/* Execution of byte code produced by bytecomp.el. Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1993, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.This file is part of GNU Emacs.GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)any later version.GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write tothe Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.hacked on by jwz@lucid.com 17-jun-91 o added a compile-time switch to turn on simple sanity checking; o put back the obsolete byte-codes for error-detection; o added a new instruction, unbind_all, which I will use for tail-recursion elimination; o made temp_output_buffer_show be called with the right number of args; o made the new bytecodes be called with args in the right order; o added metering support.by Hallvard: o added relative jump instructions; o all conditionals now only do QUIT if they jump. */#include <config.h>#include "lisp.h"#include "buffer.h"#include "charset.h"#include "syntax.h"/* * define BYTE_CODE_SAFE to enable some minor sanity checking (useful for * debugging the byte compiler...) * * define BYTE_CODE_METER to enable generation of a byte-op usage histogram. *//* #define BYTE_CODE_SAFE *//* #define BYTE_CODE_METER */#ifdef BYTE_CODE_METERLisp_Object Vbyte_code_meter, Qbyte_code_meter;int byte_metering_on;#define METER_2(code1, code2) \ XFASTINT (XVECTOR (XVECTOR (Vbyte_code_meter)->contents[(code1)]) \ ->contents[(code2)])#define METER_1(code) METER_2 (0, (code))#define METER_CODE(last_code, this_code) \{ \ if (byte_metering_on) \ { \ if (METER_1 (this_code) != ((1<<VALBITS)-1)) \ METER_1 (this_code)++; \ if (last_code \ && METER_2 (last_code, this_code) != ((1<<VALBITS)-1))\ METER_2 (last_code, this_code)++; \ } \}#else /* no BYTE_CODE_METER */#define METER_CODE(last_code, this_code)#endif /* no BYTE_CODE_METER */Lisp_Object Qbytecode;/* Byte codes: */#define Bvarref 010#define Bvarset 020#define Bvarbind 030#define Bcall 040#define Bunbind 050#define Bnth 070#define Bsymbolp 071#define Bconsp 072#define Bstringp 073#define Blistp 074#define Beq 075#define Bmemq 076#define Bnot 077#define Bcar 0100#define Bcdr 0101#define Bcons 0102#define Blist1 0103#define Blist2 0104#define Blist3 0105#define Blist4 0106#define Blength 0107#define Baref 0110#define Baset 0111#define Bsymbol_value 0112#define Bsymbol_function 0113#define Bset 0114#define Bfset 0115#define Bget 0116#define Bsubstring 0117#define Bconcat2 0120#define Bconcat3 0121#define Bconcat4 0122#define Bsub1 0123#define Badd1 0124#define Beqlsign 0125#define Bgtr 0126#define Blss 0127#define Bleq 0130#define Bgeq 0131#define Bdiff 0132#define Bnegate 0133#define Bplus 0134#define Bmax 0135#define Bmin 0136#define Bmult 0137#define Bpoint 0140/* Was Bmark in v17. */#define Bsave_current_buffer 0141#define Bgoto_char 0142#define Binsert 0143#define Bpoint_max 0144#define Bpoint_min 0145#define Bchar_after 0146#define Bfollowing_char 0147#define Bpreceding_char 0150#define Bcurrent_column 0151#define Bindent_to 0152#define Bscan_buffer 0153 /* No longer generated as of v18 */#define Beolp 0154#define Beobp 0155#define Bbolp 0156#define Bbobp 0157#define Bcurrent_buffer 0160#define Bset_buffer 0161#define Bsave_current_buffer_1 0162 /* Replacing Bsave_current_buffer. */#define Bread_char 0162 /* No longer generated as of v19 */#define Bset_mark 0163 /* this loser is no longer generated as of v18 */#define Binteractive_p 0164 /* Needed since interactive-p takes unevalled args */#define Bforward_char 0165#define Bforward_word 0166#define Bskip_chars_forward 0167#define Bskip_chars_backward 0170#define Bforward_line 0171#define Bchar_syntax 0172#define Bbuffer_substring 0173#define Bdelete_region 0174#define Bnarrow_to_region 0175#define Bwiden 0176#define Bend_of_line 0177#define Bconstant2 0201#define Bgoto 0202#define Bgotoifnil 0203#define Bgotoifnonnil 0204#define Bgotoifnilelsepop 0205#define Bgotoifnonnilelsepop 0206#define Breturn 0207#define Bdiscard 0210#define Bdup 0211#define Bsave_excursion 0212#define Bsave_window_excursion 0213#define Bsave_restriction 0214#define Bcatch 0215#define Bunwind_protect 0216#define Bcondition_case 0217#define Btemp_output_buffer_setup 0220#define Btemp_output_buffer_show 0221#define Bunbind_all 0222#define Bset_marker 0223#define Bmatch_beginning 0224#define Bmatch_end 0225#define Bupcase 0226#define Bdowncase 0227#define Bstringeqlsign 0230#define Bstringlss 0231#define Bequal 0232#define Bnthcdr 0233#define Belt 0234#define Bmember 0235#define Bassq 0236#define Bnreverse 0237#define Bsetcar 0240#define Bsetcdr 