@c This is part of the Emacs manual.@c Copyright (C) 1985,86,87,93,94,95,97,99, 2000, 2001@c Free Software Foundation, Inc.@c See file emacs.texi for copying conditions.@node Files, Buffers, Keyboard Macros, Top@chapter File Handling@cindex files The operating system stores data permanently in named @dfn{files}, somost of the text you edit with Emacs comes from a file and is ultimatelystored in a file. To edit a file, you must tell Emacs to read the file and prepare abuffer containing a copy of the file's text. This is called@dfn{visiting} the file. Editing commands apply directly to text in thebuffer; that is, to the copy inside Emacs. Your changes appear in thefile itself only when you @dfn{save} the buffer back into the file. In addition to visiting and saving files, Emacs can delete, copy,rename, and append to files, keep multiple versions of them, and operateon file directories.@menu* File Names:: How to type and edit file-name arguments.* Visiting:: Visiting a file prepares Emacs to edit the file.* Saving:: Saving makes your changes permanent.* Reverting:: Reverting cancels all the changes not saved.* Auto Save:: Auto Save periodically protects against loss of data.* File Aliases:: Handling multiple names for one file.* Version Control:: Version control systems (RCS, CVS and SCCS).* Directories:: Creating, deleting, and listing file directories.* Comparing Files:: Finding where two files differ.* Misc File Ops:: Other things you can do on files.* Compressed Files:: Accessing compressed files.* File Archives:: Operating on tar, zip, jar etc. archive files.* Remote Files:: Accessing files on other sites.* Quoted File Names:: Quoting special characters in file names.* File Name Cache:: Completion against a list of files you often use.* File Conveniences:: Convenience Features for Finding Files.@end menu@node File Names@section File Names@cindex file names Most Emacs commands that operate on a file require you to specify thefile name. (Saving and reverting are exceptions; the buffer knows whichfile name to use for them.) You enter the file name using theminibuffer (@pxref{Minibuffer}). @dfn{Completion} is available(@pxref{Completion}) to make it easier to specify long file names. Whencompleting file names, Emacs ignores those whose file-name extensionsappear in the variable @code{completion-ignored-extensions}; see@ref{Completion Options}. For most operations, there is a @dfn{default file name} which is usedif you type just @key{RET} to enter an empty argument. Normally thedefault file name is the name of the file visited in the current buffer;this makes it easy to operate on that file with any of the Emacs filecommands.@vindex default-directory Each buffer has a default directory which is normally the same as thedirectory of the file visited in that buffer. When you enter a filename without a directory, the default directory is used. If you specifya directory in a relative fashion, with a name that does not start witha slash, it is interpreted with respect to the default directory. Thedefault directory is kept in the variable @code{default-directory},which has a separate value in every buffer. For example, if the default file name is @file{/u/rms/gnu/gnu.tasks} thenthe default directory is @file{/u/rms/gnu/}. If you type just @samp{foo},which does not specify a directory, it is short for @file{/u/rms/gnu/foo}.@samp{../.login} would stand for @file{/u/rms/.login}. @samp{new/foo}would stand for the file name @file{/u/rms/gnu/new/foo}.@findex cd@findex pwd The command @kbd{M-x pwd} displays the current buffer's defaultdirectory, and the command @kbd{M-x cd} sets it (to a value read usingthe minibuffer). A buffer's default directory changes only when the@code{cd} command is used. A file-visiting buffer's default directoryis initialized to the directory of the file that is visited in that buffer. Ifyou create a buffer with @kbd{C-x b}, its default directory is copiedfrom that of the buffer that was current at the time.@vindex insert-default-directory The default directory actually appears in the minibuffer when theminibuffer becomes active to read a file name. This serves twopurposes: it @emph{shows} you what the default is, so that you can typea relative file name and know with certainty what it will mean, and itallows you to @emph{edit} the default to specify a different directory.This insertion of the default directory is inhibited if the variable@code{insert-default-directory} is set to @code{nil}. Note that it is legitimate to type an absolute file name after youenter the minibuffer, ignoring the presence of the default directoryname as part of the text. The final minibuffer contents may lookinvalid, but that is not so. For example, if the minibuffer starts outwith @samp{/usr/tmp/} and you add @samp{/x1/rms/foo}, you get@samp{/usr/tmp//x1/rms/foo}; but Emacs ignores everything through thefirst slash in the double slash; the result is @samp{/x1/rms/foo}.@xref{Minibuffer File}.@cindex environment variables in file names@cindex expansion of environment variables@cindex @code{$} in file names @anchor{File Names with $}@samp{$} in a file name is used tosubstitute an environment variable. The environment variable nameconsists of all the alphanumeric characters after the @samp{$};alternatively, it can be enclosed in braces after the @samp{$}. Forexample, if you have used the shell command @command{exportFOO=rms/hacks} to set up an environment variable named @env{FOO}, thenyou can use @file{/u/$FOO/test.c} or @file{/u/$@{FOO@}/test.c} as anabbreviation for @file{/u/rms/hacks/test.c}. If the environmentvariable is not defined, no substitution occurs: @file{/u/$notdefined}stands for itself (assuming the environment variable @env{notdefined}is not defined). Note that shell commands to set environment variables affect Emacsonly when done before Emacs is started.@cindex home directory shorthand You can use the @file{~/} in a file name to mean your home directory,or @file{~@var{user-id}/} to mean the home directory of a user whoselogin name is @code{user-id}. (On DOS and Windows systems, where a userdoesn't have a home directory, Emacs substitutes @file{~/} with thevalue of the environment variable @code{HOME}; see @ref{GeneralVariables}.) To access a file with @samp{$} in its name, if the @samp{$} causesexpansion, type @samp{$$}. This pair is converted to a single@samp{$} at the same time as variable substitution is performed for asingle @samp{$}. Alternatively, quote the whole file name with@samp{/:} (@pxref{Quoted File Names}). File names which begin with aliteral @samp{~} should also be quoted with @samp{/:}.@findex substitute-in-file-name The Lisp function that performs the substitution is called@code{substitute-in-file-name}. The substitution is performed only onfile names read as such using the minibuffer. You can include non-@acronym{ASCII} characters in file names if you set thevariable @code{file-name-coding-system} to a non-@code{nil} value.@xref{Specify Coding}.@node Visiting@section Visiting Files@cindex visiting files@table @kbd@item C-x C-fVisit a file (@code{find-file}).@item C-x C-rVisit a file for viewing, without allowing changes to it(@code{find-file-read-only}).@item C-x C-vVisit a different file instead of the one visited last(@code{find-alternate-file}).@item C-x 4 fVisit a file, in another window (@code{find-file-other-window}). Don'talter what is displayed in the selected window.@item C-x 5 fVisit a file, in a new frame (@code{find-file-other-frame}). Don'talter what is displayed in the selected frame.@item M-x find-file-literallyVisit a file with no conversion of the contents.@end table@cindex files, visiting and saving@cindex saving files @dfn{Visiting} a file means copying its contents into an Emacsbuffer so you can edit them. Emacs makes a new buffer for each filethat you visit. We often say that this buffer ``is visiting'' thatfile, or that the buffer's ``visited file'' is that file. Emacsconstructs the buffer name from the file name by throwing away thedirectory, keeping just the name proper. For example, a file named@file{/usr/rms/emacs.tex} would get a buffer named @samp{emacs.tex}.If there is already a buffer with that name, Emacs constructs a uniquename---the normal method is to append @samp{<2>}, @samp{<3>}, and soon, but you can select other methods (@pxref{Uniquify}). Each window's mode line shows the name of the buffer that is being displayedin that window, so you can always tell what buffer you are editing. The changes you make with editing commands are made in the Emacsbuffer. They do not take effect in the file that you visited, or anyplace permanent, until you @dfn{save} the buffer. Saving the buffermeans that Emacs writes the current contents of the buffer into itsvisited file. @xref{Saving}.@cindex modified (buffer) If a buffer contains changes that have not been saved, we say thebuffer is @dfn{modified}. This is important because it implies thatsome changes will be lost if the buffer is not saved. The mode linedisplays two stars near the left margin to indicate that the buffer ismodified.@kindex C-x C-f@findex find-file To visit a file, use the command @kbd{C-x C-f} (@code{find-file}). Followthe command with the name of the file you wish to visit, terminated by a@key{RET}. The file name is read using the minibuffer (@pxref{Minibuffer}), withdefaulting and completion in the standard manner (@pxref{File Names}).While in the minibuffer, you can abort @kbd{C-x C-f} by typing@kbd{C-g}. File-name completion ignores certain filenames; for moreabout this, see @ref{Completion Options}.@cindex file selection dialog When Emacs is built with a suitable GUI toolkit, it pops up thestandard File Selection dialog of that toolkit instead of prompting forthe file name in the minibuffer. On Unix and GNU/Linux platforms, Emacsdoes that when built with LessTif and Motif toolkits; on MS-Windows, theGUI version does that by default. Your confirmation that @kbd{C-x C-f} has completed successfully is theappearance of new text on the screen and a new buffer name in the modeline. If the specified file does not exist and could not be created, orcannot be read, then you get an error, with an error message displayedin the echo area. If you visit a file that is already in Emacs, @kbd{C-x C-f} does not makeanother copy. It selects the existing buffer containing that file.However, before doing so, it checks that the file itself has not changedsince you visited or saved it last. If the file has changed, a warningmessage is shown. @xref{Interlocking,,Simultaneous Editing}.@cindex maximum buffer size exceeded, error message Since Emacs reads the visited file in its entirety, files whose sizeis larger than the maximum Emacs buffer size (@pxref{Buffers}) cannot bevisited; if you try, Emacs will display an error message saying that themaximum buffer size has been exceeded.@cindex creating files What if you want to create a new file? Just visit it. Emacs displays@samp{(New file)} in the echo area, but in other respects behaves as ifyou had visited an existing empty file. If you make any changes andsave them, the file is created. Emacs recognizes from the contents of a file which convention it usesto separate lines---newline (used on GNU/Linux and on Unix),carriage-return linefeed (used on Microsoft systems), or justcarriage-return (used on the Macintosh)---and automatically converts thecontents to the normal Emacs convention, which is that the newlinecharacter separates lines. This is a part of the general feature ofcoding system conversion (@pxref{Coding Systems}), and makes it possibleto edit files imported from different operating systems withequal convenience. If you change the text and save the file, Emacsperforms the inverse conversion, changing newlines back intocarriage-return linefeed or just carriage-return if appropriate.@vindex find-file-run-dired If the file you specify is actually a directory, @kbd{C-x C-f} invokesDired, the Emacs directory browser, so that you can ``edit'' the contentsof the directory (@pxref{Dired}). Dired is a convenient way to delete,look at, or operate on the files in the directory. However, if thevariable @code{find-file-run-dired} is @code{nil}, then it is an errorto try to visit a directory. Files which are actually collections of other files, or @dfn{filearchives}, are visited in special modes which invoke a Dired-likeenvironment to allow operations on archive members. @xref{FileArchives}, for more about these features.@cindex wildcard characters in file names@vindex find-file-wildcards If the file name you specify contains shell-style wildcard characters,Emacs visits all the files that match it. Wildcards include @samp{?},@samp{*}, and @samp{[@dots{}]} sequences. @xref{Quoted File Names}, forinformation on how to visit a file whose name actually contains wildcardcharacters. You can disable the wildcard feature by customizing@code{find-file-wildcards}. If you visit a file that the operating system won't let you modify,or that is marked read-only, Emacs makes the buffer read-only too, sothat you won't go ahead and make changes that you'll have troublesaving afterward. You can make the buffer writable with @kbd{C-x C-q}(@code{toggle-read-only}). @xref{Misc Buffer}.@kindex C-x C-r@findex find-file-read-only If you want to visit a file as read-only in order to protectyourself from entering changes accidentally, visit it with the command@kbd{C-x C-r} (@code{find-file-read-only}) instead of @kbd{C-x C-f}.@kindex C-x C-v@findex find-alternate-file If you visit a nonexistent file unintentionally (because you typed thewrong file name), use the @kbd{C-x C-v} command(@code{find-alternate-file}) to visit the file you really wanted.@kbd{C-x C-v} is similar to @kbd{C-x C-f}, but it kills the currentbuffer (after first offering to save it if it is modified). When@kbd{C-x C-v} reads the file name to visit, it inserts the entiredefault file name in the buffer, with point just after the directorypart; this is convenient if you made a slight error in typing the name. If you find a file which exists but cannot be read, @kbd{C-x C-f}signals an error.@kindex C-x 4 f@findex find-file-other-window @kbd{C-x 4 f} (@code{find-file-other-window}) is like @kbd{C-x C-f}except that the buffer containing the specified file is selected in anotherwindow. The window that was selected before @kbd{C-x 4 f} continues toshow the same buffer it was already showing. If this command is used whenonly one window is being displayed, that window is split in two, with onewindow showing the same buffer as before, and the other one showing thenewly requested file. @xref{Windows}.@kindex C-x 5 f@findex find-file-other-frame @kbd{C-x 5 f} (@code{find-file-other-frame}) is similar, but opens anew frame, or makes visible any existing frame showing the file youseek. This feature is available only when you are using a windowsystem. @xref{Frames}.@findex find-file-literally If you wish to edit a file as a sequence of @acronym{ASCII} characters with no specialencoding or conversion, use the @kbd{M-x find-file-literally} command.It visits a file, like @kbd{C-x C-f}, but does not do format conversion(@pxref{Formatted Text}), character code conversion (@pxref{CodingSystems}), or automatic uncompression (@pxref{Compressed Files}), anddoes not add a final newline because of @code{require-final-newline}.If you already have visited the same file in the usual (non-literal)manner, this command asks you whether to visit it literally instead.@vindex find-file-hook@vindex find-file-not-found-functions Two special hook variables allow extensions to modify the operation ofvisiting files. Visiting a file that does not exist runs the functionsin the list @code{find-file-not-found-functions}; this variable holds a listof functions, and the functions are called one by one (with noarguments) until one of them returns non-@code{nil}. This is not anormal hook, and the name ends in @samp{-functions} rather than @samp{-hook}to indicate that fact. Successful visiting of any file, whether existing or not, calls thefunctions in the list @code{find-file-hook}, with no arguments.This variable is a normal hook. In the case of a nonexistent file, the@code{find-file-not-found-functions} are run first. @xref{Hooks}. There are several ways to specify automatically the major mode forediting the file (@pxref{Choosing Modes}), and to specify localvariables defined for that file (@pxref{File Variables}).@node Saving@section Saving Files @dfn{Saving} a buffer in Emacs means writing its contents back into the filethat was visited in the buffer.@table @kbd@item C-x C-sSave the current buffer in its visited file on disk (@code{save-buffer}).@item C-x sSave any or all buffers in their visited files (@code{save-some-buffers}).@item M-~Forget that the current buffer has been changed (@code{not-modified}).With prefix argument (@kbd{C-u}), mark the current buffer as changed.@item C-x C-wSave the current buffer as a specified file name (@code{write-file}).@item M-x set-visited-file-nameChange the file name under which the current buffer will be saved.