key f90-mode-map "\C-\M-e" 'f90-end-of-subprogram)
(define-key f90-mode-map "\C-\M-h" 'f90-mark-subprogram)
(define-key f90-mode-map "\C-\M-q" 'f90-indent-subprogram)
(define-key f90-mode-map "\C-j" 'f90-indent-new-line) ; LFD equals C-j
(define-key f90-mode-map "\r" 'newline)
(define-key f90-mode-map "\C-c\r" 'f90-break-line)
;; (define-key f90-mode-map [M-return] 'f90-break-line)
(define-key f90-mode-map "\C-c\C-d" 'f90-join-lines)
(define-key f90-mode-map "\C-c\C-f" 'f90-fill-region)
(define-key f90-mode-map "\C-c\C-p" 'f90-previous-statement)
(define-key f90-mode-map "\C-c\C-n" 'f90-next-statement)
(define-key f90-mode-map "\C-c\C-w" 'f90-insert-end)
(define-key f90-mode-map "\t" 'f90-indent-line)
(define-key f90-mode-map "," 'f90-electric-insert)
(define-key f90-mode-map "+" 'f90-electric-insert)
(define-key f90-mode-map "-" 'f90-electric-insert)
(define-key f90-mode-map "*" 'f90-electric-insert)
(define-key f90-mode-map "/" 'f90-electric-insert))
;; menus
(if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
(defvar f90-xemacs-menu
["Indent Subprogram" f90-indent-subprogram t]
["Mark Subprogram" f90-mark-subprogram t]
["Beginning of Subprogram" f90-beginning-of-subprogram t]
["End of Subprogram" f90-end-of-subprogram t]
["(Un)Comment Region" f90-comment-region t]
["Indent Region" indent-region t]
["Fill Region" f90-fill-region t]
["Break Line at Point" f90-break-line t]
["Join with Next Line" f90-join-lines t]
["Insert Newline" newline t]
["Insert Block End" f90-insert-end t]
["Upcase Keywords (buffer)" f90-upcase-keywords t]
["Upcase Keywords (region)" f90-upcase-region-keywords
["Capitalize Keywords (buffer)" f90-capitalize-keywords t]
["Capitalize Keywords (region)"
f90-capitalize-region-keywords t]
["Downcase Keywords (buffer)" f90-downcase-keywords t]
["Downcase Keywords (region)"
f90-downcase-region-keywords t]
["Toggle abbrev-mode" abbrev-mode t]
["Toggle auto-fill" auto-fill-mode t])
"XEmacs menu for F90 mode.")
;; Emacs
(defvar f90-change-case-menu
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "Change Keyword Case")))
(define-key map [dkr] (cons "Downcase Keywords (region)"
(put 'f90-downcase-region-keywords 'menu-enable 'mark-active)
(define-key map [ckr] (cons "Capitalize Keywords (region)"
(put 'f90-capitalize-region-keywords 'menu-enable 'mark-active)
(define-key map [ukr] (cons "Upcase Keywords (region)"
(put 'f90-upcase-region-keywords 'menu-enable 'mark-active)
(define-key map [line] (list "-----------------"))
(define-key map [dkb] (cons "Downcase Keywords (buffer)"
(define-key map [ckb] (cons "Capitalize Keywords (buffer)"
(define-key map [ukb] (cons "Upcase Keywords (buffer)"
"Submenu for change of case.")
(defalias 'f90-change-case-menu f90-change-case-menu)
;; font-lock-menu and function calls
(defalias 'f90-font-lock-on 'font-lock-mode)
(defalias 'f90-font-lock-off 'font-lock-mode)
(put 'f90-font-lock-on 'menu-enable 'font-lock-mode)
(put 'f90-font-lock-off 'menu-enable '(not font-lock-mode))
(defun f90-font-lock-1 ()
"Set font-lock-keywords to f90-font-lock-keywords-1."
(font-lock-mode 1)
(setq font-lock-keywords f90-font-lock-keywords-1)
(defun f90-font-lock-2 ()
"Set font-lock-keywords to f90-font-lock-keywords-2."
(font-lock-mode 1)
(setq font-lock-keywords f90-font-lock-keywords-2)
(defun f90-font-lock-3 ()
"Set font-lock-keywords to f90-font-lock-keywords-3."
(font-lock-mode 1)
(setq font-lock-keywords f90-font-lock-keywords-3)
(defun f90-font-lock-4 ()
"Set font-lock-keywords to f90-font-lock-keywords-4."
(font-lock-mode 1)
(setq font-lock-keywords f90-font-lock-keywords-4)
(defvar f90-font-lock-menu
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "f90-font-lock-menu")))
(define-key map [h4] (cons "Maximum highlighting (level 4)"
(define-key map [h3] (cons "Heavy highlighting (level 3)"
(define-key map [h2] (cons "Default highlighting (level 2)"
(define-key map [h1] (cons "Light highlighting (level 1)"
(define-key map [line] (list "-----------------"))
(define-key map [floff] (cons "Turn off font-lock-mode"
(define-key map [flon] (cons "Turn on font-lock-mode"
"Submenu for highlighting using font-lock-mode.")
