(bookmark-search-prompt, bookmark-search-timer): Remove.
(bookmark-search-pattern): Move and leave unbound.
(bookmark-bmenu-mode-map): Change binding.
(bookmark-read-search-input): Simplify.
Don't use text-char-description. Don't error on non-char events.
(bookmark-filtered-alist-by-regexp-only): Remove by folding into the
only caller (i.e. bookmark-bmenu-filter-alist-by-regexp).
(bookmark-bmenu-search): Don't check we're in a bookmark-list buffer.
Use a local var for the timer.
(bookmark-bmenu-cancel-search): Remove by folding into the only caller
(i.e. bookmark-bmenu-search).
;;; newsticker.el --- A Newsticker for Emacs.;; Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.;; Author: Ulf Jasper <ulf.jasper@web.de>;; Filename: newsticker.el;; URL: http://www.nongnu.org/newsticker;; Created: 17. June 2003;; Keywords: News, RSS, Atom;; Time-stamp: "13. Juni 2008, 17:46:44 (ulf)";; ======================================================================;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or;; (at your option) any later version.;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the;; GNU General Public License for more details.;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.(defconst newsticker-version "1.99" "Version number of newsticker.el.");; ======================================================================;;; Commentary:;; Overview;; --------;; Newsticker provides a newsticker for Emacs. A newsticker is a thing;; that asynchronously retrieves headlines from a list of news sites,;; prepares these headlines for reading, and allows for loading the;; corresponding articles in a web browser.;; Headlines consist of a title and (possibly) a small description. They;; are contained in "RSS" (RDF Site Summary) or "Atom" files. Newsticker;; should work with the following RSS formats:;; * RSS 0.91;; (see http://backend.userland.com/rss091 or;; http://my.netscape.com/publish/formats/rss-spec-0.91.html);; * RSS 0.92;; (see http://backend.userland.com/rss092);; * RSS 1.0;; (see http://purl.org/rss/1.0/spec);; * RSS 2.0;; (see http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss);; as well as the following Atom formats:;; * Atom 0.3;; * Atom 1.0;; (see http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-atompub-format-11.txt);; That makes Newsticker.el an "Atom aggregator, "RSS reader", "RSS;; aggregator", and "Feed Reader".;; Newsticker provides several commands for reading headlines, navigating;; through them, marking them as read/unread, hiding old headlines;; etc. Headlines can be displayed as plain text or as rendered HTML.;; Headlines can be displayed in the echo area, either scrolling like;; messages in a stock-quote ticker, or just changing.;; Newsticker allows for automatic processing of headlines by providing;; hooks and (sample) functions for automatically downloading images and;; enclosed files (as delivered by podcasts, e.g.).;; Requirements;; ------------;; Newsticker can be used with GNU Emacs version 21.1 or later as well as;; XEmacs. It requires an XML-parser (`xml.el') which is part of GNU;; Emacs. If you are using XEmacs you want to get the `net-utils' package;; which contains `xml.el' for XEmacs.;; Newsticker requires a program which can retrieve files via http and;; prints them to stdout. By default Newsticker will use wget for this;; task.;; Installation;; ------------;; If you are using Newsticker as part of GNU Emacs there is no need to;; perform any installation steps in order to use Newsticker. Otherwise;; place Newsticker in a directory where Emacs can find it. Add the;; following line to your Emacs startup file (`~/.emacs').;; (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/newsticker/");; (autoload 'newsticker-start "newsticker" "Emacs Newsticker" t);; (autoload 'newsticker-show-news "newsticker" "Emacs Newsticker" t);; If you are using `imenu', which allows for navigating with the help of a;; menu, you should add the following to your Emacs startup file;; (`~/.emacs').;; (add-hook 'newsticker-mode-hook 'imenu-add-menubar-index);; That's it.;; Usage;; -----;; The command newsticker-show-news will display all available headlines in;; a special buffer, called `*newsticker*'. It will also start the;; asynchronous download of