@end table@kindex C-x C-s@findex save-buffer When you wish to save the file and make your changes permanent, type@kbd{C-x C-s} (@code{save-buffer}). After saving is finished, @kbd{C-x C-s}displays a message like this:@exampleWrote /u/rms/gnu/gnu.tasks@end example@noindentIf the selected buffer is not modified (no changes have been made in itsince the buffer was created or last saved), saving is not really done,because it would have no effect. Instead, @kbd{C-x C-s} displays a messagelike this in the echo area:@example(No changes need to be saved)@end example@kindex C-x s@findex save-some-buffers The command @kbd{C-x s} (@code{save-some-buffers}) offers to save anyor all modified buffers. It asks you what to do with each buffer. Thepossible responses are analogous to those of @code{query-replace}:@table @kbd@item ySave this buffer and ask about the rest of the buffers.@item nDon't save this buffer, but ask about the rest of the buffers.@item !Save this buffer and all the rest with no more questions.@c following generates acceptable underfull hbox@item @key{RET}Terminate @code{save-some-buffers} without any more saving.@item .Save this buffer, then exit @code{save-some-buffers} without even askingabout other buffers.@item C-rView the buffer that you are currently being asked about. When you exitView mode, you get back to @code{save-some-buffers}, which asks thequestion again.@item C-hDisplay a help message about these options.@end table @kbd{C-x C-c}, the key sequence to exit Emacs, invokes@code{save-some-buffers} and therefore asks the same questions.@kindex M-~@findex not-modified If you have changed a buffer but you do not want to save the changes,you should take some action to prevent it. Otherwise, each time you use@kbd{C-x s} or @kbd{C-x C-c}, you are liable to save this buffer bymistake. One thing you can do is type @kbd{M-~} (@code{not-modified}),which clears out the indication that the buffer is modified. If you dothis, none of the save commands will believe that the buffer needs to besaved. (@samp{~} is often used as a mathematical symbol for `not'; thus@kbd{M-~} is `not', metafied.) You could also use@code{set-visited-file-name} (see below) to mark the buffer as visitinga different file name, one which is not in use for anything important.Alternatively, you can cancel all the changes made since the file wasvisited or saved, by reading the text from the file again. This iscalled @dfn{reverting}. @xref{Reverting}. You could also undo all thechanges by repeating the undo command @kbd{C-x u} until you have undoneall the changes; but reverting is easier.@findex set-visited-file-name @kbd{M-x set-visited-file-name} alters the name of the file that thecurrent buffer is visiting. It reads the new file name using theminibuffer. Then it marks the buffer as visiting that file name, andchanges the buffer name correspondingly. @code{set-visited-file-name}does not save the buffer in the newly visited file; it just alters therecords inside Emacs in case you do save later. It also marks thebuffer as ``modified'' so that @kbd{C-x C-s} in that buffer@emph{will} save.@kindex C-x C-w@findex write-file If you wish to mark the buffer as visiting a different file and save itright away, use @kbd{C-x C-w} (@code{write-file}). It is preciselyequivalent to @code{set-visited-file-name} followed by @kbd{C-x C-s}.@kbd{C-x C-s} used on a buffer that is not visiting a file has thesame effect as @kbd{C-x C-w}; that is, it reads a file name, marks thebuffer as visiting that file, and saves it there. The default file name ina buffer that is not visiting a file is made by combining the buffer namewith the buffer's default directory (@pxref{File Names}). If the new file name implies a major mode, then @kbd{C-x C-w} switchesto that major mode, in most cases. The command@code{set-visited-file-name} also does this. @xref{Choosing Modes}. If Emacs is about to save a file and sees that the date of the latestversion on disk does not match what Emacs last read or wrote, Emacsnotifies you of this fact, because it probably indicates a problem causedby simultaneous editing and requires your immediate attention.@xref{Interlocking,, Simultaneous Editing}.@vindex require-final-newline If the value of the variable @code{require-final-newline} is @code{t},Emacs silently puts a newline at the end of any file that doesn'talready end in one, every time a file is saved or written. If the valueis @code{nil}, Emacs leaves the end of the file unchanged; if it'sneither @code{nil} nor @code{t}, Emacs asks you whether to add anewline. The default is @code{nil}.@menu* Backup:: How Emacs saves the old version of your file.* Interlocking:: How Emacs protects against simultaneous editing of one file by two users.* Shadowing: File Shadowing. Copying files to "shadows" automatically.* Time Stamps:: Emacs can update time stamps on saved files.@end menu@node Backup@subsection Backup Files@cindex backup file@vindex make-backup-files@vindex vc-make-backup-files On most operating systems, rewriting a file automatically destroys allrecord of what the file used to contain. Thus, saving a file from Emacsthrows away the old contents of the file---or it would, except thatEmacs carefully copies the old contents to another file, called the@dfn{backup} file, before actually saving. For most files, the variable @code{make-backup-files} determineswhether to make backup files. On most operating systems, its defaultvalue is @code{t}, so that Emacs does write backup files. For files managed by a version control system (@pxref{VersionControl}), the variable @code{vc-make-backup-files} determines whetherto make backup files. By default it is @code{nil}, since backup filesare redundant when you store all the previous versions in a versioncontrol system. @xref{General VC Options}.@vindex backup-enable-predicate@vindex temporary-file-directory@vindex small-temporary-file-directory The default value of the @code{backup-enable-predicate} variableprevents backup files being written for files in the directories usedfor temporary files, specified by @code{temporary-file-directory} or@code{small-temporary-file-directory}. At your option, Emacs can keep either a single backup file or a series ofnumbered backup files for each file that you edit. Emacs makes a backup for a file only the first time the file is savedfrom one buffer. No matter how many times you save a file, its backup filecontinues to contain the contents from before the file was visited.Normally this means that the backup file contains the contents from beforethe current editing session; however, if you kill the buffer and then visitthe file again, a new backup file will be made by the next save. You can also explicitly request making another backup file from abuffer even though it has already been saved at least once. If you savethe buffer with @kbd{C-u C-x C-s}, the version thus saved will be madeinto a backup file if you save the buffer again. @kbd{C-u C-u C-x C-s}saves the buffer, but first makes the previous file contents into a newbackup file. @kbd{C-u C-u C-u C-x C-s} does both things: it makes abackup from the previous contents, and arranges to make another from thenewly saved contents if you save again.@menu* Names: Backup Names. How backup files are named; choosing single or numbered backup files.* Deletion: Backup Deletion. Emacs deletes excess numbered backups.* Copying: Backup Copying. Backups can be made by copying or renaming.@end menu@node Backup Names@subsubsection Single or Numbered Backups If you choose to have a single backup file (this is the default),the backup file's name is normally constructed by appending @samp{~} to thefile name being edited; thus, the backup file for @file{eval.c} wouldbe @file{eval.c~}.@vindex make-backup-file-name-function@vindex backup-directory-alist You can change this behavior by defining the variable@code{make-backup-file-name-function} to a suitable function.Alternatively you can customize the variable@code{backup-directory-alist} to specify that files matching certainpatterns should be backed up in specific directories. A typical use is to add an element @code{("." . @var{dir})} to makeall backups in the directory with absolute name @var{dir}; Emacsmodifies the backup file names to avoid clashes between files with thesame names originating in different directories. Alternatively,adding, say, @code{("." . ".~")} would make backups in the invisiblesubdirectory @file{.~} of the original file's directory. Emacscreates the directory, if necessary, to make the backup. If access control stops Emacs from writing backup files under the usualnames, it writes the backup file as @file{%backup%~} in your homedirectory. Only one such file can exist, so only the most recentlymade such backup is available. If you choose to have a series of numbered backup files, backup filenames contain @samp{.~}, the number, and another @samp{~} after theoriginal file name. Thus, the backup files of @file{eval.c} would becalled @file{eval.c.~1~}, @file{eval.c.~2~}, and so on, all the waythrough names like @file{eval.c.~259~} and beyond. The variable@code{backup-directory-alist} applies to numbered backups just asusual.@vindex version-control The choice of single backup or numbered backups is controlled by thevariable @code{version-control}. Its possible values are@table @code@item tMake numbered backups.@item nilMake numbered backups for files that have numbered backups already.Otherwise, make single backups.@item neverNever make numbered backups; always make single backups.@end table@noindentYou can set @code{version-control} locally in an individual buffer tocontrol the making of backups for that buffer's file. For example,Rmail mode locally sets @code{version-control} to @code{never} to make surethat there is only one backup for an Rmail file. @xref{Locals}.@cindex @env{VERSION_CONTROL} environment variable If you set the environment variable @env{VERSION_CONTROL}, to tellvarious GNU utilities what to do with backup files, Emacs also obeys theenvironment variable by setting the Lisp variable @code{version-control}accordingly at startup. If the environment variable's value is @samp{t}or @samp{numbered}, then @code{version-control} becomes @code{t}; if thevalue is @samp{nil} or @samp{existing}, then @code{version-control}becomes @code{nil}; if it is @samp{never} or @samp{simple}, then@code{version-control} becomes @code{never}.@node Backup Deletion@subsubsection Automatic Deletion of Backups To prevent excessive consumption of disk space, Emacs can delete numberedbackup versions automatically. Generally Emacs keeps the first few backupsand the latest few backups, deleting any in between. This happens everytime a new backup is made.@vindex kept-old-versions@vindex kept-new-versions The two variables @code{kept-old-versions} and@code{kept-new-versions} control this deletion. Their values are,respectively, the number of oldest (lowest-numbered) backups to keepand the number of newest (highest-numbered) ones to keep, each time anew backup is made. The backups in the middle (excluding those oldestand newest) are the excess middle versions---those backups aredeleted. These variables' values are used when it is time to deleteexcess versions, just after a new backup version is made; the newlymade backup is included in the count in @code{kept-new-versions}. Bydefault, both variables are 2.@vindex delete-old-versions If @code{delete-old-versions} is non-@code{nil}, Emacs deletes theexcess backup files silently. If it is @code{nil}, the default, Emacsasks you whether it should delete the excess backup versions. Dired's @kbd{.} (Period) command can also be used to delete old versions.@xref{Dired Deletion}.@node Backup Copying@subsubsection Copying vs.@: Renaming Backup files can be made by copying the old file or by renaming it.This makes a difference when the old file has multiple names (hardlinks). If the old file is renamed into the backup file, then thealternate names become names for the backup file. If the old file iscopied instead, then the alternate names remain names for the filethat you are editing, and the contents accessed by those names will bethe new contents. The method of making a backup file may also affect the file's ownerand group. If copying is used, these do not change. If renaming is used,you become the file's owner, and the file's group becomes the default(different operating systems have different defaults for the group). Having the owner change is usually a good idea, because then the owneralways shows who last edited the file. Also, the owners of the backupsshow who produced those versions. Occasionally there is a file whoseowner should not change; it is a good idea for such files to containlocal variable lists to set @code{backup-by-copying-when-mismatch}locally (@pxref{File Variables}).@vindex backup-by-copying@vindex backup-by-copying-when-linked@vindex backup-by-copying-when-mismatch@vindex backup-by-copying-when-privileged-mismatch@cindex file ownership, and backup@cindex backup, and user-id The choice of renaming or copying is controlled by four variables.Renaming is the default choice. If the variable@code{backup-by-copying} is non-@code{nil}, copying is used. Otherwise,if the variable @code{backup-by-copying-when-linked} is non-@code{nil},then copying is used for files that have multiple names, but renamingmay still be used when the file being edited has only one name. If thevariable @code{backup-by-copying-when-mismatch} is non-@code{nil}, thencopying is used if renaming would cause the file's owner or group tochange. @code{backup-by-copying-when-mismatch} is @code{t} by defaultif you start Emacs as the superuser. The fourth variable,@code{backup-by-copying-when-privileged-mismatch}, gives the highestnumeric user-id for which @code{backup-by-copying-when-mismatch} will beforced on. This is useful when low-numbered user-ids are assigned tospecial system users, such as @code{root}, @code{bin}, @code{daemon},etc., which must maintain ownership of files. When a file is managed with a version control system (@pxref{VersionControl}), Emacs does not normally make backups in the usual way forthat file. But check-in and check-out are similar in some ways tomaking backups. One unfortunate similarity is that these operationstypically break hard links, disconnecting the file name you visited fromany alternate names for the same file. This has nothing to do withEmacs---the version control system does it.@node Interlocking@subsection Protection against Simultaneous Editing@cindex file dates@cindex simultaneous editing Simultaneous editing occurs when two users visit the same file, bothmake changes, and then both save them. If nobody were informed thatthis was happening, whichever user saved first would later find that hischanges were lost. On some systems, Emacs notices immediately when the second user startsto change the file, and issues an immediate warning. On all systems,Emacs checks when you save the file, and warns if you are about tooverwrite another user's changes. You can prevent loss of the otheruser's work by taking the proper corrective action instead of saving thefile.@findex ask-user-about-lock@cindex locking files When you make the first modification in an Emacs buffer that isvisiting a file, Emacs records that the file is @dfn{locked} by you.(It does this by creating a symbolic link in the same directory with adifferent name.) Emacs removes the lock when you save the changes. Theidea is that the file is locked whenever an Emacs buffer visiting it hasunsaved changes.@cindex collision If you begin to modify the buffer while the visited file is locked bysomeone else, this constitutes a @dfn{collision}. When Emacs detects acollision, it asks you what to do, by calling the Lisp function@code{ask-user-about-lock}. You can redefine this function for the sakeof customization. The standard definition of this function asks you aquestion and accepts three possible answers:@table @kbd@item sSteal the lock. Whoever was already changing the file loses the lock,and you gain the lock.@item pProceed. Go ahead and edit the file despite its being locked by someone else.@item qQuit. This causes an error (@code{file-locked}), and the buffercontents remain unchanged---the modification you were trying to makedoes not actually take place.@end table Note that locking works on the basis of a file name; if a file hasmultiple names, Emacs does not realize that the two names are the same fileand cannot prevent two users from editing it simultaneously under differentnames. However, basing locking on names means that Emacs can interlock theediting of new files that will not really exist until they are saved. Some systems are not configured to allow Emacs to make locks, andthere are cases where lock files cannot be written. In these cases,Emacs cannot detect trouble in advance, but it still can detect thecollision when you try to save a file and overwrite someone else'schanges. If Emacs or the operating system crashes, this may leave behind lockfiles which are stale, so you may occasionally get warnings aboutspurious collisions. When you determine that the collision is spurious,just use @kbd{p} to tell Emacs to go ahead anyway. Every time Emacs saves a buffer, it first checks the last-modificationdate of the existing file on disk to verify that it has not changed since thefile was last visited or saved. If the date does not match, it impliesthat changes were made in the file in some other way, and these changes areabout to be lost if Emacs actually does save. To prevent this, Emacsdisplays a warning message and asks for confirmation before saving.Occasionally you will know why the file was changed and know that it doesnot matter; then you can answer @kbd{yes} and proceed. Otherwise, you shouldcancel the save with @kbd{C-g} and investigate the situation. The first thing you should do when notified that simultaneous editinghas already taken place is to list the directory with @kbd{C-u C-x C-d}(@pxref{Directories}). This shows the file's current author. Youshould attempt to contact him to warn him not to continue editing.Often the next step is to save the contents of your Emacs buffer under adifferent name, and use @code{diff} to compare the two files.