0241#define Bcar_safe 0242#define Bcdr_safe 0243#define Bnconc 0244#define Bquo 0245#define Brem 0246#define Bnumberp 0247#define Bintegerp 0250#define BRgoto 0252#define BRgotoifnil 0253#define BRgotoifnonnil 0254#define BRgotoifnilelsepop 0255#define BRgotoifnonnilelsepop 0256#define BlistN 0257#define BconcatN 0260#define BinsertN 0261#define Bconstant 0300#define CONSTANTLIM 0100/* Structure describing a value stack used during byte-code execution in Fbyte_code. */struct byte_stack{ /* Program counter. This points into the byte_string below and is relocated when that string is relocated. */ unsigned char *pc; /* Top and bottom of stack. The bottom points to an area of memory allocated with alloca in Fbyte_code. */ Lisp_Object *top, *bottom; /* The string containing the byte-code, and its current address. Storing this here protects it from GC because mark_byte_stack marks it. */ Lisp_Object byte_string; unsigned char *byte_string_start; /* The vector of constants used during byte-code execution. Storing this here protects it from GC because mark_byte_stack marks it. */ Lisp_Object constants; /* Next entry in byte_stack_list. */ struct byte_stack *next;};/* A list of currently active byte-code execution value stacks. Fbyte_code adds an entry to the head of this list before it starts processing byte-code, and it removed the entry again when it is done. Signalling an error truncates the list analoguous to gcprolist. */struct byte_stack *byte_stack_list;/* Mark objects on byte_stack_list. Called during GC. */voidmark_byte_stack (){ struct byte_stack *stack; Lisp_Object *obj; for (stack = byte_stack_list; stack; stack = stack->next) { /* If STACK->top is null here, this means there's an opcode in Fbyte_code that wasn't expected to GC, but did. To find out which opcode this is, record the value of `stack', and walk up the stack in a debugger, stopping in frames of Fbyte_code. The culprit is found in the frame of Fbyte_code where the address of its local variable `stack' is equal to the recorded value of `stack' here. */ if (!stack->top) abort (); for (obj = stack->bottom; obj <= stack->top; ++obj) if (!XMARKBIT (*obj)) { mark_object (obj); XMARK (*obj); } if (!XMARKBIT (stack->byte_string)) { mark_object (&stack->byte_string); XMARK (stack->byte_string); } if (!XMARKBIT (stack->constants)) { mark_object (&stack->constants); XMARK (stack->constants); } }}/* Unmark objects in the stacks on byte_stack_list. Relocate program counters. Called when GC has completed. */void unmark_byte_stack (){ struct byte_stack *stack; Lisp_Object *obj; for (stack = byte_stack_list; stack; stack = stack->next) { for (obj = stack->bottom; obj <= stack->top; ++obj) XUNMARK (*obj); XUNMARK (stack->byte_string); XUNMARK (stack->constants); if (stack->byte_string_start != XSTRING (stack->byte_string)->data) { int offset = stack->pc - stack->byte_string_start; stack->byte_string_start = XSTRING (stack->byte_string)->data; stack->pc = stack->byte_string_start + offset; } }}/* Fetch the next byte from the bytecode stream */#define FETCH *stack.pc++/* Fetch two bytes from the bytecode stream and make a 16-bit number out of them */#define FETCH2 (op = FETCH, op + (FETCH << 8))/* Push x onto the execution stack. This used to be #define PUSH(x) (*++stackp = (x)) This oddity is necessary because Alliant can't be bothered to compile the preincrement operator properly, as of 4/91. -JimB */#define PUSH(x) (top++, *top = (x))/* Pop a value off the execution stack. */#define POP (*top--)/* Discard n values from the execution stack. */#define DISCARD(n) (top -= (n))/* Get the value which is at the top of the execution stack, but don't pop it. */#define TOP (*top)/* Actions that must be performed before and after calling a function that might GC. */#define BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC() stack.top = top#define AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC() stack.top = NULL/* Garbage collect if we have consed enough since the last time. We do this at every branch, to avoid loops that never GC. */#define MAYBE_GC() \ if (consing_since_gc > gc_cons_threshold) \ { \ BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); \ Fgarbage_collect (); \ AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); \ } \ else/* Check for jumping out of range. */#ifdef BYTE_CODE_SAFE#define CHECK_RANGE(ARG) \ if (ARG >= bytestr_length) abort ()#else /* not BYTE_CODE_SAFE */#define CHECK_RANGE(ARG)#endif /* not BYTE_CODE_SAFE */DEFUN ("byte-code", Fbyte_code, Sbyte_code, 3, 3, 0, "Function used internally in byte-compiled code.