;;; fortran.el --- Fortran mode for GNU Emacs;; Copyright (c) 1986, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 2000, 01, 03, 04;; Free Software Foundation, Inc.;; Author: Michael D. Prange <prange@erl.mit.edu>;; Maintainer: Glenn Morris <gmorris@ast.cam.ac.uk>;; Keywords: fortran, languages;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option);; any later version.;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the;; GNU General Public License for more details.;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.;;; Commentary:;; This mode is documented in the Emacs manual.;;;; Note that it is for editing Fortran77 or Fortran90 fixed source;; form. For editing Fortran 90 free format source, use `f90-mode';; (f90.el). It is meant to support the GNU Fortran language;; implemented by g77 (its extensions to Fortran77 and;; interpretations, e.g. of blackslash in strings).;;; History:;; Fortran mode was upgraded by Stephen A. Wood (saw@cebaf.gov).;; We acknowledge many contributions and valuable suggestions by;; Lawrence R. Dodd, Ralf Fassel, Ralph Finch, Stephen Gildea,;; Dr. Anil Gokhale, Ulrich Mueller, Mark Neale, Eric Prestemon,;; Gary Sabot and Richard Stallman.;;; Code:;; Todo:;; * Tidy it all up (more)!;; * Implement insertion and removal of statement continuations in;; mixed f77/f90 style, with the first `&' past column 72 and the;; second in column 6.;; * Support any other extensions to f77 grokked by GNU Fortran I've missed.(eval-when-compile ; silence compiler (defvar dabbrev-case-fold-search) (defvar imenu-case-fold-search) (defvar imenu-syntax-alist))(defgroup fortran nil "Major mode for editing fixed format Fortran code." :link '(custom-manual "(emacs)Fortran") :group 'languages)(defgroup fortran-indent nil "Indentation variables in Fortran mode." :prefix "fortran-" :group 'fortran)(defgroup fortran-comment nil "Comment-handling variables in Fortran mode." :prefix "fortran-" :group 'fortran);;;###autoload(defcustom fortran-tab-mode-default nil "*Default tabbing/carriage control style for empty files in Fortran mode.A non-nil value specifies tab-digit style of continuation control.A value of nil specifies that continuation lines are markedwith a character in column 6." :type 'boolean :group 'fortran-indent)(defcustom fortran-tab-mode-string "/t" "*String to appear in mode line in TAB format buffers." :type 'string :group 'fortran-indent)(defcustom fortran-do-indent 3 "*Extra indentation applied to DO blocks." :type 'integer :group 'fortran-indent)(defcustom fortran-if-indent 3 "*Extra indentation applied to IF blocks." :type 'integer :group 'fortran-indent)(defcustom fortran-structure-indent 3 "*Extra indentation applied to STRUCTURE, UNION, MAP and INTERFACE blocks." :type 'integer :group 'fortran-indent)(defcustom fortran-continuation-indent 5 "*Extra indentation applied to continuation lines." :type 'integer :group 'fortran-indent)(defcustom fortran-comment-indent-style 'fixed "*How to indent comments.nil forces comment lines not to be touched;`fixed' indents to `fortran-comment-line-extra-indent' columns beyond `fortran-minimum-statement-indent-fixed' (if `indent-tabs-mode' nil), or `fortran-minimum-statement-indent-tab' (if `indent-tabs-mode' non-nil);`relative' indents to current Fortran indentation plus `fortran-comment-line-extra-indent'." :type '(radio (const :tag "Untouched" nil) (const fixed) (const relative)) :group 'fortran-indent)(defcustom fortran-comment-line-extra-indent 0 "*Amount of extra indentation for text within full-line comments." :type 'integer :group 'fortran-indent :group 'fortran-comment)(defcustom fortran-comment-line-start "C" "*Delimiter inserted to start new full-line comment.You might want to change this to \"*\", for instance." :version "21.1" :type 'string :group 'fortran-comment);; This used to match preprocessor lines too, but that messes up;; filling and doesn't seem to be necessary.(defcustom fortran-comment-line-start-skip "^[CcDd*!]\\(\\([^ \t\n]\\)\\2+\\)?[ \t]*" "*Regexp to match the start of a full-line comment." :version "21.1" :type 'regexp :group 'fortran-comment)(defcustom fortran-directive-re "^[ \t]*#.*" "*Regexp to match a directive line.The matching text will be fontified with `font-lock-keyword-face'.The matching line will be given zero indentation." :version "21.4" :type 'regexp :group 'fortran-indent)(defcustom fortran-minimum-statement-indent-fixed 6 "*Minimum statement indentation for fixed format continuation style." :type 'integer :group 'fortran-indent)(defcustom fortran-minimum-statement-indent-tab (max tab-width 6) "*Minimum statement indentation for TAB format continuation style." :type 'integer :group 'fortran-indent);; Note that this is documented in the v18 manuals as being a string;; of length one rather than a single character.;; The code in this file accepts either format for compatibility.(defcustom fortran-comment-indent-char " " "*Single-character string inserted for Fortran comment indentation.Normally a space." :type 'string :group 'fortran-comment)(defcustom fortran-line-number-indent 1 "*Maximum indentation for Fortran line numbers.5 means right-justify them within their five-column field." :type 'integer :group 'fortran-indent)(defcustom fortran-check-all-num-for-matching-do nil "*Non-nil causes all numbered lines to be treated as possible DO loop ends." :type 'boolean :group 'fortran)(defcustom fortran-blink-matching-if nil "*Non-nil causes \\[fortran-indent-line] on ENDIF to blink on matching IF.Also, from an ENDDO statement blink on matching DO [WHILE] statement." :type 'boolean :group 'fortran)(defcustom fortran-continuation-string "$" "*Single-character string used for Fortran continuation lines.In fixed format continuation style, this character is inserted incolumn 6 by \\[fortran-split-line] to begin a continuation line.Also, if \\[fortran-indent-line] finds this at the beginning of aline, it will convert the line into a continuation line of theappropriate style. Normally $." :type 'string :group 'fortran)(defcustom fortran-comment-region "c$$$" "*String inserted by \\[fortran-comment-region] at start of each \line in region." :type 'string :group 'fortran-comment)(defcustom fortran-electric-line-number t "*Non-nil causes line numbers to be moved to the correct column as typed." :type 'boolean :group 'fortran)(defcustom fortran-column-ruler-fixed "0 4 6 10 20 30 40 5\0 60 70\n\\[ ]|{ | | | | | | | | \\| | | | |}\n" "String displayed above current line by \\[fortran-column-ruler].This variable is used in fixed format mode.See the variable `fortran-column-ruler-tab' for TAB format mode." :type 'string :group 'fortran)(defcustom fortran-column-ruler-tab "0 810 20 30 40 5\0 60 70\n\\[ ]| { | | | | | | | | \\| | | | |}\n" "String displayed above current line by \\[fortran-column-ruler].This variable is used in TAB format mode.See the variable `fortran-column-ruler-fixed' for fixed format mode." :type 'string :group 'fortran)(defcustom fortran-analyze-depth 100 "Number of lines to scan to identify fixed or TAB format style." :type 'integer :group 'fortran)(defcustom fortran-break-before-delimiters t "*Non-nil causes filling to break lines before delimiters.Delimiters are characters matching the regexp `fortran-break-delimiters-re'." :type 'boolean :group 'fortran)(defconst fortran-break-delimiters-re "[-+*/><=, \t]" "Regexp matching delimiter characters at which lines may be broken.There are certain tokens comprised entirely of charactersmatching this regexp that should not be split, and these arespecified by the constant `fortran-no-break-re'.");; The ">=", etc F77 extensions are supported by g77.