headlines. The modeline in the `*newsticker*';; buffer informs whenever new headlines have arrived. Clicking;; mouse-button 2 or pressing RET in this buffer on a headline will call;; browse-url to load the corresponding news story in your favourite web;; browser.;; The scrolling, or flashing of headlines in the echo area, can be started;; with the command newsticker-start-ticker. It can be stopped with;; newsticker-stop-ticker.;; If you just want to start the periodic download of headlines use the;; command newsticker-start. Calling newsticker-stop will stop the;; periodic download, but will call newsticker-stop-ticker as well.;; Configuration;; -------------;; All Newsticker options are customizable, i.e. they can be changed with;; Emacs customization methods: Call the command customize-group and enter;; `newsticker' for the customization group.;; All Newsticker options have reasonable default values, so that in most;; cases it is not necessary to customize settings before starting;; Newsticker for the first time.;; Newsticker options are organized in the following groups.;; * newsticker-feed contains options that define which news;; feeds are retrieved and how this is done.;; o newsticker-url-list defines the list of headlines which are;; retrieved.;; o newsticker-retrieval-interval defines how often headlines are;; retrieved.;; * newsticker-headline-processing contains options that define how the;; retrieved headlines are processed.;; o newsticker-keep-obsolete-items decides whether unread headlines that;; have been removed from the feed are kept in the Newsticker cache.;; * newsticker-layout contains options that define how the buffer for;; reading news headlines is formatted.;; o newsticker-item-format defines how the title of a headline is;; formatted.;; * newsticker-ticker contains options that define how headlines are shown;; in the echo area.;; o newsticker-display-interval and newsticker-scroll-smoothly define;; how headlines are shown in the echo area.;; * newsticker-hooks contains options for hooking other Emacs commands to;; newsticker functions.;; o newsticker-new-item-functions allows for automatic processing of;; headlines. See `newsticker-download-images', and;; `newsticker-download-enclosures' for sample functions.;; * newsticker-miscellaneous contains other Newsticker options.;; Please have a look at the customization buffers for the complete list of;; options.;; Remarks;; -------;; This newsticker is designed do its job silently in the background;; without disturbing you. However, it is probably impossible to prevent;; such a tool from slightly attenuating your Editor's responsiveness every;; once in a while.;; Byte-compiling newsticker.el is recommended.;; ======================================================================;;; History:;; 1.99;; * Lots! of changes.;; 1.10x;; * Support for download via url. Setting the new variable;; `newsticker-download-method' to 'intern will make newsticker;; use the url-package instead of the external program;; wget. Default value is 'extern.;; * Re-enabled `newsticker-default-face'.;; * Workaround for broken extra-data.;; 1.10 (2007-01-29);; * Bugfixes mostly: `newsticker--decode-iso8601-date',;; `newsticker--sentinel', and others.;; * Renamed `newsticker--retrieval-timer-list' to;; `newsticker-retrieval-timer-list'. Removed;; `newsticker-running-p' -- check newsticker-retrieval-timer-list;; to find out whether newsticker is running. Removed;; `newsticker-ticker-running-p'.;; * Try to cache images in w3m-rendered HTML text.;; * Other minor changes.;; 1.9 (2005-11-01);; * Rewrote feed parsing part. Newsticker now supports RSS 0.91,;; 0.92, 1.0, 2.0 as well as Atom 0.3 and 1.0 -- thanks to Thien-Thi;; Nguyen.;; * Changed auto-marking mechanism: Replaced variable;; `newsticker-auto-mark-filter' with new variable;; `newsticker-auto-mark-filter-list', which allows for looking not;; only at the title but also at the description of a headline.;; * Call `newsticker--ticker-text-setup' only after all pending;; downloads processes have finished.;; * Improved handling of coding systems.;; * Added magic autoload comments.;; * Bugfixes:;; - `hide-entry' was hiding too much when called for the last;; headline,;; - update mode-line and menu-bar