(defalias 'f90-font-lock-menu f90-font-lock-menu)
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar] (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90]
(cons "F90" (make-sparse-keymap "f90")))
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 f90-imenu-menu]
'("Add imenu Menu" . f90-add-imenu-menu))
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 abbrev-mode]
'("Toggle abbrev-mode" . abbrev-mode))
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 auto-fill-mode]
'("Toggle auto-fill" . auto-fill-mode))
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 line1]
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 f90-change-case-menu]
(cons "Change Keyword Case" 'f90-change-case-menu))
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 f90-font-lock-menu]
(cons "Highlighting" 'f90-font-lock-menu))
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 line2]
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 f90-insert-end]
'("Insert Block End" . f90-insert-end))
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 f90-join-lines]
'("Join with Next Line" . f90-join-lines))
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 f90-break-line]
'("Break Line at Point" . f90-break-line))
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 line3]
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 f90-fill-region]
'("Fill Region" . f90-fill-region))
(put 'f90-fill-region 'menu-enable 'mark-active)
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 indent-region]
'("Indent Region" . indent-region))
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 f90-comment-region]
'("(Un)Comment Region" . f90-comment-region))
(put 'f90-comment-region 'menu-enable 'mark-active)
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 line4]
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 f90-end-of-subprogram]
'("End of Subprogram" . f90-end-of-subprogram))
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 f90-beginning-of-subprogram]
'("Beginning of Subprogram" . f90-beginning-of-subprogram))
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 f90-mark-subprogram]
'("Mark Subprogram" . f90-mark-subprogram))
(define-key f90-mode-map [menu-bar f90 f90-indent-subprogram]
'("Indent Subprogram" . f90-indent-subprogram))
;; Regexps for finding program structures.
(defconst f90-blocks-re
"\\(block[ \t]*data\\|do\\|if\\|interface\\|function\\|module\\|\
(defconst f90-program-block-re
(defconst f90-else-like-re
"\\(else\\([ \t]*if\\|where\\)?\\|case[ \t]*\\(default\\|(\\)\\)")
(defconst f90-end-if-re
"end[ \t]*\\(if\\|select\\|where\\|forall\\)\\>")
(defconst f90-end-type-re
"end[ \t]*\\(type\\|interface\\|block[ \t]*data\\)")
(defconst f90-type-def-re
"\\<\\(type\\)\\([^(\n]*\\)\\(::\\)?[ \t]*\\b\\(\\sw+\\)")
(defconst f90-no-break-re "\\(\\*\\*\\|//\\|=>\\)")
;; A temporary position to make region operators faster
(defvar f90-cache-position nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'f90-cache-position)
;; A flag to tell whether f90-imenu is turned on.
(defvar f90-imenu nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'f90-imenu)
;; Imenu support
(defvar f90-imenu-generic-expression
(let ((good-char "[^!\"\&\n \t]") (not-e "[^e!\n\"\& \t]")
(not-n "[^n!\n\"\& \t]") (not-d "[^d!\n\"\& \t]"))
'(nil "^[ \t0-9]*program[ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)" 1)
'("Modules" "^[ \t0-9]*module[ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*\\(!\\|$\\)" 1)
'("Types" "^[ \t0-9]*type[ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)" 1)
"^[ \t0-9]*"
;; At least three non-space characters before function/subroutine
;; Check that the last three non-space characters don't spell E N D
not-e good-char good-char "\\|"
good-char not-n good-char "\\|"
good-char good-char not-d "\\)"
;; Less than three non-space characters before function/subroutine
good-char "?" good-char "?"
"[ \t]*\\(function\\|subroutine\\)[ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)")
"imenu generic expression for F90 mode.")
(defun f90-add-imenu-menu ()
"Add an imenu menu to the menubar."
(if (not f90-imenu)
(imenu-add-to-menubar "F90-imenu")
(redraw-frame (selected-frame))
(setq f90-imenu t))
(message "%s" "F90-imenu already exists.")))
(put 'f90-add-imenu-menu 'menu-enable '(not f90-imenu))
;; When compiling under GNU Emacs, load imenu during compilation. If
;; you have 19.22 or earlier, comment this out, or get imenu.
(and (fboundp 'eval-when-compile)
(if (not (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version))
(require 'imenu))
;; abbrevs have generally two letters, except standard types `c, `i, `r, `t
(defvar f90-mode-abbrev-table nil)
(if f90-mode-abbrev-table
(let ((ac abbrevs-changed))
(define-abbrev-table 'f90-mode-abbrev-table ())
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`al" "allocate" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`ab" "allocatable" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`as" "assignment" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`ba" "backspace" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`bd" "block data" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`c" "character" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`cl" "close" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`cm" "common" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`cx" "complex" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`cn" "contains" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`cy" "cycle" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`de" "deallocate" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`df" "define" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`di" "dimension" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`dw" "do while" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`el" "else" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`eli" "else if" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`elw" "elsewhere" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`eq" "equivalence" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`ex" "external" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`ey" "entry" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`fl" "forall" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`fo" "format" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`fu" "function" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`fa" ".false." nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`im" "implicit none" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`in " "include" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`i" "integer" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`it" "intent" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`if" "interface" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`lo" "logical" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`mo" "module" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`na" "namelist" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`nu" "nullify" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`op" "optional" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`pa" "parameter" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`po" "pointer" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`pr" "print" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`pi" "private" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`pm" "program" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`pu" "public" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`r" "real" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`rc" "recursive" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`rt" "return" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`rw" "rewind" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`se" "select" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`sq" "sequence" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`su" "subroutine" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`ta" "target" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`tr" ".true." nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`t" "type" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`wh" "where" nil)
(define-abbrev f90-mode-abbrev-table "`wr" "write" nil)
(setq abbrevs-changed ac)))
(defcustom f90-mode-hook nil
"Hook run by F90 mode."