(defconst fortran-no-break-re (regexp-opt '("**" "//" "=>" ">=" "<=" "==" "/=") 'paren) "Regexp specifying where not to break lines when filling.This regexp matches certain tokens comprised entirely ofcharacters matching the regexp `fortran-break-delimiters-re' that shouldnot be split by filling. Each element is assumed to be twocharacters long.")(defcustom fortran-mode-hook nil "Hook run when entering Fortran mode." :type 'hook :group 'fortran)(defvar fortran-if-start-re "\\(\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+:[ \t]*\\)?if[ \t]*(" "Regexp matching the start of an IF statement.")(defvar fortran-end-prog-re1 "end\\\([ \t]*\\(program\\|subroutine\\|function\\|block[ \t]*data\\)\\>\\\([ \t]*\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)?\\)?" "Regexp possibly matching the end of a subprogram.")(defvar fortran-end-prog-re (concat "^[ \t0-9]*" fortran-end-prog-re1) "Regexp possibly matching the end of a subprogram, from the line start.See also `fortran-end-prog-re1'.")(defconst fortran-type-types (concat "\\<" (mapconcat 'identity ; " " -> "[ \t]*" (split-string (regexp-opt (let ((simple-types '("character" "byte" "integer" "logical" "none" "real" "complex" "double precision" "double complex")) (structured-types '("structure" "union" "map")) (other-types '("record" "dimension" "parameter" "common" "save" "external" "intrinsic" "data" "equivalence"))) (append (mapcar (lambda (x) (concat "implicit " x)) simple-types) simple-types (mapcar (lambda (x) (concat "end " x)) structured-types) structured-types other-types)) 'paren)) "[ \t]*") "\\>") "Regexp matching Fortran types.")(defvar fortran-font-lock-keywords-1 ;; Program, subroutine and function declarations, plus calls. '(("\\<\\(block[ \t]*data\\|call\\|entry\\|function\\|\program\\|subroutine\\)\\>[ \t]*\\(\\sw+\\)?" (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-function-name-face nil t))) "Subdued level highlighting for Fortran mode.")(defvar fortran-font-lock-keywords-2 (append fortran-font-lock-keywords-1 (list ;; Fontify all type specifiers (must be first - see below). (cons fortran-type-types 'font-lock-type-face) ;; Builtin keywords (except logical, do and goto - see below). (concat "\\<" (regexp-opt '("continue" "format" "end" "enddo" "if" "then" "else" "endif" "elseif" "while" "inquire" "stop" "return" "include" "open" "close" "read" "write" "format" "print" "select" "case" "cycle" "exit" "rewind" "backspace") 'paren) "\\>") ;; Builtin operators. (concat "\\." (regexp-opt '("and" "or" "not" "lt" "le" "eq" "ge" "gt" "ne" "true" "false") 'paren) "\\.") ;; do/goto keywords and targets, and goto tags. '("\\<\\(do\\|go *to\\)\\>[ \t]*\\([0-9]+\\)?" (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-constant-face nil t)) '("^ *\\([0-9]+\\)" . font-lock-constant-face))) "Medium level highlighting for Fortran mode.")(defvar fortran-font-lock-keywords-3 (append fortran-font-lock-keywords-1 ;; All type specifiers plus their declared items. (list (list (concat fortran-type-types "[ \t(/]*\\(*\\)?") ;; Type specifier. '(1 font-lock-type-face) ;; Declaration item (or just /.../ block name). `(font-lock-match-c-style-declaration-item-and-skip-to-next ;; Start after any *(...) expression. (condition-case nil (and (match-beginning ,(1+ (regexp-opt-depth fortran-type-types))) (forward-sexp) (forward-sexp)) (error nil)) ;; No need to clean up. nil ;; Fontify as a variable name, functions fontified elsewhere. (1 font-lock-variable-name-face nil t)))) ;; Things extra to `fortran-font-lock-keywords-3' (must be done first). (list ;; Goto-like `err=label'/`end=label' in read/write statements. '(", *\\(e\\(nd\\|rr\\)\\)\\> *\\(= *\\([0-9]+\\)\\)?" (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (4 font-lock-constant-face nil t)) ;; Standard continuation character and in a TAB-formatted line. '("^ \\{5\\}\\([^ 0\n]\\)" 1 font-lock-string-face) '("^\t\\([1-9]\\)" 1 font-lock-string-face)) `((,fortran-directive-re (0 font-lock-keyword-face t))) ;; `fortran-font-lock-keywords-2' without types (see above). (cdr (nthcdr (length fortran-font-lock-keywords-1) fortran-font-lock-keywords-2))) "Gaudy level highlighting for Fortran mode.");; Comments are real pain in Fortran because there is no way to;; represent the standard comment syntax in an Emacs syntax table.;; (We can do so for F90-style). Therefore an unmatched quote in a;; standard comment will throw fontification off on the wrong track.;; So we do syntactic fontification with regexps.(defvar fortran-font-lock-syntactic-keywords '(("^[cd\\*]" 0 (11)) ("^[^cd\\*\t\n].\\{71\\}\\([^\n]+\\)" 1 (11))) "`font-lock-syntactic-keywords' for Fortran.These get fixed-format comments fontified.")(defvar fortran-font-lock-keywords fortran-font-lock-keywords-1 "Default expressions to highlight in Fortran mode.")(defvar fortran-imenu-generic-expression ;; These patterns could be confused by sequence nos. in cols 72+ and ;; don't allow continuations everywhere. (list (list nil ;; [This will be fooled by `end function' allowed by G77. Also, ;; it assumes sensible whitespace is employed.] (concat ;; leading whitespace: "^\\s-+\\(" ;; function declaration with optional type, e.g. `real', ;; `real*4', character(*), `double precision': "\\(\\sw\\|\\s-\\|[*()+]\\)*" "\\<function\\|subroutine\\|entry\\|block\\s-*data\\|program\\)" ;; Possible statement continuation: "[ \t" fortran-continuation-string "]+" ;; Variable to index: "\\(\\sw+\\)") 3) ;; Un-named block data. '(nil "^\\s-+\\(block\\s-*data\\)\\s-*$" 1)) "Value for `imenu-generic-expression' in Fortran mode.")(defvar fortran-mode-syntax-table (let ((table (make-syntax-table))) ;; We might like `;' to be punctuation (g77 multi-statement ;; lines), but that screws abbrevs. (modify-syntax-entry ?\; "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\r " " table) (modify-syntax-entry ?+ "." table) (modify-syntax-entry ?- "." table) (modify-syntax-entry ?= "." table) (modify-syntax-entry ?* "." table) (modify-syntax-entry ?/ "." table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\"" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" table) ;; Consistent with GNU Fortran -- see the manual. (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\" table) ;; This might be better as punctuation, as for C, but this way you ;; can treat floating-point numbers as symbols. (modify-syntax-entry ?. "_" table) ; e.g. `a.ne.b' (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "_" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?$ "_" table) ; esp. VMSisms (modify-syntax-entry ?\! "<" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">" table) table) "Syntax table used in Fortran mode.")(defvar fortran-gud-syntax-table (let ((st (make-syntax-table fortran-mode-syntax-table))) (modify-syntax-entry ?\n "." st) st) "Syntax table used to parse Fortran expressions for printing in GUD.")