@refill@node File Shadowing@subsection Shadowing Files@cindex shadow files@cindex file shadows@table @kbd@item M-x shadow-initializeSet up file shadowing.@item M-x shadow-define-literal-groupDeclare a single file to be shared between sites.@item M-x shadow-define-regexp-groupMake all files that match each of a group of files be shared between hosts.@item M-x shadow-define-cluster @key{RET} @var{name} @key{RET}Define a shadow file cluster @var{name}.@item M-x shadow-copy-filesCopy all pending shadow files.@item M-x shadow-cancelCancel the instruction to shadow some files.@end tableYou can arrange to keep identical @dfn{shadow} copies of certain filesin more than one place---possibly on different machines. To do this,first you must set up a @dfn{shadow file group}, which is a set ofidentically-named files shared between a list of sites. The filegroup is permanent and applies to further Emacs sessions as well asthe current one. Once the group is set up, every time you exit Emacs,it will copy the file you edited to the other files in its group. Youcan also do the copying without exiting Emacs, by typing @kbd{M-xshadow-copy-files}.To set up a shadow file group, use @kbd{M-xshadow-define-literal-group} or @kbd{M-x shadow-define-regexp-group}.See their documentation strings for further information.Before copying a file to its shadows, Emacs asks for confirmation.You can answer ``no'' to bypass copying of this file, this time. Ifyou want to cancel the shadowing permanently for a certain file, use@kbd{M-x shadow-cancel} to eliminate or change the shadow file group.A @dfn{shadow cluster} is a group of hosts that share directories, sothat copying to or from one of them is sufficient to update the fileon all of them. Each shadow cluster has a name, and specifies thenetwork address of a primary host (the one we copy files to), and aregular expression that matches the host names of all the other hostsin the cluster. You can define a shadow cluster with @kbd{M-xshadow-define-cluster}.@node Time Stamps@subsection Updating Time Stamps Automatically@findex time-stamp@cindex time stamps@cindex modification dates@cindex locale, date formatYou can arrange to put a time stamp in a file, so that it will be updatedautomatically each time you edit and save the file. The time stamphas to be in the first eight lines of the file, and you shouldinsert it like this:@exampleTime-stamp: <>@end example@noindentor like this:@exampleTime-stamp: " "@end example Then add the hook function @code{time-stamp} to the hook@code{write-file-functions}; that hook function will automatically updatethe time stamp, inserting the current date and time when you save thefile. You can also use the command @kbd{M-x time-stamp} to update thetime stamp manually. For other customizations, see the Custom group@code{time-stamp}. Note that non-numeric fields in the time stamp areformatted according to your locale setting (@pxref{Environment}).@node Reverting@section Reverting a Buffer@findex revert-buffer@cindex drastic changes@cindex reread a file If you have made extensive changes to a file and then change your mindabout them, you can get rid of them by reading in the previous versionof the file. To do this, use @kbd{M-x revert-buffer}, which operates onthe current buffer. Since reverting a buffer unintentionally could losea lot of work, you must confirm this command with @kbd{yes}. @code{revert-buffer} tries to position point in such a way that, ifthe file was edited only slightly, you will be at approximately thesame piece of text after reverting as before. However, if you have madedrastic changes, point may wind up in a totally different piece of text. Reverting marks the buffer as ``not modified'' until another change ismade. Some kinds of buffers whose contents reflect data bases other than files,such as Dired buffers, can also be reverted. For them, reverting meansrecalculating their contents from the appropriate data base. Bufferscreated explicitly with @kbd{C-x b} cannot be reverted; @code{revert-buffer}reports an error when asked to do so.@vindex revert-without-query When you edit a file that changes automatically and frequently---forexample, a log of output from a process that continues to run---it may beuseful for Emacs to revert the file without querying you, whenever youvisit the file again with @kbd{C-x C-f}. To request this behavior, set the variable @code{revert-without-query}to a list of regular expressions. When a file name matches one of theseregular expressions, @code{find-file} and @code{revert-buffer} willrevert it automatically if it has changed---provided the buffer itselfis not modified. (If you have edited the text, it would be wrong todiscard your changes.)@cindex Global Auto-Revert mode@cindex mode, Global Auto-Revert@cindex Auto-Revert mode@cindex mode, Auto-Revert@findex global-auto-revert-mode@findex auto-revert-mode@vindex auto-revert-intervalYou may find it useful to have Emacs revert files automatically whenthey change. Two minor modes are available to do this. In GlobalAuto-Revert mode, Emacs periodically checks all file buffers andreverts any when the corresponding file has changed. The localvariant, Auto-Revert mode, applies only to buffers in which it wasactivated. The variable @code{auto-revert-interval} controls howoften to check for a changed file. Since checking a remote file istoo slow, these modes do not check or revert remote files.@node Auto Save@section Auto-Saving: Protection Against Disasters@cindex Auto Save mode@cindex mode, Auto Save@cindex crashes Emacs saves all the visited files from time to time (based on countingyour keystrokes) without being asked. This is called @dfn{auto-saving}.It prevents you from losing more than a limited amount of work if thesystem crashes. When Emacs determines that it is time for auto-saving, each buffer isconsidered, and is auto-saved if auto-saving is turned on for it and ithas been changed since the last time it was auto-saved. The message@samp{Auto-saving...} is displayed in the echo area during auto-saving,if any files are actually auto-saved. Errors occurring duringauto-saving are caught so that they do not interfere with the executionof commands you have been typing.@menu* Files: Auto Save Files. The file where auto-saved changes are actually made until you save the file.* Control: Auto Save Control. Controlling when and how often to auto-save.* Recover:: Recovering text from auto-save files.@end menu@node Auto Save Files@subsection Auto-Save Files Auto-saving does not normally save in the files that you visited, becauseit can be very undesirable to save a program that is in an inconsistentstate when you have made half of a planned change. Instead, auto-savingis done in a different file called the @dfn{auto-save file}, and thevisited file is changed only when you request saving explicitly (such aswith @kbd{C-x C-s}). Normally, the auto-save file name is made by appending @samp{#} to thefront and rear of the visited file name. Thus, a buffer visiting file@file{foo.c} is auto-saved in a file @file{#foo.c#}. Most buffers thatare not visiting files are auto-saved only if you request it explicitly;when they are auto-saved, the auto-save file name is made by appending@samp{#} to the front and rear of buffer name, thenadding digits and letters at the end for uniqueness. Forexample, the @samp{*mail*} buffer in which you compose messages to besent might auto-saved in a file named @file{#*mail*#704juu}. Auto-save filenames are made this way unless you reprogram parts of Emacs to dosomething different (the functions @code{make-auto-save-file-name} and@code{auto-save-file-name-p}). The file name to be used for auto-savingin a buffer is calculated when auto-saving is turned on in that buffer.@cindex auto-save for remote files@vindex auto-save-file-name-transforms The variable @code{auto-save-file-name-transforms} allows a degreeof control over the auto-save file name. It lets you specify a seriesof regular expressions and replacements to transform the auto savefile name. The default value puts the auto-save files for remotefiles (@pxref{Remote Files}) into the temporary file directory on thelocal machine. When you delete a substantial part of the text in a large buffer, autosave turns off temporarily in that buffer. This is because if youdeleted the text unintentionally, you might find the auto-save file moreuseful if it contains the deleted text. To reenable auto-saving afterthis happens, save the buffer with @kbd{C-x C-s}, or use @kbd{C-u 1 M-xauto-save}.@vindex auto-save-visited-file-name If you want auto-saving to be done in the visited file rather thanin a separate auto-save file, set the variable@code{auto-save-visited-file-name} to a non-@code{nil} value. In thismode, there is no real difference between auto-saving and explicitsaving.@vindex delete-auto-save-files A buffer's auto-save file is deleted when you save the buffer in itsvisited file. To inhibit this, set the variable @code{delete-auto-save-files}to @code{nil}. Changing the visited file name with @kbd{C-x C-w} or@code{set-visited-file-name} renames any auto-save file to go withthe new visited name.@node Auto Save Control@subsection Controlling Auto-Saving@vindex auto-save-default@findex auto-save-mode Each time you visit a file, auto-saving is turned on for that file'sbuffer if the variable @code{auto-save-default} is non-@code{nil} (but notin batch mode; @pxref{Entering Emacs}). The default for this variable is@code{t}, so auto-saving is the usual practice for file-visiting buffers.Auto-saving can be turned on or off for any existing buffer with thecommand @kbd{M-x auto-save-mode}. Like other minor mode commands, @kbd{M-xauto-save-mode} turns auto-saving on with a positive argument, off with azero or negative argument; with no argument, it toggles.@vindex auto-save-interval Emacs does auto-saving periodically based on counting how many charactersyou have typed since the last time auto-saving was done. The variable@code{auto-save-interval} specifies how many characters there are betweenauto-saves. By default, it is 300. Emacs doesn't accept values that aretoo small: if you customize @code{auto-save-interval} to a value lessthan 20, Emacs will behave as if the value is 20.@vindex auto-save-timeout Auto-saving also takes place when you stop typing for a while. Thevariable @code{auto-save-timeout} says how many seconds Emacs shouldwait before it does an auto save (and perhaps also a garbagecollection). (The actual time period is longer if the current buffer islong; this is a heuristic which aims to keep out of your way when youare editing long buffers, in which auto-save takes an appreciable amountof time.) Auto-saving during idle periods accomplishes two things:first, it makes sure all your work is saved if you go away from theterminal for a while; second, it may avoid some auto-saving while youare actually typing. Emacs also does auto-saving whenever it gets a fatal error. Thisincludes killing the Emacs job with a shell command such as @samp{kill%emacs}, or disconnecting a phone line or network connection.@findex do-auto-save You can request an auto-save explicitly with the command @kbd{M-xdo-auto-save}.@node Recover@subsection Recovering Data from Auto-Saves@findex recover-file You can use the contents of an auto-save file to recover from a lossof data with the command @kbd{M-x recover-file @key{RET} @var{file}@key{RET}}. This visits @var{file} and then (after your confirmation)restores the contents from its auto-save file @file{#@var{file}#}.You can then save with @kbd{C-x C-s} to put the recovered text into@var{file} itself. For example, to recover file @file{foo.c} from itsauto-save file @file{#foo.c#}, do:@refill@exampleM-x recover-file @key{RET} foo.c @key{RET}yes @key{RET}C-x C-s@end example Before asking for confirmation, @kbd{M-x recover-file} displays adirectory listing describing the specified file and the auto-save file,so you can compare their sizes and dates. If the auto-save fileis older, @kbd{M-x recover-file} does not offer to read it.@findex recover-session If Emacs or the computer crashes, you can recover all the files youwere editing from their auto save files with the command @kbd{M-xrecover-session}. This first shows you a list of recorded interruptedsessions. Move point to the one you choose, and type @kbd{C-c C-c}. Then @code{recover-session} asks about each of the files that werebeing edited during that session, asking whether to recover that file.If you answer @kbd{y}, it calls @code{recover-file}, which works in itsnormal fashion. It shows the dates of the original file and itsauto-save file, and asks once again whether to recover that file. When @code{recover-session} is done, the files you've chosen torecover are present in Emacs buffers. You should then save them. Onlythis---saving them---updates the files themselves.@vindex auto-save-list-file-prefix Emacs records interrupted sessions for later recovery in files named@file{~/.emacs.d/auto-save-list/.saves-@var{pid}-@var{hostname}}. Allof this name except @file{@var{pid}-@var{hostname}} comes from thevalue of @code{auto-save-list-file-prefix}. You can record sessionsin a different place by customizing that variable. If you set@code{auto-save-list-file-prefix} to @code{nil} in your @file{.emacs}file, sessions are not recorded for recovery.@node File Aliases@section File Name Aliases@cindex symbolic links (visiting)@cindex hard links (visiting) Symbolic links and hard links both make it possible for several filenames to refer to the same file. Hard links are alternate names thatrefer directly to the file; all the names are equally valid, and no oneof them is preferred. By contrast, a symbolic link is a kind of definedalias: when @file{foo} is a symbolic link to @file{bar}, you can useeither name to refer to the file, but @file{bar} is the real name, while@file{foo} is just an alias. More complex cases occur when symboliclinks point to directories. If you visit two names for the same file, normally Emacs makestwo different buffers, but it warns you about the situation.@vindex find-file-existing-other-name@vindex find-file-suppress-same-file-warnings Normally, if you visit a file which Emacs is already visiting undera different name, Emacs displays a message in the echo area and usesthe existing buffer visiting that file. This can happen on systemsthat support symbolic links, or if you use a long file name on asystem that truncates long file names. You can suppress the message bysetting the variable @code{find-file-suppress-same-file-warnings} to anon-@code{nil} value. You can disable this feature entirely by settingthe variable @code{find-file-existing-other-name} to @code{nil}: thenif you visit the same file under two different names, you get a separatebuffer for each file name.@vindex find-file-visit-truename@cindex truenames of files@cindex file truenames If the variable @code{find-file-visit-truename} is non-@code{nil},then the file name recorded for a buffer is the file's @dfn{truename}(made by replacing all symbolic links with their target names), ratherthan the name you specify. Setting @code{find-file-visit-truename} alsoimplies the effect of @code{find-file-existing-other-name}.@node Version Control@section Version Control@cindex version control @dfn{Version control systems} are packages that can record multipleversions of a source file, usually storing the unchanged parts of thefile just once. Version control systems also record history informationsuch as the creation time of each version, who created it, and adescription of what was changed in that version. The Emacs version control interface is called VC. Its commands workwith three version control systems---RCS, CVS, and SCCS. The GNUproject recommends RCS and CVS, which are free software and availablefrom the Free Software Foundation. We also have free software toreplace SCCS, known as CSSC; if you are using SCCS and don't want tomake the incompatible change to RCS or CVS, you can switch to CSSC. VC is enabled by default in Emacs. To disable it, set thecustomizable variable @code{vc-handled-backends} to @code{nil}(@pxref{Customizing VC}).@menu* Introduction to VC:: How version control works in general.* VC Mode Line:: How the mode line shows version control status.* Basic VC Editing:: How to edit a file under version control.* Old Versions:: Examining and comparing old versions.* Secondary VC Commands:: The commands used a little less frequently.* Branches:: Multiple lines of development.* Remote Repositories:: Efficient access to remote CVS servers.* Snapshots:: Sets of file versions treated as a unit.