;;; calc-misc.el --- miscellaneous functions for Calc;; Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004;; 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.;; Author: David Gillespie <daveg@synaptics.com>;; Maintainer: Jay Belanger <belanger@truman.edu>;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option);; any later version.;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the;; GNU General Public License for more details.;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.;;; Commentary:;;; Code:;; This file is autoloaded from calc.el.(require 'calc)(require 'calc-macs)(defun calc-dispatch-help (arg) "C-x* is a prefix key sequence; follow it with one of these letters:For turning Calc on and off: C calc. Start the Calculator in a window at the bottom of the screen. O calc-other-window. Start the Calculator but don't select its window. B calc-big-or-small. Control whether to use the full Emacs screen for Calc. Q quick-calc. Use the Calculator in the minibuffer. K calc-keypad. Start the Calculator in keypad mode (X window system only). E calc-embedded. Use the Calculator on a formula in this editing buffer. J calc-embedded-select. Like E, but select appropriate half of => or :=. W calc-embedded-word. Like E, but activate a single word, i.e., a number. Z calc-user-invocation. Invoke Calc in the way you defined with `Z I' cmd. X calc-quit. Turn Calc off.For moving data into and out of Calc: G calc-grab-region. Grab the region defined by mark and point into Calc. R calc-grab-rectangle. Grab the rectangle defined by mark, point into Calc. : calc-grab-sum-down. Grab a rectangle and sum the columns. _ calc-grab-sum-across. Grab a rectangle and sum the rows. Y calc-copy-to-buffer. Copy a value from the stack into the editing buffer.For use with Embedded mode: A calc-embedded-activate. Find and activate all :='s and =>'s in buffer. D calc-embedded-duplicate. Make a copy of this formula and select it. F calc-embedded-new-formula. Insert a new formula at current point. N calc-embedded-next. Advance cursor to next known formula in buffer. P calc-embedded-previous. Advance cursor to previous known formula. U calc-embedded-update-formula. Re-evaluate formula at point. ` calc-embedded-edit. Use calc-edit to edit formula at point.Documentation: I calc-info. Read the Calculator manual in the Emacs Info system. T calc-tutorial. Run the Calculator Tutorial using the Emacs Info system. S calc-summary. Read the Summary from the Calculator manual in Info.Miscellaneous: L calc-load-everything. Load all parts of the Calculator into memory. M read-kbd-macro. Read a region of keystroke names as a keyboard macro. 0 (zero) calc-reset. Reset Calc stack and modes to default state.Press `*' twice (`C-x * *') to turn Calc on or off using the sameCalc user interface as before (either C-x * C or C-x * K; initially C-x * C)." (interactive "P") (calc-check-defines) (if calc-dispatch-help (progn (save-window-excursion (describe-function 'calc-dispatch-help) (let ((win (get-buffer-window "*Help*"))) (if win (let (key) (select-window win) (while (progn (message "Calc options: Calc, Keypad, ... %s" "press SPC, DEL to scroll, C-g to cancel") (memq (car (setq key (calc-read-key t))) '(? ?\C-h ?\C-? ?\C-v ?\M-v))) (condition-case err (if (memq (car key) '(? ?