:type 'hook
:options '(f90-add-imenu-menu)
:group 'f90)
(defun f90-mode ()
"Major mode for editing Fortran 90 code in free format.
\\[f90-indent-new-line] corrects current indentation and creates new\
indented line.
\\[f90-indent-line] indents the current line correctly.
\\[f90-indent-subprogram] indents the current subprogram.
Type `? or `\\[help-command] to display a list of built-in\
abbrevs for F90 keywords.
Key definitions:
Variables controlling indentation style and extra features:
Extra indentation within do blocks. (default 3)
Extra indentation within if/select case/where/forall blocks. (default 3)
Extra indentation within type/interface/block-data blocks. (default 3)
Extra indentation within program/module/subroutine/function blocks.
(default 2)
Extra indentation applied to continuation lines. (default 5)
String inserted by \\[f90-comment-region] at start of each line in
region. (default \"!!!$\")
Regexp determining the type of comment to be intended like code.
(default \"!\")
Regexp of comment-like directive like \"!HPF\\\\$\", not to be indented.
(default \"!hpf\\\\$\")
Regexp holding list of delimiters at which lines may be broken.
(default \"[-+*/><=,% \\t]\")
Non-nil causes `f90-do-auto-fill' to break lines before delimiters.
(default t)
Automatic insertion of \& at beginning of continuation lines. (default t)
From an END statement, check and fill the end using matching block start.
Allowed values are 'blink, 'no-blink, and nil, which determine
whether to blink the matching beginning.) (default 'blink)
Automatic change of case of keywords. (default nil)
The possibilities are 'downcase-word, 'upcase-word, 'capitalize-word.
Do not left-justify line numbers. (default nil)
Set to nil to inhibit message first time F90 mode is used. (default t)
List of keywords used for highlighting/upcase-keywords etc.
Turning on F90 mode calls the value of the variable `f90-mode-hook'
with no args, if that value is non-nil."
(setq major-mode 'f90-mode)
(setq mode-name "F90")
(setq local-abbrev-table f90-mode-abbrev-table)
(set-syntax-table f90-mode-syntax-table)
(use-local-map f90-mode-map)
(make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
(setq indent-line-function 'f90-indent-line)
(make-local-variable 'indent-region-function)
(setq indent-region-function 'f90-indent-region)
(make-local-variable 'require-final-newline)
(setq require-final-newline t)
(make-local-variable 'comment-start)
(setq comment-start "!")
(make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip)
(setq comment-start-skip "!+ *")
(make-local-variable 'comment-indent-function)
(setq comment-indent-function 'f90-comment-indent)
(make-local-variable 'abbrev-all-caps)
(setq abbrev-all-caps t)
(make-local-variable 'normal-auto-fill-function)
(setq normal-auto-fill-function 'f90-do-auto-fill)
(setq indent-tabs-mode nil)
;; Setting up things for font-lock
(if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
(put 'f90-mode 'font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search t)
(if (and (featurep 'menubar)
(not (assoc "F90" current-menubar)))
(set-buffer-menubar (copy-sequence current-menubar))
(add-submenu nil f90-xemacs-menu)))))
;; XEmacs: (Don't need a special case, since both emacsen work alike -sb)
(make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
(setq font-lock-defaults
'((f90-font-lock-keywords f90-font-lock-keywords-1
nil t))
;; Tell imenu how to handle f90.
(set (make-local-variable 'imenu-case-fold-search) t)
(make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression)
(setq imenu-generic-expression f90-imenu-generic-expression)
(set (make-local-variable 'add-log-current-defun-function)
(run-hooks 'f90-mode-hook)
;; (if f90-startup-message
;; (message "Emacs F90 mode; please report bugs to %s" bug-f90-mode))
(setq f90-startup-message nil))
;; inline-functions
(defsubst f90-get-beg-of-line ()
(save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (point)))
(defsubst f90-get-end-of-line ()
(save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)))
(defsubst f90-in-string ()
(let ((beg-pnt
(if (and f90-cache-position (> (point) f90-cache-position))
(nth 3 (parse-partial-sexp beg-pnt (point)))))
(defsubst f90-in-comment ()
(let ((beg-pnt
(if (and f90-cache-position (> (point) f90-cache-position))
(nth 4 (parse-partial-sexp beg-pnt (point)))))
(defsubst f90-line-continued ()
(let ((bol (f90-get-beg-of-line)))
(while (f90-in-comment)
(search-backward "!" bol)
(skip-chars-backward "!"))
(skip-chars-backward " \t")
(= (preceding-char) ?&))))
(defsubst f90-current-indentation ()
"Return indentation of current line.
Line-numbers are considered whitespace characters."
(beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
(defsubst f90-indent-to (col &optional no-line-number)
"Indent current line to column COL.
If no-line-number nil, jump over a possible line-number."