* Miscellaneous VC:: Various other commands and features of VC.* Customizing VC:: Variables that change VC's behavior.@end menu@node Introduction to VC@subsection Introduction to Version Control VC allows you to use a version control system from within Emacs,integrating the version control operations smoothly with editing. VCprovides a uniform interface to version control, so that regardless ofwhich version control system is in use, you can use it the same way. This section provides a general overview of version control, anddescribes the version control systems that VC supports. You can skipthis section if you are already familiar with the version control systemyou want to use.@menu* Version Systems:: Supported version control back-end systems.* VC Concepts:: Words and concepts related to version control.* Types of Log File:: The per-file VC log in contrast to the ChangeLog.@end menu@node Version Systems@subsubsection Supported Version Control Systems@cindex RCS@cindex back end (version control) VC currently works with three different version control systems or``back ends'': RCS, CVS, and SCCS. RCS is a free version control system that is available from the FreeSoftware Foundation. It is perhaps the most mature of the supportedback ends, and the VC commands are conceptually closest to RCS. Almosteverything you can do with RCS can be done through VC.@cindex CVS CVS is built on top of RCS, and extends the features of RCS, allowingfor more sophisticated release management, and concurrent multi-userdevelopment. VC supports basic editing operations under CVS, but forsome less common tasks you still need to call CVS from the command line.Note also that before using CVS you must set up a repository, which is asubject too complex to treat here.@cindex SCCS SCCS is a proprietary but widely used version control system. Interms of capabilities, it is the weakest of the three that VCsupports. VC compensates for certain features missing in SCCS(snapshots, for example) by implementing them itself, but some other VCfeatures, such as multiple branches, are not available with SCCS. Youshould use SCCS only if for some reason you cannot use RCS.@node VC Concepts@subsubsection Concepts of Version Control@cindex master file@cindex registered file When a file is under version control, we also say that it is@dfn{registered} in the version control system. Each registered filehas a corresponding @dfn{master file} which represents the file'spresent state plus its change history---enough to reconstruct thecurrent version or any earlier version. Usually the master file alsorecords a @dfn{log entry} for each version, describing in words what waschanged in that version.@cindex work file@cindex checking out files The file that is maintained under version control is sometimes calledthe @dfn{work file} corresponding to its master file. You edit the workfile and make changes in it, as you would with an ordinary file. (WithSCCS and RCS, you must @dfn{lock} the file before you start to edit it.)After you are done with a set of changes, you @dfn{check the file in},which records the changes in the master file, along with a log entry forthem. With CVS, there are usually multiple work files corresponding to asingle master file---often each user has his own copy. It is alsopossible to use RCS in this way, but this is not the usual way to useRCS.@cindex locking and version control A version control system typically has some mechanism to coordinatebetween users who want to change the same file. One method is@dfn{locking} (analogous to the locking that Emacs uses to detectsimultaneous editing of a file, but distinct from it). The other methodis to merge your changes with other people's changes when you check themin. With version control locking, work files are normally read-only sothat you cannot change them. You ask the version control system to makea work file writable for you by locking it; only one user can dothis at any given time. When you check in your changes, that unlocksthe file, making the work file read-only again. This allows other usersto lock the file to make further changes. SCCS always uses locking, andRCS normally does. The other alternative for RCS is to let each user modify the work fileat any time. In this mode, locking is not required, but it ispermitted; check-in is still the way to record a new version. CVS normally allows each user to modify his own copy of the work fileat any time, but requires merging with changes from other users atcheck-in time. However, CVS can also be set up to require locking.(@pxref{CVS Options}).@node Types of Log File@subsubsection Types of Log File@cindex types of log file@cindex log File, types of@cindex version control logGNU projects under a revision control system generally possess@emph{two} types of log for changes. One is the per-file logmaintained by the revision control system: each time you check in achange, you must fill out a @dfn{log entry} for the change (@pxref{LogBuffer}). This kind of log is called the @dfn{version control log},also the @dfn{revision control log}, @dfn{RCS log}, or @dfn{CVS log}.The other kind of log is the change log file, typically a file called@file{ChangeLog}. It provides a chronological record of all changesto a large portion of a program---one directory and itssubdirectories. A small program would use one @file{ChangeLog} file;a large program may well merit a @file{ChangeLog} file in each majordirectory. @xref{Change Log}.When you use version control, you can use just the per-file log if youwish, or you can use both kinds of logs. When you use both, youtypically want to write just one entry for each change. You can writethe entry in @file{ChangeLog}, then copy it to the log buffer when youcheck in the change. Or you can write the entry in the log bufferwhile checking in the change, and later use the @kbd{C-x v a} commandto copy it to @file{ChangeLog} (@pxref{Change Logs and VC}).@node VC Mode Line@subsection Version Control and the Mode Line When you visit a file that is under version control, Emacs indicatesthis on the mode line. For example, @samp{RCS-1.3} says that RCS isused for that file, and the current version is 1.3. The character between the back-end name and the version numberindicates the version control status of the file. @samp{-} means thatthe work file is not locked (if locking is in use), or not modified (iflocking is not in use). @samp{:} indicates that the file is locked, orthat it is modified. If the file is locked by some other user (forinstance, @samp{jim}), that is displayed as @samp{RCS:jim:1.3}.@node Basic VC Editing@subsection Basic Editing under Version Control The principal VC command is an all-purpose command that performseither locking or check-in, depending on the situation.@table @kbd@itemx C-x v vPerform the next logical version control operation on this file.@end table@findex vc-next-action@kindex C-x v v The precise action of this command depends on the state of the file,and whether the version control system uses locking or not. SCCS andRCS normally use locking; CVS normally does not use locking.@findex vc-toggle-read-only@kindex C-x C-q @r{(Version Control)} As a special convenience that is particularly useful for files withlocking, you can let Emacs check a file in or out whenever you changeits read-only flag. This means, for example, that you cannotaccidentally edit a file without properly checking it out first. Toachieve this, bind the key @kbd{C-x C-q} to @kbd{vc-toggle-read-only}in your @file{~/.emacs} file. (@xref{Init Rebinding}.)@menu* VC with Locking:: RCS in its default mode, SCCS, and optionally CVS.* Without Locking:: Without locking: default mode for CVS.* Advanced C-x v v:: Advanced features available with a prefix argument.* Log Buffer:: Features available in log entry buffers.@end menu@node VC with Locking@subsubsection Basic Version Control with Locking If locking is used for the file (as with SCCS, and RCS in its defaultmode), @kbd{C-x v v} can either lock a file or check it in:@itemize @bullet@itemIf the file is not locked, @kbd{C-x v v} locks it, andmakes it writable so that you can change it.@itemIf the file is locked by you, and contains changes, @kbd{C-x v v} checksin the changes. In order to do this, it first reads the log entryfor the new version. @xref{Log Buffer}.@itemIf the file is locked by you, but you have not changed it since youlocked it, @kbd{C-x v v} releases the lock and makes the file read-onlyagain.@itemIf the file is locked by some other user, @kbd{C-x v v} asks you whetheryou want to ``steal the lock'' from that user. If you say yes, the filebecomes locked by you, but a message is sent to the person who hadformerly locked the file, to inform him of what has happened.@end itemize These rules also apply when you use CVS in locking mode, exceptthat there is no such thing as stealing a lock.@node Without Locking@subsubsection Basic Version Control without Locking When there is no locking---the default for CVS---work files are alwayswritable; you do not need to do anything before you begin to edit afile. The status indicator on the mode line is @samp{-} if the file isunmodified; it flips to @samp{:} as soon as you save any changes in thework file. Here is what @kbd{C-x v v} does when using CVS:@itemize @bullet@itemIf some other user has checked in changes into the master file, Emacsasks you whether you want to merge those changes into your own workfile. You must do this before you can check in your own changes. (Topick up any recent changes from the master file @emph{without} tryingto commit your own changes, type @kbd{C-x v m @key{RET}}.)@xref{Merging}.@itemIf there are no new changes in the master file, but you have mademodifications in your work file, @kbd{C-x v v} checks in your changes.In order to do this, it first reads the log entry for the new version.@xref{Log Buffer}.@itemIf the file is not modified, the @kbd{C-x v v} does nothing.@end itemize These rules also apply when you use RCS in the mode that does notrequire locking, except that automatic merging of changes from themaster file is not implemented. Unfortunately, this means that nothinginforms you if another user has checked in changes in the same filesince you began editing it, and when this happens, his changes will beeffectively removed when you check in your version (though they willremain in the master file, so they will not be entirely lost). You musttherefore verify the current version is unchanged, before you check in yourchanges. We hope to eliminate this risk and provide automatic mergingwith RCS in a future Emacs version. In addition, locking is possible with RCS even in this mode, althoughit is not required; @kbd{C-x v v} with an unmodified file locks thefile, just as it does with RCS in its normal (locking) mode.@node Advanced C-x v v@subsubsection Advanced Control in @kbd{C-x v v}@cindex version number to check in/out When you give a prefix argument to @code{vc-next-action} (@kbd{C-uC-x v v}), it still performs the next logical version controloperation, but accepts additional arguments to specify precisely howto do the operation.@itemize @bullet@itemIf the file is modified (or locked), you can specify the versionnumber to use for the new version that you check in. This is one wayto create a new branch (@pxref{Branches}).@itemIf the file is not modified (and unlocked), you can specify theversion to select; this lets you start working from an older version,or on another branch. If you do not enter any version, that takes youto the highest version on the current branch; therefore @kbd{C-u C-xv v @key{RET}} is a convenient way to get the latest version of a file fromthe repository.@item@cindex specific version control systemInstead of the version number, you can also specify the name of aversion control system. This is useful when one file is being managedwith two version control systems at the same time (@pxref{LocalVersion Control}).@end itemize@node Log Buffer@subsubsection Features of the Log Entry Buffer When you check in changes, @kbd{C-x v v} first reads a log entry. Itpops up a buffer called @samp{*VC-Log*} for you to enter the log entry.When you are finished, type @kbd{C-c C-c} in the @samp{*VC-Log*} buffer.That is when check-in really happens. To abort check-in, just @strong{don't} type @kbd{C-c C-c} in thatbuffer. You can switch buffers and do other editing. As long as youdon't try to check in another file, the entry you were editing remainsin the @samp{*VC-Log*} buffer, and you can go back to that buffer at anytime to complete the check-in. If you change several source files for the same reason, it is oftenconvenient to specify the same log entry for many of the files. To dothis, use the history of previous log entries. The commands @kbd{M-n},@kbd{M-p}, @kbd{M-s} and @kbd{M-r} for doing this work just like theminibuffer history commands (except that these versions are used outsidethe minibuffer).@vindex vc-log-mode-hook Each time you check in a file, the log entry buffer is put into VC Logmode, which involves running two hooks: @code{text-mode-hook} and@code{vc-log-mode-hook}. @xref{Hooks}.@node Old Versions@subsection Examining And Comparing Old Versions One of the convenient features of version control is the abilityto examine any version of a file, or compare two versions.@table @kbd@item C-x v ~ @var{version} @key{RET}Examine version @var{version} of the visited file, in a buffer of itsown.@item C-x v =Compare the current buffer contents with the latest checked-in versionof the file.@item C-u C-x v = @var{file} @key{RET} @var{oldvers} @key{RET} @var{newvers} @key{RET}Compare the specified two versions of @var{file}.@item C-x v gDisplay the result of the CVS annotate command using colors.@end table@findex vc-version-other-window@kindex C-x v ~ To examine an old version in its entirety, visit the file and then type@kbd{C-x v ~ @var{version} @key{RET}} (@code{vc-version-other-window}).This puts the text of version @var{version} in a file named@file{@var{filename}.~@var{version}~}, and visits it in its own bufferin a separate window. (In RCS, you can also select an old versionand create a branch from it. @xref{Branches}.)@findex vc-diff@kindex C-x v = It is usually more convenient to compare two versions of the file,with the command @kbd{C-x v =} (@code{vc-diff}). Plain @kbd{C-x v =}compares the current buffer contents (saving them in the file ifnecessary) with the last checked-in version of the file. @kbd{C-u C-xv =}, with a numeric argument, reads a file name and two versionnumbers, then compares those versions of the specified file. Bothforms display the output in a special buffer in another window. You can specify a checked-in version by its number; an empty inputspecifies the current contents of the work file (which may be differentfrom all the checked-in versions). You can also specify a snapshot name(@pxref{Snapshots}) instead of one or both version numbers. If you supply a directory name instead of the name of a registeredfile, this command compares the two specified versions of all registeredfiles in that directory and its subdirectories.@vindex vc-diff-switches@vindex vc-rcs-diff-switches @kbd{C-x v =} works by running a variant of the @code{diff} utilitydesigned to work with the version control system in use. When youinvoke @code{diff} this way, in addition to the options specified by@code{diff-switches} (@pxref{Comparing Files}), it receives thosespecified by @code{vc-diff-switches}, plus those specified for thespecific back end by @code{vc-@var{backend}-diff-switches}. Forinstance, when the version control back end is RCS, @code{diff} usesthe options in @code{vc-rcs-diff-switches}. The@samp{vc@dots{}diff-switches} variables are @code{nil} by default. Unlike the @kbd{M-x diff} command, @kbd{C-x v =} does not try tolocate the changes in the old and new versions. This is becausenormally one or both versions do not exist as files when you comparethem; they exist only in the records of the master file.@xref{Comparing Files}, for more information about @kbd{M-x diff}.@findex vc-annotate@kindex C-x v g For CVS-controlled files, you can display the result of the CVSannotate command, using colors to enhance the visual appearance. Usethe command @kbd{M-x vc-annotate} to do this. It creates a new bufferto display file's text, colored to show how old each part is. Textcolored red is new, blue means old, and intermediate colors indicateintermediate ages. By default, the time scale is 360 days, so thateverything more than one year old is shown in blue. When you give a prefix argument to this command, it uses theminibuffer to read two arguments: which version number to display andannotate (instead of the current file contents), and a stretch factorfor the time scale. A stretch factor of 0.1 means that the colorrange from red to blue spans the past 36 days instead of 360 days. Astretch factor greater than 1 means the color range spans more than ayear.From the annotate buffer, you can use the following keys to browse theannotations of past revisions, view diffs, or view log entries:@itemize @bullet@itemPressing @kbd{P} annotates the previous revision. It also takes anumeric prefix argument, so for example @kbd{C-u 10 P} would take youback 10 revisions.