view etc/images/gnus/toggle-subscription.xpm @ 71206:07072bab2769

(view-emacs-news): Rewrite to support new NEWS, NEWS.major, and NEWS.1-17 file naming. Add more intelligense, e.g. version 10 matches 1.10, and don't be confused by version 1.1 begin a prefix of 1.12 (etc). A numeric prefix arg also works.
author Kim F. Storm <>
date Sun, 04 Jun 2006 01:14:15 +0000
parents ed7704221f2b
line wrap: on
line source

/* XPM */
static char * stock_task_recurring_xpm[] = {
"24 24 31 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #000000",
"+	c #FFFFFF",
"@	c #F4E2BC",
"#	c #F4D597",
"$	c #434343",
"%	c #F0CC84",
"&	c #EBB13D",
"*	c #4B4B4B",
"=	c #535353",
"-	c #C8C8C8",
";	c #7D7D7D",
">	c #7C7C7C",
",	c #858585",
"'	c #5C5C5C",
")	c #949494",
"!	c #F2F2F2",
"~	c #B6B6B6",
"{	c #BDBDBD",
"]	c #818181",
"^	c #878787",
"/	c #B2B2B2",
"(	c #FDFDFD",
"_	c #DBDBDB",
":	c #CCCCCC",
"<	c #ECECEC",
"[	c #7F7F99",
"}	c #333366",
"|	c #8F8FA9",
"1	c #59597F",
"2	c #EEEEEE",
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"   .2//////////////.    ",
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"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        "};