view nt/makefile.w32-in @ 107588:1104f4d707b1

Retrospective commit from 2009-09-12. Undo changes from 2009-09-11. Set row->end and row->start in xdisp.c:display_line. dispnew.c (direct_output_for_insert): Give up if we are reordering bidirectional text. dispextern.h (IT_STACK_SIZE): Enlarge to 5. xdisp.c (display_line): Set row->end and it->start for the next row to the next character in logical order. If we are reordering bidi text, push and pop the iterator before and after momentarily iterating in logical order.
author Eli Zaretskii <>
date Thu, 31 Dec 2009 16:14:26 -0500
parents 8abf39c667b5
children 1d1d5d9bd884
line wrap: on
line source

# -*- Makefile -*- for GNU Emacs on the Microsoft W32 API.
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,
#    2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Top level makefile for building GNU Emacs on Windows NT
# This file is part of GNU Emacs.

# GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GNU Emacs.  If not, see <>.

# FIXME: This file uses DOS EOLs.  Convert to Unix after 22.1 is out
#        (and remove or replace this comment).

TRES		= $(BLD)/emacs.res
CLIENTRES	= $(BLD)/emacsclient.res


ALL		= addpm ddeclient runemacs cmdproxy addsection preprep


addpm:		  stamp_BLD $(BLD)/addpm.exe
$(BLD)/addpm.exe: $(BLD)/addpm.$(O)
		  $(LINK) $(LINK_OUT)$@ \
		  $(USER32) $(OLE32) $(UUID) $(SHELL32)

ddeclient:	  stamp_BLD $(BLD)/ddeclient.exe
$(BLD)/ddeclient.exe: $(BLD)/ddeclient.$(O)
		  $(LINK) $(LINK_OUT)$@ \

cmdproxy:	  stamp_BLD $(BLD)/cmdproxy.exe
$(BLD)/cmdproxy.exe: $(BLD)/cmdproxy.$(O)
		  $(LINK) $(LINK_OUT)$@ \

addsection:	  stamp_BLD $(BLD)/addsection.exe
$(BLD)/addsection.exe: $(BLD)/addsection.$(O)
		  $(LINK) $(LINK_OUT)$@ \

preprep:	  stamp_BLD $(BLD)/preprep.exe
$(BLD)/preprep.exe: $(BLD)/preprep.$(O)
		  $(LINK) $(LINK_OUT)$@ \

# The resource file.  NT 3.10 requires the use of cvtres; even though
# it is not necessary on later versions, it is still ok to use it.
$(TRES):	emacs.rc icons/emacs.ico emacs.manifest stamp_BLD
		$(RC) $(RC_OUT)$(TRES) emacs.rc

$(CLIENTRES):	emacsclient.rc stamp_BLD
		$(RC) $(RC_OUT)$(CLIENTRES) emacsclient.rc

runemacs:	  stamp_BLD $(BLD)/runemacs.exe
$(BLD)/runemacs.exe: $(BLD)/runemacs.$(O) $(TRES)

	@echo Using $(THE_SHELL) as shell.

# These depend on stamp_BLD to make sure the $(BLD) directory is created
# before the compilation begins, even if Make runs several commands
# in parallel under "make -j".
$(BLD)/addpm.$(O) $(BLD)/ddeclient.$(O) $(BLD)/runemacs.$(O) $(BLD)/cmdproxy.$(O) $(BLD)/addsection.$(O) $(BLD)/preprep.$(O): stamp_BLD

# Build emacs
all:	which-sh stamp_BLD $(ALL) $(CLIENTRES) maybe-bootstrap all-other-dirs-$(MAKETYPE)

all-other-dirs-nmake: addsection
	cd ..\lib-src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) all
	cd ..\src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) all
	cd ..\lisp
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) all
	cd ..\leim
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) all
	cd ..\nt

all-other-dirs-gmake: addsection
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lib-src all
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../src all
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lisp all
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../leim all

recompile:	recompile-$(MAKETYPE)

	cd ..\lisp
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) recompile
	cd ..\nt

	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lisp recompile

#### Bootstrapping.

### This is meant for Emacs maintainers only.  It first cleans the
### lisp subdirectory, removing all compiled Lisp files.  Then a
### special emacs executable is built from Lisp sources, which is then
### used to compile Lisp files.  The last step is a "normal" make.

maybe-bootstrap: maybe-bootstrap-$(SHELLTYPE)

# dummy target to force other targets to be evaluated.

maybe-bootstrap-CMD:	doit
	@echo .
	@if not EXIST ..\lisp\abbrev.elc echo Essential Lisp files seem to be missing.  You should either
	@if not EXIST ..\lisp\abbrev.elc echo do 'make bootstrap' or create 'lisp/abbrev.elc' somehow
	@echo .
	@if not EXIST ..\lisp\abbrev.elc exit -1

maybe-bootstrap-SH: doit
	@if [ ! -f ../lisp/abbrev.elc ] ; then \
	  echo; \
	  echo "Essential Lisp files seem to be missing.  You should either"; \
	  echo "do \`make bootstrap' or create \`lisp/abbrev.elc' somehow.";  \
	  echo; \
	  exit -1; \