\n\The first argument, BYTESTR, is a string of byte code;\n\the second, VECTOR, a vector of constants;\n\the third, MAXDEPTH, the maximum stack depth used in this function.\n\If the third argument is incorrect, Emacs may crash.") (bytestr, vector, maxdepth) Lisp_Object bytestr, vector, maxdepth;{ int count = specpdl_ptr - specpdl;#ifdef BYTE_CODE_METER int this_op = 0; int prev_op;#endif int op; /* Lisp_Object v1, v2; */ Lisp_Object *vectorp;#ifdef BYTE_CODE_SAFE int const_length = XVECTOR (vector)->size; Lisp_Object *stacke;#endif int bytestr_length; struct byte_stack stack; Lisp_Object *top; Lisp_Object result; CHECK_STRING (bytestr, 0); if (!VECTORP (vector)) vector = wrong_type_argument (Qvectorp, vector); CHECK_NUMBER (maxdepth, 2); if (STRING_MULTIBYTE (bytestr)) /* BYTESTR must have been produced by Emacs 20.2 or the earlier because they produced a raw 8-bit string for byte-code and now such a byte-code string is loaded as multibyte while raw 8-bit characters converted to multibyte form. Thus, now we must convert them back to the original unibyte form. */ bytestr = Fstring_as_unibyte (bytestr); bytestr_length = STRING_BYTES (XSTRING (bytestr)); vectorp = XVECTOR (vector)->contents; stack.byte_string = bytestr; stack.pc = stack.byte_string_start = XSTRING (bytestr)->data; stack.constants = vector; stack.bottom = (Lisp_Object *) alloca (XFASTINT (maxdepth) * sizeof (Lisp_Object)); top = stack.bottom - 1; stack.top = NULL; stack.next = byte_stack_list; byte_stack_list = &stack;#ifdef BYTE_CODE_SAFE stacke = stack.bottom - 1 + XFASTINT (maxdepth);#endif while (1) {#ifdef BYTE_CODE_SAFE if (top > stacke) abort (); else if (top < stack.bottom - 1) abort ();#endif#ifdef BYTE_CODE_METER prev_op = this_op; this_op = op = FETCH; METER_CODE (prev_op, op);#else op = FETCH;#endif switch (op) { case Bvarref + 7: op = FETCH2; goto varref; case Bvarref: case Bvarref + 1: case Bvarref + 2: case Bvarref + 3: case Bvarref + 4: case Bvarref + 5: op = op - Bvarref; goto varref; /* This seems to be the most frequently executed byte-code among the Bvarref's, so avoid a goto here. */ case Bvarref+6: op = FETCH; varref: { Lisp_Object v1, v2; v1 = vectorp[op]; if (SYMBOLP (v1)) { v2 = XSYMBOL (v1)->value; if (MISCP (v2) || EQ (v2, Qunbound)) { BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v2 = Fsymbol_value (v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); } } else { BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v2 = Fsymbol_value (v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); } PUSH (v2); break; } case Bgotoifnil: MAYBE_GC (); op = FETCH2; if (NILP (POP)) { QUIT; CHECK_RANGE (op); stack.pc = stack.byte_string_start + op; } break; case Bcar: { Lisp_Object v1; v1 = TOP; if (CONSP (v1)) TOP = XCAR (v1); else if (NILP (v1)) TOP = Qnil; else { BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); Fcar (wrong_type_argument (Qlistp, v1)); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); } break; } case Beq: { Lisp_Object v1; v1 = POP; TOP = EQ (v1, TOP) ? Qt : Qnil; break; } case Bmemq: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fmemq (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bcdr: { Lisp_Object v1; v1 = TOP; if (CONSP (v1)) TOP = XCDR (v1); else if (NILP (v1)) TOP = Qnil; else { BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); Fcdr (wrong_type_argument (Qlistp, v1)); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); } break; } case Bvarset: case Bvarset+1: case Bvarset+2: case Bvarset+3: case Bvarset+4: case Bvarset+5: op -= Bvarset; goto varset; case Bvarset+7: op = FETCH2; goto varset; case Bvarset+6: op = FETCH; varset: { Lisp_Object sym, val; sym = vectorp[op]; val = TOP; /* Inline the most common case. */ if (SYMBOLP (sym) && !EQ (val, Qunbound) && !MISCP (XSYMBOL (sym)->value) /* I think this should either be checked in the byte compiler, or there should be a flag indicating that a symbol might be constant in Lisp_Symbol, instead of checking this here over and over again. --gerd. */ && !EQ (sym, Qnil) && !EQ (sym, Qt) && !