(defvar fortran-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map ";" 'fortran-abbrev-start) (define-key map "\C-c;" 'fortran-comment-region) (define-key map "\M-;" 'fortran-indent-comment) (define-key map "\M-\n" 'fortran-split-line) (define-key map "\M-\C-q" 'fortran-indent-subprogram) (define-key map "\C-c\C-w" 'fortran-window-create-momentarily) (define-key map "\C-c\C-r" 'fortran-column-ruler) (define-key map "\C-c\C-p" 'fortran-previous-statement) (define-key map "\C-c\C-n" 'fortran-next-statement) (define-key map "\C-c\C-d" 'fortran-join-line) ; like f90 (define-key map "\M-^" 'fortran-join-line) ; subvert delete-indentation (define-key map "0" 'fortran-electric-line-number) (define-key map "1" 'fortran-electric-line-number) (define-key map "2" 'fortran-electric-line-number) (define-key map "3" 'fortran-electric-line-number) (define-key map "4" 'fortran-electric-line-number) (define-key map "5" 'fortran-electric-line-number) (define-key map "6" 'fortran-electric-line-number) (define-key map "7" 'fortran-electric-line-number) (define-key map "8" 'fortran-electric-line-number) (define-key map "9" 'fortran-electric-line-number) (easy-menu-define fortran-menu map "Menu for Fortran mode." `("Fortran" ["Manual" (info "(emacs)Fortran")] ("Customization" ,(custom-menu-create 'fortran) ["Set" Custom-set t] ["Save" Custom-save t] ["Reset to Current" Custom-reset-current t] ["Reset to Saved" Custom-reset-saved t] ["Reset to Standard Settings" Custom-reset-standard t] ) "--" ["Comment Region" fortran-comment-region mark-active] ["Uncomment Region" (fortran-comment-region (region-beginning) (region-end) 1) mark-active] ["Indent Region" indent-region mark-active] ["Indent Subprogram" fortran-indent-subprogram t] "--" ["Beginning of Subprogram" fortran-beginning-of-subprogram t] ["End of Subprogram" fortran-end-of-subprogram t] ("Mark" ["Subprogram" mark-defun t] ["IF Block" fortran-mark-if t] ["DO Block" fortran-mark-do t] ) ["Narrow to Subprogram" narrow-to-defun t] ["Widen" widen t] "--" ["Temporary column ruler" fortran-column-ruler t] ["72-column window" fortran-window-create t] ["Full Width Window" (enlarge-window-horizontally (- (frame-width) (window-width))) (< (window-width) (frame-width))] ["Momentary 72-column window" fortran-window-create-momentarily t] "--" ["Break Line at Point" fortran-split-line t] ["Join Line" fortran-join-line t] ["Fill Statement/Comment" fill-paragraph t] "--" ["Toggle auto-fill" auto-fill-mode :selected auto-fill-function :style toggle] ["Toggle abbrev-mode" abbrev-mode :selected abbrev-mode :style toggle] ["Add imenu Menu" imenu-add-menubar-index :active (not (lookup-key (current-local-map) [menu-bar index])) :included (fboundp 'imenu-add-to-menubar)])) map) "Keymap used in Fortran mode.")(defvar fortran-mode-abbrev-table (let (abbrevs-changed) (define-abbrev-table 'fortran-mode-abbrev-table nil) ;; Use the 6th arg (SYSTEM-FLAG) of define-abbrev if possible. ;; Only use `apply' to quieten the byte-compiler. (mapcar (function (lambda (element) (condition-case nil (apply 'define-abbrev fortran-mode-abbrev-table (append element '(nil 0 t))) (wrong-number-of-arguments (apply 'define-abbrev fortran-mode-abbrev-table (append element '(nil 0))))))) '((";au" "automatic" ) (";b" "byte" ) (";bd" "block data" ) (";ch" "character" ) (";cl" "close" ) (";c" "continue" ) (";cm" "common" ) (";cx" "complex" ) (";df" "define" ) (";di" "dimension" ) (";do" "double" ) (";dc" "double complex" ) (";dp" "double precision" ) (";dw" "do while" ) (";e" "else" ) (";ed" "enddo" ) (";el" "elseif" ) (";en" "endif" ) (";eq" "equivalence" ) (";ew" "endwhere" ) (";ex" "external" ) (";ey" "entry" ) (";f" "format" ) (";fa" ".false." ) (";fu" "function" ) (";g" "goto" ) (";im" "implicit" ) (";ib" "implicit byte" ) (";ic" "implicit complex" ) (";ich" "implicit character") (";ii" "implicit integer" ) (";il" "implicit logical" ) (";ir" "implicit real" ) (";inc" "include" ) (";in" "integer" ) (";intr" "intrinsic" ) (";l" "logical" ) (";n" "namelist" ) (";o" "open" ) ; was ;op (";pa" "parameter" ) (";pr" "program" ) (";ps" "pause" ) (";p" "print" ) (";rc" "record" ) (";re" "real" ) (";r" "read" ) (";rt" "return" ) (";rw" "rewind" ) (";s" "stop" ) (";sa" "save" ) (";st" "structure" ) (";sc" "static" ) (";su" "subroutine" ) (";tr" ".true." ) (";ty" "type" ) (";vo" "volatile" ) (";w" "write" ) (";wh" "where" ))) fortran-mode-abbrev-table));;;###autoload(defun fortran-mode () "Major mode for editing Fortran code in fixed format.For free format code, use `f90-mode'.\\[fortran-indent-line] indents the current Fortran line correctly.Note that DO statements must not share a common CONTINUE.Type ;? or ;\\[help-command] to display a list of built-in abbrevs for\ Fortran keywords.Key definitions:\\{fortran-mode-map}Variables controlling indentation style and extra features:`comment-start' To use comments starting with `!', set this to the string \"!\".`fortran-do-indent' Extra indentation within DO blocks (default 3).`fortran-if-indent' Extra indentation within IF blocks (default 3).`fortran-structure-indent' Extra indentation within STRUCTURE, UNION, MAP and INTERFACE blocks. (default 3)`fortran-continuation-indent' Extra indentation applied to continuation statements (default 5).`fortran-comment-line-extra-indent' Amount of extra indentation for text in full-line comments (default 0).`fortran-comment-indent-style' How to indent the text in full-line comments. Allowed values are: nil don't change the indentation fixed indent to `fortran-comment-line-extra-indent' beyond the value of either `fortran-minimum-statement-indent-fixed' (fixed format) or `fortran-minimum-statement-indent-tab' (TAB format), depending on the continuation format in use. relative indent to `fortran-comment-line-extra-indent' beyond the indentation for a line of code. (default 'fixed)`fortran-comment-indent-char' Single-character string to be inserted instead of space for full-line comment indentation (default \" \").`fortran-minimum-statement-indent-fixed' Minimum indentation for statements in fixed format mode (default 6).`fortran-minimum-statement-indent-tab' Minimum indentation for statements in TAB format mode (default 9).`fortran-line-number-indent' Maximum indentation for line numbers (default 1). A line number will get less than this much indentation if necessary to avoid reaching column 5.`fortran-check-all-num-for-matching-do' Non-nil causes all numbered lines to be treated as possible \"continue\" statements (default nil).`fortran-blink-matching-if' Non-nil causes \\[fortran-indent-line] on an ENDIF (or ENDDO) statement to blink on the matching IF (or DO [WHILE]). (default nil)`fortran-continuation-string' Single-character string to be inserted in column 5 of a continuation line (default \"$\").`fortran-comment-region' String inserted by \\[fortran-comment-region] at start of each line in the region (default \"c$$$\").`fortran-electric-line-number' Non-nil causes line number digits to be moved to the correct column as typed (default t).`fortran-break-before-delimiters' Non-nil causes lines to be broken before delimiters (default t).Turning on Fortran mode calls the value of the variable `fortran-mode-hook'with no args, if that value is non-nil." (interactive) (kill-all-local-variables) (setq major-mode 'fortran-mode mode-name "Fortran" local-abbrev-table fortran-mode-abbrev-table) (set-syntax-table fortran-mode-syntax-table) (use-local-map fortran-mode-map) (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) 'fortran-indent-line) (set (make-local-variable 'indent-region-function) (lambda (start end) (let (fortran-blink-matching-if ; avoid blinking delay indent-region-function) (indent-region start end nil)))) (set (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline) t) ;; The syntax tables don't understand the column-0 comment-markers. (set (make-local-variable 'comment-use-syntax) nil) (set (make-local-variable 'comment-padding) "$$$") (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) fortran-comment-line-start) (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) ;; We can't reuse `fortran-comment-line-start-skip' directly because ;; it contains backrefs whereas we need submatch-1 to end at the ;; beginning of the comment delimiter. ;; (concat "\\(\\)\\(![ \t]*\\|" fortran-comment-line-start-skip "\\)") "\\(\\)\\(?:^[CcDd*]\\|!\\)\\(?:\\([^ \t\n]\\)\\2+\\)?