/* machine description file for IBM S390 in 64-bit mode Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.This file is part of GNU Emacs.GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published bythe Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)any later version.GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licensealong with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write tothe Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *//* This file was made by copying the significant parts of amdx86-64.h into ibms390.h. *//* The following line tells the configuration script what sort of operating system this machine is likely to run. USUAL-OPSYS="<name of system .h file here, without the s- or .h>"NOTE-STARTIBM s390 64 bits (-machine=ibms390x64) The possibilities for -opsystem are: gnu-linux.NOTE-END */#define BITS_PER_LONG 64#define BITS_PER_EMACS_INT 64/* Define WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN iff lowest-numbered byte in a word is the most significant byte. */#define WORDS_BIG_ENDIAN/* Define NO_ARG_ARRAY if you cannot take the address of the first of a * group of arguments and treat it as an array of the arguments. */#define NO_ARG_ARRAY/* Define WORD_MACHINE if addresses and such have * to be corrected before they can be used as byte counts. */#define WORD_MACHINE/* Now define a symbol for the cpu type, if your compiler does not define it automatically: Ones defined so far include vax, m68000, ns16000, pyramid, orion, tahoe, APOLLO and many others *//* Use type int rather than a union, to represent Lisp_Object *//* This is desirable for most machines. */#define NO_UNION_TYPE/* Define the type to use. */#define EMACS_INT long#define EMACS_UINT unsigned long#define SPECIAL_EMACS_INT/* Define EXPLICIT_SIGN_EXTEND if XINT must explicitly sign-extend the 24-bit bit field into an int. In other words, if bit fields are always unsigned. If you use NO_UNION_TYPE, this flag does not matter. */#undef EXPLICIT_SIGN_EXTEND/* Data type of load average, as read out of kmem. */#define LOAD_AVE_TYPE long/* Convert that into an integer that is 100 for a load average of 1.0 */#define LOAD_AVE_CVT(x) (int) (((double) (x)) * 100.0 / FSCALE)/* Define CANNOT_DUMP on machines where unexec does not work. Then the function dump-emacs will not be defined and temacs will do (load "loadup") automatically unless told otherwise. */#undef CANNOT_DUMP/* Define VIRT_ADDR_VARIES if the virtual addresses of pure and impure space as loaded can vary, and even their relative order cannot be relied on. Otherwise Emacs assumes that text space precedes data space, numerically. */#define VIRT_ADDR_VARIES/* Define C_ALLOCA if this machine does not support a true alloca and the one written in C should be used instead. Define HAVE_ALLOCA to say that the system provides a properly working alloca function and it should be used. Define neither one if an assembler-language alloca in the file alloca.s should be used. */#undef C_ALLOCA#define HAVE_ALLOCA/* Define NO_REMAP if memory segmentation makes it not work well to change the boundary between the text section and data section when Emacs is dumped. If you define this, the preloaded Lisp code will not be sharable; but that's better than failing completely. */#undef NO_REMAP/* Some really obscure 4.2-based systems (like Sequent DYNIX) * do not support asynchronous I/O (using SIGIO) on sockets, * even though it works fine on tty's. If you have one of * these systems, define the following, and then use it in * config.h (or elsewhere) to decide when (not) to use SIGIO. * * You'd think this would go in an operating-system description file, * but since it only occurs on some, but not all, BSD systems, the * reasonable place to select for it is in the machine description * file. */#undef NO_SOCK_SIGIO/* After adding support for a new system, modify the large case statement in the `configure' script to recognize reasonable configuration names, and add a description of the system to `etc/MACHINES'. If you've just fixed a problem in an existing configuration file, you should also check `etc/MACHINES' to make sure its descriptions of known problems in that configuration should be updated. */#define PNTR_COMPARISON_TYPE unsigned long/* On the 64 bit architecture, we can use 60 bits for addresses */#define VALBITS 60/* This definition of MARKBIT is necessary because of the comparison of ARRAY_MARK_FLAG and MARKBIT in an #if in lisp.h, which cpp doesn't like. */#define MARKBIT 0x8000000000000000L#define LINKER $(CC) -nostdlib/* Define XINT and XUINT so that they can take arguments of type int */#define XINT(a) (((long) (a) << (BITS_PER_LONG - VALBITS)) >> (BITS_PER_LONG - VALBITS))#define XUINT(a) ((long) (a) & VALMASK)/* Define XPNTR to avoid or'ing with DATA_SEG_BITS */#define XPNTR(a) XUINT (a)#undef START_FILES#define START_FILES pre-crt0.o /usr/lib64/crt1.o /usr/lib64/crti.o#undef LIB_STANDARD#define LIB_STANDARD -lgcc -lc -lgcc /usr/lib64/crtn.o/* arch-tag: 4b87653c-6add-4663-8691-7d9dc17b5519 (do not change this comment) */