(if (not no-line-number)
(skip-chars-forward " \t0-9"))
(if (zerop (current-column))
(indent-to col)
(indent-to col 1)))
(defsubst f90-match-piece (arg)
(if (match-beginning arg)
(buffer-substring (match-beginning arg) (match-end arg))))
(defsubst f90-get-present-comment-type ()
(let ((type nil) (eol (f90-get-end-of-line)))
(if (f90-in-comment)
(re-search-forward "[!]+" eol)
(while (f90-in-string)
(re-search-forward "[!]+" eol))
(setq type (buffer-substring (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0)))))
(defsubst f90-equal-symbols (a b)
"Compare strings neglecting case and allowing for nil value."
(let ((a-local (if a (downcase a) nil))
(b-local (if b (downcase b) nil)))
(equal a-local b-local)))
;; XEmacs 19.11 & 19.12 gives back a single char when matching an empty regular
;; expression. Therefore, the next 2 functions are longer than necessary.
(defsubst f90-looking-at-do ()
"Return (\"do\" name) if a do statement starts after point.
Name is nil if the statement has no label."
(if (looking-at "\\(\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*\:\\)?[ \t]*\\(do\\)\\>")
(let (label
(struct (f90-match-piece 3)))
(if (looking-at "\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*\:")
(setq label (f90-match-piece 1)))
(list struct label))))
(defsubst f90-looking-at-select-case ()
"Return (\"select\" name) if a select-case statement starts after point.
Name is nil if the statement has no label."
(if (looking-at "\\(\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*\:\\)?[ \t]*\\(select\\)[ \t]*case[ \t]*(")
(let (label
(struct (f90-match-piece 3)))
(if (looking-at "\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*\:")
(setq label (f90-match-piece 1)))
(list struct label))))
(defsubst f90-looking-at-if-then ()
"Return (\"if\" name) if an if () then statement starts after point.
Name is nil if the statement has no label."
(let (struct (label nil))
(if (looking-at "\\(\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*\:\\)?[ \t]*\\(if\\)\\>")
(setq struct (f90-match-piece 3))
(if (looking-at "\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*\:")
(setq label (f90-match-piece 1)))
(let ((pos (scan-lists (point) 1 0)))
(and pos (goto-char pos)))
(skip-chars-forward " \t")
(if (or (looking-at "then\\>")
(if (f90-line-continued)
(skip-chars-forward " \t0-9&")
(looking-at "then\\>"))))
(list struct label)))))))
(defsubst f90-looking-at-where-or-forall ()
"Return (kind name) if a where or forall block starts after point.
Name is nil if the statement has no label."
(if (looking-at "\\(\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*\:\\)?[ \t]*\\(where\\|forall\\)[ \t]*(.*)[ \t]*\\(!\\|$\\)")
(let (label
(struct (f90-match-piece 3)))
(if (looking-at "\\(\\sw+\\)[ \t]*\:")
(setq label (f90-match-piece 1)))
(list struct label))))
(defsubst f90-looking-at-type-like ()
"Return (kind name) at the start of a type/interface/block-data block.
Name is non-nil only for type."
((looking-at f90-type-def-re)
(list (f90-match-piece 1) (f90-match-piece 4)))
((looking-at "\\(interface\\|block[\t]*data\\)\\>")
(list (f90-match-piece 1) nil))))
(defsubst f90-looking-at-program-block-start ()
"Return (kind name) if a program block with name name starts after point."
((looking-at "\\(program\\)[ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)\\>")
(list (f90-match-piece 1) (f90-match-piece 2)))
((and (not (looking-at "module[ \t]*procedure\\>"))
(looking-at "\\(module\\)[ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)\\>"))
(list (f90-match-piece 1) (f90-match-piece 2)))
((and (not (looking-at "end[ \t]*\\(function\\|subroutine\\)"))
(looking-at "[^!\"\&\n]*\\(function\\|subroutine\\)[ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)"))
(list (f90-match-piece 1) (f90-match-piece 2)))))
(defsubst f90-looking-at-program-block-end ()
"Return list of type and name of end of block."
(if (looking-at (concat "end[ \t]*" f90-blocks-re
"?\\([ \t]+\\(\\sw+\\)\\)?\\>"))
(list (f90-match-piece 1) (f90-match-piece 3))))
(defsubst f90-comment-indent ()
(cond ((looking-at "!!!") 0)
((and f90-directive-comment-re
(looking-at f90-directive-comment-re)) 0)
((looking-at (regexp-quote f90-comment-region)) 0)
((and (looking-at f90-indented-comment-re)
;; Don't attempt to indent trailing comment as code.
(skip-chars-backward " \t")
(t (skip-chars-backward " \t")
(max (if (bolp) 0 (1+ (current-column))) comment-column))))
(defsubst f90-present-statement-cont ()
"Return continuation properties of present statement."