# Bootstrap depends on cmdproxy because some Lisp functions
# loaded during bootstrap may need to run shell commands.
bootstrap:	addsection cmdproxy bootstrap-$(MAKETYPE)

bootstrap-nmake: addsection cmdproxy
	cd ..\lisp
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) bootstrap-clean
	cd ..\src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean
	cd ..\lib-src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean
	cd ..\src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) bootstrap
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) bootstrap-clean
	cd ..\nt
	$(CP) $(BLD)/cmdproxy.exe ../bin
	cd ..\lisp
	cd ..\lib-src
	cd ..\nt

bootstrap-gmake: addsection cmdproxy
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lisp bootstrap-clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../src clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lib-src clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../src bootstrap
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../src bootstrap-clean
	$(CP) $(BLD)/cmdproxy.exe ../bin
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lisp bootstrap
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lib-src DOC

bootstrap-clean: bootstrap-clean-$(MAKETYPE)

	cd ..\src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) bootstrap-clean
	cd ..\lisp
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) bootstrap-clean

	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../src bootstrap-clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lisp bootstrap-clean

	- mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)"

	- mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/bin"

# Build and install emacs in INSTALL_DIR
install: all $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin install-other-dirs-$(MAKETYPE)
	- $(CP) $(BLD)/addpm.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
	- $(CP) $(BLD)/ddeclient.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
	- $(CP) $(BLD)/cmdproxy.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
	- $(CP) $(BLD)/runemacs.exe $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
	- "$(INSTALL_DIR)/bin/addpm" -q
	- $(DEL) ../same-dir.tst
	- $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)/same-dir.tst
	echo SameDirTest > "$(INSTALL_DIR)/same-dir.tst"
	- mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/etc"
	- mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/info"
	- mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/lock"
	- mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/data"
	- mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/site-lisp"
	- mkdir "$(INSTALL_DIR)/etc/icons"
	$(IFNOTSAMEDIR) $(CP) ../site-lisp/subdirs.el $(INSTALL_DIR)/site-lisp $(ENDIF)
	- $(CP_DIR) icons $(INSTALL_DIR)/etc
	- $(CP) ../COPYING $(INSTALL_DIR)/bin
	- $(DEL) ../same-dir.tst
	- $(DEL) $(INSTALL_DIR)/same-dir.tst

	cd ..\lib-src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) install
	cd ..\src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) install
	cd ..\lisp
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) install
	cd ..\leim
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) install
	cd ..\nt

	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lib-src install
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../src install
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lisp install
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../leim install

# Note that doc/emacs/makefile knows how to
# put the info files in $(infodir),
# so we can do ok running make in the build dir.
info: force-info info-$(MAKETYPE)

	cd ..\doc\emacs
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) info
	cd ..\misc
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) info
	cd ..\lispref
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) info
	cd ..\lispintro
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) info
	cd $(MAKEDIR)

	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/emacs info
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/misc info
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/lispref info
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/lispintro info
# Maintenance
clean:	clean-other-dirs-$(MAKETYPE)
	- $(DEL) stamp_BLD
	- $(DEL) ../etc/DOC ../etc/DOC-X

	cd ..\lib-src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean
	cd ..\src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean
	cd ..\doc\lispintro
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean
	cd ..\doc\lispref
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean
	cd ..\leim
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean
	cd ..\doc\emacs
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean
	cd ..\doc\misc
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) clean
	cd ..\nt

	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lib-src clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../src clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../leim clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/emacs clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/misc clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/lispintro clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/lispref clean

	cd ..\lib-src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) cleanall
	cd ..\src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) cleanall
	cd ..\nt

	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lib-src cleanall
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../src cleanall

# We used to delete *~ here, but that might inadvertently remove
# precious files if it happens to match their short 8+3 aliases.
cleanall: clean cleanall-other-dirs-$(MAKETYPE)
	 - $(DEL_TREE) obj
	 - $(DEL_TREE) obj-spd
	 - $(DEL_TREE) oo
	 - $(DEL_TREE) oo-spd

	- $(DEL_TREE) obj
	- $(DEL_TREE) obj-spd
	- $(DEL_TREE) oo
	- $(DEL_TREE) oo-spd
	- $(DEL) stamp_BLD
	- $(DEL) ../etc/DOC ../etc/DOC-X
	- $(DEL) config.log Makefile

distclean: distclean-other-dirs-$(MAKETYPE) top-distclean

	cd ..\lib-src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) distclean
	cd ..\src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) distclean
	cd ..\lisp
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) distclean
	cd ..\leim
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) distclean
	cd ..\doc\emacs
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) distclean
	cd ..\doc\misc
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) distclean
	cd ..\doc\lispintro
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) distclean
	cd ..\doc\lispref
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) distclean
	cd ..\nt

	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lib-src distclean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../src distclean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lisp distclean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../leim distclean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/emacs distclean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/misc distclean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/lispintro distclean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/lispref distclean

maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-other-dirs-$(MAKETYPE) top-distclean

	cd ..\lib-src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) maintainer-clean
	cd ..\src
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) maintainer-clean
	cd ..\lisp
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) maintainer-clean
	cd ..\leim
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) maintainer-clean
	cd ..\doc\emacs
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) maintainer-clean
	cd ..\doc\misc
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) maintainer-clean
	cd ..\doc\lispintro
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) maintainer-clean
	cd ..\doc\lispref
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) maintainer-clean
	cd ..\nt

	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lib-src maintainer-clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../src maintainer-clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../lisp maintainer-clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../leim maintainer-clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/emacs maintainer-clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/misc maintainer-clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/lispintro maintainer-clean
	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) $(XMFLAGS) -C ../doc/lispref maintainer-clean

realclean: cleanall
	- $(DEL_TREE) ../bin