\C-v)) (scroll-up) (scroll-down)) (error (beep)))) (calc-unread-command (cdr key)))))) (calc-do-dispatch nil)) (let ((calc-dispatch-help t)) (calc-do-dispatch arg))))(defun calc-big-or-small (arg) "Toggle Calc between full-screen and regular mode." (interactive "P") (let ((cwin (get-buffer-window "*Calculator*")) (twin (get-buffer-window "*Calc Trail*")) (kwin (get-buffer-window "*Calc Keypad*"))) (if cwin (setq calc-full-mode (if kwin (and twin (eq (window-width twin) (frame-width))) (eq (window-height cwin) (1- (frame-height)))))) (setq calc-full-mode (if arg (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0) (not calc-full-mode))) (if kwin (progn (calc-quit) (calc-do-keypad calc-full-mode nil)) (if cwin (progn (calc-quit) (calc nil calc-full-mode nil)))) (message (if calc-full-mode "Now using full screen for Calc" "Now using partial screen for Calc"))))(defun calc-other-window (&optional interactive) "Invoke the Calculator in another window." (interactive "p") (if (memq major-mode '(calc-mode calc-trail-mode)) (progn (other-window 1) (if (memq major-mode '(calc-mode calc-trail-mode)) (other-window 1))) (if (get-buffer-window "*Calculator*") (calc-quit) (let ((win (selected-window))) (calc nil win interactive)))))(defun another-calc () "Create another, independent Calculator buffer." (interactive) (if (eq major-mode 'calc-mode) (mapcar (function (lambda (v) (set-default v (symbol-value v)))) calc-local-var-list)) (set-buffer (generate-new-buffer "*Calculator*")) (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer)) (calc-mode))(defun calc-info () "Run the Emacs Info system on the Calculator documentation." (interactive) (select-window (get-largest-window)) (info "Calc"))(defun calc-info-goto-node (node) "Go to a node in the Calculator info documentation." (interactive) (select-window (get-largest-window)) (info (concat "(Calc)" node)))(defun calc-tutorial () "Run the Emacs Info system on the Calculator Tutorial." (interactive) (if (get-buffer-window "*Calculator*") (calc-quit)) (calc-info-goto-node "Interactive Tutorial") (calc-other-window) (message "Welcome to the Calc Tutorial!"))(defun calc-info-summary () "Run the Emacs Info system on the Calculator Summary." (interactive) (calc-info-goto-node "Summary"))(defun calc-help () (interactive) (let ((msgs (append '("Press `h' for complete help; press `?' repeatedly for a summary" "Letter keys: Negate; Precision; Yank; Why; Xtended cmd; Quit" "Letter keys: SHIFT + Undo, reDo; Keep-args; Inverse, Hyperbolic" "Letter keys: SHIFT + sQrt; Sin, Cos, Tan; Exp, Ln, logB" "Letter keys: SHIFT + Floor, Round; Abs, conJ, arG; Pi" "Letter keys: SHIFT + Num-eval; More-recn; eXec-kbd-macro" "Other keys: +, -, *, /, ^, \\ (int div), : (frac div)" "Other keys: & (1/x), | (concat), % (modulo), ! (factorial)" "Other keys: ' (alg-entry), = (eval), ` (edit); M-RET (last-args)" "Other keys: SPC/RET (enter/dup), LFD (over); < > (scroll horiz)" "Other keys: DEL (drop), M-DEL (drop-above); { } (scroll vert)" "Other keys: TAB (swap/roll-dn), M-TAB (roll-up)" "Other keys: [ , ; ] (vector), ( , ) (complex), ( ; ) (polar)" "Prefix keys: Algebra, Binary/business, Convert, Display" "Prefix keys: Functions, Graphics, Help, J (select)" "Prefix keys: Kombinatorics/statistics, Modes, Store/recall" "Prefix keys: Trail/time, Units/statistics, Vector/matrix" "Prefix keys: Z (user), SHIFT + Z (define)" "Prefix keys: prefix + ? gives further help for that prefix") (list (format " Calc %s by Dave Gillespie, daveg@synaptics.com" calc-version))))) (if calc-full-help-flag msgs (if (or calc-inverse-flag calc-hyperbolic-flag) (if calc-inverse-flag (if calc-hyperbolic-flag (calc-inv-hyp-prefix-help) (calc-inverse-prefix-help)) (calc-hyperbolic-prefix-help)) (setq calc-help-phase (if (eq this-command last-command) (% (1+ calc-help-phase) (1+ (length msgs))) 0)) (let ((msg (nth calc-help-phase msgs))) (message "%s" (if msg (concat msg ":" (make-string (- (apply 'max (mapcar 'length msgs)) (length msg)) 32) " [?