(let (pcont cont)
(setq pcont (if (f90-previous-statement) (f90-line-continued) nil)))
(setq cont (f90-line-continued))
(cond ((and (not pcont) (not cont)) 'single)
((and (not pcont) cont) 'begin)
((and pcont (not cont)) 'end)
((and pcont cont) 'middle)
(t (error)))))
(defsubst f90-indent-line-no ()
(if f90-leave-line-no
(if (and (not (zerop (skip-chars-forward " \t")))
(looking-at "[0-9]"))
(skip-chars-forward " \t0-9"))
(defsubst f90-no-block-limit ()
(let ((eol (f90-get-end-of-line)))
(not (or (looking-at "end")
(looking-at "\\(do\\|if\\|else\\(if\\|where\\)?\
\\|select[ \t]*case\\|case\\|where\\|forall\\)\\>")
(looking-at "\\(program\\|module\\|interface\\|\
block[ \t]*data\\)\\>")
(looking-at "\\(contains\\|\\sw+[ \t]*:\\)")
(looking-at f90-type-def-re)
(re-search-forward "\\(function\\|subroutine\\)" eol t))))))
(defsubst f90-update-line ()
(let (bol eol)
(if f90-auto-keyword-case
(progn (setq bol (f90-get-beg-of-line)
eol (f90-get-end-of-line))
(if f90-auto-keyword-case
(f90-change-keywords f90-auto-keyword-case bol eol))))))
(defun f90-electric-insert ()
"Calls f90-do-auto-fill at each operator insertion."
(self-insert-command 1)
(if auto-fill-function (f90-do-auto-fill)))
(defun f90-get-correct-indent ()
"Get correct indent for a line starting with line number.
Does not check type and subprogram indentation."
(let ((epnt (f90-get-end-of-line)) icol cont)
(while (and (f90-previous-statement)
(or (progn
(setq cont (f90-present-statement-cont))
(or (eq cont 'end) (eq cont 'middle)))
(looking-at "[ \t]*[0-9]"))))
(setq icol (current-indentation))
(if (re-search-forward "\\(if\\|do\\|select\\|where\\|forall\\)"
(f90-get-end-of-line) t)
(beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t")
(cond ((f90-looking-at-do)
(setq icol (+ icol f90-do-indent)))
((or (f90-looking-at-if-then)
(setq icol (+ icol f90-if-indent))))
(while (re-search-forward
"\\(if\\|do\\|select\\|where\\|forall\\)" epnt t)
(beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
(cond ((f90-looking-at-do)
(setq icol (+ icol f90-do-indent)))
((or (f90-looking-at-if-then)
(setq icol (+ icol f90-if-indent)))
((looking-at f90-end-if-re)
(setq icol (- icol f90-if-indent)))
((looking-at "end[ \t]*do\\>")
(setq icol (- icol f90-do-indent))))
(defun f90-calculate-indent ()
"Calculate the indent column based on previous statements."
(let (icol cont (case-fold-search t) (pnt (point)))
(if (not (f90-previous-statement))
(setq icol 0)
(setq cont (f90-present-statement-cont))
(if (eq cont 'end)
(while (not (eq 'begin (f90-present-statement-cont)))
(cond ((eq cont 'begin)
(setq icol (+ (f90-current-indentation)
((eq cont 'middle) (setq icol(current-indentation)))
(t (setq icol (f90-current-indentation))
(skip-chars-forward " \t")
(if (looking-at "[0-9]")
(setq icol (f90-get-correct-indent))
(cond ((or (f90-looking-at-if-then)
(looking-at f90-else-like-re))
(setq icol (+ icol f90-if-indent)))
(setq icol (+ icol f90-do-indent)))
(setq icol (+ icol f90-type-indent)))
((or (f90-looking-at-program-block-start)
(looking-at "contains[ \t]*\\($\\|!\\)"))
(setq icol (+ icol f90-program-indent)))))
(goto-char pnt)
(cond ((looking-at "[ \t]*$"))
((looking-at "[ \t]*#") ; Check for cpp directive.
(setq icol 0))
(skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
(cond ((or (looking-at f90-else-like-re)
(looking-at f90-end-if-re))
(setq icol (- icol f90-if-indent)))
((looking-at "end[ \t]*do\\>")
(setq icol (- icol f90-do-indent)))
((looking-at f90-end-type-re)
(setq icol (- icol f90-type-indent)))
((or (looking-at "contains[ \t]*\\(!\\|$\\)")
(setq icol (- icol f90-program-indent))))))
;; Statement = statement line, a line which is neither blank, nor a comment.
(defun f90-previous-statement ()
"Move point to beginning of the previous F90 statement.
Return nil if no previous statement is found."
(let (not-first-statement)
(while (and (setq not-first-statement (zerop (forward-line -1)))
(looking-at "[ \t0-9]*\\(!\\|$\\|#\\)")))
(defun f90-next-statement ()
"Move point to beginning of the next F90 statement.
Return nil if no later statement is found."
(let (not-last-statement)
(while (and (setq not-last-statement
(and (zerop (forward-line 1))
(not (eobp))))
(looking-at "[ \t0-9]*\\(!\\|$\\)")))
(defun f90-beginning-of-subprogram ()
"Move point to the beginning of subprogram.
Return (type name) or nil if not found."
(let ((count 1) (case-fold-search t) matching-beg)
(beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
(if (setq matching-beg (f90-looking-at-program-block-start))
(setq count (- count 1)))
(while (and (not (zerop count))
(re-search-backward f90-program-block-re nil 'move))
(beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
((setq matching-beg (f90-looking-at-program-block-start))
(setq count (- count 1)))
(setq count (+ count 1)))))
(if (zerop count)
(message "No beginning-found.")
(defun f90-end-of-subprogram ()
"Move point to the end of subprogram.
Return (type name) or nil if not found."