@itemPressing @kbd{N} annotates the next revision. It also takes a numericprefix argument, so for example @kbd{C-u 10 N} would take you forward10 revisions.@itemPressing @kbd{J} annotates the revision at line (as denoted by theversion number on the same line).@itemPressing @kbd{A} annotates the revision previous to line (as denotedby the version number on the same line). This is useful to see thestate the file was in before the change on the current line was made.@itemPressing @kbd{D} shows the diff of the revision at line with itsprevious revision. This is useful to see what actually changed whenthe revision denoted on the current line was committed.@itemPressing @kbd{L} shows the log of the revision at line. This isuseful to see the author's description of the changes that occuredwhen the revision denoted on the current line was committed.@itemPressing @kbd{W} annotates the workfile (most up to date) version. Ifyou used @kbd{P} and @kbd{N} to browse to other revisions, use thiskey to return to the latest version.@end itemize@node Secondary VC Commands@subsection The Secondary Commands of VC This section explains the secondary commands of VC; those that you mightuse once a day.@menu* Registering:: Putting a file under version control.* VC Status:: Viewing the VC status of files.* VC Undo:: Cancelling changes before or after check-in.* VC Dired Mode:: Listing files managed by version control.* VC Dired Commands:: Commands to use in a VC Dired buffer.@end menu@node Registering@subsubsection Registering a File for Version Control@kindex C-x v i@findex vc-register You can put any file under version control by simply visiting it, andthen typing @w{@kbd{C-x v i}} (@code{vc-register}).@table @kbd@item C-x v iRegister the visited file for version control.@end table To register the file, Emacs must choose which version control systemto use for it. If the file's directory already contains filesregistered in a version control system, Emacs uses that system. Ifthere is more than one system in use for a directory, Emacs uses the onethat appears first in @code{vc-handled-backends} (@pxref{Customizing VC}).On the other hand, if there are no files already registered,Emacs uses the first system from @code{vc-handled-backends} that couldregister the file---for example, you cannot register a file under CVS ifits directory is not already part of a CVS tree. With the default value of @code{vc-handled-backends}, this meansthat Emacs uses RCS if there are any files under RCS control, CVS ifthere are any files under CVS, SCCS if any files are under SCCS, orRCS as the ultimate default. If locking is in use, @kbd{C-x v i} leaves the file unlocked andread-only. Type @kbd{C-x v v} if you wish to start editing it. Afterregistering a file with CVS, you must subsequently commit the initialversion by typing @kbd{C-x v v}.@vindex vc-default-init-version@cindex initial version number to register The initial version number for a newly registered file is 1.1, bydefault. You can specify a different default by setting the variable@code{vc-default-init-version}, or you can give @kbd{C-x v i} a numericargument; then it reads the initial version number for this particularfile using the minibuffer.@vindex vc-initial-comment If @code{vc-initial-comment} is non-@code{nil}, @kbd{C-x v i} reads aninitial comment to describe the purpose of this source file. Readingthe initial comment works like reading a log entry (@pxref{Log Buffer}).@node VC Status@subsubsection VC Status Commands@table @kbd@item C-x v lDisplay version control state and change history.@end table@kindex C-x v l@findex vc-print-log To view the detailed version control status and history of a file,type @kbd{C-x v l} (@code{vc-print-log}). It displays the history ofchanges to the current file, including the text of the log entries. Theoutput appears in a separate window.@node VC Undo@subsubsection Undoing Version Control Actions@table @kbd@item C-x v uRevert the buffer and the file to the last checked-in version.@item C-x v cRemove the last-entered change from the master for the visited file.This undoes your last check-in.@end table@kindex C-x v u@findex vc-revert-buffer If you want to discard your current set of changes and revert to thelast version checked in, use @kbd{C-x v u} (@code{vc-revert-buffer}).This leaves the file unlocked; if locking is in use, you must first lockthe file again before you change it again. @kbd{C-x v u} requiresconfirmation, unless it sees that you haven't made any changes since thelast checked-in version. @kbd{C-x v u} is also the command to unlock a file if you lock it andthen decide not to change it.@kindex C-x v c@findex vc-cancel-version To cancel a change that you already checked in, use @kbd{C-x v c}(@code{vc-cancel-version}). This command discards all record of themost recent checked-in version. @kbd{C-x v c} also offers to revertyour work file and buffer to the previous version (the one that precedesthe version that is deleted). If you answer @kbd{no}, VC keeps your changes in the buffer, and locksthe file. The no-revert option is useful when you have checked in achange and then discover a trivial error in it; you can cancel theerroneous check-in, fix the error, and check the file in again. When @kbd{C-x v c} does not revert the buffer, it unexpands allversion control headers in the buffer instead (@pxref{Version Headers}).This is because the buffer no longer corresponds to any existingversion. If you check it in again, the check-in process will expand theheaders properly for the new version number. However, it is impossible to unexpand the RCS @samp{@w{$}Log$} headerautomatically. If you use that header feature, you have to unexpand itby hand---by deleting the entry for the version that you just canceled. Be careful when invoking @kbd{C-x v c}, as it is easy to lose a lot ofwork with it. To help you be careful, this command always requiresconfirmation with @kbd{yes}. Note also that this command is disabledunder CVS, because canceling versions is very dangerous and discouragedwith CVS.@node VC Dired Mode@subsubsection Dired under VC@cindex PCL-CVS@pindex cvs@cindex CVS Dired Mode The VC Dired Mode described here works with all the version controlsystems that VC supports. Another more powerful facility, designedspecifically for CVS, is called PCL-CVS. @xref{Top, , About PCL-CVS,pcl-cvs, PCL-CVS --- The Emacs Front-End to CVS}.@kindex C-x v d@findex vc-directory When you are working on a large program, it is often useful to findout which files have changed within an entire directory tree, or to viewthe status of all files under version control at once, and to performversion control operations on collections of files. You can use thecommand @kbd{C-x v d} (@code{vc-directory}) to make a directory listingthat includes only files relevant for version control.@vindex vc-dired-terse-display @kbd{C-x v d} creates a buffer which uses VC Dired Mode. This looksmuch like an ordinary Dired buffer (@pxref{Dired}); however, normally itshows only the noteworthy files (those locked or not up-to-date). Thisis called @dfn{terse display}. If you set the variable@code{vc-dired-terse-display} to @code{nil}, then VC Dired shows allrelevant files---those managed under version control, plus allsubdirectories (@dfn{full display}). The command @kbd{v t} in a VCDired buffer toggles between terse display and full display (@pxref{VCDired Commands}).@vindex vc-dired-recurse By default, VC Dired produces a recursive listing of noteworthy orrelevant files at or below the given directory. You can change this bysetting the variable @code{vc-dired-recurse} to @code{nil}; then VCDired shows only the files in the given directory. The line for an individual file shows the version control state in theplace of the hard link count, owner, group, and size of the file. Ifthe file is unmodified, in sync with the master file, the versioncontrol state shown is blank. Otherwise it consists of text inparentheses. Under RCS and SCCS, the name of the user locking the fileis shown; under CVS, an abbreviated version of the @samp{cvs status}output is used. Here is an example using RCS:@smallexample@group /home/jim/project: -rw-r--r-- (jim) Apr 2 23:39 file1 -r--r--r-- Apr 5 20:21 file2@end group@end smallexample@noindentThe files @samp{file1} and @samp{file2} are under version control,@samp{file1} is locked by user jim, and @samp{file2} is unlocked. Here is an example using CVS:@smallexample@group /home/joe/develop: -rw-r--r-- (modified) Aug 2 1997 file1.c -rw-r--r-- Apr 4 20:09 file2.c -rw-r--r-- (merge) Sep 13 1996 file3.c@end group@end smallexample Here @samp{file1.c} is modified with respect to the repository, and@samp{file2.c} is not. @samp{file3.c} is modified, but other changeshave also been checked in to the repository---you need to merge themwith the work file before you can check it in.@vindex vc-directory-exclusion-list When VC Dired displays subdirectories (in the ``full'' display mode),it omits some that should never contain any files under version control.By default, this includes Version Control subdirectories such as@samp{RCS} and @samp{CVS}; you can customize this by setting thevariable @code{vc-directory-exclusion-list}. You can fine-tune VC Dired's format by typing @kbd{C-u C-x v d}---as inordinary Dired, that allows you to specify additional switches for the@samp{ls} command.@node VC Dired Commands@subsubsection VC Dired Commands All the usual Dired commands work normally in VC Dired mode, exceptfor @kbd{v}, which is redefined as the version control prefix. You caninvoke VC commands such as @code{vc-diff} and @code{vc-print-log} bytyping @kbd{v =}, or @kbd{v l}, and so on. Most of these commands applyto the file name on the current line. The command @kbd{v v} (@code{vc-next-action}) operates on all themarked files, so that you can lock or check in several files at once.If it operates on more than one file, it handles each file according toits current state; thus, it might lock one file, but check in anotherfile. This could be confusing; it is up to you to avoid confusingbehavior by marking a set of files that are in a similar state. If any files call for check-in, @kbd{v v} reads a single log entry,then uses it for all the files being checked in. This is convenient forregistering or checking in several files at once, as part of the samechange.@findex vc-dired-toggle-terse-mode@findex vc-dired-mark-locked You can toggle between terse display (only locked files, or files notup-to-date) and full display at any time by typing @kbd{v t}(@code{vc-dired-toggle-terse-mode}). There is also a special command@kbd{* l} (@code{vc-dired-mark-locked}), which marks all files currentlylocked (or, with CVS, all files not up-to-date). Thus, typing @kbd{* lt k} is another way to delete from the buffer all files except thosecurrently locked.@node Branches@subsection Multiple Branches of a File@cindex branch (version control)@cindex trunk (version control) One use of version control is to maintain multiple ``current''versions of a file. For example, you might have different versions of aprogram in which you are gradually adding various unfinished newfeatures. Each such independent line of development is called a@dfn{branch}. VC allows you to create branches, switch betweendifferent branches, and merge changes from one branch to another.Please note, however, that branches are only supported for RCS at themoment. A file's main line of development is usually called the @dfn{trunk}.The versions on the trunk are normally numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc. Atany such version, you can start an independent branch. A branchstarting at version 1.2 would have version number, and consecutiveversions on this branch would have numbers,,,and so on. If there is a second branch also starting at version 1.2, itwould consist of versions,,, etc.@cindex head version If you omit the final component of a version number, that is called a@dfn{branch number}. It refers to the highest existing version on thatbranch---the @dfn{head version} of that branch. The branches in theexample above have branch numbers 1.2.1 and 1.2.2.@menu* Switching Branches:: How to get to another existing branch.* Creating Branches:: How to start a new branch.* Merging:: Transferring changes between branches.* Multi-User Branching:: Multiple users working at multiple branches in parallel.@end menu@node Switching Branches@subsubsection Switching between Branches To switch between branches, type @kbd{C-u C-x v v} and specify theversion number you want to select. This version is then visited@emph{unlocked} (write-protected), so you can examine it before lockingit. Switching branches in this way is allowed only when the file is notlocked. You can omit the minor version number, thus giving only the branchnumber; this takes you to the head version on the chosen branch. If youonly type @key{RET}, Emacs goes to the highest version on the trunk. After you have switched to any branch (including the main branch), youstay on it for subsequent VC commands, until you explicitly select someother branch.@node Creating Branches@subsubsection Creating New Branches To create a new branch from a head version (one that is the latest inthe branch that contains it), first select that version if necessary,lock it with @kbd{C-x v v}, and make whatever changes you want. Then,when you check in the changes, use @kbd{C-u C-x v v}. This lets youspecify the version number for the new version. You should specify asuitable branch number for a branch starting at the current version.For example, if the current version is 2.5, the branch number should be2.5.1, 2.5.2, and so on, depending on the number of existing branches atthat point. To create a new branch at an older version (one that is no longer thehead of a branch), first select that version (@pxref{SwitchingBranches}), then lock it with @kbd{C-x v v}. You'll be asked toconfirm, when you lock the old version, that you really mean to create anew branch---if you say no, you'll be offered a chance to lock thelatest version instead. Then make your changes and type @kbd{C-x v v} again to check in a newversion. This automatically creates a new branch starting from theselected version. You need not specially request a new branch, becausethat's the only way to add a new version at a point that is not the headof a branch. After the branch is created, you ``stay'' on it. That means thatsubsequent check-ins create new versions on that branch. To leave thebranch, you must explicitly select a different version with @kbd{C-u C-xv v}. To transfer changes from one branch to another, use the mergecommand, described in the next section.@node Merging@subsubsection Merging Branches@cindex merging changes When you have finished the changes on a certain branch, you willoften want to incorporate them into the file's main line of development(the trunk). This is not a trivial operation, because development mightalso have proceeded on the trunk, so that you must @dfn{merge} thechanges into a file that has already been changed otherwise. VC allowsyou to do this (and other things) with the @code{vc-merge} command.@table @kbd@item C-x v m (vc-merge)Merge changes into the work file.@end table@kindex C-x v m@findex vc-merge @kbd{C-x v m} (@code{vc-merge}) takes a set of changes and merges itinto the current version of the work file. It firsts asks you in theminibuffer where the changes should come from. If you just type@key{RET}, Emacs merges any changes that were made on the same branchsince you checked the file out (we call this @dfn{merging the news}).This is the common way to pick up recent changes from the repository,regardless of whether you have already changed the file yourself. You can also enter a branch number or a pair of version numbers inthe minibuffer. Then @kbd{C-x v m} finds the changes from thatbranch, or the differences between the two versions you specified, andmerges them into the current version of the current file. As an example, suppose that you have finished a certain feature onbranch 1.3.1. In the meantime, development on the trunk has proceededto version 1.5. To merge the changes from the branch to the trunk,first go to the head version of the trunk, by typing @kbd{C-u C-x v v@key{RET}}. Version 1.5 is now current. If locking is used for the file,type @kbd{C-x v v} to lock version 1.5 so that you can change it. Next,type @kbd{C-x v m 1.3.1 @key{RET}}. This takes the entire set of changes onbranch 1.3.1 (relative to version 1.3, where the branch started, up tothe last version on the branch) and merges it into the current versionof the work file. You can now check in the changed file, thus creatingversion 1.6 containing the changes from the branch. It is possible to do further editing after merging the branch, beforethe next check-in. But it is usually wiser to check in the mergedversion, then lock it and make the further changes. This will keepa better record of the history of changes.@cindex conflicts@cindex resolving conflicts When you merge changes into a file that has itself been modified, thechanges might overlap. We call this situation a @dfn{conflict}, andreconciling the conflicting changes is called @dfn{resolving aconflict}. Whenever conflicts occur during merging, VC detects them, tells youabout them in the echo area, and asks whether you want help in merging.If you say yes, it starts an Ediff session (@pxref{Top,Ediff, Ediff, ediff, The Ediff Manual}). If you say no, the conflicting changes are both inserted into thefile, surrounded by @dfn{conflict markers}. The example below shows howa conflict region looks; the file is called @samp{name} and the currentmaster file version with user B's changes in it is 1.11.