[ \t]*") (set (make-local-variable 'comment-indent-function) 'fortran-comment-indent) (set (make-local-variable 'abbrev-all-caps) t) (set (make-local-variable 'normal-auto-fill-function) 'fortran-auto-fill) (set (make-local-variable 'indent-tabs-mode) (fortran-analyze-file-format)) (setq mode-line-process '(indent-tabs-mode fortran-tab-mode-string)) (set (make-local-variable 'fill-column) 72) (set (make-local-variable 'fill-paragraph-function) 'fortran-fill-paragraph) (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) '((fortran-font-lock-keywords fortran-font-lock-keywords-1 fortran-font-lock-keywords-2 fortran-font-lock-keywords-3) nil t ((?/ . "$/") ("_$" . "w")) fortran-beginning-of-subprogram)) (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-syntactic-keywords) fortran-font-lock-syntactic-keywords) (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-case-fold-search) t) (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-generic-expression) fortran-imenu-generic-expression) (set (make-local-variable 'imenu-syntax-alist) '(("_$" . "w"))) (set (make-local-variable 'beginning-of-defun-function) #'fortran-beginning-of-subprogram) (set (make-local-variable 'end-of-defun-function) #'fortran-end-of-subprogram) (set (make-local-variable 'add-log-current-defun-function) #'fortran-current-defun) (set (make-local-variable 'dabbrev-case-fold-search) 'case-fold-search) (set (make-local-variable 'gud-find-expr-function) 'fortran-gud-find-expr) (run-hooks 'fortran-mode-hook))(defun fortran-gud-find-expr () ;; Consider \n as punctuation (end of expression). (with-syntax-table fortran-gud-syntax-table (gud-find-c-expr)))(defsubst fortran-comment-indent () "Return the indentation appropriate for the current comment line.This is 0 for a line matching `fortran-comment-line-start-skip', elsethe value of `comment-column' (leaving at least one space after code)." (if (looking-at fortran-comment-line-start-skip) 0 (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t") (max (1+ (current-column)) comment-column))))(defun fortran-indent-comment () "Align or create comment on current line.Existing comments of all types are recognized and aligned.If the line has no comment, a side-by-side comment is inserted and aligned,if the value of `comment-start' is not nil and allows such comments.Otherwise, a separate-line comment is inserted, on this lineor on a new line inserted before this line if this line is not blank." (interactive "*") (beginning-of-line) ;; Recognize existing comments of either kind. (cond ((fortran-find-comment-start-skip 'all) (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (if (bolp) (fortran-indent-line) (unless (= (current-column) (fortran-comment-indent)) (delete-horizontal-space) (indent-to (fortran-comment-indent))))) ;; No existing comment. ;; If side-by-side comments are defined, insert one, ;; unless line is now blank. ((and comment-start (not (looking-at "[ \t]*$")) (string-match comment-start-skip (concat " " comment-start))) (end-of-line) (delete-horizontal-space) (indent-to (fortran-comment-indent)) (insert comment-start)) ;; Else insert separate-line comment, making a new line if nec. (t (if (looking-at "^[ \t]*$") (delete-horizontal-space) (beginning-of-line) (insert ?\n) (forward-char -1)) (insert fortran-comment-line-start) (insert-char (if (stringp fortran-comment-indent-char) (aref fortran-comment-indent-char 0) fortran-comment-indent-char) (- (fortran-calculate-indent) (current-column))))))(defun fortran-comment-region (beg-region end-region arg) "Comment every line in the region.Inserts the string variable `fortran-comment-region' at the beginning ofevery line in the region.BEG-REGION and END-REGION specify the region boundaries.With non-nil ARG, uncomments the region." (interactive "*r\nP") (let ((end-region-mark (copy-marker end-region)) (save-point (point-marker))) (goto-char beg-region) (beginning-of-line) (if arg (let ((com (regexp-quote fortran-comment-region))) ; uncomment (if (looking-at com) (delete-region (point) (match-end 0))) (while (and (zerop (forward-line 1)) (< (point) end-region-mark)) (if (looking-at com) (delete-region (point) (match-end 0))))) (insert fortran-comment-region) ; comment (while (and (zerop (forward-line 1)) (< (point) end-region-mark)) (insert fortran-comment-region))) (goto-char save-point) (set-marker end-region-mark nil) (set-marker save-point nil)))(defun fortran-abbrev-start () "Typing ;\\[help-command] or ;? lists all the Fortran abbrevs.Any other key combination is executed normally." (interactive "*") (insert last-command-char) (let (char event) (if (fboundp 'next-command-event) ; XEmacs (setq event (next-command-event) char (event-to-character event)) (setq event (read-event) char event)) ;; Insert char if not equal to `?', or if abbrev-mode is off. (if (and abbrev-mode (or (eq char ??) (eq char help-char))) (fortran-abbrev-help) (setq unread-command-events (list event)))))(defun fortran-abbrev-help () "List the currently defined abbrevs in Fortran mode." (interactive) (message "Listing abbrev table...") (display-buffer (fortran-prepare-abbrev-list-buffer)) (message "Listing abbrev table...done"))(defun fortran-prepare-abbrev-list-buffer () "Create a buffer listing the Fortran mode abbreviations." (save-excursion (set-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Abbrevs*")) (erase-buffer) (insert-abbrev-table-description 'fortran-mode-abbrev-table t) (goto-char (point-min)) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (edit-abbrevs-mode)) (get-buffer-create "*Abbrevs*"))(defun fortran-column-ruler () "Insert a column ruler momentarily above current line, till next keystroke.The ruler is defined by the value of `fortran-column-ruler-fixed' in fixedformat mode, and `fortran-column-ruler-tab' in TAB format mode.The next key typed is executed unless it is SPC." (interactive) (momentary-string-display (if indent-tabs-mode fortran-column-ruler-tab fortran-column-ruler-fixed) (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (if (eq (window-start (selected-window)) (window-point (selected-window))) (line-beginning-position 2) (point))) nil "Type SPC or any command to erase ruler."))(defun fortran-window-create () "Make the window 72 columns wide.See also `fortran-window-create-momentarily'." (interactive) (let ((window-min-width 2)) (if (< (window-width) (frame-width)) (enlarge-window-horizontally (- (frame-width) (window-width) 1))) (let* ((window-edges (window-edges)) (scroll-bar-width (- (nth 2 window-edges) (car window-edges) (window-width)))) (split-window-horizontally (+ 72 scroll-bar-width))) (other-window 1) (switch-to-buffer " fortran-window-extra" t) (select-window (previous-window))))(defun fortran-window-create-momentarily (&optional arg) "Momentarily make the window 72 columns wide.Optional ARG non-nil and non-unity disables the momentary feature.See also `fortran-window-create'." (interactive "p") (if (or (not arg) (= arg 1)) (save-window-excursion (progn (condition-case nil (fortran-window-create) (error (error "No room for Fortran window"))) (message "Type SPC to continue editing.") (let ((char (read-event))) (or (equal char (string-to-char " ")) (setq unread-command-events (list char)))))) (fortran-window-create)))(defun fortran-split-line () "Break line at point and insert continuation marker and alignment." (interactive "*") (delete-horizontal-space) (if (save-excursion (let ((pos (point))) (beginning-of-line) (and (fortran-find-comment-start-skip 'all) (< (match-beginning 0) pos)))) (insert ?\n (match-string 0)) (if indent-tabs-mode (insert ?\n ?