(let ((count 1) (case-fold-search t) matching-end)
(beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
(if (setq matching-end (f90-looking-at-program-block-end))
(setq count (1- count)))
(while (and (not (zerop count))
(re-search-forward f90-program-block-re nil 'move))
(beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
(cond ((f90-looking-at-program-block-start)
(setq count (+ count 1)))
((setq matching-end (f90-looking-at-program-block-end))
(setq count (1- count ))))
(forward-line 1)
(if (zerop count)
(message "No end found.")
(defun f90-mark-subprogram ()
"Put mark at end of F90 subprogram, point at beginning.
Marks are pushed and highlight (grey shadow) is turned on."
(let ((pos (point)) program)
(push-mark (point) t)
(goto-char pos)
(setq program (f90-beginning-of-subprogram))
;; The keywords in the preceding lists assume case-insensitivity.
(if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
(setq mark-active t)
(setq deactivate-mark nil))
(defun f90-comment-region (beg-region end-region)
"Comment/uncomment every line in the region.
Insert f90-comment-region at the beginning of every line in the region
or, if already present, remove it."
(interactive "*r")
(let ((end (make-marker)))
(set-marker end end-region)
(goto-char beg-region)
(if (looking-at (regexp-quote f90-comment-region))
(delete-region (point) (match-end 0))
(insert f90-comment-region))
(while (and (zerop (forward-line 1))
(< (point) (marker-position end)))
(if (looking-at (regexp-quote f90-comment-region))
(delete-region (point) (match-end 0))
(insert f90-comment-region)))
(set-marker end nil)))
(defun f90-indent-line (&optional no-update)
"Indent current line as F90 code."
(let (indent (no-line-number nil) (pos (make-marker)) (case-fold-search t))
(set-marker pos (point))
(beginning-of-line) ; Digits after & \n are not line-no
(if (save-excursion (and (f90-previous-statement) (f90-line-continued)))
(progn (setq no-line-number t) (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
(if (looking-at "!")
(setq indent (f90-comment-indent))
(if (and (looking-at "end") f90-smart-end)
(setq indent (f90-calculate-indent)))
(if (zerop (- indent (current-column)))
(f90-indent-to indent no-line-number))
;; If initial point was within line's indentation,
;; position after the indentation. Else stay at same point in text.
(if (< (point) (marker-position pos))
(goto-char (marker-position pos)))
(if (not no-update) (f90-update-line))
(if auto-fill-function (f90-do-auto-fill))
(set-marker pos nil)))
(defun f90-indent-new-line ()
"Reindent the current F90 line, insert a newline and indent the newline.
An abbrev before point is expanded if `abbrev-mode' is non-nil.
If run in the middle of a line, the line is not broken."
(let (string cont (case-fold-search t))
(if abbrev-mode (expand-abbrev))
(beginning-of-line) ; Reindent where likely to be needed.
(if (or (looking-at "\\(end\\|else\\|!\\)"))
(f90-indent-line 'no-update))
(delete-horizontal-space) ;Destroy trailing whitespace
(setq string (f90-in-string))
(setq cont (f90-line-continued))
(if (and string (not cont)) (insert "&"))
(if (or string (and cont f90-beginning-ampersand)) (insert "&"))
(f90-indent-line 'no-update)))
(defun f90-indent-region (beg-region end-region)
"Indent every line in region by forward parsing."
(interactive "*r")
(let ((end-region-mark (make-marker)) (save-point (point-marker))
(block-list nil) ind-lev ind-curr ind-b cont
struct beg-struct end-struct)
(set-marker end-region-mark end-region)
(goto-char beg-region)
;; first find a line which is not a continuation line or comment
(while (and (looking-at "[ \t]*[0-9]*\\(!\\|#\\|[ \t]*$\\)")
(progn (f90-indent-line 'no-update)
(zerop (forward-line 1)))
(< (point) end-region-mark)))
(setq cont (f90-present-statement-cont))
(while (and (or (eq cont 'middle) (eq cont 'end))
(setq cont (f90-present-statement-cont)))
;; process present line for beginning of block
(setq f90-cache-position (point))
(f90-indent-line 'no-update)
(setq ind-lev (f90-current-indentation))
(setq ind-curr ind-lev)
(beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
(setq struct nil)
(setq ind-b (cond ((setq struct (f90-looking-at-do)) f90-do-indent)
((or (setq struct (f90-looking-at-if-then))
(setq struct (f90-looking-at-select-case))
(setq struct (f90-looking-at-where-or-forall))
(looking-at f90-else-like-re))
((setq struct (f90-looking-at-type-like))
((or(setq struct (f90-looking-at-program-block-start))
(looking-at "contains[ \t]*\\($\\|!\\)"))
(if ind-b (setq ind-lev (+ ind-lev ind-b)))
(if struct (setq block-list (cons struct block-list)))
(while (and (f90-line-continued) (zerop (forward-line 1))
(< (point) end-region-mark))
(if (not (zerop (- (current-indentation)
(+ ind-curr f90-continuation-indent))))
(f90-indent-to (+ ind-curr f90-continuation-indent) 'no-line-no)))
;; process all following lines