@c @w here is so CVS won't think this is a conflict.@smallexample@group@w{<}<<<<<< name @var{User A's version}======= @var{User B's version}@w{>}>>>>>> 1.11@end group@end smallexample@cindex vc-resolve-conflicts Then you can resolve the conflicts by editing the file manually. Oryou can type @code{M-x vc-resolve-conflicts} after visiting the file.This starts an Ediff session, as described above. Don't forget tocheck in the merged version afterwards.@node Multi-User Branching@subsubsection Multi-User Branching It is often useful for multiple developers to work simultaneously ondifferent branches of a file. CVS allows this by default; for RCS, itis possible if you create multiple source directories. Each sourcedirectory should have a link named @file{RCS} which points to a commondirectory of RCS master files. Then each source directory can have itsown choice of selected versions, but all share the same common RCSrecords. This technique works reliably and automatically, provided that thesource files contain RCS version headers (@pxref{Version Headers}). Theheaders enable Emacs to be sure, at all times, which version number ispresent in the work file. If the files do not have version headers, you must instead tell Emacsexplicitly in each session which branch you are working on. To do this,first find the file, then type @kbd{C-u C-x v v} and specify the correctbranch number. This ensures that Emacs knows which branch it is usingduring this particular editing session.@node Remote Repositories@subsection Remote Repositories@cindex remote repositories (CVS) A common way of using CVS is to set up a central CVS repository onsome Internet host, then have each developer check out a personalworking copy of the files on his local machine. Committing changes tothe repository, and picking up changes from other users into one's ownworking area, then works by direct interactions with the CVS server. One difficulty is that access to the CVS server is often slow, andthat developers might need to work off-line as well. VC is designedto reduce the amount of network interaction necessary.@menu* Version Backups:: Keeping local copies of repository versions.* Local Version Control:: Using another version system for local editing.@end menu@node Version Backups@subsubsection Version Backups@cindex version backups@cindex automatic version backups When VC sees that the CVS repository for a file is on a remotemachine, it automatically makes local backups of unmodified versionsof the file---@dfn{automatic version backups}. This means that youcan compare the file to the repository version (@kbd{C-x v =}), orrevert to that version (@kbd{C-x v u}), without any networkinteractions. The local copy of the unmodified file is called a @dfn{versionbackup} to indicate that it corresponds exactly to a version that isstored in the repository. Note that version backups are not the sameas ordinary Emacs backup files (@pxref{Backup}). But they follow asimilar naming convention. For a file that comes from a remote CVS repository, VC makes aversion backup whenever you save the first changes to the file, andremoves it after you have committed your modified version to therepository. You can disable the making of automatic version backups bysetting @code{vc-cvs-stay-local} to @code{nil} (@pxref{CVS Options}).@cindex manual version backups The name of the automatic version backup for version @var{version}of file @var{file} is @code{@var{file}.~@var{version}.~}. This isalmost the same as the name used by @kbd{C-x v ~} (@pxref{OldVersions}), the only difference being the additional dot (@samp{.})after the version number. This similarity is intentional, becauseboth kinds of files store the same kind of information. The file madeby @kbd{C-x v ~} acts as a @dfn{manual version backup}. All the VC commands that operate on old versions of a file can useboth kinds of version backups. For instance, @kbd{C-x v ~} useseither an automatic or a manual version backup, if possible, to getthe contents of the version you request. Likewise, @kbd{C-x v =} and@kbd{C-x v u} use either an automatic or a manual version backup, ifone of them exists, to get the contents of a version to compare orrevert to. If you changed a file outside of Emacs, so that noautomatic version backup was created for the previous text, you cancreate a manual backup of that version using @kbd{C-x v ~}, and thusobtain the benefit of the local copy for Emacs commands. The only difference in Emacs's handling of manual and automaticversion backups, once they exist, is that Emacs deletes automaticversion backups when you commit to the repository. By contrast,manual version backups remain until you delete them.@node Local Version Control@subsubsection Local Version Control@cindex local version control@cindex local back end (version control)When you make many changes to a file that comes from a remoterepository, it can be convenient to have version control on your localmachine as well. You can then record intermediate versions, revert toa previous state, etc., before you actually commit your changes to theremote server.VC lets you do this by putting a file under a second, local versioncontrol system, so that the file is effectively registered in twosystems at the same time. For the description here, we will assumethat the remote system is CVS, and you use RCS locally, although themechanism works with any combination of version control systems(@dfn{back ends}).To make it work with other back ends, you must make sure that the``more local'' back end comes before the ``more remote'' back end inthe setting of @code{vc-handled-backends} (@pxref{Customizing VC}). Bydefault, this variable is set up so that you can use remote CVS andlocal RCS as described here.To start using local RCS for a file that comes from a remote CVSserver, you must @emph{register the file in RCS}, by typing @kbd{C-uC-x v v rcs @key{RET}}. (In other words, use @code{vc-next-action} with aprefix argument, and specify RCS as the back end.)You can do this at any time; it does not matter whether you havealready modified the file with respect to the version in the CVSrepository. If possible, VC tries to make the RCS master start withthe unmodified repository version, then checks in any local changesas a new version. This works if you have not made any changes yet, orif the unmodified repository version exists locally as a versionbackup (@pxref{Version Backups}). If the unmodified version is notavailable locally, the RCS master starts with the modified version;the only drawback to this is that you cannot compare your changeslocally to what is stored in the repository.The version number of the RCS master is derived from the current CVSversion, starting a branch from it. For example, if the current CVSversion is 1.23, the local RCS branch will be 1.23.1. Version 1.23 inthe RCS master will be identical to version 1.23 under CVS; your firstchanges are checked in as (If the unmodified file is notavailable locally, VC will check in the modified file twice, both as1.23 and, to make the revision numbers consistent.)If you do not use locking under CVS (the default), locking is alsodisabled for RCS, so that editing under RCS works exactly as underCVS.When you are done with local editing, you can commit the final versionback to the CVS repository by typing @kbd{C-u C-x v v cvs @key{RET}}.This initializes the log entry buffer (@pxref{Log Buffer}) to containall the log entries you have recorded in the RCS master; you can editthem as you wish, and then commit in CVS by typing @kbd{C-c C-c}. Ifthe commit is successful, VC removes the RCS master, so that the fileis once again registered under CVS only. (The RCS master is notactually deleted, just renamed by appending @samp{~} to the name, sothat you can refer to it later if you wish.)While using local RCS, you can pick up recent changes from the CVSrepository into your local file, or commit some of your changes backto CVS, without terminating local RCS version control. To do this,switch to the CVS back end temporarily, with the @kbd{C-x v b} command:@table @kbd@item C-x v bSwitch to another back end that the current file is registeredunder (@code{vc-switch-backend}).@item C-u C-x v b @var{backend} @key{RET}Switch to @var{backend} for the current file.@end table@kindex C-x v b@findex vc-switch-backend@kbd{C-x v b} does not change the buffer contents, or any files; itonly changes VC's perspective on how to handle the file. Anysubsequent VC commands for that file will operate on the back end thatis currently selected.If the current file is registered in more than one back end, typing@kbd{C-x v b} ``cycles'' through all of these back ends. With aprefix argument, it asks for the back end to use in the minibuffer.Thus, if you are using local RCS, and you want to pick up some recentchanges in the file from remote CVS, first visit the file, then type@kbd{C-x v b} to switch to CVS, and finally use @kbd{C-x v m@key{RET}} to merge the news (@pxref{Merging}). You can then switchback to RCS by typing @kbd{C-x v b} again, and continue to editlocally.But if you do this, the revision numbers in the RCS master no longercorrespond to those of CVS. Technically, this is not a problem, butit can become difficult to keep track of what is in the CVS repositoryand what is not. So we suggest that you return from time to time toCVS-only operation, using @kbd{C-u C-x v v cvs @key{RET}}.@node Snapshots@subsection Snapshots@cindex snapshots and version control A @dfn{snapshot} is a named set of file versions (one for eachregistered file) that you can treat as a unit. One important kind ofsnapshot is a @dfn{release}, a (theoretically) stable version of thesystem that is ready for distribution to users.@menu* Making Snapshots:: The snapshot facilities.* Snapshot Caveats:: Things to be careful of when using snapshots.@end menu@node Making Snapshots@subsubsection Making and Using Snapshots There are two basic commands for snapshots; one makes asnapshot with a given name, the other retrieves a named snapshot.@table @code@kindex C-x v s@findex vc-create-snapshot@item C-x v s @var{name} @key{RET}Define the last saved versions of every registered file in or under thecurrent directory as a snapshot named @var{name}(@code{vc-create-snapshot}).@kindex C-x v r@findex vc-retrieve-snapshot@item C-x v r @var{name} @key{RET}For all registered files at or below the current directory level, selectwhatever versions correspond to the snapshot @var{name}(@code{vc-retrieve-snapshot}).This command reports an error if any files are locked at or below thecurrent directory, without changing anything; this is to avoidoverwriting work in progress.@end table A snapshot uses a very small amount of resources---just enough to recordthe list of file names and which version belongs to the snapshot. Thus,you need not hesitate to create snapshots whenever they are useful. You can give a snapshot name as an argument to @kbd{C-x v =} or@kbd{C-x v ~} (@pxref{Old Versions}). Thus, you can use it to compare asnapshot against the current files, or two snapshots against each other,or a snapshot against a named version.@node Snapshot Caveats@subsubsection Snapshot Caveats@cindex named configurations (RCS) VC's snapshot facilities are modeled on RCS's named-configurationsupport. They use RCS's native facilities for this, so under VCsnapshots made using RCS are visible even when you bypass VC.@c worded verbosely to avoid overfull hbox. For SCCS, VC implements snapshots itself. The files it uses containname/file/version-number triples. These snapshots are visible onlythrough VC. A snapshot is a set of checked-in versions. So make sure that all thefiles are checked in and not locked when you make a snapshot. File renaming and deletion can create some difficulties with snapshots.This is not a VC-specific problem, but a general design issue in versioncontrol systems that no one has solved very well yet. If you rename a registered file, you need to rename its master alongwith it (the command @code{vc-rename-file} does this automatically). Ifyou are using SCCS, you must also update the records of the snapshot, tomention the file by its new name (@code{vc-rename-file} does this,too). An old snapshot that refers to a master file that no longerexists under the recorded name is invalid; VC can no longer retrieveit. It would be beyond the scope of this manual to explain enough aboutRCS and SCCS to explain how to update the snapshots by hand. Using @code{vc-rename-file} makes the snapshot remain valid forretrieval, but it does not solve all problems. For example, some of thefiles in your program probably refer to others by name. At the veryleast, the makefile probably mentions the file that you renamed. If youretrieve an old snapshot, the renamed file is retrieved under its newname, which is not the name that the makefile expects. So the programwon't really work as retrieved.@node Miscellaneous VC@subsection Miscellaneous Commands and Features of VC This section explains the less-frequently-used features of VC.@menu* Change Logs and VC:: Generating a change log file from log entries.* Renaming and VC:: A command to rename both the source and master file correctly.* Version Headers:: Inserting version control headers into working files.@end menu@node Change Logs and VC@subsubsection Change Logs and VC If you use RCS or CVS for a program and also maintain a change logfile for it (@pxref{Change Log}), you can generate change log entriesautomatically from the version control log entries:@table @kbd@item C-x v a@kindex C-x v a@findex vc-update-change-logVisit the current directory's change log file and, for registered filesin that directory, create new entries for versions checked in since themost recent entry in the change log file.(@code{vc-update-change-log}).This command works with RCS or CVS only, not with SCCS.@item C-u C-x v aAs above, but only find entries for the current buffer's file.@item M-1 C-x v aAs above, but find entries for all the currently visited files that aremaintained with version control. This works only with RCS, and it putsall entries in the log for the default directory, which may not beappropriate.@end table For example, suppose the first line of @file{ChangeLog} is dated1999-04-10, and that the only check-in since then was by NathanielBowditch to @file{rcs2log} on 1999-05-22 with log text @samp{Ignore logmessages that start with `#'.}. Then @kbd{C-x v a} visits@file{ChangeLog} and inserts text like this:@iftex@medbreak@end iftex@smallexample@group1999-05-22 Nathaniel Bowditch <nat@@apn.org> * rcs2log: Ignore log messages that start with `#'.@end group@end smallexample@iftex@medbreak@end iftex@noindentYou can then edit the new change log entry further as you wish. Some of the new change log entries may duplicate what's already inChangeLog. You will have to remove these duplicates by hand. Normally, the log entry for file @file{foo} is displayed as @samp{*foo: @var{text of log entry}}. The @samp{:} after @file{foo} is omittedif the text of the log entry starts with @w{@samp{(@var{functionname}):}}. For example, if the log entry for @file{vc.el} is@samp{(vc-do-command): Check call-process status.}, then the text in@file{ChangeLog} looks like this:@iftex@medbreak@end iftex@smallexample@group1999-05-06 Nathaniel Bowditch <nat@@apn.org> * vc.el (vc-do-command): Check call-process status.@end group@end smallexample@iftex@medbreak@end iftex When @kbd{C-x v a} adds several change log entries at once, it groupsrelated log entries together if they all are checked in by the sameauthor at nearly the same time. If the log entries for several suchfiles all have the same text, it coalesces them into a single entry.For example, suppose the most recent check-ins have the following logentries:@flushleft@bullet{} For @file{vc.texinfo}: @samp{Fix expansion typos.}@bullet{} For @file{vc.el}: @samp{Don't call expand-file-name.}@bullet{} For @file{vc-hooks.el}: @samp{Don't call expand-file-name.}@end flushleft@noindentThey appear like this in @file{ChangeLog}:@iftex@medbreak@end iftex@smallexample@group1999-04-01 Nathaniel Bowditch <nat@@apn.org> * vc.texinfo: Fix expansion typos. * vc.el, vc-hooks.el: Don't call expand-file-name.@end group@end smallexample@iftex@medbreak@end iftex Normally, @kbd{C-x v a} separates log entries by a blank line, but youcan mark several related log entries to be clumped together (without anintervening blank line) by starting the text of each related log entrywith a label of the form @w{@samp{@{@var{clumpname}@} }}. The labelitself is not copied to @file{ChangeLog}. For example, suppose the logentries are:@flushleft@bullet{} For @file{vc.texinfo}: @samp{@{expand@} Fix expansion typos.}@bullet{} For @file{vc.el}: @samp{@{expand@} Don't call expand-file-name.}@bullet{} For @file{vc-hooks.el}: @samp{@{expand@} Don't call expand-file-name.