=MORE]") "")))))));;;; Stack and buffer management.;; The variable calc-last-why-command is set in calc-do-handly-whys;; and used in calc-why (in calc-stuff.el).(defvar calc-last-why-command)(defun calc-do-handle-whys () (setq calc-why (sort calc-next-why (function (lambda (x y) (and (eq (car x) '*) (not (eq (car y) '*)))))) calc-next-why nil) (if (and calc-why (or (eq calc-auto-why t) (and (eq (car (car calc-why)) '*) calc-auto-why))) (progn (require 'calc-ext) (calc-explain-why (car calc-why) (if (eq calc-auto-why t) (cdr calc-why) (if calc-auto-why (eq (car (nth 1 calc-why)) '*)))) (setq calc-last-why-command this-command) (calc-clear-command-flag 'clear-message))))(defun calc-record-why (&rest stuff) (if (eq (car stuff) 'quiet) (setq stuff (cdr stuff)) (if (and (symbolp (car stuff)) (cdr stuff) (or (Math-objectp (nth 1 stuff)) (and (Math-vectorp (nth 1 stuff)) (math-constp (nth 1 stuff))) (math-infinitep (nth 1 stuff)))) (setq stuff (cons '* stuff)) (if (and (stringp (car stuff)) (string-match "\\`\\*" (car stuff))) (setq stuff (cons '* (cons (substring (car stuff) 1) (cdr stuff))))))) (setq calc-next-why (cons stuff calc-next-why)) nil);;; True if A is a constant or vector of constants. [P x] [Public](defun math-constp (a) (or (Math-scalarp a) (and (memq (car a) '(sdev intv mod vec)) (progn (while (and (setq a (cdr a)) (or (Math-scalarp (car a)) ; optimization (math-constp (car a))))) (null a)))))(defun calc-roll-down-stack (n &optional m) (if (< n 0) (calc-roll-up-stack (- n) m) (if (or (= n 0) (> n (calc-stack-size))) (setq n (calc-stack-size))) (or m (setq m 1)) (and (> n 1) (< m n) (if (and calc-any-selections (not calc-use-selections)) (calc-roll-down-with-selections n m) (calc-pop-push-list n (append (calc-top-list m 1) (calc-top-list (- n m) (1+ m))))))))(defun calc-roll-up-stack (n &optional m) (if (< n 0) (calc-roll-down-stack (- n) m) (if (or (= n 0) (> n (calc-stack-size))) (setq n (calc-stack-size))) (or m (setq m 1)) (and (> n 1) (< m n) (if (and calc-any-selections (not calc-use-selections)) (calc-roll-up-with-selections n m) (calc-pop-push-list n (append (calc-top-list (- n m) 1) (calc-top-list m (- n m -1))))))))(defun calc-do-refresh () (if calc-hyperbolic-flag (progn (setq calc-display-dirty t) nil) (calc-refresh) t))(defun calc-record-list (vals &optional prefix) (while vals (or (eq (car vals) 'top-of-stack) (progn (calc-record (car vals) prefix) (setq prefix "..."))) (setq vals (cdr vals))))(defun calc-last-args-stub (arg) (interactive "p") (require 'calc-ext) (calc-last-args arg))(defun calc-power (arg) (interactive "P") (calc-slow-wrapper (if (and (featurep 'calc-ext) (calc-is-inverse)) (calc-binary-op "root" 'calcFunc-nroot arg nil nil) (calc-binary-op "^" 'calcFunc-pow arg nil nil '^))))(defun calc-mod (arg) (interactive "P") (calc-slow-wrapper (calc-binary-op "%" 'calcFunc-mod arg nil nil '%)))(defun calc-inv (arg) (interactive "P") (calc-slow-wrapper (calc-unary-op "inv" 'calcFunc-inv arg)))(defun calc-percent () (interactive) (calc-slow-wrapper (calc-pop-push-record-list 1 "%" (list (list 'calcFunc-percent (calc-top-n 1))))))(defun calc-over (n) (interactive "P") (if n (calc-enter (- (prefix-numeric-value n))) (calc-enter -2)))(defun calc-pop-above (n) (interactive "P") (if n (calc-pop (- (prefix-numeric-value n))) (calc-pop -2)))(defun calc-roll-down (n) (interactive "P") (calc-wrapper (let ((nn (prefix-numeric-value n))) (cond ((null n) (calc-roll-down-stack 2)) ((> nn 0) (calc-roll-down-stack nn)) ((= nn 0) (calc-pop-push-list (calc-stack-size) (reverse (calc-top-list (calc-stack-size))))) (t (calc-roll-down-stack (calc-stack-size) (- nn)))))))(defun calc-roll-up (n) (interactive "P") (calc-wrapper (let ((nn (prefix-numeric-value n))) (cond ((null n) (calc-roll-up-stack 3)) ((> nn 0) (calc-roll-up-stack nn)) ((= nn 0) (calc-pop-push-list (calc-stack-size) (reverse (calc-top-list (calc-stack-size))))) (t (calc-roll-up-stack (calc-stack-size) (- nn)))))));;; Other commands.(defun calc-num-prefix-name (n) (cond ((eq n '-) "- ") ((equal n '(4)) "C-u ") ((consp n) (format "%d " (car n))) ((integerp n) (format "%d " n)) (t "")))(defun calc-missing-key (n) "This is a placeholder for a command which needs to be loaded from calc-ext.When this key is used, calc-ext (the Calculator extensions module) will beloaded and the keystroke automatically re-typed." (interactive "P") (require 'calc-ext) (if (keymapp (key-binding (char-to-string last-command-char))) (message "%s%c-" (calc-num-prefix-name n) last-command-char)) (calc-unread-command) (setq prefix-arg n))(defun calc-shift-Y-prefix-help () (interactive) (require 'calc-ext) (calc-do-prefix-help calc-Y-help-msgs "other" ?Y))(defun calcDigit-letter () (interactive) (if (calc-minibuffer-contains "[-+]?\\(1[1-9]\\|[2-9][0-9]\\)#.*") (progn (setq last-command-char (upcase last-command-char)) (calcDigit-key)) (calcDigit-nondigit)));; A Lisp version of temp_minibuffer_message from minibuf.c.(defun calc-temp-minibuffer-message (m) (let ((savemax (point-max))) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (insert m)) (let ((okay nil)) (unwind-protect (progn (sit-for 2) (identity 1) ; this forces a call to QUIT; in bytecode.c. (setq okay t)) (progn (delete-region savemax (point-max)) (or okay (abort-recursive-edit)))))))(put 'math-with-extra-prec 'lisp-indent-hook 1);;; Concatenate two vectors, or a vector and an object. [V O O] [Public](defun math-concat (v1 v2) (if (stringp v1) (concat v1 v2) (require 'calc-ext) (if (and (or (math-objvecp v1) (math-known-scalarp v1)) (or (math-objvecp v2) (math-known-scalarp v2))) (append (if (and (math-vectorp v1) (or (math-matrixp v1) (not (math-matrixp v2)))) v1 (list 'vec v1)) (if (and (math-vectorp v2) (or (math-matrixp v2) (not (math-matrixp v1)))) (cdr v2) (list v2))) (list '| v1 v2))));;; True if A is zero. Works for un-normalized values. [P n] [Public](defun math-zerop (a) (if (consp a) (cond ((memq (car a) '(bigpos bigneg)) (while (eq (car (setq a (cdr a))) 0)) (null a)) ((memq (car a) '(frac float polar mod)) (math-zerop (nth 1 a))) ((eq (car a) 'cplx) (and (math-zerop (nth 1 a)) (math-zerop (nth 2 a)))) ((eq (car a) 'hms) (and (math-zerop (nth 1 a)) (math-zerop (nth 2 a)) (math-zerop (nth 3 a))))) (eq a 0)));;; True if A is real and negative. [P n] [Public](defun math-negp (a) (if (consp