;;; sup-mouse.el --- supdup mouse support for lisp machines;; Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,;; 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.;; Author: Wolfgang Rupprecht;; Maintainer: FSF;; Created: 21 Nov 1986;; Keywords: hardware;; (from code originally written by John Robinson@bbn for the bitgraph);; This file is part of GNU Emacs.;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option);; any later version.;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the;; GNU General Public License for more details.;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.;;; Commentary:;;; Code:;;; User customization option:(defvar sup-mouse-fast-select-window nil "*Non-nil for mouse hits to select new window, then execute; else just select.")(defconst mouse-left 0)(defconst mouse-center 1)(defconst mouse-right 2)(defconst mouse-2left 4)(defconst mouse-2center 5)(defconst mouse-2right 6)(defconst mouse-3left 8)(defconst mouse-3center 9)(defconst mouse-3right 10);;; Defuns:(defun sup-mouse-report () "This function is called directly by the mouse, it parses andexecutes the mouse commands. L move point * |---- These apply for mouse click in a window.2L delete word |3L copy word | If sup-mouse-fast-select-window is nil, C move point and yank * | just selects that window.2C yank pop | R set mark * |2R delete region |3R copy region |on modeline on \"scroll bar\" in minibuffer L scroll-up line to top execute-extended-command C proportional goto-char line to middle mouse-help R scroll-down line to bottom eval-expression" (interactive) (let*;; expect a string of <esc>:<buttons>;<x-pos>;<y-pos>c ((buttons (sup-get-tty-num ?\;)) (x (sup-get-tty-num ?\;)) (y (sup-get-tty-num ?c)) (window (sup-pos-to-window x y)) (edges (window-edges window)) (old-window (selected-window)) (in-minibuf-p (eq y (1- (frame-height)))) (same-window-p (and (not in-minibuf-p) (eq window old-window))) (in-modeline-p (eq y (1- (nth 3 edges)))) (in-scrollbar-p (>= x (1- (nth 2 edges))))) (setq x (- x (nth 0 edges))) (setq y (- y (nth 1 edges))); (error "mouse-hit %d %d %d" buttons x y) ;;;; debug (cond (in-modeline-p (select-window window) (cond ((= buttons mouse-left) (scroll-up)) ((= buttons mouse-right) (scroll-down)) ((= buttons mouse-center) (goto-char (/ (* x (- (point-max) (point-min))) (1- (window-width)))) (beginning-of-line) (what-cursor-position))) (select-window old-window)) (in-scrollbar-p (select-window window) (scroll-up (cond ((= buttons mouse-left) y) ((= buttons mouse-right) (+ y (- 2 (window-height)))) ((= buttons mouse-center) (/ (+ 2 y y (- (window-height))) 2)) (t 0))) (select-window old-window)) (same-window-p (cond ((= buttons mouse-left) (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y)) ((= buttons mouse-2left) (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y) (kill-word 1)) ((= buttons mouse-3left) (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y) (save-excursion (copy-region-as-kill (point) (progn (forward-word 1) (point)))) (setq this-command 'yank) ) ((= buttons mouse-right) (push-mark) (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y) (exchange-point-and-mark)) ((= buttons mouse-2right) (push-mark) (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y) (kill-region (mark) (point))) ((= buttons mouse-3right) (push-mark) (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y) (copy-region-as-kill (mark) (point)) (setq this-command 'yank)) ((= buttons mouse-center) (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y) (setq this-command 'yank) (yank)) ((= buttons mouse-2center) (yank-pop 1)) ) ) (in-minibuf-p (cond ((= buttons mouse-right) (call-interactively 'eval-expression)) ((= buttons mouse-left) (call-interactively 'execute-extended-command)) ((= buttons mouse-center) (describe-function 'sup-mouse-report)); silly self help )) (t ;in another window (select-window window) (cond ((not sup-mouse-fast-select-window)) ((= buttons mouse-left) (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y)) ((= buttons mouse-right) (push-mark) (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y) (exchange-point-and-mark)) ((= buttons mouse-center) (sup-move-point-to-x-y x y) (setq this-command 'yank) (yank)) )) )))(defun sup-get-tty-num (term-char) "Read from terminal until TERM-CHAR is read, and return intervening number.Upon non-numeric not matching TERM-CHAR signal an error." (let ((num 0) (char (read-char))) (while (and (>= char ?0) (<= char ?9)) (setq num (+ (* num 10) (- char ?0))) (setq char (read-char))) (or (eq term-char char) (error "Invalid data format in mouse command")) num))(defun sup-move-point-to-x-y (x y) "Position cursor in window coordinates.X and Y are 0-based character positions in the window." (move-to-window-line y) (move-to-column x) )(defun sup-pos-to-window (x y) "Find window corresponding to frame coordinates.X and Y are 0-based character positions on the frame." (get-window-with-predicate (lambda (w) (coordinates-in-window-p (cons x y) w))));;; arch-tag: ec644ed4-cac4-43b8-b3db-cfe83e9098d7;;; sup-mouse.el ends here