(while (and (zerop (forward-line 1)) (< (point) end-region-mark))
(setq f90-cache-position (point))
(cond ((looking-at "[ \t]*$") (setq ind-curr 0))
((looking-at "[ \t]*#") (setq ind-curr 0))
((looking-at "!") (setq ind-curr (f90-comment-indent)))
((f90-no-block-limit) (setq ind-curr ind-lev))
((looking-at f90-else-like-re) (setq ind-curr
(- ind-lev f90-if-indent)))
((looking-at "contains[ \t]*\\($\\|!\\)")
(setq ind-curr (- ind-lev f90-program-indent)))
((setq ind-b
(cond ((setq struct (f90-looking-at-do)) f90-do-indent)
((or (setq struct (f90-looking-at-if-then))
(setq struct (f90-looking-at-select-case))
(setq struct (f90-looking-at-where-or-forall)))
((setq struct (f90-looking-at-type-like))
((setq struct (f90-looking-at-program-block-start))
(setq ind-curr ind-lev)
(if ind-b (setq ind-lev (+ ind-lev ind-b)))
(setq block-list (cons struct block-list)))
((setq end-struct (f90-looking-at-program-block-end))
(setq beg-struct (car block-list)
block-list (cdr block-list))
(if f90-smart-end
(f90-block-match (car beg-struct)(car (cdr beg-struct))
(car end-struct)(car (cdr end-struct)))))
(setq ind-b
(cond ((looking-at f90-end-if-re) f90-if-indent)
((looking-at "end[ \t]*do\\>") f90-do-indent)
((looking-at f90-end-type-re) f90-type-indent)
(if ind-b (setq ind-lev (- ind-lev ind-b)))
(setq ind-curr ind-lev))
(t (setq ind-curr ind-lev)))
;; do the indentation if necessary
(if (not (zerop (- ind-curr (current-column))))
(f90-indent-to ind-curr))
(while (and (f90-line-continued) (zerop (forward-line 1))
(< (point) end-region-mark))
(if (not (zerop (- (current-indentation)
(+ ind-curr f90-continuation-indent))))
(f90-indent-to (+ ind-curr f90-continuation-indent) 'no-line-no))))
;; restore point etc
(setq f90-cache-position nil)
(goto-char save-point)
(set-marker end-region-mark nil)
(set-marker save-point nil)
(if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
(defun f90-indent-subprogram ()
"Properly indent the subprogram which contains point."
(let (program)
(setq program (f90-mark-subprogram))
(if program
(message "Indenting %s %s..."
(car program) (car (cdr program)))
(f90-indent-region (point) (mark))
(message "Indenting %s %s...done"
(car program) (car (cdr program))))
(message "Indenting the whole file...")
(f90-indent-region (point) (mark))
(message "Indenting the whole file...done")))))
;; autofill and break-line
(defun f90-break-line (&optional no-update)
"Break line at point, insert continuation marker(s) and indent."
(let (ctype)
(cond ((f90-in-string)
(insert "&") (newline) (insert "&"))
(setq ctype (f90-get-present-comment-type))
(insert ctype))
(t (insert "&")
(if (not no-update) (f90-update-line))
(if f90-beginning-ampersand (insert "&")))))
(defun f90-find-breakpoint ()
"From fill-column, search backward for break-delimiter."
(let ((bol (f90-get-beg-of-line)))
(re-search-backward f90-break-delimiters bol)
(if f90-break-before-delimiters
(progn (backward-char)
(if (not (looking-at f90-no-break-re))
(if (looking-at f90-no-break-re)
(forward-char 2)
(defun f90-do-auto-fill ()
"Break line if non-white characters beyond fill-column. Also, update line. "
;; Break the line before or after the last delimiter (non-word char) if
;; position is beyond fill-column.
;; Will not break **, //, or => (specified by f90-no-break-re).
(while (> (current-column) fill-column)
(let ((pos-mark (point-marker)))
(move-to-column fill-column)
(if (not (f90-in-string))
(goto-char pos-mark)
(set-marker pos-mark nil))))
(defun f90-join-lines ()
"Join present line with next line, if this line ends with \&."
(let (pos (oldpos (point)))
(skip-chars-backward " \t")
(cond ((= (preceding-char) ?&)
(delete-char -1)
(setq pos (point))
(forward-line 1)
(skip-chars-forward " \t")
(if (looking-at "\&") (delete-char 1))
(delete-region pos (point))
(if (not (f90-in-string))
(progn (delete-horizontal-space) (insert " ")))
(if (and auto-fill-function
(> (save-excursion (end-of-line)
(goto-char oldpos)
(defun f90-fill-region (beg-region end-region)
"Fill every line in region by forward parsing. Join lines if possible."
(interactive "*r")
(let ((end-region-mark (make-marker))
(f90-smart-end nil) (f90-auto-keyword-case nil) (go-on t)
(auto-fill-function nil))
(set-marker end-region-mark end-region)
(goto-char beg-region)
(while go-on
;; join as much as possible
(while (f90-join-lines))
;; chop the line if necessary
(while (> (save-excursion (end-of-line) (current-column))
(move-to-column fill-column)
(f90-break-line 'no-update))
(setq go-on (and (< (point) (marker-position end-region-mark))
(zerop (forward-line 1))))
(setq f90-cache-position (point)))
(setq f90-cache-position nil)
(if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
(defun f90-block-match (beg-block beg-name end-block end-name)
"Match end-struct with beg-struct and complete end-block if possible.
Leave point at the end of line."