a) (cond ((eq (car a) 'bigpos) nil) ((eq (car a) 'bigneg) (cdr a)) ((memq (car a) '(float frac)) (Math-integer-negp (nth 1 a))) ((eq (car a) 'hms) (if (math-zerop (nth 1 a)) (if (math-zerop (nth 2 a)) (math-negp (nth 3 a)) (math-negp (nth 2 a))) (math-negp (nth 1 a)))) ((eq (car a) 'date) (math-negp (nth 1 a))) ((eq (car a) 'intv) (or (math-negp (nth 3 a)) (and (math-zerop (nth 3 a)) (memq (nth 1 a) '(0 2))))) ((equal a '(neg (var inf var-inf))) t)) (< a 0)));;; True if A is a negative number or an expression the starts with '-'.(defun math-looks-negp (a) ; [P x] [Public] (or (Math-negp a) (eq (car-safe a) 'neg) (and (memq (car-safe a) '(* /)) (or (math-looks-negp (nth 1 a)) (math-looks-negp (nth 2 a)))) (and (eq (car-safe a) '-) (math-looks-negp (nth 1 a)))));;; True if A is real and positive. [P n] [Public](defun math-posp (a) (if (consp a) (cond ((eq (car a) 'bigpos) (cdr a)) ((eq (car a) 'bigneg) nil) ((memq (car a) '(float frac)) (Math-integer-posp (nth 1 a))) ((eq (car a) 'hms) (if (math-zerop (nth 1 a)) (if (math-zerop (nth 2 a)) (math-posp (nth 3 a)) (math-posp (nth 2 a))) (math-posp (nth 1 a)))) ((eq (car a) 'date) (math-posp (nth 1 a))) ((eq (car a) 'mod) (not (math-zerop (nth 1 a)))) ((eq (car a) 'intv) (or (math-posp (nth 2 a)) (and (math-zerop (nth 2 a)) (memq (nth 1 a) '(0 1))))) ((equal a '(var inf var-inf)) t)) (> a 0)))(defalias 'math-fixnump 'integerp)(defalias 'math-fixnatnump 'natnump);;; True if A is an even integer. [P R R] [Public](defun math-evenp (a) (if (consp a) (and (memq (car a) '(bigpos bigneg)) (= (% (nth 1 a) 2) 0)) (= (% a 2) 0)));;; Compute A / 2, for small or big integer A. [I i];;; If A is negative, type of truncation is undefined.(defun math-div2 (a) (if (consp a) (if (cdr a) (math-normalize (cons (car a) (math-div2-bignum (cdr a)))) 0) (/ a 2)))(defun math-div2-bignum (a) ; [l l] (if (cdr a) (cons (+ (/ (car a) 2) (* (% (nth 1 a) 2) 500)) (math-div2-bignum (cdr a))) (list (/ (car a) 2))));;; Reject an argument to a calculator function. [Public](defun math-reject-arg (&optional a p option) (if option (calc-record-why option p a) (if p (calc-record-why p a))) (signal 'wrong-type-argument (and a (if p (list p a) (list a)))));;; Coerce A to be an integer (by truncation toward zero). [I N] [Public];; The variable math-trunc-prec is local to math-trunc, but used by;; math-trunc-fancy in calc-arith.el, which is called by math-trunc.(defun math-trunc (a &optional math-trunc-prec) (cond (math-trunc-prec (require 'calc-ext) (math-trunc-special a math-trunc-prec)) ((Math-integerp a) a) ((Math-looks-negp a) (math-neg (math-trunc (math-neg a)))) ((eq (car a) 'float) (math-scale-int (nth 1 a) (nth 2 a))) (t (require 'calc-ext) (math-trunc-fancy a))))(defalias 'calcFunc-trunc 'math-trunc);;; Coerce A to be an integer (by truncation toward minus infinity). [I N];; The variable math-floor-prec is local to math-floor, but used by;; math-floor-fancy in calc-arith.el, which is called by math-floor.