This directory contains the source of the "Introduction to programmingin Emacs Lisp" written by Robert J. Chassell, Thismanual is an elementary introduction to programming in Emacs Lisp forpeople who are not programmers, and who are not necessarily interestedin programming, but who do want to customize or extend their computingenvironment.This second edition of 2001 Nov 20 updates the previous editions toGNU Emacs 21.The Texinfo source file `emacs-lisp-intro.texi', formats withouterror using TeX version 3.14159, `kpathsea' version 3.3.1,`texinfo.tex' version 2001-05-24.08, and `makeinfo' version 4.0b.Also, this tar file contains the following optional Encapsulated PostScript figures. drawers.eps 7129 bytes cons-1.eps 12136 cons-2.eps 12523 cons-2a.eps 12420 cons-3.eps 12984 cons-4.eps 13866 cons-5.eps 12986 lambda-1.eps 10252 lambda-2.eps 10278 lambda-3.eps 10275See the beginning of the `emacs-lisp-intro.texi' file for appropriatesettings. These figures are not necessary; they are merely nice tolook at --- without them you get the same figures printed with ASCIIcharacters.Whether and how you print PostScript depends on your site. You notonly need to set 'print-postscript-figures' before creating the .dvifile, but then must convert the .dvi file to .ps with a 'dvips' orequivalent command.On some systems you will see an error message when `psfig.tex' isloaded for the last two .eps files: ! No room for a new \write .If this happens, try `epsf.tex' instead of `psfig.tex', or try typingRET at the error; the formatting may continue successfully.Or else find the section that says: @c !!! Clear print-postscript-figures if the computer formatting this @c document is too small and cannot handle all the diagrams and figures. @c clear print-postscript-figuresand change the file so it reads: @clear print-postscript-figuresThis will prevent TeX from attempting to load the last few .eps files.You will find additional instructions on formatting in the beginningof the Texinfo file 'emacs-lisp-intro.texi'. Best Wishes!2001 Nov 20Robert J. Chassell,