(XSYMBOL (sym)->name->data[0] == ':' && EQ (XSYMBOL (sym)->obarray, initial_obarray) && !EQ (val, sym))) XSYMBOL (sym)->value = val; else { BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); set_internal (sym, val, current_buffer, 0); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); } } POP; break; case Bdup: { Lisp_Object v1; v1 = TOP; PUSH (v1); break; } /* ------------------ */ case Bvarbind+6: op = FETCH; goto varbind; case Bvarbind+7: op = FETCH2; goto varbind; case Bvarbind: case Bvarbind+1: case Bvarbind+2: case Bvarbind+3: case Bvarbind+4: case Bvarbind+5: op -= Bvarbind; varbind: specbind (vectorp[op], POP); break; case Bcall+6: op = FETCH; goto docall; case Bcall+7: op = FETCH2; goto docall; case Bcall: case Bcall+1: case Bcall+2: case Bcall+3: case Bcall+4: case Bcall+5: op -= Bcall; docall: { BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); DISCARD (op);#ifdef BYTE_CODE_METER if (byte_metering_on && SYMBOLP (TOP)) { Lisp_Object v1, v2; v1 = TOP; v2 = Fget (v1, Qbyte_code_meter); if (INTEGERP (v2) && XINT (v2) != ((1<<VALBITS)-1)) { XSETINT (v2, XINT (v2) + 1); Fput (v1, Qbyte_code_meter, v2); } }#endif TOP = Ffuncall (op + 1, &TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bunbind+6: op = FETCH; goto dounbind; case Bunbind+7: op = FETCH2; goto dounbind; case Bunbind: case Bunbind+1: case Bunbind+2: case Bunbind+3: case Bunbind+4: case Bunbind+5: op -= Bunbind; dounbind: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); unbind_to (specpdl_ptr - specpdl - op, Qnil); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bunbind_all: /* To unbind back to the beginning of this frame. Not used yet, but will be needed for tail-recursion elimination. */ BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); unbind_to (count, Qnil); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bgoto: MAYBE_GC (); QUIT; op = FETCH2; /* pc = FETCH2 loses since FETCH2 contains pc++ */ CHECK_RANGE (op); stack.pc = stack.byte_string_start + op; break; case Bgotoifnonnil: MAYBE_GC (); op = FETCH2; if (!NILP (POP)) { QUIT; CHECK_RANGE (op); stack.pc = stack.byte_string_start + op; } break; case Bgotoifnilelsepop: MAYBE_GC (); op = FETCH2; if (NILP (TOP)) { QUIT; CHECK_RANGE (op); stack.pc = stack.byte_string_start + op; } else DISCARD (1); break; case Bgotoifnonnilelsepop: MAYBE_GC (); op = FETCH2; if (!NILP (TOP)) { QUIT; CHECK_RANGE (op); stack.pc = stack.byte_string_start + op; } else DISCARD (1); break; case BRgoto: MAYBE_GC (); QUIT; stack.pc += (int) *stack.pc - 127; break; case BRgotoifnil: MAYBE_GC (); if (NILP (POP)) { QUIT; stack.pc += (int) *stack.pc - 128; } stack.pc++; break; case BRgotoifnonnil: MAYBE_GC (); if (!NILP (POP)) { QUIT; stack.pc += (int) *stack.pc - 128; } stack.pc++; break; case BRgotoifnilelsepop: MAYBE_GC (); op = *stack.pc++; if (NILP (TOP)) { QUIT; stack.pc += op - 128; } else DISCARD (1); break; case BRgotoifnonnilelsepop: MAYBE_GC (); op = *stack.pc++; if (!NILP (TOP)) { QUIT; stack.pc += op - 128; } else DISCARD (1); break; case Breturn: result = POP; goto exit; case Bdiscard: DISCARD (1); break; case Bconstant2: PUSH (vectorp[FETCH2]); break; case Bsave_excursion: record_unwind_protect (save_excursion_restore, save_excursion_save ()); break; case Bsave_current_buffer: case Bsave_current_buffer_1: record_unwind_protect (set_buffer_if_live, Fcurrent_buffer ()); break; case Bsave_window_excursion: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fsave_window_excursion (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bsave_restriction: record_unwind_protect (save_restriction_restore, save_restriction_save ()); break; case Bcatch: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = internal_catch (TOP, Feval, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bunwind_protect: record_unwind_protect (0, POP); (specpdl_ptr - 1)->symbol = Qnil; break; case Bcondition_case: { Lisp_Object v1; v1 = POP; v1 = Fcons (POP, v1); BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fcondition_case (Fcons (TOP, v1)); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Btemp_output_buffer_setup: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); temp_output_buffer_setup (XSTRING (TOP)->data); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Vstandard_output; break; case Btemp_output_buffer_show: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; temp_output_buffer_show (TOP); TOP = v1; /* pop binding of standard-output */ unbind_to (specpdl_ptr - specpdl - 1, Qnil); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bnth: { Lisp_Object v1, v2; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; v2 = TOP; CHECK_NUMBER (v2, 0); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); op = XINT (v2); immediate_quit = 1; while (--op >= 0) { if (CONSP (v1)) v1 = XCDR (v1); else if (!NILP (v1)) { immediate_quit = 0; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = wrong_type_argument (Qlistp, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); immediate_quit = 1; op++; } } immediate_quit = 0; if (CONSP (v1)) TOP = XCAR (v1); else if (NILP (v1)) TOP = Qnil; else { BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); Fcar (wrong_type_argument (Qlistp, v1)); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); } break; } case Bsymbolp: TOP = SYMBOLP (TOP) ? Qt : Qnil; break; case Bconsp: TOP = CONSP (TOP) ? Qt : Qnil; break; case Bstringp: TOP = STRINGP (TOP) ? Qt : Qnil; break; case Blistp: TOP = CONSP (TOP) || NILP (TOP) ? Qt : Qnil; break; case Bnot: TOP = NILP (TOP) ? Qt : Qnil; break; case Bcons: { Lisp_Object v1; v1 = POP; TOP = Fcons (TOP, v1); break; } case Blist1: TOP = Fcons (TOP, Qnil); break; case Blist2: { Lisp_Object v1; v1 = POP; TOP = Fcons (TOP, Fcons (v1, Qnil)); break; } case Blist3: DISCARD (2); TOP = Flist (3, &TOP); break; case Blist4: DISCARD (3); TOP = Flist (4, &TOP); break; case BlistN: op = FETCH; DISCARD (op - 1); TOP = Flist (op, &TOP); break; case Blength: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Flength (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Baref: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Faref (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Baset: { Lisp_Object v1, v2; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v2 = POP; v1 = POP; TOP = Faset (TOP, v1, v2); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bsymbol_value: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fsymbol_value (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bsymbol_function: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fsymbol_function (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bset: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fset (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bfset: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Ffset (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bget: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fget (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bsubstring: { Lisp_Object v1, v2; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v2 = POP; v1 = POP; TOP = Fsubstring (TOP, v1, v2); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bconcat2: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); DISCARD (1); TOP = Fconcat (2, &TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bconcat3: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); DISCARD (2); TOP = Fconcat (3, &TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bconcat4: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); DISCARD (3); TOP = Fconcat (4, &TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case BconcatN: op = FETCH; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); DISCARD (op - 1); TOP = Fconcat (op, &TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bsub1: { Lisp_Object v1; v1 = TOP; if (INTEGERP (v1)) { XSETINT (v1, XINT (v1) - 1); TOP = v1; } else TOP = Fsub1 (v1); break; } case Badd1: { Lisp_Object v1; v1 = TOP; if (INTEGERP (v1)) { XSETINT (v1, XINT (v1) + 1); TOP = v1; } else { BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fadd1 (v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); } break; } case Beqlsign: { Lisp_Object v1, v2; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v2 = POP; v1 = TOP; CHECK_NUMBER_OR_FLOAT_COERCE_MARKER (v1, 0); CHECK_NUMBER_OR_FLOAT_COERCE_MARKER (v2, 0); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); if (FLOATP (v1) || FLOATP (v2)) { double f1, f2; f1 = (FLOATP (v1) ? XFLOAT_DATA (v1) : XINT (v1)); f2 = (FLOATP (v2) ? XFLOAT_DATA (v2) : XINT (v2)); TOP = (f1 == f2 ? Qt : Qnil); } else TOP = (XINT (v1) == XINT (v2) ? Qt : Qnil); break; } case Bgtr: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fgtr (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Blss: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Flss (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bleq: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fleq (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bgeq: { Lisp_Object v1; v1 = POP; TOP = Fgeq (TOP, v1); break; } case Bdiff: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); DISCARD (1); TOP = Fminus (2, &TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bnegate: { Lisp_Object v1; v1 = TOP; if (INTEGERP (v1)) { XSETINT (v1, - XINT (v1)); TOP = v1; } else { BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fminus (1, &TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); } break; } case Bplus: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); DISCARD (1); TOP = Fplus (2, &TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bmax: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); DISCARD (1); TOP = Fmax (2, &TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bmin: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); DISCARD (1); TOP = Fmin (2, &TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bmult: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); DISCARD (1); TOP = Ftimes (2, &TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bquo: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); DISCARD (1); TOP = Fquo (2, &TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Brem: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Frem (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bpoint: { Lisp_Object v1; XSETFASTINT (v1, PT); PUSH (v1); break; } case Bgoto_char: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fgoto_char (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Binsert: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Finsert (1, &TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case BinsertN: op = FETCH; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); DISCARD (op - 1); TOP = Finsert (op, &TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bpoint_max: { Lisp_Object v1; XSETFASTINT (v1, ZV); PUSH (v1); break; } case Bpoint_min: { Lisp_Object v1; XSETFASTINT (v1, BEGV); PUSH (v1); break; } case Bchar_after: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fchar_after (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bfollowing_char: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = Ffollowing_char (); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); PUSH (v1); break; } case Bpreceding_char: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = Fprevious_char (); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); PUSH (v1); break; } case Bcurrent_column: { Lisp_Object v1; XSETFASTINT (v1, current_column ()); PUSH (v1); break; } case Bindent_to: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Findent_to (TOP, Qnil); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Beolp: PUSH (Feolp ()); break; case Beobp: PUSH (Feobp ()); break; case Bbolp: PUSH (Fbolp ()); break; case Bbobp: PUSH (Fbobp ()); break; case Bcurrent_buffer: PUSH (Fcurrent_buffer ()); break; case Bset_buffer: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fset_buffer (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Binteractive_p: PUSH (Finteractive_p ()); break; case Bforward_char: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fforward_char (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bforward_word: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fforward_word (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bskip_chars_forward: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fskip_chars_forward (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bskip_chars_backward: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fskip_chars_backward (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bforward_line: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fforward_line (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bchar_syntax: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); CHECK_NUMBER (TOP, 0); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); XSETFASTINT (TOP, syntax_code_spec[(int) SYNTAX (XINT (TOP))]); break; case Bbuffer_substring: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fbuffer_substring (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bdelete_region: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fdelete_region (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bnarrow_to_region: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fnarrow_to_region (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bwiden: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); PUSH (Fwiden ()); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bend_of_line: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fend_of_line (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bset_marker: { Lisp_Object v1, v2; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; v2 = POP; TOP = Fset_marker (TOP, v2, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bmatch_beginning: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fmatch_beginning (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bmatch_end: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fmatch_end (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bupcase: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fupcase (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bdowncase: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fdowncase (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bstringeqlsign: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fstring_equal (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bstringlss: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fstring_lessp (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bequal: { Lisp_Object v1; v1 = POP; TOP = Fequal (TOP, v1); break; } case Bnthcdr: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fnthcdr (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Belt: { Lisp_Object v1, v2; if (CONSP (TOP)) { /* Exchange args and then do nth. */ BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v2 = POP; v1 = TOP; CHECK_NUMBER (v2, 0); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); op = XINT (v2); immediate_quit = 1; while (--op >= 0) { if (CONSP (v1)) v1 = XCDR (v1); else if (!NILP (v1)) { immediate_quit = 0; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = wrong_type_argument (Qlistp, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); immediate_quit = 1; op++; } } immediate_quit = 0; if (CONSP (v1)) TOP = XCAR (v1); else if (NILP (v1)) TOP = Qnil; else { BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); Fcar (wrong_type_argument (Qlistp, v1)); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); } } else { BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Felt (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); } break; } case Bmember: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fmember (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bassq: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fassq (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bnreverse: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); TOP = Fnreverse (TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bsetcar: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fsetcar (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bsetcdr: { Lisp_Object v1; BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); v1 = POP; TOP = Fsetcdr (TOP, v1); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; } case Bcar_safe: { Lisp_Object v1; v1 = TOP; if (CONSP (v1)) TOP = XCAR (v1); else TOP = Qnil; break; } case Bcdr_safe: { Lisp_Object v1; v1 = TOP; if (CONSP (v1)) TOP = XCDR (v1); else TOP = Qnil; break; } case Bnconc: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); DISCARD (1); TOP = Fnconc (2, &TOP); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bnumberp: TOP = (NUMBERP (TOP) ? Qt : Qnil); break; case Bintegerp: TOP = INTEGERP (TOP) ? Qt : Qnil; break;#ifdef BYTE_CODE_SAFE case Bset_mark: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); error ("set-mark is an obsolete bytecode"); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break; case Bscan_buffer: BEFORE_POTENTIAL_GC (); error ("scan-buffer is an obsolete bytecode"); AFTER_POTENTIAL_GC (); break;#endif case 0: abort (); case 255: default:#ifdef BYTE_CODE_SAFE if (op < Bconstant) { abort (); } if ((op -= Bconstant) >= const_length) { abort (); } PUSH (vectorp[op]);#else PUSH (vectorp[op - Bconstant]);#endif } } exit: byte_stack_list = byte_stack_list->next; /* Binds and unbinds are supposed to be compiled balanced. */ if (specpdl_ptr - specpdl != count)#ifdef BYTE_CODE_SAFE error ("binding stack not balanced (serious byte compiler bug)");#else abort ();#endif return result;}voidsyms_of_bytecode (){ Qbytecode = intern ("byte-code"); staticpro (&Qbytecode); defsubr (&Sbyte_code);#ifdef BYTE_CODE_METER DEFVAR_LISP ("byte-code-meter", &Vbyte_code_meter, "A vector of vectors which holds a histogram of byte-code usage.\n\(aref (aref byte-code-meter 0) CODE) indicates how many times the byte\n\opcode CODE has been executed.\n\(aref (aref byte-code-meter CODE1) CODE2), where CODE1 is not 0,\n\indicates how many times the byte opcodes CODE1 and CODE2 have been\n\executed in succession."); DEFVAR_BOOL ("byte-metering-on", &byte_metering_on, "If non-nil, keep profiling information on byte code usage.\n\The variable byte-code-meter indicates how often each byte opcode is used.\n\If a symbol has a property named `byte-code-meter' whose value is an\n\integer, it is incremented each time that symbol's function is called."); byte_metering_on = 0; Vbyte_code_meter = Fmake_vector (make_number (256), make_number (0)); Qbyte_code_meter = intern ("byte-code-meter"); staticpro (&Qbyte_code_meter); { int i = 256; while (i--) XVECTOR (Vbyte_code_meter)->contents[i] = Fmake_vector (make_number (256), make_number (0)); }#endif}