}@end flushleft@noindentThen the text in @file{ChangeLog} looks like this:@iftex@medbreak@end iftex@smallexample@group1999-04-01 Nathaniel Bowditch <nat@@apn.org> * vc.texinfo: Fix expansion typos. * vc.el, vc-hooks.el: Don't call expand-file-name.@end group@end smallexample@iftex@medbreak@end iftex A log entry whose text begins with @samp{#} is not copied to@file{ChangeLog}. For example, if you merely fix some misspellings incomments, you can log the change with an entry beginning with @samp{#}to avoid putting such trivia into @file{ChangeLog}.@node Renaming and VC@subsubsection Renaming VC Work Files and Master Files@findex vc-rename-file When you rename a registered file, you must also rename its masterfile correspondingly to get proper results. Use @code{vc-rename-file}to rename the source file as you specify, and rename its master fileaccordingly. It also updates any snapshots (@pxref{Snapshots}) thatmention the file, so that they use the new name; despite this, thesnapshot thus modified may not completely work (@pxref{SnapshotCaveats}). You cannot use @code{vc-rename-file} on a file that is locked bysomeone else.@node Version Headers@subsubsection Inserting Version Control Headers Sometimes it is convenient to put version identification stringsdirectly into working files. Certain special strings called@dfn{version headers} are replaced in each successive version by thenumber of that version. If you are using RCS, and version headers are present in your workingfiles, Emacs can use them to determine the current version and thelocking state of the files. This is more reliable than referring to themaster files, which is done when there are no version headers. Notethat in a multi-branch environment, version headers are necessary tomake VC behave correctly (@pxref{Multi-User Branching}). Searching for version headers is controlled by the variable@code{vc-consult-headers}. If it is non-@code{nil} (the default),Emacs searches for headers to determine the version number you areediting. Setting it to @code{nil} disables this feature.@kindex C-x v h@findex vc-insert-headers You can use the @kbd{C-x v h} command (@code{vc-insert-headers}) toinsert a suitable header string.@table @kbd@item C-x v hInsert headers in a file for use with your version-control system.@end table@vindex vc-header-alist The default header string is @samp{@w{$}Id$} for RCS and@samp{@w{%}W%} for SCCS. You can specify other headers to insert bysetting the variable @code{vc-header-alist}. Its value is a list ofelements of the form @code{(@var{program} . @var{string})} where@var{program} is @code{RCS} or @code{SCCS} and @var{string} is thestring to use. Instead of a single string, you can specify a list of strings; theneach string in the list is inserted as a separate header on a line ofits own. It is often necessary to use ``superfluous'' backslashes whenwriting the strings that you put in this variable. For instance, youmight write @code{"$Id\$"} rather than @code{"$Id@w{$}"}. The extrabackslash prevents the string constant from being interpreted as aheader, if the Emacs Lisp file containing it is maintained withversion control.@vindex vc-comment-alist Each header is inserted surrounded by tabs, inside comment delimiters,on a new line at point. Normally the ordinary commentstart and comment end strings of the current mode are used, but forcertain modes, there are special comment delimiters for this purpose;the variable @code{vc-comment-alist} specifies them. Each element ofthis list has the form @code{(@var{mode} @var{starter} @var{ender})}.@vindex vc-static-header-alist The variable @code{vc-static-header-alist} specifies further stringsto add based on the name of the buffer. Its value should be a list ofelements of the form @code{(@var{regexp} . @var{format})}. Whenever@var{regexp} matches the buffer name, @var{format} is inserted as partof the header. A header line is inserted for each element that matchesthe buffer name, and for each string specified by@code{vc-header-alist}. The header line is made by processing thestring from @code{vc-header-alist} with the format taken from theelement. The default value for @code{vc-static-header-alist} is as follows:@example@group(("\\.c$" . "\n#ifndef lint\nstatic char vcid[] = \"\%s\";\n\#endif /* lint */\n"))@end group@end example@noindentIt specifies insertion of text of this form:@example@group#ifndef lintstatic char vcid[] = "@var{string}";#endif /* lint */@end group@end example@noindentNote that the text above starts with a blank line. If you use more than one version header in a file, put them closetogether in the file. The mechanism in @code{revert-buffer} thatpreserves markers may not handle markers positioned between two versionheaders.@node Customizing VC@subsection Customizing VC@vindex vc-handled-backendsThe variable @code{vc-handled-backends} determines which versioncontrol systems VC should handle. The default value is @code{(RCS CVSSCCS)}, so it contains all three version systems that are currentlysupported. If you want VC to ignore one or more of these systems,exclude its name from the list. To disable VC entirely, set thisvariable to @code{nil}.The order of systems in the list is significant: when you visit a fileregistered in more than one system (@pxref{Local Version Control}),VC uses the system that comes first in @code{vc-handled-backends} bydefault. The order is also significant when you register a file forthe first time, @pxref{Registering} for details.@menu* General VC Options:: Options that apply to multiple back ends.* RCS and SCCS:: Options for RCS and SCCS.* CVS Options:: Options for CVS.@end menu@node General VC Options@subsubsection General Options@vindex vc-make-backup-files Emacs normally does not save backup files for source files that aremaintained with version control. If you want to make backup files evenfor files that use version control, set the variable@code{vc-make-backup-files} to a non-@code{nil} value.@vindex vc-keep-workfiles Normally the work file exists all the time, whether it is locked ornot. If you set @code{vc-keep-workfiles} to @code{nil}, then checkingin a new version with @kbd{C-x v v} deletes the work file; but anyattempt to visit the file with Emacs creates it again. (With CVS, workfiles are always kept.)@vindex vc-follow-symlinks Editing a version-controlled file through a symbolic link can bedangerous. It bypasses the version control system---you can edit thefile without locking it, and fail to check your changes in. Also,your changes might overwrite those of another user. To protect againstthis, VC checks each symbolic link that you visit, to see if it pointsto a file under version control. The variable @code{vc-follow-symlinks} controls what to do when asymbolic link points to a version-controlled file. If it is @code{nil},VC only displays a warning message. If it is @code{t}, VC automaticallyfollows the link, and visits the real file instead, telling you aboutthis in the echo area. If the value is @code{ask} (the default), VCasks you each time whether to follow the link.@vindex vc-suppress-confirm If @code{vc-suppress-confirm} is non-@code{nil}, then @kbd{C-x v v}and @kbd{C-x v i} can save the current buffer without asking, and@kbd{C-x v u} also operates without asking for confirmation. (Thisvariable does not affect @kbd{C-x v c}; that operation is so drasticthat it should always ask for confirmation.)@vindex vc-command-messages VC mode does much of its work by running the shell commands for RCS,CVS and SCCS. If @code{vc-command-messages} is non-@code{nil}, VCdisplays messages to indicate which shell commands it runs, andadditional messages when the commands finish.@vindex vc-path You can specify additional directories to search for version controlprograms by setting the variable @code{vc-path}. These directoriesare searched before the usual search path. It is rarely necessary toset this variable, because VC normally finds the proper filesautomatically.@node RCS and SCCS@subsubsection Options for RCS and SCCS@cindex non-strict locking (RCS)@cindex locking, non-strict (RCS) By default, RCS uses locking to coordinate the activities of severalusers, but there is a mode called @dfn{non-strict locking} in whichyou can check-in changes without locking the file first. Use@samp{rcs -U} to switch to non-strict locking for a particular file,see the @code{rcs} manual page for details. When deducing the version control state of an RCS file, VC firstlooks for an RCS version header string in the file (@pxref{VersionHeaders}). If there is no header string, VC normally looks at thefile permissions of the work file; this is fast. But there might besituations when the file permissions cannot be trusted. In this casethe master file has to be consulted, which is rather expensive. Alsothe master file can only tell you @emph{if} there's any lock on thefile, but not whether your work file really contains that lockedversion.@vindex vc-consult-headers You can tell VC not to use version headers to determine the filestatus by setting @code{vc-consult-headers} to @code{nil}. VC thenalways uses the file permissions (if it is supposed to trust them), orelse checks the master file.@vindex vc-mistrust-permissions You can specify the criterion for whether to trust the filepermissions by setting the variable @code{vc-mistrust-permissions}.Its value can be @code{t} (always mistrust the file permissions andcheck the master file), @code{nil} (always trust the filepermissions), or a function of one argument which makes the decision.The argument is the directory name of the @file{RCS} subdirectory. Anon-@code{nil} value from the function says to mistrust the filepermissions. If you find that the file permissions of work files arechanged erroneously, set @code{vc-mistrust-permissions} to @code{t}.Then VC always checks the master file to determine the file's status. VC determines the version control state of files under SCCS much aswith RCS. It does not consider SCCS version headers, though. Thus,the variable @code{vc-mistrust-permissions} affects SCCS use, but@code{vc-consult-headers} does not.@node CVS Options@subsubsection Options specific for CVS@cindex locking (CVS) By default, CVS does not use locking to coordinate the activities ofseveral users; anyone can change a work file at any time. However,there are ways to restrict this, resulting in behavior that resembleslocking.@cindex CVSREAD environment variable (CVS) For one thing, you can set the @env{CVSREAD} environment variable(the value you use makes no difference). If this variable is defined,CVS makes your work files read-only by default. In Emacs, you musttype @kbd{C-x v v} to make the file writable, so that editing worksin fact similar as if locking was used. Note however, that no actuallocking is performed, so several users can make their files writableat the same time. When setting @env{CVSREAD} for the first time, makesure to check out all your modules anew, so that the file protectionsare set correctly.@cindex cvs watch feature@cindex watching files (CVS) Another way to achieve something similar to locking is to use the@dfn{watch} feature of CVS. If a file is being watched, CVS makes itread-only by default, and you must also use @kbd{C-x v v} in Emacs tomake it writable. VC calls @code{cvs edit} to make the file writable,and CVS takes care to notify other developers of the fact that youintend to change the file. See the CVS documentation for details onusing the watch feature.@vindex vc-cvs-stay-local@cindex remote repositories (CVS) When a file's repository is on a remote machine, VC tries to keepnetwork interactions to a minimum. This is controlled by the variable@code{vc-cvs-stay-local}. If it is @code{t} (the default), then VC usesonly the entry in the local CVS subdirectory to determine the file'sstate (and possibly information returned by previous CVS commands). Oneconsequence of this is that when you have modified a file, and somebodyelse has already checked in other changes to the file, you are notnotified of it until you actually try to commit. (But you can try topick up any recent changes from the repository first, using @kbd{C-x v m@key{RET}}, @pxref{Merging}).@vindex vc-cvs-global-switches The variable @code{vc-cvs-global-switches} should be a stringspecifying switches to pass to CVS for all CVS operations. When @code{vc-cvs-stay-local} is @code{t}, VC also makes localversion backups, so that simple diff and revert operations arecompletely local (@pxref{Version Backups}). On the other hand, if you set @code{vc-cvs-stay-local} to @code{nil},then VC queries the remote repository @emph{before} it decides what todo in @code{vc-next-action} (@kbd{C-x v v}), just as it does for localrepositories. It also does not make any version backups. You can also set @code{vc-cvs-stay-local} to a regular expressionthat is matched against the repository host name; VC then stays localonly for repositories from hosts that match the pattern.@node Directories@section File Directories@cindex file directory@cindex directory listing The file system groups files into @dfn{directories}. A @dfn{directorylisting} is a list of all the files in a directory. Emacs providescommands to create and delete directories, and to make directorylistings in brief format (file names only) and verbose format (sizes,dates, and authors included). There is also a directory browser calledDired; see @ref{Dired}.@table @kbd@item C-x C-d @var{dir-or-pattern} @key{RET}Display a brief directory listing (@code{list-directory}).@item C-u C-x C-d @var{dir-or-pattern} @key{RET}Display a verbose directory listing.@item M-x make-directory @key{RET} @var{dirname} @key{RET}Create a new directory named @var{dirname}.@item M-x delete-directory @key{RET} @var{dirname} @key{RET}Delete the directory named @var{dirname}. It must be empty,or you get an error.@end table@findex list-directory@kindex C-x C-d The command to display a directory listing is @kbd{C-x C-d}(@code{list-directory}). It reads using the minibuffer a file namewhich is either a directory to be listed or a wildcard-containingpattern for the files to be listed. For example,@exampleC-x C-d /u2/emacs/etc @key{RET}@end example@noindentlists all the files in directory @file{/u2/emacs/etc}. Here is anexample of specifying a file name pattern:@exampleC-x C-d /u2/emacs/src/*.c @key{RET}@end example Normally, @kbd{C-x C-d} displays a brief directory listing containingjust file names. A numeric argument (regardless of value) tells it tomake a verbose listing including sizes, dates, and owners (like@samp{ls -l}).@vindex list-directory-brief-switches@vindex list-directory-verbose-switches The text of a directory listing is mostly obtained by running@code{ls} in an inferior process. Two Emacs variables control theswitches passed to @code{ls}: @code{list-directory-brief-switches} isa string giving the switches to use in brief listings (@code{"-CF"} bydefault), and @code{list-directory-verbose-switches} is a stringgiving the switches to use in a verbose listing (@code{"-l"} bydefault).@vindex directory-free-space-program@vindex directory-free-space-args Emacs adds information about the amount of free space on the diskthat contains the directory. To do this, it runs the programspecified by @code{directory-free-space-program} with arguments@code{directory-free-space-args}.@node Comparing Files@section Comparing Files@cindex comparing files@findex diff@vindex diff-switches The command @kbd{M-x diff} compares two files, displaying thedifferences in an Emacs buffer named @samp{*diff*}. It works byrunning the @code{diff} program, using options taken from the variable@code{diff-switches}. The value of @code{diff-switches} should be astring; the default is @code{"-c"} to specify a context diff. The buffer @samp{*diff*} has Compilation mode as its major mode, soyou can use @kbd{C-x `} to visit successive changed locations in the twosource files. You can also move to a particular hunk of changes andtype @key{RET} or @kbd{C-c C-c}, or click @kbd{Mouse-2} on it, to moveto the corresponding source location. You can also use the otherspecial commands of Compilation mode: @key{SPC} and @key{DEL} forscrolling, and @kbd{M-p} and @kbd{M-n} for cursor motion.@xref{Compilation}.@findex diff-backup The command @kbd{M-x diff-backup} compares a specified file with its mostrecent backup. If you specify the name of a backup file,@code{diff-backup} compares it with the source file that it is a backupof.@findex compare-windows The command @kbd{M-x compare-windows} compares the text in the currentwindow with that in the next window. Comparison starts at point in eachwindow, and each starting position is pushed on the mark ring in itsrespective buffer. Then point moves forward in each window, a characterat a time, until a mismatch between the two windows is reached. Thenthe command is finished. For more information about windows in Emacs,@ref{Windows}.@vindex compare-ignore-case With a numeric argument, @code{compare-windows} ignores changes inwhitespace. If the variable @code{compare-ignore-case} isnon-@code{nil}, it ignores differences in case as well.@findex diff-mode@cindex diffs@cindex patches@cindex Diff mode Differences between versions of files are often distributed as@dfn{patches}, which are the output from @command{diff} or a versioncontrol system that uses @command{diff}. @kbd{M-x diff-mode} turns onDiff mode, a major mode for viewing and editing patches, either as``unified diffs'' or ``context diffs.''