(defun math-floor (a &optional math-floor-prec) ; [Public] (cond (math-floor-prec (require 'calc-ext) (math-floor-special a math-floor-prec)) ((Math-integerp a) a) ((Math-messy-integerp a) (math-trunc a)) ((Math-realp a) (if (Math-negp a) (math-add (math-trunc a) -1) (math-trunc a))) (t (require 'calc-ext) (math-floor-fancy a))))(defalias 'calcFunc-floor 'math-floor)(defun math-imod (a b) ; [I I I] [Public] (if (and (not (consp a)) (not (consp b))) (if (= b 0) (math-reject-arg a "*Division by zero") (% a b)) (cdr (math-idivmod a b))))(defun calcFunc-inv (m) (if (Math-vectorp m) (progn (require 'calc-ext) (if (math-square-matrixp m) (or (math-with-extra-prec 2 (math-matrix-inv-raw m)) (math-reject-arg m "*Singular matrix")) (math-reject-arg m 'square-matrixp))) (if (and (require 'calc-arith) (math-known-matrixp m)) (math-pow m -1) (math-div 1 m))))(defun math-do-working (msg arg) (or executing-kbd-macro (progn (calc-set-command-flag 'clear-message) (if math-working-step (if math-working-step-2 (setq msg (format "[%d/%d] %s" math-working-step math-working-step-2 msg)) (setq msg (format "[%d] %s" math-working-step msg)))) (message "Working... %s = %s" msg (math-showing-full-precision (math-format-number arg))))));;; Compute A modulo B, defined in terms of truncation toward minus infinity.(defun math-mod (a b) ; [R R R] [Public] (cond ((and (Math-zerop a) (not (eq (car-safe a) 'mod))) a) ((Math-zerop b) (math-reject-arg a "*Division by zero")) ((and (Math-natnump a) (Math-natnump b)) (math-imod a b)) ((and (Math-anglep a) (Math-anglep b)) (math-sub a (math-mul (math-floor (math-div a b)) b))) (t (require 'calc-ext) (math-mod-fancy a b))));;; General exponentiation.(defun math-pow (a b) ; [O O N] [Public] (cond ((equal b '(var nan var-nan)) b) ((Math-zerop a) (if (and (Math-scalarp b) (Math-posp b)) (if (math-floatp b) (math-float a) a) (require 'calc-ext) (math-pow-of-zero a b))) ((or (eq a 1) (eq b 1)) a) ((or (equal a '(float 1 0)) (equal b '(float 1 0))) a) ((Math-zerop b) (if (Math-scalarp a) (if (or (math-floatp a) (math-floatp b)) '(float 1 0) 1) (require 'calc-ext) (math-pow-zero a b))) ((and (Math-integerp b) (or (Math-numberp a) (Math-vectorp a))) (if (and (equal a '(float 1 1)) (integerp b)) (math-make-float 1 b) (math-with-extra-prec 2 (math-ipow a b)))) (t (require 'calc-ext) (math-pow-fancy a b))))(defun math-ipow (a n) ; [O O I] [Public] (cond ((Math-integer-negp n) (math-ipow (math-div 1 a) (Math-integer-neg n))) ((not (consp n)) (if (and (Math-ratp a) (> n 20)) (math-iipow-show a n) (math-iipow a n))) ((math-evenp n) (math-ipow (math-mul a a) (math-div2 n))) (t (math-mul a (math-ipow (math-mul a a) (math-div2 (math-add n -1)))))))(defun math-iipow (a n) ; [O O S] (cond ((= n 0) 1) ((= n 1) a) ((= (% n 2) 0) (math-iipow (math-mul a a) (/ n 2))) (t (math-mul a (math-iipow (math-mul a a) (/ n 2))))))(defun math-iipow-show (a n) ; [O O S] (math-working "pow" a) (let ((val (cond ((= n 0) 1) ((= n 1) a) ((= (% n 2) 0) (math-iipow-show (math-mul a a) (/ n 2))) (t (math-mul a (math-iipow-show (math-mul a a) (/ n 2))))))) (math-working "pow" val) val))(defun math-read-radix-digit (dig) ; [D S; Z S] (if (> dig ?9) (if (< dig ?A) nil (- dig 55)) (if (>= dig ?0) (- dig ?0) nil)));;; Bug reporting(defun report-calc-bug () "Report a bug in Calc, the GNU Emacs calculator.Prompts for bug subject. Leaves you in a mail buffer." (interactive) (let ((reporter-prompt-for-summary-p t)) (reporter-submit-bug-report calc-bug-address "Calc" '(calc-version) nil nil "Please describe exactly what actions triggered the bug and theprecise symptoms of the bug. If possible, include a backtrace bydoing 'M-x toggle-debug-on-error', then reproducing the bug." )))(defalias 'calc-report-bug 'report-calc-bug)(provide 'calc-misc);;; arch-tag: 7984d9d0-62e5-41dc-afb8-e904b975f250;;; calc-misc.el ends here