(search-forward "end" (f90-get-end-of-line))
(catch 'no-match
(if (not (f90-equal-symbols beg-block end-block))
(if end-block
(message "END %s does not match %s." end-block beg-block)
(throw 'no-match nil))
(message "Inserting %s." beg-block)
(insert (concat " " beg-block)))
(search-forward end-block))
(if (not (f90-equal-symbols beg-name end-name))
(cond ((and beg-name (not end-name))
(message "Inserting %s." beg-name)
(insert (concat " " beg-name)))
((and beg-name end-name)
(message "Replacing %s with %s." end-name beg-name)
(search-forward end-name)
(replace-match beg-name))
((and (not beg-name) end-name)
(message "Deleting %s." end-name)
(search-forward end-name)
(replace-match "")))
(if end-name (search-forward end-name)))
(if (not (looking-at "[ \t]*!")) (delete-horizontal-space))))
(defun f90-match-end ()
"From an end foo statement, find the corresponding foo including name."
(let ((count 1) (top-of-window (window-start)) (matching-beg nil)
(end-point (point)) (case-fold-search t)
beg-name end-name beg-block end-block end-struct)
(if (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
(setq end-struct (f90-looking-at-program-block-end)))
(setq end-block (car end-struct))
(setq end-name (car (cdr end-struct)))
(and (not (zerop count))
(let ((stop nil) notexist)
(while (not stop)
(setq notexist
(not (re-search-backward
(concat "\\(" f90-blocks-re "\\)") nil t)))
(if notexist
(setq stop t)
(setq stop
(not (or (f90-in-string)
(not notexist)))
(beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
(cond ((setq matching-beg
(setq count (- count 1)))
((looking-at (concat "end[ \t]*" f90-blocks-re "\\b"))
(setq count (+ count 1)))))
(if (not (zerop count))
(message "No matching beginning.")
(if (eq f90-smart-end 'blink)
(if (< (point) top-of-window)
(message "Matches %s: %s"
(progn (beginning-of-line) (point))
(progn (end-of-line) (point))))
(sit-for 1)))
(setq beg-block (car matching-beg))
(setq beg-name (car (cdr matching-beg)))
(goto-char end-point)
(f90-block-match beg-block beg-name end-block end-name)))))))
(defun f90-insert-end ()
"Inserts an complete end statement matching beginning of present block."
(let ((f90-smart-end (if f90-smart-end f90-smart-end 'blink)))
(insert "end")
;; abbrevs and keywords
(defun f90-abbrev-start ()
"Typing `\\[help-command] or `? lists all the F90 abbrevs.
Any other key combination is executed normally."
(let (e c)
(insert last-command-char)
(if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
(setq e (next-command-event))
(setq c (event-to-character e)))
(setq c (read-event)))
;; insert char if not equal to `?'
(if (or (eq c ??) (eq c help-char))
(if (string-match "XEmacs" emacs-version)
(setq unread-command-event e)
(setq unread-command-events (list c))))))
(defun f90-abbrev-help ()
"List the currently defined abbrevs in F90 mode."
(message "Listing abbrev table...")
(display-buffer (f90-prepare-abbrev-list-buffer))
(message "Listing abbrev table...done"))
(defun f90-prepare-abbrev-list-buffer ()
(set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Abbrevs*"))
(insert-abbrev-table-description 'f90-mode-abbrev-table t)
(goto-char (point-min))
(set-buffer-modified-p nil)
(get-buffer-create "*Abbrevs*"))
(defun f90-upcase-keywords ()
"Upcase all F90 keywords in the buffer."
(f90-change-keywords 'upcase-word))
(defun f90-capitalize-keywords ()
"Capitalize all F90 keywords in the buffer."
(f90-change-keywords 'capitalize-word))
(defun f90-downcase-keywords ()
"Downcase all F90 keywords in the buffer."
(f90-change-keywords 'downcase-word))
(defun f90-upcase-region-keywords (beg end)
"Upcase all F90 keywords in the region."
(interactive "*r")
(f90-change-keywords 'upcase-word beg end))
(defun f90-capitalize-region-keywords (beg end)
"Capitalize all F90 keywords in the region."
(interactive "*r")
(f90-change-keywords 'capitalize-word beg end))
(defun f90-downcase-region-keywords (beg end)
"Downcase all F90 keywords in the region."
(interactive "*r")
(f90-change-keywords 'downcase-word beg end))
;; Change the keywords according to argument.
(defun f90-change-keywords (change-word &optional beg end)
(setq beg (if beg beg (point-min)))
(setq end (if end end (point-max)))
(let ((keyword-re
(concat "\\("
f90-keywords-re "\\|" f90-procedures-re "\\|"
f90-hpf-keywords-re "\\|" f90-operators-re "\\)"))
(ref-point (point-min)) state
(modified (buffer-modified-p)) saveword back-point)
(goto-char beg)
(while (re-search-forward keyword-re end t)
(if (progn
(setq state (parse-partial-sexp ref-point (point)))
(or (nth 3 state) (nth 4 state)
(save-excursion ; Check for cpp directive.
(skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")
(looking-at "#"))))
(setq ref-point (point)
back-point (save-excursion (backward-word 1) (point)))
(setq saveword (buffer-substring back-point ref-point))
(funcall change-word -1)
(or (string= saveword (buffer-substring back-point ref-point))
(setq modified t))))
(or modified (set-buffer-modified-p nil))))))
(defun f90-current-defun ()
"Function to use for `add-log-current-defun-function' in F90 mode."
(nth 1 (f90-beginning-of-subprogram))))
(provide 'f90)
;;; f90.el ends here