@cindex Smerge mode@findex smerge-mode@cindex failed merges@cindex merges, failed@cindex comparing 3 files (@code{diff3}) You can use @kbd{M-x smerge-mode} to turn on Smerge mode, a minormode for editing output from the @command{diff3} program. This istypically the result of a failed merge from a version control system``update'' outside VC, due to conflicting changes to a file. Smergemode provides commands to resolve conflicts by selecting specificchanges. See also @ref{Emerge}, and @ref{Top,,, ediff, The Ediff Manual}, forconvenient facilities for merging two similar files.@node Misc File Ops@section Miscellaneous File Operations Emacs has commands for performing many other operations on files.All operate on one file; they do not accept wildcard file names.@findex view-file@cindex viewing@cindex View mode@cindex mode, View @kbd{M-x view-file} allows you to scan or read a file by sequentialscreenfuls. It reads a file name argument using the minibuffer. Afterreading the file into an Emacs buffer, @code{view-file} displays thebeginning. You can then type @key{SPC} to scroll forward one windowful,or @key{DEL} to scroll backward. Various other commands are providedfor moving around in the file, but none for changing it; type @kbd{?}while viewing for a list of them. They are mostly the same as normalEmacs cursor motion commands. To exit from viewing, type @kbd{q}.The commands for viewing are defined by a special major mode called Viewmode. A related command, @kbd{M-x view-buffer}, views a buffer already presentin Emacs. @xref{Misc Buffer}.@kindex C-x i@findex insert-file @kbd{M-x insert-file} (also @kbd{C-x i}) inserts a copy of thecontents of the specified file into the current buffer at point,leaving point unchanged before the contents and the mark after them.@findex write-region @kbd{M-x write-region} is the inverse of @kbd{M-x insert-file}; itcopies the contents of the region into the specified file. @kbd{M-xappend-to-file} adds the text of the region to the end of the specifiedfile. @xref{Accumulating Text}.@findex delete-file@cindex deletion (of files) @kbd{M-x delete-file} deletes the specified file, like the @code{rm}command in the shell. If you are deleting many files in one directory, itmay be more convenient to use Dired (@pxref{Dired}).@findex rename-file @kbd{M-x rename-file} reads two file names @var{old} and @var{new} usingthe minibuffer, then renames file @var{old} as @var{new}. If the file name@var{new} already exists, you must confirm with @kbd{yes} or renaming is notdone; this is because renaming causes the old meaning of the name @var{new}to be lost. If @var{old} and @var{new} are on different file systems, thefile @var{old} is copied and deleted.@findex add-name-to-file@cindex hard links (creation) The similar command @kbd{M-x add-name-to-file} is used to add anadditional name to an existing file without removing its old name.The new name is created as a ``hard link'' to the existing file.The new name must belong on the same file system that the file is on.On Windows, this command works only if the file resides in an NTFSfile system. On MS-DOS, it works by copying the file.@findex copy-file@cindex copying files @kbd{M-x copy-file} reads the file @var{old} and writes a new file named@var{new} with the same contents. Confirmation is required if a file named@var{new} already exists, because copying has the consequence of overwritingthe old contents of the file @var{new}.@findex make-symbolic-link@cindex symbolic links (creation) @kbd{M-x make-symbolic-link} reads two file names @var{target} and@var{linkname}, then creates a symbolic link named @var{linkname}, whichpoints at @var{target}. The effect is that future attempts to open file@var{linkname} will refer to whatever file is named @var{target} at thetime the opening is done, or will get an error if the name @var{target} isnot in use at that time. This command does not expand the argument@var{target}, so that it allows you to specify a relative nameas the target of the link. Confirmation is required when creating the link if @var{linkname} isin use. Note that not all systems support symbolic links; on systemsthat don't support them, this command is not defined.@node Compressed Files@section Accessing Compressed Files@cindex compression@cindex uncompression@cindex Auto Compression mode@cindex mode, Auto Compression@pindex gzip@findex auto-compression-mode@vindex auto-compression-mode Emacs comes with a library that can automatically uncompresscompressed files when you visit them, and automatically recompress themif you alter them and save them. To enable this feature, type thecommand @kbd{M-x auto-compression-mode}. You can enable it permanentlyby customizing the option @code{auto-compression-mode}. When automatic compression (which implies automatic uncompression aswell) is enabled, Emacs recognizes compressed files by their file names.File names ending in @samp{.gz} indicate a file compressed with@code{gzip}. Other endings indicate other compression programs. Automatic uncompression and compression apply to all the operations inwhich Emacs uses the contents of a file. This includes visiting it,saving it, inserting its contents into a buffer, loading it, and bytecompiling it.@node File Archives@section File Archives@cindex mode, tar@cindex Tar mode@cindex file archives A file whose name ends in @samp{.tar} is normally an @dfn{archive}made by the @code{tar} program. Emacs views these files in a specialmode called Tar mode which provides a Dired-like list of the contents(@pxref{Dired}). You can move around through the list just as youwould in Dired, and visit the subfiles contained in the archive.However, not all Dired commands are available in Tar mode. If you enable Auto Compression mode (@pxref{Compressed Files}), thenTar mode is used also for compressed archives---files with extensions@samp{.tgz}, @code{.tar.Z} and @code{.tar.gz}. The keys @kbd{e}, @kbd{f} and @key{RET} all extract a component fileinto its own buffer. You can edit it there and when you save the bufferthe edited version will replace the version in the Tar buffer. @kbd{v}extracts a file into a buffer in View mode. @kbd{o} extracts the fileand displays it in another window, so you could edit the file andoperate on the archive simultaneously. @kbd{d} marks a file fordeletion when you later use @kbd{x}, and @kbd{u} unmarks a file, as inDired. @kbd{C} copies a file from the archive to disk and @kbd{R}renames a file. @kbd{g} reverts the buffer from the archive on disk. The keys @kbd{M}, @kbd{G}, and @kbd{O} change the file's permissionbits, group, and owner, respectively. If your display supports colors and the mouse, moving the mousepointer across a file name highlights that file name, indicating thatyou can click on it. Clicking @kbd{Mouse-2} on the highlighted filename extracts the file into a buffer and displays that buffer. Saving the Tar buffer writes a new version of the archive to disk withthe changes you made to the components. You don't need the @code{tar} program to use Tar mode---Emacs readsthe archives directly. However, accessing compressed archivesrequires the appropriate uncompression program.@cindex Archive mode@cindex mode, archive@cindex @code{arc}@cindex @code{jar}@cindex @code{zip}@cindex @code{lzh}@cindex @code{zoo}@pindex arc@pindex jar@pindex zip@pindex lzh@pindex zoo@cindex Java class archives@cindex unzip archives A separate but similar Archive mode is used for archives produced bythe programs @code{arc}, @code{jar}, @code{lzh}, @code{zip}, and@code{zoo}, which have extensions corresponding to the program names. The key bindings of Archive mode are similar to those in Tar mode,with the addition of the @kbd{m} key which marks a file for subsequentoperations, and @kbd{M-@key{DEL}} which unmarks all the marked files.Also, the @kbd{a} key toggles the display of detailed fileinformation, for those archive types where it won't fit in a singleline. Operations such as renaming a subfile, or changing its mode orowner, are supported only for some of the archive formats. Unlike Tar mode, Archive mode runs the archiving program to unpackand repack archives. Details of the program names and their optionscan be set in the @samp{Archive} Customize group. However, you don'tneed these programs to look at the archive table of contents, only toextract or manipulate the subfiles in the archive.@node Remote Files@section Remote Files@cindex Tramp@cindex FTP@cindex remote file access You can refer to files on other machines using a special file namesyntax:@example@group/@var{host}:@var{filename}/@var{user}@@@var{host}:@var{filename}/@var{user}@@@var{host}#@var{port}:@var{filename}/@var{method}:@var{user}@@@var{host}:@var{filename}/@var{method}:@var{user}@@@var{host}#@var{port}:@var{filename}@end group@end example@noindentWhen you do this, Emacs may use the FTP program to access files on theremote host, or Emacs may use a remote-login program (such as@command{ssh}, @command{rlogin}, or @command{telnet}) to do this.You can always specify in the file name which method should be used toaccess the remote files, for example@file{/ftp:@var{user}@@@var{host}:@var{filename}} uses FTP, whereas@file{/ssh:@var{user}@@@var{host}:@var{filename}} uses @command{ssh}.When you don't specify a method in the file name, Emacs determines adefault method according to the following rules:@enumerate@itemIf the host name starts with @samp{ftp.} (with dot), then Emacs assumesthe @command{ftp} method.@itemIf the user name is @samp{ftp} or @samp{anonymous}, then Emacs assumesthe @command{ftp} method.@itemOtherwise, Emacs assumes the @command{ssh} method.@end enumerate@noindentRemote file access through FTP is handled by the Ange-FTP package, whichis documented in the following. Remote file access through the othermethods is handled by the Tramp package, which has its own manual.@xref{Top, The Tramp Manual,, tramp, The Tramp Manual}.When the Ange-FTP package is used, Emacs logs in through FTP using youruser name or the name @var{user}. It may ask you for a password fromtime to time; this is used for logging in on @var{host}. The form using@var{port} allows you to access servers running on a non-default TCPport.@cindex backups for remote files@vindex ange-ftp-make-backup-files If you want to disable backups for remote files, set the variable@code{ange-ftp-make-backup-files} to @code{nil}. By default, the auto-save files (@pxref{Auto Save Files}) for remotefiles are made in the temporary file directory on the local machine.This is achieved using the variable @code{auto-save-file-name-transforms}.@cindex ange-ftp@vindex ange-ftp-default-user@cindex user name for remote file access Normally, if you do not specify a user name in a remote file name,that means to use your own user name. But if you set the variable@code{ange-ftp-default-user} to a string, that string is used instead.(The Emacs package that implements FTP file access is called@code{ange-ftp}.)@cindex anonymous FTP@vindex ange-ftp-generate-anonymous-password To visit files accessible by anonymous FTP, you use special usernames @samp{anonymous} or @samp{ftp}. Passwords for these user namesare handled specially. The variable@code{ange-ftp-generate-anonymous-password} controls what happens: ifthe value of this variable is a string, then that string is used asthe password; if non-@code{nil} (the default), then the value of@code{user-mail-address} is used; if @code{nil}, the user is promptedfor a password as normal.@cindex firewall, and accessing remote files@cindex gateway, and remote file access with @code{ange-ftp}@vindex ange-ftp-smart-gateway@vindex ange-ftp-gateway-host Sometimes you may be unable to access files on a remote machinebecause a @dfn{firewall} in between blocks the connection for securityreasons. If you can log in on a @dfn{gateway} machine from which thetarget files @emph{are} accessible, and whose FTP server supportsgatewaying features, you can still use remote file names; all you haveto do is specify the name of the gateway machine by setting thevariable @code{ange-ftp-gateway-host}, and set@code{ange-ftp-smart-gateway} to @code{t}. Otherwise you may be ableto make remote file names work, but the procedure is complex. You canread the instructions by typing @kbd{M-x finder-commentary @key{RET}ange-ftp @key{RET}}.@vindex file-name-handler-alist@cindex disabling remote files You can entirely turn off the FTP file name feature by removing theentries @code{ange-ftp-completion-hook-function} and@code{ange-ftp-hook-function} from the variable@code{file-name-handler-alist}. You can turn off the feature inindividual cases by quoting the file name with @samp{/:} (@pxref{QuotedFile Names}).@node Quoted File Names@section Quoted File Names@cindex quoting file names You can @dfn{quote} an absolute file name to prevent specialcharacters and syntax in it from having their special effects.The way to do this is to add @samp{/:} at the beginning. For example, you can quote a local file name which appears remote, toprevent it from being treated as a remote file name. Thus, if you havea directory named @file{/foo:} and a file named @file{bar} in it, youcan refer to that file in Emacs as @samp{/:/foo:/bar}. @samp{/:} can also prevent @samp{~} from being treated as a specialcharacter for a user's home directory. For example, @file{/:/tmp/~hack}refers to a file whose name is @file{~hack} in directory @file{/tmp}. Quoting with @samp{/:} is also a way to enter in the minibuffer afile name that contains @samp{$}. In order for this to work, the@samp{/:} must be at the beginning of the minibuffer contents. (Youcan also double each @samp{$}; see @ref{File Names with $}.) You can also quote wildcard characters with @samp{/:}, for visiting.For example, @file{/:/tmp/foo*bar} visits the file@file{/tmp/foo*bar}. Another method of getting the same result is to enter@file{/tmp/foo[*]bar}, which is a wildcard specification that matchesonly @file{/tmp/foo*bar}. However, in many cases there is no need toquote the wildcard characters because even unquoted they give theright result. For example, if the only file name in @file{/tmp} thatstarts with @samp{foo} and ends with @samp{bar} is @file{foo*bar},then specifying @file{/tmp/foo*bar} will visit only@file{/tmp/foo*bar}.@node File Name Cache@section File Name Cache@cindex file name caching@cindex cache of file names@pindex find@kindex C-@key{TAB}@findex file-cache-minibuffer-complete You can use the @dfn{file name cache} to make it easy to locate afile by name, without having to remember exactly where it is located.When typing a file name in the minibuffer, @kbd{C-@key{tab}}(@code{file-cache-minibuffer-complete}) completes it using the filename cache. If you repeat @kbd{C-@key{tab}}, that cycles through thepossible completions of what you had originally typed. Note that the@kbd{C-@key{tab}} character cannot be typed on most text-onlyterminals. The file name cache does not fill up automatically. Instead, youload file names into the cache using these commands:@findex file-cache-add-directory@table @kbd@item M-x file-cache-add-directory @key{RET} @var{directory} @key{RET}Add each file name in @var{directory} to the file name cache.@item M-x file-cache-add-directory-using-find @key{RET} @var{directory} @key{RET}Add each file name in @var{directory} and all of its nestedsubdirectories to the file name cache.@item M-x file-cache-add-directory-using-locate @key{RET} @var{directory} @key{RET}Add each file name in @var{directory} and all of its nestedsubdirectories to the file name cache, using @command{locate} to findthem all.@item M-x file-cache-add-directory-list @key{RET} @var{variable} @key{RET}Add each file name in each directory listed in @var{variable}to the file name cache. @var{variable} should be a Lisp variablesuch as @code{load-path} or @code{exec-path}, whose value is a listof directory names.@item M-x file-cache-clear-cache @key{RET}Clear the cache; that is, remove all file names from it.@end table@node File Conveniences@section Convenience Features for Finding Files@findex recentf-mode@vindex recentf-mode@findex recentf-save-list@findex recentf-edit-list If you enable Recentf mode, with @kbd{M-x recentf-mode}, the@samp{File} menu includes a submenu containing a list of recentlyopened files. @kbd{M-x recentf-save-list} saves the current@code{recent-file-list} to a file, and @kbd{M-x recentf-edit-list}edits it.@findex auto-image-file-mode@findex mode, auto-image-file@cindex images, visiting@cindex visiting image files@vindex image-file-name-regexps@vindex image-file-name-extensions When Auto-image-file minor mode is enabled, visiting an image filedisplays it as an image, not as text. Likewise, inserting an imagefile into a buffer inserts it as an image. This works only when Emacscan display the relevant image type. The variables@code{image-file-name-extensions} or @code{image-file-name-regexps}control which file names are recognized as containing images. The @kbd{M-x ffap} command generalizes @code{find-file} with morepowerful heuristic defaults (@pxref{FFAP}), often based on the text atpoint. Partial Completion mode offers other features extending@code{find-file}, which can be used with @code{ffap}.@xref{Completion Options}.@ignore arch-tag: 768d32cb-e15a-4cc1-b7bf-62c00ee12250@end ignore