\t (fortran-numerical-continuation-char)) (insert "\n " fortran-continuation-string))) ; space after \n important (fortran-indent-line)) ; when cont string is C, c or *(defun fortran-remove-continuation () "Delete any Fortran continuation characters at point.Returns t if anything actually deleted." (when (looking-at "\\( \\{5\\}[^ 0\n]\\|\t[1-9]\\|&\\)") (replace-match "") (delete-indentation) t))(defun fortran-join-line (arg) "Join current line to the previous one and re-indent.With a prefix argument, repeat this operation that many times.If the prefix argument ARG is negative, join the next -ARG lines.Continuation lines are correctly handled." (interactive "*p") (save-excursion (when (> 0 arg) (setq arg (- arg)) (forward-line arg)) (while (not (zerop arg)) (beginning-of-line) (or (fortran-remove-continuation) (delete-indentation)) (setq arg (1- arg))) (fortran-indent-line)))(defun fortran-numerical-continuation-char () "Return a digit for tab-digit style of continuation lines.If previous line is a tab-digit continuation line, return that digitplus one, otherwise return 1. Zero not allowed." (save-excursion (forward-line -1) (if (looking-at "\t[1-9]") (+ ?1 (% (- (char-after (1+ (point))) ?0) 9)) ?1)))(put 'fortran-electric-line-number 'delete-selection t)(defun fortran-electric-line-number (arg) "Self insert, but if part of a Fortran line number indent it automatically.Auto-indent does not happen if a numeric ARG is used." (interactive "*P") (if (or arg (not fortran-electric-line-number)) (if arg (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)) (self-insert-command 1)) (if (or (and (= 5 (current-column)) (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) ;; In col 5 with only spaces to the left. (looking-at " \\{5\\}"))) (and (= (if indent-tabs-mode fortran-minimum-statement-indent-tab fortran-minimum-statement-indent-fixed) (current-column)) ;; In col 8 with a single tab to the left. (eq ?\t (char-after (line-beginning-position))) (not (or (eq last-command 'fortran-indent-line) (eq last-command 'fortran-indent-new-line)))) (save-excursion (re-search-backward "[^ \t0-9]" (line-beginning-position) t)) ; not a line number (looking-at "[0-9]")) ; within a line number (self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg)) (skip-chars-backward " \t") (insert last-command-char) (fortran-indent-line))))(defun fortran-check-end-prog-re () "Check a preliminary match against `fortran-end-prog-re'." ;; Having got a possible match for the subprogram end, we need a ;; match of whitespace, avoiding possible column 73+ stuff. (save-match-data (string-match "^\\s-*\\(\\'\\|\\s<\\)" (buffer-substring (match-end 0) (min (line-end-position) (+ 72 (line-beginning-position)))))));; Note that you can't just check backwards for `subroutine' &c in;; case of un-marked main programs not at the start of the file.(defun fortran-beginning-of-subprogram () "Move point to the beginning of the current Fortran subprogram." (interactive) (save-match-data (let ((case-fold-search t)) (beginning-of-line -1) (if (catch 'ok (while (re-search-backward fortran-end-prog-re nil 'move) (if (fortran-check-end-prog-re) (throw 'ok t)))) (forward-line)))))(defun fortran-end-of-subprogram () "Move point to the end of the current Fortran subprogram." (interactive) (save-match-data (let ((case-fold-search t)) (if (save-excursion ; on END (beginning-of-line) (and (looking-at fortran-end-prog-re) (fortran-check-end-prog-re))) (forward-line) (beginning-of-line 2) (catch 'ok (while (re-search-forward fortran-end-prog-re nil 'move) (if (fortran-check-end-prog-re) (throw 'ok t)))) (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (forward-line)))))(defun fortran-previous-statement () "Move point to beginning of the previous Fortran statement.Returns 'first-statement if that statement is the firstnon-comment Fortran statement in the file, and nil otherwise.Directive lines are treated as comments." (interactive) (let (not-first-statement continue-test) (beginning-of-line) (setq continue-test (and (not (looking-at fortran-comment-line-start-skip)) (not (looking-at fortran-directive-re)) (or (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*" (regexp-quote fortran-continuation-string))) (looking-at " \\{5\\}[^ 0\n]\\|\t[1-9]")))) (while (and (setq not-first-statement (zerop (forward-line -1))) (or (looking-at fortran-comment-line-start-skip) (looking-at fortran-directive-re) (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*" (regexp-quote fortran-continuation-string))) (looking-at "[ \t]*$\\| \\{5\\}[^ 0\n]\\|\t[1-9]") (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*" comment-start-skip))))) (cond ((and continue-test (not not-first-statement)) (message "Incomplete continuation statement.")) (continue-test (fortran-previous-statement)) ((not not-first-statement) 'first-statement))))(defun fortran-next-statement () "Move point to beginning of the next Fortran statement.Returns 'last-statement if that statement is the lastnon-comment Fortran statement in the file, and nil otherwise.Directive lines are treated as comments." (interactive) (let (not-last-statement) (beginning-of-line) (while (and (setq not-last-statement (and (zerop (forward-line 1)) (not (eobp)))) (or (looking-at fortran-comment-line-start-skip) (looking-at fortran-directive-re) (looking-at "[ \t]*$\\| [^ 0\n]\\|\t[1-9]") (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*" comment-start-skip))))) (if (not not-last-statement) 'last-statement)))(defun fortran-blink-match (regex keyword find-begin) "From a line matching REGEX, blink matching KEYWORD statement line.Use function FIND-BEGIN to match it." (let ((top-of-window (window-start)) (end-point (point)) (case-fold-search t) matching message) (when (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9") (looking-at regex)) (if (not (setq matching (funcall find-begin))) (setq message (concat "No matching " keyword ".")) (if (< matching top-of-window) (save-excursion (goto-char matching) (beginning-of-line) (setq message (concat "Matches " (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position))))))) (if message (message "%s" message) (goto-char matching) (sit-for 1) (goto-char end-point)))))(defun fortran-blink-matching-if () "From an ENDIF or ELSE statement, blink the matching IF statement." (fortran-blink-match "e\\(nd[ \t]*if\\|lse\\([ \t]*if\\)?\\)\\b" "if" #'fortran-beginning-if))(defun fortran-blink-matching-do () "From an ENDDO statement, blink the matching DO or DO WHILE statement." (fortran-blink-match "end[ \t]*do\\b" "do" #'fortran-beginning-do))(defun fortran-mark-do () "Put mark at end of Fortran DO [WHILE]-ENDDO construct, point at beginning.The marks are pushed." (interactive) (let (enddo-point do-point) (if (setq enddo-point (fortran-end-do)) (if (not (setq do-point (fortran-beginning-do))) (message "No matching do.") (goto-char enddo-point) (push-mark) (goto-char do-point)))))(defun fortran-end-do () "Search forward for first unmatched ENDDO.Return point or nil." (let ((case-fold-search t)) (if (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9") (looking-at "end[ \t]*do\\b")) ;; Sitting on one. (match-beginning 0) ;; Search for one. (save-excursion (let ((count 1)) (while (and (not (zerop count)) (not (eq (fortran-next-statement) 'last-statement)) ;; Keep local to subprogram. (not (and (looking-at fortran-end-prog-re) (fortran-check-end-prog-re)))) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9") (cond ((looking-at "end[ \t]*do\\b") (setq count (1- count))) ((looking-at "\\(\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+:[ \t]*\\)?do[ \t]+[^0-9]") (setq count (1+ count))))) (and (zerop count) ;; All pairs accounted for. (point)))))))(defun fortran-beginning-do () "Search backwards for first unmatched DO [WHILE].Return point or nil. Ignores labelled DO loops (ie DO 10 ... 