when necessary,;; - repaired `newsticker--imenu-goto',;; - other minor things.;; 1.8 (2005-08-26);; * Added commands `newsticker-show-extra' and `newsticker-hide-extra';; to show and hide extra RSS elements, bound to "sx" and "hx";; resp. Changed default value of `newsticker-show-all-rss-elements';; to nil.;; * mode-line: Introduced special mode-line-format for newsticker.;; * Get feed logos only once every 24 h.;; * Default faces changed.;; * Minor fixes.;; 1.7 (2005-06-25);; * Tool-bar support: most important commands can be called from;; tool-bar buttons.;; * Auto-Narrowing introduced: *newsticker* buffer can be narrowed to;; a single item (bound to key `xi') or a single feed (bound to;; `xf').;; * Enclosure support: enclosed items are shown (see;; `newsticker-enclosure-face') and can be (automatically) downloaded;; (see below). For those of you who read "podcasts".;; * Added variable `newsticker-auto-mark-filter' for automatically;; marking items as immortal or old.;; * Added hook variable `newsticker-new-item-functions' for handling;; new items. Added sample functions `newsticker-download-images',;; and `newsticker-download-enclosures'.;; * Added hook variable `newsticker-select-item-hook' which is run;; after `newsticker-(next|previous)-(new-)?-item'.;; * Added hook variable `newsticker-select-feed-hook' which is run;; after `newsticker-(next|previous)-feed'.;; * Added hook variable `newsticker-buffer-change-hook' which is run;; after the contents or visibility of the newsticker buffer has;; changed, e.g. after `newsticker-buffer-update' or;; `newsticker-show-feed-desc'.;; * Added command `newsticker-handle-url' for interactively launching;; arbitrary programs for URLs, bound to `C-RET'.;; * URLs in extra elements are clickable.;; * Better support for w3, added command;; `newsticker-w3m-show-inline-images' for displaying all inline;; images.;; * Insert an artificial headline which notifies about failed;; retrievals.;; * Use pubDate element (RSS 2.0) instead of retrieval time when;; available.;; * Customizable options grouped.;; * Bugfixes: `newsticker--imenu-create-index'; strip whitespace;; from links; apply coding-system to extra-elements; time-comparison;; for obsolete items; and others which I have forgotten.;; * Workaround for another bug in xml-parse-region -- thanks to;; anonymous for sending patch.;; * Renamed invisible buffers ` *wget-newsticker-<feed>*' to;; ` *newsticker-wget-<feed>*'.;; * Tested with GNU Emacs versions 21.3 and 22.0 and XEmacs;; 21.something.;; 1.6 * Support for (some) optional RSS elements: guid, dc:date. See;; `newsticker-show-all-rss-elements' `newsticker-extra-face'.;; * Better support for w3m -- `newsticker-default-face' is obsolete;; now, removed `newsticker-w3m-toggle-inline-image'.;; * Added `newsticker-desc-comp-max' -- comparison of item;; descriptions can take quite some time.;; * Added `newsticker--buffer-make-item-completely-visible' to;; ensure that the current item is fully visible.;; * Allow for non-positive retrieval-interval, which make newsticker;; get news only once.;; * Use :set for customizable variables.;; * Added `newsticker-buffer-force-update', bound to key `U'.;; * Added concept of obsolete items, see;; `newsticker-keep-obsolete-items', `newsticker-obsolete-item-face',;; `newsticker-obsolete-item-max-age'.;; * Added `newsticker-add-url'.;; * OPML export.;; * Save pre-formatted titles => even better performance!!;; * `newsticker-*-new-item' wraps at beginning/end of buffer.;; * Always sort obsolete items to end of item list.;; * Bugfixes:;; - newsticker-hide-entry,;; - changes of feed-titles led to duplicate feed items,;; - faces for rendered HTML texts,;; - length of ticker-text (for "exotic"/multibyte texts),;; Thanks to Hiroshi Maruyama.;; - suppress items with empty title and description;; - newsticker-sort-method was ignored!;; - prevent call of fill-region on HTML-rendered descriptions.;; 1.5 * Rewrote the visibility stuff. newsticker does not inherit;; outline anymore. Now you have complete freedom for;; `newsticker-*-format'.;; * Save pre-formatted descriptions => incredible performance boost!!;; * Introduced `newsticker-(start|stop)-ticker'.;; * Introduced statistics for heading-format and;; `newsticker-statistics-face'.;; * Introduced `newsticker-enable-logo-manipulations'.;; * Compare link of items (as well as title and desc).;; * Added `newsticker-start-hook' and `newsticker-stop-hook', thanks;; to mace.;; * Bugfixes -- thanks to Ryan Yeske, Jari Aalto, Bruce Ingalls.;; * Tested with Emacs 21.3.50, 21.3.1, 21.2, 21.1; XEmacs 21.4.15;; 1.4 * Enabled HTML rendering, added `newsticker-html-renderer' to;; choose a HTML rendering engine, thanks to Greg Scott for testing;; * New Outline handling using text properties instead of "**";; prefixes.;; * Added possibility to mark single item as old (bound to key;; `o' (`newsticker-mark-item-at-point-as-read').;; * Added possibility to mark single item as immortal (bound to key;; `i' (`newsticker-mark-item-at-point-as-immortal').;; * Added possibility to display feed logos.;; * Added `newsticker-heading-format', `newsticker-item-format'.;; * Added `newsticker-date-format'.;; * Added `newsticker-justification'.;; * Added `newsticker-automatically-mark-visited-items-as-old'.;; * Added `newsticker-w3m-toggle-inline-image' which calls;; `w3m-toggle-inline-image' if `newsticker-html-renderer' is;; `w3m-region'. Exists for convenience only (bound to key;; `RET').;; 1.3 * Compare title AND desc to check whether item is old, except;; for feed desc;; * Mark as not-up-to-date only after new items have arrived.;; * Added XEmacs compatibility code, tested with XEmacs 21.4.13.;; * Tested with Emacs 21.3.50 and Emacs 21.2.something.;; * Bugfix: Apply coding-systems to feed title and description,;; thanks to OHASHI Akira;; * Bugfix: xml-parser-workaround did not work for japanese texts,;; thanks to OHASHI Akira;; * Kill wget-buffers unless newsticker-debug is not nil.;; * Bugfix: xml-parser-workaround for "DOCTYPE rdf:RDF";; 1.2 Peter S Galbraith <psg@debian.org>;; * Added `newsticker-url-list-defaults', splitting the URLs into;; a customizable selection list, and a user add-on list.;; * Minor checkdoc fixes.;; 1.1 * Introduced optional feed-specific wget-arguments.;; * Keep order of feeds as given in `newsticker-url-list' in;; *newsticker* buffer.;; * Ignore unsupported coding systems.;; 1.0 * Introduced feed-specific retrieval-timers.;; * Removed dependency on 'cl (cddddr).;; * Thanks to Kevin Rodgers and T.V. Raman for their help.;; * Use utf-8 for reading and writing cache data.;; * Reported to work with Emacs 21.3.50.;; 0.99 * Minor tweaks.;; * Tested with Emacs 21.3.2;; 0.98 * Check exit status of wget processes. Keep cache data if;; something went wrong. Throw error when old wget-processes;; are hanging around.;; * Introduced newsticker-specific faces.;; * Added `newsticker-show-descriptions-of-new-items'.;; * Added `newsticker-hide-old-items-in-newsticker-buffer'.;; * Added `newsticker-(hide|show)-old-items'.;; 0.97 * Minor tweaks.;; 0.96 * Added caching.;; * newsticker-mode inherits outline-mode.;; * newsticker-mode supports imenu.;; * Easy buffer-navigation with newsticker-mode's keymap.;; * Some bugs fixed.;; * Thanks to Moritz Epple for documentation tips.;; 0.95 * Added newsticker-mode -- Thanks to T.V. Raman.;; * Catch xml-parser errors -- Thanks to T.V. Raman.;; * Remove stupid newlines in titles (headlines) -- Thanks to;; Jeff Rancier.;; 0.94 * Added clickerability and description for channel headings.;; * Made it work for (at least some) rss 0.9<something> feeds.;; 0.93 * Added some more sites.;; * Do not flood the *Messages* buffer.;; * First attempt at handling coding systems.;; 0.92 * Added `newsticker-wget-name'.;; * Try to display message only if minibuffer and echo area are;; not in use already.;; * Dirty workaround for newer versions of xml.el: Remove;; whitespace in rdf.;; * Tested with Emacs 21.3.2 and CVS-snapshot of 2003-06-21.;; 0.91 * First bugfix: *newsticker* is read-only.;; 0.9 * First release.;; * Tested with Emacs 21.3.2 and wget 1.8.2.;; ======================================================================;;; Code:(require 'newsticker-backend "newst-backend.el")(require 'newsticker-ticker "newst-ticker.el")(require 'newsticker-reader "newst-reader.el")(require 'newsticker-plainview "newst-plainview.el")(require 'newsticker-treeview "newst-treeview.el")(provide 'newsticker);; arch-tag: ab761dfa-67bc-4207-bc64-4307271dc381;;; newsticker.el ends here