10 CONTINUE)." (let ((case-fold-search t) (dostart-re "\\(\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+:[ \t]*\\)?do[ \t]+[^0-9]")) (if (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9") (looking-at dostart-re)) ;; Sitting on one. (match-beginning 0) ;; Search for one. (save-excursion (let ((count 1)) (while (and (not (zerop count)) (not (eq (fortran-previous-statement) 'first-statement)) ;; Keep local to subprogram. (not (and (looking-at fortran-end-prog-re) (fortran-check-end-prog-re)))) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9") (cond ((looking-at dostart-re) (setq count (1- count))) ;; Note labelled loop ends not considered. ((looking-at "end[ \t]*do\\b") (setq count (1+ count))))) (and (zerop count) ;; All pairs accounted for. (point)))))))(defun fortran-mark-if () "Put mark at end of Fortran IF-ENDIF construct, point at beginning.The marks are pushed." (interactive) (let (endif-point if-point) (if (setq endif-point (fortran-end-if)) (if (not (setq if-point (fortran-beginning-if))) (message "No matching if.") ;; Set mark, move point. (goto-char endif-point) (push-mark) (goto-char if-point)))))(defun fortran-end-if () "Search forwards for first unmatched ENDIF.Return point or nil." (let ((case-fold-search t)) (if (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9") (looking-at "end[ \t]*if\\b")) ;; Sitting on one. (match-beginning 0) ;; Search for one. The point has been already been moved to first ;; letter on line but this should not cause troubles. (save-excursion (let ((count 1)) (while (and (not (zerop count)) (not (eq (fortran-next-statement) 'last-statement)) ;; Keep local to subprogram. (not (and (looking-at fortran-end-prog-re) (fortran-check-end-prog-re)))) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9") (cond ((looking-at "end[ \t]*if\\b") (setq count (1- count))) ((looking-at fortran-if-start-re) (save-excursion (if (or (looking-at ".*)[ \t]*then\\b[ \t]*[^ \t(=a-z0-9]") (let (then-test) ; multi-line if-then (while (and (zerop (forward-line 1)) ;; Search forward for then. (looking-at " \\{5\\}[^ 0\n]\\|\t[1-9]") (not (setq then-test (looking-at ".*then\\b[ \t]*[^ \t(=a-z0-9]"))))) then-test)) (setq count (1+ count))))))) (and (zerop count) ;; All pairs accounted for. (point)))))))(defun fortran-beginning-if () "Search backwards for first unmatched IF-THEN.Return point or nil." (let ((case-fold-search t)) (if (save-excursion ;; May be sitting on multi-line if-then statement, first ;; move to beginning of current statement. Note: ;; `fortran-previous-statement' moves to previous statement ;; *unless* current statement is first one. Only move ;; forward if not first-statement. (if (not (eq (fortran-previous-statement) 'first-statement)) (fortran-next-statement)) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9") (and (looking-at fortran-if-start-re) (save-match-data (or (looking-at ".*)[ \t]*then\\b[ \t]*[^ \t(=a-z0-9]") ;; Multi-line if-then. (let (then-test) (while (and (zerop (forward-line 1)) ;; Search forward for then. (looking-at " \\{5\\}[^ 0\n]\\|\t[1-9]") (not (setq then-test (looking-at ".*then\\b[ \t]*[^ \t(=a-z0-9]"))))) then-test))))) ;; Sitting on one. (match-beginning 0) ;; Search for one. (save-excursion (let ((count 1)) (while (and (not (zerop count)) (not (eq (fortran-previous-statement) 'first-statement)) ;; Keep local to subprogram. (not (and (looking-at fortran-end-prog-re) (fortran-check-end-prog-re)))) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9") (cond ((looking-at fortran-if-start-re) (save-excursion (if (or (looking-at ".*)[ \t]*then\\b[ \t]*[^ \t(=a-z0-9]") (let (then-test) ; multi-line if-then (while (and (zerop (forward-line 1)) ;; Search forward for then. (looking-at " \\{5\\}[^ 0\n]\\|\t[1-9]") (not (setq then-test (looking-at (concat ".*then\\b[ \t]*" "[^ \t(=a-z0-9]")))))) then-test)) (setq count (1- count))))) ((looking-at "end[ \t]*if\\b") (setq count (1+ count))))) (and (zerop count) ;; All pairs accounted for. (point)))))))(defun fortran-indent-line () "Indent current Fortran line based on its contents and on previous lines." (interactive "*") (let ((cfi (fortran-calculate-indent))) (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (if (or (not (= cfi (fortran-current-line-indentation))) (and (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*[0-9]+" (+ (point) 4) t) (not (fortran-line-number-indented-correctly-p)))) (fortran-indent-to-column cfi) (beginning-of-line) (if (fortran-find-comment-start-skip) (fortran-indent-comment)))) ;; Never leave point in left margin. (if (< (current-column) cfi) (move-to-column cfi)) (and auto-fill-function (> (save-excursion (end-of-line) (current-column)) fill-column) (save-excursion (end-of-line) (fortran-fill))) (when fortran-blink-matching-if (fortran-blink-matching-if) (fortran-blink-matching-do))))(defun fortran-auto-fill () "Function to use for `normal-auto-fill-function' in Fortran mode." (if (> (current-column) (current-fill-column)) (let ((cfi (fortran-calculate-indent))) (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (if (or (not (= cfi (fortran-current-line-indentation))) (and (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*[0-9]+" (+ (point) 4) t) (not (fortran-line-number-indented-correctly-p)))) (fortran-indent-to-column cfi) (beginning-of-line) (if (fortran-find-comment-start-skip) (fortran-indent-comment)))) (fortran-fill) ;; Never leave point in left margin. (if (< (current-column) cfi) (move-to-column cfi)))));; Historically this was a separate function which advertised itself;; as reindenting but only did so where `most likely to be necessary'.(defalias 'fortran-indent-new-line 'reindent-then-newline-and-indent)(defun fortran-indent-subprogram () "Properly indent the Fortran subprogram containing point." (interactive "*") (save-excursion (mark-defun) (message "Indenting subprogram...") (indent-region (point) (mark) nil)) (message "Indenting subprogram...done."))(defun fortran-calculate-indent () "Calculates the Fortran indent column based on previous lines." (let (icol first-statement (case-fold-search t) (fortran-minimum-statement-indent (if indent-tabs-mode fortran-minimum-statement-indent-tab fortran-minimum-statement-indent-fixed))) (save-excursion (setq first-statement (fortran-previous-statement)) (if first-statement (setq icol fortran-minimum-statement-indent) (if (= (point) (point-min)) (setq icol fortran-minimum-statement-indent) (setq icol (fortran-current-line-indentation))) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9") (cond ((looking-at "\\(\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+:[ \t]*\\)?if[ \t]*(") (if (or (looking-at ".*)[ \t]*then\\b[ \t]*[^ \t_$(=a-z0-9]") (let (then-test) ; multi-line if-then (while (and (zerop (forward-line 1)) ;; Search forward for then. (looking-at " \\{5\\}[^ 0\n]\\|\t[1-9]") (not (setq then-test (looking-at ".*then\\b[ \t]\*[^ \t_$(=a-z0-9]"))))) then-test)) (setq icol (+ icol fortran-if-indent)))) ((looking-at "else\\(if\\)?\\b") (setq icol (+ icol fortran-if-indent))) ((looking-at "select[ \t]*case[ \t](.*)") (setq icol (+ icol fortran-if-indent))) ((looking-at "case[ \t]*(.*)") (setq icol (+ icol fortran-if-indent))) ((looking-at "case[ \t]*default\\b") (setq icol (+ icol fortran-if-indent))) ((looking-at "\\(otherwise\\|else[ \t]*where\\)\\b") (setq icol (+ icol fortran-if-indent))) ((looking-at "where[ \t]*(.*)[ \t]*\n") (setq icol (+ icol fortran-if-indent))) ((looking-at "do\\b") (setq icol (+ icol fortran-do-indent))) ((looking-at "\\(structure\\|union\\|map\\|interface\\)\\\b[ \t]*[^ \t=(a-z]") (setq icol (+ icol fortran-structure-indent))) ((and (looking-at fortran-end-prog-re1) (fortran-check-end-prog-re)) ;; Previous END resets indent to minimum. (setq icol fortran-minimum-statement-indent))))) (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (cond ((looking-at "[ \t]*$")) ;; Check for directive before comment, so as not to indent. ((looking-at fortran-directive-re) (setq fortran-minimum-statement-indent 0 icol 0)) ((looking-at fortran-comment-line-start-skip) (cond ((eq fortran-comment-indent-style 'relative) (setq icol (+ icol fortran-comment-line-extra-indent))) ((eq fortran-comment-indent-style 'fixed) (setq icol (+ fortran-minimum-statement-indent fortran-comment-line-extra-indent)))) (setq fortran-minimum-statement-indent 0)) ((or (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*" (regexp-quote fortran-continuation-string))) (looking-at " \\{5\\}[^ 0\n]\\|\t[1-9]")) (skip-chars-forward " \t") ;; Do not introduce extra whitespace into a broken string. (setq icol (if (fortran-is-in-string-p (point)) 6 (+ icol fortran-continuation-indent)))) (first-statement) ((and fortran-check-all-num-for-matching-do (looking-at "[ \t]*[0-9]+") (fortran-check-for-matching-do)) (setq icol (- icol fortran-do-indent))) (t (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9") (cond ((looking-at "end[ \t]*\\(if\\|select\\|where\\)\\b") (setq icol (- icol fortran-if-indent))) ((looking-at "else\\(if\\)?\\b") (setq icol (- icol fortran-if-indent))) ((looking-at "case[ \t]*\\((.*)\\|default\\>\\)") (setq icol (- icol fortran-if-indent))) ((looking-at "\\(otherwise\\|else[ \t]*where\\)\\b") (setq icol (- icol fortran-if-indent))) ((and (looking-at "continue\\b") (fortran-check-for-matching-do)) (setq icol (- icol fortran-do-indent))) ((looking-at "end[ \t]*do\\b") (setq icol (- icol fortran-do-indent))) ((looking-at "end[ \t]*\\\(structure\\|union\\|map\\|interface\\)\\b[ \t]*[^ \t=(a-z]") (setq icol (- icol fortran-structure-indent))) ((and (looking-at fortran-end-prog-re1) (fortran-check-end-prog-re) (not (= icol fortran-minimum-statement-indent))) (message "Warning: `end' not in column %d. Probably\ an unclosed block." fortran-minimum-statement-indent)))))) (max fortran-minimum-statement-indent icol)))(defun fortran-current-line-indentation () "Indentation of current line, ignoring Fortran line number or continuation.This is the column position of the first non-whitespace characteraside from the line number and/or column 5/8 line-continuation character.For comment lines, returns indentation of the firstnon-indentation text within the comment." (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (cond ((looking-at fortran-comment-line-start-skip) (goto-char (match-end 0)) (skip-chars-forward (if (stringp fortran-comment-indent-char) fortran-comment-indent-char (char-to-string fortran-comment-indent-char)))) ((or (looking-at " \\{5\\}[^ 0\n]\\|\t[1-9]")) (goto-char (match-end 0))) (t ;; Move past line number. (skip-chars-forward "[ \t0-9]"))) ;; Move past whitespace. (skip-chars-forward " \t") (current-column)))(defun fortran-indent-to-column (col) "Indent current line to column COL.notes: 1) A non-zero/non-blank character in column 5 indicates a continuation line, and this continuation character is retained on indentation; 2) If `fortran-continuation-string' is the first non-whitespace character, this is a continuation line; 3) A non-continuation line which has a number as the first non-whitespace character is a numbered line. 4) A TAB followed by a digit indicates a continuation line." (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (if (looking-at fortran-comment-line-start-skip) (if fortran-comment-indent-style (let* ((char (if (stringp fortran-comment-indent-char) (aref fortran-comment-indent-char 0) fortran-comment-indent-char)) (chars (string ? ?\t char))) (goto-char (match-end 0)) (skip-chars-backward chars) (delete-region (point) (progn (skip-chars-forward chars) (point))) (insert-char char (- col (current-column))))) (if (looking-at "\t[1-9]") (if indent-tabs-mode (goto-char (match-end 0)) (delete-char 2) (insert-char ? 5) (insert fortran-continuation-string)) (if (looking-at " \\{5\\}[^ 0\n]") (if indent-tabs-mode (progn (delete-char 6) (insert ?\t (fortran-numerical-continuation-char) 1)) (forward-char 6)) (delete-horizontal-space) ;; Put line number in columns 0-4, or ;; continuation character in column 5. (cond ((eobp)) ((looking-at (regexp-quote fortran-continuation-string)) (if indent-tabs-mode (progn (indent-to (if indent-tabs-mode fortran-minimum-statement-indent-tab fortran-minimum-statement-indent-fixed)) (delete-char 1) (insert-char (fortran-numerical-continuation-char) 1)) (indent-to 5) (forward-char 1))) ((looking-at "[0-9]+") (let ((extra-space (- 5 (- (match-end 0) (point))))) (if (< extra-space 0) (message "Warning: line number exceeds 5-digit limit.") (indent-to (min fortran-line-number-indent extra-space)))) (skip-chars-forward "0-9"))))) ;; Point is now after any continuation character or line number. ;; Put body of statement where specified. (delete-horizontal-space) (indent-to col) ;; Indent any comment following code on the same line. (when (fortran-find-comment-start-skip) (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (unless (= (current-column) (fortran-comment-indent)) (delete-horizontal-space) (indent-to (fortran-comment-indent)))))))(defun fortran-line-number-indented-correctly-p () "Return t if current line's line number is correctly indented.Do not call if there is no line number." (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (skip-chars-forward " \t") (and (<= (current-column) fortran-line-number-indent) (or (= (current-column) fortran-line-number-indent) (progn (skip-chars-forward "0-9") (= (current-column) 5))))))(defun fortran-check-for-matching-do () "When called from a numbered statement, return t if matching DO is found.Otherwise return nil." (let ((case-fold-search t) charnum) (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (when (looking-at "[ \t]*[0-9]+") (skip-chars-forward " \t") (skip-chars-forward "0") ; skip past leading zeros (setq charnum (buffer-substring (point) (progn (skip-chars-forward "0-9") (point)))) (beginning-of-line) (save-restriction (save-excursion (narrow-to-defun) (and (re-search-backward (concat "\\(^[ \t0-9]*do[ \t]*0*" charnum "\\b\\)\\|" "\\(^[ \t]*0*" charnum "\\b\\)") nil t) (looking-at (concat "^[ \t0-9]*do[ \t]*0*" charnum)))))))))(defun fortran-find-comment-start-skip (&optional all) "Move to past `comment-start-skip' found on current line.Return non-nil if `comment-start-skip' found, nil if not.If ALL is nil, only match comments that start in column > 0." ;; Hopefully at some point we can just use the line below! -stef ;; (comment-search-forward (line-end-position) t)) (when (or all comment-start-skip) (let ((pos (point)) (css (if comment-start-skip (concat fortran-comment-line-start-skip "\\|" comment-start-skip) fortran-comment-line-start-skip))) (when (re-search-forward css (line-end-position) t) (if (and (or all (> (match-beginning 0) (line-beginning-position))) (or (save-match-data (not (fortran-is-in-string-p (match-beginning 0)))) ;; Recurse for rest of line. (fortran-find-comment-start-skip all))) (point) (goto-char pos) nil)))));; From: ralf@up3aud1.gwdg.de (Ralf Fassel);; Test if TAB format continuation lines work.(defun fortran-is-in-string-p (where) "Return non-nil iff WHERE (a buffer position) is inside a Fortran string." (save-excursion (goto-char where) (cond ((bolp) nil) ; bol is never inside a string ((save-excursion ; comment lines too (beginning-of-line) (looking-at fortran-comment-line-start-skip)) nil) (t (let ((parse-state '(0 nil nil nil nil nil 0)) (quoted-comment-start (if comment-start (regexp-quote comment-start))) (not-done t) parse-limit end-of-line) ;; Move to start of current statement. (fortran-next-statement) (fortran-previous-statement) ;; Now parse up to WHERE. (while not-done (if (or ;; Skip to next line if: ;; - comment line? (looking-at fortran-comment-line-start-skip) ;; - at end of line? (eolp) ;; - not in a string and after comment-start? (and (not (nth 3 parse-state)) comment-start (equal comment-start (char-to-string (preceding-char))))) (if (> (forward-line) 0) (setq not-done nil)) ;; else: ;; If we are at beginning of code line, skip any ;; whitespace, labels and tab continuation markers. (if (bolp) (skip-chars-forward " \t0-9")) ;; If we are in column <= 5 now, check for continuation char. (cond ((= 5 (current-column)) (forward-char 1)) ((and (< (current-column) 5) (equal fortran-continuation-string (char-to-string (following-char))) (forward-char 1)))) ;; Find out parse-limit from here. (setq end-of-line (line-end-position)) (setq parse-limit (min where end-of-line)) ;; Parse max up to comment-start, if non-nil and in current line. (if comment-start (save-excursion (if (re-search-forward quoted-comment-start end-of-line t) (setq parse-limit (min (point) parse-limit))))) ;; Now parse if still in limits. (if (< (point) where) (setq parse-state (parse-partial-sexp (point) parse-limit nil nil parse-state)) (setq not-done nil)))) ;; Result. (nth 3 parse-state))))));; From old version.(defalias 'fortran-auto-fill-mode 'auto-fill-mode)(defun fortran-fill () "Fill the current line at an appropriate point(s)." (let* ((auto-fill-function #'fortran-auto-fill) (opoint (point)) (bol (line-beginning-position)) (eol (line-end-position)) (bos (min eol (+ bol (fortran-current-line-indentation)))) ;; If in a string at fill-column, break it either before the ;; initial quote, or at fill-col (if string is too long). (quote (save-excursion (goto-char bol) ;; OK to break quotes on comment lines. (unless (looking-at fortran-comment-line-start-skip) (let (fcpoint start) (move-to-column fill-column) (when (fortran-is-in-string-p (setq fcpoint (point))) (save-excursion (re-search-backward "\\S\"\\s\"\\S\"?" bol t) (setq start (if fortran-break-before-delimiters (point) (1+ (point))))) (if (re-search-forward "\\S\"\\s\"\\S\"" eol t) (backward-char 2)) ;; If the current string is longer than 72 - 6 chars, ;; break it at the fill column (else infinite loop). (if (> (- (point) start) (- fill-column 6 fortran-continuation-indent)) fcpoint start)))))) ;; Decide where to split the line. If a position for a quoted ;; string was found above then use that, else break the line ;; before/after the last delimiter. (fill-point (or quote (save-excursion ;; If f-b-b-d is t, have an extra column to play with, ;; since delimiter gets shifted to new line. (move-to-column (if fortran-break-before-delimiters (1+ fill-column) fill-column)) (let ((repeat t)) (while repeat (setq repeat nil) ;; Adapted from f90-find-breakpoint. (re-search-backward fortran-break-delimiters-re bol) (if (not fortran-break-before-delimiters) (if (looking-at fortran-no-break-re) ;; Deal with cases such as "**" split over ;; fill-col. Simpler alternative would be ;; to start from (1- fill-column) above. (if (> (+ 2 (current-column)) fill-column) (setq repeat t) (forward-char 2)) (forward-char 1)) (backward-char) (or (looking-at fortran-no-break-re) (forward-char))))) ;; Line indented beyond fill-column? (when (<= (point) bos) (move-to-column (1+ fill-column)) ;; What is this doing??? (or (re-search-forward "[\t\n,'+-/*)=]" eol t) (goto-char bol))) (if (bolp) (re-search-forward "[ \t]" opoint t)) (point))))) ;; If we are in an in-line comment, don't break unless the ;; line of code is longer than it should be. Otherwise ;; break the line at the column computed above. ;; ;; Need to use fortran-find-comment-start-skip to make sure that ;; quoted !'s don't prevent a break. (when (and (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (if (not (fortran-find-comment-start-skip)) t (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (>= (point) fill-point))) (save-excursion (goto-char fill-point) (not (bolp))) (> (save-excursion (goto-char opoint) (current-column)) (min (1+ fill-column) (+ (fortran-calculate-indent) fortran-continuation-indent)))) (goto-char fill-point) (fortran-break-line) (end-of-line))))(defun fortran-break-line () "Call `fortran-split-line'. Joins continuation lines first, then refills." (let ((opoint (point)) (bol (line-beginning-position)) (comment-string (save-excursion (if (fortran-find-comment-start-skip) (delete-and-extract-region (match-beginning 0) (line-end-position)))))) ;; Forward line 1 really needs to go to next non white line. (if (save-excursion (forward-line) (looking-at " \\{5\\}[^ 0\n]\\|\t[1-9]")) (progn (end-of-line) (delete-region (point) (match-end 0)) (delete-horizontal-space) (fortran-fill)) (fortran-split-line)) (if comment-string (save-excursion (goto-char bol) (end-of-line) (delete-horizontal-space) (indent-to (fortran-comment-indent)) (insert comment-string)))))(defun fortran-analyze-file-format () "Return nil if fixed format is used, t if TAB formatting is used.Use `fortran-tab-mode-default' if no non-comment statements are foundbefore the end or in the first `fortran-analyze-depth' lines." (let ((i 0)) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (not (or (eobp) (eq (char-after) ?\t) (looking-at " \\{6\\}") (> i fortran-analyze-depth))) (forward-line) (setq i (1+ i))) (cond ((eq (char-after) ?\t) t) ((looking-at " \\{6\\}") nil) (t fortran-tab-mode-default)))))(defun fortran-fill-paragraph (&optional justify) "Fill surrounding comment block as paragraphs, else fill statement.Intended as the value of `fill-paragraph-function'.A comment block is filled by calling `fill-comment-paragraph' withargument JUSTIFY, otherwise `fortran-fill-statement' is called.Always returns non-nil (to prevent `fill-paragraph' being called)." (interactive "*P") (or (fill-comment-paragraph justify) (fortran-fill-statement) t))(defun fortran-fill-statement () "Fill a Fortran statement up to `fill-column'." (interactive "*") (let ((auto-fill-function #'fortran-auto-fill)) (unless (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (or (looking-at "[ \t]*$") (looking-at fortran-comment-line-start-skip) (and comment-start-skip (looking-at (concat "[ \t]*" comment-start-skip))))) (save-excursion ;; Find beginning of statement. (fortran-next-statement) (fortran-previous-statement) ;; Re-indent initially. (fortran-indent-line) ;; Replace newline plus continuation field plus indentation with ;; single space. (while (progn (forward-line) (fortran-remove-continuation))) (fortran-previous-statement))) (fortran-indent-line)))(defun fortran-strip-sequence-nos (&optional do-space) "Delete all text in column 72 and up (assumed to be sequence numbers).Normally also deletes trailing whitespace after stripping such text.Supplying prefix arg DO-SPACE prevents stripping the whitespace." (interactive "*p") (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^.\\{72\\}\\(.*\\)" nil t) (replace-match "" nil nil nil 1) (unless do-space (delete-horizontal-space)))));; This code used to live in add-log.el, but this is a better place;; for it.(defun fortran-current-defun () "Function to use for `add-log-current-defun-function' in Fortran mode." (save-excursion ;; We must be inside function body for this to work. (fortran-beginning-of-subprogram) (let ((case-fold-search t)) ; case-insensitive ;; Search for fortran subprogram start. (if (re-search-forward (concat "^[ \t]*\\(program\\|subroutine\\|function" "\\|[ \ta-z0-9*()]*[ \t]+function\\|" "\\(block[ \t]*data\\)\\)") (save-excursion (fortran-end-of-subprogram) (point)) t) (or (match-string-no-properties 2) (progn ;; Move to EOL or before first left paren. (if (re-search-forward "[(\n]" nil t) (progn (backward-char) (skip-chars-backward " \t")) (end-of-line)) ;; Use the name preceding that. (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (progn (backward-sexp) (point))))) "main"))))(provide 'fortran);;; arch-tag: 74935096-21c4-4cab-8ee5-6ef16090dc04;;; fortran.el ends here